From 444e0dbe2a012fdc31639b23fc6422cee7e744c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Karl Berry Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 16:41:14 +0000 Subject: hc update for real (16aug08) git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751 --- Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/COPYING | 339 ++++ Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/FILES | 21 + Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/ | 2135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/COPYING | 339 ---- Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/FILES | 21 - Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/german.hld | 79 - Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hc/german.hld | 79 + 7 files changed, 2574 insertions(+), 439 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/COPYING create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/FILES create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/ delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/COPYING delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/FILES delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/german.hld create mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hc/german.hld (limited to 'Master') diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/COPYING b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e77696ae8dd --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/FILES b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/FILES new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c4dfc0f3d1a --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/FILES @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + HC Bundle for LaTeX2e: The Files + ================================ + +COPYING - The GNU General Public License +FILES - This file +README - Readme file + +hc-de.bst - German language bibliography style +hc-en.bst - English language bibliography style + created by the LaTeX custom-bib package - + custom-bib source code can be found at + + +hc.ins - Installation driver for scrtime.dtx. +hc.dtx - Contains: + hcart.cls - Substitute for article.cls + hcreport.cls - Substitute for report.cls + hcletter.cls - Substitute for letter.cls + hcslides.cls - Substitute for slides.cls + german.hld - additional definitions for the German language - the documentation diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..989d0ef53be --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hc/ @@ -0,0 +1,2135 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 +%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software +%%Title: hc.dvi +%%Pages: 36 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 +%%DocumentFonts: Palatino-Roman EURM10 Helvetica-Bold Courier +%%+ Courier-Oblique Helvetica Palatino-Italic +%%EndComments +%DVIPSWebPage: ( +%DVIPSCommandLine: dvips hc +%DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed +%DVIPSSource: TeX output 2000.03.23:1259 +%%BeginProcSet: +%! 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Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry", +% version = "0.6", +% date = "1 July 1998", +% filename = "8r.enc", +% email = "", +% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts +% to be used with TeX." +% @} +% +% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts +% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe +% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida. +% +% Character code assignments were made as follows: +% +% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI +% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the +% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows +% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for +% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen +% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an +% irritation not having them in TeX positions. +% +% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part +% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software. +% +% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the +% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public +% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12. +% +% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully) +% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally +% available. +% +% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both +% ASCII and Windows. +% +/TeXBase1Encoding [ +% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1) + /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl + /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash + /ogonek /ring /.notdef + /breve /minus /.notdef +% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as +% well include them. + /Zcaron /zcaron +% 0x10 + /caron /dotlessi +% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright) + /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl + /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef + /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef + % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright + % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here. + /grave /quotesingle +% 0x20 (ASCII begins) + /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign + /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright + /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash +% 0x30 + /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven + /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question +% 0x40 + /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O +% 0x50 + /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W + /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore +% 0x60 + /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o +% 0x70 + /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w + /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde + /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends +% 0x80 + /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin + /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl + /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft + /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +% 0x90 + /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft + /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash + /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright + /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis +% 0xA0 + /.notdef % nobreakspace + /exclamdown /cent /sterling + /currency /yen /brokenbar /section + /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft + /logicalnot + /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen + /registered + /macron +% 0xD0 + /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior + /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered + /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright + /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown +% 0xC0 + /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla + /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis + /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis +% 0xD0 + /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute + /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply + /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex + /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls +% 0xE0 + /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde + /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla + /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis + /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis +% 0xF0 + /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute + /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide + /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex + /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis +] def + +%%EndProcSet +%%BeginProcSet: +%! +TeXDict begin/rf{findfont dup length 1 add dict begin{1 index/FID ne 2 +index/UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll +exec 0 exch 5 -1 roll VResolution Resolution div mul neg 0 0]/Metrics +exch def dict begin Encoding{exch dup type/integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub +dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def} +ifelse}forall Metrics/Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict +end definefont 3 -1 roll makefont/setfont cvx]cvx def}def/ObliqueSlant{ +dup sin S cos div neg}B/SlantFont{4 index mul add}def/ExtendFont{3 -1 +roll mul exch}def/ReEncodeFont{CharStrings rcheck{/Encoding false def +dup[exch{dup CharStrings exch known not{pop/.notdef/Encoding true def} +if}forall Encoding{]exch pop}{cleartomark}ifelse}if/Encoding exch def} +def end + +%%EndProcSet +%%BeginFont: EURM10 +%!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: EURM10 2.1 +%%CreationDate: 1992 Nov 20 17:36:34 + +% Euler fonts were designed by Hermann Zapf. +% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Pac)o(ka)o(ge)o({g)o(er)o(ma)o(n}{) +o(fa)o(nc)o(yr)o(ef)o(})301 835 y(\\AtEndOfClass{)o(\\in)o(pu)o(t{)o +(ge)o(rm)o(an)o(.hl)o(d})o(}})192 948 y(\\DeclareOption)o({e)o(ngl)o +(is)o(h})o({\\)o(@d)o(ef)o(lan)o(gf)o(al)o(se)301 1061 +y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Pac)o(ka)o(ge)o({\\)o(Cu)o(rr)o(ent)o(Op)o(ti)o(on) +o(}{)o(bab)o(el)o(}})p -74 1338 543 4 v -76 1451 4 113 +v -24 1418 a Fh(a4paper)p 467 1451 V -76 1564 V -24 1530 +a(letterpaper)p 467 1564 V -74 1568 543 4 v 109 1740 +a(Use)24 b(the)g(DIN)h(A4)g(\(default\))h(or)f(the)f(letter)g(paper)g +(format?)i(At)f(the)f(moment)g(no)h(other)f(paper)h(for)n(-)109 +1853 y(mats)d(ar)n(e)h(supported.)192 2016 y Fk(\\newif\\if@defp)o(ap)o +(er)192 2129 y(\\@defpapertrue)192 2242 y(\\DeclareOption)o({a)o(4pa)o +(pe)o(r})o({)193 2355 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)c Fm(j)g Fl(hcletter)h +Fm(j)f Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)q Fk(\\PassOptionsToCl)o(as)o(s{)o(\\C) +o(ur)o(ren)o(tO)o(pt)o(io)o(n})o({\\s)o(up)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s})193 +2468 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)q Fk(\\PassOptionsToCl)o(as)o(s{)o(a4) +o(}{)o(\\su)o(pe)o(rc)o(la)o(ss)o(})192 2581 y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Pa)o +(cka)o(ge)o({\\)o(Cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tOp)o(ti)o(on)o(}{)o(hy)o(per)o(re)o +(f})192 2694 y(\\@defpaperfals)o(e})192 2807 y(\\DeclareOption)o({l)o +(ett)o(er)o(pa)o(pe)o(r})o({)193 2920 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g +Fm(j)g Fl(hcletter)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)q +Fk(\\PassOptionsToCl)o(as)o(s{)o(\\C)o(ur)o(ren)o(tO)o(pt)o(io)o(n})o +({\\s)o(up)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s})192 3032 y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Pa)o(cka)o +(ge)o({\\)o(Cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tOp)o(ti)o(on)o(}{)o(hy)o(per)o(re)o(f})192 +3145 y(\\@defpaperfals)o(e})p -74 3423 533 4 v -76 3536 +4 113 v -24 3502 a Fh(palatino)p 457 3536 V -76 3649 +V -24 3615 a(nopalatino)p 457 3649 V -74 3652 533 4 v +109 3825 a(Use)30 b(the)g(Palatino)i(or)f(the)f(Standar)n(d)h(T)1525 +3846 y(E)1569 3825 y(X)g(font?)g(Palatino)h(is)f(default)g(\(r)n(equir) +n(es)g(the)g Fe(palatino)109 3938 y Fh(and)22 b(the)g +Fe(mathpple)d Fh(packages\).)192 4101 y Fk(\\newif\\if@pala)o(ti)o(no) +192 4214 y(\\@palatinotrue)192 4327 y(\\DeclareOption)o({p)o(ala)o(ti)o +(no)o(}{)o(\\@)o(pa)o(lat)o(in)o(ot)o(ru)o(e})192 4440 +y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(opa)o(la)o(ti)o(no)o(}{)o(\\@)o(pal)o(at)o(in) +o(of)o(al)o(se})p -74 4726 286 4 v -76 4839 4 113 v -24 +4805 a Fh(ding)p 209 4839 V -74 4842 286 4 v 109 5016 +a(Pr)n(ovide)27 b(some)f(fancy)i(lists)f(and)h(symbols)e(using)h(the)f +(Dingbat)i(symbols)f(\(r)n(equir)n(es)g(the)g Fe(pifont)109 +5129 y Fh(style)21 b(of)i(the)f Fe(psnfss)e Fh(package\)?)192 +5292 y Fk(\\newif\\if@ding)192 5405 y(\\@dingfalse)192 +5518 y(\\DeclareOption)o({d)o(ing)o(}{)o(\\@)o(di)o(ng)o(tr)o(ue})p +eop +%%Page: 4 5 +4 4 bop 109 -62 a Ft(4)2989 b Fq(2)100 b(Options)p 109 +-10 3544 4 v -74 174 385 4 v -76 287 4 113 v -24 253 +a Fh(eur)n(o)p 309 287 V -76 400 V -24 366 a(noeur)n(o)p +309 400 V -74 403 385 4 v 109 576 a(Pr)n(ovide)22 b(the)g(Eur)n(o)g +(symbol)29 b Fd(C)p 1132 538 53 2 v 1132 551 48 2 v 22 +w Fh(\(default,)23 b(r)n(equir)n(es)f(the)g Fe(eurofont)d +Fh(package\)?)192 729 y Fk(\\newif\\if@euro)192 842 y(\\@eurotrue)192 +955 y(\\DeclareOption)o({e)o(uro)o(}{)o(\\@)o(eu)o(ro)o(tru)o(e})192 +1067 y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(oeu)o(ro)o(}{)o(\\@)o(eu)o(rof)o(al)o(se) +o(})p -74 1320 530 4 v -76 1432 4 113 v -24 1399 a Fh(fancyr)n(ef)p +454 1432 V -76 1545 V -24 1511 a(nofancyr)n(ef)p 454 +1545 V -74 1549 530 4 v 109 1721 a(Pr)n(ovide)25 b(fancy)h(r)n(efer)n +(ence)f(commands)g(\(default,)g(r)n(equir)n(es)g(the)g +Fe(fancyref)d Fh(and)j(the)g Fe(varioref)109 1834 y Fh(packages\)?)192 +1986 y Fk(\\newif\\if@fanc)o(yr)o(ef)192 2099 y(\\@fancyreftrue)192 +2212 y(\\DeclareOption)o({f)o(anc)o(yr)o(ef)o(}{)o(\\@)o(fan)o(cy)o(re) +o(ft)o(ru)o(e})192 2325 y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(ofa)o(nc)o(yr)o(ef)o +(}{)o(\\@f)o(an)o(cy)o(re)o(ff)o(al)o(se})p -74 2577 +392 4 v -76 2690 4 113 v -24 2656 a Fh(html)p 316 2690 +V -76 2803 V -24 2769 a(nohtml)p 316 2803 V -74 2806 +392 4 v 109 2978 a(Pr)n(ovide)71 b(HTML)g(commands)h(\(default,)g(r)n +(equir)n(es)f(the)g Fe(html)g Fh(package)g(bundled)g(with)109 +3091 y(L)132 3074 y Fp(A)170 3091 y Fh(T)211 3113 y(E)254 +3091 y(X2HTML\)?)192 3244 y Fk(\\newif\\if@html)192 3357 +y(\\@htmltrue)192 3470 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(tml)o(}{)o(\\@)o(ht)o +(ml)o(tru)o(e})192 3582 y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(oht)o(ml)o(}{)o(\\@)o +(ht)o(mlf)o(al)o(se)o(})193 3695 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(class)q +Fm(i)109 4024 y Ff(2.2)120 b(Options)34 b(f)n(or)e(the)i(hcar)r(t)g +(and)g(hcrepor)r(t)f(c)n(lasses)p -74 4287 686 4 v -76 +4400 4 113 v -24 4366 a Fh(headsepline)p 610 4400 V -76 +4513 V -24 4479 a(headnosepline)p 610 4513 V -74 4516 +686 4 v 109 4688 a(Draw)23 b(a)g(horizontal)g(line)g(below)g(the)f +(header)f(line)i(\(default\)?)193 4841 y Fm(h)r(\003)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)c Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)192 4954 +y Fk(\\newif\\if@defh)o(sl)192 5066 y(\\@defhsltrue)192 +5179 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(ead)o(se)o(pl)o(in)o(e})o({\\P)o(as)o(sO) +o(pt)o(io)o(ns)o(ToC)o(la)o(ss)192 5292 y({\\CurrentOptio)o(n})o({\\s)o +(up)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s}\\)o(@d)o(ef)o(hs)o(lf)o(al)o(se})192 +5405 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(ead)o(no)o(se)o(pl)o(in)o(e}{)o(\\P)o(as) +o(sO)o(pt)o(io)o(nsT)o(oC)o(la)o(ss)192 5518 y({\\CurrentOptio)o(n})o +({\\s)o(up)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s}\\)o(@d)o(ef)o(hs)o(lf)o(al)o(se})p +eop +%%Page: 5 6 +5 5 bop 109 -62 a Fq(2.2)99 b(Options)26 b(for)g(the)f(hcart)h(and)e +(hcr)n(eport)j(classes)1437 b Ft(5)p 109 -10 3544 4 v +-74 174 560 4 v -76 287 4 113 v -24 253 a Fh(onecolumn)p +483 287 V -76 400 V -24 366 a(twocolumn)p 483 400 V -74 +403 560 4 v 109 575 a(Set)21 b(the)h(text)g(in)h(one)e(or)i(two)f +(columns)g(\(default)h(is)g(one\)?)192 733 y Fk(\\DeclareOption)o({o)o +(nec)o(ol)o(um)o(n})o({\\)o(Pa)o(ssO)o(pt)o(io)o(ns)o(To)o(Cla)o(ss)192 +846 y({\\CurrentOptio)o(n})o({\\s)o(up)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s})o(})192 +959 y(\\DeclareOption)o({t)o(woc)o(ol)o(um)o(n})o({\\)o(Pa)o(ssO)o(pt)o +(io)o(ns)o(To)o(Cla)o(ss)192 1072 y({\\CurrentOptio)o(n})o({\\s)o(up)o +(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s})o(})p -74 1337 465 4 v -76 1450 4 +113 v -24 1416 a Fh(hcar)n(ea)p 388 1450 V -76 1563 V +-24 1529 a(hcnoar)n(ea)p 388 1563 V -74 1566 465 4 v +109 1738 a(Set)e(the)g(default)h(ar)n(ea)h(to)f(240mm)j +Fm(\002)e Fh(150mm)h(\(default\)?)f(Otherwise,)e(the)g(default)h(value) +h(fr)n(om)g(the)109 1851 y Fe(scrartcl)d Fh(r)n(esp.)i +Fe(scrreprt)e Fh(classes)j(is)h(used)e(if)j(you)d(do)h(not)g(set)f(the) +h(ar)n(ea)i(manually)g(\(e.g.)d(with)109 1964 y(the)f +Fe(\\areaset)f Fh(command\).)192 2122 y Fk(\\newif\\if@hcar)o(ea)192 +2235 y(\\@hcareatrue)192 2348 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(car)o(ea)o(}{)o +(\\@)o(hc)o(ar)o(eat)o(ru)o(e})192 2461 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(cno)o +(ar)o(ea)o(}{)o(\\@)o(hc)o(are)o(af)o(al)o(se)o(})p -74 +2726 669 4 v -76 2839 4 113 v -24 2805 a Fh(hcfootnotes)p +593 2839 V -76 2952 V -24 2918 a(hcnofootnotes)p 593 +2952 V -74 2955 669 4 v 109 3127 a(Nicer)i(formatting)h(of)f(footnotes) +e(\(default\)?)192 3285 y Fk(\\newif\\if@hcfo)o(ot)o(not)o(es)192 +3398 y(\\@hcfootnotest)o(ru)o(e)192 3511 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(cfo)o +(ot)o(no)o(te)o(s})o({\\)o(@hc)o(fo)o(ot)o(no)o(te)o(str)o(ue)o(})192 +3624 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(cno)o(fo)o(ot)o(no)o(te)o(s})o({\\@)o(hc) +o(fo)o(ot)o(no)o(tes)o(fa)o(ls)o(e})p -74 3897 490 4 +v -76 4010 4 113 v -24 3976 a Fh(magazine)p 414 4010 +V -74 4013 490 4 v 109 4187 a(Pr)n(ovide)i(commands)h(for)f(magazine)i +(or)e(newspaper)f(articles?)j(This)e(sets)f(the)h Fe(html)f +Fh(option)g(too.)192 4345 y Fk(\\newif\\if@maga)o(zi)o(ne)192 +4458 y(\\@magazinefals)o(e)192 4571 y(\\DeclareOption)o({m)o(aga)o(zi)o +(ne)o(}{)o(\\@)o(ma)o(gaz)o(in)o(et)o(ru)o(e\\)o(@ht)o(ml)o(tr)o(ue)o +(})p -74 4844 406 4 v -76 4957 4 113 v -24 4923 a Fh(parskip)p +330 4957 V -74 4960 406 4 v 109 5134 a(Skip)h(paragraphs)g(instead)g +(of)g(indenting)g(them?)192 5292 y Fk(\\newif\\if@pars)o(ki)o(p)192 +5405 y(\\@parskipfalse)192 5518 y(\\DeclareOption)o({p)o(ars)o(ki)o(p}) +o({\\)o(@p)o(ar)o(ski)o(pt)o(ru)o(e})p eop +%%Page: 6 7 +6 6 bop 109 -62 a Ft(6)2989 b Fq(2)100 b(Options)p 109 +-10 3544 4 v -74 191 301 4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 +a Fh(wide)p 225 304 V -74 307 301 4 v 109 481 a(Use)21 +b(a)i(wide)f(line)i(distance)e(\(ca.)h(1.5\)?)192 615 +y Fk(\\newif\\if@wide)192 728 y(\\@widefalse)192 841 +y(\\DeclareOption)o({w)o(ide)o(}{)o(\\@)o(wi)o(de)o(tru)o(e})193 +954 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)c Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)109 1238 y Ff(2.3)120 b(Options)34 b(f)n(or)e(the)i(hcar)r(t,)g +(hcrepor)r(t)g(and)g(hc)n(letter)f(c)n(lasses)p -74 1466 +275 4 v -76 1579 4 113 v -24 1545 a Fh(10pt)p 199 1579 +V -76 1692 V -24 1658 a(1)-5 b(1pt)p 199 1692 V -76 1805 +V -24 1771 a(12pt)p 199 1805 V -74 1808 275 4 v 109 1980 +a(Use)21 b(a)i(font)g(size)f(of)h(10,)g(1)-5 b(1,)24 +b(or)e(12)i(\(default\))f(points?)193 2114 y Fm(h)r(\003)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)c Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcletter)s +Fm(i)192 2227 y Fk(\\newif\\if@defs)o(iz)o(e)192 2340 +y(\\@defsizetrue)192 2453 y(\\DeclareOption)o({1)o(0pt)o(}{)o(\\P)o(as) +o(sO)o(pti)o(on)o(sT)o(oC)o(la)o(ss)o({\\C)o(ur)o(re)o(nt)o(Op)o(tio)o +(n})o({\\)o(su)o(pe)o(rcl)o(as)o(s})192 2566 y(\\@defsizefalse)o(})192 +2679 y(\\DeclareOption)o({1)o(1pt)o(}{)o(\\P)o(as)o(sO)o(pti)o(on)o(sT) +o(oC)o(la)o(ss)o({\\C)o(ur)o(re)o(nt)o(Op)o(tio)o(n})o({\\)o(su)o(pe)o +(rcl)o(as)o(s})192 2792 y(\\@defsizefalse)o(})192 2904 +y(\\DeclareOption)o({1)o(2pt)o(}{)o(\\P)o(as)o(sO)o(pti)o(on)o(sT)o(oC) +o(la)o(ss)o({\\C)o(ur)o(re)o(nt)o(Op)o(tio)o(n})o({\\)o(su)o(pe)o(rcl)o +(as)o(s})192 3017 y(\\@defsizefalse)o(})193 3130 y Fm(h)r +Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f +Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)109 3414 y Ff(2.4)120 b(Options)34 +b(f)n(or)e(the)i(hcar)r(t,)g(hcrepor)r(t)g(and)g(hcslides)h(c)n(lasses) +p -74 3643 330 4 v -76 3755 4 113 v -24 3722 a Fh(bib)p +253 3755 V -76 3868 V -24 3834 a(nobib)p 253 3868 V -74 +3872 330 4 v 109 4041 a(Use)21 b(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 b Fh(T)444 +4071 y(E)488 4041 y(X?)193 4175 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)192 +4288 y Fk(\\newif\\if@bib)192 4401 y(\\@bibfalse)192 +4514 y(\\DeclareOption)o({b)o(ib})o({\\)o(@b)o(ib)o(tr)o(ue})192 +4627 y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(obi)o(b})o({\\)o(@b)o(ib)o(fal)o(se)o(})p +-74 4844 415 4 v -76 4957 4 113 v -24 4923 a Fh(fnbib)p +339 4957 V -76 5070 V -24 5036 a(autbib)p 339 5070 V +-76 5183 V -24 5149 a(numbib)p 339 5183 V -74 5186 415 +4 v 109 5359 a(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 b Fh(T)269 5388 y(E)313 +5359 y(X)18 b(r)n(efer)n(ences)f(ar)n(e)h(written)g(in)g(footnotes)e +(\(default\))i(or)g(in)h(author)n(-year)f(or)f(in)i(numerical)h(style.) +109 5471 y(These)h(options)g(set)g(the)h Fe(bib)f Fh(option)h(too.)p +eop +%%Page: 7 8 +7 7 bop 109 -62 a Fq(2.4)99 b(Options)26 b(for)g(the)f(hcart,)h(hcr)n +(eport)g(and)f(hcslides)g(classes)1034 b Ft(7)p 109 -10 +3544 4 v 192 270 a Fk(\\newif\\if@fnbi)o(b)192 383 y(\\@fnbibtrue)192 +496 y(\\newif\\if@autb)o(ib)192 609 y(\\@autbibfalse)192 +722 y(\\newif\\if@numb)o(ib)192 835 y(\\@numbibfalse)192 +948 y(\\DeclareOption)o({f)o(nbi)o(b})o({\\)o(@f)o(nb)o(ib)o(tru)o(e\\) +o(@a)o(ut)o(bi)o(bfa)o(ls)o(e\\)o(@n)o(um)o(bib)o(fa)o(ls)o(e\\)o(@b)o +(ibt)o(ru)o(e})192 1061 y(\\DeclareOption)o({a)o(utb)o(ib)o(}{)o(\\@)o +(fn)o(bi)o(bfa)o(ls)o(e\\)o(@a)o(ut)o(bib)o(tr)o(ue)o(\\@)o(nu)o(mbi)o +(bf)o(al)o(se)o(\\@)o(bib)o(tr)o(ue)o(})192 1173 y(\\DeclareOption)o +({n)o(umb)o(ib)o(}{)o(\\@)o(fn)o(bi)o(bfa)o(ls)o(e\\)o(@a)o(ut)o(bib)o +(fa)o(ls)o(e\\)o(@n)o(umb)o(ib)o(tr)o(ue)o(\\@)o(bib)o(tr)o(ue)o(})p +-74 1472 519 4 v -76 1585 4 113 v -24 1551 a Fh(htmlbib)p +443 1585 V -76 1698 V -24 1664 a(nohtmlbib)p 443 1698 +V -74 1701 519 4 v 109 1873 a(Use)27 b(the)h Fe(html)f +Fh(package)h(for)h(online)f(r)n(efer)n(ences)g(with)g(B)m +Fc(I)r(B)-5 b Fh(T)2283 1903 y(E)2328 1873 y(X)28 b(\(default\)?)h +(This)g(loads)f(the)g Fe(html)109 1986 y Fh(option)21 +b(too.)192 2159 y Fk(\\newif\\if@html)o(bi)o(b)192 2272 +y(\\@htmlbibtrue)192 2385 y(\\DeclareOption)o({h)o(tml)o(bi)o(b})o({\\) +o(@h)o(tm)o(lbi)o(bt)o(ru)o(e\\)o(@h)o(tml)o(tr)o(ue)o(})192 +2498 y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(oht)o(ml)o(bi)o(b})o({\\)o(@h)o(tml)o(bi) +o(bf)o(al)o(se)o(})p -74 2804 334 4 v -76 2917 4 113 +v -24 2883 a Fh(paper)p 258 2917 V -74 2921 334 4 v 109 +3094 a(Pr)n(ovide)32 b(formatting)h(and)f(commands)h(for)f(a)i +(scienti\002c)e(paper?)h(This)f(sets)f(the)h Fe(bib)f +Fh(and)i Fe(html)109 3207 y Fh(options)21 b(too.)192 +3380 y Fk(\\newif\\if@pape)o(r)192 3493 y(\\@paperfalse)192 +3606 y(\\DeclareOption)o({p)o(ape)o(r})o({\\)o(@p)o(ap)o(er)o(tru)o +(e\\)o(@b)o(ib)o(tr)o(ue\\)o(@h)o(tm)o(lt)o(ru)o(e})p +-74 3904 343 4 v -76 4017 4 113 v -24 3984 a Fh(pdf)p +267 4017 V -76 4130 V -24 4096 a(nopdf)p 267 4130 V -74 +4134 343 4 v 109 4306 a(Pr)n(epar)n(e)32 b(\002le)h(for)g(the)f(PDF)g +(format?)i(This)e(loads)h(the)f Fe(hyperref)d Fh(package.)j(This)h +(option)e(is)i(set)109 4419 y(automagically)24 b(by)e(r)o(unning)h +Fe(pdflatex)p Fh(.)192 4591 y Fk(\\newif\\if@pdf)192 +4704 y(\\ifx\\pdfoutput)o(\\u)o(nde)o(fi)o(ne)o(d)301 +4817 y(\\@pdffalse)192 4930 y(\\else)301 5043 y(\\@pdftrue)192 +5156 y(\\fi)192 5269 y(\\DeclareOption)o({p)o(df})o({\\)o(@p)o(df)o(tr) +o(ue)o(})192 5382 y(\\DeclareOption)o({n)o(opd)o(f})o({\\)o(@p)o(df)o +(fa)o(lse)o(})193 5494 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)c +Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)p +eop +%%Page: 8 9 +8 8 bop 109 -62 a Ft(8)2989 b Fq(2)100 b(Options)p 109 +-10 3544 4 v 109 270 a Ff(2.5)120 b(Options)34 b(f)n(or)e(the)i +(hcrepor)r(t)g(c)n(lass)p -74 498 496 4 v -76 611 4 113 +v -24 577 a Fh(openany)p 420 611 V -76 724 V -24 690 +a(openright)p 420 724 V -74 728 496 4 v 109 900 a(Start)22 +b(new)g(chapters)f(always)i(on)g(a)g(right)f(page)g(\(not)g(by)h +(default\)?)193 1030 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)192 1143 y Fk(\\DeclareOption)o({o)o(pen)o(an)o(y})301 +1256 y({\\PassOptionsT)o(oCl)o(as)o(s{)o(\\C)o(ur)o(ren)o(tO)o(pt)o(io) +o(n})o({\\)o(sup)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s})o(})192 1369 y(\\DeclareOption)o +({o)o(pen)o(ri)o(gh)o(t})301 1482 y({\\PassOptionsT)o(oCl)o(as)o(s{)o +(\\C)o(ur)o(ren)o(tO)o(pt)o(io)o(n})o({\\)o(sup)o(er)o(cl)o(as)o(s})o +(})193 1595 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)109 +1875 y Ff(2.6)120 b(Options)34 b(f)n(or)e(the)i(hcslides)i(c)n(lass)p +-74 2104 375 4 v -76 2216 4 113 v -24 2183 a Fh(twotoc)p +298 2216 V -76 2329 V -24 2296 a(onetoc)p 298 2329 V +-74 2333 375 4 v 109 2505 a(Print)22 b(table)h(of)g(contents)e(in)i +(two)f(columns)g(\(r)n(equir)n(es)h(the)f Fe(multicol)d +Fh(package\)?)193 2635 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)192 2748 y Fk(\\newif\\if@twot)o(oc)192 2861 y(\\@twotocfalse)192 +2974 y(\\DeclareOption)o({t)o(wot)o(oc)o(}{)o(\\@)o(tw)o(oto)o(ct)o(ru) +o(e})192 3087 y(\\DeclareOption)o({o)o(net)o(oc)o(}{)o(\\@)o(tw)o(oto)o +(cf)o(al)o(se)o(})193 3200 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)109 3481 y Ff(2.7)120 b(Other)33 b(Options)109 3657 +y Fh(Other)22 b(options)f(ar)n(e)i(ignor)n(ed.)193 3788 +y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(class)q Fm(i)192 3901 y Fk(\\DeclareOption)o(*{)o +(\\Cl)o(as)o(sW)o(ar)o(ni)o(ng{)o(\\t)o(hi)o(sc)o(la)o(ss)o(}\045)355 +4014 y({Unknown)51 b(Option:)h(`\\CurrentOptio)o(n)c('}\045)192 +4127 y(})109 4257 y Fh(Options)22 b(not)g(implemented:)109 +4409 y Fb(scrar)r(tc)n(l,)j(scrlettr)-5 b(,)25 b(scrrepr)r(t:)74 +b Fh(paper)22 b(sizes)g(except)f(a4)j(and)f(letter)e(\(a5paper)-7 +b(,)23 b(b5paper)-7 b(,)23 b(legalpa-)668 4521 y(per)-7 +b(,)22 b(executivepaper)f(...\);)h(oneside,)e(twoside;)109 +4695 y Fb(scrar)r(tc)n(l,)25 b(scrrepr)r(t:)73 b Fh(DIV.)14 +b(.)g(.)g(,)j(DIVcalc,)i(DIVclassic,)h(BCOR;)e(headinclude,)g +(headexclude,)g(foot-)668 4808 y(include,)h(footexclude;)e +(footsepline,)g(footnosepline;)g(bigheadings,)h(normalhead-)668 +4920 y(ings,)37 b(smallheadings;)h(pointednumbers,)d(pointlessnumbers;) +g(abstracton,)j(ab-)668 5033 y(stractof)n(f;)29 b(titlepage,)g +(notitlepage;)f(leqno,)g(\003eqn;)i(openbib;)f(portrait,)f(landscape;) +668 5146 y(draft,)22 b(\002nal;)h(bibtotocnumber)n(ed;)109 +5319 y Fb(scrlettr:)221 b Fh(or)n(gdate;)21 b(wloc\002eld,)h +(sloc\002eld;)109 5492 y Fb(seminar:)179 b Fh(portrait,)16 +b(landscape;)i(article,)g(slidesonly)-10 b(,)15 b(notes,)h(notesonly;)f +(semlayer)-7 b(,)17 b(semcolor)-7 b(.)p eop +%%Page: 9 10 +9 9 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 b(and)f(Envir)n(onments)1993 +b Ft(9)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 109 275 a Fs(3)143 b(Commands)37 +b(and)i(En)-6 b(vir)m(onments)109 531 y Ff(3.1)120 b(Con\002guration)p +-74 781 1381 4 v -76 894 4 113 v -24 861 a Fe(\\defaulttitle{)o +Fg(title)l Fe(})p 1305 894 V -76 1007 V -24 973 a(\\defaultauthor)o({)p +Fg(author)-5 b Fe(})p 1305 1007 V -76 1120 V -24 1086 +a(\\defaultaddres)o(s{)o Fg(addr)n(ess)m Fe(})p 1305 +1120 V -76 1233 V -24 1199 a(\\defaultemail{)o Fg(mail-addr)n(ess)n +Fe(})p 1305 1233 V -76 1346 V -24 1312 a(\\defaulthomepa)o(ge)o({)p +Fg(w)o(ebsite)l Fe(})p 1305 1346 V -74 1349 1381 4 v +109 1521 a Fh(Used)20 b(if)i(no)g(author)f(information)h(is)g +(speci\002ed.)f(They)f(ar)n(e)i(all)i(empty)c(by)i(default.)f(Renew)f +(them)i(in)109 1634 y(one)f(of)i(the)f(con\002g)g(\002les)g(\(see)g +(below\).)p -74 1881 482 4 v -76 1994 4 113 v -24 1960 +a Fe(\\autdiv)p 406 1994 V -74 1997 482 4 v 109 2171 +a Fh(Use)f(instead)h(of)h Fe(\\\\)e Fh(in)j Fe(\\defaultauthor)o +Fh(.)p -74 2417 700 4 v -76 2530 4 113 v -24 2496 a Fe(\\autinfodiv)p +624 2530 V -74 2533 700 4 v 109 2707 a Fh(Use)d(instead)h(of)h +Fe(\\\\)e Fh(in)j Fe(\\defaultaddres)o(s)16 b Fh(etc.)192 +2854 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\d)o(ef)o(aul)o(tt)o(it)o(le)o(}{)o(})192 +2967 y(\\newcommand{\\d)o(ef)o(aul)o(ta)o(ut)o(ho)o(r})o({})192 +3080 y(\\newcommand{\\d)o(ef)o(aul)o(ta)o(dd)o(re)o(ss)o(}{)o(})192 +3192 y(\\newcommand{\\d)o(ef)o(aul)o(te)o(ma)o(il)o(}{)o(})192 +3305 y(\\newcommand{\\d)o(ef)o(aul)o(th)o(om)o(ep)o(ag)o(e})o({})192 +3418 y(\\newcommand{\\c)o(ur)o(ren)o(tt)o(it)o(le)o(}{)o(\\d)o(efa)o +(ul)o(tt)o(it)o(le)o(})192 3531 y(\\newcommand{\\c)o(ur)o(ren)o(ta)o +(ut)o(ho)o(r})o({\\)o(def)o(au)o(lt)o(au)o(th)o(or})192 +3644 y(\\newcommand{\\a)o(ut)o(div)o(}{)o(\\\\)o([-)o(0.)o(4e)o(x]\\)o +(no)o(rm)o(al)o(fo)o(nt\\)o(La)o(rg)o(e})192 3757 y(\\newcommand{\\a)o +(ut)o(inf)o(od)o(iv)o(}{)o(\\\\)o([-)o(1ex)o(]\\)o(no)o(rm)o(al)o(fon)o +(t\\)o(no)o(rm)o(al)o(siz)o(e})192 3870 y(\\ProcessOption)o(s\\)o(rel)o +(ax)193 3983 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(class)q Fm(i)193 4096 +y(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)j Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)192 4209 y Fk(\\if@defhsl)301 4322 y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Cla)o(ss)o +({h)o(ea)o(ds)o(ep)o(lin)o(e})o({\\)o(su)o(pe)o(rcl)o(as)o(s})192 +4434 y(\\fi)109 4581 y Fh(The)27 b Fe(twoside)p Fh(,)d +Fe(pointlessnumber)o(s)p Fh(,)d Fe(liststotoc)p Fh(,)i +Fe(bibtotoc)i Fh(and)i Fe(idxtotoc)e Fh(options)109 4694 +y(ar)n(e)19 b(always)f(used)f(with)i(the)e Fe(hcart)g +Fh(and)h Fe(hcreport)d Fh(classes.)j(The)g Fe(hcletter)d +Fh(class)k(always)g(uses)109 4807 y(the)i Fe(wlocfield)e +Fh(option.)192 4954 y Fk(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Cl)o(ass)o({t)o(wo)o(si)o +(de)o(,p)o(oin)o(tl)o(es)o(sn)o(um)o(ber)o(s,)o(li)o(st)o(st)o(oto)o +(c,)301 5066 y(bibtotoc,idxto)o(toc)o(}{)o(\\s)o(up)o(er)o(cl)o(ass)o +(})193 5179 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)193 5292 y(h)q Fl(hcletter)r Fm(i)q Fk(\\PassOptionsToCl)o(as)o +(s{)o(wl)o(oc)o(fie)o(ld)o(}{)o(\\s)o(up)o(erc)o(la)o(ss)o(})193 +5405 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h +Fm(j)f Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)192 5518 y Fk(\\if@defsize)p +eop +%%Page: 10 11 +10 10 bop 109 -62 a Ft(10)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 301 270 a +Fk(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Cla)o(ss)o({1)o(2p)o(t})o({\\s)o(up)o(er)o(cl)o +(as)o(s})192 383 y(\\fi)193 496 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)193 +609 y(h)r(\003)q Fl(class)q Fm(i)192 722 y Fk(\\if@deflang)301 +835 y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Pac)o(ka)o(ge)o({e)o(ng)o(lis)o(h})o({b)o(ab)o +(el)o(})192 948 y(\\fi)192 1061 y(\\if@defpaper)193 1173 +y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)110 +b Fk(\\PassOptionsToC)o(la)o(ss)o({a)o(4p)o(ape)o(r})o({\\)o(su)o(pe)o +(rcl)o(as)o(s})193 1286 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)g +Fk(\\PassOptionsToCl)o(as)o(s{)o(a4)o(}{\\)o(su)o(pe)o(rc)o(la)o(ss}) +301 1399 y(\\PassOptionsTo)o(Pac)o(ka)o(ge)o({a)o(4p)o(ape)o(r})o({h)o +(yp)o(er)o(re)o(f})192 1512 y(\\fi)192 1625 y(\\LoadClass{\\su)o(pe)o +(rcl)o(as)o(s})109 1820 y Fh(The)22 b(normal)h(spacing)g(is)f(used)f +(after)i(the)f(end)g(of)g(a)h(sentence.)192 2015 y Fk(\\sloppy)192 +2128 y(\\clubpenalty99)o(99)192 2241 y(\\@clubpenalty\\)o(cl)o(ubp)o +(en)o(al)o(ty)192 2353 y(\\widowpenalty9)o(99)o(9)192 +2466 y(\\displaywidowp)o(en)o(alt)o(y1)o(00)o(0)192 2579 +y(\\brokenpenalty)o(10)o(00)192 2692 y(\\frenchspacing)109 +2887 y Fh(The)g(modern)f(font)i(encoding)f(\(T1\))h(and)g(the)f(latin1) +i(input)f(encoding)e(ar)n(e)j(used)d(\(this)i(r)n(equir)n(es)f(the)109 +3000 y Fe(T1)18 b Fh(and)h Fe(latin1)d Fh(packages\).)i(The)h +Fe(ifthen)p Fh(,)d(the)i Fe(babel)f Fh(and)i(the)f Fe(xspace)e +Fh(packages)i(ar)n(e)i(always)109 3113 y(used.)h(The)g +Fe(bib)h Fh(option)f(loads)i(the)f Fe(natbib)e Fh(package.)193 +3308 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)f Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h +Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)q Fk(\\RequirePackage{)o(na)o(tb)o(ib)o(})192 +3421 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e[)o(T1])o({f)o(on)o(te)o(nc)o(})192 +3533 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e[)o(lat)o(in)o(1])o({i)o(np)o(ute)o(nc)o(}) +192 3646 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{)o(ift)o(he)o(n})192 3759 +y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{)o(bab)o(el)o(})192 3872 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{)o +(xsp)o(ac)o(e})109 4067 y Fh(The)27 b(con\002g)h(\002le)g +Fe(hc.cfg)d Fh(is)k(used)d(by)i(all)i(classes.)d(Every)g(class)i(also)f +(uses)f(a)h(con\002g)g(\002le)g(with)g(its)109 4180 y(own)h(name,)h +(e.g.)f(the)h(hcart)g(class)h(uses)e Fe(hcart.cfg)p Fh(.)d(The)j +(settings)f(in)j Fe(hc.cfg)c Fh(may)k(be)f(over)n(-)109 +4293 y(written)21 b(by)i(the)f(class)h(speci\002c)f(con\002g)h +(\002les.)192 4488 y Fk(\\InputIfFileEx)o(is)o(ts{)o(hc)o(.c)o(fg)o(}{) +o(\045)301 4601 y(\\ClassInfo{\\th)o(isc)o(la)o(ss)o(})410 +4713 y({Loading)51 b(configuration)d(file)53 b(hc.cfg}}{\045)301 +4826 y(\\ClassInfo{\\th)o(isc)o(la)o(ss)o(})410 4939 +y({Configuration)48 b(file)53 b(hc.cfg)f(not)h(found}})192 +5052 y(\\InputIfFileEx)o(is)o(ts{)o(\\t)o(hi)o(sc)o(la)o(ss.)o(cf)o(g}) +o({\045)301 5165 y(\\ClassInfo{\\th)o(isc)o(la)o(ss)o(})410 +5278 y({Loading)e(configuration)d(file)53 b(\\thisclass.cfg})o(}{)o +(\045)301 5391 y(\\ClassInfo{\\th)o(isc)o(la)o(ss)o(})410 +5504 y({Configuration)48 b(file)53 b(\\thisclass.cfg)48 +b(not)53 b(found}})p eop +%%Page: 11 12 +11 11 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.2)99 b(General)24 b(Commands)h(and)g(Envir)n +(onments)1501 b Ft(1)-5 b(1)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 109 270 +a Ff(3.2)120 b(General)35 b(Commands)g(and)f(En)-5 b(vir)n(onments)p +-74 542 517 4 v -76 655 4 113 v -24 621 a Fe(\\q{)p Fg(quote)o +Fe(})p 441 655 V -74 658 517 4 v 109 832 a Fh(<)p Fg(quote)p +Fh(>)28 b(is)g(put)f(into)h(quotation)f(marks.)g(May)h(be)g(nested:)d +(A)i(quote)g(inside)g(another)g(quote)g(uses)109 945 +y(inner)22 b(quotation)g(marks.)192 1102 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\n)o(ex)o +(tst)o(ar)o(tq)o(}{)o(`})192 1215 y(\\newcommand{\\n)o(ex)o(ten)o(dq)o +(}{)o('})192 1328 y(\\newcommand{\\o)o(th)o(ers)o(ta)o(rt)o(q})o({`)o +(`})192 1441 y(\\newcommand{\\o)o(th)o(ere)o(nd)o(q})o({')o('})192 +1554 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(mp)o(q}{)o(})192 1667 y(\\newcommand{\\q)o +(}[)o(1]{)o(\\n)o(ex)o(ts)o(ta)o(rt)o(q{})o(\045)301 +1780 y(\\let\\tmpq\\next)o(sta)o(rt)o(q\045)301 1893 +y(\\let\\nextstart)o(q\\o)o(th)o(er)o(st)o(ar)o(tq)o(\045)301 +2006 y(\\let\\otherstar)o(tq\\)o(tm)o(pq)o(\045)301 2118 +y(\\let\\tmpq\\next)o(end)o(q\045)301 2231 y(\\let\\nextendq\\)o(oth)o +(er)o(en)o(dq)o(\045)301 2344 y(\\let\\otherendq)o(\\tm)o(pq)o(\045)301 +2457 y(#1\045)301 2570 y(\\let\\tmpq\\next)o(sta)o(rt)o(q\045)301 +2683 y(\\let\\nextstart)o(q\\o)o(th)o(er)o(st)o(ar)o(tq)o(\045)301 +2796 y(\\let\\otherstar)o(tq\\)o(tm)o(pq)o(\045)301 2909 +y(\\let\\tmpq\\next)o(end)o(q\045)301 3022 y(\\let\\nextendq\\)o(oth)o +(er)o(en)o(dq)o(\045)301 3135 y(\\let\\otherendq)o(\\tm)o(pq)o(\045)301 +3248 y(\\nextendq{}\045)192 3360 y(})p -74 3632 571 4 +v -76 3745 4 113 v -24 3711 a Fe(\\hq{)p Fg(quote)n Fe(})p +495 3745 V -74 3748 571 4 v 109 3922 a Fh(<)p Fg(quote)p +Fh(>)h(is)g(always)g(put)f(into)g(inner)h(\(\223half)5 +b(\224\))25 b(quotation)d(marks.)192 4080 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\h)o(q})o +([1])o({`)o(`#)o(1')o('})p -74 4351 V -76 4464 4 113 +v -24 4430 a Fe(\\fq{)p Fg(quote)n Fe(})p 495 4464 V +-74 4467 571 4 v 109 4641 a Fh(<)p Fg(quote)p Fh(>)h(is)g(always)g(put) +f(into)g(outer)f(\(`full'\))k(quotation)d(marks.)192 +4799 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\f)o(q})o([1])o({`)o(#1)o('})p +-74 5070 623 4 v -76 5183 4 113 v -24 5149 a Fe(\\dash{)p +Fg(text)n Fe(})p 547 5183 V -74 5187 623 4 v 109 5361 +a Fh(<)p Fg(text)q Fh(>)h(is)g(put)e(between)g(dashes.)192 +5518 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\d)o(as)o(h}[)o(1])o({-)o(--)o(#1)o(--)o(-})p +eop +%%Page: 12 13 +12 12 bop 109 -62 a Ft(12)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 191 1969 +4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 a Fe(\\begin{flexlis)o(t})o([)p +Fg(separator)m Fe(]{)p Fg(longest-title)s Fe(})p 1892 +304 V -74 307 1969 4 v 109 481 a Fh(A)e(list)h(envir)n(onment)f +(similar)i(to)e(the)f Fe(description)d Fh(envir)n(onment.)j(All)j +(items)e(ar)n(e)h(indented)d(by)109 594 y(the)g(width)i(of)f(<)p +Fg(longest-title)t Fh(>.)g(The)g(default)h(<)p Fg(separator)s +Fh(>)g(is)f(`:'.)192 747 y Fk(\\newenvironmen)o(t{)o(fle)o(xl)o(is)o +(t})o([2)o(][:)o(])410 860 y({\\begin{list}{})519 973 +y({\\settowidth{\\l)o(ab)o(el)o(wi)o(dth)o(}{)o(\\s)o(ff)o(am)o(il)o +(y\\b)o(fs)o(er)o(ie)o(s)48 b(#2#1)53 b(})574 1086 y(\\setlength{\\le)o +(ft)o(ma)o(rg)o(in})o({\\)o(la)o(be)o(lw)o(id)o(th})574 +1199 y(\\addtolength{\\)o(le)o(ft)o(ma)o(rgi)o(n})o({\\)o(la)o(be)o(ls) +o(ep})574 1312 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\m)o(ak)o(el)o(abe)o(l})o([1)o(]) +683 1425 y({\\sffamily\\bfs)o(er)o(ie)o(s)c(##1#1)j(\\hfill}}})410 +1538 y({\\end{list}})p -74 1800 1420 4 v -76 1913 4 113 +v -24 1879 a Fe(\\begin{widedes)o(c})o([)p Fg(separator)m +Fe(])p 1344 1913 V -74 1916 1420 4 v 109 2090 a Fh(A)22 +b(variation)h(of)f(the)g Fe(flexlist)d Fh(envir)n(onment.)i(All)i +(items)f(ar)n(e)g(indented)f(by)h(the)f(width)h(of)g(a)h(date)109 +2203 y(\(`00.00.0000'\).)j(The)c(default)h(<)p Fg(separator)s +Fh(>)g(is)g(`:'.)192 2356 y Fk(\\newenvironmen)o(t{)o(wid)o(ed)o(es)o +(c})o([1)o(][:)o(])301 2469 y({\\begin{flexli)o(st})o([#)o(1])o({0)o +(0.)o(00.)o(00)o(00)o(}})301 2582 y({\\end{flexlist)o(}})p +-74 2844 733 4 v -76 2957 4 113 v -24 2923 a Fe(\\pcent{)p +Fg(value)m Fe(})p 657 2957 V -74 2961 733 4 v 109 3135 +a Fh(Prints)f(<)p Fg(value)q Fh(>)h(followed)f(by)g(the)g(per)n(cent)g +(symbol)g(\045.)192 3288 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\p)o(ce)o(nt})o([1)o(]{)o +(#1)o(\\,)o(\\\045})p -74 3550 427 4 v -76 3663 4 113 +v -24 3629 a Fe(\\qdots)p 351 3663 V -74 3666 427 4 v +109 3840 a Fh(Prints)g(the)g(scienti\002c)h(omission)f(symbol)g([.)14 +b(.)g(.)g(])o(.)192 3994 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\q)o(do)o(ts})o({\\)o(mb)o +(ox)o({[)o(\\do)o(ts)o(]})o(\\x)o(sp)o(ac)o(e})p -74 +4256 373 4 v -76 4369 4 113 v -24 4335 a Fe(\\phyp)p +296 4369 V -74 4372 373 4 v 109 4546 a Fh(Prints)22 b(a)h(\(part)g(of)f +(a\))i(wor)n(d)e(in)h(par)n(enthesis,)e(ended)f(by)j(a)g(hypen,)e(like) +i(\(love-\)letter)-7 b(.)192 4699 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\p)o(hy)o(p}[)o +(1])301 4812 y({\(#1\\textormat)o(h{\\)o(le)o(av)o(ev)o(mo)o(de\\)o(hb) +o(ox)o({-)o(}})o({-)o(}\)\\)o(hs)o(ki)o(p\\)o(z@)o(ski)o(p})p +-74 5074 427 4 v -76 5187 4 113 v -24 5154 a Fe(\\arrow)p +351 5187 V -74 5191 427 4 v 109 5365 a Fh(Prints)22 b(an)h(arr)n(ow:)g +Fm(!)q Fh(.)192 5518 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\a)o(rr)o(ow})o({\\)o(en)o(su)o +(re)o(mat)o(h{)o(\\r)o(ig)o(ht)o(ar)o(row)o(}\\)o(xs)o(pa)o(ce)o(})p +eop +%%Page: 13 14 +13 13 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.2)99 b(General)24 b(Commands)h(and)g(Envir)n +(onments)1495 b Ft(13)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 174 264 +4 v -76 287 4 113 v -24 253 a Fe(\\f)p 187 287 V -76 +400 V -24 366 a(\\ff)p 187 400 V -74 403 264 4 v 109 +575 a Fh(Print)22 b(the)g(abbr)n(eviations)i(for)f(`the)f(following)h +(page\(s\)')f(\(`f')i(r)n(esp.)d(`f)n(f')j(after)f(a)g(small)h +(space\).)192 736 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\f)o(}{)o(\\,f)o(})192 +849 y(\\newcommand{\\f)o(f})o({\\,)o(ff)o(})p -74 1128 +591 4 v -76 1241 4 113 v -24 1208 a Fe(\\distance)p 515 +1241 V -74 1245 591 4 v 109 1419 a Fh(Starts)d(a)i(new)f(un-indented)f +(paragraph)i(following)g(an)g(empty)e(line.)192 1580 +y Fk(\\newcommand{\\d)o(is)o(tan)o(ce)o(}{)o(\\p)o(ar)o(\\b)o(igs)o(ki) +o(p\\)o(no)o(in)o(den)o(t})p -74 1859 809 4 v -76 1972 +4 113 v -24 1938 a Fe(\\stardistance)p 733 1972 V -74 +1975 809 4 v 109 2149 a Fh(Starts)g(a)i(new)f(un-indented)f(paragraph)i +(following)g(thr)n(ee)e(center)n(ed)h(stars.)192 2310 +y Fk(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ta)o(rdi)o(st)o(an)o(ce)o(})301 +2423 y({\\par\\bigskip{)o(\\ce)o(nt)o(er)o(in)o(g)48 +b(*~~~*~~~*\\par}\\b)o(ig)o(sk)o(ip)o(\\n)o(oin)o(de)o(nt)o(})p +-74 2703 V -76 2815 4 113 v -24 2782 a Fe(\\linedistance)p +733 2815 V -74 2819 809 4 v 109 2993 a Fh(Starts)21 b(a)i(new)f +(un-indented)f(paragraph)i(following)g(an)g(horizontal)g(r)o(ule.)192 +3154 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\l)o(in)o(edi)o(st)o(an)o(ce)o(}{)o(\045)301 +3267 y(\\begin{center})301 3379 y(\\begin{tabular)o(}{p)o({0)o(.3)o +(3\\)o(te)o(xt)o(wid)o(th)o(}})301 3492 y(\\hrule)301 +3605 y(\\end{tabular})301 3718 y(\\end{center})301 3831 +y(\\medskip\\noind)o(ent)o(\045)192 3944 y(})p -74 4224 +624 4 v -76 4336 4 113 v -24 4303 a Fe(\\sig{)p Fg(name)m +Fe(})p 548 4336 V -74 4340 624 4 v 109 4514 a Fh(Prints)f(<)p +Fg(name)p Fh(>)h(as)f(signatur)n(e)g(\(\003ushright)g(in)h(italics\).) +192 4675 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ig)o(}[1)o(]{)o(\\p)o(ar)o({\\)o(ra)o +(gge)o(dl)o(ef)o(t\\)o(em)o(ph{)o(#1)o(}\\)o(pa)o(r})o(})p +-74 4954 678 4 v -76 5067 4 113 v -24 5033 a Fe(\\intro{)p +Fg(text)n Fe(})p 601 5067 V -74 5070 678 4 v 109 5244 +a Fh(<)p Fg(text)q Fh(>)g(is)g(center)n(ed)e(in)i(an)g(extra)f +(paragraph,)g(using)g(a)i(bold)e(font.)g(Followed)g(by)g(some)g(space.) +192 5405 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\i)o(nt)o(ro})o([1)o(]{)o({\\)o(pa)o(r\\)o +(cen)o(te)o(ri)o(ng)o(\\t)o(ext)o(bf)o({#)o(1})o(\\p)o(ar})301 +5518 y(\\medskip\\noind)o(ent)o(\\i)o(gn)o(or)o(es)o(pa)o(ces)o(})p +eop +%%Page: 14 15 +14 14 bop 109 -62 a Ft(14)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 191 623 +4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 a Fe(\\hint{)p Fg(text)n +Fe(})p 547 304 V -74 307 623 4 v 109 481 a Fh(<)p Fg(text)q +Fh(>)e(is)g(center)n(ed)e(in)i(an)g(extra)f(paragraph,)g(using)g(a)i +(lar)n(ge)f(font.)192 621 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\h)o(in)o(t}[)o(1])o({{)o +(\\p)o(ar)o(\\ce)o(nt)o(er)o(in)o(g\\)o(LA)o(RGE)48 b(#1\\par})301 +734 y(\\noindent\\igno)o(res)o(pa)o(ce)o(s})p -74 964 +569 4 v -76 1077 4 113 v -24 1043 a Fe(\\cen{)p Fg(text)o +Fe(})p 492 1077 V -74 1080 569 4 v 109 1254 a Fh(An)22 +b(alternative)h(to)f(the)g Fe(center)e Fh(envir)n(onment)i(using)g +(less)g(space)g(befor)n(e)g(and)h(after)-7 b(.)192 1393 +y Fk(\\newcommand{\\c)o(en)o(}[1)o(])301 1506 y({{\\par\\centeri)o(ng) +48 b(#1\\par}\\noinden)o(t\\)o(ig)o(no)o(res)o(pa)o(ce)o(s})p +-74 1736 896 4 v -76 1849 4 113 v -24 1815 a Fe(\\marginbox{)p +Fg(text)l Fe(})p 820 1849 V -74 1853 896 4 v 109 2026 +a Fh(A)22 b(text)g(in)h(a)g(box,)f(set)g(out)f(into)i(the)f(mar)n(gin.) +h(Lines)f(ar)n(e)h(divided)f(by)g Fe(\\\\)p Fh(.)192 +2166 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\m)o(ar)o(gin)o(bo)o(x})o([1)o(]\045)301 +2279 y({\\par\\small\\ad)o(dvs)o(pa)o(ce)o({4)o(.5)o(ex)48 +b(plus)53 b(1ex}\045)355 2392 y(\\vskip)f(-\\parskip)193 +2505 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcletter)h Fm(j)f +Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)165 b Fk(\\noindent\\hspac)o(e{)o(-.)o(75)o +(\\le)o(ft)o(ma)o(rg)o(in)o(i}\045)193 2618 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)g Fk(\\noindent)355 2731 y(\\begin{tabular}{)o(|l)o +(|})o(\\h)o(li)o(ne\\)o(ig)o(no)o(re)o(sp)o(ac)o(es)355 +2844 y(#1)355 2957 y(\\\\\\hline\\end{tab)o(ul)o(ar)o(}\\)o(no)o(bre)o +(ak)o(\\p)o(ar)o(\\n)o(ob)o(rea)o(k)355 3069 y(\\vspace{2.3ex}\\v)o(sk) +o(ip)48 b(-\\parskip\\noin)o(de)o(nt\\)o(ig)o(no)o(re)o(sp)o(ace)o(s})p +-74 3299 809 4 v -76 3412 4 113 v -24 3378 a Fe(\\rightaddress)p +733 3412 V -74 3416 809 4 v 109 3590 a Fh(Like)17 b(the)g +Fe(\\verse)f Fh(envir)n(onment,)h(but)h(moved)f(to)h(the)f(right)h(as)g +(far)h(as)f(possible.)f(Lines)g(ar)n(e)i(divided)109 +3702 y(by)j Fe(\\\\)p Fh(.)192 3842 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\r)o(ig)o(hta)o +(dd)o(re)o(ss)o(}[)o(1]{)o(\045)301 3955 y(\\par\\medskip)301 +4068 y({\\raggedleft)49 b(\\begin{tabular})o({l)o(}\\)o(ig)o(no)o(re)o +(spa)o(ce)o(s)301 4181 y(#1)301 4294 y(\\end{tabular})301 +4407 y(\\medskip\\par}\\)o(noi)o(nd)o(en)o(t\\)o(ig)o(nor)o(es)o(pa)o +(ce)o(s\045)192 4520 y(})p -74 4750 700 4 v -76 4862 +4 113 v -24 4829 a Fe(\\shorttoday)p 624 4862 V -74 4866 +700 4 v 109 5040 a Fh(Prints)22 b(the)g(short)f(form)i(\(YY/MM/DD\))g +(of)g(the)f(curr)n(ent)g(date)g(\()p Fe(\\today)p Fh(\).)192 +5179 y Fk(\\newcounter{sh)o(or)o(tye)o(ar)o(})192 5292 +y(\\setcounter{sh)o(or)o(tye)o(ar)o(}{)o(\\t)o(he)o(\\ye)o(ar)o(})192 +5405 y(\\addtocounter{)o(sh)o(ort)o(ye)o(ar)o(}{)o(-1)o(900)o(})192 +5518 y(\\whiledo{\\thes)o(ho)o(rty)o(ea)o(r>)o(99)o(}{)o(\\ad)o(dt)o +(oc)o(ou)o(nt)o(er)o({sh)o(or)o(ty)o(ea)o(r})o({-1)o(00)o(}})p +eop +%%Page: 15 16 +15 15 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.2)99 b(General)24 b(Commands)h(and)g(Envir)n +(onments)1495 b Ft(15)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 192 270 a Fk(\\newcommand{\\s) +o(ho)o(rtt)o(od)o(ay)o(})301 383 y({\\two@digits{\\)o(the)o(sh)o(or)o +(ty)o(ea)o(r})o(/\\t)o(he)o(\\m)o(on)o(th)o(/\\t)o(he)o(\\d)o(ay)o(\\x) +o(spa)o(ce)o(})p -74 665 864 4 v -76 777 4 113 v -24 +744 a Fe(\\begin{dialog})p 787 777 V -74 781 864 4 v +109 955 a Fh(An)27 b(envir)n(onment)g(for)g(dialogues)f(and)i(scr)n +(eenplay-like)f(scenes.)e(Use)h(the)h Fe(\\newspeaker)22 +b Fh(com-)109 1068 y(mand)h(to)f(make)g(the)g(persons)e(you)i(want)h +(to)f(use)f(in)i(the)f(dialogues.)192 1229 y Fk(\\newenvironmen)o(t{)o +(dia)o(lo)o(g})301 1342 y({\\begin{flexli)o(st})o([\\)o(no)o(rm)o(al)o +(fo)o(nt\\)o(em)o(ph)o({:)o(}])o({i})464 1455 y(\\setlength{\\item)o +(se)o(p})o({0)o(ex)o(}})301 1568 y({\\end{flexlist)o(}})192 +1681 y(\\makeatletter)p -74 1963 2055 4 v -76 2075 4 +113 v -24 2042 a Fe(\\newspeaker{)p Fg(command-name)-5 +b Fe(}{)p Fg(speaker)s(')g(s-name)s Fe(})p 1978 2075 +V -74 2079 2055 4 v 109 2253 a Fh(Pr)n(oduces)26 b(the)h(command)h(<)p +Fg(command-name)q Fh(>)g(to)f(mark)h(the)f(speeches)f(of)h(<)p +Fg(speaker)s(')-5 b(s-name)t Fh(>)28 b(in)h(a)109 2366 +y(dialogue.)22 b(<)p Fg(command-name)p Fh(>)h(must)f(begin)g(with)h(a)g +(backslash,)g(like)g(all)h(commands.)109 2479 y(Then)18 +b(the)h(command)h(<)p Fg(command-name)p Fh(>)g(may)g(be)f(called)h(in)g +(a)g Fe(dialog)d Fh(envir)n(onment)i(as)g(follows:)109 +2591 y Fe(command-name\\o)o(ar)o(g{)o(opt)o(io)o(na)o(l-)o(ex)o(pla)o +(na)o(ti)o(on)o(}\\)o(arg)o({s)o(pe)o(ec)o(h-)o(con)o(tr)o(ib)o(ut)o +(io)o(n})192 2753 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\n)o(ew)o(spe)o(ak)o(er)o(}[)o(2]) +o({\\)o(new)o(co)o(mm)o(an)o(d{)o(#1})o([2)o(][)o(])301 +2866 y({\\item[\\normal)o(fon)o(t\\)o(em)o(ph)o({#)o(2\\)o(ift)o(he)o +(ne)o(ls)o(e{)o(\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(##)o(1})o({}})464 2979 +y({}{)54 b(\(##1\)}}])d(##2}})p -74 3261 1500 4 v -76 +3373 4 113 v -24 3340 a Fe(\\enge{)p Fg(English)20 b(text)r +Fe(}{)p Fg(German)i(text)q Fe(})p 1424 3373 V -74 3377 +1500 4 v 109 3551 a Fh(Prints)g Fe({)p Fg(English)h(text)q +Fe(})p Fh(.)f(W)-5 b(ith)23 b(the)f Fe(german)e Fh(option,)h(<)p +Fg(German)i(text)q Fh(>)g(is)g(printed)e(instead.)192 +3712 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\e)o(ng)o(e}[)o(2])o({#)o(1})109 +3874 y Fh(Some)h(language)g(speci\002c)h(texts.)192 4036 +y Fk(\\newcommand{\\v)o(er)o(sio)o(nt)o(ex)o(t})o({V)o(er)o(sio)o(n)48 +b(date:})192 4149 y(\\newcommand{\\o)o(nl)o(ine)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(On)o +(li)o(ne:)o(})192 4262 y(\\newcommand{\\a)o(cc)o(ess)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o +(Ac)o(ce)o(ss)g(date:})192 4375 y(\\newcommand{\\c)o(ft)o(ext)o(}{)o +(cf)o(.})192 4488 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ib)o(vol)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(of)o +(})192 4601 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(vt)o(ext)o(}{)o(vo)o(l.)o(})192 +4713 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ib)o(dir)o(}{)o(Di)o(re)o(ct)o(or)g(})192 +4826 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ib)o(mov)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(Mo)o(vi)o(e})192 +4939 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ib)o(act)o(or)o(sb)o(ef)o(or)o(e})o({Wi)o(th) +o(})192 5052 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ib)o(act)o(or)o(sa)o(ft)o(er)o(}{)o +(et~)o(al)o(})192 5165 y(\\newcommand{\\n)o(oy)o(ear)o(}{)o(n.)o(d.)o +(})192 5278 y(\\newcommand{\\n)o(oa)o(ddr)o(es)o(s})o({n)o(.p)o(.})192 +5391 y(\\newcommand{\\o)o(th)o(era)o(bs)o(tr)o(ac)o(tn)o(am)o(e}{)o(Zu) +o(sa)o(mm)o(en)o(fas)o(su)o(ng)o(})192 5504 y(\\newcommand{\\k)o(ey)o +(wor)o(ds)o(na)o(me)o(}{)o(Ke)o(ywo)o(rd)o(s})p eop +%%Page: 16 17 +16 16 bop 109 -62 a Ft(16)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 109 270 a +Fr(3.2.1)100 b(The)28 b(palatino)f(option)192 448 y Fk(\\if@palatino) +301 561 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{p)o(al)o(at)o(in)o(o})301 +674 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{m)o(at)o(hp)o(pl)o(e})192 787 +y(\\fi)109 962 y Fr(3.2.2)100 b(The)28 b(ding)f(option)192 +1140 y Fk(\\if@ding)355 1253 y(\\RequirePackage{)o(pi)o(fo)o(nt)o(})p +-74 1484 373 4 v -76 1597 4 113 v -24 1563 a Fe(\\tick)p +296 1597 V -74 1600 373 4 v 109 1774 a Fh(Prints)22 b(a)h(tick.)355 +1888 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\tic)o(k})o({\\)o(di)o(ng)o({52)o(}})p +-74 2120 427 4 v -76 2233 4 113 v -24 2199 a Fe(\\cross)p +351 2233 V -74 2236 427 4 v 109 2410 a Fh(Prints)f(a)h(cr)n(oss.)355 +2524 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\cro)o(ss)o(}{)o(\\d)o(in)o(g{5)o(6})o(})p +-74 2755 591 4 v -76 2868 4 113 v -24 2834 a Fe(\\checkbox)p +515 2868 V -74 2872 591 4 v 109 3046 a Fh(Prints)f(a)h(checkbox.)355 +3160 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\che)o(ck)o(bo)o(x})o({\\)o(din)o(g{)o(11)o(4}) +o(})p -74 3391 973 4 v -76 3504 4 113 v -24 3470 a Fe(\\begin{ticklis)o +(t})p 896 3504 V -74 3507 973 4 v 109 3681 a Fh(A)f(item)h(envir)n +(onment)f(which)h(uses)e(a)i(tick)g(as)g(label)h(\(e.g.)d(for)i(lists)f +(of)h(do's\).)355 3795 y Fk(\\newenvironment{)o(ti)o(ck)o(li)o(st)o(}) +410 3908 y({\\begin{dinglis)o(t})o({5)o(2})o(}{)o(\\en)o(d{)o(di)o(ng)o +(li)o(st)o(}})p -74 4140 1027 4 v -76 4252 4 113 v -24 +4219 a Fe(\\begin{crossli)o(st)o(})p 951 4252 V -74 4256 +1027 4 v 109 4430 a Fh(A)f(item)h(envir)n(onment)f(which)h(uses)e(a)i +(cr)n(oss)g(as)f(label)i(\(e.g.)e(for)g(lists)h(of)f(don't\).)355 +4544 y Fk(\\newenvironment{)o(cr)o(os)o(sl)o(is)o(t})410 +4657 y({\\begin{dinglis)o(t})o({5)o(6})o(}{)o(\\en)o(d{)o(di)o(ng)o(li) +o(st)o(}})p -74 4888 V -76 5001 4 113 v -24 4967 a Fe(\\begin{checkli)o +(st)o(})p 951 5001 V -74 5004 1027 4 v 109 5178 a Fh(A)g(item)h(envir)n +(onment)f(which)h(uses)e(a)i(checkbox)g(as)f(label)i(\(e.g.)e(for)g +(check)h(lists\).)355 5292 y Fk(\\newenvironment{)o(ch)o(ec)o(kl)o(is)o +(t})410 5405 y({\\begin{dinglis)o(t})o({1)o(14)o(}})o({\\e)o(nd)o({d)o +(in)o(gl)o(is)o(t}})192 5518 y(\\fi)p eop +%%Page: 17 18 +17 17 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.2)99 b(General)24 b(Commands)h(and)g(Envir)n +(onments)1495 b Ft(17)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 109 270 a Fr(3.2.3)100 +b(The)28 b(eur)n(o)f(option)p -74 518 209 4 v -76 631 +4 113 v -24 598 a Fe(\\E)p 133 631 V -74 635 209 4 v +109 809 a Fh(Prints)22 b(the)g(Eur)n(o)g(symbol)29 b +Fd(C)p 1055 771 53 2 v 1055 784 48 2 v -1 w Fh(.)p -74 +1057 570 4 v -76 1170 4 113 v -24 1136 a Fe(\\Es{)p Fg(value)o +Fe(})p 493 1170 V -74 1173 570 4 v 109 1347 a Fh(Prints)22 +b(the)g(Eur)n(o)g(symbol)g(followed)g(by)h(<)p Fg(value)q +Fh(>.)192 1495 y Fk(\\if@euro)355 1608 y(\\RequirePackage[)o(ri)o(gh)o +(t,)o(no)o(te)o(xtc)o(om)o(p])o({e)o(ur)o(ofo)o(nt)o(})355 +1720 y(\\newcommand{\\E}{)o(\\t)o(ex)o(ts)o(f{)o(\\m)o(ake)o(fa)o(ke)o +(li)o(gh)o(teu)o(ro)o(}\\)o(xs)o(pa)o(ce})355 1833 y +(\\newcommand{\\Es})o([1)o(]{)o(\\E)o(\\n)o(ob)o(rea)o(k\\)o(,#)o(1}) +192 1946 y(\\fi)109 2232 y Fr(3.2.4)100 b(The)28 b(fanc)o(yref)h +(option)109 2418 y Fh(Loads)j(the)h Fe(fancyref)e Fh(package)i(which)i +(pr)n(ovides)e(the)g(command)h Fe(\\fref{)p Fg(pr)n(e\002x:labelname)q +Fe(})p Fh(.)109 2531 y(This)25 b(prints)g(not)g(only)h(the)f(number)-7 +b(,)26 b(but)f(also)i(the)e(type)f(of)i(a)g(r)n(efer)n(ence.)f(The)g +(following)i(pr)n(e\002xes)109 2644 y(\(types\))d(ar)n(e)i(r)n +(ecognized:)f Fe(chap)f Fh(\(Chapter\),)h Fe(sec)g Fh(\(Section\),)g +Fe(eq)g Fh(\(Equation\),)h Fe(fig)e Fh(\(Figur)n(e\),)h +Fe(tab)109 2757 y Fh(\(T)-8 b(able\),)30 b Fe(enum)e +Fh(\(Enumeration\),)h Fe(fn)g Fh(\(Footnote\).)e(At)i(the)g(beginning)h +(of)f(a)i(sentence)d(use)g Fe(\\Fref)109 2870 y Fh(instead,)21 +b(which)i(gives)g(upper)n(-case)e(output)g(\(in)j(German)f(documents)e +(ther)n(e)g(is)i(no)f(dif)n(fer)n(ence\).)192 3017 y +Fk(\\if@fancyref)301 3130 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{f)o(an)o(cy)o(re)o(f}) +192 3243 y(\\fi)p -74 3492 749 4 v -76 3604 4 113 v -24 +3571 a Fe(\\see{)p Fg(r)n(efer)n(ence)p Fe(})p 673 3604 +V -74 3608 749 4 v 109 3782 a Fh(Prints)g(`see)f(<)p +Fg(r)n(efer)n(ence)s Fh(>')i(in)g(a)h(footnote,)c(using)i(the)g +Fe(\\fref)e Fh(command)j(to)f(print)h(<)p Fg(r)n(efer)n(ence)r +Fh(>.)192 3929 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ee)o(tex)o(t})o({s)o(ee)o(})192 +4042 y(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ee)o(}[1)o(]{)o(\\f)o(oo)o(tn)o(ot)o(e{\\)o +(se)o(et)o(ex)o(t\\)48 b(\\fref{#1}}})109 4328 y Fr(3.2.5)100 +b(The)28 b(html)f(option)p -74 4577 1198 4 v -76 4689 +4 113 v -24 4656 a Fe(\\htlink{)p Fg(linked)20 b(text)q +Fe(}{)p Fg(url)p Fe(})p 1121 4689 V -74 4693 1198 4 v +109 4867 a Fh(Prints)k(<)p Fg(linked)h(text)q Fh(>)h(followed)e(by)i +(the)e(<)p Fg(url)p Fh(>.)i(W)-5 b(ith)25 b(the)g Fe(paper)e +Fh(option,)h(a)i(footnote)d(is)j(used.)d(In)109 4980 +y(the)e(HTML)h(version)g(<)p Fg(linked)i(text)r Fh(>)e(becomes)g(an)h +(active)h(link)f(to)f(<)p Fg(url)p Fh(>.)p -74 5228 648 +4 v -76 5341 4 113 v -24 5307 a Fe(\\hturl{)p Fg(url)m +Fe(})p 571 5341 V -74 5344 648 4 v 109 5518 a Fh(Prints)g(<)p +Fg(url)p Fh(>)h(nice)g(and)f(makes)h(it)f(an)h(active)h(link)f(in)g +(the)f(HTML)g(version.)p eop +%%Page: 18 19 +18 18 bop 109 -62 a Ft(18)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 191 1009 +4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 a Fe(\\htmail{)p Fg(mail-adr)n(ess)o +Fe(})p 932 304 V -74 307 1009 4 v 109 481 a Fh(Prints)d(<)p +Fg(mail-adr)n(ess)s Fh(>)h(nice)g(and)g(makes)f(it)h(an)g(active)g +(email)h(link)f(in)g(the)f(HTML)g(version.)192 633 y +Fk(\\if@html)193 746 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(class)q Fm(i)193 +859 y(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)301 972 y Fk(\\newcounter{pa)o(rt}) +301 1085 y(\\newcounter{se)o(cti)o(on)o(})301 1198 y(\\newcounter{su)o +(bse)o(ct)o(io)o(n})301 1311 y(\\newcounter{su)o(bsu)o(bs)o(ec)o(ti)o +(on)o(})301 1424 y(\\newcounter{pa)o(rag)o(ra)o(ph)o(})301 +1537 y(\\newcommand{\\p)o(art)o(}{)o(})301 1650 y(\\newcommand{\\s)o +(ect)o(io)o(n})o({})301 1762 y(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ubs)o(ec)o(ti)o(on)o +(}{)o(})301 1875 y(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ubs)o(ub)o(se)o(ct)o(io)o(n}{)o +(})301 1988 y(\\newcommand{\\p)o(ara)o(gr)o(ap)o(h})o({})301 +2101 y(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ubp)o(ar)o(ag)o(ra)o(ph)o(}{})301 +2214 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{h)o(tm)o(l})301 2327 y(\\newcommand{\\h)o +(tli)o(nk)o(}[)o(2])410 2440 y({{\\htmladdnorma)o(ll)o(in)o(k{)o(#1)48 +b(\\texttt{<#2>}}{)o(#2)o(}})o(})193 2553 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q +Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)193 2666 y(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)301 +2779 y Fk(\\RequirePackag)o(e{h)o(tm)o(l})301 2892 y(\\if@paper)410 +3004 y(\\newcommand{\\ht)o(li)o(nk)o(}[)o(2])519 3117 +y({\\htmladdnormal)o(li)o(nk)o({#)o(1}{)o(#2)o(}\045)574 +3230 y(\\footnote{\\htm)o(la)o(dd)o(no)o(rma)o(ll)o(in)o(k{)o(\\t)o(ex) +o(ttt)o({#)o(2})o(}{)o(#2)o(}}})301 3343 y(\\else)410 +3456 y(\\newcommand{\\ht)o(li)o(nk)o(}[)o(2])519 3569 +y({{\\htmladdnorma)o(ll)o(in)o(k{)o(#1)48 b(\\texttt{<#2>}}{)o(#2)o(}}) +o(})301 3682 y(\\fi)193 3795 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)193 +3908 y(h)r(\003)q Fl(class)q Fm(i)301 4021 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\h)o(tur) +o(l})o([1)o(])410 4134 y({{\\htmladdnorma)o(ll)o(in)o(k{)o(\\t)o(ext)o +(tt)o({#)o(1})o(}{)o(#1)o(}}})301 4246 y(\\newcommand{\\h)o(tma)o(il)o +(}[)o(1])410 4359 y({{\\htmladdnorma)o(ll)o(in)o(k{)o(\\t)o(ext)o(tt)o +({#)o(1})o(}{)o(ma)o(ilt)o(o:)o(#1)o(}})o(})192 4472 +y(\\fi)193 4585 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(class)q Fm(i)109 4913 +y Ff(3.3)120 b(Commands)36 b(and)d(En)-5 b(vir)n(onments)35 +b(f)n(or)d(the)h(hcar)r(t)h(and)g(hcrepor)r(t)394 5063 +y(c)n(lasses)109 5253 y Fh(The)26 b(default)g(depth)f(of)i(section)f +(numbering)g(and)h(table)g(of)g(contents)e(is)i(thr)n(ee.)e +Fe(headings)e Fh(is)k(the)109 5366 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+(id)o(th)o(}\045)519 1173 y({\\raggedleft\\st)o(ru)o(t\\)o(le)o(ft)o +(mar)o(k})o(}})o(\045)410 1286 y(\\if@hsl)g(\\vskip)h(1.5\\p@)g +(\\hrule)g(\\fi}})301 1399 y(\\def\\@oddhead{)o(\\se)o(tt)o(ow)o(id)o +(th)o({\\)o(rig)o(ht)o(ma)o(rk)o(le)o(ngt)o(h})o({\\)o(ri)o(gh)o(tma)o +(rk)o(}\045)355 1512 y(\\vbox{\\hsize=\\te)o(xt)o(wi)o(dt)o(h)410 +1625 y(\\hb@xt@)f(\\textwidth{{\\he)o(ad)o(fon)o(t\\)o(tr)o(un)o(ca)o +(te{)o(0.)o(92)o(\\t)o(ex)o(twi)o(dt)o(h})o(\045)519 +1738 y({\\strut\\ifthene)o(ls)o(e{)o(\\l)o(en)o(gth)o(te)o(st)o({\\)o +(ri)o(ght)o(ma)o(rk)o(le)o(ng)o(th=)o(0e)o(m})o(}\045)574 +1851 y({\\leftmark{}}{)o(\\r)o(ig)o(ht)o(ma)o(rk{)o(}})o(\045)574 +1964 y(\\hfil}\\hfil\\pn)o(um)o(fo)o(nt)o(\\t)o(hep)o(ag)o(e})o(}\045) +410 2077 y(\\if@hsl)g(\\vskip)h(1.5\\p@)g(\\hrule)g(\\fi}})301 +2190 y(\\def\\@evenfoot)o({\\v)o(bo)o(x{)o(\\h)o(si)o(ze)o(=\\t)o(ex)o +(tw)o(id)o(th)410 2303 y(\\if@fsl)f(\\hrule)h(\\vskip)g(3\\p@)h(\\fi) +410 2415 y(\\hb@xt@)e(\\textwidth{{\\pn)o(um)o(fon)o(t\\)o(hf)o(il)o +(}})o(}}\045)301 2528 y(\\def\\@oddfoot{)o(\\vb)o(ox)o({\\)o(hs)o(iz)o +(e=)o(\\te)o(xt)o(wi)o(dt)o(h)410 2641 y(\\if@fsl)g(\\hrule)h(\\vskip)g +(3\\p@)h(\\fi)410 2754 y(\\hb@xt@)e(\\textwidth{{\\pn)o(um)o(fon)o(t\\) +o(hf)o(il)o(}})o(}}\045)193 2867 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)110 b Fk(\\def\\chapterma)o(rk)o(##1)o({\045)193 +2980 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)164 b Fk(\\markboth)51 +b({\\ifnum)g(\\c@secnumdepth)d(>\\m@ne)193 3093 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)437 b Fk(\\chaptermarkfor)o(ma)o(t\\)o(fi)193 +3206 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)g Fk(##1}{}}\045)193 +3319 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)110 b