path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/DBI/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/DBI/')
1 files changed, 1205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/DBI/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/DBI/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..2e4598363d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/DBI/
@@ -0,0 +1,1205 @@
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBI;
+# vim: ts=8:sw=4
+# Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Tim Bunce Ireland.
+# See COPYRIGHT section in for usage and distribution rights.
+# Please send patches and bug reports to
+# Jeff Zucker <> with cc to <>
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+require Symbol;
+require utf8;
+*utf8::is_utf8 = sub { # hack for perl 5.6
+ require bytes;
+ return unless defined $_[0];
+ return !(length($_[0]) == bytes::length($_[0]))
+} unless defined &utf8::is_utf8;
+$DBI::PurePerl = $ENV{DBI_PUREPERL} || 1;
+$DBI::PurePerl::VERSION = sprintf("2.%06d", q$Revision: 11372 $ =~ /(\d+)/o);
+$DBI::neat_maxlen ||= 400;
+$DBI::tfh = Symbol::gensym();
+open $DBI::tfh, ">&STDERR" or warn "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+select( (select($DBI::tfh), $| = 1)[0] ); # autoflush
+# check for weaken support, used by ChildHandles
+my $HAS_WEAKEN = eval {
+ require Scalar::Util;
+ # this will croak() if this Scalar::Util doesn't have a working weaken().
+ Scalar::Util::weaken( my $test = [] );
+ 1;
+%DBI::last_method_except = map { $_=>1 } qw(DESTROY _set_fbav set_err);
+use constant SQL_ALL_TYPES => 0;
+use constant SQL_ARRAY => 50;
+use constant SQL_ARRAY_LOCATOR => 51;
+use constant SQL_BIGINT => (-5);
+use constant SQL_BINARY => (-2);
+use constant SQL_BIT => (-7);
+use constant SQL_BLOB => 30;
+use constant SQL_BLOB_LOCATOR => 31;
+use constant SQL_BOOLEAN => 16;
+use constant SQL_CHAR => 1;
+use constant SQL_CLOB => 40;
+use constant SQL_CLOB_LOCATOR => 41;
+use constant SQL_DATE => 9;
+use constant SQL_DATETIME => 9;
+use constant SQL_DECIMAL => 3;
+use constant SQL_DOUBLE => 8;
+use constant SQL_FLOAT => 6;
+use constant SQL_GUID => (-11);
+use constant SQL_INTEGER => 4;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL => 10;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_DAY => 103;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR => 108;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE => 109;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND => 110;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR => 104;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE => 111;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND => 112;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE => 105;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND => 113;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH => 102;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND => 106;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR => 101;
+use constant SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH => 107;
+use constant SQL_LONGVARBINARY => (-4);
+use constant SQL_LONGVARCHAR => (-1);
+use constant SQL_MULTISET => 55;
+use constant SQL_MULTISET_LOCATOR => 56;
+use constant SQL_NUMERIC => 2;
+use constant SQL_REAL => 7;
+use constant SQL_REF => 20;
+use constant SQL_ROW => 19;
+use constant SQL_SMALLINT => 5;
+use constant SQL_TIME => 10;
+use constant SQL_TIMESTAMP => 11;
+use constant SQL_TINYINT => (-6);
+use constant SQL_TYPE_DATE => 91;
+use constant SQL_TYPE_TIME => 92;
+use constant SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP => 93;
+use constant SQL_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE => 94;
+use constant SQL_UDT => 17;
+use constant SQL_UDT_LOCATOR => 18;
+use constant SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE => 0;
+use constant SQL_VARBINARY => (-3);
+use constant SQL_VARCHAR => 12;
+use constant SQL_WCHAR => (-8);
+use constant SQL_WLONGVARCHAR => (-10);
+use constant SQL_WVARCHAR => (-9);
+# for Cursor types
+use constant SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY => 0;
+use constant SQL_CURSOR_KEYSET_DRIVEN => 1;
+use constant SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC => 2;
+use constant SQL_CURSOR_STATIC => 3;
+use constant IMA_HAS_USAGE => 0x0001; #/* check parameter usage */
+use constant IMA_FUNC_REDIRECT => 0x0002; #/* is $h->func(..., "method")*/
+use constant IMA_KEEP_ERR => 0x0004; #/* don't reset err & errstr */
