path: root/Master
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37 files changed, 1664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/0mftoeps.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/0mftoeps.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4edfd06cd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/0mftoeps.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+The package MFTOEPS belongs to the public domain. You are entitled to do with
+the files of which it consists whatever you wish. If you alter a file,
+however, please remove the line containing the comment
+ `This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.'
+in order to avoid a mess.
+The kernel of this little package is the METAFONT program MFTOEPS.MF written
+by Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski and Marek Ry\'cko. The aim of the
+program is to produce EPS (encapsulated PostScript) files readable by
+CorelDRAW!(R), Adobe Illustrator(TM) and Fontographer(R).
+The user of the package is supposed to be familiar a bit with METAFONT and
+PostScript. Donald E. Knuth's ``The METAFONTbook'' and Adobe's ``PostScript
+Language Reference Manual'' (both by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.)
+should be consulted in the case of doubts.
+There is a bunch of simple examples in the subdirectory M2ESAMP. The
+directory ../PROGS contains DOS batch files and other programs which,
+possibly after some adjustments, can be used to generate EPS files.
+Roughly, the machinery works as follows: the resulting PostScript code
+is written by METAFONT to a LOG file; the LOG file is then processed
+either by AWK or by TeX (see the PROGS subdirectory) in order to extract
+the PostScript code. The idea seems straightforward; however, even
+a partial conciliation of the worlds of CorelDRAW! and Adobe Illustrator
+was not so much straightforward.
+In addition to the main MFTOEPS package, there are two ``bonus'' packages in
+directories ../EPSTOMF and ../ROEX. EPSTOMF converts ``canonical'' EPS files,
+i.e., files conforming the structure of the files generated by the MFTOEPS
+package, into the METAFONT lingo; ROEX is a set of METAFONT macros
+accomplishing the task of removing overlaps and expanding strokes (for
+details see there).
+Conventions: In the following we shall use words `number,' `pair,' `string,'
+and `path' as an abbreviation for `numeric expression,' `pair expression,'
+`string expression,' and `path expression,' respectively. The signs `less'
+and `greater,' used for marking parameters of macros, are
+``meta-characters,'' i.e., they do not belong to the METAFONT code.
+There are fifteen interface macros defined in the MFTOEPS.MF file:
+ eps_mode_setup
+ write_preamble
+ write_postamble
+ set_BB
+ find_BB
+ reset_BB
+ fill_C
+ draw_C
+ clip_C
+ fix_line_width
+ fix_line_join
+ fix_line_cap
+ fix_line_miter_limit
+ fix_fill_cmyk
+ fix_draw_cmyk
+COMMAND eps_mode_setup
+USAGE eps_mode_setup <an optional number (0 or 1)>;
+REMARKS This command should be used instead of the usual |mode_setup|
+ command. The forms |EPS_mode_setup| and |EPS_mode_setup 1|
+ are equivalent. One of them (preferably the former one) should
+ be used for normal processing. Invoking |EPS_mode_setup 0|
+ is meant primariliy for testing purposes and is supposed
+ to be used by experienced programmers who know what they are doing.
+ There are two predefined constants in MFTOEPS.MF to be used in this
+ context, namely, |no_export_level=0| and |compatibility_level=1|.
+ It is advisable to use the names of the constants rather than
+ bare numbers.
+COMMAND write_preamble
+USAGE write_preamble <string>;
+REMARKS This command initialises the process of writing of the PostScript
+ code. The string expression is the name (without extension)
+ of the resulting EPS file; the extension is always |.EPS|.
+ METAFONT is switched to the |batchmode| in order to avoid
+ slowing down the process by writing mess(ages) to the terminal.
+ The inspection of the log file is thus highly recommended.
+COMMAND write_postamble
+USAGE write_postamble;
+REMARKS This command ends writing of the PostScript code, switches METAFONT
+ back to the |errorstopmode|, and performs neccessary ``last minute''
+ actions (see below).
+COMMANDS set_BB find_BB reset_BB
+USAGE set_BB <four numbers or two pairs separated by commas>;
+ find_BB <a list of paths separated by commas>;
+ reset_BB;
+REMARKS Commands |set_BB| or |find_BB| should be invoked prior to
+ invoking |write_preamble|. |set_BB| sets the coordinates of
+ the corners of the bounding box of a graphic object; it is
+ useful when the bounding box of a graphic object is
+ known in advance or if it is required to force an artificial
+ bounding box. |find_BB| computes the respective bounding box
+ for a list of paths; if several |find_BB| statements are
+ used, the common bounding box is calculated for all paths
+ that appeared in the arguments. The result is stored in the
+ variables |xl_crd|, |yl_crd|, |xh_crd|, and |yh_crd|. There
+ are two functions, |llxy| and |urxy|, returning pairs
+ |(xl_crd,yl_crd)| and |(xh_crd,yh_crd)|, respectively. The
+ last command, |reset_BB|, makes |xl_crd|, |yl_crd|,
+ |xh_crd|, and |yh_crd| undefined (the initial situation);
+ |reset_BB| is performed by the |write_postamble| macro,
+ which is convenient in the case of generating several
+ several EPS files in a single METAFONT run.
+COMMANDS fill_C draw_C
+USAGE fill_C <a list of paths separated by commas>;
+ draw_C <a list of paths separated by commas>;
+REMARKS These commands are to be used instead of the usual
+ METAFONT |fill| and |draw| ones. They cause that a list of paths
+ followed by the PostScript operation |eofill| (|fill_C|) or |stroke|
+ (|draw_C|) is translated to a PostScript code. The list of paths
+ constitutes a single curve in the sense of PostScript.
+USAGE clip_C <a list of paths separated by commas, possibly empty>;
+REMARKS The macro |clip_C| with a non-empty parameter works similarly to
+ the |fill_C| command, except that the |eoclip| operator is issued
+ instead of |eofill|. This causes an appropriate change of
+ the current clipping area. According to PostScript's principles,
+ the resulting area is a set product of the current clipping
+ area and the area specified in the argument of the |eoclip|
+ command. The empty parameter marks the end of the scope
+ of the most recent |clip_C| command with a non-empty parameter.
+ In other words, nested |clip_C| commands form a ``stack'' structure.
+ If needed, the appropriate number of parameterless |clip_C|
+ commands is issued by the |write_postamble| macro, thus
+ the user needs not to care about it.
+ WARNING: files produced with the use of |clip_C| are
+ interpreted properly by Adobe Illustrator (provided paths
+ directions are defined properly) but not by CorelDRAW! (ver. 3.0).
+COMMANDS fix_line_width fix_line_join fix_line_cap fix_miter_limit fix_dash
+USAGE fix_line_width <a non-negative number (dimension)>;
+ fix_line_join <a number (0, 1 or 2)>;
+ fix_line_cap <a number (0, 1 or 2)>;
+ fix_miter_limit <a number greater or equal 1>;
+ fix_dash (<a list of numbers (dimensions), possibly empty>)
+ <number (dimension)>;
+REMARKS These command are to be used in connection with the |draw_C|
+ command. |fix_line_width| fixes the thickness of the outline.
+ The other three commands correspond to PostScript operations
+ |setlinejoin|, |setlinecap|, |setmiterlimit|, and |setdash| (see
+ ``PostScript Language Reference Journal'' for details).
