path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/Formatter/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/Formatter/')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/Formatter/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/Formatter/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f2b54a9ba3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/TAP/Formatter/
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+package TAP::Formatter::Base;
+use strict;
+use TAP::Base ();
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+my $MAX_ERRORS = 5;
+ @ISA = qw(TAP::Base);
+ directives => sub { shift; shift },
+ verbosity => sub { shift; shift },
+ normalize => sub { shift; shift },
+ timer => sub { shift; shift },
+ failures => sub { shift; shift },
+ comments => sub { shift; shift },
+ errors => sub { shift; shift },
+ color => sub { shift; shift },
+ jobs => sub { shift; shift },
+ show_count => sub { shift; shift },
+ stdout => sub {
+ my ( $self, $ref ) = @_;
+ $self->_croak("option 'stdout' needs a filehandle")
+ unless ( ref $ref || '' ) eq 'GLOB'
+ or eval { $ref->can('print') };
+ return $ref;
+ },
+ );
+ my @getter_setters = qw(
+ _longest
+ _printed_summary_header
+ _colorizer
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_methods( @getter_setters, keys %VALIDATION_FOR );
+=head1 NAME
+TAP::Formatter::Console - Harness output delegate for default console output
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.17
+$VERSION = '3.17';
+This provides console orientated output formatting for TAP::Harness.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use TAP::Formatter::Console;
+ my $harness = TAP::Formatter::Console->new( \%args );
+sub _initialize {
+ my ( $self, $arg_for ) = @_;
+ $arg_for ||= {};
+ $self->SUPER::_initialize($arg_for);
+ my %arg_for = %$arg_for; # force a shallow copy
+ $self->verbosity(0);
+ for my $name ( keys %VALIDATION_FOR ) {
+ my $property = delete $arg_for{$name};
+ if ( defined $property ) {
+ my $validate = $VALIDATION_FOR{$name};
+ $self->$name( $self->$validate($property) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( my @props = keys %arg_for ) {
+ $self->_croak(
+ "Unknown arguments to " . __PACKAGE__ . "::new (@props)" );
+ }
+ $self->stdout( \*STDOUT ) unless $self->stdout;
+ if ( $self->color ) {
+ require TAP::Formatter::Color;
+ $self->_colorizer( TAP::Formatter::Color->new );
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub verbose { shift->verbosity >= 1 }
+sub quiet { shift->verbosity <= -1 }
+sub really_quiet { shift->verbosity <= -2 }
+sub silent { shift->verbosity <= -3 }
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+ my %args = (
+ verbose => 1,
+ )
+ my $harness = TAP::Formatter::Console->new( \%args );
+The constructor returns a new C<TAP::Formatter::Console> object. If
+a L<TAP::Harness> is created with no C<formatter> a
+C<TAP::Formatter::Console> is automatically created. If any of the
+following options were given to TAP::Harness->new they well be passed to
+this constructor which accepts an optional hashref whose allowed keys are:
+=over 4
+=item * C<verbosity>
+Set the verbosity level.
+=item * C<verbose>
+Printing individual test results to STDOUT.
+=item * C<timer>
+Append run time for each test to output. Uses L<Time::HiRes> if available.
+=item * C<failures>
+Show test failures (this is a no-op if C<verbose> is selected).
+=item * C<comments>
+Show test comments (this is a no-op if C<verbose> is selected).
+=item * C<quiet>
+Suppressing some test output (mostly failures while tests are running).
+=item * C<really_quiet>
+Suppressing everything but the tests summary.
+=item * C<silent>
+Suppressing all output.
+=item * C<errors>
+If parse errors are found in the TAP output, a note of this will be made
+in the summary report. To see all of the parse errors, set this argument to
+ errors => 1
+=item * C<directives>
+If set to a true value, only test results with directives will be displayed.
+This overrides other settings such as C<verbose>, C<failures>, or C<comments>.
+=item * C<stdout>
+A filehandle for catching standard output.
+=item * C<color>
+If defined specifies whether color output is desired. If C<color> is not
+defined it will default to color output if color support is available on
+the current platform and output is not being redirected.
+=item * C<jobs>
+The number of concurrent jobs this formatter will handle.
+=item * C<show_count>
+Boolean value. If false, disables the C<X/Y> test count which shows up while
+tests are running.
+Any keys for which the value is C<undef> will be ignored.
+# new supplied by TAP::Base
+=head3 C<prepare>
+Called by Test::Harness before any test output is generated.
+This is an advisory and may not be called in the case where tests are
+being supplied to Test::Harness by an iterator.
+sub prepare {
+ my ( $self, @tests ) = @_;
+ my $longest = 0;
+ foreach my $test (@tests) {
+ $longest = length $test if length $test > $longest;
+ }
+ $self->_longest($longest);
+sub _format_now { strftime "[%H:%M:%S]", localtime }
+sub _format_name {
+ my ( $self, $test ) = @_;
+ my $name = $test;
+ my $periods = '.' x ( $self->_longest + 2 - length $test );
+ $periods = " $periods ";
+ if ( $self->timer ) {
+ my $stamp = $self->_format_now();
+ return "$stamp $name$periods";
+ }
+ else {
+ return "$name$periods";
+ }
+=head3 C<open_test>
+Called to create a new test session. A test session looks like this:
+ my $session = $formatter->open_test( $test, $parser );
+ while ( defined( my $result = $parser->next ) ) {
+ $session->result($result);
+ exit 1 if $result->is_bailout;
+ }
+ $session->close_test;
+sub open_test {
+ die "Unimplemented.";
+sub _output_success {
+ my ( $self, $msg ) = @_;
+ $self->_output($msg);
+=head3 C<summary>
+ $harness->summary( $aggregate );
+C<summary> prints the summary report after all tests are run. The argument is
+an aggregate.
