path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/')
1 files changed, 1873 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ea3acd907ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/
@@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@
+package TAP::Parser;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Base ();
+use TAP::Parser::Grammar ();
+use TAP::Parser::Result ();
+use TAP::Parser::ResultFactory ();
+use TAP::Parser::Source ();
+use TAP::Parser::Source::Perl ();
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
+use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory ();
+use Carp qw( confess );
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Parser - Parse L<TAP|Test::Harness::TAP> output
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.17
+$VERSION = '3.17';
+my $MAX_TAP_VERSION = 13;
+END {
+ # For VMS.
+ delete $ENV{TAP_VERSION};
+BEGIN { # making accessors
+ @ISA = qw(TAP::Base);
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_methods(
+ qw(
+ _stream
+ _spool
+ exec
+ exit
+ is_good_plan
+ plan
+ tests_planned
+ tests_run
+ wait
+ version
+ in_todo
+ start_time
+ end_time
+ skip_all
+ source_class
+ perl_source_class
+ grammar_class
+ iterator_factory_class
+ result_factory_class
+ )
+ );
+} # done making accessors
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Parser;
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $source } );
+ while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {
+ print $result->as_string;
+ }
+C<TAP::Parser> is designed to produce a proper parse of TAP output. For
+an example of how to run tests through this module, see the simple
+harnesses C<examples/>.
+There's a wiki dedicated to the Test Anything Protocol:
+It includes the TAP::Parser Cookbook:
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new(\%args);
+Returns a new C<TAP::Parser> object.
+The arguments should be a hashref with I<one> of the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item * C<source>
+This is the preferred method of passing arguments to the constructor. To
+determine how to handle the source, the following steps are taken.
+If the source contains a newline, it's assumed to be a string of raw TAP
+If the source is a reference, it's assumed to be something to pass to
+the L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream> constructor. This is used
+internally and you should not use it.
+Otherwise, the parser does a C<-e> check to see if the source exists. If so,
+it attempts to execute the source and read the output as a stream. This is by
+far the preferred method of using the parser.
+ foreach my $file ( @test_files ) {
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $file } );
+ # do stuff with the parser
+ }
+=item * C<tap>
+The value should be the complete TAP output.
+=item * C<exec>
+If passed an array reference, will attempt to create the iterator by
+passing a L<TAP::Parser::Source> object to
+L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Source>, using the array reference strings as
+the command arguments to L<IPC::Open3::open3|IPC::Open3>:
+ exec => [ '/usr/bin/ruby', 't/my_test.rb' ]
+Note that C<source> and C<exec> are mutually exclusive.
+The following keys are optional.
+=over 4
+=item * C<callback>
+If present, each callback corresponding to a given result type will be called
+with the result as the argument if the C<run> method is used:
+ my %callbacks = (
+ test => \&test_callback,
+ plan => \&plan_callback,
+ comment => \&comment_callback,
+ bailout => \&bailout_callback,
+ unknown => \&unknown_callback,
+ );
+ my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;
+ foreach my $file ( @test_files ) {
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new(
+ {
+ source => $file,
+ callbacks => \%callbacks,
+ }
+ );
+ $parser->run;
+ $aggregator->add( $file, $parser );
+ }
+=item * C<switches>
+If using a Perl file as a source, optional switches may be passed which will
+be used when invoking the perl executable.
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( {
+ source => $test_file,
+ switches => '-Ilib',
+ } );
+=item * C<test_args>
+Used in conjunction with the C<source> option to supply a reference to
+an C<@ARGV> style array of arguments to pass to the test program.
+=item * C<spool>
+If passed a filehandle will write a copy of all parsed TAP to that handle.
+=item * C<merge>
+If false, STDERR is not captured (though it is 'relayed' to keep it
+somewhat synchronized with STDOUT.)
+If true, STDERR and STDOUT are the same filehandle. This may cause
+breakage if STDERR contains anything resembling TAP format, but does
+allow exact synchronization.
+Subtleties of this behavior may be platform-dependent and may change in
+the future.
+=item * C<source_class>
+This option was introduced to let you easily customize which I<source> class
+the parser should use. It defaults to L<TAP::Parser::Source>.
+See also L</make_source>.
+=item * C<perl_source_class>
+This option was introduced to let you easily customize which I<perl source>
+class the parser should use. It defaults to L<TAP::Parser::Source::Perl>.
+See also L</make_perl_source>.
+=item * C<grammar_class>
+This option was introduced to let you easily customize which I<grammar> class
+the parser should use. It defaults to L<TAP::Parser::Grammar>.
+See also L</make_grammar>.
+=item * C<iterator_factory_class>
+This option was introduced to let you easily customize which I<iterator>
+factory class the parser should use. It defaults to
+See also L</make_iterator>.
+=item * C<result_factory_class>
+This option was introduced to let you easily customize which I<result>
+factory class the parser should use. It defaults to
+See also L</make_result>.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Base
+# This should make overriding behaviour of the Parser in subclasses easier:
+sub _default_source_class {'TAP::Parser::Source'}
+sub _default_perl_source_class {'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'}
+sub _default_grammar_class {'TAP::Parser::Grammar'}
+sub _default_iterator_factory_class {'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'}
+sub _default_result_factory_class {'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'}
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<next>
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $file } );
+ while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {
+ print $result->as_string, "\n";
+ }
+This method returns the results of the parsing, one result at a time. Note
+that it is destructive. You can't rewind and examine previous results.
+If callbacks are used, they will be issued before this call returns.
