path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/Font/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/Font/')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/Font/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/Font/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5e061d76eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/Font/
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+package Imager::Font::Wrap;
+use strict;
+use Imager;
+use Imager::Font;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "1.002";
+*_first = \&Imager::Font::_first;
+# we can't accept the utf8 parameter, too hard at this level
+# the %state contains:
+# font - the font
+# im - the image
+# x - the left position
+# w - the width
+# justify - fill, left, right or center
+sub _format_line {
+ my ($state, $spaces, $text, $fill) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/ +$//;
+ my $box = $state->{font}->bounding_box(string=>$text,
+ size=>$state->{size});
+ my $y = $state->{linepos} + $box->global_ascent;
+ if ($state->{bottom}
+ && $state->{linepos} + $box->font_height > $state->{bottom}) {
+ $state->{full} = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($text =~ /\S/ && $state->{im}) {
+ my $justify = $fill ? $state->{justify} :
+ $state->{justify} eq 'fill' ? 'left' : $state->{justify};
+ if ($justify ne 'fill') {
+ my $x = $state->{x};
+ if ($justify eq 'right') {
+ $x += $state->{w} - $box->advance_width;
+ }
+ elsif ($justify eq 'center') {
+ $x += ($state->{w} - $box->advance_width) / 2;
+ }
+ $state->{font}->draw(image=>$state->{im}, string=>$text,
+ x=>$x, 'y'=>$y,
+ size=>$state->{size}, %{$state->{input}});
+ }
+ else {
+ (my $nospaces = $text) =~ tr/ //d;
+ my $nospace_bbox = $state->{font}->bounding_box(string=>$nospaces,
+ size=>$state->{size});
+ my $gap = $state->{w} - $nospace_bbox->advance_width;
+ my $x = $state->{x};
+ $spaces = $text =~ tr/ / /;
+ while (length $text) {
+ if ($text =~ s/^(\S+)//) {
+ my $word = $1;
+ my $bbox = $state->{font}->bounding_box(string=>$word,
+ size=>$state->{size});
+ $state->{font}->draw(image=>$state->{im}, string=>$1,
+ x=>$x, 'y'=>$y,
+ size=>$state->{size}, %{$state->{input}});
+ $x += $bbox->advance_width;
+ }
+ elsif ($text =~ s/^( +)//) {
+ my $sep = $1;
+ my $advance = int($gap * length($sep) / $spaces);
+ $spaces -= length $sep;
+ $gap -= $advance;
+ $x += $advance;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "This shouldn't happen\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $state->{linepos} += $box->font_height + $state->{linegap};
+ 1;
+sub wrap_text {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %input = @_;
+ # try to get something useful
+ my $x = _first(delete $input{'x'}, 0);
+ my $y = _first(delete $input{'y'}, 0);
+ exists $input{image}
+ or return Imager->_set_error('No image parameter supplied');
+ my $im = delete $input{image};
+ my $imerr = $im || 'Imager';
+ my $width = delete $input{width};
+ if (!defined $width) {
+ defined $im && $im->getwidth > $x
+ or return $imerr->_set_error("No width supplied and can't guess");
+ $width = $im->getwidth - $x;
+ }
+ my $font = delete $input{font}
+ or return $imerr->_set_error("No font parameter supplied");
+ my $size = _first(delete $input{size}, $font->{size});
+ defined $size
+ or return $imerr->_set_error("No font size supplied");
+ 2 * $size < $width
+ or return $imerr->_set_error("Width too small for font size");
+ my $text = delete $input{string};
+ defined $text
+ or return $imerr->_set_error("No string parameter supplied");
+ my $justify = _first($input{justify}, "left");
+ my %state =
+ (
+ font => $font,
+ im => $im,
+ x => $x,
+ w => $width,
+ justify => $justify,
+ 'y' => $y,
+ linepos=>$y,
+ size=>$size,
+ input => \%input,
+ linegap => delete $input{linegap} || 0,
+ );
+ $state{height} = delete $input{height};
+ if ($state{height}) {
+ $state{bottom} = $y + $state{height};
+ }
+ my $line = '';
+ my $spaces = 0;
+ my $charpos = 0;
+ my $linepos = 0;
+ pos($text) = 0; # avoid a warning
+ while (pos($text) < length($text)) {
+ #print pos($text), "\n";
+ if ($text =~ /\G( +)/gc) {
+ #print "spaces\n";
+ $line .= $1;
+ $spaces += length($1);
+ }
+ elsif ($text =~ /\G(?:\x0D\x0A?|\x0A\x0D?)/gc) {
+ #print "newline\n";
+ _format_line(\%state, $spaces, $line, 0)
+ or last;
+ $line = '';
+ $spaces = 0;
+ $linepos = pos($text);
+ }
+ elsif ($text =~ /\G(\S+)/gc) {
+ #print "word\n";
+ my $word = $1;
+ my $bbox = $font->bounding_box(string=>$line . $word, size=>$size);
+ if ($bbox->advance_width > $width) {
+ _format_line(\%state, $spaces, $line, 1)
+ or last;
+ $line = '';
+ $spaces = 0;
+ $linepos = pos($text) - length($word);
+ }
+ $line .= $word;
+ # check for long words
+ $bbox = $font->bounding_box(string=>$line, size=>$size);
+ while ($bbox->advance_width > $width) {
