path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/')
1 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82b38991f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+package Tk::ColorSelect; # XXX why is this the Tk::ColorSelect package?
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.012'; # was: sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #8 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use Tk qw(Ev);
+require Tk::Frame;
+use base qw(Tk::Frame);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'ColorSelect';
+sub Populate
+ my ($middle,$args) = @_;
+ my($i, @a);
+ my %seen_names;
+ foreach $i ($middle->_rgbTxtPath) {
+ local *FOO;
+ next if ! open FOO, $i;
+ my $middle_left = $middle->Frame;
+ $middle_left->pack(
+ -side => 'left',
+ -padx => '0.25c',
+ -pady => '0.25c',
+ );
+ my $names = $middle->Listbox(
+ -width => 20,
+ -height => 12,
+ -relief => 'sunken',
+ -borderwidth => 2,
+ -exportselection => 0,
+ );
+ $middle->Advertise(Names => $names);
+ $names->bind('<Double-1>' => [$middle,'color',Ev(['getSelected'])]);
+ my $scroll = $middle->Scrollbar(
+ -orient => 'vertical',
+ -command => ['yview', $names],
+ -relief => 'sunken',
+ -borderwidth => 2,
+ );
+ $names->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set',$scroll]);
+ $names->pack(-in => $middle_left, -side => 'left');
+ $scroll->pack(-in => $middle_left, -side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
+ while(<FOO>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^!/;
+ my @a = split;
+ my $color = join(' ', @a[3 .. $#a]);
+ my $hex;
+ eval { $hex = $middle->Hex($color); };
+ if ($@) {
+ #print STDERR "unknown color: '$color'\n";
+ if ($@ =~ /unknown color name "/) {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ chomp $@;
+ die $@;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!exists($seen_names{$hex}) ||
+ length($seen_names{$hex}) > length($color)) {
+ $seen_names{$hex} = $color;
+ $names->insert('end', $color);
+ }
+ }
+ close FOO;
+ last;
+ }
+ # Create the three scales for editing the color, and the entry for typing
+ # in a color value.
+ my $middle_middle = $middle->Frame;
+ $middle_middle->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1, -fill => 'y');
+ my $mcm1 = $middle_middle->Optionmenu(-variable => \$middle->{'color_space'},
+ -command => [ $middle, 'color_space'],
+ -relief => 'raised',
+ -options => [ ['HSB color space' => 'hsb'],
+ ['RGB color space' => 'rgb'],
+ ['CMY color space' => 'cmy']]);
+ $mcm1->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
+ my(@middle_middle, @label, @scale);
+ $middle_middle[0] = $middle_middle->Frame;
+ $middle_middle[1] = $middle_middle->Frame;
+ $middle_middle[2] = $middle_middle->Frame;
+ $middle_middle[3] = $middle_middle->Frame;
+ $middle_middle[0]->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1);
+ $middle_middle[1]->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1);
+ $middle_middle[2]->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1);
+ $middle_middle[3]->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x');
+ $middle->{'Labels'} = ['zero','one','two'];
+ foreach $i (0..2) {
+ $label[$i] = $middle->Label(-textvariable => \$middle->{'Labels'}[$i]);
+ $scale[$i] = $middle->Scale(
+ -from => 0,
+ -to => 1000,
+ '-length' => '6c',
+ -orient => 'horizontal',
+ -command => [\&scale_changed, $middle],
+ );
+ $scale[$i]->pack(
+ -in => $middle_middle[$i],
+ -side => 'top',
+ -anchor => 'w',
+ );
+ $label[$i]->pack(
+ -in => $middle_middle[$i],
+ -side => 'top',
+ -anchor => 'w',
+ );
+ }
+ my $nameLabel = $middle->Label(-text => 'Name:');
+ $middle->{'Entry'} = '';
+ my $name = $middle->Entry(
+ -relief => 'sunken',
+ -borderwidth => 2,
+ -textvariable => \$middle->{'Entry'},
+ -width => 10,
+# For some reason giving this font causes problems at end of t/create.t
+# -font => '-*-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
+ );
+ $nameLabel->pack(-in => $middle_middle[3], -side => 'left');
+ $name->pack(
+ -in => $middle_middle[3],
+ -side => 'right',
+ -expand => 1,
+ -fill => 'x',
+ );
+ $name->bind('<Return>' => [ $middle, 'color', Ev(['get'])]);
+ # Create the color display swatch on the right side of the window.
