path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/pods/perlopentut.pod
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+=head1 NAME
+perlopentut - tutorial on opening things in Perl
+Perl has two simple, built-in ways to open files: the shell way for
+convenience, and the C way for precision. The shell way also has 2- and
+3-argument forms, which have different semantics for handling the filename.
+The choice is yours.
+=head1 Open E<agrave> la shell
+Perl's C<open> function was designed to mimic the way command-line
+redirection in the shell works. Here are some basic examples
+from the shell:
+ $ myprogram file1 file2 file3
+ $ myprogram < inputfile
+ $ myprogram > outputfile
+ $ myprogram >> outputfile
+ $ myprogram | otherprogram
+ $ otherprogram | myprogram
+And here are some more advanced examples:
+ $ otherprogram | myprogram f1 - f2
+ $ otherprogram 2>&1 | myprogram -
+ $ myprogram <&3
+ $ myprogram >&4
+Programmers accustomed to constructs like those above can take comfort
+in learning that Perl directly supports these familiar constructs using
+virtually the same syntax as the shell.
+=head2 Simple Opens
+The C<open> function takes two arguments: the first is a filehandle,
+and the second is a single string comprising both what to open and how
+to open it. C<open> returns true when it works, and when it fails,
+returns a false value and sets the special variable C<$!> to reflect
+the system error. If the filehandle was previously opened, it will
+be implicitly closed first.
+For example:
+ open(INFO, "datafile") || die("can't open datafile: $!");
+ open(INFO, "< datafile") || die("can't open datafile: $!");
+ open(RESULTS,"> runstats") || die("can't open runstats: $!");
+ open(LOG, ">> logfile ") || die("can't open logfile: $!");
+If you prefer the low-punctuation version, you could write that this way:
+ open INFO, "< datafile" or die "can't open datafile: $!";
+ open RESULTS,"> runstats" or die "can't open runstats: $!";
+ open LOG, ">> logfile " or die "can't open logfile: $!";
+A few things to notice. First, the leading less-than is optional.
+If omitted, Perl assumes that you want to open the file for reading.
+Note also that the first example uses the C<||> logical operator, and the
+second uses C<or>, which has lower precedence. Using C<||> in the latter
+examples would effectively mean
+ open INFO, ( "< datafile" || die "can't open datafile: $!" );
+which is definitely not what you want.
+The other important thing to notice is that, just as in the shell,
+any whitespace before or after the filename is ignored. This is good,
+because you wouldn't want these to do different things:
+ open INFO, "<datafile"
+ open INFO, "< datafile"
+ open INFO, "< datafile"
+Ignoring surrounding whitespace also helps for when you read a filename
+in from a different file, and forget to trim it before opening:
+ $filename = <INFO>; # oops, \n still there
+ open(EXTRA, "< $filename") || die "can't open $filename: $!";
+This is not a bug, but a feature. Because C<open> mimics the shell in
+its style of using redirection arrows to specify how to open the file, it
+also does so with respect to extra whitespace around the filename itself
+as well. For accessing files with naughty names, see
+L<"Dispelling the Dweomer">.
+There is also a 3-argument version of C<open>, which lets you put the
+special redirection characters into their own argument:
+ open( INFO, ">", $datafile ) || die "Can't create $datafile: $!";
+In this case, the filename to open is the actual string in C<$datafile>,
+so you don't have to worry about C<$datafile> containing characters
+that might influence the open mode, or whitespace at the beginning of
+the filename that would be absorbed in the 2-argument version. Also,
+any reduction of unnecessary string interpolation is a good thing.
+=head2 Indirect Filehandles
+C<open>'s first argument can be a reference to a filehandle. As of
+perl 5.6.0, if the argument is uninitialized, Perl will automatically
+create a filehandle and put a reference to it in the first argument,
+like so:
+ open( my $in, $infile ) or die "Couldn't read $infile: $!";
+ while ( <$in> ) {
+ # do something with $_
+ }
+ close $in;
+Indirect filehandles make namespace management easier. Since filehandles
+are global to the current package, two subroutines trying to open
+C<INFILE> will clash. With two functions opening indirect filehandles
+like C<my $infile>, there's no clash and no need to worry about future
+Another convenient behavior is that an indirect filehandle automatically
+closes when it goes out of scope or when you undefine it:
+ sub firstline {
+ open( my $in, shift ) && return scalar <$in>;
+ # no close() required
+ }
+=head2 Pipe Opens
+In C, when you want to open a file using the standard I/O library,
+you use the C<fopen> function, but when opening a pipe, you use the
+C<popen> function. But in the shell, you just use a different redirection
+character. That's also the case for Perl. The C<open> call
+remains the same--just its argument differs.
