path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perluniprops.pod
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1 files changed, 3051 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perluniprops.pod b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perluniprops.pod
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+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perluniprops.pod
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+=begin comment
+# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!
+# This file is machine-generated by mktables from the Unicode
+# database, Version 5.2.0. Any changes made here will be lost!
+To change this file, edit mktables instead.
+=end comment
+=head1 NAME
+perluniprops - Index of Unicode Version 5.2.0 properties in Perl
+There are many properties in Unicode, and Perl provides access to almost all of
+them, as well as some additional extensions and short-cut synonyms.
+And just about all of the few that aren't accessible through the Perl
+core are accessible through the modules: Unicode::Normalize and
+Unicode::UCD, and for Unihan properties, via the CPAN module Unicode::Unihan.
+This document merely lists all available properties and does not attempt to
+explain what each property really means. There is a brief description of each
+Perl extension. There is some detail about Blocks, Scripts, General_Category,
+and Bidi_Class in L<perlunicode>, but to find out about the intricacies of the
+Unicode properties, refer to the Unicode standard. A good starting place is
+L<>. More information on the Perl extensions is in
+Note that you can define your own properties; see
+L<perlunicode/"User-Defined Character Properties">.
+=head1 Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}
+The Perl regular expression \p{} and \P{} constructs give access to most of
+the Unicode character properties. The table below shows all these constructs,
+both single and compound forms.
+B<Compound forms> consist of two components, separated by an equals sign or a
+colon. The first component is the property name, and the second component is
+the particular value of the property to match against, for example,
+'\p{Script: Greek}' or '\p{Script=Greek}' both mean to match characters
+whose Script property is Greek.
+B<Single forms>, like '\p{Greek}', are mostly Perl-defined shortcuts for
+their equivalent compound forms. The table shows these equivalences. (In our
+example, '\p{Greek}' is a just a shortcut for '\p{Script=Greek}'.)
+There are also a few Perl-defined single forms that are not shortcuts for a
+compound form. One such is \p{Word}. These are also listed in the table.
+In parsing these constructs, Perl always ignores Upper/lower case differences
+everywhere within the {braces}. Thus '\p{Greek}' means the same thing as
+'\p{greek}'. But note that changing the case of the 'p' or 'P' before the
+left brace completely changes the meaning of the construct, from "match" (for
+'\p{}') to "doesn't match" (for '\P{}'). Casing in this document is for
+improved legibility.
+Also, white space, hyphens, and underscores are also normally ignored
+everywhere between the {braces}, and hence can be freely added or removed
+even if the C</x> modifier hasn't been specified on the regular expression.
+But a 'B<T>' at the beginning of an entry in the table below
+means that tighter (stricter) rules are used for that entry:
+=over 4
+=item Single form (\p{name}) tighter rules:
+White space, hyphens, and underscores ARE significant
+except for:
+=over 4
+=item * white space adjacent to a non-word character
+=item * underscores separating digits in numbers
+That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white space
+adjacent to (but within) the braces without affecting the meaning.
+=item Compound form (\p{name=value} or \p{name:value}) tighter rules:
+The tighter rules given above for the single form apply to everything to the
+right of the colon or equals; the looser rules still apply to everything to
+the left.
+That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white space
+adjacent to (but within) the braces and the colon or equal sign.
+Some properties are considered obsolete, but still available. There are
+several varieties of obsolesence:
+=over 4
+=item Obsolete
+Properties marked with an 'B<O>' in the table are considered
+obsolete. At the time of this writing (Unicode version 5.2) there is no
+information in the Unicode standard about the implications of a property being
+=item Stabilized
+Obsolete properties may be stabilized. This means that they are not actively
+maintained by Unicode, and will not be extended as new characters are added to
+the standard. Such properties are marked with an 'B<S>' in the
+table. At the time of this writing (Unicode version 5.2) there is no further
+information in the Unicode standard about the implications of a property being
+=item Deprecated
+Obsolete properties may be deprecated. This means that their use is strongly
+discouraged, so much so that a warning will be issued if used, unless the
+regular expression is in the scope of a C<S<no warnings 'deprecated'>>
+statement. A 'B<D>' flags each such entry in the table, and
+the entry there for the longest, most descriptive version of the property will
+give the reason it is deprecated, and perhaps advice. Perl may issue such a
+warning, even for properties that aren't officially deprecated by Unicode,
+when there used to be characters or code points that were matched by them, but
+no longer. This is to warn you that your program may not work like it did on
+earlier Unicode releases.
+A deprecated property may be made unavailable in a future Perl version, so it
+is best to move away from them.
+Some Perl extensions are present for backwards compatibility and are
+discouraged from being used, but not obsolete. An 'B<X>'
+flags each such entry in the table.
+Matches in the Block property have shortcuts that begin with 'In_'. For
+example, \p{Block=Latin1} can be written as \p{In_Latin1}. For backward
+compatibility, if there is no conflict with another shortcut, these may also
+be written as \p{Latin1} or \p{Is_Latin1}. But, N.B., there are numerous
+such conflicting shortcuts. Use of these forms for Block is discouraged, and
+are flagged as such, not only because of the potential confusion as to what is
+meant, but also because a later release of Unicode may preempt the shortcut,
+and your program would no longer be correct. Use the 'In_' form instead to
+avoid this, or even more clearly, use the compound form, e.g.,
+\p{blk:latin1}. See L<perlunicode/"Blocks"> for more information about this.
+The table below has two columns. The left column contains the \p{}
+constructs to look up, possibly preceeded by the flags mentioned above; and
+the right column contains information about them, like a description, or
+synonyms. It shows both the single and compound forms for each property that
+has them. If the left column is a short name for a property, the right column
+will give its longer, more descriptive name; and if the left column is the
+longest name, the right column will show any equivalent shortest name, in both
+single and compound forms if applicable.
+The right column will also caution you if a property means something different
+than what might normally be expected.
+All single forms are Perl extensions; a few compound forms are as well, and
+are noted as such.
+Numbers in (parentheses) indicate the total number of code points matched by
+the property. For emphasis, those properties that match no code points at all
+are listed as well in a separate section following the table.
+There is no description given for most non-Perl defined properties (See
+ for that).
+For compactness, 'B<*>' is used as a wildcard instead of showing all possible
+combinations. For example, entries like:
+ \p{Gc: *} \p{General_Category: *}
+mean that 'Gc' is a synonym for 'General_Category', and anything that is valid
+for the latter is also valid for the former. Similarly,
+ \p{Is_*} \p{*}
+means that if and only if, for example, \p{Foo} exists, then \p{Is_Foo} and
+\p{IsFoo} are also valid and all mean the same thing. And similarly,
+\p{Foo=Bar} means the same as \p{Is_Foo=Bar} and \p{IsFoo=Bar}. '*' here
+is restricted to something not beginning with an underscore.
+Also, in binary properties, 'Yes', 'T', and 'True' are all synonyms for 'Y'.
+And 'No', 'F', and 'False' are all synonyms for 'N'. The table shows 'Y*' and
+'N*' to indicate this, and doesn't have separate entries for the other
+possibilities. Note that not all properties which have values 'Yes' and 'No'
+are binary, and they have all their values spelled out without using this wild
+card, and a C<NOT> clause in their description that highlights their not being
+binary. These also require the compound form to match them, whereas true
+binary properties have both single and compound forms available.
+Note that all non-essential underscores are removed in the display of the
+short names below.
+B<Summary legend:>
+=over 4
+=item B<*> is a wild-card
+=item B<(\d+)> in the info column gives the number of code points matched by
+this property.
+=item B<D> means this is deprecated.
+=item B<O> means this is obsolete.
+=item B<S> means this is stabilized.
+=item B<T> means tighter (stricter) name matching applies.
+=item B<X> means use of this form is discouraged.
+ X \p{Aegean_Numbers} \p{Block=Aegean_Numbers} (64)
+ T \p{Age: 1.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 1.1 (33_979)
+ T \p{Age: 2.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 2.0; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (144_521)
+ T \p{Age: 2.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 2.1; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (2)
+ T \p{Age: 3.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 3.0; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (10_307)
+ T \p{Age: 3.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 3.1; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (44_978)
+ T \p{Age: 3.2} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 3.2; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (1016)
+ T \p{Age: 4.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 4.0; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (1226)
+ T \p{Age: 4.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 4.1; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (1273)
+ T \p{Age: 5.0} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 5.0; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (1369)
+ T \p{Age: 5.1} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 5.1; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (1624)
+ T \p{Age: 5.2} Code point's usage was introduced in
+ version 5.2; See also Property
+ 'Present_In' (6648)
+ \p{Age: Unassigned} Code point's usage has not been assigned
+ in any Unicode release thus far.
+ (867_169)
+ \p{AHex} \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit} (= \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=
+ Y}) (22)
+ \p{AHex: *} \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: *}
+ \p{All} \p{Any} (1_114_112)
+ \p{Alnum} Alphabetic and (Decimal) Numeric (100_931)
+ \p{Alpha} \p{Alphabetic=Y} (100_520)
+ \p{Alpha: *} \p{Alphabetic: *}
+ \p{Alphabetic} \p{Alpha} (= \p{Alphabetic=Y}) (100_520)
+ \p{Alphabetic: N*} (Short: \p{Alpha=N}, \P{Alpha}) (1_013_592)
+ \p{Alphabetic: Y*} (Short: \p{Alpha=Y}, \p{Alpha}) (100_520)
+ X \p{Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} \p{Block=
+ Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (80)
+ X \p{Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} \p{Block=
+ Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (80)
+ X \p{Ancient_Greek_Numbers} \p{Block=Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (80)
+ X \p{Ancient_Symbols} \p{Block=Ancient_Symbols} (64)
+ \p{Any} [\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}] (1_114_112)
+ \p{Arab} \p{Arabic} (= \p{Script=Arabic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Arabic}) (1030)
+ \p{Arabic} \p{Script=Arabic} (Short: \p{Arab}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Arabic}) (1030)
+ X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} \p{Block=
+ Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (688)
+ X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} \p{Block=
+ Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (144)
+ X \p{Arabic_Supplement} \p{Block=Arabic_Supplement} (48)
+ \p{Armenian} \p{Script=Armenian} (Short: \p{Armn}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Armenian}) (90)
+ \p{Armi} \p{Imperial_Aramaic} (= \p{Script=
+ Imperial_Aramaic}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
+ \p{Armn} \p{Armenian} (= \p{Script=Armenian}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Armenian}) (90)
+ X \p{Arrows} \p{Block=Arrows} (112)
+ \p{ASCII} \p{Block=Basic_Latin} [[:ASCII:]] (128)
+ \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit} \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{AHex})
+ (22)
+ \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: N*} (Short: \p{AHex=N}, \P{AHex}) (1_114_090)
+ \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: Y*} (Short: \p{AHex=Y}, \p{AHex}) (22)
+ \p{Assigned} All assigned code points (246_877)
+ \p{Avestan} \p{Script=Avestan} (Short: \p{Avst}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
+ \p{Avst} \p{Avestan} (= \p{Script=Avestan}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
+ \p{Bali} \p{Balinese} (= \p{Script=Balinese}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
+ \p{Balinese} \p{Script=Balinese} (Short: \p{Bali}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
+ \p{Bamu} \p{Bamum} (= \p{Script=Bamum}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Bamum}) (88)
+ \p{Bamum} \p{Script=Bamum} (Short: \p{Bamu}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Bamum}) (88)
+ X \p{Basic_Latin} \p{ASCII} (= \p{Block=Basic_Latin}) (128)
+ \p{Bc: *} \p{Bidi_Class: *}
+ \p{Beng} \p{Bengali} (= \p{Script=Bengali}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
+ \p{Bengali} \p{Script=Bengali} (Short: \p{Beng}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
+ \p{Bidi_C} \p{Bidi_Control} (= \p{Bidi_Control=Y}) (7)
+ \p{Bidi_C: *} \p{Bidi_Control: *}
+ \p{Bidi_Class: AL} \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Letter} (1116)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: AN} \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Number} (48)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Letter} (Short: \p{Bc=AL}) (1116)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=AN}) (48)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: B} \p{Bidi_Class=Paragraph_Separator} (7)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: BN} \p{Bidi_Class=Boundary_Neutral} (4016)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Boundary_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=BN}) (4016)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Common_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=CS}) (15)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: CS} \p{Bidi_Class=Common_Separator} (15)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: EN} \p{Bidi_Class=European_Number} (131)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: ES} \p{Bidi_Class=European_Separator} (12)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: ET} \p{Bidi_Class=European_Terminator} (63)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: European_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=EN}) (131)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: European_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=ES}) (12)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: European_Terminator} (Short: \p{Bc=ET}) (63)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: L} \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right} (1_099_541)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right} (Short: \p{Bc=L}) (1_099_541)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=LRE}) (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=LRO}) (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: LRE} \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Embedding} (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: LRO} \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Override} (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Bc=NSM}) (1173)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: NSM} \p{Bidi_Class=Nonspacing_Mark} (1173)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: ON} \p{Bidi_Class=Other_Neutral} (3523)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Other_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=ON}) (3523)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=B}) (7)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: PDF} \p{Bidi_Class=Pop_Directional_Format} (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Pop_Directional_Format} (Short: \p{Bc=PDF}) (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: R} \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left} (4441)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left} (Short: \p{Bc=R}) (4441)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=RLE}) (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=RLO}) (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: RLE} \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Embedding} (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: RLO} \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Override} (1)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: S} \p{Bidi_Class=Segment_Separator} (3)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: Segment_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=S}) (3)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: White_Space} (Short: \p{Bc=WS}) (18)
+ \p{Bidi_Class: WS} \p{Bidi_Class=White_Space} (18)
+ \p{Bidi_Control} \p{Bidi_Control=Y} (Short: \p{BidiC}) (7)
+ \p{Bidi_Control: N*} (Short: \p{BidiC=N}, \P{BidiC}) (1_114_105)
+ \p{Bidi_Control: Y*} (Short: \p{BidiC=Y}, \p{BidiC}) (7)
+ \p{Bidi_M} \p{Bidi_Mirrored} (= \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y})
+ (543)
+ \p{Bidi_M: *} \p{Bidi_Mirrored: *}
+ \p{Bidi_Mirrored} \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y} (Short: \p{BidiM})
+ (543)
+ \p{Bidi_Mirrored: N*} (Short: \p{BidiM=N}, \P{BidiM}) (1_113_569)
+ \p{Bidi_Mirrored: Y*} (Short: \p{BidiM=Y}, \p{BidiM}) (543)
+ \p{Blank} \h, Horizontal white space (19)
+ \p{Blk: *} \p{Block: *}
+ \p{Block: Aegean_Numbers} (Single: \p{InAegeanNumbers}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (Single:
+ \p{InAlphabeticPresentationForms}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (Single:
+ \p{InAncientGreekMusicalNotation}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (Single:
+ \p{InAncientGreekNumbers}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Ancient_Symbols} (Single: \p{InAncientSymbols}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Arabic} (Single: \p{InArabic}; NOT \p{Arabic} NOR
+ \p{Is_Arabic}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (Single:
+ \p{InArabicPresentationFormsA}) (688)
+ \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (Single:
+ \p{InArabicPresentationFormsB}) (144)
+ \p{Block: Arabic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InArabicSupplement}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Armenian} (Single: \p{InArmenian}; NOT \p{Armenian}
+ NOR \p{Is_Armenian}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Arrows} (Single: \p{InArrows}) (112)
+ \p{Block: ASCII} \p{Block=Basic_Latin} (128)
+ \p{Block: Avestan} (Single: \p{InAvestan}; NOT \p{Avestan}
+ NOR \p{Is_Avestan}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Balinese} (Single: \p{InBalinese}; NOT \p{Balinese}
+ NOR \p{Is_Balinese}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Bamum} (Single: \p{InBamum}; NOT \p{Bamum} NOR
+ \p{Is_Bamum}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Basic_Latin} (Short: \p{Blk=ASCII}, \p{ASCII}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Bengali} (Single: \p{InBengali}; NOT \p{Bengali}
+ NOR \p{Is_Bengali}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Block_Elements} (Single: \p{InBlockElements}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Bopomofo} (Single: \p{InBopomofo}; NOT \p{Bopomofo}
