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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/polexpr/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/polexpr/README
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index 00000000000..a258011f9dd
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+-*- fill-column: 72; mode: text; -*-
+Package polexpr
+Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Francois Burnol
+See documentation of package xint for contact information.
+This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c.
+This version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This Work has the LPPL maintenance status author-maintained.
+The Author of this Work is Jean-Francois Burnol.
+This Work consists of the package file polexpr.sty and this README.
+The package provides "\poldef": a parser of polynomial expressions
+based upon the "\xintdeffunc" mechanism of package xintexpr.
+The syntax is
+ \poldef <name>(x):=<expression in variable x>;
+where in place of "x" an arbitrary letter is authorized. The expression
+uses the operations of algebra (including composition of functions) with
+standard operators, fractional numbers (possibly in scientific notation)
+and previously defined polynomial functions or other constructs as
+recognized by the \xintexpr numerical parser.
+The so-defined name() \xintexpr-function is also known to the package
+via its polynomial coefficients, thus allowing dedicated macros to
+implement polynomial algorithmics.
+\poldef f(x):= 1-x+x^2;
+This defines polynomial "f". Polynomial names must start with a letter
+and may contain letters, digits, and underscores. The variable must be a
+single letter. The colon character is optional. The semi-colon at end of
+expression is mandatory.
+\PolDef{f}{1-x+x^2} does the same as \poldef f(x):= 1-x+x^2;
+To use another letter than x in the expression, one must pass it as
+an extra optional argument to \PolDef. Useful if the semi-colon has
+been assigned some non-standard catcode by some package.
+\PolLet{g}{f} saves a copy of "f" under name "g".
+\poldef f(z):= f(z)^2; redefines "f" in terms of itself.
+\poldef f(T):= f(f(T)); again redefines "f" in terms of its (new) self.
+\poldef k(z):= f(z)-g(g(z)^2)^2; should now define the zero
+polynomial... Let's check:
+\[ k(z) = \PolTypeset[z]{k} \]
+\PolDiff{f}{df_dx} sets "df_dx" to the derivative of "f".
+\PolDiff{df_dx}{f_xx} obtains second derivative
+\PolDiff[3]{f}{d3f_dx3} computes directly the third derivative
+$f(z) = \PolTypeset[z]{f} $\newline
+$f'(z) = \PolTypeset[z]{df_dx}$\newline
+$f''(z) = \PolTypeset[z]{f_xx}$\newline
+$f'''(z)= \PolTypeset[z]{d3f_dx3}$\par
+*Important*: the package does not currently know rational functions.
+and "/" in a parsed polynomial expression does the Euclidean quotient:
+ (1-x^2)/(1-x) does give 1+x but (1/(1-x))*(1-x^2) evaluates to zero.
+*Attention*: "1/2 x" skips the space and is treated like "1/(2x)"
+because of the tacit multiplication rules of \xintexpr. But this means
+it gives zero! Thus one must use (1/2)x or 1/2*x or (1/2)*x for
+\poldef k(x):= (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)/(x^2-5x+4);%
+\PolTypeset{k} gives the expected x^2-5x+6
+\poldef f1(x):= 25(x-1)(x^2-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-5);%
+\poldef f2(x):= 37(x-1)(x^2-2)(x-6)(x-7)(x-8);%
+\PolGCD{f1}{f2}{k} sets "k" to the (unitary) GCD of "f1" and "f2".
+\PolToExpr{k} expandably gives 2-2*x^1-1*x^2+1*x^3 for console
+or file output (this is Maple-compatible input syntax).
+Non-expandable macros
+\poldef name(letter):= polynomial expression using letter;
+ This evaluates the polynomial expression and stores the
+ coefficients in a private structure accessible later via other
+ package macros, under the user-chosen "name". Of course
+ previously defined polynomials are allowed in a new expression.
+ Names must start with a letter and are constituted of letters,
+ digits and underscore characters. See Examples above.
+ As a side effect the function name() is recognized as a genuine
+ \xintexpr...\relax function for (exact) numerical evaluation. It
+ computes values not according to the original expression but via
+ the Horner scheme corresponding to the polynomial coefficients.
+ The original expression is lost after parsing, and in particular
+ the package provides no way to typeset it. This has to be done
+ manually, if needed.
+ Does the same but the variable is assumed to be "x". To use another
+ letter, pass it as first optional argument.
+ Makes a copy of already defined polynomial f to new one g.
+ Same effect as \PolDef{g}{f(x)} but faster.
+ Defines a one-argument expandable macro \Array{#1} which expands
+ to the (raw) #1th polynomial coefficient.
+ - Attention, coefficients here are indexed starting at 1.
+ - With #1=-1, -2, ..., \Array{#1} returns leading coefficients.
+ - With #1=0, returns the number of coefficients, i.e. 1+degree(f)
+ for non-zero polynomials.
+ - Out-of-range #1's return 0/1[0].
+ Does the reverse operation to \PolAssign{f}\toarray\Array. No error
+ checks on validity of coefficients as numbers. Each \Array{index}
+ is expanded in an \edef before being assigned to a coefficient.
+ Leading zero coefficients are removed from the polynomial.
+ (contrived) Example: \xintAssignArray{1}{-2}{5}{-3}\to\foo
+ \PolGet{f}\fromarray\foo
+ This will define "f" as would have \poldef f(x):=1-2x+5x^2-3x^3;
+ However the coefficients are still in their original form (i.e.
+ they were not subjected to \xintRaw or similar xintfrac macro.)
+\PolFromCSV{f}{comma separated coefficients}
+ Defines a polynomial directly from the comma separated list (or a
+ macro expanding to such a list) of its coefficients, the constant
+ term being the first item. No validity checks. Spaces from the list
+ argument are trimmed. List items are expanded in an \edef, but
+ currently they are left in their original form like e.g. 1.5e3
+ which is not converted to 15/1[2] "raw" xintfrac format (this may
+ change).
+ Leading zero coefficients are removed:
+ \PolFromCSV{J}{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} defines the zero
+ polynomial, which has only one (zero) coefficient.
+ See also expandable macro \PolToCSV.
+ Typesets in descending powers in math mode using the specified
+ variable (default x.) By default zero coefficients are skipped
+ (issue \poltypesetalltrue to get all of them in output).
+ Macros \PolTypesetCmd, \PolTypesetPlus, \PolTypesetMonomial
+ can help configure the output. See the package code.
