path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/DBI/
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+=head1 NAME
+DBI::Roadmap - Planned Enhancements for the DBI
+Tim Bunce - 12th November 2004
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This document gives a high level overview of the future of the Perl
+DBI module.
+The DBI module is the standard database interface for Perl applications.
+It is used worldwide in countless applications, in every kind of
+business, and on platforms from clustered super-computers to PDAs.
+Database interface drivers are available for all common databases
+and many not-so-common ones.
+The planned enhancements cover testing, performance, high availability
+and load balancing, batch statements, Unicode, database portability,
+and more.
+Addressing these issues together, in coordinated way, will help
+ensure maximum future functionality with minimal disruptive
+(incompatible) upgrades.
+=head1 SCOPE
+Broad categories of changes are outlined here along with some
+rationale, but implementation details and minor planned enhancements
+are omitted. More details can be found in:
+These are grouped into categories and are not listed in any particular order.
+=head2 Performance
+The DBI has always treated performance as a priority. Some parts
+of the implementation, however, remain unoptimized, especially in
+relation to threads.
+* When the DBI is used with a Perl built with thread support enabled
+(such as for Apache mod_perl 2, and some common Linux distributions)
+it runs significantly slower. There are two reasons for this and
+both can be fixed but require non-trivial changes to both the DBI
+and drivers.
+* Connection pooling in a threaded application, such as mod_perl,
+is difficult because DBI handles cannot be passed between threads.
+An alternative mechanism for passing connections between threads
+has been defined, and an experimental connection pool module
+implemented using it, but development has stalled.
+* The majority of DBI handle creation code is implemented in Perl.
+Moving most of this to C will speed up handle creation significantly.
+* The popular fetchrow_hashref() method is many times slower than
+fetchrow_arrayref(). It has to get the names of the columns, then
+create and load a new hash each time. A $h->{FetchHashReuse} attribute
+would allow the same hash to be reused each time making fetchrow_hashref()
+about the same speed as fetchrow_arrayref().
+* Support for asynchronous (non-blocking) DBI method calls would
+enable applications to continue processing in parallel with database
+activity. This is also relevant for GUI and other event-driven
+applications. The DBI needs to define a standard interface for
+this so drivers can implement it in a portable way, where possible.
+These changes would significantly enhance the performance of the
+DBI and many applications which use the DBI.
+=head2 Testing
+The DBI has a test suite. Every driver has a test suite. Each is
+limited in its scope. The driver test suite is testing for behavior
+that the driver author I<thinks> the DBI specifies, but may be
+subtly incorrect. These test suites are poorly maintained because
+the return on investment for a single driver is too low to provide
+sufficient incentive.
+A common test suite that can be reused by all the drivers is needed.
+It would:
+* Improve the quality of the DBI and drivers.
+* Ensure all drivers conform to the DBI specification. Easing the
+porting of applications between databases, and the implementation
+of database independent modules layered over the DBI.
+* Improve the DBI specification by clarifying unclear issues in
+order to implement test cases.
+* Encourage expansion of the test suite as driver authors and others
+will be motivated by the greater benefits of their contributions.
+* Detect and record optional functionality that a driver has not
+yet implemented.
+* Improve the testing of DBI subclassing, DBI::PurePerl and the
+various "transparent" drivers, such as DBD::Proxy and DBD::Multiplex,
+by automatically running the test suite through them.
+These changes would improve the quality of all applications using
+the DBI.
+=head2 High Availability and Load Balancing
+* The DBD::Multiplex driver provides a framework to enable a wide
+range of dynamic functionality, including support for high-availability,
+failover, load-balancing, caching, and access to distributed data.
+It is currently being enhanced but development has stalled.
+* The DBD::Proxy module is complex and relatively inefficient because
+it's trying to be a complete proxy for most DBI method calls. For
+many applications a simpler proxy architecture that operates with
+a single round-trip to the server would be simpler, faster, and more
+New proxy client and server classes are needed, which could be
+subclassed to support specific client to server transport mechanisms
+(such as HTTP and Spread::Queue). Apart from the efficiency gains,
+this would also enable the use of a load-balanced pool of stateless
+servers for greater scalability and reliability.
