path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/bin/')
1 files changed, 1050 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/bin/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9773e9470c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use Config;
+use strict;
+use PPM;
+$PPM::VERSION = '0.01_01';
+my %help;
+# mapping of POD sections to command topics
+my %topic = (
+ 'Error Recovery' => 'genconfig',
+ 'Installing' => 'install',
+ 'Querying' => 'query',
+ 'Removing' => 'remove',
+ 'Searching' => 'search',
+ 'Summarizing' => 'summary',
+ 'Verifying' => 'verify',
+ 'Synopsis' => 'usage',
+ 'Options' => 'set',
+$help{'help'} = <<'EOT';
+ exit - leave the program.
+ help [command] - prints this screen, or help on 'command'.
+ install PACKAGES - installs specified PACKAGES.
+ quit - leave the program.
+ query [options] - query information about installed packages.
+ remove PACKAGES - removes the specified PACKAGES from the system.
+ search [options] - search information about available packages.
+ set [options] - set/display current options.
+ verify [options] - verifies current install is up to date.
+ version - displays PPM version number
+# Build the rest of the online help from the POD
+$/ = "\n=";
+while (<DATA>) {
+ next unless my ($topic,$text) = /^(?:item|head[12]) ([^\n]+)\n\n(.*)=/s;
+ next unless $topic{$topic};
+ ($help{$topic{$topic}} = "\n$text"); # =~ s/\n *([^\n])/\n $1/sg;
+$/ = "\n";
+# Need to do this here, because the user's config file is probably
+# hosed.
+if ($#ARGV == 0 && $ARGV[0] eq 'genconfig') {
+ &genconfig;
+ exit 0;
+if ($#ARGV == 0 && $ARGV[0] eq 'getconfig') {
+ print $PPM::PPMdat;
+ exit 0;
+my %options = PPM::GetPPMOptions();
+my $location;
+my $moremsg = "[Press return to continue or 'q' to quit] ";
+my $interactive = 0;
+my %repositories = PPM::ListOfRepositories();
+my $prefix_pattern = $^O eq "MSWin32" ? '(--|-|\+|/)' : '(--|-|\+)';
+$PPM::PPMShell = 1;
+if ($#ARGV == -1 || ($#ARGV == 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^${prefix_pattern}location/)) {
+ my $prompt = 'PPM> ';
+ $interactive = 1;
+ GetOptions("location=s" => \$location);
+ print "PPM interactive shell ($PPM::VERSION) - type 'help' for available commands.\n";
+ $| = 1;
+ while () {
+ print $prompt;
+ last unless defined ($_ = <> );
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ @ARGV = split(/\s+/, $_);
+ next unless @ARGV;
+ # exit/quit
+ if (command($ARGV[0], "qu|it") or command($ARGV[0], "|exit")) {
+ print "Quit!\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ exec_command();
+ }
+ exit 0;
+exit exec_command();
+sub exec_command
+ my $cmd = lc shift @ARGV;
+ for (@ARGV) {
+ s/::/-/g;
+ }
+ # help
+ if (command($cmd, "|help")) {
+ help(@ARGV);
+ }
+ # query
+ elsif (command($cmd, "qu|ery")) {
+ GetOptions("case!" => \my $case, "abstract" => \my $abstract,
+ "author" => \my $author );
+ my %summary = InstalledPackageProperties();
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ my $searchtag;
+ if ($abstract || $author) {
+ $searchtag = ($abstract ? 'ABSTRACT' : 'AUTHOR');
+ }
+ my $RE = shift @ARGV;
+ eval { $RE =~ /$RE/ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "'$RE': invalid regular expression.\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $case = !$options{'IGNORECASE'} unless defined $case;
+ $RE = "(?i)$RE" if ($case == 0);
+ foreach(keys %summary) {
+ if ($searchtag) {
+ delete $summary{$_} unless $summary{$_}{$searchtag} =~ /$RE/;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $summary{$_} unless /$RE/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print_formatted(1, %summary);
+ }
+ # install
+ elsif (command($cmd, "in|stall")) {
+ my $location = $location;
+ GetOptions("location=s" => \$location);
+ unless (@ARGV) {
+ if (!$interactive && -d "blib" && -f "Makefile") {
+ return if InstallPackage(location => $location);
+ print "Error installing blib: $PPM::PPMERR\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ print "Package not specified.\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my %installed = InstalledPackageProperties();
+ foreach my $package (@ARGV) {
+ $package =~ s/::/-/g;
+ if (my $pkg = (grep {/^$package$/i} keys %installed)[0]) {
+ my $version = $installed{$pkg}{'VERSION'};
+ $version =~ s/(,0)*$//;
+ $version =~ tr/,/./;
+ print "Version $version of '$pkg' is already installed.\n" .
