path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser')
33 files changed, 6714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4df2ac34cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
+use strict;
+use Benchmark;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Aggregator - Aggregate TAP::Parser results
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
+ my $aggregate = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;
+ $aggregate->add( 't/00-load.t', $load_parser );
+ $aggregate->add( 't/10-lex.t', $lex_parser );
+ my $summary = <<'END_SUMMARY';
+ Passed: %s
+ Failed: %s
+ Unexpectedly succeeded: %s
+ printf $summary,
+ scalar $aggregate->passed,
+ scalar $aggregate->failed,
+ scalar $aggregate->todo_passed;
+C<TAP::Parser::Aggregator> collects parser objects and allows
+reporting/querying their aggregate results.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $aggregate = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Aggregator> object.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+BEGIN { # install summary methods
+ %SUMMARY_METHOD_FOR = map { $_ => $_ } qw(
+ failed
+ parse_errors
+ passed
+ skipped
+ todo
+ todo_passed
+ total
+ wait
+ exit
+ );
+ $SUMMARY_METHOD_FOR{total} = 'tests_run';
+ $SUMMARY_METHOD_FOR{planned} = 'tests_planned';
+ for my $method ( keys %SUMMARY_METHOD_FOR ) {
+ next if 'total' eq $method;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *$method = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return wantarray
+ ? @{ $self->{"descriptions_for_$method"} }
+ : $self->{$method};
+ };
+ }
+} # end install summary methods
+sub _initialize {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{parser_for} = {};
+ $self->{parse_order} = [];
+ for my $summary ( keys %SUMMARY_METHOD_FOR ) {
+ $self->{$summary} = 0;
+ next if 'total' eq $summary;
+ $self->{"descriptions_for_$summary"} = [];
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<add>
+ $aggregate->add( $description => $parser );
+The C<$description> is usually a test file name (but only by
+convention.) It is used as a unique identifier (see e.g.
+L<"parsers">.) Reusing a description is a fatal error.
+The C<$parser> is a L<TAP::Parser|TAP::Parser> object.
+sub add {
+ my ( $self, $description, $parser ) = @_;
+ if ( exists $self->{parser_for}{$description} ) {
+ $self->_croak( "You already have a parser for ($description)."
+ . " Perhaps you have run the same test twice." );
+ }
+ push @{ $self->{parse_order} } => $description;
+ $self->{parser_for}{$description} = $parser;
+ while ( my ( $summary, $method ) = each %SUMMARY_METHOD_FOR ) {
+ # Slightly nasty. Instead we should maybe have 'cooked' accessors
+ # for results that may be masked by the parser.
+ next
+ if ( $method eq 'exit' || $method eq 'wait' )
+ && $parser->ignore_exit;
+ if ( my $count = $parser->$method() ) {
+ $self->{$summary} += $count;
+ push @{ $self->{"descriptions_for_$summary"} } => $description;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<parsers>
+ my $count = $aggregate->parsers;
+ my @parsers = $aggregate->parsers;
+ my @parsers = $aggregate->parsers(@descriptions);
+In scalar context without arguments, this method returns the number of parsers
+aggregated. In list context without arguments, returns the parsers in the
+order they were added.
+If C<@descriptions> is given, these correspond to the keys used in each
+call to the add() method. Returns an array of the requested parsers (in
+the requested order) in list context or an array reference in scalar
+Requesting an unknown identifier is a fatal error.
+sub parsers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->_get_parsers(@_) if @_;
+ my $descriptions = $self->{parse_order};
+ my @parsers = @{ $self->{parser_for} }{@$descriptions};
+ # Note: Because of the way context works, we must assign the parsers to
+ # the @parsers array or else this method does not work as documented.
+ return @parsers;
+sub _get_parsers {
+ my ( $self, @descriptions ) = @_;
+ my @parsers;
+ for my $description (@descriptions) {
+ $self->_croak("A parser for ($description) could not be found")
+ unless exists $self->{parser_for}{$description};
+ push @parsers => $self->{parser_for}{$description};
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @parsers : \@parsers;
+=head3 C<descriptions>
+Get an array of descriptions in the order in which they were added to
+the aggregator.
+sub descriptions { @{ shift->{parse_order} || [] } }
+=head3 C<start>
+Call C<start> immediately before adding any results to the aggregator.
+Among other times it records the start time for the test run.
+sub start {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{start_time} = Benchmark->new;
+=head3 C<stop>
+Call C<stop> immediately after adding all test results to the aggregator.
+sub stop {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{end_time} = Benchmark->new;
+=head3 C<elapsed>
+Elapsed returns a L<Benchmark> object that represents the running time
+of the aggregated tests. In order for C<elapsed> to be valid you must
+call C<start> before running the tests and C<stop> immediately
+sub elapsed {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak
+ q{Can't call elapsed without first calling start and then stop}
+ unless defined $self->{start_time} && defined $self->{end_time};
+ return timediff( $self->{end_time}, $self->{start_time} );
+=head3 C<elapsed_timestr>
+Returns a formatted string representing the runtime returned by
+C<elapsed()>. This lets the caller not worry about Benchmark.
+sub elapsed_timestr {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $elapsed = $self->elapsed;
+ return timestr($elapsed);
+=head3 C<all_passed>
+Return true if all the tests passed and no parse errors were detected.
+sub all_passed {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return
+ $self->total
+ && $self->total == $self->passed
+ && !$self->has_errors;
+=head3 C<get_status>
+Get a single word describing the status of the aggregated tests.
+Depending on the outcome of the tests returns 'PASS', 'FAIL' or
+'NOTESTS'. This token is understood by L<CPAN::Reporter>.
+sub get_status {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $total = $self->total;
+ my $passed = $self->passed;
+ return
+ ( $self->has_errors || $total != $passed ) ? 'FAIL'
+ : $total ? 'PASS'
+ : 'NOTESTS';
+=head2 Summary methods
+Each of the following methods will return the total number of corresponding
+tests if called in scalar context. If called in list context, returns the
+descriptions of the parsers which contain the corresponding tests (see C<add>
+for an explanation of description.
+=over 4
+=item * failed
+=item * parse_errors
+=item * passed
+=item * planned
+=item * skipped
+=item * todo
+=item * todo_passed
+=item * wait
+=item * exit
+For example, to find out how many tests unexpectedly succeeded (TODO tests
+which passed when they shouldn't):
+ my $count = $aggregate->todo_passed;
+ my @descriptions = $aggregate->todo_passed;
+Note that C<wait> and C<exit> are the totals of the wait and exit
+statuses of each of the tests. These values are totalled only to provide
+a true value if any of them are non-zero.
+=head3 C<total>
+ my $tests_run = $aggregate->total;
+Returns the total number of tests run.
+sub total { shift->{total} }
+=head3 C<has_problems>
+ if ( $parser->has_problems ) {
+ ...
+ }
+Identical to C<has_errors>, but also returns true if any TODO tests
+unexpectedly succeeded. This is more akin to "warnings".
+sub has_problems {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->todo_passed
+ || $self->has_errors;
+=head3 C<has_errors>
+ if ( $parser->has_errors ) {
+ ...
+ }
+Returns true if I<any> of the parsers failed. This includes:
+=over 4
+=item * Failed tests
+=item * Parse errors
+=item * Bad exit or wait status
+sub has_errors {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return
+ $self->failed
+ || $self->parse_errors
+ || $self->exit
+ || $self->wait;
+=head3 C<todo_failed>
+ # deprecated in favor of 'todo_passed'. This method was horribly misnamed.
+This was a badly misnamed method. It indicates which TODO tests unexpectedly
+succeeded. Will now issue a warning and call C<todo_passed>.
+sub todo_failed {
+ warn
+ '"todo_failed" is deprecated. Please use "todo_passed". See the docs.';
+ goto &todo_passed;
+=head1 See Also
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..81f4d3478ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Grammar;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+use TAP::Parser::ResultFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Grammar - A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Grammar;
+ my $grammar = $self->make_grammar({
+ iterator => $tap_parser_iterator,
+ parser => $tap_parser,
+ version => 12,
+ });
+ my $result = $grammar->tokenize;
+C<TAP::Parser::Grammar> tokenizes lines from a L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> and
+constructs L<TAP::Parser::Result> subclasses to represent the tokens.
+Do not attempt to use this class directly. It won't make sense. It's mainly
+here to ensure that we will be able to have pluggable grammars when TAP is
+expanded at some future date (plus, this stuff was really cluttering the
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $grammar = TAP::Parser::Grammar->new({
+ iterator => $iterator,
+ parser => $parser,
+ version => $version,
+ });
+Returns L<TAP::Parser> grammar object that will parse the TAP stream from the
+specified iterator. Both C<iterator> and C<parser> are required arguments.
+If C<version> is not set it defaults to C<12> (see L</set_version> for more
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
+ $self->{iterator} = $args->{iterator}; # TODO: accessor
+ $self->{iterator} ||= $args->{stream}; # deprecated
+ $self->{parser} = $args->{parser}; # TODO: accessor
+ $self->set_version( $args->{version} || 12 );
+ return $self;
+my %language_for;
+ # XXX the 'not' and 'ok' might be on separate lines in VMS ...
+ my $ok = qr/(?:not )?ok\b/;
+ my $num = qr/\d+/;
+ my %v12 = (
+ version => {
+ syntax => qr/^TAP\s+version\s+(\d+)\s*\z/i,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my $version = $1;
+ return $self->_make_version_token( $line, $version, );
+ },
+ },
+ plan => {
+ syntax => qr/^1\.\.(\d+)\s*(.*)\z/,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my ( $tests_planned, $tail ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ my $explanation = undef;
+ my $skip = '';
+ if ( $tail =~ /^todo((?:\s+\d+)+)/ ) {
+ my @todo = split /\s+/, _trim($1);
+ return $self->_make_plan_token(
+ $line, $tests_planned, 'TODO',
+ '', \@todo
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( 0 == $tests_planned ) {
+ $skip = 'SKIP';
+ # If we can't match # SKIP the directive should be undef.
+ ($explanation) = $tail =~ /^#\s*SKIP\S*\s+(.*)/i;
+ }
+ elsif ( $tail !~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ return $self->_make_unknown_token($line);
+ }
+ $explanation = '' unless defined $explanation;
+ return $self->_make_plan_token(
+ $line, $tests_planned, $skip,
+ $explanation, []
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ # An optimization to handle the most common test lines without
+ # directives.
+ simple_test => {
+ syntax => qr/^($ok) \ ($num) (?:\ ([^#]+))? \z/x,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my ( $ok, $num, $desc ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
+ return $self->_make_test_token(
+ $line, $ok, $num,
+ $desc
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ syntax => qr/^($ok) \s* ($num)? \s* (.*) \z/x,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my ( $ok, $num, $desc ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
+ my ( $dir, $explanation ) = ( '', '' );
+ if ($desc =~ m/^ ( [^\\\#]* (?: \\. [^\\\#]* )* )
+ \# \s* (SKIP|TODO) \b \s* (.*) $/ix
+ )
+ {
+ ( $desc, $dir, $explanation ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
+ }
+ return $self->_make_test_token(
+ $line, $ok, $num, $desc,
+ $dir, $explanation
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ comment => {
+ syntax => qr/^#(.*)/,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my $comment = $1;
+ return $self->_make_comment_token( $line, $comment );
+ },
+ },
+ bailout => {
+ syntax => qr/^Bail out!\s*(.*)/,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my $explanation = $1;
+ return $self->_make_bailout_token(
+ $line,
+ $explanation
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ my %v13 = (
+ %v12,
+ plan => {
+ syntax => qr/^1\.\.(\d+)(?:\s*#\s*SKIP\b(.*))?\z/i,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my ( $tests_planned, $explanation ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ my $skip
+ = ( 0 == $tests_planned || defined $explanation )
+ ? 'SKIP'
+ : '';
+ $explanation = '' unless defined $explanation;
+ return $self->_make_plan_token(
+ $line, $tests_planned, $skip,
+ $explanation, []
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ yaml => {
+ syntax => qr/^ (\s+) (---.*) $/x,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my ( $pad, $marker ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ return $self->_make_yaml_token( $pad, $marker );
+ },
+ },
+ pragma => {
+ syntax =>
+ qr/^ pragma \s+ ( [-+] \w+ \s* (?: , \s* [-+] \w+ \s* )* ) $/x,
+ handler => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ my $pragmas = $1;
+ return $self->_make_pragma_token( $line, $pragmas );
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ %language_for = (
+ '12' => {
+ tokens => \%v12,
+ },
+ '13' => {
+ tokens => \%v13,
+ setup => sub {
+ shift->{iterator}->handle_unicode;
+ },
+ },
+ );
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<set_version>
+ $grammar->set_version(13);
+Tell the grammar which TAP syntax version to support. The lowest
+supported version is 12. Although 'TAP version' isn't valid version 12
+syntax it is accepted so that higher version numbers may be parsed.
+sub set_version {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $version = shift;
+ if ( my $language = $language_for{$version} ) {
+ $self->{version} = $version;
+ $self->{tokens} = $language->{tokens};
+ if ( my $setup = $language->{setup} ) {
+ $self->$setup();
+ }
+ $self->_order_tokens;
+ }
+ else {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("Unsupported syntax version: $version");
+ }
+# Optimization to put the most frequent tokens first.
+sub _order_tokens {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %copy = %{ $self->{tokens} };
+ my @ordered_tokens = grep {defined}
+ map { delete $copy{$_} } qw( simple_test test comment plan );
+ push @ordered_tokens, values %copy;
+ $self->{ordered_tokens} = \@ordered_tokens;
+=head3 C<tokenize>
+ my $token = $grammar->tokenize;
+This method will return a L<TAP::Parser::Result> object representing the
+current line of TAP.
+sub tokenize {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $line = $self->{iterator}->next;
+ unless ( defined $line ) {
+ delete $self->{parser}; # break circular ref
+ return;
+ }
+ my $token;
+ for my $token_data ( @{ $self->{ordered_tokens} } ) {
+ if ( $line =~ $token_data->{syntax} ) {
+ my $handler = $token_data->{handler};
+ $token = $self->$handler($line);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $token = $self->_make_unknown_token($line) unless $token;
+ return $self->{parser}->make_result($token);
+=head3 C<token_types>
+ my @types = $grammar->token_types;
+Returns the different types of tokens which this grammar can parse.
+sub token_types {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return keys %{ $self->{tokens} };
+=head3 C<syntax_for>
+ my $syntax = $grammar->syntax_for($token_type);
+Returns a pre-compiled regular expression which will match a chunk of TAP
+corresponding to the token type. For example (not that you should really pay
+attention to this, C<< $grammar->syntax_for('comment') >> will return
+C<< qr/^#(.*)/ >>.