+ my $middle_right = $middle->Frame;
+ $middle_right->pack(
+ -side => 'left',
+ -pady => '.25c',
+ -padx => '.25c',
+ -anchor => 's',
+ );
+ my $swatch = $middle->Canvas(
+ -width => '2.5c',
+ -height => '5c',
+ );
+ my $swatch_item = $swatch->create('oval', '.5c', '.3c', '2.26c', '4.76c');
+ my $value = $middle->Label(
+ -textvariable => \$middle->{'color'},
+ -width => 13,
+ -font => '-*-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
+ );
+ $swatch->pack(
+ -in => $middle_right,
+ -side => 'top',
+ -expand => 1,
+ -fill => 'both',
+ );
+ $value->pack(-in => $middle_right, -side => 'bottom', -pady => '.25c');
+ $middle->ConfigSpecs(
+ '-color_space' => ['METHOD', undef, undef, 'hsb'],
+ '-initialcolor' => '-color',
+ '-color' => ['METHOD', 'background', 'Background',
+ $middle->cget('-background')]
+ );
+ $middle->{'swatch'} = $swatch;
+ $middle->{'swatch_item'} = $swatch_item;
+ $middle->{'scale'} = [@scale];
+ $middle->{'red'} = 0;
+ $middle->{'blue'} = 0;
+ $middle->{'green'} = 0;
+sub _rgbTxtPath
+ require Tk::Config;
+ my(@xlibpath) = map { s/^-L//; "$_/X11/rgb.txt" }
+ split /\s+/, $Tk::Config::xlib;
+ (
+ @xlibpath,
+ '/usr/local/lib/X11/rgb.txt',
+ '/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt',
+ '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt',
+ '/usr/local/X11R5/lib/X11/rgb.txt',
+ '/X11/R5/lib/X11/rgb.txt',
+ '/X11/R4/lib/rgb/rgb.txt',
+ '/usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt',
+ '/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt', # This is the Debian location
+ '/usr/X11/share/X11/rgb.txt', # seen on a Mac OS X 10.5.1 system
+ '/usr/X11R6/share/X11/rgb.txt', # seen on a OpenBSD 4.2 system
+ '/etc/X11R6/rgb.txt',
+ '/etc/X11/rgb.txt', # seen on HP-UX 11.31
+ );
+sub Hex
+ my $w = shift;
+ my @rgb = (@_ == 3) ? @_ : $w->rgb(@_);
+ sprintf('#%04x%04x%04x',@rgb)
+sub color_space {
+ my($objref, $space) = @_;
+ if (@_ > 1)
+ {
+ my %Labels = ( 'rgb' => [qw(Red Green Blue)],
+ 'cmy' => [qw(Cyan Magenta Yellow)],
+ 'hsb' => [qw(Hue Saturation Brightness)] );
+ # The procedure below is invoked when a new color space is selected. It
+ # changes the labels on the scales and re-loads the scales with the
+ # appropriate values for the current color in the new color space
+ $space = 'hsb' unless (exists $Labels{$space});
+ my $i;
+ for $i (0..2)
+ {
+ $objref->{'Labels'}[$i] = $Labels{$space}->[$i];
+ }
+ $objref->{'color_space'} = $space;
+ $objref->afterIdle(['set_scales',$objref]) unless ($objref->{'pending'}++);
+ }
+ return $objref->{'color_space'};
+} # color_space
+sub hsvToRgb {
+ # The procedure below converts an HSB value to RGB. It takes hue,
+ # saturation, and value components (floating-point, 0-1.0) as arguments,
+ # and returns a list containing RGB components (integers, 0-65535) as
+ # result. The code here is a copy of the code on page 616 of
+ # "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam.