+ "Remove it, or use 'verify --upgrade $pkg'.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($interactive && $options{'CONFIRM'}) {
+ print "Install package '$package?' (y/N): ";
+ next unless <> =~ /^[yY]/;
+ }
+ print "Installing package '$package'...\n";
+ if(!InstallPackage("package" => $package, "location" => $location)) {
+ print "Error installing package '$package': $PPM::PPMERR\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # remove
+ elsif (command($cmd, "|remove")) {
+ unless (@ARGV) {
+ print "Package not specified.\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $package (@ARGV) {
+ $package =~ s/::/-/g;
+ if ($interactive && $options{'CONFIRM'}) {
+ print "Remove package '$package?' (y/N): ";
+ next unless <> =~ /[yY]/;
+ }
+ unless (RemovePackage("package" => $package)) {
+ print "Error removing $package: $PPM::PPMERR\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # search
+ elsif (command($cmd, "se|arch")) {
+ my (%summary, $searchtag);
+ my $location = $location;
+ GetOptions("case!" => \my $case, "location=s" => \$location,
+ "abstract" => \my $abstract, "author" => \my $author );
+ my $searchRE = shift @ARGV;
+ if (defined $searchRE) {
+ eval { $searchRE =~ /$searchRE/ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "'$searchRE': invalid regular expression.\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $case = !$options{'IGNORECASE'} unless defined $case;
+ if ($abstract || $author) {
+ $searchtag = ($abstract ? 'ABSTRACT' : 'AUTHOR');
+ }
+ %summary = search_PPDs("location" => $location, "ignorecase" => !$case,
+ "searchtag" => $searchtag, "searchRE" => $searchRE);
+ foreach (keys %summary) {
+ print "Packages available from $_:\n";
+ print_formatted(2, %{$summary{$_}});
+ }
+ }
+ # set
+ elsif (command($cmd, "se|t")) {
+ unless (set(@ARGV) || $interactive) {
+ PPM::SetPPMOptions("options" => \%options, "save" => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ # verify
+ elsif (command($cmd, "ver|ify")) {
+ my $location = $location;
+ GetOptions("force" => \my $force, "location=s" => \$location,
+ "upgrade" => \my $upgrade);
+ if ($interactive && $upgrade && $options{'CONFIRM'}) {
+ printf "Upgrade package%s? (y/N): ", @ARGV == 1 ? " '$ARGV[0]'" : "s";
+ return unless <> =~ /^[yY]/;
+ }
+ verify_packages("packages" => \@ARGV, "location" => $location,
+ "upgrade" => $upgrade, "force" => $force);
+ }
+ elsif (command($cmd, "ver|sion")) {
+ print "$PPM::VERSION\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq "purge") {
+ my %summary = InstalledPackageProperties();
+ foreach(keys %summary) {
+ print "Purging $_\n";
+ RemovePackage("package" => $_, "force" => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'refresh') {
+ my %summary = InstalledPackageProperties();
+ foreach(keys %summary) {
+ print "Refreshing $_\n";
+ InstallPackage("package" => $_);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Unknown or ambiguous command '$cmd'; type 'help' for commands.\n";
+ }
+sub help {
+ my $topic = @_ && $help{lc $_[0]} ? lc $_[0] : 'help';
+ my $help = $help{$topic};
+ $help =~ s/^(\s*)ppm\s+/$1/mg if $interactive;
+ print $help;
+sub more
+ my ($lines) = shift @_;
+ if (++$$lines >= $options{'MORE'}) {
+ print $moremsg;
+ $_ = <>;
+ $$lines = $_ eq "q\n" ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+# This nasty piece of business splits $pattern into a required prefix
+# and a "match any of this substring" suffix. E.g. "in|stall" will
+# match a $cmd of "ins", "inst", ..., "install".
