path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/')
1 files changed, 713 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8decbbdb407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Text/
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+package Text::Diff;
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Exporter ();
+use Algorithm::Diff ();
+use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT};
+ $VERSION = '1.37';
+ @ISA = 'Exporter';
+ @EXPORT = 'diff';
+## Hunks are made of ops. An op is the starting index for each
+## sequence and the opcode:
+use constant A => 0; # Array index before match/discard
+use constant B => 1;
+use constant OPCODE => 2; # "-", " ", "+"
+use constant FLAG => 3; # What to display if not OPCODE "!"
+my %internal_styles = (
+ Unified => undef,
+ Context => undef,
+ OldStyle => undef,
+ Table => undef, ## "internal", but in another module
+sub diff {
+ my @seqs = ( shift, shift );
+ my $options = shift || {};
+ for my $i ( 0 .. 1 ) {
+ my $seq = $seqs[$i];
+ my $type = ref $seq;
+ while ( $type eq "CODE" ) {
+ $seqs[$i] = $seq = $seq->( $options );
+ $type = ref $seq;
+ }
+ my $AorB = !$i ? "A" : "B";
+ if ( $type eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ ## This is most efficient :)
+ $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 0
+ unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"};
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "SCALAR" ) {
+ $seqs[$i] = [split( /^/m, $$seq )];
+ $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 1
+ unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"};
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $type ) {
+ $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 1
+ unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"};
+ $options->{"FILENAME_$AorB"} = $seq
+ unless defined $options->{"FILENAME_$AorB"};
+ $options->{"MTIME_$AorB"} = (stat($seq))[9]
+ unless defined $options->{"MTIME_$AorB"};
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ open F, "<$seq" or carp "$!: $seq";
+ $seqs[$i] = [<F>];
+ close F;
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "GLOB" || UNIVERSAL::isa( $seq, "IO::Handle" ) ) {
+ $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"} = 1
+ unless defined $options->{"OFFSET_$AorB"};
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ $seqs[$i] = [<$seq>];
+ }
+ else {
+ confess "Can't handle input of type ", ref;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Config vars
+ my $output;
+ my $output_handler = $options->{OUTPUT};
+ my $type = ref $output_handler ;
+ if ( ! defined $output_handler ) {
+ $output = "";
+ $output_handler = sub { $output .= shift };
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "CODE" ) {
+ ## No problems, mate.
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "SCALAR" ) {
+ my $out_ref = $output_handler;
+ $output_handler = sub { $$out_ref .= shift };
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ my $out_ref = $output_handler;
+ $output_handler = sub { push @$out_ref, shift };
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "GLOB" || UNIVERSAL::isa $output_handler, "IO::Handle" ) {
+ my $output_handle = $output_handler;
+ $output_handler = sub { print $output_handle shift };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Unrecognized output type: $type";
+ }
+ my $style = $options->{STYLE};
+ $style = "Unified" unless defined $options->{STYLE};
+ $style = "Text::Diff::$style" if exists $internal_styles{$style};
+ if ( ! $style->can( "hunk" ) ) {
+ eval "require $style; 1" or die $@;
+ }
+ $style = $style->new
+ if ! ref $style && $style->can( "new" );
+ my $ctx_lines = $options->{CONTEXT};
+ $ctx_lines = 3 unless defined $ctx_lines;
+ $ctx_lines = 0 if $style->isa( "Text::Diff::OldStyle" );
+ my @keygen_args = $options->{KEYGEN_ARGS}
+ ? @{$options->{KEYGEN_ARGS}}
+ : ();
+ ## State vars
+ my $diffs = 0; ## Number of discards this hunk
+ my $ctx = 0; ## Number of " " (ctx_lines) ops pushed after last diff.
+ my @ops; ## ops (" ", +, -) in this hunk
+ my $hunks = 0; ## Number of hunks
+ my $emit_ops = sub {
+ $output_handler->( $style->file_header( @seqs, $options ) )
+ unless $hunks++;
+ $output_handler->( $style->hunk_header( @seqs, @_, $options ) );
+ $output_handler->( $style->hunk ( @seqs, @_, $options ) );
+ $output_handler->( $style->hunk_footer( @seqs, @_, $options ) );
+ };
+ ## We keep 2*ctx_lines so that if a diff occurs
+ ## at 2*ctx_lines we continue to grow the hunk instead
+ ## of emitting diffs and context as we go. We
+ ## need to know the total length of both of the two
+ ## subsequences so the line count can be printed in the
+ ## header.