+sub syntax_for {
+ my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
+ return $self->{tokens}->{$type}->{syntax};
+=head3 C<handler_for>
+ my $handler = $grammar->handler_for($token_type);
+Returns a code reference which, when passed an appropriate line of TAP,
+returns the lexed token corresponding to that line. As a result, the basic
+TAP parsing loop looks similar to the following:
+ my @tokens;
+ my $grammar = TAP::Grammar->new;
+ LINE: while ( defined( my $line = $parser->_next_chunk_of_tap ) ) {
+ for my $type ( $grammar->token_types ) {
+ my $syntax = $grammar->syntax_for($type);
+ if ( $line =~ $syntax ) {
+ my $handler = $grammar->handler_for($type);
+ push @tokens => $grammar->$handler($line);
+ next LINE;
+ }
+ }
+ push @tokens => $grammar->_make_unknown_token($line);
+ }
+sub handler_for {
+ my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
+ return $self->{tokens}->{$type}->{handler};
+sub _make_version_token {
+ my ( $self, $line, $version ) = @_;
+ return {
+ type => 'version',
+ raw => $line,
+ version => $version,
+ };
+sub _make_plan_token {
+ my ( $self, $line, $tests_planned, $directive, $explanation, $todo ) = @_;
+ if ( $directive eq 'SKIP'
+ && 0 != $tests_planned
+ && $self->{version} < 13 )
+ {
+ warn
+ "Specified SKIP directive in plan but more than 0 tests ($line)\n";
+ }
+ return {
+ type => 'plan',
+ raw => $line,
+ tests_planned => $tests_planned,
+ directive => $directive,
+ explanation => _trim($explanation),
+ todo_list => $todo,
+ };
+sub _make_test_token {
+ my ( $self, $line, $ok, $num, $desc, $dir, $explanation ) = @_;
+ return {
+ ok => $ok,
+ test_num => $num,
+ description => _trim($desc),
+ directive => ( defined $dir ? uc $dir : '' ),
+ explanation => _trim($explanation),
+ raw => $line,
+ type => 'test',
+ };
+sub _make_unknown_token {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ return {
+ raw => $line,
+ type => 'unknown',
+ };
+sub _make_comment_token {
+ my ( $self, $line, $comment ) = @_;
+ return {
+ type => 'comment',
+ raw => $line,
+ comment => _trim($comment)
+ };
+sub _make_bailout_token {
+ my ( $self, $line, $explanation ) = @_;
+ return {
+ type => 'bailout',
+ raw => $line,
+ bailout => _trim($explanation)
+ };
+sub _make_yaml_token {
+ my ( $self, $pad, $marker ) = @_;
+ my $yaml = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader->new;
+ my $iterator = $self->{iterator};
+ # Construct a reader that reads from our input stripping leading
+ # spaces from each line.
+ my $leader = length($pad);
+ my $strip = qr{ ^ (\s{$leader}) (.*) $ }x;
+ my @extra = ($marker);
+ my $reader = sub {
+ return shift @extra if @extra;
+ my $line = $iterator->next;
+ return $2 if $line =~ $strip;
+ return;
+ };
+ my $data = $yaml->read($reader);
+ # Reconstitute input. This is convoluted. Maybe we should just
+ # record it on the way in...
+ chomp( my $raw = $yaml->get_raw );
+ $raw =~ s/^/$pad/mg;
+ return {
+ type => 'yaml',
+ raw => $raw,
+ data => $data
+ };
+sub _make_pragma_token {
+ my ( $self, $line, $pragmas ) = @_;
+ return {
+ type => 'pragma',
+ raw => $line,
+ pragmas => [ split /\s*,\s*/, _trim($pragmas) ],
+ };
+sub _trim {
+ my $data = shift;
+ return '' unless defined $data;
+ $data =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $data =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $data;
+B<NOTE:> This grammar is slightly out of date. There's still some discussion
+about it and a new one will be provided when we have things better defined.
+The L<TAP::Parser> does not use a formal grammar because TAP is essentially a
+stream-based protocol. In fact, it's quite legal to have an infinite stream.
+For the same reason that we don't apply regexes to streams, we're not using a
+formal grammar here. Instead, we parse the TAP in lines.
+For purposes for forward compatability, any result which does not match the
+following grammar is currently referred to as
+L<TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown>. It is I<not> a parse error.
+A formal grammar would look similar to the following:
+ (*
+ For the time being, I'm cheating on the EBNF by allowing
+ certain terms to be defined by POSIX character classes by
+ using the following syntax:
+ digit ::= [:digit:]
+ As far as I am aware, that's not valid EBNF. Sue me. I
+ didn't know how to write "char" otherwise (Unicode issues).
+ Suggestions welcome.
+ *)
+ tap ::= version? { comment | unknown } leading_plan lines
+ |
+ lines trailing_plan {comment}
+ version ::= 'TAP version ' positiveInteger {positiveInteger} "\n"
+ leading_plan ::= plan skip_directive? "\n"
+ trailing_plan ::= plan "\n"
+ plan ::= '1..' nonNegativeInteger
+ lines ::= line {line}
+ line ::= (comment | test | unknown | bailout ) "\n"
+ test ::= status positiveInteger? description? directive?
+ status ::= 'not '? 'ok '
+ description ::= (character - (digit | '#')) {character - '#'}
+ directive ::= todo_directive | skip_directive
+ todo_directive ::= hash_mark 'TODO' ' ' {character}
+ skip_directive ::= hash_mark 'SKIP' ' ' {character}
+ comment ::= hash_mark {character}
+ hash_mark ::= '#' {' '}
+ bailout ::= 'Bail out!' {character}
+ unknown ::= { (character - "\n") }
+ (* POSIX character classes and other terminals *)
+ digit ::= [:digit:]
+ character ::= ([:print:] - "\n")
+ positiveInteger ::= ( digit - '0' ) {digit}
+ nonNegativeInteger ::= digit {digit}
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+If you I<really> want to subclass L<TAP::Parser>'s grammar the best thing to
+do is read through the code. There's no easy way of summarizing it here.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..34c0729727c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Iterator;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Iterator - Base class for TAP source iterators
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # to subclass:
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
+ @ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::Iterator);
+ sub _initialize {
+ # see TAP::Object...
+ }
+ sub next_raw { ... }
+ sub wait { ... }
+ sub exit { ... }
+This is a simple iterator base class that defines L<TAP::Parser>'s iterator
+API. Iterators are typically created from L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Create an iterator. Provided by L<TAP::Object>.
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<next>
+ while ( my $item = $iter->next ) { ... }
+Iterate through it, of course.
+=head3 C<next_raw>
+B<Note:> this method is abstract and should be overridden.
+ while ( my $item = $iter->next_raw ) { ... }
+Iterate raw input without applying any fixes for quirky input syntax.
+sub next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $line = $self->next_raw;
+ # vms nit: When encountering 'not ok', vms often has the 'not' on a line
+ # by itself:
+ # not
+ # ok 1 - 'I hate VMS'
+ if ( defined($line) and $line =~ /^\s*not\s*$/ ) {
+ $line .= ( $self->next_raw || '' );
+ }
+ return $line;
+sub next_raw {
+ require Carp;
+ my $msg = Carp::longmess('abstract method called directly!');
+ $_[0]->_croak($msg);
+=head3 C<handle_unicode>
+If necessary switch the input stream to handle unicode. This only has
+any effect for I/O handle based streams.
+The default implementation does nothing.
+sub handle_unicode { }
+=head3 C<get_select_handles>
+Return a list of filehandles that may be used upstream in a select()
+call to signal that this Iterator is ready. Iterators that are not
+handle-based should return an empty list.
+The default implementation does nothing.
+sub get_select_handles {
+ return;
+=head3 C<wait>
+B<Note:> this method is abstract and should be overridden.
+ my $wait_status = $iter->wait;
+Return the C<wait> status for this iterator.
+=head3 C<exit>
+B<Note:> this method is abstract and should be overridden.
+ my $wait_status = $iter->exit;
+Return the C<exit> status for this iterator.
+sub wait {
+ require Carp;
+ my $msg = Carp::longmess('abstract method called directly!');
+ $_[0]->_croak($msg);
+sub exit {
+ require Carp;
+ my $msg = Carp::longmess('abstract method called directly!');
+ $_[0]->_croak($msg);
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+You must override the abstract methods as noted above.
+=head2 Example
+L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array> is probably the easiest example to follow.
+There's not much point repeating it here.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9bb813ee017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Iterator';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array - Iterator for array-based TAP sources
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array;
+ my @data = ('foo', 'bar', baz');
+ my $it = TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array->new(\@data);
+ my $line = $it->next;
+This is a simple iterator wrapper for arrays of scalar content, used by
+L<TAP::Parser>. Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Create an iterator. Takes one argument: an C<$array_ref>
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<next>
+Iterate through it, of course.
+=head3 C<next_raw>
+Iterate raw input without applying any fixes for quirky input syntax.
+=head3 C<wait>
+Get the wait status for this iterator. For an array iterator this will always
+be zero.
+=head3 C<exit>
+Get the exit status for this iterator. For an array iterator this will always
+be zero.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $thing ) = @_;
+ chomp @$thing;
+ $self->{idx} = 0;
+ $self->{array} = $thing;
+ $self->{exit} = undef;
+ return $self;
+sub wait { shift->exit }
+sub exit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 0 if $self->{idx} >= @{ $self->{array} };
+ return;
+sub next_raw {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{array}->[ $self->{idx}++ ];
+Originally ripped off from L<Test::Harness>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c2b92461a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
+use Config;
+use IO::Handle;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Iterator';
+my $IS_WIN32 = ( $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/ );
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process - Iterator for proccess-based TAP sources
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process;
+ my %args = (
+ command => ['python', '', 'test'],
+ merge => 1,
+ setup => sub { ... },
+ teardown => sub { ... },
+ );
+ my $it = TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process->new(\%args);
+ my $line = $it->next;
+This is a simple iterator wrapper for executing external processes, used by
+L<TAP::Parser>. Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Create an iterator. Expects one argument containing a hashref of the form:
+ command => \@command_to_execute
+ merge => $attempt_merge_stderr_and_stdout?
+ setup => $callback_to_setup_command
+ teardown => $callback_to_teardown_command
+Tries to uses L<IPC::Open3> & L<IO::Select> to communicate with the spawned
+process if they are available. Falls back onto C<open()>.
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<next>
+Iterate through the process output, of course.
+=head3 C<next_raw>
+Iterate raw input without applying any fixes for quirky input syntax.
+=head3 C<wait>
+Get the wait status for this iterator's process.
+=head3 C<exit>
+Get the exit status for this iterator's process.
+ local $^W; # no warnings
+ # get around a catch22 in the test suite that causes failures on Win32:
+ local $SIG{__DIE__} = undef;
+ eval { require POSIX; &POSIX::WEXITSTATUS(0) };
+ if ($@) {
+ *_wait2exit = sub { $_[1] >> 8 };
+ }
+ else {
+ *_wait2exit = sub { POSIX::WEXITSTATUS( $_[1] ) }
+ }
+sub _use_open3 {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $Config{d_fork} || $IS_WIN32;
+ for my $module (qw( IPC::Open3 IO::Select )) {
+ eval "use $module";
+ return if $@;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ my $got_unicode;
+ sub _get_unicode {
+ return $got_unicode if defined $got_unicode;
+ eval 'use Encode qw(decode_utf8);';
+ $got_unicode = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
+ my @command = @{ delete $args->{command} || [] }
+ or die "Must supply a command to execute";
+ $self->{command} = [@command];
+ # Private. Used to frig with chunk size during testing.
+ my $chunk_size = delete $args->{_chunk_size} || 65536;
+ my $merge = delete $args->{merge};
+ my ( $pid, $err, $sel );
+ if ( my $setup = delete $args->{setup} ) {
+ $setup->(@command);
+ }
+ my $out = IO::Handle->new;
+ if ( $self->_use_open3 ) {
+ # HOTPATCH {{{
+ my $xclose = \&IPC::Open3::xclose;
+ local $^W; # no warnings
+ local *IPC::Open3::xclose = sub {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return if ( fileno($fh) == fileno(STDIN) );
+ $xclose->($fh);
+ };
+ # }}}
+ if ($IS_WIN32) {
+ $err = $merge ? '' : '>&STDERR';
+ eval {
+ $pid = open3(
+ '<&STDIN', $out, $merge ? '' : $err,
+ @command
+ );
+ };
+ die "Could not execute (@command): $@" if $@;
+ if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
+ # Kludge to avoid warning under 5.5
+ eval 'binmode($out, ":crlf")';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $err = $merge ? '' : IO::Handle->new;
+ eval { $pid = open3( '<&STDIN', $out, $err, @command ); };
+ die "Could not execute (@command): $@" if $@;
+ $sel = $merge ? undef : IO::Select->new( $out, $err );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $err = '';
+ my $command
+ = join( ' ', map { $_ =~ /\s/ ? qq{"$_"} : $_ } @command );
+ open( $out, "$command|" )
+ or die "Could not execute ($command): $!";
+ }
+ $self->{out} = $out;
+ $self->{err} = $err;
+ $self->{sel} = $sel;
+ $self->{pid} = $pid;
+ $self->{exit} = undef;
+ $self->{chunk_size} = $chunk_size;
+ if ( my $teardown = delete $args->{teardown} ) {
+ $self->{teardown} = sub {
+ $teardown->(@command);
+ };
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<handle_unicode>
+Upgrade the input stream to handle UTF8.
+sub handle_unicode {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( $self->{sel} ) {
+ if ( _get_unicode() ) {
+ # Make sure our iterator has been constructed and...
