// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ /* Created by weiv 05/09/2002 */ #include #include "unicode/tstdtmod.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include #include "cstr.h" #include "cstring.h" TestLog::~TestLog() {} IcuTestErrorCode::~IcuTestErrorCode() { // Safe because our errlog() does not throw exceptions. if(isFailure()) { errlog(FALSE, u"destructor: expected success", nullptr); } } UBool IcuTestErrorCode::errIfFailureAndReset() { if(isFailure()) { errlog(FALSE, u"expected success", nullptr); reset(); return TRUE; } else { reset(); return FALSE; } } UBool IcuTestErrorCode::errIfFailureAndReset(const char *fmt, ...) { if(isFailure()) { char buffer[4000]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); errlog(FALSE, u"expected success", buffer); reset(); return TRUE; } else { reset(); return FALSE; } } UBool IcuTestErrorCode::errDataIfFailureAndReset() { if(isFailure()) { errlog(TRUE, u"data: expected success", nullptr); reset(); return TRUE; } else { reset(); return FALSE; } } UBool IcuTestErrorCode::errDataIfFailureAndReset(const char *fmt, ...) { if(isFailure()) { char buffer[4000]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); errlog(TRUE, u"data: expected success", buffer); reset(); return TRUE; } else { reset(); return FALSE; } } UBool IcuTestErrorCode::expectErrorAndReset(UErrorCode expectedError) { if(get() != expectedError) { errlog(FALSE, UnicodeString(u"expected: ") + u_errorName(expectedError), nullptr); } UBool retval = isFailure(); reset(); return retval; } UBool IcuTestErrorCode::expectErrorAndReset(UErrorCode expectedError, const char *fmt, ...) { if(get() != expectedError) { char buffer[4000]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); errlog(FALSE, UnicodeString(u"expected: ") + u_errorName(expectedError), buffer); } UBool retval = isFailure(); reset(); return retval; } void IcuTestErrorCode::setScope(const char* message) { scopeMessage.remove().append({ message, -1, US_INV }); } void IcuTestErrorCode::setScope(const UnicodeString& message) { scopeMessage = message; } void IcuTestErrorCode::handleFailure() const { errlog(FALSE, u"(handleFailure)", nullptr); } void IcuTestErrorCode::errlog(UBool dataErr, const UnicodeString& mainMessage, const char* extraMessage) const { UnicodeString msg(testName, -1, US_INV); msg.append(u' ').append(mainMessage); msg.append(u" but got error: ").append(UnicodeString(errorName(), -1, US_INV)); if (!scopeMessage.isEmpty()) { msg.append(u" scope: ").append(scopeMessage); } if (extraMessage != nullptr) { msg.append(u" - ").append(UnicodeString(extraMessage, -1, US_INV)); } if (dataErr || get() == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR || get() == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { testClass.dataerrln(msg); } else { testClass.errln(msg); } } TestDataModule *TestDataModule::getTestDataModule(const char* name, TestLog& log, UErrorCode &status) { if(U_FAILURE(status)) { return NULL; } TestDataModule *result = NULL; // TODO: probe for resource bundle and then for XML. // According to that, construct an appropriate driver object result = new RBTestDataModule(name, log, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { return result; } else { delete result; return NULL; } } TestDataModule::TestDataModule(const char* name, TestLog& log, UErrorCode& /*status*/) : testName(name), fInfo(NULL), fLog(log) { } TestDataModule::~TestDataModule() { if(fInfo != NULL) { delete fInfo; } } const char * TestDataModule::getName() const { return testName; } RBTestDataModule::~RBTestDataModule() { ures_close(fTestData); ures_close(fModuleBundle); ures_close(fInfoRB); uprv_free(tdpath); } RBTestDataModule::RBTestDataModule(const char* name, TestLog& log, UErrorCode& status) : TestDataModule(name, log, status), fModuleBundle(NULL), fTestData(NULL), fInfoRB(NULL), tdpath(NULL) { fNumberOfTests = 0; fDataTestValid = TRUE; fModuleBundle = getTestBundle(name, status); if(fDataTestValid) { fTestData = ures_getByKey(fModuleBundle, "TestData", NULL, &status); fNumberOfTests = ures_getSize(fTestData); fInfoRB = ures_getByKey(fModuleBundle, "Info", NULL, &status); if(status != U_ZERO_ERROR) { log.errln(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Unable to initalize test data - missing mandatory description resources!")); fDataTestValid = FALSE; } else { fInfo = new RBDataMap(fInfoRB, status); } } } UBool RBTestDataModule::getInfo(const DataMap *& info, UErrorCode &/*status*/) const { info = fInfo; if(fInfo) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } TestData* RBTestDataModule::createTestData(int32_t index, UErrorCode &status) const { TestData *result = NULL; UErrorCode intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(fDataTestValid == TRUE) { // Both of these resources get adopted by a TestData object. UResourceBundle *DataFillIn = ures_getByIndex(fTestData, index, NULL, &status); UResourceBundle *headers = ures_getByKey(fInfoRB, "Headers", NULL, &intStatus); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { result = new RBTestData(DataFillIn, headers, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { return result; } else { delete result; } } else { ures_close(DataFillIn); ures_close(headers); } } else { status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR; } return NULL; } TestData* RBTestDataModule::createTestData(const char* name, UErrorCode &status) const { TestData *result = NULL; UErrorCode intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(fDataTestValid == TRUE) { // Both of these resources get adopted by a TestData object. UResourceBundle *DataFillIn = ures_getByKey(fTestData, name, NULL, &status); UResourceBundle *headers = ures_getByKey(fInfoRB, "Headers", NULL, &intStatus); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { result = new RBTestData(DataFillIn, headers, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { return result; } else { delete result; } } else { ures_close(DataFillIn); ures_close(headers); } } else { status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR; } return NULL; } //Get test data from ResourceBundles UResourceBundle* RBTestDataModule::getTestBundle(const char* bundleName, UErrorCode &status) { if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { UResourceBundle *testBundle = NULL; const char* icu_data = fLog.getTestDataPath(status); if (testBundle == NULL) { testBundle = ures_openDirect(icu_data, bundleName, &status); if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR) { fLog.dataerrln(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Could not load test data from resourcebundle: ") + UnicodeString(bundleName, -1, US_INV)); fDataTestValid = FALSE; } } return testBundle; } else { return NULL; } }