+use constant IMA_KEEP_ERR_SUB => 0x0008; #/* '' if in nested call */
+use constant IMA_NO_TAINT_IN => 0x0010; #/* don't check for tainted args*/
+use constant IMA_NO_TAINT_OUT => 0x0020; #/* don't taint results */
+use constant IMA_COPY_UP_STMT => 0x0040; #/* copy sth Statement to dbh */
+use constant IMA_END_WORK => 0x0080; #/* set on commit & rollback */
+use constant IMA_STUB => 0x0100; #/* donothing eg $dbh->connected */
+use constant IMA_CLEAR_STMT => 0x0200; #/* clear Statement before call */
+use constant IMA_UNRELATED_TO_STMT=> 0x0400; #/* profile as empty Statement */
+use constant IMA_NOT_FOUND_OKAY => 0x0800; #/* not error if not found */
+use constant IMA_EXECUTE => 0x1000; #/* do/execute: DBIcf_Executed */
+use constant IMA_SHOW_ERR_STMT => 0x2000; #/* dbh meth relates to Statement*/
+use constant IMA_HIDE_ERR_PARAMVALUES => 0x4000; #/* ParamValues are not relevant */
+use constant IMA_IS_FACTORY => 0x8000; #/* new h ie connect & prepare */
+use constant IMA_CLEAR_CACHED_KIDS => 0x10000; #/* clear CachedKids before call */
+my %is_flag_attribute = map {$_ =>1 } qw(
+ Active
+ AutoCommit
+ ChopBlanks
+ CompatMode
+ Executed
+ Taint
+ TaintIn
+ TaintOut
+ InactiveDestroy
+ LongTruncOk
+ MultiThread
+ PrintError
+ PrintWarn
+ RaiseError
+ ShowErrorStatement
+ Warn
+my %is_valid_attribute = map {$_ =>1 } (keys %is_flag_attribute, qw(
+ ActiveKids
+ Attribution
+ BegunWork
+ CachedKids
+ Callbacks
+ ChildHandles
+ CursorName
+ Database
+ DebugDispatch
+ Driver
+ Err
+ Errstr
+ ErrCount
+ FetchHashKeyName
+ HandleError
+ HandleSetErr
+ ImplementorClass
+ Kids
+ LongReadLen
+ NAME NAME_uc NAME_lc NAME_uc_hash NAME_lc_hash
+ Name
+ ParamValues
+ Profile
+ Provider
+ ReadOnly
+ RootClass
+ RowCacheSize
+ RowsInCache
+ State
+ Statement
+ Type
+ TraceLevel
+ Username
+ Version
+sub valid_attribute {
+ my $attr = shift;
+ return 1 if $is_valid_attribute{$attr};
+ return 1 if $attr =~ m/^[a-z]/; # starts with lowercase letter
+ return 0
+my $initial_setup;
+sub initial_setup {
+ $initial_setup = 1;
+ print $DBI::tfh __FILE__ . " version " . $DBI::PurePerl::VERSION . "\n"
+ if $DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF;
+ untie $DBI::err;
+ untie $DBI::errstr;
+ untie $DBI::state;
+ untie $DBI::rows;
+ #tie $DBI::lasth, 'DBI::var', '!lasth'; # special case: return boolean
+sub _install_method {
+ my ( $caller, $method, $from, $param_hash ) = @_;
+ initial_setup() unless $initial_setup;
+ my ($class, $method_name) = $method =~ /^[^:]+::(.+)::(.+)$/;
+ my $bitmask = $param_hash->{'O'} || 0;
+ my @pre_call_frag;
+ return if $method_name eq 'can';
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ return if $h_inner; # ignore DESTROY for outer handle
+ # copy err/errstr/state up to driver so $DBI::err etc still work
+ if ($h->{err} and my $drh = $h->{Driver}) {
+ $drh->{$_} = $h->{$_} for ('err','errstr','state');
+ }
+ } if $method_name eq 'DESTROY';
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ return $h->{$_[0]} if exists $h->{$_[0]};
+ } if $method_name eq 'FETCH' && !exists $ENV{DBI_TRACE}; # XXX ?
+ push @pre_call_frag, "return;"
+ if IMA_STUB & $bitmask;
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ $method_name = pop @_;
+ } if IMA_FUNC_REDIRECT & $bitmask;
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ my $parent_dbh = $h->{Database};
+ } if (IMA_COPY_UP_STMT|IMA_EXECUTE) & $bitmask;
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ warn "No Database set for $h on $method_name!" unless $parent_dbh; # eg proxy problems
+ $parent_dbh->{Statement} = $h->{Statement} if $parent_dbh;
+ } if IMA_COPY_UP_STMT & $bitmask;
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ $h->{Executed} = 1;
+ $parent_dbh->{Executed} = 1 if $parent_dbh;
+ } if IMA_EXECUTE & $bitmask;
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ %{ $h->{CachedKids} } = () if $h->{CachedKids};
+ } if IMA_CLEAR_CACHED_KIDS & $bitmask;
+ if (IMA_KEEP_ERR & $bitmask) {
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ my $keep_error = 1;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ke_init = (IMA_KEEP_ERR_SUB & $bitmask)
+ ? q{= $h->{dbi_pp_parent}->{dbi_pp_call_depth} }
+ : "";
+ push @pre_call_frag, qq{
+ my \$keep_error $ke_init;
+ };
+ my $keep_error_code = q{
+ #warn "$method_name cleared err";
+ $h->{err} = $DBI::err = undef;
+ $h->{errstr} = $DBI::errstr = undef;
+ $h->{state} = $DBI::state = '';
+ };
+ $keep_error_code = q{
+ printf $DBI::tfh " !! %s: %s CLEARED by call to }.$method_name.q{ method\n".