+ Typesets in ascending powers.
+ This sets f2 to the first derivative of f1. It is allowed to issue
+ \PolDiff{f}{f}, effectively replacing f by f'.
+ Coefficients of the result f2 are irreducible fractions
+ (see `Technicalities`_ for the whole story.)
+ This sets f2 to the Nth derivative of f1. Identical arguments
+ is allowed. With N=0, same effect as \PolLet{f2}{f1}.
+ With negative N, switched to using \PolAntiDiff.
+ This sets f2 to the primitive of f1 vanishing at zero.
+ Coefficients of the result f2 are irreducible fractions
+ (see `Technicalities`_ for the whole story.)
+ This sets f2 to the result of N successive integrations on f1.
+ With negative N, it switches to using \PolDiff.
+ This sets Q and R to be the quotient and remainder in the Euclidean
+ division of f1 by f2.
+ This sets k to be the G.C.D. It is a unitary polynomial except if
+ both f and g vanish, then k is the zero polynomial.
+ It modifies each coefficient of the defined polynomial via
+ the *expandable* macro \macro. The degree is adjusted as necessary
+ if some leading coefficients vanish after the operation.
+ In replacement text of \macro, \index expands to the coefficient
+ index (which is defined to be zero for the constant term).
+ Notice that \macro will have to handle inputs of the shape A/B[N]
+ (xintfrac internal notation). This means that it probably will
+ have to be expressed in terms of macros from xintfrac package.
+ Example: \def\foo#1{\xintMul{#1}{\the\numexpr\index^2\relax}}
+ to replace nth coefficient f_n by f_n * n^2.
+ About the same as \PolMapCoeffs{\xintIrr}{name} (but adds [0]
+ postfix which speeds up xintfrac operations when evaluating.)
+Expandable macros
+All these macros expand completely in two steps except \PolToExpr
+which needs a \write, \edef or a \csname...\endcsname context.
+ It boils down to \xinttheexpr reduce(name(value))\relax.
+ It expands to the raw Nth coefficient (0/1[0] if index is out of
+ range). With N=-1, -2, ... expands to the leading coefficients.
+ It expands to the degree. This is -1 if zero polynomial but this may
+ change in future. Should it then expand to -\infty ?
+ Expands to f_0 + f_1*x + f_2*x^2 + ... (ascending powers). [1, 2]
+ [1] in a \write, \edef, or \csname...\endcsname, but not under
+ \romannumeral-`0
+ [2] the letter x is (in this release) not customizable.
+ By default zero coefficients are skipped (issue \poltoexprtrue to
+ get all of them in output).
+ No + sign before negative coefficients, for compliance with Maple
+ input format. This means though that parsing the result back via
+ naive delimited macros is difficult, see \PolToList and \PolToCSV
+ for more low-level formats making it easier to get expandably some
+ output of one's choice, which may possibly be parsed later on by
+ other macros of one's design, or from other packages.
+ Of course "\PolToExpr{f}" can be inserted in a \poldef, as the
+ latter expands token by token, hence will force complete expansion
+ of \PolToExpr{f}, but simply "f(x)" will be more efficient for the
+ identical result.
+ \PolToExprCmd is the one-argument macro used by \PolToExpr for the
+ coefficients, it defaults to \xintPRaw{\xintRawWithZeros{#1}}. One
+ will have to redefine it to use \xintIrr{#1} in place of
+ \xintRawWithZeros{#1} to get in output reduced coefficients.
+ Expands to {f_0}{f_1}...{f_N} with N = degree of f (except zero
+ polynomial which does give {0/1[0]} and not an empty output.)
+ Expands to f_0, f_1, f_2, ....., f_N. Converse of \PolFromCSV.
+- The catcode of the semi-colon is reset temporarily by \poldef macro in
+ case some other package (for example the French babel module) may have
+ made it active. This will fail though if the whole thing was already
+ part of a macro argument, in such cases one can use \PolDef rather.
+ The colon in := may be active with no consequences.
+- Beware the 1/2 x problem: as mentioned above, it will be give zero due
+ to the tacit multiplication rules of \xintexpr and to the fact that
+ the package will do the Euclidean division of 1 by polynomial 2x.
+- During execution of polynomial operations by \poldef (but not during
+ the initial purely numerical parsing of the expression), the xintfrac
+ macro \xintAdd is temporarily patched to always express a/b + c/d with
+ L.C.M.(b,d) as denominator. Indeed the current (xint 1.2p) \xintAdd
+ uses (ad+bc)/bd formula except if b divides d or d divides b, which
+ quickly leads in real life to big denominators.
+ It is probable that this convention will be backported as default
+ behaviour of xintfrac's \xintAdd in a future xint release. When this
+ change is merged, there will be an impact on coefficients computed by
+ \poldef because the change will apply even to the pure numerical
+ evaluations arising during the initial stage of the parsing. Of course
+ the coefficients are still the same rational numbers, only
+ representation as fractions may change.
+- As a consequence of previous rule, user-chosen common denominators
+ survive addition and multiplications:
+ \poldef P(x):= 1/2 + 2/2*x + 3/2*x^3 + 4/2*x^4;
+ \poldef Q(x):= 1/3 + (2/3)x + (3/3)x^3 + (4/3)x^4;
+ \poldef PQ(x):= P(x)*Q(x);
+ gives the polynomial
+ 1/6+4/6*x^1+4/6*x^2+6/6*x^3+20/6*x^4+16/6*x^5+9/6*x^6+24/6*x^7+16/6*x^8
+ where all coefficients have the same denominator 6 (which in this
+ example is the l.c.m of the denominators of the reduced coefficients.)
+- \PolDiff always applies \xintIrr to the resulting coefficients, except
+ that the "decimal" part [N] (for example an input in scientific
+ notation such as 1.23e5 gives 123/1[3] internally in xintfrac) is not
+ taken into account in the reduction of the fraction. This is tentative
+ and may change.
+ Same remark for \PolAntiDiff.
+- If f was created from comma separated values by macro \PolFromCSV,
+ then the exact same coefficients (except those zero coefficients
+ beyond the leading monomial) will be in the output of \PolToList and
+ \PolToCSV in their original input form: a 1.3e2 will again be a 1.3e2.
