#!/usr/bin/env python3 # flake8: noqa: F821 """usage: ./gen-use-table.py IndicSyllabicCategory.txt IndicPositionalCategory.txt ArabicShaping.txt DerivedCoreProperties.txt UnicodeData.txt Blocks.txt Scripts.txt IndicSyllabicCategory-Additional.txt IndicPositionalCategory-Additional.txt Input files: * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/IndicSyllabicCategory.txt * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/IndicPositionalCategory.txt * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/ArabicShaping.txt * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/DerivedCoreProperties.txt * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/UnicodeData.txt * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/Blocks.txt * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/Scripts.txt * ms-use/IndicSyllabicCategory-Additional.txt * ms-use/IndicPositionalCategory-Additional.txt """ import sys if len (sys.argv) != 10: sys.exit (__doc__) DISABLED_SCRIPTS = { 'Arabic', 'Lao', 'Samaritan', 'Syriac', 'Thai', } files = [open (x, encoding='utf-8') for x in sys.argv[1:]] headers = [[f.readline () for i in range (2)] for j,f in enumerate(files) if j != 4] for j in range(7, 9): for line in files[j]: line = line.rstrip() if not line: break headers[j - 1].append(line) headers.append (["UnicodeData.txt does not have a header."]) unicode_data = [{} for _ in files] values = [{} for _ in files] for i, f in enumerate (files): for line in f: j = line.find ('#') if j >= 0: line = line[:j] fields = [x.strip () for x in line.split (';')] if len (fields) == 1: continue uu = fields[0].split ('..') start = int (uu[0], 16) if len (uu) == 1: end = start else: end = int (uu[1], 16) t = fields[1 if i not in [2, 4] else 2] if i == 2: t = 'jt_' + t elif i == 3 and t != 'Default_Ignorable_Code_Point': continue elif i == 7 and t == 'Consonant_Final_Modifier': # TODO: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/typography-issues/issues/336 t = 'Syllable_Modifier' elif i == 8 and t == 'NA': t = 'Not_Applicable' i0 = i if i < 7 else i - 7 for u in range (start, end + 1): unicode_data[i0][u] = t values[i0][t] = values[i0].get (t, 0) + end - start + 1 defaults = ('Other', 'Not_Applicable', 'jt_X', '', 'Cn', 'No_Block', 'Unknown') # Merge data into one dict: for i,v in enumerate (defaults): values[i][v] = values[i].get (v, 0) + 1 combined = {} for i,d in enumerate (unicode_data): for u,v in d.items (): if not u in combined: if i >= 4: continue combined[u] = list (defaults) combined[u][i] = v combined = {k: v for k, v in combined.items() if v[6] not in DISABLED_SCRIPTS} property_names = [ # General_Category 'Cc', 'Cf', 'Cn', 'Co', 'Cs', 'Ll', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Lt', 'Lu', 'Mc', 'Me', 'Mn', 'Nd', 'Nl', 'No', 'Pc', 'Pd', 'Pe', 'Pf', 'Pi', 'Po', 'Ps', 'Sc', 'Sk', 'Sm', 'So', 'Zl', 'Zp', 'Zs', # Indic_Syllabic_Category 'Other', 'Bindu', 'Visarga', 'Avagraha', 'Nukta', 'Virama', 'Pure_Killer', 'Invisible_Stacker', 'Vowel_Independent', 'Vowel_Dependent', 'Vowel', 'Consonant_Placeholder', 'Consonant', 'Consonant_Dead', 'Consonant_With_Stacker', 'Consonant_Prefixed', 'Consonant_Preceding_Repha', 'Consonant_Succeeding_Repha', 'Consonant_Subjoined', 'Consonant_Medial', 'Consonant_Final', 'Consonant_Head_Letter', 'Consonant_Initial_Postfixed', 'Modifying_Letter', 'Tone_Letter', 'Tone_Mark', 'Gemination_Mark', 'Cantillation_Mark', 'Register_Shifter', 'Syllable_Modifier', 'Consonant_Killer', 'Non_Joiner', 'Joiner', 'Number_Joiner', 'Number', 'Brahmi_Joining_Number', 'Hieroglyph', 'Hieroglyph_Joiner', 'Hieroglyph_Segment_Begin', 'Hieroglyph_Segment_End', # Indic_Positional_Category 'Not_Applicable', 'Right', 'Left', 'Visual_Order_Left', 'Left_And_Right', 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Top_And_Bottom', 'Top_And_Bottom_And_Left', 'Top_And_Right', 'Top_And_Left', 'Top_And_Left_And_Right', 'Bottom_And_Left', 'Bottom_And_Right', 'Top_And_Bottom_And_Right', 'Overstruck', # Joining_Type 'jt_C', 'jt_D', 'jt_L', 'jt_R', 'jt_T', 'jt_U', 'jt_X', ] class