+ NOR \p{Is_Bopomofo}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Bopomofo_Extended} (Single: \p{InBopomofoExtended}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Box_Drawing} (Single: \p{InBoxDrawing}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Braille_Patterns} (Single: \p{InBraillePatterns}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Buginese} (Single: \p{InBuginese}; NOT \p{Buginese}
+ NOR \p{Is_Buginese}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Buhid} (Single: \p{InBuhid}; NOT \p{Buhid} NOR
+ \p{Is_Buhid}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} (Single:
+ \p{InByzantineMusicalSymbols}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Canadian_Syllabics} \p{Block=
+ Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
+ (640)
+ \p{Block: Carian} (Single: \p{InCarian}; NOT \p{Carian} NOR
+ \p{Is_Carian}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Cham} (Single: \p{InCham}; NOT \p{Cham} NOR
+ \p{Is_Cham}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Cherokee} (Single: \p{InCherokee}; NOT \p{Cherokee}
+ NOR \p{Is_Cherokee}) (96)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility} (Single: \p{InCJKCompatibility}) (256)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKCompatibilityForms}) (32)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs}) (512)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs-
+ Supplement}) (544)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKRadicalsSupplement}) (128)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Strokes} (Single: \p{InCJKStrokes}) (48)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation}) (64)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographs}) (20_992)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA})
+ (6592)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB})
+ (42_720)
+ \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} (Single:
+ \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC})
+ (4160)
+ \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (Single:
+ \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}) (112)
+ \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
+ CombiningMarksForSymbols},
+ \p{InCombiningMarksForSymbols}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks-
+ Supplement}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Combining_Half_Marks} (Single: \p{InCombiningHalfMarks})
+ (16)
+ \p{Block: Combining_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
+ Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols}
+ (48)
+ \p{Block: Common_Indic_Number_Forms} (Single:
+ \p{InCommonIndicNumberForms}) (16)
+ \p{Block: Control_Pictures} (Single: \p{InControlPictures}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Coptic} (Single: \p{InCoptic}; NOT \p{Coptic} NOR
+ \p{Is_Coptic}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Counting_Rod_Numerals} (Single:
+ \p{InCountingRodNumerals}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Cuneiform} (Single: \p{InCuneiform}; NOT
+ \p{Cuneiform} NOR \p{Is_Cuneiform})
+ (1024)
+ \p{Block: Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (Single:
+ \p{InCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation})
+ (128)
+ \p{Block: Currency_Symbols} (Single: \p{InCurrencySymbols}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Cypriot_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InCypriotSyllabary}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Cyrillic} (Single: \p{InCyrillic}; NOT \p{Cyrillic}
+ NOR \p{Is_Cyrillic}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InCyrillicExtendedA})
+ (32)
+ \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_B} (Single: \p{InCyrillicExtendedB})
+ (96)
+ \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InCyrillicSupplement})
+ (48)
+ \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement}
+ (48)
+ \p{Block: Deseret} (Single: \p{InDeseret}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Devanagari} (Single: \p{InDevanagari}; NOT
+ \p{Devanagari} NOR \p{Is_Devanagari})
+ (128)
+ \p{Block: Devanagari_Extended} (Single: \p{InDevanagariExtended})
+ (32)
+ \p{Block: Dingbats} (Single: \p{InDingbats}) (192)
+ \p{Block: Domino_Tiles} (Single: \p{InDominoTiles}) (112)
+ \p{Block: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Single:
+ \p{InEgyptianHieroglyphs}; NOT
+ \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} NOR
+ \p{Is_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1072)
+ \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement})
+ (256)
+ \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (Single:
+ \p{InEnclosedAlphanumerics}) (160)
+ \p{Block: Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (Single:
+ \p{InEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InEnclosedIdeographicSupplement})
+ (256)
+ \p{Block: Ethiopic} (Single: \p{InEthiopic}; NOT \p{Ethiopic}
+ NOR \p{Is_Ethiopic}) (384)
+ \p{Block: Ethiopic_Extended} (Single: \p{InEthiopicExtended}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Ethiopic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InEthiopicSupplement})
+ (32)
+ \p{Block: General_Punctuation} (Single: \p{InGeneralPunctuation})
+ (112)
+ \p{Block: Geometric_Shapes} (Single: \p{InGeometricShapes}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Georgian} (Single: \p{InGeorgian}; NOT \p{Georgian}
+ NOR \p{Is_Georgian}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Georgian_Supplement} (Single: \p{InGeorgianSupplement})
+ (48)
+ \p{Block: Glagolitic} (Single: \p{InGlagolitic}; NOT
+ \p{Glagolitic} NOR \p{Is_Glagolitic})
+ (96)
+ \p{Block: Gothic} (Single: \p{InGothic}; NOT \p{Gothic} NOR
+ \p{Is_Gothic}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Greek} \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (NOT \p{Greek}
+ NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
+ \p{Block: Greek_And_Coptic} (Short: \p{Blk=Greek}, \p{InGreek};
+ NOT \p{Greek} NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
+ \p{Block: Greek_Extended} (Single: \p{InGreekExtended}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Gujarati} (Single: \p{InGujarati}; NOT \p{Gujarati}
+ NOR \p{Is_Gujarati}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Gurmukhi} (Single: \p{InGurmukhi}; NOT \p{Gurmukhi}
+ NOR \p{Is_Gurmukhi}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (Single:
+ \p{InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms}) (240)
+ \p{Block: Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} (Single:
+ \p{InHangulCompatibilityJamo}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo} (Single: \p{InHangulJamo}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (Single:
+ \p{InHangulJamoExtendedA}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (Single:
+ \p{InHangulJamoExtendedB}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Hangul_Syllables} (Single: \p{InHangulSyllables})
+ (11_184)
+ \p{Block: Hanunoo} (Single: \p{InHanunoo}; NOT \p{Hanunoo}
+ NOR \p{Is_Hanunoo}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Hebrew} (Single: \p{InHebrew}; NOT \p{Hebrew} NOR
+ \p{Is_Hebrew}) (112)
+ \p{Block: High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (Single:
+ \p{InHighPrivateUseSurrogates}) (128)
+ \p{Block: High_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InHighSurrogates}) (896)
+ \p{Block: Hiragana} (Single: \p{InHiragana}; NOT \p{Hiragana}
+ NOR \p{Is_Hiragana}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Ideographic_Description_Characters} (Single:
+ \p{InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters})
+ (16)
+ \p{Block: Imperial_Aramaic} (Single: \p{InImperialAramaic}; NOT
+ \p{Imperial_Aramaic} NOR
+ \p{Is_Imperial_Aramaic}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Single:
+ \p{InInscriptionalPahlavi}; NOT
+ \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} NOR
+ \p{Is_Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Single:
+ \p{InInscriptionalParthian}; NOT
+ \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} NOR
+ \p{Is_Inscriptional_Parthian}) (32)
+ \p{Block: IPA_Extensions} (Single: \p{InIPAExtensions}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Javanese} (Single: \p{InJavanese}; NOT \p{Javanese}
+ NOR \p{Is_Javanese}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Kaithi} (Single: \p{InKaithi}; NOT \p{Kaithi} NOR
+ \p{Is_Kaithi}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Kanbun} (Single: \p{InKanbun}) (16)
+ \p{Block: Kangxi_Radicals} (Single: \p{InKangxiRadicals}) (224)
+ \p{Block: Kannada} (Single: \p{InKannada}; NOT \p{Kannada}
+ NOR \p{Is_Kannada}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Katakana} (Single: \p{InKatakana}; NOT \p{Katakana}
+ NOR \p{Is_Katakana}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (Single:
+ \p{InKatakanaPhoneticExtensions}) (16)
+ \p{Block: Kayah_Li} (Single: \p{InKayahLi}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Kharoshthi} (Single: \p{InKharoshthi}; NOT
+ \p{Kharoshthi} NOR \p{Is_Kharoshthi})
+ (96)
+ \p{Block: Khmer} (Single: \p{InKhmer}; NOT \p{Khmer} NOR
+ \p{Is_Khmer}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Khmer_Symbols} (Single: \p{InKhmerSymbols}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Lao} (Single: \p{InLao}; NOT \p{Lao} NOR
+ \p{Is_Lao}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Latin_1} \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (128)
+ \p{Block: Latin_1_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=Latin1},
+ \p{InLatin1}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Latin_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedA}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Latin_Extended_Additional} (Single:
+ \p{InLatinExtendedAdditional}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Latin_Extended_B} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedB}) (208)
+ \p{Block: Latin_Extended_C} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedC}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Latin_Extended_D} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedD}) (224)
+ \p{Block: Lepcha} (Single: \p{InLepcha}; NOT \p{Lepcha} NOR
+ \p{Is_Lepcha}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Letterlike_Symbols} (Single: \p{InLetterlikeSymbols})
+ (80)
+ \p{Block: Limbu} (Single: \p{InLimbu}; NOT \p{Limbu} NOR
+ \p{Is_Limbu}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Linear_B_Ideograms} (Single: \p{InLinearBIdeograms})
+ (128)
+ \p{Block: Linear_B_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InLinearBSyllabary})
+ (128)
+ \p{Block: Lisu} (Single: \p{InLisu}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Low_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InLowSurrogates}) (1024)
+ \p{Block: Lycian} (Single: \p{InLycian}; NOT \p{Lycian} NOR
+ \p{Is_Lycian}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Lydian} (Single: \p{InLydian}; NOT \p{Lydian} NOR
+ \p{Is_Lydian}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Mahjong_Tiles} (Single: \p{InMahjongTiles}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Malayalam} (Single: \p{InMalayalam}; NOT
+ \p{Malayalam} NOR \p{Is_Malayalam}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (Single:
+ \p{InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols})
+ (1024)
+ \p{Block: Mathematical_Operators} (Single:
+ \p{InMathematicalOperators}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Meetei_Mayek} (Single: \p{InMeeteiMayek}; NOT
+ \p{Meetei_Mayek} NOR
+ \p{Is_Meetei_Mayek}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} (Single:
+ \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA})
+ (48)
+ \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} (Single:
+ \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB})
+ (128)
+ \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols} (Single:
+ \p{InMiscellaneousSymbols}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (Single:
+ \p{InMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows})
+ (256)
+ \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Technical} (Single:
+ \p{InMiscellaneousTechnical}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Modifier_Tone_Letters} (Single:
+ \p{InModifierToneLetters}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Mongolian} (Single: \p{InMongolian}; NOT
+ \p{Mongolian} NOR \p{Is_Mongolian}) (176)
+ \p{Block: Musical_Symbols} (Single: \p{InMusicalSymbols}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Myanmar} (Single: \p{InMyanmar}; NOT \p{Myanmar}
+ NOR \p{Is_Myanmar}) (160)
+ \p{Block: Myanmar_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InMyanmarExtendedA}) (32)
+ \p{Block: New_Tai_Lue} (Single: \p{InNewTaiLue}; NOT
+ \p{New_Tai_Lue} NOR \p{Is_New_Tai_Lue})
+ (96)
+ \p{Block: NKo} (Single: \p{InNKo}; NOT \p{Nko} NOR
+ \p{Is_NKo}) (64)
+ \p{Block: No_Block} (Single: \p{InNoBlock}) (864_192)
+ \p{Block: Number_Forms} (Single: \p{InNumberForms}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Ogham} (Single: \p{InOgham}; NOT \p{Ogham} NOR
+ \p{Is_Ogham}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Ol_Chiki} (Single: \p{InOlChiki}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Old_Italic} (Single: \p{InOldItalic}; NOT
+ \p{Old_Italic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Italic})
+ (48)
+ \p{Block: Old_Persian} (Single: \p{InOldPersian}; NOT
+ \p{Old_Persian} NOR \p{Is_Old_Persian})
+ (64)
+ \p{Block: Old_South_Arabian} (Single: \p{InOldSouthArabian}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Old_Turkic} (Single: \p{InOldTurkic}; NOT
+ \p{Old_Turkic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Turkic})
+ (80)
+ \p{Block: Optical_Character_Recognition} (Single:
+ \p{InOpticalCharacterRecognition}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Oriya} (Single: \p{InOriya}; NOT \p{Oriya} NOR
+ \p{Is_Oriya}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Osmanya} (Single: \p{InOsmanya}; NOT \p{Osmanya}
+ NOR \p{Is_Osmanya}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Phags_Pa} (Single: \p{InPhagsPa}; NOT \p{Phags_Pa}
+ NOR \p{Is_Phags_Pa}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Phaistos_Disc} (Single: \p{InPhaistosDisc}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Phoenician} (Single: \p{InPhoenician}; NOT
+ \p{Phoenician} NOR \p{Is_Phoenician})
+ (32)
+ \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions} (Single: \p{InPhoneticExtensions})
+ (128)
+ \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InPhoneticExtensionsSupplement}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Private_Use} \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (NOT
+ \p{Private_Use} NOR \p{Is_Private_Use})
+ (6400)
+ \p{Block: Private_Use_Area} (Short: \p{Blk=PrivateUse},
+ \p{InPrivateUse}; NOT \p{Private_Use}
+ NOR \p{Is_Private_Use}) (6400)
+ \p{Block: Rejang} (Single: \p{InRejang}; NOT \p{Rejang} NOR
+ \p{Is_Rejang}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (Single: \p{InRumiNumeralSymbols})
+ (32)
+ \p{Block: Runic} (Single: \p{InRunic}; NOT \p{Runic} NOR
+ \p{Is_Runic}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Samaritan} (Single: \p{InSamaritan}; NOT
+ \p{Samaritan} NOR \p{Is_Samaritan}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Saurashtra} (Single: \p{InSaurashtra}; NOT
+ \p{Saurashtra} NOR \p{Is_Saurashtra})
+ (96)
+ \p{Block: Shavian} (Single: \p{InShavian}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Sinhala} (Single: \p{InSinhala}; NOT \p{Sinhala}
+ NOR \p{Is_Sinhala}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Small_Form_Variants} (Single: \p{InSmallFormVariants})
+ (32)
+ \p{Block: Spacing_Modifier_Letters} (Single:
+ \p{InSpacingModifierLetters}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Specials} (Single: \p{InSpecials}) (16)
+ \p{Block: Sundanese} (Single: \p{InSundanese}; NOT
+ \p{Sundanese} NOR \p{Is_Sundanese}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (Single:
+ \p{InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_A} (Single:
+ \p{InSupplementalArrowsA}) (16)
+ \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_B} (Single:
+ \p{InSupplementalArrowsB}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} (Single:
+ \p{InSupplementalMathematicalOperators})
+ (256)
+ \p{Block: Supplemental_Punctuation} (Single:
+ \p{InSupplementalPunctuation}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} (Single:
+ \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA})
+ (65_536)
+ \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} (Single:
+ \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB})
+ (65_536)
+ \p{Block: Syloti_Nagri} (Single: \p{InSylotiNagri}; NOT
+ \p{Syloti_Nagri} NOR
+ \p{Is_Syloti_Nagri}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Syriac} (Single: \p{InSyriac}; NOT \p{Syriac} NOR
+ \p{Is_Syriac}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Tagalog} (Single: \p{InTagalog}; NOT \p{Tagalog}
+ NOR \p{Is_Tagalog}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Tagbanwa} (Single: \p{InTagbanwa}; NOT \p{Tagbanwa}
+ NOR \p{Is_Tagbanwa}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Tags} (Single: \p{InTags}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Tai_Le} (Single: \p{InTaiLe}; NOT \p{Tai_Le} NOR
+ \p{Is_Tai_Le}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Tai_Tham} (Single: \p{InTaiTham}; NOT \p{Tai_Tham}
+ NOR \p{Is_Tai_Tham}) (144)
+ \p{Block: Tai_Viet} (Single: \p{InTaiViet}; NOT \p{Tai_Viet}
+ NOR \p{Is_Tai_Viet}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (Single:
+ \p{InTaiXuanJingSymbols}) (96)
+ \p{Block: Tamil} (Single: \p{InTamil}; NOT \p{Tamil} NOR
+ \p{Is_Tamil}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Telugu} (Single: \p{InTelugu}; NOT \p{Telugu} NOR
+ \p{Is_Telugu}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Thaana} (Single: \p{InThaana}; NOT \p{Thaana} NOR
+ \p{Is_Thaana}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Thai} (Single: \p{InThai}; NOT \p{Thai} NOR
+ \p{Is_Thai}) (128)
+ \p{Block: Tibetan} (Single: \p{InTibetan}; NOT \p{Tibetan}
+ NOR \p{Is_Tibetan}) (256)
+ \p{Block: Tifinagh} (Single: \p{InTifinagh}; NOT \p{Tifinagh}
+ NOR \p{Is_Tifinagh}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Ugaritic} (Single: \p{InUgaritic}; NOT \p{Ugaritic}
+ NOR \p{Is_Ugaritic}) (32)
+ \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} (Short: \p{Blk=
+ CanadianSyllabics},
+ \p{InCanadianSyllabics}) (640)
+ \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} (Single:
+ \p{InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics-
+ Extended}) (80)
+ \p{Block: Vai} (Single: \p{InVai}; NOT \p{Vai} NOR
+ \p{Is_Vai}) (320)
+ \p{Block: Variation_Selectors} (Single: \p{InVariationSelectors})
+ (16)
+ \p{Block: Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (Single:
+ \p{InVariationSelectorsSupplement}) (240)
+ \p{Block: Vedic_Extensions} (Single: \p{InVedicExtensions}) (48)
+ \p{Block: Vertical_Forms} (Single: \p{InVerticalForms}) (16)
+ \p{Block: Yi_Radicals} (Single: \p{InYiRadicals}) (64)
+ \p{Block: Yi_Syllables} (Single: \p{InYiSyllables}) (1168)
+ \p{Block: Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (Single:
+ \p{InYijingHexagramSymbols}) (64)
+ X \p{Block_Elements} \p{Block=Block_Elements} (32)
+ \p{Bopo} \p{Bopomofo} (= \p{Script=Bopomofo}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (65)
+ \p{Bopomofo} \p{Script=Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Bopo}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (65)
+ X \p{Bopomofo_Extended} \p{Block=Bopomofo_Extended} (32)
+ X \p{Box_Drawing} \p{Block=Box_Drawing} (128)
+ \p{Brai} \p{Braille} (= \p{Script=Braille}) (256)
+ \p{Braille} \p{Script=Braille} (Short: \p{Brai}) (256)
+ X \p{Braille_Patterns} \p{Block=Braille_Patterns} (256)
+ \p{Bugi} \p{Buginese} (= \p{Script=Buginese}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
+ \p{Buginese} \p{Script=Buginese} (Short: \p{Bugi}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
+ \p{Buhd} \p{Buhid} (= \p{Script=Buhid}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
+ \p{Buhid} \p{Script=Buhid} (Short: \p{Buhd}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
+ X \p{Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} \p{Block=Byzantine_Musical_Symbols}
+ (256)
+ \p{C} \p{Other} (= \p{General_Category=Other})
+ (1_006_956)
