path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/Transition.pod
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--- /dev/null
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+=head1 NAME
+Test2::Transition - Transition notes when upgrading to Test2
+This is where gotchas and breakages related to the Test2 upgrade are
+documented. The upgrade causes Test::Builder to defer to Test2 under the hood.
+This transition is mostly transparent, but there are a few cases that can trip
+you up.
+This is the list of scenarios that break with the new internals.
+=head2 Test::Builder1.5/2 conditionals
+=head3 The Problem
+a few years back there were two attempts to upgrade/replace Test::Builder.
+Confusingly these were called Test::Builder2 and Test::Builder1.5, in that
+order. Many people put conditionals in their code to check the Test::Builder
+version number and adapt their code accordingly.
+The Test::Builder2/1.5 projects both died out. Now the conditional code people
+added has become a mine field. A vast majority of modules broken by Test2 fall
+into this category.
+=head3 The Fix
+The fix is to remove all Test::Builder1.5/2 related code. Either use the
+legacy Test::Builder API, or use Test2 directly.
+=head2 Replacing the Test::Builder singleton
+=head3 The Problem
+Some test modules would replace the Test::Builder singleton instance with their
+own instance or subclass. This was usually done to intercept or modify results
+as they happened.
+The Test::Builder singleton is now a simple compatibility wrapper around
+Test2. The Test::Builder singleton is no longer the central place for
+results. Many results bypass the Test::Builder singleton completely, which
+breaks and behavior intended when replacing the singleton.
+=head3 The Fix
+If you simply want to intercept all results instead of letting them go to TAP,
+you should look at the L<Test2::API> docs and read about pushing a new hub onto
+the hub stack. Replacing the hub temporarily is now the correct way to
+intercept results.
+If your goal is purely monitoring of events use the C<< Test2::Hub->listen() >>
+method exported by Test::More to watch events as they are fired. If you wish to
+modify results before they go to TAP look at the C<< Test2::Hub->filter() >>
+=head2 Directly Accessing Hash Elements
+=head3 The Problem
+Some modules look directly at hash keys on the Test::Builder singleton. The
+problem here is that the Test::Builder singleton no longer holds anything
+=head3 The Fix
+The fix is to use the API specified in L<Test2::API> to look at or modify state
+as needed.
+=head2 Subtest indentation
+=head3 The Problem
+An early change, in fact the change that made Test2 an idea, was a change to
+the indentation of the subtest note. IT was decided it would be more readable
+to outdent the subtest note instead of having it inline with the subtest:
+ # subtest foo
+ ok 1 - blah
+ 1..1
+ ok 1 - subtest foo
+The old style indented the note:
+ # subtest foo
+ ok 1 - blah
+ 1..1
+ ok 1 - subtest foo
+This breaks tests that do string comparison of TAP output.
+=head3 The Fix
+ my $indent = $INC{'Test2/'} ? '' : ' ';
+ is(
+ $subtest_output,
+ "${indent}# subtest foo",
+ "Got subtest note"
+ );
+Check if C<$INC{'Test2/'}> is set, if it is then no indentation should be
+expected. If it is not set than the old Test::Builder is in use, indentation
+should be expected.
+This is a list of cpan modules that have been known to have been broken by the
+upgrade at one point.
+These modules still function correctly, but their test suites will not pass. If
+you already have these modules installed then you can continue to use them. If
+you are trying to install them after upgrading Test::Builder you will need to
+force installation, or bypass the broken tests.
+=over 4
+=item Test::DBIx::Class::Schema
+This module has a test that appears to work around a Test::Builder bug. The bug
+appears to have been fixed by Test2, which means the workaround causes a
+failure. This can be easily updated, but nobody has done so yet.
+Known broken in versions: 1.0.9 and older
+=item Test::Kit
+This actually works fine, but will not install because L<Test::Aggregate> is in
+the dependency chain.
+See the L<Test::Aggregate> info below for additional information.
+=item Device::Chip
+Tests break due to subtest indentation.
+Known broken in version 0.07. Apparently works fine in 0.06 though. Patch has
+been submitted to fix the issue.