+If the leading character is a pipe symbol, C<open> starts up a new
+command and opens a write-only filehandle leading into that command.
+This lets you write into that handle and have what you write show up on
+that command's standard input. For example:
+ open(PRINTER, "| lpr -Plp1") || die "can't run lpr: $!";
+ print PRINTER "stuff\n";
+ close(PRINTER) || die "can't close lpr: $!";
+If the trailing character is a pipe, you start up a new command and open a
+read-only filehandle leading out of that command. This lets whatever that
+command writes to its standard output show up on your handle for reading.
+For example:
+ open(NET, "netstat -i -n |") || die "can't fork netstat: $!";
+ while (<NET>) { } # do something with input
+ close(NET) || die "can't close netstat: $!";
+What happens if you try to open a pipe to or from a non-existent
+command? If possible, Perl will detect the failure and set C<$!> as
+usual. But if the command contains special shell characters, such as
+C<E<gt>> or C<*>, called 'metacharacters', Perl does not execute the
+command directly. Instead, Perl runs the shell, which then tries to
+run the command. This means that it's the shell that gets the error
+indication. In such a case, the C<open> call will only indicate
+failure if Perl can't even run the shell. See L<perlfaq8/"How can I
+capture STDERR from an external command?"> to see how to cope with
+this. There's also an explanation in L<perlipc>.
+If you would like to open a bidirectional pipe, the IPC::Open2
+library will handle this for you. Check out
+L<perlipc/"Bidirectional Communication with Another Process">
+perl-5.6.x introduced a version of piped open that executes a process
+based on its command line arguments without relying on the shell. (Similar
+to the C<system(@LIST)> notation.) This is safer and faster than executing
+a single argument pipe-command, but does not allow special shell
+constructs. (It is also not supported on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS Classic
+or RISC OS.)
+Here's an example of C<open '-|'>, which prints a random Unix
+fortune cookie as uppercase:
+ my $collection = shift(@ARGV);
+ open my $fortune, '-|', 'fortune', $collection
+ or die "Could not find fortune - $!";
+ while (<$fortune>)
+ {
+ print uc($_);
+ }
+ close($fortune);
+And this C<open '|-'> pipes into lpr:
+ open my $printer, '|-', 'lpr', '-Plp1'
+ or die "can't run lpr: $!";
+ print {$printer} "stuff\n";
+ close($printer)
+ or die "can't close lpr: $!";
+=head2 The Minus File
+Again following the lead of the standard shell utilities, Perl's
+C<open> function treats a file whose name is a single minus, "-", in a
+special way. If you open minus for reading, it really means to access
+the standard input. If you open minus for writing, it really means to
+access the standard output.
+If minus can be used as the default input or default output, what happens
+if you open a pipe into or out of minus? What's the default command it
+would run? The same script as you're currently running! This is actually
+a stealth C<fork> hidden inside an C<open> call. See
+L<perlipc/"Safe Pipe Opens"> for details.
+=head2 Mixing Reads and Writes
+It is possible to specify both read and write access. All you do is
+add a "+" symbol in front of the redirection. But as in the shell,
+using a less-than on a file never creates a new file; it only opens an
+existing one. On the other hand, using a greater-than always clobbers
+(truncates to zero length) an existing file, or creates a brand-new one
+if there isn't an old one. Adding a "+" for read-write doesn't affect
+whether it only works on existing files or always clobbers existing ones.
+ open(WTMP, "+< /usr/adm/wtmp")
+ || die "can't open /usr/adm/wtmp: $!";
+ open(SCREEN, "+> lkscreen")
+ || die "can't open lkscreen: $!";
+ open(LOGFILE, "+>> /var/log/applog")
+ || die "can't open /var/log/applog: $!";
+The first one won't create a new file, and the second one will always
+clobber an old one. The third one will create a new file if necessary
+and not clobber an old one, and it will allow you to read at any point
+in the file, but all writes will always go to the end. In short,
+the first case is substantially more common than the second and third
+cases, which are almost always wrong. (If you know C, the plus in
+Perl's C<open> is historically derived from the one in C's fopen(3S),
+which it ultimately calls.)