Fk(\\def\\sectionma)o(rk)o +(##1)o({\045)193 3432 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)219 +b Fk(\\markright)50 b({\\ifnum)h(\\c@secnumdepth)d(>\\z@)193 +3545 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)437 b Fk(\\sectionmarkfor)o(ma)o +(t\\)o(fi)193 3657 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)g +Fk(##1}}})193 3770 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)110 b +Fk(\\def\\sectionmar)o(k#)o(#1)o({\045)193 3883 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)165 b Fk(\\markboth)50 b({\\ifnum)h(\\c@secnumdepth) +e(>\\z@\045)193 3996 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)219 +b Fk(\\sectionmarkfor)o(ma)o(t\\)o(fi)48 b(##1}{}})193 +4109 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)110 b Fk(\\def\\subsection)o(ma)o(rk)o +(##)o(1{\045)193 4222 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)165 +b Fk(\\markright)50 b({\\ifnum)h(\\c@secnumdepth)d(>\\@ne\045)193 +4335 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\subsectionmark)o(fo)o(rm)o +(at\\)o(fi)48 b(##1}}})192 4448 y(\\pagestyle{hea)o(di)o(ngs)o(})109 +4727 y Fr(3.3.1)100 b(The)28 b(hcarea)h(option)192 4907 +y Fk(\\if@hcarea)301 5020 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{t)o(yp)o(ea)o(re)o(a}) +301 5133 y(\\areaset[15mm])o({15)o(0m)o(m})o({2)o(40)o(mm)o(})192 +5246 y(\\fi)109 5430 y Fr(3.3.2)100 b(The)28 b(hcf)n(ootnotes)g(option) +p eop +%%Page: 20 21 +20 20 bop 109 -62 a Ft(20)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 192 270 a +Fk(\\if@hcfootnote)o(s)301 383 y(\\deffootnote{1)o(em})o({0)o(.5)o(em)o +(})410 496 y({\\textsuperscri)o(pt)o({\\)o(no)o(rm)o(alf)o(on)o(t\\)o +(th)o(ef)o(oo)o(tno)o(te)o(ma)o(rk)o(}\\)o(,})192 609 +y(\\fi)109 788 y Fr(3.3.3)100 b(The)28 b(ma)o(gazine)f(option)p +-74 1024 1065 4 v -76 1137 4 113 v -24 1103 a Fe(\\articletitle{)o +Fg(title)l Fe(})p 988 1137 V -74 1140 1065 4 v 109 1314 +a Fh(Prints)22 b(the)g(article)h(<)p Fg(title)r Fh(>.)p +-74 1550 1430 4 v -76 1663 4 113 v -24 1629 a Fe(\\subjecttitle{)o +Fg(subject)-5 b Fe(}{)p Fg(title)q Fe(})p 1353 1663 V +-74 1667 1430 4 v 109 1841 a Fh(Prints)22 b(befor)n(e)g(the)g(article)h +(<)p Fg(title)r Fh(>)g(the)f(<)p Fg(subject)q Fh(>)g(in)h(a)h(smaller)f +(font.)p -74 2077 V -76 2190 4 113 v -24 2156 a Fe(\\titlesubject{)o +Fg(title)l Fe(}{)p Fg(subject)p Fe(})p 1353 2190 V -74 +2193 1430 4 v 109 2367 a Fh(Prints)f(after)g(the)g(article)i(<)p +Fg(title)q Fh(>)f(the)f(<)p Fg(subject)q Fh(>)h(in)g(a)g(smaller)g +(font.)p -74 2603 1315 4 v -76 2716 4 113 v -24 2682 +a Fe(\\articlesectio)o(n{)o Fg(heading)l Fe(})p 1239 +2716 V -74 2719 1315 4 v 109 2893 a Fh(Prints)f(a)h(heading)f(within)h +(an)g(article)h(\(actually)-10 b(,)23 b(a)h Fe(\\subsection*)p +Fh(\).)p -74 3130 1412 4 v -76 3242 4 113 v -24 3209 +a Fe(\\begin{art}[)p Fg(signatur)n(e)l Fe(]{)p Fg(title)q +Fe(})p 1335 3242 V -74 3246 1412 4 v 109 3420 a Fh(A)31 +b(magazine)i(article)g(set)d(in)i(two)f(columns)h(with)g(a)g(<)p +Fg(title)q Fh(>)g(\(using)g Fe(\\articletitle)p Fh(\))26 +b(and)32 b(an)109 3533 y(optional)22 b(<)p Fg(signatur)n(e)r +Fh(>)h(\(using)f Fe(\\sig)p Fh(\).)f(Requir)n(es)h(the)g +Fe(multicol)d Fh(package.)p -74 3769 2104 4 v -76 3882 +4 113 v -24 3848 a Fe(\\begin{artsubt)o(it)o(}[)o Fg(signatur)n(e)l +Fe(]{)p Fg(subject)p Fe(}{)p Fg(title)q Fe(})p 2028 3882 +V -74 3885 2104 4 v 109 4059 a Fh(Like)i(the)h Fe(art)g +Fh(envir)n(onment,)g(but)g(uses)f Fe(\\subjecttitle)c +Fh(instead)22 b(of)g Fe(\\articletitle)p Fh(.)p -74 4295 +V -76 4408 4 113 v -24 4374 a Fe(\\begin{arttits)o(ub)o(}[)o +Fg(signatur)n(e)l Fe(]{)p Fg(title)q Fe(}{)p Fg(subject)p +Fe(})p 2028 4408 V -74 4411 2104 4 v 109 4585 a Fh(Like)f(the)h +Fe(art)g Fh(envir)n(onment,)g(but)g(uses)f Fe(\\titlesubject)c +Fh(instead)22 b(of)g Fe(\\articletitle)p Fh(.)192 4728 +y Fk(\\if@magazine)301 4841 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{m)o(ul)o(ti)o(co)o +(l})301 4954 y(\\newcommand{\\a)o(rti)o(cl)o(et)o(it)o(le)o(}[1)o(])410 +5066 y({\\addsec[#1]{\\L)o(AR)o(GE)48 b(#1}})301 5179 +y(\\newcommand{\\s)o(ubj)o(ec)o(tt)o(it)o(le)o(}[2)o(])410 +5292 y({\\addsec[#2]{{\\)o(la)o(rg)o(e)g(#1}\\\\{\\LARGE)h(#2}}})301 +5405 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(itl)o(es)o(ub)o(je)o(ct)o(}[2)o(])410 +5518 y({\\addsec[#1]{{\\)o(LA)o(RG)o(E)f(#1}\\\\{\\large)h(#2}}})p +eop +%%Page: 21 22 +21 21 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.4)99 b(Commands)23 b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)i +(for)f(the)g(hcart,)g(hcr)n(eport)h(and)e(hcslides)17 +b(.)e(.)g(.)198 b Ft(21)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 301 270 a +Fk(\\newcommand{\\a)o(rti)o(cl)o(es)o(ec)o(ti)o(on)o(}[1)o(]{)o(\\s)o +(ub)o(se)o(cti)o(on)o(*{)o(#1)o(}})301 383 y(\\newcommand{\\c)o(urr)o +(en)o(ts)o(ig)o(}{)o(})301 496 y(\\newenvironmen)o(t{@)o(ar)o(t})o([2)o +(][)o(]{)o(\045)410 609 y(\\begin{multicol)o(s})o({2)o(}[)o(#2)o(])410 +722 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(ts)o(ig)o(}{#)o(1})o(\045)301 +835 y(}{\045)410 948 y(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(\\c)o(ur)o(re)o +(nts)o(ig)o(}{)o(}})519 1061 y({})519 1173 y({\\sig{\\currents)o(ig)o +(}})410 1286 y(\\end{multicols})o(\045)301 1399 y(})301 +1512 y(\\newenvironmen)o(t{a)o(rt)o(}[)o(2])o([])410 +1625 y({\\begin{@art}[#)o(1])o({\\)o(ar)o(ti)o(cl)o(eti)o(tl)o(e{)o(#2) +o(}})o(}{\\)o(en)o(d{)o(@a)o(rt)o(}})301 1738 y(\\newenvironmen)o(t{a)o +(rt)o(su)o(bt)o(it)o(}[)o(3][)o(])410 1851 y({\\begin{@art}[#)o(1])o +({\\)o(su)o(bj)o(ec)o(tti)o(tl)o(e{)o(#2)o(}{)o(#3})o(}})o({\\)o(en)o +(d{)o(@ar)o(t})o(})301 1964 y(\\newenvironmen)o(t{a)o(rt)o(ti)o(ts)o +(ub)o(}[)o(3][)o(])410 2077 y({\\begin{@art}[#)o(1])o({\\)o(ti)o(tl)o +(es)o(ubj)o(ec)o(t{)o(#2)o(}{)o(#3})o(}})o({\\)o(en)o(d{)o(@ar)o(t})o +(})192 2190 y(\\fi)109 2450 y Fr(3.3.4)100 b(The)28 b(par)o(skip)f +(option)192 2627 y Fk(\\if@parskip)301 2740 y(\\setlength\\par)o(ski)o +(p{)o(\\m)o(ed)o(sk)o(ip)o(amo)o(un)o(t})301 2852 y(\\setlength\\par)o +(ind)o(en)o(t{)o(0p)o(t})192 2965 y(\\fi)109 3136 y Fr(3.3.5)100 +b(The)28 b(wide)f(option)192 3313 y Fk(\\if@wide)301 +3426 y(\\linespread{1.)o(3})192 3539 y(\\fi)193 3652 +y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)109 3852 y Ff(3.4)120 b(Commands)36 b(and)d(En)-5 +b(vir)n(onments)35 b(f)n(or)d(the)h(hcar)r(t,)i(hcrepor)r(t)e(and)394 +4001 y(hcslides)j(c)n(lasses)109 4186 y Fr(3.4.1)100 +b(The)28 b(bib)f(option)109 4363 y Fh(W)-5 b(ith)19 b(the)g +Fe(fnbib)f Fh(option)h(\(default\),)g(the)g Fe(\\cite)f +Fh(and)i Fe(\\citet)d Fh(and)i Fe(\\cite)f Fh(commands)i(all)h(work)109 +4476 y(the)g(same.)255 4589 y(W)-5 b(ith)27 b(the)e Fe(autbib)f +Fh(option,)h Fe(\\cite)g Fh(always)i(works)e(like)i Fe(\\citep)p +Fh(,)c(i.)15 b(e.)26 b(puts)g(the)f(citation)j(in)109 +4702 y(brackets.)21 b(Use)h Fe(\\citet)e Fh(if)j(you)f(do)g(not)g(want) +g(this.)255 4815 y(Commands)g(like)g Fe(\\cite)d Fh(should)i(always)h +(be)f(used)f Fg(without)j Fh(a)f(space)f(between)f(them)h(and)h(the)109 +4928 y(pr)n(eceeding)f(text.)193 5066 y Fm(h)q Fl(class)p +Fm(i)q Fk(\\newcommand{\\bi)o(bl)o(io)o(st)o(yle)o(}{)o(hc)o(-e)o(n}) +193 5179 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)e Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h +Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)192 5292 y Fk(\\if@bib)192 +5405 y(\\if@fnbib)301 5518 y(\\bibpunct[,)49 b(]{}{}{;}{a}{}{,)o(})p +eop +%%Page: 22 23 +22 22 bop 109 -62 a Ft(22)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 301 270 a +Fk(\\renewcommand\\)o(NAT)o(@c)o(it)o(e\045)410 383 y +([3]{\\footnote{\\)o(if)o(NA)o(T@)o(sw)o(a\\N)o(AT)o(@@)o(op)o(en)o +(\\i)o(f*#)o(2*)o(\\e)o(ls)o(e#)o(2\\)48 b(\\fi)628 496 +y(#1\\if*#3*\\else\\)o(NA)o(T@)o(cmt)o(#3)o(\\f)o(i\\)o(NA)o(T@)o(@cl)o +(os)o(e\\)o(el)o(se)o(#1\\)o(fi)o(}\\)o(en)o(dg)o(rou)o(p})301 +609 y(\\let\\@cite\\NAT)o(@ci)o(te)192 722 y(\\fi)192 +835 y(\\if@autbib)301 948 y(\\bibpunct[,)h(]{)54 b([}{]}{;}{a}{}{,)o(}) +301 1061 y(\\let\\cite\\cite)o(p)192 1173 y(\\fi)192 +1286 y(\\if@numbib)355 1399 y(\\bibpunct[,)c(]{)k([}{]}{;}{n}{}{)o(,}) +192 1512 y(\\fi)p -74 1744 1134 4 v -76 1857 4 113 v +-24 1823 a Fe(\\cfcite[)p Fg(pages)n Fe(]{)p Fg(sour)n(ce)p +Fe(})p 1058 1857 V -74 1860 1134 4 v 109 2034 a Fh(Shortcut)21 +b(for)i Fe(\\cite[)p Fg(cf.)m Fe(][)p Fg(pages)q Fe(]{)p +Fg(sour)n(ce)p Fe(})p Fh(.)192 2175 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\c)o(fc)o(ite)o +(}[)o(2])o([])o({\\)o(cit)o(e[)o(\\c)o(ft)o(ex)o(t])o([#1)o(]{)o(#2)o +(}})p -74 2407 1148 4 v -76 2520 4 113 v -24 2486 a Fe(\\biblio[)p +Fg(style)n Fe(]{)p Fg(bib)f(\002les)q Fe(})p 1072 2520 +V -74 2523 1148 4 v 109 2697 a Fh(W)-7 b(rites)40 b(the)g(bibliography) +-10 b(.)40 b(<)p Fg(bib)24 b(\002les)q Fh(>)41 b(is)f(a)i +(comma-separated)e(list)h(of)f(bib)i(\002les,)e(<)p Fg(style)r +Fh(>)h(the)109 2810 y(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 b Fh(T)269 2840 +y(E)313 2810 y(X)22 b(style)g(\002le)g(\(by)h(default)g +Fe(hc-en)d Fh(for)j(English)f(documents\).)193 2951 y +Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)d Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)q Fk(\\if@paper)193 +3063 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)110 +b Fk(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ef)o(or)o(ebi)o(bl)o(io)o(}{)o(\\n)o(ewp)o(ag)o +(e})193 3176 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)q Fk(\\else)193 3289 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g +Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)110 b Fk(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ef)o(or)o(ebi)o(bl)o(io) +o(}{)o(\\v)o(fil)o(l})193 3402 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)q Fk(\\fi)192 3515 y(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ib) +o(lio)o(}[)o(2])o([\\)o(bi)o(bli)o(os)o(ty)o(le)o(]{)o(\045)193 +3628 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)g Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)110 +b Fk(\\beforebiblio)301 3741 y(\\bibliographys)o(tyl)o(e{)o(#1)o(})301 +3854 y(\\bibliography{)o(#2})o(\045)192 3967 y(})p -74 +4199 1375 4 v -76 4312 4 113 v -24 4278 a Fe(\\qu[)p +Fg(pages)p Fe(]{)p Fg(sour)n(ce)p Fe(}{)p Fg(quotation)p +Fe(})p 1299 4312 V -74 4315 1375 4 v 109 4489 a Fh(A)22 +b(<)p Fg(quotation)q Fh(>)h(in)g(quotes)e(followed)h(by)h(the)e(r)n +(efer)n(ence)h([<)p Fg(sour)n(ce)r Fh(>,)h(<)p Fg(pages)r +Fh(>].)192 4630 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\q)o(u})o([3])o([])o({\\)o(q{)o(#3)o +(}\\c)o(it)o(e[)o(#1)o(]{)o(#2)o(}})p -74 4862 1430 4 +v -76 4974 4 113 v -24 4941 a Fe(\\qul[)p Fg(pages)o +Fe(]{)p Fg(sour)n(ce)q Fe(}{)p Fg(quotation)p Fe(})p +1354 4974 V -74 4978 1430 4 v 109 5152 a Fh(Like)e Fe(\\qu)h +Fh(but)g(inside)g(a)i Fe(quote)c Fh(envir)n(onment)i(\(for)h(longer)f +(quotions\).)192 5292 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\q)o(ul)o(}[3)o(][)o(]{)o(\\b) +o(eg)o(in{)o(qu)o(ot)o(e})301 5405 y(\\qu[#1]{#2}{#3)o(})301 +5518 y(\\end{quote}})p eop +%%Page: 23 24 +23 23 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.4)99 b(Commands)23 b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)i +(for)f(the)g(hcart,)g(hcr)n(eport)h(and)e(hcslides)17 +b(.)e(.)g(.)198 b Ft(23)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 191 1206 +4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 a Fe(\\biburl{)p Fg(url)l +Fe(}{)p Fg(access)23 b(date)r Fe(})p 1130 304 V -74 307 +1206 4 v 109 481 a Fh(<)p Fg(url)p Fh(>)h(and)h(<)p Fg(access)f(date)q +Fh(>)h(of)f(online)g(documents.)f(For)g(online-only)h(documents)f(use)g +(a)k Fc(M)t(A)t(N)t(U)t(A)t(L)109 594 y Fh(entry)19 b(with)i +Fe(\\biburl)d Fh(in)j(the)h Fc(O)t(R)t(G)t(A)t(N)t(I)t(Z)t(A)o(T)t(I)t +(O)t(N)27 b Fh(\002eld.)21 b(For)f(other)f(documents)h(put)g(it)h(in)g +(the)h Fc(N)t(O)t(T)t(E)109 707 y Fh(\002eld.)301 840 +y Fk(\\if@htmlbib)410 953 y(\\newcommand{\\bi)o(bu)o(rl)o(}[)o(2])o +({\\)o(onl)o(in)o(et)o(ex)o(t\\)o(\\)464 1066 y({\\small\\hturl{#1)o +(}})o(\\\\)o(\\a)o(cc)o(ess)o(te)o(xt)o(\\)48 b(#2})301 +1179 y(\\else)410 1292 y(\\newcommand{\\bi)o(bu)o(rl)o(}[)o(2])o({\\)o +(onl)o(in)o(et)o(ex)o(t\\)o(\\)464 1404 y({\\small\\texttt{#)o(1})o +(}\\)o(\\\\)o(ac)o(ces)o(st)o(ex)o(t\\)g(#2})301 1517 +y(\\fi)p -74 1743 482 4 v -76 1856 4 113 v -24 1822 a +Fe(\\bibdiv)p 406 1856 V -74 1859 482 4 v 109 2033 a +Fh(Separator)21 b(between)g(the)h(title)h(and)f(subtitle)g(of)h(a)g +(document.)355 2166 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\bib)o(di)o(v})o({.)48 +b(})p -74 2392 2344 4 v -76 2505 4 113 v -24 2471 a Fe(\\bibvol[)p +Fg(separating)21 b(word)q Fe(]{)p Fg(volume)i(number)o +Fe(}{)p Fg(serial)h(title)r Fe(})p 2267 2505 V -74 2508 +2344 4 v 109 2682 a Fh(Use)e(at)i(the)f(end)g(of)h(the)h +Fc(T)t(I)t(T)t(L)t(E)j Fh(\002eld)23 b(\(without)g(space)g(befor)n(e\)) +h(if)h(the)e(output)f(of)h(the)i Fc(V)t(O)t(L)t(U)t(M)t(E)k +Fh(and)111 2795 y Fc(S)t(E)t(R)t(I)t(E)t(S)e Fh(\002elds)21 +b(is)h(not)f(convincing.)i(Inter)n(esting)d(especially)i(for)g(German)g +(documents)e(wher)n(e)h(`der')109 2908 y(instead)g(of)i(`von')g(is)g +(used)e(as)i(<)p Fg(separating)j(word)p Fh(>)d(\(English:)f(`of'\).)355 +3041 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\bib)o(vo)o(l})o([3)o(][)o(\\b)o(ibv)o(ol)o(te) +o(xt)o(])464 3154 y({\\emph{,)51 b(\\bvtext~#2)f(#1})j(#3})p +-74 3379 536 4 v -76 3492 4 113 v -24 3458 a Fe(\\addrdiv)p +460 3492 V -74 3495 536 4 v 109 3669 a Fh(Separator)21 +b(between)g(dif)n(fer)n(ent)i(places)g(in)g(a)g(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 +b Fh(T)1851 3699 y(E)1895 3669 y(X)22 b(entry's)h Fc(A)t(D)t(D)t(R)t(E) +t(S)t(S)29 b Fh(\002eld.)355 3802 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\add)o(rd)o(iv)o +(}{)48 b(--)53 b(})p -74 4028 638 4 v -76 4141 4 113 +v -24 4107 a Fe(\\etal[)p Fg(year)n Fe(])p 562 4141 V +-74 4144 638 4 v 109 4318 a Fh(Ends)38 b(a)j(list)f(\(e.)14 +b(g.)40 b(of)g(places)g(in)g(a)g(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 b Fh(T)1596 +4348 y(E)1640 4318 y(X)40 b(entry's)g Fc(A)t(D)t(D)t(R)t(E)t(S)t(S)47 +b Fh(\002eld\))39 b(which)i(is)f(not)f(complete)109 4431 +y(\(`)23 b(et)f(al'\))q(.)h(A)f(<)p Fg(year)r Fh(>)h(can)g(be)g(given)f +(which)h(is)g(printed)e(afterwar)n(ds.)192 4564 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\e)o +(ta)o(l}[)o(1])o([])o({)48 b(et~al\045)301 4677 y(\\ifthenelse{\\e)o +(qua)o(l{)o(#1)o(}{)o(}})o({})o({.)g(#1}\045)192 4790 +y(})p -74 5004 646 4 v -76 5117 4 113 v -24 5083 a Fe(\\noyear)p +569 5117 V -76 5230 V -24 5196 a(\\noaddress)p 569 5230 +V -74 5233 646 4 v 109 5405 a Fh(Use)33 b(in)h(the)i +Fc(Y)t(E)t(A)t(R)h Fh(r)n(esp.)e Fc(A)t(D)t(D)t(R)t(E)t(S)t(S)41 +b Fh(\002eld)33 b(of)i(a)f(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 b Fh(T)2021 +5435 y(E)2065 5405 