\I\X66:Check for environment variables\X \U65. \I\X8:Check other arguments\X \U4. \I\X61:Get code range\X \U55. \I\X63:Get sub code range\X \U55. \I\X2, 15, 19, 27, 38, 49, 53, 58, 60, 62, 70, 73, 76:Global variables\X \U4. \I\X56:Handle extension\X \U55. \I\X10, 69:Include files\X \U4. \I\X78:Initialize \TeX\ file searching\X \U4. \I\X28:Initialize variables\X \U4. \I\X57:Necessary parameters\X \U55. \I\X59:Optional parameters\X \U55. \I\X23:Post section\X \U21. \I\X24:Postpost section\X \U21. \I\X6:Print help information\X \U7. \I\X5:Print version\X \U7. \I\X44:Process rest of line\X \U42. \I\X33:Produce a temporary row\X \U32. \I\X11, 13, 16, 20, 25, 29, 36, 39, 41, 45, 47, 50, 54, 64, 67, 71, 74, 79:Prototypes\X \U4. \I\X34:Scale X from \PB{\\{temp\_pixelrow}[\,]} into \PB{\\{new\_pixelrow}[\,]} and write it into \PB{\\{out\_char}[\,]}\X \U31. \I\X32:Scale Y from \PB{\\{pixelrow}[\,]} into \PB{\\{temp\_pixelrow}[\,]}\X \U31. \I\X31:Scale row by row\X \U30. \I\X7:Scan options\X \U4. \I\X43:Search blank lines\X \U42. \I\X22:Special section\X \U21. \I\X18:Write character\X \U17. \I\X9:Write files\X \U4. \I\X35:Write out a row\X \U34.