path: root/Master
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/floatflt/floatflt.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/floatflt/floatflt.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4396042f3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/floatflt/floatflt.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+%% This is file `floatflt.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% floatflt.dtx (with options: `paketkod')
+%% Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Mats Dahlgren <>.
+%% All rights reserved. See the file `floatflt.ins' for information
+%% on how you may (re-)distribute the `floatflt' package files.
+%% You are not allowed to make any changes to this file without
+%% explicit permission from the author.
+\ProvidesPackage{floatflt}[1997/07/16 v. 1.31]
+\newdimen\figgutter \figgutter=1truepc
+\newdimen\tabgutter \tabgutter=1truepc
+\newdimen\htdone \htdone=0pt
+\newif\iftryingfig \tryingfigfalse
+\newif\iftryingtab \tryingtabfalse
+\newif\ifdoingfig \doingfigfalse
+\newif\ifdoingtab \doingtabfalse
+\newif\iffigprocessing \figprocessingfalse
+\newif\iftabprocessing \tabprocessingfalse
+\newif\ifpageafterfig \pageafterfigfalse
+\newif\ifpageaftertab \pageaftertabfalse
+{\@tfor \@tempa :=#1\do
+ {\if\@tempa r\global\oddpagestrue\fi
+ \if\@tempa l\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \if\@tempa p%
+ \ifodd\c@page\global\oddpagestrue
+ \else\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \fi
+ \if\@tempa v%
+ \ifnum\theOptionTest=0
+ \ifodd\c@page\global\oddpagestrue
+ \else\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\theOptionTest\global\oddpagestrue
+ \else\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname oldoutput\endcsname\relax% ref. TeXbook Ex.7.7
+ \PackageError{floatflt}{The `floatflt' package is not initialized}
+ {Try to reinstall the `floatflt' package.\MessageBreak
+ Type `x' to quit or <Return> to try to go on.}\@@end\fi
+ \global\everypar={\tryfig\oldeverypar}% must be set globally!
+ \global\advance\ffigcount by 1
+ \iffigprocessing
+ {\count0=\ffigcount\advance\count0 by -1
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating figures \the\count0\space%
+ \space and \the\ffigcount\space colliding}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \iftabprocessing \PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating figure %
+ \the\ffigcount\space and floating table \the\ftabcount\space colliding}
+ \fi
+ \def\@captype{figure}
+ \global\setlength{\floatfltwidth}{#2}
+ \global\figprocessingtrue
+ \global\setbox\figbox=\vbox\bgroup% begin of figbox
+ \hrule height 0pt width #2 depth 0pt%
+ \hsize=#2%
+{\@tfor \@tempa :=#1\do
+ {\if\@tempa r\global\oddpagestrue\fi
+ \if\@tempa l\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \if\@tempa p%
+ \ifodd\c@page\global\oddpagestrue
+ \else\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \fi
+ \if\@tempa v%
+ \ifnum \theOptionTest=0
+ \ifodd\c@page\global\oddpagestrue
+ \else\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\theOptionTest\global\oddpagestrue
+ \else\global\oddpagesfalse\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+\expandafter\ifx\csname oldoutput\endcsname\relax% ref. TeXbook Ex.7.7
+ \PackageError{floatflt}{The `floatflt' package is not initialized}
+ {Try to reinstall the `floatflt' package.\MessageBreak
+ Type `x' to quit or <Return> to try to go on.}\@@end\fi
+\global\setbox\tabbox=\vbox\bgroup\hrule height 0pt width 0pt depth 0pt%
+ \hsize=0pt\egroup
+ \global\everypar={\trytab\oldeverypar}
+ \global\advance\ftabcount by 1
+ \iftabprocessing
+ {\count0=\ftabcount\advance\count0 by -1
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating tables \the\count0\space%
+ \space and \the\ftabcount \space colliding}%
+ }
+ \fi
+ \iftabprocessing \PackageWarningNoLine{floatflt}{Floating table %
+ \the\ffigcount\space and floating figure \the\ftabcount\space colliding}
+ \fi
+ \settowidth{\tabbredd}{#2}
+ \global\setlength{\floatfltwidth}{\tabbredd}
+ \def\@captype{table}
+ \global\tabprocessingtrue
+ \global\setbox\tabbox=\vbox\bgroup% begin of tabbox
+ \hrule height 0pt width\tabbredd depth 0pt%
+ \hsize=\tabbredd
+\noindent\ifnum\ftabcount >1\ifoddpages\else\hspace*{-12pt}\fi\fi%
+\egroup% end of \tabbox
+ \ifoutput\oldoutput\fi}
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty=-10005
+ \setbox\pagebox=\vbox{\unvbox255}%
+ \global\pageht=\ht\pagebox
+ \global\outputfalse
+ \unvbox\pagebox
+ \else
+ \global\outputtrue
+ \ifdoingfig
+ \global\pageafterfigtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty=-10005
+ \setbox\pagebox=\vbox{\unvbox255}%
+ \global\pageht=\ht\pagebox
+ \global\outputfalse
+ \unvbox\pagebox
+ \else
+ \global\outputtrue
+ \ifdoingtab
+ \global\pageaftertabtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \iftryingfig
+ {\everypar={\relax}\setbox0=\lastbox%
+ \parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par%