+ my $next = $self->{_next} ||= $self->_next;
+ # ...wrap it to do UTF8 casting
+ $self->{_next} = sub {
+ my $line = $next->();
+ return decode_utf8($line) if defined $line;
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $] >= 5.008 ) {
+ eval 'binmode($self->{out}, ":utf8")';
+ }
+ }
+sub wait { shift->{wait} }
+sub exit { shift->{exit} }
+sub _next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( my $out = $self->{out} ) {
+ if ( my $sel = $self->{sel} ) {
+ my $err = $self->{err};
+ my @buf = ();
+ my $partial = ''; # Partial line
+ my $chunk_size = $self->{chunk_size};
+ return sub {
+ return shift @buf if @buf;
+ while ( my @ready = $sel->can_read ) {
+ for my $fh (@ready) {
+ my $got = sysread $fh, my ($chunk), $chunk_size;
+ if ( $got == 0 ) {
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ }
+ elsif ( $fh == $err ) {
+ print STDERR $chunk; # echo STDERR
+ }
+ else {
+ $chunk = $partial . $chunk;
+ $partial = '';
+ # Make sure we have a complete line
+ unless ( substr( $chunk, -1, 1 ) eq "\n" ) {
+ my $nl = rindex $chunk, "\n";
+ if ( $nl == -1 ) {
+ $partial = $chunk;
+ redo READ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $partial = substr( $chunk, $nl + 1 );
+ $chunk = substr( $chunk, 0, $nl );
+ }
+ }
+ push @buf, split /\n/, $chunk;
+ return shift @buf if @buf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Return partial last line
+ if ( length $partial ) {
+ my $last = $partial;
+ $partial = '';
+ return $last;
+ }
+ $self->_finish;
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ return sub {
+ if ( defined( my $line = <$out> ) ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ return $line;
+ }
+ $self->_finish;
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return sub {
+ $self->_finish;
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+sub next_raw {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ( $self->{_next} ||= $self->_next )->();
+sub _finish {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $status = $?;
+ # Avoid circular refs
+ $self->{_next} = sub {return}
+ if $] >= 5.006;
+ # If we have a subprocess we need to wait for it to terminate
+ if ( defined $self->{pid} ) {
+ if ( $self->{pid} == waitpid( $self->{pid}, 0 ) ) {
+ $status = $?;
+ }
+ }
+ ( delete $self->{out} )->close if $self->{out};
+ # If we have an IO::Select we also have an error handle to close.
+ if ( $self->{sel} ) {
+ ( delete $self->{err} )->close;
+ delete $self->{sel};
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = $?;
+ }
+ # Sometimes we get -1 on Windows. Presumably that means status not
+ # available.
+ $status = 0 if $IS_WIN32 && $status == -1;
+ $self->{wait} = $status;
+ $self->{exit} = $self->_wait2exit($status);
+ if ( my $teardown = $self->{teardown} ) {
+ $teardown->();
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<get_select_handles>
+Return a list of filehandles that may be used upstream in a select()
+call to signal that this Iterator is ready. Iterators that are not
+handle based should return an empty list.
+sub get_select_handles {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return grep $_, ( $self->{out}, $self->{err} );
+Originally ripped off from L<Test::Harness>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..32c05508e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Iterator';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream - Iterator for filehandle-based TAP sources
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream;
+ open( TEST, 'test.tap' );
+ my $it = TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream->new(\*TEST);
+ my $line = $it->next;
+This is a simple iterator wrapper for reading from filehandles, used by
+L<TAP::Parser>. Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Create an iterator. Expects one argument containing a filehandle.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $thing ) = @_;
+ $self->{fh} = $thing;
+ return $self;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<next>
+Iterate through it, of course.
+=head3 C<next_raw>
+Iterate raw input without applying any fixes for quirky input syntax.
+=head3 C<wait>
+Get the wait status for this iterator. Always returns zero.
+=head3 C<exit>
+Get the exit status for this iterator. Always returns zero.
+sub wait { shift->exit }
+sub exit { shift->{fh} ? () : 0 }
+sub next_raw {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = $self->{fh};
+ if ( defined( my $line = <$fh> ) ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ return $line;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_finish;
+ return;
+ }
+sub _finish {
+ my $self = shift;
+ close delete $self->{fh};
+Originally ripped off from L<Test::Harness>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3a46a50ec55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+package TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+use Carp qw( confess );
+use File::Basename qw( fileparse );
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+use constant handlers => [];
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory - Figures out which SourceHandler objects to use for a given Source
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;
+ my $factory = TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory->new({ %config });
+ my $iterator = $factory->make_iterator( $filename );
+This is a factory class that takes a L<TAP::Parser::Source> and runs it through all the
+registered L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s to see which one should handle the source.
+If you're a plugin author, you'll be interested in how to L</register_handler>s,
+how L</detect_source> works.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Creates a new factory class:
+ my $sf = TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory->new( $config );
+C<$config> is optional. If given, sets L</config> and calls L</load_handlers>.
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $config ) = @_;
+ $self->config( $config || {} )->load_handlers;
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<register_handler>
+Registers a new L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> with this factory.
+ __PACKAGE__->register_handler( $handler_class );
+=head3 C<handlers>
+List of handlers that have been registered.
+sub register_handler {
+ my ( $class, $dclass ) = @_;
+ confess("$dclass must implement can_handle & make_iterator methods!")
+ unless UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'can_handle' )
+ && UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'make_iterator' );
+ my $handlers = $class->handlers;
+ push @{$handlers}, $dclass
+ unless grep { $_ eq $dclass } @{$handlers};
+ return $class;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<config>
+ my $cfg = $sf->config;
+ $sf->config({ Perl => { %config } });
+Chaining getter/setter for the configuration of the available source handlers.
+This is a hashref keyed on handler class whose values contain config to be passed
+onto the handlers during detection & creation. Class names may be fully qualified
+or abbreviated, eg:
+ # these are equivalent
+ $sf->config({ 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl' => { %config } });
+ $sf->config({ 'Perl' => { %config } });
+sub config {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{config} unless @_;
+ unless ( 'HASH' eq ref $_[0] ) {
+ $self->_croak('Argument to &config must be a hash reference');
+ }
+ $self->{config} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub _last_handler {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{last_handler} unless @_;
+ $self->{last_handler} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub _testing {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{testing} unless @_;
+ $self->{testing} = shift;
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<load_handlers>
+ $sf->load_handlers;
+Loads the handler classes defined in L</config>. For example, given a config:
+ $sf->config({
+ MySourceHandler => { some => 'config' },
+ });
+C<load_handlers> will attempt to load the C<MySourceHandler> class by looking in
+C<@INC> for it in this order:
+ TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::MySourceHandler
+ MySourceHandler
+C<croak>s on error.
+sub load_handlers {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ for my $handler ( keys %{ $self->config } ) {
+ my $sclass = $self->_load_handler($handler);
+ # TODO: store which class we loaded anywhere?
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub _load_handler {
+ my ( $self, $handler ) = @_;
+ my @errors;
+ for my $dclass ( "TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::$handler", $handler ) {
+ return $dclass
+ if UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'can_handle' )
+ && UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'make_iterator' );
+ eval "use $dclass";
+ if ( my $e = $@ ) {
+ push @errors, $e;
+ next;
+ }
+ return $dclass
+ if UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'can_handle' )
+ && UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'make_iterator' );
+ push @errors,
+ "handler '$dclass' does not implement can_handle & make_iterator";
+ }
+ $self->_croak(
+ "Cannot load handler '$handler': " . join( "\n", @errors ) );
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $src_factory->make_iterator( $source );
+Given a L<TAP::Parser::Source>, finds the most suitable L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>
+to use to create a L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> (see L</detect_source>). Dies on error.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
+ $self->_croak('no raw source defined!') unless defined $source->raw;
+ $source->config( $self->config )->assemble_meta;
+ # is the raw source already an object?
+ return $source->raw
+ if ( $source->meta->{is_object}
+ && UNIVERSAL::isa( $source->raw, 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler' ) );
+ # figure out what kind of source it is
+ my $sd_class = $self->detect_source($source);
+ $self->_last_handler($sd_class);
+ return if $self->_testing;
+ # create it
+ my $iterator = $sd_class->make_iterator($source);
+ return $iterator;
+=head3 C<detect_source>
+Given a L<TAP::Parser::Source>, detects what kind of source it is and
+returns I<one> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> (the most confident one). Dies
+on error.
+The detection algorithm works something like this:
+ for (@registered_handlers) {
+ # ask them how confident they are about handling this source
+ $confidence{$handler} = $handler->can_handle( $source )
+ }
+ # choose the most confident handler
+Ties are handled by choosing the first handler.
+sub detect_source {
+ my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
+ confess('no raw source ref defined!') unless defined $source->raw;
+ # find a list of handlers that can handle this source:
+ my %handlers;
+ for my $dclass ( @{ $self->handlers } ) {
+ my $confidence = $dclass->can_handle($source);
+ # warn "handler: $dclass: $confidence\n";
+ $handlers{$dclass} = $confidence if $confidence;
+ }
+ if ( !%handlers ) {
+ # use Data::Dump qw( pp );
+ # warn pp( $meta );
+ # error: can't detect source
+ my $raw_source_short = substr( ${ $source->raw }, 0, 50 );
+ confess("Cannot detect source of '$raw_source_short'!");
+ return;
+ }
+ # if multiple handlers can handle it, choose the most confident one
+ my @handlers = (
+ map {$_}
+ sort { $handlers{$a} cmp $handlers{$b} }
+ keys %handlers
+ );
+ # this is really useful for debugging handlers:
+ warn(
+ "votes: ",
+ join( ', ', map {"$_: $handlers{$_}"} @handlers ),
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ # return 1st
+ return pop @handlers;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head2 Example
+If we've done things right, you'll probably want to write a new source,
+rather than sub-classing this (see L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> for that).
+But in case you find the need to...
+ package MyIteratorFactory;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA';
+ use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;
+ @ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory );
+ # override source detection algorithm
+ sub detect_source {
+ my ($self, $raw_source_ref, $meta) = @_;
+ # do detective work, using $meta and whatever else...
+ }
+ 1;
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Steve Purkis
+Originally ripped off from L<Test::Harness>.
+Moved out of L<TAP::Parser> & converted to a factory class to support
+extensible TAP source detective work by Steve Purkis.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..306bbb975ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Multiplexer;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use IO::Select;
+use TAP::Object ();
+use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/;
+use constant IS_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS';
+use constant SELECT_OK => !( IS_VMS || IS_WIN32 );
+@ISA = 'TAP::Object';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Multiplexer - Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Multiplexer;
+ my $mux = TAP::Parser::Multiplexer->new;
+ $mux->add( $parser1, $stash1 );
+ $mux->add( $parser2, $stash2 );
+ while ( my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next ) {
+ # do stuff
+ }
+C<TAP::Parser::Multiplexer> gathers input from multiple TAP::Parsers.
+Internally it calls select on the input file handles for those parsers
+to wait for one or more of them to have input available.
+See L<TAP::Harness> for an example of its use.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $mux = TAP::Parser::Multiplexer->new;
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Multiplexer> object.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{select} = IO::Select->new;
+ $self->{avid} = []; # Parsers that can't select
+ $self->{count} = 0;
+ return $self;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<add>
+ $mux->add( $parser, $stash );
+Add a TAP::Parser to the multiplexer. C<$stash> is an optional opaque
+reference that will be returned from C<next> along with the parser and
+the next result.
+sub add {
+ my ( $self, $parser, $stash ) = @_;
+ if ( SELECT_OK && ( my @handles = $parser->get_select_handles ) ) {
+ my $sel = $self->{select};
+ # We have to turn handles into file numbers here because by
+ # the time we want to remove them from our IO::Select they
+ # will already have been closed by the iterator.
+ my @filenos = map { fileno $_ } @handles;
+ for my $h (@handles) {
+ $sel->add( [ $h, $parser, $stash, @filenos ] );
+ }
+ $self->{count}++;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $self->{avid} }, [ $parser, $stash ];
+ }
+=head3 C<parsers>
+ my $count = $mux->parsers;
+Returns the number of parsers. Parsers are removed from the multiplexer
+when their input is exhausted.
+sub parsers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{count} + scalar @{ $self->{avid} };
+sub _iter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sel = $self->{select};
+ my $avid = $self->{avid};
+ my @ready = ();
+ return sub {
+ # Drain all the non-selectable parsers first
+ if (@$avid) {
+ my ( $parser, $stash ) = @{ $avid->[0] };
+ my $result = $parser->next;
+ shift @$avid unless defined $result;
+ return ( $parser, $stash, $result );
+ }
+ unless (@ready) {
+ return unless $sel->count;
+ @ready = $sel->can_read;
+ }
+ my ( $h, $parser, $stash, @handles ) = @{ shift @ready };
+ my $result = $parser->next;
+ unless ( defined $result ) {
+ $sel->remove(@handles);
+ $self->{count}--;
+ # Force another can_read - we may now have removed a handle
+ # thought to have been ready.
+ @ready = ();
+ }
+ return ( $parser, $stash, $result );
+ };
+=head3 C<next>
+Return a result from the next available parser. Returns a list
+containing the parser from which the result came, the stash that
+corresponds with that parser and the result.
+ my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next;
+If C<$result> is undefined the corresponding parser has reached the end
+of its input (and will automatically be removed from the multiplexer).
+When all parsers are exhausted an empty list will be returned.
+ if ( my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next ) {
+ if ( ! defined $result ) {
+ # End of this parser
+ }
+ else {
+ # Process result
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # All parsers finished
+ }
+sub next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ( $self->{_iter} ||= $self->_iter )->();
+=head1 See Also
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..2f1e8201df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+@ISA = 'TAP::Object';
+ # make is_* methods
+ my @attrs = qw( plan pragma test comment bailout version unknown yaml );
+ no strict 'refs';
+ for my $token (@attrs) {
+ my $method = "is_$token";
+ *$method = sub { return $token eq shift->type };
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result - Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # abstract class - not meany to be used directly
+ # see TAP::Parser::ResultFactory for preferred usage
+ # directly:
+ use TAP::Parser::Result;
+ my $token = {...};
+ my $result = TAP::Parser::Result->new( $token );
+This is a simple base class used by L<TAP::Parser> to store objects that
+represent the current bit of test output data from TAP (usually a single
+line). Unless you're subclassing, you probably won't need to use this module
+=head2 METHODS
+=head3 C<new>
+ # see TAP::Parser::ResultFactory for preferred usage
+ # to use directly:
+ my $result = TAP::Parser::Result->new($token);
+Returns an instance the appropriate class for the test token passed in.
+# new() implementation provided by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $token ) = @_;
+ if ($token) {
+ # assign to a hash slice to make a shallow copy of the token.
+ # I guess we could assign to the hash as (by default) there are not
+ # contents, but that seems less helpful if someone wants to subclass us
+ @{$self}{ keys %$token } = values %$token;
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 Boolean methods
+The following methods all return a boolean value and are to be overridden in
+the appropriate subclass.
+=over 4
+=item * C<is_plan>
+Indicates whether or not this is the test plan line.
+ 1..3
+=item * C<is_pragma>
+Indicates whether or not this is a pragma line.
+ pragma +strict
+=item * C<is_test>
+Indicates whether or not this is a test line.
+ ok 1 Is OK!
+=item * C<is_comment>
+Indicates whether or not this is a comment.