+ All commands should be used after |write_preamble|, as
+ |write_preamble| sets the default thickness (0.4pt), default
+ line join (0), default line cap (0), default miter limit (10),
+ and a solid line as a default for stroking (|fix_dash () 0|).
+COMMANDS fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+USAGE fix_fill_cmyk <four numbers separated by commas>;
+ fix_draw_cmyk <four numbers separated by commas>;
+REMARKS These commands define the colours of the interiors of graphic
+ objects (|fix_fill_cmyk|) and colours of outlines (|fix_draw_cmyk|)
+ using cyan-magenta-yellow-black model (basic model). They should
+ be used after |write_preamble| (because |write_preamble| defines
+ the black colour as a default for both macros) and prior to invoking
+ the corresponding |fill_C| and |draw_C| commands, respectively.
+ There are also (just in case) macros |fix_fill_rgb| and
+ |fix_draw_rgb| using red-green-blue model; the argument to both
+ macros is a triple of numbers. (The user can control the process
+ of conversion from RGB to CMYK by the redefinition of macros
+ |under_color_removal| and |black_generation|.) The numbers
+ forming the arguments of the macros are supposed to belong to
+ the interval [0..1].
+ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS pos_turn neg_turn
+USAGE pos_turn <primary path expression>
+ neg_turn <primary path expression>
+REMARKS Each function returns the path passed as the argument,
+ except that the orientation of the path is changed, if
+ necessary: |pos_turn| returns paths oriented anti-clockwise,
+ |neg_turn|---oriented clockwise. This may be
+ usefull for creation pictures which are to be processed
+ further by Adobe Illustrator, because this program is
+ sensitive to the orientation of paths.
+REMARKS No EPS file will be generated unless one variable among
+ |yeseps| or |yesEPS| or |YESEPS| is assigned a definite value.
+ It is advisable to set this variable in a command line
+ (see M2E.BAT and M2E-ALT.BAT in the PROGS directory).
+ In fact, using |yeseps| is reccomended. Aliases |yesEPS|
+ and |YESEPS| were introduced for ``historical'' reasons.
+REMARKS If the variable |testing| is assigned a definite value, the whole
+ PostScript code is flushed to the terminal, thus slowing
+ down significantly the process of generation of an EPS file
+ (cf. the description of the |write_preamble| command).
+The inspection of the source code of the MFTOEPS.MF program may reveal
+a few more useful macros.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/0m2esamp.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/0m2esamp.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd27e761c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/0m2esamp.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+The directory M2ESAMP contains the following files:
+ 0M2ESAMP.DOC this file
+ CLIPCIR.MF a bogus application of clipping: a variation of CLIPSQR.MF
+ CLIPSQR.MF a bogus application of clipping: Sierpi\'nski's carpet
+ HOLECLIP.MF a nearly trivial example
+ HOLECLIP.TEX an example of using HOLECLIP.EPS
+ HOLEFILL.MF a nearly trivial example
+ POLYGONS.MF input for SAMPLE*.MF files
+ RECTAN.MF a truly trivial example
+ RECTAN_.BAT DOS batch file for RECTAN.MF (generates RECTAN.EPS)
+ SAMPLE1A.MF less trivial example
+ SAMPLE1B.MF modification of SAMPLE1A.MF
+ SAMPLE2A.MF regular polygon with circumscribed ``flex'' polygon
+ SAMPLE2B.MF ditto---a variation
+ SAMPLE2C.MF ditto---a variation
+ SAMPLE2D.MF ditto---a variation
+ SAMPLE2E.MF ditto---a variation
+ SAMPLE3.MF four pictures (``flowers'')
+ SAMPLE4.MF four pictures (``galaxies'')
+ SAMPLE5.MF four pictures (``shells'')
+ STEREO.MF two pictures that can be used for
+ constructing a simple stereogram
+You are entitled to do with these files whatever you wish. If you alter
+a file, however, please remove the comment line:
+ `This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.'
+in order to avoid mess.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
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index 00000000000..50cf091764a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup;
+% ---
+def ^ = ** enddef; % syntactic sugar
+primarydef i // n = % ditto
+ (if n=0: 0 else: i/n fi)
+% why not to divide by 0?
+def shifted_accordingly(expr i,j,n,D)=
+ shifted ((i//n)[1/2D,w-1/2D],(j//n)[1/2D,w-1/2D])
+% ---
+w#=16mm#; h#=16mm#; define_pixels(w,h);
+for N:=1,2,3,4: % 5, 6, ..., infinity
+ set_BB 0,0,w,h;
+ write_preamble jobname & decimal(N);
+ D:=2w;
+ for n:=0 for q:=1 upto N-1: , 2^q-1 endfor:
+% i.e., |for n:=0, 2^1-1, 2^2-1, ..., 2^(N-1)-1:|
+ path p[], q[]; D:=1/2D; k:=-1;
+ for i:=0 upto n: for j:=0 upto n:
+ k:=k+1;
+ p[k]=fullcircle scaled D
+ shifted_accordingly(i,j,n,D);
+ q[k]=reverse fullcircle scaled 1/3D
+ shifted_accordingly(i,j,n,D);
+ endfor; endfor;
+ clip_C p0, q0 for i:=1 upto k: , p[i], q[i] endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fill_C unitsquare scaled w;
+ write_postamble;
+% ---
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
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index 00000000000..266ec217ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% CLIPSQU.MF (Sierpi\'nski's carpet)
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup;
+% ---
+def ^ = ** enddef; % syntactic sugar
+primarydef i // n = % ditto
+ (if n=0: 0 else: i/n fi)
+% why not to divide by 0?