+ $h->{err}, $h->{err}
+ if defined $h->{err} && $DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF;
+ }. $keep_error_code
+ if exists $ENV{DBI_TRACE};
+ push @pre_call_frag, ($ke_init)
+ ? qq{ unless (\$keep_error) { $keep_error_code }}
+ : $keep_error_code
+ unless $method_name eq 'set_err';
+ }
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ my $ErrCount = $h->{ErrCount};
+ };
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ if (($DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF) >= 2) {
+ local $^W;
+ my $args = join " ", map { DBI::neat($_) } ($h, @_);
+ printf $DBI::tfh " > $method_name in $imp ($args) [$@]\n";
+ }
+ } if exists $ENV{DBI_TRACE}; # note use of 'exists'
+ push @pre_call_frag, q{
+ $h->{'dbi_pp_last_method'} = $method_name;
+ } unless exists $DBI::last_method_except{$method_name};
+ # --- post method call code fragments ---
+ my @post_call_frag;
+ push @post_call_frag, q{
+ if (my $trace_level = ($DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF)) {
+ if ($h->{err}) {
+ printf $DBI::tfh " !! ERROR: %s %s\n", $h->{err}, $h->{errstr};
+ }
+ my $ret = join " ", map { DBI::neat($_) } @ret;
+ my $msg = " < $method_name= $ret";
+ $msg = ($trace_level >= 2) ? Carp::shortmess($msg) : "$msg\n";
+ print $DBI::tfh $msg;
+ }
+ } if exists $ENV{DBI_TRACE}; # note use of exists
+ push @post_call_frag, q{
+ $h->{Executed} = 0;
+ if ($h->{BegunWork}) {
+ $h->{BegunWork} = 0;
+ $h->{AutoCommit} = 1;
+ }
+ } if IMA_END_WORK & $bitmask;
+ push @post_call_frag, q{
+ if ( ref $ret[0] and
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($ret[0], 'DBI::_::common') and
+ defined( (my $h_new = tied(%{$ret[0]})||$ret[0])->{err} )
+ ) {
+ # copy up info/warn to drh so PrintWarn on connect is triggered
+ $h->set_err($h_new->{err}, $h_new->{errstr}, $h_new->{state})
+ }
+ } if IMA_IS_FACTORY & $bitmask;
+ push @post_call_frag, q{
+ $keep_error = 0 if $keep_error && $h->{ErrCount} > $ErrCount;
+ $DBI::err = $h->{err};
+ $DBI::errstr = $h->{errstr};
+ $DBI::state = $h->{state};
+ if ( !$keep_error
+ && defined(my $err = $h->{err})
+ && ($call_depth <= 1 && !$h->{dbi_pp_parent}{dbi_pp_call_depth})
+ ) {
+ my($pe,$pw,$re,$he) = @{$h}{qw(PrintError PrintWarn RaiseError HandleError)};
+ my $msg;
+ if ($err && ($pe || $re || $he) # error
+ or (!$err && length($err) && $pw) # warning
+ ) {
+ my $last = ($DBI::last_method_except{$method_name})
+ ? ($h->{'dbi_pp_last_method'}||$method_name) : $method_name;
+ my $errstr = $h->{errstr} || $DBI::errstr || $err || '';
+ my $msg = sprintf "%s %s %s: %s", $imp, $last,
+ ($err eq "0") ? "warning" : "failed", $errstr;
+ if ($h->{'ShowErrorStatement'} and my $Statement = $h->{Statement}) {
+ $msg .= ' [for Statement "' . $Statement;
+ if (my $ParamValues = $h->FETCH('ParamValues')) {
+ $msg .= '" with ParamValues: ';
+ $msg .= DBI::_concat_hash_sorted($ParamValues, "=", ", ", 1, undef);
+ $msg .= "]";
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg .= '"]';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($err eq "0") { # is 'warning' (not info)
+ carp $msg if $pw;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $do_croak = 1;
+ if (my $subsub = $h->{'HandleError'}) {
+ $do_croak = 0 if &$subsub($msg,$h,$ret[0]);
+ }
+ if ($do_croak) {
+ printf $DBI::tfh " $method_name has failed ($h->{PrintError},$h->{RaiseError})\n"
+ if ($DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF) >= 4;
+ carp $msg if $pe;
+ die $msg if $h->{RaiseError};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my $method_code = q[
+ sub {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $h_inner = tied(%$h);
+ $h = $h_inner if $h_inner;
+ my $imp;
+ if ($method_name eq 'DESTROY') {
+ # during global destruction, $h->{...} can trigger "Can't call FETCH on an undef value"
+ # implying that tied() above lied to us, so we need to use eval
+ local $@; # protect $@
+ $imp = eval { $h->{"ImplementorClass"} } or return; # probably global destruction
+ }
+ else {
+ $imp = $h->{"ImplementorClass"} or do {
+ warn "Can't call $method_name method on handle $h after take_imp_data()\n"
+ if not exists $h->{Active};
+ return; # or, more likely, global destruction
+ };
+ }
+ ] . join("\n", '', @pre_call_frag, '') . q[
+ my $call_depth = $h->{'dbi_pp_call_depth'} + 1;
+ local ($h->{'dbi_pp_call_depth'}) = $call_depth;
+ my @ret;
+ my $sub = $imp->can($method_name);
+ if (!$sub and IMA_FUNC_REDIRECT & $bitmask and $sub = $imp->can('func')) {
+ push @_, $method_name;
+ }
+ if ($sub) {
+ (wantarray) ? (@ret = &$sub($h,@_)) : (@ret = scalar &$sub($h,@_));
+ }
+ else {
+ # XXX could try explicit fallback to $imp->can('AUTOLOAD') etc
+ # which would then let Multiplex pass PurePerl tests, but some
+ # hook into install_method may be better.