+Each result returned is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Result>. See that
+module and related classes for more information on how to use them.
+sub next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ( $self->{_iter} ||= $self->_iter )->();
+=head3 C<run>
+ $parser->run;
+This method merely runs the parser and parses all of the TAP.
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ while ( defined( my $result = $self->next ) ) {
+ # do nothing
+ }
+=head3 C<make_source>
+Make a new L<TAP::Parser::Source> object and return it. Passes through any
+arguments given.
+The C<source_class> can be customized, as described in L</new>.
+=head3 C<make_perl_source>
+Make a new L<TAP::Parser::Source::Perl> object and return it. Passes through
+any arguments given.
+The C<perl_source_class> can be customized, as described in L</new>.
+=head3 C<make_grammar>
+Make a new L<TAP::Parser::Grammar> object and return it. Passes through any
+arguments given.
+The C<grammar_class> can be customized, as described in L</new>.
+=head3 C<make_iterator>
+Make a new L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> object using the parser's
+L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory>, and return it. Passes through any arguments
+The C<iterator_factory_class> can be customized, as described in L</new>.
+=head3 C<make_result>
+Make a new L<TAP::Parser::Result> object using the parser's
+L<TAP::Parser::ResultFactory>, and return it. Passes through any arguments
+The C<result_factory_class> can be customized, as described in L</new>.
+# This should make overriding behaviour of the Parser in subclasses easier:
+sub make_source { shift->source_class->new(@_); }
+sub make_perl_source { shift->perl_source_class->new(@_); }
+sub make_grammar { shift->grammar_class->new(@_); }
+sub make_iterator { shift->iterator_factory_class->make_iterator(@_); }
+sub make_result { shift->result_factory_class->make_result(@_); }
+sub _iterator_for_source {
+ my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
+ # If the source has a get_stream method then use it. This makes it
+ # possible to pass a pre-existing source object to the parser's
+ # constructor.
+ if ( UNIVERSAL::can( $source, 'can' ) && $source->can('get_stream') ) {
+ return $source->get_stream($self);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->iterator_factory_class->make_iterator($source);
+ }
+ # of the following, anything beginning with an underscore is strictly
+ # internal and should not be exposed.
+ my %initialize = (
+ version => $DEFAULT_TAP_VERSION,
+ plan => '', # the test plan (e.g., 1..3)
+ tap => '', # the TAP
+ tests_run => 0, # actual current test numbers
+ results => [], # TAP parser results
+ skipped => [], #
+ todo => [], #
+ passed => [], #
+ failed => [], #
+ actual_failed => [], # how many tests really failed
+ actual_passed => [], # how many tests really passed
+ todo_passed => [], # tests which unexpectedly succeed
+ parse_errors => [], # perfect TAP should have none
+ );
+ # We seem to have this list hanging around all over the place. We could
+ # probably get it from somewhere else to avoid the repetition.
+ my @legal_callback = qw(
+ test
+ version
+ plan
+ comment
+ bailout
+ unknown
+ yaml
+ );
+ my @class_overrides = qw(
+ source_class
+ perl_source_class
+ grammar_class
+ iterator_factory_class
+ result_factory_class
+ );
+ sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $arg_for ) = @_;
+ # everything here is basically designed to convert any TAP source to a
+ # stream.
+ # Shallow copy
+ my %args = %{ $arg_for || {} };
+ $self->SUPER::_initialize( \%args, \@legal_callback );
+ # get any class overrides out first:
+ for my $key (@class_overrides) {
+ my $default_method = "_default_$key";
+ my $val = delete $args{$key} || $self->$default_method();
+ $self->$key($val);
+ }
+ my $stream = delete $args{stream};
+ my $tap = delete $args{tap};
+ my $source = delete $args{source};
+ my $exec = delete $args{exec};
+ my $merge = delete $args{merge};
+ my $spool = delete $args{spool};
+ my $switches = delete $args{switches};
+ my $ignore_exit = delete $args{ignore_exit};
+ my @test_args = @{ delete $args{test_args} || [] };
+ if ( 1 < grep {defined} $stream, $tap, $source, $exec ) {
+ $self->_croak(
+ "You may only choose one of 'exec', 'stream', 'tap' or 'source'"
+ );
+ }
+ if ( my @excess = sort keys %args ) {
+ $self->_croak("Unknown options: @excess");
+ }
+ if ($tap) {
+ $stream = $self->_iterator_for_source( [ split "\n" => $tap ] );
+ }
+ elsif ($exec) {
+ my $source = $self->make_source;
+ $source->source( [ @$exec, @test_args ] );
+ $source->merge($merge); # XXX should just be arguments?
+ $stream = $source->get_stream($self);
+ }
+ elsif ($source) {
+ if ( $source =~ /\n/ ) {
+ $stream
+ = $self->_iterator_for_source( [ split "\n" => $source ] );
+ }
+ elsif ( ref $source ) {
+ $stream = $self->_iterator_for_source($source);
+ }
+ elsif ( -e $source ) {
+ my $perl = $self->make_perl_source;
+ $perl->switches($switches)
+ if $switches;
+ $perl->merge($merge); # XXX args to new()?
