path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params')
2 files changed, 1524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7348cbc0d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params/
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+package Params::Check;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw[carp croak];
+use Locale::Maketext::Simple Style => 'gettext';
+use Data::Dumper;
+ use Exporter ();
+ ];
+ @ISA = qw[ Exporter ];
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw[check allow last_error];
+ $VERSION = '0.26';
+ $VERBOSE = $^W ? 1 : 0;
+my %known_keys = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw| required allow default strict_type no_override
+ store defined |;
+=head1 NAME
+Params::Check - A generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Params::Check qw[check allow last_error];
+ sub fill_personal_info {
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my $x;
+ my $tmpl = {
+ firstname => { required => 1, defined => 1 },
+ lastname => { required => 1, store => \$x },
+ gender => { required => 1,
+ allow => [qr/M/i, qr/F/i],
+ },
+ married => { allow => [0,1] },
+ age => { default => 21,
+ allow => qr/^\d+$/,
+ },
+ phone => { allow => [ sub { return 1 if /$valid_re/ },
+ '1-800-PERL' ]
+ },
+ id_list => { default => [],
+ strict_type => 1
+ },
+ employer => { default => 'NSA', no_override => 1 },
+ };
+ ### check() returns a hashref of parsed args on success ###
+ my $parsed_args = check( $tmpl, \%hash, $VERBOSE )
+ or die qw[Could not parse arguments!];
+ ... other code here ...
+ }
+ my $ok = allow( $colour, [qw|blue green yellow|] );
+ my $error = Params::Check::last_error();
+Params::Check is a generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
+It allows you to validate input via a template. The only requirement
+is that the arguments must be named.
+Params::Check can do the following things for you:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Convert all keys to lowercase
+=item *
+Check if all required arguments have been provided
+=item *
+Set arguments that have not been provided to the default
+=item *
+Weed out arguments that are not supported and warn about them to the
+=item *
+Validate the arguments given by the user based on strings, regexes,
+lists or even subroutines
+=item *
+Enforce type integrity if required
+Most of Params::Check's power comes from its template, which we'll
+discuss below:
+=head1 Template
+As you can see in the synopsis, based on your template, the arguments
+provided will be validated.
+The template can take a different set of rules per key that is used.
+The following rules are available:
+=over 4
+=item default
+This is the default value if none was provided by the user.
+This is also the type C<strict_type> will look at when checking type
+integrity (see below).
+=item required
+A boolean flag that indicates if this argument was a required
+argument. If marked as required and not provided, check() will fail.
+=item strict_type
+This does a C<ref()> check on the argument provided. The C<ref> of the
+argument must be the same as the C<ref> of the default value for this
+check to pass.
+This is very useful if you insist on taking an array reference as
+argument for example.
+=item defined
+If this template key is true, enforces that if this key is provided by
+user input, its value is C<defined>. This just means that the user is
+not allowed to pass C<undef> as a value for this key and is equivalent
+ allow => sub { defined $_[0] && OTHER TESTS }
+=item no_override
+This allows you to specify C<constants> in your template. ie, they
+keys that are not allowed to be altered by the user. It pretty much
+allows you to keep all your C<configurable> data in one place; the
+C<Params::Check> template.
+=item store
+This allows you to pass a reference to a scalar, in which the data
+will be stored:
+ my $x;
+ my $args = check(foo => { default => 1, store => \$x }, $input);
+This is basically shorthand for saying:
+ my $args = check( { foo => { default => 1 }, $input );
+ my $x = $args->{foo};
+You can alter the global variable $Params::Check::NO_DUPLICATES to
+control whether the C<store>'d key will still be present in your
+result set. See the L<Global Variables> section below.
+=item allow
+A set of criteria used to validate a particular piece of data if it
+has to adhere to particular rules.
+See the C<allow()> function for details.
+=head1 Functions
+=head2 check( \%tmpl, \%args, [$verbose] );
+This function is not exported by default, so you'll have to ask for it
+ use Params::Check qw[check];
+or use its fully qualified name instead.