+ croak "Can't locate DBI object method \"$method_name\" via package \"$imp\""
+ if ] . ((IMA_NOT_FOUND_OKAY & $bitmask) ? 0 : 1) . q[;
+ }
+ ] . join("\n", '', @post_call_frag, '') . q[
+ return (wantarray) ? @ret : $ret[0];
+ }
+ ];
+ no strict qw(refs);
+ my $code_ref = eval qq{#line 1 "DBI::PurePerl $method"\n$method_code};
+ warn "$@\n$method_code\n" if $@;
+ die "$@\n$method_code\n" if $@;
+ *$method = $code_ref;
+ if (0 && $method =~ /\b(connect|FETCH)\b/) { # debuging tool
+ my $l=0; # show line-numbered code for method
+ warn "*$method code:\n".join("\n", map { ++$l.": $_" } split/\n/,$method_code);
+ }
+sub _new_handle {
+ my ($class, $parent, $attr, $imp_data, $imp_class) = @_;
+ DBI->trace_msg(" New $class (for $imp_class, parent=$parent, id=".($imp_data||'').")\n")
+ if $DBI::dbi_debug >= 3;
+ $attr->{ImplementorClass} = $imp_class
+ or Carp::croak("_new_handle($class): 'ImplementorClass' attribute not given");
+ # This is how we create a DBI style Object:
+ # %outer gets tied to %$attr (which becomes the 'inner' handle)
+ my (%outer, $i, $h);
+ $i = tie %outer, $class, $attr; # ref to inner hash (for driver)
+ $h = bless \%outer, $class; # ref to outer hash (for application)
+ # The above tie and bless may migrate down into _setup_handle()...
+ # Now add magic so DBI method dispatch works
+ DBI::_setup_handle($h, $imp_class, $parent, $imp_data);
+ return $h unless wantarray;
+ return ($h, $i);
+sub _setup_handle {
+ my($h, $imp_class, $parent, $imp_data) = @_;
+ my $h_inner = tied(%$h) || $h;
+ if (($DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF) >= 4) {
+ local $^W;
+ print $DBI::tfh " _setup_handle(@_)\n";
+ }
+ $h_inner->{"imp_data"} = $imp_data;
+ $h_inner->{"ImplementorClass"} = $imp_class;
+ $h_inner->{"Kids"} = $h_inner->{"ActiveKids"} = 0; # XXX not maintained
+ if ($parent) {
+ foreach (qw(
+ RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn HandleError HandleSetErr
+ Warn LongTruncOk ChopBlanks AutoCommit ReadOnly
+ ShowErrorStatement FetchHashKeyName LongReadLen CompatMode
+ )) {
+ $h_inner->{$_} = $parent->{$_}
+ if exists $parent->{$_} && !exists $h_inner->{$_};
+ }
+ if (ref($parent) =~ /::db$/) {
+ $h_inner->{Database} = $parent;
+ $parent->{Statement} = $h_inner->{Statement};
+ $h_inner->{NUM_OF_PARAMS} = 0;
+ }
+ elsif (ref($parent) =~ /::dr$/){
+ $h_inner->{Driver} = $parent;
+ }
+ $h_inner->{dbi_pp_parent} = $parent;
+ # add to the parent's ChildHandles
+ if ($HAS_WEAKEN) {
+ my $handles = $parent->{ChildHandles} ||= [];
+ push @$handles, $h;
+ Scalar::Util::weaken($handles->[-1]);
+ # purge destroyed handles occasionally
+ if (@$handles % 120 == 0) {
+ @$handles = grep { defined } @$handles;
+ Scalar::Util::weaken($_) for @$handles; # re-weaken after grep
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { # setting up a driver handle
+ $h_inner->{Warn} = 1;
+ $h_inner->{PrintWarn} = $^W;
+ $h_inner->{AutoCommit} = 1;
+ $h_inner->{TraceLevel} = 0;
+ $h_inner->{CompatMode} = (1==0);
+ $h_inner->{FetchHashKeyName} ||= 'NAME';
+ $h_inner->{LongReadLen} ||= 80;
+ $h_inner->{ChildHandles} ||= [] if $HAS_WEAKEN;
+ $h_inner->{Type} ||= 'dr';
+ }
+ $h_inner->{"dbi_pp_call_depth"} = 0;
+ $h_inner->{ErrCount} = 0;
+ $h_inner->{Active} = 1;
+sub constant {
+ warn "constant(@_) called unexpectedly"; return undef;
+sub trace {
+ my ($h, $level, $file) = @_;
+ $level = $h->parse_trace_flags($level)
+ if defined $level and !DBI::looks_like_number($level);
+ my $old_level = $DBI::dbi_debug;
+ _set_trace_file($file) if $level;
+ if (defined $level) {
+ $DBI::dbi_debug = $level;
+ print $DBI::tfh " DBI $DBI::VERSION (PurePerl) "
+ . "dispatch trace level set to $DBI::dbi_debug\n"
+ if $DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF;
+ }
+ _set_trace_file($file) if !$level;
+ return $old_level;
+sub _set_trace_file {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ #
+ # DAA add support for filehandle inputs
+ #
+ # DAA required to avoid closing a prior fh trace()
+ $DBI::tfh = undef unless $DBI::tfh_needs_close;
+ if (ref $file eq 'GLOB') {
+ $DBI::tfh = $file;
+ select((select($DBI::tfh), $| = 1)[0]);
+ $DBI::tfh_needs_close = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $DBI::tfh_needs_close = 1;
+ if (!$file || $file eq 'STDERR') {
+ open $DBI::tfh, ">&STDERR" or carp "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+ }
+ elsif ($file eq 'STDOUT') {
+ open $DBI::tfh, ">&STDOUT" or carp "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+ }
+ else {
+ open $DBI::tfh, ">>$file" or carp "Can't open $file: $!";
+ }
+ select((select($DBI::tfh), $| = 1)[0]);
+ return 1;
+sub _get_imp_data { shift->{"imp_data"}; }
+sub _svdump { }
+sub dump_handle {
+ my ($h,$msg,$level) = @_;
+ $msg||="dump_handle $h";
+ print $DBI::tfh "$msg:\n";
+ for my $attrib (sort keys %$h) {
+ print $DBI::tfh "\t$attrib => ".DBI::neat($h->{$attrib})."\n";
+ }
+sub _handles {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $h_inner = tied %$h;
+ if ($h_inner) { # this is okay
+ return $h unless wantarray;
+ return ($h, $h_inner);
+ }
+ # XXX this isn't okay... we have an inner handle but
+ # currently have no way to get at its outer handle,
+ # so we just warn and return the inner one for both...
