//======================================================================== // // PSOutputDev.h // // Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== //======================================================================== // // Modified under the Poppler project - http://poppler.freedesktop.org // // All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed // under GPL version 2 or later // // Copyright (C) 2005 Martin Kretzschmar // Copyright (C) 2005 Kristian Høgsberg // Copyright (C) 2006-2008, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 Albert Astals Cid // Copyright (C) 2007 Brad Hards // Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Thomas Freitag // Copyright (C) 2009 Till Kamppeter // Copyright (C) 2009 Carlos Garcia Campos // Copyright (C) 2009, 2011, 2015-2017 William Bader // Copyright (C) 2010 Hib Eris // Copyright (C) 2011, 2014, 2017 Adrian Johnson // Copyright (C) 2012 Fabio D'Urso // // To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that // came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git // //======================================================================== #ifndef PSOUTPUTDEV_H #define PSOUTPUTDEV_H #ifdef USE_GCC_PRAGMAS #pragma interface #endif #include "poppler-config.h" #include #include "Object.h" #include "GfxState.h" #include "GlobalParams.h" #include "OutputDev.h" #include #include #include class GHooash; class PDFDoc; class XRef; class Function; class GfxPath; class GfxFont; class GfxColorSpace; class GfxSeparationColorSpace; class PDFRectangle; struct PST1FontName; struct PSFont8Info; struct PSFont16Enc; class PSOutCustomColor; class PSOutputDev; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PSOutputDev //------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum PSOutMode { psModePS, psModeEPS, psModeForm }; enum PSFileType { psFile, // write to file psPipe, // write to pipe psStdout, // write to stdout psGeneric // write to a generic stream }; enum PSOutCustomCodeLocation { psOutCustomDocSetup, psOutCustomPageSetup }; typedef void (*PSOutputFunc)(void *stream, const char *data, int len); typedef GooString *(*PSOutCustomCodeCbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, PSOutCustomCodeLocation loc, int n, void *data); class PSOutputDev: public OutputDev { public: // Open a PostScript output file, and write the prolog. // pages has to be sorted in increasing order PSOutputDev(const char *fileName, PDFDoc *docA, char *psTitleA, const std::vector &pages, PSOutMode modeA, int paperWidthA = -1, int paperHeightA = -1, GBool noCrop = gFalse, GBool duplexA = gTrue, int imgLLXA = 0, int imgLLYA = 0, int imgURXA = 0, int imgURYA = 0, GBool forceRasterizeA = gFalse, GBool manualCtrlA = gFalse, PSOutCustomCodeCbk customCodeCbkA = NULL, void *customCodeCbkDataA = NULL); // Open a PSOutputDev that will write to a generic stream. // pages has to be sorted in increasing order PSOutputDev(PSOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA, char *psTitleA, PDFDoc *docA, const std::vector &pages, PSOutMode modeA, int paperWidthA = -1, int paperHeightA = -1, GBool noCrop = gFalse, GBool duplexA = gTrue, int imgLLXA = 0, int imgLLYA = 0, int imgURXA = 0, int imgURYA = 0, GBool forceRasterizeA = gFalse, GBool manualCtrlA = gFalse, PSOutCustomCodeCbk customCodeCbkA = NULL, void *customCodeCbkDataA = NULL); // Destructor -- writes the trailer and closes the file. virtual ~PSOutputDev(); // Check if file was successfully created. virtual GBool isOk() { return ok; } //---- get info about output device // Does this device use upside-down coordinates? // (Upside-down means (0,0) is the top left corner of the page.) GBool upsideDown() override { return gFalse; } // Does this device use drawChar() or drawString()? GBool useDrawChar() override { return gFalse; } // Does this device use tilingPatternFill()? If this returns false, // tiling pattern fills will be reduced to a series of other drawing // operations. GBool useTilingPatternFill() override { return gTrue; } // Does this device use functionShadedFill(), axialShadedFill(), and // radialShadedFill()? If this returns false, these shaded fills // will be reduced to a series of other drawing operations. GBool