+ # this is a comment
+=item * C<is_bailout>
+Indicates whether or not this is bailout line.
+ Bail out! We're out of dilithium crystals.
+=item * C<is_version>
+Indicates whether or not this is a TAP version line.
+ TAP version 4
+=item * C<is_unknown>
+Indicates whether or not the current line could be parsed.
+ ... this line is junk ...
+=item * C<is_yaml>
+Indicates whether or not this is a YAML chunk.
+=head3 C<raw>
+ print $result->raw;
+Returns the original line of text which was parsed.
+sub raw { shift->{raw} }
+=head3 C<type>
+ my $type = $result->type;
+Returns the "type" of a token, such as C<comment> or C<test>.
+sub type { shift->{type} }
+=head3 C<as_string>
+ print $result->as_string;
+Prints a string representation of the token. This might not be the exact
+output, however. Tests will have test numbers added if not present, TODO and
+SKIP directives will be capitalized and, in general, things will be cleaned
+up. If you need the original text for the token, see the C<raw> method.
+sub as_string { shift->{raw} }
+=head3 C<is_ok>
+ if ( $result->is_ok ) { ... }
+Reports whether or not a given result has passed. Anything which is B<not> a
+test result returns true. This is merely provided as a convenient shortcut.
+sub is_ok {1}
+=head3 C<passed>
+Deprecated. Please use C<is_ok> instead.
+sub passed {
+ warn 'passed() is deprecated. Please use "is_ok()"';
+ shift->is_ok;
+=head3 C<has_directive>
+ if ( $result->has_directive ) {
+ ...
+ }
+Indicates whether or not the given result has a TODO or SKIP directive.
+sub has_directive {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ( $self->has_todo || $self->has_skip );
+=head3 C<has_todo>
+ if ( $result->has_todo ) {
+ ...
+ }
+Indicates whether or not the given result has a TODO directive.
+sub has_todo { 'TODO' eq ( shift->{directive} || '' ) }
+=head3 C<has_skip>
+ if ( $result->has_skip ) {
+ ...
+ }
+Indicates whether or not the given result has a SKIP directive.
+sub has_skip { 'SKIP' eq ( shift->{directive} || '' ) }
+=head3 C<set_directive>
+Set the directive associated with this token. Used internally to fake
+TODO tests.
+sub set_directive {
+ my ( $self, $dir ) = @_;
+ $self->{directive} = $dir;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+Remember: if you want your subclass to be automatically used by the parser,
+you'll have to register it with L<TAP::Parser::ResultFactory/register_type>.
+If you're creating a completely new result I<type>, you'll probably need to
+subclass L<TAP::Parser::Grammar> too, or else it'll never get used.
+=head2 Example
+ package MyResult;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA';
+ @ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+ # register with the factory:
+ TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->register_type( 'my_type' => __PACKAGE__ );
+ sub as_string { 'My results all look the same' }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..383b37b695d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout - Bailout result token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a bail out line is encountered.
+ 1..5
+ ok 1 - woo hooo!
+ Bail out! Well, so much for "woo hooo!"
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<explanation>
+ if ( $result->is_bailout ) {
+ my $explanation = $result->explanation;
+ print "We bailed out because ($explanation)";
+ }
+If, and only if, a token is a bailout token, you can get an "explanation" via
+this method. The explanation is the text after the mystical "Bail out!" words
+which appear in the tap output.
+sub explanation { shift->{bailout} }
+sub as_string { shift->{bailout} }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f3b8ced10ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Comment;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Comment - Comment result token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a comment line is encountered.
+ 1..1
+ ok 1 - woo hooo!
+ # this is a comment
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+Note that this method merely returns the comment preceded by a '# '.
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<comment>
+ if ( $result->is_comment ) {
+ my $comment = $result->comment;
+ print "I have something to say: $comment";
+ }
+sub comment { shift->{comment} }
+sub as_string { shift->{raw} }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d43275d204f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Plan;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Plan - Plan result token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a plan line is encountered.
+ 1..1
+ ok 1 - woo hooo!
+C<1..1> is the plan. Gotta have a plan.
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+=item * C<raw>
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<plan>
+ if ( $result->is_plan ) {
+ print $result->plan;
+ }
+This is merely a synonym for C<as_string>.
+sub plan { '1..' . shift->{tests_planned} }
+=head3 C<tests_planned>
+ my $planned = $result->tests_planned;
+Returns the number of tests planned. For example, a plan of C<1..17> will
+cause this method to return '17'.
+sub tests_planned { shift->{tests_planned} }
+=head3 C<directive>
+ my $directive = $plan->directive;
+If a SKIP directive is included with the plan, this method will return it.
+ 1..0 # SKIP: why bother?
+sub directive { shift->{directive} }
+=head3 C<has_skip>
+ if ( $result->has_skip ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test has a SKIP
+=head3 C<explanation>
+ my $explanation = $plan->explanation;
+If a SKIP directive was included with the plan, this method will return the
+explanation, if any.
+sub explanation { shift->{explanation} }
+=head3 C<todo_list>
+ my $todo = $result->todo_list;
+ for ( @$todo ) {
+ ...
+ }
+sub todo_list { shift->{todo_list} }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..40feca71336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma - TAP pragma token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a pragma is encountered.
+ TAP version 13
+ pragma +strict, -foo
+Pragmas are only supported from TAP version 13 onwards.
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+=item * C<raw>
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<pragmas>
+if ( $result->is_pragma ) {
+ @pragmas = $result->pragmas;
+sub pragmas {
+ my @pragmas = @{ shift->{pragmas} };
+ return wantarray ? @pragmas : \@pragmas;
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..953aae3463f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Test;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Test - Test result token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a test line is encountered.
+ 1..1
+ ok 1 - woo hooo!
+This class is the workhorse of the L<TAP::Parser> system. Most TAP lines will
+be test lines and if C<< $result->is_test >>, then you have a bunch of methods
+at your disposal.
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<ok>
+ my $ok = $result->ok;
+Returns the literal text of the C<ok> or C<not ok> status.
+sub ok { shift->{ok} }
+=head3 C<number>
+ my $test_number = $result->number;
+Returns the number of the test, even if the original TAP output did not supply
+that number.
+sub number { shift->{test_num} }
+sub _number {
+ my ( $self, $number ) = @_;
+ $self->{test_num} = $number;
+=head3 C<description>
+ my $description = $result->description;
+Returns the description of the test, if any. This is the portion after the
+test number but before the directive.
+sub description { shift->{description} }
+=head3 C<directive>
+ my $directive = $result->directive;
+Returns either C<TODO> or C<SKIP> if either directive was present for a test
+sub directive { shift->{directive} }
+=head3 C<explanation>
+ my $explanation = $result->explanation;
+If a test had either a C<TODO> or C<SKIP> directive, this method will return
+the accompanying explantion, if present.
+ not ok 17 - 'Pigs can fly' # TODO not enough acid
+For the above line, the explanation is I<not enough acid>.
+sub explanation { shift->{explanation} }
+=head3 C<is_ok>
+ if ( $result->is_ok ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the test passed. Remember
+that for TODO tests, the test always passes.
+If the test is unplanned, this method will always return false. See
+sub is_ok {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return if $self->is_unplanned;
+ # TODO directives reverse the sense of a test.
+ return $self->has_todo ? 1 : $self->ok !~ /not/;
+=head3 C<is_actual_ok>
+ if ( $result->is_actual_ok ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the test passed, regardless
+of its TODO status.
+sub is_actual_ok {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{ok} !~ /not/;
+=head3 C<actual_passed>
+Deprecated. Please use C<is_actual_ok> instead.
+sub actual_passed {
+ warn 'actual_passed() is deprecated. Please use "is_actual_ok()"';
+ goto &is_actual_ok;
+=head3 C<todo_passed>
+ if ( $test->todo_passed ) {
+ # test unexpectedly succeeded
+ }
+If this is a TODO test and an 'ok' line, this method returns true.
+Otherwise, it will always return false (regardless of passing status on
+non-todo tests).
+This is used to track which tests unexpectedly succeeded.
+sub todo_passed {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->has_todo && $self->is_actual_ok;
+=head3 C<todo_failed>
+ # deprecated in favor of 'todo_passed'. This method was horribly misnamed.
+This was a badly misnamed method. It indicates which TODO tests unexpectedly
+succeeded. Will now issue a warning and call C<todo_passed>.
+sub todo_failed {
+ warn 'todo_failed() is deprecated. Please use "todo_passed()"';
+ goto &todo_passed;
+=head3 C<has_skip>
+ if ( $result->has_skip ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test has a SKIP
+=head3 C<has_todo>
+ if ( $result->has_todo ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test has a TODO
+=head3 C<as_string>
+ print $result->as_string;
+This method prints the test as a string. It will probably be similar, but
+not necessarily identical, to the original test line. Directives are
+capitalized, some whitespace may be trimmed and a test number will be added if
+it was not present in the original line. If you need the original text of the
+test line, use the C<raw> method.
+sub as_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $string = $self->ok . " " . $self->number;
+ if ( my $description = $self->description ) {
+ $string .= " $description";
+ }
+ if ( my $directive = $self->directive ) {
+ my $explanation = $self->explanation;
+ $string .= " # $directive $explanation";
+ }
+ return $string;
+=head3 C<is_unplanned>
+ if ( $test->is_unplanned ) { ... }
+ $test->is_unplanned(1);
+If a test number is greater than the number of planned tests, this method will
+return true. Unplanned tests will I<always> return false for C<is_ok>,
+regardless of whether or not the test C<has_todo>.
+Note that if tests have a trailing plan, it is not possible to set this
+property for unplanned tests as we do not know it's unplanned until the plan
+is reached:
+ print <<'END';
+ ok 1
+ ok 2
+ 1..1
+sub is_unplanned {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ( $self->{unplanned} || '' ) unless @_;
+ $self->{unplanned} = !!shift;
+ return $self;
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f225ca19eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown - Unknown result token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if the parser does not recognize the token line. For example:
+ 1..5
+ ok 1 - woo hooo!
+ ... woo hooo! is cool!
+In the above "TAP", the second and fourth lines will generate "Unknown"
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+=item * C<raw>
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..bfb78e5e8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::Version;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::Version - TAP syntax version token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a version line is encountered.
+ TAP version 13
+ ok 1
+ not ok 2
+The first version of TAP to include an explicit version number is 13.
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+=item * C<raw>
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<version>
+ if ( $result->is_version ) {
+ print $result->version;
+ }
+This is merely a synonym for C<as_string>.
+sub version { shift->{version} }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8b3c20ea305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Result::YAML;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::Result;
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Result::YAML - YAML result token.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. A token of this class will be
+returned if a YAML block is encountered.
+ 1..1
+ ok 1 - woo hooo!
+C<1..1> is the plan. Gotta have a plan.
+Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests.
+They keep me awake at night.
+=over 4
+=item * C<as_string>
+=item * C<raw>
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<data>
+ if ( $result->is_yaml ) {
+ print $result->data;
+ }
+Return the parsed YAML data for this result
+sub data { shift->{data} }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..99bbeeeb038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+package TAP::Parser::ResultFactory;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %CLASS_FOR);
+use TAP::Object ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Comment ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Plan ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Test ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::Version ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result::YAML ();
+@ISA = 'TAP::Object';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::ResultFactory - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::ResultFactory;
+ my $token = {...};
+ my $factory = TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->new;
+ my $result = $factory->make_result( $token );
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+This is a simple factory class which returns a L<TAP::Parser::Result> subclass
+representing the current bit of test data from TAP (usually a single line).
+It is used primarily by L<TAP::Parser::Grammar>. Unless you're subclassing,
+you probably won't need to use this module directly.
+=head2 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Creates a new factory class.
+I<Note:> You currently don't need to instantiate a factory in order to use it.
+=head3 C<make_result>
+Returns an instance the appropriate class for the test token passed in.
+ my $result = TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->make_result($token);
+Can also be called as an instance method.
+sub make_result {
+ my ( $proto, $token ) = @_;
+ my $type = $token->{type};
+ return $proto->class_for($type)->new($token);
+=head3 C<class_for>
+Takes one argument: C<$type>. Returns the class for this $type, or C<croak>s
+with an error.
+=head3 C<register_type>
+Takes two arguments: C<$type>, C<$class>
+This lets you override an existing type with your own custom type, or register
+a completely new type, eg:
+ # create a custom result type:
+ package MyResult;
+ use strict;
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ @ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';
+ # register with the factory:
+ TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->register_type( 'my_type' => __PACKAGE__ );
+ # use it:
+ my $r = TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->( { type => 'my_type' } );
+Your custom type should then be picked up automatically by the L<TAP::Parser>.
+ %CLASS_FOR = (
+ plan => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan',
+ pragma => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma',
+ test => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test',
+ comment => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment',
+ bailout => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout',
+ version => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version',
+ unknown => 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown',
+ yaml => 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML',
+ );
+sub class_for {
+ my ( $class, $type ) = @_;
+ # return target class:
+ return $CLASS_FOR{$type} if exists $CLASS_FOR{$type};
+ # or complain:
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("Could not determine class for result type '$type'");
+sub register_type {
+ my ( $class, $type, $rclass ) = @_;
+ # register it blindly, assume they know what they're doing
+ $CLASS_FOR{$type} = $rclass;
+ return $class;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+There are a few things to bear in mind when creating your own
+=over 4
+=item 1
+The factory itself is never instantiated (this I<may> change in the future).
+This means that C<_initialize> is never called.
+=item 2
+C<TAP::Parser::Result-E<gt>new> is never called, $tokens are reblessed.
+This I<will> change in a future version!
+=item 3
+L<TAP::Parser::Result> subclasses will register themselves with
+L<TAP::Parser::ResultFactory> directly:
+ package MyFooResult;
+ TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->register_type( foo => __PACKAGE__ );
+Of course, it's up to you to decide whether or not to ignore them.
+=head2 Example
+ package MyResultFactory;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA';
+ use MyResult;
+ use TAP::Parser::ResultFactory;
+ @ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::ResultFactory );
+ # force all results to be 'MyResult'
+ sub class_for {
+ return 'MyResult';
+ }
+ 1;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
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new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..031c5993c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Scheduler;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Carp;
+use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job;
+use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner;
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Scheduler - Schedule tests during parallel testing
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Scheduler;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $sched = TAP::Parser::Scheduler->new;
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Scheduler> object.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ croak "Need a number of key, value pairs" if @_ % 2;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $tests = delete $args{tests} || croak "Need a 'tests' argument";
+ my $rules = delete $args{rules} || { par => '**' };
+ croak "Unknown arg(s): ", join ', ', sort keys %args
+ if keys %args;
+ # Turn any simple names into a name, description pair. TODO: Maybe
+ # construct jobs here?
