path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 522 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5078d9e06d5..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Tk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-# BrowseEntry is a stripped down version of ComboBox.tcl from Tix4.0
-# Some additions by Slaven Rezic <> to make the widget
-# look like the Windows' Combobox. There are also additional options.
-package Tk::BrowseEntry;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '4.014'; # was: sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #13 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
-use Tk qw(Ev);
-use Carp;
-use strict;
-use base qw(Tk::Frame);
-Construct Tk::Widget 'BrowseEntry';
-require Tk::LabEntry;
-sub LabEntryWidget { "LabEntry" }
-sub ButtonWidget { "Button" }
-sub ListboxWidget { "Listbox" }
-sub Populate {
- my ($w, $args) = @_;
- my %labelArgs;
- while(my($k,$v) = each %$args) {
- $labelArgs{$k} = $v;
- delete $args->{$k};
- }
- $w->Tk::Frame::Populate($args);
- while(my($k,$v) = each %labelArgs) {
- $args->{$k} = $v;
- }
- # entry widget and arrow button
- my $lpack = delete $args->{-labelPack};
- if (not defined $lpack) {
- $lpack = [-side => 'left', -anchor => 'e'];
- }
- $w->{_BE_Style} = delete $args->{-style} || $Tk::platform;
- my $LabEntry = $w->LabEntryWidget;
- my $Listbox = $w->ListboxWidget;
- my $Button = $w->ButtonWidget;
- # XXX should this be retained?
-# if (defined $args->{-state} and $args->{-state} eq 'readonly') { # XXX works only at construction time
-# $LabEntry = "NoSelLabEntry";
-# require Tk::NoSelLabEntry;
-# }
- my $e;
- my $var = "";
- my @LabEntry_args = (-textvariable => \$var);
- if (exists $args->{-label}) {
- $e = $w->$LabEntry(-labelPack => $lpack,
- -label => delete $args->{-label},
- @LabEntry_args,
- );
- } else {
- $e = $w->$LabEntry(@LabEntry_args);
- }
- my $b = $w->$Button(-bitmap => '@' . Tk->findINC($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32' ? 'arrowdownwin.xbm' : 'cbxarrow.xbm'));
- $w->Advertise('entry' => $e);
- $w->Advertise('arrow' => $b);
- # Pack the button to align vertically with the entry widget
- my @anch;
- my $edge = {@$lpack}->{-side};
- push(@anch,-anchor => 's') if ($edge && $edge eq 'top');
- push(@anch,-anchor => 'n') if ($edge && $edge eq 'bottom');
- $b->pack(-side => 'right', -padx => 1, @anch);
- $e->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); #XXX, -padx => 1);
- # popup shell for listbox with values.
- my $c = $w->Toplevel(-bd => 2,
- -relief => ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32'
- ? "solid" : "raised"));
- $c->overrideredirect(1);
- $c->withdraw;
- my $sl = $c->Scrolled( $Listbox, qw/-selectmode browse -scrollbars oe/ );
- if ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32' and $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32') {
- $sl->configure(-bg => 'SystemWindow', -relief => "flat");
- }
- $w->Advertise('choices' => $c);
- $w->Advertise('slistbox' => $sl);
- $sl->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
- $sl->Subwidget("scrolled")->bind("<Motion>",sub {
- return unless ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32');
- my $e = $_[0]->XEvent;
- my $y = $e->y;
- my $inx = $sl->nearest($y);
- if (defined $inx) {
- $sl->selectionClear(0, "end");
- $sl->selectionSet($inx);
- }
- });
- # other initializations
- $w->SetBindings;
- $w->{'_BE_popped'} = 0;
- $w->Delegates(get => $sl, DEFAULT => $e);
- $w->ConfigSpecs(
- -font => [qw/DESCENDANTS font Font/],
- -listwidth => [qw/PASSIVE listWidth ListWidth/, undef],
- -listheight => [{-height => $sl}, qw/listHeight ListHeight/, undef],
- -listcmd => [qw/CALLBACK listCmd ListCmd/, undef],