+def shifted_accordingly(expr i,j,n,D)=
+ shifted ((i//n)[0,w-D],(j//n)[0,w-D])
+% ---
+w#=16mm#; h#=16mm#; define_pixels(w,h);
+for N:=1,2,3: % 4, 5, 6, ..., infinity
+ set_BB 0,0,w,h;
+ write_preamble jobname & decimal(N);
+ D:=3w;
+ for n:=0 for q:=1 upto N-1: , 3^q-1 endfor:
+% i.e., |for n:=0, 3^1-1, 3^2-1, ..., 3^(N-1)-1:|
+ path p[], q[]; D:=1/3D; k:=-1;
+ for i:=0 upto n: for j:=0 upto n:
+ k:=k+1;
+ p[k]=unitsquare scaled D
+ shifted_accordingly(i,j,n,D);
+ q[k]=reverse unitsquare scaled 1/3D
+ shifted (1/3D,1/3D) shifted_accordingly(i,j,n,D);
+ endfor; endfor;
+ clip_C p0, q0 for i:=1 upto k: , p[i], q[i] endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fill_C unitsquare scaled w;
+ write_postamble;
+% ---
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b5850a8892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% HOLECLIP.MF---a nearly trivial example
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup;
+w#=4cm#; h#=2cm#; define_pixels(w,h);
+set_BB origin, (w,h);
+write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ for oper:="draw_C", "clip_C":
+ scantokens oper
+% outer edge:
+ fullcircle xscaled w yscaled h shifted (.5w,.5h),
+% inner edge:
+ reverse fullcircle xscaled .7w yscaled .7h shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/holeclip.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/holeclip.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f314a6ba89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/holeclip.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\input epsf
+ \hbox{It is a clipped text.}\hbox{It is a clipped text.}
+ \hbox{It is a clipped text.}\hbox{It is a clipped text.}
+ \vss % no depth
+ /mftoeps_save save def % the snapshoot of a current stage
+ /mftoeps_bhook {/q {} def /Q {} def} def
+ /CM matrix currentmatrix def
+ currentpoint /cy exch def /cx exch def
+ /ori@endspecial /@endspecial load def
+ /@endspecial {} def % neutralize /@endspecial locally
+\hbox to\wd0{\hss\epsfysize\ht0\epsffile{holeclip.eps}\hss}% perform clipping
+\special{ps:cx cy moveto CM setmatrix}\llap{\copy0}% set the text
+\special{ps:ori@endspecial mftoeps_save restore}% restore a previous stage
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index 00000000000..7478df585de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% HOLEFILL.MF---a nearly trivial example
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup;
+w#=4cm#; h#=2cm#; define_pixels(w,h);
+set_BB origin, (w,h);
+write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ fix_line_width 1pt;
+ for oper:="draw_C", "fill_C":
+ scantokens oper
+% outer edge:
+ fullcircle xscaled w yscaled h shifted (.5w,.5h),
+% inner edge:
+ reverse fullcircle xscaled .7w yscaled .7h shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..29d370d8ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+vardef regular_polygon(expr n) =
+% |n| is the number of vertices; the diameter of the circumscribed circle
+% is equal to 1, its center is in the origin
+ (up % first vertex
+ for i:=1 upto n-1:
+ -- (up rotated (i*(360/n))) % next vertices
+ endfor
+ -- cycle) scaled .5
+vardef flex_polygon(expr n,a,b) =
+% |n| is the number of vertices, |a|, |b| are the angles (at vertices)
+% between a tangent to a ``flex side'' and the corresponding secant
+ save zz; pair zz[ ]; % array of vertices
+ for i:=0 upto n-1:
+ zz[i]:=up rotated (i*(360/n));
+ endfor
+ (zz[0] {(zz[1]-zz[0]) rotated a}
+ for i:=1 upto n-1:
+ .. {(zz[i]-zz[i-1]) rotated b}
+ zz[i]
+ {(zz[(i+1) mod n]-zz[i]) rotated a}
+ endfor
+ .. {(zz[0]-zz[n-1]) rotated b} cycle)
+ scaled .5
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index 00000000000..63802ab54d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% RECTAN.MF---a trivial example
+% ---
+input mftoeps;
+beginchar(48, % ASCII code (unimportant)
+ 2cm#, % width
+ 1cm#, % height
+ 0cm# % depth
+ );
+ set_BB 0,-d,w,h; % coordinates of the corners of the bounding box
+ write_preamble "rectan";
+ fill_C unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/rectan_.bat b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/rectan_.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b344676ca6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/rectan_.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:: This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+call m2e rectan
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index 00000000000..cd34bd33077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons; % the definition of the |regular_polygon| function
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ,,room'' for polygons
+ N:=25; % the number of polygons
+% preparing:
+ for i:=1 upto N:
+ P[i]:=regular_polygon(7)
+ scaled ((i/N)**2*w) rotated (i/N*360) shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor;
+% exporting:
+ find_BB for i:=1 upto N-1: P[i], endfor P[N];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ draw_C for i:=1 upto N-1: P[i], endfor P[N];
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..499650af1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons; % the definition of the |regular_polygon| function
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ,,room'' for polygons
+ N:=25; % the number of polygons
+% preparing:
+ for i:=1 upto N:
+ P[i]:=regular_polygon(7)
+ scaled ((i/N)**2*w) rotated (i/N*360) shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor;
+% exporting:
+ find_BB for i:=1 upto N-1: P[i], endfor P[N];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+% Adobe Illustrator likes to control the orientation of paths
+ fill_C
+ for i:=1 upto N-1:
+ if odd(N-i+1): pos_turn else: neg_turn fi P[i],
+ endfor pos_turn P[N];
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
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index 00000000000..ef34b34ea84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons;
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ``room'' for two polygons
+% preparing:
+ P[1]:=regular_polygon(7) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ P[2]:=flex_polygon(7,0,0) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+% exporting:
+ find_BB P[1], P[2];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ fix_line_width 1pt;
+ fill_C P1; draw_C P2;
+ write_postamble;
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index 00000000000..e6d82b3175e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons;
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ``room'' for two polygons
+% preparing:
+ P[1]:=regular_polygon(7) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ P[2]:=flex_polygon(7,-180/7,180/7) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+% exporting:
+ find_BB P[1], P[2];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ fix_line_width 1pt;
+ fill_C P1; draw_C P2;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a2ebffb4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons;
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ``room'' for two polygons
+% preparing:
+ P[1]:=regular_polygon(7) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ P[2]:=flex_polygon(7,45,45) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+% exporting:
+ find_BB P[1], P[2];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ fix_line_width 1pt;
+ fill_C P1; draw_C P2;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8fe9f9bfb5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons;
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ``room'' for two polygons
+% preparing:
+ P[1]:=regular_polygon(7) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ P[2]:=flex_polygon(7,-45,45) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+% exporting:
+ find_BB P[1], P[2];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ fix_line_width 1pt;
+ fill_C P1; draw_C P2;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9411c1db405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input polygons;
+input mftoeps;
+ path P[ ]; % ``room'' for two polygons
+% preparing:
