path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/
deleted file mode 100755
index d984b648897..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-package Tk::Panedwindow;
-use strict;
-use vars qw/$VERSION/;
-$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #3 $ =~ /#(\d+)/;
-# A Panedwindow widget (similar to Adjuster).
-use Tk qw/Ev/;
-use base qw/Tk::Widget/;
-Construct Tk::Widget 'Panedwindow';
-sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::panedwindow }
-Tk::Methods('add', 'forget', 'identify', 'proxy', 'sash', 'panes');
-use Tk::Submethods (
- 'proxy' => [qw/coord forget place/],
- 'sash' => [qw/coord mark place/],
-sub ClassInit {
- my ($class,$mw) = @_;
- $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw);
- $mw->bind($class, '<Button-1>' => ['MarkSash' => Ev('x'), Ev('y'), 1]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<Button-2>' => ['MarkSash' => Ev('x'), Ev('y'), 0]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<B1-Motion>' => ['DragSash' => Ev('x'), Ev('y'), 1]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<B2-Motion>' => ['DragSash' => Ev('x'), Ev('y'), 0]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => ['ReleaseSash' => 1]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<ButtonRelease-2>' => ['ReleaseSash' => 0]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<Motion>' => ['Motion' => Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
- $mw->bind($class, '<Leave>' => ['Leave']);
- return $class;
-} # end ClassInit
-sub MarkSash {
- # MarkSash
- #
- # Handle marking the correct sash for possible dragging
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w the widget
- # x widget local x coord
- # y widget local y coord
- # proxy whether this should be a proxy sash
- # Results:
- # None
- my ($w, $x, $y, $proxy) = @_;
- my @what = $w->identify($x, $y);
- if ( @what == 2 ) {
- my ($index, $which) = @what[0 .. 1];
- if (not $Tk::strictMotif or $which eq 'handle') {
- $w->sashMark($index, $x, $y) if not $proxy;
- $w->{_sash} = $index;
- my ($sx, $sy) = $w->sashCoord($index);
- $w->{_dx} = $sx - $x;
- $w->{_dy} = $sy - $y;
- }
- }
-} # end MarkSash
-sub DragSash {
- # DragSash
- #
- # Handle dragging of the correct sash
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w the widget
- # x widget local x coord
- # y widget local y coord
- # proxy whether this should be a proxy sash
- # Results:
- # Moves sash
- my ($w, $x, $y, $proxy) = @_;
- if ( exists $w->{_sash} ) {
- if ($proxy) {
- $w->proxyPlace($x + $w->{_dx}, $y + $w->{_dy});
- } else {
- $w->sashPlace($w->{_sash}, $x + $w->{_dx}, $y + $w->{_dy});
- }
- }
-} # end DragSash
-sub ReleaseSash {
- # ReleaseSash
- #
- # Handle releasing of the sash
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w the widget
- # proxy whether this should be a proxy sash
- # Results:
- # Returns ...
- my ($w, $proxy) = @_;
- if ( exists $w->{_sash} ) {
- if ($proxy) {
- my ($x, $y) = $w->proxyCoord;
- $w->sashPlace($w->{_sash}, $x, $y);
- $w->proxyForget;
- }
- delete $w->{'_sash', '_dx', '_dy'};
- }
-} # end ReleaseSash
-sub Motion {
- # Motion
- #
- # Handle motion on the widget. This is used to change the cursor
- # when the user moves over the sash area.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w the widget
- # x widget local x coord
- # y widget local y coord
- # Results:
- # May change the cursor. Sets up a timer to verify that we are still
- # over the widget.
- my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
- my @id = $w->identify($x, $y);
- if ( (@id == 2) and
- (not $Tk::strictMotif or $id[1] eq 'handle') ) {
- if ( not exists $w->{_panecursor} ) {
- $w->{_panecursor} = $w->cget(-cursor);
- if ( not defined $w->cget(-sashcursor) ) {
- if ( $w->cget(-orient) eq 'horizontal' ) {
- $w->configure(-cursor => 'sb_h_double_arrow');
- } else {
- $w->configure(-cursor => 'sb_v_double_arrow');
- }
- } else {
- $w->configure(-cursor => $w->cget(-sashcursor));
- }
- if ( exists $w->{_pwAfterId} ) {
- $w->afterCancel($w->{_pwAfterId});
- }
- $w->{_pwAfterId} = $w->after(150 => ['Cursor' => $w]);
- }
- return
- }
- if ( exists $w->{_panecursor} ) {
- $w->configure(-cursor => $w->{_panecursor});
- delete $w->{_panecursor};
- }
-} # end Motion
-sub Cursor {
- # Cursor
- #
- # Handles returning the normal cursor when we are no longer over the
- # sash area. This needs to be done this way, because the panedwindow
- # won't see Leave events when the mouse moves from the sash to a
- # paned child, although the child does receive an Enter event.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w the widget
- # Results:
- # May restore the default cursor, or schedule a timer to do it.
- my ($w) = @_;
- if ( exists $w->{_panecursor} ) {
- if ( $w->containing($w->pointerx, $w->pointery) == $w ) {
- $w->{_pwAfterId} = $w->after(150 => ['Cursor' => $w]);
- } else {
- $w->configure(-cursor => $w->{_panecursor});
- delete $w->{_panecursor};
- if ( exists $w->{_pwAfterId} ) {
- $w->afterCancel($w->{_pwAfterId});
- delete $w->{_pwAfterId};
- }
- }
- }
-} # end Cursor
-sub Leave {
- # Leave
- #
- # Return to default cursor when leaving the pw widget.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # w the widget
- # Results:
- # Restores the default cursor
- my ($w) = @_;
- if ( exists $w->{_panecursor} ) {
- $w->configure(-cursor => $w->{_panecursor});
- delete $w->{_panecursor};
- }
-} # end Leave