+ my $len = length($line) - 1;
+ $bbox = $font->bounding_box(string=>substr($line, 0, $len),
+ size=>$size);
+ while ($bbox->advance_width > $width) {
+ --$len;
+ $bbox = $font->bounding_box(string=>substr($line, 0, $len),
+ size=>$size);
+ }
+ _format_line(\%state, 0, substr($line, 0, $len), 0)
+ or last;
+ $line = substr($line, $len);
+ $bbox = $font->bounding_box(string=>$line, size=>$size);
+ $linepos = pos($text) - length($line);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($text =~ /\G\s/gc) {
+ # skip a single unrecognized whitespace char
+ #print "skip\n";
+ $linepos = pos($text);
+ }
+ }
+ if (length $line && !$state{full}) {
+ $linepos += length $line
+ if _format_line(\%state, 0, $line, 0);
+ }
+ if ($input{savepos}) {
+ ${$input{savepos}} = $linepos;
+ }
+ return ($x, $y, $x+$width, $state{linepos});
+=head1 NAME
+ Imager::Font::Wrap - simple wrapped text output
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Imager::Font::Wrap;
+ my $img = Imager->new(xsize=>$xsize, ysize=>$ysize);
+ my $font = Imager::Font->new(file=>$fontfile);
+ my $string = "..."; # text with or without newlines
+ Imager::Font::Wrap->wrap_text( image => $img,
+ font => $font,
+ string => $string,
+ x => $left,
+ y => $top,
+ width => $width,
+ .... );
+This is a simple text wrapper with options to control the layout of
+text within the line.
+You can control the position, width and height of the text with the
+C<image>, C<x>, C<y>, C<width> and C<height> options.
+You can simply calculate space usage by setting C<image> to C<undef>,
+or set C<savepos> to see how much text can fit within the given
+=item wrap_text
+Draw word-wrapped text.
+=item x
+=item y
+The top-left corner of the rectangle the text is formatted into.
+Defaults to (0, 0).
+=item width
+The width of the formatted text in pixels. Defaults to the horizontal
+gap between the top-left corner and the right edge of the image. If
+no image is supplied then this is required.
+=item height
+The maximum height of the formated text in pixels. Not required.
+=item savepos
+The amount of text consumed (as a count of characters) will be stored
+into the scalar this refers to.
+ my $pagenum = 1;
+ my $string = "...";
+ my $font = ...;
+ my $savepos;
+ while (length $string) {
+ my $img = Imager->new(xsize=>$xsize, ysize=>$ysize);
+ Imager::Font::Wrap->wrap_text(string=>$string, font=>$font,
+ image=>$img, savepos => \$savepos)
+ or die $img->errstr;
+ $savepos > 0
+ or die "Could not fit any text on page\n";
+ $string = substr($string, $savepos);
+ $img->write(file=>"page$pagenum.ppm");
+ }
+=item image
+The image to render the text to. Can be supplied as C<undef> to
+simply calculate the bounding box.
+=item font
+The font used to render the text. Required.
+=item size
+The size to render the font in. Defaults to the size stored in the
+font object. Required if it isn't stored in the font object.
+=item string
+The text to render. This can contain non-whitespace, blanks (ASCII
+0x20), and newlines.
+Newlines must match /(?:\x0A\x0D?|\x0D\x0A?)/. Whitespace other than
+blanks and newlines are completely ignored.
+=item justify
+The way text is formatted within each line. Possible values include:
+=item left
+Left aligned against the left edge of the text box.
+=item right
+Right aligned against the right edge of the text box.
+=item center
+Centered horizontally in the text box.
+=item fill
+All but the final line of the paragraph has spaces expanded so that
+the line fills from the left to the right edge of the text box.
+=item linegap
+Gap between lines of text in pixels. This is in addition to the size
+from $font->font_height. Can be positive or negative. Default 0.
+Any other parameters are passed onto Imager::Font->draw().
+Returns a list:
+ ($left, $top, $right, $bottom)
+which are the bounds of the space used to layout the text.
+If C<height> is set then this is the space used within that height.
+You can use this to calculate the space required to format the text
+before doing it:
+ my ($left, $top, $right, $bottom) =
+ Imager::Font::Wrap->wrap_text(string => $string,
+ font => $font,
+ width => $xsize);
+ my $img = Imager->new(xsize=>$xsize, ysize=>$bottom);
+ Imager::Font::Wrap->wrap_text(string => $string,
+ font => $font,
+ width => $xsize,
+ image => $image);
+=head1 BUGS
+Imager::Font can handle UTF8 encoded text itself, but this module
+doesn't support that (and probably won't). This could probably be
+done with regex magic.
+Currently ignores the C<sizew> parameter, if you supply one it will be
+supplied to the draw() function and the text will be too short or too
+long for the C<width>.
+Uses a simplistic text model, which is why there's no hyphenation, and
+no tabs.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tony Cook <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Imager(3), Imager::Font(3)