+ my $dis_a = sub {push @ops, [@_[0,1],"-"]; ++$diffs ; $ctx = 0 };
+ my $dis_b = sub {push @ops, [@_[0,1],"+"]; ++$diffs ; $ctx = 0 };
+ Algorithm::Diff::traverse_sequences(
+ @seqs,
+ {
+ MATCH => sub {
+ push @ops, [@_[0,1]," "];
+ if ( $diffs && ++$ctx > $ctx_lines * 2 ) {
+ $emit_ops->( [ splice @ops, 0, $#ops - $ctx_lines ] );
+ $ctx = $diffs = 0;
+ }
+ ## throw away context lines that aren't needed any more
+ shift @ops if ! $diffs && @ops > $ctx_lines;
+ },
+ DISCARD_A => $dis_a,
+ DISCARD_B => $dis_b,
+ },
+ $options->{KEYGEN}, # pass in user arguments for key gen function
+ @keygen_args,
+ );
+ if ( $diffs ) {
+ $#ops -= $ctx - $ctx_lines if $ctx > $ctx_lines;
+ $emit_ops->( \@ops );
+ }
+ $output_handler->( $style->file_footer( @seqs, $options ) ) if $hunks;
+ return defined $output ? $output : $hunks;
+sub _header {
+ my ( $h ) = @_;
+ my ( $p1, $fn1, $t1, $p2, $fn2, $t2 ) = @{$h}{
+ "MTIME_A",
+ };
+ ## remember to change Text::Diff::Table if this logic is tweaked.
+ return "" unless defined $fn1 && defined $fn2;
+ return join( "",
+ $p1, " ", $fn1, defined $t1 ? "\t" . localtime $t1 : (), "\n",
+ $p2, " ", $fn2, defined $t2 ? "\t" . localtime $t2 : (), "\n",
+ );
+## _range encapsulates the building of, well, ranges. Turns out there are
+## a few nuances.
+sub _range {
+ my ( $ops, $a_or_b, $format ) = @_;
+ my $start = $ops->[ 0]->[$a_or_b];
+ my $after = $ops->[-1]->[$a_or_b];
+ ## The sequence indexes in the lines are from *before* the OPCODE is
+ ## executed, so we bump the last index up unless the OP indicates
+ ## it didn't change.
+ ++$after
+ unless $ops->[-1]->[OPCODE] eq ( $a_or_b == A ? "+" : "-" );
+ ## convert from 0..n index to 1..(n+1) line number. The unless modifier
+ ## handles diffs with no context, where only one file is affected. In this
+ ## case $start == $after indicates an empty range, and the $start must
+ ## not be incremented.
+ my $empty_range = $start == $after;
+ ++$start unless $empty_range;
+ return
+ $start == $after
+ ? $format eq "unified" && $empty_range
+ ? "$start,0"
+ : $start
+ : $format eq "unified"
+ ? "$start,".($after-$start+1)
+ : "$start,$after";
+sub _op_to_line {
+ my ( $seqs, $op, $a_or_b, $op_prefixes ) = @_;
+ my $opcode = $op->[OPCODE];
+ return () unless defined $op_prefixes->{$opcode};
+ my $op_sym = defined $op->[FLAG] ? $op->[FLAG] : $opcode;
+ $op_sym = $op_prefixes->{$op_sym};
+ return () unless defined $op_sym;
+ $a_or_b = $op->[OPCODE] ne "+" ? 0 : 1 unless defined $a_or_b;
+ return ( $op_sym, $seqs->[$a_or_b][$op->[$a_or_b]] );
+ package Text::Diff::Base;
+ sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ return bless { @_ }, ref $proto || $proto;
+ }
+ sub file_header { return "" }
+ sub hunk_header { return "" }
+ sub hunk { return "" }
+ sub hunk_footer { return "" }
+ sub file_footer { return "" }
+@Text::Diff::Unified::ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base );
+sub Text::Diff::Unified::file_header {
+ shift; ## No instance data
+ my $options = pop ;
+ _header(
+ { FILENAME_PREFIX_A => "---", FILENAME_PREFIX_B => "+++", %$options }
+ );
+sub Text::Diff::Unified::hunk_header {
+ shift; ## No instance data
+ pop; ## Ignore options
+ my $ops = pop;
+ return join( "",
+ "@@ -",
+ _range( $ops, A, "unified" ),
+ " +",
+ _range( $ops, B, "unified" ),
+ " @@\n",
+ );
+sub Text::Diff::Unified::hunk {
+ shift; ## No instance data
+ pop; ## Ignore options
+ my $ops = pop;