+ In contrast when such coefficients are used in a \poldef (or \PolDef)
+ expression, they get transformed during the parsing to the xintfrac
+ "raw" format. This is an unavoidable consequence of usage by \poldef
+ of \xintdeffunc which itself is based on \xintexpr. This "raw" format
+ speeds up expansion of xintfrac macros for numerical evaluations.
+- Currently, the package does not as a result of \poldef add to the TeX
+ memory an already pre-computed "array" structure for the polynomial
+ coefficients, as would be constructed by \PolAssign{f}\toarray\Macro.
+ Such structures are used, but for internal calculations in temporarily
+ restricted scopes. Apart from the function f() known to the
+ (numerical) \xintexpr parser (whose meaning can be found in the log
+ file after \xintverbosetrue), the data is (currently) stored in a
+ single other macro encapsulating the degree, and the coefficients as a
+ list. This may evolve in future.
+- As is to be expected internal structures of the package are barely
+ documented and unstable. Don't use them.
+- v0.1 (2018/01/11): initial release. Features:
+ *. differentiation and anti-differentiation,
+ *. Euclidean division and GCDs,
+ *. various utilities such as \PolFromCSV, \PolToCSV, \PolToExpr.
+ Only one-variable polynomials so far.
+ Due to lack of available time I have not really yet set-up a
+ sufficient enough test suite. Bug reports very welcome!
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polexpr/polexpr.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polexpr/polexpr.sty
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index 00000000000..983016987ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polexpr/polexpr.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@
+% author: Jean-François Burnol
+% License: LPPL 1.3c (author-maintained)
+ [2018/01/11 v0.1 Polynomial expressions with rational coefficients (JFB)]%
+\RequirePackage{xintexpr}[2016/03/19]% xint 1.2g (or 1.2c 2015/11/16 at least)
+ {\catcode`\noexpand\_ \the\catcode`\_ \catcode0 \the\catcode0\relax}%
+\catcode`\_ 11 \catcode0 12
+\newif\ifPOL@pol % (cf core algebra macros)
+%% the main exchange structure (stored in macros \POLuserpol@<name>)
+%% is: degree.\empty{coeff0}{coeff1}....{coeffN}
+%% (degree=N except zero polynomial recognized from degree set to -1
+%% but it has always the {0/1[0]} coeff0.)
+\def\POL@ifZero@aux #1#2;{\if-#1\expandafter\xint_firstoftwo
+ \else\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo
+ \fi}%
+\def\POL@split#1.#2;#3#4% separates degree and list of coefficients
+% The \empty token is to avoid brace removal issues for degree 0 polynomials
+ {\def#3{#1}\expandafter\def\expandafter#4\expandafter{#2}}%
+\def\POL@resultfromarray #1{% ATTENTION, **MUST** be executed with
+% \count@ set to 1 + degree (thus \count@ = 0 for zero polynomial)
+ \edef\POL@result{%
+ \the\numexpr\count@-\@ne.\noexpand\empty
+ \xintiloop [1+1]%
+% always done at least once with index 1, hence ok for zero polynomial
+ \expandafter\POL@braceit\csname POL@array#1\xintiloopindex\endcsname
+ \ifnum\xintiloopindex<\count@
+ \repeat}%
+\def\POL@braceit#1{{#1}}% needed as \xintiloopindex can not "see" through braces
+\newcommand\PolDef[3][x]{\poldef #2(#1):=#3;}%
+ \catcode59 12 \POL@defpol}%
+\def\POL@defpol #1(#2)#3=#4;{%
+ \POL@restoresemicolon
+ \let\POL@original_redefinemacros\XINT_expr_redefinemacros
+ \let\XINT_expr_redefinemacros\POL@redefinemacros
+ \edef\POL@tmp{\ifxintverbose1\else0\fi}%
+ \unless\ifxintveryverbose\xintverbosefalse\fi
+ \xintdeffunc __pol(#2):=#4;\if1\POL@tmp\xintverbosetrue\fi
+ \let\XINT_expr_redefinemacros\POL@original_redefinemacros
+ \edef\POL@polname{\xint_zapspaces #1 \xint_gobble_i}%
+ \begingroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{%
+ \let\xintScalarAdd\xintAdd
+ \let\XINT_fadd_C\POL_fadd_C % patch Add to use l.c.m.
+ \let\xintScalarSub\xintSub
+ \let\xintScalarMul\xintMul
+ \let\xintScalarDiv\xintDiv
+ \let\xintScalarPow\xintPow
+ \let\xintScalarOpp\xintOpp
+ \let\xintAdd\POL@add
+ \let\xintMul\POL@mul
+ \let\xintDiv\POL@div
+ \let\xintPow\POL@pow
+ \let\xintOpp\POL@opp
+ \def\xintSub ##1##2{\xintAdd{##1}{\xintOpp{##2}}}%
+ % \xintAdd to get \POL@result defined even if numerical only expression
+ \xintAdd{0}%
+ {\csname XINT_expr_userfunc___pol\endcsname
+% comma delimited from xintexpr at 1.2p or earlier. Might change.
+ {\global\POL@poltrue\def\POL@result{1.\empty{0/1[0]}{1/1[0]}}},}%
+ \expandafter}\expandafter
+ \endgroup\expandafter
+ \def\csname POLuserpol@\POL@polname\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \expandafter\POL@newpol\expandafter{\POL@polname}%
+ \expandafter\POL@ifZero\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname
+ {\@namedef{XINT_expr_userfunc_#1}##1,{0/1[0]}}%
+ {\POL@newpolhorner{#1}}%
+ \unless\ifcsname XINT_expr_userfuncNE:#1\endcsname\POL@addtoextras{#1}\fi
+ \expandafter\XINT_expr_defuserfunc
+ \csname XINT_expr_func_#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\endcsname
+ \ifxintverbose\POL@info{#1}\fi
+\def\POL@info #1{%
+ \xintMessage {polexpr}{Info}%
+ {Function #1 for the \string\xintexpr\space parser is
+ associated to \string\XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\space
+ whose meaning uses Horner scheme:
+ \expandafter\meaning
+ \csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\endcsname}%
+ %% redefine function to expand by Horner scheme. Is this useful?
+ %% perhaps bad idea for numerical evaluation of thing such as (1+x)^10?
