path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/URI/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/URI/')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/URI/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/URI/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9bf2e5d0781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/URI/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+package URI::_generic;
+require URI;
+require URI::_query;
+@ISA=qw(URI URI::_query);
+use strict;
+use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
+use Carp ();
+my $ACHAR = $URI::uric; $ACHAR =~ s,\\[/?],,g;
+my $PCHAR = $URI::uric; $PCHAR =~ s,\\[?],,g;
+sub _no_scheme_ok { 1 }
+sub authority
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self =~ m,^((?:$URI::scheme_re:)?)(?://([^/?\#]*))?(.*)$,os or die;
+ if (@_) {
+ my $auth = shift;
+ $$self = $1;
+ my $rest = $3;
+ if (defined $auth) {
+ $auth =~ s/([^$ACHAR])/ URI::Escape::escape_char($1)/ego;
+ $$self .= "//$auth";
+ }
+ _check_path($rest, $$self);
+ $$self .= $rest;
+ }
+ $2;
+sub path
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self =~ m,^((?:[^:/?\#]+:)?(?://[^/?\#]*)?)([^?\#]*)(.*)$,s or die;
+ if (@_) {
+ $$self = $1;
+ my $rest = $3;
+ my $new_path = shift;
+ $new_path = "" unless defined $new_path;
+ $new_path =~ s/([^$PCHAR])/ URI::Escape::escape_char($1)/ego;
+ _check_path($new_path, $$self);
+ $$self .= $new_path . $rest;
+ }
+ $2;
+sub path_query
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self =~ m,^((?:[^:/?\#]+:)?(?://[^/?\#]*)?)([^\#]*)(.*)$,s or die;
+ if (@_) {
+ $$self = $1;
+ my $rest = $3;
+ my $new_path = shift;
+ $new_path = "" unless defined $new_path;
+ $new_path =~ s/([^$URI::uric])/ URI::Escape::escape_char($1)/ego;
+ _check_path($new_path, $$self);
+ $$self .= $new_path . $rest;
+ }
+ $2;
+sub _check_path
+ my($path, $pre) = @_;
+ my $prefix;
+ if ($pre =~ m,/,) { # authority present
+ $prefix = "/" if length($path) && $path !~ m,^[/?\#],;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($path =~ m,^//,) {
+ Carp::carp("Path starting with double slash is confusing")
+ if $^W;
+ }
+ elsif (!length($pre) && $path =~ m,^[^:/?\#]+:,) {
+ Carp::carp("Path might look like scheme, './' prepended")
+ if $^W;
+ $prefix = "./";
+ }
+ }
+ substr($_[0], 0, 0) = $prefix if defined $prefix;
+sub path_segments
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = $self->path;
+ if (@_) {
+ my @arg = @_; # make a copy
+ for (@arg) {
+ if (ref($_)) {
+ my @seg = @$_;
+ $seg[0] =~ s/%/%25/g;
+ for (@seg) { s/;/%3B/g; }
+ $_ = join(";", @seg);
+ }
+ else {
+ s/%/%25/g; s/;/%3B/g;
+ }
+ s,/,%2F,g;
+ }
+ $self->path(join("/", @arg));
+ }
+ return $path unless wantarray;
+ map {/;/ ? $self->_split_segment($_)
+ : uri_unescape($_) }
+ split('/', $path, -1);
+sub _split_segment
+ my $self = shift;
+ require URI::_segment;
+ URI::_segment->new(@_);
+sub abs
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $base = shift || Carp::croak("Missing base argument");
+ if (my $scheme = $self->scheme) {
+ return $self unless $URI::ABS_ALLOW_RELATIVE_SCHEME;
+ $base = URI->new($base) unless ref $base;
+ return $self unless $scheme eq $base->scheme;
+ }
+ $base = URI->new($base) unless ref $base;
+ my $abs = $self->clone;
+ $abs->scheme($base->scheme);
+ return $abs if $$self =~ m,^(?:$URI::scheme_re:)?//,o;
+ $abs->authority($base->authority);
+ my $path = $self->path;
+ return $abs if $path =~ m,^/,;
+ if (!length($path)) {
+ my $abs = $base->clone;
+ my $query = $self->query;
+ $abs->query($query) if defined $query;
+ $abs->fragment($self->fragment);
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ my $p = $base->path;
+ $p =~ s,[^/]+$,,;
+ $p .= $path;
+ my @p = split('/', $p, -1);
+ shift(@p) if @p && !length($p[0]);
+ my $i = 1;
+ while ($i < @p) {
+ #print "$i ", join("/", @p), " ($p[$i])\n";
+ if ($p[$i-1] eq ".") {
+ splice(@p, $i-1, 1);
+ $i-- if $i > 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($p[$i] eq ".." && $p[$i-1] ne "..") {
+ splice(@p, $i-1, 2);
+ if ($i > 1) {
+ $i--;
+ push(@p, "") if $i == @p;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ $p[-1] = "" if @p && $p[-1] eq "."; # trailing "/."
+ shift @p while @p && $p[0] =~ /^\.\.?$/;
+ }
+ $abs->path("/" . join("/", @p));
+ $abs;
+# The opposite of $url->abs. Return a URI which is as relative as possible
+sub rel {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $base = shift || Carp::croak("Missing base argument");
+ my $rel = $self->clone;
+ $base = URI->new($base) unless ref $base;
+ #my($scheme, $auth, $path) = @{$rel}{qw(scheme authority path)};
+ my $scheme = $rel->scheme;
+ my $auth = $rel->canonical->authority;
+ my $path = $rel->path;
+ if (!defined($scheme) && !defined($auth)) {
+ # it is already relative
+ return $rel;
+ }
+ #my($bscheme, $bauth, $bpath) = @{$base}{qw(scheme authority path)};
+ my $bscheme = $base->scheme;
+ my $bauth = $base->canonical->authority;
+ my $bpath = $base->path;
+ for ($bscheme, $bauth, $auth) {
+ $_ = '' unless defined
+ }
+ unless ($scheme eq $bscheme && $auth eq $bauth) {
+ # different location, can't make it relative
+ return $rel;
+ }
+ for ($path, $bpath) { $_ = "/$_" unless m,^/,; }
+ # Make it relative by eliminating scheme and authority
+ $rel->scheme(undef);
+ $rel->authority(undef);
+ # This loop is based on code from Nicolai Langfeldt <>.
+ # First we calculate common initial path components length ($li).
+ my $li = 1;
+ while (1) {
+ my $i = index($path, '/', $li);
+ last if $i < 0 ||
+ $i != index($bpath, '/', $li) ||
+ substr($path,$li,$i-$li) ne substr($bpath,$li,$i-$li);
+ $li=$i+1;
+ }
+ # then we nuke it from both paths
+ substr($path, 0,$li) = '';
+ substr($bpath,0,$li) = '';
+ if ($path eq $bpath &&
+ defined($rel->fragment) &&
+ !defined($rel->query)) {
+ $rel->path("");
+ }
+ else {
+ # Add one "../" for each path component left in the base path
+ $path = ('../' x $bpath =~ tr|/|/|) . $path;
+ $path = "./" if $path eq "";
+ $rel->path($path);
+ }
+ $rel;