+ \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short:
+ \p{Cans}) (710)
+ X \p{Canadian_Syllabics} \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
+ (= \p{Block=
+ Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics})
+ (640)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 0} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Not_Reordered} (1_113_518)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 1} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Overlay} (26)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 7} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Nukta} (11)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 8} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Kana_Voicing} (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 9} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Virama} (27)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 10} (Short: \p{Ccc=10}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 11} (Short: \p{Ccc=11}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 12} (Short: \p{Ccc=12}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 13} (Short: \p{Ccc=13}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 14} (Short: \p{Ccc=14}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 15} (Short: \p{Ccc=15}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 16} (Short: \p{Ccc=16}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 17} (Short: \p{Ccc=17}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 18} (Short: \p{Ccc=18}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 19} (Short: \p{Ccc=19}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 20} (Short: \p{Ccc=20}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 21} (Short: \p{Ccc=21}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 22} (Short: \p{Ccc=22}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 23} (Short: \p{Ccc=23}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 24} (Short: \p{Ccc=24}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 25} (Short: \p{Ccc=25}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 26} (Short: \p{Ccc=26}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 27} (Short: \p{Ccc=27}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 28} (Short: \p{Ccc=28}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 29} (Short: \p{Ccc=29}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 30} (Short: \p{Ccc=30}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 31} (Short: \p{Ccc=31}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 32} (Short: \p{Ccc=32}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 33} (Short: \p{Ccc=33}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 34} (Short: \p{Ccc=34}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 35} (Short: \p{Ccc=35}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 36} (Short: \p{Ccc=36}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 84} (Short: \p{Ccc=84}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 91} (Short: \p{Ccc=91}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 103} (Short: \p{Ccc=103}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 107} (Short: \p{Ccc=107}) (4)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 118} (Short: \p{Ccc=118}) (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 122} (Short: \p{Ccc=122}) (4)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 129} (Short: \p{Ccc=129}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 130} (Short: \p{Ccc=130}) (6)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 132} (Short: \p{Ccc=132}) (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 200} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Below_Left} (0)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 202} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Below} (5)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 214} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Above} (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 216} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Above_Right} (9)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 218} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Below_Left} (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 220} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Below} (117)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 222} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Below_Right} (4)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 224} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Left} (2)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 226} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Right} (1)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 228} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above_Left} (3)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 230} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above} (318)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 232} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above_Right} (4)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 233} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Double_Below} (3)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 234} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Double_Above} (5)
+ T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 240} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Iota_Subscript} (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: A} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above} (318)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=A}) (318)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=AL}) (3)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=AR}) (4)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above_Left} (3)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above_Right} (4)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Above} (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATAR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Above_Right} (9)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Below} (5)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATBL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Attached_Below_Left} (0)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATA})
+ (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above_Right} (Short:
+ \p{Ccc=ATAR}) (9)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATB})
+ (5)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=
+ ATBL}) (0)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: B} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Below} (117)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=B}) (117)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=BL}) (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=BR}) (4)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Below_Left} (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Below_Right} (4)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Double_Above} (5)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Double_Below} (3)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=DA}) (5)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=DB}) (3)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Iota_Subscript} (Short: \p{Ccc=IS})
+ (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: IS} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Iota_Subscript} (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Kana_Voicing} (Short: \p{Ccc=KV}) (2)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: KV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Kana_Voicing} (2)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: L} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Left} (2)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=L}) (2)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NK} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Nukta} (11)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Not_Reordered} (Short: \p{Ccc=NR})
+ (1_113_518)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Not_Reordered} (1_113_518)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Nukta} (Short: \p{Ccc=NK}) (11)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: OV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Overlay} (26)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Overlay} (Short: \p{Ccc=OV}) (26)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: R} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Right} (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=R}) (1)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Virama} (Short: \p{Ccc=VR}) (27)
+ \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: VR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Virama} (27)
+ \p{Cans} \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} (= \p{Script=
+ Canadian_Aboriginal}) (710)
+ \p{Cari} \p{Carian} (= \p{Script=Carian}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
+ \p{Carian} \p{Script=Carian} (Short: \p{Cari}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
+ \p{Case_Ignorable} \p{Case_Ignorable=Y} (Short: \p{CI}) (1632)
+ \p{Case_Ignorable: N*} (Short: \p{CI=N}, \P{CI}) (1_112_480)
+ \p{Case_Ignorable: Y*} (Short: \p{CI=Y}, \p{CI}) (1632)
+ \p{Cased} \p{Cased=Y} (3408)
+ \p{Cased: N*} (Single: \P{Cased}) (1_110_704)
+ \p{Cased: Y*} (Single: \p{Cased}) (3408)
+ \p{Cased_Letter} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (Short:
+ \p{LC}) (3207)
+ \p{Category: *} \p{General_Category: *}
+ \p{Cc} \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
+ (65)
+ \p{Ccc: *} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: *}
+ \p{CE} \p{Composition_Exclusion} (=
+ \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (81)
+ \p{CE: *} \p{Composition_Exclusion: *}
+ \p{Cf} \p{Format} (= \p{General_Category=Format})
+ (140)
+ \p{Cham} \p{Script=Cham} (NOT \p{Block=Cham}) (83)
+ \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y} (Short:
+ \p{CWCF}) (1093)
+ \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWCF=N}, \P{CWCF})
+ (1_113_019)
+ \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCF=Y}, \p{CWCF})
+ (1093)
+ \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y} (Short:
+ \p{CWCM}) (2110)
+ \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: N*} (Short: \p{CWCM=N}, \P{CWCM})
+ (1_112_002)
+ \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCM=Y}, \p{CWCM})
+ (2110)
+ \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y} (Short:
+ \p{CWL}) (1029)
+ \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWL=N}, \P{CWL})
+ (1_113_083)
+ \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWL=Y}, \p{CWL}) (1029)
+ \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=
+ Y} (Short: \p{CWKCF}) (9740)
+ \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=N},
+ \P{CWKCF}) (1_104_372)
+ \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=Y},
+ \p{CWKCF}) (9740)
+ \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y} (Short:
+ \p{CWT}) (1085)
+ \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: N*} (Short: \p{CWT=N}, \P{CWT})
+ (1_113_027)
+ \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWT=Y}, \p{CWT}) (1085)
+ \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y} (Short:
+ \p{CWU}) (1112)
+ \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWU=N}, \P{CWU})
+ (1_113_000)
+ \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWU=Y}, \p{CWU}) (1112)
+ \p{Cher} \p{Cherokee} (= \p{Script=Cherokee}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
+ \p{Cherokee} \p{Script=Cherokee} (Short: \p{Cher}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
+ \p{CI} \p{Case_Ignorable} (= \p{Case_Ignorable=
+ Y}) (1632)
+ \p{CI: *} \p{Case_Ignorable: *}
+ X \p{CJK_Compatibility} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility} (256)
+ X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Forms} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (32)
+ X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} \p{Block=
+ CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (512)
+ X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} \p{Block=
+ CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement}
+ (544)
+ X \p{CJK_Radicals_Supplement} \p{Block=CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (128)
+ X \p{CJK_Strokes} \p{Block=CJK_Strokes} (48)
+ X \p{CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
+ CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (64)
+ X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs} \p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs}
+ (20_992)
+ X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} \p{Block=
+ CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A}
+ (6592)
+ X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} \p{Block=
+ CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B}
+ (42_720)
+ X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} \p{Block=
+ CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C}
+ (4160)
+ \p{Close_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
+ (Short: \p{Pe}) (71)
+ \p{Cn} \p{Unassigned} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Unassigned}) (867_235)
+ \p{Cntrl} \p{General_Category=Control} Control
+ characters (Short: \p{Cc}) (65)
+ \p{Co} \p{Private_Use} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Private_Use}) (NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
+ (137_468)
+ X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks} \p{Block=
+ Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (112)
+ X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
+ Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols}
+ (Short: \p{InCombiningMarksForSymbols})
+ (48)
+ X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} \p{Block=
+ Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement}
+ (64)
+ X \p{Combining_Half_Marks} \p{Block=Combining_Half_Marks} (16)
+ X \p{Combining_Marks_For_Symbols}
+ \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_-
+ Symbols} (= \p{Block=
+ Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_-
+ Symbols}) (48)
+ \p{Common} \p{Script=Common} (Short: \p{Zyyy}) (5395)
+ X \p{Common_Indic_Number_Forms} \p{Block=Common_Indic_Number_Forms}
+ (16)
+ \p{Comp_Ex} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} (=
+ \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (1118)
+ \p{Comp_Ex: *} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: *}
+ \p{Composition_Exclusion} \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y} (Short:
+ \p{CE}) (81)
+ \p{Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CE=N}, \P{CE}) (1_114_031)
+ \p{Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CE=Y}, \p{CE}) (81)
+ \p{Connector_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=
+ Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Pc})
+ (10)
+ \p{Control} \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
+ (65)
+ X \p{Control_Pictures} \p{Block=Control_Pictures} (64)
+ \p{Copt} \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
+ \p{Coptic} \p{Script=Coptic} (Short: \p{Copt}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
+ X \p{Counting_Rod_Numerals} \p{Block=Counting_Rod_Numerals} (32)
+ \p{Cprt} \p{Cypriot} (= \p{Script=Cypriot}) (55)
+ \p{Cs} \p{Surrogate} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Surrogate}) (2048)
+ \p{Cuneiform} \p{Script=Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Xsux}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
+ X \p{Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
+ Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (128)
+ \p{Currency_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol}
+ (Short: \p{Sc}) (46)
+ X \p{Currency_Symbols} \p{Block=Currency_Symbols} (48)
+ \p{CWCF} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} (=
+ \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y}) (1093)
+ \p{CWCF: *} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: *}
+ \p{CWCM} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} (=
+ \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y}) (2110)
+ \p{CWCM: *} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: *}
+ \p{CWKCF} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} (=
+ \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=Y})
+ (9740)
+ \p{CWKCF: *} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: *}
+ \p{CWL} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} (=
+ \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y}) (1029)
+ \p{CWL: *} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: *}
+ \p{CWT} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} (=
+ \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y}) (1085)
+ \p{CWT: *} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: *}
+ \p{CWU} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} (=
+ \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y}) (1112)
+ \p{CWU: *} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: *}
+ \p{Cypriot} \p{Script=Cypriot} (Short: \p{Cprt}) (55)
+ X \p{Cypriot_Syllabary} \p{Block=Cypriot_Syllabary} (64)
+ \p{Cyrillic} \p{Script=Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Cyrl}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (404)
+ X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_A} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_A} (32)
+ X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_B} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_B} (96)
+ X \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement} (48)
+ X \p{Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
+ Cyrillic_Supplement}) (48)
+ \p{Cyrl} \p{Cyrillic} (= \p{Script=Cyrillic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (404)
+ \p{Dash} \p{Dash=Y} (25)
+ \p{Dash: N*} (Single: \P{Dash}) (1_114_087)
+ \p{Dash: Y*} (Single: \p{Dash}) (25)
+ \p{Dash_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation}
+ (Short: \p{Pd}) (21)
+ \p{Decimal_Number} \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Decimal_Number}) (411)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Can} \p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical}
+ (13_221)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Canonical} (Short: \p{Dt=Can}) (13_221)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Circle} (Short: \p{Dt=Enc}) (238)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Com} \p{Decomposition_Type=Compat} (720)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Compat} (Short: \p{Dt=Com}) (720)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Enc} \p{Decomposition_Type=Circle} (238)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Fin} \p{Decomposition_Type=Final} (240)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Final} (Short: \p{Dt=Fin}) (240)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Font} (Short: \p{Dt=Font}) (1043)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Fra} \p{Decomposition_Type=Fraction} (20)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Fraction} (Short: \p{Dt=Fra}) (20)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Init} \p{Decomposition_Type=Initial} (171)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Initial} (Short: \p{Dt=Init}) (171)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Iso} \p{Decomposition_Type=Isolated} (238)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Isolated} (Short: \p{Dt=Iso}) (238)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Med} \p{Decomposition_Type=Medial} (82)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Medial} (Short: \p{Dt=Med}) (82)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Nar} \p{Decomposition_Type=Narrow} (122)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Narrow} (Short: \p{Dt=Nar}) (122)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Nb} \p{Decomposition_Type=Nobreak} (5)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Nobreak} (Short: \p{Dt=Nb}) (5)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canon} \p{Decomposition_Type=
+ Non_Canonical} (Perl extension) (3467)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canonical} Union of all non-canonical
+ decompositions (Short: \p{Dt=NonCanon})
