path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10fa7bfac89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+use subs qw/menus_error/;
+use vars qw/$TOP/;
+sub menus {
+ # This demonstration script creates a window with a bunch of menus
+ # and cascaded menus using a menubar. A <<MenuSelect>> virtual event
+ # tracks the active menu item.
+ my ($demo) = @_;
+ $TOP = $MW->WidgetDemo(
+ -name => $demo,
+ -text => ['', -wraplength => '5i'],
+ -title => 'Menu Demonstration',
+ -iconname => 'menus',
+ );
+ my $ws = $TOP->windowingsystem;
+ my $text = ($ws eq 'classic' or $ws eq 'aqua') ?
+ 'This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can invoke entries with an accelerator by typing Command+x, where "x" is the character next to the command key symbol. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by dragging outside of its bounds and releasing the mouse.' :
+ 'This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can post a menu from the keyboard by typing Alt+x, where "x" is the character underlined on the menu. You can then traverse among the menus using the arrow keys. When a menu is posted, you can invoke the current entry by typing space, or you can invoke any entry by typing its underlined character. If a menu entry has an accelerator, you can invoke the entry without posting the menu just by typing the accelerator. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by selecting the first item in the menu.';
+ $TOP->configure(-text => $text);
+ my $toplevel = $TOP->toplevel; # get $TOP's Toplevel widget reference
+ my $menubar = $toplevel->Menu(-type => 'menubar');
+ $toplevel->configure(-menu => $menubar);
+ my $modifier;
+ if ( $ws eq 'classic' or $ws eq 'aqua') {
+ $modifier = 'Command';
+ } elsif ($Tk::platform eq 'windows') {
+ $modifier = 'Control';
+ } else {
+ $modifier = 'Meta';
+ }
+ my $f = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~File', -tearoff => 0);
+ $f->command(-label => 'Open ...', -command => [\&menus_error, 'Open'],
+ -image => $toplevel->Getimage("openfile"), -compound => "left");
+ $f->command(-label => 'New', -command => [\&menus_error, 'New'],
+ -image => $toplevel->Getimage("file"), -compound => "left");
+ $f->command(-label => 'Save', -command => [\&menus_error, 'Save']);
+ $f->command(-label => 'Save As ...', -command => [\&menus_error, 'Save As']);
+ $f->separator;
+ $f->command(-label => 'Setup ...', -command => [\&menus_error, 'Setup']);
+ $f->command(-label => 'Print ...', -command => [\&menus_error, 'Print']);
+ $f->separator;
+ $f->command(-label => 'Quit', -command => [$TOP => 'bell']);
+ my $b = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Basic', -tearoff => 0);
+ $b->command(-label => 'Long entry that does nothing');
+ my $label;
+ foreach $label (qw/A B C D E F/) {
+ $b->command(
+ -label => "Print letter \"$label\"",
+ -underline => 14,
+ -accelerator => "$modifier+$label",
+ -command => sub {print "$label\n"},
+ );
+ $TOP->bind("<$modifier-${label}>" => sub {print "$label\n"});
+ }
+ my $c = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Cascades', -tearoff => 0);
+ $c->command(
+ -label => 'Print hello',
+ -command => sub {print "Hello\n"},
+ -accelerator => "$modifier+H",
+ -underline => 6,
+ );
+ $TOP->bind("<$modifier-h>" => sub {print "Hello\n"});
+ $c->command(
+ -label => 'Print goodbye',
+ -command => sub {print "Goodbye\n"},
+ -accelerator => "$modifier+G",
+ -underline => 6,
+ );
+ $TOP->bind("<$modifier-g>" => sub {print "Goodbye\n"});
+ my $cc = $c->cascade(-label => '~Check buttons', -tearoff => 0);
+ $cc->checkbutton(-label => 'Oil checked', -variable => \$OIL);
+ $cc->checkbutton(-label => 'Transmission checked', -variable => \$TRANS);
+ $cc->checkbutton(-label => 'Brakes checked', -variable => \$BRAKES);
+ $cc->checkbutton(-label => 'Lights checked', -variable => \$LIGHTS);
+ $cc->separator;
+ $cc->command(
+ -label => 'See current values',
+ -command => [\&see_vars, $MW, [
+ ['oil', \$OIL],
+ ['trans', \$TRANS],
+ ['brakes', \$BRAKES],
+ ['lights', \$LIGHTS],
+ ],
+ ],
+ );
+ my $cc_menu = $cc->cget(-menu);
+ $cc_menu->invoke(1);
+ $cc_menu->invoke(3);
+ my $rc = $c->cascade(-label => '~Radio buttons', -tearoff => 0);
+ foreach $label (qw/10 14 18 24 32/) {
+ $rc->radiobutton(
+ -label => "$label point",
+ -variable => \$POINT_SIZE,
+ -value => $label,
+ );
+ }
+ $rc->separator;
+ foreach $label (qw/Roman Bold Italic/) {
+ $rc->radiobutton(
+ -label => $label,
+ -variable => \$FONT_STYLE,
+ -value => $label,
+ );
+ }
+ $rc->separator;
+ $rc->command(
+ -label => 'See current values',
+ -command => [\&see_vars, $MW, [
+ ['point size', \$POINT_SIZE],
+ ['font style', \$FONT_STYLE],
+ ],
+ ],
+ );
+ my $rc_menu = $rc->cget(-menu);
+ $rc_menu->invoke(1);
+ $rc_menu->invoke(7);
+ my $i = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Icons', -tearoff => 0);
+ $i->command(
+ -bitmap => '@'.Tk->findINC('demos/images/pattern'),
+ -command => sub {
+ $TOP->messageBox(
+ -title => 'Bitmap Menu Entry',
+ -message => 'The menu entry you invoked displays a bitmap rather than a text string. Other than this, it is just like any other menu entry.',
+ -type => 'ok'),
+ },
+ -hidemargin => 1,
+ );
+ foreach $label (qw/info questhead error/) {
+ $i->command(
+ -bitmap => $label,
+ -command => sub {print "You invoked the \"$label\" bitmap\n"},
+ -hidemargin => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ $i->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure(2, -columnbreak => 1);
+ my $m = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~More', -tearoff => 0);
+ foreach $label ('An entry', 'Another entry', 'Does nothing',
+ 'Does almost nothing', 'Make life meaningful') {
+ $m->command(
+ -label => $label,
+ -command => sub {print "You invoked \"$label\"\n"},
+ );
+ }
+ my $k = $menubar->cascade(-label => 'C~olors');
+ foreach $label (qw/red orange yellow green blue/) {
+ $k->command(
+ -label => $label,
+ -background => $label,
+ -command => sub {print "You invoked \"$label\"\n"},
+ );
+ }
+ my $status_bar;
+ $TOP->Label(
+ qw/-relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -anchor w/,
+ -font => 'Helvetica 10', -textvariable => \$status_bar)->
+ pack(qw/-padx 2 -pady 2 -expand yes -fill both/);
+ $menubar->bind('<<MenuSelect>>' => sub {
+ $status_bar = undef;
+ $status_bar = $_[0]->entrycget('active', -label);
+ $TOP->idletasks;
+ });
+} # end menus
+sub menus_error {
+ # Generate a background error, which may even be displayed in a window if
+ # using ErrorDialog.
+ my($msg) = @_;
+ $msg = "This is just a demo: no action has been defined for \"$msg\".";
+ $TOP->BackTrace($msg);
+} # end menus_error