/* Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Peter Selinger. This file is part of Potrace. It is free software and it is covered by the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. */ /* calculations with coordinate transformations and bounding boxes */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "trans.h" #include "bbox.h" /* rotate the coordinate system counterclockwise by alpha degrees. The new bounding box will be the smallest box containing the rotated old bounding box */ void trans_rotate(trans_t *r, double alpha) { double s, c, x0, x1, y0, y1, o0, o1; trans_t t_struct; trans_t *t = &t_struct; memcpy(t, r, sizeof(trans_t)); s = sin(alpha/180*M_PI); c = cos(alpha/180*M_PI); /* apply the transformation matrix to the sides of the bounding box */ x0 = c * t->bb[0]; x1 = s * t->bb[0]; y0 = -s * t->bb[1]; y1 = c * t->bb[1]; /* determine new bounding box, and origin of old bb within new bb */ r->bb[0] = fabs(x0) + fabs(y0); r->bb[1] = fabs(x1) + fabs(y1); o0 = - min(x0,0) - min(y0,0); o1 = - min(x1,0) - min(y1,0); r->orig[0] = o0 + c * t->orig[0] - s * t->orig[1]; r->orig[1] = o1 + s * t->orig[0] + c * t->orig[1]; r->x[0] = c * t->x[0] - s * t->x[1]; r->x[1] = s * t->x[0] + c * t->x[1]; r->y[0] = c * t->y[0] - s * t->y[1]; r->y[1] = s * t->y[0] + c * t->y[1]; } /* return the standard cartesian coordinate system for an w x h rectangle. */ void trans_from_rect(trans_t *r, double w, double h) { r->bb[0] = w; r->bb[1] = h; r->orig[0] = 0.0; r->orig[1] = 0.0; r->x[0] = 1.0; r->x[1] = 0.0; r->y[0] = 0.0; r->y[1] = 1.0; r->scalex = 1.0; r->scaley = 1.0; } /* rescale the coordinate system r by factor sc >= 0. */ void trans_rescale(trans_t *r, double sc) { r->bb[0] *= sc; r->bb[1] *= sc; r->orig[0] *= sc; r->orig[1] *= sc; r->x[0] *= sc; r->x[1] *= sc; r->y[0] *= sc; r->y[1] *= sc; r->scalex *= sc; r->scaley *= sc; } /* rescale the coordinate system to size w x h */ void trans_scale_to_size(trans_t *r, double w, double h) { double xsc = w/r->bb[0]; double ysc = h/r->bb[1]; r->bb[0] = w; r->bb[1] = h; r->orig[0] *= xsc; r->orig[1] *= ysc; r->x[0] *= xsc; r->x[1] *= ysc; r->y[0] *= xsc; r->y[1] *= ysc; r->scalex *= xsc; r->scaley *= ysc; if (w<0) { r->orig[0] -= w; r->bb[0] = -w; } if (h<0) { r->orig[1] -= h; r->bb[1] = -h; } } /* adjust the bounding box to the actual vector outline */ void trans_tighten(trans_t *r, potrace_path_t *plist) { interval_t i; dpoint_t dir; int j; /* if pathlist is empty, do nothing */ if (!plist) { return; } for (j=0; j<2; j++) { dir.x = r->x[j]; dir.y = r->y[j]; path_limits(plist, dir, &i); if (i.min == i.max) { /* make the extent non-zero to avoid later division by zero errors */ i.max = i.min+0.5; i.min = i.min-0.5; } r->bb[j] = i.max - i.min; r->orig[j] = -i.min; } }