+ (Perl extension) (3467)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: None} (Short: \p{Dt=None}) (1_097_424)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Small} (Short: \p{Dt=Sml}) (26)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Sml} \p{Decomposition_Type=Small} (26)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Sqr} \p{Decomposition_Type=Square} (251)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Square} (Short: \p{Dt=Sqr}) (251)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Sub} (Short: \p{Dt=Sub}) (30)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Sup} \p{Decomposition_Type=Super} (142)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Super} (Short: \p{Dt=Sup}) (142)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Vert} \p{Decomposition_Type=Vertical} (35)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Vertical} (Short: \p{Dt=Vert}) (35)
+ \p{Decomposition_Type: Wide} (Short: \p{Dt=Wide}) (104)
+ \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
+ Y} (Short: \p{DI}) (4167)
+ \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{DI=N}, \P{DI})
+ (1_109_945)
+ \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{DI=Y}, \p{DI})
+ (4167)
+ \p{Dep} \p{Deprecated} (= \p{Deprecated=Y}) (110)
+ \p{Dep: *} \p{Deprecated: *}
+ \p{Deprecated} \p{Deprecated=Y} (Short: \p{Dep}) (110)
+ \p{Deprecated: N*} (Short: \p{Dep=N}, \P{Dep}) (1_114_002)
+ \p{Deprecated: Y*} (Short: \p{Dep=Y}, \p{Dep}) (110)
+ \p{Deseret} \p{Script=Deseret} (Short: \p{Dsrt}) (80)
+ \p{Deva} \p{Devanagari} (= \p{Script=Devanagari})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (140)
+ \p{Devanagari} \p{Script=Devanagari} (Short: \p{Deva};
+ NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (140)
+ X \p{Devanagari_Extended} \p{Block=Devanagari_Extended} (32)
+ \p{DI} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
+ \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=Y})
+ (4167)
+ \p{DI: *} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
+ \p{Dia} \p{Diacritic} (= \p{Diacritic=Y}) (639)
+ \p{Dia: *} \p{Diacritic: *}
+ \p{Diacritic} \p{Diacritic=Y} (Short: \p{Dia}) (639)
+ \p{Diacritic: N*} (Short: \p{Dia=N}, \P{Dia}) (1_113_473)
+ \p{Diacritic: Y*} (Short: \p{Dia=Y}, \p{Dia}) (639)
+ \p{Digit} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} \d,
+ extended beyond just [0-9] (Short:
+ \p{Nd}) (411)
+ X \p{Dingbats} \p{Block=Dingbats} (192)
+ X \p{Domino_Tiles} \p{Block=Domino_Tiles} (112)
+ \p{Dsrt} \p{Deseret} (= \p{Script=Deseret}) (80)
+ \p{Dt: *} \p{Decomposition_Type: *}
+ \p{Ea: *} \p{East_Asian_Width: *}
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: A} \p{East_Asian_Width=Ambiguous} (138_666)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Ea=A}) (138_666)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: F} \p{East_Asian_Width=Fullwidth} (104)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Fullwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=F}) (104)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: H} \p{East_Asian_Width=Halfwidth} (123)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Halfwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=H}) (123)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: N} \p{East_Asian_Width=Neutral} (801_909)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Na} \p{East_Asian_Width=Narrow} (111)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Narrow} (Short: \p{Ea=Na}) (111)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Neutral} (Short: \p{Ea=N}) (801_909)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: W} \p{East_Asian_Width=Wide} (173_199)
+ \p{East_Asian_Width: Wide} (Short: \p{Ea=W}) (173_199)
+ \p{Egyp} \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (= \p{Script=
+ Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
+ \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short:
+ \p{Egyp}; NOT \p{Block=
+ Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
+ X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} \p{Block=
+ Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (256)
+ X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumerics} \p{Block=Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (160)
+ X \p{Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} \p{Block=
+ Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (256)
+ X \p{Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} \p{Block=
+ Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (256)
+ \p{Enclosing_Mark} \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark}
+ (Short: \p{Me}) (13)
+ \p{Ethi} \p{Ethiopic} (= \p{Script=Ethiopic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (461)
+ \p{Ethiopic} \p{Script=Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Ethi}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (461)
+ X \p{Ethiopic_Extended} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended} (96)
+ X \p{Ethiopic_Supplement} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Supplement} (32)
+ \p{Ext} \p{Extender} (= \p{Extender=Y}) (28)
+ \p{Ext: *} \p{Extender: *}
+ \p{Extender} \p{Extender=Y} (Short: \p{Ext}) (28)
+ \p{Extender: N*} (Short: \p{Ext=N}, \P{Ext}) (1_114_084)
+ \p{Extender: Y*} (Short: \p{Ext=Y}, \p{Ext}) (28)
+ \p{Final_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
+ (Short: \p{Pf}) (10)
+ \p{Format} \p{General_Category=Format} (Short:
+ \p{Cf}) (140)
+ \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}
+ (Short: \p{CompEx}) (1118)
+ \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CompEx=N},
+ \P{CompEx}) (1_112_994)
+ \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CompEx=Y},
+ \p{CompEx}) (1118)
+ \p{Gc: *} \p{General_Category: *}
+ \p{GCB: *} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: *}
+ \p{General_Category: C} \p{General_Category=Other} (1_006_956)
+ \p{General_Category: Cased_Letter} [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}] (Short:
+ \p{Gc=LC}, \p{LC}) (3207)
+ \p{General_Category: Cc} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
+ \p{General_Category: Cf} \p{General_Category=Format} (140)
+ \p{General_Category: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pe}, \p{Pe})
+ (71)
+ \p{General_Category: Cn} \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (867_235)
+ \p{General_Category: Cntrl} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
+ \p{General_Category: Co} \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (137_468)
+ \p{General_Category: Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pc},
+ \p{Pc}) (10)
+ \p{General_Category: Control} (Short: \p{Gc=Cc}, \p{Cc}) (65)
+ \p{General_Category: Cs} \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (2048)
+ \p{General_Category: Currency_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sc}, \p{Sc})
+ (46)
+ \p{General_Category: Dash_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pd}, \p{Pd})
+ (21)
+ \p{General_Category: Decimal_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nd}, \p{Nd})
+ (411)
+ \p{General_Category: Digit} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}
+ (411)
+ \p{General_Category: Enclosing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Me}, \p{Me})
+ (13)
+ \p{General_Category: Final_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pf}, \p{Pf})
+ (10)
+ \p{General_Category: Format} (Short: \p{Gc=Cf}, \p{Cf}) (140)
+ \p{General_Category: Initial_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pi},
+ \p{Pi}) (12)
+ \p{General_Category: L} \p{General_Category=Letter} (99_537)
+ X \p{General_Category: L&} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
+ X \p{General_Category: L_} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
+ \p{General_Category: LC} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
+ \p{General_Category: Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=L}, \p{L}) (99_537)
+ \p{General_Category: Letter_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nl}, \p{Nl})
+ (224)
+ \p{General_Category: Line_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zl}, \p{Zl}) (1)
+ \p{General_Category: Ll} \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
+ (1749)
+ \p{General_Category: Lm} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter} (202)
+ \p{General_Category: Lo} \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (96_128)
+ \p{General_Category: Lowercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Ll}, \p{Ll})
+ (1749)
+ \p{General_Category: Lt} \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter} (31)
+ \p{General_Category: Lu} \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
+ (1427)
+ \p{General_Category: M} \p{General_Category=Mark} (1451)
+ \p{General_Category: Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=M}, \p{M}) (1451)
+ \p{General_Category: Math_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sm}, \p{Sm}) (945)
+ \p{General_Category: Mc} \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (276)
+ \p{General_Category: Me} \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark} (13)
+ \p{General_Category: Mn} \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
+ (1162)
+ \p{General_Category: Modifier_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lm}, \p{Lm})
+ (202)
+ \p{General_Category: Modifier_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sk}, \p{Sk})
+ (99)
+ \p{General_Category: N} \p{General_Category=Number} (1064)
+ \p{General_Category: Nd} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} (411)
+ \p{General_Category: Nl} \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (224)
+ \p{General_Category: No} \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (429)
+ \p{General_Category: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mn}, \p{Mn})
+ (1162)
+ \p{General_Category: Number} (Short: \p{Gc=N}, \p{N}) (1064)
+ \p{General_Category: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Ps}, \p{Ps})
+ (72)
+ \p{General_Category: Other} (Short: \p{Gc=C}, \p{C}) (1_006_956)
+ \p{General_Category: Other_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lo}, \p{Lo})
+ (96_128)
+ \p{General_Category: Other_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=No}, \p{No}) (429)
+ \p{General_Category: Other_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Po}, \p{Po})
+ (389)
+ \p{General_Category: Other_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=So}, \p{So})
+ (3409)
+ \p{General_Category: P} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (585)
+ \p{General_Category: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zp},
+ \p{Zp}) (1)
+ \p{General_Category: Pc} \p{General_Category=
+ Connector_Punctuation} (10)
+ \p{General_Category: Pd} \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation} (21)
+ \p{General_Category: Pe} \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
+ (71)
+ \p{General_Category: Pf} \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
+ (10)
+ \p{General_Category: Pi} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
+ (12)
+ \p{General_Category: Po} \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
+ (389)
+ \p{General_Category: Private_Use} (Short: \p{Gc=Co}, \p{Co})
+ (137_468)
+ \p{General_Category: Ps} \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation} (72)
+ \p{General_Category: Punct} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (585)
+ \p{General_Category: Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=P}, \p{P}) (585)
+ \p{General_Category: S} \p{General_Category=Symbol} (4499)
+ \p{General_Category: Sc} \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol} (46)
+ \p{General_Category: Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Z}, \p{Z}) (20)
+ \p{General_Category: Sk} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol} (99)
+ \p{General_Category: Sm} \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (945)
+ \p{General_Category: So} \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (3409)
+ \p{General_Category: Space_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zs}, \p{Zs})
+ (18)
+ \p{General_Category: Spacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mc}, \p{Mc}) (276)
+ \p{General_Category: Surrogate} Mostly not usable in Perl. (Short:
+ \p{Gc=Cs}, \p{Cs}) (2048)
+ \p{General_Category: Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=S}, \p{S}) (4499)
+ \p{General_Category: Titlecase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lt}, \p{Lt})
+ (31)
+ \p{General_Category: Unassigned} (Short: \p{Gc=Cn}, \p{Cn})
+ (867_235)
+ \p{General_Category: Uppercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lu}, \p{Lu})
+ (1427)
+ \p{General_Category: Z} \p{General_Category=Separator} (20)
+ \p{General_Category: Zl} \p{General_Category=Line_Separator} (1)
+ \p{General_Category: Zp} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
+ (1)
+ \p{General_Category: Zs} \p{General_Category=Space_Separator} (18)
+ X \p{General_Punctuation} \p{Block=General_Punctuation} (112)
+ X \p{Geometric_Shapes} \p{Block=Geometric_Shapes} (96)
+ \p{Geor} \p{Georgian} (= \p{Script=Georgian}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Georgian}) (120)
+ \p{Georgian} \p{Script=Georgian} (Short: \p{Geor}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Georgian}) (120)
+ X \p{Georgian_Supplement} \p{Block=Georgian_Supplement} (48)
+ \p{Glag} \p{Glagolitic} (= \p{Script=Glagolitic})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
+ \p{Glagolitic} \p{Script=Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Glag};
+ NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
+ \p{Goth} \p{Gothic} (= \p{Script=Gothic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
+ \p{Gothic} \p{Script=Gothic} (Short: \p{Goth}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
+ \p{Gr_Base} \p{Grapheme_Base} (= \p{Grapheme_Base=Y})
+ (105_958)
+ \p{Gr_Base: *} \p{Grapheme_Base: *}
+ \p{Gr_Ext} \p{Grapheme_Extend} (= \p{Grapheme_Extend=
+ Y}) (1198)
+ \p{Gr_Ext: *} \p{Grapheme_Extend: *}
+ \p{Graph} Characters that are graphical (244_744)
+ \p{Grapheme_Base} \p{Grapheme_Base=Y} (Short: \p{GrBase})
+ (105_958)
+ \p{Grapheme_Base: N*} (Short: \p{GrBase=N}, \P{GrBase})
+ (1_008_154)
+ \p{Grapheme_Base: Y*} (Short: \p{GrBase=Y}, \p{GrBase}) (105_958)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CN} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Control}
+ (203)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Control} (Short: \p{GCB=CN}) (203)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CR} (Short: \p{GCB=CR}) (1)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: EX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend}
+ (1205)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{GCB=EX}) (1205)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: L} (Short: \p{GCB=L}) (125)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LF} (Short: \p{GCB=LF}) (1)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LV} (Short: \p{GCB=LV}) (399)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LVT} (Short: \p{GCB=LVT}) (10_773)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Other} (Short: \p{GCB=XX}) (1_100_901)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: PP} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend}
+ (15)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Prepend} (Short: \p{GCB=PP}) (15)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SM} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=
+ SpacingMark} (257)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SpacingMark} (Short: \p{GCB=SM}) (257)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: T} (Short: \p{GCB=T}) (137)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: V} (Short: \p{GCB=V}) (95)
+ \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: XX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Other}
+ (1_100_901)
+ \p{Grapheme_Extend} \p{Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short: \p{GrExt})
+ (1198)
+ \p{Grapheme_Extend: N*} (Short: \p{GrExt=N}, \P{GrExt}) (1_112_914)
+ \p{Grapheme_Extend: Y*} (Short: \p{GrExt=Y}, \p{GrExt}) (1198)
+ \p{Greek} \p{Script=Greek} (Short: \p{Grek}; NOT
+ \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
+ X \p{Greek_And_Coptic} \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (Short:
+ \p{InGreek}) (144)
+ X \p{Greek_Extended} \p{Block=Greek_Extended} (256)
+ \p{Grek} \p{Greek} (= \p{Script=Greek}) (NOT
+ \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
+ \p{Gujarati} \p{Script=Gujarati} (Short: \p{Gujr}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Gujarati}) (83)
+ \p{Gujr} \p{Gujarati} (= \p{Script=Gujarati}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Gujarati}) (83)
+ \p{Gurmukhi} \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Guru}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
+ \p{Guru} \p{Gurmukhi} (= \p{Script=Gurmukhi}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
+ X \p{Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} \p{Block=
+ Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (240)
+ \p{Han} \p{Script=Han} (75_738)
+ \p{Hang} \p{Hangul} (= \p{Script=Hangul}) (11_737)
+ \p{Hangul} \p{Script=Hangul} (Short: \p{Hang})
+ (11_737)
+ X \p{Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} \p{Block=Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo}
+ (96)
+ X \p{Hangul_Jamo} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo} (256)
+ X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (32)
+ X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (80)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: L} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Leading_Jamo}
+ (125)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Leading_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=L}) (125)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=LV_Syllable}
+ (399)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LV}) (399)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
+ LVT_Syllable} (10_773)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LVT})
+ (10_773)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: NA} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
+ Not_Applicable} (1_102_583)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Not_Applicable} (Short: \p{Hst=NA})
+ (1_102_583)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: T} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Trailing_Jamo}
+ (137)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Trailing_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=T}) (137)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: V} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Vowel_Jamo}
+ (95)
+ \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Vowel_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=V}) (95)
+ X \p{Hangul_Syllables} \p{Block=Hangul_Syllables} (11_184)
+ \p{Hani} \p{Han} (= \p{Script=Han}) (75_738)
+ \p{Hano} \p{Hanunoo} (= \p{Script=Hanunoo}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
+ \p{Hanunoo} \p{Script=Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Hano}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
+ \p{Hebr} \p{Hebrew} (= \p{Script=Hebrew}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
+ \p{Hebrew} \p{Script=Hebrew} (Short: \p{Hebr}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
+ \p{Hex} \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
+ \p{Hex: *} \p{Hex_Digit: *}
+ \p{Hex_Digit} \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
+ \p{Hex_Digit: N*} (Short: \p{Hex=N}, \P{Hex}) (1_114_068)
+ \p{Hex_Digit: Y*} (Short: \p{Hex=Y}, \p{Hex}) (44)
+ X \p{High_Private_Use_Surrogates} \p{Block=
+ High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (128)
+ X \p{High_Surrogates} \p{Block=High_Surrogates} (896)
+ \p{Hira} \p{Hiragana} (= \p{Script=Hiragana}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Hiragana}) (90)
+ \p{Hiragana} \p{Script=Hiragana} (Short: \p{Hira}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Hiragana}) (90)
+ \p{HorizSpace} \p{Blank} (19)
+ \p{Hst: *} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: *}
+ S \p{Hyphen} \p{Hyphen=Y} (11)
+ S \p{Hyphen: N*} Use the Line_Break property instead; see
+ (Single:
+ \P{Hyphen}) (1_114_101)
+ S \p{Hyphen: Y*} Use the Line_Break property instead; see
+ (Single:
+ \p{Hyphen}) (11)
+ \p{ID_Continue} \p{ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{IDC})
