path: root/Master
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1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/rlepsf/rlepsf.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/rlepsf/rlepsf.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e2702703c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/rlepsf/rlepsf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rlepsf.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Version 1.0 (beta test)
+% Comments, problems etc to :
+% Macros to relabel an eps file with TeX labels,
+% written by Michael Greene, with TeX front end
+% written by Colin Rourke.
+% Designed for use with the macro package epsf.tex
+% and dvips converter (written by Rokicki and Knuth)
+% and with eps output from a variety of drawing
+% packages (tested with output from xfig and Adobe
+% Illustrator, and with hand-drawn figures).
+% To use this package type \input rlepsf (in place of
+% the usual \input epsf ). Then place each eps file
+% in a \relabelbox ... \endrelabelbox with relabelling
+% instructions after the \epsfbox{..} .
+% The eps file is called exactly as usual with epsf.tex
+% typical instructions being \epsfbox{filename.eps}
+% and \epsfxsize dimension \epsfbox{filename.eps}
+% (where "dimension" is the required finished width of
+% the diagram).
+% There are three (re)labelling macros:
+% \relabel {pslabel}{TeX label}
+% \adjustrelabel <dx,dy> {pslabel}{TeX label}
+% \extralabel <x,y> {extra label}
+% \relabel uses the ps file position for the new TeX
+% label (which can be any TeX output). The new label
+% is positioned with same reference point (left-hand
+% end of baseline) as the original ps label.
+% \adjustrelabel adjusts the position by dx,dy and
+% is useful for fine tuning the position of the
+% new label. \extralabel allows extra TeX labels to be
+% inserted. The positions x,y are measured from the
+% bottom right-hand corner of the box (so x is typically
+% negative) ! The re/extra-labelling instructions can
+% be given in any order and any TeX dimensions can
+% be used for x,y,dx,dy.
+% The result is a box of dimensions the original epsbox
+% but with new TeX labels. This can then be inserted in
+% $$ ... $$ or \centerline{ ... } for display, or
+% combined with other boxes to form a larger display.
+% The \relabelbox ... \endrelabelbox forms a TeX group;
+% thus instructions for resizing text for the new labels
+% (eg \small ) will remain local to this group.
+% There are two main uses for the package :
+% (1) Creating graphics with TeX labels :
+% Draw the graphic with dummy ps labels (all different and in
+% some common font eg Times-Roman). Then use \relabel 'ling
+% instructions to replace the dummy labels by the genuine TeX
+% labels. Use roughly the same size dummy labels as the final
+% TeX labels and then the position will probably be perfect
+% first time. Adjust the positions if necessary by editing
+% \relabel to \adjustrelabel with appropriate <dx,dy>.
+% (2) Editing the ps labels in an existing eps file to TeX
+% labels :
+% Use \relabel and \adjustrelabel to replace the
+% existing labels. You may have to use \extralabel for
+% some of the new labels (or to edit the eps file to change
+% repeated ps labels to be different), see note (2) below.
+% Notes:
+% (1) All ps labels are removed whether or not
+% instructions for relabelling are given.
+% (2) If the eps file has two or more labels the
+% same, then only one will be replaced. Therefore
+% if you are designing a diagram from scratch then
+% use different temporary ps labels for your labels
+% even if you wish them to finish the same. If
+% you are relabelling an existing eps diagram with TeX
+% labels then use \extralabel's to replace the other
+% label(s) or edit the eps file to change the repeated
+% labels to different ones.
+% (3) The macros are sensitive to extra spaces and
+% the above syntax should be used.
+% (4) The output will not view correctly on a dvi
+% viewer which will typically show the new labels
+% superimposed at the bottom right-hand corner.
+% However those produced by \extralabel will be shown
+% correctly positioned.
+% A typical example of use is appended. More realistic
+% examples are given in the postscript documentation file
+% CPR 16-12-96
+\input epsf
+% Initialise for MTG control
+\special{! (MTG set-up) pop userdict /MTGdict 99 dict put MTGdict begin
+ /Mshow {[ MTGdict /rllist get aload length 2 add -1 roll
+ currentpoint transform ] MTGdict /rllist 3 2 roll put} def
+ /findlabel {/sought exch def
+ /MTGx 3 index def /MTGy 2 index def aload length 3 idiv dup 0 eq
+ {pop}
+ {{2 index sought eq
+ {/MTGy exch def /MTGx exch def pop}
+ {pop pop pop}
+ ifelse}
+ repeat}
+ ifelse exch MTGx exch sub exch MTGy exch sub idtransform translate
+ } def
+ end}%
+ \hbox\bgroup%
+ \special{ps:(MTG takes control) pop
+ /MTGsavestate save def /p /show load def MTGdict begin gsave
+ /rllist [] def /save {false} def /restore {pop} def /show {Mshow} def
+ /ashow {Mshow pop pop} def /widthshow {Mshow pop pop pop} def /awidthshow
+ {Mshow 5 {pop} repeat} def /xshow {pop Mshow} def /yshow {pop Mshow} def
+ /xyshow {pop Mshow} def /cshow {Mshow pop} def /kshow {Mshow pop} def}%
+ \special{ps:/a {moveto} bind def}%
+ \special{ps:(MTG signs off) pop grestore end /restore {restore} bind def
+ MTGsavestate restore}\egroup%
+\def\relabel #1#2 {%
+ \special{ps:/a {} def}%
+ \special{ps:gsave /a {moveto} bind def transform MTGdict /rllist get (#1) findlabel}%
+ \smash{\rlap{#2}}%
+ \special{ps:grestore}%
+\def\adjustrelabel <#1,#2> #3#4 {%
+ \special{ps:/a {} def}%
+ \special{ps:gsave /a {moveto} bind def transform MTGdict /rllist get (#3) findlabel}%
+ \smash{\rlap{\kern #1 \raise #2\hbox{#4}}}%
+ \special{ps:grestore}%
+\def\extralabel <#1,#2> #3 {\smash{\rlap{\kern #1 \raise #2\hbox{#3}}}}%
+%%%% Typical example of use :
+\input rlepsf.tex
+The line before the figure.\hfil\break
+\epsfxsize 3truein \epsfbox {figure1.eps}
+%% Give label size instruction (eg \small) here.
+\adjustrelabel <0pt,1pt> {Ab}{$A^b$}
+\adjustrelabel <-4pt,0pt> {P}{$P$}
+\relabel {Bc}{$B_c$}
+\extralabel <-.3truein,0.3truein> {First extra label}
+\adjustrelabel <1pt,0pt> {IP"}{$\int P''$}
+\adjustrelabel <1pt,0pt> {P'}{$P'$}
+\extralabel <-1.5cm,1.5cm> {Second extra label}
+The line after the figure.
+ \ No newline at end of file