+* The DBI currently offers no support for distributed transactions.
+The most useful elements of the standard XA distributed transaction
+interface standard could be included in the DBI specification.
+Drivers for databases which support distributed transactions could
+then be extended to support it.
+These changes would enable new kinds of DBI applications for critical
+=head2 Unicode
+Use of Unicode with the DBI is growing rapidly. The DBI should do
+more to help drivers support Unicode and help applications work
+with drivers that don't yet support Unicode directly.
+* Define expected behavior for fetching data and binding parameters.
+* Provide interfaces to support Unicode issues for XS and pure Perl
+drivers and applications.
+* Provide functions for applications to help diagnose inconsistencies
+between byte string contents and setting of the SvUTF8 flag.
+These changes would smooth the transition to Unicode for many
+applications and drivers.
+=head2 Batch Statements
+Batch statements are a sequence of SQL statements, or a stored
+procedure containing a sequence of SQL statements, which can be
+executed as a whole.
+Currently the DBI has no standard interface for dealing with multiple
+results from batch statements. After considerable discussion, an
+interface design has been agreed upon with driver authors, but has
+not yet been implemented.
+These changes would enable greater application portability between
+databases, and greater performance for databases that directly
+support batch statements.
+=head2 Introspection
+* The methods of the DBI API are installed dynamically when the DBI
+is loaded. The data structure used to define the methods and their
+dispatch behavior should be made part of the DBI API. This would
+enable more flexible and correct behavior by modules subclassing
+the DBI and by dynamic drivers such as DBD::Proxy and DBD::Multiplex.
+* Handle attribute information should also be made available, for
+the same reasons.
+* Currently is it not possible to discover all the child statement
+handles that belong to a database handle (or all database handles
+that belong to a driver handle). This makes certain tasks more
+difficult, especially some debugging scenarios. A cache of weak
+references to child handles would solve the problem without creating
+reference loops.
+* It is often useful to know which handle attributes have been
+changed since the handle was created (e.g., in mod_perl where a
+handle needs to be reset or cloned). This will become more important
+as developers start exploring use of the newly added
+$h1->swap_inner_handle($h2) method.
+These changes would simplify and improve the stability of many
+advanced uses of the DBI.
+=head2 Extensibility
+The DBI can be extended in three main dimensions: subclassing the
+DBI, subclassing a driver, and callback hooks. Each has different
+pros and cons, each is applicable in different situations, and
+all need enhancing.
+* Subclassing the DBI is functional but not well defined and some
+key elements are incomplete, particularly the DbTypeSubclass mechanism
+(that automatically subclasses to a class tree according to the
+type of database being used). It also needs more thorough testing.
+* Subclassing a driver is undocumented, poorly tested and very
+probably incomplete. However it's a powerful way to embed certain
+kinds of functionality 'below' applications while avoiding some of
+the side-effects of subclassing the DBI (especially in relation to
+error handling).
+* Callbacks are currently limited to error handling (the HandleError
+and HandleSetError attributes). Providing callback hooks for more
+events, such as a row being fetched, would enable utility modules,
+for example, to modify the behavior of a handle independent of any
+subclassing in use.
+These changes would enable cleaner and more powerful integration
+between applications, layered modules, and the DBI.
+=head2 Debugability
+* Enabling DBI trace output at a high level of detail causes a large
+volume of output, much of it probably unrelated to the problem being
+investigated. Trace output should be controlled by the new named-topic
+mechanism instead of just the trace level.
+* Calls to XS functions (such as many DBI and driver methods) don't
+normally appear in the call stack. Optionally enabling that would
+enable more useful diagnostics to be produced.
+* Integration with the Perl debugger would make it simpler to perform
+actions on a per-handle basis (such as breakpoint on execute,
+breakpoint on error).
+These changes would enable more rapid application development and
+fault finding.
+=head2 Database Portability
+* The DBI has not yet addressed the issue of portability among SQL
+dialects. This is the main hurdle limiting database portability
+for DBI applications.
+The goal is I<not> to fully parse the SQL and rewrite it in a
+different dialect. That's well beyond the scope of the DBI and
+should be left to layered modules. A simple token rewriting mechanism
+for five comment styles, two quoting styles, four placeholder styles,
+plus the ODBC "{foo ...}" escape syntax, is sufficient to significantly
+raise the level of SQL portability.