+% note: I added {0/1[0]} item to zero polynomial also to facilitate this
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\POL@split
+ \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
+ \edef\POL@var@coeffs{\xintRevWithBraces{\POL@var@coeffs}}%
+ \begingroup
+ \expandafter\POL@newpol@horner\POL@var@coeffs\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\let\csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\endcsname\POL@tmp
+ \gdef\POL@tmp##1,{#1}\POL@newpol@horner@loop.}%
+ \if\relax#1\expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\fi
+ \xdef\POL@tmp##1,{\xintiiifZero{#1}{\@firstofone}{\xintAdd{#1}}%
+ {\xintMul{##1}{\POL@tmp##1,}}}%
+ \POL@newpol@horner@loop.%
+%% Customizes xintexpr.sty's \XINT_NewExpr (\POL@addtoextras{name})
+\catcode`~ 12
+\catcode`$ 12 % $
+\catcode`! 11
+\gdef\POL@NEfork_one #1#2!#3#4{%
+ \if ###1\xint_dothis {\POL__settopol{#4}}\fi
+ \if ~#1\xint_dothis {\POL__userfunc{#4}}\fi
+ \if $#1\xint_dothis {~xintApply::csv{~POL_userfunc{#4}}}\fi %$
+ \xint_orthat {#3}#1#2\endcsname
+\gdef\POL@@redefineone #1#2#3{% #3 = name
+ % Used for immediate f(numerical)
+ \let#2#1%
+ % \XINT_expr_userfunc_name
+ \def#1##1\endcsname % key trick is to fetch up to \endcsname!
+ {\expandafter\POL@NEfork_one\romannumeral`^^@##1!#2{#3}}%
+ % Used when f(x) is encountered: great gain here!
+ \POL@result\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}%
+ % Used when argument is neither numerical nor a macro parameter
+ % Quite some magic here! (braces couldn't be used this way in \xintexpr)
+\gdef\POL_userfunc#1{\csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\endcsname}%
+ \oodef\POL@redefineextras{\expandafter\POL@redefineextras
+ \expandafter\POL@@redefineone
+ \csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname XINT_expr_userfuncNE:#1\endcsname{#1}}%
+%\let\POL@original@redefinemacros\XINT_expr_redefinemacros % do locally
+ \expandafter\let\csname POLuserpol@#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
+ \unless\ifcsname XINT_expr_userfuncNE:#1\endcsname\POL@addtoextras{#1}\fi
+ \expandafter\let\csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\XINT_expr_defuserfunc
+ \csname XINT_expr_func_#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname XINT_expr_userfunc_#1\endcsname
+ \ifxintverbose\POL@info{#1}\fi
+\newcommand\PolAssign[1]{\def\POL@polname{#1}\POL@assign}% zap spaces in #1?
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\POL@split
+ \csname POLuserpol@\POL@polname\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@var@coeffs\to#2%
+ % modify \#200 macro to return 0/1[0] for out of range indices
+ \@namedef{\xint_arrayname00}##1##2##3{%
+ \@namedef{\xint_arrayname00}####1{%
+ \ifnum####1>##1 \xint_dothis{ 0/1[0]}\fi
+ \ifnum####1>\m@ne \xint_dothis
+ {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter##3%
+ \csname##2####1\endcsname}\fi
+ \unless\ifnum-####1>##1 \xint_dothis
+ {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter##3%
+ \csname##2\the\numexpr##1+####1+\@ne\endcsname}\fi
+ \xint_orthat{ 0/1[0]}}% space stops a \romannumeral0
+ }%
+ \csname\xint_arrayname00\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ {\csname\xint_arrayname0\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter}\expandafter
+ {\xint_arrayname}{ }%
+\newcommand\PolGet[1]{\def\POL@polname{#1}% zap spaces in #1?
+ \begingroup % closed in \POL@getfrom
+ \POL@getfrom}%
+% attention au name clash proche avec \POL@get auxiliaire de \POL@add etc..
+ \count@#2{0} % must be > 0, else could create infinite loop
+ % \ifnum\count@>\z@\else\InvalidArrayError_PolGet\fi
+ \xintloop
+ \edef\POL@tmp{#2{\count@}}%
+ \xintiiifZero{\POL@tmp}%
+ {\iftrue}%
+ {\iffalse}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+% should I use \xintRaw ? but if #2 expands only in an \edef, problem
+% (but it is not very probable the #2 macro does not already give completely
+% expanded contents), I would need to proceed in two steps. Or the \xintRaw
+% could get injected at level of \POL@newpol
+ \def\POL@tmp##1.{{#2{##1}}}%
+ \edef\POL@result{\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne.\noexpand\empty
+ \xintiloop[1+1]%
+ \expandafter\POL@tmp\xintiloopindex.%
+ \ifnum\xintiloopindex<\count@
+ \repeat}%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter
+ \def\csname POLuserpol@\POL@polname\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \expandafter\POL@newpol\expandafter{\POL@polname}%
+ \begingroup % closed in \POL@getfrom
+ \xintAssignArray\xintCSVtoList{#2}\to\POL@arrayA
+ \POL@getfrom\fromarray\POL@arrayA
+% semble un peu indirect et sous-optimal
+% mais je veux élaguer les coefficients nuls. Peut-être à revoir.
