path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/Formatter/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/Formatter/')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/Formatter/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/Formatter/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..680095cfede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/Formatter/
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+package Test2::Formatter::TAP;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require PerlIO;
+our $VERSION = '1.302073';
+use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{
+ no_numbers handles _encoding
+sub OUT_STD() { 0 }
+sub OUT_ERR() { 1 }
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+BEGIN { require Test2::Formatter; our @ISA = qw(Test2::Formatter) }
+ 'Test2::Event::Ok' => 'event_ok',
+ 'Test2::Event::Skip' => 'event_skip',
+ 'Test2::Event::Note' => 'event_note',
+ 'Test2::Event::Diag' => 'event_diag',
+ 'Test2::Event::Bail' => 'event_bail',
+ 'Test2::Event::Exception' => 'event_exception',
+ 'Test2::Event::Subtest' => 'event_subtest',
+ 'Test2::Event::Plan' => 'event_plan',
+ 'Test2::Event::TAP::Version' => 'event_version',
+# Initial list of converters are safe for direct hash access cause we control them.
+sub register_event {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ($type, $convert) = @_;
+ croak "Event type is a required argument" unless $type;
+ croak "Event type '$type' already registered" if $CONVERTERS{$type};
+ croak "The second argument to register_event() must be a code reference or method name"
+ unless $convert && (ref($convert) eq 'CODE' || $class->can($convert));
+ $CONVERTERS{$type} = $convert;
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{+HANDLES} ||= $self->_open_handles;
+ if(my $enc = delete $self->{encoding}) {
+ $self->encoding($enc);
+ }
+sub hide_buffered { 1 }
+sub encoding {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ my ($enc) = @_;
+ my $handles = $self->{+HANDLES};
+ #
+ # If utf8 is requested we use ':utf8' instead of ':encoding(utf8)' in
+ # order to avoid the thread segfault.
+ if ($enc =~ m/^utf-?8$/i) {
+ binmode($_, ":utf8") for @$handles;
+ }
+ else {
+ binmode($_, ":encoding($enc)") for @$handles;
+ }
+ $self->{+_ENCODING} = $enc;
+ }
+ return $self->{+_ENCODING};
+if ($^C) {
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *write = sub {};
+sub write {
+ my ($self, $e, $num) = @_;
+ my $type = ref($e);
+ my $converter = $CONVERTERS{$type} || 'event_other';
+ my @tap = $self->$converter($e, $self->{+NO_NUMBERS} ? undef : $num) or return;
+ my $handles = $self->{+HANDLES};
+ my $nesting = ($SAFE_TO_ACCESS_HASH{$type} ? $e->{nested} : $e->nested) || 0;
+ my $indent = ' ' x $nesting;
+ # Local is expensive! Only do it if we really need to.
+ local($\, $,) = (undef, '') if $\ || $,;
+ for my $set (@tap) {
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my ($hid, $msg) = @$set;
+ next unless $msg;
+ my $io = $handles->[$hid] or next;
+ $msg =~ s/^/$indent/mg if $nesting;
+ print $io $msg;
+ }
+sub _open_handles {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %seen;
+ open(my $out, '>&', STDOUT) or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+ binmode($out, join(":", "", "raw", grep { $_ ne 'unix' and !$seen{$_}++ } PerlIO::get_layers(STDOUT)));
+ %seen = ();
+ open(my $err, '>&', STDERR) or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+ binmode($err, join(":", "", "raw", grep { $_ ne 'unix' and !$seen{$_}++ } PerlIO::get_layers(STDERR)));
+ _autoflush($out);
+ _autoflush($err);
+ return [$out, $err];
+sub _autoflush {
+ my($fh) = pop;
+ my $old_fh = select $fh;
+ $| = 1;
+ select $old_fh;
+sub event_tap {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ my $converter = $CONVERTERS{ref($e)} or return;
+ $num = undef if $self->{+NO_NUMBERS};
+ return $self->$converter($e, $num);
+sub event_ok {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ # We use direct hash access for performance. OK events are so common we
+ # need this to be fast.
