$Id$ Originally written 2004, Karl Berry. Public domain. These are Sebastian's magic scripts for updating packages from CTAN into TeX Live. Here is the basic idea for the standard LaTeX package: cd /Build/cdbuild p=pkgname # eg, numprint (cd /macros/latex/contrib && tar cf - $p) | tar xf - # e.g. test -d cooked || mkdir cooked # scripts don't do it for you ./ctan2tds.pl $p # which makes ./cooked/$p; check that carefully! cd cooked ../place $p # which copies files into Master and does p4 add/del cmds. p4 revert -a # excise unchanged files from change list. p4 submit # when everything looks good See tools/README, and the ctan2tl and tpm-ctan-check scripts in Tools.