+ P[1]:=regular_polygon(7) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ P[2]:=flex_polygon(7,45,-45) scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+% exporting:
+ find_BB P[1], P[2];
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,.25; % 25 percent of black
+ fix_line_width 1pt;
+ fill_C P1; draw_C P2;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c58756e37a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input mftoeps;
+input polygons;
+% unpercent the following line if the coloured version is needed
+% coloured:=1;
+% ---
+def write_paths(expr name) =
+ find_BB elem_path1;
+ write_preamble name;
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ coeff:=
+ if objects=1: 0 else: .5(1-cosd(((i-1)/(objects-1))[alpha1,alpha2])) fi;
+ fix_fill_cmyk forsuffixes $:=cyan, magenta, yellow: coeff[$1,$2], endfor
+ coeff[black1,black2];
+ fill_C elem_path[i];
+ endfor;
+ write_postamble;
+% ---
+% ---
+for ch:=0 upto ch_max:
+ beginchar(char(ASCII("a")+ch), 1in#, 1in#, 0);
+ path elem_path[\\];
+ objects:=100; transitions:=3;
+ sca1:=w; sca2:=.02w;
+ rot1:=0; rot2:=(ch/ch_max)[25,180];
+ skew1:=45; skew2:=0;
+ alpha1:=0; alpha2:=transitions*360;
+ if known coloured:
+ cyan1:=0; magenta1:=0; yellow1:=1; black1:=0;
+ cyan2:=0.35294; magenta2:=0.8353; yellow2:=0.8353; black2:=0; % brown
+ else:
+ cyan1:=0; magenta1:=0; yellow1:=0; black1:=0.7;
+ cyan2:=0; magenta2:=0; yellow2:=0; black2:=0.15;
+ fi
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ coeff:=if objects=1: 0 else: (i-1)/(objects-1) fi;
+ elem_path[i]:=flex_polygon(5,coeff[skew1,skew2],coeff[skew1,skew2])
+ scaled (coeff[sca1,sca2])
+ rotated (coeff[rot1,rot2]) shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor
+ write_paths(jobname & char(ASCII("a")+ch));
+ endchar;
+% ---
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37acefb4d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input mftoeps;
+input polygons;
+% ---
+def write_paths(expr name) =
+ find_BB elem_path1;
+ write_preamble name;
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ coeff:=
+ if objects=1: 0 else: .5(1-cosd(((i-1)/(objects-1))[alpha1,alpha2])) fi;
+ fix_fill_cmyk forsuffixes $:=cyan, magenta, yellow: coeff[$1,$2], endfor
+ coeff[black1,black2];
+ fill_C elem_path[i];
+ endfor;
+ write_postamble;
+% ---
+% ---
+for ch:=0 upto ch_max:
+ beginchar(char(ASCII("a")+ch), 1in#, 1in#, 0);
+ path elem_path[\\];
+ objects:=100; transitions:=.5; % regular 2
+ sca1:=w; sca2:=.05w;
+ rot1:=0; rot2:=(ch/ch_max)[0,-360];
+ alpha1:=0; alpha2:=transitions*360;
+ cyan1:=0; magenta1:=0; yellow1:=0; black1:=0.05;
+ cyan2:=0; magenta2:=0; yellow2:=0; black2:=0.9;
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ coeff:=if objects=1: 0 else: (i-1)/(objects-1) fi;
+ elem_path[i]:= flex_polygon(6,(coeff**.1)[-30,0],(coeff**.1)[30,0])
+ scaled (coeff[sca1,sca2])
+ rotated (coeff[rot1,rot2]+30) shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor
+ write_paths(jobname & char(ASCII("a")+ch));
+ endchar;
+% ---
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7e0c7742b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input mftoeps;
+input polygons;
+% ---
+def soft_polygon (expr n,a) = flex_polygon(n,a-180/n,a+180/n) enddef;
+% ---
+def write_paths(expr name) =
+ find_BB for i:=1 upto objects: elem_path[i], endfor elem_path[objects];
+ write_preamble name;
+ fix_line_width .2pt; for i:=1 upto objects: draw_C elem_path[i]; endfor;
+ write_postamble;
+% ---
+% ---
+for ch:=0 upto ch_max:
+ beginchar(char(ASCII("a")+ch), 1in#, 1in#, 0);
+ path elem_path[\\];
+ objects:=17;
+ sca1:=.85w; sca2:=.02w;
+ rot1:=0; rot2:=(ch/ch_max)[5,120];
+ skew1:=(ch/ch_max)[60,30]; skew2:=0;
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ coeff:=if objects=1: 0 else: (i-1)/(objects-1) fi;
+ elem_path[i]:= soft_polygon(7,coeff[skew1,skew2])
+ scaled (coeff[sca1,sca2]) rotated (coeff[rot1,rot2]+30) shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ endfor
+ write_paths(jobname & char(ASCII("a")+ch));
+ endchar;
+% ---
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3e85ec53fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/mftoeps/m2esamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the MFTOEPS package.
+% ---
+% ---
+input mftoeps;
+input polygons;
+% ---
+def soft_polygon (expr n,a) = flex_polygon(n,a-180/n,a+180/n) enddef;
+% ---
+def write_paths(expr name) =
+ find_BB for i:=1 upto objects: elem_path[i], endfor elem_path[objects];
+ write_preamble name;
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ coeff:=
+ if objects=1: 0 else: .5(1-cosd(((i-1)/(objects-1))[alpha1,alpha2])) fi;
+ coeff:=if coeff>.5: 1 else: 0 fi;
+ fix_fill_cmyk forsuffixes $:=cyan, magenta, yellow: coeff[$1,$2], endfor
+ coeff[black1,black2];
+ fill_C elem_path[i];
+ endfor;
+ write_postamble;
+% ---
+for ch:=0,1:
+ beginchar("0",117pt#, 117pt#, 0);
+ path elem_path[\\];
+ objects:=100; transitions:=7;
+ pair cent[\\];
+ sca1:=.5w; sca2:=.01w;
+ skew1:=60; skew2:=0;
+ alpha1:=0; alpha2:=transitions*360;
+ cshift0:=-.02w; cshift1:=-cshift0;
+ cent1:=(.5w,.5h);
+ rot1:=0; rot2:=rot1+60;
+ cent2:=(.5w+cshift[ch],.49h);
+ cyan1:=0; magenta1:=0; yellow1:=0; black1:=1;
+ cyan2:=0; magenta2:=0; yellow2:=0; black2:=0;
+ for i:=1 upto objects:
+ if objects=1: coeff:=0; else: coeff:=(i-1)/(objects-1); fi
+ elem_path[i]:= soft_polygon(4,coeff[skew1,skew2])
+ scaled (coeff[sca1,sca2])
+ rotated (coeff[rot1,rot2]+30)
+ shifted (coeff[cent1,cent2]);
+ endfor
+ write_paths(jobname & decimal(ch));
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/0roex.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/0roex.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0887e2df6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/0roex.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+The package ROEX belongs to the public domain. You are entitled to do with
+the files of which it consists whatever you wish. If you alter a file,
+however, please remove the line containing the comment
+ `This file belongs to the ROEX package.'
+in order to avoid a mess.
+The ROEX.MF file contains a set of METAFONT macros accomplishing the
+task of removing overlaps and expanding strokes. The algorithm was
+suggested by Stefan Soko\l{}owski, the implementation was done
+by Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski and Marek Ry\'cko.
+The operations of removing overlaps and expanding strokes are especially
+useful in context of PostScript, hence all examples make use of the MFTOEPS
+package; however, PostScript here is not essential.
+Detailed description of the macros can be found in the file ROEX.MF,
+examples of using the package can be found in the subdirectory ROEXSAMP.
+The inspection of the source code of the ROEX.MF program may reveal
+a few more useful macros.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/0roexsam.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/0roexsam.doc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..86336cf613b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/0roexsam.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+The directory ROEXSAMP contains this file (0ROEXSAM.DOC) and 14 examples
+of using ROEX with the MFTOEPS package.
+WARNING: processing some of the files may last a while; in braces are
+shown computing times for mf386 (version 2.71 [3c-beta5]) run on 486 Intel PC
+with 66MHz clock.
+ ES-01.MF, ``SQUARE'' (3 seconds):
+ A trivial example, expanding stroke applied to a square.
+ ES-02.MF, ``PARALLELOGRAM'' (4 seconds):
+ Another trivial example: expanding stroke applied
+ to a parallelogram.
+ ES-03.MF, ``COGWHEEL'' (7 seconds):
+ Expanding stroke applied to a somewhat complex object.
+ RO-01.MF, ``PROPELLER'' (14 seconds):
+ Removing overlaps applied to a circle and three rectangles;
+ rectangles are positively oriented, circle is negatively
+ oriented and has weight |2|.
+ RO-02.MF, ``ENCIRCLED CROSS 1'' (4 seconds):
+ Removing overlaps applied to a positively oriented circle
+ and two negatively oriented rectangles.