PropertyValue(object): def __init__(self, name_): self.name = name_ def __str__(self): return self.name def __eq__(self, other): return self.name == (other if isinstance(other, str) else other.name) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) property_values = {} for name in property_names: value = PropertyValue(name) assert value not in property_values assert value not in globals() property_values[name] = value globals().update(property_values) def is_BASE(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return (UISC in [Number, Consonant, Consonant_Head_Letter, Tone_Letter, Vowel_Independent, ] or # TODO: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/typography-issues/issues/484 AJT in [jt_C, jt_D, jt_L, jt_R] and UISC != Joiner or (UGC == Lo and UISC in [Avagraha, Bindu, Consonant_Final, Consonant_Medial, Consonant_Subjoined, Vowel, Vowel_Dependent])) def is_BASE_NUM(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Brahmi_Joining_Number def is_BASE_OTHER(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): if UISC == Consonant_Placeholder: return True return U in [0x2015, 0x2022, 0x25FB, 0x25FC, 0x25FD, 0x25FE] def is_CGJ(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): # Also includes VARIATION_SELECTOR and ZWJ return UISC == Joiner or UDI and UGC in [Mc, Me, Mn] def is_CONS_FINAL(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return ((UISC == Consonant_Final and UGC != Lo) or UISC == Consonant_Succeeding_Repha) def is_CONS_FINAL_MOD(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Syllable_Modifier def is_CONS_MED(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): # Consonant_Initial_Postfixed is new in Unicode 11; not in the spec. return (UISC == Consonant_Medial and UGC != Lo or UISC == Consonant_Initial_Postfixed) def is_CONS_MOD(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return (UISC in [Nukta, Gemination_Mark, Consonant_Killer] and not is_SYM_MOD(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT)) def is_CONS_SUB(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Consonant_Subjoined and UGC != Lo def is_CONS_WITH_STACKER(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Consonant_With_Stacker def is_HALANT(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Virama def is_HALANT_NUM(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Number_Joiner def is_HIEROGLYPH(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Hieroglyph def is_HIEROGLYPH_JOINER(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Hieroglyph_Joiner def is_HIEROGLYPH_SEGMENT_BEGIN(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Hieroglyph_Segment_Begin def is_HIEROGLYPH_SEGMENT_END(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Hieroglyph_Segment_End def is_INVISIBLE_STACKER(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): # Split off of HALANT return (UISC == Invisible_Stacker and not is_SAKOT(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) ) def is_ZWNJ(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC == Non_Joiner def is_OTHER(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): # Also includes BASE_IND and SYM return ((UGC == Po or UISC in [Consonant_Dead, Joiner, Modifying_Letter, Other]) and not is_BASE(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) and not is_BASE_OTHER(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) and not is_CGJ(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) and not is_SYM_MOD(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) and not is_Word_Joiner(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) ) def is_REPHA(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return UISC in [Consonant_Preceding_Repha, Consonant_Prefixed] def is_SAKOT(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): # Split off of HALANT return U == 0x1A60 def is_SYM_MOD(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return U in [0x1B6B, 0x1B6C, 0x1B6D, 0x1B6E, 0x1B6F, 0x1B70, 0x1B71, 0x1B72, 0x1B73] def is_VOWEL(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return (UISC == Pure_Killer or UGC != Lo and UISC in [Vowel, Vowel_Dependent]) def is_VOWEL_MOD(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): return (UISC in [Tone_Mark, Cantillation_Mark, Register_Shifter, Visarga] or UGC != Lo and UISC == Bindu) def is_Word_Joiner(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT): # Also includes Rsv return (UDI and U not in [0x115F, 0x1160, 0x3164, 0xFFA0, 0x1BCA0, 0x1BCA1, 0x1BCA2, 0x1BCA3] and UISC == Other and not is_CGJ(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) ) or UGC == Cn use_mapping = { 'B': is_BASE, 'N': is_BASE_NUM, 'GB': is_BASE_OTHER, 'CGJ': is_CGJ, 'F': is_CONS_FINAL, 'FM': is_CONS_FINAL_MOD, 'M': is_CONS_MED, 'CM': is_CONS_MOD, 'SUB': is_CONS_SUB, 'CS': is_CONS_WITH_STACKER, 'H': is_HALANT, 'HN': is_HALANT_NUM, 'IS': is_INVISIBLE_STACKER, 'G': is_HIEROGLYPH, 'J': is_HIEROGLYPH_JOINER, 'SB': is_HIEROGLYPH_SEGMENT_BEGIN, 'SE': is_HIEROGLYPH_SEGMENT_END, 'ZWNJ': is_ZWNJ, 'O': is_OTHER, 'R': is_REPHA, 'Sk': is_SAKOT, 'SM': is_SYM_MOD, 'V': is_VOWEL, 'VM': is_VOWEL_MOD, 'WJ': is_Word_Joiner, } use_positions = { 'F': { 'Abv': [Top], 'Blw': [Bottom], 'Pst': [Right], }, 'M': { 'Abv': [Top], 'Blw': [Bottom, Bottom_And_Left, Bottom_And_Right], 'Pst': [Right], 'Pre': [Left, Top_And_Bottom_And_Left], }, 'CM': { 'Abv': [Top], 'Blw': [Bottom, Overstruck], }, 'V': { 'Abv': [Top, Top_And_Bottom, Top_And_Bottom_And_Right, Top_And_Right], 'Blw': [Bottom, Overstruck, Bottom_And_Right], 'Pst': [Right], 'Pre': [Left, Top_And_Left, Top_And_Left_And_Right, Left_And_Right], }, 'VM': { 'Abv': [Top], 'Blw': [Bottom, Overstruck], 'Pst': [Right], 'Pre': [Left], }, 'SM': { 'Abv': [Top], 'Blw': [Bottom], }, 'H': None, 'IS': None, 'B': None, 'FM': { 'Abv': [Top], 'Blw': [Bottom], 'Pst': [Not_Applicable], }, 'R': None, 'SUB': None, } def map_to_use(data): out = {} items = use_mapping.items() for U, (UISC, UIPC, AJT, UDI, UGC, UBlock, _) in data.items(): # Resolve Indic_Syllabic_Category # TODO: These don't have UISC assigned in Unicode 13.0.0, but have UIPC if 0x1CE2 <= U <= 0x1CE8: UISC = Cantillation_Mark # Tibetan: # TODO: These don't have UISC assigned in Unicode 13.0.0, but have UIPC if 0x0F18 <= U <= 0x0F19 or 0x0F3E <= U <= 0x0F3F: UISC = Vowel_Dependent # TODO: https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/pull/627 if 0x1BF2 <= U <= 0x1BF3: UISC = Nukta; UIPC = Bottom # TODO: U+1CED should only be allowed after some of # the nasalization marks, maybe only for U+1CE9..U+1CF1. if U == 0x1CED: UISC = Tone_Mark values = [k for k,v in items if v(U, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT)] assert len(values) == 1, "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (hex(U), UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT, values) USE = values[0] # Resolve Indic_Positional_Category # TODO: These should die, but have UIPC in Unicode 13.0.0 if U in [0x953, 0x954]: UIPC = Not_Applicable # TODO: These are not in USE's override list that we have, nor are they in Unicode 13.0.0 if 0xA926 <= U <= 0xA92A: UIPC = Top # TODO: https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/pull/1037 # and https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues/1631 if U in [0x11302, 0x11303, 0x114C1]: UIPC = Top if 0x1CF8 <= U <= 0x1CF9: UIPC = Top # TODO: https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/pull/982 # also https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues/1012 if 0x1112A <= U <= 0x1112B: UIPC = Top if 0x11131 <= U <= 0x11132: UIPC = Top assert (UIPC in [Not_Applicable, Visual_Order_Left] or U == 0x0F7F or USE in use_positions), "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (hex(U), UIPC, USE, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT) pos_mapping = use_positions.get(USE, None) if pos_mapping: values = [k for k,v in pos_mapping.items() if v and UIPC in v] assert len(values) == 1, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (hex(U), UIPC, USE, UISC, UDI, UGC, AJT, values) USE = USE + values[0] out[U] = (USE, UBlock) return