From aaa893ce7054a17e3d05138f0d20bea50ca2b3e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Karl Berry Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 18:32:29 +0000 Subject: feynmf update, fixing perl syntax error (Norbert 2 Jun 2008 11:01:37) git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751 --- Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/Announce | 31 + Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/COPYING | 339 + Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/README | 200 + Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv | 110 - Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv | 110 - Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ | 21893 +++++++++++++++++++ Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ | Bin 197954 -> 0 bytes Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/template.tex | 24 + Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/Announce | 31 - Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/COPYING | 339 - Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/README | 200 - Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/ | 2 +- Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv | 110 + Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv | 110 + Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/template.tex | 24 - Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds | 1 + Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check | 2 +- 17 files changed, 22710 insertions(+), 816 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/Announce create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/COPYING create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/README delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/template.tex delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/Announce delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/COPYING delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/README create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/template.tex (limited to 'Master') diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/Announce b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/Announce new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a8247733629 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/Announce @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +To:, + +Subject: [LaTeX/Metafont] Feynman diagrams: FeynMF v1.08 released + +This announces version 1.08 of feynmf, a combined LaTeX and Metafont +(or Metapost) package for easy drawing of professional quality Feynman +(and maybe other) diagrams. + +Version 1.08 is mainly a bug fix release and offers a driver script as +the only new feature. The driver script is still experimental and I +will be grateful for portability suggestions (it has been developed with +teTeX under Linux). + +This software will show up through the magic of mirroring at the CTAN +host near you. + +Enjoy, +-Thorsten + +NEWS for Version 1.08 + + * Improved very short gluon and photon propagators by relaxing + overly aggressive rounding. + + * New (still experimental) `feynmf' script automating the + invocation of Metafont (requires perl(1)). + +/// Thorsten Ohl, TH Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany +//////////////// net:, +/// voice: +49-6151-16-3116, secretary: +49-6151-16-2072, fax: +49-6151-16-2421 + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/COPYING b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e77696ae8dd --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..611dbfad520 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/README @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +# $Id: README,v 1.30 1996/12/02 01:38:45 ohl Exp $ +######################################################################## + + This is feynmf, a combined LaTeX/Metafont package for easy drawing + of professional quality Feynman diagrams. feynmf lays out most + diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without + any need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of + Metafont is available for more obscure cases. See the + documentation for appetizers, examples and more details. + + A preformatted manual (`') is provided to wet your + appetite with numerous examples. + + Anyway, you are invited to share, use, abuse, and improve it, see + the file COPYING for details. + + Enjoy, + -Thorsten + +######################################################################## + + Installation: + + You need a recent LaTeX (LaTeX2e, as of December 1994 is + sufficient) to use feynmf, docstrip.tex to install it and doc.sty + to typeset the documentation. If it is not already on your system, + you can get all this (and much more) from your nearest CTAN host. + + To install, either use the Makefile or use the installation file + feynmf.ins: + + $ latex feynmf.ins + + then you can typeset the documentation by + + $ latex fmfman.drv + $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp1' + $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp2' + $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp3' + $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp4' + $ latex fmfman.drv + $ makeindex -s -o fmfman.ind fmfman.idx + $ makeindex -s -o fmfman.gls fmfman.glo + $ latex fmfman.drv + + or by using the Makefile (`make man'). That's it. + + There is also a simple example `template.tex' that you can use as + a template for your own creations. To typeset, either use the + feynmf script + + $ feynmf template + + or run Metafont manually + + $ latex template + $ mf '\mode:=localfont; input fmftempl' + $ latex template + + Finally, there is another installation file for LaTeX 2.09 compatible + versions: feynmf209.ins. This file has to be processed _in addition_ + to feynmf.ins! + +######################################################################## + +WARNING: + + If LaTeX fails with `Unknown graphics extension: 3', you have a + slightly out-of-date graphics.sty file (LaTeX will have issued a + warning in this case). There has been a change to the user + interface, which makes it very hard to support both versions. + Sorry. I have chosen to support the current one, which will + hopefully be stable. + + You can work around this by either getting a more recent graphics + package from CTAN (macros/latex/packages/graphics) or by using + epsf.sty instead (`\let\includegraphics\epsffile\input epsf.sty'). + [You can also ignore it and get the preformatted manual. But you + will not be able to use the MetaPost version in this case.] + +######################################################################## + + Comments, bug reports and improvements are welcome at: + + + (aka: + + New versions can be found in: + + + + or at CTAN: + + {,,}: + ... macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf + + There are two mailing lists + + + + + both are open for subscription. The former should be very low + volume and carry only important announcements. The latter can + serve as a more general discussion forum. + + To subscribe, send mail to + + + + and NOT to the lists itself. The following commands (on a line in + the body of the mail, not in the subject) are useful: `subscribe + feynmf-announce', `unsubscribe feynmf-bugs', `help', etc. + +######################################################################## + +NEWS for Version 1.08 + + * Improved very short gluon and photon propagators by relaxing + overly aggressive rounding. + + * New (still experimental) `feynmf' script automating the + invocation of Metafont (requires perl(1)). + +NEWS for Version 1.07 + + * Switch off I/O during the first pass in AMS-LaTeX equation + environments. This avoids a nasty race condition (thanks to Axel + Thimm for reporting this bug). A beneficial side effect is that + it saves us 50% processing time in these cases. + +NEWS for Version 1.06 + + * New abstraction: polygons. Useful for complex vertices in + non-perturbative diagrams. + + * New commands: \fmfpoly, \fmfpolyn and \fmfrpolyn, implementing + polygons. + + * New option `rubout' for crossing propagators. + + * Some common typos are detected are appropriate warning messages + are issued. + + * New options `errorstop', `scroll', `nonstop' and `batch' for + specifying the desired interactionmode. + + * Work around an obscure babel/german/feynmf three way + destructive interference. + +NEWS for Version 1.05 + + * FeynMF now coexists with french.sty and other packages that + change the \catcode of ``:''. + + * Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.03, which could cause + problems with font loading. Unfortunately, the fix has to give up + some compatibility with earlier versions. Sources for version + 1.02 and earlier which used \noexpand in labels have to upgraded + or the option `pre-1.03' has to be used. Sorry. + +NEWS for Version 1.04 + + * Finally, \fmffixed{(dx,whatever)}{v1,v2} and + \fmffixed{(whatever,dy)}{v1,v2} do what you would expect them + to. \fmffixedx and \fmffixedy are new synonyms for those. + +NEWS for Version 1.03 + + * It is no longer necessary to protect TeX command sequences with + \noexpand. Old files using \noexpand will continue to work. + +NEWS for Version 1.02 + + * Read the .tfm file before writing the .mf file destructively. + This should allow a transparent two pass processing if MakeTeXTFM + is enabled. Thanks to Thomas Esser + for the suggestion. + +NEWS for Version 1.01 + + * new decoration shapes for vertices by popular demand: `cross' + (also `triacross', `pentacross' and `hexacross'). + + * fixed a rounding bug in cut-off ends (noticeable as a spurious + thin diagonal line at the left end of double lines). + + * The maximum size for shaded and hatched areas has been doubled + by removing an obsolete speedup hack that was not used anymore. + + * In an unrelated move, shading and hatching has been + reimplemented in a much more general fashion. Now arbitray + tilings can be specified as argument to `decoration.filled='. The + old style numerical arguments continue to work, but should be + replaced by `empty', `full', `shaded', and `hatched' in new + documents. + +######################################################################## +# Local Variables: +# mode:indented-text +# End: diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv deleted file mode 100644 index 6d286d7e230..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -%% -%% This is file `fmfman.drv', -%% generated with the docstrip utility. -%% -%% The original source files were: -%% -%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `driver,manual') -%% -%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by -%% -%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments -%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf -%% for making modifications to it. -%% -%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can -%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins) -%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at -%% your option) any later version. -%% -%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for -%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you -%% include a short note pointing to the complete source. -%% -%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -%% GNU General Public License for more details. -%% -%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. -%% -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -%% \CheckSum{924} -%% \CharacterTable -%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z -%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z -%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 -%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# -%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& -%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) -%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, -%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ -%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< -%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? -%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ -%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ -%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| -%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} -%% -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -\documentclass[a4paper]{article} -\usepackage{doc} -\IfFileExists{mflogo.sty}% - {\usepackage{mflogo}% - \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textlogo{MF}}}% - {\def\MF{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{FONT}}% - \def\MP{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{POST}}% - \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textsf{MF}}} -\usepackage{graphics}[1994/12/15] -\usepackage{feynmf} -\font\manfnt=manfnt -\def\dangerousbend/{{\manfnt\char"7F}} -\def\dubious{\begin{itemize}\item[\dangerousbend/]} -\def\enddubious{\end{itemize}} -\def\examples#1{% - \begin{list}{}% - {\setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}% - \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\marginparsep}% - \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\marginparwidth}% - \setlength{\rightmargin}{0mm}% - \setlength{\itemindent}{\parindent}% - \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent}}% - \item} -\def\endexamples{\end{list}} -\def\marginexample#1{\marginpar{\hbox to\marginparwidth{#1\hss}}} -\parindent0pt -\def\manindex#1{\SortIndex{#1}{#1}} -\OnlyDescription -\EnableCrossrefs -\RecordChanges -\CodelineIndex -\DoNotIndex{\def,\gdef,\long,\let,\begin,\end,\if,\ifx,\else,\fi} -\DoNotIndex{\immediate,\write,\newwrite,\openout,\closeout,\typeout} -\DoNotIndex{\font,\nullfont,\jobname,\documentclass} -\DoNotIndex{\batchmode,\errorstopmode,\char,\catcode,\ } -\DoNotIndex{\CodelineIndex,\DocInput,\DoNotIndex,\EnableCrossrefs} -\DoNotIndex{\filedate,\filename,\fileversion,\logo,\manfnt} -\DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProvidesPackage,\RecordChanges,\space} -\DoNotIndex{\usepackage,\wlog,\@gobble,\@ifundefined,\@namedef,\@spaces} -\DoNotIndex{\begingroup,\csname,\edef,\endcsname,\expandafter,\hbox} -\DoNotIndex{\hskip,\ifeof,\ignorespaces,\item,\leavevmode,\loop,\makebox} -\DoNotIndex{\newcounter,\newif,\newread,\openin,\par,\parindent,\put} -\DoNotIndex{\read,\relax,\repeat,\setcounter,\stepcounter,\the} -\DoNotIndex{\value,\vbox,\vskip} -\DoNotIndex{\@tempa,\@tempb,\advance,\bf,\bfseries,\closein} -\DoNotIndex{\CurrentOption,\DeclareOption,\documentstyle,\em,\emph} -\DoNotIndex{\endgroup,\epsilon,\global,\hfuzz,\input,\it,\LaTeX,\LaTeXe} -\DoNotIndex{\macrocode,\meaning,\OnlyDescription,\PassOptionsToPackage} -\DoNotIndex{\ProcessOptions,\RequirePackage,\sf,\string,\textbf,\textit} -\DoNotIndex{\textsf,\texttt,\tt,\unitlength} -\let\origmacrocode\macrocode -\def\macrocode{\hfuzz 5em\origmacrocode} -\begin{document} - \DocInput{feynmf.dtx} -\end{document} -\endinput -%% -%% End of file `fmfman.drv'. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv deleted file mode 100644 index 3f397a5e664..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -%% -%% This is file `fmfmanps.drv', -%% generated with the docstrip utility. -%% -%% The original source files were: -%% -%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `driver,manual,mp') -%% -%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by -%% -%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments -%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf -%% for making modifications to it. -%% -%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can -%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins) -%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at -%% your option) any later version. -%% -%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for -%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you -%% include a short note pointing to the complete source. -%% -%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -%% GNU General Public License for more details. -%% -%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. -%% -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -%% \CheckSum{924} -%% \CharacterTable -%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z -%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z -%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 -%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# -%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& -%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) -%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, -%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ -%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< -%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? -%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ -%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ -%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| -%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} -%% -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -\documentclass[a4paper]{article} -\usepackage{doc} -\IfFileExists{mflogo.sty}% - {\usepackage{mflogo}% - \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textlogo{MF}}}% - {\def\MF{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{FONT}}% - \def\MP{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{POST}}% - \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textsf{MF}}} -\usepackage{graphics}[1994/12/15] -\usepackage{feynmp} -\font\manfnt=manfnt -\def\dangerousbend/{{\manfnt\char"7F}} -\def\dubious{\begin{itemize}\item[\dangerousbend/]} -\def\enddubious{\end{itemize}} -\def\examples#1{% - \begin{list}{}% - {\setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}% - \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\marginparsep}% - \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\marginparwidth}% - 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b(31)378 1793 y(2.6.7)h(Multiple) +13 b(v)o(ertices)i(and)f(arcs)25 b(.)c(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(31)282 1843 y(2.7)d(Immediate) +11 b(mo)q(de)32 b(.)20 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 +b(32)378 1893 y(2.7.1)h(Arcs)26 b(.)20 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g +(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(33)378 1943 y(2.7.2)h(V)m(ertices)29 +b(.)21 b(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.) +g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(33)378 +1993 y(2.7.3)h(Declarations)10 b(.)20 b(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h +(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 +b(33)378 2042 y(2.7.4)h(Assignmen)o(ts)41 b(.)21 b(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.) +g(.)45 b(34)378 2092 y(2.7.5)h(Examples)28 b(.)20 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g +(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(34)282 2142 y(2.8)d(Ra)o(w)13 b Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)31 +b Fx(.)20 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g +(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(35)378 +2192 y(2.8.1)h(Extending)14 b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)k Fx(.)i(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h +(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 +b(36)282 2242 y(2.9)d(Commo)o(n)12 b(traps,)j(trouble)g(sho)q(oting)f +(and)g(frequen)o(tly)h(ask)o(ed)g(questions)378 2291 +y(\(F)-5 b(A)o(Qs\))43 b(.)21 b(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g +(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(39)378 2341 y(2.9.1)h Fz(!)d(Value)21 +b(is)g(too)g(large)36 b Fx(.)21 b(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g +(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(39)378 2391 y(2.9.2)h(Diagrams)11 +b(in)j(the)g(do)q(cumen)o(t)f(are)i(nev)o(er)g(up)q(dated)23 +b(.)e(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(40)378 2441 y(2.9.3)h(Disgrams)12 +b(sho)o(w)i(up)g(in)f(the)i(wrong)e(sp)q(ot)22 b(.)e(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.) +h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(40)378 2491 y(2.9.4)h(Spurious)14 +b(lab)q(els)f(sho)o(w)h(up)26 b(.)20 b(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h +(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(40)282 2540 +y(2.10)21 b(Kno)o(wn)14 b(bugs)h(.)20 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g +(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(41)378 2590 y(2.10.1)25 b(Chaotic)13 +b(man)o(ual)f(.)20 b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(41)378 2640 +y(2.10.2)25 b(Dela)o(y)o(ed)13 b(error)i(messages)41 +b(.)20 b(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.) +f(.)g(.)45 b(41)378 2690 y(2.10.3)25 b(Multiple)13 b(tadp)q(oles)i(.)20 +b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(41)926 2831 y(2)p eop +%%Page: 3 3 +3 2 bop 378 266 a Fx(2.10.4)25 b(Hard)14 b(limits)27 +b(.)20 b(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.) +f(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)45 b(41)926 2831 +y(3)p eop +%%Page: 4 4 +4 3 bop 220 266 a FA(1)67 b(In)n(tro)r(duction)220 365 +y Fq(1.1)56 b(Purp)r(ose)18 b(and)h(scop)r(e)220 442 +y Fx(In)c(recen)o(t)i(y)o(ears,)f(T)541 450 y(E)564 442 +y(X)595 426 y Fr(1)629 442 y Fx([1)o(])f(and)g(L)781 +433 y Fr(A)799 442 y Fx(T)822 450 y(E)846 442 y(X)877 +426 y Fr(2)911 442 y Fx([2)o(])g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(rev)o(olutionized)g(the)h +(w)o(a)o(y)f(w)o(e)g(share)220 491 y(information)8 b(in)j(theoretical)h +(ph)o(ysics)g(\(and)g(other)g(areas\).)18 b(Not)11 b(only)g(do)q(es)h +(T)1453 500 y(E)1476 491 y(X)f(pro)o(vide)220 541 y(t)o(yp)q +(ographical)16 b(capabilities,)g(whic)o(h)g(transcend)j(those)e(of)f +(commercial)e(\\w)o(ordpro)q(ces-)220 591 y(sors")h(substan)o(tially)m +(,)f(T)603 600 y(E)626 591 y(X)h(do)q(cumen)o(ts)g(are)g(also)g +(completely)e(p)q(ortable.)22 b(Since)15 b(imple-)220 +641 y(men)o(tations)f(are)h(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(on)i(essen)o(tially)g +(all)f(computers)h(in)g(use)h(in)f(the)g(comm)o(unit)o(y)m(,)220 +691 y(do)q(cumen)o(ts)e(can)f(b)q(e)i(shared)f(without)g(the)g(usual)f +(restrictions)i(of)e(proprietary)h(data)g(for-)220 740 +y(mats.)j(This)c(has)g(enabled)g(us)g(to)f(collab)q(orate)g(on)h(pap)q +(ers)h(with)e(colleagues)h(on)f(the)h(other)220 790 y(side)18 +b(of)f(the)h(glob)q(e,)g(to)g(replace)g(the)g(mailing)d(of)i(hard)g +(cop)o(y)h(preprin)o(ts)h(b)o(y)e(electronic)220 840 +y(transmission)c(and)g(to)h(submit)f(these)i(pap)q(ers)g +(electronically)f(to)f(the)i(publisher.)220 890 y(This)g(p)q(ortabilit) +o(y)f(comes)h(with)g(a)g(price,)g(though.)22 b(T)1078 +899 y(E)1101 890 y(X)16 b(\(and)f(L)1257 881 y Fr(A)1275 +890 y Fx(T)1298 899 y(E)1321 890 y(X\))h(do)f(not)g(address)220 +940 y(the)d(issue)g(of)f(graphical)g(information,)d(apart)k(from)e(the) +i(rudimen)o(tary)e(\(but)i(v)o(ery)g(useful\))220 989 +y(capabilities)h(of)h(the)h(L)568 981 y Fr(A)586 989 +y Fx(T)609 998 y(E)632 989 y(X)f Fz(picture)f Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)g +(and)h(similar)e(pac)o(k)n(ages)i([3)o(].)19 b(As)14 +b(an)220 1039 y(de)i(facto)f(standard)h(for)f(the)h(inclusion)f(of)g +(more)g(complex)f(graphics)h(has)h(emerged)f(the)220 +1089 y(inclusion)g(of)g(P)o(ostScript)632 1074 y Fr(3)667 +1089 y Fx(\014les.)24 b(The)16 b(complete)f(do)q(cumen)o(t)h(can)g +(then)g(b)q(e)g(prin)o(ted)g(on)220 1139 y(an)o(y)d(P)o(ostScript)i +(device.)220 1189 y(Still)i(there)i(are)f(areas,)h(where)g(complemen)o +(tary)d(approac)o(hes)j(seem)f(w)o(orth)f(pursuing.)220 +1239 y(In)e(particular)g(this)g(is)g(the)g(case,)h(if)e(the)i +(graphical)e(information)e(is)j(highly)f(formalized,)220 +1288 y(lik)o(e)i(the)h(case)h(at)e(hand.)26 b(F)m(eynman)15 +b(diagrams)g(are)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)j(b)o(y)d(their)h(top)q(ology)e(and) +220 1338 y(the)20 b(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)f(particles)h(connecting)h(the)f(v) +o(ertices.)36 b(Th)o(us)20 b(a)f(giv)o(en)g(diagram)f(can)h(b)q(e)220 +1388 y(repro)q(duced)d(from)c(a)h(v)o(ery)h(concise)h(sp)q +(eci\014cation,)f(if)f(the)h(soft)o(w)o(are)g(is)g(able)f(to)h(c)o(ho)q +(ose)g(a)220 1438 y(reasonable)g(la)o(y)o(out)f(\(semi-\)automaticall)o +(y)m(.)220 1488 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)433 1473 y Fr(4)468 +1488 y Fx([4])i(and)h Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)826 1473 y Fr(5)861 +1488 y Fx([5)o(])f(app)q(ear)i(to)e(b)q(e)i(the)f(p)q(erfect)h(to)q(ol) +e(for)h(suc)o(h)g(a)220 1537 y(purp)q(ose,)f(since)271 +1613 y(1.)20 b Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)15 b Fx(is)d(part)h(of)f(an)o(y)g +(\(reasonable\))i(T)1061 1621 y(E)1084 1613 y(X)f(installation,)e(th)o +(us)i(a)o(v)n(ailable)d(to)324 1662 y(all)i(p)q(oten)o(tial)i(users,) +271 1741 y(2.)20 b(b)q(oth)13 b(ha)o(v)o(e)g(v)o(ery)g(p)q(o)o(w)o +(erful)g(graphics)g(primitivs,)d(whic)o(h)j(allo)o(w)e(high)i(qualit)o +(y)e(out-)324 1791 y(put,)i(and)271 1870 y(3.)20 b(b)q(oth)13 +b(ha)o(v)o(e)h(builtin)e(linear)h(algebra,)g(whic)o(h)g(allo)o(ws)f(us) +i(to)g(c)o(ho)q(ose)g(a)f(la)o(y)o(out)g(auto-)324 1920 +y(matically)m(.)220 1995 y(Still,)h(pro)o(viding)g(at)i(least)g(the)g +(basic)f(in)o(terface)i(in)e(L)1069 1987 y Fr(A)1087 +1995 y Fx(T)1110 2004 y(E)1133 1995 y(X)h(macros)e(seems)i(appropriate) +220 2045 y(for)j(b)q(o)q(osting)g(the)g(acceptance)i(among)c(the)j +(less)g(tec)o(hnically)f(orien)o(ted)g(parts)h(of)e(the)220 +2095 y(audience.)h(Th)o(us)14 b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)659 2080 +y Fr(6)691 2095 y Fx([6)o(,)f(7])g(w)o(as)h(conceiv)o(ed.)220 +2145 y Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)d Fx(is)h(unique)g(among)e(pac)o(k)n(ages)i(for) +g(dra)o(wing)f(F)m(eynman)f(diagrams)g(in)i Fw(c)n(ombining)220 +2195 y Fx(the)i(follo)o(wing)e(features:)282 2270 y Fp(\017)21 +b Fx(Simplicit)o(y)10 b(and)j(conciseness)j(for)d(common)d(diagrams.)16 +b(E.g.)c(the)i(scattering)g(dia-)324 2320 y(gram)e(in)h(\014gure)i(1)e +(can)i(b)q(e)f(sp)q(eci\014ed)h Fw(c)n(ompletely)j Fx(in)13 +b(\014v)o(e)h(lines)g(of)f(L)1410 2311 y Fr(A)1428 2320 +y Fx(T)1451 2328 y(E)1475 2320 y(X:)p 220 2391 573 2 +v 266 2418 a FB(1)284 2430 y Fu(T)303 2437 y(E)323 2430 +y(X)f(is)f(a)h(trademark)c(of)k(the)e(American)g(Mathematical)e(So)q +(ciet)o(y)m(.)266 2458 y FB(2)284 2469 y Fu(L)293 2463 +y FB(A)310 2469 y Fu(T)329 2476 y(E)349 2469 y(X)k(migh)o(t)e(b)q(e)h +(a)h(trademark)c(of)j(Addison)g(W)m(esley)g(Publishing)e(Compan)o(y)m +(.)266 2497 y FB(3)284 2509 y Fu(P)o(ostScript)g(is)i(a)h(trademark)c +(of)j(Adob)q(e)g(Systems)f(Inc.)266 2537 y FB(4)284 2548 +y Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fu(is)g(a)f(trademark)e(of)i(Addison)f(W)m(esley) +h(Publishing)e(Compan)o(y)m(.)266 2576 y FB(5)284 2588 +y Fu(John)h(Hobb)o(y's)h Fo(MET)o(AP)r(OST)g Fu(is)h(a)f(mo)q(di\014ed) +f(v)o(ersion)f(of)14 b Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)f Fu(whic)o(h)e(generates)e +(\(encap-)220 2627 y(sulated\))g(P)o(ostScript)g(output.)k +Fo(MET)o(AP)r(OST)e Fu(can)f(b)q(e)h(build)f(trivially)f(on)i(top)f(of) +h(the)g Ft(web2c)e Fu(v)o(ersion)h(of)220 2667 y(T)239 +2674 y(E)259 2667 y(X)i(and)f Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fu(for)d(UNIX.)j(P)o +(orts)e(to)g(other)f(systems)g(should)g(b)q(e)h(simple.)266 +2695 y FB(6)284 2707 y Ft(feyn)p Fo(MF)f Fu(is)h(not)g(an)o(yb)q(o)q +(dy's)e(trademark)o(.)926 2831 y Fx(4)p eop +%%Page: 5 5 +5 4 bop 700 578 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx +86 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.1 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +54.88832 20.41393 lineto stroke +newpath 31.28693 6.10956 moveto +39.95813 13.41531 lineto +28.79578 11.42398 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.33919 85.03876 moveto +54.88826 64.62466 lineto stroke +newpath 28.79575 73.61473 moveto +39.95807 71.62335 lineto +31.28693 78.92912 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 58.4966 20.41393 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 75.95322 8.98994 moveto +87.11557 6.99861 lineto +78.44437 14.30437 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 56.69246 23.2521 moveto +54.83846 24.32251 54.83846 26.99852 56.69246 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y(\\fmfleft{i)o(1,i)o +(2})g(\\fmfright{)o(o1)o(,o2)o(})500 927 y(\\fmf{fermi)o(on})o({i1)o +(,v)o(1,o)o(1})g(\\fmf{fermi)o(on)o(}{i)o(2,)o(v2,)o(o2})500 +973 y(\\fmf{photo)o(n,l)o(abe)o(l=)o($q$)o(}{)o(v1,)o(v2)o(})h +(\\fmfdot{v)o(1,)o(v2})461 1019 y(\\end{fmfgr)o(ap)o(h*})282 +1169 y Fp(\017)k Fx(Expressiv)o(eness)16 b(for)e(complicated)e +(diagrams)g(\(see)k(the)e(examples)f(b)q(elo)o(w\).)282 +1248 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Extensibilit)o(y)13 b(\(e.g.)g(see)i(section)g +(2.8.1\).)282 1327 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Arbitrary)e(T)539 +1336 y(E)562 1327 y(X-lab)q(els.)32 b(This)18 b(p)q(oin)o(t)g(is)h +(more)e(imp)q(ortan)o(t)g(than)h(it)h(ma)o(y)d(seem)324 +1377 y(at)h(\014rst)h(glance)f(b)q(ecause)h(most)e(graphical)h(la)o(y)o +(out)e(systems)j(lac)o(k)e(the)i(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)f(to)324 +1427 y(pro)q(duce)c(complicated)d(mathematical)f(expressions.)19 +b(Ha)o(ving)11 b(matc)o(hing)f(fon)o(ts)i(in)324 1477 +y(text,)i(equations)g(and)f(diagrams)f(is)i(also)f(an)h(imp)q(ortan)o +(t)e(esthetical)j(feature.)220 1591 y Fq(1.2)56 b(Relation)17 +b(to)i(similar)d(pac)n(k)m(ages)220 1668 y Fx(Before)f(w)o(e)f(start,)g +(a)g(couple)g(of)f(w)o(ords)h(ab)q(out)g(some)f(complemen)o(tary)f(pac) +o(k)n(ages)i(on)f(the)220 1718 y(mark)o(et)g(are)h(in)g(order:)282 +1793 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Mic)o(hael)14 b(Levine's)h Fz(feynman)e +Fx(pac)o(k)n(age)h([8)o(])g(is)g(implemen)o(ted)e(on)j(top)f(of)g(the)h +(stan-)324 1843 y(dard)g(L)433 1834 y Fr(A)451 1843 y +Fx(T)474 1852 y(E)497 1843 y(X)g Fz(picture)f Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)f +([2].)20 b(This)15 b(mak)o(es)f(it)g(completely)g(p)q(ortable)324 +1893 y(\(no)k(need)h(for)e(a)h(correct)i Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g +Fx(installation\),)c(but)j(it)e(requires)j(man)o(ual)324 +1942 y(la)o(y)o(out)12 b(and)i(the)h(graphics)f(output)g(is)g(\(though) +f(v)o(ery)i(useful\))f(less)g(than)g(p)q(erfect.)282 +2022 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Jos)11 b(V)m(ermaseren's)g Fz(axodraw)e +Fx(pac)o(k)n(age)h([9)o(])g(uses)i Fz(\\special)p Fx(s)d(to)i(access)h +(P)o(ostScript)324 2071 y(primitiv)o(es)e(for)h(dra)o(wing)g(diagrams.) +k(This)d(approac)o(h)g(is)f(inheren)o(tly)h(not)g(p)q(ortable)324 +2121 y(\(the)g(ubiquit)o(y)e(of)h(P)o(ostScript)h(prin)o(ters)g(mak)o +(es)f(this)g(a)g(minor)f(p)q(oin)o(t,)h(though\))g(but)324 +2171 y(as)i(\015exible)f(as)h(the)h(presen)o(t)g(one.)k(Nev)o +(ertheless,)d(it)d(still)g(requires)i(man)o(ual)c(la)o(y)o(out)324 +2221 y(for)j(all)g(diagrams.)282 2300 y Fp(\017)21 b +Fx(Last,)e(but)g(not)f(least,)h(I)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)h(men)o(tion)d +(Thomas)h(Leathrum's)h Fz(mfpic)f Fx([10)o(],)324 2350 +y(whic)o(h)f(pro)o(vided)g(the)h(inspiration)e(for)h(mo)o(ving)e +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p Fx('s)i(user)h(in)o(terface)g(from)324 +2400 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g Fx(to)e(T)628 2409 y(E)651 +2400 y(X.)22 b(It)16 b(migh)o(t)d(not)i(ha)o(v)o(e)g(b)q(een)h +(unreasonable)g(to)f(design)g(and)324 2449 y(implemen)o(t)f +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)i Fx(as)h(a)g(pac)o(k)n(age)g(on)g(top)g(of)f +Fz(mfpic)p Fx(,)g(but)i(closer)g(insp)q(ection)324 2499 +y(sho)o(ws)12 b(that)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(and)h Fz(mfpic)f +Fx(are)i(fairly)e(orthogonal.)16 b Fz(mfpic)11 b Fx(is)h(most)f(useful) +324 2549 y(for)17 b(handling)g(simple)f(graphical)h(building)f(blo)q(c) +o(ks)i(in)f(formally)e(unconstrained)324 2599 y(con)o(texts.)j +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)12 b Fx(on)g(the)h(other)g(hand)f(excels)h(in)f(the)h +(formal)d(con)o(text)j(of)e(F)m(eyn-)324 2649 y(man)k(diagrams)f(\(or)j +(an)o(y)f(other)h(lab)q(eled)g(graphs)f(for)h(that)f(matter\),)g(whic)o +(h)h(can)324 2698 y(b)q(e)d(dra)o(wn)g(automatically)d(from)h(a)i +Fw(sp)n(e)n(ci\014c)n(ation)p Fx(.)926 2831 y(5)p eop +%%Page: 6 6 +6 5 bop 220 266 a Fq(1.3)56 b(Historical)17 b(note)220 +342 y Fx(P)o(arts)e(of)f(this)h(co)q(de)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(a)f(rather)h +(long)f(history)1031 327 y Fr(7)1050 342 y Fx(.)20 b(Some)13 +b(of)h(the)h(dra)o(wing)f(primitiv)o(es)220 392 y(started)20 +b(in)e(1989)g(as)h Fz( Fx(,)e(a)i(library)f(of)j +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g Fx(macros)c(for)i(dra)o(wing)220 +442 y(F)m(eynman)13 b(diagrams)f(in)i(m)o(y)f(thesis.)20 +b(The)15 b(la)o(y)o(out)e(had)h(to)g(b)q(e)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)h +(completely)d(b)o(y)220 492 y(hand,)j(whic)o(h)f(required)i(a)f(long)e +(edit-pro)q(cess-preview)k(cycle)f(and)f(made)e Fz( +542 y Fx(a)o(wkw)o(ard)j(to)h(use.)31 b(Nev)o(ertheless,)21 +b(it)d(suited)g(m)o(y)f(and)h(other's)g(neeeds)i(and)e(surviv)o(ed)220 +591 y(for)e(\014v)o(e)h(y)o(ears)h(without)e(ma)r(jor)f(mo)q +(di\014cations.)25 b(Early)16 b(in)h(1994,)f(I)g(b)q(ecame)h(a)o(w)o +(are)g(of)220 641 y(Thomas)g(Leathrum's)g Fz(mfpic)h +Fx([10)o(].)31 b(This)18 b(inspired)g(me)g(to)g(shift)g(the)h(user)h +(in)o(terface)220 691 y(from)f Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)k Fx(to)d(L)628 +682 y Fr(A)646 691 y Fx(T)669 700 y(E)692 691 y(X,)i(b)q(ecause)h(this) +d(allo)o(ws)g(a)g(smo)q(other)g(blending)g(of)g(the)220 +741 y(L)231 732 y Fr(A)249 741 y Fx(T)272 750 y(E)295 +741 y(X)10 b Fz(picture)f Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)f(with)i +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)f Fx(for)g(the)h(purp)q(ose)h(of)e(lab)q(eling)g(the)h +(graphs.)220 791 y(While)i(doing)g(this)h(and)f(after)h(ha)o(ving)f(b)q +(een)i(taugh)o(t)e(b)o(y)h(Tim)d(Stelzer's)k(and)f(Bill)f(Long's)220 +840 y Fz(MADGRAPH)e Fx([11)o(])h(that)g(simply)f(minim)o(izing)e(the)k +(length)f(of)g(the)i(graph)e(giv)o(es)g(m)o(uc)o(h)f(b)q(etter)220 +890 y(results)j(than)e(I)h(had)f(an)o(ticipated,)h(I)f(added)h(the)g +(graph)g(manipulatio)o(n)d(and)i(la)o(y)o(out)g(co)q(de.)220 +1006 y Fq(1.4)56 b(Arc)n(hitecture)220 1083 y Fx(Ev)o(en)14 +b(though)f(there)i(has)e(nev)o(er)i(b)q(een)f(a)f(prop)q(er)i(design)e +(phase)h(in)f(the)h(dev)o(elopmen)o(t)f(of)220 1133 y +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p Fx(,)g(a)g(certain)i(structure)h(has)e(emerged,)f +(whic)o(h)h(is)f(depicted)i(in)f(\014gure)g(2.)k(A)c(user)220 +1183 y(who)e(is)g(a)o(w)o(are)g(of)f(this)h(arc)o(hitecture)i(should)e +(b)q(e)h(able)f(to)g(use)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(more)g(e\013ectiv)o +(ely)m(.)220 1233 y(The)g(most)e(crucial)h(asp)q(ect)i(of)e(the)h(arc)o +(hitecture)h(is)e(the)h(existence)h(of)e(t)o(w)o(o)g(distinct)h(mo)q +(des)220 1282 y(with)j(di\013eren)o(t)g(fundamen)o(tal)e(datat)o(yp)q +(es:)282 1365 y Fp(\017)21 b Fw(vertex)16 b(mo)n(de,)f +Fx(whic)o(h)g(deals)h(with)f(graphs)g(as)g(structures)j(consisting)d +(of)g(v)o(ertices)324 1415 y(and)f(arcs)g(and)g(\(almost\))e(nev)o(er)j +(deals)f(with)g(their)g(ph)o(ysical)f(lo)q(cations.)282 +1498 y Fp(\017)21 b Fw(imme)n(diate)15 b(mo)n(de,)h Fx(whic)o(h)e +(deals)i(with)e Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fz(path)p Fx(s)e(and)f +Fz(pair)p Fx(s)h(\(i.e.)f(co-)324 1548 y(ordinates\))g(and)g(allo)o(ws) +e(complete)i(con)o(trol)f(o)o(v)o(er)h(the)h(ph)o(ysical)e(lo)q +(cations.)220 1631 y(It)e(is)g(of)g(course)h(p)q(ossible)f(to)g(mix)e +(these)k(mo)q(des)d(in)h(adv)n(anced)g(applications.)16 +b(Commands)220 1681 y(are)e(pro)o(vided)g(to)g(translate)g(v)o(ertices) +h(and)f(arcs)h(to)e Fz(pair)p Fx(s)h(and)g Fz(path)p +Fx(s)f(and)h(vice)g(v)o(ersa.)220 1731 y(No)o(vice)19 +b(users)i(with)d(little)h(exp)q(erience)i(in)d Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j +Fx(programming)16 b(should)i(start)220 1780 y(with)13 +b(v)o(ertex)h(mo)q(de)f(to)g(get)g(their)h(job)f(done.)18 +b(Later,)c(imm)o(ediate)d(mo)q(de)h(can)i(b)q(e)g(used)g(to)220 +1830 y(create)g(more)d(and)h(more)g(complex)f(diagrams.)k(It)e(is)f(p)q +(ossible)h(to)f(create)i(most)d(diagrams)220 1880 y(that)i(can)g +(actually)e(b)q(e)j(calculated)f(in)f(v)o(ertex)h(mo)q(de.)k(Immediate) +10 b(mo)q(de)i(is)g(most)g(useful)220 1930 y(for)i(extending)g(line)f +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)g Fx(and)h(for)g(dra)o(wing)f(diagrams)f(with)h(fancy)h +(decorations.)220 1980 y(A)19 b(w)o(ord)f(on)g(p)q(ortabilit)o(y:)26 +b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)18 b Fx(is)g(implemen)o(ted)f(as)h(a)h(L)1239 +1971 y Fr(A)1257 1980 y Fx(T)1280 1989 y(E)1303 1980 +y(X)g(pac)o(k)n(age.)31 b(But)19 b(it)220 2030 y(should)g(b)q(e)g +(straigh)o(tforw)o(ard)g(to)g(adapt)f(it)h(to)g(other)g(T)1133 +2038 y(E)1157 2030 y(X)g(macro)e(pac)o(k)n(ages)i(b)q(ecause)220 +2079 y(L)231 2071 y Fr(A)249 2079 y Fx(T)272 2088 y(E)295 +2079 y(X)12 b(macros)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(b)q(een)g(used)h(for)e(con)o(v)o +(enience)i(only)e(and)h(can)g(easily)f(b)q(e)h(replaced)h(or)220 +2129 y(pro)o(vided)g(in)g(a)f(compatibilit)o(y)e(pac)o(k)n(age.)18 +b(The)13 b(L)990 2121 y Fr(A)1008 2129 y Fx(T)1031 2138 +y(E)1054 2129 y(X)h(sp)q(eci\014c)g Fw(envir)n(onment)j +Fx(construct)220 2179 y(can)10 b(also)f(easily)h(b)q(e)g(replaced)h(b)o +(y)f(the)g(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(construct)j(in)d(another)h(macro)f(pac)o +(k)n(age.)220 2295 y Fq(1.5)56 b(Conclusion)220 2372 +y Fx(It)13 b(go)q(es)g(without)g(sa)o(ying)f(that)h Fz(feyn)p +Fy(MF)f Fx(is)h(not)g(p)q(erfect.)19 b(There)14 b(migh)o(t)d(b)q(e)j +(cases)g(where)220 2422 y(using)h(a)g(graphical)g(dra)o(wing)f(to)q(ol) +h(with)g(a)g(mouse)f(can)i(giv)o(e)f(more)f(pleasing)h(results)i(in)220 +2471 y(less)e(time.)h(But)f(in)e(most)g(cases,)h Fz(feyn)p +Fy(MF)f Fx(will)g(giv)o(e)g(satisfactory)h(results)h(without)f(an)o(y) +220 2521 y(\014ne)i(tuning.)k(These)d(will)c(b)q(e)j(repro)q(ducible)g +(and)f(indep)q(enden)o(t)h(from)d(the)j(computer)e(it)220 +2571 y(is)g(running)f(on.)p 220 2606 573 2 v 266 2633 +a FB(7)284 2644 y Fu(Whic)o(h)d(is)i(a)f(partial)f(explanation)o(,)f +(if)i(not)g(excuse,)f(for)h(its)g(sligh)o(tly)e(incoheren)o(t)g +(structure.)926 2831 y Fx(6)p eop +%%Page: 7 7 +7 6 bop 220 1412 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 378 @urx +284 @ury 3780 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: manpics.3 +%*Font: cmtt10 9.96265 9.96265 2e:80000000000217b37b85 +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 3a:8050242201f7bee9 +%*Font: cmcsc10 9.96265 9.96265 49:880400988a51 +%*Font: manfnt 9.96265 9.96265 41:8c0e1 + 0.9 setgray +newpath 0 283.46451 moveto +377.00789 283.46451 lineto +377.00789 141.73225 lineto +0 141.73225 lineto + closepath fill + 0.6 setgray +newpath 0 141.73225 moveto +377.00789 141.73225 lineto +377.00789 0 lineto +0 0 lineto + closepath fill + 0.8 setgray +newpath 0 255.1185 moveto +211.12029 225.35455 lineto +90.48143 41.10217 lineto +0 28.34601 lineto + closepath fill + 0.7 setgray +newpath 211.12029 225.35455 moveto +301.60172 212.59839 lineto +301.60172 70.86613 lineto +90.48143 41.10217 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 1.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 197.92957 161.1049 moveto +190.7286 165.05524 183.00302 168.08354 174.92825 170.07828 curveto +160.2565 173.7027 145.27185 173.85275 131.02252 170.87178 curveto stroke +newpath 141.4189 175.39806 moveto +137.86195 174.08682 134.39113 172.57457 131.02252 170.87178 curveto +134.79121 170.66212 138.55318 170.23636 142.2892 169.59346 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 102.22244 107.68922 moveto +109.63477 102.66844 117.87709 98.82445 126.67346 96.37845 curveto +142.14388 92.0766 157.99133 92.20665 172.7073 96.14563 curveto stroke +newpath 162.53993 91.12671 moveto +166.04344 92.5819 169.43913 94.2599 172.7073 96.14563 curveto +168.93413 96.14662 165.15437 96.39128 161.39265 96.88281 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 352.00128 200.6733 moveto +356.07718 181.37106 358.15634 161.62073 358.15634 141.73225 curveto +358.15634 121.84378 356.07718 102.09344 352.00128 82.79121 curveto stroke +newpath 351.16791 94.09874 moveto +351.5207 90.33415 351.79851 86.56422 352.00128 82.79121 curveto +353.71217 86.16014 355.35655 89.56389 356.93332 93.0005 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 1 setgray +newpath 142.72241 178.5822 moveto +195.79553 178.5822 lineto +195.79553 192.33093 lineto +142.72241 192.33093 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +145.72241 182.41241 moveto +(\\fmfforce) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setgray +newpath 110.59761 64.45175 moveto +142.74931 64.45175 lineto +142.74931 90.70917 lineto +110.59761 90.70917 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +116.21281 81.62085 moveto +(vloc) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +113.59761 69.66565 moveto +(vpath) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setgray +newpath 309.87466 141.73225 moveto +352.48706 141.73225 lineto +352.48706 155.48099 lineto +309.87466 155.48099 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +312.87466 145.56247 moveto +(\\fmfcmd) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setgray +newpath 204.28741 75.5525 moveto +295.93243 75.5525 lineto +295.93243 207.912 lineto +204.28741 207.912 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +207.28741 198.1042 moveto +(Immedia) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +246.4403 198.1042 moveto +(te) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +261.64992 198.1042 moveto +(Mode) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +233.3778 174.1938 moveto +(Ob) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +247.21492 174.1938 moveto +(jects:) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +268.49622 162.23871 moveto +(pairs) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +265.75641 150.28351 moveto +(paths) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +218.15712 126.3732 moveto +(Commands:) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +242.53842 114.418 moveto +(\\fmfi{}{}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +247.76881 102.4628 moveto +(\\fmfiv{}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +237.30812 90.5077 moveto +(\\fmfiequ{}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +273.92052 78.5525 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setgray +newpath 5.66928 69.57495 moveto +90.87238 69.57495 lineto +90.87238 213.88956 lineto +5.66928 213.88956 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +12.94829 204.08176 moveto +(Ver) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +31.94908 204.08176 moveto +(tex) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +53.26907 204.08176 moveto +(Mode) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +23.89008 180.17145 moveto +(Ob) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +37.72708 180.17145 moveto +(jects:) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +48.49228 168.21625 moveto +(v) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +53.47368 168.21625 moveto +(ertices) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +63.98978 156.26115 moveto +(arcs) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +42.98508 144.30595 moveto +(p) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +48.79668 144.30595 moveto +(olygons) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +8.66928 120.39565 moveto +(Commands:) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +39.38799 108.44044 moveto +(\\fmf{}{}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +34.15758 96.48524 moveto +(\\fmfv{}{}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +28.92728 84.53015 moveto +(\\fmfleft{}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +64.43268 72.57495 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setgray +newpath 326.35895 253.48004 moveto +358.15634 253.48004 lineto +358.15634 269.29042 lineto +326.35895 269.29042 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +329.35895 259.48264 moveto +(L) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +331.99905 260.76944 moveto +(a) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +336.61514 259.48264 moveto +(T) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +342.14955 256.48004 moveto +(E) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +347.68434 259.48264 moveto +(X) cmr10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setgray +newpath 301.01505 14.17409 moveto +358.15634 14.17409 lineto +358.15634 26.1517 lineto +301.01505 26.1517 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +304.01505 17.1741 moveto +(MET) manfnt 9.96265 fshow +323.71884 17.1741 moveto +(AF) manfnt 9.96265 fshow +336.11674 17.1741 moveto +(ONT) manfnt 9.96265 fshow +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 132 x Fx(Figure)12 b(2:)17 b(Arc)o(hitecture)e(of)f +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p Fx(:)d(the)i(t)o(w)o(o)f(mo)q(des)f(of)k +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)d Fx(\(immedia)o(te)e(mo)q(de)220 1594 +y(and)17 b(v)o(ertex)g(mo)q(de\))f(b)q(oth)h(in)o(teract)g(with)g(L)929 +1586 y Fr(A)947 1594 y Fx(T)970 1603 y(E)993 1594 y(X)g(and)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fx(\(or)e Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)q Fx(,)220 +1644 y(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely\),)e(but)f(op)q(erate)h(on)f(di\013eren)o(t)h +(data)e(t)o(yp)q(es.)220 1779 y(Early)19 b(user)h(rep)q(onses)h(ha)o(v) +o(e)d(b)q(een)i(v)o(ery)g(encouraging.)33 b(There)20 +b(seems)f(to)g(b)q(e)h(a)e(rela-)220 1829 y(tiv)o(ely)d(steep)i +(learning)f(curv)o(e)h(for)e(those)i(L)906 1820 y Fr(A)924 +1829 y Fx(T)947 1838 y(E)970 1829 y(X)f(users)h(that)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to) +g(\014nd)g(out)g(ho)o(w)f(to)220 1879 y(run)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fx(on)f(their)g(systems.)23 b(But)16 b(once)g(this)f(purely)h(tec)o +(hnical)g(obstacle)g(has)220 1928 y(b)q(een)g(surmoun)o(ted,)f(users)i +(ha)o(v)o(e)e(b)q(een)h(en)o(th)o(usiatic)g(as)f(w)o(ell)g(ab)q(out)g +(the)h(qualit)o(y)e(of)g(the)220 1978 y(generated)h(graphs)f(as)g(ab)q +(out)g(the)h(ease)f(of)g(use)g(of)j Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p +Fx(.)926 2831 y(7)p eop +%%Page: 8 8 +8 7 bop 220 266 a FA(2)67 b(Usage)220 357 y Fx(In)13 +b(addition)f(to)h(this)g(man)o(ual,)d(there)15 b(exists)f(also)e(a)h +(concise)h(description)g(of)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(in)220 +406 y(a)h(journal)f(article)h([6)o(],)f(as)h(w)o(ell)f(as)h(a)f(three)j +(part)e(tutorial)f([7)o(].)220 523 y Fq(2.1)56 b(L)362 +511 y Fk(A)384 523 y Fq(T)414 534 y(E)443 523 y(X)19 +b(pac)n(k)m(age)f(and)i(en)n(vironmen)n(ts)220 599 y +Fx(Instructing)15 b(L)445 591 y Fr(A)463 599 y Fx(T)486 +608 y(E)509 599 y(X)f(to)g(use)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(is)g(as)h(simple) +f(as)1096 584 y Fr(8)324 682 y Fz(\\usepackage{feyn)o(mf})220 +765 y Fx(If)h(y)o(ou)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)q +Fx(,)g(then)g(y)o(ou)g(can)g(use)h(it)e(alternativ)o(ely)g(b)o(y)h +(placing)324 848 y Fz(\\usepackage{feyn)o(mp})220 931 +y Fx(in)f(y)o(our)h(L)374 923 y Fr(A)392 931 y Fx(T)415 +940 y(E)439 931 y(X)f(source.)607 916 y Fr(9)220 981 +y Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)g Fx(has)h(to)g(switc)o(h)g(in)o(teractions)h(mo)q +(de)d(and)i(switc)o(hes)h(to)f Fz(\\errorstopmode)p Fx(,)d(b)q(e-)220 +1031 y(cause)h(it)e(is)h(imp)q(ossible)e(in)h(T)672 1040 +y(E)695 1031 y(X)h(to)f(switc)o(h)h(bac)o(k.)17 b(If)11 +b(a)f(di\013eren)o(t)i(default)e(is)h(required)g(\(for)220 +1081 y(automated)j(preprin)o(t)i(pro)q(cessing,)g(in)f(particular\),)h +(it)f(can)g(b)q(e)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)h(as)e(a)g(pac)o(k)n(age)220 +1131 y(option:)324 1214 y Fz(\\usepackage[erro)o(rstop)o(]{fey)o(nmf}) +324 1263 y(\\usepackage[scro)o(ll]{f)o(eynmf)o(})324 +1313 y(\\usepackage[batc)o(h]{fe)o(ynmf})324 1363 y(\\usepackage[nons)o +(top]{)o(feynm)o(f})220 1446 y Fx(All)k(descriptions)h(that)f(should)h +(go)e(in)o(to)h(one)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fx(\014le)f(are)f(placed)h +(inside)f(a)-1615 b FE(fmffile)220 1496 y Fz(fmffile)13 +b Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)g(whic)o(h)h(tak)o(es)g(the)h(name)e(of)g(the)i +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fx(\014le)e(as)h(an)e(argu-)220 1546 +y(men)o(t:)324 1629 y Fz(\\begin{fmffile}{)o Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p +Fw(-\014le)s Fp(i)o Fz(})407 1679 y Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)324 +1728 y Fz(\\end{fmffile})p 220 1758 573 2 v 266 1785 +a FB(8)284 1797 y Fu(As)j(giv)o(en,)e(this)h(applies)f(to)h(L)667 +1791 y FB(A)684 1797 y Fu(T)703 1804 y(E)724 1797 y(X.)15 +b(But)9 b(the)g(installation)d(\014le)j Ft(feynmf209.i)o(ns)d +Fu(allo)o(ws)k(to)f(generate)220 1836 y(sp)q(ecial)k(v)o(ersions)f +Ft(feynmf209.s)o(ty)f Fu(and)i Ft(feynmp209.s)o(ty)e +Fu(whic)o(h)j(are)g(compatible)d(with)j(the)f(obsolete)220 +1876 y(L)229 1870 y FB(A)246 1876 y Fu(T)265 1883 y(E)286 +1876 y(X)f(v)o(ersion)e(2.09.)k(These)d(\014les)g(are)f(to)i(b)q(e)f +(used)f(as)i(do)q(cumen)o(t)o(st)o(yle)c(options)324 +1928 y Ft(\\documents)o(ty)o(le[)o(...)o(,fe)o(ynm)o(f2)o(09,)o(...)o +(])p FG(f)p Ft(.)o(..)p FG(g)220 1980 y Fu(or)324 2031 +y Ft(\\documents)o(ty)o(le[)o(...)o(,fe)o(ynm)o(p2)o(09,)o(...)o(])p +FG(f)p Ft(.)o(..)p FG(g)220 2083 y Fu(If)j(y)o(ou)g(cannot)e(use)i +Ft(epsf.sty)e Fu(for)h(including)f(P)o(ostScript)g(\014les,)i(y)o(ou)f +(can)h(either)f(hac)o(k)g Ft(feynmp209.)o(st)o(y)220 +2123 y Fu(or)j(upgrade)e(to)j(L)457 2117 y FB(A)474 2123 +y Fu(T)493 2130 y(E)513 2123 y(X2e.)21 b(Please)13 b(k)o(eep)f(in)h +(mind)g(that)f Ft(feyn)p Fo(MF)g Fu(has)h(b)q(een)f(dev)o(elop)q(ed)f +(for)i(L)1528 2117 y FB(A)1545 2123 y Fu(T)1564 2130 +y(E)1584 2123 y(X)5 b(2)1633 2127 y Fi(")220 2162 y Fu(and)11 +b(the)h(L)360 2156 y FB(A)377 2162 y Fu(T)396 2169 y(E)416 +2162 y(X)h(2.09)e(compatibili)o(t)o(y)e(v)o(ersion)h(will)j(alw)o(a)o +(ys)e(b)q(e)h(a)g(retro\014tted)d(hac)o(k.)16 b(I)c(will)g(accept)e +(bug)220 2202 y(rep)q(orts)g(for)i(the)f(2.09)h(v)o(ersion,)e(but)h(I)h +(urge)g(ev)o(eryb)q(o)q(dy)d(to)j(mo)o(v)o(e)e(to)i(L)1192 +2196 y FB(A)1209 2202 y Fu(T)1228 2209 y(E)1249 2202 +y(X2e,)g(whic)o(h)f(is)i(the)e(one)g(and)220 2241 y(only)f(supp)q +(orted)f(L)472 2235 y FB(A)490 2241 y Fu(T)509 2248 y(E)529 +2241 y(X)j(righ)o(t)e(no)o(w.)266 2269 y FB(9)284 2281 +y Ft(feyn)p Fo(MF)g Fu(understand)o(s)f(an)i(option)f +Ft(pre-1.03)p Fu(,)e(that)j(is)g(of)h(in)o(terest)d(for)i(v)o(eteran)f +(users:)324 2333 y Ft(\\usepackag)o(e[)o(pre)o(-1.)o(03])o +FG(f)p Ft(fe)o(yn)o(mf)p FG(g)220 2384 y Fu(or)324 2436 +y Ft(\\usepackag)o(e[)o(pre)o(-1.)o(03])o FG(f)p Ft(fe)o(yn)o(mp)p +FG(g)220 2488 y Fu(The)16 b(purp)q(ose)f(of)h(this)g(option)f(is)h(to)g +(enable)f(pro)q(cessing)f(of)i(old)g(input)f(\014les)g(\(pre)h(v1.02\)) +f(that)g(use)220 2528 y Ft(\\noexpand)8 b Fu(in)i(lab)q(els.)k(Since)9 +b(the)h(metho)q(d)f(for)h(pro)q(cessing)f(these)g(\014les)h(can)g +(clash)g(\(in)g(rare)g(cases\))g(with)220 2567 y(L)229 +2561 y FB(A)246 2567 y Fu(T)265 2574 y(E)286 2567 y(X)5 +b(2)335 2571 y Fi(")353 2567 y Fu('s)12 b(fon)o(t)e(loading)g(pro)q +(cedure,)e(it)k(has)f(b)q(een)f(disabled)f(b)o(y)i(default.)926 +2831 y Fx(8)p eop +%%Page: 9 9 +9 8 bop 220 266 a Fx(Upto)18 b(255)e(graphs)i(can)g(b)q(e)g(placed)g +(in)o(to)f(one)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fx(\014le.)29 b(Curren)o(tly)19 +b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)220 315 y Fx(do)q(es)g Fw(not)i Fx(c)o(hec)o(k)e +(that)f(the)g(255)f(graph)h(limit)d(p)q(er)k(\014le)e(is)h(not)g(o)o(v) +o(errun.)1407 300 y Fr(10)1472 315 y Fx(Note)g(that)220 +365 y(the)j(\014lename)f(for)g(the)i Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g +Fx(\014le)f(giv)o(en)f(in)g(the)i(argumen)o(t)d(of)h(the)i +Fz(fmffile)220 415 y Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)15 b Fw(must)h(not)k +Fx(b)q(e)c(iden)o(tical)f(to)h(the)g(L)1006 407 y Fr(A)1024 +415 y Fx(T)1047 424 y(E)1070 415 y(X)g(source)h(\014le)f(name,)e(b)q +(ecause)j(the)220 465 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)22 b Fz(.log)d +Fx(w)o(ould)g(b)q(e)h(o)o(v)o(erwritten)h(and)e(L)1074 +456 y Fr(A)1092 465 y Fx(T)1115 474 y(E)1139 465 y(X)h(can)g(no)f +(longer)h(access)h(the)220 515 y(information)11 b(in)j(this)g +Fz(.log)f Fx(\014le.)18 b(It)c(should)g(b)q(e)h(ob)o(vious)e(that)h(an) +o(y)f(um)o(b)q(er)h(of)f(diagrams)220 565 y(can)j(b)q(e)g(generated)h +(b)o(y)e(using)g(more)f(than)i(one)g Fz(fmffile)e Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t) +g(with)h(di\013eren)o(t)220 614 y(\014lenames.)220 664 +y(The)i Fz(fmfgraph)e Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)g(con)o(tains)i(the)g +(description)g(of)f(a)h(single)f(F)m(eynman)f(dia-)-1636 +b FE(fmfgraph)220 714 y Fx(gram)15 b(whic)o(h)h(will)f(b)q(e)j(placed)e +(a)h(the)g(lo)q(cation)e(of)h(the)i(en)o(vironmen)o(t.)24 +b(Argumen)o(ts)17 b(are)220 764 y(the)d(width)g(and)g(the)g(heigh)o(t)g +(of)f(the)i(diagram,)c(in)i(units)h(of)g Fz(\\unitlength)p +Fx(:)324 846 y Fz(\\begin{fmfgraph})o(\()p Fp(h)p Fw(width)s +Fp(i)m Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(height)t Fp(i)p Fz(\))407 896 +y Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)324 946 y Fz(\\end{fmfgraph})220 1028 +y Fx(This)20 b(en)o(vironmen)o(t)g(do)q(es)h Fw(not)k +Fx(supp)q(ort)c(lab)q(els,)h(use)f Fz(fmfgraph*)e Fx(if)h(y)o(our)g +(diagrams)220 1078 y(con)o(tains)14 b(lab)q(els.)220 +1128 y(Same)d(as)h Fz(fmfgraph)p Fx(,)e(but)i(enclosed)h(in)e(a)h +Fz(picture)e Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)h(of)g(the)i(same)e(size)h(and)-1654 +b FE(fmfgraph*)220 1178 y Fx(supp)q(orting)14 b(L)440 +1169 y Fr(A)458 1178 y Fx(T)481 1187 y(E)504 1178 y(X)g(lab)q(els.)324 +1260 y Fz(\\begin{fmfgraph*)o(}\()p Fp(h)p Fw(width)s +Fp(i)m Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(height)t Fp(i)p Fz(\))407 1310 +y Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)324 1360 y Fz(\\end{fmfgraph*})220 1442 +y Fx(Allo)o(ws)k(to)h(allo)q(cate)f(additional)f(space)j(around)e(a)h +Fz(fmfgraph*)p Fx(,)e(since)i(the)h(lab)q(els)f(\(or)f(the)-1653 +b FE(\\fmfframe)220 1492 y Fx(diagram)12 b(itself)s(\))h(migh)o(t)f(o)o +(v)o(ersho)q(ot:)324 1575 y Fz(\\fmfframe\()p Fp(h)p +Fw(left)t Fp(i)m Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(top)s Fp(i)p Fz(\)\()p +Fp(h)p Fw(right)t Fp(i)o Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(b)n(ottom)s +Fp(i)p Fz(\){)p Fp(h)p Fw(b)n(ox)5 b Fp(i)q Fz(})220 +1657 y Fx(puts)20 b(an)g(in)o(visible)e(frame)h(of)g(the)h(giv)o(en)g +(dimensions)e(\(measured)i(in)f Fz(\\unitlength)p Fx(\))220 +1707 y(around)14 b Fp(h)p Fw(b)n(ox)5 b Fp(i)q Fx(.)220 +1823 y Fq(2.2)56 b(Auxiliary)17 b(\014les)220 1899 y +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(needs)j(to)e(share)h(information)c(b)q(et)o(w)o +(een)18 b Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g Fx(and)e(L)1376 1891 y +Fr(A)1394 1899 y Fx(T)1417 1908 y(E)1440 1899 y(X.)25 +b(F)m(or)16 b(this)220 1949 y(task)k(sev)o(eral)h(auxiliary)d(\014les)j +(are)g(needed.)38 b(The)21 b(\015o)o(w)e(of)h(information)d(depicted)22 +b(in)220 1999 y(\014gures)14 b(3)g(and)f(4)g(lo)q(oks)g(m)o(uc)o(h)f +(more)h(complicated)f(than)i(it)f(is.)18 b(The)c(imp)q(ortan)o(t)d +(feature)220 2049 y(is)j(that)g(there)h(a)e(t)o(w)o(o)h(sets)h(of)e +(\014les)i(whic)o(h)e(can)h(b)q(e)h(used)g(to)e(distribute)i(a)f(do)q +(cumen)o(t:)271 2131 y(1.)20 b(I\013)10 b(the)h(recipien)o(t)g(has)f(a) +g(w)o(orking)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(installation)d(\(whic)o(h)h +(shouldn't)f(b)q(e)324 2181 y(a)17 b(problem,)f(except)j(for)e(some)g +(imp)q(o)o(v)o(erished)f(commercial)f(implem)o(en)o(tations\),)324 +2231 y(the)21 b(do)q(cumen)o(t)e(can)i(b)q(e)g(t)o(ypset)g(from)d(the)j +(L)1069 2222 y Fr(A)1087 2231 y Fx(T)1110 2240 y(E)1134 +2231 y(X)f(source)i Fw(alone)p Fx(,)f(b)o(y)f(running)324 +2281 y(L)335 2272 y Fr(A)353 2281 y Fx(T)376 2290 y(E)399 +2281 y(X,)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(and)d(L)793 2272 y +Fr(A)811 2281 y Fx(T)834 2290 y(E)857 2281 y(X)g(again)f(\(the)i +(latter)g(step)g(migh)o(t)d(ha)o(v)o(e)i(to)g(b)q(e)324 +2331 y(rep)q(eated)c(to)f(get)g(cross)h(references)i(righ)o(t\).)271 +2413 y(2.)j(Another)c(p)q(ossibilit)o(y)d(\(whic)o(h)i(do)q(esn't)h +(require)f Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(on)e(the)g(recipien)o(t's)324 +2463 y(side\),)i(is)g(to)f(distribute)h(the)g(L)813 2455 +y Fr(A)831 2463 y Fx(T)854 2472 y(E)878 2463 y(X)f(source,)i(the)g +Fz(tfm)d Fx(and)i Fz(gf)f Fx(\014les)h(\(or)g Fz(pk)f +Fx(\014les)324 2513 y(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely\))h(along)d(with)h(the)h(lab)q +(el)e(\014les)i(with)f(extension)h Fz(t)p Fn(n)f Fx(\(where)i +Fn(n)e Fx(as)g(an)p 220 2550 573 2 v 251 2576 a FB(10)284 +2588 y Fu(There)d(is)h(also)g(a)g(v)o(ery)f(primitiv)o(e,)f(but)i +(\(unfortuna)o(tely)o(\))d(p)q(opular)i(op)q(erating)e(system,)i(whic)o +(h)h(re-)220 2628 y(stricts)c(\014lenames)f(to)i(eigh)o(t)f(c)o +(haracters)e(with)k(a)f(three)f(c)o(haracter)e(extension.)13 +b(On)d(this)g(system,)f(only)g(99)220 2667 y(graphs)e(can)h(b)q(e)h +(placed)e(in)o(to)h(one)g Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fu(\014le)e(b)q(ecause)f +(auxiliary)g(\014les)h(will)h(not)f(b)q(e)g(unam)o(biguou)o(s,)220 +2707 y(if)j(more)g(than)f(t)o(w)o(o)i(digits)e(are)h(used.)926 +2831 y Fx(9)p eop +%%Page: 10 10 +10 9 bop 220 1437 a @beginspecial -8 @llx -5 @lly 378 +@urx 285 @ury 3860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: manpics.1 +%*Font: cmtt10 9.96265 9.96265 23:a777a08000000043fefdffa +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 0c:8000000000000040808807e4fbe +%*Font: cmcsc10 9.96265 9.96265 61:8 +3 273.54599 moveto +(%) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +13.4607 273.54599 moveto +(foo.tex) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 261.59079 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 249.63559 moveto +(\\usepackage{feynmf}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 237.6805 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 225.7253 moveto +(\\begin{fmffile}{fd}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 213.7701 moveto +(\\begin{fmfchar*}\(100,50\)) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 201.81499 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 189.85979 moveto +(\\end{fmfchar*}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 177.90459 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 165.9495 moveto +(\\end{fmffile}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 153.9943 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 0 1.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 150.9943 moveto +136.75851 150.9943 lineto +136.75851 283.46451 lineto +0 283.46451 lineto + closepath stroke +201.40671 273.54599 moveto +(%) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 273.54599 moveto +( cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +243.2494 273.54599 moveto +(--) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +258.94041 273.54599 moveto +(do) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +274.6315 273.54599 moveto +(not) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +295.55281 273.54599 moveto +(edit) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 261.5909 moveto +(input) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +232.78871 261.5909 moveto +(feynmf) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 249.6357 moveto +(beginchar\(1,100*1pt#,50*1pt#,0\);) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 237.6805 moveto +(vinit;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 225.72539 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 213.77019 moveto +(vfreeze;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 201.81499 moveto +(vdraw;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 189.8599 moveto +(endchar;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 177.9047 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 198.40671 174.9047 moveto +377.00789 174.9047 lineto +377.00789 283.46451 lineto +198.40671 283.46451 lineto + closepath stroke +139.27658 127.42479 moveto +(L) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +141.91669 128.7116 moveto +(a) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +146.53278 127.42479 moveto +(T) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +152.06718 124.4222 moveto +(E) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +157.60197 127.42479 moveto +(X) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +168.39488 127.42479 moveto +(lab) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +181.95518 127.42479 moveto +(els) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +150.48738 115.46959 moveto +(fd.log) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 136.27658 110.25568 moveto +196.08018 110.25568 lineto +196.08018 137.3433 lineto +136.27658 137.3433 lineto + closepath stroke +260.03513 73.72635 moveto +(fon) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +273.31862 73.72635 moveto +(t) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +280.51392 73.72635 moveto +(metric) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +258.78972 61.77126 moveto +(information) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +268.43433 49.81606 moveto +(fd.tfm) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 255.78972 46.81604 moveto +312.4609 46.81604 lineto +312.4609 83.64485 lineto +255.78972 83.64485 lineto + closepath stroke +297.70406 124.92326 moveto +(fon) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +310.98766 124.92326 moveto +(t) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +318.18286 124.92326 moveto +(bitmap) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +302.51956 112.96806 moveto +(fd.300gf) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 294.70406 107.75415 moveto +352.17786 107.75415 lineto +352.17786 134.84178 lineto +294.70406 134.84178 lineto + closepath stroke +71.11395 73.62527 moveto +(L) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +73.75406 74.91208 moveto +(a) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +78.37015 73.62527 moveto +(T) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +83.90456 70.62268 moveto +(E) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +89.43935 73.62527 moveto +(X) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +100.23225 73.62527 moveto +(lab) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +113.79256 73.62527 moveto +(els) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +84.93985 61.67007 moveto +(fd.t1) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 68.11395 58.6701 moveto +127.91759 58.6701 lineto +127.91759 83.5438 lineto +68.11395 83.5438 lineto + closepath stroke +145.09079 73.62529 moveto +(L) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +147.7309 74.9121 moveto +(a) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +152.34698 73.62529 moveto +(T) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +157.8814 70.6227 moveto +(E) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +163.41618 73.62529 moveto +(X) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +174.20909 73.62529 moveto +(lab) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +187.7694 73.62529 moveto +(els) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +158.91669 61.67009 moveto +(fd.t2) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 142.0908 58.67009 moveto +201.89441 58.67009 lineto +201.89441 83.54381 lineto +142.0908 83.54381 lineto + closepath stroke +3 26.9103 moveto +(device) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +33.1647 26.9103 moveto +(indep) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +57.2411 26.9103 moveto +(enden) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +82.4245 26.9103 moveto +(t) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +21.9567 14.9552 moveto +(output) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +54.6121 14.9552 moveto +(\014le) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +26.3433 3 moveto +(foo.dvi) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 0 0 moveto +89.29892 0 lineto +89.29892 36.8288 lineto +0 36.8288 lineto + closepath stroke +344.34131 17.1691 moveto +(prin) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +361.8036 17.1691 moveto +(ter) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +351.3291 5.2139 moveto +(lpr) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 341.34131 0 moveto +377.00789 0 lineto +377.00789 26.8227 lineto +341.34131 26.8227 lineto + closepath stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash 1 setlinecap +newpath 60.4738 150.99516 moveto +46.84723 36.82794 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 45.23123 48.05101 moveto +46.84723 36.82794 lineto +51.05927 47.3554 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 136.75862 220.95665 moveto +198.4063 224.31696 lineto stroke +newpath 187.62993 220.7905 moveto +198.4063 224.31696 lineto +187.31047 226.65115 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 225.11256 174.9049 moveto +181.79681 137.34317 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 188.14877 146.73578 moveto +181.79681 137.34317 lineto +191.99408 142.30142 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 286.52142 174.90431 moveto +284.52765 83.64555 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 281.8328 94.65973 moveto +284.52765 83.64555 lineto +287.70093 94.53152 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 305.68536 174.90546 moveto +318.95493 134.84216 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 312.72559 144.31616 moveto +318.95493 134.84216 lineto +318.29718 146.16156 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 148.65826 110.25569 moveto +114.10428 83.544 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 120.97444 92.56421 moveto +114.10428 83.544 lineto +124.56413 87.92065 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 167.67285 110.25569 moveto +170.62027 83.54402 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 166.50212 94.10835 moveto +170.62027 83.54402 lineto +172.33601 94.75209 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 85.42009 58.67027 moveto +63.29907 36.82858 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 69.03055 46.61168 moveto +63.29907 36.82858 lineto +73.15424 42.43526 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 142.0902 58.73383 moveto +89.1517 36.82872 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 98.14958 43.7278 moveto +89.1517 36.82872 lineto +100.39363 38.30455 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 255.79135 59.69133 moveto +89.29996 27.14331 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 99.485 32.12442 moveto +89.29996 27.14331 lineto +100.61101 26.36456 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [6 6 ] 0 setdash +newpath 310.79498 46.81592 moveto +341.34155 25.7245 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 330.66159 29.53247 moveto +341.34155 25.7245 lineto +333.99643 34.36227 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [6 6 ] 0 setdash +newpath 327.92677 107.75453 moveto +354.7327 26.82231 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 348.50327 36.29648 moveto +354.7327 26.82231 lineto +354.07495 38.1419 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [6 6 ] 0 setdash +newpath 89.2971 17.70421 moveto +341.33954 13.69502 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 330.34155 10.93483 moveto +341.33954 13.69502 lineto +330.4349 16.80363 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.9 setgray +newpath 194.80217 235.03342 moveto +194.80217 241.75908 179.61087 241.76073 167.58246 241.76073 curveto +155.55405 241.76073 140.36275 241.75908 140.36275 235.03342 curveto +140.36275 228.30775 155.55405 228.3061 167.58246 228.3061 curveto +179.61087 228.3061 194.80217 228.30775 194.80217 235.03342 curveto closepath + fill +newpath 47.99121 93.91153 moveto +47.99121 100.63719 32.79991 100.63884 20.7715 100.63884 curveto +8.74309 100.63884 -6.44821 100.63719 -6.44821 93.91153 curveto +-6.44821 87.18587 8.74309 87.18422 20.7715 87.18422 curveto +32.79991 87.18422 47.99121 87.18587 47.99121 93.91153 curveto closepath fill +newpath 279.85524 129.27493 moveto +279.85524 135.59476 271.0797 135.5963 263.5022 135.5963 curveto +255.9247 135.5963 247.14914 135.59476 247.14914 129.27493 curveto +247.14914 122.95511 255.9247 122.95357 263.5022 122.95357 curveto +271.0797 122.95357 279.85524 122.95511 279.85524 129.27493 curveto closepath + fill +newpath 242.53806 3.30302 moveto +242.53806 10.02869 227.34676 10.03033 215.31834 10.03033 curveto +203.28993 10.03033 188.09863 10.02869 188.09863 3.30302 curveto +188.09863 -3.42264 203.28993 -3.42429 215.31834 -3.42429 curveto +227.34676 -3.42429 242.53806 -3.42264 242.53806 3.30302 curveto closepath fill + 0 setgray +144.0459 231.98926 moveto +(latex) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +175.4279 231.98926 moveto +(foo) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 194.80217 235.03342 moveto +194.80217 241.75908 179.61087 241.76073 167.58246 241.76073 curveto +155.55405 241.76073 140.36275 241.75908 140.36275 235.03342 curveto +140.36275 228.30775 155.55405 228.3061 167.58246 228.3061 curveto +179.61087 228.3061 194.80217 228.30775 194.80217 235.03342 curveto closepath + stroke +-2.76506 90.86737 moveto +(latex) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +28.61694 90.86737 moveto +(foo) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 47.99121 93.91153 moveto +47.99121 100.63719 32.79991 100.63884 20.7715 100.63884 curveto +8.74309 100.63884 -6.44821 100.63719 -6.44821 93.91153 curveto +-6.44821 87.18587 8.74309 87.18422 20.7715 87.18422 curveto +32.79991 87.18422 47.99121 87.18587 47.99121 93.91153 curveto closepath stroke +250.42635 126.23077 moveto +(mf) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +266.11734 126.23077 moveto +(fd) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 279.85524 129.27493 moveto +279.85524 135.59476 271.0797 135.5963 263.5022 135.5963 curveto +255.9247 135.5963 247.14914 135.59476 247.14914 129.27493 curveto +247.14914 122.95511 255.9247 122.95357 263.5022 122.95357 curveto +271.0797 122.95357 279.85524 122.95511 279.85524 129.27493 curveto closepath + stroke +191.78178 0.25887 moveto +(dvixx) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +223.16379 0.25887 moveto +(foo) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 242.53806 3.30302 moveto +242.53806 10.02869 227.34676 10.03033 215.31834 10.03033 curveto +203.28993 10.03033 188.09863 10.02869 188.09863 3.30302 curveto +188.09863 -3.42264 203.28993 -3.42429 215.31834 -3.42429 curveto +227.34676 -3.42429 242.53806 -3.42264 242.53806 3.30302 curveto closepath + stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 132 x Fx(Figure)16 b(3:)21 b(In)o(terdep)q(endency)e(of)c +(\014les)h(in)f(a)g Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)g Fx(application.)22 +b(The)16 b(arro)o(ws)g(sho)o(w)220 1619 y(whic)o(h)f(\014les)g(are)h +(up)q(dated)f(in)g(the)g(t)o(w)o(o)g(L)871 1611 y Fr(A)889 +1619 y Fx(T)912 1628 y(E)935 1619 y(X)g(passes,)i(the)e +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(pass)f(and)e(the)220 1669 y(\014nal)f(dvi)h +(translation)f(step.)324 1802 y(in)o(teger\).)28 b(Distributing)16 +b(the)i Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fz(log)e Fx(\014les)g(is)g(a)g(p)q(ossible) +g(alternativ)o(e)324 1852 y(for)c(the)h(latter,)f(but)g(discouraged,)h +(b)q(ecause)g(these)h(are)f(prone)g(to)f(b)q(e)h(erased)g(acci-)324 +1901 y(den)o(tally)m(.)220 2051 y Fq(2.3)56 b(Running)19 +b Fh(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)220 2127 y Fx(Pro)q(cessing)g(y)o(our)e(do)q(cumen) +o(t)h(with)f(L)832 2119 y Fr(A)850 2127 y Fx(T)873 2136 +y(E)896 2127 y(X)h(will)e(generate)j(one)f(or)f(more)g +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)220 2177 y Fx(\014les,)i(whic)o(h)f(y)o(ou)f(will)g +(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)h(pro)q(cess)i(with)e Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)q +Fx(.)31 b(On)18 b(UNIX)1447 2162 y Fr(11)1500 2177 y +Fx(systems,)220 2227 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)e Fx(is)e(in)o(v)o(ok)o(ed)f +(as)324 2310 y Fz(mf)21 b('\\mode:=)p Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p +Fw(-mo)n(de)s Fp(i)p Fz(;)h(input)f Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p +Fw(-\014le)s Fp(i)q Fz(')220 2393 y Fx(from)c(the)h(shell.)31 +b(Here)20 b Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p Fw(-\014le)s Fp(i)g +Fx(is)e(to)g(b)q(e)h(replaced)g(b)o(y)f(the)h(name)e(of)g(the)220 +2443 y(input)f(\014le)f(\(whic)o(h)h(is)g(determined)g(b)o(y)f(the)i +(argumen)o(t)d(to)i(the)g Fz(fmffile)f Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t,)220 +2493 y(see)c(section)g(2.1\))e(and)h Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p +Fw(-mo)n(de)s Fp(i)i Fx(is)e(the)h(prop)q(er)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)q +Fx(-mo)q(de)f(for)f(y)o(our)220 2542 y(particular)15 +b(prin)o(ter.)24 b(Please)16 b(consult)g(y)o(our)g(lo)q(cal)e(guide)i +(or)f(lo)q(cal)g(wizards)h(ab)q(out)f(ho)o(w)220 2592 +y(to)f(run)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(on)d(other)i(systems.)p +220 2627 573 2 v 251 2654 a FB(11)284 2665 y Fu(UNIX)9 +b(w)o(as)f(a)g(trademark)d(of)j(UNIX)h(Systems)d(Lab)q(oratory)m(,)g +(but)h(is)h(rumored)d(to)j(ha)o(v)o(e)f(b)q(een)g(donored)220 +2705 y(to)k(X/Op)q(en.)915 2831 y Fx(10)p eop +%%Page: 11 11 +11 10 bop 220 1437 a @beginspecial -8 @llx -5 @lly 378 +@urx 285 @ury 3860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: manpics.2 +%*Font: cmtt10 9.96265 9.96265 23:a777208000000043fefdffa +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 0c:8000000000000040898807c4bbe +%*Font: cmcsc10 9.96265 9.96265 61:8 +3 273.54599 moveto +(%) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +13.4607 273.54599 moveto +(foo.tex) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 261.59079 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 249.63559 moveto +(\\usepackage{feynmp}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 237.6805 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 225.7253 moveto +(\\begin{fmffile}{fd}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 213.7701 moveto +(\\begin{fmfchar*}\(100,50\)) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 201.81499 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 189.85979 moveto +(\\end{fmfchar*}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 177.90459 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 165.9495 moveto +(\\end{fmffile}) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +3 153.9943 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow + 0 1.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 150.9943 moveto +136.75851 150.9943 lineto +136.75851 283.46451 lineto +0 283.46451 lineto + closepath stroke +201.40671 273.54599 moveto +(%) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 273.54599 moveto +( cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +243.2494 273.54599 moveto +(--) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +258.94041 273.54599 moveto +(do) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +274.6315 273.54599 moveto +(not) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +295.55281 273.54599 moveto +(edit) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 261.5909 moveto +(input) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +232.78871 261.5909 moveto +(feynmp) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 249.6357 moveto +(beginchar\(1,100*1pt#,50*1pt#,0\);) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 237.6805 moveto +(vinit;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 225.72539 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 213.77019 moveto +(vfreeze;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +211.8674 201.81499 moveto +(vdraw;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 189.8599 moveto +(endchar;) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +201.40671 177.9047 moveto +(...) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 198.40671 174.9047 moveto +377.00789 174.9047 lineto +377.00789 283.46451 lineto +198.40671 283.46451 lineto + closepath stroke +80.0949 126.31786 moveto +(L) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +82.735 127.60466 moveto +(a) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +87.35109 126.31786 moveto +(T) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +92.8855 123.31526 moveto +(E) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +98.42029 126.31786 moveto +(X) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +109.2132 126.31786 moveto +(lab) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +122.7735 126.31786 moveto +(els) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +93.92079 114.36266 moveto +(fd.t1) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 77.0949 111.36263 moveto +136.89851 111.36263 lineto +136.89851 136.23637 lineto +77.0949 136.23637 lineto + closepath stroke +154.07172 126.31786 moveto +(L) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +156.71182 127.60466 moveto +(a) cmcsc10 9.96265 fshow +161.32791 126.31786 moveto +(T) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +166.86232 123.31526 moveto +(E) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +172.39711 126.31786 moveto +(X) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +183.19002 126.31786 moveto +(lab) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +196.75032 126.31786 moveto +(els) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +167.89761 114.36266 moveto +(fd.t2) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 151.07172 111.36266 moveto +210.87534 111.36266 lineto +210.87534 136.23633 lineto +151.07172 136.23633 lineto + closepath stroke +234.55818 79.07835 moveto +(encapsulated) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +239.87158 67.12315 moveto +(P) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +246.37498 67.12315 moveto +(ostScript) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +256.17159 55.16806 moveto +(\014le) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +252.07599 43.21286 moveto +(fd.1) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 231.55818 40.21284 moveto +293.51509 40.21284 lineto +293.51509 88.99686 lineto +231.55818 88.99686 lineto + closepath stroke +310.6883 149.94449 moveto +(encapsulated) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +316.0017 137.98929 moveto +(P) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +322.5051 137.98929 moveto +(ostScript) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +332.3017 126.0342 moveto +(\014le) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +328.2061 114.079 moveto +(fd.2) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 307.6883 111.079 moveto +369.6452 111.079 lineto +369.6452 159.86296 lineto +307.6883 159.86296 lineto + closepath stroke +3 26.9103 moveto +(device) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +33.1647 26.9103 moveto +(indep) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +57.2411 26.9103 moveto +(enden) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +82.4245 26.9103 moveto +(t) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +21.9567 14.9552 moveto +(output) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +54.6121 14.9552 moveto +(\014le) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +26.3433 3 moveto +(foo.dvi) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 0 0 moveto +89.29892 0 lineto +89.29892 36.8288 lineto +0 36.8288 lineto + closepath stroke +344.34131 17.1691 moveto +(prin) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +361.8036 17.1691 moveto +(ter) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +351.3291 5.2139 moveto +(lpr) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 341.34131 0 moveto +377.00789 0 lineto +377.00789 26.8227 lineto +341.34131 26.8227 lineto + closepath stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash 1 setlinecap +newpath 60.4738 150.99516 moveto +46.84723 36.82794 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 45.23123 48.05101 moveto +46.84723 36.82794 lineto +51.05927 47.3554 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 136.75862 220.95665 moveto +198.4063 224.31696 lineto stroke +newpath 187.62993 220.7905 moveto +198.4063 224.31696 lineto +187.31047 226.65115 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 198.40533 177.10634 moveto +128.32295 136.23636 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 136.30531 144.28853 moveto +128.32295 136.23636 lineto +139.26195 139.21855 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 232.73296 174.9049 moveto +193.56981 136.23663 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 199.30153 146.0201 moveto +193.56981 136.23663 lineto +203.42534 141.84349 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 279.40594 174.90564 moveto +266.26721 88.99739 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 265.0221 100.26695 moveto +266.26721 88.99739 lineto +270.8237 99.37968 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 317.22345 174.9049 moveto +325.40309 159.86266 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 317.59297 168.08232 moveto +325.40309 159.86266 lineto +322.74916 170.88615 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 99.63902 111.36285 moveto +55.544 36.82936 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 58.59505 47.75027 moveto +55.544 36.82936 lineto +63.64674 44.76163 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 164.88574 111.36285 moveto +68.47069 36.82936 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 75.3413 45.8502 moveto +68.47069 36.82936 lineto +78.93123 41.20634 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 231.55711 58.03741 moveto +89.30014 27.87999 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 99.40572 33.02216 moveto +89.30014 27.87999 lineto +100.62291 27.28046 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [0 5 ] 2.5 setdash +newpath 307.6885 123.1377 moveto +89.2974 36.19 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 98.3867 42.96718 moveto +89.2974 36.19 lineto +100.55754 37.51454 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [6 6 ] 0 setdash +newpath 293.51459 48.19444 moveto +341.34091 22.85867 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 330.28876 25.39243 moveto +341.34091 22.85867 lineto +333.03635 30.57904 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [6 6 ] 0 setdash +newpath 342.7651 111.07805 moveto +356.92136 26.82234 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 352.21228 37.13753 moveto +356.92136 26.82234 lineto +358.00076 38.11009 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + [6 6 ] 0 setdash +newpath 89.2971 17.70421 moveto +341.33954 13.69502 lineto stroke + [] 0 setdash +newpath 330.34155 10.93483 moveto +341.33954 13.69502 lineto +330.4349 16.80363 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.9 setgray +newpath 194.80217 235.03342 moveto +194.80217 241.75908 179.61087 241.76073 167.58246 241.76073 curveto +155.55405 241.76073 140.36275 241.75908 140.36275 235.03342 curveto +140.36275 228.30775 155.55405 228.3061 167.58246 228.3061 curveto +179.61087 228.3061 194.80217 228.30775 194.80217 235.03342 curveto closepath + fill +newpath 47.99121 93.91153 moveto +47.99121 100.63719 32.79991 100.63884 20.7715 100.63884 curveto +8.74309 100.63884 -6.44821 100.63719 -6.44821 93.91153 curveto +-6.44821 87.18587 8.74309 87.18422 20.7715 87.18422 curveto +32.79991 87.18422 47.99121 87.18587 47.99121 93.91153 curveto closepath fill +newpath 252.92401 155.57076 moveto +252.92401 162.53381 243.98402 163.69768 235.87234 163.69768 curveto +227.76065 163.69768 218.82066 162.53381 218.82066 155.57076 curveto +218.82066 148.6077 227.76065 147.44383 235.87234 147.44383 curveto +243.98402 147.44383 252.92401 148.6077 252.92401 155.57076 curveto closepath + fill +newpath 242.53806 3.30302 moveto +242.53806 10.02869 227.34676 10.03033 215.31834 10.03033 curveto +203.28993 10.03033 188.09863 10.02869 188.09863 3.30302 curveto +188.09863 -3.42264 203.28993 -3.42429 215.31834 -3.42429 curveto +227.34676 -3.42429 242.53806 -3.42264 242.53806 3.30302 curveto closepath fill + 0 setgray +144.0459 231.98926 moveto +(latex) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +175.4279 231.98926 moveto +(foo) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 194.80217 235.03342 moveto +194.80217 241.75908 179.61087 241.76073 167.58246 241.76073 curveto +155.55405 241.76073 140.36275 241.75908 140.36275 235.03342 curveto +140.36275 228.30775 155.55405 228.3061 167.58246 228.3061 curveto +179.61087 228.3061 194.80217 228.30775 194.80217 235.03342 curveto closepath + stroke +-2.76506 90.86737 moveto +(latex) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +28.61694 90.86737 moveto +(foo) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 47.99121 93.91153 moveto +47.99121 100.63719 32.79991 100.63884 20.7715 100.63884 curveto +8.74309 100.63884 -6.44821 100.63719 -6.44821 93.91153 curveto +-6.44821 87.18587 8.74309 87.18422 20.7715 87.18422 curveto +32.79991 87.18422 47.99121 87.18587 47.99121 93.91153 curveto closepath stroke +222.7965 153.63354 moveto +(mp) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +238.48749 153.63354 moveto +(fd) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 252.92401 155.57076 moveto +252.92401 162.53381 243.98402 163.69768 235.87234 163.69768 curveto +227.76065 163.69768 218.82066 162.53381 218.82066 155.57076 curveto +218.82066 148.6077 227.76065 147.44383 235.87234 147.44383 curveto +243.98402 147.44383 252.92401 148.6077 252.92401 155.57076 curveto closepath + stroke +191.78178 0.25887 moveto +(dvixx) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +223.16379 0.25887 moveto +(foo) cmtt10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 242.53806 3.30302 moveto +242.53806 10.02869 227.34676 10.03033 215.31834 10.03033 curveto +203.28993 10.03033 188.09863 10.02869 188.09863 3.30302 curveto +188.09863 -3.42264 203.28993 -3.42429 215.31834 -3.42429 curveto +227.34676 -3.42429 242.53806 -3.42264 242.53806 3.30302 curveto closepath + stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 132 x Fx(Figure)15 b(4:)20 b(In)o(terdep)q(endency)e(of)c +(\014les)i(in)e(a)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)f Fx(application)f(using)j +Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)q Fx(:)220 1619 y(The)g(arro)o(ws)g(sho)o(w)g(whic)o +(h)g(\014les)g(are)h(up)q(dated)f(in)g(the)g(t)o(w)o(o)f(L)1204 +1611 y Fr(A)1222 1619 y Fx(T)1245 1628 y(E)1269 1619 +y(X)h(passes,)h(the)g Fy(MET)o(A)p Fx(-)220 1669 y Fy(P)r(OST)e +Fx(pass)f(and)g(the)h(\014nal)e(dvi)g(translation)g(step.)220 +1802 y(Note)21 b(that)f Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p Fw(-mo)n(de)s +Fp(i)i Fw(must)j Fx(b)q(e)c(sp)q(eci\014ed,)i(otherwise)e +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(will)220 1852 y(fail)18 b(or)h(the)h(resulting)g +(fon)o(t)f(will)f(not)h(b)q(e)h(usable.)1047 1836 y Fr(12)1117 +1852 y Fx(Y)m(ou)f(can)g(lo)q(ok)g(up)g(the)h(correct)220 +1901 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)c Fx(mo)q(de)d(in)h(the)h(\014le)f +Fz( Fx(that)i(comes)g(with)g(the)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i +Fx(distri-)220 1951 y(bution.)h(Among)12 b(the)h(more)g(common)d(laser) +j(prin)o(ters)h(are)g Fz(laserjet)d Fx(for)i(HP)h(Laserjets)220 +2001 y(at)h(300dpi,)e Fz(ljfour)h Fx(for)h(HP)g(Laserjets)h(at)f +(600dpi,)f Fz(nexthi)g Fx(for)g(NeXT)i(laser)f(prin)o(ters)220 +2051 y(at)f(400dpi,)e(etc.)220 2101 y(A)j(non-trivial)e(part)i(can)g(b) +q(e)g(instructing)g(T)930 2110 y(E)954 2101 y(X)f(and)h(y)o(our)g(fa)o +(v)o(orite)f Fz(dvi)p Fx(-driv)o(er)g(ho)o(w)g(to)220 +2150 y(\014nd)k(the)h(generated)g Fz(tfm)e Fx(and)h Fz(gf)g +Fx(\(resp.)g Fz(pk)p Fx(\))g(\014les.)31 b(This)18 b(is)g(highly)e +(system)i(dep)q(en-)220 2200 y(den)o(t)e(and)f(can)h(b)q(e)g(trivial)e +(\(as)h(in)g(the)h(standard)g(UNIX)f(T)1170 2209 y(E)1194 +2200 y(X)g(installations,)f(where)i(no)220 2250 y(further)g(action)e +(is)g(required\))i(or)f(almost)e(imp)q(ossible)g(without)h(system)g +(priviledges)h(\(as)220 2300 y(under)g(MVS\).)e(Please)i(consult)f(y)o +(our)g(lo)q(cal)f(guide)g(or)h(wizards)g(on)g(this)g(p)q(oin)o(t.)j +(See)e(also)220 2350 y(section)g(2.9.2)d(for)h(common)e(problems)i +(with)h Fz(dvi)f Fx(driv)o(ers.)220 2399 y(Some)18 b(recen)o(t)i(T)487 +2408 y(E)511 2399 y(X)f(implem)o(en)o(tations)e(\(e.g.)h +Fz(web2c)g Fx(with)h Fz(kpathsea)e Fx(v)o(ersion)i(2.6)f(or)220 +2449 y(later\))12 b(are)g(able)f(to)g(generate)i Fz(tfm)e +Fx(\014les)h(on)f(the)h(\015y)m(.)17 b(Using)11 b(suc)o(h)i(implem)o +(en)o(tations,)c(run-)220 2499 y(ning)h(L)320 2491 y +Fr(A)338 2499 y Fx(T)361 2508 y(E)384 2499 y(X)g(t)o(wice)h(should)f +(su\016ce)h(and)f Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fx(will)8 b(b)q(e)j(in)o(v)o(ok)o +(ed)f(automagicall)o(y)e(in)220 2549 y(the)13 b(bac)o(kground.)k(Note) +12 b(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)g(that)g(the)h(automagicall)o(y)c(in)o(v)o(ok)o +(ed)i(to)q(ols)h(migh)o(t)e(also)p 220 2584 573 2 v 251 +2610 a FB(12)284 2622 y Fu(See)i(section)f(2.9.1)g(for)i(the)f(t)o +(ypical)f(error)g(message)g(and)h(for)g(additional)e(information)g(on)i +(prin)o(ter)220 2662 y(mo)q(des.)915 2831 y Fx(11)p eop +%%Page: 12 12 +12 11 bop 220 266 a Fx(install)15 b(the)i(\\fon)o(ts")e(corresp)q +(onding)i(to)f(the)h(F)m(eynman)d(diagrams)g(in)i(a)g(system)g(direc-) +220 315 y(tory)m(,)c(where)j(they)e(don't)g(b)q(elong.)18 +b(Adding)12 b(the)i(follo)o(wing)d(lines)i(to)g(the)h +Fz( 365 y Fx(script)k(will)e(prev)o(en)o(t)j(this)f +(mishap)e(in)h(the)h(teT)990 374 y(E)1014 365 y(X)f(distribution)g(for) +h(UNIX)g(\(whic)o(h)f(is)220 415 y(deriv)o(ed)d(from)f +Fz(web2c)p Fx(\):)279 494 y FE(if)19 b([)g(-r)g($KPSE_DOT)o(/$N)o(AM)o +(E.m)o(f)d(];)j(then)318 540 y(MT_PKDESTD)o(IR)o(=$K)o(PSE)o(_D)o(OT) +318 585 y(MT_TFMDEST)o(DI)o(R=$)o(KPS)o(E_)o(DOT)318 +631 y(MT_NAMEPAR)o(T=)279 677 y(fi)220 805 y Fx(The)d(automagic)d(to)q +(ols)j(will)e(also)h Fw(not)20 b Fx(notice)c(when)g(a)f(diagram)e(has)j +(c)o(hanged.)24 b(These)220 855 y(problems)16 b(suggest)i(that)f(it)f +(is)h(a)g(generally)f(a)h(go)q(o)q(d)g(idea)f(to)h(in)o(v)o(ok)o(e)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fx(ex-)220 905 y(plicitely)m(,)12 +b(instead)i(of)g(relying)f(on)h(the)g(automagic)e(to)q(ols.)220 +955 y(Running)20 b Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)i Fx(is)e(usually)f(trivial,)h(b)q +(ecause)i(not)f(prin)o(ter)f(sp)q(eci\014c)i(mo)q(de)d(is)220 +1005 y(needed:)324 1088 y Fz(mp)i Fp(h)p Fj(MET)o(AP)r(OST)p +Fw(-\014le)s Fp(i)220 1204 y Fq(2.4)56 b(The)18 b Fg(feynmf)e +Fq(p)r(erl)i(script)220 1280 y Fx(UNIX)13 b(users)i(will)c(b)q(e)j +(able)e(to)h(tak)o(e)g(adv)n(an)o(tage)f(of)h(the)g Fz(feynmf)f +Fx(p)q(erl)h(script,)h(that)f(auto-)220 1330 y(mates)i(the)h(in)o(v)o +(o)q(cation)e(of)h(L)677 1322 y Fr(A)695 1330 y Fx(T)718 +1339 y(E)741 1330 y(X)h(and)f Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)q Fx(.)24 +b(In)15 b(particular)h(it)f(tries)h(to)f(guess)220 1380 +y(the)i(correct)i Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)q Fx(-mo)q(de)e(and)f +(magni\014cation.)24 b(The)18 b(latter)f(is)f(often)h(di\013eren)o(t) +220 1430 y(from)12 b(1)i(in)f(slide)h(classes.)19 b(Here)c(is)f(the)h +(man)d(page)i(of)i Fz(feynmf)p Fx(:)220 1538 y Fs(NAME)220 +1614 y(feynmf)c Fx(|)i(Pro)q(cess)i Fs(LaT)l(eX)e Fx(\014les)g(using)f +Fs(F)l(eynMF)220 1722 y(SYNOPSIS)220 1799 y(feynmf)f +Fz([)p Fs(-h)o(vqncfT)p Fz(])h([)p Fs(-t)g Fw(tfm)j Fz([)p +Fs(-t)e Fw(tfm)i Fx(...)p Fz(]])h([)p Fs(-m)c Fw(mo)n(de)s +Fz(])h Fw(\014le)j Fz([)p Fw(\014le)g Fx(...)p Fz(])220 +1849 y Fs(feynmf)11 b Fz([--)p Fs(help)p Fz(])f([--)p +Fs(v)o(ersion)p Fz(])g([--)p Fs(quiet)p Fz(])g([--)p +Fs(no)q(exec)p Fz(])i([--)p Fs(clean)p Fz(])f([--)p Fs(force)p +Fz(])220 1899 y([--)p Fs(notfm)p Fz(])g([--)p Fs(tfm)h +Fw(tfm)17 b Fz([--)p Fs(tfm)12 b Fw(tfm)17 b Fx(...)p +Fz(]])f([--)p Fs(mo)q(de)d Fw(mo)n(de)s Fz(])h Fw(\014le)j +Fz([)p Fw(\014le)g Fx(...)p Fz(])220 2006 y Fs(DESCRIPTION)220 +2083 y Fx(The)11 b(most)f(complicated)f(part)i(of)f(using)h(the)g +Fs(F)l(eynMF)g Fx(st)o(yle)g(app)q(ears)h(to)e(b)q(e)i(the)f(prop)q(er) +220 2133 y(in)o(v)o(o)q(cation)d(of)h Fs(Metafon)o(t)p +Fx(.)15 b(The)10 b Fs(feynmf)e Fx(script)i(pro)o(vides)g(a)f(con)o(v)o +(enien)o(t)h(fron)o(t)f(end)h(and)220 2183 y(will)h(automagicall)o(y)e +(in)o(v)o(ok)o(e)i Fs(Metafon)o(t)g Fx(with)g(the)i(prop)q(er)g(mo)q +(de)e(and)h(magni\014ncation.)220 2232 y(It)h(will)e(also)h(a)o(v)o +(oid)f(cluttering)i(system)f(fon)o(t)g(directories)i(and)e(o\013ers)h +(an)g(option)f(to)g(clean)220 2282 y(them.)220 2390 y +Fs(OPTIONS)220 2467 y(-h,)k Fz(--)p Fs(help)324 2517 +y Fx(Prin)o(t)e(a)f(short)i(help)f(text.)220 2600 y Fs(-v,)i +Fz(--)p Fs(v)o(ersion)324 2649 y Fx(Prin)o(t)e(the)g(v)o(ersion)g(of)g +Fs(feynmf)p Fx(.)915 2831 y(12)p eop +%%Page: 13 13 +13 12 bop 220 266 a Fs(-q,)16 b Fz(--)p Fs(quiet)324 +315 y Fx(Don't)d(ec)o(ho)h(the)h(commands)c(b)q(eing)j(executed.)220 +399 y Fs(-n,)i Fz(--)p Fs(no)q(exec)324 448 y Fx(Don't)d(execute)j +Fs(LaT)l(eX)e Fx(or)f Fs(Metafon)o(t)p Fx(.)220 531 y +Fs(-c,)j Fz(--)p Fs(clean)324 581 y Fx(O\013er)d(to)f(delete)g(fon)o(t) +g(\014les)g(that)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(acciden)o(tally)f(b)q(een)i(placed)f +(in)f(a)h(system)g(di-)324 631 y(rectory)i(b)o(y)f(the)h +Fs(Mak)o(eT)l(eXTFM)g Fx(and)f Fs(Mak)o(eT)l(eXPK)h Fx(scripts)g +(\(these)h(scripts)324 681 y(are)c(run)h(b)o(y)f Fs(tex)g +Fx(\(and)g Fs(latex)p Fx(\))g(in)f(the)i(bac)o(kground\).)17 +b(This)12 b(option)e(has)i(only)e(b)q(een)324 731 y(tested)15 +b(with)f(recen)o(t)h(v)o(ersions)g(of)e(UNIX)h(T)m(eX.)220 +814 y Fs(-f,)i Fz(--)p Fs(force)324 863 y Fx(Don't)d(ask)h(an)o(y)f +(questions.)220 946 y Fs(-T,)j Fz(--)p Fs(notfm)324 996 +y Fx(Don't)d(try)h(to)g(prepare)h(fak)o(e)e Fz(.tfm)g +Fx(\014les)i(for)e(the)i(\014rst)f(run.)220 1079 y Fs(-t,)i +Fz(--)p Fs(tfm)e Ff(tfm)324 1129 y Fx(Don't)h(try)h(guess)h(the)g +(names)e(of)g(the)i Fz(.tfm)e Fx(\014les)h(to)g(fak)o(e)g(for)g(the)g +(\014rst)h(run)f(and)324 1179 y(use)c(the)g(giv)o(en)f +Fw(name)s Fx(\(s\))h(instead.)18 b(This)11 b(option)f(can)i(b)q(e)g +(useful)f(if)g(our)g(incomplete)324 1229 y(parsing)i(of)h(the)g(LaT)m +(eX)g(input)g(\014les)g(fails.)220 1312 y Fs(-m)i Ff(mo)n(de)t +Fs(,)e Fz(--)p Fs(mo)q(de)h Ff(mo)n(de)324 1362 y Fx(Select)d(the)g +(MET)m(AF)o(ONT)g(mo)q(de)f Fw(mo)n(de)s Fx(.)17 b(The)12 +b(default)f(is)h(guessed)h(or)e Fz(localfont)324 1411 +y Fx(if)i(the)h(guess)h(fails.)220 1494 y Ff(\014le)324 +1544 y Fx(Main)e Fs(LaT)l(eX)h Fx(input)g(\014les.)220 +1627 y Ff(\014le)20 b Fs(...)324 1677 y Fx(Other)15 b(LaT)m(eX)e(input) +h(\014les)g(that)g(are)h(included)f(b)o(y)f(the)i(main)d(\014le.)220 +1785 y Fs(A)o(UTHOR)220 1862 y Fx(Thorsten)j(Ohl)f Fn(<)p +Fx(Thorsten.Ohl@Ph)o( Fn(>)220 +1969 y Fs(BUGS)220 2046 y Fx(The)j(preparation)f(of)g +Fz(.tfm)f Fx(\014les)i(is)f(not)h(fo)q(olpro)q(of)e(y)o(et,)h(b)q +(ecause)j(w)o(e)d(can)h(parse)g Fs(T)l(eX)220 2096 y +Fx(\014les)d(only)f(sup)q(er\014cially)m(.)220 2146 y(This)h(script)g +(has)g(only)e(b)q(een)j(tested)g(for)f(recen)o(t)h Fs(teT)l(eX)e +Fx(distributions)g(of)g(UNIX)h Fs(T)l(eX)p Fx(,)220 2196 +y(though)d(it)g(will)g(probably)f(w)o(ork)i(with)f(other)h(v)o(ersions) +g(of)f(UNIX)h Fs(T)l(eX)p Fx(.)f(The)h(author)g(will)220 +2245 y(b)q(e)f(grateful)f(for)g(p)q(ortabilit)o(y)f(suggestions,)i(ev)o +(en)g(concerning)g Fs(Borg)e Fx(op)q(erating)h(systems,)220 +2295 y(for)k(the)g(b)q(ene\014t)h(of)f(those)g(users)i(that)d(are)i +(forced)f(to)g(liv)o(e)f(with)h(DOS)g(or)f(Windo)o(ws.)220 +2411 y Fq(2.5)56 b(V)-5 b(ertex)17 b(mo)r(de)220 2488 +y Fx(These)g(basic)f(features)h(of)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)d +Fx(are)h(\(or)g(rather)h(\\should)e(b)q(e"\))h(a)o(v)n(ailable)e +(through)220 2538 y(the)g(L)302 2529 y Fr(A)320 2538 +y Fx(T)343 2547 y(E)367 2538 y(X)g(in)o(terface.)k(No)c(kno)o(wledge)g +(of)i Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g Fx(is)e(necessary)m(.)915 2831 +y(13)p eop +%%Page: 14 14 +14 13 bop 257 226 206 2 v 257 392 2 167 v 271 380 a @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx 35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.2 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 3.40176 moveto +6.86148 1.14825 14.03763 0 21.25969 0 curveto +28.48175 0 35.6579 1.14825 42.51938 3.40176 curveto stroke +newpath 1.99252 3.40176 moveto +1.99252 3.93024 1.78256 4.437 1.4089 4.81067 curveto +1.03523 5.18433 0.52847 5.39429 0 5.39429 curveto +-0.52847 5.39429 -1.03523 5.18433 -1.4089 4.81067 curveto +-1.78256 4.437 -1.99252 3.93024 -1.99252 3.40176 curveto +-1.99252 2.87329 -1.78256 2.36653 -1.4089 1.99286 curveto +-1.03523 1.6192 -0.52847 1.40924 0 1.40924 curveto +0.52847 1.40924 1.03523 1.6192 1.4089 1.99286 curveto +1.78256 2.36653 1.99252 2.87329 1.99252 3.40176 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 16.05551 0.38115 moveto +16.05551 0.90962 15.84555 1.41638 15.4719 1.79005 curveto +15.09822 2.16371 14.59146 2.37367 14.06299 2.37367 curveto +13.53452 2.37367 13.02776 2.16371 12.65408 1.79005 curveto +12.28043 1.41638 12.07047 0.90962 12.07047 0.38115 curveto +12.07047 -0.14732 12.28043 -0.65408 12.65408 -1.02776 curveto +13.02776 -1.40141 13.53452 -1.61137 14.06299 -1.61137 curveto +14.59146 -1.61137 15.09822 -1.40141 15.4719 -1.02776 curveto +15.84555 -0.65408 16.05551 -0.14732 16.05551 0.38115 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.44923 0.38118 moveto +30.44923 0.90965 30.23927 1.41641 29.86562 1.79008 curveto +29.49194 2.16374 28.98518 2.3737 28.45671 2.3737 curveto +27.92824 2.3737 27.42148 2.16374 27.0478 1.79008 curveto +26.67415 1.41641 26.46419 0.90965 26.46419 0.38118 curveto +26.46419 -0.1473 26.67415 -0.65405 27.0478 -1.02773 curveto +27.42148 -1.40138 27.92824 -1.61134 28.45671 -1.61134 curveto +28.98518 -1.61134 29.49194 -1.40138 29.86562 -1.02773 curveto +30.23927 -0.65405 30.44923 -0.1473 30.44923 0.38118 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.5119 3.40176 moveto +44.5119 3.93024 44.30194 4.437 43.92828 4.81067 curveto +43.55461 5.18433 43.04785 5.39429 42.51938 5.39429 curveto +41.9909 5.39429 41.48415 5.18433 41.11047 4.81067 curveto +40.73682 4.437 40.52686 3.93024 40.52686 3.40176 curveto +40.52686 2.87329 40.73682 2.36653 41.11047 1.99286 curveto +41.48415 1.6192 41.9909 1.40924 42.51938 1.40924 curveto +43.04785 1.40924 43.55461 1.6192 43.92828 1.99286 curveto +44.30194 2.36653 44.5119 2.87329 44.5119 3.40176 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 211 397 a Fn(v)231 403 y Fr(1)281 419 y +Fn(v)301 425 y Fr(2)399 419 y Fn(v)419 425 y Fr(3)469 +397 y Fn(v)489 403 y Fr(4)p 460 392 V 257 394 206 2 v +545 226 V 545 392 2 167 v 559 380 a @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 43 @urx 35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.3 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.2522 0 moveto +1.46036 5.23431 0 11.07542 0 17.00775 curveto +0 22.94008 1.46036 28.78119 4.2522 34.0155 curveto stroke +newpath 6.24472 0 moveto +6.24472 0.52847 6.03476 1.03523 5.6611 1.4089 curveto +5.28743 1.78256 4.78067 1.99252 4.2522 1.99252 curveto +3.72372 1.99252 3.21696 1.78256 2.84329 1.4089 curveto +2.46964 1.03523 2.25967 0.52847 2.25967 0 curveto +2.25967 -0.52847 2.46964 -1.03523 2.84329 -1.4089 curveto +3.21696 -1.78256 3.72372 -1.99252 4.2522 -1.99252 curveto +4.78067 -1.99252 5.28743 -1.78256 5.6611 -1.4089 curveto +6.03476 -1.03523 6.24472 -0.52847 6.24472 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 2.47453 11.12502 moveto +2.47453 11.65349 2.26457 12.16025 1.89091 12.53392 curveto +1.51724 12.90758 1.01048 13.11754 0.48201 13.11754 curveto +-0.04646 13.11754 -0.55322 12.90758 -0.9269 12.53392 curveto +-1.30055 12.16025 -1.51051 11.65349 -1.51051 11.12502 curveto +-1.51051 10.59654 -1.30055 10.08978 -0.9269 9.71611 curveto +-0.55322 9.34245 -0.04646 9.13249 0.48201 9.13249 curveto +1.01048 9.13249 1.51724 9.34245 1.89091 9.71611 curveto +2.26457 10.08978 2.47453 10.59654 2.47453 11.12502 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 2.47456 22.89076 moveto +2.47456 23.41924 2.2646 23.926 1.89095 24.29967 curveto +1.51727 24.67332 1.01051 24.88329 0.48204 24.88329 curveto +-0.04643 24.88329 -0.55319 24.67332 -0.92686 24.29967 curveto +-1.30052 23.926 -1.51048 23.41924 -1.51048 22.89076 curveto +-1.51048 22.36229 -1.30052 21.85553 -0.92686 21.48186 curveto +-0.55319 21.1082 -0.04643 20.89824 0.48204 20.89824 curveto +1.01051 20.89824 1.51727 21.1082 1.89095 21.48186 curveto +2.2646 21.85553 2.47456 22.36229 2.47456 22.89076 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 6.24472 34.0155 moveto +6.24472 34.54398 6.03476 35.05074 5.6611 35.42441 curveto +5.28743 35.79807 4.78067 36.00803 4.2522 36.00803 curveto +3.72372 36.00803 3.21696 35.79807 2.84329 35.42441 curveto +2.46964 35.05074 2.25967 34.54398 2.25967 34.0155 curveto +2.25967 33.48703 2.46964 32.98027 2.84329 32.6066 curveto +3.21696 32.23294 3.72372 32.02298 4.2522 32.02298 curveto +4.78067 32.02298 5.28743 32.23294 5.6611 32.6066 curveto +6.03476 32.98027 6.24472 33.48703 6.24472 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke 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43.92828 18.41666 curveto +43.55461 18.79031 43.04785 19.00027 42.51938 19.00027 curveto +41.9909 19.00027 41.48415 18.79031 41.11047 18.41666 curveto +40.73682 18.04298 40.52686 17.53622 40.52686 17.00775 curveto +40.52686 16.47928 40.73682 15.97252 41.11047 15.59885 curveto +41.48415 15.22519 41.9909 15.01523 42.51938 15.01523 curveto +43.04785 15.01523 43.55461 15.22519 43.92828 15.59885 curveto +44.30194 15.97252 44.5119 16.47928 44.5119 17.00775 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 37.21782 31.11383 moveto +37.21782 31.6423 37.00786 32.14906 36.6342 32.52274 curveto +36.26053 32.8964 35.75377 33.10635 35.2253 33.10635 curveto +34.69682 33.10635 34.19006 32.8964 33.81639 32.52274 curveto +33.44273 32.14906 33.23277 31.6423 33.23277 31.11383 curveto +33.23277 30.58536 33.44273 30.0786 33.81639 29.70493 curveto +34.19006 29.33127 34.69682 29.1213 35.2253 29.1213 curveto +35.75377 29.1213 36.26053 29.33127 36.6342 29.70493 curveto +37.00786 30.0786 37.21782 30.58536 37.21782 31.11383 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 18.38626 33.79189 moveto +18.38626 34.32036 18.1763 34.82712 17.80264 35.20079 curveto +17.42897 35.57445 16.92221 35.78441 16.39374 35.78441 curveto +15.86526 35.78441 15.3585 35.57445 14.98483 35.20079 curveto +14.61118 34.82712 14.40121 34.32036 14.40121 33.79189 curveto +14.40121 33.26341 14.61118 32.75665 14.98483 32.38298 curveto +15.3585 32.00932 15.86526 31.79936 16.39374 31.79936 curveto +16.92221 31.79936 17.42897 32.00932 17.80264 32.38298 curveto +18.1763 32.75665 18.38626 33.26341 18.38626 33.79189 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 3.62997 25.00505 moveto +3.62997 25.53352 3.42001 26.04028 3.04636 26.41396 curveto +2.67268 26.78761 2.16592 26.99757 1.63745 26.99757 curveto +1.10898 26.99757 0.60222 26.78761 0.22855 26.41396 curveto +-0.14511 26.04028 -0.35507 25.53352 -0.35507 25.00505 curveto +-0.35507 24.47658 -0.14511 23.96982 0.22855 23.59615 curveto +0.60222 23.22249 1.10898 23.01253 1.63745 23.01253 curveto +2.16592 23.01253 2.67268 23.22249 3.04636 23.59615 curveto +3.42001 23.96982 3.62997 24.47658 3.62997 25.00505 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 3.62979 9.01085 moveto +3.62979 9.53932 3.41983 10.04608 3.04617 10.41975 curveto +2.6725 10.79341 2.16574 11.00337 1.63727 11.00337 curveto +1.1088 11.00337 0.60204 10.79341 0.22836 10.41975 curveto +-0.1453 10.04608 -0.35526 9.53932 -0.35526 9.01085 curveto +-0.35526 8.48238 -0.1453 7.97562 0.22836 7.60194 curveto +0.60204 7.22829 1.1088 7.01833 1.63727 7.01833 curveto +2.16574 7.01833 2.6725 7.22829 3.04617 7.60194 curveto +3.41983 7.97562 3.62979 8.48238 3.62979 9.01085 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 18.38576 0.22366 moveto +18.38576 0.75214 18.1758 1.2589 17.80214 1.63257 curveto +17.42847 2.00623 16.9217 2.21619 16.39323 2.21619 curveto +15.86476 2.21619 15.358 2.00623 14.98433 1.63257 curveto +14.61067 1.2589 14.40071 0.75214 14.40071 0.22366 curveto +14.40071 -0.30481 14.61067 -0.81157 14.98433 -1.18524 curveto +15.358 -1.5589 15.86476 -1.76886 16.39323 -1.76886 curveto +16.9217 -1.76886 17.42847 -1.5589 17.80214 -1.18524 curveto +18.1758 -0.81157 18.38576 -0.30481 18.38576 0.22366 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 37.21739 2.90141 moveto +37.21739 3.42989 37.00743 3.93665 36.63377 4.31032 curveto +36.2601 4.68398 35.75334 4.89394 35.22487 4.89394 curveto +34.6964 4.89394 34.18964 4.68398 33.81596 4.31032 curveto +33.4423 3.93665 33.23235 3.42989 33.23235 2.90141 curveto +33.23235 2.37294 33.4423 1.86618 33.81596 1.49251 curveto +34.18964 1.11885 34.6964 0.90889 35.22487 0.90889 curveto +35.75334 0.90889 36.2601 1.11885 36.63377 1.49251 curveto +37.00743 1.86618 37.21739 2.37294 37.21739 2.90141 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1050 315 a Fn(v)1070 321 y Fr(1)1012 226 +y Fn(v)1032 232 y Fr(2)889 209 y Fn(v)909 215 y Fr(3)793 +272 y Fn(v)813 278 y Fr(4)793 358 y Fn(v)813 364 y Fr(5)889 +421 y Fn(v)909 427 y Fr(6)1012 403 y Fn(v)1032 409 y +Fr(7)p 1037 392 V 833 394 206 2 v 1122 226 V 1122 392 +2 167 v 1136 380 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx +35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.5 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 30.61374 moveto +6.86148 32.86725 14.03763 34.0155 21.25969 34.0155 curveto +28.48175 34.0155 35.6579 32.86725 42.51938 30.61374 curveto stroke +newpath 1.99252 30.61374 moveto +1.99252 31.14221 1.78256 31.64897 1.4089 32.02264 curveto +1.03523 32.3963 0.52847 32.60626 0 32.60626 curveto +-0.52847 32.60626 -1.03523 32.3963 -1.4089 32.02264 curveto +-1.78256 31.64897 -1.99252 31.14221 -1.99252 30.61374 curveto +-1.99252 30.08527 -1.78256 29.5785 -1.4089 29.20483 curveto +-1.03523 28.83118 -0.52847 28.62122 0 28.62122 curveto +0.52847 28.62122 1.03523 28.83118 1.4089 29.20483 curveto +1.78256 29.5785 1.99252 30.08527 1.99252 30.61374 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 16.05551 33.63435 moveto +16.05551 34.16283 15.84555 34.66959 15.4719 35.04326 curveto +15.09822 35.41692 14.59146 35.62688 14.06299 35.62688 curveto +13.53452 35.62688 13.02776 35.41692 12.65408 35.04326 curveto +12.28043 34.66959 12.07047 34.16283 12.07047 33.63435 curveto +12.07047 33.10588 12.28043 32.59912 12.65408 32.22545 curveto +13.02776 31.85179 13.53452 31.64183 14.06299 31.64183 curveto +14.59146 31.64183 15.09822 31.85179 15.4719 32.22545 curveto +15.84555 32.59912 16.05551 33.10588 16.05551 33.63435 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.44923 33.63432 moveto +30.44923 34.1628 30.23927 34.66956 29.86562 35.04323 curveto +29.49194 35.41689 28.98518 35.62685 28.45671 35.62685 curveto +27.92824 35.62685 27.42148 35.41689 27.0478 35.04323 curveto +26.67415 34.66956 26.46419 34.1628 26.46419 33.63432 curveto +26.46419 33.10585 26.67415 32.59909 27.0478 32.22542 curveto +27.42148 31.85176 27.92824 31.6418 28.45671 31.6418 curveto +28.98518 31.6418 29.49194 31.85176 29.86562 32.22542 curveto +30.23927 32.59909 30.44923 33.10585 30.44923 33.63432 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.5119 30.61374 moveto +44.5119 31.14221 44.30194 31.64897 43.92828 32.02264 curveto +43.55461 32.3963 43.04785 32.60626 42.51938 32.60626 curveto +41.9909 32.60626 41.48415 32.3963 41.11047 32.02264 curveto +40.73682 31.64897 40.52686 31.14221 40.52686 30.61374 curveto +40.52686 30.08527 40.73682 29.5785 41.11047 29.20483 curveto +41.48415 28.83118 41.9909 28.62122 42.51938 28.62122 curveto +43.04785 28.62122 43.55461 28.83118 43.92828 29.20483 curveto +44.30194 29.5785 44.5119 30.08527 44.5119 30.61374 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1076 233 a Fn(v)1096 239 y Fr(1)1146 211 +y Fn(v)1166 217 y Fr(2)1264 211 y Fn(v)1284 217 y Fr(3)1334 +233 y Fn(v)1354 239 y Fr(4)p 1326 392 V 1122 394 206 +2 v 1410 226 V 1410 392 2 167 v 1424 380 a @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx 35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.6 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 38.26718 0 moveto +41.05902 5.23431 42.51938 11.07542 42.51938 17.00775 curveto +42.51938 22.94008 41.05902 28.78119 38.26718 34.0155 curveto stroke +newpath 40.2597 0 moveto +40.2597 0.52847 40.04974 1.03523 39.67609 1.4089 curveto +39.30241 1.78256 38.79565 1.99252 38.26718 1.99252 curveto +37.73871 1.99252 37.23195 1.78256 36.85828 1.4089 curveto +36.48462 1.03523 36.27466 0.52847 36.27466 0 curveto +36.27466 -0.52847 36.48462 -1.03523 36.85828 -1.4089 curveto +37.23195 -1.78256 37.73871 -1.99252 38.26718 -1.99252 curveto +38.79565 -1.99252 39.30241 -1.78256 39.67609 -1.4089 curveto +40.04974 -1.03523 40.2597 -0.52847 40.2597 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.02989 11.12502 moveto +44.02989 11.65349 43.81993 12.16025 43.44627 12.53392 curveto +43.0726 12.90758 42.56584 13.11754 42.03737 13.11754 curveto +41.5089 13.11754 41.00214 12.90758 40.62846 12.53392 curveto +40.2548 12.16025 40.04485 11.65349 40.04485 11.12502 curveto +40.04485 10.59654 40.2548 10.08978 40.62846 9.71611 curveto +41.00214 9.34245 41.5089 9.13249 42.03737 9.13249 curveto +42.56584 9.13249 43.0726 9.34245 43.44627 9.71611 curveto +43.81993 10.08978 44.02989 10.59654 44.02989 11.12502 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.02986 22.89076 moveto +44.02986 23.41924 43.8199 23.926 43.44624 24.29967 curveto +43.07257 24.67332 42.56581 24.88329 42.03734 24.88329 curveto +41.50887 24.88329 41.0021 24.67332 40.62843 24.29967 curveto +40.25478 23.926 40.04482 23.41924 40.04482 22.89076 curveto +40.04482 22.36229 40.25478 21.85553 40.62843 21.48186 curveto +41.0021 21.1082 41.50887 20.89824 42.03734 20.89824 curveto +42.56581 20.89824 43.07257 21.1082 43.44624 21.48186 curveto +43.8199 21.85553 44.02986 22.36229 44.02986 22.89076 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 40.2597 34.0155 moveto +40.2597 34.54398 40.04974 35.05074 39.67609 35.42441 curveto +39.30241 35.79807 38.79565 36.00803 38.26718 36.00803 curveto +37.73871 36.00803 37.23195 35.79807 36.85828 35.42441 curveto +36.48462 35.05074 36.27466 34.54398 36.27466 34.0155 curveto +36.27466 33.48703 36.48462 32.98027 36.85828 32.6066 curveto +37.23195 32.23294 37.73871 32.02298 38.26718 32.02298 curveto +38.79565 32.02298 39.30241 32.23294 39.67609 32.6066 curveto +40.04974 32.98027 40.2597 33.48703 40.2597 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1601 415 a Fn(v)1621 421 y Fr(1)1623 346 +y Fn(v)1643 352 y Fr(2)1623 284 y Fn(v)1643 290 y Fr(3)1601 +214 y Fn(v)1621 220 y Fr(4)p 1614 392 V 1410 394 206 +2 v 694 513 a Fx(Figure)14 b(5:)k(Curv)o(ed)c(galleries.)p +257 572 V 257 739 2 167 v 271 727 a @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 43 @urx 35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.7 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 0 moveto +42.51938 0 lineto stroke +newpath 1.99252 0 moveto +1.99252 0.52847 1.78256 1.03523 1.4089 1.4089 curveto +1.03523 1.78256 0.52847 1.99252 0 1.99252 curveto +-0.52847 1.99252 -1.03523 1.78256 -1.4089 1.4089 curveto +-1.78256 1.03523 -1.99252 0.52847 -1.99252 0 curveto +-1.99252 -0.52847 -1.78256 -1.03523 -1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +-1.03523 -1.78256 -0.52847 -1.99252 0 -1.99252 curveto +0.52847 -1.99252 1.03523 -1.78256 1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +1.78256 -1.03523 1.99252 -0.52847 1.99252 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 16.16544 0 moveto +16.16544 0.52847 15.95547 1.03523 15.58182 1.4089 curveto +15.20815 1.78256 14.70139 1.99252 14.17291 1.99252 curveto +13.64444 1.99252 13.13768 1.78256 12.764 1.4089 curveto +12.39035 1.03523 12.18039 0.52847 12.18039 0 curveto +12.18039 -0.52847 12.39035 -1.03523 12.764 -1.4089 curveto +13.13768 -1.78256 13.64444 -1.99252 14.17291 -1.99252 curveto +14.70139 -1.99252 15.20815 -1.78256 15.58182 -1.4089 curveto +15.95547 -1.03523 16.16544 -0.52847 16.16544 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.33835 0 moveto +30.33835 0.52847 30.12839 1.03523 29.75473 1.4089 curveto +29.38106 1.78256 28.8743 1.99252 28.34583 1.99252 curveto +27.81735 1.99252 27.3106 1.78256 26.93692 1.4089 curveto +26.56326 1.03523 26.3533 0.52847 26.3533 0 curveto +26.3533 -0.52847 26.56326 -1.03523 26.93692 -1.4089 curveto +27.3106 -1.78256 27.81735 -1.99252 28.34583 -1.99252 curveto +28.8743 -1.99252 29.38106 -1.78256 29.75473 -1.4089 curveto +30.12839 -1.03523 30.33835 -0.52847 30.33835 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.51126 0 moveto +44.51126 0.52847 44.3013 1.03523 43.92764 1.4089 curveto +43.55397 1.78256 43.04721 1.99252 42.51874 1.99252 curveto +41.99026 1.99252 41.4835 1.78256 41.10983 1.4089 curveto +40.73618 1.03523 40.52621 0.52847 40.52621 0 curveto +40.52621 -0.52847 40.73618 -1.03523 41.10983 -1.4089 curveto +41.4835 -1.78256 41.99026 -1.99252 42.51874 -1.99252 curveto +43.04721 -1.99252 43.55397 -1.78256 43.92764 -1.4089 curveto +44.3013 -1.03523 44.51126 -0.52847 44.51126 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 212 760 a Fn(v)232 766 y Fr(1)281 767 y +Fn(v)301 773 y Fr(2)398 767 y Fn(v)418 773 y Fr(3)467 +760 y Fn(v)487 766 y Fr(4)p 460 739 V 257 741 206 2 v +545 572 V 545 739 2 167 v 559 727 a @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 43 @urx 35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.8 + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 0 moveto +0 34.0155 lineto stroke + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 1.99252 0 moveto +1.99252 0.52847 1.78256 1.03523 1.4089 1.4089 curveto +1.03523 1.78256 0.52847 1.99252 0 1.99252 curveto +-0.52847 1.99252 -1.03523 1.78256 -1.4089 1.4089 curveto +-1.78256 1.03523 -1.99252 0.52847 -1.99252 0 curveto +-1.99252 -0.52847 -1.78256 -1.03523 -1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +-1.03523 -1.78256 -0.52847 -1.99252 0 -1.99252 curveto +0.52847 -1.99252 1.03523 -1.78256 1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +1.78256 -1.03523 1.99252 -0.52847 1.99252 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 11.33835 moveto +1.99252 11.86682 1.78256 12.37358 1.4089 12.74725 curveto +1.03523 13.12091 0.52847 13.33087 0 13.33087 curveto +-0.52847 13.33087 -1.03523 13.12091 -1.4089 12.74725 curveto +-1.78256 12.37358 -1.99252 11.86682 -1.99252 11.33835 curveto +-1.99252 10.80988 -1.78256 10.30312 -1.4089 9.92944 curveto +-1.03523 9.55579 -0.52847 9.34583 0 9.34583 curveto +0.52847 9.34583 1.03523 9.55579 1.4089 9.92944 curveto +1.78256 10.30312 1.99252 10.80988 1.99252 11.33835 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 22.67665 moveto +1.99252 23.20512 1.78256 23.71188 1.4089 24.08556 curveto +1.03523 24.45921 0.52847 24.66917 0 24.66917 curveto +-0.52847 24.66917 -1.03523 24.45921 -1.4089 24.08556 curveto +-1.78256 23.71188 -1.99252 23.20512 -1.99252 22.67665 curveto +-1.99252 22.14818 -1.78256 21.64142 -1.4089 21.26775 curveto +-1.03523 20.89409 -0.52847 20.68413 0 20.68413 curveto +0.52847 20.68413 1.03523 20.89409 1.4089 21.26775 curveto +1.78256 21.64142 1.99252 22.14818 1.99252 22.67665 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 34.015 moveto +1.99252 34.54347 1.78256 35.05023 1.4089 35.4239 curveto +1.03523 35.79756 0.52847 36.00752 0 36.00752 curveto +-0.52847 36.00752 -1.03523 35.79756 -1.4089 35.4239 curveto +-1.78256 35.05023 -1.99252 34.54347 -1.99252 34.015 curveto +-1.99252 33.48653 -1.78256 32.97977 -1.4089 32.6061 curveto +-1.03523 32.23244 -0.52847 32.02248 0 32.02248 curveto +0.52847 32.02248 1.03523 32.23244 1.4089 32.6061 curveto +1.78256 32.97977 1.99252 33.48653 1.99252 34.015 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore 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15.01523 42.51938 15.01523 curveto +43.04785 15.01523 43.55461 15.22519 43.92828 15.59885 curveto +44.30194 15.97252 44.5119 16.47928 44.5119 17.00775 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 41.47491 34.0155 moveto +41.47491 34.54398 41.26495 35.05074 40.8913 35.42441 curveto +40.51762 35.79807 40.01086 36.00803 39.48239 36.00803 curveto +38.95392 36.00803 38.44716 35.79807 38.07349 35.42441 curveto +37.69983 35.05074 37.48987 34.54398 37.48987 34.0155 curveto +37.48987 33.48703 37.69983 32.98027 38.07349 32.6066 curveto +38.44716 32.23294 38.95392 32.02298 39.48239 32.02298 curveto +40.01086 32.02298 40.51762 32.23294 40.8913 32.6066 curveto +41.26495 32.98027 41.47491 33.48703 41.47491 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 17.17819 34.0155 moveto +17.17819 34.54398 16.96823 35.05074 16.59457 35.42441 curveto +16.2209 35.79807 15.71414 36.00803 15.18567 36.00803 curveto +14.6572 36.00803 14.15044 35.79807 13.77676 35.42441 curveto +13.4031 35.05074 13.19315 34.54398 13.19315 34.0155 curveto +13.19315 33.48703 13.4031 32.98027 13.77676 32.6066 curveto +14.15044 32.23294 14.6572 32.02298 15.18567 32.02298 curveto +15.71414 32.02298 16.2209 32.23294 16.59457 32.6066 curveto +16.96823 32.98027 17.17819 33.48703 17.17819 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 26.72667 moveto +1.99252 27.25514 1.78256 27.7619 1.4089 28.13557 curveto +1.03523 28.50923 0.52847 28.7192 0 28.7192 curveto +-0.52847 28.7192 -1.03523 28.50923 -1.4089 28.13557 curveto +-1.78256 27.7619 -1.99252 27.25514 -1.99252 26.72667 curveto +-1.99252 26.1982 -1.78256 25.69144 -1.4089 25.31776 curveto +-1.03523 24.9441 -0.52847 24.73415 0 24.73415 curveto +0.52847 24.73415 1.03523 24.9441 1.4089 25.31776 curveto +1.78256 25.69144 1.99252 26.1982 1.99252 26.72667 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 7.28934 moveto +1.99252 7.81781 1.78256 8.32457 1.4089 8.69824 curveto +1.03523 9.0719 0.52847 9.28186 0 9.28186 curveto +-0.52847 9.28186 -1.03523 9.0719 -1.4089 8.69824 curveto +-1.78256 8.32457 -1.99252 7.81781 -1.99252 7.28934 curveto +-1.99252 6.76086 -1.78256 6.2541 -1.4089 5.88043 curveto +-1.03523 5.50677 -0.52847 5.29681 0 5.29681 curveto +0.52847 5.29681 1.03523 5.50677 1.4089 5.88043 curveto +1.78256 6.2541 1.99252 6.76086 1.99252 7.28934 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 17.17755 0 moveto +17.17755 0.52847 16.96759 1.03523 16.59393 1.4089 curveto +16.22026 1.78256 15.7135 1.99252 15.18503 1.99252 curveto +14.65656 1.99252 14.1498 1.78256 13.77612 1.4089 curveto +13.40247 1.03523 13.1925 0.52847 13.1925 0 curveto +13.1925 -0.52847 13.40247 -1.03523 13.77612 -1.4089 curveto +14.1498 -1.78256 14.65656 -1.99252 15.18503 -1.99252 curveto +15.7135 -1.99252 16.22026 -1.78256 16.59393 -1.4089 curveto +16.96759 -1.03523 17.17755 -0.52847 17.17755 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 41.47423 0 moveto +41.47423 0.52847 41.26427 1.03523 40.89061 1.4089 curveto +40.51694 1.78256 40.01018 1.99252 39.4817 1.99252 curveto +38.95323 1.99252 38.44647 1.78256 38.0728 1.4089 curveto +37.69914 1.03523 37.48918 0.52847 37.48918 0 curveto +37.48918 -0.52847 37.69914 -1.03523 38.0728 -1.4089 curveto +38.44647 -1.78256 38.95323 -1.99252 39.4817 -1.99252 curveto +40.01018 -1.99252 40.51694 -1.78256 40.89061 -1.4089 curveto +41.26427 -1.03523 41.47423 -0.52847 41.47423 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1050 662 a Fn(v)1070 668 y Fr(1)1030 562 +y Fn(v)1050 568 y Fr(2)883 555 y Fn(v)903 561 y Fr(3)786 +599 y Fn(v)806 605 y Fr(4)786 725 y Fn(v)806 731 y Fr(5)883 +768 y Fn(v)903 774 y Fr(6)1030 761 y Fn(v)1050 767 y +Fr(7)p 1037 739 V 833 741 206 2 v 1122 572 V 1122 739 +2 167 v 1136 727 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx +35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.10 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 34.0155 moveto +42.51938 34.0155 lineto stroke +newpath 1.99252 34.0155 moveto +1.99252 34.54398 1.78256 35.05074 1.4089 35.42441 curveto +1.03523 35.79807 0.52847 36.00803 0 36.00803 curveto +-0.52847 36.00803 -1.03523 35.79807 -1.4089 35.42441 curveto +-1.78256 35.05074 -1.99252 34.54398 -1.99252 34.0155 curveto +-1.99252 33.48703 -1.78256 32.98027 -1.4089 32.6066 curveto +-1.03523 32.23294 -0.52847 32.02298 0 32.02298 curveto +0.52847 32.02298 1.03523 32.23294 1.4089 32.6066 curveto +1.78256 32.98027 1.99252 33.48703 1.99252 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 16.16544 34.0155 moveto +16.16544 34.54398 15.95547 35.05074 15.58182 35.42441 curveto +15.20815 35.79807 14.70139 36.00803 14.17291 36.00803 curveto +13.64444 36.00803 13.13768 35.79807 12.764 35.42441 curveto +12.39035 35.05074 12.18039 34.54398 12.18039 34.0155 curveto +12.18039 33.48703 12.39035 32.98027 12.764 32.6066 curveto +13.13768 32.23294 13.64444 32.02298 14.17291 32.02298 curveto +14.70139 32.02298 15.20815 32.23294 15.58182 32.6066 curveto +15.95547 32.98027 16.16544 33.48703 16.16544 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.33835 34.0155 moveto +30.33835 34.54398 30.12839 35.05074 29.75473 35.42441 curveto +29.38106 35.79807 28.8743 36.00803 28.34583 36.00803 curveto +27.81735 36.00803 27.3106 35.79807 26.93692 35.42441 curveto +26.56326 35.05074 26.3533 34.54398 26.3533 34.0155 curveto +26.3533 33.48703 26.56326 32.98027 26.93692 32.6066 curveto +27.3106 32.23294 27.81735 32.02298 28.34583 32.02298 curveto +28.8743 32.02298 29.38106 32.23294 29.75473 32.6066 curveto +30.12839 32.98027 30.33835 33.48703 30.33835 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.51126 34.0155 moveto +44.51126 34.54398 44.3013 35.05074 43.92764 35.42441 curveto +43.55397 35.79807 43.04721 36.00803 42.51874 36.00803 curveto +41.99026 36.00803 41.4835 35.79807 41.10983 35.42441 curveto +40.73618 35.05074 40.52621 34.54398 40.52621 34.0155 curveto +40.52621 33.48703 40.73618 32.98027 41.10983 32.6066 curveto +41.4835 32.23294 41.99026 32.02298 42.51874 32.02298 curveto +43.04721 32.02298 43.55397 32.23294 43.92764 32.6066 curveto +44.3013 32.98027 44.51126 33.48703 44.51126 34.0155 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1078 563 a Fn(v)1098 569 y Fr(1)1147 556 +y Fn(v)1167 562 y Fr(2)1264 556 y Fn(v)1284 562 y Fr(3)1333 +563 y Fn(v)1353 569 y Fr(4)p 1326 739 V 1122 741 206 +2 v 1410 572 V 1410 739 2 167 v 1424 727 a @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx 35 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.11 + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 42.51938 0 moveto +42.51938 34.0155 lineto stroke + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 44.5119 0 moveto +44.5119 0.52847 44.30194 1.03523 43.92828 1.4089 curveto +43.55461 1.78256 43.04785 1.99252 42.51938 1.99252 curveto +41.9909 1.99252 41.48415 1.78256 41.11047 1.4089 curveto +40.73682 1.03523 40.52686 0.52847 40.52686 0 curveto +40.52686 -0.52847 40.73682 -1.03523 41.11047 -1.4089 curveto +41.48415 -1.78256 41.9909 -1.99252 42.51938 -1.99252 curveto +43.04785 -1.99252 43.55461 -1.78256 43.92828 -1.4089 curveto +44.30194 -1.03523 44.5119 -0.52847 44.5119 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.5119 11.33835 moveto +44.5119 11.86682 44.30194 12.37358 43.92828 12.74725 curveto +43.55461 13.12091 43.04785 13.33087 42.51938 13.33087 curveto +41.9909 13.33087 41.48415 13.12091 41.11047 12.74725 curveto +40.73682 12.37358 40.52686 11.86682 40.52686 11.33835 curveto +40.52686 10.80988 40.73682 10.30312 41.11047 9.92944 curveto +41.48415 9.55579 41.9909 9.34583 42.51938 9.34583 curveto +43.04785 9.34583 43.55461 9.55579 43.92828 9.92944 curveto +44.30194 10.30312 44.5119 10.80988 44.5119 11.33835 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.5119 22.67665 moveto +44.5119 23.20512 44.30194 23.71188 43.92828 24.08556 curveto +43.55461 24.45921 43.04785 24.66917 42.51938 24.66917 curveto +41.9909 24.66917 41.48415 24.45921 41.11047 24.08556 curveto +40.73682 23.71188 40.52686 23.20512 40.52686 22.67665 curveto +40.52686 22.14818 40.73682 21.64142 41.11047 21.26775 curveto +41.48415 20.89409 41.9909 20.68413 42.51938 20.68413 curveto +43.04785 20.68413 43.55461 20.89409 43.92828 21.26775 curveto +44.30194 21.64142 44.5119 22.14818 44.5119 22.67665 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 44.5119 34.015 moveto +44.5119 34.54347 44.30194 35.05023 43.92828 35.4239 curveto +43.55461 35.79756 43.04785 36.00752 42.51938 36.00752 curveto +41.9909 36.00752 41.48415 35.79756 41.11047 35.4239 curveto +40.73682 35.05023 40.52686 34.54347 40.52686 34.015 curveto +40.52686 33.48653 40.73682 32.97977 41.11047 32.6061 curveto +41.48415 32.23244 41.9909 32.02248 42.51938 32.02248 curveto +43.04785 32.02248 43.55461 32.23244 43.92828 32.6061 curveto +44.30194 32.97977 44.5119 33.48653 44.5119 34.015 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1621 760 a Fn(v)1641 766 y Fr(1)1626 692 +y Fn(v)1646 698 y Fr(2)1626 631 y Fn(v)1646 637 y Fr(3)1621 +563 y Fn(v)1641 569 y Fr(4)p 1614 739 V 1410 741 206 +2 v 686 859 a Fx(Figure)g(6:)k(Straigh)o(t)c(galleries.)220 +992 y Fs(2.5.1)48 b(External)14 b(v)o(ertices)233 1069 +y Fx(P)o(ositioning)e(of)g(external)i(v)o(ertices)h(has)e(to)g(done)h +(explicitely)m(.)i(The)e(tec)o(hnical)f(reason)h(is)-1635 +b FE(\\fmfleft)-2 1118 y(\\fmfright)-22 1168 y(\\fmfbottom)37 +1218 y(\\fmftop)-61 1268 y(\\fmfsurrou)o(nd)220 1118 +y Fx(that)16 b(they)g(w)o(ould)e(otherwise)j(collapse)e(with)g(their)h +(neigh)o(b)q(ors,)g(but)g(practical)f(reasons)220 1168 +y(also)e(suggest)i(to)e(giv)o(e)h(the)g(user)h(full)d(con)o(trol)i +(here.)19 b Fz(\\fmfleft{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)n Fx([)p +Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)h(.)f(])p Fz(})13 b Fx(places)h(the)220 +1218 y(v)o(ertices)k(in)f(the)g(comma)d(separated)k(list)f +Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p Fx(,.)g(.)h(.)23 b(equidistan)o(tly)16 +b(on)h(a)f(smo)q(oth)g(path)220 1268 y(on)d(the)i(left)e(side)h(of)f +(the)h(diagram.)i Fz(\\fmfright{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)n +Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})13 b Fx(do)q(es)h(the)g(same)f +(thing)g(on)220 1318 y(the)f(righ)o(t.)17 b(Similarly)8 +b Fz(\\fmfbottom)h Fx(and)j Fz(\\fmftop)p Fx(,)e(while)h +Fz(\\fmfsurround{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)m Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})220 1368 y Fx(places)14 b(its)g(argumen)o(ts)f +(on)h(smo)q(oth)f(path)h(surrounding)g(the)g(diagram.)237 +1417 y(P)o(er)j(default,)g(the)g Fw(gal)r(leries)j Fx(on)c(whic)o(h)h +(w)o(e)g(place)g(the)g(external)h(v)o(ertices)g(are)f(curv)o(ed)-1673 +b FE(\\fmfcurved)-61 1467 y(\\fmfstraig)o(ht)42 b Fx(as)14 +b(in)f(\014gure)h(5,)f(but)h(straigh)o(t)g(galleries)f(are)h(also)f(a)o +(v)n(ailable.)j(The)e(macros)f Fz(\\fmfcurved)220 1517 +y Fx(and)h Fz(\\fmfstraight)d Fx(switc)o(h)j(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)i(these)f +(alternativ)o(es.)244 1567 y(The)25 b(macro)e Fz(\\fmfleftn)f +Fx(is)i(similar)e(to)i Fz(\\fmfleft)p Fx(,)h(but)f Fz(\\fmfleftn{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)o Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(n)s Fp(i)p Fz(})-1654 +b FE(\\fmfleftn)-22 1617 y(\\fmfrightn)-41 1666 y(\\fmfbotto)o(mn)17 +1716 y(\\fmftopn)-81 1766 y(\\fmfsurroun)o(dn)220 1617 +y Fx(places)21 b(the)h(v)o(ertices)g Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p +Fw(1)p Fx(])p Fp(i)o Fx(.)7 b(.)f(.)h Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p +Fw(n)p Fx(])p Fp(i)o Fx(.)39 b(Analogously)19 b(for)i(the)g(macros)f +Fz(\\fmfrightn)p Fx(,)220 1666 y Fz(\\fmfbottomn)p Fx(,)11 +b Fz(\\fmftopn)h Fx(and)i Fz(\\fmfsurroundn)p Fx(.)220 +1774 y Fs(2.5.2)48 b(Arcs)16 b(and)f(in)o(ternal)d(v)o(ertices)234 +1851 y Fx(This)i(is)f(the)i(the)f(most)f(frequen)o(tly)h(used)h(macro)e +(in)g Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)g Fx(applications.)-1373 b FE(\\fmf)324 +1934 y Fz(\\fmf{)p Fp(h)p Fw(style)s Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p Fw(val)t +Fp(i)o Fx(])p Fz(,)p Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)f(])p Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p +Fw(v1)g Fp(i)o Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(v2)g Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)g(.)h(.)f(])p Fz(})220 2017 y Fx(connects)14 b(the)f(v)o(ertices)h +Fw(v1,v2,.)6 b(.)g(.)24 b Fx(with)12 b(a)g(line)g(of)g(st)o(yle)g +Fp(h)p Fw(style)s Fp(i)p Fx(,)g(using)g(a)g(set)i(of)d(options)220 +2067 y Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)17 b Fx(with)f(\(optional\))f(v)n(alue)g +Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)q Fx(.)25 b(If)16 b(a)g(v)o(ertex)h(is)f(not)g +(kno)o(wn)g(y)o(et,)h(it)f(is)g(added)g(to)220 2117 y(the)h(diagram.)25 +b(Note)17 b(that)g(the)h(actual)e(dra)o(wing)h(is)f(not)h(done)g +(immediately)l(,)d(b)q(ecause)220 2166 y(the)f(p)q(ositions)e(can)i +(only)e(b)q(e)h(calculated)h(when)f Fw(al)r(l)k Fx(v)o(ertices)d(are)g +(kno)o(wn.)k(The)12 b(curren)o(tly)220 2216 y(a)o(v)n(ailable)f(st)o +(yles)k(are)f(collected)g(in)f(table)h(1.)j(Most)d(names)f(should)h(b)q +(e)g(self)g(explanatory)220 2266 y(and)j(are)h(not)g(discussed)h +(further.)29 b(The)18 b Fz(dashes)p Fx(,)f Fz(dots)p +Fx(,)g Fz(phantom)f Fx(and)h Fz(plain)g Fx(st)o(yles)220 +2316 y(can)12 b(optionally)e(b)q(e)i(decorated)h(with)f(an)f(arro)o(w)h +(as)g(sho)o(wn)g(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e.)17 b(All)11 b(st)o(yles,)h(including) +220 2366 y Fz(curly)p Fx(,)j Fz(wiggly)g Fx(and)h Fz(zigzag)p +Fx(,)f(can)h(b)q(e)h(doubled.)24 b(But)17 b(arro)o(ws)f(are)h(not)f(a)o +(v)n(ailable)d(for)220 2415 y(the)h(latter)h(three,)f(b)q(ecause)i +(esthetically)e(pleasing)f(results)i(can)f(not)g(b)q(e)h(exp)q(ected.) +20 b(The)220 2465 y Fz(phantom)13 b Fx(st)o(yle)h(is)g(sp)q(ecial,)g(b) +q(ecause)i(it)e(only)f(en)o(ters)j(the)e(v)o(ertices)i(and)e(do)q(es)h +Fw(not)j Fx(cause)220 2515 y(a)f(line)f(to)h(b)q(e)h(dra)o(wn.)27 +b(This)17 b(is)g(extremely)g(useful)g(for)g(adv)n(anced)g(la)o(y)o(out) +f(features,)i(as)220 2565 y(explained)i(b)q(elo)o(w.)35 +b(If)19 b(y)o(ou)h(need)g(a)g(line)f(st)o(yles)h(that)g(is)g(not)g +(listed)f(in)h(table)f(1,)i(see)220 2615 y(section)15 +b(2.8.1)d(for)h(ho)o(w)h(to)g(de\014ne)g(y)o(our)g(o)o(wn)g(line)f(st)o +(yles.)915 2831 y(14)p eop +%%Page: 15 15 +15 14 bop 220 230 1669 2 v 219 280 2 50 v 245 265 a Fx(Name)p +618 280 V 399 w(Example)p 1040 280 V 155 w(P)o(arameters)p +1351 280 V 107 w(Aliases)p 1887 280 V 220 281 1669 2 +v 220 290 V 219 380 2 90 v 245 365 a Fz(curly)p 618 380 +V 288 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.12 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +0 0.96402 11.30978 0.96402 11.30978 8.50388 curveto +11.30978 12.24527 5.6977 12.24527 5.6977 8.50388 curveto +5.6977 -0.9071 19.81416 -0.9071 19.81416 8.50388 curveto +19.81416 12.24524 14.20212 12.24524 14.20212 8.50388 curveto +14.20212 -0.9071 28.31859 -0.9071 28.31859 8.50388 curveto +28.31859 12.24612 22.70522 12.24612 22.70522 8.50388 curveto +22.70522 -0.9071 36.82169 -0.9071 36.82169 8.50388 curveto +36.82169 12.24527 31.2096 12.24527 31.2096 8.50388 curveto +31.2096 -0.9071 45.32607 -0.9071 45.32607 8.50388 curveto +45.32607 12.24612 39.71269 12.24612 39.71269 8.50388 curveto +39.71269 -0.9071 53.82916 -0.9071 53.82916 8.50388 curveto +53.82916 12.24527 48.21707 12.24527 48.21707 8.50388 curveto +48.21707 -0.9071 62.33354 -0.9071 62.33354 8.50388 curveto +62.33354 12.24524 56.7215 12.24524 56.7215 8.50388 curveto +56.7215 -0.9071 70.83797 -0.9071 70.83797 8.50388 curveto +70.83797 12.24612 65.2246 12.24612 65.2246 8.50388 curveto +65.2246 -0.9071 79.34106 -0.9071 79.34106 8.50388 curveto +79.34106 12.24527 73.72897 12.24527 73.72897 8.50388 curveto +73.72897 0.96402 85.03876 0.96402 85.03876 8.50388 curveto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 380 V 422 w(curly_len)p 1351 380 V +114 w(gluon)p 1887 380 V 220 381 1669 2 v 219 471 2 90 +v 245 456 a(dbl_curly)p 618 471 V 200 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.13 + 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +0 0.96402 11.30978 0.96402 11.30978 8.50388 curveto +11.30978 12.24527 5.6977 12.24527 5.6977 8.50388 curveto +5.6977 -0.9071 19.81416 -0.9071 19.81416 8.50388 curveto +19.81416 12.24524 14.20212 12.24524 14.20212 8.50388 curveto +14.20212 -0.9071 28.31859 -0.9071 28.31859 8.50388 curveto +28.31859 12.24612 22.70522 12.24612 22.70522 8.50388 curveto +22.70522 -0.9071 36.82169 -0.9071 36.82169 8.50388 curveto +36.82169 12.24527 31.2096 12.24527 31.2096 8.50388 curveto +31.2096 -0.9071 45.32607 -0.9071 45.32607 8.50388 curveto +45.32607 12.24612 39.71269 12.24612 39.71269 8.50388 curveto +39.71269 -0.9071 53.82916 -0.9071 53.82916 8.50388 curveto +53.82916 12.24527 48.21707 12.24527 48.21707 8.50388 curveto +48.21707 -0.9071 62.33354 -0.9071 62.33354 8.50388 curveto +62.33354 12.24524 56.7215 12.24524 56.7215 8.50388 curveto +56.7215 -0.9071 70.83797 -0.9071 70.83797 8.50388 curveto +70.83797 12.24612 65.2246 12.24612 65.2246 8.50388 curveto +65.2246 -0.9071 79.34106 -0.9071 79.34106 8.50388 curveto +79.34106 12.24527 73.72897 12.24527 73.72897 8.50388 curveto +73.72897 0.96402 85.03876 0.96402 85.03876 8.50388 curveto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +0 0.96402 11.30978 0.96402 11.30978 8.50388 curveto +11.30978 12.24527 5.6977 12.24527 5.6977 8.50388 curveto +5.6977 -0.9071 19.81416 -0.9071 19.81416 8.50388 curveto +19.81416 12.24524 14.20212 12.24524 14.20212 8.50388 curveto +14.20212 -0.9071 28.31859 -0.9071 28.31859 8.50388 curveto +28.31859 12.24612 22.70522 12.24612 22.70522 8.50388 curveto +22.70522 -0.9071 36.82169 -0.9071 36.82169 8.50388 curveto +36.82169 12.24527 31.2096 12.24527 31.2096 8.50388 curveto +31.2096 -0.9071 45.32607 -0.9071 45.32607 8.50388 curveto +45.32607 12.24612 39.71269 12.24612 39.71269 8.50388 curveto +39.71269 -0.9071 53.82916 -0.9071 53.82916 8.50388 curveto +53.82916 12.24527 48.21707 12.24527 48.21707 8.50388 curveto +48.21707 -0.9071 62.33354 -0.9071 62.33354 8.50388 curveto +62.33354 12.24524 56.7215 12.24524 56.7215 8.50388 curveto +56.7215 -0.9071 70.83797 -0.9071 70.83797 8.50388 curveto +70.83797 12.24612 65.2246 12.24612 65.2246 8.50388 curveto +65.2246 -0.9071 79.34106 -0.9071 79.34106 8.50388 curveto +79.34106 12.24527 73.72897 12.24527 73.72897 8.50388 curveto +73.72897 0.96402 85.03876 0.96402 85.03876 8.50388 curveto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 471 V 422 w(curly_len)p 1351 471 V +1887 471 V 220 473 1669 2 v 219 563 2 90 v 245 548 a(dashes)p +618 563 V 266 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 +@ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.14 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +4.25221 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 8.50438 8.50388 moveto +12.75531 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 17.00748 8.50388 moveto +21.25969 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 25.5119 8.50388 moveto +29.76407 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 34.015 8.50388 moveto +38.26717 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 42.51938 8.50388 moveto +46.77159 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 51.02376 8.50388 moveto +55.27469 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 59.52686 8.50388 moveto +63.77907 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 68.03128 8.50388 moveto +72.28345 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 76.53438 8.50388 moveto +80.78654 8.50388 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 563 V 422 w(dash_len)p 1351 563 V 1887 +563 V 220 565 1669 2 v 219 655 2 90 v 245 640 a(dashes_arrow)p +618 655 V 134 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 +@ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.15 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto 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truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 51.02376 8.50388 moveto +55.27469 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 0 setlinecap +newpath 59.52686 8.50388 moveto +63.77907 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 59.52686 8.50388 moveto +63.77907 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 0 setlinecap +newpath 68.03128 8.50388 moveto +72.28345 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 68.03128 8.50388 moveto +72.28345 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 0 setlinecap +newpath 76.53438 8.50388 moveto +80.78654 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 76.53438 8.50388 moveto 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truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 42.51938 8.50388 moveto +46.77159 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 0 setlinecap +newpath 51.02376 8.50388 moveto +55.27469 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 51.02376 8.50388 moveto +55.27469 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 0 setlinecap +newpath 59.52686 8.50388 moveto +63.77907 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 59.52686 8.50388 moveto +63.77907 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 0 setlinecap +newpath 68.03128 8.50388 moveto +72.28345 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 68.03128 8.50388 moveto 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8.15164 curveto +-0.25882 8.05823 -0.13211 8.00574 0 8.00574 curveto +0.13211 8.00574 0.25882 8.05823 0.35223 8.15164 curveto +0.44565 8.24506 0.49814 8.37177 0.49814 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 6.16731 8.50388 moveto +6.16731 8.63599 6.11482 8.7627 6.02141 8.85611 curveto +5.928 8.94952 5.80128 9.00201 5.66917 9.00201 curveto +5.53706 9.00201 5.41035 8.94952 5.31694 8.85611 curveto +5.22353 8.7627 5.17104 8.63599 5.17104 8.50388 curveto +5.17104 8.37177 5.22353 8.24506 5.31694 8.15164 curveto +5.41035 8.05823 5.53706 8.00574 5.66917 8.00574 curveto +5.80128 8.00574 5.928 8.05823 6.02141 8.15164 curveto +6.11482 8.24506 6.16731 8.37177 6.16731 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 11.83649 8.50388 moveto +11.83649 8.63599 11.784 8.7627 11.69058 8.85611 curveto +11.59717 8.94952 11.47046 9.00201 11.33835 9.00201 curveto +11.20624 9.00201 11.07953 8.94952 10.98611 8.85611 curveto +10.8927 8.7627 10.84021 8.63599 10.84021 8.50388 curveto +10.84021 8.37177 10.8927 8.24506 10.98611 8.15164 curveto +11.07953 8.05823 11.20624 8.00574 11.33835 8.00574 curveto +11.47046 8.00574 11.59717 8.05823 11.69058 8.15164 curveto +11.784 8.24506 11.83649 8.37177 11.83649 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 17.50562 8.50388 moveto +17.50562 8.63599 17.45313 8.7627 17.35971 8.85611 curveto +17.2663 8.94952 17.13959 9.00201 17.00748 9.00201 curveto +16.87537 9.00201 16.74866 8.94952 16.65524 8.85611 curveto +16.56183 8.7627 16.50934 8.63599 16.50934 8.50388 curveto +16.50934 8.37177 16.56183 8.24506 16.65524 8.15164 curveto +16.74866 8.05823 16.87537 8.00574 17.00748 8.00574 curveto +17.13959 8.00574 17.2663 8.05823 17.35971 8.15164 curveto +17.45313 8.24506 17.50562 8.37177 17.50562 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 23.17479 8.50388 moveto +23.17479 8.63599 23.1223 8.7627 23.02888 8.85611 curveto +22.93547 8.94952 22.80876 9.00201 22.67665 9.00201 curveto +22.54454 9.00201 22.41783 8.94952 22.32442 8.85611 curveto +22.231 8.7627 22.17851 8.63599 22.17851 8.50388 curveto +22.17851 8.37177 22.231 8.24506 22.32442 8.15164 curveto +22.41783 8.05823 22.54454 8.00574 22.67665 8.00574 curveto +22.80876 8.00574 22.93547 8.05823 23.02888 8.15164 curveto +23.1223 8.24506 23.17479 8.37177 23.17479 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 28.84396 8.50388 moveto +28.84396 8.63599 28.79147 8.7627 28.69806 8.85611 curveto +28.60464 8.94952 28.47794 9.00201 28.34583 9.00201 curveto +28.21371 9.00201 28.087 8.94952 27.99359 8.85611 curveto +27.90018 8.7627 27.84769 8.63599 27.84769 8.50388 curveto +27.84769 8.37177 27.90018 8.24506 27.99359 8.15164 curveto +28.087 8.05823 28.21371 8.00574 28.34583 8.00574 curveto +28.47794 8.00574 28.60464 8.05823 28.69806 8.15164 curveto +28.79147 8.24506 28.84396 8.37177 28.84396 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 34.51314 8.50388 moveto +34.51314 8.63599 34.46065 8.7627 34.36723 8.85611 curveto +34.27382 8.94952 34.14711 9.00201 34.015 9.00201 curveto +33.88289 9.00201 33.75618 8.94952 33.66277 8.85611 curveto 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9.00201 45.09581 8.94952 45.0024 8.85611 curveto +44.90898 8.7627 44.85649 8.63599 44.85649 8.50388 curveto +44.85649 8.37177 44.90898 8.24506 45.0024 8.15164 curveto +45.09581 8.05823 45.22252 8.00574 45.35463 8.00574 curveto +45.48674 8.00574 45.61345 8.05823 45.70686 8.15164 curveto +45.80028 8.24506 45.85277 8.37177 45.85277 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 51.5219 8.50388 moveto +51.5219 8.63599 51.4694 8.7627 51.37599 8.85611 curveto +51.28258 8.94952 51.15587 9.00201 51.02376 9.00201 curveto +50.89165 9.00201 50.76494 8.94952 50.67152 8.85611 curveto +50.57811 8.7627 50.52562 8.63599 50.52562 8.50388 curveto +50.52562 8.37177 50.57811 8.24506 50.67152 8.15164 curveto +50.76494 8.05823 50.89165 8.00574 51.02376 8.00574 curveto +51.15587 8.00574 51.28258 8.05823 51.37599 8.15164 curveto +51.4694 8.24506 51.5219 8.37177 51.5219 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 57.19107 8.50388 moveto +57.19107 8.63599 57.13858 8.7627 57.04517 8.85611 curveto +56.95175 8.94952 56.82504 9.00201 56.69293 9.00201 curveto +56.56082 9.00201 56.43411 8.94952 56.3407 8.85611 curveto +56.24728 8.7627 56.1948 8.63599 56.1948 8.50388 curveto +56.1948 8.37177 56.24728 8.24506 56.3407 8.15164 curveto +56.43411 8.05823 56.56082 8.00574 56.69293 8.00574 curveto +56.82504 8.00574 56.95175 8.05823 57.04517 8.15164 curveto +57.13858 8.24506 57.19107 8.37177 57.19107 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 62.86024 8.50388 moveto +62.86024 8.63599 62.80775 8.7627 62.71434 8.85611 curveto +62.62093 8.94952 62.49422 9.00201 62.3621 9.00201 curveto +62.23 9.00201 62.10329 8.94952 62.00987 8.85611 curveto +61.91646 8.7627 61.86397 8.63599 61.86397 8.50388 curveto +61.86397 8.37177 61.91646 8.24506 62.00987 8.15164 curveto +62.10329 8.05823 62.23 8.00574 62.3621 8.00574 curveto +62.49422 8.00574 62.62093 8.05823 62.71434 8.15164 curveto +62.80775 8.24506 62.86024 8.37177 62.86024 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 68.52942 8.50388 moveto +68.52942 8.63599 68.47693 8.7627 68.38351 8.85611 curveto +68.2901 8.94952 68.16339 9.00201 68.03128 9.00201 curveto +67.89917 9.00201 67.77246 8.94952 67.67905 8.85611 curveto +67.58563 8.7627 67.53314 8.63599 67.53314 8.50388 curveto +67.53314 8.37177 67.58563 8.24506 67.67905 8.15164 curveto +67.77246 8.05823 67.89917 8.00574 68.03128 8.00574 curveto +68.16339 8.00574 68.2901 8.05823 68.38351 8.15164 curveto +68.47693 8.24506 68.52942 8.37177 68.52942 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 74.19855 8.50388 moveto +74.19855 8.63599 74.14606 8.7627 74.05264 8.85611 curveto +73.95923 8.94952 73.83252 9.00201 73.70041 9.00201 curveto +73.5683 9.00201 73.44159 8.94952 73.34818 8.85611 curveto +73.25476 8.7627 73.20227 8.63599 73.20227 8.50388 curveto +73.20227 8.37177 73.25476 8.24506 73.34818 8.15164 curveto +73.44159 8.05823 73.5683 8.00574 73.70041 8.00574 curveto +73.83252 8.00574 73.95923 8.05823 74.05264 8.15164 curveto +74.14606 8.24506 74.19855 8.37177 74.19855 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 79.86772 8.50388 moveto +79.86772 8.63599 79.81523 8.7627 79.72182 8.85611 curveto +79.6284 8.94952 79.5017 9.00201 79.36958 9.00201 curveto +79.23747 9.00201 79.11076 8.94952 79.01735 8.85611 curveto +78.92393 8.7627 78.87144 8.63599 78.87144 8.50388 curveto +78.87144 8.37177 78.92393 8.24506 79.01735 8.15164 curveto +79.11076 8.05823 79.23747 8.00574 79.36958 8.00574 curveto +79.5017 8.00574 79.6284 8.05823 79.72182 8.15164 curveto +79.81523 8.24506 79.86772 8.37177 79.86772 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 85.5369 8.50388 moveto +85.5369 8.63599 85.4844 8.7627 85.39099 8.85611 curveto +85.29758 8.94952 85.17087 9.00201 85.03876 9.00201 curveto +84.90665 9.00201 84.77994 8.94952 84.68652 8.85611 curveto +84.59311 8.7627 84.54062 8.63599 84.54062 8.50388 curveto +84.54062 8.37177 84.59311 8.24506 84.68652 8.15164 curveto +84.77994 8.05823 84.90665 8.00574 85.03876 8.00574 curveto +85.17087 8.00574 85.29758 8.05823 85.39099 8.15164 curveto +85.4844 8.24506 85.5369 8.37177 85.5369 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 929 V 422 w(dot_len)p 1351 929 V 1887 +929 V 220 931 1669 2 v 219 1021 2 90 v 245 1006 a(dots_arrow)p +618 1021 V 178 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx +18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.19 +newpath 0.49814 8.50388 moveto +0.49814 8.63599 0.44565 8.7627 0.35223 8.85611 curveto +0.25882 8.94952 0.13211 9.00201 0 9.00201 curveto +-0.13211 9.00201 -0.25882 8.94952 -0.35223 8.85611 curveto +-0.44565 8.7627 -0.49814 8.63599 -0.49814 8.50388 curveto +-0.49814 8.37177 -0.44565 8.24506 -0.35223 8.15164 curveto +-0.25882 8.05823 -0.13211 8.00574 0 8.00574 curveto +0.13211 8.00574 0.25882 8.05823 0.35223 8.15164 curveto +0.44565 8.24506 0.49814 8.37177 0.49814 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 6.16731 8.50388 moveto +6.16731 8.63599 6.11482 8.7627 6.02141 8.85611 curveto +5.928 8.94952 5.80128 9.00201 5.66917 9.00201 curveto +5.53706 9.00201 5.41035 8.94952 5.31694 8.85611 curveto +5.22353 8.7627 5.17104 8.63599 5.17104 8.50388 curveto +5.17104 8.37177 5.22353 8.24506 5.31694 8.15164 curveto +5.41035 8.05823 5.53706 8.00574 5.66917 8.00574 curveto +5.80128 8.00574 5.928 8.05823 6.02141 8.15164 curveto +6.11482 8.24506 6.16731 8.37177 6.16731 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 11.83649 8.50388 moveto +11.83649 8.63599 11.784 8.7627 11.69058 8.85611 curveto +11.59717 8.94952 11.47046 9.00201 11.33835 9.00201 curveto +11.20624 9.00201 11.07953 8.94952 10.98611 8.85611 curveto +10.8927 8.7627 10.84021 8.63599 10.84021 8.50388 curveto +10.84021 8.37177 10.8927 8.24506 10.98611 8.15164 curveto +11.07953 8.05823 11.20624 8.00574 11.33835 8.00574 curveto +11.47046 8.00574 11.59717 8.05823 11.69058 8.15164 curveto +11.784 8.24506 11.83649 8.37177 11.83649 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 17.50562 8.50388 moveto +17.50562 8.63599 17.45313 8.7627 17.35971 8.85611 curveto +17.2663 8.94952 17.13959 9.00201 17.00748 9.00201 curveto +16.87537 9.00201 16.74866 8.94952 16.65524 8.85611 curveto +16.56183 8.7627 16.50934 8.63599 16.50934 8.50388 curveto +16.50934 8.37177 16.56183 8.24506 16.65524 8.15164 curveto +16.74866 8.05823 16.87537 8.00574 17.00748 8.00574 curveto +17.13959 8.00574 17.2663 8.05823 17.35971 8.15164 curveto +17.45313 8.24506 17.50562 8.37177 17.50562 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 23.17479 8.50388 moveto +23.17479 8.63599 23.1223 8.7627 23.02888 8.85611 curveto +22.93547 8.94952 22.80876 9.00201 22.67665 9.00201 curveto +22.54454 9.00201 22.41783 8.94952 22.32442 8.85611 curveto +22.231 8.7627 22.17851 8.63599 22.17851 8.50388 curveto +22.17851 8.37177 22.231 8.24506 22.32442 8.15164 curveto +22.41783 8.05823 22.54454 8.00574 22.67665 8.00574 curveto +22.80876 8.00574 22.93547 8.05823 23.02888 8.15164 curveto +23.1223 8.24506 23.17479 8.37177 23.17479 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 28.84396 8.50388 moveto +28.84396 8.63599 28.79147 8.7627 28.69806 8.85611 curveto +28.60464 8.94952 28.47794 9.00201 28.34583 9.00201 curveto +28.21371 9.00201 28.087 8.94952 27.99359 8.85611 curveto +27.90018 8.7627 27.84769 8.63599 27.84769 8.50388 curveto +27.84769 8.37177 27.90018 8.24506 27.99359 8.15164 curveto +28.087 8.05823 28.21371 8.00574 28.34583 8.00574 curveto +28.47794 8.00574 28.60464 8.05823 28.69806 8.15164 curveto +28.79147 8.24506 28.84396 8.37177 28.84396 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 34.51314 8.50388 moveto +34.51314 8.63599 34.46065 8.7627 34.36723 8.85611 curveto +34.27382 8.94952 34.14711 9.00201 34.015 9.00201 curveto +33.88289 9.00201 33.75618 8.94952 33.66277 8.85611 curveto +33.56935 8.7627 33.51686 8.63599 33.51686 8.50388 curveto +33.51686 8.37177 33.56935 8.24506 33.66277 8.15164 curveto +33.75618 8.05823 33.88289 8.00574 34.015 8.00574 curveto +34.14711 8.00574 34.27382 8.05823 34.36723 8.15164 curveto +34.46065 8.24506 34.51314 8.37177 34.51314 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 40.18227 8.50388 moveto +40.18227 8.63599 40.12978 8.7627 40.03636 8.85611 curveto +39.94295 8.94952 39.81624 9.00201 39.68413 9.00201 curveto +39.55202 9.00201 39.42531 8.94952 39.3319 8.85611 curveto +39.23848 8.7627 39.18599 8.63599 39.18599 8.50388 curveto +39.18599 8.37177 39.23848 8.24506 39.3319 8.15164 curveto +39.42531 8.05823 39.55202 8.00574 39.68413 8.00574 curveto +39.81624 8.00574 39.94295 8.05823 40.03636 8.15164 curveto +40.12978 8.24506 40.18227 8.37177 40.18227 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 45.85277 8.50388 moveto +45.85277 8.63599 45.80028 8.7627 45.70686 8.85611 curveto +45.61345 8.94952 45.48674 9.00201 45.35463 9.00201 curveto +45.22252 9.00201 45.09581 8.94952 45.0024 8.85611 curveto +44.90898 8.7627 44.85649 8.63599 44.85649 8.50388 curveto +44.85649 8.37177 44.90898 8.24506 45.0024 8.15164 curveto +45.09581 8.05823 45.22252 8.00574 45.35463 8.00574 curveto +45.48674 8.00574 45.61345 8.05823 45.70686 8.15164 curveto +45.80028 8.24506 45.85277 8.37177 45.85277 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 51.5219 8.50388 moveto +51.5219 8.63599 51.4694 8.7627 51.37599 8.85611 curveto +51.28258 8.94952 51.15587 9.00201 51.02376 9.00201 curveto +50.89165 9.00201 50.76494 8.94952 50.67152 8.85611 curveto +50.57811 8.7627 50.52562 8.63599 50.52562 8.50388 curveto +50.52562 8.37177 50.57811 8.24506 50.67152 8.15164 curveto +50.76494 8.05823 50.89165 8.00574 51.02376 8.00574 curveto +51.15587 8.00574 51.28258 8.05823 51.37599 8.15164 curveto +51.4694 8.24506 51.5219 8.37177 51.5219 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 57.19107 8.50388 moveto +57.19107 8.63599 57.13858 8.7627 57.04517 8.85611 curveto +56.95175 8.94952 56.82504 9.00201 56.69293 9.00201 curveto +56.56082 9.00201 56.43411 8.94952 56.3407 8.85611 curveto +56.24728 8.7627 56.1948 8.63599 56.1948 8.50388 curveto +56.1948 8.37177 56.24728 8.24506 56.3407 8.15164 curveto +56.43411 8.05823 56.56082 8.00574 56.69293 8.00574 curveto +56.82504 8.00574 56.95175 8.05823 57.04517 8.15164 curveto +57.13858 8.24506 57.19107 8.37177 57.19107 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 62.86024 8.50388 moveto +62.86024 8.63599 62.80775 8.7627 62.71434 8.85611 curveto +62.62093 8.94952 62.49422 9.00201 62.3621 9.00201 curveto +62.23 9.00201 62.10329 8.94952 62.00987 8.85611 curveto +61.91646 8.7627 61.86397 8.63599 61.86397 8.50388 curveto +61.86397 8.37177 61.91646 8.24506 62.00987 8.15164 curveto +62.10329 8.05823 62.23 8.00574 62.3621 8.00574 curveto +62.49422 8.00574 62.62093 8.05823 62.71434 8.15164 curveto +62.80775 8.24506 62.86024 8.37177 62.86024 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 68.52942 8.50388 moveto +68.52942 8.63599 68.47693 8.7627 68.38351 8.85611 curveto +68.2901 8.94952 68.16339 9.00201 68.03128 9.00201 curveto +67.89917 9.00201 67.77246 8.94952 67.67905 8.85611 curveto +67.58563 8.7627 67.53314 8.63599 67.53314 8.50388 curveto +67.53314 8.37177 67.58563 8.24506 67.67905 8.15164 curveto +67.77246 8.05823 67.89917 8.00574 68.03128 8.00574 curveto +68.16339 8.00574 68.2901 8.05823 68.38351 8.15164 curveto +68.47693 8.24506 68.52942 8.37177 68.52942 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 74.19855 8.50388 moveto +74.19855 8.63599 74.14606 8.7627 74.05264 8.85611 curveto +73.95923 8.94952 73.83252 9.00201 73.70041 9.00201 curveto +73.5683 9.00201 73.44159 8.94952 73.34818 8.85611 curveto +73.25476 8.7627 73.20227 8.63599 73.20227 8.50388 curveto +73.20227 8.37177 73.25476 8.24506 73.34818 8.15164 curveto +73.44159 8.05823 73.5683 8.00574 73.70041 8.00574 curveto +73.83252 8.00574 73.95923 8.05823 74.05264 8.15164 curveto +74.14606 8.24506 74.19855 8.37177 74.19855 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 79.86772 8.50388 moveto +79.86772 8.63599 79.81523 8.7627 79.72182 8.85611 curveto +79.6284 8.94952 79.5017 9.00201 79.36958 9.00201 curveto +79.23747 9.00201 79.11076 8.94952 79.01735 8.85611 curveto +78.92393 8.7627 78.87144 8.63599 78.87144 8.50388 curveto +78.87144 8.37177 78.92393 8.24506 79.01735 8.15164 curveto +79.11076 8.05823 79.23747 8.00574 79.36958 8.00574 curveto +79.5017 8.00574 79.6284 8.05823 79.72182 8.15164 curveto +79.81523 8.24506 79.86772 8.37177 79.86772 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 85.5369 8.50388 moveto +85.5369 8.63599 85.4844 8.7627 85.39099 8.85611 curveto +85.29758 8.94952 85.17087 9.00201 85.03876 9.00201 curveto +84.90665 9.00201 84.77994 8.94952 84.68652 8.85611 curveto +84.59311 8.7627 84.54062 8.63599 84.54062 8.50388 curveto +84.54062 8.37177 84.59311 8.24506 84.68652 8.15164 curveto +84.77994 8.05823 84.90665 8.00574 85.03876 8.00574 curveto +85.17087 8.00574 85.29758 8.05823 85.39099 8.15164 curveto +85.4844 8.24506 85.5369 8.37177 85.5369 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 39.12582 5.56929 moveto +50.07765 8.50388 lineto +39.12582 11.43846 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1021 V 422 w(dot_len)p 1351 1021 V +158 w(ghost)p 1887 1021 V 220 1023 1669 2 v 219 1113 +2 90 v 245 1098 a(dbl_dots)p 618 1113 V 222 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.20 +newpath 1.4944 8.50388 moveto +1.4944 8.9002 1.33696 9.28032 1.0567 9.56058 curveto +0.77644 9.84084 0.39633 9.99828 0 9.99828 curveto +-0.39633 9.99828 -0.77644 9.84084 -1.0567 9.56058 curveto +-1.33696 9.28032 -1.4944 8.9002 -1.4944 8.50388 curveto +-1.4944 8.10754 -1.33696 7.72743 -1.0567 7.44717 curveto +-0.77644 7.16692 -0.39633 7.00948 0 7.00948 curveto +0.39633 7.00948 0.77644 7.16692 1.0567 7.44717 curveto +1.33696 7.72743 1.4944 8.10754 1.4944 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 7.16357 8.50388 moveto +7.16357 8.9002 7.00613 9.28032 6.72588 9.56058 curveto +6.44562 9.84084 6.0655 9.99828 5.66917 9.99828 curveto +5.27284 9.99828 4.89273 9.84084 4.61247 9.56058 curveto +4.33221 9.28032 4.17477 8.9002 4.17477 8.50388 curveto +4.17477 8.10754 4.33221 7.72743 4.61247 7.44717 curveto +4.89273 7.16692 5.27284 7.00948 5.66917 7.00948 curveto +6.0655 7.00948 6.44562 7.16692 6.72588 7.44717 curveto +7.00613 7.72743 7.16357 8.10754 7.16357 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 12.83275 8.50388 moveto +12.83275 8.9002 12.67531 9.28032 12.39505 9.56058 curveto +12.11479 9.84084 11.73468 9.99828 11.33835 9.99828 curveto +10.94202 9.99828 10.5619 9.84084 10.28165 9.56058 curveto +10.00139 9.28032 9.84395 8.9002 9.84395 8.50388 curveto +9.84395 8.10754 10.00139 7.72743 10.28165 7.44717 curveto +10.5619 7.16692 10.94202 7.00948 11.33835 7.00948 curveto +11.73468 7.00948 12.11479 7.16692 12.39505 7.44717 curveto +12.67531 7.72743 12.83275 8.10754 12.83275 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 18.50188 8.50388 moveto +18.50188 8.9002 18.34444 9.28032 18.06418 9.56058 curveto +17.78392 9.84084 17.40381 9.99828 17.00748 9.99828 curveto +16.61115 9.99828 16.23103 9.84084 15.95078 9.56058 curveto +15.67052 9.28032 15.51308 8.9002 15.51308 8.50388 curveto +15.51308 8.10754 15.67052 7.72743 15.95078 7.44717 curveto +16.23103 7.16692 16.61115 7.00948 17.00748 7.00948 curveto +17.40381 7.00948 17.78392 7.16692 18.06418 7.44717 curveto +18.34444 7.72743 18.50188 8.10754 18.50188 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 24.17105 8.50388 moveto +24.17105 8.9002 24.01361 9.28032 23.73335 9.56058 curveto +23.4531 9.84084 23.07298 9.99828 22.67665 9.99828 curveto +22.28032 9.99828 21.9002 9.84084 21.61995 9.56058 curveto +21.33969 9.28032 21.18225 8.9002 21.18225 8.50388 curveto +21.18225 8.10754 21.33969 7.72743 21.61995 7.44717 curveto +21.9002 7.16692 22.28032 7.00948 22.67665 7.00948 curveto +23.07298 7.00948 23.4531 7.16692 23.73335 7.44717 curveto +24.01361 7.72743 24.17105 8.10754 24.17105 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 29.84023 8.50388 moveto +29.84023 8.9002 29.68279 9.28032 29.40253 9.56058 curveto +29.12227 9.84084 28.74216 9.99828 28.34583 9.99828 curveto +27.9495 9.99828 27.56938 9.84084 27.28912 9.56058 curveto +27.00887 9.28032 26.85143 8.9002 26.85143 8.50388 curveto +26.85143 8.10754 27.00887 7.72743 27.28912 7.44717 curveto +27.56938 7.16692 27.9495 7.00948 28.34583 7.00948 curveto +28.74216 7.00948 29.12227 7.16692 29.40253 7.44717 curveto +29.68279 7.72743 29.84023 8.10754 29.84023 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 35.5094 8.50388 moveto +35.5094 8.9002 35.35196 9.28032 35.0717 9.56058 curveto +34.79144 9.84084 34.41133 9.99828 34.015 9.99828 curveto +33.61867 9.99828 33.23856 9.84084 32.9583 9.56058 curveto +32.67804 9.28032 32.5206 8.9002 32.5206 8.50388 curveto +32.5206 8.10754 32.67804 7.72743 32.9583 7.44717 curveto +33.23856 7.16692 33.61867 7.00948 34.015 7.00948 curveto +34.41133 7.00948 34.79144 7.16692 35.0717 7.44717 curveto +35.35196 7.72743 35.5094 8.10754 35.5094 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 41.17853 8.50388 moveto +41.17853 8.9002 41.02109 9.28032 40.74083 9.56058 curveto +40.46057 9.84084 40.08046 9.99828 39.68413 9.99828 curveto +39.2878 9.99828 38.90768 9.84084 38.62743 9.56058 curveto +38.34717 9.28032 38.18973 8.9002 38.18973 8.50388 curveto +38.18973 8.10754 38.34717 7.72743 38.62743 7.44717 curveto +38.90768 7.16692 39.2878 7.00948 39.68413 7.00948 curveto +40.08046 7.00948 40.46057 7.16692 40.74083 7.44717 curveto +41.02109 7.72743 41.17853 8.10754 41.17853 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 46.84903 8.50388 moveto +46.84903 8.9002 46.69159 9.28032 46.41133 9.56058 curveto +46.13107 9.84084 45.75096 9.99828 45.35463 9.99828 curveto +44.9583 9.99828 44.57819 9.84084 44.29793 9.56058 curveto +44.01767 9.28032 43.86023 8.9002 43.86023 8.50388 curveto +43.86023 8.10754 44.01767 7.72743 44.29793 7.44717 curveto +44.57819 7.16692 44.9583 7.00948 45.35463 7.00948 curveto +45.75096 7.00948 46.13107 7.16692 46.41133 7.44717 curveto +46.69159 7.72743 46.84903 8.10754 46.84903 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 52.51816 8.50388 moveto +52.51816 8.9002 52.36072 9.28032 52.08046 9.56058 curveto +51.8002 9.84084 51.42009 9.99828 51.02376 9.99828 curveto +50.62743 9.99828 50.24731 9.84084 49.96706 9.56058 curveto +49.6868 9.28032 49.52936 8.9002 49.52936 8.50388 curveto +49.52936 8.10754 49.6868 7.72743 49.96706 7.44717 curveto +50.24731 7.16692 50.62743 7.00948 51.02376 7.00948 curveto +51.42009 7.00948 51.8002 7.16692 52.08046 7.44717 curveto +52.36072 7.72743 52.51816 8.10754 52.51816 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 58.18733 8.50388 moveto +58.18733 8.9002 58.02989 9.28032 57.74963 9.56058 curveto +57.46938 9.84084 57.08926 9.99828 56.69293 9.99828 curveto +56.2966 9.99828 55.91649 9.84084 55.63623 9.56058 curveto +55.35597 9.28032 55.19853 8.9002 55.19853 8.50388 curveto +55.19853 8.10754 55.35597 7.72743 55.63623 7.44717 curveto +55.91649 7.16692 56.2966 7.00948 56.69293 7.00948 curveto +57.08926 7.00948 57.46938 7.16692 57.74963 7.44717 curveto +58.02989 7.72743 58.18733 8.10754 58.18733 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 63.8565 8.50388 moveto +63.8565 8.9002 63.69907 9.28032 63.41881 9.56058 curveto +63.13855 9.84084 62.75844 9.99828 62.3621 9.99828 curveto +61.96577 9.99828 61.58566 9.84084 61.3054 9.56058 curveto +61.02515 9.28032 60.8677 8.9002 60.8677 8.50388 curveto +60.8677 8.10754 61.02515 7.72743 61.3054 7.44717 curveto +61.58566 7.16692 61.96577 7.00948 62.3621 7.00948 curveto +62.75844 7.00948 63.13855 7.16692 63.41881 7.44717 curveto +63.69907 7.72743 63.8565 8.10754 63.8565 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 69.52568 8.50388 moveto +69.52568 8.9002 69.36824 9.28032 69.08798 9.56058 curveto +68.80772 9.84084 68.42761 9.99828 68.03128 9.99828 curveto +67.63495 9.99828 67.25484 9.84084 66.97458 9.56058 curveto +66.69432 9.28032 66.53688 8.9002 66.53688 8.50388 curveto +66.53688 8.10754 66.69432 7.72743 66.97458 7.44717 curveto +67.25484 7.16692 67.63495 7.00948 68.03128 7.00948 curveto +68.42761 7.00948 68.80772 7.16692 69.08798 7.44717 curveto +69.36824 7.72743 69.52568 8.10754 69.52568 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 75.19481 8.50388 moveto +75.19481 8.9002 75.03737 9.28032 74.75711 9.56058 curveto +74.47685 9.84084 74.09674 9.99828 73.70041 9.99828 curveto +73.30408 9.99828 72.92397 9.84084 72.6437 9.56058 curveto +72.36345 9.28032 72.20601 8.9002 72.20601 8.50388 curveto +72.20601 8.10754 72.36345 7.72743 72.6437 7.44717 curveto +72.92397 7.16692 73.30408 7.00948 73.70041 7.00948 curveto +74.09674 7.00948 74.47685 7.16692 74.75711 7.44717 curveto +75.03737 7.72743 75.19481 8.10754 75.19481 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 80.86398 8.50388 moveto +80.86398 8.9002 80.70654 9.28032 80.42628 9.56058 curveto +80.14603 9.84084 79.76591 9.99828 79.36958 9.99828 curveto +78.97325 9.99828 78.59314 9.84084 78.31288 9.56058 curveto +78.03262 9.28032 77.87518 8.9002 77.87518 8.50388 curveto +77.87518 8.10754 78.03262 7.72743 78.31288 7.44717 curveto +78.59314 7.16692 78.97325 7.00948 79.36958 7.00948 curveto +79.76591 7.00948 80.14603 7.16692 80.42628 7.44717 curveto +80.70654 7.72743 80.86398 8.10754 80.86398 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 86.53316 8.50388 moveto +86.53316 8.9002 86.37572 9.28032 86.09546 9.56058 curveto +85.8152 9.84084 85.43509 9.99828 85.03876 9.99828 curveto +84.64243 9.99828 84.26231 9.84084 83.98206 9.56058 curveto +83.7018 9.28032 83.54436 8.9002 83.54436 8.50388 curveto +83.54436 8.10754 83.7018 7.72743 83.98206 7.44717 curveto +84.26231 7.16692 84.64243 7.00948 85.03876 7.00948 curveto +85.43509 7.00948 85.8152 7.16692 86.09546 7.44717 curveto +86.37572 7.72743 86.53316 8.10754 86.53316 8.50388 curveto closepath fill + 1 setgray +newpath 0.49814 8.50388 moveto +0.49814 8.63599 0.44565 8.7627 0.35223 8.85611 curveto +0.25882 8.94952 0.13211 9.00201 0 9.00201 curveto +-0.13211 9.00201 -0.25882 8.94952 -0.35223 8.85611 curveto +-0.44565 8.7627 -0.49814 8.63599 -0.49814 8.50388 curveto +-0.49814 8.37177 -0.44565 8.24506 -0.35223 8.15164 curveto +-0.25882 8.05823 -0.13211 8.00574 0 8.00574 curveto +0.13211 8.00574 0.25882 8.05823 0.35223 8.15164 curveto +0.44565 8.24506 0.49814 8.37177 0.49814 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 6.16731 8.50388 moveto +6.16731 8.63599 6.11482 8.7627 6.02141 8.85611 curveto +5.928 8.94952 5.80128 9.00201 5.66917 9.00201 curveto +5.53706 9.00201 5.41035 8.94952 5.31694 8.85611 curveto +5.22353 8.7627 5.17104 8.63599 5.17104 8.50388 curveto +5.17104 8.37177 5.22353 8.24506 5.31694 8.15164 curveto +5.41035 8.05823 5.53706 8.00574 5.66917 8.00574 curveto +5.80128 8.00574 5.928 8.05823 6.02141 8.15164 curveto +6.11482 8.24506 6.16731 8.37177 6.16731 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 11.83649 8.50388 moveto +11.83649 8.63599 11.784 8.7627 11.69058 8.85611 curveto +11.59717 8.94952 11.47046 9.00201 11.33835 9.00201 curveto +11.20624 9.00201 11.07953 8.94952 10.98611 8.85611 curveto +10.8927 8.7627 10.84021 8.63599 10.84021 8.50388 curveto +10.84021 8.37177 10.8927 8.24506 10.98611 8.15164 curveto +11.07953 8.05823 11.20624 8.00574 11.33835 8.00574 curveto +11.47046 8.00574 11.59717 8.05823 11.69058 8.15164 curveto +11.784 8.24506 11.83649 8.37177 11.83649 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 17.50562 8.50388 moveto +17.50562 8.63599 17.45313 8.7627 17.35971 8.85611 curveto +17.2663 8.94952 17.13959 9.00201 17.00748 9.00201 curveto +16.87537 9.00201 16.74866 8.94952 16.65524 8.85611 curveto +16.56183 8.7627 16.50934 8.63599 16.50934 8.50388 curveto +16.50934 8.37177 16.56183 8.24506 16.65524 8.15164 curveto +16.74866 8.05823 16.87537 8.00574 17.00748 8.00574 curveto +17.13959 8.00574 17.2663 8.05823 17.35971 8.15164 curveto +17.45313 8.24506 17.50562 8.37177 17.50562 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 23.17479 8.50388 moveto +23.17479 8.63599 23.1223 8.7627 23.02888 8.85611 curveto +22.93547 8.94952 22.80876 9.00201 22.67665 9.00201 curveto +22.54454 9.00201 22.41783 8.94952 22.32442 8.85611 curveto +22.231 8.7627 22.17851 8.63599 22.17851 8.50388 curveto +22.17851 8.37177 22.231 8.24506 22.32442 8.15164 curveto +22.41783 8.05823 22.54454 8.00574 22.67665 8.00574 curveto +22.80876 8.00574 22.93547 8.05823 23.02888 8.15164 curveto +23.1223 8.24506 23.17479 8.37177 23.17479 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 28.84396 8.50388 moveto +28.84396 8.63599 28.79147 8.7627 28.69806 8.85611 curveto +28.60464 8.94952 28.47794 9.00201 28.34583 9.00201 curveto +28.21371 9.00201 28.087 8.94952 27.99359 8.85611 curveto +27.90018 8.7627 27.84769 8.63599 27.84769 8.50388 curveto +27.84769 8.37177 27.90018 8.24506 27.99359 8.15164 curveto +28.087 8.05823 28.21371 8.00574 28.34583 8.00574 curveto +28.47794 8.00574 28.60464 8.05823 28.69806 8.15164 curveto +28.79147 8.24506 28.84396 8.37177 28.84396 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 34.51314 8.50388 moveto +34.51314 8.63599 34.46065 8.7627 34.36723 8.85611 curveto +34.27382 8.94952 34.14711 9.00201 34.015 9.00201 curveto +33.88289 9.00201 33.75618 8.94952 33.66277 8.85611 curveto +33.56935 8.7627 33.51686 8.63599 33.51686 8.50388 curveto +33.51686 8.37177 33.56935 8.24506 33.66277 8.15164 curveto +33.75618 8.05823 33.88289 8.00574 34.015 8.00574 curveto +34.14711 8.00574 34.27382 8.05823 34.36723 8.15164 curveto +34.46065 8.24506 34.51314 8.37177 34.51314 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 40.18227 8.50388 moveto +40.18227 8.63599 40.12978 8.7627 40.03636 8.85611 curveto +39.94295 8.94952 39.81624 9.00201 39.68413 9.00201 curveto +39.55202 9.00201 39.42531 8.94952 39.3319 8.85611 curveto +39.23848 8.7627 39.18599 8.63599 39.18599 8.50388 curveto +39.18599 8.37177 39.23848 8.24506 39.3319 8.15164 curveto +39.42531 8.05823 39.55202 8.00574 39.68413 8.00574 curveto +39.81624 8.00574 39.94295 8.05823 40.03636 8.15164 curveto +40.12978 8.24506 40.18227 8.37177 40.18227 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 45.85277 8.50388 moveto +45.85277 8.63599 45.80028 8.7627 45.70686 8.85611 curveto +45.61345 8.94952 45.48674 9.00201 45.35463 9.00201 curveto +45.22252 9.00201 45.09581 8.94952 45.0024 8.85611 curveto +44.90898 8.7627 44.85649 8.63599 44.85649 8.50388 curveto +44.85649 8.37177 44.90898 8.24506 45.0024 8.15164 curveto +45.09581 8.05823 45.22252 8.00574 45.35463 8.00574 curveto +45.48674 8.00574 45.61345 8.05823 45.70686 8.15164 curveto +45.80028 8.24506 45.85277 8.37177 45.85277 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 51.5219 8.50388 moveto +51.5219 8.63599 51.4694 8.7627 51.37599 8.85611 curveto +51.28258 8.94952 51.15587 9.00201 51.02376 9.00201 curveto +50.89165 9.00201 50.76494 8.94952 50.67152 8.85611 curveto +50.57811 8.7627 50.52562 8.63599 50.52562 8.50388 curveto +50.52562 8.37177 50.57811 8.24506 50.67152 8.15164 curveto +50.76494 8.05823 50.89165 8.00574 51.02376 8.00574 curveto +51.15587 8.00574 51.28258 8.05823 51.37599 8.15164 curveto +51.4694 8.24506 51.5219 8.37177 51.5219 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 57.19107 8.50388 moveto +57.19107 8.63599 57.13858 8.7627 57.04517 8.85611 curveto +56.95175 8.94952 56.82504 9.00201 56.69293 9.00201 curveto +56.56082 9.00201 56.43411 8.94952 56.3407 8.85611 curveto +56.24728 8.7627 56.1948 8.63599 56.1948 8.50388 curveto +56.1948 8.37177 56.24728 8.24506 56.3407 8.15164 curveto +56.43411 8.05823 56.56082 8.00574 56.69293 8.00574 curveto +56.82504 8.00574 56.95175 8.05823 57.04517 8.15164 curveto +57.13858 8.24506 57.19107 8.37177 57.19107 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 62.86024 8.50388 moveto +62.86024 8.63599 62.80775 8.7627 62.71434 8.85611 curveto +62.62093 8.94952 62.49422 9.00201 62.3621 9.00201 curveto +62.23 9.00201 62.10329 8.94952 62.00987 8.85611 curveto +61.91646 8.7627 61.86397 8.63599 61.86397 8.50388 curveto +61.86397 8.37177 61.91646 8.24506 62.00987 8.15164 curveto +62.10329 8.05823 62.23 8.00574 62.3621 8.00574 curveto +62.49422 8.00574 62.62093 8.05823 62.71434 8.15164 curveto +62.80775 8.24506 62.86024 8.37177 62.86024 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 68.52942 8.50388 moveto +68.52942 8.63599 68.47693 8.7627 68.38351 8.85611 curveto +68.2901 8.94952 68.16339 9.00201 68.03128 9.00201 curveto +67.89917 9.00201 67.77246 8.94952 67.67905 8.85611 curveto +67.58563 8.7627 67.53314 8.63599 67.53314 8.50388 curveto +67.53314 8.37177 67.58563 8.24506 67.67905 8.15164 curveto +67.77246 8.05823 67.89917 8.00574 68.03128 8.00574 curveto +68.16339 8.00574 68.2901 8.05823 68.38351 8.15164 curveto +68.47693 8.24506 68.52942 8.37177 68.52942 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 74.19855 8.50388 moveto +74.19855 8.63599 74.14606 8.7627 74.05264 8.85611 curveto +73.95923 8.94952 73.83252 9.00201 73.70041 9.00201 curveto +73.5683 9.00201 73.44159 8.94952 73.34818 8.85611 curveto +73.25476 8.7627 73.20227 8.63599 73.20227 8.50388 curveto +73.20227 8.37177 73.25476 8.24506 73.34818 8.15164 curveto +73.44159 8.05823 73.5683 8.00574 73.70041 8.00574 curveto +73.83252 8.00574 73.95923 8.05823 74.05264 8.15164 curveto +74.14606 8.24506 74.19855 8.37177 74.19855 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 79.86772 8.50388 moveto +79.86772 8.63599 79.81523 8.7627 79.72182 8.85611 curveto +79.6284 8.94952 79.5017 9.00201 79.36958 9.00201 curveto +79.23747 9.00201 79.11076 8.94952 79.01735 8.85611 curveto +78.92393 8.7627 78.87144 8.63599 78.87144 8.50388 curveto +78.87144 8.37177 78.92393 8.24506 79.01735 8.15164 curveto +79.11076 8.05823 79.23747 8.00574 79.36958 8.00574 curveto +79.5017 8.00574 79.6284 8.05823 79.72182 8.15164 curveto +79.81523 8.24506 79.86772 8.37177 79.86772 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 85.5369 8.50388 moveto +85.5369 8.63599 85.4844 8.7627 85.39099 8.85611 curveto +85.29758 8.94952 85.17087 9.00201 85.03876 9.00201 curveto +84.90665 9.00201 84.77994 8.94952 84.68652 8.85611 curveto +84.59311 8.7627 84.54062 8.63599 84.54062 8.50388 curveto +84.54062 8.37177 84.59311 8.24506 84.68652 8.15164 curveto +84.77994 8.05823 84.90665 8.00574 85.03876 8.00574 curveto +85.17087 8.00574 85.29758 8.05823 85.39099 8.15164 curveto +85.4844 8.24506 85.5369 8.37177 85.5369 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1113 V 422 w(dot_len)p 1351 1113 V +1887 1113 V 220 1114 1669 2 v 219 1204 2 90 v 245 1189 +a(dbl_dots_arrow)p 618 1204 V 90 w @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.21 +newpath 1.4944 8.50388 moveto +1.4944 8.9002 1.33696 9.28032 1.0567 9.56058 curveto +0.77644 9.84084 0.39633 9.99828 0 9.99828 curveto +-0.39633 9.99828 -0.77644 9.84084 -1.0567 9.56058 curveto +-1.33696 9.28032 -1.4944 8.9002 -1.4944 8.50388 curveto +-1.4944 8.10754 -1.33696 7.72743 -1.0567 7.44717 curveto +-0.77644 7.16692 -0.39633 7.00948 0 7.00948 curveto +0.39633 7.00948 0.77644 7.16692 1.0567 7.44717 curveto +1.33696 7.72743 1.4944 8.10754 1.4944 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 7.16357 8.50388 moveto +7.16357 8.9002 7.00613 9.28032 6.72588 9.56058 curveto +6.44562 9.84084 6.0655 9.99828 5.66917 9.99828 curveto +5.27284 9.99828 4.89273 9.84084 4.61247 9.56058 curveto +4.33221 9.28032 4.17477 8.9002 4.17477 8.50388 curveto +4.17477 8.10754 4.33221 7.72743 4.61247 7.44717 curveto +4.89273 7.16692 5.27284 7.00948 5.66917 7.00948 curveto +6.0655 7.00948 6.44562 7.16692 6.72588 7.44717 curveto +7.00613 7.72743 7.16357 8.10754 7.16357 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 12.83275 8.50388 moveto +12.83275 8.9002 12.67531 9.28032 12.39505 9.56058 curveto +12.11479 9.84084 11.73468 9.99828 11.33835 9.99828 curveto +10.94202 9.99828 10.5619 9.84084 10.28165 9.56058 curveto +10.00139 9.28032 9.84395 8.9002 9.84395 8.50388 curveto +9.84395 8.10754 10.00139 7.72743 10.28165 7.44717 curveto +10.5619 7.16692 10.94202 7.00948 11.33835 7.00948 curveto +11.73468 7.00948 12.11479 7.16692 12.39505 7.44717 curveto +12.67531 7.72743 12.83275 8.10754 12.83275 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 18.50188 8.50388 moveto +18.50188 8.9002 18.34444 9.28032 18.06418 9.56058 curveto +17.78392 9.84084 17.40381 9.99828 17.00748 9.99828 curveto +16.61115 9.99828 16.23103 9.84084 15.95078 9.56058 curveto +15.67052 9.28032 15.51308 8.9002 15.51308 8.50388 curveto +15.51308 8.10754 15.67052 7.72743 15.95078 7.44717 curveto +16.23103 7.16692 16.61115 7.00948 17.00748 7.00948 curveto +17.40381 7.00948 17.78392 7.16692 18.06418 7.44717 curveto +18.34444 7.72743 18.50188 8.10754 18.50188 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 24.17105 8.50388 moveto +24.17105 8.9002 24.01361 9.28032 23.73335 9.56058 curveto +23.4531 9.84084 23.07298 9.99828 22.67665 9.99828 curveto +22.28032 9.99828 21.9002 9.84084 21.61995 9.56058 curveto +21.33969 9.28032 21.18225 8.9002 21.18225 8.50388 curveto +21.18225 8.10754 21.33969 7.72743 21.61995 7.44717 curveto +21.9002 7.16692 22.28032 7.00948 22.67665 7.00948 curveto +23.07298 7.00948 23.4531 7.16692 23.73335 7.44717 curveto +24.01361 7.72743 24.17105 8.10754 24.17105 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 29.84023 8.50388 moveto +29.84023 8.9002 29.68279 9.28032 29.40253 9.56058 curveto +29.12227 9.84084 28.74216 9.99828 28.34583 9.99828 curveto +27.9495 9.99828 27.56938 9.84084 27.28912 9.56058 curveto +27.00887 9.28032 26.85143 8.9002 26.85143 8.50388 curveto +26.85143 8.10754 27.00887 7.72743 27.28912 7.44717 curveto +27.56938 7.16692 27.9495 7.00948 28.34583 7.00948 curveto +28.74216 7.00948 29.12227 7.16692 29.40253 7.44717 curveto +29.68279 7.72743 29.84023 8.10754 29.84023 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 35.5094 8.50388 moveto +35.5094 8.9002 35.35196 9.28032 35.0717 9.56058 curveto +34.79144 9.84084 34.41133 9.99828 34.015 9.99828 curveto +33.61867 9.99828 33.23856 9.84084 32.9583 9.56058 curveto +32.67804 9.28032 32.5206 8.9002 32.5206 8.50388 curveto +32.5206 8.10754 32.67804 7.72743 32.9583 7.44717 curveto +33.23856 7.16692 33.61867 7.00948 34.015 7.00948 curveto +34.41133 7.00948 34.79144 7.16692 35.0717 7.44717 curveto +35.35196 7.72743 35.5094 8.10754 35.5094 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 41.17853 8.50388 moveto +41.17853 8.9002 41.02109 9.28032 40.74083 9.56058 curveto +40.46057 9.84084 40.08046 9.99828 39.68413 9.99828 curveto +39.2878 9.99828 38.90768 9.84084 38.62743 9.56058 curveto +38.34717 9.28032 38.18973 8.9002 38.18973 8.50388 curveto +38.18973 8.10754 38.34717 7.72743 38.62743 7.44717 curveto +38.90768 7.16692 39.2878 7.00948 39.68413 7.00948 curveto +40.08046 7.00948 40.46057 7.16692 40.74083 7.44717 curveto +41.02109 7.72743 41.17853 8.10754 41.17853 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 46.84903 8.50388 moveto +46.84903 8.9002 46.69159 9.28032 46.41133 9.56058 curveto +46.13107 9.84084 45.75096 9.99828 45.35463 9.99828 curveto +44.9583 9.99828 44.57819 9.84084 44.29793 9.56058 curveto +44.01767 9.28032 43.86023 8.9002 43.86023 8.50388 curveto +43.86023 8.10754 44.01767 7.72743 44.29793 7.44717 curveto +44.57819 7.16692 44.9583 7.00948 45.35463 7.00948 curveto +45.75096 7.00948 46.13107 7.16692 46.41133 7.44717 curveto +46.69159 7.72743 46.84903 8.10754 46.84903 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 52.51816 8.50388 moveto +52.51816 8.9002 52.36072 9.28032 52.08046 9.56058 curveto +51.8002 9.84084 51.42009 9.99828 51.02376 9.99828 curveto +50.62743 9.99828 50.24731 9.84084 49.96706 9.56058 curveto +49.6868 9.28032 49.52936 8.9002 49.52936 8.50388 curveto +49.52936 8.10754 49.6868 7.72743 49.96706 7.44717 curveto +50.24731 7.16692 50.62743 7.00948 51.02376 7.00948 curveto +51.42009 7.00948 51.8002 7.16692 52.08046 7.44717 curveto +52.36072 7.72743 52.51816 8.10754 52.51816 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 58.18733 8.50388 moveto +58.18733 8.9002 58.02989 9.28032 57.74963 9.56058 curveto +57.46938 9.84084 57.08926 9.99828 56.69293 9.99828 curveto +56.2966 9.99828 55.91649 9.84084 55.63623 9.56058 curveto +55.35597 9.28032 55.19853 8.9002 55.19853 8.50388 curveto +55.19853 8.10754 55.35597 7.72743 55.63623 7.44717 curveto +55.91649 7.16692 56.2966 7.00948 56.69293 7.00948 curveto +57.08926 7.00948 57.46938 7.16692 57.74963 7.44717 curveto +58.02989 7.72743 58.18733 8.10754 58.18733 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 63.8565 8.50388 moveto +63.8565 8.9002 63.69907 9.28032 63.41881 9.56058 curveto +63.13855 9.84084 62.75844 9.99828 62.3621 9.99828 curveto +61.96577 9.99828 61.58566 9.84084 61.3054 9.56058 curveto +61.02515 9.28032 60.8677 8.9002 60.8677 8.50388 curveto +60.8677 8.10754 61.02515 7.72743 61.3054 7.44717 curveto +61.58566 7.16692 61.96577 7.00948 62.3621 7.00948 curveto +62.75844 7.00948 63.13855 7.16692 63.41881 7.44717 curveto +63.69907 7.72743 63.8565 8.10754 63.8565 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 69.52568 8.50388 moveto +69.52568 8.9002 69.36824 9.28032 69.08798 9.56058 curveto +68.80772 9.84084 68.42761 9.99828 68.03128 9.99828 curveto +67.63495 9.99828 67.25484 9.84084 66.97458 9.56058 curveto +66.69432 9.28032 66.53688 8.9002 66.53688 8.50388 curveto +66.53688 8.10754 66.69432 7.72743 66.97458 7.44717 curveto +67.25484 7.16692 67.63495 7.00948 68.03128 7.00948 curveto +68.42761 7.00948 68.80772 7.16692 69.08798 7.44717 curveto +69.36824 7.72743 69.52568 8.10754 69.52568 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 75.19481 8.50388 moveto +75.19481 8.9002 75.03737 9.28032 74.75711 9.56058 curveto +74.47685 9.84084 74.09674 9.99828 73.70041 9.99828 curveto +73.30408 9.99828 72.92397 9.84084 72.6437 9.56058 curveto +72.36345 9.28032 72.20601 8.9002 72.20601 8.50388 curveto +72.20601 8.10754 72.36345 7.72743 72.6437 7.44717 curveto +72.92397 7.16692 73.30408 7.00948 73.70041 7.00948 curveto +74.09674 7.00948 74.47685 7.16692 74.75711 7.44717 curveto +75.03737 7.72743 75.19481 8.10754 75.19481 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 80.86398 8.50388 moveto +80.86398 8.9002 80.70654 9.28032 80.42628 9.56058 curveto +80.14603 9.84084 79.76591 9.99828 79.36958 9.99828 curveto +78.97325 9.99828 78.59314 9.84084 78.31288 9.56058 curveto +78.03262 9.28032 77.87518 8.9002 77.87518 8.50388 curveto +77.87518 8.10754 78.03262 7.72743 78.31288 7.44717 curveto +78.59314 7.16692 78.97325 7.00948 79.36958 7.00948 curveto +79.76591 7.00948 80.14603 7.16692 80.42628 7.44717 curveto +80.70654 7.72743 80.86398 8.10754 80.86398 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 86.53316 8.50388 moveto +86.53316 8.9002 86.37572 9.28032 86.09546 9.56058 curveto +85.8152 9.84084 85.43509 9.99828 85.03876 9.99828 curveto +84.64243 9.99828 84.26231 9.84084 83.98206 9.56058 curveto +83.7018 9.28032 83.54436 8.9002 83.54436 8.50388 curveto +83.54436 8.10754 83.7018 7.72743 83.98206 7.44717 curveto +84.26231 7.16692 84.64243 7.00948 85.03876 7.00948 curveto +85.43509 7.00948 85.8152 7.16692 86.09546 7.44717 curveto +86.37572 7.72743 86.53316 8.10754 86.53316 8.50388 curveto closepath fill + 1 setgray +newpath 0.49814 8.50388 moveto +0.49814 8.63599 0.44565 8.7627 0.35223 8.85611 curveto +0.25882 8.94952 0.13211 9.00201 0 9.00201 curveto +-0.13211 9.00201 -0.25882 8.94952 -0.35223 8.85611 curveto +-0.44565 8.7627 -0.49814 8.63599 -0.49814 8.50388 curveto +-0.49814 8.37177 -0.44565 8.24506 -0.35223 8.15164 curveto +-0.25882 8.05823 -0.13211 8.00574 0 8.00574 curveto +0.13211 8.00574 0.25882 8.05823 0.35223 8.15164 curveto +0.44565 8.24506 0.49814 8.37177 0.49814 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 6.16731 8.50388 moveto +6.16731 8.63599 6.11482 8.7627 6.02141 8.85611 curveto +5.928 8.94952 5.80128 9.00201 5.66917 9.00201 curveto +5.53706 9.00201 5.41035 8.94952 5.31694 8.85611 curveto +5.22353 8.7627 5.17104 8.63599 5.17104 8.50388 curveto +5.17104 8.37177 5.22353 8.24506 5.31694 8.15164 curveto +5.41035 8.05823 5.53706 8.00574 5.66917 8.00574 curveto +5.80128 8.00574 5.928 8.05823 6.02141 8.15164 curveto +6.11482 8.24506 6.16731 8.37177 6.16731 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 11.83649 8.50388 moveto +11.83649 8.63599 11.784 8.7627 11.69058 8.85611 curveto +11.59717 8.94952 11.47046 9.00201 11.33835 9.00201 curveto +11.20624 9.00201 11.07953 8.94952 10.98611 8.85611 curveto +10.8927 8.7627 10.84021 8.63599 10.84021 8.50388 curveto +10.84021 8.37177 10.8927 8.24506 10.98611 8.15164 curveto +11.07953 8.05823 11.20624 8.00574 11.33835 8.00574 curveto +11.47046 8.00574 11.59717 8.05823 11.69058 8.15164 curveto +11.784 8.24506 11.83649 8.37177 11.83649 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 17.50562 8.50388 moveto +17.50562 8.63599 17.45313 8.7627 17.35971 8.85611 curveto +17.2663 8.94952 17.13959 9.00201 17.00748 9.00201 curveto +16.87537 9.00201 16.74866 8.94952 16.65524 8.85611 curveto +16.56183 8.7627 16.50934 8.63599 16.50934 8.50388 curveto +16.50934 8.37177 16.56183 8.24506 16.65524 8.15164 curveto +16.74866 8.05823 16.87537 8.00574 17.00748 8.00574 curveto +17.13959 8.00574 17.2663 8.05823 17.35971 8.15164 curveto +17.45313 8.24506 17.50562 8.37177 17.50562 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 23.17479 8.50388 moveto +23.17479 8.63599 23.1223 8.7627 23.02888 8.85611 curveto +22.93547 8.94952 22.80876 9.00201 22.67665 9.00201 curveto +22.54454 9.00201 22.41783 8.94952 22.32442 8.85611 curveto +22.231 8.7627 22.17851 8.63599 22.17851 8.50388 curveto +22.17851 8.37177 22.231 8.24506 22.32442 8.15164 curveto +22.41783 8.05823 22.54454 8.00574 22.67665 8.00574 curveto +22.80876 8.00574 22.93547 8.05823 23.02888 8.15164 curveto +23.1223 8.24506 23.17479 8.37177 23.17479 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 28.84396 8.50388 moveto +28.84396 8.63599 28.79147 8.7627 28.69806 8.85611 curveto +28.60464 8.94952 28.47794 9.00201 28.34583 9.00201 curveto +28.21371 9.00201 28.087 8.94952 27.99359 8.85611 curveto +27.90018 8.7627 27.84769 8.63599 27.84769 8.50388 curveto +27.84769 8.37177 27.90018 8.24506 27.99359 8.15164 curveto +28.087 8.05823 28.21371 8.00574 28.34583 8.00574 curveto +28.47794 8.00574 28.60464 8.05823 28.69806 8.15164 curveto +28.79147 8.24506 28.84396 8.37177 28.84396 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 34.51314 8.50388 moveto +34.51314 8.63599 34.46065 8.7627 34.36723 8.85611 curveto +34.27382 8.94952 34.14711 9.00201 34.015 9.00201 curveto +33.88289 9.00201 33.75618 8.94952 33.66277 8.85611 curveto +33.56935 8.7627 33.51686 8.63599 33.51686 8.50388 curveto +33.51686 8.37177 33.56935 8.24506 33.66277 8.15164 curveto +33.75618 8.05823 33.88289 8.00574 34.015 8.00574 curveto +34.14711 8.00574 34.27382 8.05823 34.36723 8.15164 curveto +34.46065 8.24506 34.51314 8.37177 34.51314 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 40.18227 8.50388 moveto +40.18227 8.63599 40.12978 8.7627 40.03636 8.85611 curveto +39.94295 8.94952 39.81624 9.00201 39.68413 9.00201 curveto +39.55202 9.00201 39.42531 8.94952 39.3319 8.85611 curveto +39.23848 8.7627 39.18599 8.63599 39.18599 8.50388 curveto +39.18599 8.37177 39.23848 8.24506 39.3319 8.15164 curveto +39.42531 8.05823 39.55202 8.00574 39.68413 8.00574 curveto +39.81624 8.00574 39.94295 8.05823 40.03636 8.15164 curveto +40.12978 8.24506 40.18227 8.37177 40.18227 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 45.85277 8.50388 moveto +45.85277 8.63599 45.80028 8.7627 45.70686 8.85611 curveto +45.61345 8.94952 45.48674 9.00201 45.35463 9.00201 curveto +45.22252 9.00201 45.09581 8.94952 45.0024 8.85611 curveto +44.90898 8.7627 44.85649 8.63599 44.85649 8.50388 curveto +44.85649 8.37177 44.90898 8.24506 45.0024 8.15164 curveto +45.09581 8.05823 45.22252 8.00574 45.35463 8.00574 curveto +45.48674 8.00574 45.61345 8.05823 45.70686 8.15164 curveto +45.80028 8.24506 45.85277 8.37177 45.85277 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 51.5219 8.50388 moveto +51.5219 8.63599 51.4694 8.7627 51.37599 8.85611 curveto +51.28258 8.94952 51.15587 9.00201 51.02376 9.00201 curveto +50.89165 9.00201 50.76494 8.94952 50.67152 8.85611 curveto +50.57811 8.7627 50.52562 8.63599 50.52562 8.50388 curveto +50.52562 8.37177 50.57811 8.24506 50.67152 8.15164 curveto +50.76494 8.05823 50.89165 8.00574 51.02376 8.00574 curveto +51.15587 8.00574 51.28258 8.05823 51.37599 8.15164 curveto +51.4694 8.24506 51.5219 8.37177 51.5219 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 57.19107 8.50388 moveto +57.19107 8.63599 57.13858 8.7627 57.04517 8.85611 curveto +56.95175 8.94952 56.82504 9.00201 56.69293 9.00201 curveto +56.56082 9.00201 56.43411 8.94952 56.3407 8.85611 curveto +56.24728 8.7627 56.1948 8.63599 56.1948 8.50388 curveto +56.1948 8.37177 56.24728 8.24506 56.3407 8.15164 curveto +56.43411 8.05823 56.56082 8.00574 56.69293 8.00574 curveto +56.82504 8.00574 56.95175 8.05823 57.04517 8.15164 curveto +57.13858 8.24506 57.19107 8.37177 57.19107 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 62.86024 8.50388 moveto +62.86024 8.63599 62.80775 8.7627 62.71434 8.85611 curveto +62.62093 8.94952 62.49422 9.00201 62.3621 9.00201 curveto +62.23 9.00201 62.10329 8.94952 62.00987 8.85611 curveto +61.91646 8.7627 61.86397 8.63599 61.86397 8.50388 curveto +61.86397 8.37177 61.91646 8.24506 62.00987 8.15164 curveto +62.10329 8.05823 62.23 8.00574 62.3621 8.00574 curveto +62.49422 8.00574 62.62093 8.05823 62.71434 8.15164 curveto +62.80775 8.24506 62.86024 8.37177 62.86024 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 68.52942 8.50388 moveto +68.52942 8.63599 68.47693 8.7627 68.38351 8.85611 curveto +68.2901 8.94952 68.16339 9.00201 68.03128 9.00201 curveto +67.89917 9.00201 67.77246 8.94952 67.67905 8.85611 curveto +67.58563 8.7627 67.53314 8.63599 67.53314 8.50388 curveto +67.53314 8.37177 67.58563 8.24506 67.67905 8.15164 curveto +67.77246 8.05823 67.89917 8.00574 68.03128 8.00574 curveto +68.16339 8.00574 68.2901 8.05823 68.38351 8.15164 curveto +68.47693 8.24506 68.52942 8.37177 68.52942 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 74.19855 8.50388 moveto +74.19855 8.63599 74.14606 8.7627 74.05264 8.85611 curveto +73.95923 8.94952 73.83252 9.00201 73.70041 9.00201 curveto +73.5683 9.00201 73.44159 8.94952 73.34818 8.85611 curveto +73.25476 8.7627 73.20227 8.63599 73.20227 8.50388 curveto +73.20227 8.37177 73.25476 8.24506 73.34818 8.15164 curveto +73.44159 8.05823 73.5683 8.00574 73.70041 8.00574 curveto +73.83252 8.00574 73.95923 8.05823 74.05264 8.15164 curveto +74.14606 8.24506 74.19855 8.37177 74.19855 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 79.86772 8.50388 moveto +79.86772 8.63599 79.81523 8.7627 79.72182 8.85611 curveto +79.6284 8.94952 79.5017 9.00201 79.36958 9.00201 curveto +79.23747 9.00201 79.11076 8.94952 79.01735 8.85611 curveto +78.92393 8.7627 78.87144 8.63599 78.87144 8.50388 curveto +78.87144 8.37177 78.92393 8.24506 79.01735 8.15164 curveto +79.11076 8.05823 79.23747 8.00574 79.36958 8.00574 curveto +79.5017 8.00574 79.6284 8.05823 79.72182 8.15164 curveto +79.81523 8.24506 79.86772 8.37177 79.86772 8.50388 curveto closepath fill +newpath 85.5369 8.50388 moveto +85.5369 8.63599 85.4844 8.7627 85.39099 8.85611 curveto +85.29758 8.94952 85.17087 9.00201 85.03876 9.00201 curveto +84.90665 9.00201 84.77994 8.94952 84.68652 8.85611 curveto +84.59311 8.7627 84.54062 8.63599 84.54062 8.50388 curveto +84.54062 8.37177 84.59311 8.24506 84.68652 8.15164 curveto +84.77994 8.05823 84.90665 8.00574 85.03876 8.00574 curveto +85.17087 8.00574 85.29758 8.05823 85.39099 8.15164 curveto +85.4844 8.24506 85.5369 8.37177 85.5369 8.50388 curveto closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 37.4297 4.10199 moveto +53.85768 8.50388 lineto +37.4297 12.90576 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1204 V 422 w(dot_len)p 1351 1204 V +1887 1204 V 220 1206 1669 2 v 219 1296 2 90 v 245 1281 +a(phantom)p 618 1296 V 244 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.22 +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1296 V 1351 1296 V 1887 1296 V 220 +1297 1669 2 v 219 1387 2 90 v 245 1372 a(phantom_arrow)p +618 1387 V 112 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx +18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.23 +newpath 39.12582 5.56929 moveto +50.07765 8.50388 lineto +39.12582 11.43846 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1387 V 1351 1387 V 1887 1387 V 220 +1389 1669 2 v 219 1479 2 90 v 245 1464 a(plain)p 618 +1479 V 288 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury +860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.24 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1479 V 1351 1479 V 734 w(vanilla)p +1887 1479 V 220 1481 1669 2 v 219 1571 2 90 v 245 1556 +a(plain_arrow)p 618 1571 V 156 w @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.25 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke +newpath 39.12582 5.56929 moveto +50.07765 8.50388 lineto +39.12582 11.43846 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1571 V 1351 1571 V 734 w(fermion)p +Fx(,)12 b Fz(electron)p Fx(,)f Fz(quark)p 1887 1571 V +220 1572 1669 2 v 219 1662 2 90 v 245 1647 a(dbl_plain)p +618 1662 V 200 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx +18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.26 + 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1662 V 1351 1662 V 734 w(double)p 1887 +1662 V 220 1664 1669 2 v 219 1754 2 90 v 245 1739 a(dbl_plain_arrow)p +618 1754 V 68 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 +@ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.27 + 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 37.4297 4.10199 moveto +53.85768 8.50388 lineto +37.4297 12.90576 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1754 V 1351 1754 V 734 w(double_arrow)p +Fx(,)g Fz(heavy)p 1887 1754 V 220 1755 1669 2 v 219 1845 +2 90 v 245 1830 a(wiggly)p 618 1845 V 266 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.28 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +1.18109 10.54959 4.13382 10.54959 5.31491 8.50388 curveto +6.496 6.45815 9.44878 6.45815 10.62987 8.50388 curveto +11.81096 10.54959 14.76369 10.54959 15.94478 8.50388 curveto +17.12587 6.45816 20.0786 6.45816 21.25969 8.50388 curveto +22.44078 10.54959 25.39351 10.54959 26.5746 8.50388 curveto +27.75569 6.45815 30.70847 6.45815 31.88956 8.50388 curveto +33.07065 10.54959 36.02338 10.54959 37.20447 8.50388 curveto +38.38556 6.45816 41.33829 6.45816 42.51938 8.50388 curveto +43.70047 10.54959 46.6532 10.54959 47.83429 8.50388 curveto +49.01538 6.45815 51.96815 6.45815 53.14925 8.50388 curveto +54.33034 10.54959 57.28307 10.54959 58.46416 8.50388 curveto +59.64525 6.45816 62.59798 6.45816 63.77907 8.50388 curveto +64.96016 10.54959 67.91289 10.54959 69.09398 8.50388 curveto +70.27507 6.45815 73.22784 6.45815 74.40894 8.50388 curveto +75.59003 10.54959 78.54276 10.54959 79.72385 8.50388 curveto +80.90494 6.45816 83.85767 6.45816 85.03876 8.50388 curveto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1845 V 422 w(wiggly_len)p 1351 1845 +V 92 w(boson)p Fx(,)h Fz(photon)p 1887 1845 V 220 1847 +1669 2 v 219 1937 2 90 v 245 1922 a(dbl_wiggly)p 618 +1937 V 178 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury +860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.29 + 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +1.18109 10.54959 4.13382 10.54959 5.31491 8.50388 curveto +6.496 6.45815 9.44878 6.45815 10.62987 8.50388 curveto +11.81096 10.54959 14.76369 10.54959 15.94478 8.50388 curveto +17.12587 6.45816 20.0786 6.45816 21.25969 8.50388 curveto +22.44078 10.54959 25.39351 10.54959 26.5746 8.50388 curveto +27.75569 6.45815 30.70847 6.45815 31.88956 8.50388 curveto +33.07065 10.54959 36.02338 10.54959 37.20447 8.50388 curveto +38.38556 6.45816 41.33829 6.45816 42.51938 8.50388 curveto +43.70047 10.54959 46.6532 10.54959 47.83429 8.50388 curveto +49.01538 6.45815 51.96815 6.45815 53.14925 8.50388 curveto +54.33034 10.54959 57.28307 10.54959 58.46416 8.50388 curveto +59.64525 6.45816 62.59798 6.45816 63.77907 8.50388 curveto +64.96016 10.54959 67.91289 10.54959 69.09398 8.50388 curveto +70.27507 6.45815 73.22784 6.45815 74.40894 8.50388 curveto +75.59003 10.54959 78.54276 10.54959 79.72385 8.50388 curveto +80.90494 6.45816 83.85767 6.45816 85.03876 8.50388 curveto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +1.18109 10.54959 4.13382 10.54959 5.31491 8.50388 curveto +6.496 6.45815 9.44878 6.45815 10.62987 8.50388 curveto +11.81096 10.54959 14.76369 10.54959 15.94478 8.50388 curveto +17.12587 6.45816 20.0786 6.45816 21.25969 8.50388 curveto +22.44078 10.54959 25.39351 10.54959 26.5746 8.50388 curveto +27.75569 6.45815 30.70847 6.45815 31.88956 8.50388 curveto +33.07065 10.54959 36.02338 10.54959 37.20447 8.50388 curveto +38.38556 6.45816 41.33829 6.45816 42.51938 8.50388 curveto +43.70047 10.54959 46.6532 10.54959 47.83429 8.50388 curveto +49.01538 6.45815 51.96815 6.45815 53.14925 8.50388 curveto +54.33034 10.54959 57.28307 10.54959 58.46416 8.50388 curveto +59.64525 6.45816 62.59798 6.45816 63.77907 8.50388 curveto +64.96016 10.54959 67.91289 10.54959 69.09398 8.50388 curveto +70.27507 6.45815 73.22784 6.45815 74.40894 8.50388 curveto +75.59003 10.54959 78.54276 10.54959 79.72385 8.50388 curveto +80.90494 6.45816 83.85767 6.45816 85.03876 8.50388 curveto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 1937 V 422 w(wiggly_len)p 1351 1937 +V 1887 1937 V 220 1939 1669 2 v 219 2029 2 90 v 245 2014 +a(zigzag)p 618 2029 V 266 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.30 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +1.88928 12.48892 lineto +3.77989 4.51883 lineto +7.55846 12.48892 lineto +9.44902 4.51883 lineto +13.22763 12.48892 lineto +15.1182 4.51883 lineto +18.89809 12.48892 lineto +20.78737 4.51883 lineto +24.56726 12.48892 lineto +26.45654 4.51883 lineto +30.23639 12.48892 lineto +32.12572 4.51883 lineto +35.90556 12.48892 lineto +37.79485 4.51883 lineto +41.57474 12.48892 lineto +43.46402 4.51883 lineto +47.24391 12.48892 lineto +49.1332 4.51883 lineto +52.91304 12.48892 lineto +54.80237 4.51883 lineto +58.58221 12.48892 lineto +60.4715 4.51883 lineto +64.25139 12.48892 lineto +66.14067 4.51883 lineto +69.92056 12.48892 lineto +71.81113 4.51883 lineto +75.58974 12.48892 lineto +77.4803 4.51883 lineto +81.25887 12.48892 lineto +83.14948 4.51883 lineto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 2029 V 422 w(zigzag_width)p 1351 2029 +V 1887 2029 V 220 2030 1669 2 v 219 2120 2 90 v 245 2105 +a(dbl_zigzag)p 618 2120 V 178 w @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 86 @urx 18 @ury 860 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp1.31 + 0 2.98878 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +1.88928 12.48892 lineto +3.77989 4.51883 lineto +7.55846 12.48892 lineto +9.44902 4.51883 lineto +13.22763 12.48892 lineto +15.1182 4.51883 lineto +18.89809 12.48892 lineto +20.78737 4.51883 lineto +24.56726 12.48892 lineto +26.45654 4.51883 lineto +30.23639 12.48892 lineto +32.12572 4.51883 lineto +35.90556 12.48892 lineto +37.79485 4.51883 lineto +41.57474 12.48892 lineto +43.46402 4.51883 lineto +47.24391 12.48892 lineto +49.1332 4.51883 lineto +52.91304 12.48892 lineto +54.80237 4.51883 lineto +58.58221 12.48892 lineto +60.4715 4.51883 lineto +64.25139 12.48892 lineto +66.14067 4.51883 lineto +69.92056 12.48892 lineto +71.81113 4.51883 lineto +75.58974 12.48892 lineto +77.4803 4.51883 lineto +81.25887 12.48892 lineto +83.14948 4.51883 lineto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 0 8.50388 moveto +1.88928 12.48892 lineto +3.77989 4.51883 lineto +7.55846 12.48892 lineto +9.44902 4.51883 lineto +13.22763 12.48892 lineto +15.1182 4.51883 lineto +18.89809 12.48892 lineto +20.78737 4.51883 lineto +24.56726 12.48892 lineto +26.45654 4.51883 lineto +30.23639 12.48892 lineto +32.12572 4.51883 lineto +35.90556 12.48892 lineto +37.79485 4.51883 lineto +41.57474 12.48892 lineto +43.46402 4.51883 lineto +47.24391 12.48892 lineto +49.1332 4.51883 lineto +52.91304 12.48892 lineto +54.80237 4.51883 lineto +58.58221 12.48892 lineto +60.4715 4.51883 lineto +64.25139 12.48892 lineto +66.14067 4.51883 lineto +69.92056 12.48892 lineto +71.81113 4.51883 lineto +75.58974 12.48892 lineto +77.4803 4.51883 lineto +81.25887 12.48892 lineto +83.14948 4.51883 lineto +85.03876 8.50388 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1040 2120 V 422 w(zigzag_len)p 1351 2120 +V 1887 2120 V 220 2122 1669 2 v 674 2238 a Fx(T)m(able)h(1:)k(Av)n +(ailable)c(line)g(st)o(yles)220 2370 y(The)21 b(supp)q(orted)g(options) +f(are)h(collected)f(in)g(table)g(2)1103 2355 y Fr(13)1158 +2370 y Fx(Note)h(that)f(eac)o(h)h(of)e(the)i(dot)220 +2420 y(separated)c(comp)q(onen)o(ts)e(of)g(the)h(options)f(can)g(b)q(e) +h(abbreviated.)23 b(F)m(or)15 b(example,)f Fz(l.d)h Fx(is)220 +2470 y(equiv)n(alen)o(t)g(to)g Fz(label.dist)p Fx(.)21 +b(The)15 b(result)i(of)d(am)o(biguous)g(matc)o(hes)h(is)g(ho)o(w)o(ev)o +(er)h(unde-)220 2520 y(\014ned.)p 220 2546 573 2 v 251 +2573 a FB(13)284 2585 y Fu(One)d(particulary)d(useful)i(further)g +(option)f(w)o(ould)i(b)q(e)g Ft(smooth)p Fu(,)f(allo)o(wing)g(for)h +(sev)o(eral)f(lines)g(joined)220 2624 y(smo)q(othly)m(.)20 +b(Early)13 b(exp)q(erimen)o(tat)o(ion)e(has)i(sho)o(wn)h(ho)o(w)o(ev)o +(er,)f(that)g(the)g(results)g(are)g(not)g(alw)o(a)o(ys)h(what)220 +2664 y(one)d(exp)q(ects)e(and)i(that)f(there)h(is)g(a)g(lot)g(of)h(ro)q +(om)e(for)h(abuse.)915 2831 y Fx(15)p eop +%%Page: 16 16 +16 15 bop 423 226 1027 2 v 422 276 2 50 v 448 261 a Fx(Name)p +690 276 V 162 w(Explanation)p 1448 276 V 423 277 1027 +2 v 423 286 V 422 385 2 100 v 448 320 a Fz(tension)p +690 385 V 114 w Fx(dra)o(w)9 b(a)h(tigh)o(ter)g(\()p +Fn(>)i Fx(1\))d(or)h(more)f(lo)q(ose)g(\()p Fn(<)j Fx(1\))716 +370 y(arc)p 1448 385 V 423 387 1027 2 v 422 437 2 50 +v 448 422 a Fz(left)p 690 437 V 180 w Fx(dra)o(w)h(on)h(a)g(halfcircle) +f(on)h(the)g(left)p 1448 437 V 423 438 1027 2 v 422 488 +2 50 v 448 473 a Fz(right)p 690 488 V 158 w Fx(dra)o(w)f(on)h(a)g +(halfcircle)f(on)h(the)g(righ)o(t)p 1448 488 V 423 490 +1027 2 v 422 540 2 50 v 448 525 a Fz(straight)p 690 540 +V 92 w Fx(dra)o(w)f(on)h(a)g(straigh)o(t)f(line)h(\(default\))p +1448 540 V 423 541 1027 2 v 422 591 2 50 v 448 576 a +Fz(label)p 690 591 V 158 w Fx(T)739 585 y(E)762 576 y(X)g(text)g(for)g +(lab)q(eling)e(the)j(arc)p 1448 591 V 423 593 1027 2 +v 422 692 2 100 v 448 628 a Fz(label.side)p 690 692 V +48 w Fx(force)c(placemen)o(t)e(of)h(the)h(lab)q(el)f(on)g(the)h +Fz(left)716 677 y Fx(or)i Fz(right)p 1448 692 V 423 694 +1027 2 v 422 744 2 50 v 448 729 a(label.dist)p 690 744 +V 48 w Fx(place)h(lab)q(el)f(at)h(a)f(distance)i Fz(dist)p +1448 744 V 423 746 1027 2 v 422 845 2 100 v 448 780 a(label.pos)p +690 845 V 70 w Fx(relativ)o(e)10 b(p)q(osition)g(of)g(the)h(lab)q(el)g +(\(not)f(imple-)716 830 y(men)o(ted)j(y)o(et!\))p 1448 +845 V 423 847 1027 2 v 422 897 2 50 v 448 882 a Fz(tag)p +690 897 V 202 w Fx(optional)f(tag)i(for)f(disam)o(biguating)e(arcs)p +1448 897 V 423 898 1027 2 v 422 948 2 50 v 448 933 a +Fz(width)p 690 948 V 158 w Fx(width)i(of)h(the)g(line)p +1448 948 V 423 950 1027 2 v 422 1099 2 150 v 448 985 +a Fz(rubout)p 690 1099 V 136 w Fx(scale)37 b(factor)g(for)f(crossing)i +(out)e(lines)716 1034 y(\(do)q(esn't)10 b(w)o(ork)f(prop)q(erly)h(for)g +(doubled)f(lines)716 1084 y(y)o(et\))p 1448 1099 V 423 +1101 1027 2 v 422 1151 2 50 v 448 1136 a Fz(foreground)p +690 1151 V 48 w Fx(foreground)14 b(color)f(\()p Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)j +Fx(only!\))p 1448 1151 V 423 1152 1027 2 v 422 1252 2 +100 v 448 1187 a Fz(background)p 690 1252 V 48 w Fx(bac)o(kground)34 +b(color)g(for)g(doubled)g(lines)716 1237 y(\()p Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)15 +b Fx(only!\))p 1448 1252 V 423 1254 1027 2 v 657 1370 +a(T)m(able)f(2:)j(Av)n(ailable)c(line)g(options)220 1495 +y(Note)e(that)g(b)q(ecause)i(the)e(options)f(are)h(separated)h(b)o(y)f +(single)f(commata,)e(commata)g(inside)220 1545 y(argumen)o(ts)17 +b(to)h(options)g(\()p Fz(label)f Fx(comes)h(to)g(mind\))e(ha)o(v)o(e)i +(to)g(b)q(e)h(doubled)f(\(similar)d(to)220 1595 y(quotes)g(in)e(F)m +(ortran\).)564 1580 y Fr(14)220 1645 y Fx(Arcs)k(that)g(return)g(to)f +(their)h(origin)e(are)i(allo)o(w)o(ed)e(\(I)h(will)f(refer)i(to)f(them) +g(as)g Fw(tadp)n(oles)s Fx(\),)220 1695 y(but)h(some)f(options)h(ha)o +(v)o(e)g(sligh)o(tly)e(di\013eren)o(t)j(seman)o(tics.)27 +b Fz(tension)16 b Fx(is)h(here)h(a)e(in)o(v)o(erse)220 +1744 y(scale)i(factor)f(for)g(the)h(tadp)q(ole,)f(whose)h(default)f +(size)h(is)f(2/3)g(of)f(the)i(a)o(v)o(erage)f(distance)220 +1794 y(the)d(neigh)o(b)q(oring)f(v)o(ertices.)19 b(If)13 +b Fz(left)f Fx(or)i Fz(right)e Fx(are)i(sp)q(eci\014ed,)g(they)g(giv)o +(e)f(the)h(direction)220 1844 y(\(in)h(degrees\))i(of)d(the)i +(preferred)h(gap)e(in)o(to)f(whic)o(h)i(the)f(tadp)q(ole)g(is)g +(placed.)22 b(By)16 b(default,)220 1894 y(the)g(largest)f(gap)f(is)h(c) +o(hosen)h(for)f Fw(al)r(l)k Fx(tap)q(oles)c(at)g(a)g(giv)o(en)f(v)o +(ertex,)i(whic)o(h)f(will)f(therefore)220 1944 y(o)o(v)o(erlap.)j(This) +d(is)g(neither)h(a)e(bug)h(nor)g(a)g(feature,)g(but)g(a)f(limitation.) +234 1994 y(The)h(macro)f Fz(\\fmfn)g Fx(is)g(similar)f(to)i +Fz(\\fmf)p Fx(,)e(but)-894 b FE(\\fmfn)324 2070 y Fz(\\fmfn{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(style)s Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t +Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(])p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)6 b(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)p Fz(}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(n)s Fp(i)p Fz(})220 2146 y Fx(connects)16 b(the)e(v)o +(ertices)h Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(1)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p +Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)f Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(n)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p +Fx(.)242 2196 y(The)23 b(macro)e Fz(\\fmfcyclen{)p Fp(h)p +Fw(style)s Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)p Fz(}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(n)s Fp(i)q Fz(})h Fx(cyclically)f(connects)j(the)f(v)o +(ertices)-1673 b FE(\\fmfcyclen)-41 2246 y(\\fmfrcycl)o(en)42 +b Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(1)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)f +Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(n)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p Fx(.)18 b Fz(\\fmfrcyclen)11 +b Fx(op)q(erates)16 b(in)d(rev)o(erse)j(order.)220 2295 +y(Pic)o(k)d(up)h(a)f(p)q(en)h(of)e(the)i(sp)q(eci\014ed)h(size.)k +Fz(\\fmfpen{)p Fp(h)p Fw(weight)t Fp(i)n Fz(})13 b Fx(is)g(used)h(for)f +(c)o(hanging)f(the)-1614 b FE(\\fmfpen)220 2345 y Fx(w)o(eigh)o(t)13 +b(\(i.e.)g(thic)o(kness\))j(of)d(the)h(lines.)k(Prede\014ned)e(sizes)f +(are)g Fz(thin)e Fx(and)g Fz(thick)p Fx(.)248 2395 y(Declare)h(v)o +(ertices)h(with)f(options:)-710 b FE(\\fmfv)324 2471 +y Fz(\\fmfv{)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p +Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(][)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)o +Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(])p Fz(,)p Fx(.)6 +b(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)f Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})220 2547 y Fx(This)16 b(is)g(used)h(for)e +(adding)g(lab)q(els)h(to)g(a)g(v)o(ertex)g(and)g(for)g(sp)q(ecifying)g +(other)g(decoration.)220 2597 y(Supp)q(orted)f(options)e(are)h +(collected)h(in)e(table)h(3.)k(Here)d(the)f(same)f(abbreviation)g(mec)o +(ha-)p 220 2629 573 2 v 251 2655 a FB(14)284 2667 y Fu(Note)d(that,)g +(as)g(of)h(v)o(ersion)e(1.03,)g(it)i(is)g(no)f(longer)f(necessary)f(to) +j(escap)q(e)e(T)1288 2674 y(E)1308 2667 y(X)i(con)o(trol)e(sequences)g +(in)220 2707 y(argumen)o(ts.)j(Old)g(\014les)f(will)h(con)o(tin)o(ue)d +(to)i(w)o(ork,)g(b)q(ecause)e Ft(noexpand)g Fu(is)j(temp)q(orarily)c +(disabled.)915 2831 y Fx(16)p eop +%%Page: 17 17 +17 16 bop 347 226 1179 2 v 346 276 2 50 v 372 261 a Fx(Name)p +766 276 V 314 w(Explanation)p 1525 276 V 347 277 1179 +2 v 347 286 V 346 335 2 50 v 372 320 a Fz(label)p 766 +335 V 310 w Fx(T)815 329 y(E)838 320 y(X)14 b(text)g(for)g(lab)q(eling) +f(the)h(v)o(ertex)p 1525 335 V 347 337 1179 2 v 346 437 +2 100 v 372 372 a Fz(label.angle)p 766 437 V 178 w Fx(force)d(placemen) +o(t)e(of)h(the)h(lab)q(el)f(at)g(the)h(giv)o(en)792 422 +y(angle)i(from)f(the)j(v)o(ertex)p 1525 437 V 347 438 +1179 2 v 346 488 2 50 v 372 473 a Fz(label.dist)p 766 +488 V 200 w Fx(place)f(lab)q(el)f(at)h(a)g(distance)g +Fz(dist)p 1525 488 V 347 490 1179 2 v 346 540 2 50 v +372 525 a(decoration.shap)o(e)p 766 540 V 69 w Fx(shap)q(e)h(of)e +(decoration)p 1525 540 V 347 541 1179 2 v 346 591 2 50 +v 372 576 a Fz(decoration.size)p 766 591 V 90 w Fx(size)i(of)e +(decoration)p 1525 591 V 347 593 1179 2 v 346 643 2 50 +v 372 628 a Fz(decoration.fill)o(ed)p 766 643 V 47 w +Fx(\014ll,)f(shade)j(or)f(hatc)o(h)g(decoration)p 1525 +643 V 347 644 1179 2 v 346 694 2 50 v 372 679 a Fz(decoration.angl)o(e) +p 766 694 V 69 w Fx(rotate)g(decoration)p 1525 694 V +347 696 1179 2 v 346 746 2 50 v 372 731 a Fz(foreground)p +766 746 V 200 w Fx(foreground)g(color)f(\()p Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)j +Fx(only!\))p 1525 746 V 347 747 1179 2 v 346 797 2 50 +v 372 782 a Fz(background)p 766 797 V 200 w Fx(bac)o(kground)e(color)f +(\()p Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)j Fx(only!\))p 1525 797 V 347 +799 1179 2 v 634 915 a(T)m(able)d(3:)18 b(Av)n(ailable)12 +b(v)o(ertex)j(options)220 1036 y(nism)10 b(as)h(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)h(is)f +(in)g(e\013ect.)19 b(The)12 b(a)o(v)n(ailable)d Fz(shape)p +Fx(s)i(are)g(listed)h(in)f(v)n(arious)g(\014lling)f(st)o(yles)220 +1086 y(in)g(table)g(4)386 1071 y Fr(15)421 1086 y Fx(.)16 +b(The)11 b(tilings)e Fz(gray10)p Fx(,)g Fz(gray25)p Fx(,)g +Fz(gray75)g Fx(and)h Fz(gray90)f Fx(are)i(a)o(v)n(ailable)d(in)h(ad-) +220 1136 y(dition)j(to)g Fz(gray50)p Fx(.)k(Customized)c(tilings)g(can) +h(b)q(e)g(created)h(with)e(the)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i +Fx(func-)220 1186 y(tion)f Fz(tile_from_string)p Fx(.)j(It)e(should)g +(b)q(e)g(noted)g(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)g(that)g(tilings)e(are)j(gobbling) +220 1236 y(up)e(memory)e(at)j(high)e(sp)q(eed)j(and)f(should)f(b)q(e)h +(used)g(with)f(discretion.)20 b(The)15 b(halftones)1617 +1221 y Fr(16)220 1286 y Fx(can)f(b)q(e)h(accessed)h(b)o(y)d(giving)g +(an)o(y)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(from)f(2)i(to)f(99,)g(whic)o(h)h(will)e +(denote)j(the)f(p)q(er-)220 1335 y(cen)o(tage)f(of)f(saturation)g +(\(30\045)f(and)h(70\045)f(here\))972 1320 y Fr(17)1009 +1335 y Fx(.)17 b(Again,)11 b(commata)f(inside)i(argumen)o(ts)220 +1385 y(to)i(options)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(to)g(b)q(e)g(doubled.)234 +1435 y(Dra)o(w)f(a)h(blob)f(of)g(the)i(sp)q(eci\014ed)g(diameter)e(at)h +(the)h(v)o(ertices.)k(Inciden)o(tally)m(,)-1426 b FE(\\fmfblob)324 +1507 y Fz(\\fmfblob{)p Fp(h)p Fw(diameter)t Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p +Fz(})220 1579 y Fx(is)14 b(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(to)324 +1652 y Fz(\\fmfv{decor.shap)o(e=cir)o(cle,d)o(ecor.)o(fille)o(d=sha)o +(ded,)407 1702 y(decor.size=)p Fp(h)p Fw(diameter)t Fp(i)n +Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)f(.)i(.)f(])p +Fz(})234 1774 y Fx(Dra)o(w)13 b(a)h(dot)g(at)f(the)i(v)o(ertices)g(giv) +o(en)e(as)h(argumen)o(ts.)-1049 b FE(\\fmfdot)324 1846 +y Fz(\\fmfdot{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)n Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)g(.)h(.)f(])p Fz(})220 1918 y Fx(is)14 b(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(to)324 +1990 y Fz(\\fmfv{decor.shap)o(e=cir)o(cle,d)o(ecor.)o(fille)o(d=ful)o +(l,)407 2040 y(decor.size=2thic)o(k}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 +b Fp(i)m Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})234 2112 +y Fx(The)14 b(macro)f Fz(\\fmfvn)f Fx(is)i(similar)e(to)h +Fz(\\fmfv)p Fx(,)g(but)-957 b FE(\\fmfvn)324 2185 y Fz(\\fmfvn{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p Fw(val)t +Fp(i)p Fx(][)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(=)p +Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(])p Fz(,)p Fx(.)6 b(.)g(.)g(])p +Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)p Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(n)s Fp(i)q +Fz(})220 2257 y Fx(places)14 b(the)h(v)o(ertices)g Fp(h)p +Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(1)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)f Fp(h)p +Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(n)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p Fx(.)230 2307 y(The)k(macros)f +Fz(\\fmfdotn)f Fx(and)i Fz(\\fmfblobn)e Fx(are)i(similar)e(to)i(the)g +Fz(\\fmfdot)f Fx(and)g Fz(\\fmfblob)p Fx(,)-1637 b FE(\\fmfdotn)-2 +2357 y(\\fmfblobn)42 b Fx(but)21 b Fz(\\fmfdotn{)p Fp(h)p +Fw(v)t Fp(i)o Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(n)s Fp(i)p Fz(})f Fx(places)h(the)g(v)o +(ertices)g Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(1)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p +Fx(.)7 b(.)f(.)g Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(n)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p +Fx(.)38 b(Analogously)18 b(for)220 2406 y Fz(\\fmfblobn)p +Fx(.)p 220 2431 573 2 v 251 2458 a FB(15)284 2470 y Fu(If)13 +b(the)g(v)n(ariable)f Ft(feymfwizard)f Fu(is)i Ft(true)g +Fu(\(e.g.)g(after)g(calling)f(the)h Ft(\\fmfwizard)e +Fu(macro\),)h(it)i(is)g(also)220 2509 y(p)q(ossible)d(to)h(sp)q(ecify)f +(an)o(y)i Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fu(expression)c(that)i(ev)n(aluates)e(to) +i(a)h Ft(path)p Fu(.)18 b(Naturally)m(,)11 b(this)h(has)220 +2548 y(to)f(used)g(with)g(great)f(care,)h(b)q(ecause)e(strange)h +(errors)g(can)h(b)q(e)g(triggered)e(b)o(y)i(t)o(yp)q(os!)251 +2576 y FB(16)284 2588 y Fo(MET)o(AP)r(OST)h Fu(will)i(giv)o(e)e(true)h +(halftones)e(\(if)i(y)o(our)f(prin)o(ter)g(supp)q(orts)f(them\),)h +(while)h Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)220 2627 y Fu(tries)e(to)g(mimic)f(them.)k +(The)d(dithering)e(algorithm)g(of)i(the)g(latter)f(will)h(b)q(e)h +(impro)o(v)o(ed)c(in)k(the)e(future.)251 2655 y FB(17)284 +2667 y Fu(The)k(old)g(n)o(umeric)e(argumen)o(ts)g(in)j(the)e(range)h +FG(\000)p Fu(1)6 b Fi(:)f(:)h(:)g Fu(1)14 b(con)o(tin)o(ue)e(to)j(w)o +(ork,)f(but)g(are)g(considered)220 2707 y(obsolete.)915 +2831 y Fx(17)p eop +%%Page: 18 18 +18 17 bop 220 230 1448 2 v 219 280 2 50 v 245 265 a Fz(filled=)p +465 280 V 103 w(full)p 625 280 V 61 w(empty)p 784 280 +V 49 w(shaded)p 965 280 V 48 w(hatched)p 1167 280 V 49 +w(gray50)p 1348 280 V 81 w(30)p 1507 280 V 116 w(70)p +1667 280 V 220 281 1448 2 v 220 290 V 219 401 2 111 v +245 386 a(circle)p 465 401 V 114 w @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.1 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 625 401 V 159 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.2 + 1 setgray +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 784 401 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.3 +gsave newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.25189 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 1.9841 moveto +18.42506 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 4.25194 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 16.15723 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 4.98415 moveto +15.42502 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 7.25198 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 13.15718 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 7.98419 moveto +12.42497 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 10.25203 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 10.15714 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 10.98424 moveto +9.42493 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 13.25208 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 7.15709 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 401 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.4 +gsave newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0.25189 -2.01595 moveto +22.42511 20.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 -2.01595 moveto +22.42511 20.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 1.98412 moveto +18.42505 20.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 4.25195 -2.01595 moveto +22.42511 16.15721 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 5.98418 moveto +14.42499 20.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 8.25201 -2.01595 moveto +22.42511 12.15715 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 9.98424 moveto +10.42493 20.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 12.25208 -2.01595 moveto +22.42511 8.15709 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 5.98405 moveto +8.25189 -2.01595 lineto stroke +newpath 14.42511 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 12.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 9.98412 moveto +12.25195 -2.01595 lineto stroke +newpath 10.42505 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 8.15721 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 13.98418 moveto +16.25201 -2.01595 lineto stroke +newpath 6.42499 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 4.15715 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 17.98424 moveto +20.25208 -2.01595 lineto stroke +newpath 2.42493 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 0.15709 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto 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+5.25189 1.98405 lineto +5.25189 2.98405 lineto +4.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 4.98405 moveto +6.25189 4.98405 lineto +6.25189 5.98405 lineto +5.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 3.98405 moveto +5.25189 3.98405 lineto +5.25189 4.98405 lineto +4.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 6.98405 moveto +6.25189 6.98405 lineto +6.25189 7.98405 lineto +5.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 5.98405 moveto +5.25189 5.98405 lineto +5.25189 6.98405 lineto +4.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 8.98405 moveto +6.25189 8.98405 lineto +6.25189 9.98405 lineto +5.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 7.98405 moveto +5.25189 7.98405 lineto +5.25189 8.98405 lineto +4.25189 8.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 10.98405 moveto +6.25189 10.98405 lineto +6.25189 11.98405 lineto +5.25189 11.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 9.98405 moveto +5.25189 9.98405 lineto 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+6.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 12.98405 moveto +8.25189 12.98405 lineto +8.25189 13.98405 lineto +7.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 11.98405 moveto +7.25189 11.98405 lineto +7.25189 12.98405 lineto +6.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 14.98405 moveto +8.25189 14.98405 lineto +8.25189 15.98405 lineto +7.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 13.98405 moveto +7.25189 13.98405 lineto +7.25189 14.98405 lineto +6.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 16.98405 moveto +8.25189 16.98405 lineto +8.25189 17.98405 lineto +7.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 15.98405 moveto +7.25189 15.98405 lineto +7.25189 16.98405 lineto +6.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 2.98405 moveto +10.25189 2.98405 lineto +10.25189 3.98405 lineto +9.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 1.98405 moveto +9.25189 1.98405 lineto +9.25189 2.98405 lineto 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9.98405 moveto +15.25189 9.98405 lineto +15.25189 10.98405 lineto +14.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 12.98405 moveto +16.25189 12.98405 lineto +16.25189 13.98405 lineto +15.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 11.98405 moveto +15.25189 11.98405 lineto +15.25189 12.98405 lineto +14.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 14.98405 moveto +16.25189 14.98405 lineto +16.25189 15.98405 lineto +15.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 13.98405 moveto +15.25189 13.98405 lineto +15.25189 14.98405 lineto +14.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 16.98405 moveto +16.25189 16.98405 lineto +16.25189 17.98405 lineto +15.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 15.98405 moveto +15.25189 15.98405 lineto +15.25189 16.98405 lineto +14.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 2.98405 moveto +18.25189 2.98405 lineto +18.25189 3.98405 lineto +17.25189 3.98405 lineto + 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dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1348 401 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.6 + 0.7 setgray +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 18.42511 9.07066 moveto +18.42511 10.95023 17.67833 12.7526 16.34938 14.08154 curveto +15.02043 15.41049 13.21806 16.15727 11.3385 16.15727 curveto +9.45894 16.15727 7.65657 15.41049 6.32762 14.08154 curveto +4.99867 12.7526 4.25189 10.95023 4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 401 V 160 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4.25189 9.07066 curveto +4.25189 7.1911 4.99867 5.38873 6.32762 4.05978 curveto +7.65657 2.73083 9.45894 1.98405 11.3385 1.98405 curveto +13.21806 1.98405 15.02043 2.73083 16.34938 4.05978 curveto +17.67833 5.38873 18.42511 7.1911 18.42511 9.07066 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1667 401 V 220 402 1448 2 v 219 513 2 111 +v 245 498 a(square)p 465 513 V 114 w @beginspecial 0 +@llx 0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.8 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 625 513 V 159 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.9 + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 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19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 4.25194 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 16.15723 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 4.98415 moveto +15.42502 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 7.25198 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 13.15718 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 7.98419 moveto +12.42497 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 10.25203 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 10.15714 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 10.98424 moveto +9.42493 19.15727 lineto stroke +newpath 13.25208 -1.01595 moveto +21.42511 7.15709 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 513 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.11 +gsave newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 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lineto stroke +newpath 10.42505 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 8.15721 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 13.98418 moveto +16.25201 -2.01595 lineto stroke +newpath 6.42499 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 4.15715 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 17.98424 moveto +20.25208 -2.01595 lineto stroke +newpath 2.42493 20.15727 moveto +22.42511 0.15709 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 513 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.12 +gsave newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +18.42511 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 16.15727 lineto +4.25189 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 5.25189 2.98405 moveto +6.25189 2.98405 lineto +6.25189 3.98405 lineto +5.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 1.98405 moveto +5.25189 1.98405 lineto +5.25189 2.98405 lineto +4.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 4.98405 moveto +6.25189 4.98405 lineto +6.25189 5.98405 lineto +5.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 3.98405 moveto +5.25189 3.98405 lineto +5.25189 4.98405 lineto +4.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 6.98405 moveto +6.25189 6.98405 lineto +6.25189 7.98405 lineto +5.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 5.98405 moveto +5.25189 5.98405 lineto +5.25189 6.98405 lineto +4.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 8.98405 moveto +6.25189 8.98405 lineto +6.25189 9.98405 lineto +5.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 7.98405 moveto +5.25189 7.98405 lineto +5.25189 8.98405 lineto +4.25189 8.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 10.98405 moveto +6.25189 10.98405 lineto +6.25189 11.98405 lineto +5.25189 11.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 9.98405 moveto +5.25189 9.98405 lineto +5.25189 10.98405 lineto +4.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 12.98405 moveto +6.25189 12.98405 lineto +6.25189 13.98405 lineto +5.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 11.98405 moveto +5.25189 11.98405 lineto +5.25189 12.98405 lineto +4.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 14.98405 moveto +6.25189 14.98405 lineto +6.25189 15.98405 lineto +5.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 13.98405 moveto +5.25189 13.98405 lineto +5.25189 14.98405 lineto +4.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 16.98405 moveto +6.25189 16.98405 lineto +6.25189 17.98405 lineto +5.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 15.98405 moveto +5.25189 15.98405 lineto +5.25189 16.98405 lineto +4.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 2.98405 moveto +8.25189 2.98405 lineto +8.25189 3.98405 lineto +7.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 1.98405 moveto +7.25189 1.98405 lineto +7.25189 2.98405 lineto +6.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 4.98405 moveto +8.25189 4.98405 lineto +8.25189 5.98405 lineto +7.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 3.98405 moveto +7.25189 3.98405 lineto +7.25189 4.98405 lineto +6.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 6.98405 moveto +8.25189 6.98405 lineto +8.25189 7.98405 lineto +7.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 5.98405 moveto +7.25189 5.98405 lineto +7.25189 6.98405 lineto +6.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 8.98405 moveto +8.25189 8.98405 lineto +8.25189 9.98405 lineto +7.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 7.98405 moveto +7.25189 7.98405 lineto +7.25189 8.98405 lineto +6.25189 8.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 10.98405 moveto +8.25189 10.98405 lineto +8.25189 11.98405 lineto +7.25189 11.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 9.98405 moveto +7.25189 9.98405 lineto +7.25189 10.98405 lineto +6.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 12.98405 moveto +8.25189 12.98405 lineto +8.25189 13.98405 lineto +7.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 11.98405 moveto +7.25189 11.98405 lineto +7.25189 12.98405 lineto +6.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 14.98405 moveto +8.25189 14.98405 lineto +8.25189 15.98405 lineto +7.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 13.98405 moveto +7.25189 13.98405 lineto +7.25189 14.98405 lineto +6.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 16.98405 moveto +8.25189 16.98405 lineto +8.25189 17.98405 lineto +7.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 15.98405 moveto +7.25189 15.98405 lineto +7.25189 16.98405 lineto +6.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 2.98405 moveto +10.25189 2.98405 lineto +10.25189 3.98405 lineto +9.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 1.98405 moveto +9.25189 1.98405 lineto +9.25189 2.98405 lineto +8.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 4.98405 moveto +10.25189 4.98405 lineto +10.25189 5.98405 lineto +9.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 3.98405 moveto +9.25189 3.98405 lineto +9.25189 4.98405 lineto +8.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 6.98405 moveto +10.25189 6.98405 lineto +10.25189 7.98405 lineto +9.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 5.98405 moveto +9.25189 5.98405 lineto +9.25189 6.98405 lineto +8.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 8.98405 moveto +10.25189 8.98405 lineto +10.25189 9.98405 lineto +9.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 7.98405 moveto +9.25189 7.98405 lineto +9.25189 8.98405 lineto +8.25189 8.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 10.98405 moveto +10.25189 10.98405 lineto +10.25189 11.98405 lineto +9.25189 11.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 9.98405 moveto +9.25189 9.98405 lineto +9.25189 10.98405 lineto +8.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 12.98405 moveto +10.25189 12.98405 lineto +10.25189 13.98405 lineto +9.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 11.98405 moveto +9.25189 11.98405 lineto +9.25189 12.98405 lineto +8.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 14.98405 moveto +10.25189 14.98405 lineto +10.25189 15.98405 lineto +9.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 13.98405 moveto +9.25189 13.98405 lineto +9.25189 14.98405 lineto +8.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 16.98405 moveto +10.25189 16.98405 lineto +10.25189 17.98405 lineto +9.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 15.98405 moveto +9.25189 15.98405 lineto +9.25189 16.98405 lineto +8.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 2.98405 moveto +12.25189 2.98405 lineto +12.25189 3.98405 lineto +11.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 1.98405 moveto +11.25189 1.98405 lineto +11.25189 2.98405 lineto +10.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 4.98405 moveto +12.25189 4.98405 lineto +12.25189 5.98405 lineto +11.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 3.98405 moveto +11.25189 3.98405 lineto +11.25189 4.98405 lineto +10.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 6.98405 moveto +12.25189 6.98405 lineto +12.25189 7.98405 lineto +11.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 5.98405 moveto +11.25189 5.98405 lineto +11.25189 6.98405 lineto +10.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 8.98405 moveto +12.25189 8.98405 lineto +12.25189 9.98405 lineto +11.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 7.98405 moveto +11.25189 7.98405 lineto +11.25189 8.98405 lineto +10.25189 8.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 10.98405 moveto +12.25189 10.98405 lineto +12.25189 11.98405 lineto +11.25189 11.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 9.98405 moveto +11.25189 9.98405 lineto +11.25189 10.98405 lineto +10.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 12.98405 moveto +12.25189 12.98405 lineto +12.25189 13.98405 lineto +11.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 11.98405 moveto +11.25189 11.98405 lineto +11.25189 12.98405 lineto +10.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 14.98405 moveto +12.25189 14.98405 lineto +12.25189 15.98405 lineto +11.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 13.98405 moveto +11.25189 13.98405 lineto +11.25189 14.98405 lineto +10.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 16.98405 moveto +12.25189 16.98405 lineto +12.25189 17.98405 lineto +11.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 15.98405 moveto +11.25189 15.98405 lineto +11.25189 16.98405 lineto +10.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 2.98405 moveto +14.25189 2.98405 lineto +14.25189 3.98405 lineto +13.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 1.98405 moveto +13.25189 1.98405 lineto +13.25189 2.98405 lineto +12.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 4.98405 moveto +14.25189 4.98405 lineto +14.25189 5.98405 lineto +13.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 3.98405 moveto +13.25189 3.98405 lineto +13.25189 4.98405 lineto +12.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 6.98405 moveto +14.25189 6.98405 lineto +14.25189 7.98405 lineto +13.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 5.98405 moveto +13.25189 5.98405 lineto +13.25189 6.98405 lineto +12.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 8.98405 moveto +14.25189 8.98405 lineto +14.25189 9.98405 lineto +13.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 7.98405 moveto +13.25189 7.98405 lineto +13.25189 8.98405 lineto +12.25189 8.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 10.98405 moveto +14.25189 10.98405 lineto +14.25189 11.98405 lineto +13.25189 11.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 9.98405 moveto +13.25189 9.98405 lineto +13.25189 10.98405 lineto +12.25189 10.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 12.98405 moveto +14.25189 12.98405 lineto +14.25189 13.98405 lineto +13.25189 13.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 11.98405 moveto +13.25189 11.98405 lineto +13.25189 12.98405 lineto +12.25189 12.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 14.98405 moveto +14.25189 14.98405 lineto +14.25189 15.98405 lineto +13.25189 15.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 13.98405 moveto +13.25189 13.98405 lineto +13.25189 14.98405 lineto +12.25189 14.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 16.98405 moveto +14.25189 16.98405 lineto +14.25189 17.98405 lineto +13.25189 17.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 15.98405 moveto +13.25189 15.98405 lineto +13.25189 16.98405 lineto +12.25189 16.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 2.98405 moveto +16.25189 2.98405 lineto +16.25189 3.98405 lineto +15.25189 3.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 1.98405 moveto +15.25189 1.98405 lineto +15.25189 2.98405 lineto +14.25189 2.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 4.98405 moveto +16.25189 4.98405 lineto +16.25189 5.98405 lineto +15.25189 5.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 3.98405 moveto +15.25189 3.98405 lineto +15.25189 4.98405 lineto +14.25189 4.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 6.98405 moveto +16.25189 6.98405 lineto +16.25189 7.98405 lineto +15.25189 7.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 5.98405 moveto +15.25189 5.98405 lineto +15.25189 6.98405 lineto +14.25189 6.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 8.98405 moveto +16.25189 8.98405 lineto +16.25189 9.98405 lineto +15.25189 9.98405 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 7.98405 moveto +15.25189 7.98405 lineto +15.25189 8.98405 lineto +14.25189 8.98405 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moveto +13.20137 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 9.47527 21.80138 moveto +21.47533 9.80132 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 17.5275 moveto +17.20145 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 5.47519 21.80138 moveto +21.47533 5.80124 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 21.52756 moveto +21.2015 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 1.47513 21.80138 moveto +21.47533 1.80118 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 625 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.19 +gsave newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +17.47533 5.52736 lineto +17.47533 16.15599 lineto +5.20131 16.15599 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.20131 6.52736 moveto +7.20131 6.52736 lineto +7.20131 7.52736 lineto +6.20131 7.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +6.20131 5.52736 lineto +6.20131 6.52736 lineto +5.20131 6.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 8.52736 moveto +7.20131 8.52736 lineto +7.20131 9.52736 lineto +6.20131 9.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 7.52736 moveto +6.20131 7.52736 lineto +6.20131 8.52736 lineto +5.20131 8.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 10.52736 moveto +7.20131 10.52736 lineto +7.20131 11.52736 lineto +6.20131 11.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 9.52736 moveto +6.20131 9.52736 lineto +6.20131 10.52736 lineto +5.20131 10.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 12.52736 moveto +7.20131 12.52736 lineto +7.20131 13.52736 lineto +6.20131 13.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 11.52736 moveto +6.20131 11.52736 lineto +6.20131 12.52736 lineto +5.20131 12.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 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12.20131 10.52736 moveto +13.20131 10.52736 lineto +13.20131 11.52736 lineto +12.20131 11.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 9.52736 moveto +12.20131 9.52736 lineto +12.20131 10.52736 lineto +11.20131 10.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 12.52736 moveto +13.20131 12.52736 lineto +13.20131 13.52736 lineto +12.20131 13.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 11.52736 moveto +12.20131 11.52736 lineto +12.20131 12.52736 lineto +11.20131 12.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 14.52736 moveto +13.20131 14.52736 lineto +13.20131 15.52736 lineto +12.20131 15.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 13.52736 moveto +12.20131 13.52736 lineto +12.20131 14.52736 lineto +11.20131 14.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 16.52736 moveto +13.20131 16.52736 lineto +13.20131 17.52736 lineto +12.20131 17.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 15.52736 moveto +12.20131 15.52736 lineto +12.20131 16.52736 lineto +11.20131 16.52736 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closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 6.98447 moveto +10.25189 6.98447 lineto +10.25189 7.98447 lineto +9.25189 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 5.98447 moveto +9.25189 5.98447 lineto +9.25189 6.98447 lineto +8.25189 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 8.98447 moveto +10.25189 8.98447 lineto +10.25189 9.98447 lineto +9.25189 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 7.98447 moveto +9.25189 7.98447 lineto +9.25189 8.98447 lineto +8.25189 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 10.98447 moveto +10.25189 10.98447 lineto +10.25189 11.98447 lineto +9.25189 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 9.98447 moveto +9.25189 9.98447 lineto +9.25189 10.98447 lineto +8.25189 10.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 12.98447 moveto +10.25189 12.98447 lineto +10.25189 13.98447 lineto +9.25189 13.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 11.98447 moveto +9.25189 11.98447 lineto +9.25189 12.98447 lineto +8.25189 12.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 14.98447 moveto +10.25189 14.98447 lineto +10.25189 15.98447 lineto +9.25189 15.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 13.98447 moveto +9.25189 13.98447 lineto +9.25189 14.98447 lineto +8.25189 14.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 16.98447 moveto +10.25189 16.98447 lineto +10.25189 17.98447 lineto +9.25189 17.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 15.98447 moveto +9.25189 15.98447 lineto +9.25189 16.98447 lineto +8.25189 16.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 2.98447 moveto +12.25189 2.98447 lineto +12.25189 3.98447 lineto +11.25189 3.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 1.98447 moveto +11.25189 1.98447 lineto +11.25189 2.98447 lineto +10.25189 2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 4.98447 moveto +12.25189 4.98447 lineto +12.25189 5.98447 lineto +11.25189 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 3.98447 moveto +11.25189 3.98447 lineto +11.25189 4.98447 lineto +10.25189 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 6.98447 moveto +12.25189 6.98447 lineto +12.25189 7.98447 lineto +11.25189 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 5.98447 moveto +11.25189 5.98447 lineto +11.25189 6.98447 lineto +10.25189 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 8.98447 moveto +12.25189 8.98447 lineto +12.25189 9.98447 lineto +11.25189 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 7.98447 moveto +11.25189 7.98447 lineto +11.25189 8.98447 lineto +10.25189 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 10.98447 moveto +12.25189 10.98447 lineto +12.25189 11.98447 lineto +11.25189 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 9.98447 moveto +11.25189 9.98447 lineto +11.25189 10.98447 lineto +10.25189 10.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 12.98447 moveto +12.25189 12.98447 lineto +12.25189 13.98447 lineto +11.25189 13.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 11.98447 moveto +11.25189 11.98447 lineto +11.25189 12.98447 lineto +10.25189 12.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 14.98447 moveto +12.25189 14.98447 lineto +12.25189 15.98447 lineto +11.25189 15.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 13.98447 moveto +11.25189 13.98447 lineto +11.25189 14.98447 lineto +10.25189 14.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 16.98447 moveto +12.25189 16.98447 lineto +12.25189 17.98447 lineto +11.25189 17.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 15.98447 moveto +11.25189 15.98447 lineto +11.25189 16.98447 lineto +10.25189 16.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 2.98447 moveto +14.25189 2.98447 lineto +14.25189 3.98447 lineto +13.25189 3.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 1.98447 moveto +13.25189 1.98447 lineto +13.25189 2.98447 lineto +12.25189 2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 4.98447 moveto +14.25189 4.98447 lineto +14.25189 5.98447 lineto +13.25189 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 3.98447 moveto +13.25189 3.98447 lineto +13.25189 4.98447 lineto +12.25189 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 6.98447 moveto +14.25189 6.98447 lineto +14.25189 7.98447 lineto +13.25189 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 5.98447 moveto +13.25189 5.98447 lineto +13.25189 6.98447 lineto +12.25189 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 8.98447 moveto +14.25189 8.98447 lineto +14.25189 9.98447 lineto +13.25189 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 7.98447 moveto +13.25189 7.98447 lineto +13.25189 8.98447 lineto +12.25189 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 10.98447 moveto +14.25189 10.98447 lineto +14.25189 11.98447 lineto +13.25189 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 9.98447 moveto +13.25189 9.98447 lineto +13.25189 10.98447 lineto +12.25189 10.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 12.98447 moveto +14.25189 12.98447 lineto +14.25189 13.98447 lineto +13.25189 13.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 11.98447 moveto +13.25189 11.98447 lineto +13.25189 12.98447 lineto +12.25189 12.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 14.98447 moveto +14.25189 14.98447 lineto +14.25189 15.98447 lineto +13.25189 15.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 13.98447 moveto +13.25189 13.98447 lineto +13.25189 14.98447 lineto +12.25189 14.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 16.98447 moveto +14.25189 16.98447 lineto +14.25189 17.98447 lineto +13.25189 17.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 15.98447 moveto +13.25189 15.98447 lineto +13.25189 16.98447 lineto +12.25189 16.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 2.98447 moveto +16.25189 2.98447 lineto +16.25189 3.98447 lineto +15.25189 3.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 1.98447 moveto +15.25189 1.98447 lineto +15.25189 2.98447 lineto +14.25189 2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 4.98447 moveto +16.25189 4.98447 lineto +16.25189 5.98447 lineto +15.25189 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 3.98447 moveto +15.25189 3.98447 lineto +15.25189 4.98447 lineto +14.25189 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 6.98447 moveto +16.25189 6.98447 lineto +16.25189 7.98447 lineto +15.25189 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 5.98447 moveto +15.25189 5.98447 lineto +15.25189 6.98447 lineto +14.25189 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 8.98447 moveto +16.25189 8.98447 lineto +16.25189 9.98447 lineto +15.25189 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 7.98447 moveto +15.25189 7.98447 lineto +15.25189 8.98447 lineto +14.25189 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 10.98447 moveto +16.25189 10.98447 lineto +16.25189 11.98447 lineto +15.25189 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 9.98447 moveto +15.25189 9.98447 lineto +15.25189 10.98447 lineto +14.25189 10.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 12.98447 moveto +16.25189 12.98447 lineto +16.25189 13.98447 lineto +15.25189 13.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 11.98447 moveto +15.25189 11.98447 lineto +15.25189 12.98447 lineto +14.25189 12.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 14.98447 moveto +16.25189 14.98447 lineto +16.25189 15.98447 lineto +15.25189 15.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 13.98447 moveto +15.25189 13.98447 lineto +15.25189 14.98447 lineto +14.25189 14.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 16.98447 moveto +16.25189 16.98447 lineto +16.25189 17.98447 lineto +15.25189 17.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 15.98447 moveto +15.25189 15.98447 lineto +15.25189 16.98447 lineto +14.25189 16.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 2.98447 moveto +18.25189 2.98447 lineto +18.25189 3.98447 lineto +17.25189 3.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 1.98447 moveto +17.25189 1.98447 lineto +17.25189 2.98447 lineto +16.25189 2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 4.98447 moveto +18.25189 4.98447 lineto +18.25189 5.98447 lineto +17.25189 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 3.98447 moveto +17.25189 3.98447 lineto +17.25189 4.98447 lineto +16.25189 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 6.98447 moveto +18.25189 6.98447 lineto +18.25189 7.98447 lineto +17.25189 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 5.98447 moveto +17.25189 5.98447 lineto +17.25189 6.98447 lineto +16.25189 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 8.98447 moveto +18.25189 8.98447 lineto +18.25189 9.98447 lineto +17.25189 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 7.98447 moveto +17.25189 7.98447 lineto +17.25189 8.98447 lineto +16.25189 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 10.98447 moveto +18.25189 10.98447 lineto +18.25189 11.98447 lineto +17.25189 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 9.98447 moveto +17.25189 9.98447 lineto +17.25189 10.98447 lineto +16.25189 10.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 12.98447 moveto +18.25189 12.98447 lineto +18.25189 13.98447 lineto +17.25189 13.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 11.98447 moveto +17.25189 11.98447 lineto +17.25189 12.98447 lineto +16.25189 12.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 14.98447 moveto +18.25189 14.98447 lineto +18.25189 15.98447 lineto +17.25189 15.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 13.98447 moveto +17.25189 13.98447 lineto +17.25189 14.98447 lineto +16.25189 14.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 16.98447 moveto +18.25189 16.98447 lineto +18.25189 17.98447 lineto +17.25189 17.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 15.98447 moveto +17.25189 15.98447 lineto +17.25189 16.98447 lineto +16.25189 16.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 2.98447 moveto +20.25189 2.98447 lineto +20.25189 3.98447 lineto +19.25189 3.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 1.98447 moveto +19.25189 1.98447 lineto +19.25189 2.98447 lineto +18.25189 2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 4.98447 moveto +20.25189 4.98447 lineto +20.25189 5.98447 lineto +19.25189 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 3.98447 moveto +19.25189 3.98447 lineto +19.25189 4.98447 lineto +18.25189 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 6.98447 moveto +20.25189 6.98447 lineto +20.25189 7.98447 lineto +19.25189 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 5.98447 moveto +19.25189 5.98447 lineto +19.25189 6.98447 lineto +18.25189 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 8.98447 moveto +20.25189 8.98447 lineto +20.25189 9.98447 lineto +19.25189 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 7.98447 moveto +19.25189 7.98447 lineto +19.25189 8.98447 lineto +18.25189 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 10.98447 moveto +20.25189 10.98447 lineto +20.25189 11.98447 lineto +19.25189 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 9.98447 moveto +19.25189 9.98447 lineto +19.25189 10.98447 lineto +18.25189 10.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 12.98447 moveto +20.25189 12.98447 lineto +20.25189 13.98447 lineto +19.25189 13.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 11.98447 moveto +19.25189 11.98447 lineto +19.25189 12.98447 lineto +18.25189 12.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 14.98447 moveto +20.25189 14.98447 lineto +20.25189 15.98447 lineto +19.25189 15.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 13.98447 moveto +19.25189 13.98447 lineto +19.25189 14.98447 lineto +18.25189 14.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 16.98447 moveto +20.25189 16.98447 lineto +20.25189 17.98447 lineto +19.25189 17.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 15.98447 moveto +19.25189 15.98447 lineto +19.25189 16.98447 lineto +18.25189 16.98447 lineto + closepath fill +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1348 738 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.27 + 0.7 setgray +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 738 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.28 + 0.3 setgray +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1667 738 V 220 739 1448 2 v 219 850 2 111 +v 245 835 a(pentagon)p 465 850 V 70 w @beginspecial 0 +@llx 0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.29 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 625 850 V 159 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.30 + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 784 850 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.31 +gsave newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 3.33745 moveto +18.07698 3.33745 lineto +18.07698 16.15608 lineto +4.59879 16.15608 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.59879 0.33745 moveto +21.07698 19.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 0.33745 moveto +21.07698 19.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 3.33742 moveto +18.07701 19.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 4.59875 0.33745 moveto +21.07698 16.81567 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 6.3374 moveto +15.07703 19.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 7.59874 0.33745 moveto +21.07698 13.81569 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 9.33737 moveto +12.07706 19.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 10.59871 0.33745 moveto +21.07698 10.81572 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 12.33736 moveto +9.07707 19.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 13.5987 0.33745 moveto +21.07698 7.81573 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 850 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.32 +gsave newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 3.33745 moveto +18.07698 3.33745 lineto +18.07698 16.15608 lineto +4.59879 16.15608 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0.59879 -0.66255 moveto +22.07698 20.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 -0.66255 moveto +22.07698 20.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 3.33734 moveto +18.07709 20.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 4.59868 -0.66255 moveto +22.07698 16.81575 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 7.33725 moveto +14.07718 20.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 8.59859 -0.66255 moveto +22.07698 12.81584 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 11.33714 moveto +10.07729 20.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 12.59848 -0.66255 moveto +22.07698 8.81595 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 7.33745 moveto +8.59879 -0.66255 lineto stroke +newpath 14.07698 20.81564 moveto +22.07698 12.81564 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 11.33734 moveto +12.59868 -0.66255 lineto stroke +newpath 10.07709 20.81564 moveto +22.07698 8.81575 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 15.33725 moveto +16.59859 -0.66255 lineto stroke +newpath 6.07718 20.81564 moveto +22.07698 4.81584 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 19.33714 moveto +20.59848 -0.66255 lineto stroke +newpath 2.07729 20.81564 moveto +22.07698 0.81595 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 850 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.33 +gsave newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 3.33745 moveto +18.07698 3.33745 lineto +18.07698 16.15608 lineto +4.59879 16.15608 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 5.59879 4.33745 moveto +6.59879 4.33745 lineto +6.59879 5.33745 lineto +5.59879 5.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 3.33745 moveto +5.59879 3.33745 lineto +5.59879 4.33745 lineto +4.59879 4.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 6.33745 moveto +6.59879 6.33745 lineto +6.59879 7.33745 lineto +5.59879 7.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 5.33745 moveto +5.59879 5.33745 lineto +5.59879 6.33745 lineto +4.59879 6.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 8.33745 moveto +6.59879 8.33745 lineto +6.59879 9.33745 lineto +5.59879 9.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 7.33745 moveto +5.59879 7.33745 lineto +5.59879 8.33745 lineto +4.59879 8.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 10.33745 moveto +6.59879 10.33745 lineto +6.59879 11.33745 lineto +5.59879 11.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 9.33745 moveto +5.59879 9.33745 lineto +5.59879 10.33745 lineto +4.59879 10.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 12.33745 moveto +6.59879 12.33745 lineto +6.59879 13.33745 lineto +5.59879 13.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 11.33745 moveto +5.59879 11.33745 lineto +5.59879 12.33745 lineto +4.59879 12.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 14.33745 moveto +6.59879 14.33745 lineto +6.59879 15.33745 lineto +5.59879 15.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 13.33745 moveto +5.59879 13.33745 lineto +5.59879 14.33745 lineto +4.59879 14.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 16.33745 moveto +6.59879 16.33745 lineto +6.59879 17.33745 lineto +5.59879 17.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 15.33745 moveto +5.59879 15.33745 lineto +5.59879 16.33745 lineto +4.59879 16.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 4.33745 moveto +8.59879 4.33745 lineto +8.59879 5.33745 lineto +7.59879 5.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 3.33745 moveto +7.59879 3.33745 lineto +7.59879 4.33745 lineto +6.59879 4.33745 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 6.33745 moveto +8.59879 6.33745 lineto +8.59879 7.33745 lineto +7.59879 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11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 850 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.35 + 0.3 setgray +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1667 850 V 220 852 1448 2 v 219 963 2 111 +v 245 948 a(hexagon)p 465 963 V 92 w @beginspecial 0 +@llx 0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.36 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 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+10.37326 19.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 14.20107 -1.01553 moveto +22.37302 7.15642 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 963 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.39 +gsave newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 1.98447 moveto +17.4757 1.98447 lineto +17.4757 16.15617 lineto +5.20131 16.15617 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.20131 -2.01553 moveto +23.37302 20.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 -2.01553 moveto +23.37302 20.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 1.98453 moveto +19.37296 20.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 5.20137 -2.01553 moveto +23.37302 16.15611 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 5.98459 moveto +15.3729 20.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 9.20143 -2.01553 moveto +23.37302 12.15605 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 9.98466 moveto +11.37282 20.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 13.2015 -2.01553 moveto +23.37302 8.15598 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 5.98447 moveto +9.20131 -2.01553 lineto stroke +newpath 15.37302 20.15617 moveto +23.37302 12.15617 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 9.98453 moveto +13.20137 -2.01553 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37296 20.15617 moveto +23.37302 8.15611 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 13.98459 moveto +17.20143 -2.01553 lineto stroke +newpath 7.3729 20.15617 moveto +23.37302 4.15605 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 17.98466 moveto +21.2015 -2.01553 lineto stroke +newpath 3.37282 20.15617 moveto +23.37302 0.15598 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 963 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.40 +gsave newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 1.98447 moveto +17.4757 1.98447 lineto +17.4757 16.15617 lineto +5.20131 16.15617 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.20131 2.98447 moveto +7.20131 2.98447 lineto +7.20131 3.98447 lineto +6.20131 3.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 1.98447 moveto +6.20131 1.98447 lineto +6.20131 2.98447 lineto +5.20131 2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 4.98447 moveto +7.20131 4.98447 lineto +7.20131 5.98447 lineto +6.20131 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 3.98447 moveto +6.20131 3.98447 lineto +6.20131 4.98447 lineto +5.20131 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 6.98447 moveto +7.20131 6.98447 lineto +7.20131 7.98447 lineto +6.20131 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 5.98447 moveto +6.20131 5.98447 lineto +6.20131 6.98447 lineto +5.20131 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 8.98447 moveto +7.20131 8.98447 lineto +7.20131 9.98447 lineto +6.20131 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 7.98447 moveto +6.20131 7.98447 lineto +6.20131 8.98447 lineto +5.20131 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 10.98447 moveto +7.20131 10.98447 lineto +7.20131 11.98447 lineto +6.20131 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 9.98447 moveto +6.20131 9.98447 lineto +6.20131 10.98447 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2.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 4.98447 moveto +13.20131 4.98447 lineto +13.20131 5.98447 lineto +12.20131 5.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 3.98447 moveto +12.20131 3.98447 lineto +12.20131 4.98447 lineto +11.20131 4.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 6.98447 moveto +13.20131 6.98447 lineto +13.20131 7.98447 lineto +12.20131 7.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 5.98447 moveto +12.20131 5.98447 lineto +12.20131 6.98447 lineto +11.20131 6.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 8.98447 moveto +13.20131 8.98447 lineto +13.20131 9.98447 lineto +12.20131 9.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 7.98447 moveto +12.20131 7.98447 lineto +12.20131 8.98447 lineto +11.20131 8.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 10.98447 moveto +13.20131 10.98447 lineto +13.20131 11.98447 lineto +12.20131 11.98447 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 9.98447 moveto +12.20131 9.98447 lineto +12.20131 10.98447 lineto 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setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1348 963 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.41 + 0.7 setgray +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 963 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial 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+newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +17.47523 5.52736 lineto +17.47523 16.1559 lineto +5.20131 16.1559 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 2.20131 2.52736 moveto +20.47523 20.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 2.52736 moveto +20.47523 20.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 5.5273 moveto +17.4753 20.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 5.20125 2.52736 moveto +20.47523 17.80135 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 8.52722 moveto +14.47537 20.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 8.20117 2.52736 moveto +20.47523 14.80142 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 11.52716 moveto +11.47543 20.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 11.20111 2.52736 moveto +20.47523 11.80148 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 14.5271 moveto +8.4755 20.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 14.20105 2.52736 moveto +20.47523 8.80154 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 1075 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.46 +gsave newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +17.47523 5.52736 lineto +17.47523 16.1559 lineto +5.20131 16.1559 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.20131 1.52736 moveto +21.47523 21.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 1.52736 moveto +21.47523 21.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 5.5274 moveto +17.47519 21.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 5.20135 1.52736 moveto +21.47523 17.80124 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 9.52744 moveto +13.47516 21.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 9.20139 1.52736 moveto +21.47523 13.80121 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 13.52748 moveto +9.47511 21.