require ""; use lib ("c:/source/texlive/Master/Tools"); use Cwd; use FileUtils qw(dirname basename normalize walk_dir cleandir sort_uniq copy remove_list push_uniq newer sync_dir canon_dir is_absolute build_path); use File::Copy qw(copy); my @ignore = ( "libs/gifreader", "libs/geturl", "libs/geturl-new", "libs/freetype2", "libs/expat", "libs/libttf", "libs/T1", "libs/unzip", "texk/kpathsea-fp", "texk/kpsexx", "texk/tth", "texk/windvi-0.68", "utils/l2h-orig", "utils/l2h-orig-orig", "utils/latex2html", "utils/noweb", "utils/src2tex", "utils/texinfo/info", "texk.stable", "texk/kpse-shared*", "texk/cwebk", "texk/msvc/factory", "texk/kpse.*", "texk/web2c/eomegadir/.*", "texk/web2c/eomegadir-1.15/.*", "texk/web2c/eomegadir-1.23/.*", "CVS" ); # $ignore_regexp = "(" . join ( '|', map { s/^/.\\/ ; s/\//\\/g; $_ } @ignore) . ")"; my $ignore_regexp = "(" . join ( '|', @ignore) . ")"; &main; 1; sub restrict_win { my ($dir, $dst, @files) = @_; # under the texk/msvc dir, we don't want to copy all the files $dir =~ s/^\.//; $dir = &getcwd . $dir; $dir =~ s@\\@/@g; if ($dir =~ m@/msvc$@) { @files = grep { /(\.h|\.mak|\.sed|\.pl|\.pm|\.bat|\.inc|\.version)$/ } @files; } # only .mak and .rc files under most directories elsif ($dir eq '.' || ($dir =~ m@/(texk|libs|utils)@ && $dir !~ m@$ignore_regexp@xo)) { # map { if ($dir =~ m@[/\\]$_@) { @files = (); return @files; } } @ignore; @files = grep { (-d "$dir/$_") || ($_ =~ m/(\.mak|\.rc)$/) } @files; } # don't bother with other directories else { @files = (); } return @files; } sub restrict_unix { my ($dir, $dst, @files) = @_; $dir =~ s/^\.//; $dir = &getcwd . $dir; $dir =~ s@\\@/@g; # Unix autoconf files if ($dir eq '.' || $dir =~ m@[/\\](texk|libs|utils)@ && $dir !~ m@$ignore_regexp@xo) { @files = grep { /(Makefile\.in|config|configure|configure\.in|config\.guess|config\.sub|c-auto\.in|\.mk)$/ || (-d "$dir/$_") } @files; } # don't bother with other directories else { @files = (); } return @files; } sub restrict_mswin32 { my ($dir, $dst, @files) = @_; @files = grep /(README|\.exclude|\*.pm|\.pl|\.bat|\.txt)$/, @files; } sub restrict_standard { my ($dir, $dst, @files) = @_; $dir =~ s/^\.//; $dir = &getcwd . $dir; $dir =~ s@\\@/@g; if ($dir =~ m@/CVS$@) { @files = (); } else { @files = grep { $_ !~ /^(\.nosearch|\.cvsignore)$/ } @files ; } return @files; } sub main { unless (&NGetOpt ("dry", "mirror", "sources", "texmf", "restrict")) { print STDERR "Try `$0 --help'"; exit 1; } $opt_verbose = 1; if ($opt_sources) { local ($f1, $f2); $f1 = "c:/source/fptex/libs"; $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source/TeX/libs"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_win, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); &sync_dir($f2, $f1, \&restrict_unix, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source.development/TeX/libs"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_win, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); &sync_dir($f2, $f1, \&restrict_unix, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f1 = "c:/source/fptex/utils"; $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source/TeX/utils"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_win, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); &sync_dir($f2, $f1, \&restrict_unix, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source.development/TeX/utils"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_win, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); &sync_dir($f2, $f1, \&restrict_unix, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f1 = "c:/source/fptex/texk"; $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source/TeX/texk"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_win, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); &sync_dir($f2, $f1, \&restrict_unix, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f1 = "c:/source/fptex/texk.development"; $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source.development/TeX/texk"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_win, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); &sync_dir($f2, $f1, \&restrict_unix, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f1 = "c:/source/fptex/mswin32"; $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source/TeX/mswin32"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_mswin32, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); $f1 = "c:/source/fptex/mswin32"; $f2 = "c:/source/texlive/Build/source.development/TeX/mswin32"; &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_mswin32, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 1); } elsif ($opt_texmf) { local ($f1, $f2) = ("c:/source/texlive/Master/texmf", "c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf"); my $restrict = ($opt_restrict ? \&restrict_standard : ""); &sync_dir($f1, $f2, $restrict , "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 0); ($f1, $f2) = ("c:/source/texlive/Master/texmf-dist", "c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf-dist"); &sync_dir($f1, $f2, $restrict, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 0); ($f1, $f2) = ("c:/source/texlive/Master/texmf-doc", "c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf-doc"); &sync_dir($f1, $f2, $restrict, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 0); } else { local ($f1, $f2) = @ARGV; die "$f1 is not a directory!\n" if (! -d $f1); die "$f2 is not a directory!\n" if (! -d $f2); $f1 = &canon_dir( &build_path(&getcwd, "$f1")) if (! &is_absolute($f1)); $f2 = &canon_dir( &build_path(&getcwd, "$f2")) if (! &is_absolute($f2)); if ($opt_restrict) { &sync_dir($f1, $f2, \&restrict_standard, "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 0); } else { &sync_dir($f1, $f2, "", "", $opt_dry != 0, $opt_mirror != 0, 0); } } }