Xpdf ==== version 4.01 2019-feb-18 The Xpdf software and documentation are copyright 1996-2019 Glyph & Cog, LLC. Email: xpdf@xpdfreader.com WWW: http://www.xpdfreader.com/ Compiling xpdf -------------- Xpdf is written in C++ (with a little bit of C). It should work with any ANSI-compliant C++ and C compilers. The systems and compilers it's been tested with are listed on the xpdf web page. Xpdf requires the Qt toolkit. The non-GUI command line tools do not use Qt. The following notes give specific instructions for compiling on different systems. ********************* *** Linux, OS X *** ********************* * Make sure you have the following installed: - CMake 2.8.8 or newer - FreeType 2.0.5 or newer - Qt 4.8.x or 5.x (for xpdf only) - libpng (for pdftoppm and pdftohtml) - zlib (for pdftoppm and pdftohtml) If Qt isn't found, the GUI viewer (xpdf) won't be built, but the command line tools will still be built. * Create a build directory. These instructions assume that you create a directory called "build" under the top-level xpdf source directory, but the build directory can be anywhere you like. Create the directory and cd into it: cd ..../xpdf-X.YY mkdir build cd build * Run cmake: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release {other options - see below} .. If your build directory isn't under the source, use the full path to the source directory: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release {other options} ..../xpdf-X.YY * If cmake doesn't find FreeType, you can set FREETYPE_DIR to point to the FreeType install directory. Add this to the cmake command line: -DFREETYPE_DIR=/opt/freetype Cmake will look for ${FREETYPE_DIR}/include. You can also set the FreeType library location with: -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY=/opt/freetype/lib/libfreetype.so * If cmake doesn't find Qt, make sure qmake is on your executable search path. * To change the xpdf install directory, use: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/xpdf If you're familiar with autoconf, this is similar to the "--prefix" option. * Other configuration options are: -DSPLASH_CMYK=ON Enable CMYK rasterization support. -DA4_PAPER=ON Switches the default paper size for PostScript output (xpdf and pdftops) to A4. The default is Letter size. -DNO_TEXT_SELECT=ON With this option, xpdf will not copy text. (This is only useful on closed systems where the user can't get at the PDF file directly.) -DOPI_SUPPORT=ON Enables support for generation of OPI (Open Prepress Interface) comments with pdftops. -DMULTITHREADED=0 Disables multithreading, which also disables building the GUI viewer (xpdf). This does not affect the command line tools. Disabling multithreading should only be necessary if you're building with a compiler other than gcc, clang, or Microsoft Visual Studio. -DSYSTEM_XPDFRC="/etc/xpdfrc" Look for a system-wide xpdfrc config file in this directory. -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt4=1 -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt5Widgets=1 Do not search for the Qt4/Qt5 libraries. This will disable building the GUI viewer (xpdf). -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="..." -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="..." Set additional options to pass to the C and/or C++ compilers. -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="..." Set additional options to pass to the linker. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR Set the bin directory, relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (typically "bin"). -DCMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR Set the man directory, relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (typically "man" or "share/man"). * Build: make This will build the executables in the build directory: xpdf/xpdf xpdf/pdftops xpdf/pdftotext xpdf/pdftohtml xpdf/pdfinfo xpdf/pdffonts xpdf/pdfdetach xpdf/pdftoppm xpdf/pdftopng xpdf/pdfimages xpdf-qt/xpdf * If desired, install the binaries and man pages: make install If you want to run a quick test, there is a tiny PDF file included with xpdf, as misc/hello.pdf . ***************** *** Windows *** ***************** The Windows build procedure is essentially the same as for Unix. If building with cygwin, the procedure is identical to Unix. If building with Visual Studio: * Make sure you have CMake, FreeType, libpng, and zlib installed. * You'll need to set the FREETYPE_DIR variable to point to your FreeType installation, CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to point to your libpng includes, CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH to point to your libpng library, and ZLIB_ROOT to point to your zlib installation. cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFREETYPE_DIR="c:/software/freetype" -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="c:/software/libpng" -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="c:/software/libpng" -DZLIB_ROOT="c:/software/zlib" .. * Build: nmake