+ my($hue, $sat, $value) = @_;
+ my($v, $i, $f, $p, $q, $t);
+ $v = int(65535 * $value);
+ return ($v, $v, $v) if $sat == 0;
+ $hue *= 6;
+ $hue = 0 if $hue >= 6;
+ $i = int($hue);
+ $f = $hue - $i;
+ $p = int(65535 * $value * (1 - $sat));
+ $q = int(65535 * $value * (1 - ($sat * $f)));
+ $t = int(65535 * $value * (1 - ($sat * (1 - $f))));
+ return ($v, $t, $p) if $i == 0;
+ return ($q, $v, $p) if $i == 1;
+ return ($p, $v, $t) if $i == 2;
+ return ($p, $q, $v) if $i == 3;
+ return ($t, $p, $v) if $i == 4;
+ return ($v, $p, $q) if $i == 5;
+} # end hsvToRgb
+sub color
+ my ($objref,$name) = @_;
+ if (@_ > 1 && defined($name) && length($name))
+ {
+ if ($name eq 'cancel') {
+ $objref->{color} = undef;
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($format, $shift);
+ my ($red, $green, $blue);
+ if ($name !~ /^#/)
+ {
+ ($red, $green, $blue) = $objref->{'swatch'}->rgb($name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $len = length $name;
+ if($len == 4) { $format = '#(.)(.)(.)'; $shift = 12; }
+ elsif($len == 7) { $format = '#(..)(..)(..)'; $shift = 8; }
+ elsif($len == 10) { $format = '#(...)(...)(...)'; $shift = 4; }
+ elsif($len == 13) { $format = '#(....)(....)(....)'; $shift = 0; }
+ else {
+ $objref->BackTrace(
+ "ColorEditor error: syntax error in color name \"$name\"");
+ return;
+ }
+ ($red,$green,$blue) = $name =~ /$format/;
+ # Looks like a call for 'pack' or similar rather than eval
+ eval "\$red = 0x$red; \$green = 0x$green; \$blue = 0x$blue;";
+ $red = $red << $shift;
+ $green = $green << $shift;
+ $blue = $blue << $shift;
+ }
+ $objref->{'red'} = $red;
+ $objref->{'blue'} = $blue;
+ $objref->{'green'} = $green;
+ my $hex = sprintf('#%04x%04x%04x', $red, $green, $blue);
+ $objref->{'color'} = $hex;
+ $objref->{'Entry'} = $name;
+ $objref->afterIdle(['set_scales',$objref]) unless ($objref->{'pending'}++);
+ $objref->{'swatch'}->itemconfigure($objref->{'swatch_item'},
+ -fill => $objref->{'color'});
+ }
+ return $objref->{'color'};
+sub rgbToHsv {
+ # The procedure below converts an RGB value to HSB. It takes red, green,
+ # and blue components (0-65535) as arguments, and returns a list
+ # containing HSB components (floating-point, 0-1) as result. The code
+ # here is a copy of the code on page 615 of "Fundamentals of Interactive
+ # Computer Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam.
+ my($red, $green, $blue) = @_;
+ my($max, $min, $sat, $range, $hue, $rc, $gc, $bc);
+ $max = ($red > $green) ? (($blue > $red) ? $blue : $red) :
+ (($blue > $green) ? $blue : $green);
+ $min = ($red < $green) ? (($blue < $red) ? $blue : $red) :
+ (($blue < $green) ? $blue : $green);
+ $range = $max - $min;
+ if ($max == 0) {
+ $sat = 0;
+ } else {
+ $sat = $range / $max;
+ }
+ if ($sat == 0) {
+ $hue = 0;
+ } else {
+ $rc = ($max - $red) / $range;
+ $gc = ($max - $green) / $range;
+ $bc = ($max - $blue) / $range;
+ $hue = ($max == $red)?(0.166667*($bc - $gc)):
+ (($max == $green)?(0.166667*(2 + $rc - $bc)):
+ (0.166667*(4 + $gc - $rc)));
+ }
+ $hue += 1 if $hue < 0;
+ return ($hue, $sat, $max/65535);
+} # end rgbToHsv
+sub scale_changed {
+ # The procedure below is invoked when one of the scales is adjusted. It
+ # propagates color information from the current scale readings to
+ # everywhere else that it is used.