+sub command
+ my ($cmd, $pattern) = @_;
+ my @pattern = split(/\|/, $pattern);
+ if ($pattern[1]) {
+ my @optchars = split(//, $pattern[1]);
+ # build up a "foo(b|ba|bar)" string
+ $pattern = "$pattern[0](";
+ $pattern[1] = shift @optchars;
+ $pattern[1] .= "|$pattern[1]$_" foreach @optchars;
+ $pattern .= "$pattern[1])";
+ }
+ return ($cmd =~ /^${pattern}$/i);
+# This routine prints the output for query and search
+# in a nicely formatted way, if $options{'VERBOSE'} is set.
+sub print_formatted
+ my ($lines, %summary) = @_;
+ my $package;
+ unless ($options{'VERBOSE'}) {
+ foreach $package (sort keys %summary) {
+ print "$package\n";
+ &more(\$lines) if $options{'MORE'} && $interactive;
+ last if $lines == -1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($maxname, $maxversion) = (0, 0);
+ # find the longest package name and version strings, so we can
+ # format them nicely
+ $maxname < length($_) and $maxname = length($_) for keys %summary;
+ foreach $package (keys %summary) {
+ $summary{$package}{'VERSION'} =~ s/(,0)*$//;
+ $summary{$package}{'VERSION'} =~ tr/,/./;
+ $maxversion = length $summary{$package}{'VERSION'} > $maxversion ?
+ length $summary{$package}{'VERSION'} : $maxversion;
+ }
+ my $columns = $ENV{COLUMNS} ? $ENV{COLUMNS} : 80;
+ my $namefield = "@" . "<" x ($maxname - 1);
+ my $versionfield = "@" . "<" x ($maxversion - 1);
+ my $abstractfield = "^" . "<" x ($columns - (6 + $maxname + $maxversion));
+ my $abstractpad = " " x ($maxname + $maxversion + 3);
+ foreach $package (sort keys %summary) {
+ eval "format STDOUT = \n"
+ . "$namefield [$versionfield] $abstractfield\n"
+ . '$package, $summary{$package}{VERSION}, $summary{$package}{ABSTRACT}'
+ . "\n"
+ . "$abstractpad $abstractfield~~\n"
+ . '$summary{$package}{ABSTRACT}'
+ . "\n"
+ . ".\n";
+ my $diff = $-;
+ write;
+ $diff -= $-;
+ $lines += ($diff - 1) if $diff > 1;
+ &more(\$lines) if $options{'MORE'} && $interactive;
+ last if $lines == -1;
+ }
+sub set
+ my $option = lc shift @_;
+ unless ($option) {
+ print "Commands will " . ($options{'CONFIRM'} ? "" : "not ") .
+ "be confirmed.\n";
+ print "Temporary files will " . ($options{'CLEAN'} ? "" : "not ") .
+ "be deleted.\n";
+ print "Download status will " . (($options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} > 0) ?
+ "be updated every $options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} bytes.\n" :
+ "not be updated.\n");
+ print "Case-" . ($options{'IGNORECASE'} ? "in" : "") .
+ "sensitive searches will be performed.\n";
+ print "Package installations will " .
+ ($options{'FORCE_INSTALL'} ? "" : "not ") .
+ "continue if a dependency cannot be installed.\n";
+ print "Tracing info will " . (($options{'TRACE'} > 0 ) ?