+ {\ifnum\PolIndex=\z@\xintiiSgn{#1}\else
+ \xintiiifSgn{#1}{-}{}{}\fi}%
+ {\xintSignedFrac{#1}}}%
+ \ifcase\PolIndex\space
+ %
+ \or\PolVar
+ \else\PolVar^{\PolIndex}%
+ \fi
+ {\def\POL@ts@ascending{1}\POL@Typeset}%
+ {\def\POL@ts@ascending{0}\POL@Typeset}%
+\newcommand\POL@Typeset[2][x]{% LaTeX \newcommand forces optional argument first
+ \ensuremath{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\POL@split
+ \csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
+ \if\POL@ts@ascending1%
+ \def\PolIndex{0}%
+ \let\POL@ts@reverse\@firstofone
+ \let\POL@@ne@or@m@ne\@ne
+ \else
+ \let\PolIndex\POL@var@deg
+ \ifnum\PolIndex<\z@\def\PolIndex{0}\fi
+ \let\POL@ts@reverse\xintRevWithBraces
+ \let\POL@@ne@or@m@ne\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \def\PolVar{#1}%
+ \ifnum\POL@var@deg<\z@
+ \PolTypesetCmd{0/1[0]}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\POL@var@deg=\z@
+ \expandafter\PolTypesetCmd\POL@var@coeffs
+ \else
+ \def\POL@ts@plus##1{\let\POL@ts@plus\PolTypesetPlus}%
+ \expandafter\POL@ts@loop
+ \romannumeral-`0\POL@ts@reverse{\POL@var@coeffs}\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \else\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo\fi
+ {\POL@ts@nocheck}{\POL@ts@check}.%
+ \if\relax#1\expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\fi
+ \xintiiifZero{#1}%
+ {}%
+ {\POL@ts@plus{#1}\PolTypesetCmd{#1}\PolTypesetMonomial}%
+ \edef\PolIndex{\the\numexpr\PolIndex+\POL@@ne@or@m@ne}\POL@ts@check.%
+ \if\relax#1\expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\fi
+ \POL@ts@plus{#1}\PolTypesetCmd{#1}\PolTypesetMonomial
+ \edef\PolIndex{\the\numexpr\PolIndex+\POL@@ne@or@m@ne}\POL@ts@nocheck.%
+\newcommand\PolMapCoeffs[2]{% #1 = macro, #2 = name
+ \begingroup
+ \def\POL@map@macro{#1}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\POL@split
+ \csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
+% attention à ne pas faire un \expandafter ici, car brace removal si 1 item
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@var@coeffs\to\POL@arrayA
+ \def\index{0}%
+ \count@\z@
+ \expandafter\POL@map@loop\expandafter.\POL@var@coeffs\relax
+ \xintloop
+% this abuses that \POL@arrayA0 is never 0.
+ \xintiiifZero{\csname POL@arrayA\the\count@\endcsname}%
+ {\iftrue}%
+ {\iffalse}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+% donc en sortie \count@ est 0 ssi pol nul.
+ \POL@resultfromarray A%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter
+ \def\csname POLuserpol@#2\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \POL@newpol{#2}%
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \edef\POL@map@coeff{\POL@map@macro{#1}}%
+ \expandafter
+ \let\csname POL@arrayA\the\count@\endcsname\POL@map@coeff
+ \edef\index{\the\numexpr\index+\@ne}%
+ \POL@map@loop.}%
+\newcommand\PolDivide[4]{% #3=quotient, #4=remainder of #1 by #2
+ \begingroup
+ \let\xintScalarSub\xintSub
+ \let\XINT_fadd_C\POL_fadd_C
+ \let\xintScalarMul\xintMul
+ \let\xintScalarDiv\xintDiv
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\POL@A\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\POL@B\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
+ \POL@div@c
+ \let\POL@Q\POL@result
+ \ifnum\POL@degQ<\z@
+ \let\POL@R\POL@A
+ \else
+ \count@\numexpr\POL@degR+\@ne\relax
+ \POL@resultfromarray R%
+ \let\POL@R\POL@result
+ \fi
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter
+ \def\csname POLuserpol@#3\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\POL@Q\expandafter}%
+ \expandafter
+ \def\csname POLuserpol@#4\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\POL@R}%
+ \POL@newpol{#3}%
+ \POL@newpol{#4}%
+%% GCD
+\newcommand\PolGCD[3]{% sets #3 to the (unitary) G.C.D. of #1 and #2
+ \begingroup
+ \let\xintScalarSub\xintSub
+ \let\XINT_fadd_C\POL_fadd_C
+ \let\xintScalarMul\xintMul
+ \let\xintScalarDiv\xintDiv
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\POL@A\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\POL@B\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@A;\POL@degA\POL@polA
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@B;\POL@degB\POL@polB
+ \ifnum\POL@degA<\z@
+ \expandafter\xint_firstoftwo\else\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ {\ifnum\POL@degB<\z@
+ \expandafter\xint_firstoftwo\else\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ {\def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayB
+ \POL@normalize{B}%
+ \POL@gcd@exit BA}}%
+ {\ifnum\POL@degB<\z@
+ \expandafter\xint_firstoftwo\else\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ {\xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayA
+ \POL@normalize{A}%
+ \POL@gcd@exit AB}%
+ {\ifnum\POL@degA<\POL@degB\space
+ \let\POL@tmp\POL@B\let\POL@B\POL@A\let\POL@A\POL@tmp
+ \let\POL@tmp\POL@degB\let\POL@degB\POL@degA\let\POL@degA\POL@degB
+ \fi
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayA
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayB
+ \POL@gcd AB%
+ }}%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\csname POLuserpol@#3\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \POL@newpol{#3}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@tmp\expandafter
+ {\csname POL@array#1\csname POL@array#10\endcsname\endcsname}%
+ \edef\POL@normalize@leading{\POL@tmp}%
+ \expandafter\def\POL@tmp{1/1[0]}%
+ \count@\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname\space
+ \xintloop
+ \ifnum\count@>\z@
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname
+ {\xintIrr{\xintScalarDiv
+ {\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname}%
+ {\POL@normalize@leading}}[0]}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \POL@normalize{#2}%
+ \edef\POL@degQ{\the\numexpr\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname
+ -\csname POL@deg#2\endcsname}%
+ \count@\numexpr\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname+\@ne\relax
+ \count\tw@\numexpr\POL@degQ+\@ne\relax
