path: root/Master
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master')
2 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/feynmf/feynmf.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/feynmf/feynmf.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2261fb7867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/feynmf/feynmf.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+%% This is file `feynmf.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `style')
+%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by
+%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments
+%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf
+%% for making modifications to it.
+%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can
+%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins)
+%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+%% your option) any later version.
+%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for
+%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you
+%% include a short note pointing to the complete source.
+%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+%% \CheckSum{924}
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+ \ifx$#1%
+ \@RCS $#2 \endRCS
+ \else
+ \@RCS $*: #1#2$ \endRCS
+ \fi}%
+ \def\@RCS $#1: #2,v #3 #4 #5 #6 #7$ \endRCS{%
+ \gdef\filename{#2}%
+ \gdef\filerevision{#3}%
+ \gdef\filedate{#4}%
+ \gdef\filemaintainer{#6}}%
+\RCS $Id: feynmf.dtx,v 1.30 1996/12/02 09:20:36 ohl Exp $ \endRCS}%
+ LaTeX/Metafont Feynman Diagram Package (\filemaintainer)]
+ \PackageWarning{feynmf}{%
+ Pre v1.03 compatibility can clash with font loading}
+ \def\fmf@noexpandoff{\let\noexpand\relax}}
+ \mdqoff
+ \let\mdqrestore\mdqon}
+ \if@fmfio
+ \immediate\write\@outfmf{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\thefmffile{#1}%
+ \equaltojobname{\thefmffile}{%
+ \errhelp={The argument of \fmffile MUST NOT be identical to the^^J%
+ name of your main input file! I will use^^J%
+ this time around, but you'd better fix your code now!}%
+ \errmessage{Invalid arument of \string\fmffile!}%
+ \def\thefmffile{fmfdefault}}{}%
+ \batchmode
+ \global\expandafter\font%
+ \csname f@ynmf:\thefmffile\endcsname=\thefmffile
+ \@interactionmode
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\f@ynmf\csname f@ynmf:\thefmffile\endcsname
+ \ifx\f@ynmf\nullfont
+ \def\f@ynmf{Feynman graph:}%
+ \IfFileExists{\}%
+ {\typeout{%
+ feynmf: File \thefmffile.tfm not found:^^J%
+ feynmf: Process \ with METAFONT and then %
+ reprocess this file.}}%
+ {\typeout{%
+ feynmf: Files \ and \thefmffile.tfm not found:^^J%
+ feynmf: This job will create \, process it %
+ later with METAFONT^^J%
+ feynmf: and then reprocess this file. Don't worry about a %
+ harmless premature^^J%
+ feynmf: MakeTeXTFM that might have failed just a moment ago!}}%
+ \else
+ \typeout{%
+ feynmf: File \thefmffile.tfm found.^^J%
+ feynmf: Nevertheless, if the picture has changed, %
+ reprocess \^^J%
+ feynmf: If dimension have changed, reprocess \ %
+ and \jobname.tex.}%
+ \fi
+ \if@fmfio
+ \@ifundefined{ifmeasuring@}%
+ {}%
+ {\def\if@fmfio{\ifmeasuring@\else}}%
+ \immediate\openout\@outfmf=\\relax
+ \fmfcmd{\p@rcent\space \ -- do not edit, %
+ generated automatically by \jobname.tex^^J%
+ input feynmf^^J%
+ require_RCS_revision "\fmf@revision";}%
+ \fi
+ \setcounter{fmfgraph}{0}}
+ \edef\@tempa{#1}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\meaning\@tempa}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\jobname}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\meaning\@tempb}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ #2
+ \else
+ #3
+ \fi}
+ \fmfcmd{\p@rcent\space the end.^^J%
+ end.^^J%
+ endinput;}%
+ \let\thefmffile\relax
+ \if@fmfio
+ \immediate\closeout\@outfmf
+ \fi}
+ \catcode`\"=11\gdef\dqu@te{"}}
+ \ifx\thefmffile\relax
+ \errhelp={Outside a fmffile environment, I have no clue as to where^^J%
+ the METAFONT commands should go. I will use^^J%
+ for this graph, but you'd better fix your code!}%
+ \errmessage{I detected a fmfgraph environment outside of fmffile}%
+ \fmffile{fmfdefault}