+ "be written to '$options{'TRACEFILE'}'.\n" : "not be written.\n");
+ print "Screens will " . ($options{'MORE'} > 0 ?
+ "pause after $options{'MORE'} lines.\n" : "not pause.\n");
+ print "Query/search results will " .
+ ($options{'VERBOSE'} ? "" : "not ") . "be verbose.\n";
+ if (defined $location) { print "Current PPD repository: $location\n"; }
+ else {
+ print "Current PPD repository paths:\n";
+ foreach $_ (keys %repositories) {
+ print "\t$_: $repositories{$_}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "Packages will be installed under: $options{'ROOT'}\n"
+ if ($options{'ROOT'});
+ print "Packages will be built under: $options{'BUILDDIR'}\n"
+ if ($options{'BUILDDIR'});
+ return;
+ }
+ my $value = shift @_;
+ if (command($option, "r|epository")) {
+ if ($value =~ /${prefix_pattern}remove/i) {
+ $value = join(" ", @_);
+ print "Location not specified.\n" and return 1
+ unless (defined $value);
+ PPM::RemoveRepository("repository" => $value);
+ %repositories = PPM::ListOfRepositories();
+ }
+ else {
+ my $location = shift @_;
+ print "Repository not specified.\n" and return 1
+ unless (defined $value and defined $location);
+ PPM::AddRepository("repository" => $value,
+ "location" => $location);
+ %repositories = PPM::ListOfRepositories();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (command($option, "c|onfirm")) {
+ $options{'CONFIRM'} = defined $value ?
+ ($value != 0) : ($options{'CONFIRM'} ? 0 : 1);
+ print "Commands will " . ($options{'CONFIRM'} ? "" : "not ") .
+ "be confirmed.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "|save")) {
+ PPM::SetPPMOptions("options" => \%options, "save" => 1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "c|ase")) {
+ $options{'IGNORECASE'} = defined $value ?
+ ($value == 0) : ($options{'IGNORECASE'} ? 0 : 1);
+ print "Case-" . ($options{'IGNORECASE'} ? "in" : "") .
+ "sensitive searches will be performed.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "r|oot")) {
+ my $old_root;
+ print "Directory not specified.\n" and return 1 unless ($value);
+ print "$PPM::PPMERR" and return 1
+ unless ($old_root = PPM::chroot("location" => $value));
+ $options{'ROOT'} = $value;
+ print "Root is now $value [was $old_root].\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "|build")) {
+ print "Directory not specified.\n" and return 1 unless ($value);
+ print "Directory '$value' does not exist.\n" and return 1
+ unless (-d $value);
+ $options{'BUILDDIR'} = $value;
+ print "Build directory is now $value.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "|force_install")) {
+ $options{'FORCE_INSTALL'} = defined $value ? ($value != 0) :
+ ($options{'FORCE_INSTALL'} ? 0 : 1);
+ print "Package installations will " .
+ ($options{'FORCE_INSTALL'} ? "" : "not ") .
+ "continue if a dependency cannot be installed.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "c|lean")) {
+ $options{'CLEAN'} = defined $value ?
+ ($value != 0) : ($options{'CLEAN'} ? 0 : 1);
+ print "Temporary files will " . ($options{'CLEAN'} ? "" : "not ") .
+ "be deleted.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "|downloadstatus")) {
+ print "Numeric value must be given.\n" and return 1
+ unless (defined $value && $value =~ /^\d+$/);
+ $options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} = $value;
+ print "Download status will " . (($options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} > 0) ?
+ "be updated every $options{'DOWNLOADSTATUS'} bytes.\n" :
+ "not be updated.\n");
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "|more")) {
+ print "Numeric value must be given.\n" and return 1
+ unless (defined $value && $value =~ /^\d+$/);
+ $options{'MORE'} = $value;
+ print "Screens will " . ($options{'MORE'} > 0 ?
