path: root/Master
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master')
3 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffdumb.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffdumb.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3ce6247f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffdumb.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+%% This is file `sffdumb.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% sffms.dtx (with options: `dumb')
+%% For the copyright see the source file.
+%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
+%% with new filenames distinct from sffdumb.sty.
+%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
+%% for copying and modification in the file sffms.dtx.
+%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
+%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
+%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
+%% in the same archive or directory.)
+\ProvidesPackage{sffdumb}[2001/09/23 v1.1
+ Quotation mark utility for sffms.cls]
+\def\dumbquote{\afterassignment"\let\next= }
+\sfcode`\" = 0
+\catcode`'=\active \def'{\actrq}
+\catcode``=\active \def`{\actlq}
+%% End of file `sffdumb.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffms.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffms.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27b29b9f109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffms.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+%% This is file `sffms.cls',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% sffms.dtx (with options: `sffms')
+%% For the copyright see the source file.
+%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
+%% with new filenames distinct from sffms.cls.
+%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
+%% for copying and modification in the file sffms.dtx.
+%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
+%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
+%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
+%% in the same archive or directory.)
+\ProvidesClass{sffms}[2003/03/13 v2.0
+ The SF/F manuscript class]
+\sfcode`\" = 0
+\def\thirtystring{\# \# \# \# \#}
+\def\pageofpages{Page {\thepage} of \pageref{sffmswc}}
+ \sffms@couriertrue%
+ \AtBeginDocument{
+ \fontfamily{pcr}\selectfont
+ \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr}
+ \renewcommand{\bfdefault}{pcr}
+ \renewcommand{\itdefault}{pcr}
+ \renewcommand{\sldefault}{pcr}
+ \renewcommand{\scdefault}{pcr}
+ \renewcommand{\updefault}{pcr}
+ }
+ \sffms@smarttrue%
+ \AtBeginDocument{\begindoublequotes}
+ \AtEndDocument{\enddoublequotes}
+ \sffms@afourtrue%
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{geometry}
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}}
+ \sffms@afourfalse%
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{geometry}
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}}
+ \LoadClass[12pt]{report}
+ \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \RequirePackage{fancyhdr}
+ \RequirePackage{ulem}
+ \RequirePackage{setspace}\setstretch{1.83}
+ \ifsffms@geometry
+ \ifsffms@baen \RequirePackage[hmargin=1.5in,bmargin=1.5in,tmargin=1.5in,headheight=.38in,headsep=.12in,nofoot]{geometry}%
+ \else \RequirePackage[hmargin=1in,bmargin=1in,tmargin=1in,headheight=.88in,headsep=.12in,nofoot]{geometry}%
+ \fi%endbaenif
+ \fi%endgeometryif
+ \RequirePackage{setspace} \fi
+\ifsffms@smart \RequirePackage{sffsmart} \fi
+\ifsffms@dumb \RequirePackage{sffdumb} \fi
+ \ifsffms@geometry% then margins are all set so do nothing
+ \sffms@geometrytrue
+ \else% have to set margins manually from paperdim
+ \setlength\headheight{.38in}
+ \setlength\headsep{.12in}
+ \setlength\textwidth{\paperwidth}
+ \newlength{\sffms@margin}
+ \setlength{\sffms@margin}{0in}
+ \ifsffms@baen \addtolength{\sffms@margin}{.5in} \fi
+ \setlength\textwidth{\paperwidth}
+ \addtolength\textwidth{-2in}
+ \addtolength\textwidth{-2\sffms@margin}
+ \setlength\oddsidemargin{\sffms@margin}
+ \setlength\textheight{\paperheight}
+ \addtolength\textheight{-2in}
+ \addtolength\textheight{-2\sffms@margin}
+ \setlength\topmargin{\sffms@margin}
+ \addtolength\topmargin{-.5in}
+ \fi%
+\newcommand{\surname}[1]{\def\sur@name{#1} \sffms@surnametrue}
+\newcommand{\runningtitle}[1]{\def\running@title{#1} \sffms@runningtitletrue}