+ Carp::carp("Can't return outer handle from inner handle using DBI::PurePerl");
+ return $h unless wantarray;
+ return ($h,$h);
+sub hash {
+ my ($key, $type) = @_;
+ my ($hash);
+ if (!$type) {
+ $hash = 0;
+ # XXX The C version uses the "char" type, which could be either
+ # signed or unsigned. I use signed because so do the two
+ # compilers on my system.
+ for my $char (unpack ("c*", $key)) {
+ $hash = $hash * 33 + $char;
+ }
+ $hash &= 0x7FFFFFFF; # limit to 31 bits
+ $hash |= 0x40000000; # set bit 31
+ return -$hash; # return negative int
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 1) { # Fowler/Noll/Vo hash
+ # see
+ require Math::BigInt; # feel free to reimplement w/o BigInt!
+ (my $version = $Math::BigInt::VERSION || 0) =~ s/_.*//; # eg "1.70_01"
+ if ($version >= 1.56) {
+ $hash = Math::BigInt->new(0x811c9dc5);
+ for my $uchar (unpack ("C*", $key)) {
+ # multiply by the 32 bit FNV magic prime mod 2^64
+ $hash = ($hash * 0x01000193) & 0xffffffff;
+ # xor the bottom with the current octet
+ $hash ^= $uchar;
+ }
+ # cast to int
+ return unpack "i", pack "i", $hash;
+ }
+ croak("DBI::PurePerl doesn't support hash type 1 without Math::BigInt >= 1.56 (available on CPAN)");
+ }
+ else {
+ croak("bad hash type $type");
+ }
+sub looks_like_number {
+ my @new = ();
+ for my $thing(@_) {
+ if (!defined $thing or $thing eq '') {
+ push @new, undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @new, ($thing =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return (@_ >1) ? @new : $new[0];
+sub neat {
+ my $v = shift;
+ return "undef" unless defined $v;
+ my $quote = q{"};
+ if (not utf8::is_utf8($v)) {
+ return $v if (($v & ~ $v) eq "0"); # is SvNIOK
+ $quote = q{'};
+ }
+ my $maxlen = shift || $DBI::neat_maxlen;
+ if ($maxlen && $maxlen < length($v) + 2) {
+ $v = substr($v,0,$maxlen-5);
+ $v .= '...';
+ }
+ $v =~ s/[^[:print:]]/./g;
+ return "$quote$v$quote";
+sub dbi_time {
+ return time();
+sub DBI::st::TIEHASH { bless $_[1] => $_[0] };
+sub _concat_hash_sorted {
+ my ( $hash_ref, $kv_separator, $pair_separator, $use_neat, $num_sort ) = @_;
+ # $num_sort: 0=lexical, 1=numeric, undef=try to guess
+ return undef unless defined $hash_ref;
+ die "hash is not a hash reference" unless ref $hash_ref eq 'HASH';
+ my $keys = _get_sorted_hash_keys($hash_ref, $num_sort);
+ my $string = '';
+ for my $key (@$keys) {
+ $string .= $pair_separator if length $string > 0;
+ my $value = $hash_ref->{$key};
+ if ($use_neat) {
+ $value = DBI::neat($value, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ $value = (defined $value) ? "'$value'" : 'undef';
+ }
+ $string .= $key . $kv_separator . $value;
+ }
+ return $string;
+sub _get_sorted_hash_keys {
+ my ($hash_ref, $num_sort) = @_;
+ if (not defined $num_sort) {
+ my $sort_guess = 1;
+ $sort_guess = (not looks_like_number($_)) ? 0 : $sort_guess
+ for keys %$hash_ref;
+ $num_sort = $sort_guess;
+ }
+ my @keys = keys %$hash_ref;
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ my @sorted = ($num_sort)
+ ? sort { $a <=> $b or $a cmp $b } @keys
+ : sort @keys;
+ return \@sorted;
+ DBI::var;
+sub FETCH {
+ my($key)=shift;
+ return $DBI::err if $$key eq '*err';
+ return $DBI::errstr if $$key eq '&errstr';
+ Carp::confess("FETCH $key not supported when using DBI::PurePerl");
+ DBD::_::common;
+sub swap_inner_handle {
+ my ($h1, $h2) = @_;
+ # can't make this work till we can get the outer handle from the inner one
+ # probably via a WeakRef
+ return $h1->set_err($DBI::stderr, "swap_inner_handle not currently supported by DBI::PurePerl");
+sub trace { # XXX should set per-handle level, not global
+ my ($h, $level, $file) = @_;
+ $level = $h->parse_trace_flags($level)
+ if defined $level and !DBI::looks_like_number($level);
+ my $old_level = $DBI::dbi_debug;
+ DBI::_set_trace_file($file) if defined $file;
+ if (defined $level) {
+ $DBI::dbi_debug = $level;
+ if ($DBI::dbi_debug) {
+ printf $DBI::tfh
+ " %s trace level set to %d in DBI $DBI::VERSION (PurePerl)\n",
+ $h, $DBI::dbi_debug;
+ print $DBI::tfh " Full trace not available because DBI_TRACE is not in environment\n"
+ unless exists $ENV{DBI_TRACE};
+ }
+ }
+ return $old_level;
+*debug = \&trace; *debug = \&trace; # twice to avoid typo warning
+sub FETCH {
+ my($h,$key)= @_;
+ my $v = $h->{$key};
+ #warn ((exists $h->{$key}) ? "$key=$v\n" : "$key NONEXISTANT\n");