+In fact, when it comes to updating a file, unless you're working on
+a binary file as in the WTMP case above, you probably don't want to
+use this approach for updating. Instead, Perl's B<-i> flag comes to
+the rescue. The following command takes all the C, C++, or yacc source
+or header files and changes all their foo's to bar's, leaving
+the old version in the original filename with a ".orig" tacked
+on the end:
+ $ perl -i.orig -pe 's/\bfoo\b/bar/g' *.[Cchy]
+This is a short cut for some renaming games that are really
+the best way to update textfiles. See the second question in
+L<perlfaq5> for more details.
+=head2 Filters
+One of the most common uses for C<open> is one you never
+even notice. When you process the ARGV filehandle using
+C<< <ARGV> >>, Perl actually does an implicit open
+on each file in @ARGV. Thus a program called like this:
+ $ myprogram file1 file2 file3
+can have all its files opened and processed one at a time
+using a construct no more complex than:
+ while (<>) {
+ # do something with $_
+ }
+If @ARGV is empty when the loop first begins, Perl pretends you've opened
+up minus, that is, the standard input. In fact, $ARGV, the currently
+open file during C<< <ARGV> >> processing, is even set to "-"
+in these circumstances.
+You are welcome to pre-process your @ARGV before starting the loop to
+make sure it's to your liking. One reason to do this might be to remove
+command options beginning with a minus. While you can always roll the
+simple ones by hand, the Getopts modules are good for this:
+ use Getopt::Std;
+ # -v, -D, -o ARG, sets $opt_v, $opt_D, $opt_o
+ getopts("vDo:");
+ # -v, -D, -o ARG, sets $args{v}, $args{D}, $args{o}
+ getopts("vDo:", \%args);
+Or the standard Getopt::Long module to permit named arguments:
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ GetOptions( "verbose" => \$verbose, # --verbose
+ "Debug" => \$debug, # --Debug
+ "output=s" => \$output );
+ # --output=somestring or --output somestring
+Another reason for preprocessing arguments is to make an empty
+argument list default to all files:
+ @ARGV = glob("*") unless @ARGV;
+You could even filter out all but plain, text files. This is a bit
+silent, of course, and you might prefer to mention them on the way.
+ @ARGV = grep { -f && -T } @ARGV;
+If you're using the B<-n> or B<-p> command-line options, you
+should put changes to @ARGV in a C<BEGIN{}> block.
+Remember that a normal C<open> has special properties, in that it might
+call fopen(3S) or it might called popen(3S), depending on what its
+argument looks like; that's why it's sometimes called "magic open".
+Here's an example:
+ $pwdinfo = `domainname` =~ /^(\(none\))?$/
+ ? '< /etc/passwd'
+ : 'ypcat passwd |';
+ open(PWD, $pwdinfo)
+ or die "can't open $pwdinfo: $!";
+This sort of thing also comes into play in filter processing. Because
+C<< <ARGV> >> processing employs the normal, shell-style Perl C<open>,
+it respects all the special things we've already seen:
+ $ myprogram f1 "cmd1|" - f2 "cmd2|" f3 < tmpfile
+That program will read from the file F<f1>, the process F<cmd1>, standard
+input (F<tmpfile> in this case), the F<f2> file, the F<cmd2> command,
+and finally the F<f3> file.
+Yes, this also means that if you have files named "-" (and so on) in
+your directory, they won't be processed as literal files by C<open>.
+You'll need to pass them as "./-", much as you would for the I<rm> program,
+or you could use C<sysopen> as described below.
+One of the more interesting applications is to change files of a certain
+name into pipes. For example, to autoprocess gzipped or compressed
+files by decompressing them with I<gzip>:
+ @ARGV = map { /\.(gz|Z)$/ ? "gzip -dc $_ |" : $_ } @ARGV;
+Or, if you have the I<GET> program installed from LWP,
+you can fetch URLs before processing them:
+ @ARGV = map { m#^\w+://# ? "GET $_ |" : $_ } @ARGV;
+It's not for nothing that this is called magic C<< <ARGV> >>.
+Pretty nifty, eh?
+=head1 Open E<agrave> la C
+If you want the convenience of the shell, then Perl's C<open> is
+definitely the way to go. On the other hand, if you want finer precision
+than C's simplistic fopen(3S) provides you should look to Perl's
+C<sysopen>, which is a direct hook into the open(2) system call.
