path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/API/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/API/')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/API/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/API/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..70d4cd7bb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Test2/API/
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+package Test2::API::Instance;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '1.302073';
+our @CARP_NOT = qw/Test2::API Test2::API::Instance Test2::IPC::Driver Test2::Formatter/;
+use Carp qw/confess carp/;
+use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/;
+use Test2::Util qw/get_tid USE_THREADS CAN_FORK pkg_to_file try/;
+use Test2::Util::Trace();
+use Test2::API::Stack();
+use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{
+ _pid _tid
+ no_wait
+ finalized loaded
+ ipc stack formatter
+ contexts
+ ipc_shm_size
+ ipc_shm_last
+ ipc_shm_id
+ ipc_polling
+ ipc_drivers
+ formatters
+ exit_callbacks
+ post_load_callbacks
+ context_acquire_callbacks
+ context_init_callbacks
+ context_release_callbacks
+sub pid { $_[0]->{+_PID} ||= $$ }
+sub tid { $_[0]->{+_TID} ||= get_tid() }
+# Wrap around the getters that should call _finalize.
+ for my $finalizer (IPC, FORMATTER) {
+ my $orig = __PACKAGE__->can($finalizer);
+ my $new = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_finalize unless $self->{+FINALIZED};
+ $self->$orig;
+ };
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *{$finalizer} = $new;
+ }
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return unless @_;
+ my ($ref) = @_;
+ $$ref = $class->new;
+sub init { $_[0]->reset }
+sub reset {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{+_PID};
+ delete $self->{+_TID};
+ $self->{+CONTEXTS} = {};
+ $self->{+IPC_DRIVERS} = [];
+ $self->{+IPC_POLLING} = undef;
+ $self->{+FORMATTERS} = [];
+ $self->{+FORMATTER} = undef;
+ $self->{+FINALIZED} = undef;
+ $self->{+IPC} = undef;
+ $self->{+NO_WAIT} = 0;
+ $self->{+LOADED} = 0;
+ $self->{+EXIT_CALLBACKS} = [];
+ $self->{+POST_LOAD_CALLBACKS} = [];
+ $self->{+CONTEXT_INIT_CALLBACKS} = [];
+ $self->{+STACK} = Test2::API::Stack->new;
+sub _finalize {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($caller) = @_;
+ $caller ||= [caller(1)];
+ $self->{+FINALIZED} = $caller;
+ $self->{+_PID} = $$ unless defined $self->{+_PID};
+ $self->{+_TID} = get_tid() unless defined $self->{+_TID};
+ unless ($self->{+FORMATTER}) {
+ my ($formatter, $source);
+ if ($ENV{T2_FORMATTER}) {
+ $source = "set by the 'T2_FORMATTER' environment variable";
+ if ($ENV{T2_FORMATTER} =~ m/^(\+)?(.*)$/) {
+ $formatter = $1 ? $2 : "Test2::Formatter::$2"
+ }
+ else {
+ $formatter = '';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@{$self->{+FORMATTERS}}) {
+ ($formatter) = @{$self->{+FORMATTERS}};
+ $source = "Most recently added";
+ }
+ else {
+ $formatter = 'Test2::Formatter::TAP';
+ $source = 'default formatter';
+ }
+ unless (ref($formatter) || $formatter->can('write')) {
+ my $file = pkg_to_file($formatter);
+ my ($ok, $err) = try { require $file };
+ unless ($ok) {
+ my $line = "* COULD NOT LOAD FORMATTER '$formatter' ($source) *";
+ my $border = '*' x length($line);
+ die "\n\n $border\n $line\n $border\n\n$err";
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{+FORMATTER} = $formatter;
+ }
+ # Turn on IPC if threads are on, drivers are registered, or the Test2::IPC
+ # module is loaded.
+ return unless USE_THREADS || $INC{'Test2/'} || @{$self->{+IPC_DRIVERS}};
+ # Turn on polling by default, people expect it.
