From 07abe81fee7ff18c9d2ea4a2f98378851e3f8887 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Karl Berry <>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 22:57:49 +0000
Subject: rm tabto, REASON

git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
 Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/tabto/tabto.txt |  49 --------
 Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tabto/tabto.sty | 160 --------------------------
 Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tabto.tlpsrc              |   0
 3 files changed, 209 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/tabto/tabto.txt
 delete mode 100644 Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tabto/tabto.sty
 delete mode 100644 Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tabto.tlpsrc

(limited to 'Master')

diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/tabto/tabto.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/tabto/tabto.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fdce2375802..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/tabto/tabto.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0  (May 2006)
-Donald Arseneau, Vancouver, Canada (
-Tabbing to fixed positions in a paragraph.
-Two new text positioning commands are defined: \tabto and \tab.
-Tab to a position relative to the left margin in a paragraph
-(any indentation due to a list is part of the `margin' in this
-context).  If the text on the line already goes past the desired
-position, the tab starts a new line and moves to the requested
-horizontal  position.
-Similar to \tabto, except it will perform backspacing, and over-
-print previous text on the line whenever that text is already
-longer than the specified length (i.e., no linebreak is produced).
-Line-breaks are suppressed immediately after \tabto or \tabto*.
-Tab to the next tab-stop chosen from a list of tab positions, in
-the traditional style of typewriters.  A \tab will always move
-to the next tab stop (or the next line), even if it is already
-exactly at a tab stop. Thus, "\tab\tab" skips a position.  A
-linebreak is permitted immediately following a \tab, in case the
-ensuing text does not fit well in the remaining space.
-The tab-stop positions are declared using either \TabPositions
-or \NumTabs:
-\TabPositions{<length>, <length>,...<length>}
-Declares the tab stops as a comma-separated list of positions 
-relative to the left margin. A tab-stop at 0pt is implicit, and 
-need not be listed.
-Declares a list of <number> equally-spaced tabs, starting at the
-left margin and spanning \linewidth.  For example \NumTabs{2} 
-declares tab-stops at 0pt and 0.5\linewidth, the same as
-\TabPositions{0pt, 0.5\linewidth} or \TabPositions{0.5\linewidth}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tabto/tabto.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tabto/tabto.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bc952fadd0..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tabto/tabto.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-% tabto.sty
-% version 1.0  (May 2006)
-% Tabbing to fixed positions in a paragraph.
-% Copyright 2006 by Donald Arseneau, 
-%     Vancouver, Canada (
-% Permission to use, distribute and modify this software is granted
-% under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either 
-% version 1.3 or (at your option) any later version.  The license is
-% found at, and is part of all 
-% recent distributions of LaTeX.
-% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-% Two new text positioning commands are defined: \tabto and \tab.
-% \tabto{<length>}
-% Tab to a position relative to the left margin in a paragraph
-% (any indentation due to a list is part of the `margin' in this
-% context).  If the text on the line already goes past the desired
-% position, the tab starts a new line and moves to the requested
-% horizontal  position.
-% \tabto*{<length>}
-% Similar to \tabto, except it will perform backspacing, and over-
-% print previous text on the line whenever that text is already
-% longer than the specified length (i.e., no linebreak is produced).
-% Line-breaks are suppressed immediately after \tabto or \tabto*.
-% \tab