+C<check> takes a list of arguments, as follows:
+=over 4
+=item Template
+This is a hashreference which contains a template as explained in the
+C<SYNOPSIS> and C<Template> section.
+=item Arguments
+This is a reference to a hash of named arguments which need checking.
+=item Verbose
+A boolean to indicate whether C<check> should be verbose and warn
+about what went wrong in a check or not.
+You can enable this program wide by setting the package variable
+C<$Params::Check::VERBOSE> to a true value. For details, see the
+section on C<Global Variables> below.
+C<check> will return when it fails, or a hashref with lowercase
+keys of parsed arguments when it succeeds.
+So a typical call to check would look like this:
+ my $parsed = check( \%template, \%arguments, $VERBOSE )
+ or warn q[Arguments could not be parsed!];
+A lot of the behaviour of C<check()> can be altered by setting
+package variables. See the section on C<Global Variables> for details
+on this.
+sub check {
+ my ($utmpl, $href, $verbose) = @_;
+ ### did we get the arguments we need? ###
+ return if !$utmpl or !$href;
+ ### sensible defaults ###
+ $verbose ||= $VERBOSE || 0;
+ ### clear the current error string ###
+ _clear_error();
+ ### XXX what type of template is it? ###
+ ### { key => { } } ?
+ #if (ref $args eq 'HASH') {
+ # 1;
+ #}
+ ### clean up the template ###
+ my $args = _clean_up_args( $href ) or return;
+ ### sanity check + defaults + required keys set? ###
+ my $defs = _sanity_check_and_defaults( $utmpl, $args, $verbose )
+ or return;
+ ### deref only once ###
+ my %utmpl = %$utmpl;
+ my %args = %$args;
+ my %defs = %$defs;
+ ### flag to see if anything went wrong ###
+ my $wrong;
+ ### flag to see if we warned for anything, needed for warnings_fatal
+ my $warned;
+ for my $key (keys %args) {
+ ### you gave us this key, but it's not in the template ###
+ unless( $utmpl{$key} ) {
+ ### but we'll allow it anyway ###
+ if( $ALLOW_UNKNOWN ) {
+ $defs{$key} = $args{$key};
+ ### warn about the error ###
+ } else {
+ _store_error(
+ loc("Key '%1' is not a valid key for %2 provided by %3",
+ $key, _who_was_it(), _who_was_it(1)), $verbose);
+ $warned ||= 1;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ ### check if you're even allowed to override this key ###
+ if( $utmpl{$key}->{'no_override'} ) {
+ _store_error(
+ loc(q[You are not allowed to override key '%1'].
+ q[for %2 from %3], $key, _who_was_it(), _who_was_it(1)),
+ $verbose
+ );
+ $warned ||= 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ ### copy of this keys template instructions, to save derefs ###
+ my %tmpl = %{$utmpl{$key}};
+ ### check if you were supposed to provide defined() values ###
+ if( ($tmpl{'defined'} || $ONLY_ALLOW_DEFINED) and
+ not defined $args{$key}
+ ) {
+ _store_error(loc(q|Key '%1' must be defined when passed|, $key),
+ $verbose );
+ $wrong ||= 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ ### check if they should be of a strict type, and if it is ###
+ if( ($tmpl{'strict_type'} || $STRICT_TYPE) and
+ (ref $args{$key} ne ref $tmpl{'default'})
+ ) {
+ _store_error(loc(q|Key '%1' needs to be of type '%2'|,
+ $key, ref $tmpl{'default'} || 'SCALAR'), $verbose );
+ $wrong ||= 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ ### check if we have an allow handler, to validate against ###
+ ### allow() will report its own errors ###
+ if( exists $tmpl{'allow'} and not do {
+ local $_ERROR_STRING;
+ allow( $args{$key}, $tmpl{'allow'} )
+ }
+ ) {
+ ### stringify the value in the error report -- we don't want dumps
+ ### of objects, but we do want to see *roughly* what we passed
+ _store_error(loc(q|Key '%1' (%2) is of invalid type for '%3' |.