- -autolistwidth => [qw/PASSIVE autoListWidth AutoListWidth/, undef],
- -autolimitheight => [qw/PASSIVE autoLimitHeight AutoLimitHeight 0/],
- -browsecmd => [qw/CALLBACK browseCmd BrowseCmd/, undef],
- -browse2cmd => [qw/CALLBACK browse2Cmd Browse2Cmd/, undef],
- -choices => [qw/METHOD choices Choices/, undef],
- -state => [qw/METHOD state State normal/],
- -arrowimage => [ {-image => $b}, qw/arrowImage ArrowImage/, undef],
- -variable => [ {'-textvariable' => $e} ],
- -colorstate => [qw/PASSIVE colorState ColorState/, undef],
- -command => '-browsecmd',
- -options => '-choices',
- -label => [qw/PASSIVE label Label/, undef],
- -labelPack => [qw/PASSIVE labelPack LabelPack/, undef],
- #-background => [$e, qw/background Background/, undef],
- #-foreground => [$e, qw/foreground Foreground/, undef],
- -buttontakefocus => [{-takefocus => $b}, 'buttonTakefocus',
- 'ButtonTakefocus', 1],
- DEFAULT => [$e] );
-sub SetBindings {
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $e = $w->Subwidget('entry');
- my $b = $w->Subwidget('arrow');
- # set bind tags
- $w->bindtags([$w, 'Tk::BrowseEntry', $w->toplevel, 'all']);
- # as we don't bind $e here leave its tags alone ...
- # $e->bindtags([$e, ref($e), $e->toplevel, 'all']);
- # bindings for the button and entry
- $b->bind('<1>',[$w,'BtnDown']);
- $b->toplevel->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',[$w,'ButtonHack']);
- $b->bind('<space>',[$w,'space']);
- # bindings for listbox
- my $sl = $w->Subwidget('slistbox');
- my $l = $sl->Subwidget('listbox');
- $l->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',[$w,'ListboxRelease',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
- $l->bind('<Escape>' => [$w,'LbClose']);
- $l->bind('<Return>' => [$w,'Return',$l]);
- # allow click outside the popped up listbox to pop it down.
- $w->bind('<1>','BtnDown');
-sub space
- my $w = shift;
- $w->BtnDown;
- $w->{'_BE_savefocus'} = $w->focusCurrent;
- $w->Subwidget('slistbox')->focus;
-sub ListboxRelease
- my ($w,$x,$y) = @_;
- $w->ButtonHack;
- $w->LbChoose($x, $y);
-sub Return
- my ($w,$l) = @_;
- my($x, $y) = $l->bbox($l->curselection);
- $w->LbChoose($x, $y)
-sub BtnDown {
- my ($w) = @_;
- return if $w->cget( '-state' ) eq 'disabled';
- if ($w->{'_BE_popped'}) {
- $w->Popdown;
- $w->{'_BE_buttonHack'} = 0;
- } else {
- $w->PopupChoices;
- $w->{'_BE_buttonHack'} = 1;
- }
-sub PopupChoices {
- my ($w) = @_;
- if (!$w->{'_BE_popped'}) {
- $w->Callback(-listcmd => $w);
- my $e = $w->Subwidget('entry');
- my $c = $w->Subwidget('choices');
- my $s = $w->Subwidget('slistbox');
- my $a = $w->Subwidget('arrow');
- my $y1 = ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32'
- ? $a->rooty + $a->height
- : $e->rooty + $e->height + 3
- );
- my $bd = $c->cget(-bd) + $c->cget(-highlightthickness);
- # using the real listbox reqheight rather than the
- # container frame one, which does not change after resizing the
- # listbox
- my $ht = $s->Subwidget("scrolled")->reqheight + 2 * $bd;
- my $x1 = ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32'
- ? $e->Subwidget("entry")->rootx
- : $e->rootx
- );
- my ($width, $x2);
- if (defined $w->cget(-listwidth)) {
- $width = $w->cget(-listwidth);
- $x2 = $x1 + $width;
- } else {
- $x2 = $a->rootx + $a->width;
- $width = $x2 - $x1;
- }
- my $rw = $c->reqwidth;
- if ($rw < $width) {
- $rw = $width
- } else {
- if ($rw > $width * 3) {
- $rw = $width * 3;
- }
- if ($rw > $w->vrootwidth) {
- $rw = $w->vrootwidth;
- }
- }
- $width = $rw;
- # if listbox is too far right, pull it back to the left
- #
- if ($x2 > $w->vrootwidth) {
- $x1 = $w->vrootwidth - $width;
- }
- # if listbox is too far left, pull it back to the right
- #
- if ($x1 < 0) {
- $x1 = 0;
- }
- # if listbox is below bottom of screen, pull it up.
