path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Unicode/Collate/
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1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Unicode/Collate/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Unicode/Collate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b26db00f371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Unicode/Collate/
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+package Unicode::Collate::Locale;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use base qw(Unicode::Collate);
+our $VERSION = '0.73';
+use File::Spec;
+(my $ModPath = $INC{'Unicode/Collate/'}) =~ s/\.pm$//;
+my $PL_EXT = '.pl';
+my %LocaleFile = map { ($_, $_) } qw(
+ af ar az ca cs cy da eo es et fi fil fo fr ha haw
+ hr hu hy ig is ja kk kl ko lt lv mt nb nn nso om pl ro ru
+ se sk sl sq sv sw tn to tr uk vi wo yo zh
+ $LocaleFile{'default'} = '';
+ $LocaleFile{'de__phonebook'} = 'de_phone';
+ $LocaleFile{'es__traditional'} = 'es_trad';
+ $LocaleFile{'be'} = 'ru';
+ $LocaleFile{'bg'} = 'ru';
+ $LocaleFile{'mk'} = 'ru';
+ $LocaleFile{'sr'} = 'ru';
+ $LocaleFile{'zh__big5han'} = 'zh_big5';
+ $LocaleFile{'zh__gb2312han'} = 'zh_gb';
+ $LocaleFile{'zh__pinyin'} = 'zh_pin';
+ $LocaleFile{'zh__stroke'} = 'zh_strk';
+sub _locale {
+ my $locale = shift;
+ if ($locale) {
+ $locale = lc $locale;
+ $locale =~ tr/\-\ \./_/;
+ $locale =~ s/_phone(?:bk)?\z/_phonebook/;
+ $locale =~ s/_trad\z/_traditional/;
+ $locale =~ s/_big5\z/_big5han/;
+ $locale =~ s/_gb2312\z/_gb2312han/;
+ $LocaleFile{$locale} and return $locale;
+ my ($l,$t,$v) = split(/_/, $locale.'__');
+ for my $loc ("${l}_${t}_$v", "${l}_$t", "${l}__$v", "${l}__$t", $l) {
+ $LocaleFile{$loc} and return $loc;
+ }
+ }
+ return 'default';
+sub getlocale {
+ return shift->{accepted_locale};
+sub _fetchpl {
+ my $accepted = shift;
+ my $f = $LocaleFile{$accepted};
+ return if !$f;
+ $f .= $PL_EXT;
+ my $path = File::Spec->catfile($ModPath, $f);
+ my $h = do $path;
+ croak "Unicode/Collate/Locale/$f can't be found" if !$h;
+ return $h;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ $hash{accepted_locale} = _locale($hash{locale});
+ if (exists $hash{table}) {
+ croak "your table can't be used with Unicode::Collate::Locale";
+ }
+ my $href = _fetchpl($hash{accepted_locale});
+ while (my($k,$v) = each %$href) {
+ if (exists $hash{$k}) {
+ croak "$k is reserved by $hash{locale}, can't be overwritten";
+ }
+ $hash{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ return $class->SUPER::new(%hash);
+=head1 NAME
+Unicode::Collate::Locale - Linguistic tailoring for DUCET via Unicode::Collate
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Unicode::Collate::Locale;
+ #construct
+ $Collator = Unicode::Collate::Locale->
+ new(locale => $locale_name, %tailoring);
+ #sort
+ @sorted = $Collator->sort(@not_sorted);
+ #compare
+ $result = $Collator->cmp($a, $b); # returns 1, 0, or -1.
+B<Note:> Strings in C<@not_sorted>, C<$a> and C<$b> are interpreted
+according to Perl's Unicode support. See L<perlunicode>,
+L<perluniintro>, L<perlunitut>, L<perlunifaq>, L<utf8>.
+Otherwise you can use C<preprocess> (cf. C<Unicode::Collate>)
+or should decode them before.
+This module provides linguistic tailoring for it
+taking advantage of C<Unicode::Collate>.
+=head2 Constructor
+The C<new> method returns a collator object.
+A parameter list for the constructor is a hash, which can include
+a special key C<locale> and its value (case-insensitive) standing
+for a two-letter language code (ISO-639) like C<'en'> for English.
+For example, C<Unicode::Collate::Locale-E<gt>new(locale =E<gt> 'FR')>
+returns a collator tailored for French.
+C<$locale_name> may be suffixed with a territory(country)
+code or a variant code, which are separated with C<'_'>.
+E.g. C<en_US> for English in USA,
+C<es_ES_traditional> for Spanish in Spain (Traditional),
+If C<$localename> is not defined,
+fallback is selected in the following order:
+ 1. language_territory_variant
+ 2. language_territory
+ 3. language__variant
+ 4. language
+ 5. default
+Tailoring tags provided by C<Unicode::Collate> are allowed as long as
+they are not used for C<locale> support. Esp. the C<table> tag
+is always untailorable since it is reserved for DUCET.
+E.g. a collator for French, which ignores diacritics and case difference
+(i.e. level 1), with reversed case ordering and no normalization.