+ my ($name, $todo) = @{$e}{qw/name todo/};
+ my $in_todo = defined($todo);
+ my $out = "";
+ $out .= "not " unless $e->{pass};
+ $out .= "ok";
+ $out .= " $num" if defined($num);
+ # The regex form is ~250ms, the index form is ~50ms
+ my @extra;
+ defined($name) && (
+ (index($name, "\n") != -1 && (($name, @extra) = split(/\n\r?/, $name, -1))),
+ ((index($name, "#" ) != -1 || substr($name, -1) eq '\\') && (($name =~ s|\\|\\\\|g), ($name =~ s|#|\\#|g)))
+ );
+ my $space = @extra ? ' ' x (length($out) + 2) : '';
+ $out .= " - $name" if defined $name;
+ $out .= " # TODO" if $in_todo;
+ $out .= " $todo" if defined($todo) && length($todo);
+ # The primary line of TAP, if the test passed this is all we need.
+ return([OUT_STD, "$out\n"]) unless @extra;
+ return $self->event_ok_multiline($out, $space, @extra);
+sub event_ok_multiline {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($out, $space, @extra) = @_;
+ return(
+ [OUT_STD, "$out\n"],
+ map {[OUT_STD, "#${space}$_\n"]} @extra,
+ );
+sub event_skip {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ my $name = $e->name;
+ my $reason = $e->reason;
+ my $todo = $e->todo;
+ my $out = "";
+ $out .= "not " unless $e->{pass};
+ $out .= "ok";
+ $out .= " $num" if defined $num;
+ $out .= " - $name" if $name;
+ if (defined($todo)) {
+ $out .= " # TODO & SKIP"
+ }
+ else {
+ $out .= " # skip";
+ }
+ $out .= " $reason" if defined($reason) && length($reason);
+ return([OUT_STD, "$out\n"]);
+sub event_note {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ chomp(my $msg = $e->message);
+ $msg =~ s/^/# /;
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\n# /g;
+ return [OUT_STD, "$msg\n"];
+sub event_diag {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ chomp(my $msg = $e->message);
+ $msg =~ s/^/# /;
+ $msg =~ s/\n/\n# /g;
+ return [OUT_ERR, "$msg\n"];
+sub event_bail {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ return if $e->nested;
+ return [
+ "Bail out! " . $e->reason . "\n",
+ ];
+sub event_exception {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ return [ OUT_ERR, $e->error ];
+sub event_subtest {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ # A 'subtest' is a subclass of 'ok'. Let the code that renders 'ok' render
+ # this event.
+ my ($ok, @diag) = $self->event_ok($e, $num);
+ # If the subtest is not buffered then the sub-events have already been
+ # rendered, we can go ahead and return.
+ return ($ok, @diag) unless $e->buffered;
+ # In a verbose harness we indent the diagnostics from the 'Ok' event since
+ # they will appear inside the subtest braces. This helps readability. In a
+ # non-verbose harness we do not do this because it is less readable.
+ # index 0 is the filehandle, index 1 is the message we want to indent.
+ $_->[1] =~ s/^(.*\S.*)$/ $1/mg for @diag;
+ }
+ # Add the trailing ' {' to the 'ok' line of TAP output.
+ $ok->[1] =~ s/\n/ {\n/;
+ # Render the sub-events, we use our own counter for these.
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @subs = map {
+ # Bump the count for any event that should bump it.
+ $count++ if $_->increments_count;
+ # This indents all output lines generated for the sub-events.
+ # index 0 is the filehandle, index 1 is the message we want to indent.