+ $perl->source( [ $source, @test_args ] );
+ $stream = $perl->get_stream($self);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_croak("Cannot determine source for $source");
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($stream) {
+ $self->_croak('PANIC: could not determine stream');
+ }
+ while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %initialize ) {
+ $self->{$k} = 'ARRAY' eq ref $v ? [] : $v;
+ }
+ $self->_stream($stream);
+ $self->_spool($spool);
+ $self->ignore_exit($ignore_exit);
+ return $self;
+ }
+If you've read this far in the docs, you've seen this:
+ while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {
+ print $result->as_string;
+ }
+Each result returned is a L<TAP::Parser::Result> subclass, referred to as
+I<result types>.
+=head2 Result types
+Basically, you fetch individual results from the TAP. The six types, with
+examples of each, are as follows:
+=over 4
+=item * Version
+ TAP version 12
+=item * Plan
+ 1..42
+=item * Pragma
+ pragma +strict
+=item * Test
+ ok 3 - We should start with some foobar!
+=item * Comment
+ # Hope we don't use up the foobar.
+=item * Bailout
+ Bail out! We ran out of foobar!
+=item * Unknown
+ ... yo, this ain't TAP! ...
+Each result fetched is a result object of a different type. There are common
+methods to each result object and different types may have methods unique to
+their type. Sometimes a type method may be overridden in a subclass, but its
+use is guaranteed to be identical.
+=head2 Common type methods
+=head3 C<type>
+Returns the type of result, such as C<comment> or C<test>.
+=head3 C<as_string>
+Prints a string representation of the token. This might not be the exact
+output, however. Tests will have test numbers added if not present, TODO and
+SKIP directives will be capitalized and, in general, things will be cleaned
+up. If you need the original text for the token, see the C<raw> method.
+=head3 C<raw>
+Returns the original line of text which was parsed.
+=head3 C<is_plan>
+Indicates whether or not this is the test plan line.
+=head3 C<is_test>
+Indicates whether or not this is a test line.
+=head3 C<is_comment>
+Indicates whether or not this is a comment. Comments will generally only
+appear in the TAP stream if STDERR is merged to STDOUT. See the
+C<merge> option.
+=head3 C<is_bailout>
+Indicates whether or not this is bailout line.
+=head3 C<is_yaml>
+Indicates whether or not the current item is a YAML block.
+=head3 C<is_unknown>
+Indicates whether or not the current line could be parsed.
+=head3 C<is_ok>
+ if ( $result->is_ok ) { ... }
+Reports whether or not a given result has passed. Anything which is B<not> a
+test result returns true. This is merely provided as a convenient shortcut
+which allows you to do this:
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $source } );
+ while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {
+ # only print failing results
+ print $result->as_string unless $result->is_ok;
+ }
+=head2 C<plan> methods
+ if ( $result->is_plan ) { ... }
+If the above evaluates as true, the following methods will be available on the
+C<$result> object.
+=head3 C<plan>
+ if ( $result->is_plan ) {
+ print $result->plan;
+ }
+This is merely a synonym for C<as_string>.
+=head3 C<directive>
+ my $directive = $result->directive;
+If a SKIP directive is included with the plan, this method will return it.
+ 1..0 # SKIP: why bother?
+=head3 C<explanation>
+ my $explanation = $result->explanation;
+If a SKIP directive was included with the plan, this method will return the
+explanation, if any.
+=head2 C<pragma> methods
+ if ( $result->is_pragma ) { ... }
+If the above evaluates as true, the following methods will be available on the
+C<$result> object.
+=head3 C<pragmas>
+Returns a list of pragmas each of which is a + or - followed by the
+pragma name.
+=head2 C<commment> methods
+ if ( $result->is_comment ) { ... }
+If the above evaluates as true, the following methods will be available on the
+C<$result> object.
+=head3 C<comment>
+ if ( $result->is_comment ) {
+ my $comment = $result->comment;
+ print "I have something to say: $comment";
+ }
+=head2 C<bailout> methods
+ if ( $result->is_bailout ) { ... }
+If the above evaluates as true, the following methods will be available on the
+C<$result> object.
+=head3 C<explanation>
+ if ( $result->is_bailout ) {
+ my $explanation = $result->explanation;
+ print "We bailed out because ($explanation)";
+ }
+If, and only if, a token is a bailout token, you can get an "explanation" via
+this method. The explanation is the text after the mystical "Bail out!" words
+which appear in the tap output.
+=head2 C<unknown> methods
+ if ( $result->is_unknown ) { ... }
+There are no unique methods for unknown results.
+=head2 C<test> methods
+ if ( $result->is_test ) { ... }
+If the above evaluates as true, the following methods will be available on the
+C<$result> object.
+=head3 C<ok>
+ my $ok = $result->ok;
+Returns the literal text of the C<ok> or C<not ok> status.
+=head3 C<number>
+ my $test_number = $result->number;
+Returns the number of the test, even if the original TAP output did not supply
+that number.
+=head3 C<description>
+ my $description = $result->description;
+Returns the description of the test, if any. This is the portion after the
+test number but before the directive.
+=head3 C<directive>
+ my $directive = $result->directive;
+Returns either C<TODO> or C<SKIP> if either directive was present for a test
+=head3 C<explanation>
+ my $explanation = $result->explanation;
+If a test had either a C<TODO> or C<SKIP> directive, this method will return
+the accompanying explantion, if present.
+ not ok 17 - 'Pigs can fly' # TODO not enough acid
+For the above line, the explanation is I<not enough acid>.
+=head3 C<is_ok>
+ if ( $result->is_ok ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the test passed. Remember
+that for TODO tests, the test always passes.
+B<Note:> this was formerly C<passed>. The latter method is deprecated and
+will issue a warning.