+ (101_634)
+ \p{ID_Continue: N*} (Short: \p{IDC=N}, \P{IDC}) (1_012_478)
+ \p{ID_Continue: Y*} (Short: \p{IDC=Y}, \p{IDC}) (101_634)
+ \p{ID_Start} \p{ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{IDS}) (99_764)
+ \p{ID_Start: N*} (Short: \p{IDS=N}, \P{IDS}) (1_014_348)
+ \p{ID_Start: Y*} (Short: \p{IDS=Y}, \p{IDS}) (99_764)
+ \p{IDC} \p{ID_Continue} (= \p{ID_Continue=Y})
+ (101_634)
+ \p{IDC: *} \p{ID_Continue: *}
+ \p{Ideo} \p{Ideographic} (= \p{Ideographic=Y})
+ (75_408)
+ \p{Ideo: *} \p{Ideographic: *}
+ \p{Ideographic} \p{Ideographic=Y} (Short: \p{Ideo})
+ (75_408)
+ \p{Ideographic: N*} (Short: \p{Ideo=N}, \P{Ideo}) (1_038_704)
+ \p{Ideographic: Y*} (Short: \p{Ideo=Y}, \p{Ideo}) (75_408)
+ X \p{Ideographic_Description_Characters} \p{Block=
+ Ideographic_Description_Characters} (16)
+ \p{IDS} \p{ID_Start} (= \p{ID_Start=Y}) (99_764)
+ \p{IDS: *} \p{ID_Start: *}
+ \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y} (Short:
+ \p{IDSB}) (10)
+ \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDSB=N}, \P{IDSB})
+ (1_114_102)
+ \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDSB=Y}, \p{IDSB}) (10)
+ \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y} (Short:
+ \p{IDST}) (2)
+ \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDST=N}, \P{IDST})
+ (1_114_110)
+ \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDST=Y}, \p{IDST}) (2)
+ \p{IDSB} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} (=
+ \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y}) (10)
+ \p{IDSB: *} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: *}
+ \p{IDST} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} (=
+ \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y}) (2)
+ \p{IDST: *} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: *}
+ \p{Imperial_Aramaic} \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (Short:
+ \p{Armi}; NOT \p{Block=
+ Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
+ \p{In: *} \p{Present_In: *} (Perl extension)
+ \p{In_*} \p{Block: *}
+ \p{Inherited} \p{Script=Inherited} (Short: \p{Zinh})
+ (523)
+ \p{Initial_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
+ (Short: \p{Pi}) (12)
+ \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short:
+ \p{Phli}; NOT \p{Block=
+ Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
+ \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian}
+ (Short: \p{Prti}; NOT \p{Block=
+ Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
+ X \p{IPA_Extensions} \p{Block=IPA_Extensions} (96)
+ \p{Is_*} \p{*} (Any exceptions are individually
+ noted beginning with the word NOT.) If
+ an entry has flag(s) at its beginning,
+ like 'D', the 'Is_' form has the same
+ flag(s)
+ \p{Ital} \p{Old_Italic} (= \p{Script=Old_Italic})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
+ \p{Java} \p{Javanese} (= \p{Script=Javanese}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
+ \p{Javanese} \p{Script=Javanese} (Short: \p{Java}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
+ \p{Jg: *} \p{Joining_Group: *}
+ \p{Join_C} \p{Join_Control} (= \p{Join_Control=Y}) (2)
+ \p{Join_C: *} \p{Join_Control: *}
+ \p{Join_Control} \p{Join_Control=Y} (Short: \p{JoinC}) (2)
+ \p{Join_Control: N*} (Short: \p{JoinC=N}, \P{JoinC}) (1_114_110)
+ \p{Join_Control: Y*} (Short: \p{JoinC=Y}, \p{JoinC}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Ain} (Short: \p{Jg=Ain}) (7)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Alaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Alaph}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Alef} (Short: \p{Jg=Alef}) (10)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Beh} (Short: \p{Jg=Beh}) (19)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Beth} (Short: \p{Jg=Beth}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Burushaski_Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=
+ BurushaskiYehBarree}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Dal} (Short: \p{Jg=Dal}) (14)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Dalath_Rish} (Short: \p{Jg=DalathRish}) (4)
+ \p{Joining_Group: E} (Short: \p{Jg=E}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Farsi_Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=FarsiYeh}) (7)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Fe} (Short: \p{Jg=Fe}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Feh} (Short: \p{Jg=Feh}) (9)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Final_Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=FinalSemkath}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Gaf} (Short: \p{Jg=Gaf}) (13)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Gamal} (Short: \p{Jg=Gamal}) (3)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Hah} (Short: \p{Jg=Hah}) (17)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Hamza_On_Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=
+ HamzaOnHehGoal}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: He} (Short: \p{Jg=He}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Heh} (Short: \p{Jg=Heh}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=HehGoal}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Heth} (Short: \p{Jg=Heth}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Kaf} (Short: \p{Jg=Kaf}) (5)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Kaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Kaph}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Khaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Khaph}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Knotted_Heh} (Short: \p{Jg=KnottedHeh}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Lam} (Short: \p{Jg=Lam}) (6)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Lamadh} (Short: \p{Jg=Lamadh}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Meem} (Short: \p{Jg=Meem}) (3)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Mim} (Short: \p{Jg=Mim}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: No_Joining_Group} (Short: \p{Jg=NoJoiningGroup})
+ (1_113_883)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Noon} (Short: \p{Jg=Noon}) (8)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Nun} (Short: \p{Jg=Nun}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Nya} (Short: \p{Jg=Nya}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Pe} (Short: \p{Jg=Pe}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Qaf} (Short: \p{Jg=Qaf}) (4)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Qaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Qaph}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Reh} (Short: \p{Jg=Reh}) (16)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Reversed_Pe} (Short: \p{Jg=ReversedPe}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Sad} (Short: \p{Jg=Sad}) (5)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Sadhe} (Short: \p{Jg=Sadhe}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Seen} (Short: \p{Jg=Seen}) (11)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=Semkath}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Shin} (Short: \p{Jg=Shin}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Swash_Kaf} (Short: \p{Jg=SwashKaf}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Syriac_Waw} (Short: \p{Jg=SyriacWaw}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Tah} (Short: \p{Jg=Tah}) (3)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Taw} (Short: \p{Jg=Taw}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Teh_Marbuta} (Short: \p{Jg=TehMarbuta}) (3)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Teth} (Short: \p{Jg=Teth}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Waw} (Short: \p{Jg=Waw}) (15)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=Yeh}) (7)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=YehBarree}) (2)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_With_Tail} (Short: \p{Jg=YehWithTail}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Yudh} (Short: \p{Jg=Yudh}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Yudh_He} (Short: \p{Jg=YudhHe}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Zain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zain}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Group: Zhain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zhain}) (1)
+ \p{Joining_Type: C} \p{Joining_Type=Join_Causing} (3)
+ \p{Joining_Type: D} \p{Joining_Type=Dual_Joining} (188)
+ \p{Joining_Type: Dual_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=D}) (188)
+ \p{Joining_Type: Join_Causing} (Short: \p{Jt=C}) (3)
+ \p{Joining_Type: L} \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining} (0)
+ \p{Joining_Type: Left_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=L}) (0)
+ \p{Joining_Type: Non_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=U}) (1_112_539)
+ \p{Joining_Type: R} \p{Joining_Type=Right_Joining} (74)
+ \p{Joining_Type: Right_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=R}) (74)
+ \p{Joining_Type: T} \p{Joining_Type=Transparent} (1308)
+ \p{Joining_Type: Transparent} (Short: \p{Jt=T}) (1308)
+ \p{Joining_Type: U} \p{Joining_Type=Non_Joining} (1_112_539)
+ \p{Jt: *} \p{Joining_Type: *}
+ \p{Kaithi} \p{Script=Kaithi} (Short: \p{Kthi}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
+ \p{Kali} \p{Kayah_Li} (= \p{Script=Kayah_Li}) (48)
+ \p{Kana} \p{Katakana} (= \p{Script=Katakana}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Katakana}) (299)
+ X \p{Kanbun} \p{Block=Kanbun} (16)
+ X \p{Kangxi_Radicals} \p{Block=Kangxi_Radicals} (224)
+ \p{Kannada} \p{Script=Kannada} (Short: \p{Knda}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Kannada}) (84)
+ \p{Katakana} \p{Script=Katakana} (Short: \p{Kana}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Katakana}) (299)
+ X \p{Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=
+ Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (16)
+ \p{Kayah_Li} \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Kali}) (48)
+ \p{Khar} \p{Kharoshthi} (= \p{Script=Kharoshthi})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
+ \p{Kharoshthi} \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Khar};
+ NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
+ \p{Khmer} \p{Script=Khmer} (Short: \p{Khmr}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
+ X \p{Khmer_Symbols} \p{Block=Khmer_Symbols} (32)
+ \p{Khmr} \p{Khmer} (= \p{Script=Khmer}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
+ \p{Knda} \p{Kannada} (= \p{Script=Kannada}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Kannada}) (84)
+ \p{Kthi} \p{Kaithi} (= \p{Script=Kaithi}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
+ \p{L} \p{Letter} (= \p{General_Category=Letter})
+ (99_537)
+ \p{L&} \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Cased_Letter}) (3207)
+ \p{L_} \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Cased_Letter}) (3207)
+ \p{Lana} \p{Tai_Tham} (= \p{Script=Tai_Tham}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
+ \p{Lao} \p{Script=Lao} (NOT \p{Block=Lao}) (65)
+ \p{Laoo} \p{Lao} (= \p{Script=Lao}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Lao}) (65)
+ \p{Latin} \p{Script=Latin} (Short: \p{Latn}) (1244)
+ X \p{Latin_1} \p{Latin_1_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
+ Latin_1_Supplement}) (128)
+ X \p{Latin_1_Supplement} \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (Short:
+ \p{InLatin1}) (128)
+ X \p{Latin_Extended_A} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_A} (128)
+ X \p{Latin_Extended_Additional} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_Additional}
+ (256)
+ X \p{Latin_Extended_B} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_B} (208)
+ X \p{Latin_Extended_C} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_C} (32)
+ X \p{Latin_Extended_D} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_D} (224)
+ \p{Latn} \p{Latin} (= \p{Script=Latin}) (1244)
+ \p{Lb: *} \p{Line_Break: *}
+ \p{LC} \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Cased_Letter}) (3207)
+ \p{Lepc} \p{Lepcha} (= \p{Script=Lepcha}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
+ \p{Lepcha} \p{Script=Lepcha} (Short: \p{Lepc}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
+ \p{Letter} \p{General_Category=Letter} (Short: \p{L})
+ (99_537)
+ \p{Letter_Number} \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (Short:
+ \p{Nl}) (224)
+ X \p{Letterlike_Symbols} \p{Block=Letterlike_Symbols} (80)
+ \p{Limb} \p{Limbu} (= \p{Script=Limbu}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
+ \p{Limbu} \p{Script=Limbu} (Short: \p{Limb}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
+ \p{Linb} \p{Linear_B} (= \p{Script=Linear_B}) (211)
+ \p{Line_Break: AI} \p{Line_Break=Ambiguous} (644)
+ \p{Line_Break: AL} \p{Line_Break=Alphabetic} (14_092)
+ \p{Line_Break: Alphabetic} (Short: \p{Lb=AL}) (14_092)
+ \p{Line_Break: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Lb=AI}) (644)
+ \p{Line_Break: B2} \p{Line_Break=Break_Both} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: BA} \p{Line_Break=Break_After} (137)
+ \p{Line_Break: BB} \p{Line_Break=Break_Before} (19)
+ \p{Line_Break: BK} \p{Line_Break=Mandatory_Break} (4)
+ \p{Line_Break: Break_After} (Short: \p{Lb=BA}) (137)
+ \p{Line_Break: Break_Before} (Short: \p{Lb=BB}) (19)
+ \p{Line_Break: Break_Both} (Short: \p{Lb=B2}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Break_Symbols} (Short: \p{Lb=SY}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Carriage_Return} (Short: \p{Lb=CR}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: CB} \p{Line_Break=Contingent_Break} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: CL} \p{Line_Break=Close_Punctuation} (87)
+ \p{Line_Break: Close_Parenthesis} (Short: \p{Lb=CP}) (2)
+ \p{Line_Break: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=CL}) (87)
+ \p{Line_Break: CM} \p{Line_Break=Combining_Mark} (1436)
+ \p{Line_Break: Combining_Mark} (Short: \p{Lb=CM}) (1436)
+ \p{Line_Break: Complex_Context} (Short: \p{Lb=SA}) (662)
+ \p{Line_Break: Contingent_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=CB}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: CP} \p{Line_Break=Close_Parenthesis} (2)
+ \p{Line_Break: CR} \p{Line_Break=Carriage_Return} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: EX} \p{Line_Break=Exclamation} (34)
+ \p{Line_Break: Exclamation} (Short: \p{Lb=EX}) (34)
+ \p{Line_Break: GL} \p{Line_Break=Glue} (16)
+ \p{Line_Break: Glue} (Short: \p{Lb=GL}) (16)
+ \p{Line_Break: H2} (Short: \p{Lb=H2}) (399)
+ \p{Line_Break: H3} (Short: \p{Lb=H3}) (10_773)
+ \p{Line_Break: HY} \p{Line_Break=Hyphen} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Hyphen} (Short: \p{Lb=HY}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: ID} \p{Line_Break=Ideographic} (161_775)
+ \p{Line_Break: Ideographic} (Short: \p{Lb=ID}) (161_775)
+ \p{Line_Break: IN} \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
+ \p{Line_Break: Infix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=IS}) (13)
+ \p{Line_Break: Inseparable} (Short: \p{Lb=IN}) (4)
+ \p{Line_Break: Inseperable} \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
+ \p{Line_Break: IS} \p{Line_Break=Infix_Numeric} (13)
+ \p{Line_Break: JL} (Short: \p{Lb=JL}) (125)
+ \p{Line_Break: JT} (Short: \p{Lb=JT}) (137)
+ \p{Line_Break: JV} (Short: \p{Lb=JV}) (95)
+ \p{Line_Break: LF} \p{Line_Break=Line_Feed} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Line_Feed} (Short: \p{Lb=LF}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Mandatory_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=BK}) (4)
+ \p{Line_Break: Next_Line} (Short: \p{Lb=NL}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: NL} \p{Line_Break=Next_Line} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Nonstarter} (Short: \p{Lb=NS}) (77)
+ \p{Line_Break: NS} \p{Line_Break=Nonstarter} (77)
+ \p{Line_Break: NU} \p{Line_Break=Numeric} (403)
+ \p{Line_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=NU}) (403)
+ \p{Line_Break: OP} \p{Line_Break=Open_Punctuation} (81)
+ \p{Line_Break: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=OP}) (81)
+ \p{Line_Break: PO} \p{Line_Break=Postfix_Numeric} (28)
+ \p{Line_Break: Postfix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PO}) (28)
+ \p{Line_Break: PR} \p{Line_Break=Prefix_Numeric} (43)
+ \p{Line_Break: Prefix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PR}) (43)
+ \p{Line_Break: QU} \p{Line_Break=Quotation} (34)
+ \p{Line_Break: Quotation} (Short: \p{Lb=QU}) (34)
+ \p{Line_Break: SA} \p{Line_Break=Complex_Context} (662)
+ D \p{Line_Break: SG} \p{Line_Break=Surrogate} (2048)
+ \p{Line_Break: SP} \p{Line_Break=Space} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Space} (Short: \p{Lb=SP}) (1)
+ D \p{Line_Break: Surrogate} Deprecated by Unicode because surrogates
+ should never appear in well-formed text,
+ and therefore shouldn't be the basis for
+ line breaking (Short: \p{Lb=SG}) (2048)
+ \p{Line_Break: SY} \p{Line_Break=Break_Symbols} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: Unknown} (Short: \p{Lb=XX}) (920_933)
+ \p{Line_Break: WJ} \p{Line_Break=Word_Joiner} (2)
+ \p{Line_Break: Word_Joiner} (Short: \p{Lb=WJ}) (2)
+ \p{Line_Break: XX} \p{Line_Break=Unknown} (920_933)
+ \p{Line_Break: ZW} \p{Line_Break=ZWSpace} (1)
+ \p{Line_Break: ZWSpace} (Short: \p{Lb=ZW}) (1)
+ \p{Line_Separator} \p{General_Category=Line_Separator}
+ (Short: \p{Zl}) (1)
+ \p{Linear_B} \p{Script=Linear_B} (Short: \p{Linb}) (211)
+ X \p{Linear_B_Ideograms} \p{Block=Linear_B_Ideograms} (128)
+ X \p{Linear_B_Syllabary} \p{Block=Linear_B_Syllabary} (128)
+ \p{Lisu} \p{Script=Lisu} (48)
+ \p{Ll} \p{Lowercase_Letter} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter})
+ (1749)
+ \p{Lm} \p{Modifier_Letter} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter})
+ (202)
+ \p{Lo} \p{Other_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Other_Letter}) (96_128)
+ \p{LOE} \p{Logical_Order_Exception} (=
+ \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y}) (15)
+ \p{LOE: *} \p{Logical_Order_Exception: *}
+ \p{Logical_Order_Exception} \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y} (Short:
+ \p{LOE}) (15)
+ \p{Logical_Order_Exception: N*} (Short: \p{LOE=N}, \P{LOE})
+ (1_114_097)
+ \p{Logical_Order_Exception: Y*} (Short: \p{LOE=Y}, \p{LOE}) (15)
+ X \p{Low_Surrogates} \p{Block=Low_Surrogates} (1024)
+ \p{Lower} \p{Lowercase=Y} (1908)
+ \p{Lower: *} \p{Lowercase: *}
+ \p{Lowercase} \p{Lower} (= \p{Lowercase=Y}) (1908)
+ \p{Lowercase: N*} (Short: \p{Lower=N}, \P{Lower}) (1_112_204)
+ \p{Lowercase: Y*} (Short: \p{Lower=Y}, \p{Lower}) (1908)
+ \p{Lowercase_Letter} \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
+ (Short: \p{Ll}) (1749)
+ \p{Lt} \p{Title} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Titlecase_Letter}) (31)
+ \p{Lu} \p{Uppercase_Letter} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter})
+ (1427)
+ \p{Lyci} \p{Lycian} (= \p{Script=Lycian}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
+ \p{Lycian} \p{Script=Lycian} (Short: \p{Lyci}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
+ \p{Lydi} \p{Lydian} (= \p{Script=Lydian}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
+ \p{Lydian} \p{Script=Lydian} (Short: \p{Lydi}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
+ \p{M} \p{Mark} (= \p{General_Category=Mark})
+ (1451)
+ X \p{Mahjong_Tiles} \p{Block=Mahjong_Tiles} (48)
+ \p{Malayalam} \p{Script=Malayalam} (Short: \p{Mlym}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Malayalam}) (95)
+ \p{Mark} \p{General_Category=Mark} (Short: \p{M})
+ (1451)
+ \p{Math} \p{Math=Y} (2161)
+ \p{Math: N*} (Single: \P{Math}) (1_111_951)
+ \p{Math: Y*} (Single: \p{Math}) (2161)
+ \p{Math_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (Short:
+ \p{Sm}) (945)
+ X \p{Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} \p{Block=
+ Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (1024)
+ X \p{Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=Mathematical_Operators} (256)
+ \p{Mc} \p{Spacing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Spacing_Mark}) (276)
+ \p{Me} \p{Enclosing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Enclosing_Mark}) (13)
+ \p{Meetei_Mayek} \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Mtei};
+ NOT \p{Block=Meetei_Mayek}) (56)
+ X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} \p{Block=
+ Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A}