+ map { $_->[1] =~ s/^(.*\S.*)$/ $1/mg; $_ } $self->event_tap($_, $count);
+ } @{$e->subevents};
+ return (
+ $ok, # opening ok - name {
+ @diag, # diagnostics if the subtest failed
+ @subs, # All the inner-event lines
+ [OUT_STD(), "}\n"], # } (closing brace)
+ );
+sub event_plan {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ my $directive = $e->directive;
+ return if $directive && $directive eq 'NO PLAN';
+ my $reason = $e->reason;
+ $reason =~ s/\n/\n# /g if $reason;
+ my $plan = "1.." . $e->max;
+ if ($directive) {
+ $plan .= " # $directive";
+ $plan .= " $reason" if defined $reason;
+ }
+ return [OUT_STD, "$plan\n"];
+sub event_version {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ my $version = $e->version;
+ return [OUT_STD, "TAP version $version\n"];
+sub event_other {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ return if $e->no_display;
+ my @out;
+ if (my ($max, $directive, $reason) = $e->sets_plan) {
+ my $plan = "1..$max";
+ $plan .= " # $directive" if $directive;
+ $plan .= " $reason" if defined $reason;
+ push @out => [OUT_STD, "$plan\n"];
+ }
+ if ($e->increments_count) {
+ my $ok = "";
+ $ok .= "not " if $e->causes_fail;
+ $ok .= "ok";
+ $ok .= " $num" if defined($num);
+ $ok .= " - " . $e->summary if $e->summary;
+ push @out => [OUT_STD, "$ok\n"];
+ }
+ else { # Comment
+ my $handle = ($e->causes_fail || $e->diagnostics) ? OUT_ERR : OUT_STD;
+ my $summary = $e->summary || ref($e);
+ chomp($summary);
+ $summary =~ s/^/# /smg;
+ push @out => [$handle, "$summary\n"];
+ }
+ return @out;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Test2::Formatter::TAP - Standard TAP formatter
+This is what takes events and turns them into TAP.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Test2::Formatter::TAP;
+ my $tap = Test2::Formatter::TAP->new();
+ # Switch to utf8
+ $tap->encoding('utf8');
+ $tap->write($event, $number); # Output an event
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item $bool = $tap->no_numbers
+=item $tap->set_no_numbers($bool)
+Use to turn numbers on and off.
+=item $arrayref = $tap->handles
+=item $tap->set_handles(\@handles);
+Can be used to get/set the filehandles. Indexes are identified by the
+C<OUT_STD> and C<OUT_ERR> constants.
+=item $encoding = $tap->encoding
+=item $tap->encoding($encoding)
+Get or set the encoding. By default no encoding is set, the original settings
+of STDOUT and STDERR are used.
+This directly modifies the stored filehandles, it does not create new ones.
+=item $tap->write($e, $num)
+Write an event to the console.
+=item Test2::Formatter::TAP->register_event($pkg, sub { ... });
+In general custom events are not supported. There are however occasions where
+you might want to write a custom event type that results in TAP output. In
+order to do this you use the C<register_event()> class method.
+ package My::Event;
+ use Test2::Formatter::TAP;
+ use base 'Test2::Event';
+ use Test2::Util::HashBase qw/pass name diag note/;
+ Test2::Formatter::TAP->register_event(
+ __PACKAGE__,
+ sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($e, $num) = @_;
+ return (
+ [Test2::Formatter::TAP::OUT_STD, "ok $num - " . $e->name . "\n"],
+ [Test2::Formatter::TAP::OUT_ERR, "# " . $e->name . " " . $e->diag . "\n"],
+ [Test2::Formatter::TAP::OUT_STD, "# " . $e->name . " " . $e->note . "\n"],
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ 1;
+All these methods require the event itself. Optionally they can all except a
+test number.
+All methods return a list of array-refs. Each array-ref will have 2 items, the
+first is an integer identifying an output handle, the second is a string that
+should be written to the handle.
+=over 4
+=item @out = $TAP->event_ok($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_ok($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Ok> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_plan($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_plan($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Plan> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_note($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_note($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Note> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_diag($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_diag($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Diag> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_bail($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_bail($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Bail> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_exception($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_exception($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Exception> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_skip($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_skip($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Skip> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_subtest($e)
+=item @out = $TAP->event_subtest($e, $num)
+Process an L<Test2::Event::Subtest> event.
+=item @out = $TAP->event_other($e, $num)
+Fallback for unregistered event types. It uses the L<Test2::Event> API to
+convert the event to TAP.
+=head1 SOURCE
+The source code repository for Test2 can be found at
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=item Kent Fredric E<lt>kentnl@cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2016 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>