+=head3 C<is_actual_ok>
+ if ( $result->is_actual_ok ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the test passed, regardless
+of its TODO status.
+B<Note:> this was formerly C<actual_passed>. The latter method is deprecated
+and will issue a warning.
+=head3 C<is_unplanned>
+ if ( $test->is_unplanned ) { ... }
+If a test number is greater than the number of planned tests, this method will
+return true. Unplanned tests will I<always> return false for C<is_ok>,
+regardless of whether or not the test C<has_todo> (see
+L<TAP::Parser::Result::Test> for more information about this).
+=head3 C<has_skip>
+ if ( $result->has_skip ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test had a SKIP
+=head3 C<has_todo>
+ if ( $result->has_todo ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test had a TODO
+Note that TODO tests I<always> pass. If you need to know whether or not
+they really passed, check the C<is_actual_ok> method.
+=head3 C<in_todo>
+ if ( $parser->in_todo ) { ... }
+True while the most recent result was a TODO. Becomes true before the
+TODO result is returned and stays true until just before the next non-
+TODO test is returned.
+After parsing the TAP, there are many methods available to let you dig through
+the results and determine what is meaningful to you.
+=head2 Individual Results
+These results refer to individual tests which are run.
+=head3 C<passed>
+ my @passed = $parser->passed; # the test numbers which passed
+ my $passed = $parser->passed; # the number of tests which passed
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests passed. If a test failed
+but had a TODO directive, it will be counted as a passed test.
+sub passed { @{ shift->{passed} } }
+=head3 C<failed>
+ my @failed = $parser->failed; # the test numbers which failed
+ my $failed = $parser->failed; # the number of tests which failed
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests failed. If a test passed
+but had a TODO directive, it will B<NOT> be counted as a failed test.
+sub failed { @{ shift->{failed} } }
+=head3 C<actual_passed>
+ # the test numbers which actually passed
+ my @actual_passed = $parser->actual_passed;
+ # the number of tests which actually passed
+ my $actual_passed = $parser->actual_passed;
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests actually passed,
+regardless of whether or not a TODO directive was found.
+sub actual_passed { @{ shift->{actual_passed} } }
+*actual_ok = \&actual_passed;
+=head3 C<actual_ok>
+This method is a synonym for C<actual_passed>.
+=head3 C<actual_failed>
+ # the test numbers which actually failed
+ my @actual_failed = $parser->actual_failed;
+ # the number of tests which actually failed
+ my $actual_failed = $parser->actual_failed;
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests actually failed,
+regardless of whether or not a TODO directive was found.
+sub actual_failed { @{ shift->{actual_failed} } }
+=head3 C<todo>
+ my @todo = $parser->todo; # the test numbers with todo directives
+ my $todo = $parser->todo; # the number of tests with todo directives
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests had TODO directives.
+sub todo { @{ shift->{todo} } }
+=head3 C<todo_passed>
+ # the test numbers which unexpectedly succeeded
+ my @todo_passed = $parser->todo_passed;
+ # the number of tests which unexpectedly succeeded
+ my $todo_passed = $parser->todo_passed;
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests actually passed but were
+declared as "TODO" tests.
+sub todo_passed { @{ shift->{todo_passed} } }
+=head3 C<todo_failed>
+ # deprecated in favor of 'todo_passed'. This method was horribly misnamed.
+This was a badly misnamed method. It indicates which TODO tests unexpectedly
+succeeded. Will now issue a warning and call C<todo_passed>.
+sub todo_failed {
+ warn
+ '"todo_failed" is deprecated. Please use "todo_passed". See the docs.';
+ goto &todo_passed;
+=head3 C<skipped>
+ my @skipped = $parser->skipped; # the test numbers with SKIP directives
+ my $skipped = $parser->skipped; # the number of tests with SKIP directives
+This method lets you know which (or how many) tests had SKIP directives.
+sub skipped { @{ shift->{skipped} } }
+=head2 Pragmas
+=head3 C<pragma>
+Get or set a pragma. To get the state of a pragma:
+ if ( $p->pragma('strict') ) {
+ # be strict
+ }
+To set the state of a pragma:
+ $p->pragma('strict', 1); # enable strict mode
+sub pragma {
+ my ( $self, $pragma ) = splice @_, 0, 2;
+ return $self->{pragma}->{$pragma} unless @_;
+ if ( my $state = shift ) {
+ $self->{pragma}->{$pragma} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $self->{pragma}->{$pragma};
+ }
+ return;
+=head3 C<pragmas>
+Get a list of all the currently enabled pragmas:
+ my @pragmas_enabled = $p->pragmas;
+sub pragmas { sort keys %{ shift->{pragma} || {} } }
+=head2 Summary Results
+These results are "meta" information about the total results of an individual
+test program.
+=head3 C<plan>
+ my $plan = $parser->plan;
+Returns the test plan, if found.
+=head3 C<good_plan>
+Deprecated. Use C<is_good_plan> instead.
+sub good_plan {
+ warn 'good_plan() is deprecated. Please use "is_good_plan()"';
+ goto &is_good_plan;
+=head3 C<is_good_plan>
+ if ( $parser->is_good_plan ) { ... }
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the number of tests planned
+matches the number of tests run.
+B<Note:> this was formerly C<good_plan>. The latter method is deprecated and
+will issue a warning.
+And since we're on that subject ...
+=head3 C<tests_planned>
+ print $parser->tests_planned;
+Returns the number of tests planned, according to the plan. For example, a
+plan of '1..17' will mean that 17 tests were planned.
