path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..630ac957950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/demos/widget_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Balloon, pop up help window when mouse lingers over widget.
+use Tk;
+use English;
+use Carp;
+use Tk::Frame;
+use Tk::Balloon;
+my $lmsg = "";
+my $top = MainWindow->new;
+my $f = $top->Frame;
+# status bar widget
+my $status = $top->Label(-width => 60, -relief => "sunken", -bd => 1, -anchor => 'w');
+$status->pack(-side => "bottom", -fill => "y", -padx => 2, -pady => 1);
+# create the widgets to be explained
+my $mb = $top->Menubutton(-relief => 'raised',
+ -text => 'Menu button');
+my $xxx = 0;
+$mb->checkbutton(-label => 'checkbutton',
+ -variable => \$xxx);
+$mb->cascade(-label => 'cascade entry');
+my $menu = $mb->cget(-menu);
+my $cm = $menu->Menu(-tearoff => 0);
+$mb->entryconfigure('cascade entry', -menu => $cm);
+$cm->command(-label => 'first');
+$cm->command(-label => 'second');
+$mb->command(-label => 'Close',
+ -command => sub {$top->destroy;});
+my $tm = $top->Menu(-title => "Balloon menu");
+$tm->cascade(-label => "Toplevel menu", -menu => $menu);
+$top->configure(-menu => $tm);
+my $b1 = $top->Button(-text => "Something Unexpected",
+ -command => sub {$top->destroy;});
+my $b2 = $top->Button(-text => "Something Else Unexpected");
+$b2->configure(-command => sub {$b2->destroy;});
+# Pack the created widgets:
+$mb->pack(-side => "top", -expand => 1);
+$b1->pack(-side => "top", -expand => 1);
+$b2->pack(-side => "top", -expand => 1);
+my $t = $top->Text(-height => 10, -cursor => 'top_left_arrow')->pack;
+Move the mouse cursor over the buttons above and let it linger.
+A message will be displayed in status box below and a descriptive
+balloon will appear. The top button is a menu button which has
+different messages set for each menu entry. This text widget has
+a balloon attached to it which will change depending on which word
+the mouse is over.
+my $clbf = $top->Frame->pack;
+my $cf = $clbf->Frame->pack(-side => "left");
+my $c1 = $cf->Canvas(-height => 100, -width => 300, -bg => 'white')->pack(-padx => 8, -pady => 8);
+my $c2 = $cf->Canvas(-height => 100, -width => 300, -bg => 'white')->pack(-padx => 8, -pady => 8);
+my $id = $c1->create('text', 10, 10,
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -text => "This is a canvas. You can also attach\nballoons to specific items in a canvas");
+$c1->create('rectangle', 40, 60, 80, 80,
+ -fill => 'red',
+ -tags => 'rectangle',);
+$c1->create('oval', 100, 50, 140, 90,
+ -fill => 'blue',
+ -tags => 'circle',);
+$c2->create('text', 10, 10,
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -text => "Or you can attach the balloon\nto the canvas as a whole.");
+my $lb = $clbf->Listbox->pack(-side => "left");
+$lb->insert(qw/end one two three four/);
+# create the balloon widget
+my $b = $top->Balloon(-statusbar => $status);
+ -msg => 'Press and hold this button to see the menu.');
+ #-state => 'status',
+ -balloonposition => 'mouse',
+ -msg => ['Use this to tear off the menu.',
+ 'This is a checkbox entry.',
+ 'cascade', # Cascade entry (ignored by Balloon)
+ 'separator', # Separator: never active so no message will be displayed for this entry.
+ 'This is a command entry - it will close this window.',
+ ],
+ );
+ -msg => 'This balloon is attached to the cascade menu, not it\'s entries',
+ #-statusmsg => 'msg cm',
+ #-balloonmsg => 'cm msg.',
+ );
+ -balloonmsg => "Close Window",
+ -statusmsg => "Press this button to close this window");
+ -balloonmsg => "Self-destruct\nButton",
+ -statusmsg => "Press this button and it will get rid of itself");
+my $msg = '';
+my @word = ('', ''); # Indicies surrounding the current word.
+my @last = ('', ''); # Same for last word.
+$b->attach($t, -msg => \$msg,
+ -balloonposition => 'mouse', # Not really used since the postcommand returns the real position.
+ -postcommand => sub { if ($word[0] eq $word[1]) {
+ # No word under mouse - don't post the balloon.
+ 0;
+ } else {
+ # Have a word under mouse - change the message:
+ my $word = $t->get($word[0], $word[1]);
+ # Skip it if it contains non-word chars:
+ return 0 if $word =~ /\W/;
+ $msg = "The word under the mouse is: $word";
+ $t->tag('add', 'sel', $word[0] => $word[1]);
+ # Find a good place to put the balloon (right below the last char in the word):
+ my $i = $t->index("$word[1] - 1 chars");
+ my @p = $t->bbox($i);
+ my $x = $t->rootx + $p[0] + $p[2] - 4;
+ my $y = $t->rooty + $p[1] + $p[3] + 2;
+ "$x,$y";
+ }
+ },
+ -motioncommand => sub { my $x = $t->pointerx - $t->rootx;
+ my $y = $t->pointery - $t->rooty;
+ @word = ($t->index("\@$x,$y wordstart"), $t->index("\@$x,$y wordend"));
+ if ($word[0] eq $last[0] and $word[1] eq $last[1]) {
+ # Same word - don't cancel the balloon.
+ 0;
+ } else {
+ # New word under mouse - cancel it so a new balloon will be posted.
+ $t->SelectionClear;
+ @last = @word;
+ 1;
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ -balloonposition => 'mouse',
+ -msg => {'rectangle' => 'You are over the red rectangle right now.',
+ $id => 'You are over the text right now.',
+ 'circle' => 'You are over the blue circle right now.',
+ });
+ -msg => 'This balloon is attached to the canvas itself.',
+ );
+ -balloonposition => 'mouse',
+ -msg => [qw/1 2 3 4/],
+ );
+# As $b is a child of $top it is destroyed when $top is destroyed.
+# now registers a handler for that, and so
+# this hackery is no longer required (and did not actually work
+# before).
+# $top->OnDestroy(sub { $b->destroy; });