path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/autodie/
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1 files changed, 741 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/autodie/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/autodie/
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index 00000000000..8646099c4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/autodie/
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+package autodie::exception;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+our $DEBUG = 0;
+use overload
+ q{""} => "stringify"
+# Overload smart-match only if we're using 5.10
+use if ($] >= 5.010), overload => '~~' => "matches";
+our $VERSION = '2.06_01';
+my $PACKAGE = __PACKAGE__; # Useful to have a scalar for hash keys.
+=head1 NAME
+autodie::exception - Exceptions from autodying functions.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ eval {
+ use autodie;
+ open(my $fh, '<', 'some_file.txt');
+ ...
+ };
+ if (my $E = $@) {
+ say "Ooops! ",$E->caller," had problems: $@";
+ }
+When an L<autodie> enabled function fails, it generates an
+C<autodie::exception> object. This can be interrogated to
+determine further information about the error that occurred.
+This document is broken into two sections; those methods that
+are most useful to the end-developer, and those methods for
+anyone wishing to subclass or get very familiar with
+=head2 Common Methods
+These methods are intended to be used in the everyday dealing
+of exceptions.
+The following assume that the error has been copied into
+a separate scalar:
+ if ($E = $@) {
+ ...
+ }
+This is not required, but is recommended in case any code
+is called which may reset or alter C<$@>.
+=head3 args
+ my $array_ref = $E->args;
+Provides a reference to the arguments passed to the subroutine
+that died.
+sub args { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{args}; }
+=head3 function
+ my $sub = $E->function;
+The subroutine (including package) that threw the exception.
+sub function { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{function}; }
+=head3 file
+ my $file = $E->file;
+The file in which the error occurred (eg, C<> or
+sub file { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{file}; }
+=head3 package
+ my $package = $E->package;
+The package from which the exceptional subroutine was called.
+sub package { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{package}; }
+=head3 caller
+ my $caller = $E->caller;
+The subroutine that I<called> the exceptional code.
+sub caller { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{caller}; }
+=head3 line
+ my $line = $E->line;
+The line in C<< $E->file >> where the exceptional code was called.
+sub line { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{line}; }
+=head3 context
+ my $context = $E->context;
+The context in which the subroutine was called. This can be
+'list', 'scalar', or undefined (unknown). It will never be 'void', as
+C<autodie> always captures the return value in one way or another.
+sub context { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{context} }
+=head3 return
+ my $return_value = $E->return;
+The value(s) returned by the failed subroutine. When the subroutine
+was called in a list context, this will always be a reference to an
+array containing the results. When the subroutine was called in
+a scalar context, this will be the actual scalar returned.
+sub return { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{return} }
+=head3 errno
+ my $errno = $E->errno;
+The value of C<$!> at the time when the exception occurred.
+B<NOTE>: This method will leave the main C<autodie::exception> class
+and become part of a role in the future. You should only call
+C<errno> for exceptions where C<$!> would reasonably have been
+set on failure.
+# TODO: Make errno part of a role. It doesn't make sense for
+# everything.
+sub errno { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{errno}; }
+=head3 eval_error
+ my $old_eval_error = $E->eval_error;
+The contents of C<$@> immediately after autodie triggered an
+exception. This may be useful when dealing with modules such
+as L<Text::Balanced> that set (but do not throw) C<$@> on error.
+sub eval_error { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{eval_error}; }
+=head3 matches
+ if ( $e->matches('open') ) { ... }
+ if ( $e ~~ 'open' ) { ... }
+C<matches> is used to determine whether a
+given exception matches a particular role. On Perl 5.10,
+using smart-match (C<~~>) with an C<autodie::exception> object
+will use C<matches> underneath.
+An exception is considered to match a string if:
+=over 4
+=item *
+For a string not starting with a colon, the string exactly matches the
+package and subroutine that threw the exception. For example,
+C<MyModule::log>. If the string does not contain a package name,
+C<CORE::> is assumed.
+=item *
+For a string that does start with a colon, if the subroutine
+throwing the exception I<does> that behaviour. For example, the
+C<CORE::open> subroutine does C<:file>, C<:io> and C<:all>.
+See L<autodie/CATEGORIES> for futher information.