+ q|provided by %4|,
+ $key, "$args{$key}", _who_was_it(),
+ _who_was_it(1)), $verbose);
+ $wrong ||= 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ ### we got here, then all must be OK ###
+ $defs{$key} = $args{$key};
+ }
+ ### croak with the collected errors if there were errors and
+ ### we have the fatal flag toggled.
+ croak(__PACKAGE__->last_error) if ($wrong || $warned) && $WARNINGS_FATAL;
+ ### done with our loop... if $wrong is set, somethign went wrong
+ ### and the user is already informed, just return...
+ return if $wrong;
+ ### check if we need to store any of the keys ###
+ ### can't do it before, because something may go wrong later,
+ ### leaving the user with a few set variables
+ for my $key (keys %defs) {
+ if( my $ref = $utmpl{$key}->{'store'} ) {
+ $$ref = $NO_DUPLICATES ? delete $defs{$key} : $defs{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%defs;
+=head2 allow( $test_me, \@criteria );
+The function that handles the C<allow> key in the template is also
+available for independent use.
+The function takes as first argument a key to test against, and
+as second argument any form of criteria that are also allowed by
+the C<allow> key in the template.
+You can use the following types of values for allow:
+=over 4
+=item string
+The provided argument MUST be equal to the string for the validation
+to pass.
+=item regexp
+The provided argument MUST match the regular expression for the
+validation to pass.
+=item subroutine
+The provided subroutine MUST return true in order for the validation
+to pass and the argument accepted.
+(This is particularly useful for more complicated data).
+=item array ref
+The provided argument MUST equal one of the elements of the array
+ref for the validation to pass. An array ref can hold all the above
+It returns true if the key matched the criteria, or false otherwise.
+sub allow {
+ ### use $_[0] and $_[1] since this is hot code... ###
+ #my ($val, $ref) = @_;
+ ### it's a regexp ###
+ if( ref $_[1] eq 'Regexp' ) {
+ local $^W; # silence warnings if $val is undef #
+ return if $_[0] !~ /$_[1]/;
+ ### it's a sub ###
+ } elsif ( ref $_[1] eq 'CODE' ) {
+ return unless $_[1]->( $_[0] );
+ ### it's an array ###
+ } elsif ( ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ ### loop over the elements, see if one of them says the
+ ### value is OK
+ ### also, short-cicruit when possible
+ for ( @{$_[1]} ) {
+ return 1 if allow( $_[0], $_ );
+ }
+ return;
+ ### fall back to a simple, but safe 'eq' ###
+ } else {
+ return unless _safe_eq( $_[0], $_[1] );
+ }
+ ### we got here, no failures ###
+ return 1;
+### helper functions ###
+### clean up the template ###
+sub _clean_up_args {
+ ### don't even bother to loop, if there's nothing to clean up ###
+ return $_[0] if $PRESERVE_CASE and !$STRIP_LEADING_DASHES;
+ my %args = %{$_[0]};
+ ### keys are note aliased ###
+ for my $key (keys %args) {
+ my $org = $key;
+ $key = lc $key unless $PRESERVE_CASE;
+ $key =~ s/^-// if $STRIP_LEADING_DASHES;
+ $args{$key} = delete $args{$org} if $key ne $org;
+ }
+ ### return references so we always return 'true', even on empty
+ ### arguments
+ return \%args;
+sub _sanity_check_and_defaults {
+ my %utmpl = %{$_[0]};
+ my %args = %{$_[1]};
+ my $verbose = $_[2];
+ my %defs; my $fail;
+ for my $key (keys %utmpl) {
+ ### check if required keys are provided
+ ### keys are now lower cased, unless preserve case was enabled
+ ### at which point, the utmpl keys must match, but that's the users
+ ### problem.