+These are modules that did not break, but had broken test suites that have
+since been fixed.
+=over 4
+=item Test::Exception
+Old versions work fine, but have a minor test name behavior that breaks with
+Test2. Old versions will no longer install because of this. The latest version
+on CPAN will install just fine. Upgrading is not required, but is recommended.
+Fixed in version: 0.43
+=item Data::Peek
+Some tests depended on C<$!> and C<$?> being modified in subtle ways. A patch
+was applied to correct things that changed.
+The module itself works fine, there is no need to upgrade.
+Fixed in version: 0.45
+=item circular::require
+Some tests were fragile and required to be loaded at a late stage.
+Test2 was loading too early. The tests were updated to fix this.
+The module itself never broke, you do not need to upgrade.
+Fixed in version: 0.12
+=item Test::Module::Used
+A test worked around a now-fixed planning bug. There is no need to upgrade if
+you have an old version installed. New versions install fine if you want them.
+Fixed in version: 0.2.5
+=item Test::Moose::More
+Some tests were fragile, but have been fixed. The actual breakage was from the
+subtest comment indentation change.
+No need to upgrade, old versions work fine. Only new versions will install.
+Fixed in version: 0.025
+=item Test::FITesque
+This was broken by a bugfix to how planning is done. The test was updated after
+the bugfix.
+Fixed in version: 0.04
+=item autouse
+A test broke because it depended on Scalar::Util not being loaded. Test2 loads
+Scalar::Util. The test was updated to load Test2 after checking Scalar::Util's
+load status.
+There is no need to upgrade if you already have it installed.
+Fixed in version: 1.11
+=over 4
+=item Test::SharedFork
+Old versions need to directly access Test::Builder singleton hash elements. The
+latest version on CPAN will still do this on old Test::Builder, but will defer
+to L<Test2::IPC> on Test2.
+Fixed in version: 0.35
+=item Test::Builder::Clutch
+This works by doing overriding methods on the singleton, and directly accessing
+hash values on the singleton. A new version has been released that uses the
+Test2 API to accomplish the same result in a saner way.
+Fixed in version: 0.07
+=item Test::Dist::VersionSync
+This had Test::Builder2 conditionals. This was fixed by removing the
+Fixed in version: 1.1.4
+=item Test::Modern
+This relied on C<< Test::Builder->_try() >> which was a private method,
+documented as something nobody should use. This was fixed by using a different
+Fixed in version: 0.012
+=item Test::UseAllModules
+Version 0.14 relied on C<< Test::Builder->history >> which was available in
+Test::Builder 1.5. Versions 0.12 and 0.13 relied on other Test::Builder
+Fixed in version: 0.15
+=over 4
+=item Test::Aggregate
+This distribution directly accesses the hash keys in the L<Test::Builder>
+singleton. It also approaches the problem from the wrong angle, please consider
+using L<Test2::Harness> or L<App::ForkProve> which both solve the same problem
+at the harness level.
+Still broken as of version: 0.373
+=item Test::Wrapper
+This module directly uses hash keys in the L<Test::Builder> singleton. This
+module is also obsolete thanks to the benefits of L<Test2>. Use C<intercept()>
+from L<Test2::API> to achieve a similar result.
+Still broken as of version: 0.3.0
+=item Test::ParallelSubtest
+This module overrides C<Test::Builder::subtest()> and
+C<Test::Builder::done_testing()>. It also directly accesses hash elements of
+the singleton. It has not yet been fixed.
+Alternatives: L<Test2::AsyncSubtest> and L<Test2::Workflow> (not stable).
+Still broken as of version: 0.05
+=item Test::Pretty
+The author admits the module is crazy, and he is awaiting a stable release of
+something new (Test2) to completely rewrite it in a sane way.
+Still broken as of version: 0.32
+=item Test::More::Prefix
+The current version, 0.005 is broken. A patch has been applied in git, and
+released in 0.006, but a version issue with 0.006 prevents its installation.
+Still broken as of version: 0.005
+Potentially fixed in version: 0.006 (not installable)
+=item Net::BitTorrent
+The tests for this module directly access L<Test::Builder> hash keys. Most, if
+not all of these hash keys have public API methods that could be used instead
+to avoid the problem.