+ \penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
+ \dimen0=\vsize%
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\pageht%
+ \advance\dimen0 by -2\baselineskip%
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\ht\figbox%
+ \dimen0=0.3\baselineskip
+ \vrule depth \dimen0 width 0pt
+ \vadjust{\kern -\dimen0%
+ \vtop to \dimen0{%
+ \baselineskip=\dimen0%
+ \vss \vbox to 1ex{%
+ \ifoddpages%
+ \hbox to \hsize{\hss\copy\figbox}%
+ \else% leftsetting
+ \hbox to \hsize{\copy\figbox\hss}%
+ \fi% \ifodd\count0
+ \vss}\null}}%
+ \global\tryingfigfalse%
+ \global\doingfigtrue
+ \global\startpageht=\pageht
+ \global\htdone=0pt
+ \dohangf
+ \ifnum\nosuccesstryfig>0%
+ \typeout{floatflt Message: Flt. fig. \the\ffigcount\space set on page
+ \the\count0, shifted \the\nosuccesstryfig\space par(s) forward.}%
+ \else
+ \typeout{Package floatflt Message: Floating figure \the\ffigcount
+ \space set on page \the\count0}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\advance\nosuccesstryfig by 1
+ \fi
+ \else%
+ \ifdoingfig
+ {\everypar={\relax}\setbox0=\lastbox
+ \parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par
+ \penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
+ \global\htdone=\pageht
+ \global\advance\htdone by -\startpageht
+ \ifpageafterfig
+ \global\doingfigfalse
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\ht\figbox%
+ \advance\dimen0 by 0.5\baselineskip%
+ \ifdim\htdone<\dimen0%
+ \dohangf
+ \else
+ \global\doingfigfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdoingfig\relax\else\global\figprocessingfalse\fi
+ \else
+ \global\outputpretest={\outputtrue}%
+ \fi
+ \iftryingtab%
+ {\everypar={\relax}\setbox0=\lastbox%
+ \parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par%
+ \penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
+ \dimen0=\vsize%
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\pageht%
+ \advance\dimen0 by -2\baselineskip%
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\ht\tabbox%
+ \dimen0=0.3\baselineskip
+ \vrule depth \dimen0 width 0pt
+ \vadjust{\kern -\dimen0%
+ \vtop to \dimen0{%
+ \baselineskip=\dimen0%
+ \vss \vbox to 1ex{%
+ \ifoddpages%
+ \hbox to \hsize{\hss\copy\tabbox}%
+ \else% leftsetting
+ \hbox to \hsize{\copy\tabbox\hss}%
+ \fi% \ifodd\count0
+ \vss}\null}}%
+ \global\tryingtabfalse%
+ \global\doingtabtrue
+ \global\startpageht=\pageht
+ \global\htdone=0pt
+ \dohangt
+ \ifnum\nosuccesstrytab>0%
+ \typeout{floatflt Message: Flt. tab. \the\ftabcount\space set on page
+ \the\count0, shifted \the\nosuccesstrytab\space par(s) forward.}%
+ \else
+ \typeout{Package floatflt Message: Floating table \the\ftabcount\space
+ set on page \the\count0}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\advance\nosuccesstrytab by 1
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdoingtab
+ {\everypar={\relax}\setbox0=\lastbox
+ \parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par
+ \penalty-10005 \leavevmode}%
+ \global\htdone=\pageht
+ \global\advance\htdone by -\startpageht
+ \ifpageaftertab
+ \global\doingtabfalse
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\ht\tabbox%
+ \advance\dimen0 by 0.5\baselineskip%
+ \ifdim\htdone<\dimen0%
+ \dohangt
+ \else
+ \global\doingtabfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdoingtab\relax\else\global\tabprocessingfalse\fi
+ \else
+ \global\outputpretest={\outputtrue}%
+ \fi
+ \global\nosuccesstryfig=0%
+ \global\outputpretest={\dofigtest}%
+ \global\tryingfigtrue \global\doingfigfalse%
+ \global\pageafterfigfalse}%
+ \global\nosuccesstrytab=0%
+ \global\outputpretest={\dotabtest}%
+ \global\tryingtabtrue \global\doingtabfalse%
+ \global\pageaftertabfalse}%
+ \dimen0=\ht\figbox%
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\htdone%
+ \advance\dimen0 by 1.49\baselineskip%
+ \hangcount=\dimen0%
+ \divide\hangcount by \baselineskip%
+ \dimen0=\wd\figbox%
+ \advance\dimen0 by \figgutter%
+ \ifoddpages%
+ \global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing right
+ \global\hangindent=-\dimen0%
+ \else% \ifleftsetting
+ \global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing left
+ \global\hangindent=\dimen0%
+ \fi
+ \dimen0=\ht\tabbox%
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\htdone%
+ \advance\dimen0 by 1.49\baselineskip%
+ \hangcount=\dimen0%
+ \divide\hangcount by \baselineskip%
+ \dimen0=\wd\tabbox%
+ \advance\dimen0 by \tabgutter%
+ \ifoddpages%
+ \global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing right
+ \global\hangindent=-\dimen0%
+ \else% \ifleftsetting
+ \global\hangafter=-\hangcount% placing left
+ \global\hangindent=\dimen0%
+ \fi
+ \addtolength{\fltitemwidth}{-\floatfltwidth}%
+ \addtolength{\fltitemwidth}{-0.5em}%
+ \item \parbox[t]{\fltitemwidth}{#2}\\[#1]}
+ \addtolength{\fltitemwidth}{-\floatfltwidth}%
+ \addtolength{\fltitemwidth}{-0.5em}%
+ \item[#2] \parbox[t]{\fltitemwidth}{#3}\\[#1]}
+%% End of file `floatflt.sty'.