+ \fi
+ \global\expandafter\advance\csname c@fmfgraph\endcsname \@ne
+ \fmfcmd{beginchar(\thefmfgraph, #1*\the\unitlength\sh@rp, %
+ #2*\the\unitlength\sh@rp, 0);^^J%
+ \dqu@te feynmf: \thefmfgraph\dqu@te;}%
+ \fmfcmd{LaTeX_unitlength:=\the\unitlength;}%
+ \begin{fmfsubgraph}(0,0)(w,h)
+ \fmfinit
+ \fmfpen{thin}}
+ \fmf@graph{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\fmfkeep##1{\fmf@keep{#1}{#2}{##1}}%
+{\f@ynmf \char\value{fmfgraph}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \fmffreeze
+ \fmfdraw
+ \end{fmfsubgraph}
+ \fmfcmd{endchar;}%
+ \def\fmfkeep##1{\fmf@nokeep}}
+ \begin{picture}(#1,#2)
+ \fmf@graph{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\fmfkeep##1{\fmf@keepstar{#1}{#2}{##1}}%
+ \if@fmfio
+ \def\thefmfext{.log}%
+ \IfFileExists{\thefmffile.log}%
+ {}%
+ {\IfFileExists{\thefmffile.lis}%
+ {\def\thefmfext{.lis}}%
+ {}}%
+ {\catcode`\%=14\relax
+ \grepfile%
+ {\thefmfgraph}%
+ {\thefmffile\thefmfext}%
+ {\thefmffile.t\thefmfgraph}}%
+ \fi
+\put(0,0){{\f@ynmf \char\value{fmfgraph}}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \endfmfgraph
+ \if@fmfio
+ {\catcode`\%=14\relax
+ \fmf@noexpandoff
+ \InputIfFileExists{\thefmffile.t\thefmfgraph}{}{%
+ \typeout{%
+ feynmf: Label file \thefmffile.t\thefmfgraph\space not found:^^J%
+ feynmf: Process \ with METAFONT and then %
+ reprocess this file.}}}%
+ \fi
+ \end{picture}}
+ \errhelp={There's nothing to \string\fmfkeep!}%
+ \errmessage{feynmf: \string\fmfkeep\space outside of `fmfgraph'!}}
+ \global\@namedef{fmf@k:e:#3}{\begin{fmfgraph}(#1,#2)\end{fmfgraph}}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:f:#3}{\thefmffile}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:c:#3}{\thefmfgraph}}
+ \global\@namedef{fmf@k:e:#3}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(#1,#2)\end{fmfgraph*}}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:f:#3}{\thefmffile}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:c:#3}{\thefmfgraph}}
+\def\e@namedef#1{\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname}
+ \@ifundefined{fmf@k:e:#1}%
+ {\typeout{%
+ feynmf: \string\fmfreuse: %
+ missing \string\fmfkeep\space for `#1'!}}%
+ {\edef\thefmffile{\@nameuse{fmf@k:f:#1}}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\f@ynmf%
+ \csname f@ynmf:\thefmffile\endcsname
+ \@nameuse{c@fmfgraph}\@nameuse{fmf@k:c:#1}%
+ \advance\@nameuse{c@fmfgraph}-1%
+ \def\fmfcmd##1{}%
+ \@nameuse{fmf@k:e:#1}}}
+ \leavevmode
+ \hbox{\vbox{\vskip#2\unitlength\par
+ \hbox{\hskip#1\unitlength#5\hskip#3\unitlength}\par
+ \vskip#4\unitlength}}}
+\def\fmfpen#1{\fmfcmd{pickup pencircle scaled #1;}}
+\def\fmfsubgraph(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\fmfcmd{subgraph (#1, #2, #3, #4);}}
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\pattern{\csname*grep*#1*\endcsname}%
+ \immediate\openin\grep@infile #2\relax
+ \ifeof\grep@infile
+ \else
+ \grep@outopenfalse
+ \endlinechar=-1
+ \@sanitize
+ \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\%=14 \relax
+ \loop
+ \read\grep@infile to \grep@lbuf
+ \ifeof\grep@infile
+ \grep@contfalse
+ \else
+ \grep@conttrue
+ \ifx\grep@lbuf\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\grep@aline\grep@lbuf\sentinel
+ \ifx\pattern\grep@tag
+ \ifgrep@outopen
+ \else
+ \immediate\openout\grep@outfile #3\relax
+ \immediate\write\grep@outfile{\p@rcent\space #3 %
+ -- generated automatically from #2}%
+ \immediate\write\grep@outfile{\p@rcent\space
+ Think twice before editing THIS file!}%
+ \grep@outopentrue
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\grep@outfile{\grep@val}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifgrep@cont
+ \repeat
+ \ifgrep@outopen
+ \immediate\closeout\grep@outfile
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \immediate\closein\grep@infile
+ \endgroup}
+ \ifx:#1%
+ \grep@splitlbuf#2\sentinel
+ \else
+ \edef\grep@tag{\csname*grep*\endcsname}%
+ \def\grep@val{}%
+ \fi}
+ \edef\grep@tag{\csname*grep*#1*\endcsname}%
+ \def\grep@val{#2}}
+\def\Commaize#1#2{, #1#2}
+\def\Listize#1{\Listize@#1,\relax @@@}
+ \TeXif{\ifx\relax#2}%
+ {\Singleton{#1}}%