+Still broken in version: 0.052
+=item Test::Group
+It monkeypatches Test::Builder, and calls it "black magic" in the code.
+Still broken as of version: 0.20
+=item Test::Flatten
+This modifies the Test::Builder internals in many ways. A better was to
+accomplish the goal of this module is to write your own subtest function.
+Still broken as of version: 0.11
+=item Log::Dispatch::Config::TestLog
+Modifies Test::Builder internals.
+Still broken as of version: 0.02
+=item Test::Able
+Modifies Test::Builder internals.
+Still broken as of version: 0.11
+=head2 LEGACY
+ use Test::Builder;
+ # A majority of tools out there do this:
+ # my $TB = Test::Builder->new;
+ # This works, but has always been wrong, forcing Test::Builder to implement
+ # subtests as a horrific hack. It also causes problems for tools that try
+ # to replace the singleton (also discouraged).
+ sub my_ok($;$) {
+ my ($bool, $name) = @_;
+ my $TB = Test::Builder->new;
+ $TB->ok($bool, $name);
+ }
+ sub my_diag($) {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ my $TB = Test::Builder->new;
+ $TB->diag($msg);
+ }
+=head2 TEST2
+ use Test2::API qw/context/;
+ sub my_ok($;$) {
+ my ($bool, $name) = @_;
+ my $ctx = context();
+ $ctx->ok($bool, $name);
+ $ctx->release;
+ }
+ sub my_diag($) {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ my $ctx = context();
+ $ctx->diag($msg);
+ $ctx->release;
+ }
+The context object has API compatible implementations of the following methods:
+=over 4
+=item ok($bool, $name)
+=item diag(@messages)
+=item note(@messages)
+=item subtest($name, $code)
+If you are looking for helpers with C<is>, C<like>, and others, see
+=head2 LEGACY
+ use Test::More;
+ sub exclusive_ok {
+ my ($bool1, $bool2, $name) = @_;
+ # Ensure errors are reported 1 level higher
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ $ok = $bool1 || $bool2;
+ $ok &&= !($bool1 && $bool2);
+ ok($ok, $name);
+ return $bool;
+ }
+Every single tool in the chain from this, to C<ok>, to anything C<ok> calls
+needs to increment the C<$Level> variable. When an error occurs Test::Builder
+will do a trace to the stack frame determined by C<$Level>, and report that
+file+line as the one where the error occurred. If you or any other tool you use
+forgets to set C<$Level> then errors will be reported to the wrong place.
+=head2 TEST2
+ use Test::More;
+ sub exclusive_ok {
+ my ($bool1, $bool2, $name) = @_;
+ # Grab and store the context, even if you do not need to use it
+ # directly.
+ my $ctx = context();
+ $ok = $bool1 || $bool2;
+ $ok &&= !($bool1 && $bool2);
+ ok($ok, $name);
+ $ctx->release;
+ return $bool;
+ }
+Instead of using C<$Level> to perform a backtrace, Test2 uses a context
+object. In this sample you create a context object and store it. This locks the
+context (errors report 1 level up from here) for all wrapped tools to find. You
+do not need to use the context object, but you do need to store it in a
+variable. Once the sub ends the C<$ctx> variable is destroyed which lets future
+tools find their own.
+=head1 USING UTF8
+=head2 LEGACY
+ # Set the mode BEFORE anything loads Test::Builder
+ use open ':std', ':encoding(utf8)';
+ use Test::More;
+ # Modify the filehandles
+ my $builder = Test::More->builder;
+ binmode $builder->output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+ binmode $builder->failure_output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+ binmode $builder->todo_output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+=head2 TEST2
+ use Test2::API qw/test2_stack/;
+ test2_stack->top->format->encoding('utf8');
+Though a much better way is to use the L<Test2::Plugin::UTF8> plugin, which is
+part of L<Test2::Suite>.
+The following people have all contributed to this document in some way, even if
+only for review.
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum (EXODIST) E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 SOURCE
+The source code repository for Test2 can be found at
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2016 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>