y(X)34 b(entry)f(when)h(no)f(year)h(r)n(esp.)f(addr) +n(ess)g(is)109 5518 y(known.)p eop +%%Page: 24 25 +24 24 bop 109 -62 a Ft(24)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 109 270 a +Fb(The)f(f)n(ollo)o(wing)g(commands)e(are)j(f)n(or)g(mo)n(vie)f +(databases)e(\(use)k Fa(M)t(A)t(N)t(UA)t(L)j Fb(entr)q(y\):)p +-74 563 482 4 v -76 675 4 113 v -24 642 a Fe(\\bibdir)p +406 675 V -74 679 482 4 v 109 853 a Fh(Give)23 b(the)f(dir)n(ector)g +(in)h(the)h Fc(A)t(U)t(T)t(H)t(O)t(R)i Fh(\002eld)c(in)h(the)f +(following)h(way:)109 966 y Fe(Surname,)51 b(\\bibdir,)f(Christian)h +(Name)p -74 1258 1754 4 v -76 1371 4 113 v -24 1337 a(\\bibmov{)p +Fg(country)l Fe(}{)p Fg(studio)q Fe(}{)p Fg(main)22 b(actors)q +Fe(})p 1678 1371 V -74 1374 1754 4 v 109 1548 a Fh(Put)g(in)h(the)h +Fc(O)t(R)t(G)t(A)t(N)t(I)t(Z)t(A)o(T)t(I)t(O)t(N)k Fh(\002eld.)301 +1715 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\b)o(ibm)o(ov)o(}[)o(3])o({\\)o(bib)o(mo)o(vt)o +(ex)o(t\\)o(bi)o(bdi)o(v\\)48 b(#2,)53 b(#1\\bibdiv\\)410 +1828 y(\\bibactorsbefor)o(e\\)48 b(#3)53 b(\\bibactorsafter)o(})192 +1941 y(\\fi)109 2279 y Fr(3.4.2)100 b(The)28 b(pdf)f(option)192 +2470 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\h)o(yp)o(ert)o(it)o(le)o(}{)o(})192 +2582 y(\\newcommand{\\h)o(yp)o(era)o(ut)o(ho)o(r})o({})192 +2695 y(\\newcommand{\\h)o(yp)o(era)o(bs)o(tr)o(ac)o(t})o({})192 +2808 y(\\newcommand{\\h)o(yp)o(erk)o(ey)o(wo)o(rd)o(s})o({})192 +2921 y(\\if@pdf)301 3034 y(\\AtEndOfClass{)o(\\Re)o(qu)o(ir)o(eP)o(ac)o +(kag)o(e[)o(hy)o(pe)o(ri)o(nd)o(ex,)o(co)o(lo)o(rl)o(in)o(ks=)o(tr)o +(ue)o(,)464 3147 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+(xt)o(}}{)o(})410 4502 y(\\pdfinfo{)574 4615 y(/Title)i +(\(\\hypertitle\))574 4728 y(/Author)g(\(\\hyperauthor\))574 +4841 y(/Subject)f(\(\\hyperabstract\))574 4954 y(/Keywords)g +(\(\\hyperkeywords)o(\))519 5066 y(})519 5179 y(\\let\\autdiv\\old)o +(au)o(td)o(iv)301 5292 y(})192 5405 y(\\fi)193 5518 y +Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h +Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)p eop +%%Page: 25 26 +25 25 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.4)99 b(Commands)23 b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)i +(for)f(the)g(hcart,)g(hcr)n(eport)h(and)e(hcslides)17 +b(.)e(.)g(.)198 b Ft(25)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 109 270 a +Fr(3.4.3)100 b(Title)27 b(commands)p -74 629 318 4 v +-76 742 4 113 v -24 708 a Fe(\\toc)p 242 742 V -74 746 +318 4 v 109 920 a Fh(Puts)20 b(the)h(table)i(of)e(contents)f(at)i(the)f +(end)g(of)h(the)f(curr)n(ent)g(page)g(\(i.e.)h(after)g(a)g(vertical)h +(\002ll)g(and)e(befor)n(e)109 1032 y(a)j(pagebr)n(eak\).)g(W)-5 +b(ith)24 b(the)f Fe(paper)f Fh(option)h(the)g(table)i(of)f(contents)e +(is)j(generated)c(automatically)-10 b(,)26 b(so)109 1145 +y Fe(\\toc)21 b Fh(does)g(nothing)g(at)i(all.)193 1340 +y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)c Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)192 +1453 y Fk(\\if@paper)301 1566 y(\\newcommand{\\@)o(toc)o(}{)o(\045)410 +1679 y(\\newpage)193 1792 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)219 +b Fk(\\thispagestyle{)o(em)o(pt)o(y})193 1905 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)h Fk(\\slidepagestyl)o(e{)o(HC)o(})193 +2018 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)f Fk(\\if@wide)51 b(\\linespread{1})d +(\\fi)410 2131 y(\\tableofcontent)o(s)193 2244 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\if@wide)51 b(\\linespread{1.3)o(})d(\\fi) +410 2357 y(\\newpage\045)301 2470 y(})301 2582 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o +(oc})o({})192 2695 y(\\else)301 2808 y(\\newcommand{\\@)o(toc)o(}{)o +(\045)410 2921 y(\\vfill)193 3034 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q +Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\thispagestyle{)o(em)o(pt)o(y})193 3147 +y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)h Fk(\\slidepagestyl)o(e{)o(HC)o(})193 +3260 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)f Fk(\\if@wide)51 b(\\linespread{1})d +(\\fi)410 3373 y(\\tableofcontent)o(s)193 3486 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)q Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\if@wide)51 b(\\linespread{1.3)o(})d(\\fi) +410 3599 y(\\newpage\045)301 3712 y(})301 3824 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o +(oc})o({\\)o(@t)o(oc)o(})192 3937 y(\\fi)193 4050 y Fm(h)r +Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)193 +4163 y(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)192 4276 y +Fk(\\newcommand{\\@)o(to)o(c}{)301 4389 y(\\if@wide)51 +b(\\linespread{1})d(\\fi)301 4502 y(\\tableofconten)o(ts)301 +4615 y(\\if@wide)j(\\linespread{1.)o(3})d(\\fi)301 4728 +y(\\thispagestyle)o({em)o(pt)o(y})192 4841 y(})192 4954 +y(\\if@paper)301 5066 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(oc})o({})192 +5179 y(\\else)301 5292 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(oc})o({\\)o(@t)o(oc)o(})192 +5405 y(\\fi)193 5518 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)p eop +%%Page: 26 27 +26 26 bop 109 -62 a Ft(26)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 174 2025 +4 v -76 287 4 113 v -24 253 a Fe(\\titsubinfo{)p Fg(main)17 +b(title)q Fe(}{)p Fg(sub)22 b(title)q Fe(}{)p Fg(mor)n(e)h(info)q +Fe(})p 1949 287 V -76 400 V -24 366 a(\\titsub{)p Fg(main)c(title)q +Fe(}{)p Fg(sub)j(title)q Fe(})p 1949 400 V -76 513 V +-24 479 a(\\titinfo{)p Fg(main)c(title)r Fe(}{)p Fg(mor)n(e)23 +b(info)p Fe(})p 1949 513 V -74 516 2025 4 v 109 688 a +Fh(They)g(should)g(be)h(used)f(in)i(the)e(pr)n(emable)i(\226)g(call)h +Fe(\\tit[ver])20 b Fh(or)k Fe(\\titaut[ver])19 b Fh(in)25 +b(the)e(docu-)109 801 y(ment)c(body)-10 b(.)19 b(Use)g(if)i(your)e +(document)g(has)i(a)f(main)i(title)e(and)g(a)h(sub)e(title)h(and/or)g +(you)f(want)i(to)e(give)109 914 y(additional)27 b(information.)g(Leave) +f(the)g(<)p Fg(title)q Fh(>)h(parameter)f(of)g Fe(\\tit[...])78 +b Fh(empty)-10 b(.)24 b(<)p Fg(mor)n(e)g(info)q Fh(>)109 +1027 y(is)e(printed)g(below)g(the)g(<)p Fg(\(sub\))h(title)r +Fh(>)g(in)g(a)g(small)h(font.)193 1228 y Fm(h)r(\003)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)192 1340 y Fk(\\if@paper)301 1453 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(its)o(ub)o +(in)o(fo)o(}[)o(3]{)410 1566 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(de)o(fa)o(ul)o(tt)o +(itl)o(e})o({\045)519 1679 y(#1\\vfill)519 1792 y({\\Large)51 +b(#2\\vfill})519 1905 y(\\vfill)h({\\normalsize)d(#3\\vfill}\045)410 +2018 y(})410 2131 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o +({#)o(1})o(\045)301 2244 y(})301 2357 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(its)o(ub)o +(}[)o(2])o({)410 2470 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(de)o(fa)o(ul)o(tt)o(itl)o +(e})o({\045)519 2582 y(#1\\vfill)519 2695 y({\\Large)i +(#2\\vfill\\vfill}\045)410 2808 y(})410 2921 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o +(rr)o(en)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o({#)o(1})o(\045)301 3034 y(})301 +3147 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(iti)o(nf)o(o})o([2)o(]{)410 +3260 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(de)o(fa)o(ul)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o({\045)519 +3373 y(#1\\vfill)519 3486 y(\\vfill)h({\\normalsize)d(#2\\vfill}\045) +410 3599 y(})410 3712 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tt)o(itl)o +(e})o({#)o(1})o(\045)301 3824 y(})192 3937 y(\\else)301 +4050 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(its)o(ub)o(in)o(fo)o(}[)o(3]{)410 +4163 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(de)o(fa)o(ul)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o({#)o(1\\)o +(\\[)o(0.)o(8ex)o(])519 4276 y({\\Large)i(#2\\\\[0.8ex]})519 +4389 y({\\normalsize)e(#3\\\\}\045)410 4502 y(})410 4615 +y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o({#)o(1})o(\045)301 +4728 y(})301 4841 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(its)o(ub)o(}[)o(2])o({)410 +4954 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(de)o(fa)o(ul)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o({#)o(1\\)o +(\\[)o(0.)o(8ex)o(])519 5066 y({\\Large)i(#2\\\\[0.8ex]}\045)410 +5179 y(})410 5292 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tt)o(itl)o(e})o +({#)o(1})o(\045)301 5405 y(})301 5518 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(iti)o(nf)o +(o})o([2)o(]{)p eop +%%Page: 27 28 +27 27 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.4)99 b(Commands)23 b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)i +(for)f(the)g(hcart,)g(hcr)n(eport)h(and)e(hcslides)17 +b(.)e(.)g(.)198 b Ft(27)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 410 270 a +Fk(\\renewcommand{\\)o(de)o(fa)o(ul)o(tt)o(it)o(le})o({#)o(1\\)o(\\[)o +(0.)o(8ex)o(])519 383 y({\\normalsize)49 b(#2\\\\}\045)410 +496 y(})410 609 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tt)o(it)o(le})o +({#)o(1})o(\045)301 722 y(})192 835 y(\\fi)p -74 1169 +2042 4 v -76 1282 4 113 v -24 1248 a Fe(\\autinfo{)p +Fg(author)m Fe(}{)p Fg(addr)n(ess)r Fe(}{)p Fg(email)p +Fe(}{)p Fg(homepage)r Fe(})p 1965 1282 V -74 1285 2042 +4 v 109 1459 a Fh(Should)23 b(be)h(used)e(in)i(the)f(pr)n(emable)i +(\226)f(call)i Fe(\\tit)p Fh(,)c Fe(\\titaut)f Fh(or)i +Fe(\\titautver)d Fh(in)k(the)f(document)109 1572 y(body)-10 +b(.)31 b(Speci\002es)h(information)i(about)f(the)f(author)g(\(name,)i +(addr)n(ess,)d(mail-addr)n(ess)i(and)g(home-)109 1685 +y(page\).)22 b(Use)f Fe(\\autdiv)f Fh(r)n(esp.)h Fe(\\autinfodiv)d +Fh(instead)k(of)g Fe(\\\\)p Fh(.)192 1869 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\a)o(ut)o +(inf)o(o})o([4)o(]{)o(\045)301 1982 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\de)o(fa)o(ul) +o(ta)o(ut)o(ho)o(r}{)o(#1)o(})301 2095 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\de)o(fa)o +(ul)o(ta)o(dd)o(re)o(ss})o({#)o(2})301 2208 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\de)o +(fa)o(ul)o(te)o(ma)o(il)o(}{#)o(3})301 2321 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\de)o +(fa)o(ul)o(th)o(om)o(ep)o(age)o(}{)o(#4)o(})301 2433 +y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\cu)o(rr)o(en)o(ta)o(ut)o(ho)o(r}{)o(#1)o(})192 +2546 y(})p -74 2880 1692 4 v -76 2993 4 113 v -24 2959 +a Fe(\\abs[)p Fg(other-language)h(abstract)s Fe(]{)p +Fg(abstract)q Fe(})p 1615 2993 V -74 2997 1692 4 v 109 +3171 a Fh(Should)g(be)h(used)e(in)i(the)f(pr)n(emable)i(\226)f(call)i +Fe(\\tit)p Fh(,)c Fe(\\titaut)f Fh(or)i Fe(\\titautver)d +Fh(in)k(the)f(document)109 3283 y(body)-10 b(.)33 b(Prints)h(an)h +(abstract)g(text.)e(Optionally)i(an)g(additional)g(abstract)g(in)g +(another)f(language)g(is)109 3396 y(printed)f(below)-8 +b(.)34 b(The)g(title)h(of)g(the)f(other)n(-language)f(abstract)j(may)f +(be)f(changed)h(by)f(r)n(ede\002ning)109 3509 y Fe(\\otherabstract)o +(na)o(me)o Fh(.)17 b(By)22 b(default)g(`Zusammenfassung')g(is)h(used)e +(\(German\).)192 3694 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\a)o(bs)o(tex)o(t})o({})192 +3806 y(\\newcommand{\\o)o(th)o(era)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(})192 +3919 y(\\newcommand{\\a)o(bs)o(}[2)o(][)o(]{)o(\045)301 +4032 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\ot)o(he)o(ra)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{#)o(1})301 +4145 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\ab)o(st)o(ex)o(t})o({#)o(2})192 +4258 y(})p -74 4592 1043 4 v -76 4705 4 113 v -24 4671 +a Fe(\\keywords{)p Fg(keywords)m Fe(})p 967 4705 V -74 +4708 1043 4 v 109 4882 a Fh(Should)i(be)h(used)e(in)i(the)f(pr)n +(emable)i(\226)f(call)i Fe(\\tit)p Fh(,)c Fe(\\titaut)f +Fh(or)i Fe(\\titautver)d Fh(in)k(the)f(document)109 4995 +y(body)-10 b(.)21 b(Prints)h(a)h(list)g(of)g(keywor)n(ds.)192 +5179 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\k)o(ey)o(wor)o(ds)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(})192 +5292 y(\\newcommand{\\k)o(ey)o(wor)o(ds)o(}[)o(1])o({\045)301 +5405 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\ke)o(yw)o(or)o(ds)o(te)o(xt)o(}{#)o(1})192 +5518 y(})p eop +%%Page: 28 29 +28 28 bop 109 -62 a Ft(28)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v -74 191 2105 +4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 a Fe(\\hyperinfo{)p Fg(title)l +Fe(}{)p Fg(author)p Fe(}{)p Fg(abstract)r Fe(}{)p Fg(keywords)q +Fe(})p 2029 304 V -74 307 2105 4 v 109 481 a Fh(An)37 +b(alternative)h(way)f(to)g(specify)g(document)f(information)i(for)g +(the)e(PDF)i(version.)e(Use)h(when)109 594 y(the)19 b(default)h +(document)f(information)i(extracted)e(fr)n(om)h Fe(\\tit[sub][info])o +Fh(,)14 b Fe(\\autinfo)p Fh(,)j Fe(\\abs)109 707 y Fh(and)j +Fe(\\keywords)d Fh(does)i(not)h(work)f(as)i(it)g(should.)e(If)i(one)e +(of)i(the)f(parameters)f(is)i(left)g(empty)e(the)h(de-)109 +820 y(fault)j(information)h(is)f(used)f(instead.)g(Do)h(not)f(use)g +(any)h(formatting)g(or)g(special)g(commands.)g(Must)109 +933 y(be)f(used)f(in)i(the)f(pr)n(emable.)h(W)-5 b(ithout)22 +b(the)g Fe(pdf)f Fh(option)h(this)g(command)h(is)g(ignor)n(ed.)192 +1086 y Fk(\\if@pdf)301 1199 y(\\newcommand{\\h)o(ype)o(ri)o(nf)o(o})o +([4)o(]{)410 1312 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(hy)o(pe)o(rt)o(it)o(le})o({#)o +(1})410 1425 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(hy)o(pe)o(ra)o(ut)o(hor)o(}{)o(#2)o +(})410 1538 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(hy)o(pe)o(ra)o(bs)o(tra)o(ct)o(}{)o +(#3)o(})410 1651 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(hy)o(pe)o(rk)o(ey)o(wor)o(ds)o +(}{)o(#4)o(})301 1764 y(})192 1877 y(\\else)301 1990 +y(\\newcommand{\\h)o(ype)o(ri)o(nf)o(o})o([4)o(]{})192 +2102 y(\\fi)p -74 2365 1349 4 v -76 2478 4 113 v -24 +2444 a Fe(\\titaut[)p Fg(date)m Fe(]{)p Fg(title)q Fe(}{)p +Fg(author)p Fe(})p 1273 2478 V -74 2481 1349 4 v 109 +2655 a Fh(Replacement)e(for:)i Fe(\\title{)p Fg(title)n +Fe(})f(\\author{)p Fg(author)n Fe(})g(\\date{)p Fg(date)o +Fe(})g(\\maketitle)109 2768 y Fh(Default)30 b(date)f(is)g +Fe(\\today)p Fh(.)e(W)-5 b(ith)29 b(the)g Fe(paper)e +Fh(option,)h(a)i(titlepage)f(and)g(a)h(table)g(of)g(contents)e(ar)n(e) +109 2881 y(generated.)192 3034 y Fk(\\if@paper)301 3147 +y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(ita)o(ut)o(}[)o(3])o([\\)o(tod)o(ay)o(]{)o(\045) +193 3260 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\if@wide)51 b(\\linespread{1})d(\\fi)193 +3373 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p Fm(i)220 b Fk(\\slidepagestyl)o(e{)o(em)o +(pt)o(y}\\)o(se)o(tc)o(ou)o(nt)o(er{)o(sl)o(id)o(e})o({0)o(})410 +3486 y(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(#2)o(}{)o(}})519 +3599 y({})519 3712 y({\\renewcommand{)o(\\d)o(ef)o(au)o(ltt)o(it)o(le)o +(}{)o(#2)o(})628 3824 