+ if( $utmpl{$key}->{'required'} and not exists $args{$key} ) {
+ _store_error(
+ loc(q|Required option '%1' is not provided for %2 by %3|,
+ $key, _who_was_it(1), _who_was_it(2)), $verbose );
+ ### mark the error ###
+ $fail++;
+ next;
+ }
+ ### next, set the default, make sure the key exists in %defs ###
+ $defs{$key} = $utmpl{$key}->{'default'}
+ if exists $utmpl{$key}->{'default'};
+ ### last, check if they provided any weird template keys
+ ### -- do this last so we don't always execute this code.
+ ### just a small optimization.
+ map { _store_error(
+ loc(q|Template type '%1' not supported [at key '%2']|,
+ $_, $key), 1, 1 );
+ } grep {
+ not $known_keys{$_}
+ } keys %{$utmpl{$key}};
+ ### make sure you passed a ref, otherwise, complain about it!
+ if ( exists $utmpl{$key}->{'store'} ) {
+ _store_error( loc(
+ q|Store variable for '%1' is not a reference!|, $key
+ ), 1, 1 ) unless ref $utmpl{$key}->{'store'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ### errors found ###
+ return if $fail;
+ ### return references so we always return 'true', even on empty
+ ### defaults
+ return \%defs;
+sub _safe_eq {
+ ### only do a straight 'eq' if they're both defined ###
+ return defined($_[0]) && defined($_[1])
+ ? $_[0] eq $_[1]
+ : defined($_[0]) eq defined($_[1]);
+sub _who_was_it {
+ my $level = $_[0] || 0;
+ return (caller(2 + $CALLER_DEPTH + $level))[3] || 'ANON'
+=head2 last_error()
+Returns a string containing all warnings and errors reported during
+the last time C<check> was called.
+This is useful if you want to report then some other way than
+C<carp>'ing when the verbose flag is on.
+It is exported upon request.
+{ $_ERROR_STRING = '';
+ sub _store_error {
+ my($err, $verbose, $offset) = @_[0..2];
+ $verbose ||= 0;
+ $offset ||= 0;
+ my $level = 1 + $offset;
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $level;
+ carp $err if $verbose;
+ $_ERROR_STRING .= $err . "\n";
+ }
+ sub _clear_error {
+ $_ERROR_STRING = '';
+ }
+ sub last_error { $_ERROR_STRING }
+=head1 Global Variables
+The behaviour of Params::Check can be altered by changing the
+following global variables:
+=head2 $Params::Check::VERBOSE
+This controls whether Params::Check will issue warnings and
+explanations as to why certain things may have failed.
+If you set it to 0, Params::Check will not output any warnings.
+The default is 1 when L<warnings> are enabled, 0 otherwise;
+=head2 $Params::Check::STRICT_TYPE
+This works like the C<strict_type> option you can pass to C<check>,
+which will turn on C<strict_type> globally for all calls to C<check>.
+The default is 0;
+=head2 $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN
+If you set this flag, unknown options will still be present in the
+return value, rather than filtered out. This is useful if your
+subroutine is only interested in a few arguments, and wants to pass
+the rest on blindly to perhaps another subroutine.
+The default is 0;
+=head2 $Params::Check::STRIP_LEADING_DASHES
+If you set this flag, all keys passed in the following manner:
+ function( -key => 'val' );
+will have their leading dashes stripped.
+=head2 $Params::Check::NO_DUPLICATES
+If set to true, all keys in the template that are marked as to be
+stored in a scalar, will also be removed from the result set.
+Default is false, meaning that when you use C<store> as a template
+key, C<check> will put it both in the scalar you supplied, as well as
+in the hashref it returns.
+=head2 $Params::Check::PRESERVE_CASE
+If set to true, L<Params::Check> will no longer convert all keys from
+the user input to lowercase, but instead expect them to be in the
+case the template provided. This is useful when you want to use
+similar keys with different casing in your templates.
+Understand that this removes the case-insensitivy feature of this
+Default is 0;
+=head2 $Params::Check::ONLY_ALLOW_DEFINED
+If set to true, L<Params::Check> will require all values passed to be
+C<defined>. If you wish to enable this on a 'per key' basis, use the
+template option C<defined> instead.