+ (48)
+ X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} \p{Block=
+ Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B}
+ (128)
+ X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Symbols} (256)
+ X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} \p{Block=
+ Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (256)
+ X \p{Miscellaneous_Technical} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Technical} (256)
+ \p{Mlym} \p{Malayalam} (= \p{Script=Malayalam})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Malayalam}) (95)
+ \p{Mn} \p{Nonspacing_Mark} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark})
+ (1162)
+ \p{Modifier_Letter} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter}
+ (Short: \p{Lm}) (202)
+ \p{Modifier_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol}
+ (Short: \p{Sk}) (99)
+ X \p{Modifier_Tone_Letters} \p{Block=Modifier_Tone_Letters} (32)
+ \p{Mong} \p{Mongolian} (= \p{Script=Mongolian})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
+ \p{Mongolian} \p{Script=Mongolian} (Short: \p{Mong}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
+ \p{Mtei} \p{Meetei_Mayek} (= \p{Script=
+ Meetei_Mayek}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Meetei_Mayek}) (56)
+ X \p{Musical_Symbols} \p{Block=Musical_Symbols} (256)
+ \p{Myanmar} \p{Script=Myanmar} (Short: \p{Mymr}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
+ X \p{Myanmar_Extended_A} \p{Block=Myanmar_Extended_A} (32)
+ \p{Mymr} \p{Myanmar} (= \p{Script=Myanmar}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
+ \p{N} \p{Number} (= \p{General_Category=Number})
+ (1064)
+ \p{NChar} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} (=
+ \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y}) (66)
+ \p{NChar: *} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: *}
+ \p{Nd} \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Decimal_Number}) (411)
+ \p{New_Tai_Lue} \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Talu};
+ NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
+ \p{NFC_QC: *} \p{NFC_Quick_Check: *}
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check: M} \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (103)
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFCQC=M}) (103)
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
+ \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFC_QC}) (1118)
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFCQC=N}; NOT
+ \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFC_QC}) (1118)
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFC_QC}) (1_112_891)
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFCQC=Y}; NOT
+ \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFC_QC}) (1_112_891)
+ \p{NFD_QC: *} \p{NFD_Quick_Check: *}
+ \p{NFD_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
+ \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFD_QC}) (13_221)
+ \p{NFD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFDQC=N}; NOT
+ \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFD_QC}) (13_221)
+ \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
+ \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFD_QC}) (1_100_891)
+ \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFDQC=Y}; NOT
+ \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFD_QC}) (1_100_891)
+ \p{NFKC_QC: *} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: *}
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: M} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (103)
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=M}) (103)
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
+ \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKC_QC}) (4597)
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=N}; NOT
+ \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKC_QC}) (4597)
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKC_QC}) (1_109_412)
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=Y}; NOT
+ \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKC_QC}) (1_109_412)
+ \p{NFKD_QC: *} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: *}
+ \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
+ \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKD_QC}) (16_688)
+ \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=N}; NOT
+ \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \P{Is_NFKD_QC}) (16_688)
+ \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
+ \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKD_QC}) (1_097_424)
+ \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=Y}; NOT
+ \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
+ \p{Is_NFKD_QC}) (1_097_424)
+ \p{Nko} \p{Script=Nko} (NOT \p{NKo}) (59)
+ \p{Nkoo} \p{Nko} (= \p{Script=Nko}) (NOT \p{NKo})
+ (59)
+ \p{Nl} \p{Letter_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Letter_Number}) (224)
+ \p{No} \p{Other_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Other_Number}) (429)
+ X \p{No_Block} \p{Block=No_Block} (864_192)
+ \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y} (Short:
+ \p{NChar}) (66)
+ \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{NChar=N}, \P{NChar})
+ (1_114_046)
+ \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{NChar=Y}, \p{NChar})
+ (66)
+ \p{Nonspacing_Mark} \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
+ (Short: \p{Mn}) (1162)
+ \p{Nt: *} \p{Numeric_Type: *}
+ \p{Number} \p{General_Category=Number} (Short: \p{N})
+ (1064)
+ X \p{Number_Forms} \p{Block=Number_Forms} (64)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: De} \p{Numeric_Type=Decimal} (411)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: Decimal} (Short: \p{Nt=De}) (411)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: Di} \p{Numeric_Type=Digit} (118)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: Digit} (Short: \p{Nt=Di}) (118)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: None} (Short: \p{Nt=None}) (1_112_971)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: Nu} \p{Numeric_Type=Numeric} (612)
+ \p{Numeric_Type: Numeric} (Short: \p{Nt=Nu}) (612)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: -1/2} (Short: \p{Nv=-1/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 0} (Short: \p{Nv=0}) (55)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/16} (Short: \p{Nv=1/16}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/10} (Short: \p{Nv=1/10}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/9} (Short: \p{Nv=1/9}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/8} (Short: \p{Nv=1/8}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/7} (Short: \p{Nv=1/7}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/6} (Short: \p{Nv=1/6}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/16} (Short: \p{Nv=3/16}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/5} (Short: \p{Nv=1/5}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/4} (Short: \p{Nv=1/4}) (8)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/3} (Short: \p{Nv=1/3}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/8} (Short: \p{Nv=3/8}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/5} (Short: \p{Nv=2/5}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/2} (Short: \p{Nv=1/2}) (9)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/5} (Short: \p{Nv=3/5}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/8} (Short: \p{Nv=5/8}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/3} (Short: \p{Nv=2/3}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/4} (Short: \p{Nv=3/4}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 4/5} (Short: \p{Nv=4/5}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/6} (Short: \p{Nv=5/6}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/8} (Short: \p{Nv=7/8}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1} (Short: \p{Nv=1}) (91)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/2} (Short: \p{Nv=3/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 2} (Short: \p{Nv=2}) (94)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/2} (Short: \p{Nv=5/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3} (Short: \p{Nv=3}) (96)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/2} (Short: \p{Nv=7/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 4} (Short: \p{Nv=4}) (87)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 9/2} (Short: \p{Nv=9/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 5} (Short: \p{Nv=5}) (84)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 11/2} (Short: \p{Nv=11/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 6} (Short: \p{Nv=6}) (76)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 13/2} (Short: \p{Nv=13/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 7} (Short: \p{Nv=7}) (75)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 15/2} (Short: \p{Nv=15/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 8} (Short: \p{Nv=8}) (71)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 17/2} (Short: \p{Nv=17/2}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 9} (Short: \p{Nv=9}) (75)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 10} (Short: \p{Nv=10}) (38)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 11} (Short: \p{Nv=11}) (6)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 12} (Short: \p{Nv=12}) (6)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 13} (Short: \p{Nv=13}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 14} (Short: \p{Nv=14}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 15} (Short: \p{Nv=15}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 16} (Short: \p{Nv=16}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 17} (Short: \p{Nv=17}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 18} (Short: \p{Nv=18}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 19} (Short: \p{Nv=19}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 20} (Short: \p{Nv=20}) (17)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 21} (Short: \p{Nv=21}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 22} (Short: \p{Nv=22}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 23} (Short: \p{Nv=23}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 24} (Short: \p{Nv=24}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 25} (Short: \p{Nv=25}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 26} (Short: \p{Nv=26}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 27} (Short: \p{Nv=27}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 28} (Short: \p{Nv=28}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 29} (Short: \p{Nv=29}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 30} (Short: \p{Nv=30}) (9)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 31} (Short: \p{Nv=31}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 32} (Short: \p{Nv=32}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 33} (Short: \p{Nv=33}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 34} (Short: \p{Nv=34}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 35} (Short: \p{Nv=35}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 36} (Short: \p{Nv=36}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 37} (Short: \p{Nv=37}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 38} (Short: \p{Nv=38}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 39} (Short: \p{Nv=39}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 40} (Short: \p{Nv=40}) (8)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 41} (Short: \p{Nv=41}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 42} (Short: \p{Nv=42}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 43} (Short: \p{Nv=43}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 44} (Short: \p{Nv=44}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 45} (Short: \p{Nv=45}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 46} (Short: \p{Nv=46}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 47} (Short: \p{Nv=47}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 48} (Short: \p{Nv=48}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 49} (Short: \p{Nv=49}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 50} (Short: \p{Nv=50}) (18)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 60} (Short: \p{Nv=60}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 70} (Short: \p{Nv=70}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 80} (Short: \p{Nv=80}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 90} (Short: \p{Nv=90}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 100} (Short: \p{Nv=100}) (19)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 200} (Short: \p{Nv=200}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 300} (Short: \p{Nv=300}) (3)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 400} (Short: \p{Nv=400}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 500} (Short: \p{Nv=500}) (12)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 600} (Short: \p{Nv=600}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 700} (Short: \p{Nv=700}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 800} (Short: \p{Nv=800}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 900} (Short: \p{Nv=900}) (3)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000} (Short: \p{Nv=1000}) (16)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 2000} (Short: \p{Nv=2000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 3000} (Short: \p{Nv=3000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 4000} (Short: \p{Nv=4000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 5000} (Short: \p{Nv=5000}) (5)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 6000} (Short: \p{Nv=6000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 7000} (Short: \p{Nv=7000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 8000} (Short: \p{Nv=8000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 9000} (Short: \p{Nv=9000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 10000} (= 1.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=10000}) (7)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 20000} (= 2.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=20000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 30000} (= 3.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=30000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 40000} (= 4.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=40000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 50000} (= 5.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=50000}) (4)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 60000} (= 6.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=60000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 70000} (= 7.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=70000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 80000} (= 8.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=80000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 90000} (= 9.0e+004) (Short: \p{Nv=90000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000} (= 1.0e+005) (Short: \p{Nv=100000}) (1)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000000} (= 1.0e+008) (Short: \p{Nv=
+ 100000000}) (2)
+ T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000000000000} (= 1.0e+012) (Short: \p{Nv=
+ 1000000000000}) (1)
+ \p{Numeric_Value: NaN} (Short: \p{Nv=NaN}) (1_112_971)
+ \p{Nv: *} \p{Numeric_Value: *}
+ D \p{OAlpha} \p{Other_Alphabetic} (=
+ \p{Other_Alphabetic=Y}) (759)
+ D \p{OAlpha: *} \p{Other_Alphabetic: *}
+ D \p{ODI} \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
+ \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
+ Y}) (3778)
+ D \p{ODI: *} \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
+ \p{Ogam} \p{Ogham} (= \p{Script=Ogham}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
+ \p{Ogham} \p{Script=Ogham} (Short: \p{Ogam}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
+ D \p{OGr_Ext} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend} (=
+ \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend=Y}) (23)
+ D \p{OGr_Ext: *} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: *}
+ D \p{OIDC} \p{Other_ID_Continue} (=
+ \p{Other_ID_Continue=Y}) (11)
+ D \p{OIDC: *} \p{Other_ID_Continue: *}
+ D \p{OIDS} \p{Other_ID_Start} (= \p{Other_ID_Start=
+ Y}) (4)
+ D \p{OIDS: *} \p{Other_ID_Start: *}
+ \p{Ol_Chiki} \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Olck}) (48)
+ \p{Olck} \p{Ol_Chiki} (= \p{Script=Ol_Chiki}) (48)
+ \p{Old_Italic} \p{Script=Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Ital};
+ NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
+ \p{Old_Persian} \p{Script=Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Xpeo};
+ NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
+ \p{Old_South_Arabian} \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (Short:
+ \p{Sarb}) (32)
+ \p{Old_Turkic} \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Orkh};
+ NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
+ D \p{OLower} \p{Other_Lowercase} (= \p{Other_Lowercase=
+ Y}) (159)
+ D \p{OLower: *} \p{Other_Lowercase: *}
+ D \p{OMath} \p{Other_Math} (= \p{Other_Math=Y}) (1216)
+ D \p{OMath: *} \p{Other_Math: *}
+ \p{Open_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation}
+ (Short: \p{Ps}) (72)
+ X \p{Optical_Character_Recognition} \p{Block=
+ Optical_Character_Recognition} (32)
+ \p{Oriya} \p{Script=Oriya} (Short: \p{Orya}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Oriya}) (84)
+ \p{Orkh} \p{Old_Turkic} (= \p{Script=Old_Turkic})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
+ \p{Orya} \p{Oriya} (= \p{Script=Oriya}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Oriya}) (84)
+ \p{Osma} \p{Osmanya} (= \p{Script=Osmanya}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
+ \p{Osmanya} \p{Script=Osmanya} (Short: \p{Osma}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
+ \p{Other} \p{General_Category=Other} (Short: \p{C})
+ (1_006_956)
+ D \p{Other_Alphabetic} \p{Other_Alphabetic=Y} (Short: \p{OAlpha})
+ (759)
+ D \p{Other_Alphabetic: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Alphabetic property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OAlpha=N},
+ \P{OAlpha}) (1_113_353)
+ D \p{Other_Alphabetic: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Alphabetic property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OAlpha=Y},
+ \p{OAlpha}) (759)
+ D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point}
+ \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=Y}
+ (Short: \p{ODI}) (3778)
+ D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} Used by Unicode
+ internally for generating the
+ Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property
+ (which should be used instead) and not
+ intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
+ \p{ODI=N}, \P{ODI}) (1_110_334)
+ D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} Used by Unicode
+ internally for generating the
+ Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property
+ (which should be used instead) and not
+ intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
+ \p{ODI=Y}, \p{ODI}) (3778)
+ D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short:
+ \p{OGrExt}) (23)
+ D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: N*} Used by Unicode internally for
+ generating the Grapheme_Extend property
+ (which should be used instead) and not
+ intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
+ \p{OGrExt=N}, \P{OGrExt}) (1_114_089)
+ D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for
+ generating the Grapheme_Extend property
+ (which should be used instead) and not
+ intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
+ \p{OGrExt=Y}, \p{OGrExt}) (23)
+ D \p{Other_ID_Continue} \p{Other_ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{OIDC})
+ (11)
+ D \p{Other_ID_Continue: N*} Used by Unicode internally for
+ generating the ID_Continue property
+ (which should be used instead) and not
+ intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
+ \p{OIDC=N}, \P{OIDC}) (1_114_101)
+ D \p{Other_ID_Continue: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for
+ generating the ID_Continue property
+ (which should be used instead) and not
+ intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
+ \p{OIDC=Y}, \p{OIDC}) (11)
+ D \p{Other_ID_Start} \p{Other_ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{OIDS}) (4)