+ $self->enable_ipc_polling;
+ unless (@{$self->{+IPC_DRIVERS}}) {
+ my ($ok, $error) = try { require Test2::IPC::Driver::Files };
+ die $error unless $ok;
+ push @{$self->{+IPC_DRIVERS}} => 'Test2::IPC::Driver::Files';
+ }
+ for my $driver (@{$self->{+IPC_DRIVERS}}) {
+ next unless $driver->can('is_viable') && $driver->is_viable;
+ $self->{+IPC} = $driver->new or next;
+ $self->ipc_enable_shm if $self->{+IPC}->use_shm;
+ return;
+ }
+ die "IPC has been requested, but no viable drivers were found. Aborting...\n";
+sub formatter_set { $_[0]->{+FORMATTER} ? 1 : 0 }
+sub add_formatter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($formatter) = @_;
+ unshift @{$self->{+FORMATTERS}} => $formatter;
+ return unless $self->{+FINALIZED};
+ # Why is the @CARP_NOT entry not enough?
+ local %Carp::Internal = %Carp::Internal;
+ $Carp::Internal{'Test2::Formatter'} = 1;
+ carp "Formatter $formatter loaded too late to be used as the global formatter";
+sub add_context_acquire_callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ my $rtype = reftype($code) || "";
+ confess "Context-acquire callbacks must be coderefs"
+ unless $code && $rtype eq 'CODE';
+ push @{$self->{+CONTEXT_ACQUIRE_CALLBACKS}} => $code;
+sub add_context_init_callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ my $rtype = reftype($code) || "";
+ confess "Context-init callbacks must be coderefs"
+ unless $code && $rtype eq 'CODE';
+ push @{$self->{+CONTEXT_INIT_CALLBACKS}} => $code;
+sub add_context_release_callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ my $rtype = reftype($code) || "";
+ confess "Context-release callbacks must be coderefs"
+ unless $code && $rtype eq 'CODE';
+ push @{$self->{+CONTEXT_RELEASE_CALLBACKS}} => $code;
+sub add_post_load_callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ my $rtype = reftype($code) || "";
+ confess "Post-load callbacks must be coderefs"
+ unless $code && $rtype eq 'CODE';
+ push @{$self->{+POST_LOAD_CALLBACKS}} => $code;
+ $code->() if $self->{+LOADED};
+sub load {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ($self->{+LOADED}) {
+ $self->{+_PID} = $$ unless defined $self->{+_PID};
+ $self->{+_TID} = get_tid() unless defined $self->{+_TID};
+ # This is for
+ # and
+ # END blocks run in reverse order. This insures the END block is loaded
+ # as late as possible. It will not solve all cases, but it helps.
+ eval "END { Test2::API::test2_set_is_end() }; 1" or die $@;
+ $self->{+LOADED} = 1;
+ $_->() for @{$self->{+POST_LOAD_CALLBACKS}};
+ }
+ return $self->{+LOADED};
+sub add_exit_callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ my $rtype = reftype($code) || "";
+ confess "End callbacks must be coderefs"
+ unless $code && $rtype eq 'CODE';
+ push @{$self->{+EXIT_CALLBACKS}} => $code;
+sub add_ipc_driver {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($driver) = @_;
+ unshift @{$self->{+IPC_DRIVERS}} => $driver;
+ return unless $self->{+FINALIZED};
+ # Why is the @CARP_NOT entry not enough?
+ local %Carp::Internal = %Carp::Internal;
+ $Carp::Internal{'Test2::IPC::Driver'} = 1;
+ carp "IPC driver $driver loaded too late to be used as the global ipc driver";
+sub enable_ipc_polling {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{+_PID} = $$ unless defined $self->{+_PID};
+ $self->{+_TID} = get_tid() unless defined $self->{+_TID};
+ $self->add_context_init_callback(
+ # This is called every time a context is created, it needs to be fast.