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(ent)o(ti)o(tl)o +(e})o({#)o(2})o(})410 3937 y(\\title{\\normalf)o(on)o(t\\)o(hu)o(ge)48 +b(\\defaulttitle)h(\\vfill})410 4050 y(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o +(#3)o(}{)o(}})519 4163 y({})519 4276 y({\\renewcommand{)o(\\d)o(ef)o +(au)o(lta)o(ut)o(ho)o(r})o({#)o(3})628 4389 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o +(rr)o(ent)o(au)o(th)o(or)o(}{)o(#3)o(}})410 4502 y(\\author{\\normal)o +(fo)o(nt)o(\\L)o(ar)o(ge)f(\\defaultauthor\\)o(\\[)o(0.)o(8e)o(x])519 +4615 y(\\normalfont\\nor)o(ma)o(ls)o(iz)o(e)h(\\defaultaddres)o(s\\)o +(\\[)o(0.)o(4e)o(x])519 4728 y(\\normalfont\\nor)o(ma)o(ls)o(iz)o(e)519 +4841 y(\\htmladdnormall)o(in)o(k{)o(\\d)o(efa)o(ul)o(te)o(ma)o(il)o(}{) +o(mai)o(lt)o(o:)o(\\d)o(ef)o(aul)o(te)o(ma)o(il)o(}\\)o(\\[-)192 +4954 y(1ex])519 5066 y(\\normalfont\\nor)o(ma)o(ls)o(iz)o(e)519 +5179 y(\\htmladdnormall)o(in)o(k{)o(\\d)o(efa)o(ul)o(th)o(om)o(ep)o(ag) +o(e}{)o(\\d)o(ef)o(au)o(lt)o(hom)o(ep)o(ag)o(e})192 5292 +y(})410 5405 y(\\date{\\vfill\\vf)o(il)o(l)f(\\normalfont\\nor)o(ma)o +(lsi)o(ze)g(#1})193 5518 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\lowertitlebac)o(k{\045)p eop +%%Page: 29 30 +29 29 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.4)99 b(Commands)23 b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)i +(for)f(the)g(hcart,)g(hcr)n(eport)h(and)e(hcslides)17 +b(.)e(.)g(.)198 b Ft(29)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 193 270 a +Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)328 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o +(\\o)o(th)o(era)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}\045)193 +383 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)492 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o +(ri)o(ng)o(\\ab)o(st)o(ra)o(ct)o(na)o(me})193 496 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\abstext}\045)193 +609 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)328 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o +(l{)o(\\o)o(th)o(era)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}\045)193 +722 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)492 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o +(ri)o(ng)o(\\ot)o(he)o(ra)o(bs)o(tr)o(act)o(na)o(me)o(})193 +835 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\otherabstext})o(\045) +193 948 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)328 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o +(ua)o(l{)o(\\k)o(ey)o(wor)o(ds)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}\045)193 +1061 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)492 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o +(ri)o(ng)o(\\ke)o(yw)o(or)o(ds)o(na)o(me})193 1173 y +Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\cen{\\keywords)o(te)o(xt)o +(}}\045)193 1286 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)219 +b Fk(})410 1399 y(\\maketitle)410 1512 y(\\ifthenelse{\\is)o(un)o(de)o +(fi)o(ne)o(d{)o(\\cu)o(rr)o(en)o(td)o(at)o(e}})519 1625 +y({\\newcommand{\\c)o(ur)o(re)o(nt)o(da)o(te})o({#)o(1})o(}{)o(})193 +1738 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)219 +b Fk(\\setcounter{pa)o(ge)o(}{0)o(})193 1851 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\thispagestyle)o +({e)o(mpt)o(y})193 1964 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g +Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)273 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ual)o({\\)o(ab)o(st)o +(ex)o(t}{)o(}})o({\045)193 2077 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)437 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(\\k) +o(ey)o(wor)o(ds)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}{)193 2190 y +Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)601 +b Fk(\\vfill\\vfill)193 2303 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\minisec{\\cent)o(er)o(in)o(g\\)o +(key)o(wo)o(rd)o(sn)o(am)o(e})193 2415 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\cen{\\keywords)o(te)o(xt)o(}}) +193 2528 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)219 b Fk(}{\045)193 2641 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)382 b Fk(\\vfill\\vfill)193 +2754 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 +b Fk(\\minisec{\\cente)o(ri)o(ng)o(\\a)o(bst)o(ra)o(ct)o(na)o(me)o(}) +193 2867 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)546 b Fk(\\abstext)193 2980 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(\\o) +o(the)o(ra)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{})o(}{)o(})193 3093 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)710 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o +(te)o(ri)o(ng\\)o(ot)o(he)o(ra)o(bs)o(tra)o(ct)o(na)o(me)o(})193 +3206 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)819 +b Fk(\\otherabstext})193 3319 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(\\k) +o(eyw)o(or)o(ds)o(te)o(xt)o(}{})o(}{)o(})193 3432 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)710 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o +(te)o(ri)o(ng\\)o(ke)o(yw)o(or)o(ds)o(nam)o(e})193 3545 +y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)819 +b Fk(\\cen{\\keywords)o(te)o(xt})o(})193 3657 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)219 b Fk(})410 +3770 y(\\setcounter{pag)o(e})o({0)o(})410 3883 y(\\thispagestyle{)o(em) +o(pt)o(y})410 3996 y(\\@toc\045)193 4109 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\if@wide)51 +b(\\linespread{1.3)o(})d(\\fi)193 4222 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p +Fm(i)438 b Fk(\\slidepagestyl)o(e{)o(HC})o(\045)301 4335 +y(})192 4448 y(\\else)301 4561 y(\\newcommand{\\t)o(ita)o(ut)o(}[)o(3]) +o([\\)o(to)o(day)o(]{)o(\045)193 4674 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\if@wide)51 +b(\\linespread{1})d(\\fi)193 4787 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p +Fm(i)220 b Fk(\\slidepagestyl)o(e{)o(em)o(pt)o(y}\\)o(se)o(tc)o(ou)o +(nt)o(er{)o(sl)o(id)o(e})o({0)o(})410 4899 y(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o +(l{)o(#2)o(}{)o(}})519 5012 y({})519 5125 y({\\renewcommand{)o(\\d)o +(ef)o(au)o(lt)o(tit)o(le)o(}{)o(#2)o(})628 5238 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o +(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(tti)o(tl)o(e})o({#)o(2})o(})410 5351 +y(\\title{\\normalf)o(on)o(t\\)o(hu)o(ge)48 b(\\defaulttitle})410 +5464 y(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(#3)o(}{)o(}})p eop +%%Page: 30 31 +30 30 bop 109 -62 a Ft(30)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 519 270 a +Fk({})519 383 y({\\renewcommand{)o(\\d)o(ef)o(au)o(lta)o(ut)o(ho)o(r})o +({#)o(3})628 496 y(\\renewcommand{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(ent)o(au)o(th)o(or)o +(}{)o(#3)o(}})410 609 y(\\author{\\normal)o(fo)o(nt)o(\\L)o(ar)o(ge)48 +b(\\defaultauthor})410 722 y(\\date{\\normalfo)o(nt)o(\\n)o(or)o(ma)o +(lsi)o(ze)g(#1})193 835 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\lowertitlebac)o(k{\045)193 948 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)328 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(\\o)o +(th)o(era)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}\045)193 1061 +y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)492 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o(ri)o +(ng)o(\\ab)o(st)o(ra)o(ct)o(na)o(me})193 1173 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\abstext}\045)193 +1286 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)328 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua) +o(l{)o(\\o)o(th)o(era)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}\045)193 +1399 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)492 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o +(ri)o(ng)o(\\ot)o(he)o(ra)o(bs)o(tr)o(act)o(na)o(me)o(})193 +1512 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\otherabstext})o(\045) +193 1625 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)328 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o +(ua)o(l{)o(\\k)o(ey)o(wor)o(ds)o(te)o(xt)o(}{)o(}}{)o(}\045)193 +1738 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)492 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o +(ri)o(ng)o(\\ke)o(yw)o(or)o(ds)o(na)o(me})193 1851 y +Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)601 b Fk(\\cen{\\keywords)o(te)o(xt)o +(}}\045)193 1964 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)219 +b Fk(})410 2077 y(\\maketitle)410 2190 y(\\ifthenelse{\\is)o(un)o(de)o +(fi)o(ne)o(d{\\)o(cu)o(rr)o(en)o(td)o(at)o(e}})519 2303 +y({\\newcommand{\\c)o(ur)o(re)o(nt)o(dat)o(e})o({#)o(1})o(}{)o(})193 +2415 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)219 +b Fk(\\setcounter{pa)o(ge)o(}{0)o(})193 2528 y Fm(h)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\thispagestyle)o +({e)o(mpt)o(y})193 2641 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g +Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)273 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ual)o({\\)o(ab)o(st)o +(ex)o(t}{)o(}})o({})o({)193 2754 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 b Fk(\\minisec{\\cente)o(ri)o(ng)o(\\a) +o(bst)o(ra)o(ct)o(na)o(me)o(})193 2867 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 b Fk(\\abstext)193 2980 +y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 +b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ua)o(l{)o(\\o)o(the)o(ra)o(bs)o(te)o(xt)o(}{}) +o(}{)o(})193 3093 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)710 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cen)o(te)o(ri)o(ng\\)o(ot)o(he)o(ra)o(bs)o +(tra)o(ct)o(na)o(me)o(})193 3206 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)819 b Fk(\\otherabstext})193 +3319 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)219 +b Fk(})193 3432 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)273 b Fk(\\ifthenelse{\\eq)o(ual)o({\\)o(ke)o(yw)o(or)o(dst)o(ex)o +(t})o({})o(}{)o(})193 3545 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 b +Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)437 b Fk({\\minisec{\\cent)o(er)o(in)o(g\\)o +(ke)o(ywo)o(rd)o(sn)o(am)o(e})193 3657 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)546 b Fk(\\cen{\\keywordst)o(ex)o(t})o(}) +410 3770 y(\\setcounter{pag)o(e})o({0)o(})410 3883 y(\\thispagestyle{)o +(em)o(pt)o(y})o(\045)193 3996 y Fm(h)q Fl(hca)m(rt)19 +b Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)219 b Fk(\\if@wide)51 +b(\\linespread{1.3)o(})d(\\fi)193 4109 y Fm(h)q Fl(hcslides)p +Fm(i)220 b Fk(\\newpage\\slide)o(pa)o(ge)o(st)o(yle)o({H)o(C})o(\045) +301 4222 y(})192 4335 y(\\fi)p -74 4931 834 4 v -76 5044 +4 113 v -24 5010 a Fe(\\tit[)p Fg(date)o Fe(]{)p Fg(title)p +Fe(})p 758 5044 V -74 5048 834 4 v 109 5221 a Fh(Calls)24 +b Fe(\\titaut)19 b Fh(with)k(the)f(default)g(author)g(information.)192 +5518 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\t)o(it)o(}[2)o(][)o(\\t)o(od)o(ay)o(]{\\)o(ti) +o(ta)o(ut)o([#)o(1])o({#2)o(}{)o(}})p eop +%%Page: 31 32 +31 31 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.5)99 b(Commands)25 b(and)f(Envir)n(onments)j +(for)e(the)g(hcart)h(class)1071 b Ft(31)p 109 -10 3544 +4 v -74 191 2355 4 v -76 304 4 113 v -24 270 a Fe(\\titautver[)p +Fg(version)19 b(date)q Fe(]{)p Fg(title)q Fe(}{)p Fg(author)p +Fe(}{)p Fg(general)24 b(date)q Fe(})p 2278 304 V -74 +307 2355 4 v 109 481 a Fh(Prints)e(a)h(general)f(date)g(\(e.g.)f(of)i +(\002rst)f(r)n(elease\))g(and)h(a)g(version)f(date)g(\(default:)h +Fe(\\today)p Fh(\).)192 621 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\t)o(it)o(aut)o(ve)o(r}) +o([4)o(][)o(\\t)o(oda)o(y])o({)301 734 y(\\newcommand{\\c)o(urr)o(en)o +(td)o(at)o(e})o({#)o(1}\045)301 847 y(\\titaut[#4\\\\\\v)o(ers)o(io)o +(nt)o(ex)o(t\\)48 b(#1]{#2}{#3})192 960 y(})p -74 1191 +1839 4 v -76 1304 4 113 v -24 1270 a Fe(\\titver[)p Fg(version)20 +b(date)r Fe(]{)p Fg(title)p Fe(}{)p Fg(general)k(date)q +Fe(})p 1763 1304 V -74 1307 1839 4 v 109 1481 a Fh(Calls)g +Fe(\\titautver)18 b Fh(with)k(the)g(default)h(author)f(information.)192 +1621 y Fk(\\newcommand{\\t)o(it)o(ver)o(}[)o(3])o([\\)o(to)o(da)o(y]{)o +(\\t)o(it)o(au)o(tv)o(er[)o(#1)o(]{)o(#2)o(}{)o(}{#)o(3})o(})109 +1887 y Fr(3.4.4)100 b(Sectioning)28 b(Commands)p -74 +2118 700 4 v -76 2231 4 113 v -24 2197 a Fe(\\fictionsec)p +624 2231 V -74 2234 700 4 v 109 2408 a Fh(A)c(sectioning)f(command)i +(pr)n(oducing)e(just)h(a)g(number)-7 b(,)24 b(no)g(text)f(\226)i +(useful)f(e.g.)f(for)h(\002ction)g(without)109 2521 y(section)d +(headings.)h(When)g(a)h(new)f Fe(\\section)d Fh(starts)j(the)f(counter) +h(is)h(r)n(eset.)192 2661 y Fk(\\newcounter{fi)o(ct)o(ion)o(se)o(c})o +([s)o(ec)o(ti)o(on])192 2774 y(\\newcommand{\\f)o(ic)o(tio)o(ns)o(ec)o +(}{)o(\\a)o(dd)o(toc)o(ou)o(nt)o(er)o({f)o(ict)o(io)o(ns)o(ec)o(}{)o +(1}\045)301 2887 y(\\subsection*{\\)o(cen)o(te)o(ri)o(ng)o(\\t)o(he)o +(fic)o(ti)o(on)o(se)o(c})o(})193 3000 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q +Fl(hca)m(rt)c Fm(j)g Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)h Fm(j)f Fl(hcslides)q +Fm(i)109 3294 y Ff(3.5)120 b(Commands)36 b(and)d(En)-5 +b(vir)n(onments)35 b(f)n(or)d(the)h(hcar)r(t)h(c)n(lass)109 +3473 y Fh(A)22 b Fe(\\part)f Fh(command)i(starts)e(a)i(new)f(page.)193 +3613 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hca)m(rt)r Fm(i)192 3726 y Fk(\\renewcommand\\) +o(pa)o(rt{)o(\\c)o(le)o(ar)o(pa)o(ge)355 3839 y(\\@afterindentfal)o(se) +355 3952 y(\\secdef\\@part\\@s)o(pa)o(rt)o(})193 4065 +y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hca)m(rt)r Fm(i)109 4359 y Ff(3.6)120 +b(Settings)34 b(f)n(or)e(the)i(hc)n(letter)g(c)n(lass)109 +4539 y Fh(No)22 b(fold)g(marks)h(ar)n(e)g(printed.)193 +4679 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)192 4792 y Fk(\\foldmarksoff) +193 4904 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hcletter)s Fm(i)109 5199 +y Ff(3.7)120 b(Commands)36 b(and)d(En)-5 b(vir)n(onments)35 +b(f)n(or)d(the)h(hcrepor)r(t)h(c)n(lass)109 5378 y Fh(The)22 +b(\002rst)f(page)h(of)h(a)g(chapter)f(and)h(the)f(title)g(page)g(of)h +(a)g(part)f(do)g(not)g(have)h(a)g(page)f(number)-7 b(.)193 +5518 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r Fm(i)p eop +%%Page: 32 33 +32 32 bop 109 -62 a Ft(32)1941 b Fq(3)99 b(Commands)25 +b(and)g(Envir)n(onments)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 192 270 a +Fk(\\renewcommand\\)o(ch)o(apt)o(er)410 383 y({\\if@openright\\)o(cl)o +(ea)o(rd)o(ou)o(ble)o(pa)o(ge)o(\\e)o(ls)o(e\\)o(cle)o(ar)o(pa)o(ge)o +(\\f)o(i)1283 496 y(\\thispagestyle)o({e)o(mp)o(ty)o(}\045)1283 +609 y(\\global\\@topnu)o(m\\)o(z@)1283 722 y(\\@afterindentf)o(al)o(se) +1283 835 y(\\secdef\\@chapt)o(er)o(\\@)o(sc)o(hap)o(te)o(r})192 +948 y(\\renewcommand\\)o(ad)o(dch)o(ap)410 