+ Unicode::Collate::Locale->new(
+ level => 1,
+ locale => 'fr',
+ upper_before_lower => 1,
+ normalization => undef
+ )
+Overriding a behavior already tailored by C<locale> is disallowed
+if such a tailoring is passed to C<new()>.
+ Unicode::Collate::Locale->new(
+ locale => 'da',
+ upper_before_lower => 0, # causes error as reserved by 'da'
+ )
+However C<change()> inherited from C<Unicode::Collate> allows
+such a tailoring that is reserved by C<locale>. Examples:
+ new(locale => 'ca')->change(backwards => undef)
+ new(locale => 'da')->change(upper_before_lower => 0)
+ new(locale => 'ja')->change(overrideCJK => undef)
+=head2 Methods
+C<Unicode::Collate::Locale> is a subclass of C<Unicode::Collate>
+and methods other than C<new> are inherited from C<Unicode::Collate>.
+Here is a list of additional methods:
+=over 4
+=item C<$Collator-E<gt>getlocale>
+Returns a language code accepted and used actually on collation.
+If linguistic tailoring is not provided for a language code you passed
+(intensionally for some languages, or due to the incomplete implementation),
+this method returns a string C<'default'> meaning no special tailoring.
+=head2 A list of tailorable locales
+ locale name description
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ af Afrikaans
+ ar Arabic
+ az Azerbaijani (Azeri)
+ be Belarusian
+ bg Bulgarian
+ ca Catalan
+ cs Czech
+ cy Welsh
+ da Danish
+ de__phonebook German (umlaut as 'ae', 'oe', 'ue')
+ eo Esperanto
+ es Spanish
+ es__traditional Spanish ('ch' and 'll' as a grapheme)
+ et Estonian
+ fi Finnish
+ fil Filipino
+ fo Faroese
+ fr French
+ ha Hausa
+ haw Hawaiian
+ hr Croatian
+ hu Hungarian
+ hy Armenian
+ ig Igbo
+ is Icelandic
+ ja Japanese [1]
+ kk Kazakh
+ kl Kalaallisut
+ ko Korean [2]
+ lt Lithuanian
+ lv Latvian
+ mk Macedonian
+ mt Maltese
+ nb Norwegian Bokmal
+ nn Norwegian Nynorsk
+ nso Northern Sotho
+ om Oromo
+ pl Polish
+ ro Romanian
+ ru Russian
+ se Northern Sami
+ sk Slovak
+ sl Slovenian
+ sq Albanian
+ sr Serbian
+ sv Swedish
+ sw Swahili
+ tn Tswana
+ to Tonga
+ tr Turkish
+ uk Ukrainian
+ vi Vietnamese
+ wo Wolof
+ yo Yoruba
+ zh Chinese
+ zh__big5han Chinese (ideographs: big5 order)
+ zh__gb2312han Chinese (ideographs: GB-2312 order)
+ zh__pinyin Chinese (ideographs: pinyin order)
+ zh__stroke Chinese (ideographs: stroke order)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+Locales according to the default UCA rules include
+de (German),
+en (English),
+ga (Irish),
+id (Indonesian),
+it (Italian),
+ka (Georgian),
+ln (Lingala),
+ms (Malay),
+nl (Dutch),
+pt (Portuguese),
+st (Southern Sotho),
+xh (Xhosa),
+zu (Zulu).
+[1] ja: Ideographs are sorted in JIS X 0208 order.
+Fullwidth and halfwidth forms are identical to their normal form.
+The difference between hiragana and katakana is at the 4th level,
+the comparison also requires C<(variable =E<gt> 'Non-ignorable')>,
+and then C<katakana_before_hiragana> has no effect.
+[2] ko: Plenty of ideographs are sorted by their reading. Such
+an ideograph is primary (level 1) equal to, and secondary (level 2)
+greater than, the corresponding hangul syllable.
+=head1 INSTALL
+Installation of C<Unicode::Collate::Locale> requires F<Collate/>,
+F<Collate/Locale/*.pm>, F<Collate/CJK/*.pm> and F<Collate/allkeys.txt>.
+On building, C<Unicode::Collate::Locale> doesn't require any of F<data/*.txt>,
+F<gendata/*>, and F<mklocale>.
+Tests for C<Unicode::Collate::Locale> are named F<t/loc_*.t>.
+=head1 CAVEAT
+=over 4
+=item tailoring is not maximum
+Even if a certain letter is tailored, its equivalent would not always
+tailored as well as it. For example, even though W is tailored,
+fullwidth W (C<U+FF37>), W with acute (C<U+1E82>), etc. are not
+tailored. The result may depend on whether source strings are
+normalized or not, and whether decomposed or composed.
+Thus C<(normalization =E<gt> undef)> is less preferred.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+The Unicode::Collate::Locale module for perl was written
+by SADAHIRO Tomoyuki, <>.
+This module is Copyright(C) 2004-2011, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan.
+All rights reserved.
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item Unicode Collation Algorithm - UTS #10
+=item The Default Unicode Collation Element Table (DUCET)
+=item Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) - UTS #35
+=item CLDR - Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
+=item L<Unicode::Collate>
+=item L<Unicode::Normalize>