+ my($objref) = @_;
+ return if $objref->{'updating'};
+ my ($red, $green, $blue);
+ if($objref->{'color_space'} eq 'rgb') {
+ $red = int($objref->{'scale'}->[0]->get * 65.535 + 0.5);
+ $green = int($objref->{'scale'}->[1]->get * 65.535 + 0.5);
+ $blue = int($objref->{'scale'}->[2]->get * 65.535 + 0.5);
+ } elsif($objref->{'color_space'} eq 'cmy') {
+ $red = int(65535 - $objref->{'scale'}->[0]->get * 65.535 + 0.5);
+ $green = int(65535 - $objref->{'scale'}->[1]->get * 65.535 + 0.5);
+ $blue = int(65535 - $objref->{'scale'}->[2]->get * 65.535 + 0.5);
+ } else {
+ ($red, $green, $blue) = hsvToRgb($objref->{'scale'}->[0]->get/1000.0,
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[1]->get/1000.0,
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[2]->get/1000.0);
+ }
+ $objref->{'red'} = $red;
+ $objref->{'blue'} = $blue;
+ $objref->{'green'} = $green;
+ $objref->color(sprintf('#%04x%04x%04x', $red, $green, $blue));
+ $objref->idletasks;
+} # end scale_changed
+sub set_scales {
+ my($objref) = @_;
+ $objref->{'pending'} = 0;
+ $objref->{'updating'} = 1;
+ # The procedure below is invoked to update the scales from the current red,
+ # green, and blue intensities. It's invoked after a change in the color
+ # space and after a named color value has been loaded.
+ my($red, $blue, $green) = ($objref->{'red'}, $objref->{'blue'},
+ $objref->{'green'});
+ if($objref->{'color_space'} eq 'rgb') {
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[0]->set(int($red / 65.535 + 0.5));
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[1]->set(int($green / 65.535 + 0.5));
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[2]->set(int($blue / 65.535 + 0.5));
+ } elsif($objref->{'color_space'} eq 'cmy') {
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[0]->set(int((65535 - $red) / 65.535 + 0.5));
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[1]->set(int((65535 - $green) / 65.535 + 0.5));
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[2]->set(int((65535 - $blue) / 65.535 + 0.5));
+ } else {
+ my ($s1, $s2, $s3) = rgbToHsv($red, $green, $blue);
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[0]->set(int($s1 * 1000.0 + 0.5));
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[1]->set(int($s2 * 1000.0 + 0.5));
+ $objref->{'scale'}->[2]->set(int($s3 * 1000.0 + 0.5));
+ }
+ $objref->{'updating'} = 0;
+} # end set_scales
+package Tk::ColorDialog;
+require Tk::Toplevel;
+use base qw(Tk::Toplevel);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'ColorDialog';
+sub Accept
+ my $cw = shift;
+ $cw->withdraw;
+ $cw->{'done'} = 1;
+sub Cancel
+ my $cw = shift;
+# $cw->configure(-color => undef);
+ $cw->configure(-color => 'cancel');
+ $cw->Accept;
+sub Populate
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+ $cw->SUPER::Populate($args);
+ $cw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => [ 'Cancel' => $cw ]);
+ $cw->transient($cw->Parent->toplevel);
+ $cw->withdraw;
+ my $sel = $cw->ColorSelect;
+ my $accept = $cw->Button(-text => 'Accept', -command => ['Accept', $cw]);
+ my $cancel = $cw->Button(-text => 'Cancel', -command => ['Cancel', $cw]);
+ Tk::grid($sel);
+ Tk::grid($accept,$cancel);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs(DEFAULT => [$sel]);
+sub Show
+ my $cw = shift;
+ $cw->configure(@_) if @_;
+ $cw->Popup();
+ $cw->OnDestroy(sub { $cw->{'done'} = 0 }); # auto-cancel
+ $cw->waitVariable(\$cw->{'done'});
+ if (Tk::Exists($cw))
+ {
+ $cw->withdraw;
+ $cw->cget('-color');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ undef;
+ }
+package Tk::ColorEditor;
+use vars qw($VERSION $SET_PALETTE);
+$VERSION = '4.009'; # was: sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #8 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use Tk qw(lsearch Ev);
+use Tk::Toplevel;
+use base qw(Tk::Toplevel);
+use Tk::widgets qw(Pixmap);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'ColorEditor';
+use Tk::Dialog;
+use Tk::Pretty;
+BEGIN { $SET_PALETTE = 'Set Palette' };
+use subs qw(color_space hsvToRgb rgbToHsv);
+# ColorEditor public methods.
