path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/App/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/App/')
1 files changed, 1067 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/App/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/App/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..cfc12908e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/App/
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+package App::Cpan;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '1.5701';
+=head1 NAME
+App::Cpan - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # with arguments and no switches, installs specified modules
+ cpan module_name [ module_name ... ]
+ # with switches, installs modules with extra behavior
+ cpan [-cfFimt] module_name [ module_name ... ]
+ # use local::lib
+ cpan -l module_name [ module_name ... ]
+ # with just the dot, install from the distribution in the
+ # current directory
+ cpan .
+ # without arguments, starts shell
+ cpan
+ # without arguments, but some switches
+ cpan [-ahruvACDLO]
+This script provides a command interface (not a shell) to CPAN. At the
+moment it uses to do the work, but it is not a one-shot command
+runner for
+=head2 Options
+=over 4
+=item -a
+Creates a autobundle with CPAN::Shell->autobundle.
+=item -A module [ module ... ]
+Shows the primary maintainers for the specified modules.
+=item -c module
+Runs a `make clean` in the specified module's directories.
+=item -C module [ module ... ]
+Show the F<Changes> files for the specified modules
+=item -D module [ module ... ]
+Show the module details. This prints one line for each out-of-date module
+(meaning, modules locally installed but have newer versions on CPAN).
+Each line has three columns: module name, local version, and CPAN
+=item -f
+Force the specified action, when it normally would have failed. Use this
+to install a module even if its tests fail. When you use this option,
+-i is not optional for installing a module when you need to force it:
+ % cpan -f -i Module::Foo
+=item -F
+Turn off's attempts to lock anything. You should be careful with
+this since you might end up with multiple scripts trying to muck in the
+same directory. This isn't so much of a concern if you're loading a special
+config with C<-j>, and that config sets up its own work directories.
+=item -g module [ module ... ]
+Downloads to the current directory the latest distribution of the module.
+=item -G module [ module ... ]
+Download to the current directory the latest distribution of the
+modules, unpack each distribution, and create a git repository for each
+If you want this feature, check out Yanick Champoux's C<Git::CPAN::Patch>
+=item -h
+Print a help message and exit. When you specify C<-h>, it ignores all
+of the other options and arguments.
+=item -i
+Install the specified modules.
+=item -j
+Load the file that has the CPAN configuration data. This should have the
+same format as the standard F<CPAN/> file, which defines
+C<$CPAN::Config> as an anonymous hash.
+=item -J
+Dump the configuration in the same format that uses. This is useful
+for checking the configuration as well as using the dump as a starting point
+for a new, custom configuration.
+=item -l
+Use C<local::lib>.
+=item -L author [ author ... ]
+List the modules by the specified authors.
+=item -m
+Make the specified modules.
+=item -O
+Show the out-of-date modules.
+=item -t
+Run a `make test` on the specified modules.
+=item -r
+Recompiles dynamically loaded modules with CPAN::Shell->recompile.
+=item -u
+Upgrade all installed modules. Blindly doing this can really break things,
+so keep a backup.
+=item -v
+Print the script version and version then exit.