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->_set_rules( $rules, $tests );
+ return $self;
+# Build the scheduler data structure.
+# The nested arrays are the key to scheduling. The outer array contains
+# a list of things that may be executed in parallel. Whenever an
+# eligible job is sought any element of the outer array that is ready to
+# execute can be selected. The inner arrays represent sequential
+# execution. They can only proceed when the first job is ready to run.
+sub _set_rules {
+ my ( $self, $rules, $tests ) = @_;
+ my @tests = map { TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job->new(@$_) }
+ map { 'ARRAY' eq ref $_ ? $_ : [ $_, $_ ] } @$tests;
+ my $schedule = $self->_rule_clause( $rules, \@tests );
+ # If any tests are left add them as a sequential block at the end of
+ # the run.
+ $schedule = [ [ $schedule, @tests ] ] if @tests;
+ $self->{schedule} = $schedule;
+sub _rule_clause {
+ my ( $self, $rule, $tests ) = @_;
+ croak 'Rule clause must be a hash'
+ unless 'HASH' eq ref $rule;
+ my @type = keys %$rule;
+ croak 'Rule clause must have exactly one key'
+ unless @type == 1;
+ my %handlers = (
+ par => sub {
+ [ map { [$_] } @_ ];
+ },
+ seq => sub { [ [@_] ] },
+ );
+ my $handler = $handlers{ $type[0] }
+ || croak 'Unknown scheduler type: ', $type[0];
+ my $val = $rule->{ $type[0] };
+ return $handler->(
+ map {
+ 'HASH' eq ref $_
+ ? $self->_rule_clause( $_, $tests )
+ : $self->_expand( $_, $tests )
+ } 'ARRAY' eq ref $val ? @$val : $val
+ );
+sub _glob_to_regexp {
+ my ( $self, $glob ) = @_;
+ my $nesting;
+ my $pattern;
+ while (1) {
+ if ( $glob =~ /\G\*\*/gc ) {
+ # ** is any number of characters, including /, within a pathname
+ $pattern .= '.*?';
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G\*/gc ) {
+ # * is zero or more characters within a filename/directory name
+ $pattern .= '[^/]*';
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G\?/gc ) {
+ # ? is exactly one character within a filename/directory name
+ $pattern .= '[^/]';
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G\{/gc ) {
+ # {foo,bar,baz} is any of foo, bar or baz.
+ $pattern .= '(?:';
+ ++$nesting;
+ }
+ elsif ( $nesting and $glob =~ /\G,/gc ) {
+ # , is only special inside {}
+ $pattern .= '|';
+ }
+ elsif ( $nesting and $glob =~ /\G\}/gc ) {
+ # } that matches { is special. But unbalanced } are not.
+ $pattern .= ')';
+ --$nesting;
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G(\\.)/gc ) {
+ # A quoted literal
+ $pattern .= $1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $glob =~ /\G([\},])/gc ) {
+ # Sometimes meta characters
+ $pattern .= '\\' . $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Eat everything that is not a meta character.
+ $glob =~ /\G([^{?*\\\},]*)/gc;
+ $pattern .= quotemeta $1;
+ }
+ return $pattern if pos $glob == length $glob;
+ }
+sub _expand {
+ my ( $self, $name, $tests ) = @_;
+ my $pattern = $self->_glob_to_regexp($name);
+ $pattern = qr/^ $pattern $/x;
+ my @match = ();
+ for ( my $ti = 0; $ti < @$tests; $ti++ ) {
+ if ( $tests->[$ti]->filename =~ $pattern ) {
+ push @match, splice @$tests, $ti, 1;
+ $ti--;
+ }
+ }
+ return @match;
+=head3 C<get_all>
+Get a list of all remaining tests.
+sub get_all {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @all = $self->_gather( $self->{schedule} );
+ $self->{count} = @all;
+ @all;
+sub _gather {
+ my ( $self, $rule ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $rule;
+ return $rule unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $rule;
+ return map { defined() ? $self->_gather($_) : () } map {@$_} @$rule;
+=head3 C<get_job>
+Return the next available job or C<undef> if none are available. Returns
+a C<TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner> if the scheduler still has pending
+jobs but none are available to run right now.
+sub get_job {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{count} ||= $self->get_all;
+ my @jobs = $self->_find_next_job( $self->{schedule} );
+ if (@jobs) {
+ --$self->{count};
+ return $jobs[0];
+ }
+ return TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner->new
+ if $self->{count};
+ return;
+sub _not_empty {
+ my $ar = shift;
+ return 1 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $ar;
+ for (@$ar) {
+ return 1 if _not_empty($_);
+ }
+ return;
+sub _is_empty { !_not_empty(@_) }
+sub _find_next_job {
+ my ( $self, $rule ) = @_;
+ my @queue = ();
+ my $index = 0;
+ while ( $index < @$rule ) {
+ my $seq = $rule->[$index];
+ # Prune any exhausted items.
+ shift @$seq while @$seq && _is_empty( $seq->[0] );
+ if (@$seq) {
+ if ( defined $seq->[0] ) {
+ if ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $seq->[0] ) {
+ push @queue, $seq;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $job = splice @$seq, 0, 1, undef;
+ $job->on_finish( sub { shift @$seq } );
+ return $job;
+ }
+ }
+ ++$index;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Remove the empty sub-array from the array
+ splice @$rule, $index, 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $seq (@queue) {
+ if ( my @jobs = $self->_find_next_job( $seq->[0] ) ) {
+ return @jobs;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+=head3 C<as_string>
+Return a human readable representation of the scheduling tree.
+sub as_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->_as_string( $self->{schedule} );
+sub _as_string {
+ my ( $self, $rule, $depth ) = ( shift, shift, shift || 0 );
+ my $pad = ' ' x 2;
+ my $indent = $pad x $depth;
+ if ( !defined $rule ) {
+ return "$indent(undef)\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $rule ) {
+ return unless @$rule;
+ my $type = ( 'par', 'seq' )[ $depth % 2 ];
+ return join(
+ '', "$indent$type:\n",
+ map { $self->_as_string( $_, $depth + 1 ) } @$rule
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ return "$indent'" . $rule->filename . "'\n";
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..db04a077ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job - A single testing job.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job;
+Represents a single test 'job'.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $job = TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job->new(
+ $name, $desc
+ );
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job> object.
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, $name, $desc, @ctx ) = @_;
+ return bless {
+ filename => $name,
+ description => $desc,
+ @ctx ? ( context => \@ctx ) : (),
+ }, $class;
+=head3 C<on_finish>
+Register a closure to be called when this job is destroyed.
+sub on_finish {
+ my ( $self, $cb ) = @_;
+ $self->{on_finish} = $cb;
+=head3 C<finish>
+Called when a job is complete to unlock it.
+sub finish {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( my $cb = $self->{on_finish} ) {
+ $cb->($self);
+ }
+=head3 C<filename>
+=head3 C<description>
+=head3 C<context>
+sub filename { shift->{filename} }
+sub description { shift->{description} }
+sub context { @{ shift->{context} || [] } }
+=head3 C<as_array_ref>
+For backwards compatibility in callbacks.
+sub as_array_ref {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return [ $self->filename, $self->description, $self->{context} ||= [] ];
+=head3 C<is_spinner>
+Returns false indicating that this is a real job rather than a
+'spinner'. Spinners are returned when the scheduler still has pending
+jobs but can't (because of locking) return one right now.
+sub is_spinner {0}
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..04884ff5aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner - A no-op job.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner;
+A no-op job. Returned by C<TAP::Parser::Scheduler> as an instruction to
+the harness to spin (keep executing tests) while the scheduler can't
+return a real job.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $job = TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner->new;
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner> object.
+sub new { bless {}, shift }
+=head3 C<is_spinner>
+Returns true indicating that is a 'spinner' job. Spinners are returned
+when the scheduler still has pending jobs but can't (because of locking)
+return one right now.
+sub is_spinner {1}
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new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1dd77c0351b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Source;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+use File::Basename qw( fileparse );
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Source - a TAP source & meta data about it
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new;
+ $source->raw( \'reference to raw TAP source' )
+ ->config( \%config )
+ ->merge( $boolean )
+ ->switches( \@switches )
+ ->test_args( \@args )
+ ->assemble_meta;
+ do { ... } if $source->meta->{is_file};
+ # see assemble_meta for a full list of data available
+A TAP I<source> is something that produces a stream of TAP for the parser to
+consume, such as an executable file, a text file, an archive, an IO handle, a
+database, etc. C<TAP::Parser::Source>s encapsulate these I<raw> sources, and
+provide some useful meta data about them. They are used by
+L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s, which do whatever is required to produce &
+capture a stream of TAP from the I<raw> source, and package it up in a
+L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> for the parser to consume.
+Unless you're writing a new L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>, a plugin or
+subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new;
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Source> object.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->meta( {} );
+ $self->config( {} );
+ return $self;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<raw>
+ my $raw = $source->raw;
+ $source->raw( $some_value );
+Chaining getter/setter for the raw TAP source. This is a reference, as it may
+contain large amounts of data (eg: raw TAP).
+=head3 C<meta>
+ my $meta = $source->meta;
+ $source->meta({ %some_value });
+Chaining getter/setter for meta data about the source. This defaults to an
+empty hashref. See L</assemble_meta> for more info.
+=head3 C<has_meta>
+True if the source has meta data.
+=head3 C<config>
+ my $config = $source->config;
+ $source->config({ %some_value });
+Chaining getter/setter for the source's configuration, if any has been provided
+by the user. How it's used is up to you. This defaults to an empty hashref.
+See L</config_for> for more info.
+=head3 C<merge>
+ my $merge = $source->merge;
+ $source->config( $bool );
+Chaining getter/setter for the flag that dictates whether STDOUT and STDERR
+should be merged (where appropriate). Defaults to undef.
+=head3 C<switches>
+ my $switches = $source->switches;
+ $source->config([ @switches ]);
+Chaining getter/setter for the list of command-line switches that should be
+passed to the source (where appropriate). Defaults to undef.
+=head3 C<test_args>
+ my $test_args = $source->test_args;
+ $source->config([ @test_args ]);
+Chaining getter/setter for the list of command-line arguments that should be
+passed to the source (where appropriate). Defaults to undef.
+sub raw {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{raw} unless @_;
+ $self->{raw} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub meta {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{meta} unless @_;
+ $self->{meta} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub has_meta {
+ return scalar %{ shift->meta } ? 1 : 0;
+sub config {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{config} unless @_;
+ $self->{config} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub merge {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{merge} unless @_;
+ $self->{merge} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub switches {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{switches} unless @_;
+ $self->{switches} = shift;
+ return $self;
+sub test_args {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{test_args} unless @_;
+ $self->{test_args} = shift;
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<assemble_meta>
+ my $meta = $source->assemble_meta;
+Gathers meta data about the L</raw> source, stashes it in L</meta> and returns
+it as a hashref. This is done so that the L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s don't
+have to repeat common checks. Currently this includes:
+ is_scalar => $bool,
+ is_hash => $bool,
+ is_array => $bool,
+ # for scalars:
+ length => $n
+ has_newlines => $bool
+ # only done if the scalar looks like a filename
+ is_file => $bool,
+ is_dir => $bool,
+ is_symlink => $bool,
+ file => {
+ # only done if the scalar looks like a filename
+ basename => $string, # including ext
+ dir => $string,
+ ext => $string,
+ lc_ext => $string,
+ # system checks
+ exists => $bool,
+ stat => [ ... ], # perldoc -f stat
+ empty => $bool,
+ size => $n,
+ text => $bool,
+ binary => $bool,
+ read => $bool,
+ write => $bool,
+ execute => $bool,
+ setuid => $bool,
+ setgid => $bool,
+ sticky => $bool,
+ is_file => $bool,
+ is_dir => $bool,
+ is_symlink => $bool,
+ # only done if the file's a symlink
+ lstat => [ ... ], # perldoc -f lstat
+ # only done if the file's a readable text file
+ shebang => $first_line,
+ }
+ # for arrays:
+ size => $n,
+sub assemble_meta {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->meta if $self->has_meta;
+ my $meta = $self->meta;
+ my $raw = $self->raw;
+ # rudimentary is object test - if it's blessed it'll
+ # inherit from UNIVERSAL
+ $meta->{is_object} = UNIVERSAL::isa( $raw, 'UNIVERSAL' ) ? 1 : 0;
+ if ( $meta->{is_object} ) {
+ $meta->{class} = ref($raw);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ref = lc( ref($raw) );
+ $meta->{"is_$ref"} = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $meta->{is_scalar} ) {
+ my $source = $$raw;
+ $meta->{length} = length($$raw);
+ $meta->{has_newlines} = $$raw =~ /\n/ ? 1 : 0;
+ # only do file checks if it looks like a filename
+ if ( !$meta->{has_newlines} and $meta->{length} < 1024 ) {
+ my $file = {};
+ $file->{exists} = -e $source ? 1 : 0;
+ if ( $file->{exists} ) {
+ $meta->{file} = $file;
+ # avoid extra system calls (see `perldoc -f -X`)
+ $file->{stat} = [ stat(_) ];
+ $file->{empty} = -z _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{size} = -s _;
+ $file->{text} = -T _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{binary} = -B _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{read} = -r _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{write} = -w _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{execute} = -x _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{setuid} = -u _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{setgid} = -g _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $file->{sticky} = -k _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $meta->{is_file} = $file->{is_file} = -f _ ? 1 : 0;
+ $meta->{is_dir} = $file->{is_dir} = -d _ ? 1 : 0;
+ # symlink check requires another system call
+ $meta->{is_symlink} = $file->{is_symlink}
+ = -l $source ? 1 : 0;
+ if ( $file->{is_symlink} ) {
+ $file->{lstat} = [ lstat(_) ];
+ }
+ # put together some common info about the file
+ ( $file->{basename}, $file->{dir}, $file->{ext} )
+ = map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' }
+ fileparse( $source, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
+ $file->{lc_ext} = lc( $file->{ext} );
+ $file->{basename} .= $file->{ext} if $file->{ext};
+ if ( $file->{text} and $file->{read} ) {
+ eval { $file->{shebang} = $self->_read_shebang($$raw); };
+ if ( my $e = $@ ) {
+ warn $e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_array} ) {
+ $meta->{size} = $#$raw + 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_hash} ) {
+ ; # do nothing
+ }
+ return $meta;
+=head3 C<shebang>
+Get the shebang line for a script file.