+That does mean it's a bit more involved, but that's the price of
+C<sysopen> takes 3 (or 4) arguments.
+The HANDLE argument is a filehandle just as with C<open>. The PATH is
+a literal path, one that doesn't pay attention to any greater-thans or
+less-thans or pipes or minuses, nor ignore whitespace. If it's there,
+it's part of the path. The FLAGS argument contains one or more values
+derived from the Fcntl module that have been or'd together using the
+bitwise "|" operator. The final argument, the MASK, is optional; if
+present, it is combined with the user's current umask for the creation
+mode of the file. You should usually omit this.
+Although the traditional values of read-only, write-only, and read-write
+are 0, 1, and 2 respectively, this is known not to hold true on some
+systems. Instead, it's best to load in the appropriate constants first
+from the Fcntl module, which supplies the following standard flags:
+ O_RDONLY Read only
+ O_WRONLY Write only
+ O_RDWR Read and write
+ O_CREAT Create the file if it doesn't exist
+ O_EXCL Fail if the file already exists
+ O_APPEND Append to the file
+ O_TRUNC Truncate the file
+ O_NONBLOCK Non-blocking access
+Less common flags that are sometimes available on some operating
+systems include C<O_BINARY>, C<O_TEXT>, C<O_SHLOCK>, C<O_EXLOCK>,
+C<O_NOCTTY>, C<O_NDELAY> and C<O_LARGEFILE>. Consult your open(2)
+manpage or its local equivalent for details. (Note: starting from
+Perl release 5.6 the C<O_LARGEFILE> flag, if available, is automatically
+added to the sysopen() flags because large files are the default.)
+Here's how to use C<sysopen> to emulate the simple C<open> calls we had
+before. We'll omit the C<|| die $!> checks for clarity, but make sure
+you always check the return values in real code. These aren't quite
+the same, since C<open> will trim leading and trailing whitespace,
+but you'll get the idea.
+To open a file for reading:
+ open(FH, "< $path");
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_RDONLY);
+To open a file for writing, creating a new file if needed or else truncating
+an old file:
+ open(FH, "> $path");
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT);
+To open a file for appending, creating one if necessary:
+ open(FH, ">> $path");
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT);
+To open a file for update, where the file must already exist:
+ open(FH, "+< $path");
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_RDWR);
+And here are things you can do with C<sysopen> that you cannot do with
+a regular C<open>. As you'll see, it's just a matter of controlling the
+flags in the third argument.
+To open a file for writing, creating a new file which must not previously
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_WRONLY | O_EXCL | O_CREAT);
+To open a file for appending, where that file must already exist:
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND);
+To open a file for update, creating a new file if necessary:
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
+To open a file for update, where that file must not already exist:
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_RDWR | O_EXCL | O_CREAT);
+To open a file without blocking, creating one if necessary:
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT);
+=head2 Permissions E<agrave> la mode
+If you omit the MASK argument to C<sysopen>, Perl uses the octal value
+0666. The normal MASK to use for executables and directories should
+be 0777, and for anything else, 0666.
+Why so permissive? Well, it isn't really. The MASK will be modified
+by your process's current C<umask>. A umask is a number representing
+I<disabled> permissions bits; that is, bits that will not be turned on
+in the created file's permissions field.
+For example, if your C<umask> were 027, then the 020 part would
+disable the group from writing, and the 007 part would disable others
+from reading, writing, or executing. Under these conditions, passing
+C<sysopen> 0666 would create a file with mode 0640, since C<0666 & ~027>
+is 0640.
+You should seldom use the MASK argument to C<sysopen()>. That takes
+away the user's freedom to choose what permission new files will have.
+Denying choice is almost always a bad thing. One exception would be for
+cases where sensitive or private data is being stored, such as with mail
+folders, cookie files, and internal temporary files.
+=head1 Obscure Open Tricks
+=head2 Re-Opening Files (dups)
+Sometimes you already have a filehandle open, and want to make another
+handle that's a duplicate of the first one. In the shell, we place an
+ampersand in front of a file descriptor number when doing redirections.
+For example, C<< 2>&1 >> makes descriptor 2 (that's STDERR in Perl)
+be redirected into descriptor 1 (which is usually Perl's STDOUT).
+The same is essentially true in Perl: a filename that begins with an
+ampersand is treated instead as a file descriptor if a number, or as a
+filehandle if a string.
