path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/ExtUtils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/ExtUtils/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9cb1fc10d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+package ExtUtils::Installed;
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+#use warnings; # XXX requires 5.6
+use Carp qw();
+use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use Config;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+my $DOSISH = ($^O =~ /^(MSWin\d\d|os2|dos|mint)$/);
+require VMS::Filespec if $Is_VMS;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '1.999_001';
+sub _is_prefix {
+ my ($self, $path, $prefix) = @_;
+ return unless defined $prefix && defined $path;
+ if( $Is_VMS ) {
+ $prefix = VMS::Filespec::unixify($prefix);
+ $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path);
+ }
+ # Unix path normalization.
+ $prefix = File::Spec->canonpath($prefix);
+ return 1 if substr($path, 0, length($prefix)) eq $prefix;
+ if ($DOSISH) {
+ $path =~ s|\\|/|g;
+ $prefix =~ s|\\|/|g;
+ return 1 if $path =~ m{^\Q$prefix\E}i;
+ }
+ return(0);
+sub _is_doc {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ my $man1dir = $self->{':private:'}{Config}{man1direxp};
+ my $man3dir = $self->{':private:'}{Config}{man3direxp};
+ return(($man1dir && $self->_is_prefix($path, $man1dir))
+ ||
+ ($man3dir && $self->_is_prefix($path, $man3dir))
+ ? 1 : 0)
+sub _is_type {
+ my ($self, $path, $type) = @_;
+ return 1 if $type eq "all";
+ return($self->_is_doc($path)) if $type eq "doc";
+ my $conf= $self->{':private:'}{Config};
+ if ($type eq "prog") {
+ return($self->_is_prefix($path, $conf->{prefix} || $conf->{prefixexp})
+ && !($self->_is_doc($path)) ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ return(0);
+sub _is_under {
+ my ($self, $path, @under) = @_;
+ $under[0] = "" if (! @under);
+ foreach my $dir (@under) {
+ return(1) if ($self->_is_prefix($path, $dir));
+ }
+ return(0);
+sub _fix_dirs {
+ my ($self, @dirs)= @_;
+ # File::Find does not know how to deal with VMS filepaths.
+ if( $Is_VMS ) {
+ $_ = VMS::Filespec::unixify($_)
+ for @dirs;
+ }
+ if ($DOSISH) {
+ s|\\|/|g for @dirs;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @dirs : $dirs[0];
+sub _make_entry {
+ my ($self, $module, $packlist_file, $modfile)= @_;
+ my $data= {
+ module => $module,
+ packlist => scalar(ExtUtils::Packlist->new($packlist_file)),
+ packlist_file => $packlist_file,
+ };
+ if (!$modfile) {
+ $data->{version} = $self->{':private:'}{Config}{version};
+ } else {
+ $data->{modfile} = $modfile;
+ # Find the top-level module file in @INC
+ $data->{version} = '';
+ foreach my $dir (@{$self->{':private:'}{INC}}) {
+ my $p = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $modfile);
+ if (-r $p) {
+ $module = _module_name($p, $module) if $Is_VMS;
+ $data->{version} = MM->parse_version($p);
+ $data->{version_from} = $p;
+ $data->{packlist_valid} = exists $data->{packlist}{$p};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{$module}= $data;
+sub new {
+ my ($class) = shift(@_);
+ $class = ref($class) || $class;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return $INSTALLED if $INSTALLED and ($args{default_get} || $args{default});
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $INSTALLED= $self if $args{default_set} || $args{default};
+ if ($args{config_override}) {
+ eval {
+ $self->{':private:'}{Config} = { %{$args{config_override}} };
+ } or Carp::croak(
+ "The 'config_override' parameter must be a hash reference."
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{':private:'}{Config} = \%Config;
+ }
+ for my $tuple ([inc_override => INC => [ @INC ] ],
+ [ extra_libs => EXTRA => [] ])
+ {
+ my ($arg,$key,$val)=@$tuple;
+ if ( $args{$arg} ) {
+ eval {
+ $self->{':private:'}{$key} = [ @{$args{$arg}} ];
+ } or Carp::croak(
+ "The '$arg' parameter must be an array reference."