+=head3 C<tests_run>
+ print $parser->tests_run;
+Returns the number of tests which actually were run. Hopefully this will
+match the number of C<< $parser->tests_planned >>.
+=head3 C<skip_all>
+Returns a true value (actually the reason for skipping) if all tests
+were skipped.
+=head3 C<start_time>
+Returns the time when the Parser was created.
+=head3 C<end_time>
+Returns the time when the end of TAP input was seen.
+=head3 C<has_problems>
+ if ( $parser->has_problems ) {
+ ...
+ }
+This is a 'catch-all' method which returns true if any tests have currently
+failed, any TODO tests unexpectedly succeeded, or any parse errors occurred.
+sub has_problems {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return
+ $self->failed
+ || $self->parse_errors
+ || ( !$self->ignore_exit && ( $self->wait || $self->exit ) );
+=head3 C<version>
+ $parser->version;
+Once the parser is done, this will return the version number for the
+parsed TAP. Version numbers were introduced with TAP version 13 so if no
+version number is found version 12 is assumed.
+=head3 C<exit>
+ $parser->exit;
+Once the parser is done, this will return the exit status. If the parser ran
+an executable, it returns the exit status of the executable.
+=head3 C<wait>
+ $parser->wait;
+Once the parser is done, this will return the wait status. If the parser ran
+an executable, it returns the wait status of the executable. Otherwise, this
+mererely returns the C<exit> status.
+=head2 C<ignore_exit>
+ $parser->ignore_exit(1);
+Tell the parser to ignore the exit status from the test when determining
+whether the test passed. Normally tests with non-zero exit status are
+considered to have failed even if all individual tests passed. In cases
+where it is not possible to control the exit value of the test script
+use this option to ignore it.
+sub ignore_exit { shift->pragma( 'ignore_exit', @_ ) }
+=head3 C<parse_errors>
+ my @errors = $parser->parse_errors; # the parser errors
+ my $errors = $parser->parse_errors; # the number of parser_errors
+Fortunately, all TAP output is perfect. In the event that it is not, this
+method will return parser errors. Note that a junk line which the parser does
+not recognize is C<not> an error. This allows this parser to handle future
+versions of TAP. The following are all TAP errors reported by the parser:
+=over 4
+=item * Misplaced plan
+The plan (for example, '1..5'), must only come at the beginning or end of the
+TAP output.
+=item * No plan
+Gotta have a plan!
+=item * More than one plan
+ 1..3
+ ok 1 - input file opened
+ not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ ok 3 read the rest of the file
+ 1..3
+Right. Very funny. Don't do that.
+=item * Test numbers out of sequence
+ 1..3
+ ok 1 - input file opened
+ not ok 2 - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ ok 2 read the rest of the file
+That last test line above should have the number '3' instead of '2'.
+Note that it's perfectly acceptable for some lines to have test numbers and
+others to not have them. However, when a test number is found, it must be in
+sequence. The following is also an error:
+ 1..3
+ ok 1 - input file opened
+ not ok - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ ok 2 read the rest of the file
+But this is not:
+ 1..3
+ ok - input file opened
+ not ok - first line of the input valid # todo some data
+ ok 3 read the rest of the file
+sub parse_errors { @{ shift->{parse_errors} } }
+sub _add_error {
+ my ( $self, $error ) = @_;
+ push @{ $self->{parse_errors} } => $error;
+ return $self;
+sub _make_state_table {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %states;
+ my %planned_todo = ();
+ # These transitions are defaults for all states
+ my %state_globals = (
+ comment => {},
+ bailout => {},
+ yaml => {},
+ version => {
+ act => sub {
+ $self->_add_error(
+ 'If TAP version is present it must be the first line of output'
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ unknown => {
+ act => sub {
+ my $unk = shift;
+ if ( $self->pragma('strict') ) {
+ $self->_add_error(
+ 'Unknown TAP token: "' . $unk->raw . '"' );
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ pragma => {
+ act => sub {
+ my ($pragma) = @_;
+ for my $pr ( $pragma->pragmas ) {
+ if ( $pr =~ /^ ([-+])(\w+) $/x ) {
+ $self->pragma( $2, $1 eq '+' );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ # Provides default elements for transitions
+ my %state_defaults = (
+ plan => {
+ act => sub {
+ my ($plan) = @_;
+ $self->tests_planned( $plan->tests_planned );
+ $self->plan( $plan->plan );
+ if ( $plan->has_skip ) {
+ $self->skip_all( $plan->explanation
+ || '(no reason given)' );
+ }
+ $planned_todo{$_}++ for @{ $plan->todo_list };
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ act => sub {
+ my ($test) = @_;
+ my ( $number, $tests_run )
+ = ( $test->number, ++$self->{tests_run} );
+ # Fake TODO state
+ if ( defined $number && delete $planned_todo{$number} ) {
+ $test->set_directive('TODO');
+ }