+Default is 0;
+=head2 $Params::Check::SANITY_CHECK_TEMPLATE
+If set to true, L<Params::Check> will sanity check templates, validating
+for errors and unknown keys. Although very useful for debugging, this
+can be somewhat slow in hot-code and large loops.
+To disable this check, set this variable to C<false>.
+Default is 1;
+=head2 $Params::Check::WARNINGS_FATAL
+If set to true, L<Params::Check> will C<croak> when an error during
+template validation occurs, rather than return C<false>.
+Default is 0;
+=head2 $Params::Check::CALLER_DEPTH
+This global modifies the argument given to C<caller()> by
+C<Params::Check::check()> and is useful if you have a custom wrapper
+function around C<Params::Check::check()>. The value must be an
+integer, indicating the number of wrapper functions inserted between
+the real function call and C<Params::Check::check()>.
+Example wrapper function, using a custom stacktrace:
+ sub check {
+ my ($template, $args_in) = @_;
+ local $Params::Check::WARNINGS_FATAL = 1;
+ local $Params::Check::CALLER_DEPTH = $Params::Check::CALLER_DEPTH + 1;
+ my $args_out = Params::Check::check($template, $args_in);
+ my_stacktrace(Params::Check::last_error) unless $args_out;
+ return $args_out;
+ }
+Default is 0;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+This module by
+Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+=head1 Acknowledgements
+Thanks to Richard Soderberg for his performance improvements.
+This module is
+copyright (c) 2003,2004 Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+All rights reserved.
+This library is free software;
+you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+# Local variables:
+# c-indentation-style: bsd
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..b67e1c0aba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Params/
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+package Params::Util;
+=head1 NAME
+Params::Util - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # Import some functions
+ use Params::Util qw{_SCALAR _HASH _INSTANCE};
+ # If you are lazy, or need a lot of them...
+ use Params::Util ':ALL';
+ sub foo {
+ my $object = _INSTANCE(shift, 'Foo') or return undef;
+ my $image = _SCALAR(shift) or return undef;
+ my $options = _HASH(shift) or return undef;
+ # etc...
+ }
+C<Params::Util> provides a basic set of importable functions that makes
+checking parameters a hell of a lot easier
+While they can be (and are) used in other contexts, the main point
+behind this module is that the functions B<both> Do What You Mean,
+and Do The Right Thing, so they are most useful when you are getting
+params passed into your code from someone and/or somewhere else
+and you can't really trust the quality.
+Thus, C<Params::Util> is of most use at the edges of your API, where
+params and data are coming in from outside your code.
+The functions provided by C<Params::Util> check in the most strictly
+correct manner known, are documented as thoroughly as possible so their
+exact behaviour is clear, and heavily tested so make sure they are not
+fooled by weird data and Really Bad Things.
+To use, simply load the module providing the functions you want to use
+as arguments (as shown in the SYNOPSIS).
+To aid in maintainability, C<Params::Util> will B<never> export by
+You must explicitly name the functions you want to export, or use the
+C<:ALL> param to just have it export everything (although this is not
+recommended if you have any _FOO functions yourself with which future
+additions to C<Params::Util> may clash)
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+require overload;
+require Exporter;
+require Scalar::Util;
+require DynaLoader;
+$VERSION = '1.00';
+@ISA = qw{
+ Exporter
+ DynaLoader
+@EXPORT_OK = qw{
+ _SET _SET0
+eval {
+ bootstrap Params::Util $VERSION;
+ 1;
+# Param Checking Functions
+=head2 _STRING $string
+The C<_STRING> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a normal non-false string of non-zero length.
+Note that this will NOT do anything magic to deal with the special
+C<'0'> false negative case, but will return it.
+ # '0' not considered valid data
+ my $name = _STRING(shift) or die "Bad name";
+ # '0' is considered valid data
+ my $string = _STRING($_[0]) ? shift : die "Bad string";
+Please also note that this function expects a normal string. It does
+not support overloading or other magic techniques to get a string.