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 13.20143 1.52736 moveto +21.47523 9.80116 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 9.52736 moveto +9.20131 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 13.47523 21.80128 moveto +21.47523 13.80128 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 13.5274 moveto +13.20135 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 9.47519 21.80128 moveto +21.47523 9.80124 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 17.52744 moveto +17.20139 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 5.47516 21.80128 moveto +21.47523 5.80121 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 21.52748 moveto +21.20143 1.52736 lineto stroke +newpath 1.47511 21.80128 moveto +21.47523 1.80116 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 1075 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.47 +gsave newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +17.47523 5.52736 lineto +17.47523 16.1559 lineto +5.20131 16.1559 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.20131 6.52736 moveto +7.20131 6.52736 lineto +7.20131 7.52736 lineto +6.20131 7.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +6.20131 5.52736 lineto +6.20131 6.52736 lineto +5.20131 6.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 8.52736 moveto +7.20131 8.52736 lineto +7.20131 9.52736 lineto +6.20131 9.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 7.52736 moveto +6.20131 7.52736 lineto +6.20131 8.52736 lineto +5.20131 8.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 10.52736 moveto +7.20131 10.52736 lineto +7.20131 11.52736 lineto +6.20131 11.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 9.52736 moveto +6.20131 9.52736 lineto +6.20131 10.52736 lineto +5.20131 10.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 12.52736 moveto +7.20131 12.52736 lineto +7.20131 13.52736 lineto +6.20131 13.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 11.52736 moveto +6.20131 11.52736 lineto +6.20131 12.52736 lineto +5.20131 12.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 14.52736 moveto +7.20131 14.52736 lineto +7.20131 15.52736 lineto +6.20131 15.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 13.52736 moveto +6.20131 13.52736 lineto +6.20131 14.52736 lineto +5.20131 14.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 16.52736 moveto +7.20131 16.52736 lineto +7.20131 17.52736 lineto +6.20131 17.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 15.52736 moveto +6.20131 15.52736 lineto +6.20131 16.52736 lineto +5.20131 16.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 6.52736 moveto +9.20131 6.52736 lineto +9.20131 7.52736 lineto +8.20131 7.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 5.52736 moveto +8.20131 5.52736 lineto +8.20131 6.52736 lineto +7.20131 6.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 8.52736 moveto +9.20131 8.52736 lineto +9.20131 9.52736 lineto +8.20131 9.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 7.52736 moveto +8.20131 7.52736 lineto +8.20131 8.52736 lineto +7.20131 8.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 10.52736 moveto +9.20131 10.52736 lineto +9.20131 11.52736 lineto +8.20131 11.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 9.52736 moveto +8.20131 9.52736 lineto +8.20131 10.52736 lineto +7.20131 10.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 12.52736 moveto +9.20131 12.52736 lineto +9.20131 13.52736 lineto +8.20131 13.52736 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 11.52736 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setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 1075 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.49 + 0.3 setgray +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 5.52736 moveto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +13.79333 10.48807 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +8.88367 10.48807 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1667 1075 V 220 1077 1448 2 v 219 1188 2 +111 v 245 1173 a(tetragram)p 465 1188 V 48 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.50 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 625 1188 V 159 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.51 + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 784 1188 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.52 +gsave newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 1.9847 moveto +18.42387 1.9847 lineto +18.42387 16.1554 lineto +4.25189 16.1554 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.25189 -1.0153 moveto +21.42387 19.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 -1.0153 moveto +21.42387 19.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 1.9847 moveto +18.42387 19.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 4.25189 -1.0153 moveto +21.42387 16.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 4.9847 moveto +15.42387 19.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 7.25189 -1.0153 moveto +21.42387 13.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 7.9847 moveto +12.42387 19.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 10.25189 -1.0153 moveto +21.42387 10.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 1.25189 10.9847 moveto +9.42387 19.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 13.25189 -1.0153 moveto +21.42387 7.15668 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 1188 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.53 +gsave newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 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-2.0153 lineto stroke +newpath 14.42387 20.15668 moveto +22.42387 12.15668 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 9.98462 moveto +12.25182 -2.0153 lineto stroke +newpath 10.42395 20.15668 moveto +22.42387 8.15675 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 13.98454 moveto +16.25174 -2.0153 lineto stroke +newpath 6.42403 20.15668 moveto +22.42387 4.15683 lineto stroke +newpath 0.25189 17.98447 moveto +20.25166 -2.0153 lineto stroke +newpath 2.4241 20.15668 moveto +22.42387 0.1569 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 1188 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.54 +gsave newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.25189 1.9847 moveto +18.42387 1.9847 lineto +18.42387 16.1554 lineto +4.25189 16.1554 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 5.25189 2.9847 moveto +6.25189 2.9847 lineto +6.25189 3.9847 lineto +5.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 1.9847 moveto +5.25189 1.9847 lineto +5.25189 2.9847 lineto +4.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 4.9847 moveto +6.25189 4.9847 lineto +6.25189 5.9847 lineto +5.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 3.9847 moveto +5.25189 3.9847 lineto +5.25189 4.9847 lineto +4.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 6.9847 moveto +6.25189 6.9847 lineto +6.25189 7.9847 lineto +5.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 5.9847 moveto +5.25189 5.9847 lineto +5.25189 6.9847 lineto +4.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 8.9847 moveto +6.25189 8.9847 lineto +6.25189 9.9847 lineto +5.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 7.9847 moveto +5.25189 7.9847 lineto +5.25189 8.9847 lineto +4.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 10.9847 moveto +6.25189 10.9847 lineto +6.25189 11.9847 lineto +5.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 9.9847 moveto +5.25189 9.9847 lineto +5.25189 10.9847 lineto +4.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 12.9847 moveto +6.25189 12.9847 lineto +6.25189 13.9847 lineto +5.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 11.9847 moveto +5.25189 11.9847 lineto +5.25189 12.9847 lineto +4.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 14.9847 moveto +6.25189 14.9847 lineto +6.25189 15.9847 lineto +5.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 13.9847 moveto +5.25189 13.9847 lineto +5.25189 14.9847 lineto +4.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.25189 16.9847 moveto +6.25189 16.9847 lineto +6.25189 17.9847 lineto +5.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.25189 15.9847 moveto +5.25189 15.9847 lineto +5.25189 16.9847 lineto +4.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 2.9847 moveto +8.25189 2.9847 lineto +8.25189 3.9847 lineto +7.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 1.9847 moveto +7.25189 1.9847 lineto +7.25189 2.9847 lineto +6.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 4.9847 moveto +8.25189 4.9847 lineto +8.25189 5.9847 lineto +7.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 3.9847 moveto +7.25189 3.9847 lineto +7.25189 4.9847 lineto +6.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 6.9847 moveto +8.25189 6.9847 lineto +8.25189 7.9847 lineto +7.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 5.9847 moveto +7.25189 5.9847 lineto +7.25189 6.9847 lineto +6.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 8.9847 moveto +8.25189 8.9847 lineto +8.25189 9.9847 lineto +7.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 7.9847 moveto +7.25189 7.9847 lineto +7.25189 8.9847 lineto +6.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 10.9847 moveto +8.25189 10.9847 lineto +8.25189 11.9847 lineto +7.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 9.9847 moveto +7.25189 9.9847 lineto +7.25189 10.9847 lineto +6.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 12.9847 moveto +8.25189 12.9847 lineto +8.25189 13.9847 lineto +7.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 11.9847 moveto +7.25189 11.9847 lineto +7.25189 12.9847 lineto +6.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 14.9847 moveto +8.25189 14.9847 lineto +8.25189 15.9847 lineto +7.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 13.9847 moveto +7.25189 13.9847 lineto +7.25189 14.9847 lineto +6.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.25189 16.9847 moveto +8.25189 16.9847 lineto +8.25189 17.9847 lineto +7.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.25189 15.9847 moveto +7.25189 15.9847 lineto +7.25189 16.9847 lineto +6.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 2.9847 moveto +10.25189 2.9847 lineto +10.25189 3.9847 lineto +9.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 1.9847 moveto +9.25189 1.9847 lineto +9.25189 2.9847 lineto +8.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 4.9847 moveto +10.25189 4.9847 lineto +10.25189 5.9847 lineto +9.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 3.9847 moveto +9.25189 3.9847 lineto +9.25189 4.9847 lineto +8.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 6.9847 moveto +10.25189 6.9847 lineto +10.25189 7.9847 lineto +9.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 5.9847 moveto +9.25189 5.9847 lineto +9.25189 6.9847 lineto +8.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 8.9847 moveto +10.25189 8.9847 lineto +10.25189 9.9847 lineto +9.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 7.9847 moveto +9.25189 7.9847 lineto +9.25189 8.9847 lineto +8.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 10.9847 moveto +10.25189 10.9847 lineto +10.25189 11.9847 lineto +9.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 9.9847 moveto +9.25189 9.9847 lineto +9.25189 10.9847 lineto +8.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 12.9847 moveto +10.25189 12.9847 lineto +10.25189 13.9847 lineto +9.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 11.9847 moveto +9.25189 11.9847 lineto +9.25189 12.9847 lineto +8.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 14.9847 moveto +10.25189 14.9847 lineto +10.25189 15.9847 lineto +9.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 13.9847 moveto +9.25189 13.9847 lineto +9.25189 14.9847 lineto +8.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.25189 16.9847 moveto +10.25189 16.9847 lineto +10.25189 17.9847 lineto +9.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.25189 15.9847 moveto +9.25189 15.9847 lineto +9.25189 16.9847 lineto +8.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 2.9847 moveto +12.25189 2.9847 lineto +12.25189 3.9847 lineto +11.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 1.9847 moveto +11.25189 1.9847 lineto +11.25189 2.9847 lineto +10.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 4.9847 moveto +12.25189 4.9847 lineto +12.25189 5.9847 lineto +11.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 3.9847 moveto +11.25189 3.9847 lineto +11.25189 4.9847 lineto +10.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 6.9847 moveto +12.25189 6.9847 lineto +12.25189 7.9847 lineto +11.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 5.9847 moveto +11.25189 5.9847 lineto +11.25189 6.9847 lineto +10.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 8.9847 moveto +12.25189 8.9847 lineto +12.25189 9.9847 lineto +11.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 7.9847 moveto +11.25189 7.9847 lineto +11.25189 8.9847 lineto +10.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 10.9847 moveto +12.25189 10.9847 lineto +12.25189 11.9847 lineto +11.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 9.9847 moveto +11.25189 9.9847 lineto +11.25189 10.9847 lineto +10.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 12.9847 moveto +12.25189 12.9847 lineto +12.25189 13.9847 lineto +11.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 11.9847 moveto +11.25189 11.9847 lineto +11.25189 12.9847 lineto +10.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 14.9847 moveto +12.25189 14.9847 lineto +12.25189 15.9847 lineto +11.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 13.9847 moveto +11.25189 13.9847 lineto +11.25189 14.9847 lineto +10.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.25189 16.9847 moveto +12.25189 16.9847 lineto +12.25189 17.9847 lineto +11.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.25189 15.9847 moveto +11.25189 15.9847 lineto +11.25189 16.9847 lineto +10.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 2.9847 moveto +14.25189 2.9847 lineto +14.25189 3.9847 lineto +13.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 1.9847 moveto +13.25189 1.9847 lineto +13.25189 2.9847 lineto +12.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 4.9847 moveto +14.25189 4.9847 lineto +14.25189 5.9847 lineto +13.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 3.9847 moveto +13.25189 3.9847 lineto +13.25189 4.9847 lineto +12.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 6.9847 moveto +14.25189 6.9847 lineto +14.25189 7.9847 lineto +13.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 5.9847 moveto +13.25189 5.9847 lineto +13.25189 6.9847 lineto +12.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 8.9847 moveto +14.25189 8.9847 lineto +14.25189 9.9847 lineto +13.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 7.9847 moveto +13.25189 7.9847 lineto +13.25189 8.9847 lineto +12.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 10.9847 moveto +14.25189 10.9847 lineto +14.25189 11.9847 lineto +13.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 9.9847 moveto +13.25189 9.9847 lineto +13.25189 10.9847 lineto +12.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 12.9847 moveto +14.25189 12.9847 lineto +14.25189 13.9847 lineto +13.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 11.9847 moveto +13.25189 11.9847 lineto +13.25189 12.9847 lineto +12.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 14.9847 moveto +14.25189 14.9847 lineto +14.25189 15.9847 lineto +13.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 13.9847 moveto +13.25189 13.9847 lineto +13.25189 14.9847 lineto +12.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.25189 16.9847 moveto +14.25189 16.9847 lineto +14.25189 17.9847 lineto +13.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.25189 15.9847 moveto +13.25189 15.9847 lineto +13.25189 16.9847 lineto +12.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 2.9847 moveto +16.25189 2.9847 lineto +16.25189 3.9847 lineto +15.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 1.9847 moveto +15.25189 1.9847 lineto +15.25189 2.9847 lineto +14.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 4.9847 moveto +16.25189 4.9847 lineto +16.25189 5.9847 lineto +15.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 3.9847 moveto +15.25189 3.9847 lineto +15.25189 4.9847 lineto +14.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 6.9847 moveto +16.25189 6.9847 lineto +16.25189 7.9847 lineto +15.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 5.9847 moveto +15.25189 5.9847 lineto +15.25189 6.9847 lineto +14.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 8.9847 moveto +16.25189 8.9847 lineto +16.25189 9.9847 lineto +15.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 7.9847 moveto +15.25189 7.9847 lineto +15.25189 8.9847 lineto +14.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 10.9847 moveto +16.25189 10.9847 lineto +16.25189 11.9847 lineto +15.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 9.9847 moveto +15.25189 9.9847 lineto +15.25189 10.9847 lineto +14.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 12.9847 moveto +16.25189 12.9847 lineto +16.25189 13.9847 lineto +15.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 11.9847 moveto +15.25189 11.9847 lineto +15.25189 12.9847 lineto +14.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 14.9847 moveto +16.25189 14.9847 lineto +16.25189 15.9847 lineto +15.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 13.9847 moveto +15.25189 13.9847 lineto +15.25189 14.9847 lineto +14.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.25189 16.9847 moveto +16.25189 16.9847 lineto +16.25189 17.9847 lineto +15.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.25189 15.9847 moveto +15.25189 15.9847 lineto +15.25189 16.9847 lineto +14.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 2.9847 moveto +18.25189 2.9847 lineto +18.25189 3.9847 lineto +17.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 1.9847 moveto +17.25189 1.9847 lineto +17.25189 2.9847 lineto +16.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 4.9847 moveto +18.25189 4.9847 lineto +18.25189 5.9847 lineto +17.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 3.9847 moveto +17.25189 3.9847 lineto +17.25189 4.9847 lineto +16.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 6.9847 moveto +18.25189 6.9847 lineto +18.25189 7.9847 lineto +17.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 5.9847 moveto +17.25189 5.9847 lineto +17.25189 6.9847 lineto +16.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 8.9847 moveto +18.25189 8.9847 lineto +18.25189 9.9847 lineto +17.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 7.9847 moveto +17.25189 7.9847 lineto +17.25189 8.9847 lineto +16.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 10.9847 moveto +18.25189 10.9847 lineto +18.25189 11.9847 lineto +17.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 9.9847 moveto +17.25189 9.9847 lineto +17.25189 10.9847 lineto +16.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 12.9847 moveto +18.25189 12.9847 lineto +18.25189 13.9847 lineto +17.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 11.9847 moveto +17.25189 11.9847 lineto +17.25189 12.9847 lineto +16.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 14.9847 moveto +18.25189 14.9847 lineto +18.25189 15.9847 lineto +17.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 13.9847 moveto +17.25189 13.9847 lineto +17.25189 14.9847 lineto +16.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.25189 16.9847 moveto +18.25189 16.9847 lineto +18.25189 17.9847 lineto +17.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.25189 15.9847 moveto +17.25189 15.9847 lineto +17.25189 16.9847 lineto +16.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 2.9847 moveto +20.25189 2.9847 lineto +20.25189 3.9847 lineto +19.25189 3.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 1.9847 moveto +19.25189 1.9847 lineto +19.25189 2.9847 lineto +18.25189 2.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 4.9847 moveto +20.25189 4.9847 lineto +20.25189 5.9847 lineto +19.25189 5.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 3.9847 moveto +19.25189 3.9847 lineto +19.25189 4.9847 lineto +18.25189 4.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 6.9847 moveto +20.25189 6.9847 lineto +20.25189 7.9847 lineto +19.25189 7.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 5.9847 moveto +19.25189 5.9847 lineto +19.25189 6.9847 lineto +18.25189 6.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 8.9847 moveto +20.25189 8.9847 lineto +20.25189 9.9847 lineto +19.25189 9.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 7.9847 moveto +19.25189 7.9847 lineto +19.25189 8.9847 lineto +18.25189 8.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 10.9847 moveto +20.25189 10.9847 lineto +20.25189 11.9847 lineto +19.25189 11.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 9.9847 moveto +19.25189 9.9847 lineto +19.25189 10.9847 lineto +18.25189 10.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 12.9847 moveto +20.25189 12.9847 lineto +20.25189 13.9847 lineto +19.25189 13.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 11.9847 moveto +19.25189 11.9847 lineto +19.25189 12.9847 lineto +18.25189 12.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 14.9847 moveto +20.25189 14.9847 lineto +20.25189 15.9847 lineto +19.25189 15.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 13.9847 moveto +19.25189 13.9847 lineto +19.25189 14.9847 lineto +18.25189 14.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 19.25189 16.9847 moveto +20.25189 16.9847 lineto +20.25189 17.9847 lineto +19.25189 17.9847 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.25189 15.9847 moveto +19.25189 15.9847 lineto +19.25189 16.9847 lineto +18.25189 16.9847 lineto + closepath fill +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1348 1188 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.55 + 0.7 setgray +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 1188 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.56 + 0.3 setgray +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.25189 9.07066 moveto +9.33415 7.06631 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +13.34285 7.06631 lineto +18.42511 9.07066 lineto +13.34285 11.07501 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.33415 11.07501 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1667 1188 V 220 1189 1448 2 v 219 1300 2 +111 v 245 1285 a(pentagram)p 465 1300 V 48 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.57 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 625 1300 V 159 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.58 + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 784 1300 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.59 +gsave newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 3.33781 moveto +18.07634 3.33781 lineto +18.07634 16.15494 lineto +4.59879 16.15494 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.59879 0.33781 moveto +21.07634 19.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 0.33781 moveto +21.07634 19.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 3.33786 moveto +18.0763 19.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 4.59883 0.33781 moveto +21.07634 16.81532 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 6.33789 moveto +15.07626 19.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 7.59886 0.33781 moveto +21.07634 13.81529 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 9.33794 moveto +12.07622 19.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 10.5989 0.33781 moveto +21.07634 10.81525 lineto stroke +newpath 1.59879 12.33797 moveto +9.07619 19.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 13.59894 0.33781 moveto +21.07634 7.81522 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 1300 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.60 +gsave newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 3.33781 moveto +18.07634 3.33781 lineto +18.07634 16.15494 lineto +4.59879 16.15494 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0.59879 -0.66219 moveto +22.07634 20.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 -0.66219 moveto +22.07634 20.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 3.33772 moveto +18.07643 20.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 4.5987 -0.66219 moveto +22.07634 16.81546 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 7.33765 moveto +14.0765 20.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 8.59862 -0.66219 moveto +22.07634 12.81554 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 11.33755 moveto +10.0766 20.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 12.59853 -0.66219 moveto +22.07634 8.81563 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 7.33781 moveto +8.59879 -0.66219 lineto stroke +newpath 14.07634 20.81537 moveto +22.07634 12.81537 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 11.33772 moveto +12.5987 -0.66219 lineto stroke +newpath 10.07643 20.81537 moveto +22.07634 8.81546 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 15.33765 moveto +16.59862 -0.66219 lineto stroke +newpath 6.0765 20.81537 moveto +22.07634 4.81554 lineto stroke +newpath 0.59879 19.33755 moveto +20.59853 -0.66219 lineto stroke +newpath 2.0766 20.81537 moveto +22.07634 0.81563 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 1300 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.61 +gsave newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.59879 3.33781 moveto +18.07634 3.33781 lineto +18.07634 16.15494 lineto +4.59879 16.15494 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 5.59879 4.33781 moveto +6.59879 4.33781 lineto +6.59879 5.33781 lineto +5.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 3.33781 moveto +5.59879 3.33781 lineto +5.59879 4.33781 lineto +4.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 6.33781 moveto +6.59879 6.33781 lineto +6.59879 7.33781 lineto +5.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 5.33781 moveto +5.59879 5.33781 lineto +5.59879 6.33781 lineto +4.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 8.33781 moveto +6.59879 8.33781 lineto +6.59879 9.33781 lineto +5.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 7.33781 moveto +5.59879 7.33781 lineto +5.59879 8.33781 lineto +4.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 10.33781 moveto +6.59879 10.33781 lineto +6.59879 11.33781 lineto +5.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 9.33781 moveto +5.59879 9.33781 lineto +5.59879 10.33781 lineto +4.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 12.33781 moveto +6.59879 12.33781 lineto +6.59879 13.33781 lineto +5.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 11.33781 moveto +5.59879 11.33781 lineto +5.59879 12.33781 lineto +4.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 14.33781 moveto +6.59879 14.33781 lineto +6.59879 15.33781 lineto +5.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 13.33781 moveto +5.59879 13.33781 lineto +5.59879 14.33781 lineto +4.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.59879 16.33781 moveto +6.59879 16.33781 lineto +6.59879 17.33781 lineto +5.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 4.59879 15.33781 moveto +5.59879 15.33781 lineto +5.59879 16.33781 lineto +4.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 4.33781 moveto +8.59879 4.33781 lineto +8.59879 5.33781 lineto +7.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 3.33781 moveto +7.59879 3.33781 lineto +7.59879 4.33781 lineto +6.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 6.33781 moveto +8.59879 6.33781 lineto +8.59879 7.33781 lineto +7.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 5.33781 moveto +7.59879 5.33781 lineto +7.59879 6.33781 lineto +6.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 8.33781 moveto +8.59879 8.33781 lineto +8.59879 9.33781 lineto +7.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 7.33781 moveto +7.59879 7.33781 lineto +7.59879 8.33781 lineto +6.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 10.33781 moveto +8.59879 10.33781 lineto +8.59879 11.33781 lineto +7.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 9.33781 moveto +7.59879 9.33781 lineto +7.59879 10.33781 lineto +6.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 12.33781 moveto +8.59879 12.33781 lineto +8.59879 13.33781 lineto +7.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 11.33781 moveto +7.59879 11.33781 lineto +7.59879 12.33781 lineto +6.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 14.33781 moveto +8.59879 14.33781 lineto +8.59879 15.33781 lineto +7.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 13.33781 moveto +7.59879 13.33781 lineto +7.59879 14.33781 lineto +6.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.59879 16.33781 moveto +8.59879 16.33781 lineto +8.59879 17.33781 lineto +7.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.59879 15.33781 moveto +7.59879 15.33781 lineto +7.59879 16.33781 lineto +6.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 4.33781 moveto +10.59879 4.33781 lineto +10.59879 5.33781 lineto +9.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 3.33781 moveto +9.59879 3.33781 lineto +9.59879 4.33781 lineto +8.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 6.33781 moveto +10.59879 6.33781 lineto +10.59879 7.33781 lineto +9.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 5.33781 moveto +9.59879 5.33781 lineto +9.59879 6.33781 lineto +8.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 8.33781 moveto +10.59879 8.33781 lineto +10.59879 9.33781 lineto +9.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 7.33781 moveto +9.59879 7.33781 lineto +9.59879 8.33781 lineto +8.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 10.33781 moveto +10.59879 10.33781 lineto +10.59879 11.33781 lineto +9.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 9.33781 moveto +9.59879 9.33781 lineto +9.59879 10.33781 lineto +8.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 12.33781 moveto +10.59879 12.33781 lineto +10.59879 13.33781 lineto +9.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 11.33781 moveto +9.59879 11.33781 lineto +9.59879 12.33781 lineto +8.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 14.33781 moveto +10.59879 14.33781 lineto +10.59879 15.33781 lineto +9.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 13.33781 moveto +9.59879 13.33781 lineto +9.59879 14.33781 lineto +8.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.59879 16.33781 moveto +10.59879 16.33781 lineto +10.59879 17.33781 lineto +9.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.59879 15.33781 moveto +9.59879 15.33781 lineto +9.59879 16.33781 lineto +8.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 4.33781 moveto +12.59879 4.33781 lineto +12.59879 5.33781 lineto +11.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 3.33781 moveto +11.59879 3.33781 lineto +11.59879 4.33781 lineto +10.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 6.33781 moveto +12.59879 6.33781 lineto +12.59879 7.33781 lineto +11.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 5.33781 moveto +11.59879 5.33781 lineto +11.59879 6.33781 lineto +10.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 8.33781 moveto +12.59879 8.33781 lineto +12.59879 9.33781 lineto +11.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 7.33781 moveto +11.59879 7.33781 lineto +11.59879 8.33781 lineto +10.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 10.33781 moveto +12.59879 10.33781 lineto +12.59879 11.33781 lineto +11.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 9.33781 moveto +11.59879 9.33781 lineto +11.59879 10.33781 lineto +10.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 12.33781 moveto +12.59879 12.33781 lineto +12.59879 13.33781 lineto +11.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 11.33781 moveto +11.59879 11.33781 lineto +11.59879 12.33781 lineto +10.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 14.33781 moveto +12.59879 14.33781 lineto +12.59879 15.33781 lineto +11.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 13.33781 moveto +11.59879 13.33781 lineto +11.59879 14.33781 lineto +10.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.59879 16.33781 moveto +12.59879 16.33781 lineto +12.59879 17.33781 lineto +11.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.59879 15.33781 moveto +11.59879 15.33781 lineto +11.59879 16.33781 lineto +10.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 4.33781 moveto +14.59879 4.33781 lineto +14.59879 5.33781 lineto +13.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 3.33781 moveto +13.59879 3.33781 lineto +13.59879 4.33781 lineto +12.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 6.33781 moveto +14.59879 6.33781 lineto +14.59879 7.33781 lineto +13.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 5.33781 moveto +13.59879 5.33781 lineto +13.59879 6.33781 lineto +12.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 8.33781 moveto +14.59879 8.33781 lineto +14.59879 9.33781 lineto +13.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 7.33781 moveto +13.59879 7.33781 lineto +13.59879 8.33781 lineto +12.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 10.33781 moveto +14.59879 10.33781 lineto +14.59879 11.33781 lineto +13.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 9.33781 moveto +13.59879 9.33781 lineto +13.59879 10.33781 lineto +12.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 12.33781 moveto +14.59879 12.33781 lineto +14.59879 13.33781 lineto +13.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 11.33781 moveto +13.59879 11.33781 lineto +13.59879 12.33781 lineto +12.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 14.33781 moveto +14.59879 14.33781 lineto +14.59879 15.33781 lineto +13.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 13.33781 moveto +13.59879 13.33781 lineto +13.59879 14.33781 lineto +12.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.59879 16.33781 moveto +14.59879 16.33781 lineto +14.59879 17.33781 lineto +13.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.59879 15.33781 moveto +13.59879 15.33781 lineto +13.59879 16.33781 lineto +12.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 4.33781 moveto +16.59879 4.33781 lineto +16.59879 5.33781 lineto +15.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 3.33781 moveto +15.59879 3.33781 lineto +15.59879 4.33781 lineto +14.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 6.33781 moveto +16.59879 6.33781 lineto +16.59879 7.33781 lineto +15.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 5.33781 moveto +15.59879 5.33781 lineto +15.59879 6.33781 lineto +14.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 8.33781 moveto +16.59879 8.33781 lineto +16.59879 9.33781 lineto +15.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 7.33781 moveto +15.59879 7.33781 lineto +15.59879 8.33781 lineto +14.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 10.33781 moveto +16.59879 10.33781 lineto +16.59879 11.33781 lineto +15.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 9.33781 moveto +15.59879 9.33781 lineto +15.59879 10.33781 lineto +14.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 12.33781 moveto +16.59879 12.33781 lineto +16.59879 13.33781 lineto +15.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 11.33781 moveto +15.59879 11.33781 lineto +15.59879 12.33781 lineto +14.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 14.33781 moveto +16.59879 14.33781 lineto +16.59879 15.33781 lineto +15.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 13.33781 moveto +15.59879 13.33781 lineto +15.59879 14.33781 lineto +14.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.59879 16.33781 moveto +16.59879 16.33781 lineto +16.59879 17.33781 lineto +15.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.59879 15.33781 moveto +15.59879 15.33781 lineto +15.59879 16.33781 lineto +14.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 4.33781 moveto +18.59879 4.33781 lineto +18.59879 5.33781 lineto +17.59879 5.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 3.33781 moveto +17.59879 3.33781 lineto +17.59879 4.33781 lineto +16.59879 4.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 6.33781 moveto +18.59879 6.33781 lineto +18.59879 7.33781 lineto +17.59879 7.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 5.33781 moveto +17.59879 5.33781 lineto +17.59879 6.33781 lineto +16.59879 6.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 8.33781 moveto +18.59879 8.33781 lineto +18.59879 9.33781 lineto +17.59879 9.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 7.33781 moveto +17.59879 7.33781 lineto +17.59879 8.33781 lineto +16.59879 8.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 10.33781 moveto +18.59879 10.33781 lineto +18.59879 11.33781 lineto +17.59879 11.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 9.33781 moveto +17.59879 9.33781 lineto +17.59879 10.33781 lineto +16.59879 10.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 12.33781 moveto +18.59879 12.33781 lineto +18.59879 13.33781 lineto +17.59879 13.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 11.33781 moveto +17.59879 11.33781 lineto +17.59879 12.33781 lineto +16.59879 12.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 14.33781 moveto +18.59879 14.33781 lineto +18.59879 15.33781 lineto +17.59879 15.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 13.33781 moveto +17.59879 13.33781 lineto +17.59879 14.33781 lineto +16.59879 14.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.59879 16.33781 moveto +18.59879 16.33781 lineto +18.59879 17.33781 lineto +17.59879 17.33781 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.59879 15.33781 moveto +17.59879 15.33781 lineto +17.59879 16.33781 lineto +16.59879 16.33781 lineto + closepath fill 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lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 1300 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.63 + 0.3 setgray +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 4.59879 11.26057 moveto +8.64275 8.1948 lineto +7.173 3.33745 lineto +11.3385 6.23607 lineto +15.504 3.33745 lineto +14.03426 8.1948 lineto +18.07822 11.26057 lineto +13.00461 11.36395 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.6724 11.36395 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1667 1300 V 220 1302 1448 2 v 219 1412 2 +111 v 245 1398 a(hexagram)p 465 1412 V 70 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.64 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 625 1412 V 159 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.65 + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 784 1412 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.66 +gsave newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 1.9852 moveto +17.4745 1.9852 lineto +17.4745 16.15443 lineto +5.20131 16.15443 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 2.20131 -1.0148 moveto +22.37054 19.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 -1.0148 moveto +22.37054 19.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 1.98526 moveto +19.37048 19.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 5.20137 -1.0148 moveto +22.37054 16.15437 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 4.98534 moveto +16.3704 19.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 8.20145 -1.0148 moveto +22.37054 13.1543 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 7.9854 moveto +13.37035 19.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 11.2015 -1.0148 moveto +22.37054 10.15424 lineto stroke +newpath 2.20131 10.98546 moveto +10.37029 19.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 14.20157 -1.0148 moveto +22.37054 7.15417 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 965 1412 V 192 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.67 +gsave newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 1.9852 moveto +17.4745 1.9852 lineto +17.4745 16.15443 lineto +5.20131 16.15443 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.20131 -2.0148 moveto +23.37054 20.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 -2.0148 moveto +23.37054 20.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 1.98521 moveto +19.37053 20.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 5.20132 -2.0148 moveto +23.37054 16.15442 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 5.98523 moveto +15.37051 20.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 9.20134 -2.0148 moveto +23.37054 12.1544 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 9.98524 moveto +11.3705 20.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 13.20135 -2.0148 moveto +23.37054 8.15439 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 5.9852 moveto +9.20131 -2.0148 lineto stroke +newpath 15.37054 20.15443 moveto +23.37054 12.15443 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 9.98521 moveto +13.20132 -2.0148 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37053 20.15443 moveto +23.37054 8.15442 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 13.98523 moveto +17.20134 -2.0148 lineto stroke +newpath 7.37051 20.15443 moveto +23.37054 4.1544 lineto stroke +newpath 1.20131 17.98524 moveto +21.20135 -2.0148 lineto stroke +newpath 3.3705 20.15443 moveto +23.37054 0.15439 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1167 1412 V 191 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.68 +gsave newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 5.20131 1.9852 moveto +17.4745 1.9852 lineto +17.4745 16.15443 lineto +5.20131 16.15443 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.20131 2.9852 moveto +7.20131 2.9852 lineto +7.20131 3.9852 lineto +6.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 1.9852 moveto +6.20131 1.9852 lineto +6.20131 2.9852 lineto +5.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 4.9852 moveto +7.20131 4.9852 lineto +7.20131 5.9852 lineto +6.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 3.9852 moveto +6.20131 3.9852 lineto +6.20131 4.9852 lineto +5.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 6.9852 moveto +7.20131 6.9852 lineto +7.20131 7.9852 lineto +6.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 5.9852 moveto +6.20131 5.9852 lineto +6.20131 6.9852 lineto +5.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 8.9852 moveto +7.20131 8.9852 lineto +7.20131 9.9852 lineto +6.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 7.9852 moveto +6.20131 7.9852 lineto +6.20131 8.9852 lineto +5.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 10.9852 moveto +7.20131 10.9852 lineto +7.20131 11.9852 lineto +6.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 9.9852 moveto +6.20131 9.9852 lineto +6.20131 10.9852 lineto +5.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 12.9852 moveto +7.20131 12.9852 lineto +7.20131 13.9852 lineto +6.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 11.9852 moveto +6.20131 11.9852 lineto +6.20131 12.9852 lineto +5.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 14.9852 moveto +7.20131 14.9852 lineto +7.20131 15.9852 lineto +6.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 13.9852 moveto +6.20131 13.9852 lineto +6.20131 14.9852 lineto +5.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20131 16.9852 moveto +7.20131 16.9852 lineto +7.20131 17.9852 lineto +6.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 5.20131 15.9852 moveto +6.20131 15.9852 lineto +6.20131 16.9852 lineto +5.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 2.9852 moveto +9.20131 2.9852 lineto +9.20131 3.9852 lineto +8.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 1.9852 moveto +8.20131 1.9852 lineto +8.20131 2.9852 lineto +7.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 4.9852 moveto +9.20131 4.9852 lineto +9.20131 5.9852 lineto +8.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 3.9852 moveto +8.20131 3.9852 lineto +8.20131 4.9852 lineto +7.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 6.9852 moveto +9.20131 6.9852 lineto +9.20131 7.9852 lineto +8.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 5.9852 moveto +8.20131 5.9852 lineto +8.20131 6.9852 lineto +7.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 8.9852 moveto +9.20131 8.9852 lineto +9.20131 9.9852 lineto +8.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 7.9852 moveto +8.20131 7.9852 lineto +8.20131 8.9852 lineto +7.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 10.9852 moveto +9.20131 10.9852 lineto +9.20131 11.9852 lineto +8.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 9.9852 moveto +8.20131 9.9852 lineto +8.20131 10.9852 lineto +7.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 12.9852 moveto +9.20131 12.9852 lineto +9.20131 13.9852 lineto +8.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 11.9852 moveto +8.20131 11.9852 lineto +8.20131 12.9852 lineto +7.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 14.9852 moveto +9.20131 14.9852 lineto +9.20131 15.9852 lineto +8.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 13.9852 moveto +8.20131 13.9852 lineto +8.20131 14.9852 lineto +7.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 8.20131 16.9852 moveto +9.20131 16.9852 lineto +9.20131 17.9852 lineto +8.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 7.20131 15.9852 moveto +8.20131 15.9852 lineto +8.20131 16.9852 lineto +7.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 2.9852 moveto +11.20131 2.9852 lineto +11.20131 3.9852 lineto +10.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 1.9852 moveto +10.20131 1.9852 lineto +10.20131 2.9852 lineto +9.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 4.9852 moveto +11.20131 4.9852 lineto +11.20131 5.9852 lineto +10.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 3.9852 moveto +10.20131 3.9852 lineto +10.20131 4.9852 lineto +9.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 6.9852 moveto +11.20131 6.9852 lineto +11.20131 7.9852 lineto +10.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 5.9852 moveto +10.20131 5.9852 lineto +10.20131 6.9852 lineto +9.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 8.9852 moveto +11.20131 8.9852 lineto +11.20131 9.9852 lineto +10.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 7.9852 moveto +10.20131 7.9852 lineto +10.20131 8.9852 lineto +9.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 10.9852 moveto +11.20131 10.9852 lineto +11.20131 11.9852 lineto +10.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 9.9852 moveto +10.20131 9.9852 lineto +10.20131 10.9852 lineto +9.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 12.9852 moveto +11.20131 12.9852 lineto +11.20131 13.9852 lineto +10.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 11.9852 moveto +10.20131 11.9852 lineto +10.20131 12.9852 lineto +9.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 14.9852 moveto +11.20131 14.9852 lineto +11.20131 15.9852 lineto +10.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 13.9852 moveto +10.20131 13.9852 lineto +10.20131 14.9852 lineto +9.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 10.20131 16.9852 moveto +11.20131 16.9852 lineto +11.20131 17.9852 lineto +10.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 9.20131 15.9852 moveto +10.20131 15.9852 lineto +10.20131 16.9852 lineto +9.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 2.9852 moveto +13.20131 2.9852 lineto +13.20131 3.9852 lineto +12.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 1.9852 moveto +12.20131 1.9852 lineto +12.20131 2.9852 lineto +11.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 4.9852 moveto +13.20131 4.9852 lineto +13.20131 5.9852 lineto +12.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 3.9852 moveto +12.20131 3.9852 lineto +12.20131 4.9852 lineto +11.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 6.9852 moveto +13.20131 6.9852 lineto +13.20131 7.9852 lineto +12.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 5.9852 moveto +12.20131 5.9852 lineto +12.20131 6.9852 lineto +11.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 8.9852 moveto +13.20131 8.9852 lineto +13.20131 9.9852 lineto +12.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 7.9852 moveto +12.20131 7.9852 lineto +12.20131 8.9852 lineto +11.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 10.9852 moveto +13.20131 10.9852 lineto +13.20131 11.9852 lineto +12.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 9.9852 moveto +12.20131 9.9852 lineto +12.20131 10.9852 lineto +11.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 12.9852 moveto +13.20131 12.9852 lineto +13.20131 13.9852 lineto +12.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 11.9852 moveto +12.20131 11.9852 lineto +12.20131 12.9852 lineto +11.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 14.9852 moveto +13.20131 14.9852 lineto +13.20131 15.9852 lineto +12.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 13.9852 moveto +12.20131 13.9852 lineto +12.20131 14.9852 lineto +11.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 12.20131 16.9852 moveto +13.20131 16.9852 lineto +13.20131 17.9852 lineto +12.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.20131 15.9852 moveto +12.20131 15.9852 lineto +12.20131 16.9852 lineto +11.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 2.9852 moveto +15.20131 2.9852 lineto +15.20131 3.9852 lineto +14.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 1.9852 moveto +14.20131 1.9852 lineto +14.20131 2.9852 lineto +13.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 4.9852 moveto +15.20131 4.9852 lineto +15.20131 5.9852 lineto +14.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 3.9852 moveto +14.20131 3.9852 lineto +14.20131 4.9852 lineto +13.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 6.9852 moveto +15.20131 6.9852 lineto +15.20131 7.9852 lineto +14.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 5.9852 moveto +14.20131 5.9852 lineto +14.20131 6.9852 lineto +13.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 8.9852 moveto +15.20131 8.9852 lineto +15.20131 9.9852 lineto +14.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 7.9852 moveto +14.20131 7.9852 lineto +14.20131 8.9852 lineto +13.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 10.9852 moveto +15.20131 10.9852 lineto +15.20131 11.9852 lineto +14.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 9.9852 moveto +14.20131 9.9852 lineto +14.20131 10.9852 lineto +13.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 12.9852 moveto +15.20131 12.9852 lineto +15.20131 13.9852 lineto +14.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 11.9852 moveto +14.20131 11.9852 lineto +14.20131 12.9852 lineto +13.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 14.9852 moveto +15.20131 14.9852 lineto +15.20131 15.9852 lineto +14.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 13.9852 moveto +14.20131 13.9852 lineto +14.20131 14.9852 lineto +13.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 14.20131 16.9852 moveto +15.20131 16.9852 lineto +15.20131 17.9852 lineto +14.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 13.20131 15.9852 moveto +14.20131 15.9852 lineto +14.20131 16.9852 lineto +13.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 2.9852 moveto +17.20131 2.9852 lineto +17.20131 3.9852 lineto +16.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 1.9852 moveto +16.20131 1.9852 lineto +16.20131 2.9852 lineto +15.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 4.9852 moveto +17.20131 4.9852 lineto +17.20131 5.9852 lineto +16.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 3.9852 moveto +16.20131 3.9852 lineto +16.20131 4.9852 lineto +15.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 6.9852 moveto +17.20131 6.9852 lineto +17.20131 7.9852 lineto +16.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 5.9852 moveto +16.20131 5.9852 lineto +16.20131 6.9852 lineto +15.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 8.9852 moveto +17.20131 8.9852 lineto +17.20131 9.9852 lineto +16.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 7.9852 moveto +16.20131 7.9852 lineto +16.20131 8.9852 lineto +15.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 10.9852 moveto +17.20131 10.9852 lineto +17.20131 11.9852 lineto +16.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 9.9852 moveto +16.20131 9.9852 lineto +16.20131 10.9852 lineto +15.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 12.9852 moveto +17.20131 12.9852 lineto +17.20131 13.9852 lineto +16.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 11.9852 moveto +16.20131 11.9852 lineto +16.20131 12.9852 lineto +15.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 14.9852 moveto +17.20131 14.9852 lineto +17.20131 15.9852 lineto +16.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 13.9852 moveto +16.20131 13.9852 lineto +16.20131 14.9852 lineto +15.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 16.20131 16.9852 moveto +17.20131 16.9852 lineto +17.20131 17.9852 lineto +16.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 15.20131 15.9852 moveto +16.20131 15.9852 lineto +16.20131 16.9852 lineto +15.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 2.9852 moveto +19.20131 2.9852 lineto +19.20131 3.9852 lineto +18.20131 3.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 1.9852 moveto +18.20131 1.9852 lineto +18.20131 2.9852 lineto +17.20131 2.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 4.9852 moveto +19.20131 4.9852 lineto +19.20131 5.9852 lineto +18.20131 5.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 3.9852 moveto +18.20131 3.9852 lineto +18.20131 4.9852 lineto +17.20131 4.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 6.9852 moveto +19.20131 6.9852 lineto +19.20131 7.9852 lineto +18.20131 7.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 5.9852 moveto +18.20131 5.9852 lineto +18.20131 6.9852 lineto +17.20131 6.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 8.9852 moveto +19.20131 8.9852 lineto +19.20131 9.9852 lineto +18.20131 9.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 7.9852 moveto +18.20131 7.9852 lineto +18.20131 8.9852 lineto +17.20131 8.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 10.9852 moveto +19.20131 10.9852 lineto +19.20131 11.9852 lineto +18.20131 11.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 9.9852 moveto +18.20131 9.9852 lineto +18.20131 10.9852 lineto +17.20131 10.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 12.9852 moveto +19.20131 12.9852 lineto +19.20131 13.9852 lineto +18.20131 13.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 11.9852 moveto +18.20131 11.9852 lineto +18.20131 12.9852 lineto +17.20131 12.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 14.9852 moveto +19.20131 14.9852 lineto +19.20131 15.9852 lineto +18.20131 15.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 13.9852 moveto +18.20131 13.9852 lineto +18.20131 14.9852 lineto +17.20131 14.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 18.20131 16.9852 moveto +19.20131 16.9852 lineto +19.20131 17.9852 lineto +18.20131 17.9852 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.20131 15.9852 moveto +18.20131 15.9852 lineto +18.20131 16.9852 lineto +17.20131 16.9852 lineto + closepath fill +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1348 1412 V 170 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.69 + 0.7 setgray +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1507 1412 V 160 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.70 + 0.3 setgray +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +12.7559 6.61583 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto +14.1731 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +12.7559 11.5255 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +9.9211 11.5255 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 5.20131 12.61397 moveto +8.5039 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +9.9211 6.61583 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 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+%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.72 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.3385 9.07066 moveto +16.3496 14.08176 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +6.32741 14.08176 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +6.32741 4.05957 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +16.3496 4.05957 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 881 1644 V 214 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.73 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.3385 9.07066 moveto +17.07172 13.23616 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +9.14859 15.81038 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +4.25189 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +9.14859 2.33095 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +17.07172 4.90517 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1149 1644 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 23 @urx 23 @ury 230 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.74 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.3385 9.07066 moveto +17.4757 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 16.15727 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 12.61397 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +5.20131 5.52736 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +11.3385 1.98405 lineto +11.3385 9.07066 lineto +17.4757 5.52736 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1395 1644 V 477 1646 920 2 v 507 1762 a +Fx(T)m(able)13 b(4:)18 b(Av)n(ailable)12 b(v)o(ertex)j(shap)q(es)g(and) +f(\014ll)f(st)o(yles.)220 1885 y Fs(2.5.3)48 b(P)o(olygons)220 +1962 y Fx(Complex)19 b(v)o(ertices)j(with)e(arcs)h(attac)o(hed)g(at)f +(the)h(corners)i(can)d(b)q(e)h(con)o(tructed)h(with)220 +2012 y(p)q(olygons,)13 b(whic)o(h)h(share)g(some)f(c)o(haracteristics)j +(with)d(arcs)i(and)f(v)o(ertices.)234 2061 y(The)g(macro)-414 +b FE(\\fmfpoly)324 2135 y Fz(\\fmfpoly{)p Fp(h)p Fw(style)s +Fp(i)n Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(=)p +Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(])p Fz(,)p Fx(.)5 b(.)i(.)f(])p +Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)g Fp(i)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(v2)g Fp(i)p +Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)f(.)i(.)f(])p Fz(})220 2208 y Fx(places)18 +b(the)h(v)o(ertices)g Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p Fx(,)18 +b Fp(h)p Fw(v2)6 b Fp(i)p Fx(,)18 b(.)7 b(.)f(.)37 b(on)17 +b(the)i(corners)g(of)e(a)g(regular)h(p)q(olygon.)29 b(The)220 +2258 y(orien)o(tation)16 b(of)g(the)h(p)q(olygon)f(is)g(\014xed)h(to)g +(b)q(e)g(mathematicall)o(y)d(p)q(ositiv)o(e)i(\(i.e.)g(coun)o(ter)220 +2308 y(clo)q(c)o(kwise\).)i(Note)13 b(that)g(this)f(can)h(ha)o(v)o(e)f +(strange)h(results)h(if)e(the)h(orien)o(tation)f(is)g(opp)q(osite)220 +2358 y(to)17 b(the)g(orien)o(tation)g(of)f(the)h(v)o(ertices)i(the)e +(corners)i(are)e(connected)i(to.)27 b(The)17 b(a)o(v)n(ailable)220 +2408 y(options)h(are)h(collected)g(in)e(table)i(5.)30 +b(The)19 b(e\013ects)h(of)e(some)g(options)f(are)i(depicted)h(in)220 +2457 y(table)14 b(6.)220 2507 y(Note)h(that)g(is)f(is)g(tec)o(hnically) +g Fw(imp)n(ossible)j Fx(to)e(\014x)f(the)h(size)h(of)e(a)g(p)q(olygon.) +19 b(The)c(size)g(can)220 2557 y(b)q(e)d(con)o(trolled)f(b)o(y)h(sp)q +(ecifying)f(a)g Fz(tension)f Fx(for)i(the)g(edges,)g(whic)o(h)g(acts)g +(lik)o(e)e(the)j Fz(tension)220 2607 y Fx(of)g(normal)f(arcs.)233 +2657 y(The)h(macro)e Fz(\\fmfpolyn{)p Fp(h)p Fw(style)s +Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)q Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(n)s +Fp(i)p Fz(})h Fx(is)h(similar)d(to)j Fz(\\fmfpoly)e Fx(but)h(connects) +-1652 b FE(\\fmfpolyn)-22 2707 y(\\fmfrpolyn)42 b Fx(the)14 +b(v)o(ertices)i Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(1)p Fx(])p Fp(i)o +Fx(.)7 b(.)f(.)h Fp(h)p Fw(v)p Fx([)p Fw(n)p Fx(])p Fp(i)p +Fx(.)18 b Fz(\\fmfrpolyn)11 b Fx(op)q(erates)16 b(in)d(rev)o(erse)j +(order.)915 2831 y(18)p eop +%%Page: 19 19 +19 18 bop 412 226 1049 2 v 411 276 2 50 v 437 261 a Fx(Name)p +701 276 V 184 w(Explanation)p 1459 276 V 412 277 1049 +2 v 412 286 V 411 335 2 50 v 437 320 a Fz(filled)p 701 +335 V 158 w Fx(\014ll,)12 b(shade)j(or)e(hatc)o(h)i(in)o(terior)p +1459 335 V 412 337 1049 2 v 411 387 2 50 v 437 372 a +Fz(phantom)p 701 387 V 136 w Fx(don't)e(dra)o(w)h(an)o(ything)p +1459 387 V 412 389 1049 2 v 411 438 2 50 v 437 423 a +Fz(empty)p 701 438 V 180 w Fx(dra)o(w)f(outline)p 1459 +438 V 412 440 1049 2 v 411 490 2 50 v 437 475 a Fz(shade)p +701 490 V 180 w Fx(shade)h(in)o(terior)p 1459 490 V 412 +491 1049 2 v 411 541 2 50 v 437 526 a Fz(hatched)p 701 +541 V 136 w Fx(hatc)o(h)g(in)o(terior)p 1459 541 V 412 +543 1049 2 v 411 593 2 50 v 437 578 a Fz(full)p 701 593 +V 202 w Fx(\014ll)e(in)o(terior)p 1459 593 V 412 594 +1049 2 v 411 644 2 50 v 437 629 a Fz(pull)p 701 644 V +202 w Fx(pull)h(edges)h(in)g(\()p Fn(<)e Fx(0\))i(or)f(out)h(\()p +Fn(>)e Fx(0\))p 1459 644 V 412 646 1049 2 v 411 696 2 +50 v 437 681 a Fz(tension)p 701 696 V 136 w Fx(tension)i(of)f(the)h +(edges)p 1459 696 V 412 697 1049 2 v 411 747 2 50 v 437 +732 a Fz(smooth)p 701 747 V 158 w Fx(dra)o(w)f(smoth)g(corners)p +1459 747 V 412 749 1049 2 v 411 799 2 50 v 437 784 a +Fz(label)p 701 799 V 180 w Fx(T)750 793 y(E)773 784 y(X)h(text)g(for)g +(lab)q(eling)e(the)j(p)q(olygon)p 1459 799 V 412 800 +1049 2 v 411 900 2 100 v 437 835 a Fz(label.angle)p 701 +900 V 48 w Fx(force)10 b(placemen)o(t)g(of)g(the)h(lab)q(el)e(at)i(the) +g(giv)o(en)727 885 y(angle)i(from)f(the)j(v)o(ertex)p +1459 900 V 412 902 1049 2 v 411 951 2 50 v 437 936 a +Fz(label.dist)p 701 951 V 70 w Fx(place)f(lab)q(el)f(at)h(a)f(distance) +i Fz(dist)p 1459 951 V 412 953 1049 2 v 411 1003 2 50 +v 437 988 a(foreground)p 701 1003 V 70 w Fx(foreground)e(color)h(\()p +Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)i Fx(only!\))p 1459 1003 V 412 1005 +1049 2 v 411 1054 2 50 v 437 1039 a Fz(background)p 701 +1054 V 70 w Fx(bac)o(kground)d(color)h(\()p Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)i +Fx(only!\))p 1459 1054 V 412 1056 1049 2 v 618 1172 a(T)m(able)d(5:)18 +b(Av)n(ailable)12 b(p)q(olygon)h(options)220 1305 y Fs(2.5.4)48 +b(Color)220 1381 y Fx(If)23 b Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)f Fx(is)e(used)h(for)f +(rendering)h(the)f(diagrams,)g(v)o(ertices)h(and)f(arcs)h(can)f(b)q(e) +220 1431 y(colored.)g(The)15 b(corresp)q(onding)g(options)g(giv)o(e)f +(a)g(w)o(arning)f(message)i(under)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)220 +1481 y Fx(and)f(are)g(otherwise)h(ignored.)220 1531 y(Tw)o(o)i(colors)h +(are)g(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(for)h(v)o(ertices)i(and)f(arcs:)26 +b Fz(foreground)16 b Fx(and)i Fz(background)p Fx(.)220 +1581 y(Both)g(can)h(either)g(b)q(e)f(sp)q(eci\014ed)i(as)e(a)g(linear)f +(com)o(bination)f(of)h(the)i(prede\014ned)h(colors)220 +1630 y Fz(white)p Fx(,)13 b Fz(black)p Fx(,)h Fz(red)p +Fx(,)f Fz(green)h Fx(and)g Fz(blue)g Fx(or)h(as)f(RBG)h(triples)f +Fz(\()p Fp(h)p Fw(r)n(e)n(d)t Fp(i)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(gr)n(e)n(en)s +Fp(i)q Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(blue)s Fp(i)p Fz(\))p Fx(.)220 +1680 y(Note)h(that)f(as)g(alw)o(a)o(ys)f(commata)e(ha)o(v)o(e)j(to)g(b) +q(e)g(doubled)g(in)g(option)f(argumen)o(ts.)18 b(There-)220 +1730 y(fore)13 b(b)q(oth)g Fz(foreground=\(1,,0,)o(,1\))c +Fx(and)k Fz(foreground=red+blu)o(e)d Fx(are)j(v)n(alid)e(options)220 +1780 y(setting)i(the)h(foreground)f(color)f(to)h(magen)o(ta.)j(F)m(or)c +(arcs,)i(the)f(bac)o(kground)g(color)f(is)h(used)220 +1830 y(only)g(for)h(the)g(in)o(terior)g(of)f(doubled)h(lines.)220 +1879 y(While)g(the)h(color)f(feature)h(is)g(rarely)f(used)i(in)e(pap)q +(ers)h(or)g(b)q(o)q(oks,)f(it)g(can)h(b)q(e)g(v)o(ery)g(useful)220 +1929 y(for)e(jazzing)h(up)g(y)o(our)g(transparencies.)19 +b(See)c(page)f(27)f(for)h(a)f(not)h(v)o(ery)g(serious)h(example.)220 +2037 y Fs(2.5.5)48 b(Examples)220 2114 y Fx(After)14 +b(the)g(main)e(features)i(of)f(the)i(v)o(ertex)f(mo)q(de)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g +(b)q(een)i(in)o(tro)q(duced,)f(it)f(is)g(time)f(for)220 +2164 y(a)i(couple)g(of)f(illustrativ)o(e)g(examples)g(that)h(are)g(tak) +o(en)g(from)e Fw(The)j(R)n(e)n(al)g(World)p Fx(.)340 +2255 y(As)g(a)f(\014rst)i(example,)d(consider)j(dra)o(wing)e(a)h +(straigh)o(tforw)o(ard)f(b)q(o)o(x)h(diagram,)d(fa-)340 +2305 y(miliar)f(from)i Fn(K)s Fx(-)622 2294 y(\026)611 +2305 y Fn(K)t Fx(,)h Fn(D)q Fx(-)735 2294 y(\026)725 +2305 y Fn(D)r Fx(,)g(and)h Fn(B)r Fx(-)926 2294 y(\026)916 +2305 y Fn(B)i Fx(mixing.)h(The)d(commands)e(for)h(the)h(lab)q(els)340 +2354 y(are)f(not)g(sho)o(wn)g(here,)g(they)h(are)f(discussed)h(in)f +(section)h(2.5.6)340 2421 y(Let)f(us)g(start)h(the)f(diagram)e(and)i +(pic)o(k)f(up)h(a)g(thic)o(k)f(p)q(en:)359 2516 y FE(\\begin{fmf)o(gra) +o(ph)o(}\(4)o(0,)o(25\))398 2562 y(\\fmfpen{thi)o(ck)o(})915 +2831 y Fx(19)p eop +%%Page: 20 20 +20 19 bop 332 226 1208 2 v 331 276 2 50 v 357 261 a Fz(pull=)p +512 276 V 137 w Fx(0.75)p 769 276 V 193 w(1.0)p 1026 +276 V 218 w Fz(?)p 1282 276 V 219 w Fx(1.5)p 1539 276 +V 332 277 1208 2 v 332 286 V 331 480 2 195 v 357 465 +a(default)p 512 480 V 55 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.75 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate 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12.40268 35.85117 moveto +9.98105 40.41235 lineto stroke +newpath 12.40282 6.66797 moveto +9.98128 2.10692 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 12.40268 35.85117 moveto +12.40282 6.66797 lineto +37.6761 21.25975 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 12.40268 6.66884 moveto +37.67303 6.66884 lineto +37.67303 35.85117 lineto +12.40268 35.85117 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 9.40268 3.66884 moveto +44.585 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 3.66884 moveto +44.585 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 6.66873 moveto +41.58511 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 12.40257 3.66884 moveto +44.585 35.85127 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 9.66864 moveto +38.5852 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 15.40248 3.66884 moveto +44.585 32.85136 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 12.66853 moveto +35.58531 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 18.40237 3.66884 moveto +44.585 29.85147 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 15.66843 moveto +32.58542 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 21.40227 3.66884 moveto +44.585 26.85158 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 18.66833 moveto +29.58551 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 24.40218 3.66884 moveto +44.585 23.85167 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 21.66823 moveto +26.58562 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 27.40207 3.66884 moveto +44.585 20.85178 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 24.66812 moveto +23.58572 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 30.40196 3.66884 moveto +44.585 17.85188 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 27.66803 moveto +20.58582 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 33.40187 3.66884 moveto +44.585 14.85197 lineto stroke +newpath 9.40268 30.66792 moveto +17.58592 38.85117 lineto stroke +newpath 36.40176 3.66884 moveto +44.585 11.85208 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 12.40268 35.85117 moveto +12.40282 6.66797 lineto +37.6761 21.25975 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1282 480 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 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+34.67316 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 11.1912 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 33.15077 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 12.66899 moveto +31.67297 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 14.19138 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 30.15059 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 15.66917 moveto +28.67279 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 17.19156 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 27.1504 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 18.66937 moveto +25.67259 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 20.19176 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 24.1502 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 21.66956 moveto +22.67241 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 23.19194 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 21.15002 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 24.66974 moveto +19.67223 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 26.19212 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 18.14984 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 27.66992 moveto +16.67204 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 29.1923 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 15.14966 lineto stroke +newpath 5.19081 30.67012 moveto +13.67184 39.15115 lineto stroke +newpath 32.1925 3.66843 moveto +40.67354 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32.20338 curveto +22.32796 34.98474 17.11089 38.5695 12.40268 35.85117 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 8.1766 5.73166 moveto +37.6761 5.73166 lineto +37.6761 36.78815 lineto +8.1766 36.78815 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 5.1766 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 5.1766 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 5.1766 5.73183 moveto +39.23293 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 8.17677 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 36.78798 lineto stroke +newpath 5.1766 8.73198 moveto +36.23277 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 11.17693 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 33.78783 lineto stroke +newpath 5.1766 11.73215 moveto +33.2326 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 14.1771 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 30.78766 lineto stroke +newpath 5.1766 14.73232 moveto +30.23244 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 17.17726 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 27.78749 lineto stroke +newpath 5.1766 17.73247 moveto +27.23228 39.78815 lineto stroke +newpath 20.17741 2.73166 moveto +42.2331 24.78734 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11.37073 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 32.65007 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 12.87128 moveto +31.14952 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 14.37062 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 29.65018 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 15.87117 moveto +28.14963 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 17.37051 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 26.65028 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 18.87106 moveto +25.14973 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 20.3704 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 23.65039 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 21.87096 moveto +22.14984 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 23.3703 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 20.6505 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 24.87085 moveto +19.14995 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 26.3702 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 17.6506 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 27.87074 moveto +16.15005 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 29.37009 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 14.65071 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +18.06583 30.4745 lineto +11.37083 28.29906 lineto +11.37088 21.25946 lineto +11.37093 14.21988 lineto +18.06595 12.04463 lineto +24.76097 9.86938 lineto +28.89882 15.56456 lineto +33.03667 21.25972 lineto +28.89874 26.95485 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1026 871 V 256 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.85 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.03667 21.25972 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +28.20886 41.83438 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37083 28.29906 moveto +3.18095 34.52548 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37093 14.21988 moveto +3.18124 7.99345 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76097 9.86938 moveto +28.20937 0.68512 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +11.37083 28.29906 lineto +11.37093 14.21988 lineto +24.76097 9.86938 lineto +33.03667 21.25972 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 11.37083 9.87149 moveto +33.03465 9.87149 lineto +33.03465 32.64996 lineto +11.37083 32.64996 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 8.37083 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 9.87138 moveto +34.14941 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37073 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 32.65007 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 12.87128 moveto +31.14952 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 14.37062 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 29.65018 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 15.87117 moveto +28.14963 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 17.37051 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 26.65028 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 18.87106 moveto +25.14973 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 20.3704 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 23.65039 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 21.87096 moveto +22.14984 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 23.3703 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 20.6505 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 24.87085 moveto +19.14995 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 26.3702 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 17.6506 lineto stroke +newpath 8.37083 27.87074 moveto +16.15005 35.64996 lineto stroke +newpath 29.37009 6.87149 moveto +37.1493 14.65071 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +11.37083 28.29906 lineto +11.37093 14.21988 lineto +24.76097 9.86938 lineto +33.03667 21.25972 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1282 871 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.86 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.03667 21.25972 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +28.20886 41.83438 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37083 28.29906 moveto +3.18095 34.52548 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37093 14.21988 moveto +3.18124 7.99345 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76097 9.86938 moveto +28.20937 0.68512 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +16.56871 35.08195 lineto +11.37083 28.29906 lineto +6.52629 21.25938 lineto +11.37093 14.21988 lineto +16.5689 7.43715 lineto +24.76097 9.86938 lineto +32.8182 12.71704 lineto +33.03667 21.25972 lineto +32.8181 29.80247 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 6.52716 7.43788 moveto +33.03658 7.43788 lineto +33.03658 35.08154 lineto +6.52716 35.08154 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 3.52716 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 7.43779 moveto +34.17091 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 6.52707 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 35.08163 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 10.43768 moveto +31.17102 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 9.52696 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 32.08174 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 13.43759 moveto +28.17111 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 12.52687 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 29.08183 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 16.4375 moveto +25.1712 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 15.52678 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 26.08192 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 19.43741 moveto +22.1713 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 18.52669 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 23.08202 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 22.4373 moveto +19.1714 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 21.52658 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 20.08212 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 25.43721 moveto +16.1715 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 24.52649 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 17.08221 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 28.43712 moveto +13.17159 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 27.5264 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 14.0823 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52716 31.43701 moveto +10.17169 38.08154 lineto stroke +newpath 30.52629 4.43788 moveto +37.17082 11.08241 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +16.56871 35.08195 lineto +11.37083 28.29906 lineto +6.52629 21.25938 lineto +11.37093 14.21988 lineto +16.5689 7.43715 lineto +24.76097 9.86938 lineto +32.8182 12.71704 lineto +33.03667 21.25972 lineto +32.8181 29.80247 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1539 871 V 332 873 1208 2 v 331 1067 2 195 +v 357 1052 a Fz(smooth)p 512 1067 V 49 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.87 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.03667 21.25972 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +28.20886 41.83438 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37083 28.29906 moveto +3.18095 34.52548 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37093 14.21988 moveto +3.18124 7.99345 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76097 9.86938 moveto +28.20937 0.68512 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +21.78111 33.61807 21.21404 28.9505 18.81438 28.17078 curveto +16.41473 27.39105 13.21236 30.83372 11.37083 28.29906 curveto +9.52931 25.76437 13.79315 23.78265 13.79317 21.25949 curveto +13.79318 18.73633 9.52933 16.75453 11.37093 14.21988 curveto +13.21251 11.68524 16.4148 15.12804 18.81447 14.34837 curveto +21.21413 13.56871 21.78133 8.90128 24.76097 9.86938 curveto +27.74068 10.83752 25.45605 14.94704 26.93913 16.98831 curveto +28.42224 19.02962 33.0367 18.12662 33.03667 21.25972 curveto +33.03664 24.39282 28.4222 23.48976 26.93907 25.53104 curveto +25.45596 27.57231 27.74055 31.68185 24.76083 32.64996 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 10.91554 9.73842 moveto +33.03667 9.73842 lineto +33.03667 32.78085 lineto +10.91554 32.78085 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 7.91554 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 9.73827 moveto +33.95813 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 10.91539 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 32.781 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 12.73811 moveto +30.95828 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 13.91524 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 29.78116 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 15.73796 moveto +27.95844 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 16.91508 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 26.78131 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 18.73781 moveto +24.95859 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 19.91493 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 23.78146 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 21.73766 moveto +21.95874 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 22.91478 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 20.78162 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 24.7375 moveto +18.9589 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 25.91463 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 17.78177 lineto stroke +newpath 7.91554 27.73735 moveto +15.95905 35.78085 lineto stroke +newpath 28.91447 6.73842 moveto +36.95798 14.78192 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +21.78111 33.61807 21.21404 28.9505 18.81438 28.17078 curveto +16.41473 27.39105 13.21236 30.83372 11.37083 28.29906 curveto +9.52931 25.76437 13.79315 23.78265 13.79317 21.25949 curveto +13.79318 18.73633 9.52933 16.75453 11.37093 14.21988 curveto +13.21251 11.68524 16.4148 15.12804 18.81447 14.34837 curveto +21.21413 13.56871 21.78133 8.90128 24.76097 9.86938 curveto +27.74068 10.83752 25.45605 14.94704 26.93913 16.98831 curveto +28.42224 19.02962 33.0367 18.12662 33.03667 21.25972 curveto +33.03664 24.39282 28.4222 23.48976 26.93907 25.53104 curveto +25.45596 27.57231 27.74055 31.68185 24.76083 32.64996 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 769 1067 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.88 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.03667 21.25972 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +28.20886 41.83438 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37083 28.29906 moveto +3.18095 34.52548 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37093 14.21988 moveto +3.18124 7.99345 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76097 9.86938 moveto +28.20937 0.68512 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +22.38226 33.42276 20.37521 31.2249 18.06583 30.4745 curveto +15.75644 29.7241 12.84084 30.32239 11.37083 28.29906 curveto +9.90082 26.27571 11.37086 23.68771 11.37088 21.25946 curveto +11.3709 18.8312 9.90088 16.2432 11.37093 14.21988 curveto +12.84097 12.19658 15.75655 12.79495 18.06595 12.04463 curveto +20.37535 11.29431 22.38243 9.09656 24.76097 9.86938 curveto +27.13956 10.64223 27.47148 13.60007 28.89882 15.56456 curveto +30.32616 17.52907 33.03668 18.75873 33.03667 21.25972 curveto +33.03665 23.76073 30.3261 24.99036 28.89874 26.95485 curveto +27.47139 28.91933 27.13943 31.87717 24.76083 32.64996 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 10.72252 9.72247 moveto +33.03667 9.72247 lineto +33.03667 32.7971 lineto +10.72252 32.7971 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 7.72252 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 9.72264 moveto +33.79698 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 10.72269 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 32.79694 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 12.72281 moveto +30.79681 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 13.72285 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 29.79677 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 15.72298 moveto +27.79665 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 16.72302 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 26.7966 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 18.72314 moveto +24.79648 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 19.72319 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 23.79643 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 21.72331 moveto +21.79631 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 22.72336 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 20.79626 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 24.72348 moveto +18.79614 35.7971 lineto stroke +newpath 25.72353 6.72247 moveto +36.79715 17.7961 lineto stroke +newpath 7.72252 27.72363 moveto +15.79599 35.7971 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+newpath 6.08356 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 9.30334 moveto +33.03668 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 9.08354 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 33.25648 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 12.30333 moveto +30.0367 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 12.08353 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 30.2565 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 15.30331 moveto +27.03671 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 15.08351 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 27.25652 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 18.3033 moveto +24.03673 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 18.0835 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 24.25653 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 21.3033 moveto +21.03673 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 21.0835 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 21.25653 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 24.30328 moveto +18.03674 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 24.08348 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 18.25655 lineto stroke +newpath 6.08356 27.30327 moveto +15.03676 36.25647 lineto stroke +newpath 27.08347 6.30336 moveto +36.03667 15.25656 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +19.82625 34.25316 14.42053 32.49666 11.37083 28.29906 curveto +8.32112 24.10143 8.32112 18.41743 11.37093 14.21988 curveto +14.42068 10.02238 19.82645 8.26607 24.76097 9.86938 curveto +29.69562 11.47273 33.03668 16.07115 33.03667 21.25972 curveto +33.03665 26.4483 29.69553 31.04672 24.76083 32.64996 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1282 1067 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.90 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.03667 21.25972 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +28.20886 41.83438 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37083 28.29906 moveto +3.18095 34.52548 lineto stroke +newpath 11.37093 14.21988 moveto +3.18124 7.99345 lineto stroke +newpath 24.76097 9.86938 moveto +28.20937 0.68512 