+ open(SAVEOUT, ">&SAVEERR") || die "couldn't dup SAVEERR: $!";
+ open(MHCONTEXT, "<&4") || die "couldn't dup fd4: $!";
+That means that if a function is expecting a filename, but you don't
+want to give it a filename because you already have the file open, you
+can just pass the filehandle with a leading ampersand. It's best to
+use a fully qualified handle though, just in case the function happens
+to be in a different package:
+ somefunction("&main::LOGFILE");
+This way if somefunction() is planning on opening its argument, it can
+just use the already opened handle. This differs from passing a handle,
+because with a handle, you don't open the file. Here you have something
+you can pass to open.
+If you have one of those tricky, newfangled I/O objects that the C++
+folks are raving about, then this doesn't work because those aren't a
+proper filehandle in the native Perl sense. You'll have to use fileno()
+to pull out the proper descriptor number, assuming you can:
+ use IO::Socket;
+ $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new("");
+ $fd = $handle->fileno;
+ somefunction("&$fd"); # not an indirect function call
+It can be easier (and certainly will be faster) just to use real
+filehandles though:
+ use IO::Socket;
+ local *REMOTE = IO::Socket::INET->new("");
+ die "can't connect" unless defined(fileno(REMOTE));
+ somefunction("&main::REMOTE");
+If the filehandle or descriptor number is preceded not just with a simple
+"&" but rather with a "&=" combination, then Perl will not create a
+completely new descriptor opened to the same place using the dup(2)
+system call. Instead, it will just make something of an alias to the
+existing one using the fdopen(3S) library call. This is slightly more
+parsimonious of systems resources, although this is less a concern
+these days. Here's an example of that:
+ $fd = $ENV{"MHCONTEXTFD"};
+ open(MHCONTEXT, "<&=$fd") or die "couldn't fdopen $fd: $!";
+If you're using magic C<< <ARGV> >>, you could even pass in as a
+command line argument in @ARGV something like C<"<&=$MHCONTEXTFD">,
+but we've never seen anyone actually do this.
+=head2 Dispelling the Dweomer
+Perl is more of a DWIMmer language than something like Java--where DWIM
+is an acronym for "do what I mean". But this principle sometimes leads
+to more hidden magic than one knows what to do with. In this way, Perl
+is also filled with I<dweomer>, an obscure word meaning an enchantment.
+Sometimes, Perl's DWIMmer is just too much like dweomer for comfort.
+If magic C<open> is a bit too magical for you, you don't have to turn
+to C<sysopen>. To open a file with arbitrary weird characters in
+it, it's necessary to protect any leading and trailing whitespace.
+Leading whitespace is protected by inserting a C<"./"> in front of a
+filename that starts with whitespace. Trailing whitespace is protected
+by appending an ASCII NUL byte (C<"\0">) at the end of the string.
+ $file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
+ open(FH, "< $file\0") || die "can't open $file: $!";
+This assumes, of course, that your system considers dot the current
+working directory, slash the directory separator, and disallows ASCII
+NULs within a valid filename. Most systems follow these conventions,
+including all POSIX systems as well as proprietary Microsoft systems.
+The only vaguely popular system that doesn't work this way is the
+"Classic" Macintosh system, which uses a colon where the rest of us
+use a slash. Maybe C<sysopen> isn't such a bad idea after all.
+If you want to use C<< <ARGV> >> processing in a totally boring
+and non-magical way, you could do this first:
+ # "Sam sat on the ground and put his head in his hands.
+ # 'I wish I had never come here, and I don't want to see
+ # no more magic,' he said, and fell silent."
+ for (@ARGV) {
+ s#^([^./])#./$1#;
+ $_ .= "\0";
+ }
+ while (<>) {
+ # now process $_
+ }
+But be warned that users will not appreciate being unable to use "-"
+to mean standard input, per the standard convention.
+=head2 Paths as Opens
+You've probably noticed how Perl's C<warn> and C<die> functions can
+produce messages like:
+ Some warning at scriptname line 29, <FH> line 7.
+That's because you opened a filehandle FH, and had read in seven records
+from it. But what was the name of the file, rather than the handle?
+If you aren't running with C<strict refs>, or if you've turned them off
+temporarily, then all you have to do is this:
+ open($path, "< $path") || die "can't open $path: $!";
+ while (<$path>) {
+ # whatever
+ }
+Since you're using the pathname of the file as its handle,
+you'll get warnings more like
+ Some warning at scriptname line 29, </etc/motd> line 7.