+sub add_menu_item
+ my $objref = shift;
+ my $value;
+ foreach $value (@_)
+ {
+ if ($value eq 'SEP')
+ {
+ $objref->{'mcm2'}->separator;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $objref->{'mcm2'}->command( -label => $value,
+ -command => [ 'configure', $objref, '-highlight' => $value ] );
+ push @{$objref->{'highlight_list'}}, $value;
+ }
+ }
+sub set_title
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ my $t = $w->{Configure}{'-title'} || '' ;
+ my $h = $w->{Configure}{'-highlight'} || '';
+ $w->SUPER::title("$t $h Color Editor");
+sub highlight
+ my ($w,$h) = @_;
+ if (@_ > 1)
+ {
+ $w->{'update'}->configure( -text => "Apply $h Color" );
+ my $state = ($h eq 'background') ? 'normal' : 'disabled';
+ $w->{'palette'}->entryconfigure( $SET_PALETTE, -state => $state);
+ $w->{'highlight'} = $h;
+ $w->configure(-color => $w->Palette->{$h});
+ $w->set_title;
+ }
+ return $w->{'highlight'};
+sub title
+ my ($w,$val) = @_;
+ $w->set_title if (@_ > 1);
+ return $w->{Configure}{'-title'};
+sub delete_menu_item
+ my $objref = shift;
+ my $value;
+ foreach $value (@_)
+ {
+ $objref->{'mcm2'}->delete($value);
+ my $list_ord = $value =~ /\d+/ ? $value : lsearch($objref->{'highlight_list'}, $value);
+ splice(@{$objref->{'highlight_list'}}, $list_ord, 1) if $list_ord != -1;
+ }
+sub delete_widgets {
+ # Remove widgets from consideration by the color configurator.
+ # $widgets_ref points to widgets previously added via `configure'.
+ my($objref, $widgets_ref) = @_;
+ my($i, $found, $r1, $r2, @wl) = (0, 0, 0, 0, @{$objref->cget(-widgets)});
+ foreach $r1 (@{$widgets_ref}) {
+ $i = -1;
+ $found = 0;
+ foreach $r2 (@wl) {
+ $i++;
+ next if $r1 != $r2;
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ splice(@wl, $i, 1) if $found;
+ }
+ $objref->configure(-widgets => [@wl]);
+} # end delete_widgets
+sub ApplyDefault
+ my($objref) = @_;
+ my $cb = $objref->cget('-command');
+ my $h;
+ foreach $h (@{$objref->{'highlight_list'}})
+ {
+ next if $h =~ /TEAR_SEP|SEP/;
+ $cb->Call($h);
+ die unless (defined $cb);
+ }
+sub Populate
+ # ColorEditor constructor.
+ my($cw, $args) = @_;
+ $cw->SUPER::Populate($args);
+ $cw->withdraw;
+ my $color_space = 'hsb'; # rgb, cmy, hsb
+ my(@highlight_list) = qw(
+ foreground background SEP
+ activeForeground activeBackground SEP
+ highlightColor highlightBackground SEP
+ selectForeground selectBackground SEP
+ disabledForeground insertBackground selectColor troughColor
+ );
+ # Create the Usage Dialog;
+ my $usage = $cw->Dialog( '-title' => 'ColorEditor Usage',
+ -justify => 'left',
+ -wraplength => '6i',
+ -text => "The Colors menu allows you to:\n\nSelect a color attribute such as \"background\" that you wish to colorize. Click on \"Apply\" to update that single color attribute.\n\nSelect one of three color spaces. All color spaces display a color value as a hexadecimal number under the oval color swatch that can be directly supplied on widget commands.\n\nApply Tk's default color scheme to the application. Useful if you've made a mess of things and want to start over!\n\nChange the application's color palette. Make sure \"background\" is selected as the color attribute, find a pleasing background color to apply to all current and future application widgets, then select \"Set Palette\".",
+ );
+ # Create the menu bar at the top of the window for the File, Colors
+ # and Help menubuttons.