+ \def\msheadstring{\MakeUppercase{\@title}\hspace{.5ex}/\hspace{.5ex}\thepage} \fi%
+\newcommand{\penname}[1]{} % obsolete
+\newcommand{\getpenname}{\@author} % obsolete
+ \MakeUppercase{\running@title}%
+ \else \MakeUppercase{\@title}%
+ \sur@name \else \@author \fi}
+\newcommand{\newscene}{\centerline {\scenesepstring}}
+ \newcommand{\ifsubmission}[2]{#1}%
+\else \newcommand{\newscene}{\vspace{1\baselineskip}}
+ \newcommand{\ifsubmission}[2]{#2} \fi
+ \AtBeginDocument{
+ \ttfamily
+ \useunder{\uwave}{\bfseries}{\textbf}%ulem command for boldface
+ \useunder{\uuline}{\scshape}{\textsc}%ulem command for smallcaps
+ \renewcommand\chapter{\if@openright\clearpage\else\cleardoublepage\fi
+ \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}
+ \def\@makechapterhead#1{\vspace*{4\baselineskip}
+ \begin{center}\@chapapp\space\thechapter\\ #1 \end{center}
+ \vspace*{1\baselineskip}}
+ \def\@schapter#1{%
+ \if@twocolumn\@topnewpage[\@makeschapterhead{#1}]%
+ \else\@makeschapterhead{#1}\@afterheading\fi}
+ \def\@makeschapterhead#1{\vspace*{4\baselineskip}
+ \begin{center} #1 \end{center} \vspace*{1\baselineskip}}
+ }%
+ \newcounter{tempcounter}
+ \newenvironment{synopsis}
+ {\setcounter{tempcounter}{\value{page}}
+ \pagenumbering{roman}
+ \singlespace
+ \chapter*{Synopsis of \MakeUppercase{\@title}}}
+ {\clearpage \setcounter{page}{\value{tempcounter}}
+ \pagenumbering{arabic} \pagestyle{fancy}}%
+\else \newenvironment{synopsis}{SYNOPSIS: }{\scenebreak} \fi
+ \fancyhead[r]{{\ttfamily \msheadstring}}
+ \fancyfoot{}
+ \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
+ \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}
+ \raggedright
+ \settowidth{\parindent}{\texttt{~~~~~}}
+ \ifsffms@submit \sffms@commonsubsetup \fi%
+ \else%
+ \ifsffms@submit%beginning of + 2nd submit if
+ \sffms@commonsubsetup
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \newsavebox{\sffms@fronttopsavebox}
+ \begin{lrbox}{\sffms@fronttopsavebox}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth}
+ \begin{singlespace}%
+ \ifsffms@daw \hfill\parbox[t]{.40\textwidth}{\raggedright\author@name\\%
+ \author@address\\[\baselineskip]%
+ \word@count\ words\\ \disposablestring}%
+ \else%
+ \parbox[t]{.65\textwidth}{\author@name\\\author@address}\hfill
+ \parbox[t]{.30\textwidth}{\raggedleft\word@count\ words\\[\baselineskip]%
+ \disposablestring}%
+ \fi%
+ \end{singlespace}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{lrbox}
+ \noindent\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\usebox{\sffms@fronttopsavebox}}
+ \vspace{0.39\textheight}
+ \begin{center}\MakeUppercase{\@title}\\by \@author\end{center}
+ \vspace{1\baselineskip}%
+ \else \maketitle \setcounter{page}{2} \fi%
+ \ifsffms@wotf \setcounter{page}{0} \clearpage%
+ \else \ifsffms@novel\clearpage\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifsffms@submit%
+ \wordc=\thepage%
+\ifsffms@courier \multiply\wordc by 250%
+ \else \ifsffms@baen \multiply\wordc by 250%
+ \else \multiply\wordc by 295 \fi \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \label{sffmswc}%
+%% End of file `sffms.cls'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffsmart.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffsmart.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5720becb7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sffms/sffsmart.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%% This is file `sffsmart.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% sffms.dtx (with options: `smart')
+%% For the copyright see the source file.
+%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
+%% with new filenames distinct from sffsmart.sty.
+%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
+%% for copying and modification in the file sffms.dtx.
+%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
+%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
+%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
+%% in the same archive or directory.)
+\ProvidesPackage{sffsmart}[2001/09/10 v1.0
+ Quotation mark utility for sffms.cls]
+ \global\catcode`\"=\active
+ \global\chardef\dq=`\"
+ \global\let\dblqu@te=L
+ }
+\if L\dblqu@te``\global\let\dblqu@te=R%
+ \let\xxx=\spacefactor
+ ''\global\let\dblqu@te=L%
+ \spacefactor\xxx
+%% End of file `sffsmart.sty'.