path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Win32/Process/Info/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Win32/Process/Info/')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Win32/Process/Info/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Win32/Process/Info/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3edb3a262f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Win32/Process/Info/
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Win32::Process::Info::WMI - Provide process information via WMI.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This package fetches process information on a given Windows
+machine, using Microsoft's Windows Management Implementation.
+ use Win32::Process::Info
+ $pi = Win32::Process::Info->new (undef, 'WMI');
+ $pi->Set (elapsed_as_seconds => 0); # In clunks, not seconds.
+ @pids = $pi->ListPids (); # Get all known PIDs
+ @info = $pi->GetProcInfo (); # Get the max
+This package is B<not> intended to be used independently;
+instead, it is a subclass of Win32::Process::Info, and should
+only be called via that package.
+This package implements the WMI-specific methods of
+The following methods should be considered public:
+=over 4
+package Win32::Process::Info::WMI;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw{Win32::Process::Info};
+our $VERSION = '1.018';
+use vars qw{%mutator};
+use Carp;
+use Time::Local;
+use Win32::OLE qw{in with};
+use Win32::OLE::Const;
+use Win32::OLE::Variant;
+%mutator = %Win32::Procecss::Info::mutator;
+my %pariah = map {($_ => 1)} grep {$_} split ';',
+my $no_user_info = $ENV{PERL_WIN32_PROCESS_INFO_WMI_PARIAH} &&
+my $assert_debug_priv = $ENV{PERL_WIN32_PROCESS_INFO_WMI_DEBUG};
+# note that "new" is >>>NOT<<< considered a public
+# method.
+my $wmi_const;
+my %lglarg = map {($_, 1)} qw{assert_debug_priv host password user variant};
+sub new {
+my $class = shift;
+$class = ref $class if ref $class;
+my $arg = shift;
+my @ilg = grep {!$lglarg{$_}} keys %$arg;
+@ilg and
+ croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::WMI argument(s) (@ilg) illegal";
+my $mach = $arg->{host} || '';
+$mach =~ s|^[\\/]+||;
+my $user = $arg->{user} || '';
+my $pass = $arg->{password} || '';
+$arg->{assert_debug_priv} ||= $assert_debug_priv;
+my $old_warn = Win32::OLE->Option ('Warn');
+Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => 0);
+# Under at least some circumstances, I have found that I have
+# access when using the monicker, and not if using the locator;
+# especially under NT 4.0 with the retrofitted WMI. So use the
+# monicker unless I have a username/password.
+my $wmi;
+if ($user) {
+ my $locator = Win32::OLE->new ('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') or do {
+ Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => $old_warn);
+ croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::WMI failed to get SWBemLocator object:\n",
+ Win32::OLE->LastError;
+ };
+ $wmi_const ||= Win32::OLE::Const->Load ($locator) or do {
+ Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => $old_warn);
+ croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::WMI failed to load WMI type library:\n",
+ Win32::OLE->LastError;
+ };
+# Note that MSDN says that the following doesn't work under NT 4.0.
+##$wmi->Security_->Privileges->AddAsString ('SeDebugPrivilege', 1);
+ $locator->{Security_}{ImpersonationLevel} =
+ $wmi_const->{wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate};
+ $locator->{Security_}{Privileges}->Add ($wmi_const->{wbemPrivilegeDebug})
+ if $arg->{assert_debug_priv};
+ $wmi = $locator->ConnectServer (
+ $mach, # Server
+ 'root/cimv2', # Namespace
+ $user, # User (with optional domain)
+ $pass, # Password
+ '', # Locale
+ '', # Authority
+## wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait, # Flag
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ my $mm = $mach || '.';
+ $wmi = Win32::OLE->GetObject (
+ "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate@{[
+ $arg->{assert_debug_priv} ? ',(Debug)' : '']}}!//$mm/root/cimv2");
+ }
+$wmi or do {
+ Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => $old_warn);
+ croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::WMI failed to get winmgs object:\n",
+ Win32::OLE->LastError;
+ };
+$wmi_const ||= Win32::OLE::Const->Load ($wmi) or do {
+ Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => $old_warn);
+ croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::WMI failed to load WMI type library:\n",
+ Win32::OLE->LastError;
+ };
+# Whew! we're through with that! Manufacture and return the
+# desired object.
+Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => $old_warn);
+my $self = {%Win32::Process::Info::static};
+$self->{machine} = $mach;
+$self->{password} = $pass;
+$self->{user} = $pass;
+$self->{wmi} = $wmi;
+$self->{_attr} = undef; # Cache for keys.
+bless $self, $class;
+return $self;
+=item @info = $pi->GetProcInfo ();
+This method returns a list of anonymous hashes, each containing
+information on one process. If no arguments are passed, the
+list represents all processes in the system. You can pass a
+list of process IDs, and get out a list of the attributes of
+all such processes that actually exist. If you call this
+method in scalar context, you get a reference to the list.
+What keys are available depend both on the variant in use and
+the setting of b<use_wmi_names>. Assuming B<use_wmi_names> is
+TRUE, you can hope to get at least the following keys for a
+"normal" process (i.e. not the idle process, which is PID 0,
+nor the system, which is PID 8) to which you have access:
+ CSCreationClassName
+ CSName (= machine name)
+ Caption (seems to generally equal Name)
+ CreationClassName
+ CreationDate
+ Description (seems to equal Caption)
+ ExecutablePath
+ KernelModeTime
+ MaximumWorkingSetSize
+ MinimumWorkingSetSize
+ Name
+ OSCreationClassName
+ OSName
+ OtherOperationCount
+ OtherTransferCount
+ Owner (*)
+ OwnerSid (*)
+ PageFaults
+ ParentProcessId
+ PeakWorkingSetSize
+ ProcessId
+ ReadOperationCount
+ ReadTransferCount
+ UserModeTime
+ WindowsVersion
+ WorkingSetSize
+ WriteOperationCount
+ WriteTransferCount
+You may find other keys available as well.
+* - Keys marked with an asterisk are computed, and may not always
+be present.
+sub _get_proc_objects {
+my $self = shift;
+my @procs = @_ ?
+ map {
+ my $pi = $_ eq '.' ? $$ : $_;
+ my $obj = $self->{wmi}->Get ("Win32_Process='$pi'");
+ Win32::OLE->LastError ? () : ($obj)
+ } @_ :
+ (in $self->{wmi}->InstancesOf ('Win32_Process'));
+if (@procs && !$self->{_attr}) {
+ my $atls = $self->{_attr} = [];
+ $self->{_xfrm} = {
+ KernelModeTime => \&Win32::Process::Info::_clunks_to_desired,
+ UserModeTime => \&Win32::Process::Info::_clunks_to_desired,
+ };
+ foreach my $attr (in $procs[0]->{Properties_}) {
+ my $name = $attr->{Name};
+ my $type = $attr->{CIMType};
+ push @$atls, $name;
+ $self->{_xfrm}{$name} = \&Win32::Process::Info::_date_to_time_t
+ if $type == $wmi_const->{wbemCimtypeDatetime};
+ }
+ }
+$self->{_attr} = {map {($_->{Name}, $_->{CIMType})}
+ in $procs[0]->{Properties_}}
+ if (@procs && !$self->{_attr});
+return @procs;
+sub GetProcInfo {
+my $self = shift;
+my $opt = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
+my @pinf;
+my %username;
+my ($sid, $user, $domain);
+my $old_warn = Win32::OLE->Option ('Warn');
+Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => 0);
+my $skip_user = $no_user_info || $opt->{no_user_info};
+unless ($skip_user) {
+ $sid = Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+## $sid = Variant (VT_BSTR, '');
+ $user = Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+ $domain = Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+# The following plausable ways of caching the variant to try to
+# stem the associated memory leak result in an access violation
+# the second time through (i.e. the first time the object is
+# retrieved from cache rather than being manufactured). God knows
+# why, but so far He has not let me in on the secret. Sometimes
+# There's an OLE type mismatch error before the access violation
+# is reported, but sometimes not.
+## $sid = $self->{_variant}{sid} ||= Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+## $user = $self->{_variant}{user} ||= Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+## $domain = $self->{_variant}{domain} ||= Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+## $sid = $Win32::Process::Info::WMI::sid ||= Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+## $user = $Win32::Process::Info::WMI::user ||= Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+## $domain = $Win32::Process::Info::WMI::domain ||= Variant (VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, '');
+ }
+foreach my $proc (_get_proc_objects ($self, @_)) {
+ my $phash = $self->_build_hash (
+ undef, map {($_, $proc->{$_})} @{$self->{_attr}});
+ push @pinf, $phash;
+ my $oid;
+# The test for executable path is extremely ad-hoc, but the best
+# way I have come up with so far to strain out the System and
+# Idle processes. The methods can misbehave badly on these, and
+# I have found no other way of identifying them. Idle is always
+# process 0, but it seems to me that I have seen once a system
+# whose System process ID was not 8. This test was actually
+# removed at one point, but is reinstated since finding a set of
+# slides on the NT startup which bolsters my confidence in it.