+=head2 Examples
+ # print a help message
+ cpan -h
+ # print the version numbers
+ cpan -v
+ # create an autobundle
+ cpan -a
+ # recompile modules
+ cpan -r
+ # upgrade all installed modules
+ cpan -u
+ # install modules ( sole -i is optional )
+ cpan -i Netscape::Booksmarks Business::ISBN
+ # force install modules ( must use -i )
+ cpan -fi CGI::Minimal URI
+=head2 Methods
+=over 4
+use autouse Carp => qw(carp croak cluck);
+use CPAN ();
+use autouse Cwd => qw(cwd);
+use autouse 'Data::Dumper' => qw(Dumper);
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Std;
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# Internal constants
+use constant TRUE => 1;
+use constant FALSE => 0;
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# The return values
+use constant HEY_IT_WORKED => 0;
+use constant I_DONT_KNOW_WHAT_HAPPENED => 1; # 0b0000_0001
+use constant ITS_NOT_MY_FAULT => 2;
+use constant THE_PROGRAMMERS_AN_IDIOT => 4;
+use constant A_MODULE_FAILED_TO_INSTALL => 8;
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# set up the order of options that we layer over CPAN::Shell
+BEGIN { # most of this should be in methods
+use vars qw( @META_OPTIONS $Default %CPAN_METHODS @CPAN_OPTIONS @option_order
+ %Method_table %Method_table_index );
+@META_OPTIONS = qw( h v g G C A D O l L a r j: J );
+$Default = 'default';
+%CPAN_METHODS = ( # map switches to method names in CPAN::Shell
+ $Default => 'install',
+ 'c' => 'clean',
+ 'f' => 'force',
+ 'i' => 'install',
+ 'm' => 'make',
+ 't' => 'test',
+ 'u' => 'upgrade',
+ );
+@CPAN_OPTIONS = grep { $_ ne $Default } sort keys %CPAN_METHODS;
+@option_order = ( @META_OPTIONS, @CPAN_OPTIONS );
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# map switches to the subroutines in this script, along with other information.
+# use this stuff instead of hard-coded indices and values
+sub NO_ARGS () { 0 }
+sub ARGS () { 1 }
+sub GOOD_EXIT () { 0 }
+%Method_table = (
+# key => [ sub ref, takes args?, exit value, description ]
+ # options that do their thing first, then exit
+ h => [ \&_print_help, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Printing help' ],
+ v => [ \&_print_version, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Printing version' ],
+ # options that affect other options
+ j => [ \&_load_config, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Use specified config file' ],
+ J => [ \&_dump_config, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Dump configuration to stdout' ],
+ F => [ \&_lock_lobotomy, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Turn off lock files' ],
+ # options that do their one thing
+ g => [ \&_download, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Download the latest distro' ],
+ G => [ \&_gitify, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Down and gitify the latest distro' ],
+ C => [ \&_show_Changes, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Showing Changes file' ],
+ A => [ \&_show_Author, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Showing Author' ],
+ D => [ \&_show_Details, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Showing Details' ],
+ O => [ \&_show_out_of_date, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Showing Out of date' ],
+ l => [ \&_list_all_mods, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Listing all modules' ],
+ L => [ \&_show_author_mods, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Showing author mods' ],
+ a => [ \&_create_autobundle, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Creating autobundle' ],
+ r => [ \&_recompile, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Recompiling' ],
+ u => [ \&_upgrade, NO_ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Running `make test`' ],
+ c => [ \&_default, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Running `make clean`' ],
+ f => [ \&_default, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Installing with force' ],
+ i => [ \&_default, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Running `make install`' ],
+ 'm' => [ \&_default, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Running `make`' ],
+ t => [ \&_default, ARGS, GOOD_EXIT, 'Running `make test`' ],
+ );
+%Method_table_index = (
+ code => 0,
+ takes_args => 1,
+ exit_value => 2,
+ description => 3,
+ );
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# finally, do some argument processing
+sub _stupid_interface_hack_for_non_rtfmers
+ {
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ shift @ARGV if( $ARGV[0] eq 'install' and @ARGV > 1 )
+ }
+sub _process_options
+ {
+ my %options;
+ # if no arguments, just drop into the shell
+ if( 0 == @ARGV ) { CPAN::shell(); exit 0 }
+ else
+ {
+ Getopt::Std::getopts(
+ join( '', @option_order ), \%options );
+ \%options;
+ }
+ }
+sub _process_setup_options
+ {
+ my( $class, $options ) = @_;
+ if( $options->{j} )
+ {
+ $Method_table{j}[ $Method_table_index{code} ]->( $options->{j} );
+ delete $options->{j};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # this is what would do otherwise
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load(
+ # be_silent => 1, # candidate to be ripped out forever
+ write_file => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ if( $options->{F} )
+ {
+ $Method_table{F}[ $Method_table_index{code} ]->( $options->{F} );
+ delete $options->{F};
+ }
+ my $option_count = grep { $options->{$_} } @option_order;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $option_count -= $options->{'f'}; # don't count force
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ # if there are no options, set -i (this line fixes RT ticket 16915)
+ $options->{i}++ unless $option_count;
+ }
+=item run()
+Just do it.