+ "pause after $options{'MORE'} lines.\n" : "not pause.\n");
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "trace|file")) {
+ print "Filename not specified.\n" and return 1 unless ($value);
+ $options{'TRACEFILE'} = $value;
+ print "Tracing info will be written to $options{'TRACEFILE'}.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "trace")) {
+ print "Numeric value between 0 and 4 must be given.\n" and return 1
+ unless (defined $value &&
+ $value =~ /^\d+$/ && $value >= 0 && $value <= 4);
+ $options{'TRACE'} = $value;
+ print "Tracing info will " . ($options{'TRACE'} > 0 ?
+ "be written to $options{'TRACEFILE'}.\n" : "not be written.\n");
+ }
+ elsif (command($option, "|verbose")) {
+ $options{'VERBOSE'} = defined $value ?
+ ($value != 0) : ($options{'VERBOSE'} ? 0 : 1);
+ print "Query/search results will " .
+ ($options{'VERBOSE'} ? "" : "not ") . "be verbose.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Unknown or ambiguous option '$option'; see 'help set' for available options.\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ PPM::SetPPMOptions("options" => \%options);
+ }
+ return;
+sub search_PPDs
+ my %argv = @_;
+ my @locations = $argv{'location'} || $location;
+ my $searchtag = $argv{'searchtag'};
+ my $ignorecase = defined $argv{'ignorecase'} ?
+ $argv{'ignorecase'} : $options{'IGNORECASE'};
+ my $searchRE = $argv{'searchRE'};
+ if (defined $searchRE) {
+ eval { $searchRE =~ /$searchRE/ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "'$searchRE': invalid regular expression.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $searchRE = "(?i)$searchRE" if $ignorecase;
+ }
+ my %packages;
+ unless (defined $locations[0]) {
+ my %reps = PPM::ListOfRepositories;
+ @locations = values %reps;
+ }
+ foreach my $loc (@locations) {
+ my %summary;
+ # see if the repository has server-side searching
+ if (defined $searchRE && (%summary = ServerSearch('location' => $loc,
+ 'searchRE' => $searchRE, 'searchtag' => $searchtag))) {
+ # XXX: clean this up
+ foreach my $package (keys %{$summary{$loc}}) {
+ $packages{$loc}{$package} = \%{$summary{$loc}{$package}};
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # see if a summary file is available
+ %summary = RepositorySummary("location" => $loc);
+ if (%summary) {
+ foreach my $package (keys %{$summary{$loc}}) {
+ next if (defined $searchtag &&
+ $summary{$loc}{$package}{$searchtag} !~ /$searchRE/);
+ next if (!defined $searchtag &&
+ defined $searchRE && $package !~ /$searchRE/);
+ $packages{$loc}{$package} = \%{$summary{$loc}{$package}};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my %ppds = PPM::RepositoryPackages("location" => $loc);
+ # No summary: oh my, nothing but 'Net
+ foreach my $package (@{$ppds{$loc}}) {
+ my %package_details = RepositoryPackageProperties(
+ "package" => $package, "location" => $loc);
+ next unless %package_details;
+ next if (defined $searchtag &&
+ $package_details{$searchtag} !~ /$searchRE/);
+ next if (!defined $searchtag &&
+ defined $searchRE && $package !~ /$searchRE/);
+ $packages{$loc}{$package} = \%package_details;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %packages;
+sub verify_packages
+ my %argv = @_;
+ my @packages = @{$argv{'packages'}};
+ my $upgrade = $argv{'upgrade'};
+ my $force = $argv{'force'};
+ my $location = $argv{'location'} || $location;
+ unless ($packages[0]) {
+ my %info = QueryInstalledPackages();
+ @packages = sort keys %info;
+ }
+ my $package = shift @packages;
+ while ($package) {
+ my $status = VerifyPackage("package" => $package,
+ "location" => $location, "upgrade" => $upgrade, "force" => $force);
+ if (defined $status) {
+ if ($status eq "0") {
+ print "Package \'$package\' is up to date.\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($upgrade) {
+ print "Package $package upgraded to version $status\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "An upgrade to package \'$package\' is available.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Couldn't find a PPD to compare it with.