+ return $v if defined $v;
+ if ($key =~ /^NAME_.c$/) {
+ my $cols = $h->FETCH('NAME');
+ return undef unless $cols;
+ my @lcols = map { lc $_ } @$cols;
+ $h->{NAME_lc} = \@lcols;
+ my @ucols = map { uc $_ } @$cols;
+ $h->{NAME_uc} = \@ucols;
+ return $h->FETCH($key);
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /^NAME.*_hash$/) {
+ my $i=0;
+ for my $c(@{$h->FETCH('NAME')||[]}) {
+ $h->{'NAME_hash'}->{$c} = $i;
+ $h->{'NAME_lc_hash'}->{"\L$c"} = $i;
+ $h->{'NAME_uc_hash'}->{"\U$c"} = $i;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $h->{$key};
+ }
+ if (!defined $v && !exists $h->{$key}) {
+ return ($h->FETCH('TaintIn') && $h->FETCH('TaintOut')) if $key eq'Taint';
+ return (1==0) if $is_flag_attribute{$key}; # return perl-style sv_no, not undef
+ return $DBI::dbi_debug if $key eq 'TraceLevel';
+ return [] if $key eq 'ChildHandles' && $HAS_WEAKEN;
+ if ($key eq 'Type') {
+ return "dr" if $h->isa('DBI::dr');
+ return "db" if $h->isa('DBI::db');
+ return "st" if $h->isa('DBI::st');
+ Carp::carp( sprintf "Can't determine Type for %s",$h );
+ }
+ if (!$is_valid_attribute{$key} and $key =~ m/^[A-Z]/) {
+ local $^W; # hide undef warnings
+ Carp::carp( sprintf "Can't get %s->{%s}: unrecognised attribute (@{[ %$h ]})",$h,$key )
+ }
+ }
+ return $v;
+sub STORE {
+ my ($h,$key,$value) = @_;
+ if ($key eq 'AutoCommit') {
+ Carp::croak("DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute")
+ unless $value == -900 || $value == -901;
+ $value = ($value == -901);
+ }
+ elsif ($key =~ /^Taint/ ) {
+ Carp::croak(sprintf "Can't set %s->{%s}: Taint mode not supported by DBI::PurePerl",$h,$key)
+ if $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'TraceLevel') {
+ $h->trace($value);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'NUM_OF_FIELDS') {
+ $h->{$key} = $value;
+ if ($value) {
+ my $fbav = DBD::_::st::dbih_setup_fbav($h);
+ @$fbav = (undef) x $value if @$fbav != $value;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif (!$is_valid_attribute{$key} && $key =~ /^[A-Z]/ && !exists $h->{$key}) {
+ Carp::carp(sprintf "Can't set %s->{%s}: unrecognised attribute or invalid value %s",
+ $h,$key,$value);
+ }
+ $h->{$key} = $is_flag_attribute{$key} ? !!$value : $value;
+ return 1;
+sub err { return shift->{err} }
+sub errstr { return shift->{errstr} }
+sub state { return shift->{state} }
+sub set_err {
+ my ($h, $errnum,$msg,$state, $method, $rv) = @_;
+ $h = tied(%$h) || $h;
+ if (my $hss = $h->{HandleSetErr}) {
+ return if $hss->($h, $errnum, $msg, $state, $method);
+ }
+ if (!defined $errnum) {
+ $h->{err} = $DBI::err = undef;
+ $h->{errstr} = $DBI::errstr = undef;
+ $h->{state} = $DBI::state = '';
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($h->{errstr}) {
+ $h->{errstr} .= sprintf " [err was %s now %s]", $h->{err}, $errnum
+ if $h->{err} && $errnum && $h->{err} ne $errnum;
+ $h->{errstr} .= sprintf " [state was %s now %s]", $h->{state}, $state
+ if $h->{state} and $h->{state} ne "S1000" && $state && $h->{state} ne $state;
+ $h->{errstr} .= "\n$msg" if $h->{errstr} ne $msg;
+ $DBI::errstr = $h->{errstr};
+ }
+ else {
+ $h->{errstr} = $DBI::errstr = $msg;
+ }
+ # assign if higher priority: err > "0" > "" > undef
+ my $err_changed;
+ if ($errnum # new error: so assign
+ or !defined $h->{err} # no existing warn/info: so assign
+ # new warn ("0" len 1) > info ("" len 0): so assign
+ or defined $errnum && length($errnum) > length($h->{err})
+ ) {
+ $h->{err} = $DBI::err = $errnum;
+ ++$h->{ErrCount} if $errnum;
+ ++$err_changed;
+ }
+ if ($err_changed) {
+ $state ||= "S1000" if $DBI::err;
+ $h->{state} = $DBI::state = ($state eq "00000") ? "" : $state
+ if $state;
+ }
+ if (my $p = $h->{Database}) { # just sth->dbh, not dbh->drh (see ::db::DESTROY)
+ $p->{err} = $DBI::err;
+ $p->{errstr} = $DBI::errstr;
+ $p->{state} = $DBI::state;
+ }
+ $h->{'dbi_pp_last_method'} = $method;
+ return $rv; # usually undef
+sub trace_msg {
+ my ($h, $msg, $minlevel)=@_;
+ $minlevel = 1 unless defined $minlevel;
+ return unless $minlevel <= ($DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF);
+ print $DBI::tfh $msg;
+ return 1;
+sub private_data {
+ warn "private_data @_";
+sub take_imp_data {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ # A reasonable default implementation based on the one in DBI.xs.