+Returns the string as a conveince if it is a valid string, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_STRING;
+sub _STRING ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and length($_[0])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _IDENTIFIER $string
+The C<_IDENTIFIER> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a valid Perl identifier.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid identifier, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_IDENTIFIER;
+sub _IDENTIFIER ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*\z/s) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CLASS $string
+The C<_CLASS> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a valid Perl class.
+This function only checks that the format is valid, not that the
+class is actually loaded. It also assumes "normalised" form, and does
+not accept class names such as C<::Foo> or C<D'Oh>.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CLASS;
+sub _CLASS ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CLASSISA $string, $class
+The C<_CLASSISA> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a particularly class, or a subclass of it.
+This function checks that the format is valid and calls the -E<gt>isa
+method on the class name. It does not check that the class is actually
+It also assumes "normalised" form, and does
+not accept class names such as C<::Foo> or C<D'Oh>.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CLASSISA;
+sub _CLASSISA ($$) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s and $_[0]->isa($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SUBCLASS $string, $class
+The C<_SUBCLASS> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a subclass of a specified class.
+This function checks that the format is valid and calls the -E<gt>isa
+method on the class name. It does not check that the class is actually
+It also assumes "normalised" form, and does
+not accept class names such as C<::Foo> or C<D'Oh>.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SUBCLASS;
+sub _SUBCLASS ($$) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s and $_[0] ne $_[1] and $_[0]->isa($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _NUMBER $scalar
+The C<_NUMBER> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a number. That is, it is defined and perl thinks it's a number.
+This function is basically a Params::Util-style wrapper around the
+L<Scalar::Util> C<looks_like_number> function.
+Returns the value as a convience, or C<undef> if the value is not a
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_NUMBER;
+sub _NUMBER ($) {
+ ( defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_[0]) )
+ ? $_[0]
+ : undef;
+=head2 _POSINT $integer
+The C<_POSINT> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a positive integer (of any length).
+Returns the value as a convience, or C<undef> if the value is not a
+positive integer.
+The name itself is derived from the XML schema constraint of the same
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_POSINT;
+sub _POSINT ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[1-9]\d*$/) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _NONNEGINT $integer
+The C<_NONNEGINT> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a non-negative integer (of any length). That is, a positive integer,
+or zero.
+Returns the value as a convience, or C<undef> if the value is not a
+non-negative integer.
+As with other tests that may return false values, care should be taken
+to test via "defined" in boolean validy contexts.
+ unless ( defined _NONNEGINT($value) ) {
+ die "Invalid value";
+ }
+The name itself is derived from the XML schema constraint of the same
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_NONNEGINT;
+sub _NONNEGINT ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SCALAR \$scalar
+The C<_SCALAR> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<SCALAR> reference, with content of non-zero length.
+For a version that allows zero length C<SCALAR> references, see
+the C<_SCALAR0> function.
+Returns the C<SCALAR> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not a C<SCALAR> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SCALAR;
+sub _SCALAR ($) {
+ (ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' and defined ${$_[0]} and ${$_[0]} ne '') ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SCALAR0 \$scalar
+The C<_SCALAR0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<SCALAR0> reference, allowing content of zero-length.
+For a simpler "give me some content" version that requires non-zero
+length, C<_SCALAR> function.
+Returns the C<SCALAR> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not a C<SCALAR> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SCALAR0;
+sub _SCALAR0 ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _ARRAY $value
+The C<_ARRAY> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<ARRAY> reference containing B<at least> one element of any kind.
