GENERATING THE DOCUMENTATION The documentation source is a DocBook refentry. Texinfo would have made more sense, but at the time it was a nice excuse to have a look at DocBook, xml and xslt. The manpage and pdf were generated separately, not as part of the TeX Live build process. The required tools, dblatex and xmlto, are available as Ubuntu- and Debian packages. The pdf is generated with dblatex, with a command-line dblatex -P latex.hyperparam=bookmarks=false,colorlinks \ -s ./mystyle.sty \ -p ./dbl.xsl \ afm2pl.xml This is the contents of mystyle.sty: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mystyle} \RequirePackageWithOptions{db2latex} \AtBeginDocument{\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}} This is the contents of dbl.xsl: [ ] { } [ ] {\raggedright\parindent0pt\parskip7pt \par} 0 The manpage is generated with xmlto, which uses xsltproc and docbook xsl transformations. The command-line is: xmlto -m xml2.xsl man afm2pl.xml This is the contents of xml2.xsl: An html version can be generated with xmlto -m xml2.xsl html-nochunks afm2pl.xml June 21 2009 Siep Kroonenberg