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +21.95903 33.56029 19.43597 36.01364 16.56871 35.08195 curveto +13.70145 34.15027 13.1024 30.68242 11.37083 28.29906 curveto +9.63925 25.91568 6.52626 24.27425 6.52629 21.25938 curveto +6.52634 18.24455 9.63931 16.6032 11.37093 14.21988 curveto +13.10252 11.83656 13.70163 8.36876 16.5689 7.43715 curveto +19.4362 6.50552 21.95918 8.95898 24.76097 9.86938 curveto +27.56279 10.7798 31.0461 10.27794 32.8182 12.71704 curveto +34.59027 15.15608 33.03668 18.31377 33.03667 21.25972 curveto +33.03665 24.2057 34.59023 27.36343 32.8181 29.80247 curveto +31.04594 32.24155 27.56267 31.73962 24.76083 32.64996 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 6.52629 7.24518 moveto +33.66075 7.24518 lineto +33.66075 35.27422 lineto +6.52629 35.27422 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 3.52629 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 7.245 moveto +34.55551 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 6.52611 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 35.2744 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 10.2448 moveto +31.55571 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 9.52591 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 32.2746 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 13.24461 moveto +28.5559 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 12.52573 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 29.27478 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 16.24443 moveto +25.55608 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 15.52554 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 26.27496 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 19.24423 moveto +22.55627 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 18.52534 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 23.27516 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 22.24405 moveto +19.55646 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 21.52516 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 20.27534 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 25.24387 moveto +16.55664 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 24.52498 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 17.27553 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 28.24367 moveto +13.55684 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 27.52478 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 14.27573 lineto stroke +newpath 3.52629 31.24348 moveto +10.55702 38.27422 lineto stroke +newpath 30.5246 4.24518 moveto +37.55533 11.27591 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 24.76083 32.64996 moveto +21.95903 33.56029 19.43597 36.01364 16.56871 35.08195 curveto +13.70145 34.15027 13.1024 30.68242 11.37083 28.29906 curveto +9.63925 25.91568 6.52626 24.27425 6.52629 21.25938 curveto +6.52634 18.24455 9.63931 16.6032 11.37093 14.21988 curveto +13.10252 11.83656 13.70163 8.36876 16.5689 7.43715 curveto +19.4362 6.50552 21.95918 8.95898 24.76097 9.86938 curveto +27.56279 10.7798 31.0461 10.27794 32.8182 12.71704 curveto +34.59027 15.15608 33.03668 18.31377 33.03667 21.25972 curveto +33.03665 24.2057 34.59023 27.36343 32.8181 29.80247 curveto +31.04594 32.24155 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+12.7984 21.2597 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +15.97766 14.65742 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +23.12167 13.02655 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +28.85109 17.5957 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto +28.85129 24.92398 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 9.98439 9.07776 moveto +33.73654 9.07776 lineto +33.73654 33.44272 lineto +9.98439 33.44272 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.98439 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 9.07765 moveto +34.34946 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98428 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 33.44283 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 12.07755 moveto +31.34956 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 12.98418 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 30.44293 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 15.07744 moveto +28.34967 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 15.98407 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 27.44304 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 18.07732 moveto +25.3498 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 18.98395 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 24.44316 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 21.07721 moveto +22.3499 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 21.98384 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 21.44327 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 24.0771 moveto +19.35 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 24.98373 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 18.44337 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 27.077 moveto +16.35011 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 27.98363 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 15.44348 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98439 30.07689 moveto +13.35022 36.44272 lineto stroke +newpath 30.98352 6.07776 moveto +37.34935 12.44359 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +23.12213 29.49266 lineto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +15.97798 27.86192 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +12.7984 21.2597 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +15.97766 14.65742 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +23.12167 13.02655 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +28.85109 17.5957 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto +28.85129 24.92398 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 769 1263 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.92 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +23.74854 32.23698 lineto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +14.22302 30.06265 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +9.98358 21.2597 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +14.2226 12.45667 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +23.74794 10.28217 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +31.38715 16.37437 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto +31.38742 26.1454 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 9.98347 9.07643 moveto +33.73837 9.07643 lineto +33.73837 33.443 lineto +9.98347 33.443 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.98347 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 9.07652 moveto +34.34995 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98357 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 33.4429 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 12.07661 moveto +31.34985 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 12.98366 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 30.44281 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 15.07669 moveto +28.34978 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 15.98373 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 27.44273 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 18.07678 moveto +25.34969 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 18.98383 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 24.44264 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 21.07687 moveto +22.3496 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 21.98392 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 21.44255 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 24.07697 moveto +19.3495 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 24.98401 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 18.44246 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 27.07706 moveto +16.34941 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 27.9841 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 15.44237 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 30.07713 moveto +13.34933 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 30.98418 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 12.44229 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +23.74854 32.23698 lineto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +14.22302 30.06265 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +9.98358 21.2597 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +14.2226 12.45667 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +23.74794 10.28217 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +31.38715 16.37437 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto +31.38742 26.1454 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1026 1263 V 256 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.93 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 9.98347 9.07643 moveto +33.73837 9.07643 lineto +33.73837 33.443 lineto +9.98347 33.443 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.98347 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 9.07652 moveto +34.34995 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98357 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 33.4429 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 12.07661 moveto +31.34985 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 12.98366 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 30.44281 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 15.07669 moveto +28.34978 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 15.98373 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 27.44273 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 18.07678 moveto +25.34969 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 18.98383 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 24.44264 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 21.07687 moveto +22.3496 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 21.98392 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 21.44255 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 24.07697 moveto +19.3495 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 24.98401 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 18.44246 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 27.07706 moveto +16.34941 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 27.9841 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 15.44237 lineto stroke +newpath 6.98347 30.07713 moveto +13.34933 36.443 lineto stroke +newpath 30.98418 6.07643 moveto +37.35004 12.44229 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1282 1263 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.94 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +25.00136 37.72563 lineto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +10.71309 34.46413 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +4.35393 21.2597 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +10.71245 8.05515 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +25.00047 4.7934 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +36.45927 13.9317 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto +36.45969 28.58826 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.35567 4.79706 moveto +36.45744 4.79706 lineto +36.45744 37.72536 lineto +4.35567 37.72536 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 1.35567 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 4.79716 moveto +37.28386 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 4.35577 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 37.72525 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 7.79727 moveto +34.28375 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 7.35588 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 34.72514 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 10.79738 moveto +31.28365 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 10.35599 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 31.72504 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 13.79747 moveto +28.28355 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 13.35608 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 28.72495 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 16.79758 moveto +25.28345 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 16.35619 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 25.72484 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 19.79768 moveto +22.28334 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 19.3563 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 22.72473 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 22.79779 moveto +19.28323 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 22.3564 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 19.72462 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 25.7979 moveto +16.28313 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 25.3565 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 16.72452 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 28.798 moveto +13.28302 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 28.35661 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 13.72441 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35567 31.79811 moveto +10.28291 40.72536 lineto stroke +newpath 31.35672 1.79706 moveto +40.28397 10.7243 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +25.00136 37.72563 lineto +18.46234 33.4434 lineto +10.71309 34.46413 lineto +9.9837 26.6819 lineto +4.35393 21.2597 lineto +9.98347 15.83751 lineto +10.71245 8.05515 lineto +18.4617 9.07584 lineto +25.00047 4.7934 lineto +29.03418 11.4885 lineto +36.45927 13.9317 lineto +33.74011 21.26025 lineto +36.45969 28.58826 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1539 1263 V 332 1264 1208 2 v 331 1459 2 +195 v 357 1444 a Fz(smooth)p 512 1459 V 49 w @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.95 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +27.01164 32.64383 25.16344 29.02676 23.12213 29.49266 curveto +21.08087 29.95854 20.98494 34.01906 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +15.93956 32.8677 17.61499 29.16739 15.97798 27.86192 curveto +14.34099 26.55647 11.10638 29.01321 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +8.86105 24.35065 12.79843 23.35347 12.7984 21.2597 curveto +12.79837 19.16591 8.8608 18.16884 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +11.10612 13.50624 14.34071 15.96292 15.97766 14.65742 curveto +17.61462 13.35191 15.93898 9.6517 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +20.98436 8.49998 21.08038 12.56067 23.12167 13.02655 curveto +25.16301 13.49243 27.01102 9.87558 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +31.05775 13.10173 27.94254 15.70912 28.85109 17.5957 curveto +29.75964 19.48228 33.74045 18.67233 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.73978 23.84767 29.75977 23.0375 28.85129 24.92398 curveto +27.94283 26.81042 31.05782 29.41727 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 9.78957 9.03433 moveto +33.74011 9.03433 lineto +33.74011 33.48534 lineto +9.78957 33.48534 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.78957 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 9.03438 moveto +34.24052 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 9.78961 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 33.48529 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 12.03441 moveto +31.2405 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 12.78964 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 30.48526 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 15.03445 moveto +28.24045 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 15.78969 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 27.48521 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 18.03448 moveto +25.24042 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 18.78972 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 24.48518 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 21.03453 moveto +22.24037 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 21.78976 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 21.48514 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 24.03456 moveto +19.24034 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 24.7898 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 18.4851 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 27.0346 moveto +16.2403 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 27.78984 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 15.48506 lineto stroke +newpath 6.78957 30.03464 moveto +13.24026 36.48534 lineto stroke +newpath 30.78987 6.03433 moveto +37.24057 12.48503 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +27.01164 32.64383 25.16344 29.02676 23.12213 29.49266 curveto +21.08087 29.95854 20.98494 34.01906 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +15.93956 32.8677 17.61499 29.16739 15.97798 27.86192 curveto +14.34099 26.55647 11.10638 29.01321 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +8.86105 24.35065 12.79843 23.35347 12.7984 21.2597 curveto +12.79837 19.16591 8.8608 18.16884 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +11.10612 13.50624 14.34071 15.96292 15.97766 14.65742 curveto +17.61462 13.35191 15.93898 9.6517 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +20.98436 8.49998 21.08038 12.56067 23.12167 13.02655 curveto +25.16301 13.49243 27.01102 9.87558 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +31.05775 13.10173 27.94254 15.70912 28.85109 17.5957 curveto +29.75964 19.48228 33.74045 18.67233 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.73978 23.84767 29.75977 23.0375 28.85129 24.92398 curveto +27.94283 26.81042 31.05782 29.41727 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 769 1459 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.96 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +27.57584 32.19392 25.54309 31.82744 23.74854 32.23698 curveto +21.95398 32.64653 20.28151 33.85863 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +16.6431 33.02817 15.66219 31.21034 14.22302 30.06265 curveto +12.78386 28.91496 10.79335 28.36313 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +9.17407 25.0007 9.98363 23.10043 9.98358 21.2597 curveto +9.98354 19.41898 9.1739 17.51874 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +10.79306 14.15628 12.78351 13.6044 14.2226 12.45667 curveto +15.66168 11.30894 16.64252 9.49112 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +20.28087 8.66055 21.95337 9.87263 23.74794 10.28217 curveto +25.54251 10.6917 27.57524 10.32516 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +30.49335 12.65201 30.58836 14.71571 31.38715 16.37437 curveto +32.18593 18.03304 33.74019 19.394 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.74004 23.12622 32.18611 24.48698 31.38742 26.1454 curveto +30.58873 27.80382 30.49364 29.86716 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 9.62653 8.99748 moveto +33.74011 8.99748 lineto +33.74011 33.52155 lineto +9.62653 33.52155 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 6.62653 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 8.9975 moveto +34.15057 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 9.62654 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 33.52153 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 11.99753 moveto +31.15054 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 12.62657 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 30.5215 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 14.99754 moveto +28.15053 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 15.62659 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 27.52148 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 17.99757 moveto +25.1505 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 18.62662 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 24.52145 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 20.99759 moveto +22.15048 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 21.62663 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 21.52144 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 23.9976 moveto +19.15047 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 24.62665 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 18.52142 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 26.99763 moveto +16.15044 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 27.62668 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 15.5214 lineto stroke +newpath 6.62653 29.99765 moveto +13.15042 36.52155 lineto stroke +newpath 30.6267 5.99748 moveto +37.15059 12.52138 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +27.57584 32.19392 25.54309 31.82744 23.74854 32.23698 curveto +21.95398 32.64653 20.28151 33.85863 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +16.6431 33.02817 15.66219 31.21034 14.22302 30.06265 curveto +12.78386 28.91496 10.79335 28.36313 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +9.17407 25.0007 9.98363 23.10043 9.98358 21.2597 curveto +9.98354 19.41898 9.1739 17.51874 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +10.79306 14.15628 12.78351 13.6044 14.2226 12.45667 curveto +15.66168 11.30894 16.64252 9.49112 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +20.28087 8.66055 21.95337 9.87263 23.74794 10.28217 curveto +25.54251 10.6917 27.57524 10.32516 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +30.49335 12.65201 30.58836 14.71571 31.38715 16.37437 curveto +32.18593 18.03304 33.74019 19.394 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.74004 23.12622 32.18611 24.48698 31.38742 26.1454 curveto +30.58873 27.80382 30.49364 29.86716 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1026 1459 V 256 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.97 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +26.06133 33.40164 22.17003 34.2897 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +14.75453 32.59708 11.63387 30.10843 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +8.33357 23.25545 8.33348 19.26404 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +11.63347 12.41098 14.75398 9.92224 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +22.16937 8.22945 26.0607 9.11748 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +32.00813 13.85988 33.74023 17.45659 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.73999 25.06334 32.00815 28.65944 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 8.74605 8.77399 moveto +33.74011 8.77399 lineto +33.74011 33.74506 lineto +8.74605 33.74506 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 5.74605 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 8.77391 moveto +33.74019 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 8.74597 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 33.76813 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 11.77385 moveto +30.74025 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 11.74591 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 30.76819 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 14.77377 moveto +27.74033 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 14.74583 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 27.76826 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 17.7737 moveto +24.7404 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 17.74576 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 24.76834 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 20.77364 moveto +21.74046 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 20.7457 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 21.7684 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 23.77356 moveto +18.74054 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 23.74562 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 18.76848 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 26.77348 moveto +15.74062 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 26.74554 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 15.76855 lineto stroke +newpath 5.74605 29.7734 moveto +12.74069 36.76805 lineto stroke +newpath 29.74547 5.77399 moveto +36.74011 12.76863 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +26.06133 33.40164 22.17003 34.2897 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +14.75453 32.59708 11.63387 30.10843 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +8.33357 23.25545 8.33348 19.26404 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +11.63347 12.41098 14.75398 9.92224 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +22.16937 8.22945 26.0607 9.11748 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +32.00813 13.85988 33.74023 17.45659 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.73999 25.06334 32.00815 28.65944 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1282 1459 V 257 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 +@lly 43 @urx 43 @ury 430 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp2.98 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 33.74011 21.26025 moveto +42.51938 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +35.33125 38.79529 lineto stroke +newpath 18.46234 33.4434 moveto +16.26543 42.18597 lineto stroke +newpath 9.9837 26.6819 moveto +1.4945 31.039 lineto stroke +newpath 9.98347 15.83751 moveto +1.49434 11.48087 lineto stroke +newpath 18.4617 9.07584 moveto +16.26491 0.33348 lineto stroke +newpath 29.03418 11.4885 moveto +35.33083 3.72379 lineto stroke +gsave newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +26.93694 32.70349 27.98735 37.04405 25.00136 37.72563 curveto +22.01523 38.40726 21.07832 34.04054 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +15.84642 32.84628 13.1077 36.37367 10.71309 34.46413 curveto +8.31842 32.55452 11.14796 29.0994 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +8.81944 24.26442 4.35391 24.32256 4.35393 21.2597 curveto +4.35394 18.19695 8.81932 18.25499 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +11.14766 13.41994 8.31775 9.96486 10.71245 8.05515 curveto +13.10704 6.14552 15.8458 9.67297 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +21.07765 8.47868 22.01436 4.11206 25.00047 4.7934 curveto +27.98663 5.47475 26.93646 9.81538 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +31.13202 13.16171 35.1303 11.17212 36.45927 13.9317 curveto +37.78825 16.69128 33.73988 18.57686 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.74034 23.9435 37.78882 25.82875 36.45969 28.58826 curveto +35.1306 31.3477 31.13258 29.35757 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 4.35393 4.73122 moveto +36.70679 4.73122 lineto +36.70679 37.78743 lineto +4.35393 37.78743 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 1.35393 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 4.73137 moveto +37.40999 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 4.35408 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 37.78728 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 7.73154 moveto +34.40982 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 7.35425 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 34.78711 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 10.73169 moveto +31.40967 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 10.3544 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 31.78696 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 13.73184 moveto +28.40952 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 13.35455 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 28.7868 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 16.73201 moveto +25.40935 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 16.35472 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 25.78664 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 19.73216 moveto +22.4092 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 19.35487 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 22.78648 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 22.73233 moveto +19.40903 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 22.35504 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 19.78632 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 25.73248 moveto +16.40887 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 25.3552 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 16.78616 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 28.73264 moveto +13.40872 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 28.35535 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 13.78601 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 31.7328 moveto +10.40855 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 31.35551 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 10.78584 lineto stroke +newpath 1.35393 34.73296 moveto +7.4084 40.78743 lineto stroke +newpath 34.35567 1.73122 moveto +40.41014 7.78569 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 29.03473 31.03055 moveto +26.93694 32.70349 27.98735 37.04405 25.00136 37.72563 curveto +22.01523 38.40726 21.07832 34.04054 18.46234 33.4434 curveto +15.84642 32.84628 13.1077 36.37367 10.71309 34.46413 curveto +8.31842 32.55452 11.14796 29.0994 9.9837 26.6819 curveto +8.81944 24.26442 4.35391 24.32256 4.35393 21.2597 curveto +4.35394 18.19695 8.81932 18.25499 9.98347 15.83751 curveto +11.14766 13.41994 8.31775 9.96486 10.71245 8.05515 curveto +13.10704 6.14552 15.8458 9.67297 18.4617 9.07584 curveto +21.07765 8.47868 22.01436 4.11206 25.00047 4.7934 curveto +27.98663 5.47475 26.93646 9.81538 29.03418 11.4885 curveto +31.13202 13.16171 35.1303 11.17212 36.45927 13.9317 curveto +37.78825 16.69128 33.73988 18.57686 33.74011 21.26025 curveto +33.74034 23.9435 37.78882 25.82875 36.45969 28.58826 curveto +35.1306 31.3477 31.13258 29.35757 29.03473 31.03055 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1539 1459 V 332 1460 1208 2 v 220 1576 a +Fx(T)m(able)12 b(6:)17 b(Some)12 b(of)g(the)h(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(p)q +(olygon)g(shap)q(es.)19 b(Note)13 b(that)g Fz(pull=1.0)e +Fx(is)i(iden)o(tical)220 1626 y(to)h Fz(pull=?)j Fx(for)c(straigh)o(t)h +(lines,)g(but)g(v)o(ery)g(di\013eren)o(t)h(for)e Fz(smooth)g +Fx(lines.)340 1760 y(The)18 b(incoming)e(and)i(outcoming)f(v)o(ertices) +i(are)g(placed)g(on)f(the)g(left)g(and)h(righ)o(t)340 +1810 y(hand)13 b(side,)h(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely:)398 1905 +y FE(\\fmfleft{i1)o(,i)o(2})398 1951 y(\\fmfright{o)o(1,)o(o2})340 +2096 y Fx(No)o(w)f(w)o(e)h(tell)g Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)f Fx(ho)o(w)g(the)i +(arcs)f(are)h(connected.)398 2192 y FE(\\fmf{fermio)o(n})o({i1)o(,v)o +(1,v)o(3,o)o(1})398 2237 y(\\fmf{fermio)o(n})o({o2)o(,v)o(4,v)o(2,i)o +(2})398 2283 y(\\fmf{photon)o(}{)o(v1,)o(v2)o(})398 2328 +y(\\fmf{photon)o(}{)o(v3,)o(v4)o(})-210 2407 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.1 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +40.00464 22.39523 lineto stroke +newpath 24.80475 6.79616 moveto +31.62834 15.85117 lineto +21.1914 11.42116 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 70.86563 moveto +73.38022 48.47032 lineto stroke +newpath 88.5802 64.06943 moveto +81.75656 55.01442 lineto +92.19351 59.44443 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 43.56723 23.62181 moveto +69.81729 23.62173 lineto stroke +newpath 53.29904 20.68712 moveto +64.25139 23.62173 lineto +53.29907 26.55644 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 41.57463 25.61432 moveto +39.68506 26.70528 39.68506 29.43263 41.57463 30.52356 curveto +43.46422 31.61449 43.46423 34.34186 41.57468 35.4328 curveto +39.6851 36.52374 39.68512 39.2511 41.57468 40.34203 curveto +43.46425 41.43297 43.46425 44.16032 41.57468 45.25127 curveto stroke +newpath 73.38002 22.39516 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 83.2324 10.97401 moveto +93.66943 6.54405 lineto +86.84572 15.59908 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 71.81003 25.61427 moveto +69.92047 26.70523 69.92049 29.43259 71.81007 30.52351 curveto +73.69968 31.61446 73.6997 34.34184 71.81013 35.4328 curveto +69.92058 36.52376 69.9206 39.25111 71.81018 40.34204 curveto +73.69977 41.43297 73.69978 44.16032 71.81023 45.25128 curveto stroke +newpath 69.81763 47.24374 moveto +43.56741 47.24373 lineto stroke +newpath 60.08575 50.17831 moveto +49.13387 47.24373 lineto +60.08575 44.30917 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 40.00468 48.4703 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 30.15245 59.89151 moveto +19.71548 64.32153 lineto +26.53911 55.26651 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 43.56715 23.62181 moveto +43.56715 24.15028 43.3572 24.65704 42.98354 25.03072 curveto +42.60986 25.40437 42.1031 25.61433 41.57463 25.61433 curveto +41.04616 25.61433 40.5394 25.40437 40.16573 25.03072 curveto +39.79207 24.65704 39.5821 24.15028 39.5821 23.62181 curveto +39.5821 23.09334 39.79207 22.58658 40.16573 22.2129 curveto +40.5394 21.83925 41.04616 21.62929 41.57463 21.62929 curveto +42.1031 21.62929 42.60986 21.83925 42.98354 22.2129 curveto +43.3572 22.58658 43.56715 23.09334 43.56715 23.62181 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 73.80255 23.62173 moveto +73.80255 24.1502 73.59259 24.65697 73.21893 25.03064 curveto +72.84526 25.4043 72.3385 25.61426 71.81003 25.61426 curveto +71.28156 25.61426 70.7748 25.4043 70.40112 25.03064 curveto +70.02747 24.65697 69.8175 24.1502 69.8175 23.62173 curveto +69.8175 23.09326 70.02747 22.5865 70.40112 22.21283 curveto +70.7748 21.83917 71.28156 21.62921 71.81003 21.62921 curveto +72.3385 21.62921 72.84526 21.83917 73.21893 22.21283 curveto +73.59259 22.5865 73.80255 23.09326 73.80255 23.62173 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 73.80275 47.24374 moveto +73.80275 47.77222 73.59279 48.27898 73.21913 48.65265 curveto +72.84546 49.0263 72.3387 49.23627 71.81023 49.23627 curveto +71.28175 49.23627 70.775 49.0263 70.40132 48.65265 curveto +70.02766 48.27898 69.8177 47.77222 69.8177 47.24374 curveto +69.8177 46.71527 70.02766 46.20851 70.40132 45.83484 curveto +70.775 45.46118 71.28175 45.25122 71.81023 45.25122 curveto +72.3387 45.25122 72.84546 45.46118 73.21913 45.83484 curveto +73.59279 46.20851 73.80275 46.71527 73.80275 47.24374 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 43.5672 47.24373 moveto +43.5672 47.7722 43.35724 48.27896 42.98358 48.65263 curveto +42.60991 49.02629 42.10315 49.23625 41.57468 49.23625 curveto +41.0462 49.23625 40.53944 49.02629 40.16577 48.65263 curveto +39.79211 48.27896 39.58215 47.7722 39.58215 47.24373 curveto +39.58215 46.71526 39.79211 46.2085 40.16577 45.83482 curveto +40.53944 45.46117 41.0462 45.2512 41.57468 45.2512 curveto +42.10315 45.2512 42.60991 45.46117 42.98358 45.83482 curveto +43.35724 46.2085 43.5672 46.71526 43.5672 47.24373 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -20 2357 a Fx(\026)-21 2365 y Fn(t;)7 b +Fx(\026)-21 b Fn(c)o(;)10 b Fx(\026)-24 b Fn(u)-135 2276 +y(W)-90 2261 y Fr(+)114 2276 y Fn(W)159 2261 y Fe(\000)-21 +2178 y Fn(t;)7 b(c;)g(u)-202 2446 y Fx(\026)-201 2457 +y Fn(b)-204 2097 y(d)242 2446 y Fx(\026)234 2457 y Fn(d)234 +2097 y(b)340 2474 y Fx(Finally)12 b(w)o(e)i(tell)f Fz(feyn)p +Fy(MF)h Fx(to)f(dra)o(w)h(dots)g(at)g(the)g(v)o(ertices)i(and)d(w)o +(e're)i(done.)398 2569 y FE(\\fmfdotn{v})o({4)o(})359 +2615 y(\\end{fmfgr)o(aph)o(})915 2831 y Fx(20)p eop +%%Page: 21 21 +21 20 bop 340 266 a Fx(With)14 b(a)h(little)g(e\013ort)h(the)g(la)o(y)o +(out)e(of)h(this)g(diagram)e(can)j(actually)e(b)q(e)i(impro)o(v)o(ed) +340 315 y(b)o(y)d(enlarging)g(the)i(inner)f(b)q(o)o(x,)f(see)i(page)f +(29)f(b)q(elo)o(w.)340 382 y(Here)k(is)f(the)g(resonan)o(t)h +Fn(s)p Fx(-c)o(hannel)f(con)o(tribution)g(to)g Fn(e)1224 +367 y Fr(+)1252 382 y Fn(e)1271 367 y Fe(\000)1314 382 +y Fp(!)e Fx(4)p Fn(f)t Fx(.)25 b(\(F)m(rom)14 b(no)o(w)340 +432 y(on,)f(w)o(e)h(do)g(no)f(longer)h(displa)o(y)f(the)398 +527 y FE(\\begin{fmfg)o(ra)o(ph})o(\(4)o(0,2)o(5\))438 +573 y(\\fmfpen{t)o(hi)o(ck})477 619 y(...)398 664 y(\\end{fmfgra)o(ph)o +(})340 809 y Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)f(surrounding)i(all)f(pictures.\))398 +905 y FE(\\fmfleftn{i)o(}{)o(2})398 951 y(\\fmfrightn{)o(o})o({4})438 +996 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(i1)o(,v1)o(,i2)o(})398 +1042 y(\\fmf{photon)o(}{)o(v1,)o(v2)o(})398 1088 y(\\fmfblob{.1)o(5w)o +(}{v)o(2})438 1133 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{v)o(2,)o(v3})477 +1179 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o(o1,)o(v3,)o(o2)o(})438 +1225 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{v)o(2,)o(v4})477 1270 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o +(}{)o(o4,)o(v4,)o(o3)o(})-210 1349 y @beginspecial 0 +@llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.2 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +32.61154 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 22.74495 13.29694 moveto +25.86621 24.1973 lineto +17.71294 16.31796 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +96.4288 19.44406 lineto stroke +newpath 102.99834 7.2767 moveto +97.13942 16.98418 lineto +97.35966 5.6478 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 70.86563 moveto +96.42882 51.42184 lineto stroke +newpath 97.35971 65.21822 moveto +97.13945 53.88173 lineto +102.99847 63.58925 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.61154 35.43282 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 26.2378 51.75078 moveto +18.08452 59.63011 lineto +21.20578 48.72975 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.61154 35.43282 moveto +33.55713 37.07062 35.9211 37.07062 36.86668 35.43282 curveto +37.81227 33.79501 40.17624 33.79501 41.12183 35.43282 curveto +42.06741 37.07062 44.43138 37.07062 45.37697 35.43282 curveto +46.32256 33.79501 48.68652 33.79503 49.63211 35.43285 curveto +50.57768 37.07063 52.94164 37.07063 53.8872 35.43285 curveto +54.8328 33.79504 57.19676 33.79504 58.14235 35.43285 curveto +59.08794 37.07065 61.4519 37.07065 62.39749 35.43285 curveto +63.34308 33.79504 65.70705 33.79504 66.65263 35.43285 curveto stroke +newpath 81.95358 30.32388 moveto +83.80467 31.11234 85.81512 29.60124 85.57239 27.60393 curveto +85.32965 25.6066 87.3401 24.0955 89.1912 24.88396 curveto +91.04228 25.67241 93.05273 24.16132 92.81 22.164 curveto +92.56726 20.16669 94.57771 18.65561 96.4288 19.44406 curveto stroke +newpath 81.9536 40.5419 moveto +81.71086 42.53922 83.7213 44.05032 85.5724 43.26189 curveto +87.42351 42.47345 89.43394 43.98456 89.19121 45.98187 curveto +88.94847 47.97919 90.95891 49.4903 92.81001 48.70186 curveto +94.66112 47.91342 96.67155 49.42453 96.42882 51.42184 curveto stroke +newpath 96.4288 19.44406 moveto +112.0842 22.89929 lineto stroke +newpath 101.5755 17.57468 moveto +111.63797 22.80078 lineto +100.31055 23.30609 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 96.42882 51.42184 moveto +112.08408 47.9669 lineto stroke +newpath 100.31058 47.56001 moveto +111.63766 48.06541 lineto +101.57541 53.29124 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 83.6598 35.43285 moveto +83.6598 37.68822 82.76372 39.85095 81.16905 41.44563 curveto +79.57437 43.0403 77.41164 43.93639 75.15627 43.93639 curveto +72.9009 43.93639 70.73816 43.0403 69.14348 41.44563 curveto +67.54881 39.85095 66.65273 37.68822 66.65273 35.43285 curveto +66.65273 33.17747 67.54881 31.01474 69.14348 29.42006 curveto +70.73816 27.8254 72.9009 26.9293 75.15627 26.9293 curveto +77.41164 26.9293 79.57437 27.8254 81.16905 29.42006 curveto +82.76372 31.01474 83.6598 33.17747 83.6598 35.43285 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 66.65273 26.9293 moveto +83.6598 26.9293 lineto +83.6598 43.93639 lineto +66.65273 43.93639 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 63.65273 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 63.65273 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 63.65273 26.92921 moveto +83.6599 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 66.65263 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 43.93648 lineto stroke +newpath 63.65273 29.92912 moveto +80.65999 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 69.65254 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 40.93657 lineto stroke +newpath 63.65273 32.92903 moveto +77.66008 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 72.65245 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 37.93666 lineto stroke +newpath 63.65273 35.92892 moveto +74.66019 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 75.65234 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 34.93677 lineto stroke +newpath 63.65273 38.92883 moveto +71.66028 46.93639 lineto stroke +newpath 78.65225 23.9293 moveto +86.6598 31.93686 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 83.6598 35.43285 moveto +83.6598 37.68822 82.76372 39.85095 81.16905 41.44563 curveto +79.57437 43.0403 77.41164 43.93639 75.15627 43.93639 curveto +72.9009 43.93639 70.73816 43.0403 69.14348 41.44563 curveto +67.54881 39.85095 66.65273 37.68822 66.65273 35.43285 curveto +66.65273 33.17747 67.54881 31.01474 69.14348 29.42006 curveto +70.73816 27.8254 72.9009 26.9293 75.15627 26.9293 curveto +77.41164 26.9293 79.57437 27.8254 81.16905 29.42006 curveto +82.76372 31.01474 83.6598 33.17747 83.6598 35.43285 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -230 1382 a Fn(e)-211 1388 y Fe(\000)-230 +1029 y Fn(e)-211 1035 y Fr(+)234 1382 y Fn(\026)259 1388 +y Fr(+)281 1262 y Fn(\027)302 1268 y Fd(\026)281 1153 +y Fn(s)235 1038 y Fx(\026)-22 b Fn(c)340 1416 y Fx(And)14 +b(the)g(resonan)o(t)h Fn(t)p Fx(-c)o(hannel)f(con)o(tribution:)398 +1511 y FE(\\fmfleftn{i)o(}{)o(2})398 1557 y(\\fmfrightn{)o(o})o({4})398 +1602 y(\\fmf{fermio)o(n})o({i1)o(,v)o(1,v)o(2,i)o(2})438 +1648 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{v)o(1,)o(v3})477 1694 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o +(}{)o(o1,)o(v3,)o(o2)o(})438 1739 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{v)o(2,)o(v4}) +477 1785 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o(o4,)o(v4,)o(o3)o(})-210 +1864 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.3 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +49.62941 21.40872 lineto stroke +newpath 28.95494 6.48701 moveto +37.08247 14.39351 lineto +26.09059 11.61 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +87.91983 14.76935 lineto stroke +newpath 99.44904 6.96092 moveto +89.75803 12.84743 lineto +95.2074 2.90404 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 70.86563 moveto +87.91968 56.09644 lineto stroke +newpath 95.20737 67.96169 moveto +89.75792 58.01836 lineto +99.44894 63.90477 lineto + closepath fill + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 49.62941 21.40872 moveto +49.62918 49.45682 lineto stroke +newpath 52.56393 32.03966 moveto +49.62923 42.99187 lineto +46.6947 32.0396 lineto + closepath fill + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 49.62941 21.40872 moveto +51.01247 23.06654 53.67151 22.60547 54.4157 20.5788 curveto +55.15988 18.55211 57.81895 18.09103 59.20203 19.74887 curveto +60.58508 21.4067 63.24413 20.94562 63.98831 18.91895 curveto +64.7325 16.89226 67.39157 16.43118 68.77464 18.08902 curveto +70.1577 19.74684 72.81676 19.2858 73.56093 17.25912 curveto +74.30511 15.23245 76.96416 14.77138 78.34721 16.4292 curveto +79.73029 18.08704 82.38936 17.62596 83.13354 15.59927 curveto +83.87773 13.5726 86.53677 13.11153 87.91983 14.76935 curveto stroke +newpath 49.62918 49.45682 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 34.87788 61.06685 moveto +23.88603 63.8504 lineto +32.01353 55.9439 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 49.62918 49.45682 moveto +50.37335 51.48352 53.03242 51.94461 54.41551 50.28679 curveto +55.79858 48.62897 58.45763 49.09004 59.2018 51.11671 curveto +59.94597 53.14342 62.60504 53.6045 63.98813 51.94669 curveto +65.3712 50.28886 68.03027 50.74995 68.77444 52.77664 curveto +69.51862 54.80331 72.17767 55.26439 73.56075 53.60658 curveto +74.94382 51.94876 77.60289 52.40985 78.34706 54.43654 curveto +79.09123 56.46321 81.75029 56.92429 83.13336 55.26648 curveto +84.51643 53.60866 87.1755 54.06975 87.91968 56.09644 curveto stroke +newpath 87.91983 14.76935 moveto +112.0842 22.89929 lineto stroke +newpath 97.72188 14.97089 moveto +107.16663 21.2448 lineto +95.85027 20.53378 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 87.91968 56.09644 moveto +112.08408 47.9669 lineto stroke +newpath 95.85017 50.33215 moveto +107.1665 49.6213 lineto +97.7217 55.89505 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -230 1897 a Fn(e)-211 1903 y Fe(\000)-230 +1544 y Fn(e)-211 1550 y Fr(+)234 1897 y Fn(\026)259 1903 +y Fr(+)281 1777 y Fn(\027)302 1783 y Fd(\026)281 1667 +y Fn(s)235 1553 y Fx(\026)-22 b Fn(c)340 1930 y Fx(Tw)o(o)16 +b(p)q(oin)o(t)g(lo)q(op)f(diagrams)g(p)q(ose)i(another)g(set)g(of)f +(problems.)25 b(W)m(e)16 b(m)o(ust)f(ha)o(v)o(e)340 1980 +y(a)k(w)o(a)o(y)g(of)g(sp)q(ecifying)h(that)g(one)f(or)h(more)f(of)g +(the)h(lines)g(connecting)g(the)h(t)o(w)o(o)340 2030 +y(v)o(ertices)c(are)g Fw(not)j Fx(connected)e(b)o(y)e(a)g(straigh)o(t)g +(line.)24 b(The)17 b(options)f Fz(left)p Fx(,)f Fz(right)340 +2080 y Fx(and)d Fz(straight)e Fx(o\013er)j(the)g(p)q(ossibilit)o(y)e +(to)h(connect)h(t)o(w)o(o)f(v)o(ertices)i(b)o(y)e(a)g(semicircle)340 +2130 y(detour,)j(either)h(on)f(the)h(left)e(or)h(on)g(the)h(righ)o(t.) +21 b(Since)16 b(b)o(y)f(default)f(all)g(lines)h(con-)340 +2179 y(tribute)d(to)g(the)g(tension)g(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)i(t)o(w)o(o)d(v) +o(ertices,)i(the)g Fz(tension)d Fx(option)h(allo)o(ws)g(us)340 +2229 y(to)i(reduce)j(this)e(tension.)k(The)c(next)g(examples)f(sho)o +(ws)h(b)q(oth)g(options)g(in)f(action.)340 2279 y(The)g(lo)o(w)o(er)g +(fermion)f(line)h(is)g(giv)o(en)g(an)g(tension)h(of)f(1)p +Fn(=)p Fx(3)f(to)h(mak)o(e)f(is)i(symmetrical)340 2329 +y(with)d(the)h(upp)q(er)h(line)e(with)g(consists)i(of)e(three)i(parts.) +18 b(The)12 b(lo)q(op)e(photon)i(is)f(using)340 2379 +y(a)i(detour)i(on)e(the)i(righ)o(t)e(and)h(do)q(es)h(not)e(con)o +(tribute)i(an)o(y)e(tension.)398 2474 y FE(\\fmfleft{i1)o(,i)o(2})398 +2520 y(\\fmfright{o)o(1})398 2565 y(\\fmf{fermio)o(n,)o(ten)o(si)o(on=) +o(1/3)o(}{)o(i1,)o(v1)o(})398 2611 y(\\fmf{plain})o({v)o(1,v)o(2})398 +2657 y(\\fmf{fermio)o(n})o({v2)o(,v)o(3})398 2702 y(\\fmf{photon)o(,r)o +(igh)o(t,)o(ten)o(sio)o(n=)o(0}{)o(v2)o(,v3)o(})915 2831 +y Fx(21)p eop +%%Page: 22 22 +22 21 bop 398 266 a FE(\\fmf{plain})o({v)o(3,i)o(2})398 +311 y(\\fmf{photon)o(}{)o(v1,)o(o1)o(})-210 390 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.4 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +72.56688 35.43294 lineto stroke +newpath 40.48642 13.47719 moveto +48.49559 21.50272 lineto +37.54669 18.55702 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 72.56688 35.43294 moveto +52.15765 47.24384 lineto stroke +newpath 72.56688 35.43294 moveto +73.70073 37.3968 76.53532 37.3968 77.66916 35.43294 curveto +78.803 33.46906 81.63759 33.46904 82.77142 35.43289 curveto +83.90526 37.39676 86.73985 37.39674 87.87367 35.43289 curveto +89.0075 33.46901 91.8421 33.469 92.97595 35.43286 curveto +94.1098 37.39673 96.9444 37.39673 98.07822 35.43286 curveto +99.21205 33.469 102.04665 33.46898 103.1805 35.43285 curveto +104.31433 37.3967 107.14891 37.39667 108.28273 35.43282 curveto +109.41656 33.46893 112.25117 33.46893 113.38501 35.43282 curveto stroke +newpath 52.15765 47.24384 moveto +31.74843 59.05473 lineto stroke +newpath 46.3597 53.98978 moveto +35.41037 56.93556 lineto +43.4199 48.90979 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 52.15765 47.24384 moveto +51.2207 48.87047 51.92351 50.95 53.65439 51.68002 curveto +55.74902 52.56348 55.54155 55.5982 53.34456 56.18927 curveto +51.58835 56.66176 50.65607 58.57841 51.36649 60.25331 curveto +52.29059 62.43195 49.91228 64.53688 47.85847 63.3539 curveto +46.23184 62.41695 44.15231 63.11977 43.42229 64.85063 curveto +42.53883 66.94527 39.50412 66.73778 38.91306 64.5408 curveto +38.44058 62.78459 36.52391 61.85231 34.84901 62.56273 curveto +32.66737 63.48808 30.56209 61.10619 31.74843 59.05473 curveto stroke +newpath 31.74843 59.05473 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -143 219 a Fn(p)10 b Fp(\000)f Fn(k)2 105 +y(k)-215 437 y(p)-194 422 y Fe(0)-204 72 y Fn(p)340 457 +y Fx(The)18 b(optional)f(argumen)o(t)f(to)i Fz(left)f +Fx(and)h Fz(right)f Fx(can)h(b)q(e)h(used)g(to)f(deform)e(the)340 +506 y(corresp)q(onding)f(con)o(tour)f(as)h(in)e(the)i(follo)o(wing)d +(example.)18 b(The)c(default)g(v)n(alue)g(of)340 556 +y Fz(left)f Fx(and)g Fz(right)g Fx(is)h(1.)398 652 y +FE(\\fmfleft{i})i(\\fmfright)o({o})398 697 y(\\fmf{plain})o({i)o(,v1)o +(})g(\\fmf{plain})o({v)o(2,o)o(})398 743 y(\\fmf{dots,l)o(ef)o(t=.)o +(5,)o(ten)o(sio)o(n=)o(0.3)o(}{)o(v1,)o(v2,)o(v1)o(}\\f)o(mf)o(fre)o +(eze)398 789 y(\\fmf{plain,)o(le)o(ft})o({v)o(1,v)o(2,v)o(1})398 +834 y(\\fmf{dashes)o(,l)o(eft)o(=1)o(.5})o({v1)o(,v)o(2,v)o(1})-210 +913 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.5 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 42.51938 moveto +30.92332 42.51938 lineto stroke +newpath 31.91959 42.51938 moveto +31.91959 42.7836 31.81462 43.03702 31.62779 43.22385 curveto +31.44096 43.41068 31.18755 43.51564 30.92332 43.51564 curveto +30.6591 43.51564 30.40569 43.41068 30.21886 43.22385 curveto +30.03203 43.03702 29.92706 42.7836 29.92706 42.51938 curveto +29.92706 42.25516 30.03203 42.00174 30.21886 41.81491 curveto +30.40569 41.62808 30.6591 41.52312 30.92332 41.52312 curveto +31.18755 41.52312 31.44096 41.62808 31.62779 41.81491 curveto +31.81462 42.00174 31.91959 42.25516 31.91959 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 35.5641 46.60406 moveto +35.5641 46.86829 35.45914 47.1217 35.27231 47.30853 curveto +35.08548 47.49536 34.83206 47.60033 34.56784 47.60033 curveto +34.30362 47.60033 34.0502 47.49536 33.86337 47.30853 curveto +33.67654 47.1217 33.57158 46.86829 33.57158 46.60406 curveto +33.57158 46.33984 33.67654 46.08643 33.86337 45.8996 curveto +34.0502 45.71277 34.30362 45.6078 34.56784 45.6078 curveto +34.83206 45.6078 35.08548 45.71277 35.27231 45.8996 curveto +35.45914 46.08643 35.5641 46.33984 35.5641 46.60406 curveto closepath fill +newpath 39.79176 49.97469 moveto +39.79176 50.2389 39.6868 50.49232 39.49997 50.67915 curveto +39.31314 50.86598 39.05972 50.97095 38.7955 50.97095 curveto +38.53128 50.97095 38.27786 50.86598 38.09103 50.67915 curveto +37.9042 50.49232 37.79924 50.2389 37.79924 49.97469 curveto +37.79924 49.71046 37.9042 49.45705 38.09103 49.27022 curveto +38.27786 49.08339 38.53128 48.97842 38.7955 48.97842 curveto +39.05972 48.97842 39.31314 49.08339 39.49997 49.27022 curveto +39.6868 49.45705 39.79176 49.71046 39.79176 49.97469 curveto closepath fill +newpath 44.49965 52.58003 moveto +44.49965 52.84425 44.39468 53.09767 44.20786 53.2845 curveto +44.02103 53.47133 43.76761 53.5763 43.50339 53.5763 curveto +43.23917 53.5763 42.98575 53.47133 42.79892 53.2845 curveto +42.61209 53.09767 42.50713 52.84425 42.50713 52.58003 curveto +42.50713 52.31581 42.61209 52.0624 42.79892 51.87556 curveto +42.98575 51.68874 43.23917 51.58377 43.50339 51.58377 curveto +43.76761 51.58377 44.02103 51.68874 44.20786 51.87556 curveto +44.39468 52.0624 44.49965 52.31581 44.49965 52.58003 curveto closepath fill +newpath 49.58388 54.36797 moveto +49.58388 54.63219 49.47891 54.8856 49.29208 55.07243 curveto +49.10526 55.25926 48.85184 55.36423 48.58762 55.36423 curveto +48.3234 55.36423 48.06998 55.25926 47.88315 55.07243 curveto +47.69632 54.8856 47.59135 54.63219 47.59135 54.36797 curveto +47.59135 54.10374 47.69632 53.85033 47.88315 53.6635 curveto +48.06998 53.47667 48.3234 53.3717 48.58762 53.3717 curveto +48.85184 53.3717 49.10526 53.47667 49.29208 53.6635 curveto +49.47891 53.85033 49.58388 54.10374 49.58388 54.36797 curveto closepath fill +newpath 54.94038 55.28667 moveto +54.94038 55.55089 54.83542 55.8043 54.64859 55.99113 curveto +54.46176 56.17796 54.20834 56.28293 53.94412 56.28293 curveto +53.6799 56.28293 53.42648 56.17796 53.23965 55.99113 curveto +53.05283 55.8043 52.94786 55.55089 52.94786 55.28667 curveto +52.94786 55.02245 53.05283 54.76903 53.23965 54.5822 curveto +53.42648 54.39537 53.6799 54.2904 53.94412 54.2904 curveto +54.20834 54.2904 54.46176 54.39537 54.64859 54.5822 curveto +54.83542 54.76903 54.94038 55.02245 54.94038 55.28667 curveto closepath fill +newpath 60.43715 55.28667 moveto +60.43715 55.55089 60.33218 55.8043 60.14536 55.99113 curveto +59.95853 56.17796 59.70511 56.28293 59.44089 56.28293 curveto +59.17667 56.28293 58.92325 56.17796 58.73642 55.99113 curveto +58.54959 55.8043 58.44463 55.55089 58.44463 55.28667 curveto +58.44463 55.02245 58.54959 54.76903 58.73642 54.5822 curveto +58.92325 54.39537 59.17667 54.2904 59.44089 54.2904 curveto +59.70511 54.2904 59.95853 54.39537 60.14536 54.5822 curveto +60.33218 54.76903 60.43715 55.02245 60.43715 55.28667 curveto closepath fill +newpath 65.79366 54.36797 moveto +65.79366 54.63219 65.68869 54.8856 65.50186 55.07243 curveto +65.31503 55.25926 65.06161 55.36423 64.7974 55.36423 curveto +64.53317 55.36423 64.27975 55.25926 64.09293 55.07243 curveto +63.9061 54.8856 63.80113 54.63219 63.80113 54.36797 curveto +63.80113 54.10374 63.9061 53.85033 64.09293 53.6635 curveto +64.27975 53.47667 64.53317 53.3717 64.7974 53.3717 curveto +65.06161 53.3717 65.31503 53.47667 65.50186 53.6635 curveto +65.68869 53.85033 65.79366 54.10374 65.79366 54.36797 curveto closepath fill +newpath 70.87788 52.58003 moveto +70.87788 52.84425 70.77292 53.09767 70.58609 53.2845 curveto +70.39926 53.47133 70.14584 53.5763 69.88162 53.5763 curveto +69.6174 53.5763 69.36398 53.47133 69.17715 53.2845 curveto +68.99033 53.09767 68.88536 52.84425 68.88536 52.58003 curveto +68.88536 52.31581 68.99033 52.0624 69.17715 51.87556 curveto +69.36398 51.68874 69.6174 51.58377 69.88162 51.58377 curveto +70.14584 51.58377 70.39926 51.68874 70.58609 51.87556 curveto +70.77292 52.0624 70.87788 52.31581 70.87788 52.58003 curveto closepath fill +newpath 75.58577 49.97469 moveto +75.58577 50.2389 75.4808 50.49232 75.29398 50.67915 curveto +75.10715 50.86598 74.85373 50.97095 74.58951 50.97095 curveto +74.32529 50.97095 74.07187 50.86598 73.88504 50.67915 curveto +73.69821 50.49232 73.59325 50.2389 73.59325 49.97469 curveto +73.59325 49.71046 73.69821 49.45705 73.88504 49.27022 curveto +74.07187 49.08339 74.32529 48.97842 74.58951 48.97842 curveto +74.85373 48.97842 75.10715 49.08339 75.29398 49.27022 curveto +75.4808 49.45705 75.58577 49.71046 75.58577 49.97469 curveto closepath fill +newpath 79.81343 46.60405 moveto +79.81343 46.86827 79.70847 47.12169 79.52164 47.30852 curveto +79.33481 47.49535 79.08139 47.60031 78.81717 47.60031 curveto +78.55295 47.60031 78.29953 47.49535 78.1127 47.30852 curveto +77.92587 47.12169 77.8209 46.86827 77.8209 46.60405 curveto +77.8209 46.33983 77.92587 46.08641 78.1127 45.89958 curveto +78.29953 45.71275 78.55295 45.60779 78.81717 45.60779 curveto +79.08139 45.60779 79.33481 45.71275 79.52164 45.89958 curveto +79.70847 46.08641 79.81343 46.33983 79.81343 46.60405 curveto closepath fill +newpath 83.45795 42.51936 moveto +83.45795 42.78358 83.35298 43.037 83.16615 43.22383 curveto +82.97932 43.41066 82.7259 43.51563 82.46169 43.51563 curveto +82.19746 43.51563 81.94405 43.41066 81.75722 43.22383 curveto +81.57039 43.037 81.46542 42.78358 81.46542 42.51936 curveto +81.46542 42.25514 81.57039 42.00172 81.75722 41.8149 curveto +81.94405 41.62807 82.19746 41.5231 82.46169 41.5231 curveto +82.7259 41.5231 82.97932 41.62807 83.16615 41.8149 curveto +83.35298 42.00172 83.45795 42.25514 83.45795 42.51936 curveto closepath fill +newpath 30.92332 42.51938 moveto +30.92334 56.7513 42.46059 68.28854 56.6925 68.28854 curveto +70.92442 68.28854 82.46169 56.75128 82.46169 42.51936 curveto stroke + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 30.92332 42.51938 moveto +29.52438 46.78589 lineto stroke +newpath 28.83675 51.05856 moveto +28.82014 55.27779 lineto stroke +newpath 29.43427 59.3814 moveto +30.63876 63.30978 lineto stroke + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 32.39333 67.00249 moveto +34.6581 70.39966 lineto stroke +newpath 37.39192 73.4395 moveto +40.55486 76.06226 lineto stroke +newpath 44.1066 78.20747 moveto +48.00764 79.81493 lineto stroke +newpath 52.21613 80.82352 moveto +56.6925 81.17314 lineto stroke +newpath 61.16888 80.82352 moveto +65.37737 79.81493 lineto stroke +newpath 69.27843 78.20747 moveto +72.83017 76.06226 lineto stroke +newpath 75.9931 73.4395 moveto +78.72691 70.39966 lineto stroke + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 80.9917 67.00247 moveto +82.74626 63.30977 lineto stroke +newpath 83.95074 59.3814 moveto +84.56488 55.27777 lineto stroke +newpath 84.54828 51.05856 moveto +83.86063 46.78587 lineto stroke + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 82.46169 42.51936 moveto +113.38501 42.51938 lineto stroke +newpath 83.45795 42.51936 moveto +83.45795 42.78358 83.35298 43.037 83.16615 43.22383 curveto +82.97932 43.41066 82.7259 43.51563 82.46169 43.51563 curveto +82.19746 43.51563 81.94405 43.41066 81.75722 43.22383 curveto +81.57039 43.037 81.46542 42.78358 81.46542 42.51936 curveto +81.46542 42.25514 81.57039 42.00172 81.75722 41.8149 curveto +81.94405 41.62807 82.19746 41.5231 82.46169 41.5231 curveto +82.7259 41.5231 82.97932 41.62807 83.16615 41.8149 curveto +83.35298 42.00172 83.45795 42.25514 83.45795 42.51936 curveto closepath fill +newpath 79.81343 38.43468 moveto +79.81343 38.6989 79.70847 38.95232 79.52164 39.13914 curveto +79.33481 39.32597 79.08139 39.43094 78.81717 39.43094 curveto +78.55295 39.43094 78.29953 39.32597 78.1127 39.13914 curveto +77.92587 38.95232 77.8209 38.6989 77.8209 38.43468 curveto +77.8209 38.17046 77.92587 37.91704 78.1127 37.73021 curveto +78.29953 37.54338 78.55295 37.43842 78.81717 37.43842 curveto +79.08139 37.43842 79.33481 37.54338 79.52164 37.73021 curveto +79.70847 37.91704 79.81343 38.17046 79.81343 38.43468 curveto closepath fill +newpath 75.58577 35.06406 moveto +75.58577 35.32828 75.4808 35.5817 75.29398 35.76852 curveto +75.10715 35.95535 74.85373 36.06032 74.58951 36.06032 curveto +74.32529 36.06032 74.07187 35.95535 73.88504 35.76852 curveto +73.69821 35.5817 73.59325 35.32828 73.59325 35.06406 curveto +73.59325 34.79984 73.69821 34.54642 73.88504 34.35959 curveto +74.07187 34.17276 74.32529 34.0678 74.58951 34.0678 curveto +74.85373 34.0678 75.10715 34.17276 75.29398 34.35959 curveto +75.4808 34.54642 75.58577 34.79984 75.58577 35.06406 curveto closepath fill +newpath 70.87788 32.45872 moveto +70.87788 32.72295 70.77292 32.97636 70.58609 33.1632 curveto +70.39926 33.35002 70.14584 33.45499 69.88162 33.45499 curveto +69.6174 33.45499 69.36398 33.35002 69.17715 33.1632 curveto +68.99033 32.97636 68.88536 32.72295 68.88536 32.45872 curveto +68.88536 32.1945 68.99033 31.94109 69.17715 31.75426 curveto +69.36398 31.56743 69.6174 31.46246 69.88162 31.46246 curveto +70.14584 31.46246 70.39926 31.56743 70.58609 31.75426 curveto +70.77292 31.94109 70.87788 32.1945 70.87788 32.45872 curveto closepath fill +newpath 65.79366 30.67079 moveto +65.79366 30.93501 65.68869 31.18843 65.50186 31.37526 curveto +65.31503 31.56209 65.06161 31.66705 64.7974 31.66705 curveto +64.53317 31.66705 64.27975 31.56209 64.09293 31.37526 curveto +63.9061 31.18843 63.80113 30.93501 63.80113 30.67079 curveto +63.80113 30.40657 63.9061 30.15315 64.09293 29.96632 curveto +64.27975 29.7795 64.53317 29.67453 64.7974 29.67453 curveto +65.06161 29.67453 65.31503 29.7795 65.50186 29.96632 curveto +65.68869 30.15315 65.79366 30.40657 65.79366 30.67079 curveto closepath fill +newpath 60.43715 29.75208 moveto +60.43715 30.0163 60.33218 30.26971 60.14536 30.45654 curveto +59.95853 30.64337 59.70511 30.74834 59.44089 30.74834 curveto +59.17667 30.74834 58.92325 30.64337 58.73642 30.45654 curveto +58.54959 30.26971 58.44463 30.0163 58.44463 29.75208 curveto +58.44463 29.48785 58.54959 29.23444 58.73642 29.0476 curveto +58.92325 28.86078 59.17667 28.75581 59.44089 28.75581 curveto +59.70511 28.75581 59.95853 28.86078 60.14536 29.0476 curveto +60.33218 29.23444 60.43715 29.48785 60.43715 29.75208 curveto closepath fill +newpath 54.94038 29.75209 moveto +54.94038 30.01631 54.83542 30.26973 54.64859 30.45656 curveto +54.46176 30.64339 54.20834 30.74835 53.94412 30.74835 curveto +53.6799 30.74835 53.42648 30.64339 53.23965 30.45656 curveto +53.05283 30.26973 52.94786 30.01631 52.94786 29.75209 curveto +52.94786 29.48787 53.05283 29.23445 53.23965 29.04762 curveto +53.42648 28.8608 53.6799 28.75583 53.94412 28.75583 curveto +54.20834 28.75583 54.46176 28.8608 54.64859 29.04762 curveto +54.83542 29.23445 54.94038 29.48787 54.94038 29.75209 curveto closepath fill +newpath 49.58388 30.67079 moveto +49.58388 30.93501 49.47891 31.18843 49.29208 31.37526 curveto +49.10526 31.56209 48.85184 31.66705 48.58762 31.66705 curveto +48.3234 31.66705 48.06998 31.56209 47.88315 31.37526 curveto +47.69632 31.18843 47.59135 30.93501 47.59135 30.67079 curveto +47.59135 30.40657 47.69632 30.15315 47.88315 29.96632 curveto +48.06998 29.7795 48.3234 29.67453 48.58762 29.67453 curveto +48.85184 29.67453 49.10526 29.7795 49.29208 29.96632 curveto +49.47891 30.15315 49.58388 30.40657 49.58388 30.67079 curveto closepath fill +newpath 44.49965 32.45872 moveto +44.49965 32.72295 44.39468 32.97636 44.20786 33.1632 curveto +44.02103 33.35002 43.76761 33.45499 43.50339 33.45499 curveto +43.23917 33.45499 42.98575 33.35002 42.79892 33.1632 curveto +42.61209 32.97636 42.50713 32.72295 42.50713 32.45872 curveto +42.50713 32.1945 42.61209 31.94109 42.79892 31.75426 curveto +42.98575 31.56743 43.23917 31.46246 43.50339 31.46246 curveto +43.76761 31.46246 44.02103 31.56743 44.20786 31.75426 curveto +44.39468 31.94109 44.49965 32.1945 44.49965 32.45872 curveto closepath fill +newpath 39.79176 35.06407 moveto +39.79176 35.3283 39.6868 35.58171 39.49997 35.76854 curveto +39.31314 35.95537 39.05972 36.06033 38.7955 36.06033 curveto +38.53128 36.06033 38.27786 35.95537 38.09103 35.76854 curveto +37.9042 35.58171 37.79924 35.3283 37.79924 35.06407 curveto +37.79924 34.79985 37.9042 34.54643 38.09103 34.3596 curveto +38.27786 34.17278 38.53128 34.06781 38.7955 34.06781 curveto +39.05972 34.06781 39.31314 34.17278 39.49997 34.3596 curveto +39.6868 34.54643 39.79176 34.79985 39.79176 35.06407 curveto closepath fill +newpath 35.5641 38.4347 moveto +35.5641 38.69891 35.45914 38.95233 35.27231 39.13916 curveto +35.08548 39.32599 34.83206 39.43095 34.56784 39.43095 curveto +34.30362 39.43095 34.0502 39.32599 33.86337 39.13916 curveto +33.67654 38.95233 33.57158 38.69891 33.57158 38.4347 curveto +33.57158 38.17047 33.67654 37.91705 33.86337 37.73022 curveto +34.0502 37.5434 34.30362 37.43843 34.56784 37.43843 curveto +34.83206 37.43843 35.08548 37.5434 35.27231 37.73022 curveto +35.45914 37.91705 35.5641 38.17047 35.5641 38.4347 curveto closepath fill +newpath 31.91959 42.51938 moveto +31.91959 42.7836 31.81462 43.03702 31.62779 43.22385 curveto +31.44096 43.41068 31.18755 43.51564 30.92332 43.51564 curveto +30.6591 43.51564 30.40569 43.41068 30.21886 43.22385 curveto +30.03203 43.03702 29.92706 42.7836 29.92706 42.51938 curveto +29.92706 42.25516 30.03203 42.00174 30.21886 41.81491 curveto +30.40569 41.62808 30.6591 41.52312 30.92332 41.52312 curveto +31.18755 41.52312 31.44096 41.62808 31.62779 41.81491 curveto +31.81462 42.00174 31.91959 42.25516 31.91959 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 82.46169 42.51936 moveto +82.46167 28.28745 70.92442 16.7502 56.6925 16.7502 curveto +42.46059 16.7502 30.92332 28.28746 30.92332 42.51938 curveto stroke + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 82.46169 42.51936 moveto +83.86063 38.25285 lineto stroke +newpath 84.54826 33.98018 moveto +84.56487 29.76096 lineto stroke +newpath 83.95074 25.65735 moveto +82.74625 21.72896 lineto stroke + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 80.99168 18.03625 moveto +78.72691 14.63908 lineto stroke +newpath 75.99309 11.59924 moveto +72.83015 8.97649 lineto stroke +newpath 69.27841 6.83127 moveto +65.37737 5.22382 lineto stroke +newpath 61.16888 4.21523 moveto +56.6925 3.8656 lineto stroke +newpath 52.21613 4.21523 moveto +48.00764 5.22382 lineto stroke +newpath 44.10658 6.83127 moveto +40.55484 8.97649 lineto stroke +newpath 37.3919 11.59924 moveto +34.6581 14.63908 lineto stroke + 1.99252 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 32.39331 18.03627 moveto +30.63875 21.72897 lineto stroke +newpath 29.43427 25.65735 moveto +28.82013 29.76097 lineto stroke +newpath 28.83673 33.98018 moveto +29.52438 38.25287 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 980 a Fx(P)o(olygons)e(are)h(particulary)f(useful)h +(for)g(depicting)g(non-p)q(erturbativ)o(e)g(con)o(tribu-)340 +1029 y(tions:)438 1125 y FE(\\fmfpen{t)o(hi)o(ck})438 +1171 y(\\fmfleftn)o({l)o(}{2)o(}\\)o(fmf)o(rig)o(ht)o(n{r)o(}{)o(2})438 +1216 y(\\fmfrpoly)o(n{)o(sha)o(de)o(d,l)o(abe)o(l=)o($\\G)o(am)o(ma$)o +(}{G)o(}{)o(4})438 1262 y(\\fmfpolyn)o({e)o(mpt)o(y,)o(lab)o(el=)o($K)o +($}{)o(K})o({4})438 1308 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20.42213 curveto +62.72522 20.4222 68.40564 23.26247 72.0251 28.08852 curveto stroke +newpath 53.60172 17.94121 moveto +54.8507 18.02162 56.09967 18.22499 57.33102 18.55495 curveto +59.82216 19.22249 62.11679 20.37479 64.1032 21.91281 curveto +61.61389 21.57404 59.05055 21.72343 56.55939 22.39091 curveto +55.32803 22.72084 54.1447 23.1692 53.02286 23.72404 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.3601 42.77644 moveto +44.97952 47.60251 50.65993 50.44284 56.69243 50.44295 curveto +62.72493 50.44305 68.40541 47.60292 72.025 42.77698 curveto stroke +newpath 53.02267 47.14095 moveto +54.1445 47.69582 55.32782 48.14423 56.55917 48.47418 curveto +59.05031 49.14172 61.61365 49.29118 64.10294 48.95248 curveto +62.11649 50.49046 59.82185 51.6427 57.33069 52.31015 curveto +56.09933 52.64008 54.85034 52.8434 53.60138 52.92378 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 86.71353 28.0886 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 90.17809 15.61646 moveto +98.00148 7.40921 lineto +95.32988 18.42859 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 86.71342 42.77704 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 95.32982 52.43703 moveto +98.00143 63.45642 lineto +90.17802 55.24919 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 41.3601 42.77644 moveto +26.6719 42.77641 lineto +26.67194 28.08813 lineto +41.36014 28.08824 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 26.6719 28.08813 moveto +41.36014 28.08813 lineto +41.36014 42.77644 lineto +26.6719 42.77644 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 23.6719 25.08813 moveto +44.36021 45.77644 lineto stroke +newpath 23.6719 25.08813 moveto +44.36021 45.77644 lineto stroke +newpath 23.6719 28.08806 moveto +41.36029 45.77644 lineto stroke +newpath 26.67183 25.08813 moveto +44.36021 42.77652 lineto stroke +newpath 23.6719 31.08798 moveto +38.36037 45.77644 lineto stroke +newpath 29.67175 25.08813 moveto +44.36021 39.7766 lineto stroke +newpath 23.6719 34.0879 moveto +35.36044 45.77644 lineto stroke +newpath 32.67168 25.08813 moveto +44.36021 36.77667 lineto stroke +newpath 23.6719 37.08783 moveto +32.36052 45.77644 lineto stroke +newpath 35.6716 25.08813 moveto +44.36021 33.77675 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 41.3601 42.77644 moveto +26.6719 42.77641 lineto +26.67194 28.08813 lineto +41.36014 28.08824 lineto + closepath stroke + 1 setgray +newpath 86.71342 42.77704 moveto +72.025 42.77698 lineto +72.0251 28.08852 lineto +86.71353 28.0886 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 86.71342 42.77704 moveto +72.025 42.77698 lineto +72.0251 28.08852 lineto +86.71353 28.0886 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -82 1390 a Fx(\000)157 b Fn(K)340 1590 y +Fx(T)m(o)9 b(conclude)j(this)e(\014rst)i(picture)f(sho)o(w,)g(here's)g +(a)g(self)f(energy)i(in)e(scalar)g Fn(\036)1503 1575 +y Fr(4)1522 1590 y Fx(-theory)340 1640 y(sho)o(wing)j(the)h(simplicit)o +(y)e(of)h(the)h(tadp)q(ole)g(feature:)398 1735 y FE(\\fmfpen{thi)o(ck)o +(})398 1781 y(\\fmfleft{i})398 1826 y(\\fmfright{o)o(})398 +1872 y(\\fmf{plain})o({i)o(,v,)o(v,)o(o})398 1918 y(\\fmfdot{v})-210 +1997 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.7 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 35.43282 moveto +54.70027 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 58.07062 36.87212 moveto +72.75482 52.89723 70.01729 73.2281 56.6925 73.2281 curveto +43.36772 73.2281 40.63019 52.89723 55.31439 36.87212 curveto stroke +newpath 58.68474 35.43282 moveto +113.38501 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 58.68503 35.43282 moveto +58.68503 35.96129 58.47507 36.46805 58.10141 36.84172 curveto +57.72774 37.21538 57.22098 37.42534 56.6925 37.42534 curveto +56.16403 37.42534 55.65727 37.21538 55.2836 36.84172 curveto +54.90994 36.46805 54.69998 35.96129 54.69998 35.43282 curveto +54.69998 34.90434 54.90994 34.39758 55.2836 34.02391 curveto +55.65727 33.65025 56.16403 33.44029 56.6925 33.44029 curveto +57.22098 33.44029 57.72774 33.65025 58.10141 34.02391 curveto +58.47507 34.39758 58.68503 34.90434 58.68503 35.43282 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2063 a Fx(Scalar)d Fn(\036)487 2048 +y Fr(6)505 2063 y Fx(-theory)h(needs)h(a)f(little)f(man)o(ual)e(in)o +(terv)o(en)o(tion)j(to)f(force)h(the)h(second)f(on)340 +2113 y(the)i(opp)q(osite)g(side:)398 2208 y FE(\\fmfpen{thi)o(ck)o(}) +398 2254 y(\\fmfleft{i})398 2300 y(\\fmfright{o)o(})398 +2345 y(\\fmf{plain})o({i)o(,v,)o(v,)o(o})398 2391 y(\\fmf{plain,)o(le)o +(ft=)o(90)o(}{v)o(,v})398 2437 y(\\fmfdot{v})-210 2516 +y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi +@setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.8 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 35.43282 moveto +54.70027 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 58.07062 36.87212 moveto +72.75482 52.89723 70.01729 73.2281 56.6925 73.2281 curveto +43.36772 73.2281 40.63019 52.89723 55.31439 36.87212 curveto stroke +newpath 58.68474 35.43282 moveto +113.38501 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 55.31439 33.99352 moveto +40.63019 17.9684 43.36772 -2.36247 56.6925 -2.36247 curveto +70.01729 -2.36247 72.75482 17.9684 58.07062 33.99352 curveto stroke +newpath 58.68503 35.43282 moveto +58.68503 35.96129 58.47507 36.46805 58.10141 36.84172 curveto +57.72774 37.21538 57.22098 37.42534 56.6925 37.42534 curveto +56.16403 37.42534 55.65727 37.21538 55.2836 36.84172 curveto +54.90994 36.46805 54.69998 35.96129 54.69998 35.43282 curveto +54.69998 34.90434 54.90994 34.39758 55.2836 34.02391 curveto +55.65727 33.65025 56.16403 33.44029 56.6925 33.44029 curveto +57.22098 33.44029 57.72774 33.65025 58.10141 34.02391 curveto +58.47507 34.39758 58.68503 34.90434 58.68503 35.43282 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 915 2831 a Fx(22)p eop +%%Page: 23 23 +23 22 bop 220 266 a Fs(2.5.6)48 b(Lab)q(els)220 342 y +Fx(Let)15 b(us)g(no)o(w)f(come)f(bac)o(k)i(to)f(the)h(examples)f(on)g +(page)g(21)g(and)g(discuss)i(ho)o(w)e(to)g(add)g(the)220 +392 y(lab)q(els.)234 442 y(The)g(macro)-433 b FE(\\fmflabel)324 +525 y Fz(\\fmflabel{)p Fp(h)p Fw(lab)n(el)t Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)p Fz(})220 608 y Fx(is)14 b(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(to) +324 691 y Fz(\\fmfv{label=)p Fp(h)p Fw(lab)n(el)t Fp(i)m +Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)q Fz(})220 774 y Fx(and)d(adds)g(the)g(lab)q +(el)g Fp(h)p Fw(lab)n(el)t Fp(i)g Fx(to)f(the)i(v)o(ertex)g +Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)q Fx(.)16 b(In)10 b(the)h(curren)o(t)g(implemen)o +(tation,)c(there)220 824 y(can)k(b)q(e)g(only)f(a)g(single)g(lab)q(el)g +(for)g(eac)o(h)i(v)o(ertex.)17 b(Th)o(us)11 b(earlier)g(calls)f(to)h +Fz(\\fmflabel)d Fx(for)i(the)220 873 y(same)j(v)o(ertex)h(will)e(b)q(e) +i(o)o(v)o(erwritten.)19 b Fp(h)p Fw(lab)n(el)t Fp(i)13 +b Fx(will)f(b)q(e)i(placed)g(with)f(the)h Fz(\\put)f +Fx(command)220 923 y(of)k(the)h(L)357 915 y Fr(A)375 +923 y Fx(T)398 932 y(E)421 923 y(X)g Fz(picture)e Fx(en)o(vironmen)o +(t.)878 908 y Fr(18)941 923 y Fx(Note)i(that)f(the)i +Fz(fmfgraph*)c Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)220 973 y(m)o(ust)e(b)q(e)h(used)h +(to)f(use)h(lab)q(els,)e(they)h(will)f(silen)o(tly)g(disapp)q(ear)h(in) +g Fz(fmfgraph)p Fx(.)220 1023 y Fz(\\fmflabel)e Fx(giv)o(es)h(the)i +(user)g Fw(no)h Fx(con)o(trol)e(on)f(the)i(placemen)o(t)e(of)g(the)h +(the)h(lab)q(el)e(\(use)h(the)220 1073 y Fz(\\fmfv)j +Fx(macro)g(for)h(a)g(more)g(\014ne-grained)g(con)o(trol\).)31 +b(The)19 b(lab)q(el)f(is)g(placed)g(using)g(the)220 1122 +y(follo)o(wing)11 b(algorithm:)271 1205 y(1.)20 b(The)13 +b(reference)j(p)q(oin)o(t)c(of)h(the)h(b)q(o)o(x)e(con)o(taining)g +Fp(h)p Fw(lab)n(el)t Fp(i)h Fx(is)g(placed)h(at)f(the)g(distance)324 +1255 y Fz(3thick)i Fx(on)h(the)h(con)o(tin)o(uation)f(of)f(the)i +(straigh)o(t)g(line)f(connecting)h(the)g(cen)o(ter)h(of)324 +1305 y(the)c(picture)h(with)f(the)g(v)o(ertex)h Fp(h)p +Fw(v)t Fp(i)q Fx(.)271 1388 y(2.)20 b(The)13 b(reference)i(p)q(oin)o(t) +d(of)h(the)g(b)q(o)o(x)f(is)h(c)o(hosen)h(suc)o(h)f(that)g(the)g(con)o +(ten)o(ts)h(of)e(the)h(b)q(o)o(x)324 1438 y(is)f(on)g(the)h(outside)f +(of)g(the)h(v)o(ertex)g(\(with)f(resp)q(ect)j(to)d(the)g(cen)o(ter)i +(of)e(the)h(diagram\).)324 1488 y(It)h(is)f(c)o(hosen)i(from)d(the)j +(four)f(corners)h(and)f(the)g(four)g(midp)q(oin)o(ts)e(of)h(the)i +(sides.)220 1571 y(Therefore)f(the)f(four)f(external)h(particles)f(in)g +(the)h Fn(B)r Fx(-)1060 1560 y(\026)1049 1571 y Fn(B)j +Fx(mixing)9 b(diagram)h(on)j(page)f(21)g(are)220 1620 +y(lab)q(elled)h(simply)f(b)o(y:)279 1699 y FE(\\fmflabel)o({$\\)o(ba)o +(r{b)o(}$})o({i)o(1})279 1745 y(\\fmflabel)o({$d)o($})o({i2)o(})279 +1791 y(\\fmflabel)o({$\\)o(ba)o(r{d)o(}$})o({o)o(1})279 +1836 y(\\fmflabel)o({$b)o($})o({o2)o(})340 1973 y Fx(Here)18 +b(is)f(a)g(more)f(systematical)h(demonstration)f(of)g(the)i(default)f +(placemen)o(t)g(of)340 2023 y(lab)q(els:)398 2118 y FE(\\fmfsurroun)o +(dn)o({v})o({8)o(}\\f)o(mfd)o(ot)o(n{v)o(}{)o(8})398 +2164 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o(1$})o({v)o(1})398 2210 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o +(2$})o({v)o(2})398 2255 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o(3$})o({v)o(3})398 +2301 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o(4$})o({v)o(4})398 2347 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o +(5$})o({v)o(5})398 2392 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o(6$})o({v)o(6})398 +2438 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o(7$})o({v)o(7})398 2484 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(v_)o +(8$})o({v)o(8})-210 2563 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.9 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 115.37753 42.51938 moveto +115.37753 43.04785 115.16757 43.55461 114.79391 43.92828 curveto +114.42024 44.30194 113.91348 44.5119 113.38501 44.5119 curveto +112.85654 44.5119 112.34978 44.30194 111.9761 43.92828 curveto +111.60245 43.55461 111.39249 43.04785 111.39249 42.51938 curveto +111.39249 41.9909 111.60245 41.48415 111.9761 41.11047 curveto +112.34978 40.73682 112.85654 40.52686 113.38501 40.52686 curveto +113.91348 40.52686 114.42024 40.73682 114.79391 41.11047 curveto +115.16757 41.48415 115.37753 41.9909 115.37753 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 101.2044 74.40892 moveto +101.2044 74.9374 100.99445 75.44415 100.62079 75.81783 curveto +100.24712 76.19148 99.74036 76.40144 99.21188 76.40144 curveto +98.68341 76.40144 98.17665 76.19148 97.80298 75.81783 curveto +97.42932 75.44415 97.21936 74.9374 97.21936 74.40892 curveto +97.21936 73.88045 97.42932 73.37369 97.80298 73.00002 curveto +98.17665 72.62636 98.68341 72.4164 99.21188 72.4164 curveto +99.74036 72.4164 100.24712 72.62636 100.62079 73.00002 curveto +100.99445 73.37369 101.2044 73.88045 101.2044 74.40892 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 58.68503 85.03876 moveto +58.68503 85.56723 58.47507 86.07399 58.10141 86.44766 curveto +57.72774 86.82132 57.22098 87.03128 56.6925 87.03128 curveto +56.16403 87.03128 55.65727 86.82132 55.2836 86.44766 curveto +54.90994 86.07399 54.69998 85.56723 54.69998 85.03876 curveto +54.69998 84.51028 54.90994 84.00352 55.2836 83.62985 curveto +55.65727 83.2562 56.16403 83.04623 56.6925 83.04623 curveto +57.22098 83.04623 57.72774 83.2562 58.10141 83.62985 curveto +58.47507 84.00352 58.68503 84.51028 58.68503 85.03876 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 16.16565 74.40892 moveto +16.16565 74.9374 15.95569 75.44415 15.58203 75.81783 curveto +15.20836 76.19148 14.7016 76.40144 14.17313 76.40144 curveto +13.64465 76.40144 13.1379 76.19148 12.76422 75.81783 curveto +12.39056 75.44415 12.1806 74.9374 12.1806 74.40892 curveto +12.1806 73.88045 12.39056 73.37369 12.76422 73.00002 curveto +13.1379 72.62636 13.64465 72.4164 14.17313 72.4164 curveto +14.7016 72.4164 15.20836 72.62636 15.58203 73.00002 curveto +15.95569 73.37369 16.16565 73.88045 16.16565 74.40892 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 42.51938 moveto +1.99252 43.04785 1.78256 43.55461 1.4089 43.92828 curveto +1.03523 44.30194 0.52847 44.5119 0 44.5119 curveto +-0.52847 44.5119 -1.03523 44.30194 -1.4089 43.92828 curveto +-1.78256 43.55461 -1.99252 43.04785 -1.99252 42.51938 curveto +-1.99252 41.9909 -1.78256 41.48415 -1.4089 41.11047 curveto +-1.03523 40.73682 -0.52847 40.52686 0 40.52686 curveto +0.52847 40.52686 1.03523 40.73682 1.4089 41.11047 curveto +1.78256 41.48415 1.99252 41.9909 1.99252 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 16.16565 10.62984 moveto +16.16565 11.15831 15.95569 11.66507 15.58203 12.03874 curveto +15.20836 12.4124 14.7016 12.62236 14.17313 12.62236 curveto +13.64465 12.62236 13.1379 12.4124 12.76422 12.03874 curveto +12.39056 11.66507 12.1806 11.15831 12.1806 10.62984 curveto +12.1806 10.10136 12.39056 9.5946 12.76422 9.22093 curveto +13.1379 8.84727 13.64465 8.63731 14.17313 8.63731 curveto +14.7016 8.63731 15.20836 8.84727 15.58203 9.22093 curveto +15.95569 9.5946 16.16565 10.10136 16.16565 10.62984 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 58.68503 0 moveto +58.68503 0.52847 58.47507 1.03523 58.10141 1.4089 curveto +57.72774 1.78256 57.22098 1.99252 56.6925 1.99252 curveto +56.16403 1.99252 55.65727 1.78256 55.2836 1.4089 curveto +54.90994 1.03523 54.69998 0.52847 54.69998 0 curveto +54.69998 -0.52847 54.90994 -1.03523 55.2836 -1.4089 curveto +55.65727 -1.78256 56.16403 -1.99252 56.6925 -1.99252 curveto +57.22098 -1.99252 57.72774 -1.78256 58.10141 -1.4089 curveto +58.47507 -1.03523 58.68503 -0.52847 58.68503 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 101.2044 10.62984 moveto +101.2044 11.15831 100.99445 11.66507 100.62079 12.03874 curveto +100.24712 12.4124 99.74036 12.62236 99.21188 12.62236 curveto +98.68341 12.62236 98.17665 12.4124 97.80298 12.03874 curveto +97.42932 11.66507 97.21936 11.15831 97.21936 10.62984 curveto +97.21936 10.10136 97.42932 9.5946 97.80298 9.22093 curveto +98.17665 8.84727 98.68341 8.63731 99.21188 8.63731 curveto +99.74036 8.63731 100.24712 8.84727 100.62079 9.22093 curveto +100.99445 9.5946 101.2044 10.10136 101.2044 10.62984 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 287 2391 a Fn(v)307 2397 y Fr(1)223 2231 +y Fn(v)243 2237 y Fr(2)7 2177 y Fn(v)27 2183 y Fr(3)-210 +2231 y Fn(v)-190 2237 y Fr(4)-274 2391 y Fn(v)-254 2397 +y Fr(5)-210 2551 y Fn(v)-190 2557 y Fr(6)7 2605 y Fn(v)27 +2611 y Fr(7)223 2551 y Fn(v)243 2557 y Fr(8)p 220 2589 +573 2 v 251 2616 a FB(18)284 2628 y Fu(Note)c(again)g(that,)g(as)h(of)g +(v)o(ersion)e(1.03,)i(it)g(is)g(no)f(longer)g(necessary)e(to)j(escap)q +(e)f(T)1429 2635 y(E)1449 2628 y(X)i(con)o(trol)d(se-)220 +2667 y(quences)f(in)i(argumen)o(ts.)k(Old)c(\014les)f(will)h(con)o(tin) +o(ue)e(to)h(w)o(ork,)h(b)q(ecause)e Ft(noexpand)f Fu(is)j(temp)q +(orarily)d(dis-)220 2707 y(abled.)915 2831 y Fx(23)p +eop +%%Page: 24 24 +24 23 bop 340 266 a Fx(And)14 b(here)h(is)e(a)h(demonstration)f(of)g +(the)i(explicit)e(placemen)o(t)g(of)h(lab)q(els)1485 +251 y Fr(19)1520 266 y Fx(:)398 361 y FE(\\fmfiv{ +(,d.)o(f=1)o(,d)o(.si)o(=2)o(thi)o(n}{)o(c})398 407 y(\\fmfiv{l=-1)o +(20)o(,l.)o(a=)o(-12)o(0,l)o(.d)o(=.2)o(w})o({c})398 +452 y(\\fmfiv{l=-6)o(0,)o(l.a)o(=-)o(60,)o(l.d)o(=.)o(2w})o({c)o(})398 +498 y(\\fmfiv{l=0,)o(l.)o(a=0)o(,l)o(.d=)o(.2w)o(}{)o(c})398 +544 y(\\fmfiv{l=60)o(,l)o(.a=)o(60)o(,l.)o(d=.)o(2w)o(}{c)o(})398 +589 y(\\fmfiv{l=12)o(0,)o(l.a)o(=1)o(20,)o(l.d)o(=.)o(2w})o({c)o(})398 +635 y(\\fmfiv{l=18)o(0,)o(l.a)o(=1)o(80,)o(l.d)o(=.)o(2w})o({c)o(})-210 +714 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.10 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 57.68877 42.51938 moveto +57.68877 42.78362 57.58379 43.037 57.39696 43.22383 curveto +57.21013 43.41066 56.95674 43.51564 56.6925 43.51564 curveto +56.42827 43.51564 56.17488 43.41066 55.98805 43.22383 curveto +55.80122 43.037 55.69624 42.78362 55.69624 42.51938 curveto +55.69624 42.25514 55.80122 42.00175 55.98805 41.81493 curveto +56.17488 41.6281 56.42827 41.52312 56.6925 41.52312 curveto +56.95674 41.52312 57.21013 41.6281 57.39696 41.81493 curveto +57.58379 42.00175 57.68877 42.25514 57.68877 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -97 645 a Fx(-120)93 b(-60)120 550 y(0)73 +455 y(60)-199 b(120)-131 550 y(180)220 805 y(There)11 +b(is)e(no)h(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(to)g Fz(\\fmflabel)f Fx(for)h(arcs.)17 +b(Here)11 b(options)e(to)h(the)g Fz(\\fmf)f Fx(command)220 +855 y(ha)o(v)o(e)i(to)h(b)q(e)g(used.)18 b(The)13 b(default)e(placemen) +o(t)g(rules)h(put)g(the)g(lab)q(el)f(on)h(the)g(outside)g(at)f(the)220 +905 y(midp)q(oin)o(t)g(of)i(a)g(curv)o(ed)i(arc.)j(If)13 +b(the)h(arc)g(is)g(straigh)o(t,)f(one)g(should)h(use)g(the)g +Fz(label.side)220 955 y Fx(option)g(to)h(push)g(the)h(lab)q(el)e +(either)i(to)e(the)i Fz(left)e Fx(or)g(to)h(the)h Fz(right)p +Fx(.)j(This)c Fz(label.dist)220 1005 y Fx(option)e(is)h(treated)h +(analogously)d(to)i(same)f(option)g(for)h(v)o(ertices.)220 +1054 y(Therefore)g(the)g(four)e(in)o(ternal)h(particles)g(in)g(the)g +Fn(B)r Fx(-)1056 1044 y(\026)1046 1054 y Fn(B)j Fx(mixing)10 +b(diagram)h(on)h(page)h(21)g(are)220 1104 y(lab)q(elled)g(simply)f(b)o +(y)i(adding)f(options)g(to)h(the)h Fz(\\fmf)e Fx(commands:)279 +1183 y FE(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o(,l)o(abe)o(l=$)o(\\b)o(ar{)o(t})o(,,\\)o +(ba)o(r{c)o(},,)o(\\b)o(ar{)o(u})o($,)534 1229 y(label.sid)o(e=r)o(ig)o +(ht})o({v)o(1,v)o(3})279 1274 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o(,l)o(abe)o(l=$)o(t,) +o(,c,)o(,u)o($,l)o(ab)o(el.)o(sid)o(e=)o(rig)o(ht)o(}{v)o(4,v)o(2})279 +1320 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on,)o(la)o(bel)o(=$W)o(^+)o($,l)o(ab)o(el.)o(si)o +(de=)o(lef)o(t})o({v1)o(,v)o(2})279 1366 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on,)o(la)o(bel) +o(=$W)o(^-)o($,l)o(ab)o(el.)o(si)o(de=)o(rig)o(ht)o(}{v)o(3,)o(v4})220 +1519 y Fs(2.5.7)48 b(Manipulatin)o(g)13 b(the)i(la)o(y)o(out)220 +1596 y Fx(The)i(automatic)e(la)o(y)o(out)g(algorithms)f(of)20 +b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)15 b Fx(are)i(rather)h(simple,)d(therefore)j(it)e(is) +220 1646 y(sometimes)c(necessary)k(to)e(allo)o(w)e(for)i(man)o(ual)d +(in)o(terv)o(en)o(tion)j(from)e(time)g(to)i(time.)220 +1696 y(Calculate)e(the)g(p)q(ositions)g(of)f(the)i(v)o(ertices)h(based) +e(on)g(the)h(arcs)g(whic)o(h)f(are)g(de\014ned)h(up)f(to)-1674 +b FE(\\fmffreeze)220 1745 y Fx(this)12 b(p)q(oin)o(t.)17 +b(Usually)11 b(this)h(calculation)f(is)h(p)q(erformed)f(automatically)e +(at)j(the)h(end)f(of)f(the)220 1795 y Fz(fmfgraph)g Fx(en)o(vironmen)o +(t.)16 b(Calling)11 b(it)h(explicitely)h(is)f(useful)h(for)f(later)h +(adding)f(arcs)h(that)220 1845 y(should)h(not)g(en)o(ter)i(the)f +(calculation)e(.)19 b(The)c(la)o(y)o(out)e(is)h(c)o(hosen)h(to)f +(minimi)o(ze)e(the)j(o)o(v)o(erall)220 1895 y(length)f(of)f(all)g +(arcs.)20 b(The)14 b(length)g(of)f(eac)o(h)i(arc)f(is)g(w)o(eigh)o(ted) +g(with)g(the)h Fz(tension)d Fx(option,)220 1945 y(whose)h(default)e(v)n +(alue)h(is)g(1.)17 b(See)c(section)g(2.5.8)d(for)i(more)f(information)e +(on)j Fz(\\fmffreeze)p Fx(.)220 1994 y Fz(\\fmfforce{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(p)n(os)s Fp(i)o Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p +Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)g(.)g(])p Fz(})13 b Fx(forces)h(the)g(p)q +(osition)f Fp(h)p Fw(p)n(os)s Fp(i)h Fx(of)f(the)h(v)o(ertices)h +Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p Fx(.)h(.)f(.)h(,)-1655 b FE(\\fmfforce)220 +2044 y Fx(b)o(ypassing)20 b(and)g(o)o(v)o(erwriting)g(the)h(automatic)d +(la)o(y)o(out.)36 b(In)21 b(all)e(argumen)o(ts)g(that)i(are)220 +2094 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)14 b Fz(pair)p Fx(s)e(\(i.e.)f(p)q(oin)o +(ts\),)h(y)o(ou)f(can)h(use)h(the)g(v)n(ariable)e Fz(w)h +Fx(and)g Fz(h)p Fx(,)f(whic)o(h)h(are)h(pre-)220 2144 +y(de\014ned)h(to)f(the)h(width)f(and)g(the)h(heigh)o(t)f(of)f(the)i +(whole)f(diagram)e(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely)m(.)18 b(E.g.)12 +b(the)220 2194 y(cen)o(ter)h(is)e(sp)q(eci\014ed)h(as)f +Fz(\(.5w,.5h\))f Fx(and)h(the)g(lo)o(w)o(er)g(righ)o(t)g(corner)h(as)f +Fz(\(w,0\))p Fx(.)16 b(The)11 b(cen)o(ter)220 2243 y(and)g(the)h(four)g +(corners)h(of)d(the)i(curren)o(t)h(subgraph)f(\(see)h(the)f +Fz(fmfsubgraph)d Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)220 2293 y(on)14 +b(page)g(29\))f(are)h(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(as)i Fz(c)p Fx(,)f +Fz(nw)p Fx(,)g Fz(ne)p Fx(,)g Fz(sw)g Fx(and)h Fz(se)g +Fx(\(for)f Fw(north-west)k Fx(etc\).)220 2343 y Fz(\\fmfshift{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(dist)t Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p +Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)f(.)i(.)f(])p Fz(})19 b Fx(shifts)g(the)g(p)q +(osition)g(of)f(the)i(v)o(ertices)g Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b +Fp(i)p Fx(.)h(.)f(.)40 b(b)o(y)-1654 