+ # $_[0] is a context object
+ sub {
+ return unless $self->{+IPC_POLLING};
+ return $_[0]->{hub}->cull unless $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID};
+ my $val;
+ {
+ shmread($self->{+IPC_SHM_ID}, $val, 0, $self->{+IPC_SHM_SIZE}) or return;
+ return if $val eq $self->{+IPC_SHM_LAST};
+ $self->{+IPC_SHM_LAST} = $val;
+ }
+ $_[0]->{hub}->cull;
+ }
+ ) unless defined $self->ipc_polling;
+ $self->set_ipc_polling(1);
+sub ipc_enable_shm {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 1 if defined $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID};
+ $self->{+_PID} = $$ unless defined $self->{+_PID};
+ $self->{+_TID} = get_tid() unless defined $self->{+_TID};
+ my ($ok, $err) = try {
+ # SysV IPC can be available but not enabled.
+ #
+ # In some systems (*BSD) accessing the SysV IPC APIs without
+ # them being enabled can cause a SIGSYS. We suppress the SIGSYS
+ # and then get ENOSYS from the calls.
+ local $SIG{SYS} = 'IGNORE';
+ require IPC::SysV;
+ my $ipc_key = IPC::SysV::IPC_PRIVATE();
+ my $shm_size = $self->{+IPC}->can('shm_size') ? $self->{+IPC}->shm_size : 64;
+ my $shm_id = shmget($ipc_key, $shm_size, 0666) or die;
+ my $initial = 'a' x $shm_size;
+ shmwrite($shm_id, $initial, 0, $shm_size) or die;
+ $self->{+IPC_SHM_SIZE} = $shm_size;
+ $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID} = $shm_id;
+ $self->{+IPC_SHM_LAST} = $initial;
+ };
+ return $ok;
+sub ipc_free_shm {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $id = delete $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID};
+ return unless defined $id;
+ shmctl($id, IPC::SysV::IPC_RMID(), 0);
+sub get_ipc_pending {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return -1 unless defined $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID};
+ my $val;
+ shmread($self->{+IPC_SHM_ID}, $val, 0, $self->{+IPC_SHM_SIZE}) or return -1;
+ return 0 if $val eq $self->{+IPC_SHM_LAST};
+ $self->{+IPC_SHM_LAST} = $val;
+ return 1;
+sub set_ipc_pending {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID};
+ my ($val) = @_;
+ confess "value is required for set_ipc_pending"
+ unless $val;
+ shmwrite($self->{+IPC_SHM_ID}, $val, 0, $self->{+IPC_SHM_SIZE});
+sub disable_ipc_polling {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless defined $self->{+IPC_POLLING};
+ $self->{+IPC_POLLING} = 0;
+sub _ipc_wait {
+ my $fail = 0;
+ if (CAN_FORK) {
+ while (1) {
+ my $pid = CORE::wait();
+ my $err = $?;
+ last if $pid == -1;
+ next unless $err;
+ $fail++;
+ $err = $err >> 8;
+ warn "Process $pid did not exit cleanly (status: $err)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (USE_THREADS) {
+ for my $t (threads->list()) {
+ $t->join;
+ # In older threads we cannot check if a thread had an error unless
+ # we control it and its return.
+ my $err = $t->can('error') ? $t->error : undef;
+ next unless $err;
+ my $tid = $t->tid();
+ $fail++;
+ chomp($err);
+ warn "Thread $tid did not end cleanly: $err\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 unless $fail;
+ return 255;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless defined($self->{+_PID}) && $self->{+_PID} == $$;
+ return unless defined($self->{+_TID}) && $self->{+_TID} == get_tid();
+ shmctl($self->{+IPC_SHM_ID}, IPC::SysV::IPC_RMID(), 0)
+ if defined $self->{+IPC_SHM_ID};
+sub set_exit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $exit = $?;
+ my $new_exit = $exit;
+ if ($INC{'Test/'} && $Test::Builder::VERSION ne $Test2::API::VERSION) {
+ print STDERR <<" EOT";
+* *
+* Test::Builder -- Test2::API version mismatch detected *
+* *
+ Test2::API Version: $Test2::API::VERSION
+Test::Builder Version: $Test::Builder::VERSION
+This is not a supported configuration, you will have problems.