+* Another problem area is date/time formatting. Since version 1.41
+the DBI has defined a way to express that dates should be fetched
+in SQL standard date format (YYYY-MM-DD). This is one example of
+the more general case where bind_col() needs to be called with
+particular attributes on all columns of a particular type.
+A mechanism is needed whereby an application can specify default
+bind_col() attributes to be applied automatically for each column
+type. With a single step, all DATE type columns, for example, can
+be set to be returned in the standard format.
+These changes would enable greater database portability for
+applications and greater functionality for layered modules.
+=head2 Intellectual Property
+* Clarify current intellectual property status, including a review
+ of past contributions to ensure the DBI is unemcumbered.
+* Establish a procedure for vetting future contributions for any
+ intellectual property issues.
+These changes are important for companies taking a formal approach
+to assessing their risks in using Open Source software.
+=head2 Other Enhancements
+* Reduce the work needed to create new database interface drivers.
+* Definition of an interface to support scrollable cursors.
+=head2 Parrot and Perl 6
+The current DBI implementation in C code is unlikely to run on Perl 6.
+Perl 6 will target the Parrot virtual machine and so the internal
+architecture will be radically different from Perl 5.
+One of the goals of the Parrot project is to be a platform for many
+dynamic languages (including Python, PHP, Ruby, etc) and to enable
+those languages to reuse each others modules. A database interface
+for Parrot is also a database interface for any and all languages
+that run on Parrot.
+The Perl DBI would make an excellent base for a Parrot database
+interface because it has more functionality, and is more mature and
+extensible, than the database interfaces of the other dynamic
+I plan to better define the API between the DBI and the drivers and
+use that API as the primary API for the 'raw' Parrot database
+interface. This project is known a Parrot DBDI (for "DataBase
+Driver Interface"). The announcement can be read in
+The bulk of the work will be translating the DBI C and Perl base
+class code into Parrot PIR, or a suitable language that generates
+PIR. The project stalled, due to Parrot not having key functionality
+at the time. That has been resolved but the project has not yet
+Each language targeting Parrot would implement their own small
+'thin' language-specific method dispatcher (a "Perl6 DBI", "Python
+DBI", "PHP DBI" etc) layered over the common Parrot DBDI interface
+and drivers.
+The major benefit of the DBDI project is that a much wider community
+of developers share the same database drivers. There would be more
+developers maintaining less code so the benefits of the Open Source
+model are magnified.
+=head2 Transition Drivers
+The first priority is to make all the infrastructure changes that
+impact drivers and make an alpha release available for driver authors.
+As far as possible, the changes will be implemented in a way that
+enables driver authors use the same code base for DBI v1 and DBI v2.
+The main changes required by driver authors are:
+* Code changes for PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT, plus removing PERL_POLLUTE
+and DBIS
+* Code changes in DBI/DBD interface (new way to create handles, new
+callbacks etc)
+* Common test suite infrastructure (driver-specific test base class)
+=head2 Transition Applications
+A small set of incompatible changes that may impact some applications
+will also be made in v2.0. See
+=head2 Incremental Developments
+Once DBI v2.0 is available, the other enhancements can be implemented
+incrementally on the updated foundations. Priorities for those
+changes have not been set.
+=head2 DBI v1
+DBI v1 will continue to be maintained on a separate branch for
+bug fixes and any enhancements that ease the transition to DBI v2.
+See L<> for I<how you can help>.
+If your company has benefited from the DBI, please consider if
+it could make a donation to The Perl Foundation "DBI Development"
+fund at L<> to secure future development.
+Alternatively, if your company would benefit from a specific new
+DBI feature, please consider sponsoring its development through my
+consulting company, Data Plan Services. Work is performed rapidly
+on a fixed-price payment-on-delivery basis. Contact me for details.
+Using such targeted financing allows you to contribute to DBI
+development and rapidly get something specific and directly valuable
+to you in return.
+My company also offers annual support contracts for the DBI, which
+provide another way to support the DBI and get something specific
+in return. Contact me for details.
+Thank you.