+ # Typically a pure-perl driver would have their own take_imp_data method
+ # that would delete all but the essential items in the hash before einding with:
+ # return $dbh->SUPER::take_imp_data();
+ # Of course it's useless if the driver doesn't also implement support for
+ # the dbi_imp_data attribute to the connect() method.
+ require Storable;
+ croak("Can't take_imp_data from handle that's not Active")
+ unless $dbh->{Active};
+ for my $sth (@{ $dbh->{ChildHandles} || [] }) {
+ next unless $sth;
+ $sth->finish if $sth->{Active};
+ bless $sth, 'DBI::zombie';
+ }
+ delete $dbh->{$_} for (keys %is_valid_attribute);
+ delete $dbh->{$_} for grep { m/^dbi_/ } keys %$dbh;
+ # warn "@{[ %$dbh ]}";
+ local $Storable::forgive_me = 1; # in case there are some CODE refs
+ my $imp_data = Storable::freeze($dbh);
+ # XXX um, should probably untie here - need to check dispatch behaviour
+ return $imp_data;
+sub rows {
+ return -1; # always returns -1 here, see DBD::_::st::rows below
+sub DESTROY {
+ DBD::_::dr;
+sub dbixs_revision {
+ return 0;
+ DBD::_::db;
+sub connected {
+ DBD::_::st;
+sub fetchrow_arrayref {
+ my $h = shift;
+ # if we're here then driver hasn't implemented fetch/fetchrow_arrayref
+ # so we assume they've implemented fetchrow_array and call that instead
+ my @row = $h->fetchrow_array or return;
+ return $h->_set_fbav(\@row);
+# twice to avoid typo warning
+*fetch = \&fetchrow_arrayref; *fetch = \&fetchrow_arrayref;
+sub fetchrow_array {
+ my $h = shift;
+ # if we're here then driver hasn't implemented fetchrow_array
+ # so we assume they've implemented fetch/fetchrow_arrayref
+ my $row = $h->fetch or return;
+ return @$row;
+*fetchrow = \&fetchrow_array; *fetchrow = \&fetchrow_array;
+sub fetchrow_hashref {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $row = $h->fetch or return;
+ my $FetchCase = shift;
+ my $FetchHashKeyName = $FetchCase || $h->{'FetchHashKeyName'} || 'NAME';
+ my $FetchHashKeys = $h->FETCH($FetchHashKeyName);
+ my %rowhash;
+ @rowhash{ @$FetchHashKeys } = @$row;
+ return \%rowhash;
+sub dbih_setup_fbav {
+ my $h = shift;
+ return $h->{'_fbav'} || do {
+ $DBI::rows = $h->{'_rows'} = 0;
+ my $fields = $h->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}
+ or DBI::croak("NUM_OF_FIELDS not set");
+ my @row = (undef) x $fields;
+ \@row;
+ };
+sub _get_fbav {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $av = $h->{'_fbav'} ||= dbih_setup_fbav($h);
+ $DBI::rows = ++$h->{'_rows'};
+ return $av;
+sub _set_fbav {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $fbav = $h->{'_fbav'};
+ if ($fbav) {
+ $DBI::rows = ++$h->{'_rows'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $fbav = $h->_get_fbav;
+ }
+ my $row = shift;
+ if (my $bc = $h->{'_bound_cols'}) {
+ for my $i (0..@$row-1) {
+ my $bound = $bc->[$i];
+ $fbav->[$i] = ($bound) ? ($$bound = $row->[$i]) : $row->[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @$fbav = @$row;
+ }
+ return $fbav;
+sub bind_col {
+ my ($h, $col, $value_ref,$from_bind_columns) = @_;
+ my $fbav = $h->{'_fbav'} ||= dbih_setup_fbav($h); # from _get_fbav()
+ my $num_of_fields = @$fbav;
+ DBI::croak("bind_col: column $col is not a valid column (1..$num_of_fields)")
+ if $col < 1 or $col > $num_of_fields;
+ return 1 if not defined $value_ref; # ie caller is just trying to set TYPE
+ DBI::croak("bind_col($col,$value_ref) needs a reference to a scalar")
+ unless ref $value_ref eq 'SCALAR';
+ $h->{'_bound_cols'}->[$col-1] = $value_ref;
+ return 1;
+sub finish {
+ my $h = shift;
+ $h->{'_fbav'} = undef;
+ $h->{'Active'} = 0;
+ return 1;
+sub rows {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $rows = $h->{'_rows'};
+ return -1 unless defined $rows;
+ return $rows;
+=head1 NAME
+DBI::PurePerl -- a DBI emulation using pure perl (no C/XS compilation required)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBI;
+This is a pure perl emulation of the DBI internals. In almost all
+cases you will be better off using standard DBI since the portions
+of the standard version written in C make it *much* faster.
