//======================================================================== // // pdftops.cc // // Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG_FP_LINUX # include # include #endif #include "gmem.h" #include "gmempp.h" #include "parseargs.h" #include "GString.h" #include "GlobalParams.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "Array.h" #include "Dict.h" #include "XRef.h" #include "Catalog.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PDFDoc.h" #include "PSOutputDev.h" #include "Error.h" #include "config.h" static int firstPage = 1; static int lastPage = 0; static GBool level1 = gFalse; static GBool level1Sep = gFalse; static GBool level2 = gFalse; static GBool level2Gray = gFalse; static GBool level2Sep = gFalse; static GBool level3 = gFalse; static GBool level3Gray = gFalse; static GBool level3Sep = gFalse; static GBool doEPS = gFalse; static GBool doForm = gFalse; #if OPI_SUPPORT static GBool doOPI = gFalse; #endif static GBool noEmbedT1Fonts = gFalse; static GBool noEmbedTTFonts = gFalse; static GBool noEmbedCIDPSFonts = gFalse; static GBool noEmbedCIDTTFonts = gFalse; static GBool preload = gFalse; static char paperSize[15] = ""; static int paperWidth = 0; static int paperHeight = 0; static GBool noCrop = gFalse; static GBool expand = gFalse; static GBool noShrink = gFalse; static GBool noCenter = gFalse; static GBool pageCrop = gFalse; static GBool userUnit = gFalse; static GBool duplex = gFalse; static char ownerPassword[33] = "\001"; static char userPassword[33] = "\001"; static GBool verbose = gFalse; static GBool quiet = gFalse; static char cfgFileName[256] = ""; static GBool printVersion = gFalse; static GBool printHelp = gFalse; static ArgDesc argDesc[] = { {"-f", argInt, &firstPage, 0, "first page to print"}, {"-l", argInt, &lastPage, 0, "last page to print"}, {"-level1", argFlag, &level1, 0, "generate Level 1 PostScript"}, {"-level1sep", argFlag, &level1Sep, 0, "generate Level 1 separable PostScript"}, {"-level2", argFlag, &level2, 0, "generate Level 2 PostScript"}, {"-level2gray", argFlag, &level2Gray, 0, "generate Level 2 grayscale PostScript"}, {"-level2sep", argFlag, &level2Sep, 0, "generate Level 2 separable PostScript"}, {"-level3", argFlag, &level3, 0, "generate Level 3 PostScript"}, {"-level3gray", argFlag, &level3Gray, 0, "generate Level 3 grayscale PostScript"}, {"-level3sep", argFlag, &level3Sep, 0, "generate Level 3 separable PostScript"}, {"-eps", argFlag, &doEPS, 0, "generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)"}, {"-form", argFlag, &doForm, 0, "generate a PostScript form"}, #if OPI_SUPPORT {"-opi", argFlag, &doOPI, 0, "generate OPI comments"}, #endif {"-noembt1", argFlag, &noEmbedT1Fonts, 0, "don't embed Type 1 fonts"}, {"-noembtt", argFlag, &noEmbedTTFonts, 0, "don't embed TrueType fonts"}, {"-noembcidps", argFlag, &noEmbedCIDPSFonts, 0, "don't embed CID PostScript fonts"}, {"-noembcidtt", argFlag, &noEmbedCIDTTFonts, 0, "don't embed CID TrueType fonts"}, {"-preload", argFlag, &preload, 0, "preload images and forms"}, {"-paper", argString, paperSize, sizeof(paperSize), "paper size (letter, legal, A4, A3, match)"}, {"-paperw", argInt, &paperWidth, 0, "paper width, in points"}, {"-paperh", argInt, &paperHeight, 0, "paper height, in points"}, {"-nocrop", argFlag, &noCrop, 0, "don't crop pages to CropBox"}, {"-expand", argFlag, &expand, 0, "expand pages smaller than the paper size"}, {"-noshrink", argFlag, &noShrink, 0, "don't shrink pages larger than the paper size"}, {"-nocenter", argFlag, &noCenter, 0, "don't center pages smaller than the paper size"}, {"-pagecrop", argFlag, &pageCrop, 0, "treat the CropBox as the page size"}, {"-userunit", argFlag, &userUnit, 0, "honor the UserUnit"}, {"-duplex", argFlag, &duplex, 0, "enable duplex printing"}, {"-opw", argString, ownerPassword, sizeof(ownerPassword), "owner password (for encrypted files)"}, {"-upw", argString, userPassword, sizeof(userPassword), "user password (for encrypted files)"}, {"-verbose", argFlag, &verbose, 0, "print per-page status information"}, {"-q", argFlag, &quiet, 0, "don't print any messages or errors"}, {"-cfg", argString, cfgFileName, sizeof(cfgFileName), "configuration file to use in place of .xpdfrc"}, {"-v", argFlag, &printVersion, 0, "print copyright and version info"}, {"-h", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"-help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"--help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"-?", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {NULL} }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PDFDoc *doc; char *fileName; GString *psFileName; PSLevel level; PSOutMode mode; GString *ownerPW, *userPW; PSOutputDev *psOut; GBool ok; char *p; int exitCode; #ifdef DEBUG_FP_LINUX // enable exceptions on floating point div-by-zero feenableexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO); // force 64-bit rounding: this avoids changes in output when minor // code changes result in spills of x87 registers; it also avoids // differences in output with valgrind's 64-bit floating point // emulation (yes, this is a kludge; but it's pretty much // unavoidable given the x87 instruction set; see gcc bug 323 for // more info) fpu_control_t cw; _FPU_GETCW(cw); cw = (fpu_control_t)((cw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE); _FPU_SETCW(cw); #endif exitCode = 99; // parse args fixCommandLine(&argc, &argv); ok = parseArgs(argDesc, &argc, argv); if (!ok || argc < 2 || argc > 3 || printVersion || printHelp) { fprintf(stderr, "pdftops version %s [www.xpdfreader.com]\n", xpdfVersion); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", xpdfCopyright); if (!printVersion) { printUsage("pdftops", " []", argDesc); } exit(1); } if ((level1 ? 