- # check the Win32 taskbar, if possible
- my $rootheight;
- if ($Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32' and $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- eval {
- require Win32Util; # XXX should not use a non-CPAN widget
- $rootheight = (Win32Util::screen_region($w))[3];
- };
- }
- if (!defined $rootheight) {
- $rootheight = $w->vrootheight;
- }
- my $y2 = $y1 + $ht;
- if ($y2 > $rootheight) {
- $y1 = $y1 - $ht - ($e->height - 5);
- }
- $c->geometry(sprintf('%dx%d+%d+%d', $rw, $ht, $x1, $y1));
- $c->deiconify;
- $c->raise;
- $e->focus;
- $w->{'_BE_popped'} = 1;
- # highlight current selection
- my $current_sel = $e->get;
- if (defined $current_sel) {
- my $i = 0;
- foreach my $str ($s->get(0, "end")) {
- local $^W = 0; # in case of undefined strings
- if ($str eq $current_sel) {
- $s->selectionClear(0, "end");
- $s->selectionSet($i);
- last;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- $c->configure(-cursor => 'arrow');
- $w->{'_BE_grabinfo'} = $w->grabSave;
- $w->grabGlobal;
- }
-# choose value from listbox if appropriate
-sub LbChoose {
- my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
- my $l = $w->Subwidget('slistbox')->Subwidget('listbox');
- if ((($x < 0) || ($x > $l->Width)) ||
- (($y < 0) || ($y > $l->Height))) {
- # mouse was clicked outside the listbox... close the listbox
- $w->LbClose;
- } else {
- # select appropriate entry and close the listbox
- $w->LbCopySelection;
- $w->Callback(-browsecmd, $w, $w->Subwidget('entry')->get());
- $w->Callback(-browse2cmd => $w, $w->LbIndex);
- }
-# close the listbox after clearing selection
-sub LbClose {
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $l = $w->Subwidget('slistbox')->Subwidget('listbox');
- $l->selection('clear', 0, 'end');
- $w->Popdown;
-# copy the selection to the entry and close listbox
-sub LbCopySelection {
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $index = $w->LbIndex;
- if (defined $index) {
- $w->{'_BE_curIndex'} = $index;
- my $l = $w->Subwidget('slistbox')->Subwidget('listbox');
- my $var_ref = $w->cget( '-textvariable' );
- $$var_ref = $l->get($index);
- if ($w->{'_BE_popped'}) {
- $w->Popdown;
- }
- }
- $w->Popdown;
-sub LbIndex {
- my ($w, $flag) = @_;
- my ($sel) = $w->Subwidget('slistbox')->Subwidget('listbox')->curselection;
- if (defined $sel) {
- return int($sel);
- } else {
- if (defined $flag && ($flag eq 'emptyOK')) {
- return undef;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
-# pop down the listbox
-sub Popdown {
- my ($w) = @_;
- if ($w->{'_BE_savefocus'} && Tk::Exists($w->{'_BE_savefocus'})) {
- $w->{'_BE_savefocus'}->focus;
- delete $w->{'_BE_savefocus'};
- }
- if ($w->{'_BE_popped'}) {
- my $c = $w->Subwidget('choices');
- $c->withdraw;
- $w->grabRelease;
- if (ref $w->{'_BE_grabinfo'} eq 'CODE') {
- $w->{'_BE_grabinfo'}->();
- delete $w->{'_BE_grabinfo'};
- }
- $w->{'_BE_popped'} = 0;
- }
-# This hack is to prevent the ugliness of the arrow being depressed.
-sub ButtonHack {
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $b = $w->Subwidget('arrow');
- if ($w->{'_BE_buttonHack'}) {
- $b->butUp;
- }
-sub choices
- my ($w,$choices) = @_;
- if (@_ > 1)
- {
- $w->delete( qw/0 end/ );
- my %hash;
- my $var = $w->cget('-textvariable');
- my $old = $$var;
- foreach my $val (@$choices)
- {
- local $^W = 0; # in case of undefined values
- $w->insert( 'end', $val);
- $hash{$val} = 1;
- }
- $old = $choices->[0]
- if defined $old && !exists $hash{$old} && defined $choices->[0];
- $$var = $old;
- }
- else
- {
- return( $w->get( qw/0 end/ ) );
- }
-sub _set_edit_state {
- my( $w, $state ) = @_;
- my $entry = $w->Subwidget( 'entry' );
- my $button = $w->Subwidget( 'arrow' );
- if ($w->cget( '-colorstate' )) {
- my $color;
- if( $state eq 'normal' ) { # Editable
- $color = 'gray95';
- } else { # Not Editable
- $color = $w->cget( -background ) || 'lightgray';
- }
- $entry->Subwidget( 'entry' )->configure( -background => $color );
- }
- if( $state eq 'readonly' ) {
- $entry->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
- $button->configure( -state => 'normal' );
- if ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32') {
- $entry->bind('<1>',[$w,'BtnDown']);
- $w->{_BE_OriginalCursor} = $entry->cget( -cursor );
- $entry->configure( -cursor => 'left_ptr' );
- }
- } else {
- $entry->configure( -state => $state );
- if (exists $w->{_BE_OriginalCursor}) {
- $entry->configure(-cursor => delete $w->{_BE_OriginalCursor});
- }
- $button->configure( -state => $state );
- if ($w->{_BE_Style} eq 'MSWin32') {
- $entry->bind('<1>',['Button1',Tk::Ev('x')]);
- }
- }
-sub state {
- my $w = shift;
- unless( @_ ) {
- return( $w->{Configure}{-state} );
- } else {
- my $state = shift;
- $w->{Configure}{-state} = $state;
- $w->_set_edit_state( $state );
- }
-sub _max {
- my $max = shift;
- foreach my $val (@_) {
- $max = $val if $max < $val;
- }
- return( $max );
-sub shrinkwrap {
- my( $w, $size ) = @_;
- unless( defined $size ) {
- $size = _max( map( length, $w->get( qw/0 end/ ) ) ) || 0;;
- }
- my $lb = $w->Subwidget( 'slistbox' )->Subwidget( 'listbox' );
- $w->configure( -width => $size );
- $lb->configure( -width => $size );
-sub limitheight {
- my $w = shift;
- my $choices_number = shift || $w->Subwidget('slistbox')->index("end");
- $choices_number = 10 if $choices_number > 10;
- $w->configure(-listheight => $choices_number) if ($choices_number > 0);
-sub insert {
- my $w = shift;
- $w->Subwidget("slistbox")->insert(@_);
- if ($w->cget(-autolimitheight)) {
- $w->limitheight;
- }
- if ($w->cget(-autolistwidth)) {
- $w->updateListWidth(@_[1..$#_]);
- }
-sub delete {
- my $w = shift;
- $w->Subwidget("slistbox")->delete(@_);
- if ($w->cget(-autolimitheight)) {
- $w->limitheight;
- }
- if ($w->cget(-autolistwidth)) {
- $w->updateListWidth();
- }
-sub updateListWidth {
- my $w = shift;
- my @ins = @_;
- if (!@ins) {
- @ins = $w->get(0, "end");
- }
- my $max_width = 0;
- foreach my $ins (@ins) {
- my $new_width = $w->fontMeasure($w->cget(-font), $ins);
- if ($new_width > $max_width) {
- $max_width = $new_width;
- }
- }
- if ($max_width > 20) { # be sane
- $w->configure(-listwidth => $max_width + 32); # XXX for scrollbar
- }