b FE(\\fmfshift)220 +2393 y Fp(h)p Fw(dist)t Fp(i)25 b Fx(from)f(the)i(automatic)e(la)o(y)o +(out.)51 b(This)26 b(command)d(is)i(only)g(useful)g Fw(after)k +Fx(a)220 2443 y Fz(\\fmffreeze)12 b Fx(of)h(the)i(corresp)q(onding)f(v) +o(ertex.)220 2493 y Fz(\\fmffixed{)p Fp(h)p Fw(dist)t +Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)f(.)i(.)f(])p Fz(})17 b Fx(\014xes)h(the)f(distance)h(b)q(et)o(w)o +(een)h(subsequen)o(t)g(v)o(ertices)-1653 b FE(\\fmffixed)220 +2542 y Fx(in)14 b(the)h(list)f Fp(h)p Fw(v1)6 b Fp(i)p +Fx(.)h(.)f(.)26 b(to)15 b Fp(h)p Fw(dist)t Fp(i)p Fx(.)k(This)14 +b(command)e(should)i(b)q(e)h(used)g(with)f(care,)h(b)q(ecause)p +220 2579 573 2 v 251 2606 a FB(19)284 2618 y Fu(Don't)10 +b(b)q(e)h(confused)f(b)o(y)h(the)g Ft(\\fmfiv)e Fu(command.)k(It)e(is)h +(describ)q(ed)d(b)q(elo)o(w)i(\(see)g(section)f(2.7.2\))g(and)220 +2657 y(tak)o(es)j(the)g(same)g(argumen)o(ts)e(as)i(the)h +Ft(\\fmfv)e Fu(command.)20 b(W)m(e)14 b(use)f(it)h(here)e(for)i(con)o +(v)o(enienc)o(e)d(to)j(place)220 2697 y(m)o(ultiple)9 +b(v)o(ertices)h(at)h(the)g(same)f(p)q(oin)o(t,)g(i.e.)h(the)g(cen)o +(ter.)915 2831 y Fx(24)p eop +%%Page: 25 25 +25 24 bop 220 266 a Fx(it)16 b(is)h(p)q(ossible)g(to)f(o)o(v)o +(erconstrain)i(the)f(la)o(y)o(out)e(of)i(the)g(graph)f(and)h(the)g +(error)h(messages)220 315 y(will)12 b(b)q(e)j(obscure)g(for)f(a)f(no)o +(vice)h(user.)220 365 y Fz(\\fmffixedx{)p Fp(h)p Fw(dx)5 +b Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)h Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(,)p +Fx(.)g(.)h(.)f(])p Fz(})j Fx(is)g(iden)o(tical)f(to)h +Fz(\\fmffixed{\()p Fp(h)p Fw(dx)c Fp(i)o Fz(,whatever\)}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(v1)h Fp(i)-1718 b FE(\\fmffixedx)-22 415 y(\\fmffixedy)42 +b Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)6 b(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})h Fx(and)h +Fz(\\fmffixedy{)p Fp(h)p Fw(dy)t Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p +Fw(v1)d Fp(i)p Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})h +Fx(is)i(iden)o(tical)e(to)h Fz(\\fmffixed{\(whatever)o(,)p +Fp(h)p Fw(dy)t Fp(i)m Fz(\)}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(v1)d Fp(i)220 +465 y Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fx(.)g(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(})p Fx(.)16 +b(These)c(commands)d(can)j(b)q(e)f(used)h(to)f(\014x)g(relativ)o(e)g(p) +q(ositions)g(in)g(one)g(co)q(ordinate,)220 515 y(while)i(allo)o(wing)f +(mo)o(v)o(emen)o(t)f(in)j(the)g(other)h(co)q(ordinate.)220 +623 y Fs(2.5.8)48 b(Sk)o(eletons)220 699 y Fx(The)12 +b(single)g(most)e(p)q(o)o(w)o(erful)i(concept)h(for)e(adjusting)h +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p Fx('s)f(la)o(y)o(out)f(decisions)j(is)e(the)220 +749 y(use)g(of)e Fw(skeletons)p Fx(.)17 b(By)10 b(issuing)g(a)g +Fz(\\fmffreeze)e Fx(after)i(sp)q(ecifying)g(a)f(subgraph)i(\(sk)o +(eleton\),)220 799 y(w)o(e)k(can)g(\014x)f(the)h(lo)q(cation)f(of)g +(the)h(sk)o(eleton)g Fw(as)h(if)22 b Fx(the)16 b(other)f(arcs)g(w)o +(ere)h(not)e(there.)21 b(W)m(e)220 849 y(can)13 b(then)g(successiv)o +(ely)i(add)d(more)g(subgraphs)i(whose)f(la)o(y)o(out)f(will)f(b)q(e)i +(c)o(hosen)h(with)e(the)220 899 y(sk)o(eleton)j(remaining)d(\014xed.)18 +b(Similar)12 b(e\013ects)k(can)e(b)q(e)h(ac)o(hiev)o(ed)f(b)o(y)g +(giving)e(some)i(arcs)g(a)220 948 y(v)n(anishing)f Fz(tension)p +Fx(.)340 1040 y(Consider)i(the)g(follo)o(wing)d(example:)19 +b(supp)q(ose)d(w)o(e)f(w)o(an)o(t)f(to)h(dra)o(w)g(a)f(ladder)h(dia-) +340 1089 y(gram)10 b(con)o(tributing)i(to)h(the)g(quark)f(form)e +(factor.)18 b(Simply)10 b(linking)h(in)h(the)h(gluons)340 +1139 y(do)q(es)h(not)g(pro)q(duce)h(a)f(satisfactory)g(result:)438 +1235 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(})j(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2})438 +1280 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{i)o(1,)o(v4})438 1326 y(\\fmf{quar)o(k})o +({o1)o(,v)o(1,v)o(2,v)o(3,)o(v4,)o(v5)o(,v6)o(,v7)o(,o)o(2})438 +1372 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o({v1)o(,v)o(7})438 1417 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o +({v2)o(,v)o(6})438 1463 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o({v3)o(,v)o(5})-210 +1542 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.11 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +85.03792 25.94174 lineto stroke +newpath 97.85654 11.74222 moveto +89.3973 19.2925 lineto +92.94809 8.52417 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 34.01503 35.4327 moveto +32.75516 33.25056 29.60551 33.25058 28.34567 35.43272 curveto +27.08595 37.61465 23.93661 37.61467 22.67686 35.43274 curveto +21.41699 33.25061 18.26735 33.25063 17.0075 35.43277 curveto +15.74767 37.6149 12.59804 37.61491 11.33817 35.43277 curveto +10.07841 33.25084 6.92908 33.25085 5.66936 35.43279 curveto +4.40952 37.61493 1.25987 37.61494 0 35.43282 curveto stroke +newpath 34.01503 35.4327 moveto +51.02257 36.06538 lineto stroke +newpath 39.237 32.69022 moveto +50.07271 36.03004 lineto +39.0188 38.55554 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03792 25.94174 moveto +68.02994 32.9016 lineto stroke +newpath 80.78563 30.85263 moveto +69.53804 32.28447 lineto +78.56279 25.42065 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03792 25.94174 moveto +90.64804 25.94173 90.64807 34.35693 85.03792 34.35695 curveto +82.25389 34.35696 82.25389 30.18092 85.03792 30.18091 curveto +92.04031 30.1809 92.04033 40.68446 85.03796 40.68448 curveto +82.25394 40.6845 82.25394 36.50845 85.03796 36.50844 curveto +90.64809 36.50842 90.64812 44.92363 85.03796 44.92365 curveto stroke +newpath 68.02994 32.9016 moveto +51.02252 34.7999 lineto stroke +newpath 63.224 36.39088 moveto +52.01381 34.68925 lineto +62.57294 30.55785 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.02994 32.9016 moveto +71.40456 32.90144 71.4048 37.9634 68.03015 37.96355 curveto stroke +newpath 51.02252 34.7999 moveto +34.01503 35.4327 lineto stroke +newpath 46.01878 37.92279 moveto +34.96489 35.39735 lineto +45.80055 32.05746 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.02252 34.7999 moveto +51.86618 34.79987 51.86623 36.06535 51.02257 36.06538 curveto stroke +newpath 51.02257 36.06538 moveto +68.03015 37.96355 lineto stroke +newpath 56.47958 33.72153 moveto +67.03886 37.8529 lineto +55.82858 39.55466 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03015 37.96355 moveto +85.03796 44.92365 lineto stroke +newpath 74.50504 37.44237 moveto +83.52986 44.30649 lineto +72.28207 42.87444 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03796 44.92365 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 94.1357 53.4479 moveto +97.68648 64.21634 lineto +89.22722 56.66595 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 1608 a Fx(What)11 b(w)o(en)o(t)h(wrong?)18 +b(Ob)o(viously)11 b(the)h(gluons)g(are)g(b)q(onding)f(the)i(quark)f +(lines)f(to)q(o)340 1658 y(strongly)m(.)17 b(The)d(\014x)g(is)g +(simple:)i(just)e(create)i(a)d(sk)o(eleton)i(excluding)e(the)i(gluons) +438 1754 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(})i(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2})438 +1799 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{i)o(1,)o(v4})438 1845 y(\\fmf{quar)o(k})o +({o1)o(,v)o(1,v)o(2,v)o(3,)o(v4,)o(v5)o(,v6)o(,v7)o(,o)o(2})-210 +1924 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.12 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +85.03821 8.8582 lineto stroke +newpath 97.90718 5.46448 moveto +86.83772 7.92097 lineto +95.1959 0.25882 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 34.01527 35.43283 moveto +32.7554 33.25067 29.60574 33.25067 28.34587 35.43283 curveto +27.08612 37.61478 23.93677 37.61478 22.67702 35.43283 curveto +21.41714 33.25067 18.26749 33.25066 17.00761 35.43282 curveto +15.74776 37.61496 12.59811 37.61496 11.33826 35.43282 curveto +10.0785 33.25087 6.92915 33.25087 5.6694 35.43282 curveto +4.40953 37.61497 1.25987 37.61497 0 35.43282 curveto stroke +newpath 34.01527 35.43283 moveto +51.02292 44.29105 lineto stroke +newpath 40.86523 35.69165 moveto +49.2234 43.35382 lineto +38.15393 40.89731 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03821 8.8582 moveto +68.03055 17.71642 lineto stroke +newpath 80.89954 14.32268 moveto +69.83006 16.77919 lineto +78.18823 9.11702 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03055 17.71642 moveto +51.0229 26.57463 lineto stroke +newpath 63.89189 23.1809 moveto +52.82242 25.6374 lineto +61.18059 17.97523 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.0229 26.57463 moveto +34.01527 35.43283 lineto stroke +newpath 46.88425 32.03911 moveto +35.81479 34.4956 lineto +44.17297 26.83345 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.02292 44.29105 moveto +68.03055 53.14923 lineto stroke +newpath 57.87285 44.54987 moveto +66.23103 52.212 lineto +55.16158 49.75552 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03055 53.14923 moveto +85.0382 62.00743 lineto stroke +newpath 74.8805 53.40805 moveto +83.23868 61.0702 lineto +72.16922 58.61371 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.0382 62.00743 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 91.88812 62.26625 moveto +100.2463 69.9284 lineto +89.17685 67.47191 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 1990 a Fx(and)c(add)h(the)h(gluons)e(later:)438 +2086 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(})k(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2})438 +2131 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{i)o(1,)o(v4})438 2177 y(\\fmf{quar)o(k})o +({o1)o(,v)o(1,v)o(2,v)o(3,)o(v4,)o(v5)o(,v6)o(,v7)o(,o)o(2})438 +2223 y(\\fmffreez)o(e)438 2268 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o({v1)o(,v)o(7})438 +2314 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o({v2)o(,v)o(6})438 2360 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o +({v3)o(,v)o(5})-210 2439 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial 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lineto +78.18823 9.11702 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03821 8.8582 moveto +91.77054 8.8582 91.77054 18.9567 85.03821 18.9567 curveto +81.69745 18.9567 81.69745 13.94556 85.03821 13.94556 curveto +93.44064 13.94556 93.44064 26.54921 85.03821 26.54921 curveto +81.69745 26.54921 81.69745 21.53807 85.03821 21.53807 curveto +93.44063 21.53807 93.44063 34.14171 85.03821 34.14171 curveto +81.69746 34.14171 81.69746 29.13058 85.03821 29.13058 curveto +93.44118 29.13058 93.44118 41.73505 85.0382 41.73505 curveto +81.69745 41.73505 81.69745 36.72392 85.0382 36.72392 curveto +93.44061 36.72392 93.44061 49.32756 85.0382 49.32756 curveto +81.69743 49.32756 81.69743 44.31642 85.0382 44.31642 curveto +93.44063 44.31642 93.44063 56.92007 85.0382 56.92007 curveto +81.69743 56.92007 81.69743 51.90894 85.0382 51.90894 curveto +91.77052 51.90894 91.77052 62.00743 85.0382 62.00743 curveto stroke +newpath 68.03055 17.71642 moveto +51.0229 26.57463 lineto stroke +newpath 63.89189 23.1809 moveto +52.82242 25.6374 lineto +61.18059 17.97523 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03055 17.71642 moveto +74.31412 17.71642 74.31412 27.14177 68.03055 27.14177 curveto +64.91238 27.14177 64.91238 22.46452 68.03055 22.46452 curveto +75.87302 22.46452 75.87302 34.22823 68.03055 34.22823 curveto +64.91237 34.22823 64.91237 29.55096 68.03055 29.55096 curveto +75.87303 29.55096 75.87303 41.31468 68.03055 41.31468 curveto +64.91237 41.31468 64.91237 36.63742 68.03055 36.63742 curveto +75.87302 36.63742 75.87302 48.40112 68.03055 48.40112 curveto +64.91238 48.40112 64.91238 43.72388 68.03055 43.72388 curveto +74.31412 43.72388 74.31412 53.14923 68.03055 53.14923 curveto stroke +newpath 51.0229 26.57463 moveto +34.01527 35.43283 lineto stroke +newpath 46.88425 32.03911 moveto +35.81479 34.4956 lineto +44.17297 26.83345 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.0229 26.57463 moveto +56.25905 26.57463 56.25905 34.42885 51.0229 34.42885 curveto +48.42445 34.42885 48.42445 30.53117 51.0229 30.53117 curveto +57.55847 30.53117 57.55846 40.3345 51.02292 40.3345 curveto +48.42447 40.3345 48.42447 36.43683 51.02292 36.43683 curveto +56.25906 36.43683 56.25906 44.29105 51.02292 44.29105 curveto stroke +newpath 51.02292 44.29105 moveto +68.03055 53.14923 lineto stroke +newpath 57.87285 44.54987 moveto +66.23103 52.212 lineto +55.16158 49.75552 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03055 53.14923 moveto +85.0382 62.00743 lineto stroke +newpath 74.8805 53.40805 moveto +83.23868 61.0702 lineto +72.16922 58.61371 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.0382 62.00743 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 91.88812 62.26625 moveto +100.2463 69.9284 lineto +89.17685 67.47191 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2505 a Fx(Alternativ)o(ely)m(,)c(w)o(e)h(can)g(use)h +(a)f(v)n(anishing)f Fz(tension)p Fx(,)f(whic)o(h)i(will)f(e\013ectiv)o +(ely)i(ex-)340 2555 y(clude)f(the)g(gluons)g(from)e(the)i(la)o(y)o(out) +f(decisions:)438 2650 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(})k(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o) +o(2})438 2696 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{i)o(1,)o(v4})915 +2831 y Fx(25)p eop +%%Page: 26 26 +26 25 bop 438 266 a FE(\\fmf{quar)o(k})o({o1)o(,v)o(1,v)o(2,v)o(3,)o +(v4,)o(v5)o(,v6)o(,v7)o(,o)o(2})438 311 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(ten)o(si)o +(on=)o(0}{)o(v1)o(,v7)o(})438 357 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(ten)o(si)o(on=)o +(0}{)o(v2)o(,v6)o(})438 403 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(ten)o(si)o(on=)o(0}{)o +(v3)o(,v5)o(})-210 519 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.14 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +85.03821 8.8582 lineto stroke +newpath 97.90718 5.46448 moveto +86.83772 7.92097 lineto +95.1959 0.25882 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 34.01527 35.43283 moveto +32.7554 33.25067 29.60574 33.25067 28.34587 35.43283 curveto +27.08612 37.61478 23.93677 37.61478 22.67702 35.43283 curveto +21.41714 33.25067 18.26749 33.25066 17.00761 35.43282 curveto +15.74776 37.61496 12.59811 37.61496 11.33826 35.43282 curveto +10.0785 33.25087 6.92915 33.25087 5.6694 35.43282 curveto +4.40953 37.61497 1.25987 37.61497 0 35.43282 curveto stroke +newpath 34.01527 35.43283 moveto +51.02292 44.29105 lineto stroke +newpath 40.86523 35.69165 moveto +49.2234 43.35382 lineto +38.15393 40.89731 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03821 8.8582 moveto +68.03055 17.71642 lineto stroke +newpath 80.89954 14.32268 moveto +69.83006 16.77919 lineto +78.18823 9.11702 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.03821 8.8582 moveto +91.77054 8.8582 91.77054 18.9567 85.03821 18.9567 curveto +81.69745 18.9567 81.69745 13.94556 85.03821 13.94556 curveto +93.44064 13.94556 93.44064 26.54921 85.03821 26.54921 curveto +81.69745 26.54921 81.69745 21.53807 85.03821 21.53807 curveto +93.44063 21.53807 93.44063 34.14171 85.03821 34.14171 curveto +81.69746 34.14171 81.69746 29.13058 85.03821 29.13058 curveto +93.44118 29.13058 93.44118 41.73505 85.0382 41.73505 curveto +81.69745 41.73505 81.69745 36.72392 85.0382 36.72392 curveto +93.44061 36.72392 93.44061 49.32756 85.0382 49.32756 curveto +81.69743 49.32756 81.69743 44.31642 85.0382 44.31642 curveto +93.44063 44.31642 93.44063 56.92007 85.0382 56.92007 curveto +81.69743 56.92007 81.69743 51.90894 85.0382 51.90894 curveto +91.77052 51.90894 91.77052 62.00743 85.0382 62.00743 curveto stroke +newpath 68.03055 17.71642 moveto +51.0229 26.57463 lineto stroke +newpath 63.89189 23.1809 moveto +52.82242 25.6374 lineto +61.18059 17.97523 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03055 17.71642 moveto +74.31412 17.71642 74.31412 27.14177 68.03055 27.14177 curveto +64.91238 27.14177 64.91238 22.46452 68.03055 22.46452 curveto +75.87302 22.46452 75.87302 34.22823 68.03055 34.22823 curveto +64.91237 34.22823 64.91237 29.55096 68.03055 29.55096 curveto +75.87303 29.55096 75.87303 41.31468 68.03055 41.31468 curveto +64.91237 41.31468 64.91237 36.63742 68.03055 36.63742 curveto +75.87302 36.63742 75.87302 48.40112 68.03055 48.40112 curveto +64.91238 48.40112 64.91238 43.72388 68.03055 43.72388 curveto +74.31412 43.72388 74.31412 53.14923 68.03055 53.14923 curveto stroke +newpath 51.0229 26.57463 moveto +34.01527 35.43283 lineto stroke +newpath 46.88425 32.03911 moveto +35.81479 34.4956 lineto +44.17297 26.83345 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.0229 26.57463 moveto +56.25905 26.57463 56.25905 34.42885 51.0229 34.42885 curveto +48.42445 34.42885 48.42445 30.53117 51.0229 30.53117 curveto +57.55847 30.53117 57.55846 40.3345 51.02292 40.3345 curveto +48.42447 40.3345 48.42447 36.43683 51.02292 36.43683 curveto +56.25906 36.43683 56.25906 44.29105 51.02292 44.29105 curveto stroke +newpath 51.02292 44.29105 moveto +68.03055 53.14923 lineto stroke +newpath 57.87285 44.54987 moveto +66.23103 52.212 lineto +55.16158 49.75552 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.03055 53.14923 moveto +85.0382 62.00743 lineto stroke +newpath 74.8805 53.40805 moveto +83.23868 61.0702 lineto +72.16922 58.61371 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.0382 62.00743 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 91.88812 62.26625 moveto +100.2463 69.9284 lineto +89.17685 67.47191 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 547 a Fx(Whic)o(h)17 b(metho)q(d)f(is)h(more)g(in)o +(tuitv)o(e)g(is)g(largely)f(a)h(matter)g(of)g(taste)h(and)f(at)g(the) +340 597 y(discretion)d(of)f(the)i(user.)340 663 y(The)j(\\crossed")h(v) +o(ersion)f(of)f(this)h(diagram)e(is)h(b)q(est)i(dra)o(wn)f(using)g(the) +g Fz(rubout)340 713 y Fx(option:)438 807 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(})f +(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2})438 853 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{i)o(1,)o(v3}) +438 899 y(\\fmf{quar)o(k})o({o1)o(,v)o(1,v)o(2,v)o(3,)o(v4,)o(v5)o(,o2) +o(})438 944 y(\\fmffreez)o(e)438 990 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n})o({v1)o(,v)o(4}) +438 1036 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(rub)o(ou)o(t}{)o(v2,)o(v5)o(})-210 +1114 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.15 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 35.43282 moveto +1.13383 37.39668 3.96844 37.39668 5.10228 35.43282 curveto +6.23613 33.46893 9.07076 33.46893 10.2046 35.43282 curveto +11.33844 37.39668 14.17305 37.39668 15.30688 35.43282 curveto +16.44072 33.46895 19.27533 33.46895 20.40916 35.43282 curveto +21.543 37.39668 24.37761 37.39668 25.51144 35.43282 curveto +26.6453 33.46893 29.47992 33.46893 30.61377 35.43282 curveto +31.7476 37.39668 34.58221 37.39668 35.71605 35.43282 curveto +36.84988 33.46895 39.6845 33.46895 40.81833 35.43282 curveto stroke +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +81.63667 11.81094 lineto stroke +newpath 96.2479 6.74583 moveto +85.29901 9.6915 lineto +93.30817 1.66603 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 40.81833 35.43282 moveto +61.2275 47.24376 lineto stroke +newpath 49.55598 37.09883 moveto +57.56516 45.12431 lineto +46.61626 42.17867 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 81.63667 11.81094 moveto +61.22751 23.62189 lineto stroke +newpath 75.83875 18.5568 moveto +64.88985 21.50244 lineto +72.89902 13.47696 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 81.63667 11.81094 moveto +87.92024 15.43025 82.49127 24.85562 76.20769 21.2363 curveto +73.08952 19.44026 75.7836 14.76299 78.9018 16.55905 curveto +86.74426 21.07628 79.96841 32.84 72.12593 28.32275 curveto +69.00777 26.52669 71.70184 21.84943 74.82002 23.6455 curveto +82.66249 28.16273 75.88664 39.92645 68.04414 35.40921 curveto +64.92598 33.61314 67.62006 28.93588 70.73824 30.73195 curveto +78.5807 35.24918 71.80486 47.0129 63.96237 42.49565 curveto +60.84421 40.69962 63.53828 36.02234 66.65648 37.8184 curveto +72.94005 41.43771 67.51108 50.86308 61.2275 47.24376 curveto stroke +newpath 61.22751 23.62189 moveto +40.81833 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 55.4296 30.36783 moveto +44.48026 33.31361 lineto +52.48978 25.28784 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 61.2275 47.24376 moveto +81.63666 59.05469 lineto stroke +newpath 69.96515 48.90977 moveto +77.97432 56.93526 lineto +67.02542 53.98961 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 81.63666 59.05469 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 90.37431 60.7207 moveto +98.38348 68.74619 lineto +87.43459 65.80054 lineto + closepath fill + 1 setgray 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 68.20036 31.80688 moveto +67.7955 32.2658 67.28448 32.68552 66.65648 33.04724 curveto +63.53828 34.8433 60.84421 30.16605 63.96237 28.37 curveto +71.80484 23.85275 78.5807 35.61647 70.73824 40.1337 curveto +67.62007 41.92975 64.92598 37.25249 68.04416 35.45642 curveto +75.88663 30.93918 82.66249 42.70291 74.82 47.22015 curveto +71.70184 49.0162 69.00775 44.33894 72.12593 42.54288 curveto +79.9684 38.02563 86.74426 49.78935 78.9018 54.30658 curveto +75.7836 56.10265 73.08952 51.42538 76.20769 49.62933 curveto +76.8357 49.26761 77.45517 49.03618 78.05527 48.91623 curveto stroke + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 61.22751 23.62189 moveto +67.51108 20.00258 72.94005 29.42793 66.65648 33.04724 curveto +63.53828 34.8433 60.84421 30.16605 63.96237 28.37 curveto +71.80484 23.85275 78.5807 35.61647 70.73824 40.1337 curveto +67.62007 41.92975 64.92598 37.25249 68.04416 35.45642 curveto +75.88663 30.93918 82.66249 42.70291 74.82 47.22015 curveto +71.70184 49.0162 69.00775 44.33894 72.12593 42.54288 curveto +79.9684 38.02563 86.74426 49.78935 78.9018 54.30658 curveto +75.7836 56.10265 73.08952 51.42538 76.20769 49.62933 curveto +82.49126 46.01003 87.92023 55.43538 81.63666 59.05469 curveto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 1180 a Fx(If)j Fz(rubout)f Fx(is)i(selected,)j(it)c +(defaults)h(to)f(2,)i(but)f(it)f(can)h(b)q(e)g(c)o(hanged)g(to)g(an)o +(y)340 1230 y(\(reasonable\))f(v)n(alue)f Fn(>)i Fx(1.)35 +b(The)20 b(curren)o(t)h(implemen)o(tatio)o(n)c(should)i(w)o(ork)g(for) +340 1280 y(almost)14 b(all)i(user-de\014ned)j(line)d(st)o(yles.)27 +b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)17 b(it)g(do)q(es)g(not)g(w)o(ork)f(correctly)340 +1329 y(for)d(the)i(prede\014ned)g Fz(double)e Fx(line)g(st)o(yles)i(y)o +(et.)340 1396 y(Another)g(instructiv)o(e)f(example)f(is)h(the)h(follo)o +(wing:)h(imagine)c(y)o(ou)h(w)o(an)o(t)h(to)g(dra)o(w)340 +1445 y(a)e(t)o(ypical)g(non-resonan)o(t)i(con)o(tribution)e(to)h +Fn(e)1060 1430 y Fr(+)1088 1445 y Fn(e)1107 1430 y Fe(\000)1147 +1445 y Fp(!)e Fx(4)p Fn(f)t Fx(.)18 b(The)c(ob)o(vious)e(solution)340 +1495 y(do)q(esn't)i(lo)q(ok)f(righ)o(t:)438 1590 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o +(,i2)o(})438 1635 y(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2,)o(o3,)o(o4})438 +1681 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(i1)o(,v1)o(,i2)o(})438 +1727 y(\\fmf{boso)o(n})o({v1)o(,v)o(2})438 1772 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o +(n}{)o(o1)o(,v2)o(,v3)o(,o)o(4})438 1818 y(\\fmf{boso)o(n})o({v3)o(,v)o +(4})438 1864 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(o3)o(,v4)o(,o2)o(})-210 +1942 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.16 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +33.14392 32.21164 lineto stroke +newpath 22.76967 11.6507 moveto +26.47902 22.36569 lineto +17.90913 14.94089 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +76.75336 25.7693 lineto stroke +newpath 93.87086 12.51866 moveto +84.10454 18.27951 lineto +89.68202 8.4073 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 112.08408 47.9669 moveto +106.41295 38.65417 lineto stroke +newpath 109.01009 47.51268 moveto +106.41295 38.65417 lineto +113.09138 45.0273 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 33.14392 32.21164 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 26.46454 50.02515 moveto +18.52777 58.12222 lineto +21.35272 47.14157 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 33.14392 32.21164 moveto +34.66525 34.13084 37.69368 33.68347 38.59511 31.40634 curveto +39.49654 29.12921 42.52496 28.68184 44.0463 30.60104 curveto +45.56761 32.52025 48.59605 32.07286 49.49747 29.79575 curveto +50.3989 27.51862 53.42732 27.07124 54.94865 28.99045 curveto +56.46999 30.90965 59.49841 30.46228 60.39981 28.1852 curveto +61.30124 25.90807 64.32967 25.4607 65.851 27.3799 curveto +67.37231 29.2991 70.40076 28.85172 71.30217 26.5746 curveto +72.2036 24.29749 75.23203 23.8501 76.75336 25.7693 curveto stroke +newpath 76.75336 25.7693 moveto +95.07074 45.09637 lineto stroke +newpath 85.70789 30.95128 moveto +91.11195 40.91937 lineto +81.44788 34.98875 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 95.07074 45.09637 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 100.50441 53.93898 moveto +100.53323 65.27734 lineto +94.8391 55.47246 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 95.07074 45.09637 moveto +96.32079 45.82988 97.89609 44.93513 97.90631 43.48582 curveto +97.91653 42.03653 99.49184 41.14177 100.74185 41.87527 curveto +101.99188 42.60878 103.56718 41.71404 103.57741 40.26472 curveto +103.58763 38.81543 105.16293 37.92067 106.41295 38.65417 curveto stroke +newpath 106.41295 38.65417 moveto +112.0842 22.89929 lineto stroke +newpath 105.33806 32.97551 moveto +111.80876 23.66449 lineto +110.86049 34.96342 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2008 a Fx(Again,)f(w)o(e)i(should)g(start)h(with)e(a)h +(sk)o(eleton)438 2102 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(,i2)o(})438 +2148 y(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2,)o(o3,)o(o4})438 2194 +y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(i1)o(,v1)o(,i2)o(})438 2239 +y(\\fmf{boso)o(n})o({v1)o(,v)o(2})438 2285 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o +(o1)o(,v2)o(,v3)o(,o)o(4})-210 2363 y @beginspecial 0 +@llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.17 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +32.27144 32.70718 lineto stroke +newpath 22.44789 11.9135 moveto +25.88 22.72038 lineto +17.50432 15.07735 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +74.13591 27.25595 lineto stroke +newpath 92.56868 13.35695 moveto +82.68265 18.90945 lineto +88.46797 9.15785 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.27144 32.70718 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 26.01007 50.22289 moveto +18.16994 58.4135 lineto +20.86432 47.40013 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.27144 32.70718 moveto +33.69661 34.56996 36.60387 34.19139 37.5045 32.02576 curveto +38.40512 29.86014 41.3124 29.48158 42.73756 31.34438 curveto +44.16273 33.20715 47.06999 32.82858 47.97063 30.66295 curveto +48.87125 28.49733 51.77852 28.11877 53.20369 29.98157 curveto +54.62885 31.84433 57.5361 31.46576 58.43672 29.30014 curveto +59.33734 27.13452 62.24461 26.75597 63.66978 28.61876 curveto +65.09496 30.48154 68.00221 30.10297 68.90285 27.93733 curveto +69.80348 25.7717 72.71075 25.39314 74.13591 27.25595 curveto stroke +newpath 74.13591 27.25595 moveto +88.09087 49.06079 lineto stroke +newpath 81.75606 33.71841 moveto +85.18816 44.52527 lineto +76.81245 36.8823 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 88.09087 49.06079 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 95.71101 55.52325 moveto +99.14311 66.33011 lineto +90.76741 58.68713 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2429 a Fx(and)f(add)h(the)h(second)g +Fn(W)k Fx(later:)438 2524 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(,i2)o(})438 +2570 y(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,o)o(2,)o(o3,)o(o4})438 2615 +y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(i1)o(,v1)o(,i2)o(})438 2661 +y(\\fmf{boso)o(n})o({v1)o(,v)o(2})438 2707 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o +(o1)o(,v2)o(,v3)o(,o)o(4})915 2831 y Fx(26)p eop +%%Page: 27 27 +27 26 bop 438 266 a FE(\\fmffreez)o(e)438 311 y(\\fmf{boso)o(n})o({v3)o +(,v)o(4})438 357 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(o3)o(,v4)o(,o2)o(})-210 +518 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.18 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +32.27144 32.70718 lineto stroke +newpath 22.44789 11.9135 moveto +25.88 22.72038 lineto +17.50432 15.07735 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +74.13591 27.25595 lineto stroke +newpath 92.56868 13.35695 moveto +82.68265 18.90945 lineto +88.46797 9.15785 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 112.08408 47.9669 moveto +104.08638 39.97566 lineto stroke +newpath 108.80586 48.14247 moveto +104.08638 39.97566 lineto +112.25697 44.68858 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.27144 32.70718 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 26.01007 50.22289 moveto +18.16994 58.4135 lineto +20.86432 47.40013 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.27144 32.70718 moveto +33.69661 34.56996 36.60387 34.19139 37.5045 32.02576 curveto +38.40512 29.86014 41.3124 29.48158 42.73756 31.34438 curveto +44.16273 33.20715 47.06999 32.82858 47.97063 30.66295 curveto +48.87125 28.49733 51.77852 28.11877 53.20369 29.98157 curveto +54.62885 31.84433 57.5361 31.46576 58.43672 29.30014 curveto +59.33734 27.13452 62.24461 26.75597 63.66978 28.61876 curveto +65.09496 30.48154 68.00221 30.10297 68.90285 27.93733 curveto +69.80348 25.7717 72.71075 25.39314 74.13591 27.25595 curveto stroke +newpath 74.13591 27.25595 moveto +88.09087 49.06079 lineto stroke +newpath 81.75606 33.71841 moveto +85.18816 44.52527 lineto +76.81245 36.8823 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 88.09087 49.06079 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 95.71101 55.52325 moveto +99.14311 66.33011 lineto +90.76741 58.68713 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 88.09087 49.06079 moveto +89.85373 50.09523 92.07533 48.8334 92.08975 46.7895 curveto +92.10417 44.7456 94.32578 43.48378 96.08864 44.51822 curveto +97.85149 45.55264 100.07307 44.29083 100.0875 42.24695 curveto +100.10191 40.20305 102.32352 38.94122 104.08638 39.97566 curveto stroke +newpath 104.08638 39.97566 moveto +112.0842 22.89929 lineto stroke +newpath 103.98845 33.26566 moveto +111.29144 24.59187 lineto +109.30373 35.7551 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 499 a Fx(Here's)13 b(another)g(example)e(that)h(uses)i +(stretc)o(hable)g(arcs.)k(Diagrams)10 b(of)i(this)h(kind)340 +549 y(are)20 b(kno)o(wn)f(as)h Fw(r)n(ainb)n(ow)j Fx(diagrams.)33 +b(If)19 b(y)o(ou're)h(using)g Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)h Fx(and)f(are)340 +599 y(w)o(atc)o(hing)13 b(this)h(on)f(a)h(color)g(device,)g(y)o(ou'll)e +(see)j(wh)o(y)m(.)438 691 y FE(\\fmfpen{t)o(hi)o(ck})438 +737 y(\\fmfleft{)o(i1)o(,d1)o(})438 783 y(\\fmfright)o({o)o(1,d)o(2}) +438 828 y(\\fmfn{pla)o(in)o(}{i)o(}{)o(4})438 874 y(\\fmf{plai)o(n})o +({i4)o(,v)o(,o4)o(})438 920 y(\\fmfn{pla)o(in)o(}{o)o(}{)o(4})438 +965 y(\\fmffreez)o(e)438 1011 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(lef)o(t,)o(for)o(e=r) +o(ed)o(}{i)o(1,)o(o1})438 1056 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(lef)o(t,)o(for)o +(e=g)o(re)o(en})o({i)o(2,o)o(2})438 1102 y(\\fmf{gluo)o(n,)o(lef)o(t,)o +(for)o(e=b)o(lu)o(e}{)o(i3)o(,o3)o(})438 1148 y(\\fmfdotn{)o(i})o({3}) +438 1193 y(\\fmfdotn{)o(o})o({3})438 1239 y(\\fmfv{d.s)o(h=)o(cir)o(cl) +o(e,d)o(.f=)o(em)o(pty)o(,d)o(.si)o(=.2)o(w,)o(b=\()o(1,)o(,0,)o(,1\))o +(,)555 1285 y(l=$\\Sigma$)o(}{v)o(})-210 1361 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.19 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 13.33174 0 moveto +20.68507 0 lineto stroke + 1 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 11.38214 1.99158 moveto +17.94455 1.70802 19.5038 11.03438 13.20047 12.9013 curveto +9.4976 13.99802 8.16447 8.24068 11.9729 7.5983 curveto +19.69681 6.29546 23.18237 16.89957 16.192 20.4333 curveto +12.81657 22.13963 10.51689 16.83138 14.07 15.53593 curveto +21.3396 12.8855 26.60202 22.58417 20.42145 27.23184 curveto +17.43369 29.47859 14.26984 24.71829 17.4979 22.83365 curveto +24.1437 18.95363 30.99873 27.53465 25.74893 33.1577 curveto +23.20866 35.87859 19.27977 31.76157 22.11636 29.35126 curveto +27.9757 24.37245 36.2211 31.61969 32.03421 38.07071 curveto +30.00287 41.20053 25.40523 37.82259 27.78516 34.94853 curveto +32.70741 29.0043 42.12851 34.7113 39.13712 41.83061 curveto +37.67789 45.30347 32.50671 42.76286 34.36414 39.48528 curveto +38.20909 32.70052 48.59106 36.6782 46.91739 44.29723 curveto +46.09413 48.04489 40.44618 46.443 41.71303 42.82126 curveto +44.34253 35.30386 55.48592 37.37909 55.23486 45.33032 curveto +55.11012 49.28082 49.08783 48.72098 49.69273 44.81645 curveto +50.93188 36.818 62.45313 36.818 63.69228 44.81645 curveto +64.29718 48.72098 58.27489 49.28082 58.15015 45.33032 curveto +57.8991 37.37909 69.04248 35.30386 71.67198 42.82126 curveto +72.93883 46.443 67.29088 48.04489 66.46762 44.29723 curveto +64.79395 36.6782 75.17592 32.70052 79.02087 39.48528 curveto +80.8783 42.76286 75.70712 45.30347 74.2479 41.83061 curveto +71.2565 34.7113 80.6776 29.0043 85.59985 34.94853 curveto +87.97978 37.82259 83.38214 41.20053 81.3508 38.07071 curveto +77.16391 31.61969 85.40932 24.37245 91.26865 29.35126 curveto +94.10524 31.76157 90.17635 35.87859 87.63608 33.1577 curveto +82.38628 27.53465 89.2413 18.95363 95.88712 22.83365 curveto +99.11517 24.71829 95.95132 29.47859 92.96356 27.23184 curveto +86.78299 22.58417 92.04541 12.8855 99.315 15.53593 curveto +102.86812 16.83138 100.56844 22.13963 97.19301 20.4333 curveto +90.20264 16.89957 93.6882 6.29546 101.41211 7.5983 curveto +105.22054 8.24068 103.8874 13.99802 100.18454 12.9013 curveto +93.88121 11.03438 95.44046 1.70802 102.00287 1.99158 curveto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 100.05327 0 moveto +92.69998 0 lineto stroke +newpath 24.6701 0 moveto +32.02342 0 lineto stroke + 0 1 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 22.73488 1.99138 moveto +28.86043 1.63776 30.7267 10.16096 25.00871 12.40062 curveto +21.47981 13.78284 19.78093 8.20366 23.48134 7.38454 curveto +30.5774 5.81375 34.65123 15.1664 28.67255 19.29024 curveto +25.61855 21.39674 22.74417 16.46886 26.08054 14.84763 curveto +32.55731 11.70041 38.6133 19.80943 33.76051 25.12283 curveto +31.2768 27.8423 27.393 23.72238 30.25406 21.40334 curveto +35.84001 16.8756 43.56912 23.3984 40.04286 29.66849 curveto +38.23018 32.89162 33.4976 29.73909 35.77399 26.82419 curveto +40.2282 21.12059 49.28992 25.73717 47.29208 32.69936 curveto +46.25414 36.31642 40.82857 34.29509 42.41049 30.8804 curveto +45.51572 24.1776 55.5796 26.61276 55.278 33.9861 curveto +55.11879 37.87794 49.16699 37.16049 49.93613 33.344 curveto +51.42223 25.9698 61.96284 25.9698 63.44894 33.344 curveto +64.21808 37.16049 58.26628 37.87794 58.10707 33.9861 curveto +57.80547 26.61276 67.86935 24.1776 70.97458 30.8804 curveto +72.5565 34.29509 67.13094 36.31642 66.09299 32.69936 curveto +64.09515 25.73717 73.15688 21.12059 77.61108 26.82419 curveto +79.88747 29.73909 75.15489 32.89162 73.34221 29.66849 curveto +69.81595 23.3984 77.54506 16.8756 83.13101 21.40334 curveto +85.99207 23.72238 82.10828 27.8423 79.62456 25.12283 curveto +74.77177 19.80943 80.82776 11.70041 87.30453 14.84763 curveto +90.6409 16.46886 87.76653 21.39674 84.71252 19.29024 curveto +78.73384 15.1664 82.80768 5.81375 89.90373 7.38454 curveto +93.60414 8.20366 91.90526 13.78284 88.37636 12.40062 curveto +82.65837 10.16096 84.52464 1.63776 90.65019 1.99138 curveto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 36.00844 0 moveto +45.35423 0 lineto stroke + 0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 34.10207 1.99068 moveto +40.02464 1.47559 42.71806 9.20602 37.75774 12.4827 curveto +34.28508 14.77664 31.39008 8.96341 35.31165 7.57416 curveto +41.86952 5.25096 47.50305 12.76697 43.4373 18.40123 curveto +41.03362 21.73224 36.32172 17.39178 39.44496 14.72314 curveto +44.73692 10.20143 52.70807 15.19608 50.94623 21.94223 curveto +49.88649 25.99998 43.80089 23.58199 45.81583 19.90279 curveto +49.24677 13.63797 58.68094 15.42404 59.57927 22.49464 curveto +60.13435 26.86359 53.25072 26.86359 53.8058 22.49464 curveto +54.70413 15.42404 64.1383 13.63797 67.56924 19.90279 curveto +69.58418 23.58199 63.49858 25.99998 62.43884 21.94223 curveto +60.677 15.19608 68.64815 10.20143 73.94011 14.72314 curveto +77.06335 17.39178 72.35146 21.73224 69.94777 18.40123 curveto +65.88202 12.76697 71.51555 5.25096 78.07343 7.57416 curveto +81.995 8.96341 79.09999 14.77664 75.62733 12.4827 curveto +70.667 9.20602 73.36043 1.47559 79.283 1.99068 curveto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 45.35423 0 moveto +45.35442 0 lineto stroke +newpath 68.03087 0 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 88.71497 0 moveto +81.36165 0 lineto stroke +newpath 77.37663 0 moveto +68.03087 0 lineto stroke +newpath 13.33171 0 moveto +13.33171 0.52847 13.12175 1.03523 12.7481 1.4089 curveto +12.37442 1.78256 11.86766 1.99252 11.33919 1.99252 curveto +10.81071 1.99252 10.30396 1.78256 9.93028 1.4089 curveto +9.55663 1.03523 9.34666 0.52847 9.34666 0 curveto +9.34666 -0.52847 9.55663 -1.03523 9.93028 -1.4089 curveto +10.30396 -1.78256 10.81071 -1.99252 11.33919 -1.99252 curveto +11.86766 -1.99252 12.37442 -1.78256 12.7481 -1.4089 curveto +13.12175 -1.03523 13.33171 -0.52847 13.33171 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 104.03835 0 moveto +104.03835 0.52847 103.82838 1.03523 103.45473 1.4089 curveto +103.08105 1.78256 102.5743 1.99252 102.04582 1.99252 curveto +101.51735 1.99252 101.01059 1.78256 100.63692 1.4089 curveto +100.26326 1.03523 100.0533 0.52847 100.0533 0 curveto +100.0533 -0.52847 100.26326 -1.03523 100.63692 -1.4089 curveto +101.01059 -1.78256 101.51735 -1.99252 102.04582 -1.99252 curveto +102.5743 -1.99252 103.08105 -1.78256 103.45473 -1.4089 curveto +103.82838 -1.03523 104.03835 -0.52847 104.03835 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 24.67007 0 moveto +24.67007 0.52847 24.46011 1.03523 24.08646 1.4089 curveto +23.71278 1.78256 23.20602 1.99252 22.67755 1.99252 curveto +22.14908 1.99252 21.64232 1.78256 21.26865 1.4089 curveto +20.89499 1.03523 20.68503 0.52847 20.68503 0 curveto +20.68503 -0.52847 20.89499 -1.03523 21.26865 -1.4089 curveto +21.64232 -1.78256 22.14908 -1.99252 22.67755 -1.99252 curveto +23.20602 -1.99252 23.71278 -1.78256 24.08646 -1.4089 curveto +24.46011 -1.03523 24.67007 -0.52847 24.67007 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 36.0084 0 moveto +36.0084 0.52847 35.79845 1.03523 35.42479 1.4089 curveto +35.05112 1.78256 34.54436 1.99252 34.01588 1.99252 curveto +33.48741 1.99252 32.98065 1.78256 32.60698 1.4089 curveto +32.23332 1.03523 32.02336 0.52847 32.02336 0 curveto +32.02336 -0.52847 32.23332 -1.03523 32.60698 -1.4089 curveto +32.98065 -1.78256 33.48741 -1.99252 34.01588 -1.99252 curveto +34.54436 -1.99252 35.05112 -1.78256 35.42479 -1.4089 curveto +35.79845 -1.03523 36.0084 -0.52847 36.0084 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 1 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 68.03088 0 moveto +68.03088 3.00725 66.83607 5.89096 64.7098 8.01724 curveto +62.58351 10.14352 59.6998 11.33833 56.69255 11.33833 curveto +53.6853 11.33833 50.80159 10.14352 48.67531 8.01724 curveto +46.54903 5.89096 45.35422 3.00725 45.35422 0 curveto +45.35422 -3.00725 46.54903 -5.89096 48.67531 -8.01724 curveto +50.80159 -10.14352 53.6853 -11.33833 56.69255 -11.33833 curveto +59.6998 -11.33833 62.58351 -10.14352 64.7098 -8.01724 curveto +66.83607 -5.89096 68.03088 -3.00725 68.03088 0 curveto closepath fill + 0 setgray +newpath 68.03088 0 moveto +68.03088 3.00725 66.83607 5.89096 64.7098 8.01724 curveto +62.58351 10.14352 59.6998 11.33833 56.69255 11.33833 curveto +53.6853 11.33833 50.80159 10.14352 48.67531 8.01724 curveto +46.54903 5.89096 45.35422 3.00725 45.35422 0 curveto +45.35422 -3.00725 46.54903 -5.89096 48.67531 -8.01724 curveto +50.80159 -10.14352 53.6853 -11.33833 56.69255 -11.33833 curveto +59.6998 -11.33833 62.58351 -10.14352 64.7098 -8.01724 curveto +66.83607 -5.89096 68.03088 -3.00725 68.03088 0 curveto closepath stroke +newpath 92.70004 0 moveto +92.70004 0.52847 92.49008 1.03523 92.11642 1.4089 curveto +91.74275 1.78256 91.236 1.99252 90.70752 1.99252 curveto +90.17905 1.99252 89.67229 1.78256 89.29861 1.4089 curveto +88.92496 1.03523 88.715 0.52847 88.715 0 curveto +88.715 -0.52847 88.92496 -1.03523 89.29861 -1.4089 curveto +89.67229 -1.78256 90.17905 -1.99252 90.70752 -1.99252 curveto +91.236 -1.99252 91.74275 -1.78256 92.11642 -1.4089 curveto +92.49008 -1.03523 92.70004 -0.52847 92.70004 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 81.36171 0 moveto +81.36171 0.52847 81.15175 1.03523 80.77809 1.4089 curveto +80.40442 1.78256 79.89766 1.99252 79.36919 1.99252 curveto +78.84071 1.99252 78.33395 1.78256 77.96028 1.4089 curveto +77.58662 1.03523 77.37666 0.52847 77.37666 0 curveto +77.37666 -0.52847 77.58662 -1.03523 77.96028 -1.4089 curveto +78.33395 -1.78256 78.84071 -1.99252 79.36919 -1.99252 curveto +79.89766 -1.99252 80.40442 -1.78256 80.77809 -1.4089 curveto +81.15175 -1.03523 81.36171 -0.52847 81.36171 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 11 1375 a Fx(\006)220 1449 y(Exp)q(erience)d(has)d(sho)o +(wn)h(that)g(the)g(metho)q(d)f(adv)o(o)q(cated)h(in)f(this)h(section)g +(is)g(more)f(e\013ectiv)o(e)220 1499 y(than)15 b(fuzzing)g(around)g +(with)f(fractional)g Fz(tension)f Fx(parameters.)21 b(Using)15 +b Fz(\\fmfshift)e Fx(or)220 1549 y Fz(\\fmfforce)f Fx(should)i(b)q(e)g +(a)g(last)f(resort)i(only)m(.)220 1656 y Fs(2.5.9)48 +b(Pullin)o(g)13 b(strings)220 1733 y Fx(If)d(y)o(ou)h(add)g(to)f(an)o +(y)h(arc)g(one)g(or)g(more)f Fz(phantom)f Fx(arcs)j(they)f(will)e +(cause)j(a)f(tigh)o(ter)g(b)q(onding)220 1783 y(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)k(the) +g(v)o(ertices)g(in)o(v)o(olv)o(ed)279 1859 y FE(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o +(v1,)o(v2})279 1905 y(\\fmf{phan)o(tom)o(}{)o(v1,)o(v2})220 +2031 y Fx(whic)o(h)f(is)g(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(to)279 2108 +y FE(\\fmf{ferm)o(ion)o(,t)o(ens)o(ion)o(=2)o(}{v)o(1,)o(v2})220 +2234 y Fx(The)j Fz(phantom)f Fx(arc)h(has)g(to)f(b)q(e)i(added)f +Fw(b)n(efor)n(e)i Fx(an)o(y)d Fz(\\fmffreeze)f Fx(in)o(v)o(olving)g +(these)j(v)o(er-)220 2284 y(tices,)d(of)g(course.)340 +2372 y(Here)h(is)e(an)h(example)f(from)f(deep)j(inelastic)e(scattering) +1233 2357 y Fr(20)1269 2372 y Fx(:)438 2464 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(ip)o(,il) +o(})438 2510 y(\\fmfright)o({o)o(q1,)o(oq)o(2,d)o(1,o)o(q3)o(,d2)o(,d)o +(3,o)o(l})438 2555 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(ip)o(,vp)o(,vq)o(,o)o(q3}) +p 220 2589 573 2 v 251 2616 a FB(20)284 2628 y Fu(Don't)e(b)q(e)h +(confused)f(b)o(y)h(the)g Ft(\\fmfi)f Fu(command.)16 +b(It)d(is)g(describ)q(ed)d(b)q(elo)o(w)i(\(see)g(section)f(2.7.1\))g +(and)220 2667 y(tak)o(es)i(the)f(same)h(argumen)o(ts)e(as)i(the)g +Ft(\\fmfv)g Fu(command.)19 b(W)m(e)13 b(use)h(it)f(here)g(for)g(adding) +f(to)h(more)f(lines)220 2707 y(parallel)d(to)j(the)e(incoming)f(proton) +h(line.)k(They)e(do)f(not)f(en)o(ter)h(the)f(la)o(y)o(out)g(decisions.) +915 2831 y Fx(27)p eop +%%Page: 28 28 +28 27 bop 438 266 a FE(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(vp)o(,oq)o(1})438 +311 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(vp)o(,oq)o(2})438 357 y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o +(}{v)o(l,)o(vq})438 403 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(il)o(,vl)o(,ol)o(}) +438 448 y(\\fmfblob{)o(.1)o(5w})o({v)o(p})438 494 y(\\fmfdot{v)o(q,)o +(vl})438 540 y(\\fmffreez)o(e)438 585 y(\\fmfi{pla)o(in)o(}{v)o(pa)o +(th)16 b(\(__ip,__vp)o(\))h(shifted)g(\(thick*\(0)o(,2)o(\)\)})438 +631 y(\\fmfi{pla)o(in)o(}{v)o(pa)o(th)f(\(__ip,__vp)o(\))h(shifted)g +(\(thick*\(1)o(,-)o(2\)\))o(})-210 708 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.20 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 3.98505 moveto +68.41042 14.08006 lineto stroke +newpath 13.33171 -3.98505 moveto +70.40294 6.10997 lineto stroke +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +68.41042 10.09502 lineto stroke +newpath 37.04443 1.5667 moveto +47.31767 6.36401 lineto +36.02213 7.34615 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.33919 70.86563 moveto +64.34279 59.44453 lineto stroke +newpath 33.90604 63.00099 moveto +45.23055 63.5628 lineto +35.14236 68.7386 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 79.70741 19.56111 moveto +84.80136 33.47336 lineto stroke +newpath 83.8049 22.33046 moveto +84.80136 33.47336 lineto +78.36694 24.32155 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 84.5143 8.03366 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 88.97287 2.76254 moveto +100.15178 0.86792 lineto +91.41791 8.0982 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 85.28577 11.40971 moveto +108.26343 10.96005 lineto stroke +newpath 93.32454 8.31721 moveto +104.3321 11.037 lineto +93.43938 14.18535 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 87.47914 35.35065 moveto +113.38501 35.43222 lineto stroke +newpath 97.04826 32.4461 moveto +107.99123 35.41524 lineto +97.02977 38.3154 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 67.54544 57.47684 moveto +69.484 57.78488 71.02905 55.87885 70.32654 54.04599 curveto +69.6241 52.2133 71.169 50.30745 73.10738 50.61546 curveto +75.04594 50.92351 76.59102 49.01747 75.8885 47.18462 curveto +75.186 45.35178 76.73106 43.44579 78.6696 43.75381 curveto +80.60797 44.06183 82.15288 42.15598 81.45044 40.32329 curveto +80.74792 38.49043 82.29298 36.58441 84.23154 36.89244 curveto stroke +newpath 68.18219 59.65117 moveto +102.04651 70.86467 lineto stroke +newpath 82.81544 61.4053 moveto +92.29015 67.63405 lineto +80.97044 66.97714 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 85.28726 11.57611 moveto +85.28726 13.83148 84.39117 15.99422 82.79651 17.5889 curveto +81.20183 19.18356 79.0391 20.07965 76.78372 20.07965 curveto +74.52835 20.07965 72.36562 19.18356 70.77094 17.5889 curveto +69.17627 15.99422 68.28018 13.83148 68.28018 11.57611 curveto +68.28018 9.32074 69.17627 7.158 70.77094 5.56332 curveto +72.36562 3.96866 74.52835 3.07257 76.78372 3.07257 curveto +79.0391 3.07257 81.20183 3.96866 82.79651 5.56332 curveto +84.39117 7.158 85.28726 9.32074 85.28726 11.57611 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 68.28018 3.07257 moveto +85.28726 3.07257 lineto +85.28726 20.07965 lineto +68.28018 20.07965 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 65.28018 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 65.28018 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 65.28018 3.07248 moveto +85.28735 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 68.28009 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 20.07974 lineto stroke +newpath 65.28018 6.07239 moveto +82.28745 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 71.28 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 17.07983 lineto stroke +newpath 65.28018 9.0723 moveto +79.28754 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 74.2799 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 14.07993 lineto stroke +newpath 65.28018 12.07219 moveto +76.28764 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 77.2798 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 11.08003 lineto stroke +newpath 65.28018 15.0721 moveto +73.28773 23.07965 lineto stroke +newpath 80.27971 0.07257 moveto +88.28726 8.08012 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 85.28726 11.57611 moveto +85.28726 13.83148 84.39117 15.99422 82.79651 17.5889 curveto +81.20183 19.18356 79.0391 20.07965 76.78372 20.07965 curveto +74.52835 20.07965 72.36562 19.18356 70.77094 17.5889 curveto +69.17627 15.99422 68.28018 13.83148 68.28018 11.57611 curveto +68.28018 9.32074 69.17627 7.158 70.77094 5.56332 curveto +72.36562 3.96866 74.52835 3.07257 76.78372 3.07257 curveto +79.0391 3.07257 81.20183 3.96866 82.79651 5.56332 curveto +84.39117 7.158 85.28726 9.32074 85.28726 11.57611 curveto closepath stroke +newpath 87.47897 35.34438 moveto +87.47897 35.87285 87.26901 36.37961 86.89536 36.75328 curveto +86.52168 37.12694 86.01492 37.3369 85.48645 37.3369 curveto +84.95798 37.3369 84.45122 37.12694 84.07755 36.75328 curveto +83.70389 36.37961 83.49393 35.87285 83.49393 35.34438 curveto +83.49393 34.8159 83.70389 34.30914 84.07755 33.93547 curveto +84.45122 33.56181 84.95798 33.35185 85.48645 33.35185 curveto +86.01492 33.35185 86.52168 33.56181 86.89536 33.93547 curveto +87.26901 34.30914 87.47897 34.8159 87.47897 35.34438 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 68.28314 59.02481 moveto +68.28314 59.55328 68.07318 60.06004 67.69952 60.43372 curveto +67.32585 60.80737 66.81909 61.01733 66.29062 61.01733 curveto +65.76215 61.01733 65.25539 60.80737 64.88171 60.43372 curveto +64.50806 60.06004 64.2981 59.55328 64.2981 59.02481 curveto +64.2981 58.49634 64.50806 57.98958 64.88171 57.6159 curveto +65.25539 57.24225 65.76215 57.03229 66.29062 57.03229 curveto +66.81909 57.03229 67.32585 57.24225 67.69952 57.6159 curveto +68.07318 57.98958 68.28314 58.49634 68.28314 59.02481 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 774 a Fx(As)11 b(it)f(stands,)i(all)e(v)o(ertices)i +(come)e(out)g(to)q(o)h(far)g(to)f(the)i(righ)o(t,)e(b)q(ecause)j(the)e +(greater)340 824 y(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(of)g(outgoing)g(lines)h(pulls)f +(them)g(o)o(v)o(er.)18 b(Adding)11 b Fz(\\fmf{phantom})e +Fx(mak)o(es)340 874 y(the)14 b(b)q(ond)f(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)i(the)g +(incoming)c(v)o(ertices)k(and)e(the)i(in)o(teractions)f(tigh)o(ter)f +(and)340 924 y(pro)q(duces)i(a)f(b)q(etter)h(balanced)f(picture:)438 +1017 y FE(\\fmfleft{)o(ip)o(,il)o(})438 1063 y(\\fmfright)o({o)o(q1,)o +(oq)o(2,d)o(1,o)o(q3)o(,d2)o(,d)o(3,o)o(l})438 1108 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o +(n}{)o(ip)o(,vp)o(,vq)o(,o)o(q3})438 1154 y(\\fmf{phan)o(to)o(m}{)o(ip) +o(,vp)o(})438 1200 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(vp)o(,oq)o(1})438 +1245 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o(vp)o(,oq)o(2})438 1291 +y(\\fmf{phot)o(on)o(}{v)o(l,)o(vq})438 1337 y(\\fmf{ferm)o(io)o(n}{)o +(il)o(,vl)o(,ol)o(})438 1382 y(\\fmf{phan)o(to)o(m}{)o(il)o(,vl)o(})438 +1428 y(\\fmfblob{)o(.1)o(5w})o({v)o(p})438 1473 y(\\fmfdot{v)o(q,)o +(vl})438 1519 y(\\fmffreez)o(e)438 1565 y(\\fmfi{pla)o(in)o(}{v)o(pa)o +(th)i(\(__ip,__vp)o(\))h(shifted)g(\(thick*\(0)o(,2)o(\)\)})438 +1610 y(\\fmfi{pla)o(in)o(}{v)o(pa)o(th)f(\(__ip,__vp)o(\))h(shifted)g +(\(thick*\(1)o(,-)o(2\)\))o(})-210 1688 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp3.21 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 3.98505 moveto +53.22978 11.74727 lineto stroke +newpath 13.33171 -3.98505 moveto +55.2223 3.77718 lineto stroke +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +53.22978 7.76222 lineto stroke +newpath 29.48274 0.37732 moveto +39.71701 5.25833 lineto +28.41338 6.14844 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.33919 70.86563 moveto +47.98056 62.49223 lineto stroke +newpath 25.69824 64.57404 moveto +37.02902 64.99492 lineto +27.0058 70.29572 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 65.44705 16.89008 moveto +74.06267 33.82184 lineto stroke +newpath 70.83151 21.00095 moveto +73.18294 32.093 lineto +65.60056 23.66269 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 69.87732 7.40416 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 81.99646 1.60336 moveto +93.3278 2.0066 lineto +83.31296 7.32306 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 70.08904 9.61166 moveto +108.26343 10.96005 lineto stroke +newpath 85.889 7.23335 moveto +96.73053 10.55269 lineto +85.68182 13.09886 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 76.95871 35.58876 moveto +113.38501 35.43222 lineto stroke +newpath 91.76599 32.59038 moveto +102.73094 35.478 lineto +91.79123 38.45976 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.29276 60.60144 moveto +53.63008 61.15973 55.69528 58.97844 55.01012 56.67511 curveto +54.325 54.37196 56.39005 52.19084 58.72717 52.7491 curveto +61.06451 53.3074 63.12973 51.1261 62.44456 48.82275 curveto +61.7594 46.51942 63.8246 44.33813 66.16193 44.89642 curveto +68.49905 45.45468 70.5641 43.27356 69.87898 40.97041 curveto +69.19382 38.66708 71.25902 36.4858 73.59634 37.04408 curveto stroke +newpath 51.8873 62.38068 moveto +102.04651 70.86467 lineto stroke +newpath 74.11066 63.16324 moveto +84.42023 67.88332 lineto +73.13184 68.95032 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 70.09428 9.31148 moveto +70.09428 11.56685 69.1982 13.72958 67.60353 15.32426 curveto +66.00885 16.91893 63.84612 17.81502 61.59074 17.81502 curveto +59.33537 17.81502 57.17264 16.91893 55.57796 15.32426 curveto +53.98329 13.72958 53.0872 11.56685 53.0872 9.31148 curveto +53.0872 7.0561 53.98329 4.89337 55.57796 3.29869 curveto +57.17264 1.70403 59.33537 0.80794 61.59074 0.80794 curveto +63.84612 0.80794 66.00885 1.70403 67.60353 3.29869 curveto +69.1982 4.89337 70.09428 7.0561 70.09428 9.31148 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 53.0872 0.80794 moveto +70.09428 0.80794 lineto +70.09428 17.81502 lineto +53.0872 17.81502 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 50.0872 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 0.80785 moveto +70.09438 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 53.08711 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 17.81511 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 3.80775 moveto +67.09447 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 56.08702 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 14.8152 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 6.80766 moveto +64.09456 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 59.08693 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 11.81529 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 9.80756 moveto +61.09467 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 62.08682 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 8.8154 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 12.80746 moveto +58.09476 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 65.08673 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 5.81549 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 70.09428 9.31148 moveto +70.09428 11.56685 69.1982 13.72958 67.60353 15.32426 curveto +66.00885 16.91893 63.84612 17.81502 61.59074 17.81502 curveto +59.33537 17.81502 57.17264 16.91893 55.57796 15.32426 curveto +53.98329 13.72958 53.0872 11.56685 53.0872 9.31148 curveto +53.0872 7.0561 53.98329 4.89337 55.57796 3.29869 curveto +57.17264 1.70403 59.33537 0.80794 61.59074 0.80794 curveto +63.84612 0.80794 66.00885 1.70403 67.60353 3.29869 curveto +69.1982 4.89337 70.09428 7.0561 70.09428 9.31148 curveto closepath stroke +newpath 76.95863 35.59732 moveto +76.95863 36.1258 76.74867 36.63255 76.37502 37.00623 curveto +76.00134 37.37988 75.49458 37.58984 74.96611 37.58984 curveto +74.43764 37.58984 73.93088 37.37988 73.5572 37.00623 curveto +73.18355 36.63255 72.97359 36.1258 72.97359 35.59732 curveto +72.97359 35.06885 73.18355 34.56209 73.5572 34.18842 curveto +73.93088 33.81476 74.43764 33.6048 74.96611 33.6048 curveto +75.49458 33.6048 76.00134 33.81476 76.37502 34.18842 curveto +76.74867 34.56209 76.95863 35.06885 76.95863 35.59732 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 51.91533 62.04839 moveto +51.91533 62.57686 51.70537 63.08362 51.33171 63.45729 curveto +50.95804 63.83095 50.45128 64.04091 49.9228 64.04091 curveto +49.39433 64.04091 48.88757 63.83095 48.5139 63.45729 curveto +48.14024 63.08362 47.93028 62.57686 47.93028 62.04839 curveto +47.93028 61.51991 48.14024 61.01315 48.5139 60.63948 curveto +48.88757 60.26582 49.39433 60.05586 49.9228 60.05586 curveto +50.45128 60.05586 50.95804 60.26582 51.33171 60.63948 curveto +51.70537 61.01315 51.91533 61.51991 51.91533 62.04839 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke 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lineto stroke +newpath 81.99646 1.60336 moveto +93.3278 2.0066 lineto +83.31296 7.32306 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 70.08904 9.61166 moveto +108.26343 10.96005 lineto stroke +newpath 85.889 7.23335 moveto +96.73053 10.55269 lineto +85.68182 13.09886 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 76.95871 35.58876 moveto +113.38501 35.43222 lineto stroke +newpath 91.76599 32.59038 moveto +102.73094 35.478 lineto +91.79123 38.45976 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 51.29276 60.60144 moveto +53.63008 61.15973 55.69528 58.97844 55.01012 56.67511 curveto +54.325 54.37196 56.39005 52.19084 58.72717 52.7491 curveto +61.06451 53.3074 63.12973 51.1261 62.44456 48.82275 curveto +61.7594 46.51942 63.8246 44.33813 66.16193 44.89642 curveto +68.49905 45.45468 70.5641 43.27356 69.87898 40.97041 curveto +69.19382 38.66708 71.25902 36.4858 73.59634 37.04408 curveto stroke +newpath 51.8873 62.38068 moveto +102.04651 70.86467 lineto stroke +newpath 74.11066 63.16324 moveto +84.42023 67.88332 lineto +73.13184 68.95032 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 70.09428 9.31148 moveto +70.09428 11.56685 69.1982 13.72958 67.60353 15.32426 curveto +66.00885 16.91893 63.84612 17.81502 61.59074 17.81502 curveto +59.33537 17.81502 57.17264 16.91893 55.57796 15.32426 curveto +53.98329 13.72958 53.0872 11.56685 53.0872 9.31148 curveto +53.0872 7.0561 53.98329 4.89337 55.57796 3.29869 curveto +57.17264 1.70403 59.33537 0.80794 61.59074 0.80794 curveto +63.84612 0.80794 66.00885 1.70403 67.60353 3.29869 curveto +69.1982 4.89337 70.09428 7.0561 70.09428 9.31148 curveto closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 53.0872 0.80794 moveto +70.09428 0.80794 lineto +70.09428 17.81502 lineto +53.0872 17.81502 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 50.0872 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 0.80785 moveto +70.09438 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 53.08711 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 17.81511 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 3.80775 moveto +67.09447 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 56.08702 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 14.8152 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 6.80766 moveto +64.09456 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 59.08693 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 11.81529 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 9.80756 moveto +61.09467 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 62.08682 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 8.8154 lineto stroke +newpath 50.0872 12.80746 moveto +58.09476 20.81502 lineto stroke +newpath 65.08673 -2.19206 moveto +73.09428 5.81549 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 70.09428 9.31148 moveto +70.09428 11.56685 69.1982 13.72958 67.60353 15.32426 curveto +66.00885 16.91893 63.84612 17.81502 61.59074 17.81502 curveto +59.33537 17.81502 57.17264 16.91893 55.57796 15.32426 curveto +53.98329 13.72958 53.0872 11.56685 53.0872 9.31148 curveto +53.0872 7.0561 53.98329 4.89337 55.57796 3.29869 curveto +57.17264 1.70403 59.33537 0.80794 61.59074 0.80794 curveto +63.84612 0.80794 66.00885 1.70403 67.60353 3.29869 curveto +69.1982 4.89337 70.09428 7.0561 70.09428 9.31148 curveto closepath stroke +newpath 76.95863 35.59732 moveto +76.95863 36.1258 76.74867 36.63255 76.37502 37.00623 curveto +76.00134 37.37988 75.49458 37.58984 74.96611 37.58984 curveto +74.43764 37.58984 73.93088 37.37988 73.5572 37.00623 curveto +73.18355 36.63255 72.97359 36.1258 72.97359 35.59732 curveto +72.97359 35.06885 73.18355 34.56209 73.5572 34.18842 curveto +73.93088 33.81476 74.43764 33.6048 74.96611 33.6048 curveto +75.49458 33.6048 76.00134 33.81476 76.37502 34.18842 curveto +76.74867 34.56209 76.95863 35.06885 76.95863 35.59732 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 51.91533 62.04839 moveto +51.91533 62.57686 51.70537 63.08362 51.33171 63.45729 curveto +50.95804 63.83095 50.45128 64.04091 49.9228 64.04091 curveto +49.39433 64.04091 48.88757 63.83095 48.5139 63.45729 curveto +48.14024 63.08362 47.93028 62.57686 47.93028 62.04839 curveto +47.93028 61.51991 48.14024 61.01315 48.5139 60.63948 curveto +48.88757 60.26582 49.39433 60.05586 49.9228 60.05586 curveto +50.45128 60.05586 50.95804 60.26582 51.33171 60.63948 curveto +51.70537 61.01315 51.91533 61.51991 51.91533 62.04839 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 220 2657 a Fx(Con)o(v)o(ersely)m(,)j(sp)q(eci\014ng)g(a)f +Fz(tension)f Fn(<)j Fx(1)d(will)g(mak)o(e)g(the)i(corresp)q(onding)g +(arcs)g(more)220 2707 y(lo)q(ose.)915 2831 y(28)p eop +%%Page: 29 29 +29 28 bop 340 266 a Fx(Reconsider)12 b(the)h(b)q(o)o(x)f(graph)f(on)h +(page)g(20)f(and)h(reduce)i(the)e(tension)h(on)e(the)i(inner)340 +315 y(lines)421 300 y Fr(21)398 411 y FE(\\fmfleft{i1)o(,i)o(2})398 +457 y(\\fmflabel{$)o(\\b)o(ar{)o(b})o($}{)o(i1})398 502 +y(\\fmflabel{$)o(d$)o(}{i)o(2})398 548 y(\\fmfright{o)o(1,)o(o2})398 +594 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idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +32.19647 9.31134 lineto stroke +newpath 19.86572 0.59273 moveto +28.67018 7.73709 lineto +17.47311 5.95213 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 102.04582 70.86563 moveto +81.18855 61.55429 lineto stroke +newpath 93.51929 70.27289 moveto +84.71484 63.12854 lineto +95.9119 64.91351 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 36.00822 10.12355 moveto +77.37698 10.12355 lineto stroke +newpath 53.29971 7.18898 moveto +64.25156 10.12355 lineto +53.29971 13.05812 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 34.01585 12.11629 moveto +32.22086 13.15263 32.22086 15.7435 34.01585 16.77985 curveto +35.8106 17.81604 35.8106 20.40652 34.01585 21.44272 curveto +32.22086 22.47906 32.22086 25.06993 34.01585 26.10628 curveto +35.8106 27.14247 35.8106 29.73296 34.01585 30.76915 curveto +32.22084 31.8055 32.22084 34.3964 34.01585 35.43274 curveto +35.81085 36.46909 35.81085 39.05995 34.01585 40.0963 curveto +32.22112 41.13249 32.22112 43.72298 34.01585 44.75917 curveto +35.81085 45.79552 35.81085 48.38638 34.01585 49.42273 curveto +32.22112 50.45892 32.22112 53.04941 34.01585 54.0856 curveto +35.81085 55.12195 35.81085 57.71281 34.01585 58.74916 curveto stroke +newpath 81.18855 9.31134 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 87.32248 3.35922 moveto +98.51953 1.57425 lineto +89.71509 8.7186 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 79.36917 12.11629 moveto +77.57417 13.15263 77.57417 15.7435 79.36917 16.77985 curveto +81.16391 17.81604 81.16391 20.40652 79.36917 21.44272 curveto +77.57417 22.47906 77.57417 25.06993 79.36917 26.10628 curveto +81.16391 27.14247 81.16391 29.73296 79.36917 30.76915 curveto +77.57416 31.8055 77.57416 34.3964 79.36917 35.43274 curveto +81.16417 36.46909 81.16417 39.05995 79.36917 40.0963 curveto +77.57443 41.13249 77.57443 43.72298 79.36917 44.75917 curveto +81.16417 45.79552 81.16417 48.38638 79.36917 49.42273 curveto +77.57443 50.45892 77.57443 53.04941 79.36917 54.0856 curveto +81.16417 55.12195 81.16417 57.71281 79.36917 58.74916 curveto stroke +newpath 77.3768 60.74208 moveto +36.00804 60.74208 lineto stroke +newpath 60.08531 63.67665 moveto +49.13347 60.74208 lineto +60.08531 57.80751 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 32.19647 61.55429 moveto +11.33919 70.86563 lineto stroke +newpath 26.06255 67.50642 moveto +14.86548 69.29138 lineto +23.66994 62.14702 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 36.00838 10.12355 moveto +36.00838 10.65202 35.79842 11.15878 35.42476 11.53246 curveto +35.05109 11.90611 34.54433 12.11607 34.01585 12.11607 curveto +33.48738 12.11607 32.98062 11.90611 32.60695 11.53246 curveto +32.23329 11.15878 32.02333 10.65202 32.02333 10.12355 curveto +32.02333 9.59508 32.23329 9.08832 32.60695 8.71465 curveto +32.98062 8.34099 33.48738 8.13103 34.01585 8.13103 curveto +34.54433 8.13103 35.05109 8.34099 35.42476 8.71465 curveto +35.79842 9.08832 36.00838 9.59508 36.00838 10.12355 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 81.3617 10.12355 moveto +81.3617 10.65202 81.15173 11.15878 80.77808 11.53246 curveto +80.4044 11.90611 79.89764 12.11607 79.36917 12.11607 curveto +78.8407 12.11607 78.33394 11.90611 77.96027 11.53246 curveto +77.58661 11.15878 77.37665 10.65202 77.37665 10.12355 curveto +77.37665 9.59508 77.58661 9.08832 77.96027 8.71465 curveto +78.33394 8.34099 78.8407 8.13103 79.36917 8.13103 curveto +79.89764 8.13103 80.4044 8.34099 80.77808 8.71465 curveto +81.15173 9.08832 81.3617 9.59508 81.3617 10.12355 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 81.3617 60.74208 moveto +81.3617 61.27055 81.15173 61.77731 80.77808 62.15099 curveto +80.4044 62.52464 79.89764 62.7346 79.36917 62.7346 curveto +78.8407 62.7346 78.33394 62.52464 77.96027 62.15099 curveto +77.58661 61.77731 77.37665 61.27055 77.37665 60.74208 curveto +77.37665 60.21361 77.58661 59.70685 77.96027 59.33318 curveto +78.33394 58.95952 78.8407 58.74956 79.36917 58.74956 curveto +79.89764 58.74956 80.4044 58.95952 80.77808 59.33318 curveto +81.15173 59.70685 81.3617 60.21361 81.3617 60.74208 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 36.00838 60.74208 moveto +36.00838 61.27055 35.79842 61.77731 35.42476 62.15099 curveto +35.05109 62.52464 34.54433 62.7346 34.01585 62.7346 curveto +33.48738 62.7346 32.98062 62.52464 32.60695 62.15099 curveto +32.23329 61.77731 32.02333 61.27055 32.02333 60.74208 curveto +32.02333 60.21361 32.23329 59.70685 32.60695 59.33318 curveto +32.98062 58.95952 33.48738 58.74956 34.01585 58.74956 curveto +34.54433 58.74956 35.05109 58.95952 35.42476 59.33318 curveto +35.79842 59.70685 36.00838 60.21361 36.00838 60.74208 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial -20 1181 a Fx(\026)-21 1189 y Fn(t;)7 b +Fx(\026)-21 b Fn(c)o(;)10 b Fx(\026)-24 b Fn(u)-166 1044 +y(W)-121 1029 y Fr(+)145 1044 y Fn(W)190 1029 y Fe(\000)-21 +889 y Fn(t;)7 b(c;)g(u)-202 1214 y Fx(\026)-201 1225 +y Fn(b)-204 864 y(d)242 1214 y Fx(\026)234 1225 y Fn(d)234 +864 y(b)340 1241 y Fx(This)13 b(result)i(is)f(m)o(uc)o(h)e(nicer)j +(than)f(the)g(original.)220 1357 y Fq(2.6)56 b(Miscellaneous)17 +b(commands)220 1434 y Fs(2.6.1)48 b(Graphs)14 b(in)h(graphs)231 +1511 y Fx(The)d Fz(fmfsubgraph)d Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)i(con)o(tains)g +(a)g(subgraph,)h(for)f(whic)o(h)g(the)i(galleries)e(will)-1695 +b FE(fmfsubgra)o(ph)220 1560 y Fx(b)q(e)15 b(placed)f(inside)h(the)f +(rectangle)h(of)f(width)g Fp(h)p Fw(width)s Fp(i)g Fx(and)g(heigh)o(t)g +Fp(h)p Fw(height)t Fp(i)q Fx(,)g(with)f(lo)o(w)o(er)220 +1610 y(left)h(corner)h(at)e(\()p Fp(h)p Fw(x)5 b Fp(i)q +Fn(;)i Fp(h)p Fw(y)t Fp(i)p Fx(\):)324 1693 y Fz(\\begin{fmfsubgra)o +(ph}\()p Fp(h)p Fw(x)e Fp(i)m Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(y)t Fp(i)p +Fz(\)\()p Fp(h)p Fw(width)s Fp(i)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(height)t +Fp(i)p Fz(\))407 1743 y Fp(h)p Fw(b)n(o)n(dy)t Fp(i)324 +1793 y Fz(\\end{fmfsubgraph)o(})220 1876 y Fx(The)12 +b(cen)o(ter)i(and)e(four)f(corners)j(are)e(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(as)i +Fz(c)p Fx(,)g Fz(nw)p Fx(,)f Fz(ne)p Fx(,)g Fz(sw)h Fx(and)g +Fz(se)f Fx(\(for)h Fw(north-west)220 1926 y Fx(etc\).)29 +b(Because)19 b(of)d(the)i(restrictions)g(on)f(the)g(o)o(v)o(erall)f +(size)i(of)f(the)g(diagram)e(in)i Fy(MET)o(A)p Fx(-)220 +1976 y Fy(F)n(ONT)q Fx(,)12 b(this)f(en)o(vironmen)o(t)f(will,)g +(mainly)f(b)q(e)j(useful)g(for)f(preparing)g(transparencies)i(with)220 +2025 y Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)q Fx(.)340 2117 y(Here)i(is)e(a)h(not)g(v)o +(ery)g(serious)h(application)d(of)h(this)h(feature:)398 +2212 y FE(\\def\\subgra)o(ph)o(sam)o(pl)o(e#1)o({\045)438 +2258 y(\\fmfleftn)o({#)o(1i})o({2)o(}\045)438 2303 y(\\fmfright)o(n{)o +(#1o)o(}{)o(2}\045)438 2349 y(\\fmf{plai)o(n})o({#1)o(i1)o(,#1)o(v1})o +(\045)438 2395 y(\\fmf{plai)o(n})o({#1)o(o1)o(,#1)o(v2})o(\045)438 +2440 y(\\fmf{plai)o(n})o({#1)o(o2)o(,#1)o(v3})o(\045)438 +2486 y(\\fmf{plai)o(n})o({#1)o(i2)o(,#1)o(v4})o(\045)438 +2532 y(\\fmfcycle)o(n{)o(pla)o(in)o(,te)o(nsi)o(on)o(=0.)o(3})o({#1)o +(v}{)o(4})o(})398 2577 y(\\begin{fmfg)o(ra)o(ph})o(\(4)o(0,3)o(0\))438 +2623 y(\\subgraph)o(sa)o(mpl)o(e{)o(a})p 220 2658 573 +2 v 251 2685 a FB(21)284 2697 y Fu(No)o(w)e(that)e(y)o(ou)h(kno)o(w,)g +(I)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(also)f(displa)o(y)o(ed)g(the)g Ft(label)g +Fu(options)g(used.)915 2831 y Fx(29)p eop +%%Page: 30 30 +30 29 bop 438 266 a FE(\\begin{fm)o(fs)o(ubg)o(ra)o(ph})o(\(.3)o(w,)o +(.3h)o(\)\()o(.4w)o(,.4)o(h\))477 311 y(\\subgraph)o(sam)o(pl)o(e{b)o +(})438 357 y(\\end{fmfs)o(ub)o(gra)o(ph)o(})438 403 y(\\begin{fm)o(fs)o +(ubg)o(ra)o(ph})o(\(.4)o(5w)o(,.4)o(5h)o(\)\(.)o(1w,)o(.1)o(h\))477 +448 y(\\subgraph)o(sam)o(pl)o(e{c)o(})438 494 y(\\end{fmfs)o(ub)o(gra)o +(ph)o(})398 540 y(\\end{fmfgra)o(ph)o(})-196 606 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.1 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +28.34679 15.94485 lineto stroke +newpath 11.33919 85.03876 moveto +28.34679 69.09389 lineto stroke +newpath 102.04582 0 moveto +85.03822 15.94487 lineto stroke +newpath 102.04582 85.03876 moveto +85.03822 69.09389 lineto stroke +newpath 28.34679 15.94485 moveto +85.03822 15.94487 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 85.03822 15.94487 moveto +85.03822 69.09389 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 85.03822 69.09389 moveto +28.34679 69.09389 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 28.34679 69.09389 moveto +28.34679 15.94485 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 38.55147 25.51189 moveto +45.3544 31.88974 lineto stroke +newpath 38.55147 59.52687 moveto +45.3544 53.14902 lineto stroke +newpath 74.83356 25.51189 moveto +68.03062 31.88974 lineto stroke +newpath 74.83356 59.52687 moveto +68.03062 53.14902 lineto stroke +newpath 45.3544 31.88974 moveto +68.03062 31.88974 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 68.03062 31.88974 moveto +68.03062 53.14902 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 68.03062 53.14902 moveto +45.3544 53.14902 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 45.3544 53.14902 moveto +45.3544 31.88974 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 52.15689 38.26718 moveto +53.85776 39.86177 lineto stroke +newpath 52.15689 46.77158 moveto +53.85776 45.17699 lineto stroke +newpath 61.2281 38.26718 moveto +59.52724 39.86176 lineto stroke +newpath 61.2281 46.77158 moveto +59.52724 45.17699 lineto stroke +newpath 53.85776 39.86177 moveto +59.52724 39.86176 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 59.52724 39.86176 moveto +59.52724 45.17699 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 59.52724 45.17699 moveto +53.85776 45.17699 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 53.85776 45.17699 moveto +53.85776 39.86177 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 670 a Fx(More)15 b(serious)h(applications)d(will)h +(use)i(this)f(feature)g(to)g(group)g(together)g(related)340 +720 y(diagrams)j(and)i(use)i(other)f Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fx(dra)o(wing)e(commands)e(for)i(graphical)340 769 y(elemen)o(ts)13 +b(that)h(are)h(not)e(a)o(v)n(ailable)f(in)h(the)i(L)1044 +761 y Fr(A)1062 769 y Fx(T)1085 778 y(E)1108 769 y(X)f +Fz(picture)f Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t.)220 875 y Fs(2.6.2)48 +b(Reusing)13 b(diagrams)220 951 y Fx(After)f(sa)o(ving)e(a)h(p)q(oin)o +(ter)g(with)g Fz(\\fmfkeep{)p Fp(h)p Fw(name)s Fp(i)o +Fz(})g Fx(inside)g(a)g Fz(fmfgraph)e Fx(or)i Fz(fmfgraph*)-1637 +b FE(\\fmfkeep)-2 1001 y(\\fmfreuse)42 b Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t,)18 +b(the)h(diagram)c(can)k(b)q(e)g(reused)g(later)g(b)o(y)f +Fz(\\fmfreuse{)p Fp(h)p Fw(name)s Fp(i)o Fz(})p Fx(.)30 +b(This)220 1051 y(w)o(orks)14 b(across)h Fz(fmffile)d +Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(ts.)220 1101 y(Here's)17 b(an)f(example)f(that)h +(uses)i(cen)o(tered)g Fz(\\parbox)p Fx(es)d(to)h(place)h(diagrams)d(in) +o(to)h(equa-)220 1151 y(tions.)i(The)12 b(celebrated)h(cancelation)f +(of)f(quadratic)g(div)o(ergencies)i(in)e(scalar)h(selfenergies)220 +1200 y(in)h(sup)q(ersymmetric)h(\014eld)g(theories)h(can)f(b)q(e)g +(written)h(as:)240 1267 y FE(\\begin{eq)o(na)o(rra)o(y})279 +1313 y(\\parbox{2)o(0mm)o(}{)o(\\be)o(gin)o({f)o(mfg)o(ra)o(ph})o(\(2)o +(0,1)o(5\)\\)o(fm)o(fke)o(ep)o({bo)o(son)o(})318 1359 +y(\\fmfleft{i)o(})h(\\fmfright{o)o(})g(\\fmf{dashes)o(}{)o(i,v)o(,v)o +(,o})279 1404 y(\\end{fmfg)o(rap)o(h})o(})h(&)i(\\propto)e(&)i +(\\Lambda^2)d(\\\\)279 1450 y(\\parbox{2)o(0mm)o(}{)o(\\be)o(gin)o({f)o +(mfg)o(ra)o(ph})o(\(2)o(0,1)o(5\)\\)o(fm)o(fke)o(ep)o({fe)o(rmi)o(on)o +(})318 1496 y(\\fmfleft{i)o(})g(\\fmfright{o)o(})g(\\fmf{dashes)o(}{)o +(i,v)o(1})g(\\fmf{dashe)o(s})o({v2)o(,o})318 1541 y(\\fmf{fermi)o(on)o +(,le)o(ft,)o(te)o(nsi)o(on)o(=.3)o(}{)o(v1,)o(v2,)o(v1)o(})279 +1587 y(\\end{fmfg)o(rap)o(h})o(})h(&)i(\\propto)e(&)i(\\Lambda^2)d +(\\\\)279 1633 y(\\parbox{2)o(0mm)o(}{)o(\\fm)o(fre)o(us)o(e{b)o(os)o +(on})o(})g(\\quad)i(+)h(\\quad)279 1678 y(\\parbox{2)o(0mm)o(}{)o(\\fm) +o(fre)o(us)o(e{f)o(er)o(mio)o(n})o(})e(&)i(\\propto)e(&)i(\\ln\\Lambda) +o(^2)240 1724 y(\\end{eqna)o(rr)o(ay})220 1841 y Fx(The)14 +b(result)h(is:)901 2050 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +57 @urx 43 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.2 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 21.25969 moveto +3.54327 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 7.08656 21.25969 moveto +10.62984 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 14.17314 21.25969 moveto +17.71642 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 21.2597 21.25969 moveto +24.80298 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 28.34625 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Fr(2)1599 1996 y Fx(\(1\))901 2296 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx 43 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.3 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 21.25969 moveto +3.8654 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 7.73085 21.25969 moveto +11.59625 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 15.46165 21.25969 moveto +15.46165 28.37566 21.23029 34.14427 28.34625 34.14427 curveto +35.46222 34.14427 41.23083 28.37566 41.23083 21.25969 curveto stroke +newpath 24.54977 30.69836 moveto +25.60013 31.35074 26.76286 31.86171 28.01892 32.19827 curveto +30.60614 32.89151 33.22049 32.74591 35.57323 31.92816 curveto +33.94458 33.81271 31.7533 35.246 29.16608 35.93924 curveto +27.91002 36.2758 26.64755 36.41464 25.41174 36.37485 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.23083 21.25969 moveto +45.09625 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 48.96169 21.25969 moveto +52.8271 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 41.23083 21.25969 moveto +41.23083 14.14372 35.4622 8.3751 28.34624 8.3751 curveto +21.23027 8.3751 15.46165 14.14372 15.46165 21.25969 curveto stroke +newpath 32.14272 11.82101 moveto +31.09236 11.16864 29.92963 10.65767 28.67357 10.3211 curveto +26.08635 9.62787 23.472 9.77347 21.11926 10.59122 curveto +22.74791 8.70667 24.9392 7.27338 27.52641 6.58014 curveto +28.78247 6.24358 30.04494 6.10474 31.28075 6.14453 curveto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1179 2242 a Fp(/)g Fx(\003)1281 2224 y Fr(2)1599 +2242 y Fx(\(2\))531 2541 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +57 @urx 43 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.2 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 21.25969 moveto +3.54327 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 7.08656 21.25969 moveto +10.62984 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 14.17314 21.25969 moveto +17.71642 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 21.2597 21.25969 moveto +24.80298 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 28.34625 21.25969 moveto +31.6386 25.47528 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 33.47545 29.76295 moveto +33.96097 33.74939 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 33.1987 37.06003 moveto +31.29265 39.32059 lineto stroke +newpath 28.34625 40.15733 moveto +25.39986 39.32059 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 23.4938 37.06003 moveto +22.73152 33.74939 lineto stroke + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 23.21706 29.76295 moveto +25.05391 25.47528 lineto stroke +newpath 28.34625 21.25969 moveto +31.88953 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 35.43282 21.25969 moveto +38.97609 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 42.5194 21.25969 moveto +46.06267 21.25969 lineto stroke +newpath 49.60596 21.25969 moveto +53.14923 21.25969 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 818 2462 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14.14372 35.4622 8.3751 28.34624 8.3751 curveto +21.23027 8.3751 15.46165 14.14372 15.46165 21.25969 curveto stroke +newpath 32.14272 11.82101 moveto +31.09236 11.16864 29.92963 10.65767 28.67357 10.3211 curveto +26.08635 9.62787 23.472 9.77347 21.11926 10.59122 curveto +22.74791 8.70667 24.9392 7.27338 27.52641 6.58014 curveto +28.78247 6.24358 30.04494 6.10474 31.28075 6.14453 curveto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 1179 2462 a Fp(/)g Fx(ln)7 b(\003)1323 2445 +y Fr(2)1599 2462 y Fx(\(3\))220 2630 y Fs(2.6.3)48 b(Grouping)220 +2707 y Fx(Mak)o(e)14 b(the)g(enclosed)h Fz(\\fmfset)e +Fx(assignmen)o(ts)g(lo)q(cal)g(to)h(this)g(en)o(vironmen)o(t.)-1415 +b FE(fmfgroup)915 2831 y Fx(30)p eop +%%Page: 31 31 +31 30 bop 404 226 1065 2 v 403 276 2 50 v 429 261 a Fx(P)o(arameter)p +714 276 V 125 w(Default)p 904 276 V 218 w(Seman)o(tics)p +1468 276 V 404 277 1065 2 v 404 286 V 403 335 2 50 v +429 320 a Fz(thin)p 714 335 V 263 w Fx(1pt)p 904 335 +V 267 w(thin)14 b(arcs)p 1468 335 V 404 337 1065 2 v +403 387 2 50 v 429 372 a Fz(thick)p 714 387 V 201 w Fx(1.5)p +Fz(thin)p 904 387 V 200 w Fx(thic)o(k)o(er)g(arcs)p 1468 +387 V 404 389 1065 2 v 403 438 2 50 v 429 423 a Fz(arrow_len)p +714 438 V 138 w Fx(4mm)p 904 438 V 141 w(length)g(of)f(arro)o(w)g(head) +p 1468 438 V 404 440 1065 2 v 403 490 2 50 v 429 475 +a Fz(arrow_ang)p 714 490 V 162 w Fx(15)p 904 490 V 99 +w(op)q(ening)h(angle)f(of)g(arro)o(w)h(head)p 1468 490 +V 404 491 1065 2 v 403 541 2 50 v 429 526 a Fz(curly_len)p +714 541 V 138 w Fx(3mm)p 904 541 V 169 w(length)g(of)f(one)h(curl)p +1468 541 V 404 543 1065 2 v 403 593 2 50 v 429 578 a +Fz(dash_len)p 714 593 V 160 w Fx(3mm)p 904 593 V 162 +w(length)g(of)f(one)h(dash)p 1468 593 V 404 594 1065 +2 v 403 644 2 50 v 429 629 a Fz(dot_len)p 714 644 V 182 +w Fx(2mm)p 904 644 V 147 w(distance)h(of)e(t)o(w)o(o)g(dots)p +1468 644 V 404 646 1065 2 v 403 696 2 50 v 429 681 a +Fz(wiggly_len)p 714 696 V 116 w Fx(4mm)p 904 696 V 147 +w(length)h(of)f(one)h(wiggle)p 1468 696 V 404 697 1065 +2 v 403 747 2 50 v 429 732 a Fz(wiggly_slope)p 714 747 +V 96 w Fx(60)p 904 747 V 165 w(inclination)e(of)h(wiggles)p +1468 747 V 404 749 1065 2 v 403 799 2 50 v 429 784 a +Fz(zigzag_len)p 714 799 V 116 w Fx(2mm)p 904 799 V 98 +w(length)g(of)h(a)f(zig-zag)h(p)q(erio)q(d)p 1468 799 +V 404 800 1065 2 v 403 850 2 50 v 429 835 a Fz(zigzag_width)p +714 850 V 52 w Fx(2)p Fz(thick)p 904 850 V 119 w Fx(width)f(of)h +(zig-zag)f(lines)p 1468 850 V 404 852 1065 2 v 403 902 +2 50 v 429 887 a Fz(decor_size)p 714 902 V 116 w Fx(5mm)p +904 902 V 76 w(default)h(size)h(of)e(v)o(ertex)i(decors)p +1468 902 V 404 903 1065 2 v 403 953 2 50 v 429 938 a +Fz(dot_size)p 714 953 V 140 w Fx(4)p Fz(thick)p 904 953 +V 162 w Fx(diameter)e(of)h(dots)p 1468 953 V 404 955 +1065 2 v 608 1071 a(T)m(able)f(7:)18 b(Av)n(ailable)12 +b(st)o(yle)i(parameters.)220 1203 y Fs(2.6.4)48 b(Changing)14 +b(parameters)234 1280 y Fx(This)g(command)d(can)j(b)q(e)g(used)h(to)f +(c)o(hange)g(the)h(parameters)f(in)f(table)h(7)f(as)h(follo)o(ws:)-1556 +b FE(\\fmfset)324 1363 y Fz(\\fmfset{)p Fp(h)p Fw(p)n(ar)n(ameter)t +Fp(i)n Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(value)s Fp(i)q Fz(})220 1446 +y Fx(Note)16 b(that)g(these)g(parameters)g(are)g(not)f(stored)i(in)e +(the)h(graph)f(data)h(structure)h(for)e(the)220 1496 +y(individual)10 b(v)o(ertices)k(and)e(arcs.)18 b(Instead)13 +b(the)f(curren)o(t)i(v)n(alues)e(at)g(the)h(time)d(of)i +Fz(\\fmfdraw)220 1546 y Fx(are)i(used.)220 1654 y Fs(2.6.5)48 +b(Shrinkin)o(g)220 1730 y Fx(Shrink)14 b(the)g(linewidths)g(and)f +(similar)f(parameters)i(in)f(the)i(enclosed)g(section.)