useShadedFills(int type) override { return type < 4 && level >= psLevel2; } // Does this device use drawForm()? If this returns false, // form-type XObjects will be interpreted (i.e., unrolled). GBool useDrawForm() override { return preloadImagesForms; } // Does this device use beginType3Char/endType3Char? Otherwise, // text in Type 3 fonts will be drawn with drawChar/drawString. GBool interpretType3Chars() override { return gFalse; } GBool needClipToCropBox() override { return mode == psModeEPS; } //----- header/trailer (used only if manualCtrl is true) // Write the document-level header. void writeHeader(const std::vector &pages, PDFRectangle *mediaBox, PDFRectangle *cropBox, int pageRotate, char *pstitle); // Write the Xpdf procset. void writeXpdfProcset(); // Write the trailer for the current page. void writePageTrailer(); // Write the document trailer. void writeTrailer(); //----- initialization and control // Check to see if a page slice should be displayed. If this // returns false, the page display is aborted. Typically, an // OutputDev will use some alternate means to display the page // before returning false. GBool checkPageSlice(Page *page, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool crop, int sliceX, int sliceY, int sliceW, int sliceH, GBool printing, GBool (*abortCheckCbk)(void *data) = NULL, void *abortCheckCbkData = NULL, GBool (*annotDisplayDecideCbk)(Annot *annot, void *user_data) = NULL, void *annotDisplayDecideCbkData = NULL) override; // Start a page. void startPage(int pageNum, GfxState *state, XRef *xref) override; // End a page. void endPage() override; //----- save/restore graphics state void saveState(GfxState *state) override; void restoreState(GfxState *state) override; //----- update graphics state void updateCTM(GfxState *state, double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22, double m31, double m32) override; void updateLineDash(GfxState *state) override; void updateFlatness(GfxState *state) override; void updateLineJoin(GfxState *state) override; void updateLineCap(GfxState *state) override; void updateMiterLimit(GfxState *state) override; void updateLineWidth(GfxState *state) override; void updateFillColorSpace(GfxState *state) override; void updateStrokeColorSpace(GfxState *state) override; void updateFillColor(GfxState *state) override; void updateStrokeColor(GfxState *state) override; void updateFillOverprint(GfxState *state) override; void updateStrokeOverprint(GfxState *state) override; void updateOverprintMode(GfxState *state) override; void updateTransfer(GfxState *state) override; //----- update text state void updateFont(GfxState *state) override; void updateTextMat(GfxState *state) override; void updateCharSpace(GfxState *state) override; void updateRender(GfxState *state) override; void updateRise(GfxState *state) override; void updateWordSpace(GfxState *state) override; void updateHorizScaling(GfxState *state) override; void updateTextPos(GfxState *state) override; void updateTextShift(GfxState *state, double shift) override; void saveTextPos(GfxState *state) override; void restoreTextPos(GfxState *state) override; //----- path painting void stroke(GfxState *state) override; void fill(GfxState *state) override; void eoFill(GfxState *state) override; GBool tilingPatternFill(GfxState *state, Gfx *gfx, Catalog *cat, Object *str, double *pmat, int paintType, int tilingType, Dict *resDict, double *mat, double *bbox, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, double xStep, double yStep) override; GBool functionShadedFill(GfxState *state, GfxFunctionShading *shading) override; GBool axialShadedFill(GfxState *state, GfxAxialShading *shading, double /*tMin*/, double /*tMax*/) override; GBool radialShadedFill(GfxState *state, GfxRadialShading *shading, double /*sMin*/, double /*sMax*/) override; //----- path clipping void clip(GfxState *state) override; void eoClip(GfxState *state) override; void clipToStrokePath(GfxState *state) override; //----- text drawing void drawString(GfxState *state, GooString *s) override; void beginTextObject(GfxState *state) override; void endTextObject(GfxState *state) override; //----- image drawing void drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GBool invert, GBool interpolate, GBool inlineImg) override; void setSoftMaskFromImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, double *baseMatrix) override; void unsetSoftMaskFromImageMask(GfxState *state, double *baseMatrix) override; void drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool interpolate, int *maskColors, GBool inlineImg) override; void drawMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool interpolate, Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert, GBool maskInterpolate) override; #ifdef OPI_SUPPORT //----- OPI functions void opiBegin(GfxState *state, Dict *opiDict) override; void opiEnd(GfxState *state, Dict *opiDict) override; #endif //----- Type 3 font operators void type3D0(GfxState *state, double wx, double wy) override; void type3D1(GfxState *state, double wx, double wy, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) override; //----- form XObjects void drawForm(Ref ref) override; //----- PostScript XObjects void psXObject(Stream *psStream, Stream *level1Stream) override; //----- miscellaneous void setOffset(double x, double y) { tx0 = x; ty0 = y; } void setScale(double x, double y) { xScale0 = x; yScale0 = y; } void setRotate(int rotateA) { rotate0 = rotateA; } void setClip(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) { clipLLX0 = llx; clipLLY0 = lly; clipURX0 = urx; clipURY0 = ury; } void setUnderlayCbk(void (*cbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data), void *data) { underlayCbk = cbk; underlayCbkData = data; } void setOverlayCbk(void (*cbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data), void *data) { overlayCbk = cbk; overlayCbkData = data; } void setDisplayText(GBool display) { displayText = display; } void setPSCenter(GBool center) { psCenter = center; } void setRasterAntialias(GBool a) { rasterAntialias = a; } void setRasterResolution(double r) { rasterResolution = r; } void setRasterMono(GBool b) { rasterMono = b; } void setUncompressPreloadedImages(GBool b) { uncompressPreloadedImages = b; } GBool getEmbedType1() const { return embedType1; } GBool getEmbedTrueType() const { return embedTrueType; } GBool getEmbedCIDPostScript() const { return embedCIDPostScript; } GBool getEmbedCIDTrueType() const { return embedCIDTrueType; } GBool getFontPassthrough() const { return fontPassthrough; } GBool getOptimizeColorSpace() const { return optimizeColorSpace; } GBool getPassLevel1CustomColor() const { return passLevel1CustomColor; } GBool getEnableLZW() const { return enableLZW; }; GBool getEnableFlate() const #ifdef ENABLE_ZLIB { return enableFlate; } #else { return gFalse; } #endif void setEmbedType1(GBool b) { embedType1 = b; } void setEmbedTrueType(GBool b) { embedTrueType = b; } void setEmbedCIDPostScript(GBool b) { embedCIDPostScript = b; } void setEmbedCIDTrueType(GBool b) { embedCIDTrueType = b; } void setFontPassthrough(GBool b) { fontPassthrough = b; } void setOptimizeColorSpace(GBool b) { optimizeColorSpace = b; } void setPassLevel1CustomColor(GBool b) { passLevel1CustomColor = b; } void setPreloadImagesForms(GBool b) { preloadImagesForms = b; } void setGenerateOPI(GBool b) { generateOPI = b; } void setUseASCIIHex(GBool b) { useASCIIHex = b; } void setUseBinary(GBool b) { useBinary = b; } void setEnableLZW(GBool b) { enableLZW = b; } void setEnableFlate(GBool b) { enableFlate = b; } private: void init(PSOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA, PSFileType fileTypeA, char *psTitleA, PDFDoc *doc, const std::vector &pages, PSOutMode modeA, int imgLLXA, int imgLLYA, int imgURXA, int imgURYA, GBool manualCtrlA, int paperWidthA, int paperHeightA, GBool noCropA, GBool duplexA); void postInit(); void setupResources(Dict *resDict); void setupFonts(Dict *resDict); void setupFont(GfxFont *font, Dict *parentResDict); void setupEmbeddedType1Font(Ref *id, GooString *psName); void updateFontMaxValidGlyph(GfxFont *font, int maxValidGlyph); void setupExternalType1Font(GooString *fileName, GooString *psName); void setupEmbeddedType1CFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GooString *psName); void setupEmbeddedOpenTypeT1CFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GooString *psName); void setupEmbeddedTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GooString *psName); void setupExternalTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, GooString *fileName, GooString *psName); void setupEmbeddedCIDType0Font(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GooString *psName); void setupEmbeddedCIDTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GooString *psName, GBool needVerticalMetrics); void setupExternalCIDTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, GooString *fileName, GooString *psName, GBool needVerticalMetrics); void setupEmbeddedOpenTypeCFFFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GooString *psName); void setupType3Font(GfxFont *font, GooString *psName, Dict *parentResDict); GooString *makePSFontName(GfxFont *font, Ref *id); void setupImages(Dict *resDict); void setupImage(Ref id, Stream *str, GBool mask); void setupForms(Dict *resDict); void setupForm(Ref id, Object *strObj); void addProcessColor(double c, double m, double y, double k); void addCustomColor(GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS); void doPath(GfxPath *path); void maskToClippingPath(Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert); void doImageL1(Object *ref, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len, int *maskColors, Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert); void doImageL1Sep(Object *ref, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len, int *maskColors, Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert); void doImageL2(Object *ref, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len, int *maskColors, Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert); void doImageL3(Object *ref, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len, int *maskColors, Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert); void dumpColorSpaceL2(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace, GBool genXform, GBool updateColors, GBool map01); GBool tilingPatternFillL1(GfxState *state, Catalog *cat, Object *str, double *pmat, int paintType, int tilingType, Dict *resDict, double *mat, double *bbox, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, double xStep, double yStep); GBool tilingPatternFillL2(GfxState *state, Catalog *cat, Object *str, double *pmat, int paintType, int tilingType, Dict *resDict, double *mat, double *bbox, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, double xStep, double yStep); #ifdef OPI_SUPPORT void opiBegin20(GfxState *state, Dict *dict); void opiBegin13(GfxState *state, Dict *dict); void opiTransform(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0, double *x1, double *y1); #endif void cvtFunction(Function *func, GBool invertPSFunction = gFalse); GooString *filterPSName(GooString *name); // Write the document-level setup. void writeDocSetup(PDFDoc *doc, Catalog *catalog, const std::vector &pages, GBool duplexA); void writePSChar(char c); void writePS(const char *s); void writePSBuf(const char *s, int len); void writePSFmt(const char *fmt, ...); void writePSString(GooString *s); void writePSName(const char *s); GooString *filterPSLabel(GooString *label, GBool *needParens=nullptr); void writePSTextLine(GooString *s); PSLevel level; // PostScript level (1, 2, separation) PSOutMode mode; // PostScript mode (PS, EPS, form) int paperWidth; // width of paper, in pts int paperHeight; // height of paper, in pts GBool paperMatch; // true if paper size is set to match each page int prevWidth; // width of previous page // (only psModePSOrigPageSizes output mode) int prevHeight; // height of previous page // (only psModePSOrigPageSizes output mode) int imgLLX, imgLLY, // imageable area, in pts imgURX, imgURY; GBool noCrop; GBool duplex; std::vector pages; char *psTitle; GBool postInitDone; // true if postInit() was called PSOutputFunc outputFunc; void *outputStream; PSFileType fileType; // file / pipe / stdout GBool manualCtrl; int seqPage; // current sequential page number void (*underlayCbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data); void *underlayCbkData; void (*overlayCbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data); void *overlayCbkData; GooString *(*customCodeCbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, PSOutCustomCodeLocation loc, int n, void *data); void *customCodeCbkData; PDFDoc *doc; XRef *xref; // the xref table for this PDF file Ref *fontIDs; // list of object IDs of all used fonts int fontIDLen; // number of entries in fontIDs array int fontIDSize; // size of fontIDs array std::set resourceIDs; // list of object IDs of objects containing Resources we've already set up GooHash *fontNames; // all used font names GooHash *fontMaxValidGlyph; // max valid glyph of each font PST1FontName *t1FontNames; // font names for Type 1/1C fonts int t1FontNameLen; // number of entries in t1FontNames array int t1FontNameSize; // size of t1FontNames array PSFont8Info *font8Info; // info for 8-bit fonts int font8InfoLen; // number of entries in font8Info array int font8InfoSize; // size of font8Info array PSFont16Enc *font16Enc; // encodings for substitute 16-bit fonts int font16EncLen; // number of entries in font16Enc array int font16EncSize; // size of font16Enc array Ref *imgIDs; // list of image IDs for in-memory images int imgIDLen; // number of entries in imgIDs array int imgIDSize; // size of imgIDs array Ref *formIDs; // list of IDs for predefined forms int formIDLen; // number of entries in formIDs array int formIDSize; // size of formIDs array int numSaves; // current number of gsaves int numTilingPatterns; // current number of nested tiling patterns int nextFunc; // next unique number to use for a function GooList *paperSizes; // list of used paper sizes, if paperMatch // is true [PSOutPaperSize] std::map pagePaperSize; // page num to paperSize entry mapping double tx0, ty0; // global translation double xScale0, yScale0; // global scaling int rotate0; // rotation angle (0, 90, 180, 270) double clipLLX0, clipLLY0, clipURX0, clipURY0; double tx, ty; // global translation for current page double xScale, yScale; // global scaling for current page int rotate; // rotation angle for current page double epsX1, epsY1, // EPS bounding box (unrotated) epsX2, epsY2; GooString *embFontList; // resource comments for embedded fonts int processColors; // used process colors PSOutCustomColor // used custom colors *customColors; GBool haveTextClip; // set if text has been drawn with a // clipping render mode GBool inType3Char; // inside a Type 3 CharProc GBool inUncoloredPattern; // inside a uncolored pattern (PaintType = 2) GooString *t3String; // Type 3 content string double t3WX, t3WY, // Type 3 character parameters t3LLX, t3LLY, t3URX, t3URY; GBool t3FillColorOnly; // operators should only use the fill color GBool t3Cacheable; // cleared if char is not cacheable GBool t3NeedsRestore; // set if a 'q' operator was issued GBool forceRasterize; // forces the page to be rasterized into a image before printing GBool displayText; // displayText GBool psCenter; // center pages on the paper GBool rasterAntialias; // antialias on rasterize GBool uncompressPreloadedImages; double rasterResolution; // PostScript rasterization resolution (dpi) GBool rasterMono; // true to do PostScript rasterization // in monochrome (gray); false to do it // in color (RGB/CMYK) GBool embedType1; // embed Type 1 fonts? GBool embedTrueType; // embed TrueType fonts? GBool embedCIDPostScript; // embed CID PostScript fonts? GBool embedCIDTrueType; // embed CID TrueType fonts? GBool fontPassthrough; // pass all fonts through as-is? GBool optimizeColorSpace; // false to keep gray RGB images in their original color space // true to optimize gray images to DeviceGray color space GBool passLevel1CustomColor; // false to convert all custom colors to CMYK // true to pass custom colors // has effect only when doing a level1sep GBool preloadImagesForms; // preload PostScript images and forms into // memory GBool generateOPI; // generate PostScript OPI comments? GBool useASCIIHex; // use ASCIIHex instead of ASCII85? GBool useBinary; // use binary instead of hex GBool enableLZW; // enable LZW compression GBool enableFlate; // enable Flate compression #ifdef OPI_SUPPORT int opi13Nest; // nesting level of OPI 1.3 objects int opi20Nest; // nesting level of OPI 2.0 objects #endif GBool ok; // set up ok? friend class WinPDFPrinter; }; #endif