+ {\Cons{#1}{\Listize@#2@@@}}}
+\def\fmfwizard{\fmfcmd{feynmfwizard := true;}}
+\def\fmfnowizard{\fmfcmd{feynmfwizard := false;}}
+\def\fmfshrink#1{\fmfcmd{shrink (#1);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vconnect ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vconnectn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vcyclen ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vrcyclen ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+\def\fmfforce#1#2{\fmfcmd{vforce ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmfshift#1#2{\fmfcmd{vshift ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmffixed#1#2{\fmfcmd{vconstraint ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmffixedx#1#2{\fmfcmd{vconstraint (((#1),whatever), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmffixedy#1#2{\fmfcmd{vconstraint ((whatever,(#1)), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vpolygon ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vpolygonn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vrpolygonn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vlabel ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vvertex ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vvertexn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+\def\fmfblob#1#2{\fmfcmd{vblob ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmfdot#1{\fmfcmd{vdot (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfblobn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vblobn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfdotn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vdotn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfleft#1{\fmfcmd{vleft (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfright#1{\fmfcmd{vright (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfbottom#1{\fmfcmd{vbottom (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmftop#1{\fmfcmd{vtop (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfsurround#1{\fmfcmd{vsurround (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfleftn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vleftn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfrightn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vrightn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfbottomn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vbottomn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmftopn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vtopn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfsurroundn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vsurroundn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmffor#1#2#3#4{\fmfcmd{for #1 = #2 step #3 until #4:}}
+\def\fmfset#1#2{\fmfcmd{save #1; #1:=#2;}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{idraw ("\the\fmfbuf@", #2);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{ivertex ("\the\fmfbuf@", #2);}}
+\def\fmfipath#1{\fmfcmd{path #1;}}
+\def\fmfipair#1{\fmfcmd{pair #1;}}
+\def\fmfdisplay{\fmfcmd{show_all_diagrams (100,100);}}
+%% End of file `feynmf.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/feynmf/feynmp.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/feynmf/feynmp.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0147bf3cae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/feynmf/feynmp.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+%% This is file `feynmp.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `style,mp')
+%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by
+%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments
+%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf
+%% for making modifications to it.
+%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can
+%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins)
+%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+%% your option) any later version.
+%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for
+%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you
+%% include a short note pointing to the complete source.