+ my $prefixes = { "+" => "+", " " => " ", "-" => "-" };
+ return join "", map _op_to_line( \@_, $_, undef, $prefixes ), @$ops
+@Text::Diff::Context::ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base );
+sub Text::Diff::Context::file_header {
+ _header { FILENAME_PREFIX_A=>"***", FILENAME_PREFIX_B=>"---", %{$_[-1]} };
+sub Text::Diff::Context::hunk_header {
+ return "***************\n";
+sub Text::Diff::Context::hunk {
+ shift; ## No instance data
+ pop; ## Ignore options
+ my $ops = pop;
+ ## Leave the sequences in @_[0,1]
+ my $a_range = _range( $ops, A, "" );
+ my $b_range = _range( $ops, B, "" );
+ ## Sigh. Gotta make sure that differences that aren't adds/deletions
+ ## get prefixed with "!", and that the old opcodes are removed.
+ my $after;
+ for ( my $start = 0; $start <= $#$ops ; $start = $after ) {
+ ## Scan until next difference
+ $after = $start + 1;
+ my $opcode = $ops->[$start]->[OPCODE];
+ next if $opcode eq " ";
+ my $bang_it;
+ while ( $after <= $#$ops && $ops->[$after]->[OPCODE] ne " " ) {
+ $bang_it ||= $ops->[$after]->[OPCODE] ne $opcode;
+ ++$after;
+ }
+ if ( $bang_it ) {
+ for my $i ( $start..($after-1) ) {
+ $ops->[$i]->[FLAG] = "!";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $b_prefixes = { "+" => "+ ", " " => " ", "-" => undef, "!" => "! " };
+ my $a_prefixes = { "+" => undef, " " => " ", "-" => "- ", "!" => "! " };
+ return join( "",
+ "*** ", $a_range, " ****\n",
+ map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, A, $a_prefixes ), @$ops ),
+ "--- ", $b_range, " ----\n",
+ map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, B, $b_prefixes ), @$ops ),
+ );
+@Text::Diff::OldStyle::ISA = qw( Text::Diff::Base );
+sub _op {
+ my $ops = shift;
+ my $op = $ops->[0]->[OPCODE];
+ $op = "c" if grep $_->[OPCODE] ne $op, @$ops;
+ $op = "a" if $op eq "+";
+ $op = "d" if $op eq "-";
+ return $op;
+sub Text::Diff::OldStyle::hunk_header {
+ shift; ## No instance data
+ pop; ## ignore options
+ my $ops = pop;
+ my $op = _op $ops;
+ return join "", _range( $ops, A, "" ), $op, _range( $ops, B, "" ), "\n";
+sub Text::Diff::OldStyle::hunk {
+ shift; ## No instance data
+ pop; ## ignore options
+ my $ops = pop;
+ ## Leave the sequences in @_[0,1]
+ my $a_prefixes = { "+" => undef, " " => undef, "-" => "< " };
+ my $b_prefixes = { "+" => "> ", " " => undef, "-" => undef };
+ my $op = _op $ops;
+ return join( "",
+ map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, A, $a_prefixes ), @$ops ),
+ $op eq "c" ? "---\n" : (),
+ map( _op_to_line( \@_, $_, B, $b_prefixes ), @$ops ),
+ );
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Text::Diff;
+ ## Mix and match filenames, strings, file handles, producer subs,
+ ## or arrays of records; returns diff in a string.
+ ## WARNING: can return B<large> diffs for large files.
+ my $diff = diff "file1.txt", "file2.txt", { STYLE => "Context" };
+ my $diff = diff \$string1, \$string2, \%options;
+ my $diff = diff \*FH1, \*FH2;
+ my $diff = diff \&reader1, \&reader2;
+ my $diff = diff \@records1, \@records2;
+ ## May also mix input types:
+ my $diff = diff \@records1, "file_B.txt";
+C<diff()> provides a basic set of services akin to the GNU C<diff> utility. It
+is not anywhere near as feature complete as GNU C<diff>, but it is better
+integrated with Perl and available on all platforms. It is often faster than
+shelling out to a system's C<diff> executable for small files, and generally
+slower on larger files.