+ my $shebang = TAP::Parser::Source->shebang( $some_script );
+May be called as a class method
+ # Global shebang cache.
+ my %shebang_for;
+ sub _read_shebang {
+ my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
+ my $shebang;
+ local *TEST;
+ if ( open( TEST, $file ) ) {
+ $shebang = <TEST>;
+ chomp $shebang;
+ close(TEST) or die "Can't close $file. $!\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Can't open $file. $!\n";
+ }
+ return $shebang;
+ }
+ sub shebang {
+ my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
+ $shebang_for{$file} = $class->_read_shebang($file)
+ unless exists $shebang_for{$file};
+ return $shebang_for{$file};
+ }
+=head3 C<config_for>
+ my $config = $source->config_for( $class );
+Returns L</config> for the $class given. Class names may be fully qualified
+or abbreviated, eg:
+ # these are equivalent
+ $source->config_for( 'Perl' );
+ $source->config_for( 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl' );
+If a fully qualified $class is given, its abbreviated version is checked first.
+sub config_for {
+ my ( $self, $class ) = @_;
+ my ($abbrv_class) = ( $class =~ /(?:\:\:)?(\w+)$/ );
+ my $config = $self->config->{$abbrv_class} || $self->config->{$class};
+ return $config;
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Steve Purkis.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Source/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Source/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1f4f2e1428c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/Source/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Source::Perl;
+use strict;
+use Config;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use constant IS_WIN32 => ( $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/ );
+use constant IS_VMS => ( $^O eq 'VMS' );
+use TAP::Parser::Source;
+use TAP::Parser::Utils qw( split_shell );
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Source';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Source::Perl - Stream Perl output
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.17
+$VERSION = '3.17';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source::Perl;
+ my $perl = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->new;
+ my $stream = $perl->source( [ $filename, @args ] )->get_stream;
+Takes a filename and hopefully returns a stream from it. The filename should
+be the name of a Perl program.
+Note that this is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Source>. See that module for
+more methods.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $perl = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->new;
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Source::Perl> object.
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<source>
+Getter/setter the name of the test program and any arguments it requires.
+ my ($filename, @args) = @{ $perl->source };
+ $perl->source( [ $filename, @args ] );
+C<croak>s if C<$filename> could not be found.
+sub source {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_croak("Cannot find ($_[0][0])")
+ if @_ && !-f $_[0][0];
+ return $self->SUPER::source(@_);
+=head3 C<switches>
+ my $switches = $perl->switches;
+ my @switches = $perl->switches;
+ $perl->switches( \@switches );
+Getter/setter for the additional switches to pass to the perl executable. One
+common switch would be to set an include directory:
+ $perl->switches( ['-Ilib'] );
+sub switches {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless (@_) {
+ return wantarray ? @{ $self->{switches} } : $self->{switches};
+ }
+ my $switches = shift;
+ $self->{switches} = [@$switches]; # force a copy
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<get_stream>
+ my $stream = $source->get_stream($parser);
+Returns a stream of the output generated by executing C<source>. Must be
+passed an object that implements a C<make_iterator> method. Typically
+this is a TAP::Parser instance.
+sub get_stream {
+ my ( $self, $factory ) = @_;
+ my @switches = $self->_switches;
+ my $path_sep = $Config{path_sep};
+ my $path_pat = qr{$path_sep};
+ # Filter out any -I switches to be handled as libs later.
+ #
+ # Nasty kludge. It might be nicer if we got the libs separately
+ # although at least this way we find any -I switches that were
+ # supplied other then as explicit libs.
+ #
+ # We filter out any names containing colons because they will break
+ my @libs;
+ my @filtered_switches;
+ for (@switches) {
+ if ( !/$path_pat/ && / ^ ['"]? -I ['"]? (.*?) ['"]? $ /x ) {
+ push @libs, $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @filtered_switches, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ @switches = @filtered_switches;
+ my $setup = sub {
+ if (@libs) {
+ = join( $path_sep, grep {defined} @libs, $ENV{PERL5LIB} );
+ }
+ };
+ # Cargo culted from comments seen elsewhere about VMS / environment
+ # variables. I don't know if this is actually necessary.
+ my $previous = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ my $teardown = sub {
+ if ( defined $previous ) {
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $previous;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ }
+ };
+ # Taint mode ignores environment variables so we must retranslate
+ # PERL5LIB as -I switches and place PERL5OPT on the command line
+ # in order that it be seen.
+ if ( grep { $_ eq "-T" || $_ eq "-t" } @switches ) {
+ push @switches, $self->_libs2switches(@libs);
+ push @switches, split_shell( $ENV{PERL5OPT} );
+ }
+ my @command = $self->_get_command_for_switches(@switches)
+ or $self->_croak("No command found!");
+ return $factory->make_iterator(
+ { command => \@command,
+ merge => $self->merge,
+ setup => $setup,
+ teardown => $teardown,
+ }
+ );
+sub _get_command_for_switches {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @switches = @_;
+ my ( $file, @args ) = @{ $self->source };
+ my $command = $self->_get_perl;
+# XXX we never need to quote if we treat the parts as atoms (except maybe vms)
+#$file = qq["$file"] if ( $file =~ /\s/ ) && ( $file !~ /^".*"$/ );
+ my @command = ( $command, @switches, $file, @args );
+ return @command;
+sub _get_command {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->_get_command_for_switches( $self->_switches );
+sub _libs2switches {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return map {"-I$_"} grep {$_} @_;
+=head3 C<shebang>
+Get the shebang line for a script file.
+ my $shebang = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->shebang( $some_script );
+May be called as a class method
+ # Global shebang cache.
+ my %shebang_for;
+ sub _read_shebang {
+ my $file = shift;
+ local *TEST;
+ my $shebang;
+ if ( open( TEST, $file ) ) {
+ $shebang = <TEST>;
+ close(TEST) or print "Can't close $file. $!\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Can't open $file. $!\n";
+ }
+ return $shebang;
+ }
+ sub shebang {
+ my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
+ unless ( exists $shebang_for{$file} ) {
+ $shebang_for{$file} = _read_shebang($file);
+ }
+ return $shebang_for{$file};
+ }
+=head3 C<get_taint>
+Decode any taint switches from a Perl shebang line.
+ # $taint will be 't'
+ my $taint = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->get_taint( '#!/usr/bin/perl -t' );
+ # $untaint will be undefined
+ my $untaint = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->get_taint( '#!/usr/bin/perl' );
+sub get_taint {
+ my ( $class, $shebang ) = @_;
+ return
+ unless defined $shebang
+ && $shebang =~ /^#!.*\bperl.*\s-\w*([Tt]+)/;
+ return $1;
+sub _switches {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $file, @args ) = @{ $self->source };
+ my @switches = (
+ $self->switches,
+ );
+ my $shebang = $self->shebang($file);
+ return unless defined $shebang;
+ my $taint = $self->get_taint($shebang);
+ push @switches, "-$taint" if defined $taint;
+ # Quote the argument if we're VMS, since VMS will downcase anything
+ # not quoted.
+ if (IS_VMS) {
+ for (@switches) {
+ $_ = qq["$_"];
+ }
+ }
+ return @switches;
+sub _get_perl {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $ENV{HARNESS_PERL} if defined $ENV{HARNESS_PERL};
+ return Win32::GetShortPathName($^X) if IS_WIN32;
+ return $^X;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head2 Example
+ package MyPerlSource;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA';
+ use Carp qw( croak );
+ use TAP::Parser::Source::Perl;
+ @ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::Source::Perl );
+ sub source {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ if ($args) {
+ $self->{file} = $args->[0];
+ return $self->SUPER::source($args);
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::source;
+ }
+ # use the version of perl from the shebang line in the test file
+ sub _get_perl {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (my $shebang = $self->shebang( $self->{file} )) {
+ $shebang =~ /^#!(.*\bperl.*?)(?:(?:\s)|(?:$))/;
+ return $1 if $1;
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::_get_perl(@_);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c7eb160f001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler - Base class for different TAP source handlers
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # abstract class - don't use directly!
+ # see TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory for general usage
+ # must be sub-classed for use
+ package MySourceHandler;
+ use base qw( TAP::Parser::SourceHandler );
+ sub can_handle { return $confidence_level }
+ sub make_iterator { return $iterator }
+ # see example below for more details
+This is an abstract base class for L<TAP::Parser::Source> handlers / handlers.
+A C<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> does whatever is necessary to produce & capture
+a stream of TAP from the I<raw> source, and package it up in a
+L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> for the parser to consume.
+C<SourceHandlers> must implement the I<source detection & handling> interface
+used by L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory>. At 2 methods, the interface is pretty
+simple: L</can_handle> and L</make_source>.
+Unless you're writing a new L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>, a plugin, or
+subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+I<Abstract method>.
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+C<$source> is a L<TAP::Parser::Source>.
+Returns a number between C<0> & C<1> reflecting how confidently the raw source
+can be handled. For example, C<0> means the source cannot handle it, C<0.5>
+means it may be able to, and C<1> means it definitely can. See
+L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory/detect_source> for details on how this is used.
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $args ) = @_;
+ $class->_croak(
+ "Abstract method 'can_handle' not implemented for $class!");
+ return;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+I<Abstract method>.
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+C<$source> is a L<TAP::Parser::Source>.
+Returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> object for use by the L<TAP::Parser>.
+C<croak>s on error.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $args ) = @_;
+ $class->_croak(
+ "Abstract method 'make_iterator' not implemented for $class!");
+ return;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview, and any
+of the subclasses that ship with this module as an example. What follows is
+a quick overview.
+Start by familiarizing yourself with L<TAP::Parser::Source> and
+L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory>. L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP> is
+the easiest sub-class to use an an example.
+It's important to point out that if you want your subclass to be automatically
+used by L<TAP::Parser> you'll have to and make sure it gets loaded somehow.
+If you're using L<prove> you can write an L<App::Prove> plugin. If you're
+using L<TAP::Parser> or L<TAP::Harness> directly (eg. through a custom script,
+L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>, or L<Module::Build>) you can use the C<config> option
+which will cause L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory/load_sources> to load your
+Don't forget to register your class with
+=head2 Example
+ package MySourceHandler;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA'; # compat with older perls
+ use MySourceHandler; # see TAP::Parser::SourceHandler
+ use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;
+ @ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::SourceHandler );
+ TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory->register_handler( __PACKAGE__ );
+ sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $src->meta;
+ my $config = $src->config_for( $class );
+ if ($config->{accept_all}) {
+ return 1.0;
+ } elsif (my $file = $meta->{file}) {
+ return 0.0 unless $file->{exists};
+ return 1.0 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.tap';
+ return 0.9 if $file->{shebang} && $file->{shebang} =~ /^#!.+tap/;
+ return 0.5 if $file->{text};
+ return 0.1 if $file->{binary};
+ } elsif ($meta->{scalar}) {
+ return 0.8 if $$raw_source_ref =~ /\d\.\.\d/;
+ return 0.6 if $meta->{has_newlines};
+ } elsif ($meta->{array}) {
+ return 0.8 if $meta->{size} < 5;
+ return 0.6 if $raw_source_ref->[0] =~ /foo/;
+ return 0.5;
+ } elsif ($meta->{hash}) {
+ return 0.6 if $raw_source_ref->{foo};
+ return 0.2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sub make_iterator {
+ my ($class, $source) = @_;
+ # this is where you manipulate the source and
+ # capture the stream of TAP in an iterator
+ # either pick a TAP::Parser::Iterator::* or write your own...
+ my $iterator = TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array->new([ 'foo', 'bar' ]);
+ return $iterator;
+ }
+ 1;
+=head1 AUTHORS
+TAPx Developers.
+Source detection stuff added by Steve Purkis
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5337abac543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler ();
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::SourceHandler);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable - Stream output from an executable TAP source
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw(['/usr/bin/ruby', 'mytest.rb']);
+ $source->assemble_meta;
+ my $class = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable';
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+ my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+This is an I<executable> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> - it has 2 jobs:
+1. Figure out if the L<TAP::Parser::Source> it's given is an executable command
+2. Creates an iterator for executable commands (L</make_iterator>).
+Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+Only votes if $source looks like an executable file. Casts the following votes:
+ 0.9 if it's a hash with an 'exec' key
+ 0.8 if it's a .sh file
+ 0.8 if it's a .bat file
+ 0.75 if it's got an execute bit set
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $src->meta;
+ if ( $meta->{is_file} ) {
+ my $file = $meta->{file};
+ # Note: we go in low so we can be out-voted
+ return 0.8 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.sh';
+ return 0.8 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.bat';
+ return 0.7 if $file->{execute};
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_hash} ) {
+ return 0.9 if $src->raw->{exec};
+ }
+ return 0;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+Returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process> for the source.
+C<$source-E<gt>raw> must be in one of the following forms:
+ { exec => [ @exec ] }
+ [ @exec ]
+ $file
+C<croak>s on error.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $source->meta;
+ my @command;
+ if ( $meta->{is_hash} ) {
+ @command = @{ $source->raw->{exec} || [] };
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_scalar} ) {
+ @command = ${ $source->raw };
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_array} ) {
+ @command = @{ $source->raw };
+ }
+ $class->_croak('No command found in $source->raw!') unless @command;
+ $class->_autoflush( \*STDOUT );
+ $class->_autoflush( \*STDERR );
+ return $class->iterator_class->new(
+ { command => \@command,
+ merge => $source->merge
+ }
+ );
+=head3 C<iterator_class>
+The class of iterator to use, override if you're sub-classing. Defaults
+to L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process>.
+use constant iterator_class => 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process';
+# Turns on autoflush for the handle passed
+sub _autoflush {
+ my ( $class, $flushed ) = @_;
+ my $old_fh = select $flushed;
+ $| = 1;
+ select $old_fh;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head2 Example
+ package MyRubySourceHandler;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA';
+ use Carp qw( croak );
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable;
+ @ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable );
+ # expect $handler->(['mytest.rb', 'cmdline', 'args']);
+ sub make_iterator {
+ my ($self, $source) = @_;
+ my @test_args = @{ $source->test_args };
+ my $rb_file = $test_args[0];
+ croak("error: Ruby file '$rb_file' not found!") unless (-f $rb_file);
+ return $self->SUPER::raw_source(['/usr/bin/ruby', @test_args]);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d44ace11483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler ();
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::SourceHandler);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File - Stream TAP from a text file.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw( \'file.tap' );
+ $source->assemble_meta;
+ my $class = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File';
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+ my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+This is a I<raw TAP stored in a file> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> - it has 2 jobs:
+1. Figure out if the I<raw> source it's given is a file containing raw TAP
+output. See L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory> for more details.