+sub summary {
+ my ( $self, $aggregate ) = @_;
+ return if $self->silent;
+ my @t = $aggregate->descriptions;
+ my $tests = \@t;
+ my $runtime = $aggregate->elapsed_timestr;
+ my $total = $aggregate->total;
+ my $passed = $aggregate->passed;
+ if ( $self->timer ) {
+ $self->_output( $self->_format_now(), "\n" );
+ }
+ # TODO: Check this condition still works when all subtests pass but
+ # the exit status is nonzero
+ if ( $aggregate->all_passed ) {
+ $self->_output_success("All tests successful.\n");
+ }
+ # ~TODO option where $aggregate->skipped generates reports
+ if ( $total != $passed or $aggregate->has_problems ) {
+ $self->_output("\nTest Summary Report");
+ $self->_output("\n-------------------\n");
+ foreach my $test (@$tests) {
+ $self->_printed_summary_header(0);
+ my ($parser) = $aggregate->parsers($test);
+ $self->_output_summary_failure(
+ 'failed',
+ [ ' Failed test: ', ' Failed tests: ' ],
+ $test, $parser
+ );
+ $self->_output_summary_failure(
+ 'todo_passed',
+ " TODO passed: ", $test, $parser
+ );
+ # ~TODO this cannot be the default
+ #$self->_output_summary_failure( 'skipped', " Tests skipped: " );
+ if ( my $exit = $parser->exit ) {
+ $self->_summary_test_header( $test, $parser );
+ $self->_failure_output(" Non-zero exit status: $exit\n");
+ }
+ elsif ( my $wait = $parser->wait ) {
+ $self->_summary_test_header( $test, $parser );
+ $self->_failure_output(" Non-zero wait status: $wait\n");
+ }
+ if ( my @errors = $parser->parse_errors ) {
+ my $explain;
+ if ( @errors > $MAX_ERRORS && !$self->errors ) {
+ $explain
+ = "Displayed the first $MAX_ERRORS of "
+ . scalar(@errors)
+ . " TAP syntax errors.\n"
+ . "Re-run prove with the -p option to see them all.\n";
+ splice @errors, $MAX_ERRORS;
+ }
+ $self->_summary_test_header( $test, $parser );
+ $self->_failure_output(
+ sprintf " Parse errors: %s\n",
+ shift @errors
+ );
+ foreach my $error (@errors) {
+ my $spaces = ' ' x 16;
+ $self->_failure_output("$spaces$error\n");
+ }
+ $self->_failure_output($explain) if $explain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $files = @$tests;
+ $self->_output("Files=$files, Tests=$total, $runtime\n");
+ my $status = $aggregate->get_status;
+ $self->_output("Result: $status\n");
+sub _output_summary_failure {
+ my ( $self, $method, $name, $test, $parser ) = @_;
+ # ugly hack. Must rethink this :(
+ my $output = $method eq 'failed' ? '_failure_output' : '_output';
+ if ( my @r = $parser->$method() ) {
+ $self->_summary_test_header( $test, $parser );
+ my ( $singular, $plural )
+ = 'ARRAY' eq ref $name ? @$name : ( $name, $name );
+ $self->$output( @r == 1 ? $singular : $plural );
+ my @results = $self->_balanced_range( 40, @r );
+ $self->$output( sprintf "%s\n" => shift @results );
+ my $spaces = ' ' x 16;
+ while (@results) {
+ $self->$output( sprintf "$spaces%s\n" => shift @results );
+ }
+ }
+sub _summary_test_header {
+ my ( $self, $test, $parser ) = @_;
+ return if $self->_printed_summary_header;
+ my $spaces = ' ' x ( $self->_longest - length $test );
+ $spaces = ' ' unless $spaces;
+ my $output = $self->_get_output_method($parser);
+ $self->$output(
+ sprintf "$test$spaces(Wstat: %d Tests: %d Failed: %d)\n",
+ $parser->wait, $parser->tests_run, scalar $parser->failed
+ );
+ $self->_printed_summary_header(1);
+sub _output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ print { $self->stdout } @_;
+sub _failure_output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_output(@_);
+sub _balanced_range {
+ my ( $self, $limit, @range ) = @_;
+ @range = $self->_range(@range);
+ my $line = "";
+ my @lines;
+ my $curr = 0;
+ while (@range) {
+ if ( $curr < $limit ) {
+ my $range = ( shift @range ) . ", ";
+ $line .= $range;
+ $curr += length $range;
+ }
+ elsif (@range) {
+ $line =~ s/, $//;
+ push @lines => $line;
+ $line = '';
+ $curr = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($line) {
+ $line =~ s/, $//;
+ push @lines => $line;
+ }
+ return @lines;
+sub _range {
+ my ( $self, @numbers ) = @_;
+ # shouldn't be needed, but subclasses might call this
+ @numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } @numbers;
+ my ( $min, @range );
+ foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#numbers ) {
+ my $num = $numbers[$i];
+ my $next = $numbers[ $i + 1 ];
+ if ( defined $next && $next == $num + 1 ) {
+ if ( !defined $min ) {
+ $min = $num;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( defined $min ) {
+ push @range => "$min-$num";
+ undef $min;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @range => $num;
+ }
+ }
+ return @range;
+sub _get_output_method {
+ my ( $self, $parser ) = @_;
+ return $parser->has_problems ? '_failure_output' : '_output';