out use_data = map_to_use(combined) print ("/* == Start of generated table == */") print ("/*") print (" * The following table is generated by running:") print (" *") print (" * {} IndicSyllabicCategory.txt IndicPositionalCategory.txt ArabicShaping.txt DerivedCoreProperties.txt UnicodeData.txt Blocks.txt Scripts.txt IndicSyllabicCategory-Additional.txt IndicPositionalCategory-Additional.txt".format (sys.argv[0])) print (" *") print (" * on files with these headers:") print (" *") for h in headers: for l in h: print (" * %s" % (l.strip())) print (" */") print () print ("#ifndef HB_OT_SHAPE_COMPLEX_USE_TABLE_HH") print ("#define HB_OT_SHAPE_COMPLEX_USE_TABLE_HH") print () print ('#include "hb.hh"') print () print ('#include "hb-ot-shape-complex-use-machine.hh"') print () total = 0 used = 0 last_block = None def print_block (block, start, end, use_data): global total, used, last_block if block and block != last_block: print () print () print (" /* %s */" % block) if start % 16: print (' ' * (20 + (start % 16 * 6)), end='') num = 0 assert start % 8 == 0 assert (end+1) % 8 == 0 for u in range (start, end+1): if u % 16 == 0: print () print (" /* %04X */" % u, end='') if u in use_data: num += 1 d = use_data.get (u) if d is not None: d = d[0] elif u in unicode_data[4]: d = 'O' else: d = 'WJ' print ("%6s," % d, end='') total += end - start + 1 used += num if block: last_block = block uu = sorted (use_data.keys ()) last = -100000 num = 0 offset = 0 starts = [] ends = [] print ('#pragma GCC diagnostic push') print ('#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-macros"') for k,v in sorted(use_mapping.items()): if k in use_positions and use_positions[k]: continue print ("#define %s USE(%s) /* %s */" % (k, k, v.__name__[3:])) for k,v in sorted(use_positions.items()): if not v: continue for suf in v.keys(): tag = k + suf print ("#define %s USE(%s)" % (tag, tag)) print ('#pragma GCC diagnostic pop') print ("") print ("static const uint8_t use_table[] = {") for u in uu: if u <= last: continue if use_data[u][0] == 'O': continue block = use_data[u][1] start = u//8*8 end = start+1 while end in uu and block == use_data[end][1]: end += 1 end = (end-1)//8*8 + 7 if start != last + 1: if start - last <= 1+16*3: print_block (None, last+1, start-1, use_data) else: if last >= 0: ends.append (last + 1) offset += ends[-1] - starts[-1] print () print () print ("#define use_offset_0x%04xu %d" % (start, offset)) starts.append (start) print_block (block, start, end, use_data) last = end ends.append (last + 1) offset += ends[-1] - starts[-1] print () print () occupancy = used * 100. / total page_bits = 12 print ("}; /* Table items: %d; occupancy: %d%% */" % (offset, occupancy)) print () print ("static inline uint8_t") print ("hb_use_get_category (hb_glyph_info_t info)") print ("{") print (" hb_codepoint_t u = info.codepoint;") print (" switch (u >> %d)" % page_bits) print (" {") pages = set([u>>page_bits for u in starts+ends]) for p in sorted(pages): print (" case 0x%0Xu:" % p) for (start,end) in zip (starts, ends): if p not in [start>>page_bits, end>>page_bits]: continue offset = "use_offset_0x%04xu" % start print (" if (hb_in_range (u, 0x%04Xu, 0x%04Xu)) return use_table[u - 0x%04Xu + %s];" % (start, end-1, start, offset)) print (" break;") print ("") print (" default:") print (" break;") print (" }") print (" if (_hb_glyph_info_get_general_category (&info) == HB_UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORY_UNASSIGNED)") print (" return WJ;") print (" return O;") print ("}") print () for k in sorted(use_mapping.keys()): if k in use_positions and use_positions[k]: continue print ("#undef %s" % k) for k,v in sorted(use_positions.items()): if not v: continue for suf in v.keys(): tag = k + suf print ("#undef %s" % tag) print () print () print ("#endif /* HB_OT_SHAPE_COMPLEX_USE_TABLE_HH */") print ("/* == End of generated table == */") # Maintain at least 50% occupancy in the table */ if occupancy < 50: raise Exception ("Table too sparse, please investigate: ", occupancy)