+ my $has_todo = $test->has_todo;
+ $self->in_todo($has_todo);
+ if ( defined( my $tests_planned = $self->tests_planned ) ) {
+ if ( $tests_run > $tests_planned ) {
+ $test->is_unplanned(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( defined $number ) {
+ if ( $number != $tests_run ) {
+ my $count = $tests_run;
+ $self->_add_error( "Tests out of sequence. Found "
+ . "($number) but expected ($count)" );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $test->_number( $number = $tests_run );
+ }
+ push @{ $self->{todo} } => $number if $has_todo;
+ push @{ $self->{todo_passed} } => $number
+ if $test->todo_passed;
+ push @{ $self->{skipped} } => $number
+ if $test->has_skip;
+ push @{ $self->{ $test->is_ok ? 'passed' : 'failed' } } =>
+ $number;
+ push @{
+ $self->{
+ $test->is_actual_ok
+ ? 'actual_passed'
+ : 'actual_failed'
+ }
+ } => $number;
+ },
+ },
+ yaml => { act => sub { }, },
+ );
+ # Each state contains a hash the keys of which match a token type. For
+ # each token
+ # type there may be:
+ # act A coderef to run
+ # goto The new state to move to. Stay in this state if
+ # missing
+ # continue Goto the new state and run the new state for the
+ # current token
+ %states = (
+ INIT => {
+ version => {
+ act => sub {
+ my ($version) = @_;
+ my $ver_num = $version->version;
+ if ( $ver_num <= $DEFAULT_TAP_VERSION ) {
+ my $ver_min = $DEFAULT_TAP_VERSION + 1;
+ $self->_add_error(
+ "Explicit TAP version must be at least "
+ . "$ver_min. Got version $ver_num" );
+ $ver_num = $DEFAULT_TAP_VERSION;
+ }
+ if ( $ver_num > $MAX_TAP_VERSION ) {
+ $self->_add_error(
+ "TAP specified version $ver_num but "
+ . "we don't know about versions later "
+ . "than $MAX_TAP_VERSION" );
+ $ver_num = $MAX_TAP_VERSION;
+ }
+ $self->version($ver_num);
+ $self->_grammar->set_version($ver_num);
+ },
+ goto => 'PLAN'
+ },
+ plan => { goto => 'PLANNED' },
+ test => { goto => 'UNPLANNED' },
+ },
+ PLAN => {
+ plan => { goto => 'PLANNED' },
+ test => { goto => 'UNPLANNED' },
+ },
+ PLANNED => {
+ test => { goto => 'PLANNED_AFTER_TEST' },
+ plan => {
+ act => sub {
+ my ($version) = @_;
+ $self->_add_error(
+ 'More than one plan found in TAP output');
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ test => { goto => 'PLANNED_AFTER_TEST' },
+ plan => { act => sub { }, continue => 'PLANNED' },
+ yaml => { goto => 'PLANNED' },
+ },
+ GOT_PLAN => {
+ test => {
+ act => sub {
+ my ($plan) = @_;
+ my $line = $self->plan;
+ $self->_add_error(
+ "Plan ($line) must be at the beginning "
+ . "or end of the TAP output" );
+ $self->is_good_plan(0);
+ },
+ continue => 'PLANNED'
+ },
+ plan => { continue => 'PLANNED' },
+ },
+ test => { goto => 'UNPLANNED_AFTER_TEST' },
+ plan => { goto => 'GOT_PLAN' },
+ },
+ test => { act => sub { }, continue => 'UNPLANNED' },
+ plan => { act => sub { }, continue => 'UNPLANNED' },
+ yaml => { goto => 'PLANNED' },
+ },
+ );
+ # Apply globals and defaults to state table
+ for my $name ( keys %states ) {
+ # Merge with globals
+ my $st = { %state_globals, %{ $states{$name} } };
+ # Add defaults
+ for my $next ( sort keys %{$st} ) {
+ if ( my $default = $state_defaults{$next} ) {
+ for my $def ( sort keys %{$default} ) {
+ $st->{$next}->{$def} ||= $default->{$def};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Stuff back in table
+ $states{$name} = $st;
+ }
+ return \%states;
+=head3 C<get_select_handles>
+Get an a list of file handles which can be passed to C<select> to
+determine the readiness of this parser.
+sub get_select_handles { shift->_stream->get_select_handles }
+sub _grammar {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_grammar} = shift if @_;
+ return $self->{_grammar} ||= $self->make_grammar(
+ { stream => $self->_stream,
+ parser => $self,
+ version => $self->version
+ }
+ );
+sub _iter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stream = $self->_stream;
+ my $grammar = $self->_grammar;
+ my $spool = $self->_spool;
+ my $state = 'INIT';
+ my $state_table = $self->_make_state_table;
+ $self->start_time( $self->get_time );
+ # Make next_state closure
+ my $next_state = sub {
+ my $token = shift;
+ my $type = $token->type;
+ TRANS: {
+ my $state_spec = $state_table->{$state}
+ or die "Illegal state: $state";
+ if ( my $next = $state_spec->{$type} ) {
+ if ( my $act = $next->{act} ) {
+ $act->($token);
+ }
+ if ( my $cont = $next->{continue} ) {
+ $state = $cont;
+ redo TRANS;
+ }
+ elsif ( my $goto = $next->{goto} ) {
+ $state = $goto;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ confess("Unhandled token type: $type\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return $token;
+ };
+ # Handle end of stream - which means either pop a block or finish
+ my $end_handler = sub {
+ $self->exit( $stream->exit );
+ $self->wait( $stream->wait );
+ $self->_finish;
+ return;
+ };
+ # Finally make the closure that we return. For performance reasons
+ # there are two versions of the returned function: one that handles
+ # callbacks and one that does not.