+For a more basic form that allows zero length ARRAY references, see
+the C<_ARRAY0> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<ARRAY> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_ARRAY;
+sub _ARRAY ($) {
+ (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_[0]}) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _ARRAY0 $value
+The C<_ARRAY0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<ARRAY> reference, allowing C<ARRAY> references that contain no
+For a more basic "An array of something" form that also requires at
+least one element, see the C<_ARRAY> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<ARRAY> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_ARRAY0;
+sub _ARRAY0 ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _ARRAYLIKE $value
+The C<_ARRAYLIKE> function tests whether a given scalar value can respond to
+array dereferencing. If it can, the value is returned. If it cannot,
+C<_ARRAYLIKE> returns C<undef>.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_ARRAYLIKE;
+ (defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] and (
+ (Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY')
+ or
+ overload::Method($_[0], '@{}')
+ )) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _HASH $value
+The C<_HASH> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<HASH> reference with at least one entry.
+For a version of this function that allows the C<HASH> to be empty,
+see the C<_HASH0> function.
+Returns the C<HASH> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<HASH> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HASH;
+sub _HASH ($) {
+ (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and scalar %{$_[0]}) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _HASH0 $value
+The C<_HASH0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<HASH> reference, regardless of the C<HASH> content.
+For a simpler "A hash of something" version that requires at least one
+element, see the C<_HASH> function.
+Returns the C<HASH> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<HASH> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HASH0;
+sub _HASH0 ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _HASHLIKE $value
+The C<_HASHLIKE> function tests whether a given scalar value can respond to
+hash dereferencing. If it can, the value is returned. If it cannot,
+C<_HASHLIKE> returns C<undef>.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HASHLIKE;
+sub _HASHLIKE {
+ (defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] and (
+ (Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH')
+ or
+ overload::Method($_[0], '%{}')
+ )) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CODE $value
+The C<_CODE> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<CODE> reference.
+Returns the C<CODE> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<CODE> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CODE;
+sub _CODE ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'CODE' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CODELIKE $value
+The C<_CODELIKE> is the more generic version of C<_CODE>. Unlike C<_CODE>,
+which checks for an explicit C<CODE> reference, the C<_CODELIKE> function
+also includes things that act like them, such as blessed objects that
+overload C<'&{}'>.
+Please note that in the case of objects overloaded with '&{}', you will
+almost always end up also testing it in 'bool' context at some stage.
+For example:
+ sub foo {
+ my $code1 = _CODELIKE(shift) or die "No code param provided";
+ my $code2 = _CODELIKE(shift);
+ if ( $code2 ) {
+ print "Got optional second code param";
+ }
+ }
+As such, you will most likely always want to make sure your class has
+at least the following to allow it to evaluate to true in boolean
+ # Always evaluate to true in boolean context
+ use overload 'bool' => sub () { 1 };
+Returns the callable value as a convenience, or C<undef> if the
+value provided is not callable.
+Note - This function was formerly known as _CALLABLE but has been renamed
+for greater symmetry with the other _XXXXLIKE functions.
+The use of _CALLABLE has been deprecated. It will continue to work, but
+with a warning, until end-2006, then will be removed.
+I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CODELIKE;
+sub _CODELIKE($) {
+ (
+ (Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0])||'') eq 'CODE'
+ or
+ Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) and overload::Method($_[0],'&{}')
+ )
+ ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _INVOCANT $value
+This routine tests whether the given value is a valid method invocant.
+This can be either an instance of an object, or a class name.
+If so, the value itself is returned. Otherwise, C<_INVOCANT>
+returns C<undef>.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_INVOCANT;
+sub _INVOCANT($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and
+ (defined Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0])
+ or
+ # We used to check for stash definedness, but any class-like name is a
+ # valid invocant for UNIVERSAL methods, so we stopped. -- rjbs, 2006-07-02
+ Params::Util::_CLASS($_[0]))
+ ) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _INSTANCE $object, $class
+The C<_INSTANCE> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for an object of a particular class
+in a strictly correct manner.
+Returns the object itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if the value
+provided is not an object of that type.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_INSTANCE;
+sub _INSTANCE ($$) {
+ (Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _REGEX $value
+The C<_REGEX> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a regular expression.
+Returns the value itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if the value
+provided is not a regular expression.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_REGEX;
+sub _REGEX ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and 'Regexp' eq ref($_[0])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SET \@array, $class
+The C<_SET> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for set of at least one object of
+a particular class in a strictly correct manner.