+The C<run> method returns 0 on success and a postive number on
+failure. See the section on EXIT CODES for details on the values.
+my $logger;
+sub run
+ {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $return_value = HEY_IT_WORKED; # assume that things will work
+ $logger = $class->_init_logger;
+ $logger->debug( "Using logger from @{[ref $logger]}" );
+ $class->_hook_into_CPANpm_report;
+ $logger->debug( "Hooked into output" );
+ $class->_stupid_interface_hack_for_non_rtfmers;
+ $logger->debug( "Patched cargo culting" );
+ my $options = $class->_process_options;
+ $logger->debug( "Options are @{[Dumper($options)]}" );
+ $class->_process_setup_options( $options );
+ OPTION: foreach my $option ( @option_order )
+ {
+ next unless $options->{$option};
+ my( $sub, $takes_args, $description ) =
+ map { $Method_table{$option}[ $Method_table_index{$_} ] }
+ qw( code takes_args );
+ unless( ref $sub eq ref sub {} )
+ {
+ $return_value = THE_PROGRAMMERS_AN_IDIOT;
+ last OPTION;
+ }
+ $logger->info( "$description -- ignoring other arguments" )
+ if( @ARGV && ! $takes_args );
+ $return_value = $sub->( \ @ARGV, $options );
+ last;
+ }
+ return $return_value;
+ }
+package Local::Null::Logger;
+sub new { bless \ my $x, $_[0] }
+sub AUTOLOAD { shift; print "NullLogger: ", @_, $/ if $ENV{CPAN_NULL_LOGGER} }
+sub DESTROY { 1 }
+sub _init_logger
+ {
+ my $log4perl_loaded = eval "require Log::Log4perl; 1";
+ unless( $log4perl_loaded )
+ {
+ $logger = Local::Null::Logger->new;
+ return $logger;
+ }
+ Log::Log4perl::init( \ <<"HERE" );
+log4perl.rootLogger=$LEVEL, A1
+ $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger( 'App::Cpan' );
+ }
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+sub _default
+ {
+ my( $args, $options ) = @_;
+ my $switch = '';
+ # choose the option that we're going to use
+ # we'll deal with 'f' (force) later, so skip it
+ foreach my $option ( @CPAN_OPTIONS )
+ {
+ next if $option eq 'f';
+ next unless $options->{$option};
+ $switch = $option;
+ last;
+ }
+ # 1. with no switches, but arguments, use the default switch (install)
+ # 2. with no switches and no args, start the shell
+ # 3. With a switch but no args, die! These switches need arguments.
+ if( not $switch and @$args ) { $switch = $Default; }
+ elsif( not $switch and not @$args ) { return CPAN::shell() }
+ elsif( $switch and not @$args )
+ { die "Nothing to $CPAN_METHODS{$switch}!\n"; }
+ # Get and check the method from CPAN::Shell
+ my $method = $CPAN_METHODS{$switch};
+ die " cannot $method!\n" unless CPAN::Shell->can( $method );
+ # call the CPAN::Shell method, with force if specified
+ my $action = do {
+ if( $options->{f} ) { sub { CPAN::Shell->force( $method, @_ ) } }
+ else { sub { CPAN::Shell->$method( @_ ) } }
+ };
+ # How do I handle exit codes for multiple arguments?
+ my $errors = 0;
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ _clear_cpanpm_output();
+ $action->( $arg );
+ $errors += defined _cpanpm_output_indicates_failure();
+ }
+ }
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+=for comment
+ sends all the good stuff either to STDOUT. I have to intercept
+that output so I can find out what happened.