+Relies on L<Algorithm::Diff> for, well, the algorithm. This may not produce
+the same exact diff as a system's local C<diff> executable, but it will be a
+valid diff and comprehensible by C<patch>. We haven't seen any differences
+between Algorithm::Diff's logic and GNU diff's, but we have not examined them
+to make sure they are indeed identical.
+B<Note>: If you don't want to import the C<diff> function, do one of the
+ use Text::Diff ();
+ require Text::Diff;
+That's a pretty rare occurence, so C<diff()> is exported by default.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+diff() takes two parameters from which to draw input and a set of
+options to control it's output. The options are:
+The name of the file and the modification time "files"
+These are filled in automatically for each file when diff() is passed a
+filename, unless a defined value is passed in.
+If a filename is not passed in and FILENAME_A and FILENAME_B are not provided
+or C<undef>, the header will not be printed.
+Unused on C<OldStyle> diffs.
+The index of the first line / element. These default to 1 for all
+parameter types except ARRAY references, for which the default is 0. This
+is because ARRAY references are presumed to be data structures, while the
+others are line oriented text.
+=item STYLE
+"Unified", "Context", "OldStyle", or an object or class reference for a class
+providing C<file_header()>, C<hunk_header()>, C<hunk()>, C<hunk_footer()> and
+C<file_footer()> methods. The two footer() methods are provided for
+overloading only; none of the formats provide them.
+Defaults to "Unified" (unlike standard C<diff>, but Unified is what's most
+often used in submitting patches and is the most human readable of the three.
+If the package indicated by the STYLE has no hunk() method, c<diff()> will
+load it automatically (lazy loading). Since all such packages should inherit
+from Text::Diff::Base, this should be marvy.
+Styles may be specified as class names (C<STYLE => "Foo"), in which case they
+will be C<new()>ed with no parameters, or as objects (C<STYLE => Foo->new>).
+=item CONTEXT
+How many lines before and after each diff to display. Ignored on old-style
+diffs. Defaults to 3.
+=item OUTPUT
+Examples and their equivalent subroutines:
+ OUTPUT => \*FOOHANDLE, # like: sub { print FOOHANDLE shift() }
+ OUTPUT => \$output, # like: sub { $output .= shift }
+ OUTPUT => \@output, # like: sub { push @output, shift }
+ OUTPUT => sub { $output .= shift },
+If no C<OUTPUT> is supplied, returns the diffs in a string. If
+C<OUTPUT> is a C<CODE> ref, it will be called once with the (optional)
+file header, and once for each hunk body with the text to emit. If
+C<OUTPUT> is an L<IO::Handle>, output will be emitted to that handle.
+The string to print before the filename in the header. Unused on C<OldStyle>
+diffs. Defaults are C<"---">, C<"+++"> for Unified and C<"***">, C<"+++"> for
+These are passed to L<Algorithm::Diff/traverse_sequences>.
+B<Note>: if neither C<FILENAME_> option is defined, the header will not be
+printed. If at one is present, the other and both MTIME_ options must be
+present or "Use of undefined variable" warnings will be generated (except
+on C<OldStyle> diffs, which ignores these options).
+=head1 Formatting Classes
+These functions implement the output formats. They are grouped in to classes
+so diff() can use class names to call the correct set of output routines and so
+that you may inherit from them easily. There are no constructors or instance
+methods for these classes, though subclasses may provide them if need be.
+Each class has file_header(), hunk_header(), hunk(), and footer() methods
+identical to those documented in the Text::Diff::Unified section. header() is
+called before the hunk() is first called, footer() afterwards. The default
+footer function is an empty method provided for overloading:
+ sub footer { return "End of patch\n" }
+Some output formats are provided by external modules (which are loaded
+automatically), such as L<Text::Diff::Table>. These are
+are documented here to keep the documentation simple.
+=head2 Text::Diff::Base
+Returns "" for all methods (other than C<new()>).