+ RO-03.MF, ``ENCIRCLED CROSS 2'' (4 seconds):
+ An example very similar to RO-02.MF; removing overlaps applied
+ to a negatively oriented circle and two positively oriented
+ rectangles, background colour is set to |1| (default is |0|).
+ RO-04.MF, ``EOFILL'' (30 seconds):
+ Removing overlaps performed in two stages; emulates
+ even-odd filling rule
+ RO-05.MF, ``GERBERA'' (3 minutes, 51 seconds):
+ Areas covered a specified number of times are collected
+ separately using the macro |recombine_edges| (performing
+ the last step of removing overlaps), and each area is painted
+ with a different colour, yielding a gerbera-like form.
+ RO-06.MF, ``EL PALO ALTO TREE'' (57 seconds):
+ A tough example (see remarks in the code) excerpted from
+ The \MF{}book, pages 124 thru 126.
+ RO-07.MF, ``LOGO OF JOURNAL OF ALGORITHMS'' (28 seconds):
+ Another example excerpted from The \MF{}book,
+ pages 137 thru 139.
+ ROES-01.MF, ``SUN'' (55 seconds):
+ An example making use of both expanding stroke
+ and removing overlaps.
+ ROES-02.MF, ``DOORMAT'' (1 minute, 34 seconds):
+ Another example making use of both expanding stroke
+ and removing overlaps;
+ ROES-03.MF, ``OLYMPIC CIRCLES'' (1 minute, 1 second):
+ Yet another example making use of both expanding
+ stroke and removing overlaps; it also demonstrates
+ repositioning of the picture in such a way that the lower
+ left corner of the bounding box coincides with the origin
+ of coordinate system.
+ ROES-04.MF, ``STAR FLOWERS'' (3 minutes, 4 seconds):
+ An example of removing overlaps of a single
+ self-intersecting curve; three EPS files are generated.
+You are entitled to do with these files whatever you wish.
+If you alter a file, however, please remove the comment line:
+ `This file belongs to the ROEX package.'
+in order to avoid mess.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2ccc77d17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% ES-01.MF, ``SQUARE'':
+% A trivial example, expanding stroke applied to a square.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingexpanding:=1;
+% ---
+ expand_stroke (unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h) (1mm) R;
+% find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ find_BB R1,R2; % R.num=2
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..037091afe12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% Another trivial example: expanding stroke applied to a parallelogram.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingexpanding:=1;
+% ---
+ path p; p=((1/2w,0)--(1/4w,1/4h)--(0,1/2h)--(1/2w,h)--(w,1/2h)--cycle);
+ miter_size:=w;
+ expand_stroke (p) (2/5w) R;
+% change_weight (p) (2/5w) R;
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_draw_cmyk 0,0,0,1; draw_C p;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b21da0d9baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% ES-03.MF, ``COGWHEEL'':
+% Expanding stroke applied to a somewhat complex object, |miter_size|
+% set to zero.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingexpanding:=1;
+% ---
+vardef flex_polyg(expr n,a) =
+ save zz; pair zz[\\];
+ for i:=0 upto n-1:
+ zz[i]:=up rotated (i*(360/n));
+ endfor
+ (zz0
+ for i:=1 upto n:
+ {(zz[i mod n]-zz[i-1]) rotated a}..{(zz[i mod n]-zz[i-1]) rotated -a}
+ if i=n: cycle else: zz[i] fi
+ endfor
+ ) scaled .5
+% ---
+ b:=.5mm; path p; p=flex_polyg(17,60) scaled w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ miter_size:=0bp; expand_stroke (p) (b) R;
+% miter_size:=0bp; change_weight(p) (b) R;
+ find_BB R1,R2;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ draw_C R1,R2;
+ write_postamble;
+ for i:=1,2:
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b4551eccdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% RO-01.MF, ``PROPELLER'':
+% Removing overlaps applied to a circle and three rectangles; rectangles
+% are positively oriented, circle is negatively oriented and has weight |2|.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path A,B,C,D;
+ A=unitsquare xscaled 1/5w yscaled h shifted (2/5w,0);
+ B=A rotatedaround((1/2w,1/2h), 60);
+ C=B rotatedaround((1/2w,1/2h), 60);
+ D=reverse fullcircle scaled 3/4w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ remove_overlap (A,B,C,D) ((4,2)) R;
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fill_C make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce5a058219b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% Removing overlaps applied to a positively oriented circle and two
+% negatively oriented rectangles.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path A,B,C;
+ A=fullcircle scaled w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ B=reverse unitsquare xscaled 1/5w yscaled 3/5w shifted (2/5w,1/5w);
+ C=B rotatedaround((1/2w,1/2h), 90);
+ remove_overlap (A,B,C) () R;
+ set_BB 0,0,w,h;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..988c018b1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% An example very similar to RO-02.MF; removing overlaps applied to
+% a negatively oriented circle and two positively oriented rectangles,
+% background colour is set to |1| (default is |0|).
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path A,B,C;
+ A=reverse fullcircle scaled w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ B=unitsquare xscaled 1/5w yscaled 3/5w shifted (2/5w,1/5w);
+ C=B rotatedaround((1/2w,1/2h), 90);
+ background_color:=1; remove_overlap (A,B,C) () R;
+ set_BB 0,0,w,h;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7704db948af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk roex_default
+% RO-04.MF, ``EOFILL'':
+% Removing overlaps performed in two stages: first stage removes overlaps
+% using even-odd filling rule, the second stage restores default meanings
+% of |good_colors| and |touch_path| and performs ``traditional'' removing
+% overlaps on the result of stage 1 and a positively oriented rectangle.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path A,B,C,D,E,F;
+ A=fullcircle scaled 1w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ B=fullcircle scaled 4/5w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ C=fullcircle scaled 3/5w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ D=fullcircle scaled 2/5w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ E=unitsquare xscaled 1/5w yscaled 9/10h shifted (2/5w,1/20h);
+ F=unitsquare xscaled 7/5w yscaled 1/5h shifted (-1/5w,2/5h);
+% STAGE 1: remove overlaps for |A|, |B|, |C|, |D| and |E| using
+% the `eofill' rule (the re-definition of |touch_path| is superfluous here,
+% but recommended in a general case):
+ vardef good_colors(expr i,o) = odd(i) and odd(o+1) enddef;
+ vardef touch_path(expr p) = pos_turn(p) enddef;
+ remove_overlap (A,B,C,D,E) () R;
+% STAGE 2: remove overlaps for |F| and the paths resulting from the stage 1:
+ roex_default good_colors, touch_path;
+ remove_overlap (F,make_list(1,R.num) R) () R;
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,1/10;
+ fill_C make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor;
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bac4bb8d7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% RO-05.MF, ``GERBERA'':
+% Non-standard application of removing overlaps; areas covered a specified
+% number of times are collected separately using the macro |recombine_edges|
+% (performing the last step of removing overlaps), and each area is painted
+% with a different colour, yielding a gerbera-like form.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path R[\\],V[\\][\\];
+ N:=9;
+ R.num:=0;
+ R[incr R.num]=fullcircle xscaled 1/5w yscaled h shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
+ for i:=1 upto N-1:
+ R[incr R.num]=R[R.num-1] rotatedaround((0.5w,.5h), 180/N);
+ endfor
+ remove_overlap (make_list(1,R.num)R)() R; % dummy result
+ col.min:=infinity; col.max:=-infinity;
+ for i:=-EDGE_.num upto EDGE_.num : if i<>0:
+ col.min:=min(EDGE_.col[i],col.min);
+ col.max:=max(EDGE_.col[i],col.max);
+ fi endfor;
+ col.min:=max(1,col.min);
+ for k:=col.min upto col.max:
+ vardef good_colors(expr i,j) = (i=k) enddef;
+ message "recombine_edges: color=" & decimal(k); recombine_edges(V[k]);
+ endfor;
+ set_BB 0,0,w,h; write_preamble jobname;
+ for k:=col.min upto col.max:
+ if V[k]num>0:
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,3/4((((k-col.min)/(col.max-col.min))**1/2)[1,0]),1,0;
+ fill_C make_list(1,V[k]num)V[k];
+ fi
+ endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7007cd233b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+%%% draw fix_line_join fix_line_cap fix_line_width
+% A tough example (see remarks below) excerpted from The \MF{}book, pages
+% 124 thru 126.