+ my (%cache);
+ sub matches {
+ my ($this, $that) = @_;
+ # TODO - Handle references
+ croak "UNIMPLEMENTED" if ref $that;
+ my $sub = $this->function;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ my $sub2 = $this->function;
+ warn "Smart-matching $that against $sub / $sub2\n";
+ }
+ # Direct subname match.
+ return 1 if $that eq $sub;
+ return 1 if $that !~ /:/ and "CORE::$that" eq $sub;
+ return 0 if $that !~ /^:/;
+ # Cached match / check tags.
+ require Fatal;
+ if (exists $cache{$sub}{$that}) {
+ return $cache{$sub}{$that};
+ }
+ # This rather awful looking line checks to see if our sub is in the
+ # list of expanded tags, caches it, and returns the result.
+ return $cache{$sub}{$that} = grep { $_ eq $sub } @{ $this->_expand_tag($that) };
+ }
+# This exists primarily so that child classes can override or
+# augment it if they wish.
+sub _expand_tag {
+ my ($this, @args) = @_;
+ return Fatal->_expand_tag(@args);
+=head2 Advanced methods
+The following methods, while usable from anywhere, are primarily
+intended for developers wishing to subclass C<autodie::exception>,
+write code that registers custom error messages, or otherwise
+work closely with the C<autodie::exception> model.
+# The table below records customer formatters.
+# TODO - Should this be a package var instead?
+# TODO - Should these be in a completely different file, or
+# perhaps loaded on demand? Most formatters will never
+# get used in most programs.
+my %formatter_of = (
+ 'CORE::close' => \&_format_close,
+ 'CORE::open' => \&_format_open,
+ 'CORE::dbmopen' => \&_format_dbmopen,
+ 'CORE::flock' => \&_format_flock,
+# TODO: Our tests only check LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB is properly
+# formatted. Try other combinations and ensure they work
+# correctly.
+sub _format_flock {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ require Fcntl;
+ my $filehandle = $this->args->[0];
+ my $raw_mode = $this->args->[1];
+ my $mode_type;
+ my $lock_unlock;
+ if ($raw_mode & Fcntl::LOCK_EX() ) {
+ $lock_unlock = "lock";
+ $mode_type = "for exclusive access";
+ }
+ elsif ($raw_mode & Fcntl::LOCK_SH() ) {
+ $lock_unlock = "lock";
+ $mode_type = "for shared access";
+ }
+ elsif ($raw_mode & Fcntl::LOCK_UN() ) {
+ $lock_unlock = "unlock";
+ $mode_type = "";
+ }
+ else {
+ # I've got no idea what they're trying to do.
+ $lock_unlock = "lock";
+ $mode_type = "with mode $raw_mode";
+ }
+ my $cooked_filehandle;
+ if ($filehandle and not ref $filehandle) {
+ # A package filehandle with a name!
+ $cooked_filehandle = " $filehandle";
+ }
+ else {
+ # Otherwise we have a scalar filehandle.
+ $cooked_filehandle = '';
+ }
+ local $! = $this->errno;
+ return "Can't $lock_unlock filehandle$cooked_filehandle $mode_type: $!";
+# Default formatter for CORE::dbmopen
+sub _format_dbmopen {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my @args = @{$this->args};
+ # TODO: Presently, $args flattens out the (usually empty) hash
+ # which is passed as the first argument to dbmopen. This is
+ # a bug in our args handling code (taking a reference to it would
+ # be better), but for the moment we'll just examine the end of
+ # our arguments list for message formatting.
+ my $mode = $args[-1];
+ my $file = $args[-2];
+ # If we have a mask, then display it in octal, not decimal.
+ # We don't do this if it already looks octalish, or doesn't
+ # look like a number.
+ if ($mode =~ /^[^\D0]\d+$/) {
+ $mode = sprintf("0%lo", $mode);
+ };
+ local $! = $this->errno;
+ return "Can't dbmopen(%hash, '$file', $mode): '$!'";
+# Default formatter for CORE::close
+sub _format_close {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my $close_arg = $this->args->[0];
+ local $! = $this->errno;
+ # If we've got an old-style filehandle, mention it.
+ if ($close_arg and not ref $close_arg) {
+ return "Can't close filehandle '$close_arg': '$!'";
+ }
+ # TODO - This will probably produce an ugly error. Test and fix.