+ print "Package \'$package\' is up to date.\n";
+ }
+ $package = shift @packages;
+ }
+sub genconfig
+ my $repositories =
+ {'5.6' => {
+ 'ActiveState' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'fetch_summary',
+ },
+ 'Bribes' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'UWinnipeg' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'fetch_summary',
+ },
+ },
+ '5.8' => {
+ 'ActiveState' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'Bribes' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'UWinnipeg' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'Trouchelle' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ },
+ '5.10' => {
+ 'ActiveState' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'Bribes' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'UWinnipeg' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'searchsummary.ppm',
+ },
+ 'Trouchelle' =>
+ {location => '',
+ summaryfile => 'package.xml',
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ my ($perl_version);
+ PERLV: {
+ ($] < 5.008) and do {
+ $perl_version = '5.6';
+ last PERLV;
+ };
+ ($] < 5.01) and do {
+ $perl_version = '5.8';
+ last PERLV;
+ };
+ $perl_version = '5.10';
+ }
+ my $reps = $repositories->{$perl_version};
+ my $PerlDir = $Config{'prefix'};
+print <<"EOF";
+ <PPMVER>2,1,8,0</PPMVER>
+ <PLATFORM CPU="x86" OSVALUE="$Config{'osname'}" OSVERSION="0,0,0,0" />
+ foreach my $name(sort keys %$reps) {
+ my $loc = $reps->{$name}->{location};
+ my $sf = $reps->{$name}->{summaryfile};
+ print << "EOF";
+ }
+ print <<"EOF";
+ <PPMPRECIOUS>Compress-Zlib;Archive-Tar;Digest-MD5;File-CounterFile;Font-AFM;HTML-Parser;HTML-Tree;MIME-Base64;URI;XML-Element;libwww-perl;XML-Parser;SOAP-Lite;PPM;libnet;libwin32</PPMPRECIOUS>
+=head1 NAME
+PPM - Perl Package Manager: locate, install, upgrade software packages.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ppm genconfig
+ ppm help [command]
+ ppm install [--location=location] package1 [... packageN]
+ ppm query [--case|nocase] [--abstract|author] PATTERN
+ ppm remove package1 [... packageN]
+ ppm search [--case|nocase] [--location=location] [--abstract|author] PATTERN
+ ppm set [option]
+ ppm verify [--location=location] [--upgrade] [--force] [package1 ... packageN]
+ ppm version
+ ppm [--location=location]
+ppm is a utility intended to simplify the tasks of locating, installing,
+upgrading and removing software packages. It is a front-end to the
+functionality provided in It can determine if the most recent
+version of a software package is installed on a system, and can install
+or upgrade that package from a local or remote host.
+ppm runs in one of two modes: an interactive shell from which commands
+may be entered; and command-line mode, in which one specific action is
+performed per invocation of the program.
+ppm uses files containing an extended form of the Open Software
+Description (OSD) specification for information about software packages.
+These description files, which are written in Extensible Markup
+Language (XML) code, are referred to as 'PPD' files. Information about
+OSD can be found at the W3C web site (at the time of this writing,
+ The extensions to OSD used by ppm
+are documented in PPM.ppd.
+=head1 Using PPM
+=over 4
+=item Interactive mode
+If ppm is invoked with no command specified, it is started in interactive
+mode. If the '--location' argument is specified, it is used as the
+search location, otherwise the repositories specified in the PPM data file
+are used.
+The syntax of PPM commands is the same in interactive mode as it is in
+command-line mode. The 'help' command lists the available commands.
+ppm commands may be abbreviated to their shortest unique form.
+=item Installing
+ ppm install [--location=location] package1 [... packageN]
+Installs the specified software packages. Attempts to install from the
+URL or directory 'location' if the '--location' option is specfied.
+The 'package' arguments may be either package names ('foo'), pathnames
+(p:/packages/foo.ppd) or URLs (
+to specific PPD files.
+In the case where a package name is specified, and the '--location'
+option is not used, ppm will refer to the default repository locations.