+%% % an innocent formatting trick: the underscore character ending a name
+%% % will be typeset as an superscript asterisk
+%% \let\oriunderscore\_
+%% \newif\ifbgroupopen \bgroupopenfalse
+%% \def\altdblbackslash#1{\bgroup\bgroupopentrue\it#1}
+%% \def\optegroup{\ifbgroupopen\egroup\fi}
+%% \def\underscoreasasterisk#1{%
+%% \ifx#1\relax\optegroup^*\else\oriunderscore#1\fi}
+%% \def\\#1{%
+%% \let\_\underscoreasasterisk
+%% \altdblbackslash{#1\relax}\optegroup
+%% \let\_\oriunderscore}
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+% 1. There arise very close points during the intersecting process,
+% hence |epsil.dist| is adjusted (see also point 2).
+% 2. Note that:
+% a) |turningnumber(branch1)=1| but |turningnumber(reverse branch1)=0|
+% (sic!);
+% b) for the second resulting path, |R2| (the tree), |turningnumber(R2)=1|
+% while |check_turn(R2)=-1|, which is the desired value as the tree
+% is unfilled (oh, these tiny loops!);
+% c) the minimal resulting interval, i.e., the time distance
+% between two neighbouring points of intersection is dangerously
+% small, namely, |0.00032|; usually the value smaller than the bound,
+% by default equal to |0.01|, portends a collaps of the algorithm,
+% fortunately not in this case (set |tracingremoving:=2| for more
+% information on intervals and secants).
+% show_turningnumbers_and_turn_checks:=1;
+% mark_trunk_close_points:=1;
+% ---
+beginchar ("0",1/2in#,5/4in#,0);
+ path branch[\\], oval;
+% prepare data:
+ branch0 = % i.e., trunk
+ (0,660)---(-12,70)..{curl 5}(-28,-8)
+ & flex((-28,-8),(-16,-4),(-10,-11))
+ & flex((-10,-11),(0,-5),(14,-10))
+ & flex((14,-10),(20,-6),(29,-11))
+ & (29,-11){curl 4}..(10,100)---cycle;
+ branch1= flex((0,660),(-9,633),(-22,610))
+ & flex((-22,610),(-3,622),(17,617))
+ & flex((17,617),(7,637),(0,660)) & cycle;
+ branch2=flex((30,570),(10,590),(-1,616))
+ & flex((-1,616),(-11,592),(-29,576),(-32,562))
+ & flex((-32,562),(-10,577),(30,570)) & cycle;
+ branch3=flex((-1,570),(-17,550),(-40,535))
+ & flex((-40,535),(-45,510),(-60,477))
+ & flex((-60,477),(-20,510),(40,512))
+ & flex((40,512),(31,532),(8,550),(-1,570)) & cycle;
+ branch4=flex((0,509),(-14,492),(-32,481))
+ & flex((-32,481),(-42,455),(-62,430))
+ & flex((-62,430),(-20,450),(42,448))
+ & flex((42,448),(38,465),(4,493),(0,509)) & cycle;
+ branch5=flex((-22,470),(-23,435),(-44,410))
+ & flex((-44,410),(-10,421),(35,420))
+ & flex((35,420),(15,455),(-22,470)) & cycle;
+ branch6=flex((18,375),(9,396),(5,420))
+ & flex((5,420),(-5,410),(-50,375),(-50,350))
+ & flex((-50,350),(-25,375),(18,375)) & cycle;
+ branch7=flex((0,400),(-13,373),(-30,350))
+ & flex((-30,350),(0,358),(30,350))
+ & flex((30,350),(13,373),(0,400)) & cycle;
+ branch8=flex((50,275),(45,310),(3,360))
+ & flex((3,360),(-20,330),(-70,300),(-100,266))
+ & flex((-100,266),(-75,278),(-60,266))
+ & flex((-60,266),(0,310),(50,275)) & cycle;
+ branch9=flex((10,333),(-15,290),(-43,256))
+ & flex((-43,256),(8,262),(58,245))
+ & flex((58,245),(34,275),(10,333)) & cycle;
+ branch10=flex((8,262),(-21,249),(-55,240))
+ & flex((-55,240),(-51,232),(-53,220))
+ & flex((-53,220),(-28,229),(27,235))
+ & flex((27,235),(16,246),(8,262)) & cycle;
+ branch11=flex((0,250),(-25,220),(-70,195))
+ & flex((-70,195),(-78,180),(-90,170))
+ & flex((-90,170),(-5,188),(74,183))
+ & flex((74,183),(34,214),(0,250)) & cycle;
+ branch12=flex((8,215),(-35,175),(-72,155))
+ & flex((-72,155),(-75,130),(-92,110),(-95,88))
+ & flex((-95,88),(-65,117),(-54,104))
+ & flex((-54,104),(10,151),(35,142))
+ ..flex((42,130),(60,123),(76,124))
+ & flex((76,124),(62,146),(26,180),(8,215)) & cycle;
+ for i:=0 upto 12:
+ branch[i]:=neg_turn branch[i] shifted (150,50) scaled (w/300);
+ endfor
+ oval=superellipse((w,1/2h),(1/2w,h),(0,1/2h),(1/2w,0),4/5);
+% remove overlaps and (optionally) show |turningnumber|s and |turn_check|s:
+ remove_overlap (make_list(0,12)branch,oval)() R;
+ if known show_turningnumbers_and_turn_checks:
+ begingroup
+ interim autorounding:=0;
+ show (turningnumber(branch1), turningnumber(reverse branch1));
+ for i:=1 upto R.num: show i,(turningnumber R[i],check_turn R[i]); endfor;
+ endgroup;
+ fi
+% begin export to EPS:
+ find_BB oval;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_line_join 1; fix_line_cap 1;
+ fix_line_width 1/50pt;
+% paint the picture:
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,1/6;
+ fill_C make_list(1,R.num)R;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ if proofing=0:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ else:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+% mark (optionally) dangerously close points:
+ if known mark_trunk_close_points:
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,1; fix_draw_cmyk 0,0,0,1;
+ for j:=13,14,17,18:
+ z[j]=point TIME_1tim[j] of PATH_1;
+ fill_C fullcircle scaled 1/50pt shifted z[j];
+ endfor
+ z.a=(1pt,0); z.b=(1/20pt,0); z.c=(1/5pt,1/10pt); z.d=(1/5pt,-1/10pt);
+ for zz:=1/2[z13,z14],1/2[z17,z18]:
+ draw_C (zz-z.a)--(zz-z.b), (zz-z.c)--(zz-z.b)--(zz-z.d);
+ endfor
+ fi
+% end export to EPS:
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5697a6462ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% Another example excerpted from The \MF{}book, pages 137 thru 139;
+% |penstroke| is redefined in such a way that instead of creating a bitmap
+% picture, it stores respective curves; two points were moved, |z.a8l| and
+% |z.a8r| (see comments with a remark ``intrusion''), in order to avoid
+% partially overlaping paths, as ROEX does not cope with such data.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+def penstroke text t =
+ forsuffixes e = l,r: path_.e:=t; endfor
+ if cycle path_.l: R[incr R.num]:=path_.l.t_; R[incr R.num]:=path_.r.t_;
+ else: R[incr R.num]:=path_.l -- reverse path_.r -- cycle; fi
+ enddef;
+% ---
+ path R[\\]; R.num:=0;
+ thick#:=2mm#; thin#:=5/4mm#;
+ define_whole_blacker_pixels(thick,thin);
+ forsuffixes $=a,b,c: transform $;
+ forsuffixes e=l,r: path $e,$'e; numeric t$[\\]e;
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ penpos1(thick,0); penpos2(thick,90); penpos3(thick,180); penpos4(thick,270);
+ penpos5(thick,0); penpos6(thick,90); penpos7(thick,180); penpos8(thick,270);
+ x2=x4=x6=x8=.5[x5,x7]=.5w; x1r=w; x3r=0;
+ x5-x7=y6-y8;
+ y1=y3=y5=y7=.5[y6,y8]=.5h; y2r=h; y4r=0;
+ y6r=.75h;
+ forsuffixes e=l,r: a.e=b'e=c'e=superellipse (z1e,z2e,z3e,z4e,.75);
+ a'e=b.e=c.e=superellipse (z5e,z6e,z7e,z8e,.72);
+ endfor
+ penpos a1(thin,0); penpos a5(whatever,-90); penpos a9(thin,180);
+ x.a1l-x.a9l=1/3(x5l-x7l); x.a5=.5w; y.a1=y.a9; y.a5r=4/7h;
+ x.a3l=x.a1l; x.a3r=x.a1r; x.a4r=1/6[x.a3r,x1l]; x0=.5w; y0=.52h;
+ x.a6l+x.a4l=x.a6r+x.a4r=x.a7l+x.a3l=
+ x.a7r+x.a3r=x.a9+x.a1=w;
+ y.a3r=y.a4r=y.a6r=y.a7r=.2[y2l,y0]; y.a3l=y.a4l=y.a6l=y.a7l=y.a3r-thin;
+ z.a4l=z.a4r+(thin,0) rotated(angle(z.a4r-z.a5r)+90)+whatever*(z.a4r-z.a5r);
+ z.a4l-z.a5l=whatever*(z.a4r-z.a5r);
+ z=a.r intersectionpoint (z0--(w,0));
+ y.a1-y.a5=length(z-z0);
+ b=identity shifted (0,y0-y.a1) rotatedaround(z0,90-angle(z0-(w,0)));
+ c=b reflectedabout (z2,z4);
+ for n=1,3,4,5,6,7,9: forsuffixes e=l,,r: forsuffixes $=b,c:
+ z$[n]e=z.a[n]e transformed $;
+ endfor endfor endfor
+ forsuffixes e=l,r: forsuffixes $=a,b,c:
+% intrusion: the primed entries are stored for further use (see below)
+ z$2e'=$l intersectionpoint (z$1e--z$3e);
+ z$8e'=$l intersectionpoint (z$9e--z$7e);
+% end of intrusion
+ z$2e=$r intersectionpoint (z$1e--z$3e);
+ z$8e=$r intersectionpoint (z$9e--z$7e);
+ t$1e=xpart($e intersectiontimes (z$1l--z$3l));
+ t$9e=xpart($e intersectiontimes (z$9l--z$7l));
+ t$4e=xpart($'e intersectiontimes (z$5r--z$4l));
+ t$6e=xpart($'e intersectiontimes (z$5r--z$6l));
+ endfor endfor
+ penstroke subpath(t.a9e,t.b6e) of a.e;
+ penstroke subpath(t.b4e,t.c4e) of b'e;
+ penstroke subpath(t.c6e,t.a1e+8) of c'e;
+ penstroke subpath(t.a6e,t.b9e) of a'e;
+ penstroke subpath(t.b1e,t.c1e) of b.e;
+ penstroke subpath(t.c9e,t.a4e+8) of c.e;
+% intrusion: correction of offending nodes, i.e., |z.a8l|, |z.a8r|,
+% |z.a8l|, and |z.a8r|
+ x.a8l:=x.a8l'; x.a8r:=x.a8r'; y.a8l:=y.a8l'; y.a8r:=y.a8r'+(y2r-y2);
+ x.a2l:=x.a2l'; x.a2r:=x.a2r'; y.a2l:=y.a2l'; y.a2r:=y.a2r'+(y2r-y2);
+% end of intrusion
+ forsuffixes $=a,b,c:
+% |penlabels($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);|
+ penstroke z$2e--z$3e--z$4e--z$5e--z$6e--z$7e--z$8e;
+ endfor
+% |penlabels(range 0 thru 8);|
+ vardef touch_path expr p = pos_turn p enddef;
+ remove_overlap (make_list(1,R.num)R) () R;
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num)R;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,1/6;
+ fill_C make_list(1,R.num)R;
+ fix_line_width 1/10pt;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn R[i]>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
+ makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bac1a14bfda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% ROES-01.MF, ``SUN'':
+% An example making use of both expanding stroke and removing overlaps.
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex;
+tracingexpanding:=1; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path Q,R[\\]; R.num:=0;
+ M:=12; % number of half-periods of a sine wave
+ N:=11; % number of gaps
+ H:=h/(2N); W=1.2w;
+ Q:=reverse for i:=0 upto M: if i>0: .. fi
+ ((i/M)[1/2(w-W),w-1/2(w-W)],1/2sind(90(i mod 4))*H)
+ endfor;
+ expand_stroke(Q)(1/2H)R; Q:=reverse R1; R.num:=0;
+ if proofing>0:
+ for j:=0 upto length(Q)-1: makelabel("Q" & decimal(j),point j of Q); endfor
+ fix_line_width 1; draw_C Q;
+ fi
+ for i:=1 upto N: R[incr R.num]:=Q shifted (0,(2i-1)*H); endfor
+ R[incr R.num]:=fullcircle scaled w shifted (.5w,.5h);
+ remove_overlap(make_list(1,R.num) R)() R;
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,((i-1)/(R.num-1))[1,0],1,0; fill_C R[i];
+ endfor;
+ write_postamble;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5dda5c552e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% ROES-02.MF, ``DOORMAT'':
+% Another example making use of both expanding stroke and removing overlaps;
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex;
+tracingexpanding:=1; tracingremoving:=1;
+% ---
+ path A[\\],B[\\];
+ A.n:=5; B.n:=5; % large values may cause exceedingly long processing...