+ if ( $self->_has_callbacks ) {
+ return sub {
+ my $result = eval { $grammar->tokenize };
+ $self->_add_error($@) if $@;
+ if ( defined $result ) {
+ $result = $next_state->($result);
+ if ( my $code = $self->_callback_for( $result->type ) ) {
+ $_->($result) for @{$code};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_make_callback( 'ELSE', $result );
+ }
+ $self->_make_callback( 'ALL', $result );
+ # Echo TAP to spool file
+ print {$spool} $result->raw, "\n" if $spool;
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = $end_handler->();
+ $self->_make_callback( 'EOF', $self )
+ unless defined $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ };
+ } # _has_callbacks
+ else {
+ return sub {
+ my $result = eval { $grammar->tokenize };
+ $self->_add_error($@) if $@;
+ if ( defined $result ) {
+ $result = $next_state->($result);
+ # Echo TAP to spool file
+ print {$spool} $result->raw, "\n" if $spool;
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = $end_handler->();
+ }
+ return $result;
+ };
+ } # no callbacks
+sub _finish {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->end_time( $self->get_time );
+ # Avoid leaks
+ $self->_stream(undef);
+ $self->_grammar(undef);
+ # If we just delete the iter we won't get a fault if it's recreated.
+ # Instead we set it to a sub that returns an infinite
+ # stream of undef. This segfaults on 5.5.4, presumably because
+ # we're still executing the closure that gets replaced and it hasn't
+ # been protected with a refcount.
+ $self->{_iter} = sub {return}
+ if $] >= 5.006;
+ # sanity checks
+ if ( !$self->plan ) {
+ $self->_add_error('No plan found in TAP output');
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->is_good_plan(1) unless defined $self->is_good_plan;
+ }
+ if ( $self->tests_run != ( $self->tests_planned || 0 ) ) {
+ $self->is_good_plan(0);
+ if ( defined( my $planned = $self->tests_planned ) ) {
+ my $ran = $self->tests_run;
+ $self->_add_error(
+ "Bad plan. You planned $planned tests but ran $ran.");
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $self->tests_run != ( $self->passed + $self->failed ) ) {
+ # this should never happen
+ my $actual = $self->tests_run;
+ my $passed = $self->passed;
+ my $failed = $self->failed;
+ $self->_croak( "Panic: planned test count ($actual) did not equal "
+ . "sum of passed ($passed) and failed ($failed) tests!" );
+ }
+ $self->is_good_plan(0) unless defined $self->is_good_plan;
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<delete_spool>
+Delete and return the spool.
+ my $fh = $parser->delete_spool;
+sub delete_spool {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return delete $self->{_spool};
+As mentioned earlier, a "callback" key may be added to the
+C<TAP::Parser> constructor. If present, each callback corresponding to a
+given result type will be called with the result as the argument if the
+C<run> method is used. The callback is expected to be a subroutine
+reference (or anonymous subroutine) which is invoked with the parser
+result as its argument.
+ my %callbacks = (
+ test => \&test_callback,
+ plan => \&plan_callback,
+ comment => \&comment_callback,
+ bailout => \&bailout_callback,
+ unknown => \&unknown_callback,
+ );
+ my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;
+ foreach my $file ( @test_files ) {
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new(
+ {
+ source => $file,
+ callbacks => \%callbacks,
+ }
+ );
+ $parser->run;
+ $aggregator->add( $file, $parser );
+ }
+Callbacks may also be added like this:
+ $parser->callback( test => \&test_callback );
+ $parser->callback( plan => \&plan_callback );
+The following keys allowed for callbacks. These keys are case-sensitive.
+=over 4
+=item * C<test>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_test >> returns true.
+=item * C<version>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_version >> returns true.
+=item * C<plan>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_plan >> returns true.
+=item * C<comment>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_comment >> returns true.
+=item * C<bailout>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_unknown >> returns true.
+=item * C<yaml>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_yaml >> returns true.
+=item * C<unknown>
+Invoked if C<< $result->is_unknown >> returns true.
+=item * C<ELSE>
+If a result does not have a callback defined for it, this callback will
+be invoked. Thus, if all of the previous result types are specified as
+callbacks, this callback will I<never> be invoked.
+=item * C<ALL>
+This callback will always be invoked and this will happen for each
+result after one of the above callbacks is invoked. For example, if
+L<Term::ANSIColor> is loaded, you could use the following to color your
+test output:
+ my %callbacks = (
+ test => sub {
+ my $test = shift;
+ if ( $test->is_ok && not $test->directive ) {
+ # normal passing test
+ print color 'green';
+ }
+ elsif ( !$test->is_ok ) { # even if it's TODO
+ print color 'white on_red';
+ }
+ elsif ( $test->has_skip ) {
+ print color 'white on_blue';
+ }
+ elsif ( $test->has_todo ) {
+ print color 'white';
+ }
+ },
+ ELSE => sub {
+ # plan, comment, and so on (anything which isn't a test line)
+ print color 'black on_white';
+ },
+ ALL => sub {
+ # now print them
+ print shift->as_string;
+ print color 'reset';
+ print "\n";
+ },
+ );
+=item * C<EOF>
+Invoked when there are no more lines to be parsed. Since there is no
+accompanying L<TAP::Parser::Result> object the C<TAP::Parser> object is
+passed instead.
+If you're looking for an EBNF grammar, see L<TAP::Parser::Grammar>.
+The Perl-QA list attempted to ensure backwards compatability with
+L<Test::Harness>. However, there are some minor differences.