+However, if you are in a situation where it isn't possible to install
+a compiled version of standard DBI, and you're using pure-perl DBD
+drivers, then this module allows you to use most common features
+of DBI without needing any changes in your scripts.
+DBI::PurePerl is new so please treat it as experimental pending
+more extensive testing. So far it has passed all tests with DBD::CSV,
+DBD::AnyData, DBD::XBase, DBD::Sprite, DBD::mysqlPP. Please send
+bug reports to Jeff Zucker at <> with a cc to
+=head1 USAGE
+The usage is the same as for standard DBI with the exception
+that you need to set the enviornment variable DBI_PUREPERL if
+you want to use the PurePerl version.
+ DBI_PUREPERL == 0 (the default) Always use compiled DBI, die
+ if it isn't properly compiled & installed
+ DBI_PUREPERL == 1 Use compiled DBI if it is properly compiled
+ & installed, otherwise use PurePerl
+ DBI_PUREPERL == 2 Always use PurePerl
+You may set the enviornment variable in your shell (e.g. with
+set or setenv or export, etc) or else set it in your script like
+before you C<use DBI;>.
+In most situations simply install DBI (see the DBI pod for details).
+In the situation in which you can not install DBI itself, you
+may manually copy and into the appropriate
+For example:
+ cp /usr/jdoe/mylibs/.
+ cp /usr/jdoe/mylibs/DBI/.
+Then add this to the top of scripts:
+ $ENV{DBI_PUREPERL} = 1; # or =2
+ unshift @INC, '/usr/jdoe/mylibs';
+ }
+(Or should we perhaps patch Makefile.PL so that if DBI_PUREPERL
+is set to 2 prior to make, the normal compile process is skipped
+and the files are installed automatically?)
+=head2 Attributes
+Boolean attributes still return boolean values but the actual values
+used may be different, i.e., 0 or undef instead of an empty string.
+Some handle attributes are either not supported or have very limited
+ ActiveKids
+ InactiveDestroy
+ Kids
+ Taint
+ TaintIn
+ TaintOut
+(and probably others)
+=head2 Tracing
+Trace functionality is more limited and the code to handle tracing is
+only embeded into DBI:PurePerl if the DBI_TRACE environment variable
+is defined. To enable total tracing you can set the DBI_TRACE
+environment variable as usual. But to enable individual handle
+tracing using the trace() method you also need to set the DBI_TRACE
+environment variable, but set it to 0.
+=head2 Parameter Usage Checking
+The DBI does some basic parameter count checking on method calls.
+DBI::PurePerl doesn't.
+=head2 Speed
+DBI::PurePerl is slower. Although, with some drivers in some
+contexts this may not be very significant for you.
+By way of example... the script in the DBI source
+distribution has a simple benchmark that just does:
+ my $null_dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:NullP:','','');
+ my $i = 10_000;
+ $null_dbh->prepare('') while $i--;
+In other words just prepares a statement, creating and destroying
+a statement handle, over and over again. Using the real DBI this
+runs at ~4550 handles per second whereas DBI::PurePerl manages
+~2800 per second on the same machine (not too bad really).
+=head2 May not fully support hash()
+If you want to use type 1 hash, i.e., C<hash($string,1)> with
+DBI::PurePerl, you'll need version 1.56 or higher of Math::BigInt
+(available on CPAN).
+=head2 Doesn't support preparse()
+The DBI->preparse() method isn't supported in DBI::PurePerl.
+=head2 Doesn't support DBD::Proxy
+There's a subtle problem somewhere I've not been able to identify.
+DBI::ProxyServer seem to work fine with DBI::PurePerl but DBD::Proxy
+does not work 100% (which is sad because that would be far more useful :)
+Try re-enabling t/80proxy.t for DBI::PurePerl to see if the problem
+that remains will affect you're usage.
+=head2 Others
+ can() - doesn't have any special behaviour
+Please let us know if you find any other differences between DBI
+and DBI::PurePerl.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Tim Bunce and Jeff Zucker.
+Tim provided the direction and basis for the code. The original
+idea for the module and most of the brute force porting from C to
+Perl was by Jeff. Tim then reworked some core parts to boost the
+performance and accuracy of the emulation. Thanks also to Randal
+Schwartz and John Tobey for patches.
+Copyright (c) 2002 Tim Bunce Ireland.
+See COPYRIGHT section in for usage and distribution rights.