+ return "Can't close($close_arg) filehandle: '$!'";
+# Default formatter for CORE::open
+use constant _FORMAT_OPEN => "Can't open '%s' for %s: '%s'";
+sub _format_open_with_mode {
+ my ($this, $mode, $file, $error) = @_;
+ my $wordy_mode;
+ if ($mode eq '<') { $wordy_mode = 'reading'; }
+ elsif ($mode eq '>') { $wordy_mode = 'writing'; }
+ elsif ($mode eq '>>') { $wordy_mode = 'appending'; }
+ return sprintf _FORMAT_OPEN, $file, $wordy_mode, $error if $wordy_mode;
+ Carp::confess("Internal autodie::exception error: Don't know how to format mode '$mode'.");
+sub _format_open {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my @open_args = @{$this->args};
+ # Use the default formatter for single-arg and many-arg open
+ if (@open_args <= 1 or @open_args >= 4) {
+ return $this->format_default;
+ }
+ # For two arg open, we have to extract the mode
+ if (@open_args == 2) {
+ my ($fh, $file) = @open_args;
+ if (ref($fh) eq "GLOB") {
+ $fh = '$fh';
+ }
+ my ($mode) = $file =~ m{
+ ^\s* # Spaces before mode
+ (
+ (?> # Non-backtracking subexp.
+ < # Reading
+ |>>? # Writing/appending
+ )
+ )
+ [^&] # Not an ampersand (which means a dup)
+ }x;
+ if (not $mode) {
+ # Maybe it's a 2-arg open without any mode at all?
+ # Detect the most simple case for this, where our
+ # file consists only of word characters.
+ if ( $file =~ m{^\s*\w+\s*$} ) {
+ $mode = '<'
+ }
+ else {
+ # Otherwise, we've got no idea what's going on.
+ # Use the default.
+ return $this->format_default;
+ }
+ }
+ # Localising $! means perl make make it a pretty error for us.
+ local $! = $this->errno;
+ return $this->_format_open_with_mode($mode, $file, $!);
+ }
+ # Here we must be using three arg open.
+ my $file = $open_args[2];
+ local $! = $this->errno;
+ my $mode = $open_args[1];
+ local $@;
+ my $msg = eval { $this->_format_open_with_mode($mode, $file, $!); };
+ return $msg if $msg;
+ # Default message (for pipes and odd things)
+ return "Can't open '$file' with mode '$open_args[1]': '$!'";
+=head3 register
+ autodie::exception->register( 'CORE::open' => \&mysub );
+The C<register> method allows for the registration of a message
+handler for a given subroutine. The full subroutine name including
+the package should be used.
+Registered message handlers will receive the C<autodie::exception>
+object as the first parameter.
+sub register {
+ my ($class, $symbol, $handler) = @_;
+ croak "Incorrect call to autodie::register" if @_ != 3;
+ $formatter_of{$symbol} = $handler;
+=head3 add_file_and_line
+ say "Problem occurred",$@->add_file_and_line;
+Returns the string C< at %s line %d>, where C<%s> is replaced with
+the filename, and C<%d> is replaced with the line number.
+Primarily intended for use by format handlers.
+# Simply produces the file and line number; intended to be added
+# to the end of error messages.
+sub add_file_and_line {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ return sprintf(" at %s line %d\n", $this->file, $this->line);
+=head3 stringify
+ say "The error was: ",$@->stringify;
+Formats the error as a human readable string. Usually there's no
+reason to call this directly, as it is used automatically if an
+C<autodie::exception> object is ever used as a string.
+Child classes can override this method to change how they're
+sub stringify {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my $call = $this->function;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ my $dying_pkg = $this->package;
+ my $sub = $this->function;
+ my $caller = $this->caller;
+ warn "Stringifing exception for $dying_pkg :: $sub / $caller / $call\n";
+ }
+ # TODO - This isn't using inheritance. Should it?
+ if ( my $sub = $formatter_of{$call} ) {
+ return $sub->($this) . $this->add_file_and_line;
+ }
+ return $this->format_default . $this->add_file_and_line;
+=head3 format_default
+ my $error_string = $E->format_default;
+This produces the default error string for the given exception,
+I<without using any registered message handlers>. It is primarily
+intended to be called from a message handler when they have
+been passed an exception they don't want to format.