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ($val) {
+ $self->{':private:'}{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my %dupe;
+ @{$self->{':private:'}{LIBDIRS}} = grep { -e $_ && !$dupe{$_}++ }
+ @{$self->{':private:'}{EXTRA}}, @{$self->{':private:'}{INC}};
+ }
+ my @dirs= $self->_fix_dirs(@{$self->{':private:'}{LIBDIRS}});
+ # Read the core packlist
+ my $archlib = $self->_fix_dirs($self->{':private:'}{Config}{archlibexp});
+ $self->_make_entry("Perl",File::Spec->catfile($archlib, '.packlist'));
+ my $root;
+ # Read the module packlists
+ my $sub = sub {
+ # Only process module .packlists
+ return if $_ ne ".packlist" || $File::Find::dir eq $archlib;
+ # Hack of the leading bits of the paths & convert to a module name
+ my $module = $File::Find::name;
+ my $found = $module =~ s!^.*?/auto/(.*)/.packlist!$1!s
+ or do {
+ # warn "Woah! \$_=$_\n\$module=$module\n\$File::Find::dir=$File::Find::dir\n",
+ # join ("\n",@dirs);
+ return;
+ };
+ my $modfile = "$";
+ $module =~ s!/!::!g;
+ return if $self->{$module}; #shadowing?
+ $self->_make_entry($module,$File::Find::name,$modfile);
+ };
+ while (@dirs) {
+ $root= shift @dirs;
+ next if !-d $root;
+ find($sub,$root);
+ }
+ return $self;
+# VMS's non-case preserving file-system means the package name can't
+# be reconstructed from the filename.
+sub _module_name {
+ my($file, $orig_module) = @_;
+ my $module = '';
+ if (open PACKFH, $file) {
+ while (<PACKFH>) {
+ if (/package\s+(\S+)\s*;/) {
+ my $pack = $1;
+ # Make a sanity check, that lower case $module
+ # is identical to lowercase $pack before
+ # accepting it
+ if (lc($pack) eq lc($orig_module)) {
+ $module = $pack;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close PACKFH;
+ }
+ print STDERR "Couldn't figure out the package name for $file\n"
+ unless $module;
+ return $module;
+sub modules {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ # Bug/feature of sort in scalar context requires this.
+ return wantarray
+ ? sort grep { not /^:private:$/ } keys %$self
+ : grep { not /^:private:$/ } keys %$self;
+sub files {
+ my ($self, $module, $type, @under) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ # Validate arguments
+ Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+ $type = "all" if (! defined($type));
+ Carp::croak('type must be "all", "prog" or "doc"')
+ if ($type ne "all" && $type ne "prog" && $type ne "doc");
+ my (@files);
+ foreach my $file (keys(%{$self->{$module}{packlist}})) {
+ push(@files, $file)
+ if ($self->_is_type($file, $type) &&
+ $self->_is_under($file, @under));
+ }
+ return(@files);
+sub directories {
+ my ($self, $module, $type, @under) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ my (%dirs);
+ foreach my $file ($self->files($module, $type, @under)) {
+ $dirs{dirname($file)}++;
+ }
+ return sort keys %dirs;
+sub directory_tree {
+ my ($self, $module, $type, @under) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ my (%dirs);
+ foreach my $dir ($self->directories($module, $type, @under)) {
+ $dirs{$dir}++;
+ my ($last) = ("");
+ while ($last ne $dir) {
+ $last = $dir;
+ $dir = dirname($dir);
+ last if !$self->_is_under($dir, @under);
+ $dirs{$dir}++;
+ }
+ }
+ return(sort(keys(%dirs)));
+sub validate {
+ my ($self, $module, $remove) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+ return($self->{$module}{packlist}->validate($remove));
+sub packlist {
+ my ($self, $module) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+ return($self->{$module}{packlist});
+sub version {
+ my ($self, $module) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+ return($self->{$module}{version});
+sub debug_dump {
+ my ($self, $module) = @_;
+ $self= $self->new(default=>1) if !ref $self;
+ local $self->{":private:"}{Config};
+ require Data::Dumper;
+ print Data::Dumper->new([$self])->Sortkeys(1)->Indent(1)->Dump();
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Installed - Inventory management of installed modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::Installed;
+ my ($inst) = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+ my (@modules) = $inst->modules();
+ my (@missing) = $inst->validate("DBI");
+ my $all_files = $inst->files("DBI");
+ my $files_below_usr_local = $inst->files("DBI", "all", "/usr/local");
+ my $all_dirs = $inst->directories("DBI");
+ my $dirs_below_usr_local = $inst->directory_tree("DBI", "prog");
+ my $packlist = $inst->packlist("DBI");
+ExtUtils::Installed provides a standard way to find out what core and module
+files have been installed. It uses the information stored in .packlist files
+created during installation to provide this information. In addition it
+provides facilities to classify the installed files and to extract directory
+information from the .packlist files.