-1477 +b FE(fmfshrink)220 1838 y Fs(2.6.6)48 b(Debugging)240 +1915 y Fx(Enable)19 b(and)h(disable)f(tracing)h(of)f(the)i(la)o(y)o +(out)d(decisions.)36 b(This)20 b(is)f(not)h(necessarily)-1653 +b FE(\\fmftrace)-41 1965 y(\\fmfnotra)o(ce)42 b Fx(prin)o(ted)14 +b(in)g(an)f(in)o(tuitiv)o(e)g(format,)f(but)i(can)g(b)q(e)h(helpful)e +(for)g(debugging.)238 2014 y(Enable)k(online)g(displa)o(ys.)28 +b Fz(\\fmfstopdisplay)15 b Fx(will)h(halt)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i +Fx(ev)o(erytime)e(a)-1693 b FE(\\fmfdispl)o(ay)-120 2064 +y(\\fmfstopdi)o(spl)o(ay)42 b Fx(graph)14 b(is)f(complete.)220 +2172 y Fs(2.6.7)48 b(Multiple)12 b(v)o(ertices)i(and)i(arcs)234 +2249 y Fx(The)e(en)o(vironmen)o(t)-488 b FE(fmffor)324 +2332 y Fz(\\begin{fmffor}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(var)t Fp(i)m Fz(}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(fr)n(om)s Fp(i)p Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(step)s Fp(i)o +Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(to)s Fp(i)p Fz(})407 2381 y Fp(h)p +Fw(b)n(o)n(dy)t Fp(i)324 2431 y Fz(\\end{fmffor})220 +2514 y Fx(executes)14 b Fp(h)p Fw(b)n(o)n(dy)t Fp(i)d +Fx(m)o(ultiple)e(times,)i(setting)h Fp(h)p Fw(var)t Fp(i)g +Fx(to)f Fp(h)p Fw(fr)n(om)s Fp(i)p Fn(;)c Fp(h)p Fw(fr)n(om)s +Fp(i)s Fx(+)t Fp(h)p Fw(step)s Fp(i)p Fn(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)e(;)i +Fp(h)p Fw(to)s Fp(i)p Fx(.)220 2564 y(An)20 b(application)f(of)g(this)h +(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)h Fx(feature)g(is)g(sho)o(wn)g(in)f +(\014gure)i(7,)f(whic)o(h)g(is)220 2614 y(generated)15 +b(b)o(y)f(calling)e(the)j(T)693 2623 y(E)716 2614 y(X)f(macro)279 +2693 y FE(\\def\\Eule)o(rHe)o(is)o(enb)o(erg)o(#1)o({\045)915 +2831 y Fx(31)p eop +%%Page: 32 32 +32 31 bop 385 520 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx +71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.4 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 113.38501 35.43282 moveto +112.33511 33.61433 109.71037 33.61433 108.66048 35.43282 curveto +107.61069 37.25111 104.98619 37.25111 103.9364 35.43282 curveto +102.8865 33.61435 100.26176 33.61435 99.21187 35.43283 curveto +98.16199 37.2513 95.53725 37.2513 94.48737 35.43283 curveto +93.43758 33.61453 90.81308 33.61453 89.76329 35.43283 curveto +88.7134 37.25131 86.08865 37.25131 85.03876 35.43283 curveto stroke +newpath 56.6925 70.86563 moveto +58.39726 69.8814 58.39726 67.42078 56.6925 66.43654 curveto +54.98773 65.45229 54.98773 62.99165 56.6925 62.0074 curveto 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35.43318 curveto +16.96852 36.97992 19.20107 36.9799 20.09406 35.43315 curveto +20.98714 33.88623 23.21991 33.88622 24.11304 35.4331 curveto stroke +newpath 27.48853 3.07713 moveto +26.85973 5.06952 28.62355 6.99545 30.66339 6.54382 curveto +32.70326 6.09218 34.46712 8.01813 33.8383 10.01051 curveto +33.2095 12.0029 34.97331 13.92882 37.01317 13.47719 curveto +39.05302 13.02556 40.81685 14.95149 40.18803 16.94388 curveto stroke +newpath 85.89456 3.07658 moveto +83.85469 2.62503 82.09096 4.55101 82.71983 6.54337 curveto +83.34871 8.5357 81.58498 10.46169 79.54514 10.01013 curveto +77.50528 9.55858 75.74155 11.48456 76.37042 13.47688 curveto +76.9993 15.46922 75.23557 17.3952 73.19572 16.94365 curveto stroke +newpath 89.27165 35.43282 moveto +73.19647 53.92194 lineto stroke +newpath 85.67508 44.04218 moveto +76.27438 50.38182 lineto +81.24576 40.19116 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 73.19647 53.92194 moveto +40.18877 53.92206 lineto stroke +newpath 60.08575 56.85657 moveto +49.13358 53.92203 lineto +60.08572 50.9874 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 40.18877 53.92206 moveto +24.11304 35.4331 lineto stroke +newpath 32.16272 49.16383 moveto +27.19104 38.97318 lineto +36.59198 45.31267 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 24.11304 35.4331 moveto +40.18803 16.94388 lineto stroke +newpath 27.7095 26.82372 moveto +37.11017 20.48401 lineto +32.13885 30.6747 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 40.18803 16.94388 moveto +73.19572 16.94365 lineto stroke +newpath 53.29874 14.00922 moveto +64.25093 16.9437 lineto +53.2988 19.87836 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 73.19572 16.94365 moveto +89.27165 35.43282 lineto stroke +newpath 81.22179 21.70201 moveto +86.19342 31.89252 lineto +76.79262 25.55309 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 385 861 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 +@urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.6 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit 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22.27216 56.9456 curveto +24.14618 57.94183 26.39589 56.53577 26.32162 54.41469 curveto +26.24736 52.29361 28.4971 50.88754 30.37114 51.88379 curveto stroke +newpath 0 35.43282 moveto +1.12486 37.38113 3.937 37.38113 5.06187 35.43283 curveto +6.18674 33.48451 8.9989 33.48453 10.12376 35.43286 curveto +11.24863 37.38118 14.06076 37.38118 15.18564 35.43288 curveto +16.3105 33.48457 19.12263 33.48457 20.2475 35.43288 curveto stroke +newpath 14.17313 8.8582 moveto +14.09885 10.97926 16.34856 12.38535 18.22258 11.38913 curveto +20.0966 10.39293 22.3463 11.79898 22.27202 13.92003 curveto +22.19774 16.04109 24.44745 17.44716 26.32147 16.45094 curveto +28.19548 15.45473 30.44518 16.8608 30.3709 18.98184 curveto stroke +newpath 56.6925 0 moveto +55.47482 0.70303 55.47482 2.4606 56.6925 3.16365 curveto +57.91019 3.86668 57.91017 5.62427 56.69246 6.3273 curveto +55.4748 7.03032 55.47478 8.78789 56.69246 9.49092 curveto +57.91014 10.19397 57.91014 11.95152 56.69246 12.65457 curveto stroke +newpath 99.21188 8.8582 moveto +97.33786 7.86198 95.08815 9.26805 95.16241 11.38913 curveto +95.23668 13.51021 92.98695 14.91626 91.1129 13.92003 curveto +89.23888 12.92381 86.98917 14.32988 87.06343 16.45094 curveto +87.1377 18.572 84.88799 19.97806 83.01396 18.98184 curveto stroke +newpath 93.13754 35.43275 moveto +83.0137 51.8836 lineto stroke +newpath 92.35329 42.30644 moveto +84.11394 50.09581 lineto +87.35472 39.23033 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 83.0137 51.8836 moveto +56.69252 58.21104 lineto stroke +newpath 73.83832 57.10764 moveto +62.50337 56.81418 lineto +72.46643 51.40079 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 56.69252 58.21104 moveto +30.37114 51.88379 lineto stroke +newpath 46.1452 58.69397 moveto +36.18204 53.28065 lineto +47.51706 52.98709 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 30.37114 51.88379 moveto +20.2475 35.43288 lineto stroke +newpath 24.58836 48.0862 moveto +21.34769 37.2207 lineto +29.58696 45.01012 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 20.2475 35.43288 moveto +30.3709 18.98184 lineto stroke +newpath 21.03159 28.5592 moveto +29.2707 20.76968 lineto +26.03021 31.6352 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 30.3709 18.98184 moveto +56.69246 12.65457 lineto stroke +newpath 39.54646 13.75797 moveto +50.88129 14.05148 lineto +40.91826 19.46466 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 56.69246 12.65457 moveto +83.01396 18.98184 lineto stroke +newpath 67.23978 12.17175 moveto +77.20279 17.58493 lineto +65.86798 17.87845 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 83.01396 18.98184 moveto +93.13754 35.43275 lineto stroke +newpath 88.79672 22.77945 moveto +92.03735 33.64493 lineto +83.79813 25.8555 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 613 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx +71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.7 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 113.38501 35.43282 moveto +112.39626 33.72026 109.92438 33.72028 108.93564 35.43286 curveto +107.94691 37.1454 105.47507 37.14542 104.48631 35.43286 curveto +103.49756 33.7203 101.02568 33.72032 100.03694 35.4329 curveto +99.0482 37.14546 96.57635 37.14546 95.58762 35.4329 curveto stroke +newpath 104.16922 58.09624 moveto +104.04166 56.15544 101.86096 55.08055 100.24397 56.1614 curveto +98.62697 57.24228 96.44627 56.16737 96.31871 54.22658 curveto +96.19115 52.28581 94.01047 51.21094 92.39346 52.2918 curveto +90.77647 53.37267 88.5958 52.29774 88.46823 50.35696 curveto stroke +newpath 74.42796 70.00569 moveto +75.16504 68.85657 74.38176 67.34045 73.01805 67.27669 curveto +71.65433 67.21292 70.87105 65.6968 71.60814 64.54765 curveto +72.34521 63.39853 71.56194 61.88242 70.19823 61.81865 curveto +68.83452 61.75488 68.05124 60.23877 68.78831 59.08965 curveto stroke +newpath 38.95638 70.0056 moveto +40.32011 69.9419 41.10347 68.42578 40.36642 67.2766 curveto +39.6294 66.12743 40.41277 64.61134 41.7765 64.54764 curveto +43.14024 64.48393 43.9236 62.96782 43.18655 61.81863 curveto +42.44952 60.66946 43.2329 59.15338 44.5966 59.08968 curveto stroke +newpath 9.21545 58.09589 moveto +10.83244 59.17682 13.01321 58.10196 13.14082 56.16113 curveto +13.26845 54.2203 15.4492 53.14543 17.0662 54.22636 curveto +18.68318 55.3073 20.86395 54.23244 20.99156 52.29161 curveto +21.11917 50.35078 23.29994 49.27592 24.91693 50.35687 curveto stroke +newpath 0 35.43231 moveto +0.98875 37.14493 3.46068 37.14494 4.44946 35.43236 curveto +5.43825 33.71977 7.91017 33.71979 8.89893 35.4324 curveto +9.88766 37.145 12.35957 37.14502 13.34836 35.43243 curveto +14.33714 33.71983 16.80907 33.71988 17.79782 35.43248 curveto stroke +newpath 9.21614 12.76907 moveto +9.34369 14.70985 11.52438 15.78476 13.14137 14.7039 curveto +14.75836 13.62305 16.93903 14.69797 17.06657 16.63873 curveto +17.19412 18.5795 19.3748 19.6544 20.99179 18.57355 curveto +22.60878 17.49269 24.78944 18.56761 24.91699 20.50838 curveto stroke +newpath 38.95772 0.85988 moveto +38.22064 2.009 39.00392 3.52512 40.36763 3.58888 curveto +41.73134 3.65265 42.51465 5.16876 41.77757 6.31789 curveto +41.04051 7.467 41.82379 8.98308 43.18748 9.04684 curveto +44.5512 9.11061 45.33447 10.62672 44.5974 11.77585 curveto stroke +newpath 74.4293 0.8601 moveto +73.06558 0.92384 72.28226 2.43996 73.01932 3.58911 curveto +73.7564 4.73825 72.97307 6.25438 71.60934 6.31812 curveto +70.24564 6.38185 69.46231 7.89795 70.19936 9.04707 curveto +70.93642 10.19621 70.1531 11.71231 68.7894 11.77608 curveto stroke +newpath 104.16989 12.77008 moveto +102.55295 11.68921 100.37228 12.76407 100.2447 14.70482 curveto +100.11711 16.64558 97.93643 17.72044 96.31947 16.63956 curveto +94.70253 15.5587 92.52187 16.63353 92.39429 18.57425 curveto +92.26671 20.515 90.08604 21.58984 88.4691 20.50899 curveto stroke +newpath 95.58762 35.4329 moveto +88.46823 50.35696 lineto stroke +newpath 96.13765 41.0959 moveto +88.77328 49.71751 lineto +90.8402 38.5688 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 88.46823 50.35696 moveto +68.78831 59.08965 lineto stroke +newpath 82.91998 56.02948 moveto +71.7188 57.78928 lineto +80.53943 50.66467 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.78831 59.08965 moveto +44.5966 59.08968 lineto stroke +newpath 60.08571 62.02434 moveto +49.13327 59.08968 lineto +60.08568 56.15495 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 44.5966 59.08968 moveto +24.91693 50.35687 lineto stroke +newpath 36.66785 58.78188 moveto +27.8474 51.65724 lineto +39.04843 53.41716 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 24.91693 50.35687 moveto +17.79782 35.43248 lineto stroke +newpath 20.16959 47.22081 moveto +18.10292 36.07208 lineto +25.46704 44.69386 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 17.79782 35.43248 moveto +24.91699 20.50838 lineto stroke +newpath 17.24774 29.76953 moveto +24.61198 21.14783 lineto +22.5452 32.29654 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 24.91699 20.50838 moveto +44.5974 11.77585 lineto stroke +newpath 30.46548 14.83592 moveto +41.66643 13.07635 lineto +32.84592 20.2007 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 44.5974 11.77585 moveto +68.7894 11.77608 lineto stroke +newpath 53.30014 8.84131 moveto +64.25218 11.77603 lineto +53.30008 14.71057 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 68.7894 11.77608 moveto +88.4691 20.50899 lineto stroke +newpath 76.71817 12.08392 moveto +85.53864 19.2086 lineto +74.33755 17.44867 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 88.4691 20.50899 moveto +95.58762 35.4329 lineto stroke +newpath 93.21625 23.64499 moveto +95.28261 34.7935 lineto +87.91885 26.17178 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 344 994 a Fx(Figure)14 b(7:)k(Higher)c(order)g(terms)g(in) +f(the)i(Euler-Heisen)o(b)q(erg)h(lagrangian.)338 1127 +y FE(\\begin{fm)o(fg)o(rap)o(h}\()o(40)o(,25)o(\))377 +1173 y(\\fmfpen{t)o(hic)o(k})377 1218 y(\\fmfsurro)o(und)o(n{e)o(}{)o +(#1})377 1264 y(\\begin{fm)o(ffo)o(r}{)o(n})o({1})o({1)o(}{#)o(1})416 +1310 y(\\fmf{photo)o(n}{)o(e[)o(n],)o(i[)o(n]})377 1355 +y(\\end{fmff)o(or})377 1401 y(\\fmfcycle)o(n{f)o(erm)o(io)o(n,t)o(en)o +(sio)o(n=)o(#1/)o(8}{)o(i})o({#1)o(})338 1447 y(\\end{fmfg)o(ra)o(ph})o 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44.90047 curveto +37.9762 44.00018 38.82765 43.07056 39.64406 42.11359 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 54.70384 28.46706 moveto +46.63182 29.10849 38.80142 31.57526 31.80817 35.69162 curveto +24.81491 39.80798 18.85759 45.4569 14.3789 52.20305 curveto stroke +newpath 36.38086 36.56972 moveto +35.1479 36.81906 33.92186 37.11227 32.70506 37.44931 curveto +30.26622 38.12483 27.88611 38.9704 25.58112 39.97673 curveto +27.07413 37.95273 28.71257 36.03038 30.48692 34.22595 curveto +31.37218 33.32565 32.28737 32.45871 33.23047 31.6263 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 12.40291 52.1082 moveto +8.80135 44.71364 6.92393 36.58852 6.924 28.34613 curveto +6.92406 20.10376 8.80156 11.97865 12.4032 4.58414 curveto stroke +newpath 4.13968 31.63559 moveto +4.37988 30.4008 4.66342 29.17249 4.99022 27.95291 curveto +5.6452 25.50854 6.46826 23.12067 7.45053 20.80527 curveto +7.75757 23.3016 8.23871 25.7811 8.89366 28.22546 curveto +9.22043 29.44504 9.58905 30.65056 9.99841 31.84003 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 14.21324 52.10822 moveto +17.81488 44.7137 19.6924 36.58861 19.69246 28.34622 curveto +19.69252 20.10384 17.8151 11.97871 14.21353 4.58415 curveto stroke +newpath 16.61809 31.84006 moveto +17.02747 30.6506 17.3961 29.4451 17.7229 28.22552 curveto +18.37785 25.7813 18.85901 23.30191 19.16608 20.80573 curveto +20.14825 23.12103 20.97124 25.5088 21.62616 27.95306 curveto +21.95293 29.17264 22.23642 30.40094 22.47664 31.63574 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 15.29744 2.93008 moveto +23.36928 3.57161 31.1995 6.03842 38.19257 10.15472 curveto +45.18576 14.2711 51.14305 19.92003 55.62166 26.66618 curveto stroke +newpath 36.77036 6.08946 moveto +37.71342 6.92186 38.62859 7.7888 39.51382 8.68907 curveto +41.28815 10.49352 42.92657 12.41586 44.41956 14.43987 curveto +42.1146 13.43353 39.7345 12.58794 37.29565 11.9124 curveto +36.0789 11.57536 34.85286 11.28215 33.61996 11.03282 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 14.37923 4.4893 moveto +18.85785 11.23544 24.81512 16.88437 31.80832 21.00075 curveto +38.80139 25.11705 46.6316 27.58386 54.70345 28.2254 curveto stroke +newpath 30.35666 16.57663 moveto +31.17307 17.53358 32.02449 18.46321 32.90976 19.36351 curveto +34.68405 21.16791 36.5785 22.83846 38.57706 24.36528 curveto +36.08284 24.04228 33.60693 23.54279 31.16815 22.86726 curveto +29.95134 22.53023 28.74918 22.15086 27.56366 21.73032 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.30058 53.88312 moveto +15.30058 54.41159 15.09062 54.91835 14.71696 55.29202 curveto +14.34329 55.66568 13.83653 55.87564 13.30806 55.87564 curveto +12.77959 55.87564 12.27283 55.66568 11.89915 55.29202 curveto +11.5255 54.91835 11.31554 54.41159 11.31554 53.88312 curveto +11.31554 53.35464 11.5255 52.84789 11.89915 52.47421 curveto +12.27283 52.10056 12.77959 51.8906 13.30806 51.8906 curveto +13.83653 51.8906 14.34329 52.10056 14.71696 52.47421 curveto +15.09062 52.84789 15.30058 53.35464 15.30058 53.88312 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.3009 2.80923 moveto +15.3009 3.3377 15.09094 3.84447 14.71729 4.21814 curveto +14.34361 4.5918 13.83685 4.80176 13.30838 4.80176 curveto +12.7799 4.80176 12.27315 4.5918 11.89948 4.21814 curveto +11.52582 3.84447 11.31586 3.3377 11.31586 2.80923 curveto +11.31586 2.28076 11.52582 1.774 11.89948 1.40033 curveto +12.27315 1.02667 12.7799 0.81671 13.30838 0.81671 curveto +13.83685 0.81671 14.34361 1.02667 14.71729 1.40033 curveto +15.09094 1.774 15.3009 2.28076 15.3009 2.80923 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 348 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.9 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 56.06793 30.23836 moveto +53.95058 36.18204 50.53592 41.58942 46.06267 46.06267 curveto +41.58942 50.53592 36.18204 53.95058 30.23836 56.06793 curveto stroke +newpath 50.30632 45.69556 moveto +49.27722 46.41844 48.21432 47.09698 47.12029 47.7286 curveto +44.92622 48.99538 42.63136 50.05936 40.26439 50.91235 curveto +41.88774 48.99014 43.34315 46.92128 44.60991 44.7272 curveto +45.24155 43.63318 45.82275 42.51408 46.35255 41.3735 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 54.8004 28.97083 moveto +48.85672 31.0882 43.44936 34.50285 38.9761 38.9761 curveto +34.50285 43.44936 31.0882 48.85672 28.97083 54.8004 curveto stroke +newpath 43.66527 38.68622 moveto +42.52469 39.21602 41.4056 39.79723 40.31157 40.42886 curveto +38.1175 41.69562 36.04863 43.15103 34.12642 44.77438 curveto +34.97942 42.40741 36.0434 40.11255 37.31017 37.91849 curveto +37.94179 36.82445 38.62033 35.76155 39.34322 34.73245 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 26.45415 56.06793 moveto +20.51047 53.95058 15.1031 50.53592 10.62985 46.06267 curveto +6.15659 41.58942 2.74193 36.18204 0.62457 30.23836 curveto stroke +newpath 10.99696 50.30632 moveto +10.27408 49.27722 9.59554 48.21432 8.96391 47.1203 curveto +7.69714 44.92622 6.63316 42.63136 5.78015 40.26439 curveto +7.70238 41.88774 9.77124 43.34315 11.96532 44.6099 curveto +13.05934 45.24155 14.17844 45.82275 15.31902 46.35255 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 27.72168 54.8004 moveto +25.60432 48.85672 22.18967 43.44936 17.71642 38.9761 curveto +13.24316 34.50284 7.83578 31.08818 1.8921 28.97083 curveto stroke +newpath 18.0063 43.66527 moveto +17.4765 42.52469 16.8953 41.4056 16.26364 40.31157 curveto +14.9969 38.1175 13.54149 36.04863 11.91814 34.1264 curveto +14.28511 34.97942 16.57997 36.0434 18.77405 37.31017 curveto +19.86807 37.94179 20.93097 38.62033 21.96007 39.34322 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 0.62457 26.45415 moveto +2.74194 20.51047 6.1566 15.1031 10.62985 10.62985 curveto +15.1031 6.1566 20.51047 2.74194 26.45415 0.62457 curveto stroke +newpath 6.3862 10.99696 moveto +7.4153 10.27408 8.4782 9.59554 9.57224 8.96391 curveto +11.7663 7.69714 14.06116 6.63316 16.42813 5.78017 curveto +14.80478 7.70238 13.34937 9.77124 12.08261 11.96532 curveto +11.45097 13.05934 10.86977 14.17844 10.33997 15.31902 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 1.8921 27.72168 moveto +7.83578 25.60432 13.24316 22.18967 17.71642 17.71642 curveto +22.18967 13.24316 25.60432 7.83578 27.72168 1.8921 curveto stroke +newpath 13.02725 18.0063 moveto +14.16783 17.4765 15.28693 16.8953 16.38095 16.26366 curveto +18.57503 14.9969 20.64389 13.54149 22.5661 11.91814 curveto +21.7131 14.28511 20.64912 16.57997 19.38235 18.77403 curveto +18.75073 19.86807 18.07219 20.93097 17.3493 21.96007 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 30.23836 0.62457 moveto +36.18204 2.74194 41.58942 6.1566 46.06267 10.62985 curveto +50.53592 15.1031 53.95058 20.51047 56.06793 26.45415 curveto stroke +newpath 45.69556 6.3862 moveto +46.41844 7.4153 47.09698 8.4782 47.7286 9.57224 curveto +48.99538 11.7663 50.05936 14.06116 50.91235 16.42813 curveto +48.99014 14.80478 46.92128 13.34937 44.7272 12.08261 curveto +43.63318 11.45097 42.51408 10.86977 41.3735 10.33997 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 28.97083 1.8921 moveto +31.0882 7.83578 34.50285 13.24316 38.9761 17.71642 curveto +43.44936 22.18967 48.85672 25.60432 54.8004 27.72168 curveto stroke +newpath 38.68622 13.02725 moveto +39.21602 14.16783 39.79723 15.28693 40.42886 16.38095 curveto +41.69562 18.57503 43.15103 20.64389 44.77438 22.5661 curveto +42.40741 21.7131 40.11255 20.64912 37.91849 19.38235 curveto +36.82445 18.75073 35.76155 18.07219 34.73245 17.3493 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.33878 56.6925 moveto +30.33878 57.22098 30.12881 57.72774 29.75516 58.10141 curveto +29.38148 58.47507 28.87473 58.68503 28.34625 58.68503 curveto +27.81778 58.68503 27.31102 58.47507 26.93735 58.10141 curveto +26.56369 57.72774 26.35373 57.22098 26.35373 56.6925 curveto +26.35373 56.16403 26.56369 55.65727 26.93735 55.2836 curveto +27.31102 54.90994 27.81778 54.69998 28.34625 54.69998 curveto +28.87473 54.69998 29.38148 54.90994 29.75516 55.2836 curveto +30.12881 55.65727 30.33878 56.16403 30.33878 56.6925 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 28.34625 moveto +1.99252 28.87473 1.78256 29.38148 1.4089 29.75516 curveto +1.03523 30.12881 0.52847 30.33878 0 30.33878 curveto +-0.52847 30.33878 -1.03523 30.12881 -1.4089 29.75516 curveto +-1.78256 29.38148 -1.99252 28.87473 -1.99252 28.34625 curveto +-1.99252 27.81778 -1.78256 27.31102 -1.4089 26.93735 curveto +-1.03523 26.56369 -0.52847 26.35373 0 26.35373 curveto +0.52847 26.35373 1.03523 26.56369 1.4089 26.93735 curveto +1.78256 27.31102 1.99252 27.81778 1.99252 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.33878 0 moveto +30.33878 0.52847 30.12881 1.03523 29.75516 1.4089 curveto +29.38148 1.78256 28.87473 1.99252 28.34625 1.99252 curveto +27.81778 1.99252 27.31102 1.78256 26.93735 1.4089 curveto +26.56369 1.03523 26.35373 0.52847 26.35373 0 curveto +26.35373 -0.52847 26.56369 -1.03523 26.93735 -1.4089 curveto +27.31102 -1.78256 27.81778 -1.99252 28.34625 -1.99252 curveto +28.87473 -1.99252 29.38148 -1.78256 29.75516 -1.4089 curveto +30.12881 -1.03523 30.33878 -0.52847 30.33878 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 348 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.10 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 56.40297 30.31763 moveto +55.51253 35.38658 53.52904 40.20972 50.58128 44.4478 curveto +47.63353 48.68588 43.80177 52.22348 39.3593 54.82185 curveto stroke +newpath 54.64436 43.3354 moveto +53.77528 44.24428 52.85634 45.10863 51.89063 45.92412 curveto +49.95287 47.56049 47.8528 48.9783 45.62901 50.15863 curveto +46.9647 48.02454 48.07451 45.74664 48.93448 43.36064 curveto +49.36305 42.17152 49.7267 40.96352 50.02492 39.74187 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 54.94502 29.30357 moveto +50.50255 31.90195 46.67079 35.43954 43.72304 39.67763 curveto +40.77528 43.91571 38.7918 48.73885 37.90135 53.8078 curveto stroke +newpath 48.32855 38.56198 moveto +47.28697 39.2666 46.28094 40.02782 45.31523 40.84332 curveto +43.37749 42.47968 41.628 44.31265 40.09193 46.30737 curveto +40.42485 43.81186 41.02345 41.34973 41.8834 38.96371 curveto +42.31198 37.77461 42.80263 36.61237 43.35236 35.48135 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 35.65117 56.13365 moveto +30.33151 56.94788 24.88963 56.59097 19.7084 55.0779 curveto +14.52718 53.56482 9.74844 50.93701 5.70302 47.38788 curveto stroke +newpath 22.05849 58.58734 moveto +20.92264 58.04765 19.8123 57.44897 18.73216 56.79277 curveto +16.56514 55.47627 14.54756 53.94513 12.7074 52.22763 curveto +15.15977 52.79495 17.67262 53.11217 20.20757 53.16878 curveto +21.47108 53.19699 22.73203 53.1603 23.98555 53.05975 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 36.15007 54.42526 moveto +32.10466 50.87613 27.32593 48.24832 22.1447 46.73524 curveto +16.96347 45.22217 11.52158 44.86526 6.20192 45.6795 curveto stroke +newpath 24.66354 50.738 moveto +23.66113 49.97865 22.61813 49.26915 21.538 48.61295 curveto +19.37097 47.29643 17.08235 46.21149 14.71008 45.36986 curveto +17.18535 44.9126 19.70981 44.70787 22.24478 44.7645 curveto +23.5083 44.79271 24.76633 44.88567 26.0141 45.04208 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 3.35054 44.25157 moveto +1.02815 39.27899 -0.1806 33.8502 -0.18054 28.34592 curveto +-0.18048 22.84163 1.02837 17.41286 3.35086 12.44032 curveto stroke +newpath -2.89467 31.58824 moveto +-2.69281 30.34698 -2.42828 29.11363 -2.10118 27.89291 curveto +-1.44495 25.44392 -0.54514 23.07681 0.57964 20.82509 curveto +0.73141 23.33752 1.13571 25.83742 1.79189 28.2864 curveto +2.11899 29.50713 2.50656 30.70752 2.95238 31.8834 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 5.13205 44.25159 moveto +7.45454 39.27905 8.66339 33.8503 8.66345 28.34601 curveto +8.66351 22.84172 7.45476 17.41292 5.13237 12.44034 curveto stroke +newpath 5.5305 31.88342 moveto +5.97635 30.70753 6.36397 29.50717 6.69109 28.28647 curveto +7.34729 25.83757 7.75163 23.33777 7.90347 20.82541 curveto +9.02815 23.07709 9.92789 25.44417 10.58403 27.89307 curveto +10.91112 29.11377 11.1756 30.34715 11.37743 31.58841 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 5.70343 9.30405 moveto +9.74895 5.75502 14.52776 3.1273 19.70903 1.61435 curveto +24.8903 0.1014 30.33221 -0.25539 35.65186 0.55896 curveto stroke +newpath 15.83965 -0.07892 moveto +17.08743 -0.23529 18.34549 -0.32823 19.60901 -0.35641 curveto +22.14398 -0.41295 24.66844 -0.20818 27.1437 0.24915 curveto +24.77141 1.09071 22.48276 2.17561 20.3157 3.49207 curveto +19.23553 4.14824 18.1925 4.85776 17.19008 5.61707 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20229 11.01245 moveto +11.52193 11.8268 16.96385 11.47002 22.14513 9.95706 curveto +27.3264 8.4441 32.1052 5.81639 36.15071 2.26736 curveto stroke +newpath 17.86804 7.93881 moveto +19.12155 8.03937 20.38248 8.07613 21.64601 8.04794 curveto +24.18097 7.99138 26.69382 7.67422 29.14621 7.10696 curveto +27.306 8.82443 25.28839 10.35551 23.12132 11.67197 curveto +22.04117 12.32814 20.93082 12.92679 19.79495 13.46646 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 39.35994 1.8708 moveto +43.8023 4.46921 47.63396 8.00682 50.5816 12.24487 curveto +53.52925 16.48293 55.51263 21.30603 56.403 26.3749 curveto stroke +newpath 50.95236 8.04866 moveto +51.50204 9.17967 51.99266 10.3419 52.42122 11.531 curveto +53.28113 13.91698 53.87968 16.3791 54.21255 18.87459 curveto +52.67653 16.87987 50.9271 15.04689 48.98943 13.41052 curveto +48.02373 12.59502 47.01773 11.83379 45.9762 11.12917 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 37.90201 2.88484 moveto +38.79237 7.95372 40.77576 12.77681 43.72342 17.01488 curveto +46.67107 21.25293 50.5027 24.79053 54.94507 27.38893 curveto stroke +newpath 44.27989 12.30899 moveto +44.57806 13.53062 44.94171 14.73863 45.37025 15.92773 curveto +46.2302 18.31377 47.34 20.5917 48.67569 22.72583 curveto +46.45187 21.54547 44.3518 20.12761 42.41405 18.49121 curveto +41.44836 17.6757 40.52945 16.81136 39.66039 15.9025 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 39.60434 55.77917 moveto +39.60434 56.30765 39.39438 56.8144 39.02072 57.18808 curveto +38.64705 57.56174 38.14029 57.7717 37.61182 57.7717 curveto +37.08334 57.7717 36.57658 57.56174 36.20291 57.18808 curveto +35.82925 56.8144 35.6193 56.30765 35.6193 55.77917 curveto +35.6193 55.2507 35.82925 54.74394 36.20291 54.37027 curveto +36.57658 53.99661 37.08334 53.78665 37.61182 53.78665 curveto +38.14029 53.78665 38.64705 53.99661 39.02072 54.37027 curveto +39.39438 54.74394 39.60434 55.2507 39.60434 55.77917 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 6.2338 46.03398 moveto +6.2338 46.56245 6.02383 47.06921 5.65018 47.44289 curveto +5.2765 47.81654 4.76974 48.0265 4.24127 48.0265 curveto +3.7128 48.0265 3.20604 47.81654 2.83237 47.44289 curveto +2.45871 47.06921 2.24875 46.56245 2.24875 46.03398 curveto +2.24875 45.50551 2.45871 44.99875 2.83237 44.62508 curveto +3.20604 44.25142 3.7128 44.04146 4.24127 44.04146 curveto +4.76974 44.04146 5.2765 44.25142 5.65018 44.62508 curveto +6.02383 44.99875 6.2338 45.50551 6.2338 46.03398 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 6.23416 10.65793 moveto +6.23416 11.1864 6.0242 11.69316 5.65054 12.06683 curveto +5.27687 12.44049 4.77011 12.65045 4.24164 12.65045 curveto +3.71317 12.65045 3.2064 12.44049 2.83273 12.06683 curveto +2.45908 11.69316 2.24911 11.1864 2.24911 10.65793 curveto +2.24911 10.12946 2.45908 9.6227 2.83273 9.24902 curveto +3.2064 8.87537 3.71317 8.6654 4.24164 8.6654 curveto +4.77011 8.6654 5.27687 8.87537 5.65054 9.24902 curveto +6.0242 9.6227 6.23416 10.12946 6.23416 10.65793 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 39.60503 0.91348 moveto +39.60503 1.44196 39.39507 1.94872 39.02141 2.32239 curveto +38.64774 2.69604 38.14098 2.906 37.6125 2.906 curveto +37.08403 2.906 36.57727 2.69604 36.2036 2.32239 curveto +35.82994 1.94872 35.61998 1.44196 35.61998 0.91348 curveto +35.61998 0.38501 35.82994 -0.12175 36.2036 -0.49542 curveto +36.57727 -0.86908 37.08403 -1.07904 37.6125 -1.07904 curveto +38.14098 -1.07904 38.64774 -0.86908 39.02141 -0.49542 curveto +39.39507 -0.12175 39.60503 0.38501 39.60503 0.91348 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 349 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.11 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 56.64664 30.33833 moveto +56.40544 34.67297 55.24393 38.91478 53.23058 42.77818 curveto +51.21722 46.6416 48.40576 50.02356 44.991 52.70436 curveto stroke +newpath 57.07193 41.16385 moveto +56.34273 42.1883 55.54903 43.16968 54.69423 44.10167 curveto +52.97813 45.97281 51.04253 47.61581 48.93593 48.9987 curveto +50.06886 46.74777 50.92363 44.35709 51.47426 41.87859 curveto +51.74852 40.64407 51.9452 39.39731 52.06448 38.14551 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 55.08595 29.525 moveto +51.67117 32.2058 48.85971 35.58777 46.84636 39.45119 curveto +44.83301 43.31459 43.6715 47.55641 43.4303 51.89105 curveto stroke +newpath 51.31158 37.75316 moveto +50.35387 38.56802 49.44461 39.44344 48.58983 40.37546 curveto +46.87372 42.24657 45.40381 44.3167 44.20782 46.53476 curveto +44.13455 44.01585 44.37247 41.48811 44.92308 39.00964 curveto +45.19736 37.7751 45.54707 36.56235 45.96906 35.37779 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.59807 54.76549 moveto +37.4446 56.65833 32.92625 57.64268 28.34642 57.6427 curveto +23.7666 57.64273 19.24825 56.65842 15.09476 54.76561 curveto stroke +newpath 31.56152 60.31554 moveto +30.31694 60.13574 29.08069 59.88219 27.8593 59.55492 curveto +25.40771 58.89804 23.05261 57.95404 20.8405 56.74873 curveto +23.35889 56.6865 25.87048 56.32648 28.32204 55.66957 curveto +29.54343 55.3423 30.74086 54.94376 31.90857 54.47716 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.59807 53.00078 moveto +37.44458 51.10797 32.92622 50.12366 28.34639 50.12369 curveto +23.76656 50.12372 19.24821 51.10808 15.09476 53.00092 curveto stroke +newpath 31.90857 53.2892 moveto +30.74086 52.8226 29.54343 52.42407 28.32204 52.09682 curveto +25.87045 51.43994 23.35886 51.07994 20.84047 51.01775 curveto +23.05255 49.81242 25.40765 48.86838 27.85924 48.21147 curveto +29.08063 47.88419 30.31688 47.63062 31.56146 47.45082 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 11.70183 52.70454 moveto +8.28702 50.0238 5.4755 46.64189 3.46211 42.7785 curveto +1.44872 38.91512 0.28714 34.67334 0.04588 30.3387 curveto stroke +newpath 2.58487 46.8519 moveto +2.16287 45.66736 1.81314 44.4546 1.53885 43.22006 curveto +0.98819 40.74161 0.75024 38.21387 0.82349 35.69498 curveto +2.0195 37.91302 3.48944 39.98312 5.20557 41.85422 curveto +6.06036 42.78621 6.96964 43.66162 7.92734 44.47647 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 13.2625 51.8912 moveto +13.02122 47.55656 11.85965 43.31479 9.84627 39.4514 curveto +7.83289 35.58801 5.02136 32.2061 1.60655 29.52534 curveto stroke +newpath 8.68024 44.0841 moveto +8.56094 42.8323 8.36424 41.58554 8.08997 40.35101 curveto +7.53932 37.87254 6.6845 35.48186 5.55154 33.23096 curveto +7.65816 34.61382 9.5938 36.25679 11.3099 38.1279 curveto +12.16472 39.05988 12.95844 40.04126 13.68765 41.0657 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 0.04584 26.35454 moveto +0.28699 22.01988 1.44847 17.77805 3.46176 13.9146 curveto +5.47505 10.05116 8.28648 6.66914 11.70122 3.9883 curveto stroke +newpath -0.3796 15.52902 moveto +0.34961 14.50455 1.14331 13.52315 1.9981 12.59113 curveto +3.71416 10.71999 5.64972 9.07695 7.75632 7.69402 curveto +6.62341 9.94496 5.76869 12.33568 5.2181 14.81415 curveto +4.94385 16.04869 4.7472 17.29547 4.62791 18.54727 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 1.60655 27.16785 moveto +5.0213 24.487 7.83273 21.10498 9.84602 17.24153 curveto +11.85931 13.37808 13.0208 9.13625 13.26192 4.8016 curveto stroke +newpath 5.38083 18.93962 moveto +6.33853 18.12474 7.24777 17.24931 8.10255 16.31729 curveto +9.81862 14.44614 11.2885 12.376 12.48447 10.15791 curveto +12.55779 12.67682 12.3199 15.20456 11.7693 17.68304 curveto +11.49506 18.91759 11.14536 20.13036 10.72339 21.31493 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 15.09412 1.92715 moveto +19.24754 0.03427 23.76588 -0.95013 28.34572 -0.9502 curveto +32.92555 -0.95026 37.44391 0.03401 41.59741 1.92677 curveto stroke +newpath 25.1306 -3.62299 moveto +26.37517 -3.44324 27.61143 -3.18968 28.83284 -2.86243 curveto +31.28442 -2.20555 33.63954 -1.26157 35.85165 -0.05627 curveto +33.33327 0.00598 30.82169 0.36601 28.3701 1.02295 curveto +27.14873 1.35023 25.95131 1.74878 24.78358 2.2154 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 15.09415 3.69185 moveto +19.24765 5.58461 23.766 6.56888 28.34584 6.56882 curveto +32.92567 6.56876 37.44402 5.58435 41.59744 3.69147 curveto stroke +newpath 24.78363 3.40332 moveto +25.95135 3.86992 27.14877 4.26842 28.37018 4.59567 curveto +30.82176 5.25255 33.33337 5.61252 35.85175 5.67468 curveto +33.63968 6.88004 31.28459 7.82408 28.83301 8.48102 curveto +27.61163 8.8083 26.37537 9.0619 25.1308 9.2417 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 44.99022 3.98769 moveto +48.4052 6.66852 51.21683 10.05057 53.23032 13.9141 curveto +55.24376 17.77756 56.40535 22.01942 56.64662 26.35416 curveto stroke +newpath 54.10748 9.84055 moveto +54.52951 11.02515 54.87926 12.23795 55.15356 13.47252 curveto +55.70421 15.95097 55.94217 18.4787 55.86894 20.99757 curveto +54.67291 18.77954 53.20299 16.70946 51.48688 14.83836 curveto +50.63203 13.90634 49.72275 13.03091 48.76495 12.21603 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 43.4297 4.8012 moveto +43.67097 9.13594 44.83258 13.3778 46.84602 17.24127 curveto +48.8595 21.1048 51.67114 24.48683 55.08609 27.16765 curveto stroke +newpath 48.01205 12.60849 moveto +48.13136 13.8603 48.32805 15.10709 48.60234 16.34164 curveto +49.15302 18.82016 50.00783 21.21086 51.1408 23.46179 curveto +49.03416 22.0789 47.09851 20.43591 45.38237 18.56479 curveto +44.52754 17.63278 43.73381 16.65138 43.00458 15.62692 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 45.37697 53.88312 moveto +45.37697 54.41159 45.167 54.91835 44.79335 55.29202 curveto +44.41968 55.66568 43.91292 55.87564 43.38445 55.87564 curveto +42.85597 55.87564 42.34921 55.66568 41.97554 55.29202 curveto +41.60188 54.91835 41.39192 54.41159 41.39192 53.88312 curveto +41.39192 53.35464 41.60188 52.84789 41.97554 52.47421 curveto +42.34921 52.10056 42.85597 51.8906 43.38445 51.8906 curveto +43.91292 51.8906 44.41968 52.10056 44.79335 52.47421 curveto +45.167 52.84789 45.37697 53.35464 45.37697 53.88312 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.3009 53.88327 moveto +15.3009 54.41174 15.09094 54.9185 14.71729 55.29218 curveto +14.34361 55.66583 13.83685 55.8758 13.30838 55.8758 curveto +12.7799 55.8758 12.27315 55.66583 11.89948 55.29218 curveto +11.52582 54.9185 11.31586 54.41174 11.31586 53.88327 curveto +11.31586 53.3548 11.52582 52.84804 11.89948 52.47437 curveto +12.27315 52.10071 12.7799 51.89075 13.30838 51.89075 curveto +13.83685 51.89075 14.34361 52.10071 14.71729 52.47437 curveto +15.09094 52.84804 15.3009 53.3548 15.3009 53.88327 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 28.34662 moveto +1.99252 28.87509 1.78256 29.38185 1.4089 29.75552 curveto +1.03523 30.12918 0.52847 30.33914 0 30.33914 curveto +-0.52847 30.33914 -1.03523 30.12918 -1.4089 29.75552 curveto +-1.78256 29.38185 -1.99252 28.87509 -1.99252 28.34662 curveto +-1.99252 27.81815 -1.78256 27.31139 -1.4089 26.93771 curveto +-1.03523 26.56406 -0.52847 26.3541 0 26.3541 curveto +0.52847 26.3541 1.03523 26.56406 1.4089 26.93771 curveto +1.78256 27.31139 1.99252 27.81815 1.99252 28.34662 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.30028 2.80952 moveto +15.30028 3.338 15.09032 3.84476 14.71666 4.21843 curveto +14.34299 4.59209 13.83623 4.80205 13.30775 4.80205 curveto +12.77928 4.80205 12.27252 4.59209 11.89885 4.21843 curveto +11.52519 3.84476 11.31523 3.338 11.31523 2.80952 curveto +11.31523 2.28105 11.52519 1.77429 11.89885 1.40062 curveto +12.27252 1.02696 12.77928 0.817 13.30775 0.817 curveto +13.83623 0.817 14.34299 1.02696 14.71666 1.40062 curveto +15.09032 1.77429 15.30028 2.28105 15.30028 2.80952 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 45.37633 2.8091 moveto +45.37633 3.33757 45.16637 3.84433 44.79271 4.218 curveto +44.41904 4.59166 43.91228 4.80162 43.3838 4.80162 curveto +42.85533 4.80162 42.34857 4.59166 41.9749 4.218 curveto +41.60124 3.84433 41.39128 3.33757 41.39128 2.8091 curveto +41.39128 2.28062 41.60124 1.77386 41.9749 1.40019 curveto +42.34857 1.02654 42.85533 0.81657 43.3838 0.81657 curveto +43.91228 0.81657 44.41904 1.02654 44.79271 1.40019 curveto +45.16637 1.77386 45.37633 2.28062 45.37633 2.8091 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 568 594 a Fx(Figure)14 b(8:)k(P)o(article-particle)c(ring) +g(diagrams)295 890 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.12 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 55.62166 30.02632 moveto +51.14297 36.77248 45.18564 42.4214 38.19238 46.53775 curveto +31.19913 50.6541 23.36874 53.12088 15.29672 53.76231 curveto stroke +newpath 42.43706 47.2674 moveto +41.25154 47.68793 40.04935 48.06729 38.83255 48.40431 curveto +36.3937 49.07983 33.91774 49.57932 31.42346 49.9023 curveto +33.42207 48.37546 35.31659 46.7049 37.09094 44.90047 curveto +37.9762 44.00018 38.82765 43.07056 39.64406 42.11359 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 54.70345 28.2254 moveto +46.6316 27.58386 38.80139 25.11705 31.80832 21.00075 curveto +24.81512 16.88437 18.85785 11.23544 14.37923 4.4893 curveto stroke +newpath 33.23053 25.06601 moveto +32.28746 24.23361 31.3723 23.36667 30.48706 22.4664 curveto +28.71274 20.66196 27.07431 18.73961 25.58133 16.7156 curveto +27.88629 17.72194 30.26639 18.56754 32.70523 19.24307 curveto +33.92198 19.58011 35.14803 19.87332 36.38092 20.12265 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 12.40291 52.1082 moveto +8.80135 44.71364 6.92393 36.58852 6.924 28.34613 curveto +6.92406 20.10376 8.80156 11.97865 12.4032 4.58414 curveto stroke +newpath 4.13968 31.63559 moveto +4.37988 30.4008 4.66342 29.17249 4.99022 27.95291 curveto +5.6452 25.50854 6.46826 23.12067 7.45053 20.80527 curveto +7.75757 23.3016 8.23871 25.7811 8.89366 28.22546 curveto +9.22043 29.44504 9.58905 30.65056 9.99841 31.84003 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 14.3789 52.20305 moveto +18.85759 45.4569 24.81493 39.80797 31.80818 35.69162 curveto +38.80144 31.57527 46.63182 29.10849 54.70384 28.46706 curveto stroke +newpath 27.5635 34.96198 moveto +28.74902 34.54144 29.95122 34.16208 31.16801 33.82506 curveto +33.60686 33.14954 36.08282 32.65005 38.5771 32.32707 curveto +36.57849 33.85391 34.68398 35.52448 32.90962 37.3289 curveto +32.02437 38.22919 31.17291 39.15881 30.3565 40.11578 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 15.29744 2.93008 moveto +23.36928 3.57161 31.1995 6.03842 38.19257 10.15472 curveto +45.18576 14.2711 51.14305 19.92003 55.62166 26.66618 curveto stroke +newpath 36.77036 6.08946 moveto +37.71342 6.92186 38.62859 7.7888 39.51382 8.68907 curveto +41.28815 10.49352 42.92657 12.41586 44.41956 14.43987 curveto +42.1146 13.43353 39.7345 12.58794 37.29565 11.9124 curveto +36.0789 11.57536 34.85286 11.28215 33.61996 11.03282 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 14.21353 4.58415 moveto +17.8151 11.97871 19.69252 20.10384 19.69246 28.34622 curveto +19.6924 36.58861 17.81488 44.7137 14.21324 52.10822 curveto stroke +newpath 22.47678 25.05676 moveto +22.23657 26.29155 21.95303 27.51988 21.62624 28.73944 curveto +20.97125 31.1838 20.14818 33.57169 19.16591 35.88708 curveto +18.85887 33.39075 18.37775 30.91125 17.7228 28.46689 curveto +17.39603 27.2473 17.0274 26.0418 16.61804 24.85233 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.30058 53.88312 moveto +15.30058 54.41159 15.09062 54.91835 14.71696 55.29202 curveto +14.34329 55.66568 13.83653 55.87564 13.30806 55.87564 curveto +12.77959 55.87564 12.27283 55.66568 11.89915 55.29202 curveto +11.5255 54.91835 11.31554 54.41159 11.31554 53.88312 curveto +11.31554 53.35464 11.5255 52.84789 11.89915 52.47421 curveto +12.27283 52.10056 12.77959 51.8906 13.30806 51.8906 curveto +13.83653 51.8906 14.34329 52.10056 14.71696 52.47421 curveto +15.09062 52.84789 15.30058 53.35464 15.30058 53.88312 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.3009 2.80923 moveto +15.3009 3.3377 15.09094 3.84447 14.71729 4.21814 curveto +14.34361 4.5918 13.83685 4.80176 13.30838 4.80176 curveto +12.7799 4.80176 12.27315 4.5918 11.89948 4.21814 curveto +11.52582 3.84447 11.31586 3.3377 11.31586 2.80923 curveto +11.31586 2.28076 11.52582 1.774 11.89948 1.40033 curveto +12.27315 1.02667 12.7799 0.81671 13.30838 0.81671 curveto +13.83685 0.81671 14.34361 1.02667 14.71729 1.40033 curveto +15.09094 1.774 15.3009 2.28076 15.3009 2.80923 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 348 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.13 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 56.06793 30.23836 moveto +53.95058 36.18204 50.53592 41.58942 46.06267 46.06267 curveto +41.58942 50.53592 36.18204 53.95058 30.23836 56.06793 curveto stroke +newpath 50.30632 45.69556 moveto +49.27722 46.41844 48.21432 47.09698 47.12029 47.7286 curveto +44.92622 48.99538 42.63136 50.05936 40.26439 50.91235 curveto +41.88774 48.99014 43.34315 46.92128 44.60991 44.7272 curveto +45.24155 43.63318 45.82275 42.51408 46.35255 41.3735 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 54.8004 27.72168 moveto +48.85672 25.60432 43.44936 22.18967 38.9761 17.71642 curveto +34.50284 13.24316 31.08818 7.83578 28.97083 1.8921 curveto stroke +newpath 39.34322 21.96007 moveto +38.62033 20.93097 37.94179 19.86807 37.31017 18.77405 curveto +36.0434 16.57997 34.97942 14.28511 34.1264 11.91814 curveto +36.04863 13.54149 38.1175 14.9969 40.31157 16.26364 curveto +41.4056 16.8953 42.52469 17.4765 43.66527 18.0063 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 26.45415 56.06793 moveto +20.51047 53.95058 15.1031 50.53592 10.62985 46.06267 curveto +6.15659 41.58942 2.74193 36.18204 0.62457 30.23836 curveto stroke +newpath 10.99696 50.30632 moveto +10.27408 49.27722 9.59554 48.21432 8.96391 47.1203 curveto +7.69714 44.92622 6.63316 42.63136 5.78015 40.26439 curveto +7.70238 41.88774 9.77124 43.34315 11.96532 44.6099 curveto +13.05934 45.24155 14.17844 45.82275 15.31902 46.35255 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 28.97083 54.8004 moveto +31.0882 48.85672 34.50285 43.44936 38.9761 38.9761 curveto +43.44936 34.50285 48.85672 31.0882 54.8004 28.97083 curveto stroke +newpath 34.73245 39.34322 moveto +35.76155 38.62033 36.82445 37.94179 37.91849 37.31017 curveto +40.11255 36.0434 42.40741 34.97942 44.77438 34.12642 curveto +43.15103 36.04863 41.69562 38.1175 40.42886 40.31157 curveto +39.79723 41.4056 39.21602 42.52469 38.68622 43.66527 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 0.62457 26.45415 moveto +2.74194 20.51047 6.1566 15.1031 10.62985 10.62985 curveto +15.1031 6.1566 20.51047 2.74194 26.45415 0.62457 curveto stroke +newpath 6.3862 10.99696 moveto +7.4153 10.27408 8.4782 9.59554 9.57224 8.96391 curveto +11.7663 7.69714 14.06116 6.63316 16.42813 5.78017 curveto +14.80478 7.70238 13.34937 9.77124 12.08261 11.96532 curveto +11.45097 13.05934 10.86977 14.17844 10.33997 15.31902 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 1.8921 28.97083 moveto +7.83578 31.0882 13.24316 34.50285 17.71642 38.9761 curveto +22.18967 43.44936 25.60432 48.85672 27.72168 54.8004 curveto stroke +newpath 17.3493 34.73245 moveto +18.07219 35.76155 18.75073 36.82445 19.38235 37.91849 curveto +20.64912 40.11255 21.7131 42.40741 22.5661 44.77438 curveto +20.64389 43.15103 18.57503 41.69562 16.38095 40.42886 curveto +15.28693 39.79723 14.16783 39.21602 13.02725 38.68622 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 30.23836 0.62457 moveto +36.18204 2.74194 41.58942 6.1566 46.06267 10.62985 curveto +50.53592 15.1031 53.95058 20.51047 56.06793 26.45415 curveto stroke +newpath 45.69556 6.3862 moveto +46.41844 7.4153 47.09698 8.4782 47.7286 9.57224 curveto +48.99538 11.7663 50.05936 14.06116 50.91235 16.42813 curveto +48.99014 14.80478 46.92128 13.34937 44.7272 12.08261 curveto +43.63318 11.45097 42.51408 10.86977 41.3735 10.33997 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 27.72168 1.8921 moveto +25.60432 7.83578 22.18967 13.24316 17.71642 17.71642 curveto +13.24316 22.18967 7.83578 25.60432 1.8921 27.72168 curveto stroke +newpath 21.96007 17.3493 moveto +20.93097 18.07219 19.86807 18.75073 18.77403 19.38235 curveto +16.57997 20.64912 14.28511 21.7131 11.91814 22.5661 curveto +13.54149 20.64389 14.9969 18.57503 16.26366 16.38095 curveto +16.8953 15.28693 17.4765 14.16783 18.0063 13.02725 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.33878 56.6925 moveto +30.33878 57.22098 30.12881 57.72774 29.75516 58.10141 curveto +29.38148 58.47507 28.87473 58.68503 28.34625 58.68503 curveto +27.81778 58.68503 27.31102 58.47507 26.93735 58.10141 curveto +26.56369 57.72774 26.35373 57.22098 26.35373 56.6925 curveto +26.35373 56.16403 26.56369 55.65727 26.93735 55.2836 curveto +27.31102 54.90994 27.81778 54.69998 28.34625 54.69998 curveto +28.87473 54.69998 29.38148 54.90994 29.75516 55.2836 curveto +30.12881 55.65727 30.33878 56.16403 30.33878 56.6925 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 28.34625 moveto +1.99252 28.87473 1.78256 29.38148 1.4089 29.75516 curveto +1.03523 30.12881 0.52847 30.33878 0 30.33878 curveto +-0.52847 30.33878 -1.03523 30.12881 -1.4089 29.75516 curveto +-1.78256 29.38148 -1.99252 28.87473 -1.99252 28.34625 curveto +-1.99252 27.81778 -1.78256 27.31102 -1.4089 26.93735 curveto +-1.03523 26.56369 -0.52847 26.35373 0 26.35373 curveto +0.52847 26.35373 1.03523 26.56369 1.4089 26.93735 curveto +1.78256 27.31102 1.99252 27.81778 1.99252 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 30.33878 0 moveto +30.33878 0.52847 30.12881 1.03523 29.75516 1.4089 curveto +29.38148 1.78256 28.87473 1.99252 28.34625 1.99252 curveto +27.81778 1.99252 27.31102 1.78256 26.93735 1.4089 curveto +26.56369 1.03523 26.35373 0.52847 26.35373 0 curveto +26.35373 -0.52847 26.56369 -1.03523 26.93735 -1.4089 curveto +27.31102 -1.78256 27.81778 -1.99252 28.34625 -1.99252 curveto +28.87473 -1.99252 29.38148 -1.78256 29.75516 -1.4089 curveto +30.12881 -1.03523 30.33878 -0.52847 30.33878 0 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 348 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi 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15.84923 curveto +46.28128 16.66473 47.28728 17.42596 48.32881 18.13057 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 35.65117 56.13365 moveto +30.33151 56.94788 24.88963 56.59097 19.7084 55.0779 curveto +14.52718 53.56482 9.74844 50.93701 5.70302 47.38788 curveto stroke +newpath 22.05849 58.58734 moveto +20.92264 58.04765 19.8123 57.44897 18.73216 56.79277 curveto +16.56514 55.47627 14.54756 53.94513 12.7074 52.22763 curveto +15.15977 52.79495 17.67262 53.11217 20.20757 53.16878 curveto +21.47108 53.19699 22.73203 53.1603 23.98555 53.05975 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 37.90135 53.8078 moveto +38.7918 48.73885 40.77528 43.91571 43.72304 39.67763 curveto +46.67079 35.43954 50.50255 31.90195 54.94502 29.30357 curveto stroke +newpath 39.65996 40.79002 moveto +40.52904 39.88115 41.44798 39.0168 42.4137 38.20131 curveto +44.35146 36.56494 46.45152 35.14713 48.67531 33.9668 curveto +47.33961 36.10089 46.22981 38.37878 45.36984 40.76479 curveto +44.94127 41.9539 44.57762 43.16191 44.2794 44.38356 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 3.35054 44.25157 moveto +1.02815 39.27899 -0.1806 33.8502 -0.18054 28.34592 curveto +-0.18048 22.84163 1.02837 17.41286 3.35086 12.44032 curveto stroke +newpath -2.89467 31.58824 moveto +-2.69281 30.34698 -2.42828 29.11363 -2.10118 27.89291 curveto +-1.44495 25.44392 -0.54514 23.07681 0.57964 20.82509 curveto +0.73141 23.33752 1.13571 25.83742 1.79189 28.2864 curveto +2.11899 29.50713 2.50656 30.70752 2.95238 31.8834 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 6.20192 45.6795 moveto +11.52158 44.86528 16.96347 45.2222 22.1447 46.73528 curveto +27.32593 48.24835 32.10464 50.87616 36.15007 54.42528 curveto stroke +newpath 19.7946 43.22583 moveto +20.93045 43.76552 22.0408 44.3642 23.12094 45.0204 curveto +25.28796 46.3369 27.30554 47.86804 29.1457 49.58553 curveto +26.69333 49.01822 24.18048 48.701 21.64554 48.6444 curveto +20.38202 48.61618 19.1211 48.65288 17.86757 48.75342 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 5.70343 9.30405 moveto +9.74895 5.75502 14.52776 3.1273 19.70903 1.61435 curveto +24.8903 0.1014 30.33221 -0.25539 35.65186 0.55896 curveto stroke +newpath 15.83965 -0.07892 moveto +17.08743 -0.23529 18.34549 -0.32823 19.60901 -0.35641 curveto +22.14398 -0.41295 24.66844 -0.20818 27.1437 0.24915 curveto +24.77141 1.09071 22.48276 2.17561 20.3157 3.49207 curveto +19.23553 4.14824 18.1925 4.85776 17.19008 5.61707 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 5.13237 12.44034 moveto +7.45477 17.41292 8.66351 22.84172 8.66345 28.34601 curveto +8.66339 33.8503 7.45454 39.27905 5.13205 44.25159 curveto stroke +newpath 11.37758 25.10368 moveto +11.17572 26.34494 10.9112 27.5783 10.58409 28.79901 curveto +9.92786 31.248 9.02805 33.61511 7.90327 35.86684 curveto +7.7515 33.3544 7.3472 30.8545 6.69102 28.40552 curveto +6.36392 27.1848 5.97635 25.9844 5.53053 24.80852 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 39.35994 1.8708 moveto +43.8023 4.46921 47.63396 8.00682 50.5816 12.24487 curveto +53.52925 16.48293 55.51263 21.30603 56.403 26.3749 curveto stroke +newpath 50.95236 8.04866 moveto +51.50204 9.17967 51.99266 10.3419 52.42122 11.531 curveto +53.28113 13.91698 53.87968 16.3791 54.21255 18.87459 curveto +52.67653 16.87987 50.9271 15.04689 48.98943 13.41052 curveto +48.02373 12.59502 47.01773 11.83379 45.9762 11.12917 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 36.15071 2.26736 moveto +32.1052 5.81639 27.3264 8.4441 22.14513 9.95706 curveto +16.96385 11.47002 11.52193 11.8268 6.20229 11.01245 curveto stroke +newpath 26.01451 11.65033 moveto +24.76672 11.8067 23.50867 11.89964 22.24515 11.92783 curveto +19.71017 11.98436 17.18571 11.77959 14.71045 11.32227 curveto +17.08275 10.4807 19.3714 9.3958 21.53845 8.07935 curveto +22.61862 7.42317 23.66165 6.71365 24.66408 5.95435 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 39.60434 55.77917 moveto +39.60434 56.30765 39.39438 56.8144 39.02072 57.18808 curveto +38.64705 57.56174 38.14029 57.7717 37.61182 57.7717 curveto +37.08334 57.7717 36.57658 57.56174 36.20291 57.18808 curveto +35.82925 56.8144 35.6193 56.30765 35.6193 55.77917 curveto +35.6193 55.2507 35.82925 54.74394 36.20291 54.37027 curveto +36.57658 53.99661 37.08334 53.78665 37.61182 53.78665 curveto +38.14029 53.78665 38.64705 53.99661 39.02072 54.37027 curveto +39.39438 54.74394 39.60434 55.2507 39.60434 55.77917 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 6.2338 46.03398 moveto +6.2338 46.56245 6.02383 47.06921 5.65018 47.44289 curveto +5.2765 47.81654 4.76974 48.0265 4.24127 48.0265 curveto +3.7128 48.0265 3.20604 47.81654 2.83237 47.44289 curveto +2.45871 47.06921 2.24875 46.56245 2.24875 46.03398 curveto +2.24875 45.50551 2.45871 44.99875 2.83237 44.62508 curveto +3.20604 44.25142 3.7128 44.04146 4.24127 44.04146 curveto +4.76974 44.04146 5.2765 44.25142 5.65018 44.62508 curveto +6.02383 44.99875 6.2338 45.50551 6.2338 46.03398 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 6.23416 10.65793 moveto +6.23416 11.1864 6.0242 11.69316 5.65054 12.06683 curveto +5.27687 12.44049 4.77011 12.65045 4.24164 12.65045 curveto +3.71317 12.65045 3.2064 12.44049 2.83273 12.06683 curveto +2.45908 11.69316 2.24911 11.1864 2.24911 10.65793 curveto +2.24911 10.12946 2.45908 9.6227 2.83273 9.24902 curveto +3.2064 8.87537 3.71317 8.6654 4.24164 8.6654 curveto +4.77011 8.6654 5.27687 8.87537 5.65054 9.24902 curveto +6.0242 9.6227 6.23416 10.12946 6.23416 10.65793 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 39.60503 0.91348 moveto +39.60503 1.44196 39.39507 1.94872 39.02141 2.32239 curveto +38.64774 2.69604 38.14098 2.906 37.6125 2.906 curveto +37.08403 2.906 36.57727 2.69604 36.2036 2.32239 curveto +35.82994 1.94872 35.61998 1.44196 35.61998 0.91348 curveto +35.61998 0.38501 35.82994 -0.12175 36.2036 -0.49542 curveto +36.57727 -0.86908 37.08403 -1.07904 37.6125 -1.07904 curveto +38.14098 -1.07904 38.64774 -0.86908 39.02141 -0.49542 curveto +39.39507 -0.12175 39.60503 0.38501 39.60503 0.91348 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 349 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 57 @urx +57 @ury 570 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.15 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 56.64664 30.33833 moveto +56.40544 34.67297 55.24393 38.91478 53.23058 42.77818 curveto +51.21722 46.6416 48.40576 50.02356 44.991 52.70436 curveto stroke +newpath 57.07193 41.16385 moveto +56.34273 42.1883 55.54903 43.16968 54.69423 44.10167 curveto +52.97813 45.97281 51.04253 47.61581 48.93593 48.9987 curveto +50.06886 46.74777 50.92363 44.35709 51.47426 41.87859 curveto +51.74852 40.64407 51.9452 39.39731 52.06448 38.14551 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 55.08609 27.16765 moveto +51.67113 24.48682 48.85948 21.10478 46.84601 17.24126 curveto +44.83257 13.37779 43.67096 9.13593 43.42969 4.8012 curveto stroke +newpath 45.96883 21.31479 moveto +45.5468 20.1302 45.19705 18.9174 44.92276 17.68285 curveto +44.37212 15.20438 44.13416 12.67667 44.20737 10.15778 curveto +45.40341 12.3758 46.87334 14.44589 48.58945 16.31697 curveto +49.44427 17.24901 50.35356 18.12444 51.31136 18.9393 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.59807 54.76549 moveto +37.4446 56.65833 32.92625 57.64268 28.34642 57.6427 curveto +23.7666 57.64273 19.24825 56.65842 15.09476 54.76561 curveto stroke +newpath 31.56152 60.31554 moveto +30.31694 60.13574 29.08069 59.88219 27.8593 59.55492 curveto +25.40771 58.89804 23.05261 57.95404 20.8405 56.74873 curveto +23.35889 56.6865 25.87048 56.32648 28.32204 55.66957 curveto +29.54343 55.3423 30.74086 54.94376 31.90857 54.47716 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 43.43031 51.89104 moveto +43.67151 47.5564 44.83302 43.31459 46.84637 39.45119 curveto +48.85973 35.58777 51.67119 32.20581 55.08595 29.52501 curveto stroke +newpath 43.00502 41.06552 moveto +43.73422 40.04108 44.52792 39.0597 45.38272 38.1277 curveto +47.09882 36.25656 49.03442 34.61356 51.14102 33.23067 curveto +50.00809 35.4816 49.15332 37.87228 48.60269 40.35078 curveto +48.32843 41.5853 48.13174 42.83206 48.01247 44.08386 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 11.70183 52.70454 moveto +8.28702 50.0238 5.4755 46.64189 3.46211 42.7785 curveto +1.44872 38.91512 0.28714 34.67334 0.04588 30.3387 curveto stroke +newpath 2.58487 46.8519 moveto +2.16287 45.66736 1.81314 44.4546 1.53885 43.22006 curveto +0.98819 40.74161 0.75024 38.21387 0.82349 35.69498 curveto +2.0195 37.91302 3.48944 39.98312 5.20557 41.85422 curveto +6.06036 42.78621 6.96964 43.66162 7.92734 44.47647 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 15.09476 53.0009 moveto +19.24823 51.10806 23.76657 50.1237 28.3464 50.12369 curveto +32.92622 50.12366 37.44458 51.10797 41.59807 53.00078 curveto stroke +newpath 25.1313 47.45085 moveto +26.37589 47.63065 27.61214 47.8842 28.83353 48.21147 curveto +31.28511 48.86835 33.64021 49.81235 35.85233 51.01765 curveto +33.33394 51.0799 30.82234 51.43991 28.37079 52.09682 curveto +27.1494 52.42409 25.95197 52.82263 24.78426 53.28923 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 0.04584 26.35454 moveto +0.28699 22.01988 1.44847 17.77805 3.46176 13.9146 curveto +5.47505 10.05116 8.28648 6.66914 11.70122 3.9883 curveto stroke +newpath -0.3796 15.52902 moveto +0.34961 14.50455 1.14331 13.52315 1.9981 12.59113 curveto +3.71416 10.71999 5.64972 9.07695 7.75632 7.69402 curveto +6.62341 9.94496 5.76869 12.33568 5.2181 14.81415 curveto +4.94385 16.04869 4.7472 17.29547 4.62791 18.54727 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 1.60655 29.52534 moveto +5.02136 32.2061 7.83289 35.58801 9.84627 39.4514 curveto +11.85966 43.31479 13.02124 47.55655 13.2625 51.89119 curveto stroke +newpath 10.72351 35.378 moveto +11.14551 36.56255 11.49524 37.7753 11.76953 39.00984 curveto +12.32019 41.4883 12.55814 44.01604 12.4849 46.53493 curveto +11.28888 44.31688 9.81894 42.24678 8.10281 40.37569 curveto +7.24802 39.4437 6.33875 38.56828 5.38104 37.75343 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 15.09412 1.92715 moveto +19.24754 0.03427 23.76588 -0.95013 28.34572 -0.9502 curveto +32.92555 -0.95026 37.44391 0.03401 41.59741 1.92677 curveto stroke +newpath 25.1306 -3.62299 moveto +26.37517 -3.44324 27.61143 -3.18968 28.83284 -2.86243 curveto +31.28442 -2.20555 33.63954 -1.26157 35.85165 -0.05627 curveto +33.33327 0.00598 30.82169 0.36601 28.3701 1.02295 curveto +27.14873 1.35023 25.95131 1.74878 24.78358 2.2154 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 13.26192 4.8016 moveto +13.02078 9.13626 11.8593 13.3781 9.84601 17.24155 curveto +7.83272 21.105 5.02129 24.487 1.60654 27.16785 curveto stroke +newpath 13.68736 15.62714 moveto +12.95816 16.6516 12.16446 17.63301 11.3097 18.56503 curveto +9.59361 20.43617 7.65804 22.07921 5.55144 23.46214 curveto +6.68434 21.2112 7.53908 18.82048 8.08966 16.34198 curveto +8.36392 15.10744 8.56058 13.86067 8.67986 12.60886 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 44.99022 3.98769 moveto +48.4052 6.66852 51.21683 10.05057 53.23032 13.9141 curveto +55.24376 17.77756 56.40535 22.01942 56.64662 26.35416 curveto stroke +newpath 54.10748 9.84055 moveto +54.52951 11.02515 54.87926 12.23795 55.15356 13.47252 curveto +55.70421 15.95097 55.94217 18.4787 55.86894 20.99757 curveto +54.67291 18.77954 53.20299 16.70946 51.48688 14.83836 curveto +50.63203 13.90634 49.72275 13.03091 48.76495 12.21603 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.59744 3.69147 moveto +37.44402 5.58435 32.92567 6.56876 28.34584 6.56882 curveto +23.766 6.56888 19.24765 5.58461 15.09415 3.69185 curveto stroke +newpath 31.56096 9.24161 moveto +30.31639 9.06186 29.08012 8.8083 27.85872 8.48105 curveto +25.40714 7.82417 23.05202 6.88019 20.8399 5.6749 curveto +23.35829 5.61264 25.86987 5.25261 28.32146 4.59567 curveto +29.54283 4.26839 30.74025 3.86984 31.90797 3.40323 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68503 28.34625 moveto +58.68503 28.87473 58.47507 29.38148 58.10141 29.75516 curveto +57.72774 30.12881 57.22098 30.33878 56.6925 30.33878 curveto +56.16403 30.33878 55.65727 30.12881 55.2836 29.75516 curveto +54.90994 29.38148 54.69998 28.87473 54.69998 28.34625 curveto +54.69998 27.81778 54.90994 27.31102 55.2836 26.93735 curveto +55.65727 26.56369 56.16403 26.35373 56.6925 26.35373 curveto +57.22098 26.35373 57.72774 26.56369 58.10141 26.93735 curveto +58.47507 27.31102 58.68503 27.81778 58.68503 28.34625 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 45.37697 53.88312 moveto +45.37697 54.41159 45.167 54.91835 44.79335 55.29202 curveto +44.41968 55.66568 43.91292 55.87564 43.38445 55.87564 curveto +42.85597 55.87564 42.34921 55.66568 41.97554 55.29202 curveto +41.60188 54.91835 41.39192 54.41159 41.39192 53.88312 curveto +41.39192 53.35464 41.60188 52.84789 41.97554 52.47421 curveto +42.34921 52.10056 42.85597 51.8906 43.38445 51.8906 curveto +43.91292 51.8906 44.41968 52.10056 44.79335 52.47421 curveto +45.167 52.84789 45.37697 53.35464 45.37697 53.88312 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.3009 53.88327 moveto +15.3009 54.41174 15.09094 54.9185 14.71729 55.29218 curveto +14.34361 55.66583 13.83685 55.8758 13.30838 55.8758 curveto +12.7799 55.8758 12.27315 55.66583 11.89948 55.29218 curveto +11.52582 54.9185 11.31586 54.41174 11.31586 53.88327 curveto +11.31586 53.3548 11.52582 52.84804 11.89948 52.47437 curveto +12.27315 52.10071 12.7799 51.89075 13.30838 51.89075 curveto +13.83685 51.89075 14.34361 52.10071 14.71729 52.47437 curveto +15.09094 52.84804 15.3009 53.3548 15.3009 53.88327 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 1.99252 28.34662 moveto +1.99252 28.87509 1.78256 29.38185 1.4089 29.75552 curveto +1.03523 30.12918 0.52847 30.33914 0 30.33914 curveto +-0.52847 30.33914 -1.03523 30.12918 -1.4089 29.75552 curveto +-1.78256 29.38185 -1.99252 28.87509 -1.99252 28.34662 curveto +-1.99252 27.81815 -1.78256 27.31139 -1.4089 26.93771 curveto +-1.03523 26.56406 -0.52847 26.3541 0 26.3541 curveto +0.52847 26.3541 1.03523 26.56406 1.4089 26.93771 curveto +1.78256 27.31139 1.99252 27.81815 1.99252 28.34662 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 15.30028 2.80952 moveto +15.30028 3.338 15.09032 3.84476 14.71666 4.21843 curveto +14.34299 4.59209 13.83623 4.80205 13.30775 4.80205 curveto +12.77928 4.80205 12.27252 4.59209 11.89885 4.21843 curveto +11.52519 3.84476 11.31523 3.338 11.31523 2.80952 curveto +11.31523 2.28105 11.52519 1.77429 11.89885 1.40062 curveto +12.27252 1.02696 12.77928 0.817 13.30775 0.817 curveto +13.83623 0.817 14.34299 1.02696 14.71666 1.40062 curveto +15.09032 1.77429 15.30028 2.28105 15.30028 2.80952 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 45.37633 2.8091 moveto +45.37633 3.33757 45.16637 3.84433 44.79271 4.218 curveto +44.41904 4.59166 43.91228 4.80162 43.3838 4.80162 curveto +42.85533 4.80162 42.34857 4.59166 41.9749 4.218 curveto +41.60124 3.84433 41.39128 3.33757 41.39128 2.8091 curveto +41.39128 2.28062 41.60124 1.77386 41.9749 1.40019 curveto +42.34857 1.02654 42.85533 0.81657 43.3838 0.81657 curveto +43.91228 0.81657 44.41904 1.02654 44.79271 1.40019 curveto +45.16637 1.77386 45.37633 2.28062 45.37633 2.8091 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 600 1023 a(Figure)g(9:)j(P)o(article-hole)d(ring)f +(diagrams)220 1155 y Fz(pair)p Fx(s)h(and)h Fz(path)p +Fx(s.)20 b(Y)m(ou)14 b(migh)o(t)f(w)o(an)o(t)i(to)f(consult)h(The)h +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g Fx(Bo)q(ok)f([4)o(])g(or)f(the)220 +1205 y Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)d Fx(man)o(ual)c([5)o(])i(for)g(further)i +(information)6 b(on)j(the)h(a)o(v)n(ailable)d Fz(path)i +Fx(expressions.)220 1313 y Fs(2.7.1)48 b(Arcs)234 1390 +y Fx(Immediate)11 b(mo)q(de's)i(brother)i(of)e Fz(\\fmf)p +Fx(.)-799 b FE(\\fmfi)324 1473 y Fz(\\fmfi{)p Fp(h)p +Fw(style)s Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)o +Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(])p Fz(,)p Fx(.)6 +b(.)g(.)h(])p Fz(}{)p Fp(h)p Fw(p)s Fp(i)o Fz(})220 1556 +y Fx(dra)o(ws)18 b(a)f(line)h(of)f(st)o(yle)h Fp(h)p +Fw(style)s Fp(i)f Fx(on)h(path)g Fp(h)p Fw(p)s Fp(i)p +Fx(.)29 b(Use)19 b(the)f Fz(vpath)f Fx(function)g(in)g +Fp(h)p Fw(p)s Fp(i)h Fx(\()p Fw(af-)220 1606 y(ter)26 +b Fz(\\fmffreeze)p Fx(!\))41 b(to)22 b(access)i(the)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fz(path)e Fx(connecting)g(t)o(w)o(o)g(v)o(ertices:) +220 1655 y Fz(vpath)p Fx([)p Fp(h)p Fw(tag)t Fp(i)o Fx(])p +Fz(\()p Fp(h)p Fw(fr)n(om)s Fp(i)o Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(to)s +Fp(i)o Fz(\))p Fx(.)30 b(The)18 b(optional)f(n)o(umeric)g +Fp(h)p Fw(tag)t Fp(i)h Fx(can)g(b)q(e)g(used)h(together)220 +1705 y(with)11 b(a)g(matc)o(hing)f Fz(tag)h Fx(option)g(to)g +Fz(\\fmf)g Fx(to)g(disam)o(biguate)e(arcs)k(that)e(connect)i(the)f +(same)220 1755 y(v)o(ertices.)19 b(Y)m(ou)12 b(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)g(prep)q +(end)h(eac)o(h)g(name)e(of)h(a)g(v)o(ertex)h(in)f Fz(vpath)p +Fx('s)f(argumen)o(ts)g(with)220 1805 y(t)o(w)o(o)k(underscores)j +(\(e.g.)d Fz(v1)g Fx(b)q(ecomes)h Fz(__v1)p Fx(\).)22 +b(This)16 b(is)f(necessary)j(for)d(a)o(v)o(oiding)e(name-)220 +1855 y(clashes)f(with)e(some)g(reserv)o(ed)i(w)o(ords)f(in)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fx(\()p Fw(sp)n(arks)h Fx(in)c(DEK's)h +(terminology\).)220 1962 y Fs(2.7.2)48 b(V)l(ertices)234 +2039 y Fx(Immediate)11 b(mo)q(de's)i(brother)i(of)e Fz(\\fmfv)p +Fx(.)-840 b FE(\\fmfiv)324 2122 y Fz(\\fmfiv{)p Fp(h)p +Fw(shap)n(e)s Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p Fw(val)t Fp(i)p +Fx(][)p Fz(,)p Fp(h)p Fw(opt)t Fp(i)o Fx([)p Fz(=)p Fp(h)p +Fw(val)t Fp(i)p Fx(])p Fz(,)p Fx(.)6 b(.)h(.)f(])p Fz(}{)p +Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)p Fz(})220 2205 y Fx(dra)o(ws)12 b(a)f(v)o(ertex)h +(at)f(p)q(osition)g Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)q Fx(.)17 b(Note)12 +b(that)f(here)h Fp(h)p Fw(v)t Fp(i)h Fx(is)e(a)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i +Fz(pair)e Fx(and)g Fw(not)220 2255 y Fx(a)16 b Fz(feyn)p +Fy(MF)e Fx(v)o(ertex)j(name.)23 b(The)16 b(former's)f(equiv)n(alen)o(t) +g(of)g(the)h(latter)g(can)g(b)q(e)h(accessed)220 2305 +y(\()p Fw(after)h Fz(\\fmffreeze)p Fx(!\))f(with)d(the)h +Fz(vloc)e Fx(function:)19 b Fz(vloc\()p Fp(h)p Fw(vertex)5 +b Fp(i)o Fz(\))p Fx(.)19 b(Again,)13 b(y)o(ou)g(ha)o(v)o(e)220 +2355 y(to)18 b(prep)q(end)h(the)g(name)d(of)h(the)i(v)o(ertex)g(in)e +Fz(vloc)p Fx('s)g(argumen)o(t)g(with)g(t)o(w)o(o)h(underscores)220 +2404 y(\(e.g.)13 b Fz(v1)h Fx(b)q(ecomes)g Fz(__v1)p +Fx(\).)220 2512 y Fs(2.7.3)48 b(Declarations)220 2589 +y Fx(The)14 b(argumen)o(t\(s\))g(are)g(declared)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fz(path)p Fx(s.)-1119 b FE(\\fmfipath)220 2639 y Fx(The)14 +b(argumen)o(t\(s\))g(are)g(declared)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fz(pair)p Fx(s)d(\(co)q(ordinates\).)-1370 b FE(\\fmfipair)915 +2831 y Fx(33)p eop +%%Page: 34 34 +34 33 bop 220 266 a Fs(2.7.4)48 b(Assignmen)o(ts)220 +342 y Fx(Establish)11 b(equalit)o(y)e(for)h(the)h(t)o(w)o(o)f(argumen)o +(ts,)g(i.e.)g Fz(\\fmfiequ{lval}{rv)o(al})d Fx(translates)-1634 +b FE(\\fmfiequ)220 392 y Fx(to)14 b Fz(lval=rval)p Fx(.)220 +442 y(Assign)g(the)g(second)g(argumen)o(t)e(to)i(the)g(\014rst,)g(i.e.) +e Fz(\\fmfiset{lval}{rva)o(l})e Fx(translates)-1634 b +FE(\\fmfiset)220 492 y Fx(to)14 b Fz(lval:=rval)p Fx(.)220 +542 y(Sp)q(ecifying)c(equalit)o(y)f(of)h(t)o(w)o(o)g(v)n(ariables)g(is) +g(a)g(v)o(ery)h(di\013eren)o(t)g(op)q(eration)g(from)d(assignmen)o(t) +220 591 y(in)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)q Fx(.)18 b(See)11 b(The)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(Bo)q(ok)e([4)o(])g(for)f(details)h(on)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)q Fx('s)i(builtin)220 641 y(equation)j(solv)o(er.)220 +747 y Fs(2.7.5)48 b(Examples)220 824 y Fx(Here)21 b(is)f(a)g +(non-trivial)f(example)f(of)i(immedia)o(te)e(mo)q(de,)i(whic)o(h)g(sho) +o(ws)h(some)e(useful)220 873 y(tric)o(ks.)31 b(The)19 +b(non-trivial)d(asp)q(ect)j(of)f(the)h(diagram)c(in)j(question)g(is)g +(that)g(it)g(has)g(lines)220 923 y(brok)o(en)c(in)g(t)o(w)o(o,)f +(denoting)g(particles)i(coupling)e(to)g(a)h(condensate.)340 +1002 y(W)m(e)i(start)i(the)g(diagram)d(with)h(a)h(sk)o(eleton)h(\(the)g +Fz(phantom)d Fx(lines)i(are)h(sho)o(wn)f(as)340 1052 +y(thin)c(lines)h(for)g(clarit)o(y\):)359 1134 y FE(\\fmfleft{i)o(})359 +1180 y(\\fmfright{)o(o})359 1226 y(\\fmf{dots})o({i,)o(v1)o(})359 +1271 y(\\fmf{dots})o({v2)o(,o)o(})359 1317 y(\\fmf{phant)o(om,)o(le)o +(ft,)o(te)o(nsi)o(on=)o(0.)o(2,t)o(ag)o(=1})o({v1)o(,v)o(2})359 +1363 y(\\fmf{phant)o(om,)o(le)o(ft,)o(te)o(nsi)o(on=)o(0.)o(2,t)o(ag)o +(=2})o({v2)o(,v)o(1})359 1408 y(\\fmfdot{v1)o(,v2)o(})359 +1454 y(\\fmfpositi)o(on)-210 1523 y @beginspecial 0 @llx +0 @lly 114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.16 +newpath 0.99626 42.51938 moveto +0.99626 42.7836 0.8913 43.03702 0.70447 43.22385 curveto +0.51764 43.41068 0.26422 43.51564 0 43.51564 curveto +-0.26422 43.51564 -0.51764 43.41068 -0.70447 43.22385 curveto +-0.8913 43.03702 -0.99626 42.7836 -0.99626 42.51938 curveto +-0.99626 42.25516 -0.8913 42.00174 -0.70447 41.81491 curveto +-0.51764 41.62808 -0.26422 41.52312 0 41.52312 curveto +0.26422 41.52312 0.51764 41.62808 0.70447 41.81491 curveto +0.8913 42.00174 0.99626 42.25516 0.99626 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 6.03546 42.51938 moveto +6.03546 42.7836 5.9305 43.03702 5.74367 43.22385 curveto +5.55684 43.41068 5.30342 43.51564 5.0392 43.51564 curveto +4.77498 43.51564 4.52156 43.41068 4.33473 43.22385 curveto +4.1479 43.03702 4.04294 42.7836 4.04294 42.51938 curveto +4.04294 42.25516 4.1479 42.00174 4.33473 41.81491 curveto +4.52156 41.62808 4.77498 41.52312 5.0392 41.52312 curveto +5.30342 41.52312 5.55684 41.62808 5.74367 41.81491 curveto +5.9305 42.00174 6.03546 42.25516 6.03546 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 11.0747 42.51938 moveto +11.0747 42.7836 10.96974 43.03702 10.78291 43.22385 curveto +10.59608 43.41068 10.34267 43.51564 10.07845 43.51564 curveto +9.81422 43.51564 9.5608 43.41068 9.37398 43.22385 curveto +9.18715 43.03702 9.08218 42.7836 9.08218 42.51938 curveto +9.08218 42.25516 9.18715 42.00174 9.37398 41.81491 curveto +9.5608 41.62808 9.81422 41.52312 10.07845 41.52312 curveto +10.34267 41.52312 10.59608 41.62808 10.78291 41.81491 curveto +10.96974 42.00174 11.0747 42.25516 11.0747 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 16.11427 42.51938 moveto +16.11427 42.7836 16.00931 43.03702 15.82248 43.22385 curveto +15.63565 43.41068 15.38223 43.51564 15.11801 43.51564 curveto +14.85379 43.51564 14.60037 43.41068 14.41354 43.22385 curveto +14.22672 43.03702 14.12175 42.7836 14.12175 42.51938 curveto +14.12175 42.25516 14.22672 42.00174 14.41354 41.81491 curveto +14.60037 41.62808 14.85379 41.52312 15.11801 41.52312 curveto +15.38223 41.52312 15.63565 41.62808 15.82248 41.81491 curveto +16.00931 42.00174 16.11427 42.25516 16.11427 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 21.15352 42.51938 moveto +21.15352 42.7836 21.04855 43.03702 20.86172 43.22385 curveto +20.6749 43.41068 20.42148 43.51564 20.15726 43.51564 curveto +19.89304 43.51564 19.63962 43.41068 19.45279 43.22385 curveto +19.26596 43.03702 19.161 42.7836 19.161 42.51938 curveto +19.161 42.25516 19.26596 42.00174 19.45279 41.81491 curveto +19.63962 41.62808 19.89304 41.52312 20.15726 41.52312 curveto +20.42148 41.52312 20.6749 41.62808 20.86172 41.81491 curveto +21.04855 42.00174 21.15352 42.25516 21.15352 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 26.19272 42.51938 moveto +26.19272 42.7836 26.08775 43.03702 25.90092 43.22385 curveto +25.7141 43.41068 25.46068 43.51564 25.19646 43.51564 curveto +24.93224 43.51564 24.67882 43.41068 24.49199 43.22385 curveto +24.30516 43.03702 24.2002 42.7836 24.2002 42.51938 curveto +24.2002 42.25516 24.30516 42.00174 24.49199 41.81491 curveto +24.67882 41.62808 24.93224 41.52312 25.19646 41.52312 curveto +25.46068 41.52312 25.7141 41.62808 25.90092 41.81491 curveto +26.08775 42.00174 26.19272 42.25516 26.19272 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 89.18481 42.51938 moveto +89.18481 42.7836 89.07985 43.03702 88.89302 43.22385 curveto +88.70619 43.41068 88.45277 43.51564 88.18855 43.51564 curveto +87.92433 43.51564 87.67091 43.41068 87.48409 43.22385 curveto +87.29726 43.03702 87.19229 42.7836 87.19229 42.51938 curveto +87.19229 42.25516 87.29726 42.00174 87.48409 41.81491 curveto +87.67091 41.62808 87.92433 41.52312 88.18855 41.52312 curveto +88.45277 41.52312 88.70619 41.62808 88.89302 41.81491 curveto +89.07985 42.00174 89.18481 42.25516 89.18481 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 94.22401 42.51938 moveto +94.22401 42.7836 94.11905 43.03702 93.93222 43.22385 curveto +93.74539 43.41068 93.49197 43.51564 93.22775 43.51564 curveto +92.96353 43.51564 92.71011 43.41068 92.52328 43.22385 curveto +92.33646 43.03702 92.23149 42.7836 92.23149 42.51938 curveto +92.23149 42.25516 92.33646 42.00174 92.52328 41.81491 curveto +92.71011 41.62808 92.96353 41.52312 93.22775 41.52312 curveto +93.49197 41.52312 93.74539 41.62808 93.93222 41.81491 curveto +94.11905 42.00174 94.22401 42.25516 94.22401 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 99.26326 42.51938 moveto +99.26326 42.7836 99.1583 43.03702 98.97147 43.22385 curveto +98.78464 43.41068 98.53122 43.51564 98.267 43.51564 curveto +98.00278 43.51564 97.74936 43.41068 97.56253 43.22385 curveto +97.3757 43.03702 97.27074 42.7836 97.27074 42.51938 curveto +97.27074 42.25516 97.3757 42.00174 97.56253 41.81491 curveto +97.74936 41.62808 98.00278 41.52312 98.267 41.52312 curveto +98.53122 41.52312 98.78464 41.62808 98.97147 41.81491 curveto +99.1583 42.00174 99.26326 42.25516 99.26326 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 104.30283 42.51938 moveto +104.30283 42.7836 104.19786 43.03702 104.01103 43.22385 curveto +103.8242 43.41068 103.57079 43.51564 103.30656 43.51564 curveto +103.04234 43.51564 102.78893 43.41068 102.6021 43.22385 curveto +102.41527 43.03702 102.3103 42.7836 102.3103 42.51938 curveto +102.3103 42.25516 102.41527 42.00174 102.6021 41.81491 curveto +102.78893 41.62808 103.04234 41.52312 103.30656 41.52312 curveto +103.57079 41.52312 103.8242 41.62808 104.01103 41.81491 curveto +104.19786 42.00174 104.30283 42.25516 104.30283 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 109.34207 42.51938 moveto +109.34207 42.7836 109.2371 43.03702 109.05028 43.22385 curveto +108.86345 43.41068 108.61003 43.51564 108.34581 43.51564 curveto +108.08159 43.51564 107.82817 43.41068 107.64134 43.22385 curveto +107.45451 43.03702 107.34955 42.7836 107.34955 42.51938 curveto +107.34955 42.25516 107.45451 42.00174 107.64134 41.81491 curveto +107.82817 41.62808 108.08159 41.52312 108.34581 41.52312 curveto +108.61003 41.52312 108.86345 41.62808 109.05028 41.81491 curveto +109.2371 42.00174 109.34207 42.25516 109.34207 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 114.38127 42.51938 moveto +114.38127 42.7836 114.2763 43.03702 114.08948 43.22385 curveto +113.90265 43.41068 113.64923 43.51564 113.38501 43.51564 curveto +113.12079 43.51564 112.86737 43.41068 112.68054 43.22385 curveto +112.49371 43.03702 112.38875 42.7836 112.38875 42.51938 curveto +112.38875 42.25516 112.49371 42.00174 112.68054 41.81491 curveto +112.86737 41.62808 113.12079 41.52312 113.38501 41.52312 curveto +113.64923 41.52312 113.90265 41.62808 114.08948 41.81491 curveto +114.2763 42.00174 114.38127 42.25516 114.38127 42.51938 curveto closepath fill + 0 0.49814 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 25.19646 42.51938 moveto +25.19646 59.91417 39.29771 74.01543 56.6925 74.01543 curveto +74.0873 74.01543 88.18855 59.91417 88.18855 42.51938 curveto stroke +newpath 88.18855 42.51938 moveto +88.18855 25.12459 74.0873 11.02333 56.6925 11.02333 curveto +39.29771 11.02333 25.19646 25.12459 25.19646 42.51938 curveto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 1587 a Fx(Add)g(the)g(fermions)f(to)g(the)i(sk)o +(eleton)359 1669 y FE(\\fmfipath{)o(p[])o(})359 1715 +y(\\fmfiset{p)o(1}{)o(vp)o(ath)o(1\()o(__v)o(1,_)o(_v)o(2\)})359 +1761 y(\\fmfiset{p)o(2}{)o(vp)o(ath)o(2\()o(__v)o(2,_)o(_v)o(1\)})359 +1806 y(\\fmfi{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o(sub)o(pa)o(th)h(\(0,length\()o(p1\))o +(/3\))g(of)j(p1})359 1852 y(\\fmfi{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o(sub)o(pa)o(th)d +(\(2length\(p)o(1\)/)o(3,l)o(en)o(gth)o(\(p)o(1\)\))g(of)j(p1})359 +1898 y(\\fmfi{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o(sub)o(pa)o(th)d(\(0,length\()o(p2\))o +(/3\))g(of)j(p2})359 1943 y(\\fmfi{ferm)o(ion)o(}{)o(sub)o(pa)o(th)d +(\(2length\(p)o(2\)/)o(3,l)o(en)o(gth)o(\(p)o(2\)\))g(of)j(p2})-210 +2012 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.17 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 25.25839 44.51076 moveto +25.94331 55.48885 32.25208 64.94275 41.33769 70.02551 curveto stroke +newpath 30.89508 54.7691 moveto +31.60605 58.51842 32.99219 62.08932 34.9555 65.31209 curveto +31.64386 63.50272 28.65799 61.10329 26.1676 58.21176 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 72.04732 70.02551 moveto +81.13293 64.94275 87.4417 55.48885 88.12662 44.51076 curveto stroke +newpath 78.64662 60.7733 moveto +81.70457 58.59096 84.3839 55.85725 86.51753 52.66866 curveto +86.26408 56.49687 85.31056 60.204 83.75346 63.62294 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 88.12662 40.528 moveto +87.4417 29.54991 81.13293 20.09601 72.04732 15.01324 curveto stroke +newpath 82.48993 30.26965 moveto +81.77896 26.52034 80.39282 22.94943 78.4295 19.72667 curveto +81.74115 21.53604 84.72702 23.93547 87.2174 26.827 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.33769 15.01324 moveto +32.25208 20.09601 25.94331 29.54991 25.25839 40.528 curveto stroke +newpath 34.73839 24.26546 moveto +31.68044 26.4478 29.00111 29.1815 26.86748 32.3701 curveto +27.12093 28.54189 28.07445 24.83476 29.63155 21.41582 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 0.99626 42.51938 moveto +0.99626 42.7836 0.8913 43.03702 0.70447 43.22385 curveto +0.51764 43.41068 0.26422 43.51564 0 43.51564 curveto +-0.26422 43.51564 -0.51764 43.41068 -0.70447 43.22385 curveto +-0.8913 43.03702 -0.99626 42.7836 -0.99626 42.51938 curveto +-0.99626 42.25516 -0.8913 42.00174 -0.70447 41.81491 curveto +-0.51764 41.62808 -0.26422 41.52312 0 41.52312 curveto +0.26422 41.52312 0.51764 41.62808 0.70447 41.81491 curveto +0.8913 42.00174 0.99626 42.25516 0.99626 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 5.63693 42.51938 moveto +5.63693 42.7836 5.53197 43.03702 5.34514 43.22385 curveto +5.15831 43.41068 4.90489 43.51564 4.64067 43.51564 curveto +4.37645 43.51564 4.12303 43.41068 3.9362 43.22385 curveto +3.74937 43.03702 3.64441 42.7836 3.64441 42.51938 curveto +3.64441 42.25516 3.74937 42.00174 3.9362 41.81491 curveto +4.12303 41.62808 4.37645 41.52312 4.64067 41.52312 curveto +4.90489 41.52312 5.15831 41.62808 5.34514 41.81491 curveto +5.53197 42.00174 5.63693 42.25516 5.63693 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 10.27765 42.51938 moveto +10.27765 42.7836 10.17268 43.03702 9.98586 43.22385 curveto +9.79903 43.41068 9.54561 43.51564 9.28139 43.51564 curveto +9.01717 43.51564 8.76375 43.41068 8.57692 43.22385 curveto +8.39009 43.03702 8.28513 42.7836 8.28513 42.51938 curveto +8.28513 42.25516 8.39009 42.00174 8.57692 41.81491 curveto +8.76375 41.62808 9.01717 41.52312 9.28139 41.52312 curveto +9.54561 41.52312 9.79903 41.62808 9.98586 41.81491 curveto +10.17268 42.00174 10.27765 42.25516 10.27765 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 14.91864 42.51938 moveto +14.91864 42.7836 14.81367 43.03702 14.62685 43.22385 curveto +14.44002 43.41068 14.1866 43.51564 13.92238 43.51564 curveto +13.65816 43.51564 13.40474 43.41068 13.21791 43.22385 curveto +13.03108 43.03702 12.92612 42.7836 12.92612 42.51938 curveto +12.92612 42.25516 13.03108 42.00174 13.21791 41.81491 curveto +13.40474 41.62808 13.65816 41.52312 13.92238 41.52312 curveto +14.1866 41.52312 14.44002 41.62808 14.62685 41.81491 curveto +14.81367 42.00174 14.91864 42.25516 14.91864 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 19.55936 42.51938 moveto +19.55936 42.7836 19.45439 43.03702 19.26756 43.22385 curveto +19.08073 43.41068 18.82732 43.51564 18.5631 43.51564 curveto +18.29887 43.51564 18.04546 43.41068 17.85863 43.22385 curveto +17.6718 43.03702 17.56683 42.7836 17.56683 42.51938 curveto +17.56683 42.25516 17.6718 42.00174 17.85863 41.81491 curveto +18.04546 41.62808 18.29887 41.52312 18.5631 41.52312 curveto +18.82732 41.52312 19.08073 41.62808 19.26756 41.81491 curveto +19.45439 42.00174 19.55936 42.25516 19.55936 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 24.20003 42.51938 moveto +24.20003 42.7836 24.09506 43.03702 23.90823 43.22385 curveto +23.7214 43.41068 23.46799 43.51564 23.20377 43.51564 curveto +22.93954 43.51564 22.68613 43.41068 22.4993 43.22385 curveto +22.31247 43.03702 22.2075 42.7836 22.2075 42.51938 curveto +22.2075 42.25516 22.31247 42.00174 22.4993 41.81491 curveto +22.68613 41.62808 22.93954 41.52312 23.20377 41.52312 curveto +23.46799 41.52312 23.7214 41.62808 23.90823 41.81491 curveto +24.09506 42.00174 24.20003 42.25516 24.20003 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 91.1775 42.51938 moveto +91.1775 42.7836 91.07254 43.03702 90.88571 43.22385 curveto +90.69888 43.41068 90.44547 43.51564 90.18124 43.51564 curveto +89.91702 43.51564 89.6636 43.41068 89.47678 43.22385 curveto +89.28995 43.03702 89.18498 42.7836 89.18498 42.51938 curveto +89.18498 42.25516 89.28995 42.00174 89.47678 41.81491 curveto +89.6636 41.62808 89.91702 41.52312 90.18124 41.52312 curveto +90.44547 41.52312 90.69888 41.62808 90.88571 41.81491 curveto +91.07254 42.00174 91.1775 42.25516 91.1775 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 95.81818 42.51938 moveto +95.81818 42.7836 95.71321 43.03702 95.52638 43.22385 curveto +95.33955 43.41068 95.08614 43.51564 94.82191 43.51564 curveto +94.5577 43.51564 94.30428 43.41068 94.11745 43.22385 curveto +93.93062 43.03702 93.82565 42.7836 93.82565 42.51938 curveto +93.82565 42.25516 93.93062 42.00174 94.11745 41.81491 curveto +94.30428 41.62808 94.5577 41.52312 94.82191 41.52312 curveto +95.08614 41.52312 95.33955 41.62808 95.52638 41.81491 curveto +95.71321 42.00174 95.81818 42.25516 95.81818 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 100.4589 42.51938 moveto +100.4589 42.7836 100.35393 43.03702 100.1671 43.22385 curveto +99.98027 43.41068 99.72685 43.51564 99.46263 43.51564 curveto +99.19841 43.51564 98.94499 43.41068 98.75816 43.22385 curveto +98.57133 43.03702 98.46637 42.7836 98.46637 42.51938 curveto +98.46637 42.25516 98.57133 42.00174 98.75816 41.81491 curveto +98.94499 41.62808 99.19841 41.52312 99.46263 41.52312 curveto +99.72685 41.52312 99.98027 41.62808 100.1671 41.81491 curveto +100.35393 42.00174 100.4589 42.25516 100.4589 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 105.09988 42.51938 moveto +105.09988 42.7836 104.99492 43.03702 104.80809 43.22385 curveto +104.62126 43.41068 104.36784 43.51564 104.10362 43.51564 curveto +103.8394 43.51564 103.58598 43.41068 103.39915 43.22385 curveto +103.21233 43.03702 103.10736 42.7836 103.10736 42.51938 curveto +103.10736 42.25516 103.21233 42.00174 103.39915 41.81491 curveto +103.58598 41.62808 103.8394 41.52312 104.10362 41.52312 curveto +104.36784 41.52312 104.62126 41.62808 104.80809 41.81491 curveto +104.99492 42.00174 105.09988 42.25516 105.09988 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 109.7406 42.51938 moveto +109.7406 42.7836 109.63564 43.03702 109.4488 43.22385 curveto +109.26198 43.41068 109.00856 43.51564 108.74434 43.51564 curveto +108.48012 43.51564 108.2267 43.41068 108.03987 43.22385 curveto +107.85304 43.03702 107.74808 42.7836 107.74808 42.51938 curveto +107.74808 42.25516 107.85304 42.00174 108.03987 41.81491 curveto +108.2267 41.62808 108.48012 41.52312 108.74434 41.52312 curveto +109.00856 41.52312 109.26198 41.62808 109.4488 41.81491 curveto +109.63564 42.00174 109.7406 42.25516 109.7406 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 114.38127 42.51938 moveto +114.38127 42.7836 114.2763 43.03702 114.08948 43.22385 curveto +113.90265 43.41068 113.64923 43.51564 113.38501 43.51564 curveto +113.12079 43.51564 112.86737 43.41068 112.68054 43.22385 curveto +112.49371 43.03702 112.38875 42.7836 112.38875 42.51938 curveto +112.38875 42.25516 112.49371 42.00174 112.68054 41.81491 curveto +112.86737 41.62808 113.12079 41.52312 113.38501 41.52312 curveto +113.64923 41.52312 113.90265 41.62808 114.08948 41.81491 curveto +114.2763 42.00174 114.38127 42.25516 114.38127 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 27.18898 42.51938 moveto +27.18898 43.04785 26.97902 43.55461 26.60536 43.92828 curveto +26.23169 44.30194 25.72493 44.5119 25.19646 44.5119 curveto +24.66798 44.5119 24.16122 44.30194 23.78755 43.92828 curveto +23.4139 43.55461 23.20393 43.04785 23.20393 42.51938 curveto +23.20393 41.9909 23.4139 41.48415 23.78755 41.11047 curveto +24.16122 40.73682 24.66798 40.52686 25.19646 40.52686 curveto +25.72493 40.52686 26.23169 40.73682 26.60536 41.11047 curveto +26.97902 41.48415 27.18898 41.9909 27.18898 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 90.18108 42.51938 moveto +90.18108 43.04785 89.97112 43.55461 89.59746 43.92828 curveto +89.22379 44.30194 88.71703 44.5119 88.18855 44.5119 curveto +87.66008 44.5119 87.15332 44.30194 86.77965 43.92828 curveto +86.40599 43.55461 86.19603 43.04785 86.19603 42.51938 curveto +86.19603 41.9909 86.40599 41.48415 86.77965 41.11047 curveto +87.15332 40.73682 87.66008 40.52686 88.18855 40.52686 curveto +88.71703 40.52686 89.22379 40.73682 89.59746 41.11047 curveto +89.97112 41.48415 90.18108 41.9909 90.18108 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2076 a Fx(Add)14 b(condensates)h(and)f(a)g(gluon)359 +2159 y FE(\\def\\cond#)o(1#2)o({\045)398 2204 y(\\fmfiv{ +(ros)o(s,)o(d.a)o(ng=)o(#1)o(,d.)o(si)o(z=5)o(thi)o(ck)o(}{#)o(2})o(}) +359 2250 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75.18706 20.48618 69.5869 31.44916 curveto +68.05234 34.45326 63.49614 32.66437 64.41542 29.41866 curveto +67.76451 17.59401 85.03207 27.57036 76.46098 36.37787 curveto +74.08788 38.81642 70.22736 35.74101 72.07388 32.88278 curveto +78.78406 22.49611 92.43881 37.20851 81.5814 43.12659 curveto +78.60593 44.74843 75.83922 40.68459 78.43893 38.51077 curveto +87.84596 30.64485 96.48058 48.56915 84.46594 51.02248 curveto +81.15762 51.69801 79.71132 47.0172 82.82394 45.70874 curveto +94.20245 40.92554 97.18047 60.73691 84.89844 59.51024 curveto closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 585 w @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx +114 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.21 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 84.89844 53.87477 moveto +89.04935 53.4602 89.04935 59.9248 84.89844 59.51024 curveto +77.4692 58.76825 75.94106 48.60211 82.82394 45.70874 curveto +86.61383 44.11557 88.49384 50.2 84.46594 51.02248 curveto +77.17972 52.51028 72.73387 43.2812 78.43893 38.51077 curveto +81.60684 35.86185 85.20728 41.15022 81.5814 43.12659 curveto +75.0183 46.70396 68.01778 39.16122 72.07388 32.88278 curveto +74.32585 29.39697 79.35538 33.40366 76.46098 36.37787 curveto +71.26724 41.71487 62.38605 36.58377 64.41542 29.41866 curveto +65.5344 25.4679 71.45485 27.7924 69.5869 31.44916 curveto +66.19582 38.08762 56.18645 35.80682 56.00613 28.35455 curveto +55.90547 24.19395 62.33615 24.6783 61.61359 28.77661 curveto +60.31609 36.13588 50.05649 36.90215 47.68018 29.81725 curveto +46.36949 25.90948 52.59358 24.48438 53.11388 28.57297 curveto +54.05243 35.94823 44.51888 39.68987 40.19061 33.64525 curveto +37.7946 30.2991 43.3176 27.11433 45.01343 30.86435 curveto +48.0916 37.67114 40.05241 44.08699 34.09811 39.57584 curveto +30.77542 37.05846 35.16855 32.3221 37.92838 35.44661 curveto +42.8677 41.0386 37.07619 49.52519 30.06816 46.96405 curveto +26.20976 45.55396 28.9693 39.8202 32.4784 41.95589 curveto +38.83424 45.82413 35.8148 55.61826 28.38365 55.23622 curveto +24.24991 55.02371 25.21 48.68283 29.22136 49.7036 curveto +36.46559 51.54704 36.46559 61.83797 29.22136 63.68141 curveto +25.21 64.70218 24.24991 58.3613 28.38365 58.14879 curveto +35.8148 57.76675 38.83424 67.56088 32.4784 71.42912 curveto +28.9693 73.5648 26.20976 67.83105 30.06816 66.42096 curveto +37.07619 63.85982 42.8677 72.3464 37.92838 77.9384 curveto +35.16855 81.06291 30.77542 76.32655 34.09811 73.80917 curveto +40.05241 69.29802 48.0916 75.71387 45.01343 82.52066 curveto +43.3176 86.27068 37.7946 83.0859 40.19061 79.73976 curveto +44.51888 73.69514 54.05243 77.43678 53.11388 84.81204 curveto +52.59358 88.90063 46.36949 87.47552 47.68018 83.56776 curveto +50.05649 76.48286 60.31609 77.24913 61.61359 84.6084 curveto +62.33615 88.70671 55.90547 89.19106 56.00613 85.03046 curveto +56.18645 77.57819 66.19582 75.2974 69.5869 81.93585 curveto +71.45485 85.5926 65.5344 87.91711 64.41542 83.96635 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28.65799 61.10329 26.1676 58.21176 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 72.04732 70.02551 moveto +81.13293 64.94275 87.4417 55.48885 88.12662 44.51076 curveto stroke +newpath 78.64662 60.7733 moveto +81.70457 58.59096 84.3839 55.85725 86.51753 52.66866 curveto +86.26408 56.49687 85.31056 60.204 83.75346 63.62294 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 88.12662 40.528 moveto +87.4417 29.54991 81.13293 20.09601 72.04732 15.01324 curveto stroke +newpath 82.48993 30.26965 moveto +81.77896 26.52034 80.39282 22.94943 78.4295 19.72667 curveto +81.74115 21.53604 84.72702 23.93547 87.2174 26.827 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.33769 15.01324 moveto +32.25208 20.09601 25.94331 29.54991 25.25839 40.528 curveto stroke +newpath 34.73839 24.26546 moveto +31.68044 26.4478 29.00111 29.1815 26.86748 32.3701 curveto +27.12093 28.54189 28.07445 24.83476 29.63155 21.41582 curveto + closepath fill +newpath 41.33769 70.02551 moveto +42.62695 74.83733 lineto +41.33769 70.02551 lineto +36.52588 71.31477 lineto +41.33769 70.02551 lineto +40.04843 65.2137 lineto +41.33769 70.02551 lineto +46.1495 68.73625 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 72.04732 70.02551 moveto +76.85913 71.31477 lineto +72.04732 70.02551 lineto +70.75806 74.83733 lineto +72.04732 70.02551 lineto +67.2355 68.73625 lineto +72.04732 70.02551 lineto +73.33658 65.2137 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 72.04732 15.01324 moveto +73.33658 19.82506 lineto +72.04732 15.01324 lineto +67.2355 16.3025 lineto +72.04732 15.01324 lineto +70.75806 10.20143 lineto +72.04732 15.01324 lineto +76.85913 13.72398 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 41.33769 15.01324 moveto +46.1495 16.3025 lineto +41.33769 15.01324 lineto +40.04843 19.82506 lineto +41.33769 15.01324 lineto +36.52588 13.72398 lineto +41.33769 15.01324 lineto +42.62695 10.20143 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 27.31631 53.90245 moveto +27.12779 46.39272 38.3924 46.10995 38.58092 53.61969 curveto +38.67447 57.3462 33.08467 57.48654 32.99112 53.76 curveto +32.75584 44.38733 46.81487 44.03441 47.05014 53.4071 curveto +47.14369 57.13359 41.55394 57.27393 41.46039 53.54741 curveto +41.22511 44.17473 55.28413 43.82181 55.51941 53.19449 curveto +55.61296 56.921 50.02321 57.06131 49.92966 53.33482 curveto +49.69437 43.96155 63.75426 43.60861 63.98955 52.98186 curveto +64.0831 56.70837 58.49335 56.84868 58.3998 53.1222 curveto +58.16452 43.74951 72.22354 43.39659 72.45882 52.76927 curveto +72.55237 56.49576 66.96262 56.6361 66.86906 52.90958 curveto +66.63379 43.53691 80.69281 43.18399 80.92809 52.55669 curveto +81.02164 56.2832 75.43184 56.42354 75.33829 52.69699 curveto +75.14977 45.18726 86.41437 44.9045 86.60289 52.41423 curveto stroke +newpath 28.77464 52.41423 moveto +28.77464 52.9427 28.56468 53.44946 28.19102 53.82314 curveto +27.81735 54.1968 27.3106 54.40675 26.78212 54.40675 curveto +26.25365 54.40675 25.74689 54.1968 25.37321 53.82314 curveto +24.99956 53.44946 24.7896 52.9427 24.7896 52.41423 curveto +24.7896 51.88576 24.99956 51.379 25.37321 51.00533 curveto +25.74689 50.63167 26.25365 50.4217 26.78212 50.4217 curveto +27.3106 50.4217 27.81735 50.63167 28.19102 51.00533 curveto +28.56468 51.379 28.77464 51.88576 28.77464 52.41423 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 88.59541 52.41423 moveto +88.59541 52.9427 88.38545 53.44946 88.0118 53.82314 curveto +87.63812 54.1968 87.13136 54.40675 86.60289 54.40675 curveto +86.07442 54.40675 85.56766 54.1968 85.19398 53.82314 curveto +84.82033 53.44946 84.61037 52.9427 84.61037 52.41423 curveto +84.61037 51.88576 84.82033 51.379 85.19398 51.00533 curveto +85.56766 50.63167 86.07442 50.4217 86.60289 50.4217 curveto +87.13136 50.4217 87.63812 50.63167 88.0118 51.00533 curveto +88.38545 51.379 88.59541 51.88576 88.59541 52.41423 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 0.99626 42.51938 moveto +0.99626 42.7836 0.8913 43.03702 0.70447 43.22385 curveto +0.51764 43.41068 0.26422 43.51564 0 43.51564 curveto +-0.26422 43.51564 -0.51764 43.41068 -0.70447 43.22385 curveto +-0.8913 43.03702 -0.99626 42.7836 -0.99626 42.51938 curveto +-0.99626 42.25516 -0.8913 42.00174 -0.70447 41.81491 curveto +-0.51764 41.62808 -0.26422 41.52312 0 41.52312 curveto +0.26422 41.52312 0.51764 41.62808 0.70447 41.81491 curveto +0.8913 42.00174 0.99626 42.25516 0.99626 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 5.63693 42.51938 moveto +5.63693 42.7836 5.53197 43.03702 5.34514 43.22385 curveto +5.15831 43.41068 4.90489 43.51564 4.64067 43.51564 curveto +4.37645 43.51564 4.12303 43.41068 3.9362 43.22385 curveto +3.74937 43.03702 3.64441 42.7836 3.64441 42.51938 curveto +3.64441 42.25516 3.74937 42.00174 3.9362 41.81491 curveto +4.12303 41.62808 4.37645 41.52312 4.64067 41.52312 curveto +4.90489 41.52312 5.15831 41.62808 5.34514 41.81491 curveto +5.53197 42.00174 5.63693 42.25516 5.63693 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 10.27765 42.51938 moveto +10.27765 42.7836 10.17268 43.03702 9.98586 43.22385 curveto +9.79903 43.41068 9.54561 43.51564 9.28139 43.51564 curveto +9.01717 43.51564 8.76375 43.41068 8.57692 43.22385 curveto +8.39009 43.03702 8.28513 42.7836 8.28513 42.51938 curveto +8.28513 42.25516 8.39009 42.00174 8.57692 41.81491 curveto +8.76375 41.62808 9.01717 41.52312 9.28139 41.52312 curveto +9.54561 41.52312 9.79903 41.62808 9.98586 41.81491 curveto +10.17268 42.00174 10.27765 42.25516 10.27765 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 14.91864 42.51938 moveto +14.91864 42.7836 14.81367 43.03702 14.62685 43.22385 curveto +14.44002 43.41068 14.1866 43.51564 13.92238 43.51564 curveto +13.65816 43.51564 13.40474 43.41068 13.21791 43.22385 curveto +13.03108 43.03702 12.92612 42.7836 12.92612 42.51938 curveto +12.92612 42.25516 13.03108 42.00174 13.21791 41.81491 curveto +13.40474 41.62808 13.65816 41.52312 13.92238 41.52312 curveto +14.1866 41.52312 14.44002 41.62808 14.62685 41.81491 curveto +14.81367 42.00174 14.91864 42.25516 14.91864 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 19.55936 42.51938 moveto +19.55936 42.7836 19.45439 43.03702 19.26756 43.22385 curveto +19.08073 43.41068 18.82732 43.51564 18.5631 43.51564 curveto +18.29887 43.51564 18.04546 43.41068 17.85863 43.22385 curveto +17.6718 43.03702 17.56683 42.7836 17.56683 42.51938 curveto +17.56683 42.25516 17.6718 42.00174 17.85863 41.81491 curveto +18.04546 41.62808 18.29887 41.52312 18.5631 41.52312 curveto +18.82732 41.52312 19.08073 41.62808 19.26756 41.81491 curveto +19.45439 42.00174 19.55936 42.25516 19.55936 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 24.20003 42.51938 moveto +24.20003 42.7836 24.09506 43.03702 23.90823 43.22385 curveto +23.7214 43.41068 23.46799 43.51564 23.20377 43.51564 curveto +22.93954 43.51564 22.68613 43.41068 22.4993 43.22385 curveto +22.31247 43.03702 22.2075 42.7836 22.2075 42.51938 curveto +22.2075 42.25516 22.31247 42.00174 22.4993 41.81491 curveto +22.68613 41.62808 22.93954 41.52312 23.20377 41.52312 curveto +23.46799 41.52312 23.7214 41.62808 23.90823 41.81491 curveto +24.09506 42.00174 24.20003 42.25516 24.20003 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 91.1775 42.51938 moveto +91.1775 42.7836 91.07254 43.03702 90.88571 43.22385 curveto +90.69888 43.41068 90.44547 43.51564 90.18124 43.51564 curveto +89.91702 43.51564 89.6636 43.41068 89.47678 43.22385 curveto +89.28995 43.03702 89.18498 42.7836 89.18498 42.51938 curveto +89.18498 42.25516 89.28995 42.00174 89.47678 41.81491 curveto +89.6636 41.62808 89.91702 41.52312 90.18124 41.52312 curveto +90.44547 41.52312 90.69888 41.62808 90.88571 41.81491 curveto +91.07254 42.00174 91.1775 42.25516 91.1775 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 95.81818 42.51938 moveto +95.81818 42.7836 95.71321 43.03702 95.52638 43.22385 curveto +95.33955 43.41068 95.08614 43.51564 94.82191 43.51564 curveto +94.5577 43.51564 94.30428 43.41068 94.11745 43.22385 curveto +93.93062 43.03702 93.82565 42.7836 93.82565 42.51938 curveto +93.82565 42.25516 93.93062 42.00174 94.11745 41.81491 curveto +94.30428 41.62808 94.5577 41.52312 94.82191 41.52312 curveto +95.08614 41.52312 95.33955 41.62808 95.52638 41.81491 curveto +95.71321 42.00174 95.81818 42.25516 95.81818 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 100.4589 42.51938 moveto +100.4589 42.7836 100.35393 43.03702 100.1671 43.22385 curveto +99.98027 43.41068 99.72685 43.51564 99.46263 43.51564 curveto +99.19841 43.51564 98.94499 43.41068 98.75816 43.22385 curveto +98.57133 43.03702 98.46637 42.7836 98.46637 42.51938 curveto +98.46637 42.25516 98.57133 42.00174 98.75816 41.81491 curveto +98.94499 41.62808 99.19841 41.52312 99.46263 41.52312 curveto +99.72685 41.52312 99.98027 41.62808 100.1671 41.81491 curveto +100.35393 42.00174 100.4589 42.25516 100.4589 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 105.09988 42.51938 moveto +105.09988 42.7836 104.99492 43.03702 104.80809 43.22385 curveto +104.62126 43.41068 104.36784 43.51564 104.10362 43.51564 curveto +103.8394 43.51564 103.58598 43.41068 103.39915 43.22385 curveto +103.21233 43.03702 103.10736 42.7836 103.10736 42.51938 curveto +103.10736 42.25516 103.21233 42.00174 103.39915 41.81491 curveto +103.58598 41.62808 103.8394 41.52312 104.10362 41.52312 curveto +104.36784 41.52312 104.62126 41.62808 104.80809 41.81491 curveto +104.99492 42.00174 105.09988 42.25516 105.09988 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 109.7406 42.51938 moveto +109.7406 42.7836 109.63564 43.03702 109.4488 43.22385 curveto +109.26198 43.41068 109.00856 43.51564 108.74434 43.51564 curveto +108.48012 43.51564 108.2267 43.41068 108.03987 43.22385 curveto +107.85304 43.03702 107.74808 42.7836 107.74808 42.51938 curveto +107.74808 42.25516 107.85304 42.00174 108.03987 41.81491 curveto +108.2267 41.62808 108.48012 41.52312 108.74434 41.52312 curveto +109.00856 41.52312 109.26198 41.62808 109.4488 41.81491 curveto +109.63564 42.00174 109.7406 42.25516 109.7406 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 114.38127 42.51938 moveto +114.38127 42.7836 114.2763 43.03702 114.08948 43.22385 curveto +113.90265 43.41068 113.64923 43.51564 113.38501 43.51564 curveto +113.12079 43.51564 112.86737 43.41068 112.68054 43.22385 curveto +112.49371 43.03702 112.38875 42.7836 112.38875 42.51938 curveto +112.38875 42.25516 112.49371 42.00174 112.68054 41.81491 curveto +112.86737 41.62808 113.12079 41.52312 113.38501 41.52312 curveto +113.64923 41.52312 113.90265 41.62808 114.08948 41.81491 curveto +114.2763 42.00174 114.38127 42.25516 114.38127 42.51938 curveto closepath fill +newpath 27.18898 42.51938 moveto +27.18898 43.04785 26.97902 43.55461 26.60536 43.92828 curveto +26.23169 44.30194 25.72493 44.5119 25.19646 44.5119 curveto +24.66798 44.5119 24.16122 44.30194 23.78755 43.92828 curveto +23.4139 43.55461 23.20393 43.04785 23.20393 42.51938 curveto +23.20393 41.9909 23.4139 41.48415 23.78755 41.11047 curveto +24.16122 40.73682 24.66798 40.52686 25.19646 40.52686 curveto +25.72493 40.52686 26.23169 40.73682 26.60536 41.11047 curveto +26.97902 41.48415 27.18898 41.9909 27.18898 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 90.18108 42.51938 moveto +90.18108 43.04785 89.97112 43.55461 89.59746 43.92828 curveto +89.22379 44.30194 88.71703 44.5119 88.18855 44.5119 curveto +87.66008 44.5119 87.15332 44.30194 86.77965 43.92828 curveto +86.40599 43.55461 86.19603 43.04785 86.19603 42.51938 curveto +86.19603 41.9909 86.40599 41.48415 86.77965 41.11047 curveto +87.15332 40.73682 87.66008 40.52686 88.18855 40.52686 curveto +88.71703 40.52686 89.22379 40.73682 89.59746 41.11047 curveto +89.97112 41.48415 90.18108 41.9909 90.18108 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 1029 a(Here's)e(an)e(in)o(teresting)i(abuse)g(of)h +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)d Fx(\(see)j(the)e(next)h(section)f(for)g +Fz(\\fmfcmd)p Fx(\):)398 1122 y FE(\\begin{fmfg)o(ra)o(ph*)o(}\()o(40,) +o(40\))438 1168 y(\\fmfipair)o({o)o(,xm)o(,x)o(p,y)o(m,y)o(p})438 +1214 y(\\fmfiequ{)o(o})o({\(.)o(5w)o(,.1)o(h\)})438 1259 +y(\\fmfiequ{)o(xm)o(}{\()o(0,)o(.1h)o(\)})438 1305 y(\\fmfiequ{)o(xp)o +(}{\()o(w,)o(.1h)o(\)})438 1351 y(\\fmfiequ{)o(ym)o(}{\()o(.5)o(w,0)o +(\)})438 1396 y(\\fmfiequ{)o(yp)o(}{\()o(.5)o(w,h)o(\)})438 +1442 y(\\fmfiv{l=)o($x)o($,l)o(.a)o(=-1)o(35,)o(l.)o(d=2)o(mm)o(}{x)o +(p})438 1488 y(\\fmfiv{l=)o($y)o(=x^)o(2$)o(,l.)o(a=-)o(13)o(5,l)o(.d)o +(=2m)o(m}{)o(yp)o(})438 1533 y(\\fmfpen{t)o(hi)o(n})438 +1579 y(\\fmfcmd{d)o(ra)o(w)17 b(xm--xp;)g(draw)h(ym--yp;})438 +1625 y(\\fmfpen{t)o(hi)o(ck})438 1670 y(\\fmfiequ{)o(xs)o(}{x)o(pa)o +(rt\()o(xp-)o(o\))o(})438 1716 y(\\fmfiequ{)o(ys)o(}{y)o(pa)o(rt\()o +(yp-)o(o\))o(})438 1762 y(\\fmfcmd{d)o(ra)o(w)f(\(o)h(+)i(\(-xs,ys\)\)) +c(for)i(n)i(=)f(-9)g(upto)f(10:)516 1807 y(--\(o)g(+)h(\(xs*\(n/10\),)o +(ys)o(*\(\()o(n/)o(10\))o(**2)o(\)\))o(\))477 1853 y(endfor;})398 +1899 y(\\end{fmfgra)o(ph)o(*})-210 1976 y @beginspecial +0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 114 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.19 + 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 11.33919 moveto +113.38501 11.33919 lineto stroke + 0.99626 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 56.6925 0 moveto +56.6925 113.38501 lineto stroke + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 0 113.38501 moveto +5.6696 93.99449 lineto +11.33833 76.64845 lineto +17.00792 61.34064 lineto +22.67665 48.07574 lineto +28.34625 36.85065 lineto +34.01585 27.66533 lineto +39.68459 20.52293 lineto +45.35417 15.42033 lineto +51.0229 12.35909 lineto +56.6925 11.33919 lineto +62.3621 12.35909 lineto +68.03084 15.42033 lineto +73.70042 20.52293 lineto +79.36916 27.66533 lineto +85.03876 36.85065 lineto +90.70836 48.07574 lineto +96.37709 61.34064 lineto +102.04668 76.64845 lineto +107.71541 93.99449 lineto +113.38501 113.38501 lineto stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 222 1963 a Fn(x)-110 1554 y(y)13 b Fx(=)f +Fn(x)-9 1539 y Fr(2)220 2065 y Fx(Finally)m(,)f(for)j(the)g(curious,)g +(here)h(is)f(ho)o(w)f(to)h(dra)o(w)g(the)g(circular)h(gluons)e(in)g +(\014gure)i(10:)279 2142 y FE(\\fmfi{glu)o(on})o({f)o(ull)o(cir)o(cl)o +(e)i(scaled)g(.5w)h(shifted)f(\(.5w,.5h\)})279 2188 y(\\fmfi{glu)o(on}) +o({r)o(eve)o(rse)f(fullcircl)o(e)g(scaled)i(.5w)g(shifted)f +(\(.5w,.5h\)})220 2381 y Fq(2.8)56 b(Ra)n(w)20 b Fh(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)220 +2457 y Fx(Some)25 b(more)g(adv)n(anced)h(features)h(of)h +Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)d Fx(are)h(more)f(con)o(v)o(enien)o(tly)h(accessed)220 +2507 y(through)14 b(ra)o(w)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fx(commands.)g(This)e +(can)g(either)h(b)q(e)g(ac)o(hiev)o(ed)f(b)o(y)g(preparing)220 +2557 y(a)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fx(input)f(\014le)g(or)f(b)o(y)h(using)g +Fz(\\fmfcmd)e Fx(extensiv)o(ely)m(.)18 b(The)c(latter)g(apprac)o(h)g +(is)220 2607 y(usally)f(more)g(con)o(v)o(enien)o(t.)220 +2657 y(The)d Fz(\\fmfcmd)e Fx(macro)h(writes)h(its)f(argumen)o(t)g(in)o +(to)g(the)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(input)d(\014le)h(generated)-1614 +b FE(\\fmfcmd)220 2707 y Fx(b)o(y)13 b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p +Fx(.)e(While)h(some)f(exp)q(erience)k(in)d(using)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j +Fx(do)q(esn't)e(h)o(urt)g(here,)g(this)915 2831 y(35)p +eop +%%Page: 36 36 +36 35 bop 220 266 a Fx(approac)o(h)15 b(can)g(simplify)d(the)k(pro)q +(duction)f(of)f(complex)g(diagrams)f(considerably)m(.)21 +b(Note)220 315 y(that)14 b Fw(no)j Fx(semicolon)12 b(is)i(app)q(ended,) +h(the)f(user)h(has)f(to)g(pro)o(vide)f(it)h(explicitely)m(.)220 +423 y Fs(2.8.1)48 b(Extending)14 b Fz(feyn)p Fc(MF)220 +499 y Fx(A)d(prominen)o(t)e(example)g(for)h(using)h(ra)o(w)f +Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fx(is)d(pro)o(vided)h(b)o(y)f(the)h(option)f(to)g +(add)220 549 y(new)i(st)o(yles)g(for)e(arcs.)18 b(There)13 +b(is)e(of)g(course)h(alw)o(a)o(ys)e(one)i(more)e(st)o(yle)h(that)h +Fw(must)j Fx(b)q(e)d(added)220 599 y(to)i(the)h(default)f(list.)k(But)d +(increasing)g(this)f(list)g(without)g(b)q(ounds)g(will)f(ev)o(en)o +(tually)h(slo)o(w)220 649 y(do)o(wn)h Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)g +Fx(and)g(increase)i(its)f(memory)d(requiremen)o(ts.)23 +b(It)16 b(is)f(therefore)i(b)q(etter)g(to)220 699 y(allo)o(w)12 +b(users)j(to)e(de\014ne)h(their)g(o)o(wn)f(st)o(yles.)19 +b(This)13 b(is)g(done)h(with)f(the)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fx(macro)220 749 y Fz(style_def)p Fx(,)h(whic)o(h)i(de\014nes)h(a)e +(macro)f(that)i(will)e(b)q(e)i(called)f(to)h(do)f(the)h(dra)o(wing)f +(and)220 798 y(registers)g(this)e(macro)f(with)h Fz(feyn)p +Fy(MF)g Fx(so)g(that)h(it)f(can)g(b)q(e)h(used)g(in)f(the)h(\014rst)g +(argumen)o(t)220 848 y(to)e Fz(\\fmf)p Fx(.)220 898 y(The)g(macro)e +(tak)o(es)j(one)e(argumen)o(t)g(of)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h Fz(path)f +Fx(and)g(is)h(resp)q(onsible)g(for)g(dra)o(wing)e(the)220 +948 y(arc)18 b(on)e(this)i(path.)27 b(If)20 b Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)q +Fx('s)e(color)f(functionalit)o(y)f(is)h(to)g(b)q(e)g(used,)i(the)e +(color)220 998 y(a)o(w)o(are)e(functions)h Fz(cdraw)p +Fx(,)e Fz(cfill)p Fx(,)g Fz(cfilldraw)p Fx(,)f Fz(ccutdraw)h +Fx(and)h Fz(cdrawdot)e Fx(should)i(b)q(e)220 1047 y(used)g(instead)f +(of)f Fz(draw)p Fx(,)g(etc.)340 1136 y(After)h(the)h(follo)o(wing)c +Fz(style_def)p Fx(,)g(a)j(new)g(st)o(yle)g Fz(crossed)f +Fx(will)f(b)q(e)j(a)o(v)n(ailable:)398 1228 y FE(\\fmfcmd{\045)438 +1274 y(vardef)i(cross_bar)f(\(expr)i(p,)h(len,)f(ang\))g(=)457 +1320 y(\(\(-len/2,0)o(\)--)o(\(l)o(en/)o(2,0)o(\)\))516 +1365 y(rotated)f(\(ang)h(+)h(angle)f(direction)e(length\(p\)/)o(2)h(of) +h(p\))516 1411 y(shifted)f(point)h(length\(p\))o(/2)e(of)j(p)438 +1457 y(enddef;)438 1502 y(style_def)d(crossed)h(expr)h(p)h(=)477 +1548 y(cdraw)f(p;)477 1594 y(ccutdraw)e(cross_bar)h(\(p,)h(5mm,)38 +b(45\);)477 1639 y(ccutdraw)16 b(cross_bar)h(\(p,)h(5mm,)g(-45\))438 +1685 y(enddef;})340 1827 y Fx(it)13 b(can)h(b)q(e)h(used)g(just)f(lik)o +(e)f(an)o(y)g(other)i(st)o(yle:)398 1920 y FE(\\fmfleft{i})398 +1965 y(\\fmfright{o)o(})398 2011 y(\\fmf{plain})o({i)o(,v,)o(o})398 +2057 y(\\fmf{crosse)o(d})o({v,)o(v})398 2102 y(\\fmfdot{v})-210 +2179 y 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+55.65727 40.73682 56.16403 40.52686 56.6925 40.52686 curveto +57.22098 40.52686 57.72774 40.73682 58.10141 41.11047 curveto +58.47507 41.48415 58.68503 41.9909 58.68503 42.51938 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2245 a Fx(And)g(here)h(is)e(an)h(\(esthetically)g +(questionable!\))21 b(attempt)14 b(at)h(wiggly)e(lines)h(with)340 +2294 y(arro)o(ws:)398 2387 y FE(\\fmfcmd{\045)457 2433 +y(style_def)i(wiggly_arro)o(w)g(expr)i(p)i(=)497 2478 +y(cdraw)d(\(wiggly)g(p\);)497 2524 y(shrink)g(\(2\);)536 +2570 y(cfill)g(\(arrow)h(p\);)497 2615 y(endshrin)o(k;)457 +2661 y(enddef;})915 2831 y Fx(36)p eop +%%Page: 37 37 +37 36 bop -210 266 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 +@urx 29 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.23 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 14.17313 moveto +1.2599 16.35535 4.40968 16.35535 5.66959 14.17313 curveto +6.92949 11.99089 10.07928 11.99089 11.33919 14.17313 curveto +12.59871 16.35469 15.74754 16.35469 17.00706 14.17313 curveto +18.26697 11.9909 21.41675 11.9909 22.67665 14.17313 curveto +23.93655 16.35536 27.08635 16.35536 28.34625 14.17313 curveto +29.60616 11.9909 32.75594 11.9909 34.01584 14.17313 curveto +35.27576 16.35536 38.42554 16.35536 39.68546 14.17313 curveto +40.94498 11.99156 44.09378 11.99156 45.3533 14.17313 curveto +46.6132 16.35536 49.763 16.35536 51.0229 14.17313 curveto +52.28282 11.99089 55.4326 11.99089 56.69252 14.17313 curveto +57.95242 16.35535 61.1022 16.35535 62.3621 14.17313 curveto +63.62201 11.99089 66.7718 11.99089 68.03171 14.17313 curveto +69.29123 16.35469 72.44003 16.35469 73.69955 14.17313 curveto +74.95947 11.99089 78.10925 11.99089 79.36917 14.17313 curveto +80.62907 16.35536 83.77887 16.35536 85.03877 14.17313 curveto +86.29868 11.9909 89.44846 11.9909 90.70836 14.17313 curveto +91.96826 16.35535 95.11804 16.35535 96.37794 14.17313 curveto +97.63747 11.99156 100.7863 11.99156 102.04582 14.17313 curveto +103.30573 16.35536 106.45552 16.35536 107.71542 14.17313 curveto +108.97533 11.9909 112.1251 11.9909 113.38501 14.17313 curveto stroke +newpath 49.90628 8.30397 moveto +71.81023 14.17313 lineto +49.90628 20.04228 lineto + closepath fill +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 332 a Fx(Note)15 b(ho)o(w)f(the)h Fz(shrink)e +Fx(macro)g(\(whic)o(h)i(is)f(the)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i +Fx(equiv)n(alen)o(t)d(of)f(the)340 382 y Fz(fmfshrink)d +Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t\))h(is)h(used)g(to)g(temp)q(orarily)f(double)g +(the)i(dimensions)e(of)340 432 y(the)j(arro)o(whead)g(whic)o(h)g(is)g +(constructed)i(b)o(y)d(the)i Fz(arrow)e Fx(macro.)340 +498 y(In)f(particular)g(theorists)h(b)q(ey)o(ond)f(the)h(standard)g(mo) +q(del)d(are)j(lik)o(ely)e(to)h(need)h Fw(a)h(lot)340 +548 y Fx(of)e(di\013eren)o(t)i(line)f(st)o(yles.)18 b(The)13 +b(a\014cionados)g(of)f(ma)r(jorana)f(neutrinos)j(migh)o(t)d(\014nd)340 +598 y(the)j(follo)o(wing)d(t)o(w)o(o)j(useful:)398 693 +y FE(\\fmfcmd{\045)438 739 y(style_def)i(majorana)g(expr)i(p)i(=)477 +785 y(cdraw)e(p;)477 830 y(cfill)g(\(harrow)e(\(reverse)h(p,)i(.5\)\);) +477 876 y(cfill)f(\(harrow)e(\(p,)j(.5\)\))438 922 y(enddef;)438 +967 y(style_def)d(alt_major)o(ana)g(expr)i(p)h(=)477 +1013 y(cdraw)f(p;)477 1059 y(cfill)g(\(tarrow)e(\(reverse)h(p,)i +(.55\)\);)477 1104 y(cfill)f(\(tarrow)e(\(p,)j(.55\)\))438 +1150 y(enddef;})-210 1229 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly +114 @urx 86 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.24 + 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +54.88832 20.41393 lineto stroke +newpath 41.78497 17.51274 moveto +33.11377 10.20699 lineto +44.27615 12.19832 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 24.44254 2.90118 moveto +33.11374 10.20694 lineto +21.95135 8.2156 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 11.33919 85.03876 moveto +54.88826 64.62466 lineto stroke +newpath 31.83192 78.67368 moveto +20.66937 80.66515 lineto +29.34074 73.35925 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 34.39552 70.98975 moveto +45.55807 68.99828 lineto +36.8867 76.30417 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 58.4966 20.41393 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke +newpath 91.43365 8.2156 moveto +80.27124 10.20694 lineto +88.94247 2.90118 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 69.10876 12.19832 moveto +80.27118 10.20699 lineto +71.59995 17.51274 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 56.69246 23.2521 moveto +54.83846 24.32251 54.83846 26.99852 56.69246 28.06892 curveto +58.54643 29.13931 58.54643 31.8153 56.69244 32.8857 curveto +54.83844 33.9561 54.83844 36.63211 56.69244 37.70251 curveto +58.54642 38.77292 58.5464 41.44891 56.69241 42.5193 curveto +54.83842 43.58969 54.83842 46.2657 56.69241 47.3361 curveto +58.5464 48.40651 58.54639 51.0825 56.6924 52.1529 curveto +54.83841 53.22328 54.83841 55.89929 56.6924 56.9697 curveto +58.54639 58.0401 58.54639 60.71608 56.6924 61.78648 curveto stroke +newpath 58.49654 64.62466 moveto +102.04582 85.03876 lineto stroke +newpath 76.49818 76.30417 moveto +67.82677 68.99828 lineto +78.98936 70.98975 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 84.04417 73.35925 moveto +92.71559 80.66515 lineto +81.553 78.67368 lineto + closepath fill +newpath 58.68498 21.25964 moveto +58.68498 21.78812 58.47502 22.29488 58.10136 22.66855 curveto +57.72769 23.0422 57.22093 23.25217 56.69246 23.25217 curveto +56.16399 23.25217 55.65723 23.0422 55.28355 22.66855 curveto +54.9099 22.29488 54.69994 21.78812 54.69994 21.25964 curveto +54.69994 20.73117 54.9099 20.22441 55.28355 19.85074 curveto +55.65723 19.47708 56.16399 19.26712 56.69246 19.26712 curveto +57.22093 19.26712 57.72769 19.47708 58.10136 19.85074 curveto +58.47502 20.22441 58.68498 20.73117 58.68498 21.25964 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 58.68492 63.77895 moveto +58.68492 64.30742 58.47496 64.81418 58.1013 65.18785 curveto +57.72763 65.56151 57.22087 65.77147 56.6924 65.77147 curveto +56.16393 65.77147 55.65717 65.56151 55.2835 65.18785 curveto +54.90984 64.81418 54.69987 64.30742 54.69987 63.77895 curveto +54.69987 63.25047 54.90984 62.74371 55.2835 62.37004 curveto +55.65717 61.99638 56.16393 61.78642 56.6924 61.78642 curveto +57.22087 61.78642 57.72763 61.99638 58.1013 62.37004 curveto +58.47496 62.74371 58.68492 63.25047 58.68492 63.77895 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 1295 a Fx(Note)12 b(the)h(use)g(of)f(the)h +Fz(harrow)e Fx(and)h Fz(tarrow)f Fx(functions)i(whic)o(h)f(return)h(an) +f(arro)o(w-)340 1345 y(head)h(on)g(the)i(giv)o(en)d(fraction)h(of)g +(the)h(path,)f(with)g(reference)j(p)q(oin)o(ts)e(at)f(the)h(head)340 +1395 y(\()p Fz(harrow)p Fx(\))f(or)i(tail)f(\()p Fz(tarrow)p +Fx(\).)19 b(The)c Fz(arrow)f Fx(function)g(used)i(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)e(is)h +(equiv)n(alen)o(t)340 1445 y(to)f Fz(marrow\(p,.5\))p +Fx(,)f(whic)o(h)h(has)h(the)h(reference)h(p)q(oin)o(t)e(at)f(the)i(cen) +o(ter)g(of)f(the)g(ar-)340 1494 y(ro)o(whead.)i(Ha)o(ving)9 +b(the)i(three)h(di\013eren)o(t)f(reference)i(p)q(oin)o(t)c(a)o(v)n +(ailable)g(is)h(imp)q(ortan)o(t)340 1544 y(for)j(supp)q(orting)h(arcs)h +(of)e(substan)o(tially)g(di\013ering)h(lengths.)340 1611 +y(A)e(problem)g(of)g(the)h(curren)o(t)h(implemen)o(tation)9 +b(is)k(that)g(the)g(endp)q(oin)o(ts)g(of)f(double)340 +1660 y(lines)h(don't)h(matc)o(h)e(smo)q(othly)h(at)g(v)o(ertices:)398 +1756 y FE(\\fmfpen{thi)o(ck)o(}\\f)o(mf)o(lef)o(tn{)o(l})o({2})o(\\f)o +(mfr)o(igh)o(tn)o({r})o({2)o(})398 1802 y(\\fmfpolyn{s)o(ha)o(ded)o(}{) +o(z}{)o(4})398 1847 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({l2)o(,z)o +(3})398 1893 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({l1)o(,z)o(4})398 +1939 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({z1)o(,r)o(1})398 +1984 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({z2)o(,r)o(2})-210 +2063 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 @urx 71 @ury 1140 +@rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.25 + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate 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moveto +73.15695 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 21.96855 moveto +70.15697 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 43.22815 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 48.89737 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 24.96854 moveto +67.15698 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 46.22813 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 45.89738 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 27.96852 moveto +64.157 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 49.22812 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 42.8974 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 30.9685 moveto +61.15701 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 52.2281 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 39.89742 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 33.96849 moveto +58.15703 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 55.22809 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 36.89743 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 36.96848 moveto +55.15704 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 58.22807 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 33.89745 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 39.96848 moveto +52.15704 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 61.22807 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 30.89745 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 42.96846 moveto +49.15706 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 64.22806 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 27.89746 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 70.15694 48.89735 moveto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto +43.22818 21.96857 lineto +70.15695 21.9686 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 2130 a Fx(One)i(w)o(a)o(y)e(around)h(is)h(to)f(add)g +(dots)g(of)g(the)h(righ)o(t)f(size)h(at)f(the)h(v)o(ertices)g +Fw(after)j Fx(the)340 2179 y(arcs)c(ha)o(v)o(e)g(b)q(een)h(dra)o(wn.) +398 2275 y FE(\\fmfpen{thi)o(ck)o(}\\f)o(mf)o(lef)o(tn{)o(l})o({2})o +(\\f)o(mfr)o(igh)o(tn)o({r})o({2)o(})398 2320 y(\\fmfpolyn{s)o(ha)o +(ded)o(}{)o(z}{)o(4})398 2366 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o +({l2)o(,z)o(3})398 2412 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({l1)o +(,z)o(4})398 2457 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({z1)o(,r)o(1}) +398 2503 y(\\fmf{dbl_pl)o(ai)o(n_a)o(rr)o(ow})o({z2)o(,r)o(2})398 +2549 y(\\fmffreeze\\)o(fm)o(fdr)o(aw)398 2594 y(\\fmfvn{ +(2th)o(ic)o(k,d)o(.sh)o(=c)o(irc)o(le)o(}{z)o(}{4)o(})915 +2831 y Fx(37)p eop +%%Page: 38 38 +38 37 bop -210 266 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 114 +@urx 71 @ury 1140 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.26 + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +43.22818 21.96857 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 11.33919 0 moveto +43.22818 21.96857 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 25.58939 4.47166 moveto +36.62077 17.41666 lineto +20.59479 11.7217 lineto + closepath fill + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop 0 setlinecap +newpath 11.33919 70.86563 moveto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 11.33919 70.86563 moveto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 20.59483 59.14406 moveto +36.62076 53.44917 lineto +25.58934 66.39409 lineto + closepath fill + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop 0 setlinecap +newpath 70.15695 21.9686 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 70.15695 21.9686 moveto +102.04582 0 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 79.4125 10.2469 moveto +95.43842 4.55191 lineto +84.4071 17.4969 lineto + closepath fill + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop 0 setlinecap +newpath 70.15694 48.89735 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 70.15694 48.89735 moveto +102.04582 70.86563 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 84.40706 53.36891 moveto +95.43842 66.31381 lineto +79.41255 60.61891 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 70.15694 48.89735 moveto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto +43.22818 21.96857 lineto +70.15695 21.9686 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 43.22816 21.96857 moveto +70.15695 21.96857 lineto +70.15695 48.89735 lineto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 40.22816 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 21.96855 moveto +70.15697 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 43.22815 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 48.89737 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 24.96854 moveto +67.15698 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 46.22813 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 45.89738 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 27.96852 moveto +64.157 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 49.22812 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 42.8974 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 30.9685 moveto +61.15701 51.89735 lineto stroke 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setgray +newpath 43.22816 21.96857 moveto +70.15695 21.96857 lineto +70.15695 48.89735 lineto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 40.22816 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 21.96855 moveto +70.15697 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 43.22815 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 48.89737 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 24.96854 moveto +67.15698 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 46.22813 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 45.89738 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 27.96852 moveto +64.157 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 49.22812 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 42.8974 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 30.9685 moveto +61.15701 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 52.2281 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 39.89742 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 33.96849 moveto +58.15703 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 55.22809 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 36.89743 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 36.96848 moveto +55.15704 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 58.22807 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 33.89745 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 39.96848 moveto +52.15704 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 61.22807 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 30.89745 lineto stroke +newpath 40.22816 42.96846 moveto +49.15706 51.89735 lineto stroke +newpath 64.22806 18.96857 moveto +73.15695 27.89746 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 70.15694 48.89735 moveto +43.22816 48.89735 lineto +43.22818 21.96857 lineto +70.15695 21.9686 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 72.14948 21.9686 moveto +72.14948 22.49707 71.93951 23.00383 71.56586 23.3775 curveto +71.19218 23.75116 70.68542 23.96112 70.15695 23.96112 curveto +69.62848 23.96112 69.12172 23.75116 68.74805 23.3775 curveto +68.37439 23.00383 68.16443 22.49707 68.16443 21.9686 curveto +68.16443 21.44012 68.37439 20.93336 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42.19293 50.67992 41.81926 50.30626 curveto +41.4456 49.93259 41.23564 49.42583 41.23564 48.89735 curveto +41.23564 48.36888 41.4456 47.86212 41.81926 47.48845 curveto +42.19293 47.11479 42.69969 46.90483 43.22816 46.90483 curveto +43.75664 46.90483 44.2634 47.11479 44.63707 47.48845 curveto +45.01073 47.86212 45.22069 48.36888 45.22069 48.89735 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 45.2207 21.96857 moveto +45.2207 22.49704 45.01074 23.0038 44.63708 23.37747 curveto +44.26341 23.75113 43.75665 23.96109 43.22818 23.96109 curveto +42.6997 23.96109 42.19295 23.75113 41.81927 23.37747 curveto +41.44562 23.0038 41.23566 22.49704 41.23566 21.96857 curveto +41.23566 21.4401 41.44562 20.93333 41.81927 20.55966 curveto +42.19295 20.186 42.6997 19.97604 43.22818 19.97604 curveto +43.75665 19.97604 44.26341 20.186 44.63708 20.55966 curveto +45.01074 20.93333 45.2207 21.4401 45.2207 21.96857 curveto closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 340 332 a Fx(Without)19 b(the)i Fz(\\fmffreeze\\fmfdra)o +(w)p Fx(,)d(the)j(arcs)g(w)o(ould)e(\\kno)o(w")g(ab)q(out)h(the)340 +382 y(dots)14 b(and)f(w)o(ould)h(b)q(e)g(shortened.)340 +448 y(A)g(more)e(elegan)o(t)i(solution)f(is)h(to)g(de\014ne)h(line)e +(st)o(yles)i(with)e(dots)h(at)g(the)h(head,)398 544 y +FE(\\fmfcmd{var)o(de)o(f)i(endpoint_)o(do)o(t)g(expr)h(p)h(=)438 +589 y(save)f(oldpen;)f(pen)h(oldpen;)438 635 y(oldpen)f(:=)i(currentpe) +o(n;)438 681 y(pickup)e(oldpen)g(scaled)h(3;)438 726 +y(cdrawdot)e(p;)438 772 y(pickup)h(oldpen;)398 818 y(enddef;})398 +863 y(\\fmfcmd{sty)o(le)o(_de)o(f)f(hd_double)h(expr)h(p)h(=)438 +909 y(draw_doub)o(le)d(p;)438 955 y(endpoint_)o(do)o(t)h(point)g +(infinity)g(of)i(p;)398 1000 y(enddef;})398 1046 y(\\fmfcmd{sty)o(le)o +(_de)o(f)d(hd_dbl_plai)o(n_)o(arr)o(ow)g(expr)i(p)h(=)438 +1092 y(draw_hd_d)o(ou)o(ble)d(p;)438 1137 y(shrink)h(\(1.5\);)477 +1183 y(cfill)h(\(arrow)f(p\);)438 1229 y(endshrink)o(;)398 +1274 y(enddef;})340 1420 y Fx(tail)398 1515 y 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b(can)h(b)q(e)h(used)g(as)f(follo)o +(ws)e(to)i(giv)o(e)f(an)h(equiv)n(alen)o(t)f(result:)398 +361 y FE(\\fmfpen{thi)o(ck)o(}\\f)o(mf)o(lef)o(tn{)o(l})o({2})o(\\f)o +(mfr)o(igh)o(tn)o({r})o({2)o(})398 407 y(\\fmfpolyn{s)o(ha)o(ded)o(}{)o +(z}{)o(4})398 452 y(\\fmf{hd_dbl)o(_p)o(lai)o(n_)o(arr)o(ow})o({l)o +(2,z)o(3})398 498 y(\\fmf{hd_dbl)o(_p)o(lai)o(n_)o(arr)o(ow})o({l)o +(1,z)o(4})398 544 y(\\fmf{td_dbl)o(_p)o(lai)o(n_)o(arr)o(ow})o({z)o +(1,r)o(1})398 589 y(\\fmf{td_dbl)o(_p)o(lai)o(n_)o(arr)o(ow})o({z)o +(2,r)o(2})-210 668 y @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 142 +@urx 86 @ury 1420 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: fmfsamp4.27 + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 14.174 0 moveto +54.33052 25.98433 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 14.174 0 moveto +54.33052 25.98433 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 57.3193 25.98433 moveto +57.3193 26.77701 57.00441 27.53722 56.44391 28.09772 curveto +55.8834 28.65822 55.1232 28.97311 54.33052 28.97311 curveto +53.53784 28.97311 52.77763 28.65822 52.21713 28.09772 curveto +51.65663 27.53722 51.34174 26.77701 51.34174 25.98433 curveto +51.34174 25.19165 51.65663 24.43144 52.21713 23.87094 curveto +52.77763 23.31044 53.53784 22.99554 54.33052 22.99554 curveto +55.1232 22.99554 55.8834 23.31044 56.44391 23.87094 curveto +57.00441 24.43144 57.3193 25.19165 57.3193 25.98433 curveto closepath fill +newpath 32.37047 6.5313 moveto +43.77165 19.15193 lineto +27.5876 13.9228 lineto + closepath fill + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop 0 setlinecap +newpath 14.174 85.03876 moveto +54.33047 59.05481 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 14.174 85.03876 moveto +54.33047 59.05481 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 57.31926 59.05481 moveto +57.31926 59.84749 57.00436 60.6077 56.44386 61.1682 curveto +55.88336 61.7287 55.12315 62.0436 54.33047 62.0436 curveto +53.5378 62.0436 52.77759 61.7287 52.21709 61.1682 curveto +51.65659 60.6077 51.34169 59.84749 51.34169 59.05481 curveto +51.34169 58.26213 51.65659 57.50192 52.21709 56.94142 curveto +52.77759 56.38092 53.5378 56.06602 54.33047 56.06602 curveto +55.12315 56.06602 55.88336 56.38092 56.44386 56.94142 curveto +57.00436 57.50192 57.31926 58.26213 57.31926 59.05481 curveto closepath fill +newpath 27.5876 71.11609 moveto +43.7716 65.88712 lineto +32.3704 78.5076 lineto + closepath fill + 0 5.97757 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop 0 setlinecap +newpath 87.40096 25.9844 moveto +127.55727 0 lineto stroke + 1 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + 1 setlinecap +newpath 87.40096 25.9844 moveto +127.55727 0 lineto stroke + 0 setgray +newpath 90.38974 25.9844 moveto +90.38974 26.77708 90.07484 27.5373 89.51434 28.0978 curveto +88.95384 28.6583 88.19363 28.97319 87.40096 28.97319 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85.28752 61.16817 curveto +84.72702 60.60767 84.41212 59.84746 84.41212 59.05478 curveto +84.41212 58.2621 84.72702 57.50189 85.28752 56.94139 curveto +85.84802 56.38089 86.60823 56.066 87.40091 56.066 curveto +88.19359 56.066 88.9538 56.38089 89.5143 56.94139 curveto +90.0748 57.50189 90.3897 58.2621 90.3897 59.05478 curveto closepath fill +newpath 105.59727 65.58594 moveto +116.9984 78.20645 lineto +100.81447 72.97745 lineto + closepath fill +gsave newpath 87.40091 59.05478 moveto +54.33047 59.05481 lineto +54.33052 25.98433 lineto +87.40096 25.9844 lineto + closepath clip + 1 setgray +newpath 54.33047 25.98433 moveto +87.40096 25.98433 lineto +87.40096 59.05481 lineto +54.33047 59.05481 lineto + closepath fill + 0 setgray 0 0.99626 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 51.33047 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 25.98427 moveto +87.40102 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 54.33041 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 59.05487 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 28.9842 moveto +84.40108 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 57.33035 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 56.05493 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 31.98415 moveto +81.40114 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 60.33029 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 53.055 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 34.98409 moveto +78.4012 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 63.33023 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 50.05505 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 37.98402 moveto +75.40126 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 66.33017 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 47.05511 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 40.98396 moveto +72.40132 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 69.33011 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 44.05518 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 43.9839 moveto +69.40138 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 72.33005 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 41.05524 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 46.98384 moveto +66.40144 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 75.32999 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 38.0553 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 49.98378 moveto +63.4015 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 78.32993 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 35.05536 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 52.98372 moveto +60.40157 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 81.32986 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 32.05542 lineto stroke +newpath 51.33047 55.98366 moveto +57.40163 62.05481 lineto stroke +newpath 84.3298 22.98433 moveto +90.40096 29.05548 lineto stroke +grestore + 0 setgray 0 1.99252 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 87.40091 59.05478 moveto +54.33047 59.05481 lineto +54.33052 25.98433 lineto +87.40096 25.9844 lineto + closepath stroke +showpage +%%EndDocument + @endspecial 220 785 a Fq(2.9)56 b(Common)12 b(traps,)j(trouble)f(sho)r +(oting)f(and)i(frequen)n(tly)e(ask)n(ed)348 843 y(questions)k(\(F)-6 +b(A)n(Qs\))220 919 y Fs(2.9.1)48 b Fz(!)43 b(Value)21 +b(is)g(too)h(large)220 996 y Fx(The)14 b(follo)o(wing)e(will)g(b)q(e)j +(one)f(of)f(the)h(most)f(frequen)o(t)i(errors:)279 1075 +y FE(!)k(Value)f(is)h(too)f(large)g(\(4097\).)279 1120 +y()i(;)279 1212 y(beginchar)o(->.)o(..)o(rdp)o(:=\()o +(EX)o(PR3)o(\);)o(w:=)o(hr)o(oun)o(d\(c)o(ha)o(rwd)o(*h)o(ppp)o(\);) +1260 1257 y(h:=...)279 1303 y(l.685)g(...char\()o(64,)e(40*2.8452)o +(6pt)o(#,)g(25*2.84526)o(pt)o(#,)g(0\))1260 1349 y(;)279 +1394 y(?)220 1523 y Fx(It)e(can)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(one)g(of)f(t)o(w)o(o)h +(causes:)282 1606 y Fp(\017)21 b Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)16 +b Fx(w)o(as)f(in)o(v)o(ok)o(ed)f(without)g(sp)q(ecifying)g(the)i +Fz(mode)p Fx(.)j(This)c(case)g(is)g(easily)324 1656 y(\014xed)c(b)o(y)g +(lo)q(oking)e(up)i(the)h(correct)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fx(mo)q(de)d(in)g(the)i(\014le)f Fz( Fx(that)324 +1706 y(comes)j(with)h(the)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i Fx(distribution.)i +(This)c(mo)q(de)f Fw(must)k Fx(b)q(e)e(sp)q(eci\014ed)g(on)324 +1756 y(the)19 b(command)e(line)h(as)h Fz(\\mode:=laserjet)d +Fx(for)j(HP)g(Laserjets)h(at)f(300dpi,)g(as)324 1805 +y Fz(\\mode:=ljfour)11 b Fx(for)j(HP)g(Laserjets)h(at)f(600dpi,)f(as)h +Fz(\\mode:=nexthi)d Fx(for)i(NeXT)324 1855 y(laser)f(prin)o(ters)i(at)e +(400dpi,)f(etc,)i(just)g(to)f(name)f(three)j(of)e(the)h(more)e(common)f +(laser)324 1905 y(prin)o(ters)15 b(in)e(the)i(ph)o(ysics)f(comm)o(unit) +o(y)l(.)282 1988 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(The)15 b(diagrams)d(are)j(to)q(o)g +(large)f(for)g(the)h(prin)o(ter)g(at)g(hand.)20 b(This)14 +b(case)i(is)e(actually)324 2038 y(not)h(v)o(ery)h(lik)o(ely)m(,)d(b)q +(ecause)18 b(ev)o(en)e(at)f(1200dpi)f(the)i(diagrams)e(can)h(b)q(e)h +(as)g(large)f(as)324 2088 y(86mm)o(.)31 b(F)m(or)18 b(the)i(p)q(opular) +e(laserprin)o(ter)i(resolution)f(of)f(300dpi,)h(ev)o(en)h(346mm)324 +2137 y(are)15 b(p)q(ossible.)21 b(Last)15 b(time)e(I)i(c)o(hec)o(k)o +(ed,)h(the)f(diagrams)e(for)i(this)g(man)o(ual)d(could)i(b)q(e)324 +2187 y(generated)i(for)f(a)f Fw(Linotyp)n(e)i(Linotr)n(onic)g(300)21 +b Fx(at)15 b(2540dpi)e(\()p Fz(mode:=linosuper)p Fx(\),)324 +2237 y(but)18 b(failed)e(in)h(the)h(standard)g Fz(proof)e +Fx(mo)q(de)h(at)g(2601.72dpi.)1327 2222 y Fr(22)1389 +2237 y Fx(In)h(fact,)f(in)g(the)324 2287 y(curren)o(t)g +Fz( Fx(\014le,)h(the)h Fw(Chelgr)n(aph)f(IBX)23 +b Fx(at)16 b(9600dpi)e(and)i(the)h Fw(A)o(lphatyp)n(e)324 +2337 y(CRS)22 b Fx(at)16 b(5333)10 b(+)i(1)p Fn(=)p Fx(3dpi)j(are)i +(the)g(only)f(t)o(yp)q(esetters)j(that)e(can)g(not)f(b)q(e)i(used)f(to) +324 2387 y(t)o(yp)q(eset)e(this)f(man)o(ual.)696 2371 +y Fr(23)p 220 2421 573 2 v 251 2448 a FB(22)284 2460 +y Fu(It)9 b(w)o(ould)g(b)q(e)h(trivial)e(to)i(shrink)e(the)h(diagrams)f +(b)o(y)h(1\045)h(to)g(mak)o(e)e(them)h(w)o(ork)g(in)h +Ft(proof)e Fu(mo)q(de)h(\(acci-)220 2499 y(den)o(tally)m(,)f(the)i +(largest)f(diagram)f(is)i(40mm)f(wide,)h(while)g(4096/2601.72)o(dp)o(i) +e(corresp)q(onds)f(to)j(39.99mm\).)220 2539 y(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)g(I)g +(prefer)f Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)j Fu(to)e(giv)o(e)f(an)h(error)g(message)e +(if)i(the)g(user)g(forgot)f(to)h(sp)q(ecify)e(the)i(mo)q(de.)220 +2578 y(It)j(is)g(m)o(uc)o(h)f(more)g(obscure)g(when)h +Fo(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h Fu(w)o(orks)f(without)f(errors)g(but)g(the)h +Ft(dvi)g Fu(driv)o(er)e(fails)i(to)220 2617 y(\014nd)e(the)f(generated) +f(bitmap)h(\014le.)251 2645 y FB(23)284 2657 y Fu(If)h(someone)f(w)o +(an)o(ts)h(to)g(use)g Ft(feyn)p Fo(MF)g Fu(with)g(one)g(of)h(these)e +(high)h(end)g(t)o(yp)q(esetters,)d(I)k(w)o(ould)f(b)q(e)g(glad)220 +2696 y(to)g(try)g(to)g(help)g(them)f(out)g(with)i(kludges.)915 +2831 y Fx(39)p eop +%%Page: 40 40 +40 39 bop 220 266 a Fs(2.9.2)48 b(Diagrams)14 b(in)h(the)g(do)q(cumen)o +(t)f(are)h(nev)o(er)g(up)q(dated)220 342 y Fx(There)f(are)g(t)o(w)o(o)e +(kno)o(wn)h(reasons)h(wh)o(y)f(diagrams)e(ma)o(y)g(not)i(b)q(e)g(up)q +(dated)h(the)g(do)q(cumen)o(t)220 392 y(after)g(the)h(source)g(\014le)f +(has)g(b)q(een)h(c)o(hanged:)282 475 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Some)14 +b Fz(dvi)i Fx(\014le)f(preview)o(ers)j(\(e.g.)d Fz(xdvi\(1\))f +Fx(under)j(UNIX\))f(do)g Fw(not)k Fx(reread)d(fon)o(t)324 +525 y(information)12 b(if)i(the)i Fz(tfm)e Fx(or)h Fz(pk)g +Fx(\014les)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(c)o(hanged,)g(ev)o(en)h(though)e(they)i +(reread)324 575 y(the)10 b Fz(dvi)f Fx(\014le)h(if)f(it)h(has)g(c)o +(hanged.)17 b(Therefore)11 b(y)o(ou)e(ha)o(v)o(e)h(to)g(restart)h(suc)o +(h)g(preview)o(ers)324 625 y(if)i(y)o(ou)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(made)f(c)o +(hanges)j(in)e(diagrams)e(to)j(see)h(these)g(c)o(hanges)f(on)f(the)i +(screen.)282 708 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Some)14 b Fz(dvi)h +Fx(driv)o(ers)i(\(e.g.)e Fz(dvips\(1\))f Fx(under)j(UNIX\))f(do)g(not)f +(w)o(ork)h(with)f(the)i Fz(gf)324 757 y Fx(\014les)h(directly)m(,)h +(but)g(con)o(v)o(ert)f(them)g(with)g(an)g(external)g(program)f(to)h +Fz(pk)g Fx(format)324 807 y(\014rst.)i(On)15 b(later)g(o)q(ccasions,)f +(the)h Fz(dvi)f Fx(driv)o(er)h(will)e(then)i(use)g(the)g +Fz(pk)f Fx(\014le)h(whic)o(h)f(is)324 857 y(out)h(of)g(date)h(with)f +(resp)q(ect)j(to)d(the)h(sources)i(and)d(the)h Fz(gf)f +Fx(\014le.)23 b(The)16 b(only)f(kno)o(wn)324 907 y(\014x)f(is)f(to)h +(delete)h(the)f Fz(pk)g Fx(\014ls)g(b)q(efore)g(running)g(the)g +Fz(dvi)g Fx(driv)o(er.)220 1015 y Fs(2.9.3)48 b(Disgrams)14 +b(sho)o(w)h(up)g(in)g(the)g(wrong)g(sp)q(ot)220 1091 +y Fx(If)d(y)o(ou)h(are)g(using)g Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)f Fx(with)g(L)777 +1083 y Fr(A)795 1091 y Fx(T)818 1100 y(E)842 1091 y(X's)h +Fz(\\includeonly)d Fx(feature,)j(y)o(ou)f(should)h(w)o(atc)o(h)220 +1141 y(out)h(for)f(the)i(follo)o(wing)c(situation:)240 +1220 y FE(\\includeo)o(nl)o(y{b)o(ar)o(1,b)o(ar3)o(})240 +1266 y(\\begin{fm)o(ff)o(ile)o(}{)o(foo)o(gra)o(ph)o(})240 +1311 y(\\include{)o(ba)o(r1})240 1357 y(\\include{)o(ba)o(r2})240 +1403 y(\\include{)o(ba)o(r3})240 1448 y(\\end{fmff)o(il)o(e})220 +1577 y Fx(where)17 b Fz(bar1.tex)e Fx(de\014nes)i(graph)f(#1,)g +Fz(bar2.tex)e Fx(graph)i(#2)f(and)h Fz(bar3.tex)f Fx(de\014nes)220 +1627 y(graph)i(#3.)26 b(If)17 b(y)o(ou)f(no)o(w)h(pro)q(ceeded)i(to)e +(add)f(graphs)i(to)e Fz(bar1.tex)p Fx(,)g(y)o(ou)g(will)g(notice)220 +1677 y(that)h(a)g(second)i(graph)e(is)g(accepted,)i(but)f(instead)f(of) +g(the)h(new)f(third)h(graph,)f(the)h(old)220 1726 y(graph)13 +b(#3)g(app)q(ears.)19 b(What)12 b(happ)q(ens)j(is)e(that)g(L)995 +1718 y Fr(A)1013 1726 y Fx(T)1036 1735 y(E)1060 1726 +y(X)g(stores)i(the)f(v)n(alue)e(of)h(the)h(coun)o(ter)220 +1776 y(for)f Fz(fmfgraph)p Fx(s)f(in)g(eac)o(h)i Fz(.aux)f +Fx(\014le)g(so)g(that)g(b)q(ecause)i Fz(bar2.tex)d Fx(is)h(not)g(pro)q +(cessed,)i(this)220 1826 y(coun)o(ter)g(is)f(alw)o(a)o(ys)e(reset)k(to) +e(3)f(at)h(the)h(b)q(eginning)e(of)g Fz(bar3.tex)p Fx(.)220 +1876 y(Ev)o(en)i(though)g(this)g(situation)f(app)q(ears)h(to)g(b)q(e)g +(con)o(triv)o(ed,)g(it)g(actually)e(o)q(ccured)k(in)d(real)220 +1926 y(life)f(applications)g(and)h(the)g(resulting)g(error)h(is)f(v)o +(ery)g(confusing.)220 1976 y(The)d(only)f(\\\014x")g(for)g(this)h +(problem)e(w)o(ould)h(b)q(e)h(to)g(use)g(a)g(priv)n(ate)f(coun)o(ter)i +(b)q(ehind)f(L)1529 1967 y Fr(A)1547 1976 y Fx(T)1570 +1984 y(E)1593 1976 y(X's)220 2025 y(bac)o(k.)23 b(Unfortunately)m(,)15 +b(it)g(app)q(ears)h(that)g(this)g(will)e(violate)g(the)i +Fw(principle)g(of)h(minimal)220 2075 y(surprise)d Fx(ev)o(en)d(more.)16 +b(It)c(is)f(therefore)h(usually)f(a)g(go)q(o)q(d)f(idea)h(to)g(repro)q +(cess)j(the)e(complete)220 2125 y(do)q(cumen)o(t)j(when)h(the)g(n)o(um) +o(b)q(er)f(of)g(graphs)g(has)h(c)o(hanged)g(in)f(an)g +Fz(\\include)p Fx(d)f(\014le.)23 b(The)220 2175 y(other)14 +b(solution)f(is)h(to)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(a)f(separate)i Fz(fmfgraph)d +Fx(en)o(vironmen)o(t)h(for)g(eac)o(h)i Fz(\\include)p +Fx(d)220 2225 y(\014le.)220 2333 y Fs(2.9.4)48 b(Spurious)12 +b(lab)q(els)j(sho)o(w)g(up)220 2409 y Fx(If)h(spurious)h(lab)q(els)f +(sho)o(w)g(up)g(in)g(y)o(our)g(diagrams,)e(this)i(is)h(most)e(lik)o +(ely)f(caused)k(b)o(y)e(old)220 2459 y(lab)q(el)g(\014les)h(\(e.g.)f +Fz(foo.t)p Fp(h)p Fw(n)s Fp(i)p Fx(\))h(still)f(lying)f(around.)27 +b(Just)17 b(delete)h(these)g(\014les)f(and)g(rerun)220 +2509 y(T)243 2518 y(E)266 2509 y(X)d(and)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)i +Fx(\(or)e Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)h Fx(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely\).)915 +2831 y(40)p eop +%%Page: 41 41 +41 40 bop 220 266 a Fq(2.10)56 b(Kno)n(wn)19 b(bugs)220 +342 y Fs(2.10.1)48 b(Chaotic)15 b(man)o(ual)220 419 y +Fx(This)h(is)g(b)q(eing)h(w)o(ork)o(ed)f(on.)25 b(It)17 +b(should)f(probably)g(b)q(e)h(rewritten)g(from)e(scratc)o(h,)j(but)e(I) +220 469 y(don't)d(ha)o(v)o(e)h(enough)g(time)f(at)g(the)i(momen)o(t)c +(\(this)j(is)g(a)g(spare)g(time)f(activit)o(y\).)220 +576 y Fs(2.10.2)48 b(Dela)o(y)o(ed)14 b(error)g(messages)220 +653 y Fx(This)g(can't)g(b)q(e)g(\014xed.)19 b(The)14 +b(problem)f(is)g(that)h(errors)i(can)e(manifest)e(themselv)o(es)i(only) +f(a)220 703 y(long)g(time)f(after)h(the)h(corresp)q(onding)h(source)g +(line)d(has)i(b)q(een)h(read.)j(Since)c(T)1454 712 y(E)1477 +703 y(X)g(do)q(esn't)220 752 y(allo)o(w)i(to)i(access)i(the)e(curren)o +(t)i(source)f(line)f(n)o(um)o(b)q(er,)f(there)j(is)d(no)h(w)o(a)o(y)f +(to)h(store)h(this)220 802 y(information)11 b(along)i(with)g(the)i +(other)f(information)d(on)j(the)h(graph.)j(I)c(can)g(only)f(hop)q(e)h +(to)220 852 y(ha)o(v)o(e)h(enough)g(sanit)o(y)g(c)o(hec)o(ks)i(in)e +(place)g(some)f(da)o(y)h(that)h(error)g(messages)f(from)f +Fy(MET)o(A)p Fx(-)220 902 y Fy(F)n(ONT)h Fx(w)o(on't)e(o)q(ccur.)220 +1009 y Fs(2.10.3)48 b(Multipl)o(e)13 b(tadp)q(oles)220 +1086 y Fx(Curren)o(tly)m(,)19 b Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(will)g(not)h(la)o +(y)o(out)f(m)o(ultiple)f(tadp)q(oles)i(at)g(a)g(single)g(v)o(ertex)h +(auto-)220 1136 y(matically)m(.)24 b(This)16 b(could)h(b)q(e)h(\014xed) +f(in)f(principle,)h(but)h(these)g(\014xes)f(w)o(ould)g(cause)g(other) +220 1186 y(problems)9 b(whic)o(h)i(are)f(more)g(incon)o(v)o(enien)o(t)g +(than)g(ha)o(ving)g(to)g(la)o(y)f(out)h(tadp)q(oles)h(man)o(ually)m(.) +220 1293 y Fs(2.10.4)48 b(Hard)15 b(limits)220 1370 y +Fx(Curren)o(tly)h(the)h(most)d(sev)o(ere)k(limitati)o(on)13 +b(lies)i(in)h(the)g(size)h(of)e(the)h(generated)h(pictures.)220 +1419 y(The)c(largest)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)h +Fx(can)f(represen)o(t)j(in)o(ternally)11 b(is)i(4095.99998)d(and)j +(this)220 1469 y(is)19 b(also)g(the)i(largest)e(v)n(alue)g(an)o(y)g(co) +q(ordinate)h(measured)g(in)f(pixels)g(can)h(assume.)35 +b(A)o(t)220 1519 y(the)16 b(most)e(p)q(opular)h(laserprin)o(ter)h +(resolution)f(of)g(300)g(dots)g(p)q(er)h(inc)o(h)g(\(dpi\),)f(this)g +(corre-)220 1569 y(sp)q(onds)g(to)g(a)f(horizon)o(tal)f(and)i(v)o +(ertical)f(extension)h(of)f(ab)q(out)g(346mm,)d(whic)o(h)j(is)g(plen)o +(t)o(y)220 1619 y(and)h(w)o(e're)g(more)f(lik)o(ely)g(to)g(hit)h(the)g +(in)o(ternal)g(limits)e(on)h(the)i(complexit)o(y)d(of)h(a)h(picture.) +220 1668 y(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)e(at)g(the)h(pro)q(of)f(mo)q(de)f +(resolution)i(of)e(2601.72dpi,)f(this)i(is)g(reduced)i(to)e(sligh)o +(tly)220 1718 y(less)18 b(than)g(40mm)c(and)j(w)o(e're)h(running)f(the) +h(risk)f(of)g(arithmetic)f(o)o(v)o(er\015o)o(w)i(in)e(in)o(ternal)220 +1768 y(calculations)d(m)o(uc)o(h)g(earlier.)220 1818 +y(There)i(are)f(t)o(w)o(o)g(p)q(oten)o(tial)f(solutions)g(of)h +(di\013eren)o(t)h(scop)q(e)g(and)e(complexit)o(y:)282 +1899 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(Since)12 b(John)g(Hobb)o(y's)g +Fy(MET)o(AP)r(OST)i Fx(is)e(no)o(w)f(a)o(v)n(ailable)f(without)i(a)g +(non-disclosure)324 1949 y(agreemen)o(t)i(from)f(A)m(T&T,)i(one)g +(solution)f(is)g(to)h(replace)h Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)g Fx(b)o(y)g +Fy(MET)o(A)p Fx(-)324 1998 y Fy(P)r(OST)q Fx(,)i(whic)o(h)g(do)q(esn't) +h(su\013er)g(from)e(the)h(size)h(limitations.)28 b(This)18 +b(comes)f(with)324 2048 y(a)d(small)f(price)j(paid)e(in)h(reduced)h(p)q +(ortabilit)o(y)e(of)g(the)i(generated)g(output,)f(but)g(as)324 +2098 y(already)h(stated)i(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f(in)f(the)i(case)g(of)e +Fz(axodraw)p Fx(,)g(the)h(ubiquit)o(y)f(of)g(P)o(ostScript)324 +2148 y(prin)o(ters)f(\(and)e(the)i(free)g(GhostScript)f(in)o +(terpreter\))i(mak)o(es)d(this)g(a)h(minor)e(p)q(oin)o(t.)282 +2230 y Fp(\017)21 b Fx(The)16 b(more)f(am)o(bitious)e(solutions)i(w)o +(ould)g(b)q(e)i Fw(virtual)f(gr)n(aphs)p Fx(,)f(i.e.)g(graphs)h(whic)o +(h)324 2280 y(are)g(larger)g(than)g(the)h(curren)o(t)g(limit)c +(enforced)18 b(b)o(y)d(n)o(umeric)h(o)o(v)o(er\015o)o(w)f(at)h(higher) +324 2329 y(resolutions.)34 b(This)19 b(could)g(b)q(e)h(implemen)o(ted)d +(b)o(y)i(calculating)f(the)i(la)o(y)o(out)e(of)g(a)324 +2379 y(miniature)11 b(graph)i(and)g(afterw)o(ards)h(distributing)e(the) +i(full)e(graph)h(among)e(sev)o(eral)324 2429 y Fy(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)16 +b Fx(c)o(haracters.)220 2566 y FA(Ac)n(kno)n(wledgemen)n(ts)220 +2657 y Fx(I)22 b(am)f(most)g(grateful)h(to)g(W)m(olfgang)e(Kilian,)i +(who)g(pushed)i Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)p Fx('s)d(predecessor)220 +2707 y Fz( Fx(to)j(its)f(limits)e([12)o(].)34 +b(Discussions)20 b(with)f(him)f(triggered)i(a)f(lot)g(of)g(go)q(o)q(d) +915 2831 y(41)p eop +%%Page: 42 42 +42 41 bop 220 266 a Fx(ideas.)20 b(Thanks)15 b(also)e(to)i(m)o(y)e +(studen)o(ts)j(and)e(the)h(p)q(eople)g(on)f Fw(The)i(Net)i +Fx(for)c(suggestions,)220 315 y(p)q(ortabilit)o(y)f(\014xes)h(and)g +(for)f(v)o(olun)o(teering)h(as)g(guinea)f(pigs.)220 453 +y FA(References)241 544 y Fx([1])19 b(Donald)13 b(E.)h(Kn)o(uth,)f +Fw(The)i(T)753 553 y(E)776 544 y(Xb)n(o)n(ok)p Fx(,)e(Addison-W)m +(esley)m(,)g(Reading)g(MA,)h(1986.)241 627 y([2])19 b(Leslie)13 +b(Lamp)q(ort,)f Fw(L)615 618 y Fb(A)634 627 y Fw(T)657 +636 y(E)679 627 y(X)i(|)g(A)g(Do)n(cumentation)h(Pr)n(ep)n(ar)n(ation)e +(System)p Fx(,)g(Addison-)305 677 y(W)m(esley)m(,)g(Reading)g(MA,)h +(1985.)241 760 y([3])19 b(Mic)o(hel)h(Go)q(osens,)h(F)m(rank)f +(Mittelbac)o(h,)h(and)f(Alexander)g(Samarin,)f Fw(The)h(L)1557 +751 y Fb(A)1576 760 y Fw(T)1599 768 y(E)1621 760 y(X)305 +809 y(Comp)n(anion)p Fx(,)15 b(Addison-W)m(esley)m(,)d(Reading)h(MA,)h +(1994.)241 892 y([4])19 b(Donald)h(E.)g(Kn)o(uth,)i Fw(The)i +Fj(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)p Fw(b)n(o)n(ok)p Fx(,)f(Addison-W)m(esley)m(,)e +(Reading)e(MA,)305 942 y(1986.)241 1025 y([5])g(John)c(D.)f(Hobb)o(y)m +(,)f Fw(A)i(User's)g(Manual)h(for)k Fj(MET)o(AP)r(OST)p +Fx(,)15 b(Computer)e(Science)j(Re-)305 1075 y(p)q(ort)f(#162,)d(A)m +(T&T)i(Bell)f(Lab)q(oratories,)h(April)f(1992.)241 1158 +y([6])19 b(Thorsten)c(Ohl,)f(Comp.)d(Ph)o(ys.)j(Comm.)c +Fs(90)k Fx(\(1995\))f(340.)241 1241 y([7])19 b(Thorsten)14 +b(Ohl,)f(CERN)g(Computer)f(Newsletter)j Fs(220)d Fx(\(1995\))g(22;)g +Fs(221)h Fx(\(1995\))f(46;)305 1291 y Fs(222)i Fx(\(1996\))f(24.)241 +1374 y([8])19 b(Mic)o(heal)14 b(J.)g(S.)f(Levine,)h(Comp.)d(Ph)o(ys.)j +(Comm.)d Fs(58)i Fx(\(1990\))g(181.)241 1457 y([9])19 +b(Jos)e(V)m(ermaseren,)f(Comp.)f(Ph)o(ys.)h(Comm.)c Fs(83)k +Fx(\(1994\))f(45.)h Fz(axodraw)e Fx(is)i(a)o(v)n(ailable)305 +1507 y(from)c(CT)m(AN)i(\(cf.)g(p.)f(42\),)g(in)h(the)g +Fz(graphics)e Fx(directory)m(.)220 1590 y([10])19 b(Thomas)h(E.)h +(Leathrum,)g Fz(mfpic)p Fx(,)h(a)o(v)n(ailable)c(from)i(CT)m(AN)g +(\(cf.)h(p.)g(42\),)h(in)e(the)305 1640 y Fz(graphics)13 +b Fx(directory)m(.)220 1723 y([11])19 b(Tim)12 b(Stelzer)j(and)f(Bill)f +(Long,)g(Comp.)f(Ph)o(ys.)h(Comm.)e Fs(81)i Fx(\(1994\))g(357.)220 +1806 y([12])19 b(W)m(olfgang)12 b(Kilian,)g(Do)q(ctoral)h(Thesis,)h(T)m +(ec)o(hnical)g(Univ)o(ersit)o(y)g(Darmstadt,)e(1994.)220 +1889 y([13])19 b(Alan)14 b(Je\013rey)m(,)g Fw(Lists)h(in)f(T)723 +1898 y(E)746 1889 y(X's)g(Mouth)p Fx(,)g(TUGb)q(oat)g(199?.)220 +2026 y FA(Distribution)220 2117 y Fz(feyn)p Fy(MF)e Fx(is)i(a)o(v)n +(ailable)d(b)o(y)i(anon)o(ymous)e(in)o(ternet)j(ftp)f(from)f(an)o(y)h +(of)f(the)i(Comprehensiv)o(e)220 2167 y(T)243 2176 y(E)266 +2167 y(X)g(Arc)o(hiv)o(e)g(Net)o(w)o(ork)h(\(CT)m(AN\))e(hosts)324 +2250 y Fz( Fx(,)e Fz( Fx(,)f +Fz( 2333 y Fx(in)j(the)i(directory)324 +2416 y Fz(macros/latex/con)o(trib/)o(suppo)o(rted/)o(feynm)o(f)220 +2499 y Fx(It)f(is)g(also)f(a)o(v)n(ailable)f(from)g(the)i(host)324 +2582 y Fz(crunch.ikp.physi)o( +2665 y Fx(in)f(the)i(directory)915 2831 y(42)p eop +%%Page: 43 43 +43 42 bop 324 266 a Fz(pub/ohl/feynmf)220 349 y Fx(Unsupp)q(orted)15 +b(snapshots)g(of)e(m)o(y)g(w)o(ork)g(in)h(progress)h(are)f(pro)o(vided) +g(as)324 432 y Fz(pub/ohl/feynmf.v)o(ersio)o(ns/fe)o(ynmf-)o(curre)o +(nt.ta)o(r.gz)220 515 y Fx(There)h(are)f(t)o(w)o(o)g(mailing)c(lists) +324 598 y Fz(feynmf-announce@)o(crunc)o(h.ikp)o(.phys)o( +(stad)o( 648 y(feynmf-bugs@crun)o(ch.ik)o(p.phy)o(sik.t)o +(h-dar)o(mstad)o( 731 y Fx(op)q(en)i(for)g(subscription.)18 +b(The)13 b(former)e(should)g(carry)i(only)e(imp)q(ortan)o(t)f +(announcemen)o(ts,)220 780 y(of)h(new)g(v)o(ersions)h(in)e(particular.) +17 b(T)m(o)11 b(subscrib)q(e,)i(send)f(mail)c(to)j(the)h +(\(electronic\))g(mailing)220 830 y(list)h(manager)324 +913 y Fz(majordomo@crunch)o(.ikp.)o(physi)o( +220 996 y Fx(and)j Fw(not)k Fx(to)d(the)f(lists)g(itself.)25 +b(The)17 b(follo)o(wing)c(commands)h(\(on)i(a)g(line)g(in)g(the)g(b)q +(o)q(dy)h(of)220 1046 y(the)d(mail,)d(not)j(in)g(the)g(sub)r(ject\))i +(are)e(useful:)324 1129 y Fz(subscribe)20 b(feynmf-announce)324 +1179 y(unsubscribe)f(feynmf-announce)324 1229 y(help)220 +1366 y FA(Index)220 1457 y Fx(Num)o(b)q(ers)f(written)g(in)g(italic)e +(refer)j(to)f(the)h(page)e(where)i(the)g(corresp)q(onding)g(en)o(try)f +(is)220 1507 y(describ)q(ed,)d(the)f(ones)g(underlined)g(to)g(the)g(co) +q(de)g(line)f(of)g(the)h(de\014nition,)f(the)h(rest)h(to)e(the)220 +1557 y(co)q(de)i(lines)e(where)j(the)e(en)o(try)h(is)e(used.)364 +1656 y FF(Sym)o(b)q(ols)220 1702 y FC(-T,)131 b({notfm@)p +FF(-T)p FC(,)345 1748 y FE(--)p FF(notfm)35 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)39 b(13)220 1794 y(-c,)12 b({clean@)p FF(-c)p +FC(,)i FE(--)p FF(clean)26 b FC(13)220 1840 y(-f,)12 +b({force@)p FF(-f)p FC(,)g FE(--)p FF(force)48 b FC(13)220 +1886 y(-h,)13 b({help@)p FF(-h)p FC(,)g FE(--)p FF(help)48 +b FC(12)220 1932 y(-m)60 b(mo)q(de,)72 b({mo)q(de)345 +1978 y(mo)q(de@-)p FF(m)345 2024 y Fa(mo)n(de)s FC(,)17 +b FE(--)p FF(mo)q(de)345 2069 y Fa(mo)n(de)34 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)39 b(13)220 2116 y(-n,)130 b({no)q(exec@)p +FF(-n)p FC(,)345 2161 y FE(--)p FF(no)q(exec)19 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)39 b(13)220 2207 y(-q,)161 b({quiet@)p FF(-q)p +FC(,)345 2253 y FE(--)p FF(quiet)29 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)39 +b(13)220 2299 y(-t,)11 b({tfm)f(tfm@)p FF(-t)p FC(,)h +FE(--)p FF(tfm)345 2345 y Fa(tfm)42 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +39 b(13)220 2391 y(-v,)128 b({v)o(ersion@)p FF(-v)p FC(,)345 +2437 y FE(--)p FF(v)o(ersion)36 b FC(.)12 b(.)39 b(12)428 +2525 y FF(A)220 2572 y FC(arcs)32 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)41 +b(14,)12 b(16,)h(33)429 2660 y FF(B)220 2707 y FC(blobs)35 +b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)25 +b(17)920 1656 y FF(C)711 1702 y FC(color)41 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(19)711 1748 y(crossed)14 +b(arcs)38 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(36)919 +1837 y FF(D)711 1883 y FC(de\014ning)15 b(new)e(st)o(yles)37 +b(.)12 b(.)26 b(36)711 1929 y(displa)o(ys,)15 b(online)29 +b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(31)711 1975 y(dots)i(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(17)922 +2064 y FF(E)711 2110 y FC(en)o(vironmen)o(ts:)773 2156 +y FE(fmffile)35 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)39 +b Fa(8)773 2202 y FE(fmffor)32 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(31)773 2249 y FE(fmfgraph*)e FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)39 +b Fa(9)773 2295 y FE(fmfgraph)f FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)39 +b Fa(9)773 2341 y FE(fmfgroup)f FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(30)773 2387 y FE(fmfshrink)e FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(31)773 2433 y FE(fmfsubgraph)k FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(29)711 2479 y FC(extensions)44 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +26 b(36)711 2526 y(external)15 b(v)o(ertices)32 b(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(14)922 2614 y FF(F)711 2660 y FC(\014le)14 +b(...@)p Fa(\014le)g FC(...)38 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 +b(13)711 2707 y(\014le@)p Fa(\014le)39 b FC(.)13 b(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(13)1202 1656 y FE(\\fmf)19 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b +Fa(14)1202 1702 y FE(\\fmfblob)31 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)20 b Fa(17)1202 1747 y FE(\\fmfblobn)34 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(17)1202 1793 y FE(\\fmfbottom)37 +b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(14)1202 1839 +y FE(\\fmfbottomn)d FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(14)1202 1884 y FE(\\fmfcmd)28 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(35)1202 1930 y FE(\\fmfcurved)37 b +FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(14)1202 1976 +y FE(\\fmfcyclen)37 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(16)1202 2021 y FE(\\fmfdisplay)d FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +20 b Fa(31)1202 2067 y FE(\\fmfdot)28 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(17)1202 2113 y FE(\\fmfdotn)31 +b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(17)1202 +2158 y FE(fmffile)96 b FC(\(en)o(viron-)1327 2204 y(men)o(t\))22 +b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)30 b Fa(8)1202 2250 y +FE(\\fmffixed)k FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(24)1202 2295 y FE(\\fmffixedx)37 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)20 b Fa(25)1202 2341 y FE(\\fmffixedy)37 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(25)1202 2387 y FE(fmffor)11 +b FC(\(en)o(vironmen)o(t\))39 b Fa(31)1202 2432 y FE(\\fmfforce)34 +b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(24)1202 +2478 y FE(\\fmfframe)34 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)39 +b Fa(9)1202 2524 y FE(\\fmffreeze)e FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(24)1202 2570 y FE(fmfgraph)76 b FC(\(en)o(viron-)1327 +2615 y(men)o(t\))22 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)30 +b Fa(9)1202 2661 y FE(fmfgraph*)56 b FC(\(en)o(viron-)1327 +2707 y(men)o(t\))22 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)30 +b Fa(9)915 2831 y Fx(43)p eop +%%Page: 44 44 +44 43 bop 220 266 a FE(fmfgroup)76 b FC(\(en)o(viron-)345 +311 y(men)o(t\))22 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)33 b Fa(30)220 +358 y FE(\\fmfi)21 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g +(.)19 b Fa(33)220 405 y FE(\\fmfiequ)30 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(34)220 452 y FE(\\fmfipair)33 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(33)220 499 y FE(\\fmfipath)33 +b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(33)220 +546 y FE(\\fmfiset)30 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 +b Fa(34)220 592 y FE(\\fmfiv)24 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(33)220 639 y FE(\\fmfkeep)30 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(30)220 686 y +FE(\\fmflabel)33 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 +b Fa(23)220 733 y FE(\\fmfleft)30 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g +(.)g(.)19 b Fa(14)220 780 y FE(\\fmfleftn)33 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(14)220 827 y FE(\\fmfn)i +FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 +b Fa(16)220 874 y FE(\\fmfnotrac)o(e)e FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.) +19 b Fa(31)220 920 y FE(\\fmfpen)27 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(16)220 967 y FE(\\fmfpoly)30 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(18)220 1014 y +FE(\\fmfpolyn)33 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 +b Fa(18)220 1061 y FE(\\fmfrcycle)o(n)e FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g +(.)19 b Fa(16)220 1108 y FE(\\fmfreuse)33 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(30)220 1155 y FE(\\fmfright)33 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(14)220 1201 y FE(\\fmfrightn)36 +b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(14)220 1248 +y FE(\\fmfrpolyn)36 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)19 +b Fa(18)220 1295 y FE(\\fmfset)27 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)h(.)f +(.)g(.)g(.)19 b Fa(31)711 266 y FE(\\fmfshift)34 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(24)711 311 y FE(fmfshrink)56 +b FC(\(en)o(viron-)836 357 y(men)o(t\))22 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)34 +b Fa(31)711 403 y FE(\\fmfstopdi)o(spl)o(ay)d FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)20 b Fa(31)711 448 y FE(\\fmfstraig)o(ht)h FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(14)711 494 y FE(fmfsubgrap)o(h)d +FC(\(en)o(viron-)836 540 y(men)o(t\))22 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)34 +b Fa(29)711 585 y FE(\\fmfsurrou)o(nd)21 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +20 b Fa(14)711 631 y FE(\\fmfsurrou)o(ndn)k FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(14)711 677 y FE(\\fmftop)27 b FC(.)13 b(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(14)711 722 y FE(\\fmftopn)31 b FC(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(14)711 768 y +FE(\\fmftrace)34 b FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 +b Fa(31)711 814 y FE(\\fmfv)h FC(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(16)711 859 y FE(\\fmfvn)k FC(.)12 +b(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)20 b Fa(17)919 +944 y FF(G)711 989 y FC(galleries)35 b(.)13 b(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(14)928 1074 y FF(I)711 1119 y FC(in)o(ternal)15 +b(v)o(ertices)39 b(.)33 b(16,)13 b(17)923 1204 y FF(L)711 +1249 y FC(lab)q(els)28 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)h(.)24 b(14,)13 +b(16,)g(23,)g(24)711 1295 y(lo)q(oping)24 b(.)12 b(.)h(.)f(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(31)1411 266 y FF(O)1202 311 y +FC(online)16 b(displa)o(ys)39 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 +b(31)1202 357 y(OPTIONS)36 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 +b(12)1412 444 y FF(P)1202 490 y FC(parameters)j(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(31)1202 535 y(p)q(olygons)d(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(18)1411 623 +y FF(R)1202 668 y FC(running)16 b FD(MET)o(AF)n(ONT)33 +b FC(.)26 b(10)1202 714 y(running)16 b FD(MET)o(AP)r(OST)31 +b FC(.)26 b(12)1415 801 y FF(S)1202 847 y FC(st)o(yles,)14 +b(de\014ning)h(new)25 b(.)12 b(.)26 b(36)1202 892 y(subgraphs)e(.)12 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(29)1412 980 y FF(T)1202 +1025 y FC(tadp)q(oles)k(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 +b(22)1202 1071 y(tracing)j(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)26 b(31)1411 1158 y FF(V)1202 1204 y FC(v)o(ertices)43 +b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)26 b(33)1202 +1249 y(v)o(ertices,)14 b(external)22 b(.)12 b(.)g(.)g(.)26 +b(14)1202 1295 y(v)o(ertices,)14 b(in)o(ternal)29 b(.)k(16,)13 +b(17)915 2831 y Fx(44)p eop +%%Trailer +end +userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if +%%EOF diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ deleted file mode 100644 index d92526f97ec..00000000000 Binary files a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/ and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/template.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/template.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5fa885aaa2f --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/feynmf/template.tex @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +% template.tex -- trivial FeynMF example +% $Id: template.tex,v 1.1 1996/12/02 01:38:45 ohl Exp $ +% To typeset, either use the feynmf script +% $ feynmf template +% or run Metafont manually +% $ latex template +% $ mf '\mode:=localfont; input fmftempl' +% $ latex template +\documentclass{article} +\usepackage{feynmf}%%%{feynmp} +\unitlength=1mm +\begin{document} +\begin{fmffile}{fmftempl} +\begin{fmfchar*}(40,25) + \fmfleft{em,ep} \fmflabel{$e^+$}{ep} \fmflabel{$e^-$}{em} + \fmf{fermion}{em,Zee,ep} + \fmf{photon,label=$\gamma,,Z$}{Zee,Zff} + \fmf{fermion}{fb,Zff,f} + \fmfright{fb,f} \fmflabel{$\bar f'$}{fb} \fmflabel{$f$}{f} + \fmfdot{Zee,Zff} +\end{fmfchar*} +\end{fmffile} +\end{document} + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/Announce b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/Announce deleted file mode 100644 index a8247733629..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/Announce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -To:, - -Subject: [LaTeX/Metafont] Feynman diagrams: FeynMF v1.08 released - -This announces version 1.08 of feynmf, a combined LaTeX and Metafont -(or Metapost) package for easy drawing of professional quality Feynman -(and maybe other) diagrams. - -Version 1.08 is mainly a bug fix release and offers a driver script as -the only new feature. The driver script is still experimental and I -will be grateful for portability suggestions (it has been developed with -teTeX under Linux). - -This software will show up through the magic of mirroring at the CTAN -host near you. - -Enjoy, --Thorsten - -NEWS for Version 1.08 - - * Improved very short gluon and photon propagators by relaxing - overly aggressive rounding. - - * New (still experimental) `feynmf' script automating the - invocation of Metafont (requires perl(1)). - -/// Thorsten Ohl, TH Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany -//////////////// net:, -/// voice: +49-6151-16-3116, secretary: +49-6151-16-2072, fax: +49-6151-16-2421 - diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/COPYING b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index e77696ae8dd..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) 19yy - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/README b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/README deleted file mode 100644 index 611dbfad520..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,200 +0,0 @@ -# $Id: README,v 1.30 1996/12/02 01:38:45 ohl Exp $ -######################################################################## - - This is feynmf, a combined LaTeX/Metafont package for easy drawing - of professional quality Feynman diagrams. feynmf lays out most - diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without - any need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of - Metafont is available for more obscure cases. See the - documentation for appetizers, examples and more details. - - A preformatted manual (`') is provided to wet your - appetite with numerous examples. - - Anyway, you are invited to share, use, abuse, and improve it, see - the file COPYING for details. - - Enjoy, - -Thorsten - -######################################################################## - - Installation: - - You need a recent LaTeX (LaTeX2e, as of December 1994 is - sufficient) to use feynmf, docstrip.tex to install it and doc.sty - to typeset the documentation. If it is not already on your system, - you can get all this (and much more) from your nearest CTAN host. - - To install, either use the Makefile or use the installation file - feynmf.ins: - - $ latex feynmf.ins - - then you can typeset the documentation by - - $ latex fmfman.drv - $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp1' - $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp2' - $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp3' - $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp4' - $ latex fmfman.drv - $ makeindex -s -o fmfman.ind fmfman.idx - $ makeindex -s -o fmfman.gls fmfman.glo - $ latex fmfman.drv - - or by using the Makefile (`make man'). That's it. - - There is also a simple example `template.tex' that you can use as - a template for your own creations. To typeset, either use the - feynmf script - - $ feynmf template - - or run Metafont manually - - $ latex template - $ mf '\mode:=localfont; input fmftempl' - $ latex template - - Finally, there is another installation file for LaTeX 2.09 compatible - versions: feynmf209.ins. This file has to be processed _in addition_ - to feynmf.ins! - -######################################################################## - -WARNING: - - If LaTeX fails with `Unknown graphics extension: 3', you have a - slightly out-of-date graphics.sty file (LaTeX will have issued a - warning in this case). There has been a change to the user - interface, which makes it very hard to support both versions. - Sorry. I have chosen to support the current one, which will - hopefully be stable. - - You can work around this by either getting a more recent graphics - package from CTAN (macros/latex/packages/graphics) or by using - epsf.sty instead (`\let\includegraphics\epsffile\input epsf.sty'). - [You can also ignore it and get the preformatted manual. But you - will not be able to use the MetaPost version in this case.] - -######################################################################## - - Comments, bug reports and improvements are welcome at: - - - (aka: - - New versions can be found in: - - - - or at CTAN: - - {,,}: - ... macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf - - There are two mailing lists - - - - - both are open for subscription. The former should be very low - volume and carry only important announcements. The latter can - serve as a more general discussion forum. - - To subscribe, send mail to - - - - and NOT to the lists itself. The following commands (on a line in - the body of the mail, not in the subject) are useful: `subscribe - feynmf-announce', `unsubscribe feynmf-bugs', `help', etc. - -######################################################################## - -NEWS for Version 1.08 - - * Improved very short gluon and photon propagators by relaxing - overly aggressive rounding. - - * New (still experimental) `feynmf' script automating the - invocation of Metafont (requires perl(1)). - -NEWS for Version 1.07 - - * Switch off I/O during the first pass in AMS-LaTeX equation - environments. This avoids a nasty race condition (thanks to Axel - Thimm for reporting this bug). A beneficial side effect is that - it saves us 50% processing time in these cases. - -NEWS for Version 1.06 - - * New abstraction: polygons. Useful for complex vertices in - non-perturbative diagrams. - - * New commands: \fmfpoly, \fmfpolyn and \fmfrpolyn, implementing - polygons. - - * New option `rubout' for crossing propagators. - - * Some common typos are detected are appropriate warning messages - are issued. - - * New options `errorstop', `scroll', `nonstop' and `batch' for - specifying the desired interactionmode. - - * Work around an obscure babel/german/feynmf three way - destructive interference. - -NEWS for Version 1.05 - - * FeynMF now coexists with french.sty and other packages that - change the \catcode of ``:''. - - * Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.03, which could cause - problems with font loading. Unfortunately, the fix has to give up - some compatibility with earlier versions. Sources for version - 1.02 and earlier which used \noexpand in labels have to upgraded - or the option `pre-1.03' has to be used. Sorry. - -NEWS for Version 1.04 - - * Finally, \fmffixed{(dx,whatever)}{v1,v2} and - \fmffixed{(whatever,dy)}{v1,v2} do what you would expect them - to. \fmffixedx and \fmffixedy are new synonyms for those. - -NEWS for Version 1.03 - - * It is no longer necessary to protect TeX command sequences with - \noexpand. Old files using \noexpand will continue to work. - -NEWS for Version 1.02 - - * Read the .tfm file before writing the .mf file destructively. - This should allow a transparent two pass processing if MakeTeXTFM - is enabled. Thanks to Thomas Esser - for the suggestion. - -NEWS for Version 1.01 - - * new decoration shapes for vertices by popular demand: `cross' - (also `triacross', `pentacross' and `hexacross'). - - * fixed a rounding bug in cut-off ends (noticeable as a spurious - thin diagonal line at the left end of double lines). - - * The maximum size for shaded and hatched areas has been doubled - by removing an obsolete speedup hack that was not used anymore. - - * In an unrelated move, shading and hatching has been - reimplemented in a much more general fashion. Now arbitray - tilings can be specified as argument to `decoration.filled='. The - old style numerical arguments continue to work, but should be - replaced by `empty', `full', `shaded', and `hatched' in new - documents. - -######################################################################## -# Local Variables: -# mode:indented-text -# End: diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/ index b753be17b54..d56a054587c 100644 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/ +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/ @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ sub run_mf { maybe_run "$gftopk_prog $gf" if $gftopk_prog; } } - close (); + close (LOG); } } } diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6d286d7e230 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfman.drv @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +%% +%% This is file `fmfman.drv', +%% generated with the docstrip utility. +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `driver,manual') +%% +%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by +%% +%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments +%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf +%% for making modifications to it. +%% +%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can +%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins) +%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at +%% your option) any later version. +%% +%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for +%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you +%% include a short note pointing to the complete source. +%% +%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +%% GNU General Public License for more details. +%% +%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +%% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%% \CheckSum{924} +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +%% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\documentclass[a4paper]{article} +\usepackage{doc} +\IfFileExists{mflogo.sty}% + {\usepackage{mflogo}% + \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textlogo{MF}}}% + {\def\MF{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{FONT}}% + \def\MP{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{POST}}% + \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textsf{MF}}} +\usepackage{graphics}[1994/12/15] +\usepackage{feynmf} +\font\manfnt=manfnt +\def\dangerousbend/{{\manfnt\char"7F}} +\def\dubious{\begin{itemize}\item[\dangerousbend/]} +\def\enddubious{\end{itemize}} +\def\examples#1{% + \begin{list}{}% + {\setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}% + \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\marginparsep}% + \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\marginparwidth}% + \setlength{\rightmargin}{0mm}% + \setlength{\itemindent}{\parindent}% + \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent}}% + \item} +\def\endexamples{\end{list}} +\def\marginexample#1{\marginpar{\hbox to\marginparwidth{#1\hss}}} +\parindent0pt +\def\manindex#1{\SortIndex{#1}{#1}} +\OnlyDescription +\EnableCrossrefs +\RecordChanges +\CodelineIndex +\DoNotIndex{\def,\gdef,\long,\let,\begin,\end,\if,\ifx,\else,\fi} +\DoNotIndex{\immediate,\write,\newwrite,\openout,\closeout,\typeout} +\DoNotIndex{\font,\nullfont,\jobname,\documentclass} +\DoNotIndex{\batchmode,\errorstopmode,\char,\catcode,\ } +\DoNotIndex{\CodelineIndex,\DocInput,\DoNotIndex,\EnableCrossrefs} +\DoNotIndex{\filedate,\filename,\fileversion,\logo,\manfnt} +\DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProvidesPackage,\RecordChanges,\space} +\DoNotIndex{\usepackage,\wlog,\@gobble,\@ifundefined,\@namedef,\@spaces} +\DoNotIndex{\begingroup,\csname,\edef,\endcsname,\expandafter,\hbox} +\DoNotIndex{\hskip,\ifeof,\ignorespaces,\item,\leavevmode,\loop,\makebox} +\DoNotIndex{\newcounter,\newif,\newread,\openin,\par,\parindent,\put} +\DoNotIndex{\read,\relax,\repeat,\setcounter,\stepcounter,\the} +\DoNotIndex{\value,\vbox,\vskip} +\DoNotIndex{\@tempa,\@tempb,\advance,\bf,\bfseries,\closein} +\DoNotIndex{\CurrentOption,\DeclareOption,\documentstyle,\em,\emph} +\DoNotIndex{\endgroup,\epsilon,\global,\hfuzz,\input,\it,\LaTeX,\LaTeXe} +\DoNotIndex{\macrocode,\meaning,\OnlyDescription,\PassOptionsToPackage} +\DoNotIndex{\ProcessOptions,\RequirePackage,\sf,\string,\textbf,\textit} +\DoNotIndex{\textsf,\texttt,\tt,\unitlength} +\let\origmacrocode\macrocode +\def\macrocode{\hfuzz 5em\origmacrocode} +\begin{document} + \DocInput{feynmf.dtx} +\end{document} +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `fmfman.drv'. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3f397a5e664 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/fmfmanps.drv @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +%% +%% This is file `fmfmanps.drv', +%% generated with the docstrip utility. +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `driver,manual,mp') +%% +%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by +%% +%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments +%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf +%% for making modifications to it. +%% +%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can +%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins) +%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at +%% your option) any later version. +%% +%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for +%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you +%% include a short note pointing to the complete source. +%% +%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +%% GNU General Public License for more details. +%% +%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +%% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%% \CheckSum{924} +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +%% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\documentclass[a4paper]{article} +\usepackage{doc} +\IfFileExists{mflogo.sty}% + {\usepackage{mflogo}% + \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textlogo{MF}}}% + {\def\MF{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{FONT}}% + \def\MP{\textsf{META}\-\textsf{POST}}% + \def\FMF{\texttt{feyn}\textsf{MF}}} +\usepackage{graphics}[1994/12/15] +\usepackage{feynmp} +\font\manfnt=manfnt +\def\dangerousbend/{{\manfnt\char"7F}} +\def\dubious{\begin{itemize}\item[\dangerousbend/]} +\def\enddubious{\end{itemize}} +\def\examples#1{% + \begin{list}{}% + {\setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}% + \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\marginparsep}% + \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\marginparwidth}% + \setlength{\rightmargin}{0mm}% + \setlength{\itemindent}{\parindent}% + \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent}}% + \item} +\def\endexamples{\end{list}} +\def\marginexample#1{\marginpar{\hbox to\marginparwidth{#1\hss}}} +\parindent0pt +\def\manindex#1{\SortIndex{#1}{#1}} +\OnlyDescription +\EnableCrossrefs +\RecordChanges +\CodelineIndex +\DoNotIndex{\def,\gdef,\long,\let,\begin,\end,\if,\ifx,\else,\fi} +\DoNotIndex{\immediate,\write,\newwrite,\openout,\closeout,\typeout} +\DoNotIndex{\font,\nullfont,\jobname,\documentclass} +\DoNotIndex{\batchmode,\errorstopmode,\char,\catcode,\ } +\DoNotIndex{\CodelineIndex,\DocInput,\DoNotIndex,\EnableCrossrefs} +\DoNotIndex{\filedate,\filename,\fileversion,\logo,\manfnt} +\DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProvidesPackage,\RecordChanges,\space} +\DoNotIndex{\usepackage,\wlog,\@gobble,\@ifundefined,\@namedef,\@spaces} +\DoNotIndex{\begingroup,\csname,\edef,\endcsname,\expandafter,\hbox} +\DoNotIndex{\hskip,\ifeof,\ignorespaces,\item,\leavevmode,\loop,\makebox} +\DoNotIndex{\newcounter,\newif,\newread,\openin,\par,\parindent,\put} +\DoNotIndex{\read,\relax,\repeat,\setcounter,\stepcounter,\the} +\DoNotIndex{\value,\vbox,\vskip} +\DoNotIndex{\@tempa,\@tempb,\advance,\bf,\bfseries,\closein} +\DoNotIndex{\CurrentOption,\DeclareOption,\documentstyle,\em,\emph} +\DoNotIndex{\endgroup,\epsilon,\global,\hfuzz,\input,\it,\LaTeX,\LaTeXe} +\DoNotIndex{\macrocode,\meaning,\OnlyDescription,\PassOptionsToPackage} +\DoNotIndex{\ProcessOptions,\RequirePackage,\sf,\string,\textbf,\textit} +\DoNotIndex{\textsf,\texttt,\tt,\unitlength} +\let\origmacrocode\macrocode +\def\macrocode{\hfuzz 5em\origmacrocode} +\begin{document} + \DocInput{feynmf.dtx} +\end{document} +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `fmfmanps.drv'. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/template.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/template.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 5fa885aaa2f..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/feynmf/template.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -% template.tex -- trivial FeynMF example -% $Id: template.tex,v 1.1 1996/12/02 01:38:45 ohl Exp $ -% To typeset, either use the feynmf script -% $ feynmf template -% or run Metafont manually -% $ latex template -% $ mf '\mode:=localfont; input fmftempl' -% $ latex template -\documentclass{article} -\usepackage{feynmf}%%%{feynmp} -\unitlength=1mm -\begin{document} -\begin{fmffile}{fmftempl} -\begin{fmfchar*}(40,25) - \fmfleft{em,ep} \fmflabel{$e^+$}{ep} \fmflabel{$e^-$}{em} - \fmf{fermion}{em,Zee,ep} - \fmf{photon,label=$\gamma,,Z$}{Zee,Zff} - \fmf{fermion}{fb,Zff,f} - \fmfright{fb,f} \fmflabel{$\bar f'$}{fb} \fmflabel{$f$}{f} - \fmfdot{Zee,Zff} -\end{fmfchar*} -\end{fmffile} -\end{document} - diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds b/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds index c546f6bbbbe..4048dfd937c 100755 --- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds +++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds @@ -479,6 +479,7 @@ $standardsource='\.fdd|\.dtx|\.ins|\.c$|Makefile|configure.*|install-sh|\.drv'; 'epsf', 'NULL', 'epslatex-fr', 'NULL', 'eskdx', 'NULL', # do not move makefiles + 'feynmf', "$standardsource|feynmf\.pl", 'mff', '\.mfj|\.bat|\.diz', 'fpl', "$standardsource|Add|\.sfd|\.pe|\.ps", 'hyphenex', ".*", diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check index 43ae8f40610..532960ce36a 100755 --- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check +++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ my @WorkingTLP = qw( faktor fancybox fancyhdr fancynum fancyref fancytooltips fancyvrb FAQ-en fax fbs featpost - feyn fge filecontents fink fixme + feyn feynmf fge filecontents fink fixme flagderiv flippdf float floatrow flowfram fltpoint fmtcount fnbreak fncychap foekfont fontch fontspec fonttable fontwrap -- cgit v1.2.3