+%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+%% \CheckSum{924}
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+ \ifx$#1%
+ \@RCS $#2 \endRCS
+ \else
+ \@RCS $*: #1#2$ \endRCS
+ \fi}%
+ \def\@RCS $#1: #2,v #3 #4 #5 #6 #7$ \endRCS{%
+ \gdef\filename{#2}%
+ \gdef\filerevision{#3}%
+ \gdef\filedate{#4}%
+ \gdef\filemaintainer{#6}}%
+\RCS $Id: feynmf.dtx,v 1.30 1996/12/02 09:20:36 ohl Exp $ \endRCS}%
+ LaTeX/MetaPost Feynman Diagram Package (\filemaintainer)]
+ \PackageWarning{feynmf}{%
+ Pre v1.03 compatibility can clash with font loading}
+ \def\fmf@noexpandoff{\let\noexpand\relax}}
+ \mdqoff
+ \let\mdqrestore\mdqon}
+ \if@fmfio
+ \immediate\write\@outfmf{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\thefmffile{#1}%
+ \equaltojobname{\thefmffile}{%
+ \errhelp={The argument of \fmffile MUST NOT be identical to the^^J%
+ name of your main input file! I will use^^J%
+ this time around, but you'd better fix your code now!}%
+ \errmessage{Invalid arument of \string\fmffile!}%
+ \def\thefmffile{fmfdefault}}{}%
+ \if@fmfio
+ \@ifundefined{ifmeasuring@}%
+ {}%
+ {\def\if@fmfio{\ifmeasuring@\else}}%
+ \immediate\openout\@outfmf=\\relax
+ \fmfcmd{\p@rcent\space \ -- do not edit, %
+ generated automatically by \jobname.tex^^J%
+ input feynmp^^J%
+ require_RCS_revision "\fmf@revision";}%
+ \fi
+ \setcounter{fmfgraph}{0}}
+ \edef\@tempa{#1}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\meaning\@tempa}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\jobname}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\meaning\@tempb}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ #2
+ \else
+ #3
+ \fi}
+ \fmfcmd{\p@rcent\space the end.^^J%
+ end.^^J%
+ endinput;}%
+ \let\thefmffile\relax
+ \if@fmfio
+ \immediate\closeout\@outfmf
+ \fi}
+ \catcode`\"=11\gdef\dqu@te{"}}
+ \ifx\thefmffile\relax
+ \errhelp={Outside a fmffile environment, I have no clue as to where^^J%
+ the METAFONT commands should go. I will use^^J%
+ for this graph, but you'd better fix your code!}%
+ \errmessage{I detected a fmfgraph environment outside of fmffile}%
+ \fmffile{fmfdefault}
+ \fi
+ \global\expandafter\advance\csname c@fmfgraph\endcsname \@ne
+ \fmfcmd{beginchar(\thefmfgraph, #1*\the\unitlength\sh@rp, %
+ #2*\the\unitlength\sh@rp, 0);^^J%
+ \dqu@te feynmf: \thefmfgraph\dqu@te;}%
+ \fmfcmd{LaTeX_unitlength:=\the\unitlength;}%
+ \begin{fmfsubgraph}(0,0)(w,h)
+ \fmfinit
+ \fmfpen{thin}}
+ \fmf@graph{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\fmfkeep##1{\fmf@keep{#1}{#2}{##1}}%
+ \leavevmode
+ \IfFileExists{\thefmffile.\thefmfgraph}%
+ {\includegraphics{\thefmffile.\thefmfgraph}}%
+ {\typeout{%
+ feynmp: File \thefmffile.\thefmfgraph\space not found:^^J%
+ feynmp: Process \ with MetaPost and then %
+ reprocess this file.}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \fmffreeze
+ \fmfdraw
+ \end{fmfsubgraph}
+ \fmfcmd{endchar;}%
+ \def\fmfkeep##1{\fmf@nokeep}}
+ \begin{picture}(#1,#2)
+ \fmf@graph{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\fmfkeep##1{\fmf@keepstar{#1}{#2}{##1}}%
+ \IfFileExists{\thefmffile.\thefmfgraph}%
+ {\put(0,0){\includegraphics{\thefmffile.\thefmfgraph}}}%
+ {\typeout{%
+ feynmp: File \thefmffile.\thefmfgraph\space not found:^^J%
+ feynmp: Process \ with MetaPost and then %
+ reprocess this file.}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \endfmfgraph
+ \if@fmfio
+ {\catcode`\%=14\relax
+ \fmf@noexpandoff
+ \InputIfFileExists{\thefmffile.t\thefmfgraph}{}{%
+ \typeout{%
+ feynmf: Label file \thefmffile.t\thefmfgraph\space not found:^^J%
+ feynmf: Process \ with MetaPost and then %
+ reprocess this file.}}}%
+ \fi
+ \end{picture}}
+ \errhelp={There's nothing to \string\fmfkeep!}%
+ \errmessage{feynmf: \string\fmfkeep\space outside of `fmfgraph'!}}
+ \global\@namedef{fmf@k:e:#3}{\begin{fmfgraph}(#1,#2)\end{fmfgraph}}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:f:#3}{\thefmffile}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:c:#3}{\thefmfgraph}}