+=head1 USAGE
+The new() function searches for all the installed .packlists on the system, and
+stores their contents. The .packlists can be queried with the functions
+described below. Where it searches by default is determined by the settings found
+in C<%Config::Config>, and what the value is of the PERL5LIB environment variable.
+=head1 METHODS
+Unless specified otherwise all method can be called as class methods, or as object
+methods. If called as class methods then the "default" object will be used, and if
+necessary created using the current processes %Config and @INC. See the
+'default' option to new() for details.
+=over 4
+=item new()
+This takes optional named parameters. Without parameters, this
+searches for all the installed .packlists on the system using
+information from C<%Config::Config> and the default module search
+paths C<@INC>. The packlists are read using the
+L<ExtUtils::Packlist> module.
+If the named parameter C<config_override> is specified,
+it should be a reference to a hash which contains all information
+usually found in C<%Config::Config>. For example, you can obtain
+the configuration information for a separate perl installation and
+pass that in.
+ my $yoda_cfg = get_fake_config('yoda');
+ my $yoda_inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new(config_override=>$yoda_cfg);
+Similarly, the parameter C<inc_override> may be a reference to an
+array which is used in place of the default module search paths
+from C<@INC>.
+ use Config;
+ my @dirs = split(/\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PERL5LIB});
+ my $p5libs = ExtUtils::Installed->new(inc_override=>\@dirs);
+B<Note>: You probably do not want to use these options alone, almost always
+you will want to set both together.
+The parameter c<extra_libs> can be used to specify B<additional> paths to
+search for installed modules. For instance
+ my $installed = ExtUtils::Installed->new(extra_libs=>["/my/lib/path"]);
+This should only be necessary if C</my/lib/path> is not in PERL5LIB.
+Finally there is the 'default', and the related 'default_get' and 'default_set'
+options. These options control the "default" object which is provided by the
+class interface to the methods. Setting C<default_get> to true tells the constructor
+to return the default object if it is defined. Setting C<default_set> to true tells
+the constructor to make the default object the constructed object. Setting the
+C<default> option is like setting both to true. This is used primarily internally
+and probably isn't interesting to any real user.
+=item modules()
+This returns a list of the names of all the installed modules. The perl 'core'
+is given the special name 'Perl'.
+=item files()
+This takes one mandatory parameter, the name of a module. It returns a list of
+all the filenames from the package. To obtain a list of core perl files, use
+the module name 'Perl'. Additional parameters are allowed. The first is one
+of the strings "prog", "doc" or "all", to select either just program files,
+just manual files or all files. The remaining parameters are a list of
+directories. The filenames returned will be restricted to those under the
+specified directories.
+=item directories()
+This takes one mandatory parameter, the name of a module. It returns a list of
+all the directories from the package. Additional parameters are allowed. The
+first is one of the strings "prog", "doc" or "all", to select either just
+program directories, just manual directories or all directories. The remaining
+parameters are a list of directories. The directories returned will be
+restricted to those under the specified directories. This method returns only
+the leaf directories that contain files from the specified module.
+=item directory_tree()
+This is identical in operation to directories(), except that it includes all the
+intermediate directories back up to the specified directories.
+=item validate()
+This takes one mandatory parameter, the name of a module. It checks that all
+the files listed in the modules .packlist actually exist, and returns a list of
+any missing files. If an optional second argument which evaluates to true is
+given any missing files will be removed from the .packlist
+=item packlist()
+This returns the ExtUtils::Packlist object for the specified module.
+=item version()
+This returns the version number for the specified module.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+See the example in L<ExtUtils::Packlist>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alan Burlison <>