+ \xintloop
+ \POL@gcd@getremainder@loopbody#1#2%
+ \ifnum\count\tw@>\z@
+ \repeat
+ \expandafter\def\csname POL@array#10\endcsname{1}%
+ \xintloop
+ \xintiiifZero{\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname}%
+ {\iftrue}%
+ {\iffalse}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne}%
+ \ifnum\count@<\@ne
+ \expandafter\POL@gcd@exit
+ \else
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POL@array#10\endcsname{\the\count@}%
+ \expandafter\POL@gcd
+ \fi{#2}{#1}%
+ \edef\POL@gcd@ratio{\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \advance\count\tw@\m@ne
+ \count4 \count@
+ \count6 \csname POL@deg#2\endcsname\space
+ \xintloop
+ \ifnum\count6>\z@
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POL@array#1\the\count4\endcsname
+ {\xintScalarSub
+ {\csname POL@array#1\the\count4\endcsname}%
+ {\xintScalarMul
+ {\POL@gcd@ratio}%
+ {\csname POL@array#2\the\count6\endcsname}}}%
+ \advance\count4 \m@ne
+ \advance\count6 \m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \count@\numexpr\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname+\@ne\relax
+ \POL@resultfromarray #1%
+\def\POL@diff@loop@one #1/#2[#3]#4%
+ {\xintIrr{\xintiiMul{#4}{#1}/#2[0]}[#3]}%
+ \if\relax#2\expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\fi
+ {\expandafter\POL@diff@loop@one\romannumeral0\xintraw{#2}{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\POL@diff@loop\the\numexpr#1+\@ne.%
+ % optional parameter is how many times to derivate
+ % first mandatory arg is name of polynomial function to derivate,
+ % same name as in \NewPolExpr
+ % second mandatory arg name of derivative
+ \edef\POL@iterindex{\the\numexpr#1\relax}%
+ \ifnum\POL@iterindex<\z@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ {\PolAntiDiff[-\POL@iterindex]}{\POL@Diff}%
+ \ifcase\POL@iterindex\space
+ \expandafter\POL@Diff@no
+ \or\expandafter\POL@Diff@one
+ \else\xint_afterfi{\POL@Iterate\POL@Diff@one}%
+ \fi
+\def\POL@Diff@no #1#2{\PolLet{#2}{#1}}%
+\def\POL@Diff@one #1#2{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\POL@split
+ \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
+ \ifnum\POL@var@deg<\@ne
+ \@namedef{POLuserpol@#2}{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\POL@var@coeffs{\expandafter\POL@diff\POL@var@coeffs\relax}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
+ {\the\numexpr\POL@var@deg-\@ne.\noexpand\empty\POL@var@coeffs}%
+ \fi
+ \POL@newpol{#2}%
+% lazy way but allows to share with AntiDiff
+ \begingroup
+ \xintverbosefalse
+ #1{#2}{#3}%
+ \xintloop
+ \ifnum\POL@iterindex>\tw@
+ #1{#3}{#3}%
+ \edef\POL@iterindex{\the\numexpr\POL@iterindex-\@ne}%
+ \repeat
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup\expandafter
+ \def\csname POLuserpol@#3\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter{\romannumeral`^^@\csname POLuserpol@#3\endcsname}%
+ #1{#3}{#3}%
+\def\POL@antidiff@loop@one #1/#2[#3]#4%
+ {\xintIrr{#1/\xintiiMul{#4}{#2}[0]}[#3]}%
+ \if\relax#2\expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\fi
+ {\expandafter\POL@antidiff@loop@one\romannumeral0\xintraw{#2}{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\POL@antidiff@loop\the\numexpr#1+\@ne.%
+ % optional parameter is how many times to derivate
+ % first mandatory arg is name of polynomial function to derivate,
+ % same name as in \NewPolExpr
+ % second mandatory arg name of derivative
+ \edef\POL@iterindex{\the\numexpr#1\relax}%
+ \ifnum\POL@iterindex<\z@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ {\PolDiff[-\POL@iterindex]}{\POL@AntiDiff}%
+ \ifcase\POL@iterindex\space
+ \expandafter\POL@AntiDiff@no
+ \or\expandafter\POL@AntiDiff@one
+ \else\xint_afterfi{\POL@Iterate\POL@AntiDiff@one}%
+ \fi
+\def\POL@AntiDiff@one #1#2{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\POL@split
+ \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
+ \ifnum\POL@var@deg<\z@
+ \@namedef{POLuserpol@#2}{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\POL@var@coeffs{\expandafter\POL@antidiff\POL@var@coeffs\relax}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
+ {\the\numexpr\POL@var@deg+\@ne.\noexpand\empty{0/1[0]}\POL@var@coeffs}%
+ \fi
+ \POL@newpol{#2}%
+%% We do this non-expandably, but in a nestable way... this is the whole
+%% point because \xintdeffunc as used by \PolNewPol creates a big nested macro.
+%% The idea is to execute it with another meaning given to \xintAdd etc..,
+%% so that it operates on "polynomials". This is a mixture of expandable
+%% and non-expandable techniques.
+ \global\POL@polfalse
+ \begingroup
+ \def\POL@result{#3}%
+ #3%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \unless\ifPOL@pol
+ % avoid expanding more than twice #3
+ \edef#1{#3}%
+ \xintiiifZero{#1}%
+ {\def#1{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\edef#1{0.\noexpand\empty{#1}}}%
+ \fi
+ #2%
+\def\POL@add {\POL@get\POL@A\POL@add@b}%
+ \global\POL@poltrue
+ \POL@ifZero\POL@A
+ {\let\POL@result\POL@B}%
+ {\POL@ifZero\POL@B
+ {\let\POL@result\POL@A}%
+ {\POL@@add}}%
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@A;\POL@degA\POL@polA
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@B;\POL@degB\POL@polB
+ \ifnum\POL@degA>\POL@degB\relax
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayA
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayB
+ \else
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayA
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayB
+ \let\POL@tmp\POL@degB\let\POL@degB\POL@degA\let\POL@degA\POL@tmp
+ \fi
+ \count@\z@
+ \xintloop
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POL@arrayA\the\count@\endcsname
+ {\xintScalarAdd{\@nameuse{POL@arrayA\the\count@}}%
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayB\the\count@}}}%
+ \unless\ifnum\POL@degB<\count@
+ \repeat
+ \count@\@nameuse{POL@arrayA0} % 1+\POL@degA
+ % trim zero leading coefficients (we could check for equal degrees,