+=head2 Single Argument Open
+Remember how we said that Perl's open took two arguments? That was a
+passive prevarication. You see, it can also take just one argument.
+If and only if the variable is a global variable, not a lexical, you
+can pass C<open> just one argument, the filehandle, and it will
+get the path from the global scalar variable of the same name.
+ $FILE = "/etc/motd";
+ open FILE or die "can't open $FILE: $!";
+ while (<FILE>) {
+ # whatever
+ }
+Why is this here? Someone has to cater to the hysterical porpoises.
+It's something that's been in Perl since the very beginning, if not
+=head2 Playing with STDIN and STDOUT
+One clever move with STDOUT is to explicitly close it when you're done
+with the program.
+ END { close(STDOUT) || die "can't close stdout: $!" }
+If you don't do this, and your program fills up the disk partition due
+to a command line redirection, it won't report the error exit with a
+failure status.
+You don't have to accept the STDIN and STDOUT you were given. You are
+welcome to reopen them if you'd like.
+ open(STDIN, "< datafile")
+ || die "can't open datafile: $!";
+ open(STDOUT, "> output")
+ || die "can't open output: $!";
+And then these can be accessed directly or passed on to subprocesses.
+This makes it look as though the program were initially invoked
+with those redirections from the command line.
+It's probably more interesting to connect these to pipes. For example:
+ $pager = $ENV{PAGER} || "(less || more)";
+ open(STDOUT, "| $pager")
+ || die "can't fork a pager: $!";
+This makes it appear as though your program were called with its stdout
+already piped into your pager. You can also use this kind of thing
+in conjunction with an implicit fork to yourself. You might do this
+if you would rather handle the post processing in your own program,
+just in a different process:
+ head(100);
+ while (<>) {
+ print;
+ }
+ sub head {
+ my $lines = shift || 20;
+ return if $pid = open(STDOUT, "|-"); # return if parent
+ die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ last if --$lines < 0;
+ print;
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+This technique can be applied to repeatedly push as many filters on your
+output stream as you wish.
+=head1 Other I/O Issues
+These topics aren't really arguments related to C<open> or C<sysopen>,
+but they do affect what you do with your open files.
+=head2 Opening Non-File Files
+When is a file not a file? Well, you could say when it exists but
+isn't a plain file. We'll check whether it's a symbolic link first,
+just in case.
+ if (-l $file || ! -f _) {
+ print "$file is not a plain file\n";
+ }
+What other kinds of files are there than, well, files? Directories,
+symbolic links, named pipes, Unix-domain sockets, and block and character
+devices. Those are all files, too--just not I<plain> files. This isn't
+the same issue as being a text file. Not all text files are plain files.
+Not all plain files are text files. That's why there are separate C<-f>
+and C<-T> file tests.
+To open a directory, you should use the C<opendir> function, then
+process it with C<readdir>, carefully restoring the directory
+name if necessary:
+ opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
+ while (defined($file = readdir(DIR))) {
+ # do something with "$dirname/$file"
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+If you want to process directories recursively, it's better to use the
+File::Find module. For example, this prints out all files recursively
+and adds a slash to their names if the file is a directory.
+ @ARGV = qw(.) unless @ARGV;
+ use File::Find;
+ find sub { print $File::Find::name, -d && '/', "\n" }, @ARGV;
+This finds all bogus symbolic links beneath a particular directory:
+ find sub { print "$File::Find::name\n" if -l && !-e }, $dir;
+As you see, with symbolic links, you can just pretend that it is
+what it points to. Or, if you want to know I<what> it points to, then
+C<readlink> is called for:
+ if (-l $file) {
+ if (defined($whither = readlink($file))) {
+ print "$file points to $whither\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$file points nowhere: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+=head2 Opening Named Pipes
+Named pipes are a different matter. You pretend they're regular files,
+but their opens will normally block until there is both a reader and
+a writer. You can read more about them in L<perlipc/"Named Pipes">.
+Unix-domain sockets are rather different beasts as well; they're
+described in L<perlipc/"Unix-Domain TCP Clients and Servers">.
+When it comes to opening devices, it can be easy and it can be tricky.