1 : 0) + (level1Sep ? 1 : 0) + (level2 ? 1 : 0) + (level2Gray ? 1 : 0) + (level2Sep ? 1 : 0) + (level3 ? 1 : 0) + (level3Gray ? 1 : 0) + (level3Sep ? 1 : 0) > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: use only one of the 'level' options.\n"); exit(1); } if (doEPS && doForm) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: use only one of -eps and -form\n"); exit(1); } if (level1) { level = psLevel1; } else if (level1Sep) { level = psLevel1Sep; } else if (level2Gray) { level = psLevel2Gray; } else if (level2Sep) { level = psLevel2Sep; } else if (level3) { level = psLevel3; } else if (level3Gray) { level = psLevel3Gray; } else if (level3Sep) { level = psLevel3Sep; } else { level = psLevel2; } if (doForm && level < psLevel2) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: forms are only available with Level 2 output.\n"); exit(1); } mode = doEPS ? psModeEPS : doForm ? psModeForm : psModePS; fileName = argv[1]; // read config file if (cfgFileName[0] && !pathIsFile(cfgFileName)) { error(errConfig, -1, "Config file '{0:s}' doesn't exist or isn't a file", cfgFileName); } globalParams = new GlobalParams(cfgFileName); #if HAVE_SPLASH globalParams->setupBaseFonts(NULL); #endif if (paperSize[0]) { if (!globalParams->setPSPaperSize(paperSize)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid paper size\n"); goto err0; } } else { if (paperWidth) { globalParams->setPSPaperWidth(paperWidth); } if (paperHeight) { globalParams->setPSPaperHeight(paperHeight); } } if (noCrop) { globalParams->setPSCrop(gFalse); } if (pageCrop) { globalParams->setPSUseCropBoxAsPage(gTrue); } if (expand) { globalParams->setPSExpandSmaller(gTrue); } if (noShrink) { globalParams->setPSShrinkLarger(gFalse); } if (noCenter) { globalParams->setPSCenter(gFalse); } if (duplex) { globalParams->setPSDuplex(duplex); } if (level1 || level1Sep || level2 || level2Gray || level2Sep || level3 || level3Gray || level3Sep) { globalParams->setPSLevel(level); } if (noEmbedT1Fonts) { globalParams->setPSEmbedType1(!noEmbedT1Fonts); } if (noEmbedTTFonts) { globalParams->setPSEmbedTrueType(!noEmbedTTFonts); } if (noEmbedCIDPSFonts) { globalParams->setPSEmbedCIDPostScript(!noEmbedCIDPSFonts); } if (noEmbedCIDTTFonts) { globalParams->setPSEmbedCIDTrueType(!noEmbedCIDTTFonts); } if (preload) { globalParams->setPSPreload(preload); } #if OPI_SUPPORT if (doOPI) { globalParams->setPSOPI(doOPI); } #endif if (verbose) { globalParams->setPrintStatusInfo(verbose); } if (quiet) { globalParams->setErrQuiet(quiet); } // open PDF file if (ownerPassword[0] != '\001') { ownerPW = new GString(ownerPassword); } else { ownerPW = NULL; } if (userPassword[0] != '\001') { userPW = new GString(userPassword); } else { userPW = NULL; } doc = new PDFDoc(fileName, ownerPW, userPW); if (userPW) { delete userPW; } if (ownerPW) { delete ownerPW; } if (!doc->isOk()) { exitCode = 1; goto err1; } // check for print permission if (!doc->okToPrint()) { error(errNotAllowed, -1, "Printing this document is not allowed."); exitCode = 3; goto err1; } // construct PostScript file name if (argc == 3) { psFileName = new GString(argv[2]); } else { p = fileName + strlen(fileName) - 4; if (strlen(fileName) > 4 && (!strcmp(p, ".pdf") || !strcmp(p, ".PDF"))) { psFileName = new GString(fileName, (int)strlen(fileName) - 4); } else { psFileName = new GString(fileName); } psFileName->append(doEPS ? ".eps" : ".ps"); } if (psFileName->cmp("-") == 0) { globalParams->setPrintStatusInfo(gFalse); } // get page range if (firstPage < 1) { firstPage = 1; } if (lastPage < 1 || lastPage > doc->getNumPages()) { lastPage = doc->getNumPages(); } // check for multi-page EPS or form if ((doEPS || doForm) && firstPage != lastPage) { error(errCommandLine, -1, "EPS and form files can only contain one page."); goto err2; } // write PostScript file psOut = new PSOutputDev(psFileName->getCString(), doc, firstPage, lastPage, mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, gFalse, NULL, NULL, userUnit, gTrue); if (!psOut->isOk()) { delete psOut; exitCode = 2; goto err2; } doc->displayPages(psOut, firstPage, lastPage, 72, 72, 0, !globalParams->getPSUseCropBoxAsPage(), globalParams->getPSCrop(), gTrue); exitCode = 0; if (!psOut->checkIO()) { exitCode = 2; } delete psOut; // clean up err2: delete psFileName; err1: delete doc; err0: delete globalParams; // check for memory leaks Object::memCheck(stderr); gMemReport(stderr); return exitCode; }