+ % but would not bring much as anyhow loop exists immediately if not)
+ \xintloop
+ % this abuses that \POL@arrayA0 is never zero
+ \xintiiifZero{\@nameuse{POL@arrayA\the\count@}}%
+ {\iftrue}%
+ {\iffalse}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \POL@resultfromarray A% attention that \POL@arrayA0 not updated
+\def\POL@mul {\POL@get\POL@A\POL@mul@b}%
+ \global\POL@poltrue
+ \POL@ifZero\POL@A
+ {\def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\POL@ifZero\POL@B
+ {\def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\POL@@mul}}%
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@A;\POL@degA\POL@polA
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@B;\POL@degB\POL@polB
+ \ifnum\POL@degA>\POL@degB\relax
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayA
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayB
+ \else
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayA
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayB
+ \let\POL@tmp\POL@degB
+ \let\POL@degB\POL@degA
+ \let\POL@degA\POL@tmp
+ \fi
+ \count@\z@
+ \xintloop
+ \POL@@mul@phaseIloopbody
+ \unless\ifnum\POL@degB<\count@
+ \repeat
+ \xintloop
+ \unless\ifnum\POL@degA<\count@ % car attention au cas de mêmes degrés
+ \POL@@mul@phaseIIloopbody
+ \repeat
+ \edef\POL@degC{\the\numexpr\POL@degA+\POL@degB}%
+ \xintloop
+ \unless\ifnum\POL@degC<\count@
+ \POL@@mul@phaseIIIloopbody
+ \repeat
+ %\count@\the\numexpr\POL@degC+\@ne\relax % never zero polynomial here
+ \POL@resultfromarray C%
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \def\POL@tmp{0[0]}%
+ \count\tw@\z@
+ \xintloop
+ \advance\count\tw@\@ne
+ \edef\POL@tmp{%
+ \xintScalarAdd
+ {\POL@tmp}%
+ {\xintScalarMul
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayA\the\count\tw@}}%
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayB\the\numexpr\count@+\@ne-\count\tw@}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\count\tw@<\count@
+ \repeat
+ \expandafter\let\csname POL@arrayC\the\count@\endcsname\POL@tmp
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \def\POL@tmp{0[0]}%
+ \count\tw@\count@
+ \advance\count\tw@-\@nameuse{POL@arrayB0} %
+ \xintloop
+ \ifnum\count\tw@<\count@
+ \advance\count\tw@\@ne
+ \edef\POL@tmp{%
+ \xintScalarAdd
+ {\POL@tmp}%
+ {\xintScalarMul
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayA\the\count\tw@}}%
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayB\the\numexpr\count@+\@ne-\count\tw@}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \repeat
+ \expandafter\let\csname POL@arrayC\the\count@\endcsname\POL@tmp
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \def\POL@tmp{0[0]}%
+ \count\tw@\count@
+ \advance\count\tw@-\@nameuse{POL@arrayB0} %
+ \xintloop
+ \advance\count\tw@\@ne
+ \edef\POL@tmp{%
+ \xintScalarAdd{\POL@tmp}%
+ {\xintScalarMul
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayA\the\count\tw@}}%
+ {\@nameuse{POL@arrayB\the\numexpr\count@+\@ne-\count\tw@}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\@nameuse{POL@arrayA0}>\count\tw@
+ \repeat
+ \expandafter\let\csname POL@arrayC\the\count@\endcsname\POL@tmp
+\def\POL@pow #1#2{%
+ \global\POL@polfalse
+ \begingroup
+ \def\POL@result{#1}%
+ #1%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@A\expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \unless\ifPOL@pol
+ \edef\POL@A{\xintScalarPow{#1}{#2}}% no error check
+ \xintiiifZero{\POL@A}%
+ {\def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\edef\POL@result{0.\noexpand\empty{\POL@A}}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\POL@B{\numexpr\xintNum{#2}\relax}% no check on exponent >= 0
+ \ifcase\POL@B
+ \def\POL@result{0.\empty{1/1[0]}}%
+ \or
+ \let\POL@result\POL@A
+ \else
+ \POL@@pow@check
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\POL@poltrue
+\def\POL@@pow@check {%
+% no problem here with leftover tokens!
+% should I have used that I-don't-care technique more elsewhere?
+ \ifnum\@ne>\POL@A
+ % polynomial is a constant, must get rid of dot and \empty
+ \edef\POL@A{\expandafter\xintScalarPow\romannumeral`^^@%
+ \expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\POL@A{\POL@B}}%
+ \xintiiifZero{\POL@A}%
+ {\def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\edef\POL@result{0.\noexpand\empty{\POL@A}}}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\@ne=\POL@A
+ % perhaps a constant times X, check constant term
+ \xintiiifZero
+ {\expandafter\xint_firstoftwo\romannumeral`^^@%
+ \expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\POL@A}
+ {\edef\POL@result
+ {\the\POL@B.% here at least 2.
+ \noexpand\empty
+ \romannumeral\xintreplicate{\POL@B}{{0/1[0]}}%
+ {\xintScalarPow
+ {\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo\romannumeral`^^@%
+ \expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\POL@A}%
+ {\POL@B}}}}%
+ {\POL@@pow}% not constant times X, use general recursion
+ \else
+ \POL@@pow% general recursion
+ \fi\fi
+ \begingroup
+ #1%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@A\expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \edef\POL@B{\numexpr\xintNum{#2}\relax}%
+ \ifcase\POL@B
+ \POL@thisshouldneverhappen
+ \or
+ \let\POL@result\POL@A
+ \else
+ \expandafter\POL@@pow
+ \fi
+\def\POL@@pow {%
+ \let\POL@pow@exp\POL@B
+ \let\POL@B\POL@A
+ \POL@@mul
+ \let\POL@sqA\POL@result
+ \ifodd\POL@pow@exp\space
+ \expandafter\POL@@pow@odd
+ \the\numexpr(\POL@pow@exp+\@ne)/\tw@-\@ne\expandafter.%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\POL@@pow@even
+ \the\numexpr(\POL@pow@exp+\@ne)/\tw@-\@ne\expandafter.%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\POL@@pow@recurse\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@result\expandafter{\POL@sqA}}%
+ {#1}%
+ \expandafter\POL@@pow@odd@i\expandafter{\POL@A}{#1}%
+\def\POL@@pow@odd@i #1#2{%
+ \expandafter\POL@@pow@recurse\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@result\expandafter{\POL@sqA}}%
+ {#2}%