+ D \p{Other_ID_Start: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the ID_Start property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OIDS=N},
+ \P{OIDS}) (1_114_108)
+ D \p{Other_ID_Start: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the ID_Start property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OIDS=Y},
+ \p{OIDS}) (4)
+ \p{Other_Letter} \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (Short:
+ \p{Lo}) (96_128)
+ D \p{Other_Lowercase} \p{Other_Lowercase=Y} (Short: \p{OLower})
+ (159)
+ D \p{Other_Lowercase: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Lowercase property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OLower=N},
+ \P{OLower}) (1_113_953)
+ D \p{Other_Lowercase: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Lowercase property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OLower=Y},
+ \p{OLower}) (159)
+ D \p{Other_Math} \p{Other_Math=Y} (Short: \p{OMath}) (1216)
+ D \p{Other_Math: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Math property (which should be used
+ instead) and not intended to be used
+ stand-alone (Short: \p{OMath=N},
+ \P{OMath}) (1_112_896)
+ D \p{Other_Math: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Math property (which should be used
+ instead) and not intended to be used
+ stand-alone (Short: \p{OMath=Y},
+ \p{OMath}) (1216)
+ \p{Other_Number} \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (Short:
+ \p{No}) (429)
+ \p{Other_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
+ (Short: \p{Po}) (389)
+ \p{Other_Symbol} \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (Short:
+ \p{So}) (3409)
+ D \p{Other_Uppercase} \p{Other_Uppercase=Y} (Short: \p{OUpper})
+ (42)
+ D \p{Other_Uppercase: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Uppercase property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OUpper=N},
+ \P{OUpper}) (1_114_070)
+ D \p{Other_Uppercase: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
+ the Uppercase property (which should be
+ used instead) and not intended to be
+ used stand-alone (Short: \p{OUpper=Y},
+ \p{OUpper}) (42)
+ D \p{OUpper} \p{Other_Uppercase} (= \p{Other_Uppercase=
+ Y}) (42)
+ D \p{OUpper: *} \p{Other_Uppercase: *}
+ \p{P} \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Punctuation}) (585)
+ \p{Paragraph_Separator} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
+ (Short: \p{Zp}) (1)
+ \p{Pat_Syn} \p{Pattern_Syntax} (= \p{Pattern_Syntax=
+ Y}) (2760)
+ \p{Pat_Syn: *} \p{Pattern_Syntax: *}
+ \p{Pat_WS} \p{Pattern_White_Space} (=
+ \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y}) (11)
+ \p{Pat_WS: *} \p{Pattern_White_Space: *}
+ \p{Pattern_Syntax} \p{Pattern_Syntax=Y} (Short: \p{PatSyn})
+ (2760)
+ \p{Pattern_Syntax: N*} (Short: \p{PatSyn=N}, \P{PatSyn})
+ (1_111_352)
+ \p{Pattern_Syntax: Y*} (Short: \p{PatSyn=Y}, \p{PatSyn}) (2760)
+ \p{Pattern_White_Space} \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y} (Short:
+ \p{PatWS}) (11)
+ \p{Pattern_White_Space: N*} (Short: \p{PatWS=N}, \P{PatWS})
+ (1_114_101)
+ \p{Pattern_White_Space: Y*} (Short: \p{PatWS=Y}, \p{PatWS}) (11)
+ \p{Pc} \p{Connector_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=
+ Connector_Punctuation}) (10)
+ \p{Pd} \p{Dash_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation})
+ (21)
+ \p{Pe} \p{Close_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation})
+ (71)
+ \p{PerlSpace} \s, restricted to ASCII (5)
+ \p{PerlWord} \w, restricted to ASCII = [A-Za-z0-9_] (63)
+ \p{Pf} \p{Final_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation})
+ (10)
+ \p{Phag} \p{Phags_Pa} (= \p{Script=Phags_Pa}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
+ \p{Phags_Pa} \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Phag}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
+ X \p{Phaistos_Disc} \p{Block=Phaistos_Disc} (48)
+ \p{Phli} \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (= \p{Script=
+ Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
+ \p{Phnx} \p{Phoenician} (= \p{Script=Phoenician})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
+ \p{Phoenician} \p{Script=Phoenician} (Short: \p{Phnx};
+ NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
+ X \p{Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=Phonetic_Extensions} (128)
+ X \p{Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} \p{Block=
+ Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (64)
+ \p{Pi} \p{Initial_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=
+ Initial_Punctuation}) (12)
+ \p{Po} \p{Other_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation})
+ (389)
+ \p{PosixAlnum} [A-Za-z0-9] (62)
+ \p{PosixAlpha} [A-Za-z] (52)
+ \p{PosixBlank} \t and ' ' (2)
+ \p{PosixCntrl} [\x00-\x1F] (33)
+ \p{PosixDigit} [0-9] (10)
+ \p{PosixGraph} [\x21-\x7E] (94)
+ \p{PosixLower} [a-z] (26)
+ \p{PosixPrint} [\x20-\x7E] (95)
+ \p{PosixPunct} Graphical characters that aren't Word
+ characters = [\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-
+ \x60\x7B-\x7E] (32)
+ \p{PosixSpace} \t \n, \x0B, \f, \r, and ' ' (6)
+ \p{PosixUpper} [A-Z] (26)
+ T \p{Present_In: 1.1} \p{Age=1.1} (Short: \p{In=1.1}) (Perl
+ extension) (33_979)
+ T \p{Present_In: 2.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 2.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.0}) (Perl
+ extension) (178_500)
+ T \p{Present_In: 2.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 2.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.1}) (Perl
+ extension) (178_502)
+ T \p{Present_In: 3.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 3.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.0}) (Perl
+ extension) (188_809)
+ T \p{Present_In: 3.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 3.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.1}) (Perl
+ extension) (233_787)
+ T \p{Present_In: 3.2} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 3.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.2}) (Perl
+ extension) (234_803)
+ T \p{Present_In: 4.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 4.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.0}) (Perl
+ extension) (236_029)
+ T \p{Present_In: 4.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 4.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.1}) (Perl
+ extension) (237_302)
+ T \p{Present_In: 5.0} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 5.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.0}) (Perl
+ extension) (238_671)
+ T \p{Present_In: 5.1} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 5.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.1}) (Perl
+ extension) (240_295)
+ T \p{Present_In: 5.2} Code point's usage introduced in version
+ 5.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.2}) (Perl
+ extension) (246_943)
+ \p{Present_In: Unassigned} \p{Age=Unassigned} (Short: \p{In=
+ Unassigned}) (Perl extension) (867_169)
+ \p{Print} Characters that are graphical plus space
+ characters (but no controls) (244_762)
+ \p{Private_Use} \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (Short:
+ \p{Co}; NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
+ (137_468)
+ X \p{Private_Use_Area} \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (Short:
+ \p{InPrivateUse}) (6400)
+ \p{Prti} \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} (= \p{Script=
+ Inscriptional_Parthian}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
+ \p{Ps} \p{Open_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation})
+ (72)
+ \p{Punct} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (Short:
+ \p{P}) (585)
+ \p{Punctuation} \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Punctuation}) (585)
+ \p{Qaac} \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
+ \p{Qaai} \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
+ (523)
+ \p{QMark} \p{Quotation_Mark} (= \p{Quotation_Mark=
+ Y}) (29)
+ \p{QMark: *} \p{Quotation_Mark: *}
+ \p{Quotation_Mark} \p{Quotation_Mark=Y} (Short: \p{QMark})
+ (29)
+ \p{Quotation_Mark: N*} (Short: \p{QMark=N}, \P{QMark}) (1_114_083)
+ \p{Quotation_Mark: Y*} (Short: \p{QMark=Y}, \p{QMark}) (29)
+ \p{Radical} \p{Radical=Y} (329)
+ \p{Radical: N*} (Single: \P{Radical}) (1_113_783)
+ \p{Radical: Y*} (Single: \p{Radical}) (329)
+ \p{Rejang} \p{Script=Rejang} (Short: \p{Rjng}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
+ \p{Rjng} \p{Rejang} (= \p{Script=Rejang}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
+ X \p{Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} \p{Block=Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (32)
+ \p{Runic} \p{Script=Runic} (Short: \p{Runr}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
+ \p{Runr} \p{Runic} (= \p{Script=Runic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
+ \p{S} \p{Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=Symbol})
+ (4499)
+ \p{Samaritan} \p{Script=Samaritan} (Short: \p{Samr}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
+ \p{Samr} \p{Samaritan} (= \p{Script=Samaritan})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
+ \p{Sarb} \p{Old_South_Arabian} (= \p{Script=
+ Old_South_Arabian}) (32)
+ \p{Saur} \p{Saurashtra} (= \p{Script=Saurashtra})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
+ \p{Saurashtra} \p{Script=Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Saur};
+ NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
+ \p{SB: *} \p{Sentence_Break: *}
+ \p{Sc} \p{Currency_Symbol} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol})
+ (46)
+ \p{Sc: *} \p{Script: *}
+ \p{Script: Arab} \p{Script=Arabic} (1030)
+ \p{Script: Arabic} (Short: \p{Sc=Arab}, \p{Arab}) (1030)
+ \p{Script: Armenian} (Short: \p{Sc=Armn}, \p{Armn}) (90)
+ \p{Script: Armi} \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (31)
+ \p{Script: Armn} \p{Script=Armenian} (90)
+ \p{Script: Avestan} (Short: \p{Sc=Avst}, \p{Avst}) (61)
+ \p{Script: Avst} \p{Script=Avestan} (61)
+ \p{Script: Bali} \p{Script=Balinese} (121)
+ \p{Script: Balinese} (Short: \p{Sc=Bali}, \p{Bali}) (121)
+ \p{Script: Bamu} \p{Script=Bamum} (88)
+ \p{Script: Bamum} (Short: \p{Sc=Bamu}, \p{Bamu}) (88)
+ \p{Script: Beng} \p{Script=Bengali} (92)
+ \p{Script: Bengali} (Short: \p{Sc=Beng}, \p{Beng}) (92)
+ \p{Script: Bopo} \p{Script=Bopomofo} (65)
+ \p{Script: Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Sc=Bopo}, \p{Bopo}) (65)
+ \p{Script: Brai} \p{Script=Braille} (256)
+ \p{Script: Braille} (Short: \p{Sc=Brai}, \p{Brai}) (256)
+ \p{Script: Bugi} \p{Script=Buginese} (30)
+ \p{Script: Buginese} (Short: \p{Sc=Bugi}, \p{Bugi}) (30)
+ \p{Script: Buhd} \p{Script=Buhid} (20)
+ \p{Script: Buhid} (Short: \p{Sc=Buhd}, \p{Buhd}) (20)
+ \p{Script: Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short: \p{Sc=Cans}, \p{Cans})
+ (710)
+ \p{Script: Cans} \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (710)
+ \p{Script: Cari} \p{Script=Carian} (49)
+ \p{Script: Carian} (Short: \p{Sc=Cari}, \p{Cari}) (49)
+ \p{Script: Cham} (Short: \p{Sc=Cham}, \p{Cham}) (83)
+ \p{Script: Cher} \p{Script=Cherokee} (85)
+ \p{Script: Cherokee} (Short: \p{Sc=Cher}, \p{Cher}) (85)
+ \p{Script: Common} (Short: \p{Sc=Zyyy}, \p{Zyyy}) (5395)
+ \p{Script: Copt} \p{Script=Coptic} (135)
+ \p{Script: Coptic} (Short: \p{Sc=Copt}, \p{Copt}) (135)
+ \p{Script: Cprt} \p{Script=Cypriot} (55)
+ \p{Script: Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Sc=Xsux}, \p{Xsux}) (982)
+ \p{Script: Cypriot} (Short: \p{Sc=Cprt}, \p{Cprt}) (55)
+ \p{Script: Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Sc=Cyrl}, \p{Cyrl}) (404)
+ \p{Script: Cyrl} \p{Script=Cyrillic} (404)
+ \p{Script: Deseret} (Short: \p{Sc=Dsrt}, \p{Dsrt}) (80)
+ \p{Script: Deva} \p{Script=Devanagari} (140)
+ \p{Script: Devanagari} (Short: \p{Sc=Deva}, \p{Deva}) (140)
+ \p{Script: Dsrt} \p{Script=Deseret} (80)
+ \p{Script: Egyp} \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (1071)
+ \p{Script: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Sc=Egyp}, \p{Egyp})
+ (1071)
+ \p{Script: Ethi} \p{Script=Ethiopic} (461)
+ \p{Script: Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Sc=Ethi}, \p{Ethi}) (461)
+ \p{Script: Geor} \p{Script=Georgian} (120)
+ \p{Script: Georgian} (Short: \p{Sc=Geor}, \p{Geor}) (120)
+ \p{Script: Glag} \p{Script=Glagolitic} (94)
+ \p{Script: Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Sc=Glag}, \p{Glag}) (94)
+ \p{Script: Goth} \p{Script=Gothic} (27)
+ \p{Script: Gothic} (Short: \p{Sc=Goth}, \p{Goth}) (27)
+ \p{Script: Greek} (Short: \p{Sc=Grek}, \p{Grek}) (511)
+ \p{Script: Grek} \p{Script=Greek} (511)
+ \p{Script: Gujarati} (Short: \p{Sc=Gujr}, \p{Gujr}) (83)
+ \p{Script: Gujr} \p{Script=Gujarati} (83)
+ \p{Script: Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Sc=Guru}, \p{Guru}) (79)
+ \p{Script: Guru} \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (79)
+ \p{Script: Han} (Short: \p{Sc=Han}, \p{Han}) (75_738)
+ \p{Script: Hang} \p{Script=Hangul} (11_737)
+ \p{Script: Hangul} (Short: \p{Sc=Hang}, \p{Hang}) (11_737)
+ \p{Script: Hani} \p{Script=Han} (75_738)
+ \p{Script: Hano} \p{Script=Hanunoo} (21)
+ \p{Script: Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Sc=Hano}, \p{Hano}) (21)
+ \p{Script: Hebr} \p{Script=Hebrew} (133)
+ \p{Script: Hebrew} (Short: \p{Sc=Hebr}, \p{Hebr}) (133)
+ \p{Script: Hira} \p{Script=Hiragana} (90)
+ \p{Script: Hiragana} (Short: \p{Sc=Hira}, \p{Hira}) (90)
+ \p{Script: Imperial_Aramaic} (Short: \p{Sc=Armi}, \p{Armi}) (31)
+ \p{Script: Inherited} (Short: \p{Sc=Zinh}, \p{Zinh}) (523)
+ \p{Script: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short: \p{Sc=Phli}, \p{Phli})
+ (27)
+ \p{Script: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Short: \p{Sc=Prti}, \p{Prti})
+ (30)
+ \p{Script: Ital} \p{Script=Old_Italic} (35)
+ \p{Script: Java} \p{Script=Javanese} (91)
+ \p{Script: Javanese} (Short: \p{Sc=Java}, \p{Java}) (91)
+ \p{Script: Kaithi} (Short: \p{Sc=Kthi}, \p{Kthi}) (66)
+ \p{Script: Kali} \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (48)
+ \p{Script: Kana} \p{Script=Katakana} (299)
+ \p{Script: Kannada} (Short: \p{Sc=Knda}, \p{Knda}) (84)
+ \p{Script: Katakana} (Short: \p{Sc=Kana}, \p{Kana}) (299)
+ \p{Script: Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Sc=Kali}, \p{Kali}) (48)
+ \p{Script: Khar} \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (65)
+ \p{Script: Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Sc=Khar}, \p{Khar}) (65)
+ \p{Script: Khmer} (Short: \p{Sc=Khmr}, \p{Khmr}) (146)
+ \p{Script: Khmr} \p{Script=Khmer} (146)
+ \p{Script: Knda} \p{Script=Kannada} (84)
+ \p{Script: Kthi} \p{Script=Kaithi} (66)
+ \p{Script: Lana} \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (127)
+ \p{Script: Lao} (Short: \p{Sc=Lao}, \p{Lao}) (65)
+ \p{Script: Laoo} \p{Script=Lao} (65)
+ \p{Script: Latin} (Short: \p{Sc=Latn}, \p{Latn}) (1244)
+ \p{Script: Latn} \p{Script=Latin} (1244)
+ \p{Script: Lepc} \p{Script=Lepcha} (74)
+ \p{Script: Lepcha} (Short: \p{Sc=Lepc}, \p{Lepc}) (74)
+ \p{Script: Limb} \p{Script=Limbu} (66)
+ \p{Script: Limbu} (Short: \p{Sc=Limb}, \p{Limb}) (66)
+ \p{Script: Linb} \p{Script=Linear_B} (211)
+ \p{Script: Linear_B} (Short: \p{Sc=Linb}, \p{Linb}) (211)
+ \p{Script: Lisu} (Short: \p{Sc=Lisu}, \p{Lisu}) (48)
+ \p{Script: Lyci} \p{Script=Lycian} (29)
+ \p{Script: Lycian} (Short: \p{Sc=Lyci}, \p{Lyci}) (29)
+ \p{Script: Lydi} \p{Script=Lydian} (27)
+ \p{Script: Lydian} (Short: \p{Sc=Lydi}, \p{Lydi}) (27)
+ \p{Script: Malayalam} (Short: \p{Sc=Mlym}, \p{Mlym}) (95)
+ \p{Script: Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Sc=Mtei}, \p{Mtei}) (56)
+ \p{Script: Mlym} \p{Script=Malayalam} (95)
+ \p{Script: Mong} \p{Script=Mongolian} (153)
+ \p{Script: Mongolian} (Short: \p{Sc=Mong}, \p{Mong}) (153)
+ \p{Script: Mtei} \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (56)
+ \p{Script: Myanmar} (Short: \p{Sc=Mymr}, \p{Mymr}) (188)
+ \p{Script: Mymr} \p{Script=Myanmar} (188)
+ \p{Script: New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Sc=Talu}, \p{Talu}) (83)
+ \p{Script: Nko} (Short: \p{Sc=Nko}, \p{Nko}) (59)
+ \p{Script: Nkoo} \p{Script=Nko} (59)
+ \p{Script: Ogam} \p{Script=Ogham} (29)
+ \p{Script: Ogham} (Short: \p{Sc=Ogam}, \p{Ogam}) (29)
+ \p{Script: Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Sc=Olck}, \p{Olck}) (48)
+ \p{Script: Olck} \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (48)
+ \p{Script: Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Sc=Ital}, \p{Ital}) (35)
+ \p{Script: Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Sc=Xpeo}, \p{Xpeo}) (50)
+ \p{Script: Old_South_Arabian} (Short: \p{Sc=Sarb}, \p{Sarb}) (32)
+ \p{Script: Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Sc=Orkh}, \p{Orkh}) (73)
+ \p{Script: Oriya} (Short: \p{Sc=Orya}, \p{Orya}) (84)
+ \p{Script: Orkh} \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (73)
+ \p{Script: Orya} \p{Script=Oriya} (84)
+ \p{Script: Osma} \p{Script=Osmanya} (40)
+ \p{Script: Osmanya} (Short: \p{Sc=Osma}, \p{Osma}) (40)
+ \p{Script: Phag} \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (56)
+ \p{Script: Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Sc=Phag}, \p{Phag}) (56)
+ \p{Script: Phli} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (27)
+ \p{Script: Phnx} \p{Script=Phoenician} (29)
+ \p{Script: Phoenician} (Short: \p{Sc=Phnx}, \p{Phnx}) (29)
+ \p{Script: Prti} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian} (30)
+ \p{Script: Qaac} \p{Script=Coptic} (135)
+ \p{Script: Qaai} \p{Script=Inherited} (523)
+ \p{Script: Rejang} (Short: \p{Sc=Rjng}, \p{Rjng}) (37)
+ \p{Script: Rjng} \p{Script=Rejang} (37)
+ \p{Script: Runic} (Short: \p{Sc=Runr}, \p{Runr}) (78)
+ \p{Script: Runr} \p{Script=Runic} (78)
+ \p{Script: Samaritan} (Short: \p{Sc=Samr}, \p{Samr}) (61)
+ \p{Script: Samr} \p{Script=Samaritan} (61)
+ \p{Script: Sarb} \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (32)
+ \p{Script: Saur} \p{Script=Saurashtra} (81)
+ \p{Script: Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Sc=Saur}, \p{Saur}) (81)
+ \p{Script: Shavian} (Short: \p{Sc=Shaw}, \p{Shaw}) (48)
+ \p{Script: Shaw} \p{Script=Shavian} (48)
+ \p{Script: Sinh} \p{Script=Sinhala} (80)
+ \p{Script: Sinhala} (Short: \p{Sc=Sinh}, \p{Sinh}) (80)
+ \p{Script: Sund} \p{Script=Sundanese} (55)
+ \p{Script: Sundanese} (Short: \p{Sc=Sund}, \p{Sund}) (55)
+ \p{Script: Sylo} \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (44)
+ \p{Script: Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sc=Sylo}, \p{Sylo}) (44)
+ \p{Script: Syrc} \p{Script=Syriac} (77)
+ \p{Script: Syriac} (Short: \p{Sc=Syrc}, \p{Syrc}) (77)
+ \p{Script: Tagalog} (Short: \p{Sc=Tglg}, \p{Tglg}) (20)
+ \p{Script: Tagb} \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (18)
+ \p{Script: Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Sc=Tagb}, \p{Tagb}) (18)
+ \p{Script: Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Sc=Tale}, \p{Tale}) (35)
+ \p{Script: Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Sc=Lana}, \p{Lana}) (127)
+ \p{Script: Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Sc=Tavt}, \p{Tavt}) (72)
+ \p{Script: Tale} \p{Script=Tai_Le} (35)
+ \p{Script: Talu} \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (83)
+ \p{Script: Tamil} (Short: \p{Sc=Taml}, \p{Taml}) (72)
+ \p{Script: Taml} \p{Script=Tamil} (72)
+ \p{Script: Tavt} \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (72)
+ \p{Script: Telu} \p{Script=Telugu} (93)
+ \p{Script: Telugu} (Short: \p{Sc=Telu}, \p{Telu}) (93)
+ \p{Script: Tfng} \p{Script=Tifinagh} (55)
+ \p{Script: Tglg} \p{Script=Tagalog} (20)
+ \p{Script: Thaa} \p{Script=Thaana} (50)
+ \p{Script: Thaana} (Short: \p{Sc=Thaa}, \p{Thaa}) (50)
+ \p{Script: Thai} (Short: \p{Sc=Thai}, \p{Thai}) (86)
+ \p{Script: Tibetan} (Short: \p{Sc=Tibt}, \p{Tibt}) (201)
+ \p{Script: Tibt} \p{Script=Tibetan} (201)
+ \p{Script: Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Sc=Tfng}, \p{Tfng}) (55)
+ \p{Script: Ugar} \p{Script=Ugaritic} (31)
+ \p{Script: Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Sc=Ugar}, \p{Ugar}) (31)
+ \p{Script: Unknown} (Short: \p{Sc=Zzzz}, \p{Zzzz}) (1_006_751)
+ \p{Script: Vai} (Short: \p{Sc=Vai}, \p{Vai}) (300)
+ \p{Script: Vaii} \p{Script=Vai} (300)
+ \p{Script: Xpeo} \p{Script=Old_Persian} (50)
+ \p{Script: Xsux} \p{Script=Cuneiform} (982)
+ \p{Script: Yi} (Short: \p{Sc=Yi}, \p{Yi}) (1220)
+ \p{Script: Yiii} \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
+ \p{Script: Zinh} \p{Script=Inherited} (523)