+We'll assume that if you're opening up a block device, you know what
+you're doing. The character devices are more interesting. These are
+typically used for modems, mice, and some kinds of printers. This is
+described in L<perlfaq8/"How do I read and write the serial port?">
+It's often enough to open them carefully:
+ sysopen(TTYIN, "/dev/ttyS1", O_RDWR | O_NDELAY | O_NOCTTY)
+ # (O_NOCTTY no longer needed on POSIX systems)
+ or die "can't open /dev/ttyS1: $!";
+ open(TTYOUT, "+>&TTYIN")
+ or die "can't dup TTYIN: $!";
+ $ofh = select(TTYOUT); $| = 1; select($ofh);
+ print TTYOUT "+++at\015";
+ $answer = <TTYIN>;
+With descriptors that you haven't opened using C<sysopen>, such as
+sockets, you can set them to be non-blocking using C<fcntl>:
+ use Fcntl;
+ my $old_flags = fcntl($handle, F_GETFL, 0)
+ or die "can't get flags: $!";
+ fcntl($handle, F_SETFL, $old_flags | O_NONBLOCK)
+ or die "can't set non blocking: $!";
+Rather than losing yourself in a morass of twisting, turning C<ioctl>s,
+all dissimilar, if you're going to manipulate ttys, it's best to
+make calls out to the stty(1) program if you have it, or else use the
+portable POSIX interface. To figure this all out, you'll need to read the
+termios(3) manpage, which describes the POSIX interface to tty devices,
+and then L<POSIX>, which describes Perl's interface to POSIX. There are
+also some high-level modules on CPAN that can help you with these games.
+Check out Term::ReadKey and Term::ReadLine.
+=head2 Opening Sockets
+What else can you open? To open a connection using sockets, you won't use
+one of Perl's two open functions. See
+L<perlipc/"Sockets: Client/Server Communication"> for that. Here's an
+example. Once you have it, you can use FH as a bidirectional filehandle.
+ use IO::Socket;
+ local *FH = IO::Socket::INET->new("");
+For opening up a URL, the LWP modules from CPAN are just what
+the doctor ordered. There's no filehandle interface, but
+it's still easy to get the contents of a document:
+ use LWP::Simple;
+ $doc = get('');
+=head2 Binary Files
+On certain legacy systems with what could charitably be called terminally
+convoluted (some would say broken) I/O models, a file isn't a file--at
+least, not with respect to the C standard I/O library. On these old
+systems whose libraries (but not kernels) distinguish between text and
+binary streams, to get files to behave properly you'll have to bend over
+backwards to avoid nasty problems. On such infelicitous systems, sockets
+and pipes are already opened in binary mode, and there is currently no
+way to turn that off. With files, you have more options.
+Another option is to use the C<binmode> function on the appropriate
+handles before doing regular I/O on them:
+ binmode(STDIN);
+ binmode(STDOUT);
+ while (<STDIN>) { print }
+Passing C<sysopen> a non-standard flag option will also open the file in
+binary mode on those systems that support it. This is the equivalent of
+opening the file normally, then calling C<binmode> on the handle.
+ sysopen(BINDAT, "", O_RDWR | O_BINARY)
+ || die "can't open $!";
+Now you can use C<read> and C<print> on that handle without worrying
+about the non-standard system I/O library breaking your data. It's not
+a pretty picture, but then, legacy systems seldom are. CP/M will be
+with us until the end of days, and after.
+On systems with exotic I/O systems, it turns out that, astonishingly
+enough, even unbuffered I/O using C<sysread> and C<syswrite> might do
+sneaky data mutilation behind your back.
+ while (sysread(WHENCE, $buf, 1024)) {
+ syswrite(WHITHER, $buf, length($buf));
+ }
+Depending on the vicissitudes of your runtime system, even these calls
+may need C<binmode> or C<O_BINARY> first. Systems known to be free of
+such difficulties include Unix, the Mac OS, Plan 9, and Inferno.
+=head2 File Locking
+In a multitasking environment, you may need to be careful not to collide
+with other processes who want to do I/O on the same files as you
+are working on. You'll often need shared or exclusive locks
+on files for reading and writing respectively. You might just
+pretend that only exclusive locks exist.
+Never use the existence of a file C<-e $file> as a locking indication,
+because there is a race condition between the test for the existence of
+the file and its creation. It's possible for another process to create
+a file in the slice of time between your existence check and your attempt
+to create the file. Atomicity is critical.