+2. Takes raw TAP from the text file given, and converts into an iterator.
+Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+Only votes if $source looks like a regular file. Casts the following votes:
+ 0.9 if it's a .tap file
+ 0.9 if it has an extension matching any given in user config.
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $src->meta;
+ my $config = $src->config_for($class);
+ return 0 unless $meta->{is_file};
+ my $file = $meta->{file};
+ return 0.9 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.tap';
+ if ( my $exts = $config->{extensions} ) {
+ return 0.9 if grep { lc($_) eq $file->{lc_ext} } @$exts;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+Returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream> for the source. C<croak>s
+on error.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ $class->_croak('$source->raw must be a scalar ref')
+ unless $source->meta->{is_scalar};
+ my $file = ${ $source->raw };
+ my $fh;
+ open( $fh, '<', $file )
+ or $class->_croak("error opening TAP source file '$file': $!");
+ return $class->iterator_class->new($fh);
+=head3 C<iterator_class>
+The class of iterator to use, override if you're sub-classing. Defaults
+to L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream>.
+use constant iterator_class => 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream';
+ {
+ extensions => [ @case_insensitive_exts_to_match ]
+ }
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..30594fa1e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler ();
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::SourceHandler);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle - Stream TAP from an IO::Handle or a GLOB.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw( \*TAP_FILE );
+ $source->assemble_meta;
+ my $class = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle';
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+ my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+This is a I<raw TAP stored in an IO Handle> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> class. It
+has 2 jobs:
+1. Figure out if the L<TAP::Parser::Source> it's given is an L<IO::Handle> or
+GLOB containing raw TAP output (L</can_handle>).
+2. Creates an iterator for IO::Handle's & globs (L</make_iterator>).
+Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+Casts the following votes:
+ 0.9 if $source is an IO::Handle
+ 0.8 if $source is a glob
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $src->meta;
+ return 0.9
+ if $meta->{is_object}
+ && UNIVERSAL::isa( $src->raw, 'IO::Handle' );
+ return 0.8 if $meta->{is_glob};
+ return 0;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+Returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream> for the source.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ $class->_croak('$source->raw must be a glob ref or an IO::Handle')
+ unless $source->meta->{is_glob}
+ || UNIVERSAL::isa( $source->raw, 'IO::Handle' );
+ return $class->iterator_class->new( $source->raw );
+=head3 C<iterator_class>
+The class of iterator to use, override if you're sub-classing. Defaults
+to L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream>.
+use constant iterator_class => 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream';
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f6513fd3156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl;
+use strict;
+use Config;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use constant IS_WIN32 => ( $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/ );
+use constant IS_VMS => ( $^O eq 'VMS' );
+use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable ();
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process ();
+use TAP::Parser::Utils qw( split_shell );
+@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable';
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl - Stream TAP from a Perl executable
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw( \'' );
+ $source->assemble_meta;
+ my $class = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl';
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+ my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+This is a I<Perl> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> - it has 2 jobs:
+1. Figure out if the L<TAP::Parser::Source> it's given is actually a Perl
+script (L</can_handle>).
+2. Creates an iterator for Perl sources (L</make_iterator>).
+Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+Only votes if $source looks like a file. Casts the following votes:
+ 0.9 if it has a shebang ala "#!...perl"
+ 0.8 if it's a .t file
+ 0.9 if it's a .pl file
+ 0.75 if it's in a 't' directory
+ 0.25 by default (backwards compat)
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $source->meta;
+ return 0 unless $meta->{is_file};
+ my $file = $meta->{file};
+ if ( my $shebang = $file->{shebang} ) {
+ return 0.9 if $shebang =~ /^#!.*\bperl/;
+ }
+ return 0.8 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.t'; # vote higher than Executable
+ return 0.9 if $file->{lc_ext} eq '.pl';
+ return 0.75 if $file->{dir} =~ /^t\b/; # vote higher than Executable
+ # backwards compat, always vote:
+ return 0.25;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+Constructs & returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process> for the source.
+Assumes C<$source-E<gt>raw> contains a reference to the perl script. C<croak>s
+if the file could not be found.
+The command to run is built as follows:
+ $perl @switches $perl_script @test_args
+The perl command to use is determined by L</get_perl>. The command generated
+is guaranteed to preserve:
+ Taint Mode, if set in the script's shebang
+I<Note:> the command generated will I<not> respect any shebang line defined in
+your Perl script. This is only a problem if you have compiled a custom version
+of Perl or if you want to use a specific version of Perl for one test and a
+different version for another, for example:
+ #!/path/to/a/custom_perl --some --args
+ #!/usr/local/perl-5.6/bin/perl -w
+Currently you need to write a plugin to get around this.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $source->meta;
+ my $perl_script = ${ $source->raw };
+ $class->_croak("Cannot find ($perl_script)") unless $meta->{is_file};
+ # TODO: does this really need to be done here?
+ $class->_autoflush( \*STDOUT );
+ $class->_autoflush( \*STDERR );
+ my @switches = $class->_switches($source);
+ my $path_sep = $Config{path_sep};
+ my $path_re = qr{$path_sep};
+ # Filter out any -I switches to be handled as libs later.
+ #
+ # Nasty kludge. It might be nicer if we got the libs separately
+ # although at least this way we find any -I switches that were
+ # supplied other then as explicit libs.
+ #
+ # We filter out any names containing colons because they will break
+ my @libs;
+ my @filtered_switches;
+ for (@switches) {
+ if ( !/$path_re/ && / ^ ['"]? -I ['"]? (.*?) ['"]? $ /x ) {
+ push @libs, $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @filtered_switches, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ @switches = @filtered_switches;
+ my $setup = sub {
+ if (@libs) {
+ = join( $path_sep, grep {defined} @libs, $ENV{PERL5LIB} );
+ }
+ };
+ # Cargo culted from comments seen elsewhere about VMS / environment
+ # variables. I don't know if this is actually necessary.
+ my $previous = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ my $teardown = sub {
+ if ( defined $previous ) {
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $previous;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ }
+ };
+ # Taint mode ignores environment variables so we must retranslate
+ # PERL5LIB as -I switches and place PERL5OPT on the command line
+ # in order that it be seen.
+ if ( grep { $_ eq "-T" || $_ eq "-t" } @switches ) {
+ push @switches, $class->_libs2switches(@libs);
+ push @switches, split_shell( $ENV{PERL5OPT} );
+ }
+ my @command = $class->_get_command_for_switches( $source, @switches )
+ or $class->_croak("No command found!");
+ return TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process->new(
+ { command => \@command,
+ merge => $source->merge,
+ setup => $setup,
+ teardown => $teardown,
+ }
+ );
+sub _get_command_for_switches {
+ my ( $class, $source, @switches ) = @_;
+ my $file = ${ $source->raw };
+ my @args = @{ $source->test_args || [] };
+ my $command = $class->get_perl;
+ # XXX don't need to quote if we treat the parts as atoms (except maybe vms)
+ #$file = qq["$file"] if ( $file =~ /\s/ ) && ( $file !~ /^".*"$/ );
+ my @command = ( $command, @switches, $file, @args );
+ return @command;
+sub _libs2switches {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return map {"-I$_"} grep {$_} @_;
+=head3 C<get_taint>
+Decode any taint switches from a Perl shebang line.
+ # $taint will be 't'
+ my $taint = TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl->get_taint( '#!/usr/bin/perl -t' );
+ # $untaint will be undefined
+ my $untaint = TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl->get_taint( '#!/usr/bin/perl' );
+sub get_taint {
+ my ( $class, $shebang ) = @_;
+ return
+ unless defined $shebang
+ && $shebang =~ /^#!.*\bperl.*\s-\w*([Tt]+)/;
+ return $1;
+sub _switches {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ my $file = ${ $source->raw };
+ my @args = @{ $source->test_args || [] };
+ my @switches = @{ $source->switches || [] };
+ my $shebang = $source->meta->{file}->{shebang};
+ return unless defined $shebang;
+ my $taint = $class->get_taint($shebang);
+ push @switches, "-$taint" if defined $taint;
+ # Quote the argument if we're VMS, since VMS will downcase anything
+ # not quoted.
+ if (IS_VMS) {
+ for (@switches) {
+ $_ = qq["$_"];
+ }
+ }
+ return @switches;
+=head3 C<get_perl>
+Gets the version of Perl currently running the test suite.
+sub get_perl {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $ENV{HARNESS_PERL} if defined $ENV{HARNESS_PERL};
+ return Win32::GetShortPathName($^X) if IS_WIN32;
+ return $^X;
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head2 Example
+ package MyPerlSourceHandler;
+ use strict;
+ use vars '@ISA';
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl;
+ @ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl );
+ # use the version of perl from the shebang line in the test file
+ sub get_perl {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (my $shebang = $self->shebang( $self->{file} )) {
+ $shebang =~ /^#!(.*\bperl.*?)(?:(?:\s)|(?:$))/;
+ return $1 if $1;
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::get_perl(@_);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c7048be98de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler ();
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::SourceHandler);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP - Stream output from raw TAP in a scalar/array ref.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw( \"1..1\nok 1\n" );
+ $source->assemble_meta;
+ my $class = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP';
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+ my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+This is a I<raw TAP output> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> - it has 2 jobs:
+1. Figure out if the L<TAP::Parser::Source> it's given is raw TAP output
+2. Creates an iterator for raw TAP output (L</make_iterator>).
+Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+Only votes if $source is an array, or a scalar with newlines. Casts the
+following votes:
+ 0.9 if it's a scalar with '..' in it
+ 0.7 if it's a scalar with 'ok' in it
+ 0.3 if it's just a scalar with newlines
+ 0.5 if it's an array
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $src->meta;
+ return 0 if $meta->{file};
+ if ( $meta->{is_scalar} ) {
+ return 0 unless $meta->{has_newlines};
+ return 0.9 if ${ $src->raw } =~ /\d\.\.\d/;
+ return 0.7 if ${ $src->raw } =~ /ok/;
+ return 0.3;
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_array} ) {
+ return 0.5;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+Returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array> for the source.
+C<$source-E<gt>raw> must be an array ref, or a scalar ref.
+C<croak>s on error.
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $src ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $src->meta;
+ my $tap_array;
+ if ( $meta->{is_scalar} ) {
+ $tap_array = [ split "\n" => ${ $src->raw } ];
+ }
+ elsif ( $meta->{is_array} ) {
+ $tap_array = $src->raw;
+ }
+ $class->_croak('No raw TAP found in $source->raw')
+ unless scalar $tap_array;
+ return TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array->new($tap_array);
+Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..aeaf5365ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+package TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process ();
+@ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::SourceHandler);
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP - Stream TAP from pgTAP test scripts
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+In F<Build.PL> for your application with pgTAP tests in F<t/*.pg>:
+ Module::Build->new(
+ module_name => 'MyApp',
+ test_file_exts => [qw(.t .pg)],
+ use_tap_harness => 1,
+ tap_harness_args => {
+ sources => {
+ Perl => undef,
+ pgTAP => {
+ dbname => 'try',
+ username => 'postgres',
+ suffix => '.pg',
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ build_requires => {
+ 'Module::Build' => '0.30',
+ 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP' => '3.19',
+ },
+ )->create_build_script;
+If you're using L<C<prove>|prove>:
+ prove --source Perl \
+ --source pgTAP --pgtap-option dbname=try \
+ --pgtap-option username=postgres \
+ --pgtap-option
+Direct use:
+ use TAP::Parser::Source;
+ use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP;
+ my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw(\'');
+ $source->config({ pgTAP => {
+ dbname => 'testing',
+ username => 'postgres',
+ suffix => '.pg',
+ });
+ $source->assemble_meta;
+ my $class = 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP';
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+ my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+This source handler executes pgTAP tests. It does two things:
+=item 1.
+Looks at the L<TAP::Parser::Source> passed to it to determine whether or not
+the source in question is in fact a pgTAP test (L</can_handle>).
+=item 2.
+Creates an iterator that will call C<psql> to run the pgTAP tests
+Unless you're writing a plugin or subclassing L<TAP::Parser>, you probably
+won't need to use this module directly.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<can_handle>
+ my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );
+Looks at the source to determine whether or not it's a pgTAP test file and
+returns a score for how likely it is in fact a pgTAP test file. The scores are
+as follows:
+ 1 if it has a suffix equal to that in the "suffix" config
+ 1 if its suffix is ".pg"
+ 0.8 if its suffix is ".sql"
+ 0.75 if its suffix is ".s"
+The latter two scores are subject to change, so try to name your pgTAP tests
+ending in ".pg" or specify a suffix in the configuration to be sure.
+sub can_handle {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $source->meta;
+ return 0 unless $meta->{is_file};
+ my $suf = $meta->{file}{lc_ext};
+ # If the config specifies a suffix, it's required.
+ if ( my $config = $source->config_for('pgTAP') ) {
+ if ( defined $config->{suffix} ) {
+ return $suf eq $config->{suffix} ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # Otherwise, return a score for our supported suffixes.
+ my %score_for = (
+ '.pg' => 0.9,
+ '.sql' => 0.8,
+ '.s' => 0.75,
+ );
+ return $score_for{$suf} || 0;
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+ my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );
+Returns a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process> for the source. C<<
+$source->raw >> must be either a file name or a scalar reference to the file
+The pgTAP tests are run by executing C<psql>, the PostgreSQL command-line
+utility. A number of arguments are passed to it, many of which you can effect
+by setting up the source source configuration. The configuration must be a
+hash reference, and supports the following keys:
+=item C<psql>
+The path to the C<psql> command. Defaults to simply "psql", which should work
+well enough if it's in your path.
+=item C<dbname>
+The database to which to connect to run the tests. Defaults to the value of
+the C<$PGDATABASE> environment variable or, if not set, to the system
+=item C<username>
+The PostgreSQL username to use to connect to PostgreSQL. If not specified, no
+username will be used, in which case C<psql> will fall back on either the
+C<$PGUSER> environment variable or, if not set, the system username.
+=item C<host>
+Specifies the host name of the machine to which to connect to the PostgreSQL
+server. If the value begins with a slash, it is used as the directory for the
+Unix-domain socket. Defaults to the value of the C<$PGDATABASE> environment
+variable or, if not set, the local host.
+=item C<port>
+Specifies the TCP port or the local Unix-domain socket file extension on which
+the server is listening for connections. Defaults to the value of the
+C<$PGPORT> environment variable or, if not set, to the port specified at the
+time C<psql> was compiled, usually 5432.