+Child classes can override this method to change how default
+messages are formatted.
+# TODO: This produces ugly errors. Is there any way we can
+# dig around to find the actual variable names? I know perl 5.10
+# does some dark and terrible magicks to find them for undef warnings.
+sub format_default {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my $call = $this->function;
+ local $! = $this->errno;
+ # TODO: This is probably a good idea for CORE, is it
+ # a good idea for other subs?
+ # Trim package name off dying sub for error messages.
+ $call =~ s/.*:://;
+ # Walk through all our arguments, and...
+ #
+ # * Replace undef with the word 'undef'
+ # * Replace globs with the string '$fh'
+ # * Quote all other args.
+ my @args = @{ $this->args() };
+ foreach my $arg (@args) {
+ if (not defined($arg)) { $arg = 'undef' }
+ elsif (ref($arg) eq "GLOB") { $arg = '$fh' }
+ else { $arg = qq{'$arg'} }
+ }
+ # Format our beautiful error.
+ return "Can't $call(". join(q{, }, @args) . "): $!" ;
+ # TODO - Handle user-defined errors from hash.
+ # TODO - Handle default error messages.
+=head3 new
+ my $error = autodie::exception->new(
+ args => \@_,
+ function => "CORE::open",
+ errno => $!,
+ context => 'scalar',
+ return => undef,
+ );
+Creates a new C<autodie::exception> object. Normally called
+directly from an autodying function. The C<function> argument
+is required, its the function we were trying to call that
+generated the exception. The C<args> parameter is optional.
+The C<errno> value is optional. In versions of C<autodie::exception>
+1.99 and earlier the code would try to automatically use the
+current value of C<$!>, but this was unreliable and is no longer
+Atrributes such as package, file, and caller are determined
+automatically, and cannot be specified.
+sub new {
+ my ($class, @args) = @_;
+ my $this = {};
+ bless($this,$class);
+ # I'd love to use EVERY here, but it causes our code to die
+ # because it wants to stringify our objects before they're
+ # initialised, causing everything to explode.
+ $this->_init(@args);
+ return $this;
+sub _init {
+ my ($this, %args) = @_;
+ # Capturing errno here is not necessarily reliable.
+ my $original_errno = $!;
+ our $init_called = 1;
+ my $class = ref $this;
+ # We're going to walk up our call stack, looking for the
+ # first thing that doesn't look like our exception
+ # code, autodie/Fatal, or some whacky eval.
+ my ($package, $file, $line, $sub);
+ my $depth = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ $depth++;
+ ($package, $file, $line, $sub) = CORE::caller($depth);
+ # Skip up the call stack until we find something outside
+ # of the Fatal/autodie/eval space.
+ next if $package->isa('Fatal');
+ next if $package->isa($class);
+ next if $package->isa(__PACKAGE__);
+ next if $file =~ /^\(eval\s\d+\)$/;
+ last;
+ }
+ # We now have everything correct, *except* for our subroutine
+ # name. If it's __ANON__ or (eval), then we need to keep on
+ # digging deeper into our stack to find the real name. However we
+ # don't update our other information, since that will be correct
+ # for our current exception.
+ my $first_guess_subroutine = $sub;
+ while (defined $sub and $sub =~ /^\(eval\)$|::__ANON__$/) {
+ $depth++;
+ $sub = (CORE::caller($depth))[3];
+ }
+ # If we end up falling out the bottom of our stack, then our
+ # __ANON__ guess is the best we can get. This includes situations
+ # where we were called from the top level of a program.
+ if (not defined $sub) {
+ $sub = $first_guess_subroutine;
+ }
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{package} = $package;
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{file} = $file;
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{line} = $line;
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{caller} = $sub;
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{package} = $package;
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{errno} = $args{errno} || 0;
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{context} = $args{context};
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{return} = $args{return};
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{eval_error} = $args{eval_error};
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{args} = $args{args} || [];
+ $this->{$PACKAGE}{function}= $args{function} or
+ croak("$class->new() called without function arg");
+ return $this;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<autodie>, L<autodie::exception::system>
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright (C)2008 Paul Fenwick
+This is free software. You may modify and/or redistribute this
+code under the same terms as Perl 5.10 itself, or, at your option,
+any later version of Perl 5.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Fenwick E<lt><gt>