+=head2 Differences
+=over 4
+=item * TODO plans
+A little-known feature of L<Test::Harness> is that it supported TODO
+lists in the plan:
+ 1..2 todo 2
+ ok 1 - We have liftoff
+ not ok 2 - Anti-gravity device activated
+Under L<Test::Harness>, test number 2 would I<pass> because it was
+listed as a TODO test on the plan line. However, we are not aware of
+anyone actually using this feature and hard-coding test numbers is
+discouraged because it's very easy to add a test and break the test
+number sequence. This makes test suites very fragile. Instead, the
+following should be used:
+ 1..2
+ ok 1 - We have liftoff
+ not ok 2 - Anti-gravity device activated # TODO
+=item * 'Missing' tests
+It rarely happens, but sometimes a harness might encounter
+'missing tests:
+ ok 1
+ ok 2
+ ok 15
+ ok 16
+ ok 17
+L<Test::Harness> would report tests 3-14 as having failed. For the
+C<TAP::Parser>, these tests are not considered failed because they've
+never run. They're reported as parse failures (tests out of sequence).
+If you find you need to provide custom functionality (as you would have using
+L<Test::Harness::Straps>), you're in luck: C<TAP::Parser> and friends are
+designed to be easily subclassed.
+Before you start, it's important to know a few things:
+=over 2
+=item 1
+All C<TAP::*> objects inherit from L<TAP::Object>.
+=item 2
+Most C<TAP::*> classes have a I<SUBCLASSING> section to guide you.
+=item 3
+Note that C<TAP::Parser> is designed to be the central 'maker' - ie: it is
+responsible for creating new objects in the C<TAP::Parser::*> namespace.
+This makes it possible for you to have a single point of configuring what
+subclasses should be used, which in turn means that in many cases you'll find
+you only need to sub-class one of the parser's components.
+=item 4
+By subclassing, you may end up overriding undocumented methods. That's not
+a bad thing per se, but be forewarned that undocumented methods may change
+without warning from one release to the next - we cannot guarantee backwards
+compatability. If any I<documented> method needs changing, it will be
+deprecated first, and changed in a later release.
+=head2 Parser Components
+=head3 Sources
+A TAP parser consumes input from a I<source>. There are currently two types
+of sources: L<TAP::Parser::Source> for general non-perl commands, and
+L<TAP::Parser::Source::Perl>. You can subclass both of them. You'll need to
+customize your parser by setting the C<source_class> & C<perl_source_class>
+parameters. See L</new> for more details.
+If you need to customize the objects on creation, subclass L<TAP::Parser> and
+override L</make_source> or L</make_perl_source>.
+=head3 Iterators
+A TAP parser uses I<iterators> to loop through the I<stream> provided by the
+parser's I<source>. There are quite a few types of Iterators available.
+Choosing which class to use is the responsibility of the I<iterator factory>.
+To create your own iterators you'll have to subclass
+L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory> and L<TAP::Parser::Iterator>. Then you'll
+need to customize the class used by your parser by setting the
+C<iterator_factory_class> parameter. See L</new> for more details.
+If you need to customize the objects on creation, subclass L<TAP::Parser> and
+override L</make_iterator>.
+=head3 Results
+A TAP parser creates L<TAP::Parser::Result>s as it iterates through the
+input I<stream>. There are quite a few result types available; choosing
+which class to use is the responsibility of the I<result factory>.
+To create your own result types you have two options:
+=over 2
+=item option 1
+Subclass L<TAP::Parser::Result> and register your new result type/class with
+the default L<TAP::Parser::ResultFactory>.
+=item option 2
+Subclass L<TAP::Parser::ResultFactory> itself and implement your own
+L<TAP::Parser::Result> creation logic. Then you'll need to customize the
+class used by your parser by setting the C<result_factory_class> parameter.
+See L</new> for more details.
+If you need to customize the objects on creation, subclass L<TAP::Parser> and
+override L</make_result>.
+=head3 Grammar
+L<TAP::Parser::Grammar> is the heart of the parser - it tokenizes the TAP
+input I<stream> and produces results. If you need to customize its behaviour
+you should probably familiarize yourself with the source first. Enough
+Subclass L<TAP::Parser::Grammar> and customize your parser by setting the
+C<grammar_class> parameter. See L</new> for more details.
+If you need to customize the objects on creation, subclass L<TAP::Parser> and
+override L</make_grammar>
+All of the following have helped. Bug reports, patches, (im)moral
+support, or just words of encouragement have all been forthcoming.
+=over 4
+=item * Michael Schwern
+=item * Andy Lester
+=item * chromatic
+=item * GEOFFR
+=item * Shlomi Fish
+=item * Torsten Schoenfeld
+=item * Jerry Gay
+=item * Aristotle
+=item * Adam Kennedy
+=item * Yves Orton
+=item * Adrian Howard
+=item * Sean & Lil
+=item * Andreas J. Koenig
+=item * Florian Ragwitz
+=item * Corion
+=item * Mark Stosberg
+=item * Matt Kraai
+=item * David Wheeler
+=item * Alex Vandiver
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Curtis "Ovid" Poe <>
+Andy Armstong <>
+Eric Wilhelm @ <ewilhelm at cpan dot org>
+Michael Peters <mpeters at plusthree dot com>
+Leif Eriksen <leif dot eriksen at bigpond dot com>
+Steve Purkis <>
+Nicholas Clark <>
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<>, or through the web interface at
+We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
+progress on your bug as we make changes.
+Obviously, bugs which include patches are best. If you prefer, you can
+patch against bleed by via anonymous checkout of the latest version:
+ svn checkout
+Copyright 2006-2008 Curtis "Ovid" Poe, all rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.