+The set is provided as a reference to an C<ARRAY> of objects of the
+class provided.
+For an alternative function that allows zero-length sets, see the
+C<_SET0> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if
+the value provided is not a set of that class.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SET;
+sub _SET ($$) {
+ my $set = shift;
+ _ARRAY($set) or return undef;
+ foreach my $item ( @$set ) {
+ _INSTANCE($item,$_[0]) or return undef;
+ }
+ $set;
+=head2 _SET0 \@array, $class
+The C<_SET0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a set of objects of a
+particular class in a strictly correct manner, allowing for zero objects.
+The set is provided as a reference to an C<ARRAY> of objects of the
+class provided.
+For an alternative function that requires at least one object, see the
+C<_SET> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if
+the value provided is not a set of that class.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SET0;
+sub _SET0 ($$) {
+ my $set = shift;
+ _ARRAY0($set) or return undef;
+ foreach my $item ( @$set ) {
+ _INSTANCE($item,$_[0]) or return undef;
+ }
+ $set;
+=head2 _HANDLE
+The C<_HANDLE> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test whether or not a single scalar
+value is a file handle.
+Unfortunately, in Perl the definition of a file handle can be a little
+bit fuzzy, so this function is likely to be somewhat imperfect (at first
+That said, it is implement as well or better than the other file handle
+detectors in existance (and we stole from the best of them).
+# We're doing this longhand for now. Once everything is perfect,
+# we'll compress this into something that compiles more efficiently.
+# Further, testing file handles is not something that is generally
+# done millions of times, so doing it slowly is not a big speed hit.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HANDLE;
+sub _HANDLE {
+ my $it = shift;
+ # It has to be defined, of course
+ unless ( defined $it ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Normal globs are considered to be file handles
+ if ( ref $it eq 'GLOB' ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # Check for a normal tied filehandle
+ # Side Note: 5.5.4's tied() and can() doesn't like getting undef
+ if ( tied($it) and tied($it)->can('TIEHANDLE') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # There are no other non-object handles that we support
+ unless ( Scalar::Util::blessed($it) ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Check for a common base classes for conventional IO::Handle object
+ if ( $it->isa('IO::Handle') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # Check for tied file handles using Tie::Handle
+ if ( $it->isa('Tie::Handle') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # IO::Scalar is not a proper seekable, but it is valid is a
+ # regular file handle
+ if ( $it->isa('IO::Scalar') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # Yet another special case for IO::String, which refuses (for now
+ # anyway) to become a subclass of IO::Handle.
+ if ( $it->isa('IO::String') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # This is not any sort of object we know about
+ return undef;
+=head2 _DRIVER $string
+ sub foo {
+ my $class = _DRIVER(shift, 'My::Driver::Base') or die "Bad driver";
+ ...
+ }
+The C<_DRIVER> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to load and validate
+a driver class.
+The most common pattern when taking a driver class as a parameter
+is to check that the name is a class (i.e. check against _CLASS)
+and then to load the class (if it exists) and then ensure that
+the class returns true for the isa method on some base driver name.
+Return the value as a convenience, or C<undef> if the value is not
+a class name, the module does not exist, the module does not load,
+or the class fails the isa test.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_DRIVER;
+sub _DRIVER ($$) {
+ (defined _CLASS($_[0]) and eval "require $_[0];" and ! $@ and $_[0]->isa($_[1]) and $_[0] ne $_[1]) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head1 TO DO
+- Add _CAN to help resolve the UNIVERSAL::can debacle
+- Would be even nicer if someone would demonstrate how the hell to
+build a Module::Install dist of the ::Util dual Perl/XS type. :/
+- Implement an assertion-like version of this module, that dies on
+- Implement a Test:: version of this module, for use in testing
+=head1 SUPPORT
+Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at
+For other issues, contact the author.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Copyright 2005 - 2009 Adam Kennedy.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute
+it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+The full text of the license can be found in the
+LICENSE file included with this module.