1061 y({\\if@openright\\)o +(cl)o(ea)o(rd)o(ou)o(ble)o(pa)o(ge)o(\\e)o(ls)o(e\\)o(cle)o(ar)o(pa)o +(ge)o(\\f)o(i)1283 1173 y(\\thispagestyle)o({e)o(mp)o(ty)o(}\045)1283 +1286 y(\\global\\@topnu)o(m\\)o(z@)1283 1399 y(\\@afterindentf)o(al)o +(se)1283 1512 y(\\secdef\\@addch)o(ap)o(\\@)o(sa)o(ddc)o(ha)o(p})192 +1625 y(\\renewcommand\\)o(pa)o(rt)410 1738 y({\\if@openright\\)o(cl)o +(ea)o(rd)o(ou)o(ble)o(pa)o(ge)o(\\e)o(ls)o(e\\)o(cle)o(ar)o(pa)o(ge)o +(\\f)o(i)1119 1851 y(\\thispagestyle{)o(em)o(pt)o(y})o(\045)1119 +1964 y(\\if@twocolumn)1337 2077 y(\\onecolumn)1337 2190 +y(\\@tempswatrue)1228 2303 y(\\else)1337 2415 y(\\@tempswafalse)1119 +2528 y(\\fi)1119 2641 y(\\null\\vfil)1119 2754 y(\\secdef\\@part\\@)o +(sp)o(ar)o(t})193 2867 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hcrep)s(o)m(rt)r +Fm(i)109 3155 y Ff(3.8)120 b(Commands)36 b(and)d(En)-5 +b(vir)n(onments)35 b(f)n(or)d(the)h(hcslides)j(c)n(lass)109 +3332 y Fh(A)22 b(new)g(page)g(is)h(started)e(by)h(a)h(section)f(or)h +(manually)h(with)e(the)g Fe(\\newslide)d Fh(command.)255 +3445 y(Everything)33 b(is)i(printed)e(sans)h(serif.)g(The)g +Fe(HC)g Fh(pagestyle)e(is)j(always)g(used.)e(The)h Fe(fancybox)109 +3558 y Fh(package)22 b(is)h(r)n(equir)n(ed)f(for)g(drawing)h(an)g +(shadowed)d(box)j(ar)n(ound)f(sections.)p -74 3784 1323 +4 v -76 3897 4 113 v -24 3863 a Fe(\\addsec[)p Fg(toc-entry)n +Fe(]{)p Fg(heading)q Fe(})p 1247 3897 V -74 3900 1323 +4 v 109 4074 a Fh(For)j(compatibily)i(with)f(the)f Fe(hcart)e +Fh(and)j Fe(hcreport)c Fh(classes.)k(Should)f(always)h(be)f(used)g +(instead)109 4187 y(of)d(the)g Fe(\\section*)d Fh(command.)p +-74 4413 933 4 v -76 4526 4 113 v -24 4492 a Fe(\\minisec{)p +Fg(heading)m Fe(})p 857 4526 V -74 4529 933 4 v 109 4703 +a Fh(For)50 b(compatibily)i(with)e(the)g Fe(hcart)f Fh(and)h +Fe(hcreport)e Fh(classes.)i(Sectioning)g(level)h(between)109 +4816 y Fe(\\subsubsection)16 b Fh(and)23 b Fe(\\paragraph)p +Fh(.)193 4954 y Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)192 +5066 y Fk(\\AtBeginDocume)o(nt)o({\\b)o(eg)o(in)o({s)o(li)o(de})o(})192 +5179 y(\\AtEndDocument)o({\\)o(end)o({s)o(li)o(de)o(}})192 +5292 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\r)o(mde)o(fa)o(ul)o(t})o({\\)o(sfd)o(ef)o +(au)o(lt)o(})192 5405 y(\\raggedslides[)o(5e)o(m])192 +5518 y(\\newcommand{\\a)o(dd)o(sec)o(}[)o(2])o([])o({\045)p +eop +%%Page: 33 34 +33 33 bop 109 -62 a Fq(3.8)99 b(Commands)25 b(and)f(Envir)n(onments)j +(for)e(the)g(hcslides)h(class)941 b Ft(33)p 109 -10 3544 +4 v 301 270 a Fk(\\section*{#2})301 383 y(\\ifthenelse{\\e)o(qua)o(l{)o +(#1)o(}{)o(}})410 496 y({\\addcontentsli)o(ne)o({t)o(oc)o(}{)o(se)o +(cti)o(on)o(}{)o(#2)o(}})410 609 y({\\addcontentsli)o(ne)o({t)o(oc)o +(}{)o(se)o(cti)o(on)o(}{)o(#1)o(}})o(\045)192 722 y(})192 +835 y(\\newcommand\\mi)o(ni)o(sec)o([1)o(]{)o(\\@)o(af)o(te)o(rin)o(de) +o(nt)o(fa)o(ls)o(e)49 b(\\vskip)i(1.5ex)301 948 y({\\parindent)e(\\z@) +54 b(\\raggedright\\s)o(ff)o(am)o(il)o(y\\)o(bfs)o(er)o(ie)o(s)48 +b(#1\\par\\nobreak}\045)301 1061 y(\\@afterheading)o(})192 +1173 y(\\setlength{\\sl)o(id)o(ehe)o(ig)o(ht)o(}{)o(0.)o(74)o(\\pa)o +(pe)o(rw)o(id)o(th)o(})192 1286 y(\\setlength{\\sl)o(id)o(ewi)o(dt)o +(h})o({0)o(.8)o(4\\)o(pap)o(er)o(he)o(ig)o(ht)o(})192 +1399 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\s)o(lid)o(et)o(op)o(ma)o(rg)o(in)o(}{0)o(.1) +o(2\\)o(pa)o(pe)o(rwi)o(dt)o(h})192 1512 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\s)o(lid) +o(eb)o(ot)o(to)o(mm)o(ar)o(gin)o(}{)o(0.)o(12)o(\\p)o(ape)o(rw)o(id)o +(th)o(})192 1625 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\s)o(lid)o(el)o(ef)o(tm)o(ar)o +(gi)o(n}{)o(0.)o(08)o(\\p)o(ap)o(erh)o(ei)o(gh)o(t})192 +1738 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\s)o(lid)o(er)o(ig)o(ht)o(ma)o(rg)o(in})o({0) +o(.0)o(8\\)o(pa)o(per)o(he)o(ig)o(ht)o(})192 1851 y(\\slideframe{no)o +(ne)o(})192 1964 y(\\AtBeginDocume)o(nt)o({)301 2077 +y(\\ifthenelse{\\e)o(qua)o(l{)o(\\d)o(ef)o(au)o(lt)o(ema)o(il)o(}{)o +(}})410 2190 y({\\newcommand{\\@)o(em)o(ai)o(l})o({})o(})410 +2303 y({\\newcommand{\\@)o(em)o(ai)o(l})519 2415 y({)54 +b(\\texttt{<}\\htma)o(il)o({\\)o(de)o(fau)o(lt)o(em)o(ai)o(l})o(\\te)o +(xt)o(tt)o({>)o(}})o(})301 2528 y(\\newpagestyle{)o(HC})o(\045)410 +2641 y({\\parbox[b]{\\te)o(xt)o(wi)o(dt)o(h})o(\045)574 +2754 y({\\currenttitle)o(\\h)o(fi)o(ll)o(\\c)o(urr)o(en)o(td)o(at)o +(e\\)o(\\[-)o(.6)o(ex)o(]\045)628 2867 y(\\rule{\\textwidt)o(h})o({0)o +(.6)o(pt})o(}})410 2980 y({\\parbox[t]{\\te)o(xt)o(wi)o(dt)o(h})o({\\)o +(rul)o(e{)o(\\t)o(ex)o(tw)o(idt)o(h})o({0)o(.6)o(pt)o(}\\\\)o([.)o(6e)o +(x])o(\045)574 3093 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\a)o(ut)o(di)o(v})o({,)48 +b(}\045)574 3206 y(\\currentauthor)o(\\@)o(em)o(ai)o(l\\)o(hfi)o(ll)o +(\\t)o(he)o(pa)o(ge})o(})301 3319 y(\\pagestyle{HC})192 +3432 y(})192 3545 y(\\RequirePackag)o(e{)o(fan)o(cy)o(bo)o(x})192 +3657 y(\\setcounter{to)o(cd)o(ept)o(h})o({3)o(})192 3770 +y(\\renewcommand\\)o(se)o(cti)o(on)o({\\)o(@s)o(ta)o(rt)o(sec)o(ti)o +(on)g({section}{1}{\\)o(z@})o(\045)301 3883 y({-3.5ex)j(\\@plus)h(-1ex) +h(\\@minus)e(-.2ex}\045)301 3996 y({2.3ex)h(\\@plus.2ex}\045)301 +4109 y({\\newslide\\nor)o(mal)o(fo)o(nt)o(\\L)o(ar)o(ge)o(\\bf)o(se)o +(ri)o(es)o(\\s)o(had)o(ow)o(bo)o(x})o(})192 4222 y(\\renewcommand\\)o +(pa)o(rt{)o(\\c)o(le)o(ar)o(pa)o(ge)1119 4335 y(\\if@twocolumn)1337 +4448 y(\\onecolumn)1337 4561 y(\\@tempswatrue)1228 4674 +y(\\else)1337 4787 y(\\@tempswafalse)1119 4899 y(\\fi)1119 +5012 y(\\secdef\\@part\\@)o(sp)o(ar)o(t})109 5331 y Fr(3.8.1)100 +b(The)28 b(tw)n(otoc)f(option)192 5518 y Fk(\\if@twotoc)p +eop +%%Page: 34 35 +34 34 bop 109 -62 a Ft(34)1960 b Fq(4)99 b(German)25 +b(Language)g(De\002nitions)p 109 -10 3544 4 v 301 270 +a Fk(\\RequirePackag)o(e{m)o(ul)o(ti)o(co)o(l})301 383 +y(\\renewcommand*)o(\\ta)o(bl)o(eo)o(fc)o(on)o(ten)o(ts)o({\045)410 +496 y(\\newlength{\\old)o(@c)o(ol)o(um)o(ns)o(epr)o(ul)o(e})410 +609 y(\\setlength{\\old)o(@c)o(ol)o(um)o(ns)o(epr)o(ul)o(e})o({\\)o(co) +o(lu)o(mns)o(ep)o(ru)o(le)o(})410 722 y(\\setlength{\\col)o(um)o(ns)o +(ep)o(ru)o(le})o({0)o(.4)o(pt)o(})410 835 y(\\begin{multicol)o(s})o({2) +o(}[)o(\\s)o(ect)o(io)o(n*)o({\\)o(co)o(nt)o(ent)o(sn)o(am)o(e})o(])410 +948 y(\\@starttoc{toc})o(\045)410 1061 y(\\end{multicols})410 +1173 y(\\setlength{\\col)o(um)o(ns)o(ep)o(ru)o(le})o({\\)o(ol)o(d@)o +(co)o(lu)o(mns)o(ep)o(ru)o(le)o(})410 1286 y(})192 1399 +y(\\fi)193 1512 y Fm(h)r Fi(=)q Fl(hcslides)q Fm(i)109 +1763 y Fs(4)143 b(German)38 b(Langua)o(g)q(e)f(De\002nitions)109 +1983 y Fh(The)27 b Fe(babel)f Fh(package)h(is)h(loaded)f(with)h(the)f +(new)g(German)i(orthograpy)d(\(option)h Fe(ngerman)p +Fh(:)d(this)109 2096 y(r)n(equir)n(es)39 b(a)i(rather)f(new)g(version)g +(of)g Fe(babel)p Fh(\).)e(The)i(commands)g Fe(\\q)p Fh(,)f +Fe(\\hq)p Fh(,)g Fe(\\dash)p Fh(,)f Fe(\\Es)h Fh(and)109 +2209 y Fe(\\shorttoday)28 b Fh(ar)n(e)34 b(adapted)e(to)h(the)g(German) +h(typography)-10 b(.)30 b(The)j Fe(\\enge)e Fh(command)j(is)g(r)n(ede-) +109 2322 y(\002ned.)20 b(The)i(German)g(B)m Fc(I)r(B)-5 +b Fh(T)1044 2352 y(E)1088 2322 y(X)22 b(style)f Fe(hc-de)f +Fh(is)i(used)e(by)i(default.)f(The)h(language)f(speci\002c)h(texts)f +(ar)n(e)109 2435 y(r)n(ede\002ned.)i(The)h(German)i(r)n(ede\002nitions) +e(of)h(the)g Fe(varioref)d Fh(package)j(do)f(not)h(seem)f(to)h(work,)f +(so)109 2548 y(the)d(ar)n(e)i(r)n(epeated.)193 2695 y +Fm(h)r(\003)q Fl(german)r Fm(i)192 2808 y Fk(\\addto{\\captio)o(ns)o +(nge)o(rm)o(an)o(}{)o(\045)301 2921 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\ne)o(xt)o(st) +o(ar)o(tq)o(}{\\)o(gu)o(il)o(le)o(mo)o(tr)o(igh)o(t})301 +3034 y(\\renewcommand{)o(\\ne)o(xt)o(en)o(dq)o(}{)o(\\gu)o(il)o(le)o +(mo)o(tl)o(ef)o(t})301 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By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) 19yy - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/FILES b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/FILES deleted file mode 100644 index c4dfc0f3d1a..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/FILES +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - HC Bundle for LaTeX2e: The Files - ================================ - -COPYING - The GNU General Public License -FILES - This file -README - Readme file - -hc-de.bst - German language bibliography style -hc-en.bst - English language bibliography style - created by the LaTeX custom-bib package - - custom-bib source code can be found at - - -hc.ins - Installation driver for scrtime.dtx. -hc.dtx - Contains: - hcart.cls - Substitute for article.cls - hcreport.cls - Substitute for report.cls - hcletter.cls - Substitute for letter.cls - hcslides.cls - Substitute for slides.cls - german.hld - additional definitions for the German language - the documentation diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/german.hld b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/german.hld deleted file mode 100644 index ff4dcd2d75d..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hc/german.hld +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -%% -%% This is file `german.hld', -%% generated with the docstrip utility. -%% -%% The original source files were: -%% -%% hc.dtx (with options: `german') -%% -%% Copyright (C) 1998--2000 Christian Siefkes -%% -%% Updates are available via -%% -%% This file is part of the HC Bundle for LaTeX2e. -%% ----------------------------------------------- -%% -%% This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -%% it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as -%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the -%% License, or (at your option) any later version. -%% -%% This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -%% General Public License for more details. -%% -%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -%% along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to -%% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -%% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -%% -\ProvidesFile{german.hld}% - [2000/03/23 v1.07 LaTeX2e HC Bundle] -\addto{\captionsngerman}{% - \renewcommand{\nextstartq}{\guillemotright} - \renewcommand{\nextendq}{\guillemotleft} - \renewcommand{\otherstartq}{\guilsinglright} - \renewcommand{\otherendq}{\guilsinglleft} - \renewcommand{\hq}[1]{\guilsinglright{}#1\guilsinglleft{}} - \renewcommand{\fq}[1]{\guillemotright{}#1\guillemotleft{}} - \renewcommand{\dash}[1]{--~#1~--} - \renewcommand{\shorttoday} - {\the\day.\the\month.\two@digits{\theshortyear}\xspace} - \renewcommand{\enge}[2]{#2} - \renewcommand{\bibliostyle}{hc-de} - \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Inhalt} - \renewcommand{\versiontext}{Version vom} - \renewcommand{\accesstext}{Zugriff am} - \renewcommand{\cftext}{vgl.} - \renewcommand{\bibvoltext}{der} - \renewcommand{\bvtext}{Bd.} - \renewcommand{\bibdir}{Regie } - \renewcommand{\bibmovtext}{Spielfilm} - \renewcommand{\bibactorsbefore}{Mit} - \renewcommand{\bibactorsafter}{u.a} - \renewcommand{\noyear}{o.J.} - \renewcommand{\noaddress}{o.O.} - \renewcommand{\otherabstractname}{Abstract} - \renewcommand{\keywordsname}{Schl\"usselw\"orter} - \renewcommand{\seetext}{siehe} -} -\if@euro - \addto{\captionsngerman}{% - \renewcommand{\Es}[1]{#1\nobreak\,\E} - } -\fi -\if@fancyref - \def\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}% - \def\reftextfacebefore{auf der vorherigen Seite}% - \let\reftextafter \reftextfaceafter - \let\reftextbefore \reftextfacebefore - \def\reftextcurrent {auf dieser Seite}% - \def\reftextfaraway#1{auf Seite~\pageref{#1}}% - \def\reftextpagerange#1#2{auf - Seiten~\pageref{#1}--\pageref{#2}}% - \def\reftextlabelrange#1#2{\ref{#1} bis~\ref{#2}}% -\fi -\endinput -%% -%% End of file `german.hld'. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hc/german.hld b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hc/german.hld new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ff4dcd2d75d --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hc/german.hld @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +%% +%% This is file `german.hld', +%% generated with the docstrip utility. +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% hc.dtx (with options: `german') +%% +%% Copyright (C) 1998--2000 Christian Siefkes +%% +%% Updates are available via +%% +%% This file is part of the HC Bundle for LaTeX2e. +%% ----------------------------------------------- +%% +%% This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +%% it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as +%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the +%% License, or (at your option) any later version. +%% +%% This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +%% General Public License for more details. +%% +%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +%% along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to +%% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, +%% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +%% +\ProvidesFile{german.hld}% + [2000/03/23 v1.07 LaTeX2e HC Bundle] +\addto{\captionsngerman}{% + \renewcommand{\nextstartq}{\guillemotright} + \renewcommand{\nextendq}{\guillemotleft} + \renewcommand{\otherstartq}{\guilsinglright} + \renewcommand{\otherendq}{\guilsinglleft} + \renewcommand{\hq}[1]{\guilsinglright{}#1\guilsinglleft{}} + \renewcommand{\fq}[1]{\guillemotright{}#1\guillemotleft{}} + \renewcommand{\dash}[1]{--~#1~--} + \renewcommand{\shorttoday} + {\the\day.\the\month.\two@digits{\theshortyear}\xspace} + \renewcommand{\enge}[2]{#2} + \renewcommand{\bibliostyle}{hc-de} + \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Inhalt} + \renewcommand{\versiontext}{Version vom} + \renewcommand{\accesstext}{Zugriff am} + \renewcommand{\cftext}{vgl.} + \renewcommand{\bibvoltext}{der} + \renewcommand{\bvtext}{Bd.} + \renewcommand{\bibdir}{Regie } + \renewcommand{\bibmovtext}{Spielfilm} + \renewcommand{\bibactorsbefore}{Mit} + \renewcommand{\bibactorsafter}{u.a} + \renewcommand{\noyear}{o.J.} + \renewcommand{\noaddress}{o.O.} + \renewcommand{\otherabstractname}{Abstract} + \renewcommand{\keywordsname}{Schl\"usselw\"orter} + \renewcommand{\seetext}{siehe} +} +\if@euro + \addto{\captionsngerman}{% + \renewcommand{\Es}[1]{#1\nobreak\,\E} + } +\fi +\if@fancyref + \def\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}% + \def\reftextfacebefore{auf der vorherigen Seite}% + \let\reftextafter \reftextfaceafter + \let\reftextbefore \reftextfacebefore + \def\reftextcurrent {auf dieser Seite}% + \def\reftextfaraway#1{auf Seite~\pageref{#1}}% + \def\reftextpagerange#1#2{auf + Seiten~\pageref{#1}--\pageref{#2}}% + \def\reftextlabelrange#1#2{\ref{#1} bis~\ref{#2}}% +\fi +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `german.hld'. -- cgit v1.2.3