-% Tab to the next tab-stop chosen from a list of tab positions, in
-% the traditional style of typewriters.  A \tab will always move
-% to the next tab stop (or the next line), even if it is already
-% exactly at a tab stop. Thus, "\tab\tab" skips a position.  A
-% linebreak is permitted immediately following a \tab, in case the
-% ensuing text does not fit well in the remaining space.
-% The tab-stop positions are declared using either \TabPositions
-% or \NumTabs:
-% \TabPositions{<length>, <length>,...<length>}
-% Declares the tab stops as a comma-separated list of positions 
-% relative to the left margin. A tab-stop at 0pt is implicit, and 
-% need not be listed.
-% \NumTabs{<number>}
-% Declares a list of <number> equally-spaced tabs, starting at the
-% left margin and spanning \linewidth.  For example \NumTabs{2} 
-% declares tab-stops at 0pt and 0.5\linewidth, the same as
-% \TabPositions{0pt, 0.5\linewidth} or \TabPositions{0.5\linewidth}
- \leavevmode
- \begingroup
- \def\@tempa{*}\def\@tempb{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
-   \endgroup
-   \TTo@overlaptrue
-   \expandafter\tabto
- \else
-   \ifinner % in a \hbox, so ignore
-   \else % unrestricted horizontal mode
-     \null% \predisplaysize will tell the position of this box (must be box)
-     \parfillskip\fill
-     \everydisplay{}\everymath{}%
-     \predisplaypenalty\@M \postdisplaypenalty\@M
-     $$% math display so we can test \predisplaysize
-      \lineskiplimit=-999pt % so we get pure \baselineskip
-      \abovedisplayskip=-\baselineskip \abovedisplayshortskip=-\baselineskip
-      \belowdisplayskip\z@skip \belowdisplayshortskip\z@skip
-      \halign{##\cr\noalign{%
-        % get the width of the line above
-        \ifdim\predisplaysize<\z@ 
-           \CurrentLineWidth\z@
-        \else
-           \CurrentLineWidth\predisplaysize 
-           % Correct the 2em offset, but avoid error when -\maxdimen
-           \advance\CurrentLineWidth -2em
-           \advance\CurrentLineWidth -\displayindent
-           \advance\CurrentLineWidth -\leftskip
-        \fi
-        % Enshrine the tab-to position; #1 might reference \CurrentLineWidth
-        \@tempdimb=#1\relax
-        %\message{*** Tab to \the\@tempdimb, previous width 
-        %     is \the\CurrentLineWidth. ***}%
-        % Build the action to perform
-        \protected@xdef\TTo@action{%
-           \vrule\@width\z@\@depth\the\prevdepth
-           \ifdim\CurrentLineWidth>\@tempdimb
-              \ifTTo@overlap\else
-                 \protect\newline \protect\null
-           \fi\fi
-           \protect\nobreak
-           \protect\hskip\the\@tempdimb\relax
-        }%
-        % get back to the baseline, regardless of its depth.
-        \vskip-\prevdepth
-        \prevdepth-99\p@
-        \vskip\prevdepth
-      }}%
-      $$
-     % Don't count the display as lines in the paragraph
-     \count@\prevgraf \advance\count@-4 \prevgraf\count@
-     \TTo@action
-%%   \penalty\@m % to allow a penalized line break
-   \fi
-   \endgroup
-   \TTo@overlapfalse
-   \ignorespaces
- \fi
-% \tab -- to the next position
-% \hskip so \tab\tab moves two positions
-% Allow a (penalized but flexible) line-break right after the tab.
-  \nobreak\hskip\z@\@plus 30\p@\penalty4000\hskip\z@\@plus-30\p@\relax}
-% Expandable macro to select the next tab position from the list
-  \expandafter \TTo@nexttabstop \TabStopList,\maxdimen,>%
-\def\TTo@nexttabstop #1,{%
-    \ifdim#1<\CurrentLineWidth
-      \expandafter\TTo@nexttabstop
-    \else
-      \ifdim#1<0.9999\linewidth#1\else\z@\fi
-      \expandafter\strip@prefix
-    \fi
-   \def\TabStopList{}%
-   \@tempdimb\linewidth 
-   \divide\@tempdimb by#1\relax
-   \advance\@tempdimb 1sp % counteract rounding-down by \divide
-   \CurrentLineWidth\z@
-   \@whiledim\CurrentLineWidth<\linewidth\do {%
-     \edef\TabStopList{\TabStopList\the\CurrentLineWidth,}%
-     \advance\CurrentLineWidth\@tempdimb
-   }%
-   \edef\TabStopList{\TabStopList\linewidth}%
-% default setting of tab positions:
-\newif\ifTTo@overlap \TTo@overlapfalse
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tabto.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tabto.tlpsrc
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
cgit v1.2.3