+my $scalar = '';
+sub _hook_into_CPANpm_report
+ {
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *CPAN::Shell::myprint = sub {
+ my($self,$what) = @_;
+ $scalar .= $what if defined $what;
+ $self->print_ornamented($what,
+ $CPAN::Config->{colorize_print}||'bold blue on_white',
+ );
+ };
+ *CPAN::Shell::mywarn = sub {
+ my($self,$what) = @_;
+ $scalar .= $what if defined $what;
+ $self->print_ornamented($what,
+ $CPAN::Config->{colorize_warn}||'bold red on_white'
+ );
+ };
+ }
+sub _clear_cpanpm_output { $scalar = '' }
+sub _get_cpanpm_output { $scalar }
+my @skip_lines = (
+ qr/^\QWarning \(usually harmless\)/,
+ qr/\bwill not store persistent state\b/,
+ qr(//hint//),
+ qr/^\s+reports\s+/,
+ );
+sub _get_cpanpm_last_line
+ {
+ open my($fh), "<", \ $scalar;
+ my @lines = <$fh>;
+ # This is a bit ugly. Once we examine a line, we have to
+ # examine the line before it and go through all of the same
+ # regexes. I could do something fancy, but this works.
+ foreach my $regex ( @skip_lines )
+ {
+ if( $lines[-1] =~ m/$regex/ )
+ {
+ pop @lines;
+ redo REGEXES; # we have to go through all of them for every line!
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $logger->debug( "Last interesting line of output is:\n\t$lines[-1]" );
+ $lines[-1];
+ }
+my $epic_fail_words = join '|',
+ qw( Error stop(?:ping)? problems force not unsupported fail(?:ed)? );
+sub _cpanpm_output_indicates_failure
+ {
+ my $last_line = _get_cpanpm_last_line();
+ my $result = $last_line =~ /\b(?:$epic_fail_words)\b/i;
+ $result || ();
+ }
+sub _cpanpm_output_indicates_success
+ {
+ my $last_line = _get_cpanpm_last_line();
+ my $result = $last_line =~ /\b(?:\s+-- OK|PASS)\b/;
+ $result || ();
+ }
+sub _cpanpm_output_is_vague
+ {
+ return FALSE if
+ _cpanpm_output_indicates_failure() ||
+ _cpanpm_output_indicates_success();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+sub _print_help
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Use perldoc to read the documentation" );
+ exec "perldoc $0";
+ }
+sub _print_version
+ {
+ $logger->info(
+ "$0 script version $VERSION, version " . CPAN->VERSION );
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _create_autobundle
+ {
+ $logger->info(
+ "Creating autobundle in $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home}/Bundle" );
+ CPAN::Shell->autobundle;
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _recompile
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Recompiling dynamically-loaded extensions" );
+ CPAN::Shell->recompile;
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _upgrade
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Upgrading all modules" );
+ CPAN::Shell->upgrade();
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _load_config # -j
+ {
+ my $file = shift || '';
+ # should I clear out any existing config here?
+ $CPAN::Config = {};
+ delete $INC{'CPAN/'};
+ croak( "Config file [$file] does not exist!\n" ) unless -e $file;
+ my $rc = eval "require '$file'";
+ # CPAN::HandleConfig::require_myconfig_or_config looks for this
+ $INC{'CPAN/'} = 'fake out!';
+ # CPAN::HandleConfig::load looks for this
+ $CPAN::Config_loaded = 'fake out';
+ croak( "Could not load [$file]: $@\n") unless $rc;
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _dump_config
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ require Data::Dumper;
+ my $fh = $args->[0] || \*STDOUT;
+ my $dd = Data::Dumper->new(
+ [$CPAN::Config],
+ ['$CPAN::Config']
+ );
+ print $fh $dd->Dump, "\n1;\n__END__\n";
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _lock_lobotomy
+ {
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *CPAN::_flock = sub { 1 };
+ *CPAN::checklock = sub { 1 };
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _download
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ local $CPAN::DEBUG = 1;
+ my %paths;
+ foreach my $module ( @$args )
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Checking $module" );
+ my $path = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $module )->cpan_file;