+ my $m0 = $cw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => 2);
+ $m0->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
+ my $mf = $m0->Menubutton(
+ -text => 'File',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -bd => 1,
+ -relief => 'raised',
+ );
+ $mf->pack(-side => 'left');
+ my $close_command = [sub {shift->withdraw}, $cw];
+ $mf->command(
+ -label => 'Close',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => $close_command,
+ -accelerator => 'Ctrl-w',
+ );
+ $cw->bind('<Control-Key-w>' => $close_command);
+ $cw->protocol(WM_DELETE_WINDOW => $close_command);
+ my $mc = $m0->Menubutton(
+ -text => 'Colors',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -bd => 1,
+ -relief => 'raised',
+ );
+ $mc->pack(-side => 'left');
+ my $color_attributes = 'Color Attributes';
+ $mc->cascade(-label => $color_attributes, -underline => 6);
+ $mc->separator;
+ $mc->command(
+ -label => 'Apply Default Colors',
+ -underline => 6,
+ -command => ['ApplyDefault',$cw]
+ );
+ $mc->separator;
+ $mc->command(
+ -label => $SET_PALETTE,
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => sub { $cw->setPalette($cw->cget('-color'))}
+ );
+ my $m1 = $mc->cget(-menu);
+ my $mcm2 = $m1->Menu;
+ $m1->entryconfigure($color_attributes, -menu => $mcm2);
+ my $mh = $m0->Menubutton(
+ -text => 'Help',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -bd => 1,
+ -relief => 'raised',
+ );
+ $mh->pack(-side => 'right');
+ $mh->command(
+ -label => 'Usage',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => [sub {shift->Show}, $usage],
+ );
+ # Create the Apply button.
+ my $bot = $cw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -bd => 2);
+ $bot->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill =>'x');
+ my $update = $bot->Button(
+ -command => [
+ sub {
+ my ($objref) = @_;
+ $objref->Callback(-command => ($objref->{'highlight'}, $objref->cget('-color')));
+ $cw->{'done'} = 1;
+ }, $cw,
+ ],
+ );
+ $update->pack(-pady => 1, -padx => '0.25c');
+ # Create the listbox that holds all of the color names in rgb.txt, if an
+ # rgb.txt file can be found.
+ my $middle = $cw->ColorSelect(-relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => 2);
+ $middle->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both');
+ # Create the status window.
+ my $status = $cw->Toplevel;
+ $status->withdraw;
+ $status->geometry('+0+0');
+ my $status_l = $status->Label(-width => 50, -anchor => 'w');
+ $status_l->pack(-side => 'top');
+ $cw->{'highlight_list'} = [@highlight_list];
+ $cw->{'mcm2'} = $mcm2;
+ foreach (@highlight_list)
+ {
+ next if /^TEAR_SEP$/;
+ $cw->add_menu_item($_);
+ }
+ $cw->{'updating'} = 0;
+ $cw->{'pending'} = 0;
+ $cw->{'Status'} = $status;
+ $cw->{'Status_l'} = $status_l;
+ $cw->{'update'} = $update;
+ $cw->{'gwt_depth'} = 0;
+ $cw->{'palette'} = $mc;
+ my $pixmap = $cw->Pixmap('-file' => Tk->findINC('ColorEdit.xpm'));
+ $cw->Icon(-image => $pixmap);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs(
+ DEFAULT => [$middle],
+ -widgets => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef,
+ [$cw->parent->Descendants]],
+ -display_status => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 0],
+ '-title' => ['METHOD', undef, undef, ''],
+ -command => ['CALLBACK', undef, undef, ['set_colors',$cw]],
+ '-highlight' => ['METHOD', undef, undef, 'background'],
+ -cursor => ['DESCENDANTS', 'cursor', 'Cursor', 'left_ptr'],
+ );
+} # end Populate, ColorEditor constructor
+sub Show {
+ my($objref, @args) = @_;
+ Tk::ColorDialog::Show(@_);
+} # end show
+# ColorEditor default configurator procedure - can be redefined by the
+# application.
+sub set_colors {
+ # Configure all the widgets in $widgets for attribute $type and color
+ # $color. If $color is undef then reset all colors
+ # to the Tk defaults.
+ my($objref, $type, $color) = @_;
+ my $display = $objref->cget('-display_status');
+ $objref->{'Status'}->title("Configure $type");
+ $objref->{'Status'}->deiconify if $display;
+ my $widget;
+ my $reset = !defined($color);
+ foreach $widget (@{$objref->cget('-widgets')}) {
+ if ($display) {
+ $objref->{'Status_l'}->configure(
+ -text => 'WIDGET: ' . $widget->PathName
+ );
+ $objref->update;
+ }
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $color = ($widget->configure("-\L${type}"))[3]} if $reset;
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $widget->configure("-\L${type}" => $color)};
+ }
+ $objref->{'Status'}->withdraw if $display;
+} # end set_colors
+# ColorEditor private methods.