+=head2 Text::Diff::Unified
+ --- A Mon Nov 12 23:49:30 2001
+ +++ B Mon Nov 12 23:49:30 2001
+ @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ -5d
+ +5a
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ +9a
+ 10
+ 11
+ -11d
+ 12
+ 13
+=item file_header
+ $s = Text::Diff::Unified->file_header( $options );
+Returns a string containing a unified header. The sole parameter is the
+options hash passed in to diff(), containing at least:
+ FILENAME_A => $fn1,
+ MTIME_A => $mtime1,
+ FILENAME_B => $fn2,
+ MTIME_B => $mtime2
+May also contain
+to override the default prefixes (default values shown).
+=item hunk_header
+ Text::Diff::Unified->hunk_header( \@ops, $options );
+Returns a string containing the output of one hunk of unified diff.
+=item Text::Diff::Unified::hunk
+ Text::Diff::Unified->hunk( \@seq_a, \@seq_b, \@ops, $options );
+Returns a string containing the output of one hunk of unified diff.
+=head2 Text::Diff::Table
+ +--+----------------------------------+--+------------------------------+
+ | |../Test-Differences-0.2/MANIFEST | |../Test-Differences/MANIFEST |
+ | |Thu Dec 13 15:38:49 2001 | |Sat Dec 15 02:09:44 2001 |
+ +--+----------------------------------+--+------------------------------+
+ | | * 1|Changes *
+ | 1| | 2| |
+ | | * 4|MANIFEST.SKIP *
+ | 3|Makefile.PL | 5|Makefile.PL |
+ | | * 6|t/00escape.t *
+ | 4|t/00flatten.t | 7|t/00flatten.t |
+ | 5|t/01text_vs_data.t | 8|t/01text_vs_data.t |
+ | 6|t/10test.t | 9|t/10test.t |
+ +--+----------------------------------+--+------------------------------+
+This format also goes to some pains to highlight "invisible" characters on
+differing elements by selectively escaping whitespace:
+ +--+--------------------------+--------------------------+
+ | |demo_ws_A.txt |demo_ws_B.txt |
+ | |Fri Dec 21 08:36:32 2001 |Fri Dec 21 08:36:50 2001 |
+ +--+--------------------------+--------------------------+
+ | 1|identical |identical |
+ * 2| spaced in | also spaced in *
+ * 3|embedded space |embedded tab *
+ | 4|identical |identical |
+ * 5| spaced in |\ttabbed in *
+ * 6|trailing spaces\s\s\n |trailing tabs\t\t\n *
+ | 7|identical |identical |
+ * 8|lf line\n |crlf line\r\n *
+ * 9|embedded ws |embedded\tws *
+ +--+--------------------------+--------------------------+
+See L</Text::Diff::Table> for more details, including how the whitespace
+escaping works.
+=head2 Text::Diff::Context
+ *** A Mon Nov 12 23:49:30 2001
+ --- B Mon Nov 12 23:49:30 2001
+ ***************
+ *** 2,14 ****
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ ! 5d
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ - 11d
+ 12
+ 13
+ --- 2,14 ----
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ ! 5a
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ + 9a
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ 13
+Note: hunk_header() returns only "***************\n".
+=head2 Text::Diff::OldStyle
+ 5c5
+ < 5d
+ ---
+ > 5a
+ 9a10
+ > 9a
+ 12d12
+ < 11d
+Note: no file_header().
+Must suck both input files entirely in to memory and store them with a normal
+amount of Perlish overhead (one array location) per record. This is implied by
+the implementation of Algorithm::Diff, which takes two arrays. If
+Algorithm::Diff ever offers an incremental mode, this can be changed (contact
+the maintainers of Algorithm::Diff and Text::Diff if you need this; it
+shouldn't be too terribly hard to tie arrays in this fashion).
+Does not provide most of the more refined GNU diff options: recursive directory
+tree scanning, ignoring blank lines / whitespace, etc., etc. These can all be
+added as time permits and need arises, many are rather easy; patches quite
+Uses closures internally, this may lead to leaks on C<perl> versions 5.6.1 and
+prior if used many times over a process' life time.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
+Barrie Slaymaker E<lt>barries@slaysys.comE<gt>
+Some parts copyright 2009 Adam Kennedy.
+Copyright 2001 Barrie Slaymaker. All Rights Reserved.
+You may use this under the terms of either the Artistic License or GNU Public
+License v 2.0 or greater.