+# But it still looks like ad-hocery to me.
+ eval {
+ return unless $proc->{ExecutablePath};
+ return if $skip_user || $pariah{lc $proc->{Name}};
+ $sid->Put ('');
+ $proc->GetOwnerSid ($sid);
+ $oid = $sid->Get ();
+ return unless $oid;
+ $phash->{OwnerSid} = $oid;
+ unless ($username{$oid}) {
+ $username{$oid} =
+ $proc->GetOwner ($user, $domain) ? $oid :
+ "@{[$domain->Get ()]}\\@{[$user->Get ()]}";
+ }
+ $phash->{Owner} = $username{$oid};
+ };
+ }
+Win32::OLE->Option (Warn => $old_warn);
+return wantarray ? @pinf : \@pinf;
+=item @pids = $pi->ListPids ();
+This method lists all known process IDs in the system. If
+called in scalar context, it returns a reference to the
+list of PIDs. If you pass in a list of pids, the return will
+be the intersection of the argument list and the actual PIDs
+in the system.
+sub ListPids {
+my $self = shift;
+my @pinf;
+foreach my $proc (_get_proc_objects ($self, @_)) {
+ push @pinf, $proc->{ProcessId};
+ }
+return wantarray ? @pinf : \@pinf;
+source of the following list:
+ string Caption ;
+ string CreationClassName ;
+ datetime CreationDate ;
+ string CSCreationClassName ;
+ string CSName ;
+ string Description ;
+ string ExecutablePath ;
+ uint16 ExecutionState ;
+ string Handle ;
+ uint32 HandleCount ;
+ datetime InstallDate ;
+ uint64 KernelModeTime ;
+ uint32 MaximumWorkingSetSize ;
+ uint32 MinimumWorkingSetSize ;
+ string Name ;
+ string OSCreationClassName ;
+ string OSName ;
+ uint64 OtherOperationCount ;
+ uint64 OtherTransferCount ;
+ uint32 PageFaults ;
+ uint32 PageFileUsage ;
+ uint32 ParentProcessId ;
+ uint32 PeakPageFileUsage ;
+ uint64 PeakVirtualSize ;
+ uint32 PeakWorkingSetSize ;
+ uint32 Priority ;
+ uint64 PrivatePageCount ;
+ uint32 ProcessId ;
+ uint32 QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage ;
+ uint32 QuotaPagedPoolUsage ;
+ uint32 QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage ;
+ uint32 QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage ;
+ uint64 ReadOperationCount ;
+ uint64 ReadTransferCount ;
+ uint32 SessionId ;
+ string Status ;
+ datetime TerminationDate ;
+ uint32 ThreadCount ;
+ uint64 UserModeTime ;
+ uint64 VirtualSize ;
+ string WindowsVersion ;
+ uint64 WorkingSetSize ;
+ uint64 WriteOperationCount ;
+ uint64 WriteTransferCount ;
+It should be obvious that this library must run under some
+flavor of Windows.
+This library uses the following libraries:
+ Carp
+ Time::Local
+ Win32::OLE
+ use Win32::OLE::Const;
+ use Win32::OLE::Variant;
+As of ActivePerl 630, none of the variant libraries use any libraries
+that are not included with ActivePerl. Your mileage may vary.
+This module would not exist without the following people:
+Jenda Krynicky, whose "How2 create a PPM distribution"
+(F<>) gave me a leg up on
+both PPM and tar distributions.
+Dave Roth, F<>, author of
+B<Win32 Perl Programming: Administrators Handbook>, which is
+published by Macmillan Technical Publishing, ISBN 1-57870-215-1
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Thomas R. Wyant, III (F<wyant at cpan dot org>)
+Copyright (C) 2001-2005 by E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2007, 2010-2011 by Thomas R. Wyant, III
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text
+of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
+# ex: set textwidth=72 :