+ $logger->debug( "Inst file would be $path\n" );
+ $paths{$module} = _get_file( _make_path( $path ) );
+ }
+ return \%paths;
+ }
+sub _make_path { join "/", qw(authors id), $_[0] }
+sub _get_file
+ {
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $loaded = eval "require LWP::Simple; 1;";
+ croak "You need LWP::Simple to use features that fetch files from CPAN\n"
+ unless $loaded;
+ my $file = substr $path, rindex( $path, '/' ) + 1;
+ my $store_path = catfile( cwd(), $file );
+ $logger->debug( "Store path is $store_path" );
+ foreach my $site ( @{ $CPAN::Config->{urllist} } )
+ {
+ my $fetch_path = join "/", $site, $path;
+ $logger->debug( "Trying $fetch_path" );
+ last if LWP::Simple::getstore( $fetch_path, $store_path );
+ }
+ return $store_path;
+ }
+sub _gitify
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $loaded = eval "require Archive::Extract; 1;";
+ croak "You need Archive::Extract to use features that gitify distributions\n"
+ unless $loaded;
+ my $starting_dir = cwd();
+ foreach my $module ( @$args )
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Checking $module" );
+ my $path = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $module )->cpan_file;
+ my $store_paths = _download( [ $module ] );
+ $logger->debug( "gitify Store path is $store_paths->{$module}" );
+ my $dirname = dirname( $store_paths->{$module} );
+ my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $store_paths->{$module} );
+ $ae->extract( to => $dirname );
+ chdir $ae->extract_path;
+ my $git = $ENV{GIT_COMMAND} || '/usr/local/bin/git';
+ croak "Could not find $git" unless -e $git;
+ croak "$git is not executable" unless -x $git;
+ # can we do this in Pure Perl?
+ system( $git, 'init' );
+ system( $git, qw( add . ) );
+ system( $git, qw( commit -a -m ), 'initial import' );
+ }
+ chdir $starting_dir;
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _show_Changes
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Checking $arg\n" );
+ my $module = eval { CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $arg ) };
+ my $out = _get_cpanpm_output();
+ next unless eval { $module->inst_file };
+ #next if $module->uptodate;
+ ( my $id = $module->id() ) =~ s/::/\-/;
+ my $url = "" . lc( $module->userid ) . "/" .
+ $id . "-" . $module->cpan_version() . "/";
+ #print "URL: $url\n";
+ _get_changes_file($url);
+ }
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _get_changes_file
+ {
+ croak "Reading Changes files requires LWP::Simple and URI\n"
+ unless eval "require LWP::Simple; require URI; 1";
+ my $url = shift;
+ my $content = LWP::Simple::get( $url );
+ $logger->info( "Got $url ..." ) if defined $content;
+ #print $content;
+ my( $change_link ) = $content =~ m|<a href="(.*?)">Changes</a>|gi;
+ my $changes_url = URI->new_abs( $change_link, $url );
+ $logger->debug( "Change link is: $changes_url" );
+ my $changes = LWP::Simple::get( $changes_url );
+ print $changes;
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _show_Author
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ my $module = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $arg );
+ unless( $module )
+ {
+ $logger->info( "Didn't find a $arg module, so no author!" );
+ next;
+ }
+ my $author = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Author", $module->userid );
+ next unless $module->userid;
+ printf "%-25s %-8s %-25s %s\n",
+ $arg, $module->userid, $author->email, $author->fullname;
+ }
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _show_Details
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ my $module = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $arg );
+ my $author = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Author", $module->userid );
+ next unless $module->userid;
+ print "$arg\n", "-" x 73, "\n\t";
+ print join "\n\t",
+ $module->description ? $module->description : "(no description)",
+ $module->cpan_file,
+ $module->inst_file,
+ 'Installed: ' . $module->inst_version,
+ 'CPAN: ' . $module->cpan_version . ' ' .