+Perl's most portable locking interface is via the C<flock> function,
+whose simplicity is emulated on systems that don't directly support it
+such as SysV or Windows. The underlying semantics may affect how
+it all works, so you should learn how C<flock> is implemented on your
+system's port of Perl.
+File locking I<does not> lock out another process that would like to
+do I/O. A file lock only locks out others trying to get a lock, not
+processes trying to do I/O. Because locks are advisory, if one process
+uses locking and another doesn't, all bets are off.
+By default, the C<flock> call will block until a lock is granted.
+A request for a shared lock will be granted as soon as there is no
+exclusive locker. A request for an exclusive lock will be granted as
+soon as there is no locker of any kind. Locks are on file descriptors,
+not file names. You can't lock a file until you open it, and you can't
+hold on to a lock once the file has been closed.
+Here's how to get a blocking shared lock on a file, typically used
+for reading:
+ use 5.004;
+ use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+ open(FH, "< filename") or die "can't open filename: $!";
+ flock(FH, LOCK_SH) or die "can't lock filename: $!";
+ # now read from FH
+You can get a non-blocking lock by using C<LOCK_NB>.
+ flock(FH, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB)
+ or die "can't lock filename: $!";
+This can be useful for producing more user-friendly behaviour by warning
+if you're going to be blocking:
+ use 5.004;
+ use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+ open(FH, "< filename") or die "can't open filename: $!";
+ unless (flock(FH, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB)) {
+ $| = 1;
+ print "Waiting for lock...";
+ flock(FH, LOCK_SH) or die "can't lock filename: $!";
+ print "got it.\n"
+ }
+ # now read from FH
+To get an exclusive lock, typically used for writing, you have to be
+careful. We C<sysopen> the file so it can be locked before it gets
+emptied. You can get a nonblocking version using C<LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB>.
+ use 5.004;
+ use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+ sysopen(FH, "filename", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)
+ or die "can't open filename: $!";
+ flock(FH, LOCK_EX)
+ or die "can't lock filename: $!";
+ truncate(FH, 0)
+ or die "can't truncate filename: $!";
+ # now write to FH
+Finally, due to the uncounted millions who cannot be dissuaded from
+wasting cycles on useless vanity devices called hit counters, here's
+how to increment a number in a file safely:
+ use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+ sysopen(FH, "numfile", O_RDWR | O_CREAT)
+ or die "can't open numfile: $!";
+ # autoflush FH
+ $ofh = select(FH); $| = 1; select ($ofh);
+ flock(FH, LOCK_EX)
+ or die "can't write-lock numfile: $!";
+ $num = <FH> || 0;
+ seek(FH, 0, 0)
+ or die "can't rewind numfile : $!";
+ print FH $num+1, "\n"
+ or die "can't write numfile: $!";
+ truncate(FH, tell(FH))
+ or die "can't truncate numfile: $!";
+ close(FH)
+ or die "can't close numfile: $!";
+=head2 IO Layers
+In Perl 5.8.0 a new I/O framework called "PerlIO" was introduced.
+This is a new "plumbing" for all the I/O happening in Perl; for the
+most part everything will work just as it did, but PerlIO also brought
+in some new features such as the ability to think of I/O as "layers".
+One I/O layer may in addition to just moving the data also do
+transformations on the data. Such transformations may include
+compression and decompression, encryption and decryption, and transforming
+between various character encodings.
+Full discussion about the features of PerlIO is out of scope for this
+tutorial, but here is how to recognize the layers being used:
+=over 4
+=item *
+The three-(or more)-argument form of C<open> is being used and the
+second argument contains something else in addition to the usual
+C<< '<' >>, C<< '>' >>, C<< '>>' >>, C<< '|' >> and their variants,
+for example:
+ open(my $fh, "<:crlf", $fn);
+=item *
+The two-argument form of C<binmode> is being used, for example
+ binmode($fh, ":encoding(utf16)");
+For more detailed discussion about PerlIO see L<PerlIO>;
+for more detailed discussion about Unicode and I/O see L<perluniintro>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The C<open> and C<sysopen> functions in perlfunc(1);
+the system open(2), dup(2), fopen(3), and fdopen(3) manpages;
+the POSIX documentation.
+Copyright 1998 Tom Christiansen.
+This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in these files are
+hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
+encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun or for profit
+as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit would be
+courteous but is not required.
+=head1 HISTORY
+First release: Sat Jan 9 08:09:11 MST 1999