+=begin comment
+=item C<search_path>
+The schema search path to use during the execution of the tests. Useful for
+overriding the default search path and you have pgTAP installed in a schema
+not included in that search path.
+=end comment
+sub make_iterator {
+ my ( $class, $source ) = @_;
+ my $config = $source->config_for('pgTAP');
+ my @command = ( $config->{psql} || 'psql' );
+ push @command, qw(
+ --no-psqlrc
+ --no-align
+ --quiet
+ --pset pager=
+ --pset tuples_only=true
+ --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1
+ );
+ for (qw(username host port dbname)) {
+ push @command, "--$_" => $config->{$_} if defined $config->{$_};
+ }
+ my $fn = ref $source->raw ? ${ $source->raw } : $source->raw;
+ $class->_croak(
+ 'No such file or directory: ' . ( defined $fn ? $fn : '' ) )
+ unless $fn && -e $fn;
+ push @command, '--file', $fn;
+ # XXX I'd like a way to be able to specify environment variables to set when
+ # the iterator executes the command...
+ # local $ENV{PGOPTIONS} = "--search_path=$config->{search_path}"
+ # if $config->{search_path};
+ return TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process->new(
+ { command => \@command,
+ merge => $source->merge
+ }
+ );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+David E. Wheeler <>
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..21769b1a3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+package TAP::Parser::Utils;
+use strict;
+use Exporter;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
+@ISA = qw( Exporter );
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( split_shell );
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::Utils - Internal TAP::Parser utilities
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::Utils qw( split_shell )
+ my @switches = split_shell( $arg );
+=head3 C<split_shell>
+Shell style argument parsing. Handles backslash escaping, single and
+double quoted strings but not shell substitutions.
+Pass one or more strings containing shell escaped arguments. The return
+value is an array of arguments parsed from the input strings according
+to (approximate) shell parsing rules. It's legal to pass C<undef> in
+which case an empty array will be returned. That makes it possible to
+ my @args = split_shell( $ENV{SOME_ENV_VAR} );
+without worrying about whether the environment variable exists.
+This is used to split HARNESS_PERL_ARGS into individual switches.
+sub split_shell {
+ my @parts = ();
+ for my $switch ( grep defined && length, @_ ) {
+ push @parts, $1 while $switch =~ /
+ (
+ (?: [^\\"'\s]+
+ | \\.
+ | " (?: \\. | [^"] )* "
+ | ' (?: \\. | [^'] )* '
+ )+
+ ) /xg;
+ }
+ for (@parts) {
+ s/ \\(.) | ['"] /defined $1 ? $1 : ''/exg;
+ }
+ return @parts;
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..04ea4d10bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+package TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+@ISA = 'TAP::Object';
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+# TODO:
+# Handle blessed object syntax
+# Printable characters for escapes
+my %UNESCAPES = (
+ z => "\x00", a => "\x07", t => "\x09",
+ n => "\x0a", v => "\x0b", f => "\x0c",
+ r => "\x0d", e => "\x1b", '\\' => '\\',
+my $QQ_STRING = qr{ " (?:\\. | [^"])* " }x;
+my $HASH_LINE = qr{ ^ ($QQ_STRING|\S+) \s* : \s* (?: (.+?) \s* )? $ }x;
+my $IS_HASH_KEY = qr{ ^ [\w\'\"] }x;
+my $IS_END_YAML = qr{ ^ \.\.\. \s* $ }x;
+my $IS_QQ_STRING = qr{ ^ $QQ_STRING $ }x;
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub read {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ die "Must have a code reference to read input from"
+ unless ref $obj eq 'CODE';
+ $self->{reader} = $obj;
+ $self->{capture} = [];
+ # Prime the reader
+ $self->_next;
+ return unless $self->{next};
+ my $doc = $self->_read;
+ # The terminator is mandatory otherwise we'd consume a line from the
+ # iterator that doesn't belong to us. If we want to remove this
+ # restriction we'll have to implement look-ahead in the iterators.
+ # Which might not be a bad idea.
+ my $dots = $self->_peek;
+ die "Missing '...' at end of YAMLish"
+ unless defined $dots
+ and $dots =~ $IS_END_YAML;
+ delete $self->{reader};
+ delete $self->{next};
+ return $doc;
+sub get_raw { join( "\n", grep defined, @{ shift->{capture} || [] } ) . "\n" }
+sub _peek {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{next} unless wantarray;
+ my $line = $self->{next};
+ $line =~ /^ (\s*) (.*) $ /x;
+ return ( $2, length $1 );
+sub _next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die "_next called with no reader"
+ unless $self->{reader};
+ my $line = $self->{reader}->();
+ $self->{next} = $line;
+ push @{ $self->{capture} }, $line;
+sub _read {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $line = $self->_peek;
+ # Do we have a document header?
+ if ( $line =~ /^ --- (?: \s* (.+?) \s* )? $/x ) {
+ $self->_next;
+ return $self->_read_scalar($1) if defined $1; # Inline?
+ my ( $next, $indent ) = $self->_peek;
+ if ( $next =~ /^ - /x ) {
+ return $self->_read_array($indent);
+ }
+ elsif ( $next =~ $IS_HASH_KEY ) {
+ return $self->_read_hash( $next, $indent );
+ }
+ elsif ( $next =~ $IS_END_YAML ) {
+ die "Premature end of YAMLish";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unsupported YAMLish syntax: '$next'";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "YAMLish document header not found";
+ }
+# Parse a double quoted string
+sub _read_qq {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $str = shift;
+ unless ( $str =~ s/^ " (.*?) " $/$1/x ) {
+ die "Internal: not a quoted string";
+ }
+ $str =~ s/\\"/"/gx;
+ $str =~ s/ \\ ( [tartan\\favez] | x([0-9a-fA-F]{2}) )
+ / (length($1) > 1) ? pack("H2", $2) : $UNESCAPES{$1} /gex;
+ return $str;
+# Parse a scalar string to the actual scalar
+sub _read_scalar {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $string = shift;
+ return undef if $string eq '~';
+ return {} if $string eq '{}';
+ return [] if $string eq '[]';
+ if ( $string eq '>' || $string eq '|' ) {
+ my ( $line, $indent ) = $self->_peek;
+ die "Multi-line scalar content missing" unless defined $line;
+ my @multiline = ($line);
+ while (1) {
+ $self->_next;
+ my ( $next, $ind ) = $self->_peek;
+ last if $ind < $indent;
+ my $pad = $string eq '|' ? ( ' ' x ( $ind - $indent ) ) : '';
+ push @multiline, $pad . $next;
+ }
+ return join( ( $string eq '>' ? ' ' : "\n" ), @multiline ) . "\n";
+ }
+ if ( $string =~ /^ ' (.*) ' $/x ) {
+ ( my $rv = $1 ) =~ s/''/'/g;
+ return $rv;
+ }
+ if ( $string =~ $IS_QQ_STRING ) {
+ return $self->_read_qq($string);
+ }
+ if ( $string =~ /^['"]/ ) {
+ # A quote with folding... we don't support that
+ die __PACKAGE__ . " does not support multi-line quoted scalars";
+ }
+ # Regular unquoted string
+ return $string;
+sub _read_nested {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $line, $indent ) = $self->_peek;
+ if ( $line =~ /^ -/x ) {
+ return $self->_read_array($indent);
+ }
+ elsif ( $line =~ $IS_HASH_KEY ) {
+ return $self->_read_hash( $line, $indent );
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unsupported YAMLish syntax: '$line'";
+ }
+# Parse an array
+sub _read_array {
+ my ( $self, $limit ) = @_;
+ my $ar = [];
+ while (1) {
+ my ( $line, $indent ) = $self->_peek;
+ last
+ if $indent < $limit
+ || !defined $line
+ || $line =~ $IS_END_YAML;
+ if ( $indent > $limit ) {
+ die "Array line over-indented";
+ }
+ if ( $line =~ /^ (- \s+) \S+ \s* : (?: \s+ | $ ) /x ) {
+ $indent += length $1;
+ $line =~ s/-\s+//;
+ push @$ar, $self->_read_hash( $line, $indent );
+ }
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^ - \s* (.+?) \s* $/x ) {
+ die "Unexpected start of YAMLish" if $line =~ /^---/;
+ $self->_next;
+ push @$ar, $self->_read_scalar($1);
+ }
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^ - \s* $/x ) {
+ $self->_next;
+ push @$ar, $self->_read_nested;
+ }
+ elsif ( $line =~ $IS_HASH_KEY ) {
+ $self->_next;
+ push @$ar, $self->_read_hash( $line, $indent, );
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unsupported YAMLish syntax: '$line'";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ar;
+sub _read_hash {
+ my ( $self, $line, $limit ) = @_;
+ my $indent;
+ my $hash = {};
+ while (1) {
+ die "Badly formed hash line: '$line'"
+ unless $line =~ $HASH_LINE;
+ my ( $key, $value ) = ( $self->_read_scalar($1), $2 );
+ $self->_next;
+ if ( defined $value ) {
+ $hash->{$key} = $self->_read_scalar($value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $hash->{$key} = $self->_read_nested;
+ }
+ ( $line, $indent ) = $self->_peek;
+ last
+ if $indent < $limit
+ || !defined $line
+ || $line =~ $IS_END_YAML;
+ }
+ return $hash;
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader - Read YAMLish data from iterator
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Note that parts of this code were derived from L<YAML::Tiny> with the
+permission of Adam Kennedy.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+The constructor C<new> creates and returns an empty
+C<TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader> object.
+ my $reader = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader->new;
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<read>
+ my $got = $reader->read($iterator);
+Read YAMLish from a L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> and return the data structure it
+=head3 C<get_raw>
+ my $source = $reader->get_source;
+Return the raw YAMLish source from the most recent C<read>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andy Armstrong, <>
+Adam Kennedy wrote L<YAML::Tiny> which provided the template and many of
+the YAML matching regular expressions for this module.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<YAML::Tiny>, L<YAML>, L<YAML::Syck>, L<Config::Tiny>, L<CSS::Tiny>,
+Copyright 2007-2008 Andy Armstrong.
+Portions copyright 2006-2008 Adam Kennedy.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute
+it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+The full text of the license can be found in the
+LICENSE file included with this module.
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9dfbf74da09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+package TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+@ISA = 'TAP::Object';
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+my $ESCAPE_CHAR = qr{ [ \x00-\x1f \" ] }x;
+my $ESCAPE_KEY = qr{ (?: ^\W ) | $ESCAPE_CHAR }x;
+my @UNPRINTABLE = qw(
+ z x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 x06 a
+ x08 t n v f r x0e x0f
+ x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17
+ x18 x19 x1a e x1c x1d x1e x1f
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die "Need something to write"
+ unless @_;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $out = shift || \*STDOUT;
+ die "Need a reference to something I can write to"
+ unless ref $out;
+ $self->{writer} = $self->_make_writer($out);
+ $self->_write_obj( '---', $obj );
+ $self->_put('...');
+ delete $self->{writer};
+sub _make_writer {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $out = shift;
+ my $ref = ref $out;
+ if ( 'CODE' eq $ref ) {
+ return $out;
+ }
+ elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq $ref ) {
+ return sub { push @$out, shift };
+ }
+ elsif ( 'SCALAR' eq $ref ) {
+ return sub { $$out .= shift() . "\n" };
+ }
+ elsif ( 'GLOB' eq $ref || 'IO::Handle' eq $ref ) {
+ return sub { print $out shift(), "\n" };
+ }
+ die "Can't write to $out";
+sub _put {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{writer}->( join '', @_ );
+sub _enc_scalar {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $rule = shift;
+ return '~' unless defined $val;
+ if ( $val =~ /$rule/ ) {
+ $val =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $val =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ $val =~ s/ ( [\x00-\x1f] ) / '\\' . $UNPRINTABLE[ ord($1) ] /gex;
+ return qq{"$val"};
+ }
+ if ( length($val) == 0 or $val =~ /\s/ ) {
+ $val =~ s/'/''/;
+ return "'$val'";
+ }
+ return $val;
+sub _write_obj {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $indent = shift || 0;
+ if ( my $ref = ref $obj ) {
+ my $pad = ' ' x $indent;
+ if ( 'HASH' eq $ref ) {
+ if ( keys %$obj ) {
+ $self->_put($prefix);
+ for my $key ( sort keys %$obj ) {
+ my $value = $obj->{$key};
+ $self->_write_obj(
+ $pad . $self->_enc_scalar( $key, $ESCAPE_KEY ) . ':',
+ $value, $indent + 1
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_put( $prefix, ' {}' );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq $ref ) {
+ if (@$obj) {
+ $self->_put($prefix);
+ for my $value (@$obj) {
+ $self->_write_obj(
+ $pad . '-', $value,
+ $indent + 1
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_put( $prefix, ' []' );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Don't know how to encode $ref";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_put( $prefix, ' ', $self->_enc_scalar( $obj, $ESCAPE_CHAR ) );
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer - Write YAMLish data
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer;
+ my $data = {
+ one => 1,
+ two => 2,
+ three => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
+ };
+ my $yw = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer->new;
+ # Write to an array...
+ $yw->write( $data, \@some_array );
+ # open file handle...
+ $yw->write( $data, $some_file_handle );
+ # ...a string ...
+ $yw->write( $data, \$some_string );
+ # ...or a closure
+ $yw->write( $data, sub {
+ my $line = shift;
+ print "$line\n";
+ } );
+Encodes a scalar, hash reference or array reference as YAMLish.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $writer = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer->new;
+The constructor C<new> creates and returns an empty
+C<TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer> object.
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<write>
+ $writer->write($obj, $output );
+Encode a scalar, hash reference or array reference as YAML.
+ my $writer = sub {
+ my $line = shift;
+ print SOMEFILE "$line\n";
+ };
+ my $data = {
+ one => 1,
+ two => 2,
+ three => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
+ };
+ my $yw = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer->new;
+ $yw->write( $data, $writer );
+The C< $output > argument may be:
+=item * a reference to a scalar to append YAML to
+=item * the handle of an open file
+=item * a reference to an array into which YAML will be pushed
+=item * a code reference
+If you supply a code reference the subroutine will be called once for
+each line of output with the line as its only argument. Passed lines
+will have no trailing newline.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andy Armstrong, <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<YAML::Tiny>, L<YAML>, L<YAML::Syck>, L<Config::Tiny>, L<CSS::Tiny>,
+Copyright 2007-2008 Andy Armstrong.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute
+it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+The full text of the license can be found in the
+LICENSE file included with this module.