+ A.b:=(1/(2A.n+1))*w; B.b:=(1/(2B.n+1))*h;
+ for i:=1 upto A.n:
+ A[i]:=((0,0)..(-1/2A.b,1/3h)..(1/2A.b,2/3h)..(0,h)) shifted ((2i-.5)*A.b,0);
+ endfor
+ for i:=1 upto B.n:
+ B[i]:=((0,0)..(1/3w,-1/2B.b)..(2/3w,1/2B.b)..(w,0)) shifted (0,(2i-.5)*B.b);
+ endfor
+ expand_stroke(make_list(1,A.n)A, make_list(1,B.n)B)(1/2A.b)R;
+ remove_overlap(make_list(1,R.num)R)()R;
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ for i:=1 upto R.num:
+ fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
+ draw_C R[i];
+ endfor;
+ write_postamble;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7df45b013a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C clip_C
+%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk
+% Yet another example making use of both expanding stroke and removing
+% overlaps; it also demonstrates repositioning of the picture in such
+% a way that the lower left corner of the bounding box coincides with
+% the origin of coordinate system.
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex;
+tracingremoving:=1; tracingexpanding:=1;
+% ---
+beginchar("0",in#,in#,0); % temporary values
+ path A[];
+ for i:=1,2,3,4,5:
+ A[i]:=fullcircle scaled w shifted
+ (floor(i/4)*(1/2sqrt(3)*w,0)+1/2w*(up rotated (120i+60)));
+ endfor
+ expand_stroke (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) (.5mm) R;
+ remove_overlap (make_list(1,R.num)R) () R;
+% setting of intermediate colors:
+ k:=0; % the number of intermediate colors
+ C[incr k]=0; M[k]=1; Y[k]=1; K[k]:=0;
+ C[incr k]=0; M[k]=0; Y[k]=1; K[k]:=0;
+ C[incr k]=0.25; M[k]=0; Y[k]=0.75; K[k]:=0;
+ C[incr k]=1; M[k]=0.5; Y[k]=0; K[k]:=0;
+ C[incr k]=0.3; M[k]=1; Y[k]=0; K[k]:=0;
+ l:=30; % the number of interpolation steps
+ m=l*(k-1); % the number of strips
+ find_BB make_list(1,R.num)R;
+% repositioning of the picture:
+ for i:=1 upto R.num: R[i]:=R[i] shifted -llxy; endfor
+ m*w'=xh_crd:=xh_crd-xl_crd; xl_crd:=0;
+ h'=yh_crd:=yh_crd-yl_crd; yl_crd:=0;
+% exporting:
+ write_preamble jobname;
+ clip_C make_list(1,R.num)R;
+ n:=0;
+ for i:=1 upto k-1: for j:=0 upto l-1:
+ n:=n+1;
+ fix_fill_cmyk
+ forsuffixes $=C,M,Y,K: (j/(l-1))[$[i],$[i+1]] if str$ <> "K": , fi endfor;
+ fill_C unitsquare xscaled 11/10w' yscaled h' shifted ((n-1)*w'-1/20w',0);
+ endfor endfor
+ write_postamble;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04585e9416f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/metafont/roex/roexsamp/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
+%%% draw find_BB fill_C fix_fill_cmyk write_preamble write_postamble
+%%% length cycle join
+%%% / //
+% An example of removing overlaps of a single self-intersecting curve;
+% the sample curves (separate EPS files are generated for different
+% curves) are based upon a regular star polygon backbone;
+% the first curve is just such a polygon, the remaining two are
+% smooth variations (observe setting |epsil.time:=1/500| in the third case);
+% after removing overlaps objects are repositioned in such a way that
+% the lower left corner of the bounding box coincides with the origin
+% of coordinate system.
+%% % an innocent formatting trick: the underscore character ending a name
+%% % will be typeset as an superscript asterisk
+%% \let\oriunderscore\_
+%% \newif\ifbgroupopen\bgroupopenfalse
+%% \def\altdblbackslash#1{\bgroup\bgroupopentrue\it#1}
+%% \def\optegroup{\ifbgroupopen\egroup\fi}
+%% \def\underscoreasasterisk#1{%
+%% \ifx#1\relax\optegroup^*\else\oriunderscore#1\fi}
+%% \def\\#1{%
+%% \let\_\underscoreasasterisk
+%% \altdblbackslash{#1\relax}\optegroup
+%% \let\_\oriunderscore}
+% ---
+input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
+max_idx:=500; % better increase the default value
+% ---
+primarydef i // n =
+ (if n=0: 0 else: i/n fi) % why not to divide by 0?
+% ---
+h#=1in#; w#=1in#;
+% ---
+ pickup pencircle scaled 1;
+ for case:=0,1,2:
+ path p, V[\\][\\]; pair R; save x,y; numeric N, K, A, twirl;
+ twirl:=180;
+% star polygons should fullfil |GCC(K,N)=1|, |1<K<N/2|
+% (|N| is the number of nodes, |K| is a `leap')
+ if case=0: % A
+ N=9; K=4; def join = -- enddef; twirl:=0;
+ elseif case=1: % B
+ N=7; K=2; def join = .. tension 3 .. enddef;
+ elseif case=2: % C
+ N=13; K=4; def join = .. tension 3 .. enddef; epsil.time:=1/500;
+ fi
+ A=180-(360/N)*K; R=1in*right; z0=origin;
+ for i:=1 upto N-1: z[i]=z[i-1]+R; R:=R rotated (180-A); endfor
+ p:=z0 for i:=1 upto N-1: join z[i] endfor join cycle;
+ if twirl<>0:
+ p:=z0{(direction 0 of p) rotated twirl}
+ for i:=1 upto N-1: join {(direction i of p) rotated twirl}z[i] endfor
+ join cycle;
+ fi
+ remove_overlap (p)()R; % dummy recombining
+ col_min:=infinity; col_max:=-infinity;
+ for i:=-EDGE_.num upto EDGE_.num: if i<>0:
+ col_min:=min(EDGE_.col[i],col_min); col_max:=max(EDGE_.col[i],col_max);
+ fi endfor;
+ find_BB p;
+ for k:=col_min upto col_max: if k<>0:
+ vardef good_colors(expr i,j) = (i=k) enddef;
+ message "recombine_edges: color=" & decimal(k);
+ recombine_edges(V[k]);
+ for l:=1 upto V[k]num: V[k][l]:=V[k][l] shifted -llxy; endfor
+ fi endfor;
+ xh_crd:=xh_crd-xl_crd; xl_crd:=0;
+ yh_crd:=yh_crd-yl_crd; yl_crd:=0;
+ write_preamble jobname & char(ASCII("a")+case);
+ for k:=col_min upto col_max: if k<>0:
+ if V[k]num>0:
+ if k>0:
+ fix_fill_cmyk 0,3/4(((k-1)//(col_max-1))**1/2)[1,0],1,0;
+ else:
+ fix_fill_cmyk 3/4(((1+k)//(1+col_min))**1/2)[1,0],1,0,0;
+ fi
+ fill_C make_list(1,V[k]num)V[k];
+ fi
+ fi endfor % |for k|
+ write_postamble;
+ endfor % |for case|
+% ---