+See also: 'confirm' option.
+=item Removing
+ ppm remove package1 [... packageN]
+Reads information from the PPD file for the named software package and
+removes the package from the system.
+See also: 'confirm' option.
+=item Verifying
+ ppm verify [--location=location] [--upgrade] [--force] [package1 ... packageN]
+Verifies that the currently installed packages are up to date. If no
+packages are specified as arguments, all installed packages will be verified.
+If the '--upgrade' option is specified, any package for which an upgrade
+is available will be upgraded.
+If the '--location' option is specified, upgrades will be looked for at
+the specified URL or directory.
+If the '--force' option is specified, all currently installed packages will
+be reinstalled regardless of whether they are out of date or not.
+See also: 'confirm' option.
+=item Querying
+ ppm query [--case|nocase] [--abstract|author] PATTERN
+Searches for 'PATTERN' (a regular expression) in the name of any installed
+package. If a search is successful, information about the matching
+package(s) is displayed. If 'PATTERN' is omitted, information about
+all installed packages will be displayed.
+If either '--abstract' or '--author' is specified, PATTERN will be
+searched for in the <ABSTRACT> or <AUTHOR> tags of the installed packages.
+The '--case' and '--nocase' options can be used to override the default
+case-sensitivity search settings.
+See also: 'case' option.
+=item Searching
+ ppm search [--case|nocase] [--location=location] [--abstract|author] PATTERN
+Displays a list of any packages matching 'PATTERN' (a regular expression)
+available from the specified location. If 'PATTERN' is omitted, information
+about all available packages will be displayed.
+If the '--location' option is specified, the specified URL or directory
+will be searched. If '--location' is not specified, the repository location
+as specified in the PPM data file will be searched.
+If either '--abstract' or '--author' is specified, PATTERN will be
+searched for in the <ABSTRACT> or <AUTHOR> tags of the available packages.
+The '--case' and '--nocase' options can be used to override the default
+case-sensitivity search settings.
+See also: 'case' option.
+=item Error Recovery
+ ppm genconfig
+ ppm getconfig
+The genconfig command will print a valid PPM config file (ppm.xml) to STDOUT.
+This can be useful if the PPM config file ever gets damaged leaving PPM
+If required, this command should be run from a shell prompt:
+ C:\Perl\site\lib> ppm genconfig > ppm.xml
+The getconfig command prints the location of the PPM configuration file
+used at PPM startup.
+=item Options
+ ppm set [option value]
+Sets or displays current options. With no arguments, current option
+settings are displayed.
+Available options:
+ - Changes the package build directory.
+ case [1|0]
+ - Sets case-sensitive searches. If one of '1' or '0' is
+ not specified, the current setting is toggled.
+ clean [1|0]
+ - Sets removal of temporary files from package's build
+ area, on successful installation of a package. If one of
+ '1' or '0' is not specified, the current setting is
+ toggled.
+ confirm [1|0]
+ - Sets confirmation of 'install', 'remove' and 'upgrade'.
+ If one of '1' or '0' is not specified, the current
+ setting is toggled.
+ downloadstatus NUMBER
+ - If non-zero, updates the download status after each NUMBER
+ of bytes transferred during an 'install'. This can be
+ reassuring when installing a large package (e.g. Tk) over
+ a low-speed connection.
+ force_install [1|0]
+ - Continue installing a package even if a dependency cannot
+ be installed.
+ more NUMBER
+ - Causes output to pause after NUMBER lines have been
+ displayed. Specifying '0' turns off this capability.
+ set repository --remove NAME
+ - Removes the repository 'NAME' from the list of repositories.
+ set repository NAME LOCATION
+ - Adds a repository to the list of PPD repositories for this
+ session. 'NAME' is the name by which this repository will
+ be referred; 'LOCATION' is a URL or directory name.
+ - Changes the install root directory. Packages will be
+ installed under this new root.
+ save
+ - Saves the current options as default options for future
+ sessions.
+ trace
+ - Tracing level--default is 1, maximum is 4, 0 indicates
+ no tracing.