+ }
+ for my $ctx (values %{$self->{+CONTEXTS}}) {
+ next unless $ctx;
+ next if $ctx->_aborted && ${$ctx->_aborted};
+ # Only worry about contexts in this PID
+ my $trace = $ctx->trace || next;
+ next unless $trace->pid && $trace->pid == $$;
+ # Do not worry about contexts that have no hub
+ my $hub = $ctx->hub || next;
+ # Do not worry if the state came to a sudden end.
+ next if $hub->bailed_out;
+ next if defined $hub->skip_reason;
+ # now we worry
+ $trace->alert("context object was never released! This means a testing tool is behaving very badly");
+ $exit = 255;
+ $new_exit = 255;
+ }
+ if (!defined($self->{+_PID}) or !defined($self->{+_TID}) or $self->{+_PID} != $$ or $self->{+_TID} != get_tid()) {
+ $? = $exit;
+ return;
+ }
+ my @hubs = $self->{+STACK} ? $self->{+STACK}->all : ();
+ if (@hubs and $self->{+IPC} and !$self->{+NO_WAIT}) {
+ local $?;
+ my %seen;
+ for my $hub (reverse @hubs) {
+ my $ipc = $hub->ipc or next;
+ next if $seen{$ipc}++;
+ $ipc->waiting();
+ }
+ my $ipc_exit = _ipc_wait();
+ $new_exit ||= $ipc_exit;
+ }
+ # None of this is necessary if we never got a root hub
+ if(my $root = shift @hubs) {
+ my $trace = Test2::Util::Trace->new(
+ frame => [__PACKAGE__, __FILE__, 0, __PACKAGE__ . '::END'],
+ detail => __PACKAGE__ . ' END Block finalization',
+ );
+ my $ctx = Test2::API::Context->new(
+ trace => $trace,
+ hub => $root,
+ );
+ if (@hubs) {
+ $ctx->diag("Test ended with extra hubs on the stack!");
+ $new_exit = 255;
+ }
+ unless ($root->no_ending) {
+ local $?;
+ $root->finalize($trace) unless $root->ended;
+ $_->($ctx, $exit, \$new_exit) for @{$self->{+EXIT_CALLBACKS}};
+ $new_exit ||= $root->failed;
+ $new_exit ||= 255 unless $root->is_passing;
+ }
+ }
+ $new_exit = 255 if $new_exit > 255;
+ if ($new_exit && eval { require Test2::API::Breakage; 1 }) {
+ my @warn = Test2::API::Breakage->report();
+ if (@warn) {
+ print STDERR "\nYou have loaded versions of test modules known to have problems with Test2.\nThis could explain some test failures.\n";
+ print STDERR "$_\n" for @warn;
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $? = $new_exit;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Test2::API::Instance - Object used by Test2::API under the hood
+This object encapsulates the global shared state tracked by
+L<Test2>. A single global instance of this package is stored (and
+obscured) by the L<Test2::API> package.
+There is no reason to directly use this package. This package is documented for
+completeness. This package can change, or go away completely at any time.
+Directly using, or monkeypatching this package is not supported in any way
+shape or form.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Test2::API::Instance;
+ my $obj = Test2::API::Instance->new;
+=over 4
+=item $pid = $obj->pid
+PID of this instance.
+=item $obj->tid
+Thread ID of this instance.
+=item $obj->reset()
+Reset the object to defaults.
+=item $obj->load()
+Set the internal state to loaded, and run and stored post-load callbacks.
+=item $bool = $obj->loaded
+Check if the state is set to loaded.
+=item $arrayref = $obj->post_load_callbacks
+Get the post-load callbacks.
+=item $obj->add_post_load_callback(sub { ... })
+Add a post-load callback. If C<load()> has already been called then the callback will
+be immediately executed. If C<load()> has not been called then the callback will be
+stored and executed later when C<load()> is called.