+ ($module->uptodate ? "" : "Not ") . "up to date",
+ $author->fullname . " (" . $module->userid . ")",
+ $author->email;
+ print "\n\n";
+ }
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _show_out_of_date
+ {
+ my @modules = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", "/./" );
+ printf "%-40s %6s %6s\n", "Module Name", "Local", "CPAN";
+ print "-" x 73, "\n";
+ foreach my $module ( @modules )
+ {
+ next unless $module->inst_file;
+ next if $module->uptodate;
+ printf "%-40s %.4f %.4f\n",
+ $module->id,
+ $module->inst_version ? $module->inst_version : '',
+ $module->cpan_version;
+ }
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _show_author_mods
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ my %hash = map { lc $_, 1 } @$args;
+ my @modules = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", "/./" );
+ foreach my $module ( @modules )
+ {
+ next unless exists $hash{ lc $module->userid };
+ print $module->id, "\n";
+ }
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _list_all_mods
+ {
+ require File::Find;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ INC: foreach my $inc ( @INC )
+ {
+ my( $wanted, $reporter ) = _generator();
+ File::Find::find( { wanted => $wanted }, $inc );
+ my $count = 0;
+ FILE: foreach my $file ( @{ $reporter->() } )
+ {
+ my $version = _parse_version_safely( $file );
+ my $module_name = _path_to_module( $inc, $file );
+ next FILE unless defined $module_name;
+ print $fh "$module_name\t$version\n";
+ #last if $count++ > 5;
+ }
+ }
+ return HEY_IT_WORKED;
+ }
+sub _generator
+ {
+ my @files = ();
+ sub { push @files,
+ File::Spec->canonpath( $File::Find::name )
+ if m/\A\w+\.pm\z/ },
+ sub { \@files },
+ }
+sub _parse_version_safely # stolen from PAUSE's mldistwatch, but refactored
+ {
+ my( $file ) = @_;
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ local $_; # don't mess with the $_ in the map calling this
+ return unless open FILE, "<$file";
+ my $in_pod = 0;
+ my $version;
+ while( <FILE> )
+ {
+ chomp;
+ $in_pod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $in_pod;
+ next if $in_pod || /^\s*#/;
+ next unless /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/;
+ my( $sigil, $var ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ $version = _eval_version( $_, $sigil, $var );
+ last;
+ }
+ close FILE;
+ return 'undef' unless defined $version;
+ return $version;
+ }
+sub _eval_version
+ {
+ my( $line, $sigil, $var ) = @_;
+ my $eval = qq{
+ package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version;
+ local $sigil$var;
+ \$$var=undef; do {
+ $line
+ }; \$$var
+ };
+ my $version = do {
+ local $^W = 0;
+ no strict;
+ eval( $eval );
+ };
+ return $version;
+ }
+sub _path_to_module
+ {
+ my( $inc, $path ) = @_;
+ return if length $path< length $inc;
+ my $module_path = substr( $path, length $inc );
+ $module_path =~ s/\.pm\z//;
+ # XXX: this is cheating and doesn't handle everything right
+ my @dirs = grep { ! /\W/ } File::Spec->splitdir( $module_path );
+ shift @dirs;
+ my $module_name = join "::", @dirs;
+ return $module_name;
+ }
+The script exits with zero if it thinks that everything worked, or a
+positive number if it thinks that something failed. Note, however, that
+in some cases it has to divine a failure by the output of things it does
+not control. For now, the exit codes are vague:
+ 1 An unknown error
+ 2 The was an external problem
+ 4 There was an internal problem with the script
+ 8 A module failed to install
+=head1 TO DO
+* There is initial support for Log4perl if it is available, but I
+haven't gone through everything to make the NullLogger work out
+correctly if Log4perl is not installed.
+* When I capture output, I need to check for errors and
+report them to the user.
+=head1 BUGS
+* none noted
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Most behaviour, including environment variables and configuration,
+comes directly from
+This code is in Github:
+ git://
+=head1 CREDITS
+Japheth Cleaver added the bits to allow a forced install (-f).
+Jim Brandt suggest and provided the initial implementation for the
+up-to-date and Changes features.
+Adam Kennedy pointed out that exit() causes problems on Windows
+where this script ends up with a .bat extension
+=head1 AUTHOR
+brian d foy, C<< <> >>
+Copyright (c) 2001-2009, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.
+You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.