/* * %W% %E% * * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002 - All Rights Reserved * */ #include "LETypes.h" #include "OpenTypeTables.h" #include "GlyphSubstitutionTables.h" #include "LookupProcessor.h" #include "ExtensionSubtables.h" #include "GlyphIterator.h" #include "LESwaps.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // read a 32-bit value that might only be 16-bit-aligned in memory #define READ_LONG(code) (le_uint32)((SWAPW(*(le_uint16*)&code) << 16) + SWAPW(*(((le_uint16*)&code) + 1))) // FIXME: should look at the format too... maybe have a sub-class for it? le_uint32 ExtensionSubtable::process(const LookupProcessor *lookupProcessor, le_uint16 lookupType, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, const LEFontInstance *fontInstance) const { le_uint16 elt = SWAPW(extensionLookupType); if (elt != lookupType) { le_uint32 extOffset = READ_LONG(extensionOffset); LookupSubtable *subtable = (LookupSubtable *) ((char *) this + extOffset); return lookupProcessor->applySubtable(subtable, elt, glyphIterator, fontInstance); } return 0; } U_NAMESPACE_END