+=item $hashref = $obj->contexts()
+Get a hashref of all active contexts keyed by hub id.
+=item $arrayref = $obj->context_acquire_callbacks
+Get all context acquire callbacks.
+=item $arrayref = $obj->context_init_callbacks
+Get all context init callbacks.
+=item $arrayref = $obj->context_release_callbacks
+Get all context release callbacks.
+=item $obj->add_context_init_callback(sub { ... })
+Add a context init callback. Subs are called every time a context is created. Subs
+get the newly created context as their only argument.
+=item $obj->add_context_release_callback(sub { ... })
+Add a context release callback. Subs are called every time a context is released. Subs
+get the released context as their only argument. These callbacks should not
+call release on the context.
+=item $obj->set_exit()
+This is intended to be called in an C<END { ... }> block. This will look at
+test state and set $?. This will also call any end callbacks, and wait on child
+=item $obj->ipc_enable_shm()
+Turn on SHM for IPC (if possible)
+=item $shm_id = $obj->ipc_shm_id()
+If SHM is enabled for IPC this will be the shm_id for it.
+=item $shm_size = $obj->ipc_shm_size()
+If SHM is enabled for IPC this will be the size of it.
+=item $shm_last_val = $obj->ipc_shm_last()
+If SHM is enabled for IPC this will return the last SHM value seen.
+=item $obj->set_ipc_pending($val)
+use the IPC SHM to tell other processes and threads there is a pending event.
+C<$val> should be a unique value no other thread/process will generate.
+B<Note:> This will also make the current process see a pending event. It does
+not set C<ipc_shm_last()>, this is important because doing so could hide a
+previous change.
+=item $pending = $obj->get_ipc_pending()
+This returns -1 if SHM is not enabled for IPC.
+This returns 0 if the SHM value matches the last known value, which means there
+are no pending events.
+This returns 1 if the SHM value has changed, which means there are probably
+pending events.
+When 1 is returned this will set C<< $obj->ipc_shm_last() >>.
+=item $drivers = $obj->ipc_drivers
+Get the list of IPC drivers.
+=item $obj->add_ipc_driver($DRIVER_CLASS)
+Add an IPC driver to the list. The most recently added IPC driver will become
+the global one during initialization. If a driver is added after initialization
+has occurred a warning will be generated:
+ "IPC driver $driver loaded too late to be used as the global ipc driver"
+=item $bool = $obj->ipc_polling
+Check if polling is enabled.
+=item $obj->enable_ipc_polling
+Turn on polling. This will cull events from other processes and threads every
+time a context is created.
+=item $obj->disable_ipc_polling
+Turn off IPC polling.
+=item $bool = $obj->no_wait
+=item $bool = $obj->set_no_wait($bool)
+Get/Set no_wait. This option is used to turn off process/thread waiting at exit.
+=item $arrayref = $obj->exit_callbacks
+Get the exit callbacks.
+=item $obj->add_exit_callback(sub { ... })
+Add an exit callback. This callback will be called by C<set_exit()>.
+=item $bool = $obj->finalized
+Check if the object is finalized. Finalization happens when either C<ipc()>,
+C<stack()>, or C<format()> are called on the object. Once finalization happens
+these fields are considered unchangeable (not enforced here, enforced by
+=item $ipc = $obj->ipc
+Get the one true IPC instance.
+=item $stack = $obj->stack
+Get the one true hub stack.
+=item $formatter = $obj->formatter
+Get the global formatter. By default this is the C<'Test2::Formatter::TAP'>
+package. This could be any package that implements the C<write()> method. This
+can also be an instantiated object.
+=item $bool = $obj->formatter_set()
+Check if a formatter has been set.
+=item $obj->add_formatter($class)
+=item $obj->add_formatter($obj)
+Add a formatter. The most recently added formatter will become the global one
+during initialization. If a formatter is added after initialization has occurred
+a warning will be generated:
+ "Formatter $formatter loaded too late to be used as the global formatter"
+=head1 SOURCE
+The source code repository for Test2 can be found at
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2016 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>