+ \global\@namedef{fmf@k:e:#3}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(#1,#2)\end{fmfgraph*}}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:f:#3}{\thefmffile}%
+ \global\e@namedef{fmf@k:c:#3}{\thefmfgraph}}
+\def\e@namedef#1{\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname}
+ \@ifundefined{fmf@k:e:#1}%
+ {\typeout{%
+ feynmf: \string\fmfreuse: %
+ missing \string\fmfkeep\space for `#1'!}}%
+ {\edef\thefmffile{\@nameuse{fmf@k:f:#1}}%
+ \@nameuse{c@fmfgraph}\@nameuse{fmf@k:c:#1}%
+ \advance\@nameuse{c@fmfgraph}-1%
+ \def\fmfcmd##1{}%
+ \@nameuse{fmf@k:e:#1}}}
+ \leavevmode
+ \hbox{\vbox{\vskip#2\unitlength\par
+ \hbox{\hskip#1\unitlength#5\hskip#3\unitlength}\par
+ \vskip#4\unitlength}}}
+\def\fmfpen#1{\fmfcmd{pickup pencircle scaled #1;}}
+\def\fmfsubgraph(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\fmfcmd{subgraph (#1, #2, #3, #4);}}
+\def\Commaize#1#2{, #1#2}
+\def\Listize#1{\Listize@#1,\relax @@@}
+ \TeXif{\ifx\relax#2}%
+ {\Singleton{#1}}%
+ {\Cons{#1}{\Listize@#2@@@}}}
+\def\fmfwizard{\fmfcmd{feynmfwizard := true;}}
+\def\fmfnowizard{\fmfcmd{feynmfwizard := false;}}
+\def\fmfshrink#1{\fmfcmd{shrink (#1);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vconnect ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vconnectn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vcyclen ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vrcyclen ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+\def\fmfforce#1#2{\fmfcmd{vforce ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmfshift#1#2{\fmfcmd{vshift ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmffixed#1#2{\fmfcmd{vconstraint ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmffixedx#1#2{\fmfcmd{vconstraint (((#1),whatever), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmffixedy#1#2{\fmfcmd{vconstraint ((whatever,(#1)), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vpolygon ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vpolygonn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vrpolygonn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vlabel ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vvertex ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{vvertexn ("\the\fmfbuf@", \fmfpfx{#2}, #3);}}
+\def\fmfblob#1#2{\fmfcmd{vblob ((#1), \fmfpfx{#2});}}
+\def\fmfdot#1{\fmfcmd{vdot (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfblobn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vblobn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfdotn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vdotn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfleft#1{\fmfcmd{vleft (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfright#1{\fmfcmd{vright (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfbottom#1{\fmfcmd{vbottom (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmftop#1{\fmfcmd{vtop (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfsurround#1{\fmfcmd{vsurround (\fmfpfx{#1});}}
+\def\fmfleftn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vleftn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfrightn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vrightn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfbottomn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vbottomn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmftopn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vtopn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmfsurroundn#1#2{\fmfcmd{vsurroundn (\fmfpfx{#1}, #2);}}
+\def\fmffor#1#2#3#4{\fmfcmd{for #1 = #2 step #3 until #4:}}
+\def\fmfset#1#2{\fmfcmd{save #1; #1:=#2;}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{idraw ("\the\fmfbuf@", #2);}}
+ \fmfbuf@={#1}%
+ \fmfcmd{ivertex ("\the\fmfbuf@", #2);}}
+\def\fmfipath#1{\fmfcmd{path #1;}}
+\def\fmfipair#1{\fmfcmd{pair #1;}}
+\def\fmfdisplay{\fmfcmd{show_all_diagrams (100,100);}}
+%% End of file `feynmp.sty'.