+ \expandafter\POL@mul\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@result\expandafter
+ {\POL@result}\global\POL@poltrue}%
+ {\def\POL@result{#1}\global\POL@poltrue}%
+%% no check on divisor being non-zero
+\def\POL@div {\POL@get\POL@A\POL@div@b}%
+ \global\POL@poltrue
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@A;\POL@degA\POL@polA
+ \expandafter\POL@split\POL@B;\POL@degB\POL@polB
+ \ifnum\POL@degA<\POL@degB\space
+ \@namedef{POL@arrayQ1}{0/1[0]}%
+ \def\POL@degQ{-1}%
+ \else
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayR
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayB
+ \POL@@div
+ \fi
+ \count@\numexpr\POL@degQ+\@ne\relax
+ \POL@resultfromarray Q%
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polA\to\POL@arrayR
+ \xintAssignArray\POL@polB\to\POL@arrayB
+ \edef\POL@B@leading{\csname POL@arrayB\the\numexpr\POL@degB+\@ne\endcsname}%
+ \edef\POL@degQ{\the\numexpr\POL@degA-\POL@degB}%
+ \count@\numexpr\POL@degA+\@ne\relax
+ \count\tw@\numexpr\POL@degQ+\@ne\relax
+ \xintloop
+ \POL@@div@loopbody
+ \ifnum\count\tw@>\z@
+ \repeat
+ %%\expandafter\def\csname POL@arrayR0\endcsname{1}%
+ \xintloop
+ \xintiiifZero{\csname POL@arrayR\the\count@\endcsname}%
+ {\iftrue}%
+ {\iffalse}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \edef\POL@degR{\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne}%
+ \edef\POL@@div@ratio{%
+ \xintScalarDiv{\csname POL@arrayR\the\count@\endcsname}%
+ {\POL@B@leading}}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname POL@arrayQ\the\count\tw@\endcsname
+ \POL@@div@ratio
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \advance\count\tw@\m@ne
+ \count4 \count@
+ \count6 \POL@degB\space
+ \xintloop
+ \ifnum\count6>\z@
+ \expandafter\edef\csname POL@arrayR\the\count4\endcsname
+ {\xintScalarSub
+ {\csname POL@arrayR\the\count4\endcsname}%
+ {\xintScalarMul
+ {\POL@@div@ratio}%
+ {\csname POL@arrayB\the\count6\endcsname}}}%
+ \advance\count4 \m@ne
+ \advance\count6 \m@ne
+ \repeat
+\def\POL@opp #1{%
+ \global\POL@polfalse
+ \begingroup
+ \def\POL@result{#1}%
+ #1%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\POL@A\expandafter{\POL@result}%
+ \unless\ifPOL@pol
+ \edef\POL@A{\xintScalarOpp{#1}}%
+ \xintiiifZero{\POL@A}%
+ {\def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}}%
+ {\edef\POL@result{0.\noexpand\empty{\POL@A}}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\POL@B{0.\noexpand\empty{-1/1[0]}}%
+ \POL@@mul
+ \fi
+ \global\POL@poltrue
+\def\PolEval#1#2\At#3{\romannumeral`^^@\xinttheexpr reduce(#1(#3))\relax}%
+ \expandafter\POL@nthcoeff
+ \romannumeral0\xintnthelt{\ifnum\numexpr#2<\z@#2\else(#2)+1\fi}%
+ {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \xint_gob_til_dot\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}@%
+\def\POL@nthcoeff#1@{\if @#1@\expandafter\xint_firstoftwo
+ \else\expandafter\xint_secondoftwo\fi
+ {0/1[0]}{#1}}%
+% returns -1 for zero polynomial for context of numerical expression
+% should it return -\infty?
+ \POL@degree\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;}%
+\def\POL@degree #1.#2;{#1}%
+ \xint_gob_til_dot\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}%
+\newcommand\PolToCSV[1]{\romannumeral0\xintlistwithsep{, }{\PolToList{#1}}}%
+ \POL@toexpr\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname\relax}%
+ \ifnum#1<\z@
+ \PolToExprCmd{0/1[0]}\expandafter\@gobbletwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\POL@toexpr@a
+ \fi}%
+\def\POL@toexpr@a #1{\ifpoltoexprall\expandafter\POL@toexprall@b
+ \else\expandafter\POL@toexpr@b
+ \fi{#1}{}\PolToExprCmd0.}%
+\def\POL@toexpr@b #1#2#3{%
+ \xintiiifZero{#1}%
+ {\expandafter\POL@toexpr@loop\expandafter#3}%
+ {#3{#1}#2\expandafter\POL@toexpr@loop\expandafter\PolToExprCmdWithSep}%
+ \expandafter\POL@toexpr@b\the\numexpr\@ne+%
+\def\POL@toexprall@b #1#2#3{%
+ #3{#1}#2%
+ \expandafter\POL@toexpr@loop\expandafter\PolToExprCmdWithSep
+ \expandafter\POL@toexprall@b\the\numexpr\@ne+%
+ \if\relax#4\expandafter\xint_gob_til_dot\fi #2{#4}{*x^#3}#1#3.%
+%% Patch of xintfrac.sty's \xintAdd: for a/b + c/d, use lcm(b,d)
+\def\POL_fadd_C #1#2#3%
+ \expandafter\POL_fadd_D
+ \romannumeral0\xintiigcd{#2}{#3}.%
+ {#2}{#3}{#1}%
+\def\POL_fadd_D #1.#2#3%
+ \expandafter\POL_fadd_E
+ \romannumeral0\xintiiquo{#3}{#1}.%
+ {\romannumeral0\xintiiquo{#2}{#1}}{#2}{#3}%
+\def\POL_fadd_E #1.#2#3#4#5%
+ \expandafter\POL_fadd_F\romannumeral0\xintiimul{#1}{#3}.{#2}%
+ {\xintiiMul{#1}{#5}}%
+\def\POL_fadd_F #1.#2#3#4%
+ \expandafter\POL_fadd_G
+ \romannumeral0\xintiiadd{#3}{\xintiiMul{#2}{#4}}/#1%
+\def\POL_fadd_G #1{%
+\def\POL_fadd_G ##1{\if0##1\expandafter\XINT_fadd_iszero\fi#1##1}%
+}\POL_fadd_G{ }%
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 59200dcd795..c84f493946e 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
plain-doc plainpkg plari plantslabels plates
platex platex-tools platexcheat play playfair plex plex-otf plipsum
plnfss plstmary plweb pm-isomath pmgraph pmx pmxchords pnas2009
- poemscol poetry poetrytex polski poltawski
+ poemscol poetry poetrytex polexpr polski poltawski
polyglossia polynom polynomial
polytable postcards poster-mac powerdot powerdot-FUBerlin
ppr-prv pracjourn preprint prerex present presentations presentations-en
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-mathscience.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-mathscience.tlpsrc
index c43e710357a..b22c1aa86d0 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-mathscience.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-mathscience.tlpsrc
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ depend oubraces
depend perfectcut
depend physics
depend pm-isomath
+depend polexpr
depend prftree
depend proba
depend prooftrees
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/polexpr.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/polexpr.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/polexpr.tlpsrc