+ tracefile
+ - File to contain tracing information, default is 'PPM.LOG'.
+ verbose [1|0]
+ - Display additional package information for 'query' and
+ 'search' commands.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 4
+=item ppm
+Starts ppm in interactive mode, using the repository locations specified
+in the PPM data file. A session might look like this:
+ [show all available packages]
+ PPM> search
+ Packages available from P:\PACKAGES:
+ bar [2.91 ] supplies bar methods for perl5.
+ bax [0.072] module for manipulation of bax archives.
+ baz [1.03 ] Interface to baz library
+ foo [2.23 ] Foo parser class
+ [list what has already been installed]
+ PPM> query
+ bax [0.071] module for manipulation of bax archives.
+ baz [1.02 ] Interface to baz library
+ [install a package]
+ PPM> install foo
+ Install package foo? (y/N): y
+ [...]
+ [toggle confirmations]
+ PPM> set confirm
+ Commands will not be confirmed.
+ [see if 'baz' is up-to-date]
+ PPM> verify baz
+ An upgrade to package 'baz' is available.
+ [upgrade 'baz']
+ PPM> verify --upgrade baz
+ [...]
+ [forced upgrade of 'baz']
+ PPM> verify --upgrade --force baz
+ [...]
+ [toggle case-sensitive searches]
+ PPM> set case
+ Case-sensitive searches will be performed.
+ [display all available packages beginning with 'b']
+ PPM> search ^b
+ bar [2.91 ] supplies bar methods for perl5.
+ bax [0.072] module for manipulation of bax archives.
+ baz [1.03 ] Interface to baz library
+ [search for installed packages containing 'baz' in the ABSTRACT tag]
+ PPM> query --abstract baz
+ Matching packages found at P:\PACKAGES:
+ baz [1.03 ] Interface to baz library
+ PPM> quit
+=item ppm install
+Installs the software package 'foo' based on the information in the PPD
+obtained from the specified URL.
+=item ppm verify --upgrade foo
+Compares the currently installed version of the software package 'foo'
+to the one available according to the PPD obtained from the location
+specified for this package in the PPM data file, and upgrades
+to a newer version if available.
+=item ppm verify --location=P:\PACKAGES --upgrade foo
+Compares the currently installed version of the software package 'foo'
+to the one available according to the PPD obtained from the specified
+directory, and upgrades to a newer version if available.
+=item ppm verify --upgrade --force
+Forces verification and reinstalls every installed package on the system,
+using upgrade locations specified in the PPM data file.
+=item ppm search --location=
+Displays the packages with PPD files available at the specified location.
+=item ppm search --location=P:\PACKAGES --author ActiveState
+Searches the specified location for any package with an <AUTHOR> tag
+containing the string 'ActiveState'. On a successful search, the package
+name and the matching string are displayed.
+=over 4
+=item HTTP_proxy
+If the environment variable 'HTTP_proxy' is set, then it will
+be used as the address of a proxy server for accessing the Internet.
+The value should be of the form: 'http://proxy:port'.
+=head1 FILES
+The following files are fully described in the 'Files' section of PPM:ppm.
+=over 4
+=item package.ppd
+A description of a software package, in extended Open Software Description
+(OSD) format. More information on this file format can be found in
+=item ppm.xml - PPM data file.
+An XML format file containing information about the local system,
+specifics regarding the locations from which PPM obtains PPD files, and
+the installation details for any package installed by ppm.
+This file usually resides in '[perl]/site/lib'. If the environment
+variable 'PPM_DAT' is set, its value will be used as the full pathname
+to a PPM data file. If all else fails, ppm will look for a data file
+in the current directory.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Murray Nesbitt, E<lt>F<>E<gt>
+=head1 CREDITS
+=over 4
+=item *
+The "geek-pit" at ActiveState.
+=item *
+Paul Kulchenko for his SOAP-Lite package, and for his enthusiastic
+assistance in getting PPM to work with SOAP-Lite.