+ \p{Script: Zyyy} \p{Script=Common} (5395)
+ \p{Script: Zzzz} \p{Script=Unknown} (1_006_751)
+ \p{SD} \p{Soft_Dotted} (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
+ \p{SD: *} \p{Soft_Dotted: *}
+ \p{Sentence_Break: AT} \p{Sentence_Break=ATerm} (4)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: ATerm} (Short: \p{SB=AT}) (4)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: CL} \p{Sentence_Break=Close} (177)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Close} (Short: \p{SB=CL}) (177)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: CR} (Short: \p{SB=CR}) (1)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: EX} \p{Sentence_Break=Extend} (1455)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{SB=EX}) (1455)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: FO} \p{Sentence_Break=Format} (138)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Format} (Short: \p{SB=FO}) (138)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: LE} \p{Sentence_Break=OLetter} (96_405)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: LF} (Short: \p{SB=LF}) (1)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: LO} \p{Sentence_Break=Lower} (1907)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Lower} (Short: \p{SB=LO}) (1907)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: NU} \p{Sentence_Break=Numeric} (403)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{SB=NU}) (403)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: OLetter} (Short: \p{SB=LE}) (96_405)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Other} (Short: \p{SB=XX}) (1_012_008)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: SC} \p{Sentence_Break=SContinue} (26)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: SContinue} (Short: \p{SB=SC}) (26)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: SE} \p{Sentence_Break=Sep} (3)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Sep} (Short: \p{SB=SE}) (3)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Sp} (Short: \p{SB=Sp}) (21)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: ST} \p{Sentence_Break=STerm} (63)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: STerm} (Short: \p{SB=ST}) (63)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: UP} \p{Sentence_Break=Upper} (1500)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: Upper} (Short: \p{SB=UP}) (1500)
+ \p{Sentence_Break: XX} \p{Sentence_Break=Other} (1_012_008)
+ \p{Separator} \p{General_Category=Separator} (Short:
+ \p{Z}) (20)
+ \p{Shavian} \p{Script=Shavian} (Short: \p{Shaw}) (48)
+ \p{Shaw} \p{Shavian} (= \p{Script=Shavian}) (48)
+ \p{Sinh} \p{Sinhala} (= \p{Script=Sinhala}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
+ \p{Sinhala} \p{Script=Sinhala} (Short: \p{Sinh}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
+ \p{Sk} \p{Modifier_Symbol} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol})
+ (99)
+ \p{Sm} \p{Math_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Math_Symbol}) (945)
+ X \p{Small_Form_Variants} \p{Block=Small_Form_Variants} (32)
+ \p{So} \p{Other_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Other_Symbol}) (3409)
+ \p{Soft_Dotted} \p{Soft_Dotted=Y} (Short: \p{SD}) (46)
+ \p{Soft_Dotted: N*} (Short: \p{SD=N}, \P{SD}) (1_114_066)
+ \p{Soft_Dotted: Y*} (Short: \p{SD=Y}, \p{SD}) (46)
+ \p{Space} \p{White_Space=Y} \s including beyond
+ ASCII plus vertical tab (26)
+ \p{Space: *} \p{White_Space: *}
+ \p{Space_Separator} \p{General_Category=Space_Separator}
+ (Short: \p{Zs}) (18)
+ \p{SpacePerl} \s, including beyond ASCII (25)
+ \p{Spacing_Mark} \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (Short:
+ \p{Mc}) (276)
+ X \p{Spacing_Modifier_Letters} \p{Block=Spacing_Modifier_Letters}
+ (80)
+ X \p{Specials} \p{Block=Specials} (16)
+ \p{STerm} \p{STerm=Y} (66)
+ \p{STerm: N*} (Single: \P{STerm}) (1_114_046)
+ \p{STerm: Y*} (Single: \p{STerm}) (66)
+ \p{Sund} \p{Sundanese} (= \p{Script=Sundanese})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Sundanese}) (55)
+ \p{Sundanese} \p{Script=Sundanese} (Short: \p{Sund}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Sundanese}) (55)
+ X \p{Superscripts_And_Subscripts} \p{Block=
+ Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (48)
+ X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_A} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_A} (16)
+ X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_B} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_B} (128)
+ X \p{Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=
+ Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators}
+ (256)
+ X \p{Supplemental_Punctuation} \p{Block=Supplemental_Punctuation}
+ (128)
+ X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} \p{Block=
+ Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A}
+ (65_536)
+ X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} \p{Block=
+ Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B}
+ (65_536)
+ \p{Surrogate} \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (Short:
+ \p{Cs}) (2048)
+ \p{Sylo} \p{Syloti_Nagri} (= \p{Script=
+ Syloti_Nagri}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
+ \p{Syloti_Nagri} \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sylo};
+ NOT \p{Block=Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
+ \p{Symbol} \p{General_Category=Symbol} (Short: \p{S})
+ (4499)
+ \p{Syrc} \p{Syriac} (= \p{Script=Syriac}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
+ \p{Syriac} \p{Script=Syriac} (Short: \p{Syrc}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
+ \p{Tagalog} \p{Script=Tagalog} (Short: \p{Tglg}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
+ \p{Tagb} \p{Tagbanwa} (= \p{Script=Tagbanwa}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
+ \p{Tagbanwa} \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Tagb}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
+ X \p{Tags} \p{Block=Tags} (128)
+ \p{Tai_Le} \p{Script=Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Tale}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
+ \p{Tai_Tham} \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Lana}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
+ \p{Tai_Viet} \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Tavt}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
+ X \p{Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} \p{Block=Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (96)
+ \p{Tale} \p{Tai_Le} (= \p{Script=Tai_Le}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
+ \p{Talu} \p{New_Tai_Lue} (= \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue})
+ (NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
+ \p{Tamil} \p{Script=Tamil} (Short: \p{Taml}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
+ \p{Taml} \p{Tamil} (= \p{Script=Tamil}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
+ \p{Tavt} \p{Tai_Viet} (= \p{Script=Tai_Viet}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
+ \p{Telu} \p{Telugu} (= \p{Script=Telugu}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
+ \p{Telugu} \p{Script=Telugu} (Short: \p{Telu}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
+ \p{Term} \p{Terminal_Punctuation} (=
+ \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y}) (161)
+ \p{Term: *} \p{Terminal_Punctuation: *}
+ \p{Terminal_Punctuation} \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y} (Short:
+ \p{Term}) (161)
+ \p{Terminal_Punctuation: N*} (Short: \p{Term=N}, \P{Term})
+ (1_113_951)
+ \p{Terminal_Punctuation: Y*} (Short: \p{Term=Y}, \p{Term}) (161)
+ \p{Tfng} \p{Tifinagh} (= \p{Script=Tifinagh}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (55)
+ \p{Tglg} \p{Tagalog} (= \p{Script=Tagalog}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
+ \p{Thaa} \p{Thaana} (= \p{Script=Thaana}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
+ \p{Thaana} \p{Script=Thaana} (Short: \p{Thaa}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
+ \p{Thai} \p{Script=Thai} (NOT \p{Block=Thai}) (86)
+ \p{Tibetan} \p{Script=Tibetan} (Short: \p{Tibt}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tibetan}) (201)
+ \p{Tibt} \p{Tibetan} (= \p{Script=Tibetan}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Tibetan}) (201)
+ \p{Tifinagh} \p{Script=Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Tfng}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (55)
+ \p{Title} \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter}
+ (Short: \p{Lt}) (31)
+ \p{Titlecase_Letter} \p{Title} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Titlecase_Letter}) (31)
+ \p{Ugar} \p{Ugaritic} (= \p{Script=Ugaritic}) (NOT
+ \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
+ \p{Ugaritic} \p{Script=Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Ugar}; NOT
+ \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
+ \p{UIdeo} \p{Unified_Ideograph} (=
+ \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y}) (74_394)
+ \p{UIdeo: *} \p{Unified_Ideograph: *}
+ \p{Unassigned} \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (Short:
+ \p{Cn}) (867_235)
+ X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} \p{Block=
+ Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
+ (Short: \p{InCanadianSyllabics}) (640)
+ X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} \p{Block=
+ Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_-
+ Extended} (80)
+ \p{Unified_Ideograph} \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y} (Short: \p{UIdeo})
+ (74_394)
+ \p{Unified_Ideograph: N*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=N}, \P{UIdeo})
+ (1_039_718)
+ \p{Unified_Ideograph: Y*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=Y}, \p{UIdeo}) (74_394)
+ \p{Unknown} \p{Script=Unknown} (Short: \p{Zzzz})
+ (1_006_751)
+ \p{Upper} \p{Uppercase=Y} (1469)
+ \p{Upper: *} \p{Uppercase: *}
+ \p{Uppercase} \p{Upper} (= \p{Uppercase=Y}) (1469)
+ \p{Uppercase: N*} (Short: \p{Upper=N}, \P{Upper}) (1_112_643)
+ \p{Uppercase: Y*} (Short: \p{Upper=Y}, \p{Upper}) (1469)
+ \p{Uppercase_Letter} \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
+ (Short: \p{Lu}) (1427)
+ \p{Vai} \p{Script=Vai} (NOT \p{Block=Vai}) (300)
+ \p{Vaii} \p{Vai} (= \p{Script=Vai}) (NOT \p{Block=
+ Vai}) (300)
+ \p{Variation_Selector} \p{Variation_Selector=Y} (Short: \p{VS})
+ (259)
+ \p{Variation_Selector: N*} (Short: \p{VS=N}, \P{VS}) (1_113_853)
+ \p{Variation_Selector: Y*} (Short: \p{VS=Y}, \p{VS}) (259)
+ X \p{Variation_Selectors} \p{Block=Variation_Selectors} (16)
+ X \p{Variation_Selectors_Supplement} \p{Block=
+ Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (240)
+ X \p{Vedic_Extensions} \p{Block=Vedic_Extensions} (48)
+ X \p{Vertical_Forms} \p{Block=Vertical_Forms} (16)
+ \p{VertSpace} \v (7)
+ \p{VS} \p{Variation_Selector} (=
+ \p{Variation_Selector=Y}) (259)
+ \p{VS: *} \p{Variation_Selector: *}
+ \p{WB: *} \p{Word_Break: *}
+ \p{White_Space} \p{White_Space=Y} (Short: \p{WSpace}) (26)
+ \p{White_Space: N*} (Short: \p{Space=N}, \P{WSpace})
+ (1_114_086)
+ \p{White_Space: Y*} (Short: \p{Space=Y}, \p{WSpace}) (26)
+ \p{Word} \w, including beyond ASCII (101_685)
+ \p{Word_Break: ALetter} (Short: \p{WB=LE}) (23_694)
+ \p{Word_Break: CR} (Short: \p{WB=CR}) (1)
+ \p{Word_Break: EX} \p{Word_Break=ExtendNumLet} (10)
+ \p{Word_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{WB=Extend}) (1455)
+ \p{Word_Break: ExtendNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=EX}) (10)
+ \p{Word_Break: FO} \p{Word_Break=Format} (137)
+ \p{Word_Break: Format} (Short: \p{WB=FO}) (137)
+ \p{Word_Break: KA} \p{Word_Break=Katakana} (309)
+ \p{Word_Break: Katakana} (Short: \p{WB=KA}) (309)
+ \p{Word_Break: LE} \p{Word_Break=ALetter} (23_694)
+ \p{Word_Break: LF} (Short: \p{WB=LF}) (1)
+ \p{Word_Break: MB} \p{Word_Break=MidNumLet} (8)
+ \p{Word_Break: MidLetter} (Short: \p{WB=ML}) (8)
+ \p{Word_Break: MidNum} (Short: \p{WB=MN}) (15)
+ \p{Word_Break: MidNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=MB}) (8)
+ \p{Word_Break: ML} \p{Word_Break=MidLetter} (8)
+ \p{Word_Break: MN} \p{Word_Break=MidNum} (15)
+ \p{Word_Break: Newline} (Short: \p{WB=NL}) (5)
+ \p{Word_Break: NL} \p{Word_Break=Newline} (5)
+ \p{Word_Break: NU} \p{Word_Break=Numeric} (402)
+ \p{Word_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{WB=NU}) (402)
+ \p{Word_Break: Other} (Short: \p{WB=XX}) (1_088_067)
+ \p{Word_Break: XX} \p{Word_Break=Other} (1_088_067)
+ \p{WSpace} \p{White_Space} (= \p{White_Space=Y}) (26)
+ \p{WSpace: *} \p{White_Space: *}
+ \p{XDigit} \p{Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{Hex}) (44)
+ \p{XID_Continue} \p{XID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{XIDC})
+ (101_615)
+ \p{XID_Continue: N*} (Short: \p{XIDC=N}, \P{XIDC}) (1_012_497)
+ \p{XID_Continue: Y*} (Short: \p{XIDC=Y}, \p{XIDC}) (101_615)
+ \p{XID_Start} \p{XID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{XIDS}) (99_741)
+ \p{XID_Start: N*} (Short: \p{XIDS=N}, \P{XIDS}) (1_014_371)
+ \p{XID_Start: Y*} (Short: \p{XIDS=Y}, \p{XIDS}) (99_741)
+ \p{XIDC} \p{XID_Continue} (= \p{XID_Continue=Y})
+ (101_615)
+ \p{XIDC: *} \p{XID_Continue: *}
+ \p{XIDS} \p{XID_Start} (= \p{XID_Start=Y}) (99_741)
+ \p{XIDS: *} \p{XID_Start: *}
+ \p{Xpeo} \p{Old_Persian} (= \p{Script=Old_Persian})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
+ \p{Xsux} \p{Cuneiform} (= \p{Script=Cuneiform})
+ (NOT \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
+ \p{Yi} \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
+ X \p{Yi_Radicals} \p{Block=Yi_Radicals} (64)
+ X \p{Yi_Syllables} \p{Block=Yi_Syllables} (1168)
+ \p{Yiii} \p{Yi} (= \p{Script=Yi}) (1220)
+ X \p{Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} \p{Block=Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (64)
+ \p{Z} \p{Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Separator}) (20)
+ \p{Zinh} \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
+ (523)
+ \p{Zl} \p{Line_Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
+ Line_Separator}) (1)
+ \p{Zp} \p{Paragraph_Separator} (=
+ \p{General_Category=
+ Paragraph_Separator}) (1)
+ \p{Zs} \p{Space_Separator} (=
+ \p{General_Category=Space_Separator})
+ (18)
+ \p{Zyyy} \p{Common} (= \p{Script=Common}) (5395)
+ \p{Zzzz} \p{Unknown} (= \p{Script=Unknown})
+ (1_006_751)
+ T \p{_CanonDCIJ} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
+ stable) (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
+ T \p{_Case_Ignorable} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
+ stable) (= \p{Case_Ignorable=Y}) (1632)
+ T \p{_CombAbove} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
+ stable) (= \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
+ Above}) (318)
+ T \p{_X_Begin} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
+ stable) (1_113_907)
+ T \p{_X_Extend} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
+ stable) (1462)
+ T \p{_X_LV_LVT_V} (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
+ stable) (11_267)
+=head2 Legal \p{} and \P{} constructs that match no characters
+Unicode has some property-value pairs that currently don't match anything.
+This happens generally either because they are obsolete, or for symmetry with
+other forms, but no language has yet been encoded that uses them. In this
+version of Unicode, the following match zero code points:
+=over 4
+=item \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=Attached_Below_Left}
+=item \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining}
+=head1 Properties not accessible through \p{} and \P{}
+A few properties are accessible in Perl via various function calls only.
+These are:
+ Lowercase_Mapping lc() and lcfirst()
+ Titlecase_Mapping ucfirst()
+ Uppercase_Mapping uc()
+Case_Folding is accessible through the /i modifier in regular expressions.
+The Name property is accessible through the \N{} interpolation in
+double-quoted strings and regular expressions, but both usages require a C<use
+charnames;> to be specified, which also contains related functions viacode()
+and vianame().
+=head1 Unicode regular expression properties that are NOT accepted by Perl
+Perl will generate an error for a few character properties in Unicode when
+used in a regular expression. The non-Unihan ones are listed below, with the
+reasons they are not accepted, perhaps with work-arounds. The short names for
+the properties are listed enclosed in (parentheses).
+=over 4
+=item I<Expands_On_NFC> (XO_NFC)
+=item I<Expands_On_NFD> (XO_NFD)
+=item I<Expands_On_NFKC> (XO_NFKC)
+=item I<Expands_On_NFKD> (XO_NFKD)
+Easily computed, and yet doesn't cover the common encoding forms (UTF-16/8)
+=item I<Grapheme_Link> (Gr_Link)
+Deprecated by Unicode. Use ccc=vr (Canonical_Combining_Class=Virama) instead
+=item I<Jamo_Short_Name> (JSN)
+Used by Unicode internally for generating other properties and not intended to be used stand-alone
+=item I<Script=Katakana_Or_Hiragana> (sc=Hrkt)
+Obsolete. All code points previously matched by this have been moved to "Script=Common"
+An installation can choose to allow any of these to be matched by changing the
+controlling lists contained in the program C<$Config{privlib}>/F<unicore/mktables>
+and then re-running F<mktables>. (C<%Config> is available from the Config module).
+=head1 Files in the I<To> directory (for serious hackers only)
+All Unicode properties are really mappings (in the mathematical sense) from
+code points to their respective values. As part of its build process,
+Perl constructs tables containing these mappings for all properties that it
+deals with. But only a few of these are written out into files.
+Those written out are in the directory C<$Config{privlib}>/F<unicore/To/>
+(%Config is available from the Config module).
+Those ones written are ones needed by Perl internally during execution, or for
+which there is some demand, and those for which there is no access through the
+Perl core. Generally, properties that can be used in regular expression
+matching do not have their map tables written, like Script. Nor are the
+simplistic properties that have a better, more complete version, such as
+Simple_Uppercase_Mapping (Uppercase_Mapping is written instead).
+None of the properties in the I<To> directory are currently directly
+accessible through the Perl core, although some may be accessed indirectly.
+For example, the uc() function implements the Uppercase_Mapping property and
+uses the F<> file found in this directory.
+The available files with their properties (short names in parentheses),
+and any flags or comments about them, are:
+ Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph (bmg)
+ Perl_Decimal_Digit
+ Case_Folding (cf)
+ Lowercase_Mapping (lc)
+ NFKC_Casefold (NFKC_CF)
+ Titlecase_Mapping (tc)
+ Uppercase_Mapping (uc)
+An installation can choose to change which files are generated by changing the
+controlling lists contained in the program C<$Config{privlib}>/F<unicore/mktables>
+and then re-running F<mktables>.
+Each of these files defines two hash entries to help reading programs decipher
+it. One of them looks like this:
+ $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToNAME'}{'format'} = 's';
+where 'NAME' is a name to indicate the property. For backwards compatibility,
+this is not necessarily the property's official Unicode name. (The 'To' is
+also for backwards compatibility.) The hash entry gives the format of the
+mapping fields of the table, currently one of the following:
+ b binary
+ d single decimal digit
+ f floating point number
+ i integer
+ r rational: an integer or a fraction
+ s arbitrary string
+ x positive hex whole number; a code point
+This format applies only to the entries in the main body of the table.
+Entries defined in hashes or ones that are missing from the list can have a
+different format.
+The value that the missing entries have is given by the other SwashInfo hash
+entry line; it looks like this:
+ $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToNAME'}{'missing'} = 'NaN';
+This example line says that any Unicode code points not explicitly listed in
+the file have the value 'NaN' under the property indicated by NAME. If the
+value is the special string C<< <code point> >>, it means that the value for
+any missing code point is the code point itself. This happens, for example,
+in the file for Uppercase_Mapping (To/, in which code points like the
+character 'A', are missing because the uppercase of 'A' is itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO