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+The stackengine package provides a versatile way to vertically stack
+objects in a variety of customizable ways. A number of useful macros
+are provided, all of which make use of the stackengine core. These
+macros allow a wide variety of tasks, including:
+-creating aligned stacks of specified inter-item gap;
+-creating aligned stacks of specified inter-item baselinse shift;
+-stacking both above and below the baseline;
+-overlaying character glyphs;
+-insetting graphical images atop larger background images;
+-top and bottom lapping; shifting the horizontal axis of a stack;
+-changing the baseline of an object;
+-subfigure labeling;
+This package is primarily intended for text mode, thought it can be
+adapted for use in math mode.
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+\parindent 0in\parskip 1em
+\dotscale=.4ex % DOTSIZE<---CAN CHANGE THESE
+\marginparwidth 1.6in
+\LARGE The {\ste} Package\\
+\rule{0em}{.7em}\small Highly customized stacking of objects, insets,
+baseline changes, \textit{etc.}\\
+\rule{0em}{2.7em}\large Steven B. Segletes\\\\
+\section{Definitions and Terms}
+Before I describe the various commands of this package, it is best for
+you to familiarize yourself with a few terms as used in this package.
+\subsection{Short Stacks and Long Stacks\label{s:st}}
+In this package, ``Short'' refers to squeezing the extra space out of
+glyphs comp.rising the stack, so that the inter-item gap is solely what
+is set. Likewise, ``Long'' refers to a stack kept at constant
+inter-item baseline spacing. Let's look at the following two
+examples to see this clearly.
+Notice the consistent inter-item gap on a short stack:
+\Shortstack{{\fbox{t}} {\fbox{y}} {\fbox{k}} {\fbox{e}}}
+%\Shortstack{{\fbox{a}} {\fbox{h}} {\fbox{g}} {\fbox{b}}}
+Notice the consistent inter-baseline spacing on a long stack:
+\Longstack{{{\rl t}} {{\rl y}} {{\rl k}} {{\rl e}}}
+%\Longstack{{{\rl a}} {{\rl h}} {{\rl g}} {{\rl b}}}
+In this package, the default spacing for the long stack, saved in the
+length \vb|\Lstackgap| is the value \vb|\baselineskip|. For short
+stacks, the default length, stored in \vb|\Sstackgap|, is 3pt, which
+corresponds to the same spacing found in \TeX's \vb|\shortstack|
+command. The default stack type constructed by this packkage (short or
+long) is indicated by the definition of \verb|\stacktype|. These
+defaults can be changed.
+\subsection{(Over)Stacks and Understacks}
+In general terms, a stack is built up from the baseline, while an
+understack is built down from the baseline.
+So, for example,
+\Longstack{a b c}
+is a stack, while
+\Longunderstack{a b c}
+is an understack.
+With this package, both stacks and understacks can be long or short,
+depending on how the invocation is made. Sometimes, in this
+documentation, a stack will be called an ``overstack'' in order to avoid
+confusion with ``understack.''
+The term ``anchor'' is used to denote an item in the stack whose
+baseline does not change in the course of the stacking operation. In
+essence, stacking is done relative to the anchor.
+For example, in \Shortstack{a b c}, the letter ``c'' is the anchor.
+In the understack \Shortunderstack{a b c}, ``a'' is the anchor.
+Anyone familiar with \LaTeX{} knows something about the horizontal
+alignment settings ``l'', ``c'' and ``r''. As pertains to a stack, we
+refer to the alignment of the various rows of the stack, as shown in the
+following examples.
+Left: \Shortstack[l]{abcd abc ab a}~~
+Center: \Shortstack[c]{abcd abc ab a}~~
+Right: \Shortstack[r]{abcd abc ab a}
+The default alignment within a stack may be set with the
+\vb|\stackalignment| definition, to possible values of \vb|l|,
+\vb|c|, or \vb|r|, denoting left, center, and right alignments,
+respectively. In addition, a number of the stacking macros provide the
+alignment as an argument or optional argument that can be specified at
+time of invocation.
+The {\ste} package defaults to center alignment, unless reset by way of
+the \vb|\stackalignment| definition.
+\section{Defaults and Macros Provided by \ste}
+There are several lengths and \vb|\def|'s that serve to store package
+default definitions. When a macro does NOT explicitly ask for one of
+the quantities defined by these defaults, it will use the values of
+these parameters to serve as the default value. However, some macros
+may ask the user to specify an explicit value for any number of these
+parameters in the calling arguments. In that case, an explicit value
+may be provided or else the variable holding the default value may
+itself be provided as the argument.
+Let us first consider the length defaults:
+The parameter \vb|\Sstackgap| is the default inter-item gap for any
+stacking command that builds a short stack. It defaults to 3pt.
+Correspondingly, \vb|\Lstackgap| is the inter-item baselineskip for
+any stacking command that builds a long stack. It defaults to
+\vb|\baselineskip|. The macro \vb|\stackgap| is not actually a
+length, but a command that will look at the current value of
+\vb|\stacktype| and will define itself as either \vb|\the\Sstackgap| or
+\vb|\the\LStackgap|, depending on whether \vb|\stacktype| is defined
+as ``S'' or ``L''.
+In addition to these lengths, there are several parameter definitions
+that define default behaviors for those macros where explict values of
+these settings are not requested. The parameters, each set with a
+\vb|\def| command, are
+\vb|\def\stackalignment{l| or \vb|c| or \vb|r}|\\
+\vb|\def\quietstack{T| or \vb|F}|\\
+\vb|\def\useanchorwidth{T| or \vb|F}|\\
+\vb|\def\stacktype{S| or \vb|L}|\\
+\vb|\def\usestackstrut{T| or \vb|F}|
+The parameter \vb|\stackalignment| defaults to ``c'' (center) and
+defines the default stacking alignment. Other options include ``l''
+(left) and ``r'' (right). See \S\ref{s:sal} for more discussion
+of this parameter.
+The parameter \vb|\quietstack| defaults to ``F'' (false) and
+determines whether the result of a stacking operation is supressed from
+the output. If the output is suppressed by setting this parameter to
+``T'', the most recent stacking operation may be recovered with a
+\vb|\usebox{\stackedbox}|. See \S\ref{s:qs} for more
+discussion of this parameter.
+The parameter \vb|\useanchorwidth| defaults to ``F'' (false) and
+indicates that, upon creation, the stack width should be taken as the
+widest element of the stack. When set to ``T'', the stack width, upon
+creation, is instead taken as the width of the anchor. Note that this
+parameter applies at the time of stack creation and cannot be used to
+retroactively change the characteristics of an existing stack. See
+\S\ref{s:uaw} for more discussion of this parameter.
+The parameter \vb|\stacktype| defaults to ``S'' (short stack) and
+defines the default type of stack to build. When set to ``L'', newly
+created stacks are, by default, long stacks. Refer to
+\S\ref{s:st} for a definition of these terms.
+The parameter \vb|\usestackstrut| defaults to ``T'' (true) and has
+limited application. It only comes into play when using
+\vb|\stackanchor| with \vb|\stacktype| ``S''. It is described in
+more detail in \S\ref{s:sa}.
+For macros which require explicit specification of some of these
+parameters, the parameter token itself (\textit{e.g.},
+\cmd{stackalignment}, \cmd{quietstack}, \textit{etc.}) may be provided
+as the argument, if the default behavior is desired.
+The basic (and most general) stacking macro provided by this package is
+\vb|\stackengine|. Nearly all other macros of this package merely
+provide an abbreviated invocation form of this macro, tailored for a
+particular application. The syntax is:
+\vb|\stackengine{\Sstackgap| or
+ \vb|\Lstackgap| or
+ \vb|\stackgap| or stacklength%
+ \vb|}|\\
+\vb| {|anchor\vb|}|\\
+\vb| {|item\vb|}|\\
+\vb| {O| or \vb|U}|\\
+\vb| {\stackalignment| or
+ \vb|l| or
+ \vb|c| or
+ \vb|r}|\\
+\vb| {\quietstack| or \vb|T| or \vb|F}|\\
+\vb| {\useanchorwidth| or \vb|T| or \vb|F}|\\
+\vb| {\stacktype| or \vb|S| or \vb|L}|
+There are no optional arguments with \vb|\stackengine|. The first
+item is a stacking length, which can mean different things depending on
+whether a short- or long-stack is being created, as discussed in
+\S\ref{s:st}. The second argument is the stack anchor, whose
+baseline does not change. The third argument is the item stacked
+relative to the anchor. The fourth argument is either an ``O'' (for a
+normal or overstack) or a ``U'' (for an understack). The fifth argument
+denotes a left, center, or right alignment of the stack items with the
+use of ``l'', ``c'', or ``r''. The sixth argument is either a ``T'' or
+``F'' to denote whether the resulting stack is NOT printed (``T''
+denotes ``do NOT print''). The seventh argument, also a ``T'' or an
+``F'', denotes when ``T'' that the width of the whole stack is to be
+taken as the width of the anchor. Otherwise, the width of the stack
+conforms to the width of the widest item in the stack. The final
+argument is defined as either an ``S'' or an ``L'' to denote whether a
+short stack or a long stack is being requested.
+While none of the arguments to \vb|\stackengine| have default values,
+there are various definitions in the package that store default values.
+When one wishes a stack to possess certain default properties, these
+default definitions may be passed as the values for the respective
+arguments to \vb|\stackengine|. Arguments 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 each
+possess a corresponding parameter containing the default variable. So,
+for example,
+ {\quietstack}{\useanchorwidth}{\stacktype}
+will stack the letters ``BC'' over ``A'' using the default values of
+\vb|\stackalignment|, \vb|\quietstack|, \vb|\useanchorwidth|,
+and \vb|\stacktype|. In addition, the stackgap will be set to
+\vb|\Sstackgap| if \vb|\stacktype| is ``S'' or to \vb|\Lstackgap|
+if \vb|\stacktype| is ``L''. Alternately, the samestack could be
+forced to be a long stack with right-alignment and be typeset using
+\subsubsection{\cmd{stackon} and \cmd{stackunder}}
+The \vb|\stackon| and \vb|\stackunder| macros are abbreviated forms
+of \vb|\stackengine| in which the default values of parameters are
+taken. The only exception is the stacklength, which may be provided as
+an optional argument.
+ \vb|]{|anchor%
+ \vb|}{|item
+ \vb|}|\\
+ \vb|]{|anchor%
+ \vb|}{|item
+ \vb|}|
+In the case of \vb|\stackon|, an (over)stack is created, whereas an
+understack is created with \vb|\stackunder|. With both of these
+commands, the anchor is the first mandatory argument, and the item to be
+stacked above or below it is the second mandatory argument.
+\subsubsection{\cmd{Shortstack} and \cmd{Longstack}\label{s:sls}}
+The \vb|\Shortstack| and \vb|\Longstack| commands are stacking
+commands that allow more than two stacking rows to be specified at once.
+The items of a stack are provided in a space-separated list, as follows:
+ \vb|]{|item %
+ \vb|{|it em%
+ \vb|} {\|item%
+ \vb|} $|item%
+ \vb|$| ... anchor%
+ \vb|}|\\
+ \vb|]{|item %
+ \vb|{|it em%
+ \vb|} {\|item%
+ \vb|} $|item%
+ \vb|$| ... anchor%
+ \vb|}|
+The first item is at the top of the stack, farthest from the baseline,
+while the last item is the anchor of the stack. If an item (the
+contents of a single row) contains spaces, enclose the item in braces.
+If the item ends with a macro, enclose the item in braces. While not
+particularly intended for math mode (see \S\ref{s:mm} for more
+details), math items may be enclosed within dollar-sign delimiters.
+The alignment may be spacified as an optional argument, with other
+parameters taken by their defaults. The stacklength is taken as
+\vb|\stackgap|, which will depend on the value of \vb|\stacktype|.
+To give an example of the braced syntax described above,
+the stack\\
+\verb|\Shortstack[r]{a {b c} {\P} $\beta^2$ ANCHOR}|
+will produce
+\Shortstack[r]{a {b c} {\P} $\beta^2$ ANCHOR}.
+\subsubsection{\cmd{Shortunderstack} and \cmd{Longunderstack}}
+The \vb|\Shortunderstack| and \vb|\Longunderstack| commands are the
+understacking equivalents of \vb|\Shortstack| and \vb|\Longstack|.
+ \vb|]{|anchor item %
+ \vb|{|it em%
+ \vb|} {\|item%
+ \vb|} $|item%
+ \vb|$| ...%
+ \vb|}|\\
+ \vb|]{|anchor item %
+ \vb|{|it em%
+ \vb|} {\|item%
+ \vb|} $|item%
+ \vb|$| ...%
+ \vb|}|
+The caveats to the specification of the space-separated list of items is
+the same as that mentioned above for \vb|\Shortstack| and
+Note that the items are still specified from the top downward.
+In the case of understacks, however, that means that the anchor is the
+first item specified, while the last item in the list is farthest below
+the baseline.
+\subsubsection{Top and bottom lapping macros}
+\tclap{Top}and \bclap{bottom}~lapping is achievable through the creation of various
+long stacks. The syntax is the same for all six of the macros provided.
+The six names differentiate whether the lap is to the top (t) or the
+bottom (b) of the calling point, and whether it should appear to the
+left (l), centered (c), or to the right (r) of the calling location.
+The long-stacklength may be provided as an optional argument.
+See \S\ref{s:lap} for more information and examples of use for
+these lapping commands.
+The \vb|\stackanchor| macro is one way to create a stack where the
+baseline is split between two items in the stack. The syntax is
+ \vb|]{|top item%
+ \vb|}{|bottom item%
+ \vb|}|
+The stacking gap may be provided as an optional argument. All other
+parameters taken are the defaults. There are subtle differences in the
+way a short stack anchor versus a long stack anchor is split.
+One should consult \S\ref{s:sa} for a description of how the
+stack is constructed.
+If a short stack is being created with a split anchor, the
+\vb|\usestackstrut| parameter will determine whether the split occurs
+at the mid-height of the strutbox (``T'') or whether it will occur about
+the baseline (``F'').
+The macro \vb|\belowbaseline| also creates the means to shift an
+item's baseline. The syntax is
+where the stackgap defines the stackgap distance. In a long stack, it
+will define the downward shift of the baseline of the item. In a short
+stack, it will define the downward gap from the new baseline to the top
+of the item. One should consult \S\ref{s:bbl} for more details.
+This command can also be employed to redefine the baseline of
+graphical objects, which can provide useful vertical alignment
+techniques. A negative stack gap can be specified to raise the item's
+baseline above its original value.
+\subsubsection{{\cmd{topinset}} and \cmd{bottominset}\label{s:iis}}
+The macros \vb|\topinset| and \vb|\bottominset| are for insetting
+smaller items (\textit{e.g.}, images) inside of a larger background
+items (\textit{e.g.}, images). The syntax is
+\vb|\topinset{|inset item%
+ \vb|}{|background item%
+ \vb|}{|V-offset%
+ \vb|}{|H-offset\vb|}|\\
+\vb|\bottominset{|inset item%
+ \vb|}{|background item%
+ \vb|}{|V-offset%
+ \vb|}{|H-offset\vb|}|
+In addition to providing the inset and background items as the first two
+arguments, the inset may be vertically and horizontally offset though
+the use of the last two arguments. The vertical offset is relative to
+the top of the \vb|\topinset| background and relative to the bottom of
+the \vb|\bottominset| background. The horizontal offset is relative
+to the left edge of the background for left stackalignment and relative
+to the right edge of the background for right stackalignment.
+Horizontal offset is meaningless for center stackalignment.
+While these commands were designed with inlaid images in mind (see
+\S\ref{s:ii}), there is nothing that prevents their use to inlay
+character glyphs upon each other, as in
+\topinset{*}{O}{0.2ex}{0.0ex}, accomplished with
+The macro \vb|\savestack| provides a means to save an intermediate
+result (in a box that can be recalled with the specified macro) without
+printing it. It's syntax is
+\vb|\savestack{|macro token\vb|}{|stacking operation\vb|}|
+The macro token is a backslashed name that you can later use to recall
+the boxed intermediate result. The stacking operation is the
+intermediate result you wish to save in a box without printing. Reasons
+why this might be a useful macro are described in \S\ref{s:svs}.
+Note that while \verb|\savestack| is designed to save an intermediate
+stacking operation in a box, the reality is that you can use this macro
+to save any sequence of boxable output, even if it is not a stacking
+operation. So, for example, \vb|\savestack{\mymacro}{\fbox{A}}| can
+later be recalled with an invocation of \vb|\mymacro|, to yield
+\section{Making a Stack in Stages}
+There are times where one needs to make a stack in several consecutive
+steps. In order to do so, there are several ways, detailed below.
+\subsection{Supressing Output\label{s:qs}}
+One can define \vb|\quietstack| as \vb|T| to supress output. Then, the
+intermediate stack can be passed to the next stacking operation with a
+\vb|\usebox{\stackedbox}|. Finally, \vb|\quietstack| must again be
+made false to re-enable output.
+\subsection{Saving a Stack without Printing It\label{s:svs}}
+Perhaps a quicker and better way is to use the package's
+\vb|\savestack| macro, of the form
+\itshape\vb|\savestack{|macro token\vb|}{|stacking operation\vb|}|
+\upshape. This will perform the stacking operation and place it into
+the supplied token (without printing it), so that ths intermediate stack
+can be passed to the subsequent stacking operation by executing the
+token macro.
+For example,
+\savestack{\pdq}{\Longstack[r]{6 5 4 {3 3}}}%
+\Longstack[l]{{\pdq} 2 1 0}%
+would first place ``\Longstack[r]{6 5 4 {3 3}}'' into \vb|\pdq|, without
+printing it, in a right-aligned fashion, with the ``3 3'' on the
+baseline. Then, the second \vb|\Longstack| would place the first stack
+atop of the ``2'' in a left-aligned fashion. The resulting stack would
+look as follows, with the ``0'' on the final baseline.
+\savestack{\pdq}{\Longstack[r]{6 5 4 {3 3}}}%
+\Longstack[l]{{\pdq} 2 1 0}
+\rl\rl\rl\rl Baseline%
+\section{Choosing the Anchor Element}
+All stacking done with the stackengine has a designated anchor element.
+The baseline of the anchor does not change. Instead, the other items
+are placed relative to the anchor.
+By adding items at first above and then below the anchor, any
+arbitrary stack can be built around the anchor.
+Here is a Longstack/understack example:
+\savestack{\pdq}{\Longstack{3 2 1 0}}%
+\Longunderstack[r]{{\pdq} -1 -2 -3 -4 -5}
+that was achieved as follows:
+\savestack{\pdq}{\Longstack{3 2 1 0}}%
+\Longunderstack[r]{{\pdq} -1 -2 -3 -4 -5}
+In the first stack, ``0'' is the anchor of \vb|\pdq|. In the second
+stack, \vb|\pdq| is the anchor (which means that ``0'' remains the
+anchor of the composite stack).
+\section{Top and Bottom Lapping\label{s:lap}}
+Top and bottom lapping can be accomplished with a long stack, using a null
+item as the anchor, and \vb|\useachorwidth| set to \vb|T|. This
+technique is encoded in six \vb|\|\textit{xy}\vb|lap| commands,
+where \textit{x} can be \vb|t| or \vb|b| (for ``top'' and
+``bottom,'' respectively) and \textit{y} can be \vb|l|, \vb|c|, or
+\vb|r| (for ``left,'' ``center,'' and ``right,'' respectively). Note
+that this \textit{y} is not the same as the \vb|\stackalignment|, but
+rather refers to the direction where the lapped item is placed relative
+to the lap invocation.
+For illustration only, laps will be shown at a \textit{visible} lapmark
+(given by \lapmark~). In these examples, I lap a \vb|\parbox| above
+or below the selected location.
+For example here\lapmark%
+\bllap{\parbox[t]{.7in}{this is a bottom-left lap \bll}}
+or el\lapmark%
+\brlap{\parbox[t]{.8in}{this is a bottom-right lap \brl}}%
+se here, or else I can put it here\lapmark%
+\tllap{\parbox[b]{.7in}{this is a top-left lap \tll}}
+or here\lapmark%
+\trlap{\parbox[b]{.7in}{this is a top-right lap \trl}}%
+Of course, I can per\lapmark
+\bclap{\fbox{\parbox[t]{1.1in}{this is a bottom-center lap \bcl}}}%
+form center lapping, as we\lapmark%
+\tclap{\fbox{\parbox[b]{1.1in}{this is a top-center lap \tcl}}}%
+To see, for example, how the above was achieved, the last lap in the
+prior sentence was achieved by invoking
+\verb|\tclap{\fbox{\parbox[b]{1.1in}{this is a top-center lap \tcl}}}|
+in the middle of the word ``well.''
+\section{Shifting the Anchor's Baseline}
+By default, the baseline of the anchor becomes the baseline of the
+stack. If one wanted the stack baseline to \textbf{not} conform to
+the baseline of any of the individual stacked items, something needs
+to change. If one quantitatively knows the shift desired, a simple
+\vb|\raisebox| could be used to vertically shift the anchor, after
+(or possibly prior to) stacking. There are also some other options
+provided by the package.
+\subsection{The \cmd{stackanchor} Macro for ``L'' and ``S'' Stack Types%
+If one would like the anchor's baseline to be ``midway'' between two
+vertically arrayed items, the \vb|\stackanchor| macro attempts to
+provide that capability for both ``L'' and ``S'' stack types, though the
+definitions of ``midway'' are different for each. The macro
+\vb|\stackanchor| works for two-item stacks in both ``L'' and ``S''
+stack types, as shown below.
+In the case on a long stack, what is satisfied is that the baseline of
+the anchor is made equidistant from the baselines of the two respective
+items comprising the stacked anchor.
+\stackanchor{\rl\rl\rl\rl top\rl}{\rl L-bottom\rl}%
+In the case of a short stack, the middle of the inter-item gap is
+vertically located at the center of the font's \vb|\strutbox|, so that
+the middle of the stackgap would be at the same vertical level as the
+middle of parentheses, were they located on the original baseline.
+\rl\rl Baseline
+If one does not want to have the short-stack gap split at the mid-strut
+height, but rather at the baseline, the parameter
+\vb|\def\usestackstrut{F}| may be set prior to the \vb|\stackanchor|
+\rl\rl Baseline
+The \vb|\usestackstrut| parameter will only affect short stacks
+(\vb|\stacktype| ``S''), since long stacks do not use a strut as part
+of the \vb|\stackanchor| definition.
+For stacks with more items, one can add stacks atop or under these
+shifted anchors.
+\savestack{\pdq}{\Shortstack{{over text} \pdq}}%
+\Shortunderstack{{\pdq} {under text}}%
+\subsection{\cmd{belowbaseline} for Moving the Anchor's
+The command \vb|\belowbaseline| is intended to be used to set an
+item, such as a stack anchor, below the baseline. The macro
+accomplishes this task by stacking the item below a null object.
+However, \vb|\useanchorwidth| is set to \vb|F| so that the stacked
+object takes on the width of the under-placed object.
+The command can be used with both stacktypes. With \vb|\stacktype|
+``S'', the optional argument will denote the stackgap below the baseline
+(default \vb|\Sstackgap|),
+Short stacktype\rl\rl\belowbaseline[0pt]{\fbox{0pt below baseline}}%
+When used in with a \vb|\stacktpe| ``L'', the optional length denotes
+the distance to the baseline of the understacked object (default
+Long stacktype\rl\rl\belowbaseline[0pt]{\fbox{0pt below baseline}}%
+There is nothing to prevent the use of negative numbers being used to
+raise the the object above the baseline.
+The \vb|\belowbaseline| command is also useful for forcing objects,
+such as images, to be top-aligned. This can be a useful feature when
+trying to achieve a desired vertical alignment of disparate elements in
+tabular columns.
+\rl\rl Baseline\rl\rl\belowbaseline[0pt]{\imgi}\rl\rl
+\belowbaseline[-\baselineskip]{\imgi}\rl\rl Baseline\rl\rl
+\section{Stack Gap ``Quirk''}
+This ``quirk'' is not peculiar to this package, but is true of all
+lengths in \LaTeX{}. It is mentioned here as worthwhile to keep in mind
+if you build stacks in different font sizes.
+The \textsf{stackengine} package will honor your default gap sizes
+(\vb|\Sstackgap| and \vb|\Lstackgap|) at the time of their
+\textbf{definition}, rather than at the time of their
+\textbf{invocation}. Thus, if \vb|\Sstackgap| is specified as 0.7ex
+when the text is \vb|\normalsize|, the gap length is set in a
+\vb|\normalsize| font, even if the fontsize is later changed. To
+overcome this behavior, the stackgap must be redefined at the new
+For example, operating at \vb|\normalsize|,\\
+\vb|\Sstackgap=0.7ex| gives
+\Shortstack{a b c d}.
+However, in the case of a transition to \vb|\LARGE|
+the same stack gives a larger text, but an unchanged gap size,\\
+\LARGE\Shortstack{a b c d}\normalsize.
+Only when the gap is reset to \vb|0.7ex| under
+\vb|\LARGE| does it give
+\Shortstack{a b c d}\normalsize. In the first stack the gap size is
+\vb|\normalsize 0.7ex| and in the latter stack, the gap is
+\vb|\LARGE 0.7ex|. Of course, if the gap is specified in fontsize
+independent units, such as \vb|pts|, there is no confusion.
+\section{Negative Stack Gap}
+A negative gap can be used to overlap things. For example, \newdot plus
+``i'' can make, when the stack gap is suitably negative, the following:
+Note that the use of a negative stack gap for a two-item stack is
+actually very similar to the inset commands described in
+\S\ref{s:iis} and \S\ref{s:ii}.
+\section{The {\cmd{useanchorwidth}} Option\label{s:uaw}}
+Because\newdot has width larger than the dot glyph itself (we box its
+extent here: \fbox{\newdot}), stacking it could otherwise be a problem.
+For example, th\stackon{i}{\newdot}s uses the whole stackwidth to set
+the dotted-i in its place.
+On the other hand, when \vb|\useanchorwidth| is defined as \vb|T|,
+``th\stackon{i}{\newdot}s'' uses only the anchor width to set the stack
+(where the ``i'' is the anchor).
+Below, we show an \vb|\fbox| around the dotted i, clearly
+demonstrating that the dot does not influence the width of the
+stack when \vb|\useanchorwidth| is defined as ``T''.
+~\dotscale=1ex\hfill th\fbox{\stackon{i}{\newdot}}s\hfill~
+\section{Image Insets\label{s:ii}}
+The commands
+\vb|\topinset| and \vb|\bottominset| allow images be stacked atop
+one another, to produce the effect of an inset image. In addition to
+specifying the two images, the effect can be tailored by specifying the
+vertical and horizontal offsets of the inset image.
+Note that the horizontal offset only works when \vb|\stackalignment|
+is set to \vb|l| or \vb|r|.
+The last figure was obtained with
+showing that \verb|\imgii| was offset 2pt from the bottom and 3pt from
+the left edge of \verb|\imgi|.
+\section{Stacking for Subfiguring and Baseline Manipulation}
+The stacking commands provide a convenient way to underset a subfigure
+notation under the corresponding image. Furthermore, because of the
+flexibility of the stacking commands, the baselines of the subfigures
+can be manipulated in many ways, which may come in handy depending on
+how you are choosing to lay out your subfigures.
+Examples of this are shown in figure~\ref{fg:subs}.
+\Shortstack{{\protect\imgi} (c1) {} {\protect\imgi} (c2)}
+{Image stacking with stacktype ``S'', stack gap set to 3pt and using:
+(a)~\figa, (b)~\figb, (c)~\figc, and (d)~\figd\label{fg:subs}}
+\Shortstack{{\protect\imgi} (c1) {} {\protect\imgi} (c2)}~~
+Note from the definition used for figure~\ref{fg:subs}c that when a
+\vb|\savestack| has been used to place a graphic into a token
+(\textit{e.g.}, \vb|\imgi|) that it must be protected when used inside
+a space-separated argument, such as \vb|\Shortstack|,
+\vb|\Longstack|, and the corresponding understacks.
+\section{Nested Stacking Commands}
+The macros \vb|\Shortstack|, \vb|\Longstack|, and the corresponding
+understack macros are set up to conveniently stack multiple objects
+using a space separated argument list. There may, however, be times
+that you would prefer building stacks by way of nesting the more
+primative stacking macros.
+Nesting can be accomplished, but some care must be taken, in the case of
+long stacks. But first, let us see the ways in which nesting may be
+applied for short stacks:
+will produce the following:
+In these cases, the nesting could be applied on either the first or the
+second argument of the \vb|\stackunder| or \vb|\stackon| commands,
+with the same end result.
+In the case of long stacks however, employing the identical methodology
+gives a different, at first unexpected, result:
+In this case, nesting the second argument works as hoped, but nesting
+the first argument does not. The reason for this ``failure'' stems
+not from a failure of logic, but an enforcement of it. It stems from the
+very definition of a long stack, in which the baseline of the second
+argument is placed \vb|\LStackgap| below or above the baseline of the
+first argument. By nesting the first argument, all the second arguments
+are placed \vb|\Lstackgap| from the unchanging stack baseline (thus
+overlapping), and not relative to the current top or bottom of the
+nested stack.
+Therefore, to nest long stacks, only the second argument of the
+stackengine may be nested.
+\section{Math Mode Usage\label{s:mm}}
+The \textsf{stackengine} package is not really intended for math mode,
+since there are many packages that already cater directly to the need to
+stack and align mathematical objects. However, if there is a need to
+use {\ste} there, because of its particular facility with
+stacking gaps, there are several hints to remember.
+\savestack{\a}{\(\sqrt{a + b}\)}
+\savestack{\dash}{- - - - -}
+\(y = \stackunder{\stackon{\dash}{\a}}{$b$} x\)
+\item Stacking commands from this package can be used in math mode, but will
+set their arguments as text, not math.
+\vb|\( y = \stackunder{a}{+} x\)|:\hfill
+\( y = \stackunder{a}{+} x\)
+\item To set an argument in math, it must be set between math
+\vb|\( y = \stackunder{\(a\)}{+} x\)|:\hfill
+\( y = \stackunder{\(a\)}{+} x\)
+\item Each space-separated item of the argument to \vb|\Shortstack|,
+\vb|\Longstack|, and the corresponding understacks must each be
+enclosed in their own set of dollar-sign math delimiters (Because of the
+way the argument is parsed, the \vb|\(| and \vb|\[| delimiters can
+not be used for these space-separated argument lists).
+\vb|\(y = \Shortstack{$a$ . $b$} x\)|:\hfill
+\(y = \Shortstack{$a$ . $b$} x\)
+\item As described in \S\ref{s:sls}, if the math argument has
+spaces in a command which uses space-separated lists, the argument must
+be enclosed in braces.
+\vb|\(y = \Shortstack{{$a + b$} . $b$} x\)|:\hfill
+\(y = \Shortstack{{$a + b$} . $b$} x\)
+\item For more complex items, the \vb|\savestack| command can be used
+to save an intermediate math expression (even if it isn't actually a
+\savestack{\a}{\(\sqrt{a + b}\)}
+\savestack{\dash}{- - - - -}
+\addvbuffer[\the\baselineskip]{\(y = \stackunder{\stackon{\dash}{\a}}{$b$} x\)}
+\item In math mode, the \vb|\stackanchor| command seems to preserve
+the math axis better with an ``S'' \vb|\stacktype|, rather than type
+I would like to thank Prof. Enrico Gregorio at tex.stackexchange for
+providing three lines of code to strip a leading backslash from an
+\section{Code Listing}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/stackengine/stackengine.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/stackengine/stackengine.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c7176ec07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/stackengine/stackengine.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+[2013/06/12 v1.0
+ Stacking text and objects in convenient ways]
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Steven B. Segletes.
+% V1.0 Initial release.
+\newcommand\stackgap{\if S\stacktype\the\Sstackgap\else\the\Lstackgap\fi}
+\global\Sstackgap=3pt % SHORTSTACKING GAP BETWEEN ITEMS (SAME AS \shortstack)
+\global\Lstackgap=\baselineskip % LONGSTACKING GAP BETWEEN ITEMS (def. \baselineskip)
+\def\useanchorwidth{F}% T= FORCE BOX WIDTH TO ANCHOR-WIDTH
+% (USE \usebox{\stackedbox} TO RETRIEVE)
+\def\stackalignment{c}% l, c, or r for left, center or right alignment
+\def\stacktype{S}% S for constant gap shortstack;
+ % L for constant baselineskip longstack
+%\stackengine{\Sstackgap or \Lstackgap or \stackgap or stacklength}
+% {anchor}
+% {item}
+% {O or U}
+% {\stackalignment or l or c or r}
+% {\quietstack or T or F}
+% {\useanchorwidth or T or F}
+% {\stacktype or S or L}
+ \sbox{\stackedbox}{%
+ \sbox{\anchorbox}{#2}%
+ \sbox{\addedbox}{#3}%
+ \settowidth{\stackedboxwidth}{#2}%
+ \if F#7%
+ \ifdim\wd\addedbox>\stackedboxwidth%
+ \settowidth{\stackedboxwidth}{#3}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \setlength{\boxshift}{#1}%
+ \if L#8%
+ \if U#4%
+ \setlength{\boxshift}{-\boxshift}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \if U#4%
+ \setlength{\boxshift}{-\dp\anchorbox -\ht\addedbox -\boxshift}%
+ \else%
+ \setlength{\boxshift}{\ht\anchorbox +\dp\addedbox +\boxshift}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \if c#5%
+ \hspace{.5\stackedboxwidth}%
+ \hspace{-.5\wd\anchorbox}%
+ \usebox{\anchorbox}%
+ \hspace{-.5\wd\anchorbox}%
+ \hspace{-.5\wd\addedbox}%
+ \raisebox{\boxshift}{#3}%
+ \hspace{-.5\wd\addedbox}%
+ \hspace{.5\stackedboxwidth}%
+ \else%
+ \if l#5%
+ \usebox{\anchorbox}%
+ \hspace{-\wd\anchorbox}%
+ \raisebox{\boxshift}{#3}%
+ \hspace{-\wd\addedbox}%
+ \hspace{\stackedboxwidth}%
+ \else%
+ \if r#5%
+ \hspace{\stackedboxwidth}%
+ \hspace{-\wd\anchorbox}%
+ \usebox{\anchorbox}%
+ \hspace{-\wd\addedbox}%
+ \raisebox{\boxshift}{#3}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \if F#6\usebox{\stackedbox}\fi%
+ \stackengine{#1}{#2}{#3}{U}{\stackalignment}{\quietstack}{\useanchorwidth}%
+ {\stacktype}}
+ \stackengine{#1}{#2}{#3}{O}{\stackalignment}{\quietstack}{\useanchorwidth}%
+ {\stacktype}}
+ \getargsC{#2}%
+ \setcounter{stackindex}{1}%
+ \sbox{\stackedbox}{\argi}%
+ \whiledo{\thestackindex < \narg}{%
+ \stepcounter{stackindex}%
+ \stackengine{\Sstackgap}{\csname arg\roman{stackindex}\endcsname}%
+ {\usebox{\stackedbox}}{O}{#1}{T}{\useanchorwidth}{S}%
+ }%
+ \if F\quietstack\usebox{\stackedbox}\fi%
+ \getargsC{#2}%
+ \setcounter{stackindex}{\narg}%
+ \sbox{\stackedbox}{\csname arg\roman{stackindex}\endcsname}%
+ \whiledo{\thestackindex > 1}{%
+ \addtocounter{stackindex}{-1}%
+ \stackengine{\Sstackgap}{\csname arg\roman{stackindex}\endcsname}%
+ {\usebox{\stackedbox}}{U}{#1}{T}{\useanchorwidth}{S}%
+ }%
+ \if F\quietstack\usebox{\stackedbox}\fi%
+ \getargsC{#2}%
+ \setcounter{stackindex}{1}%
+ \sbox{\stackedbox}{\argi}%
+ \whiledo{\thestackindex < \narg}{%
+ \stepcounter{stackindex}%
+ \stackengine{\Lstackgap}{\csname arg\roman{stackindex}\endcsname}%
+ {\usebox{\stackedbox}}{O}{#1}{T}{\useanchorwidth}{L}%
+ }%
+ \if F\quietstack\usebox{\stackedbox}\fi%
+ \getargsC{#2}%
+ \setcounter{stackindex}{\narg}%
+ \sbox{\stackedbox}{\csname arg\roman{stackindex}\endcsname}%
+ \whiledo{\thestackindex > 1}{%
+ \addtocounter{stackindex}{-1}%
+ \stackengine{\Lstackgap}{\csname arg\roman{stackindex}\endcsname}%
+ {\usebox{\stackedbox}}{U}{#1}{T}{\useanchorwidth}{L}%
+ }%
+ \if F\quietstack\usebox{\stackedbox}\fi%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{O}{r}{\quietstack}{T}{L}%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{O}{c}{\quietstack}{T}{L}%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{O}{l}{\quietstack}{T}{L}%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{U}{r}{\quietstack}{T}{L}%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{U}{c}{\quietstack}{T}{L}%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{U}{l}{\quietstack}{T}{L}%
+ \setlength{\stack@tmplength}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\stack@tmplength}{.5\stack@tmplength}%
+ \if T\usestackstrut%
+ \if S\stacktype\addtolength{\stack@tmplength}%
+ {.5\ht\strutbox-.5\dp\strutbox}\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \stackengine{\stack@tmplength}{}{#2}{O}{\stackalignment}{T}{F}{\stacktype}%
+ \if T\usestackstrut%
+ \if S\stacktype\addtolength{\stack@tmplength}%
+ {-\ht\strutbox+\dp\strutbox}\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \stackengine{\stack@tmplength}{\usebox{\stackedbox}}{#3}{U}%
+ {\stackalignment}{\quietstack}{F}{\stacktype}%
+ \stackengine{#1}{}{#2}{U}{\stackalignment}{\quietstack}{F}%
+ {\stacktype}}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}
+ {\setlength{\stack@tmplength}{0pt}}%
+ {\setlength{\stack@tmplength}{#3}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{\def\stack@tmp{0pt}}{\def\stack@tmp{#4}}%
+ \def\stack@lroffset{\rule{\stack@tmp}{0pt}}%
+ \addtolength{\stack@tmplength}{\heightof{#1}}%
+ \stackengine{-\stack@tmplength}{#2}{\stack@lroffset#1\stack@lroffset}%
+ {#5}{\stackalignment}{\quietstack}{\useanchorwidth}{S}%
+ \global\edef\sv@name{\stack@macro@name{#1}}%
+ \@ifundefined{\sv@name content}{%
+ \expandafter\newsavebox\expandafter{\csname\sv@name content\endcsname}%
+ }{}%
+ \expandafter\sbox\csname\sv@name content\endcsname{#2}%
+ \protected@edef#1{\usebox{\csname\sv@name content\endcsname}}%
+% Following 3 lines thanks to Prof. Enrico Gregorio, from:
+% removing-a-backslash-from-a-character-sequence
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index a61b2842538..c417188eb4d 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
spanglish spanish-mx sparklines spath3 spelling spie
sphack splines splitbib splitindex spot spotcolor spreadtab spverbatim
srbook-mem srcltx sseq
- stack stage standalone starfont statistik statex statex2 staves
+ stack stackengine stage standalone starfont statistik statex statex2 staves
stdclsdv stdpage steinmetz
stellenbosch stex stix stmaryrd storebox storecmd stringstrings struktex
sttools stubs sty2dtx suanpan subdepth subeqn subeqnarray
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
index 14488d7362f..22f6e43c312 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
@@ -739,6 +739,7 @@ depend srbook-mem
depend srcltx
depend sseq
depend stack
+depend stackengine
depend standalone
depend statistik
depend stdclsdv
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/stackengine.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/stackengine.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/stackengine.tlpsrc