path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..2189ae06c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+package Switch;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Carp;
+use if $] >= 5.011, 'deprecate';
+$VERSION = '2.16';
+use Filter::Util::Call;
+sub __();
+$::_S_W_I_T_C_H = sub { croak "case/when statement not in switch/given block" };
+my $offset;
+my $fallthrough;
+my ($Perl5, $Perl6) = (0,0);
+sub import
+ $fallthrough = grep /\bfallthrough\b/, @_;
+ $offset = (caller)[2]+1;
+ filter_add({}) unless @_>1 && $_[1] eq 'noimport';
+ my $pkg = caller;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ for ( qw( on_defined on_exists ) )
+ {
+ *{"${pkg}::$_"} = \&$_;
+ }
+ *{"${pkg}::__"} = \&__ if grep /__/, @_;
+ $Perl6 = 1 if grep(/Perl\s*6/i, @_);
+ $Perl5 = 1 if grep(/Perl\s*5/i, @_) || !grep(/Perl\s*6/i, @_);
+ 1;
+sub unimport
+ filter_del()
+sub filter
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ local $Switch::file = (caller)[1];
+ my $status = 1;
+ $status = filter_read(1_000_000);
+ return $status if $status<0;
+ $_ = filter_blocks($_,$offset);
+ $_ = "# line $offset\n" . $_ if $offset; undef $offset;
+ return $status;
+use Text::Balanced ':ALL';
+sub line
+ my ($pretext,$offset) = @_;
+ ($pretext=~tr/\n/\n/)+($offset||0);
+sub is_block
+ local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{die$@};
+ local $^W=1;
+ my $ishash = defined eval 'my $hr='.$_[0];
+ undef $@;
+ return !$ishash;
+my $pod_or_DATA = qr/ ^=[A-Za-z] .*? ^=cut (?![A-Za-z]) .*? $
+ | ^__(DATA|END)__\n.*
+ /smx;
+my $casecounter = 1;
+sub filter_blocks
+ my ($source, $line) = @_;
+ return $source unless $Perl5 && $source =~ /case|switch/
+ || $Perl6 && $source =~ /when|given|default/;
+ pos $source = 0;
+ my $text = "";
+ component: while (pos $source < length $source)
+ {
+ if ($source =~ m/(\G\s*use\s+Switch\b)/gc)
+ {
+ $text .= q{use Switch 'noimport'};
+ next component;
+ }
+ my @pos = Text::Balanced::_match_quotelike(\$source,qr/\s*/,1,0);
+ if (defined $pos[0])
+ {
+ my $pre = substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[1]); # matched prefix
+ my $iEol;
+ if( substr($source,$pos[4],$pos[5]) eq '/' && # 1st delimiter
+ substr($source,$pos[2],$pos[3]) eq '' && # no op like 'm'
+ index( substr($source,$pos[16],$pos[17]), 'x' ) == -1 && # no //x
+ ($iEol = index( $source, "\n", $pos[4] )) > 0 &&
+ $iEol < $pos[8] ){ # embedded newlines
+ # If this is a pattern, it isn't compatible with Switch. Backup past 1st '/'.
+ pos( $source ) = $pos[6];
+ $text .= $pre . substr($source,$pos[2],$pos[6]-$pos[2]);
+ } else {
+ $text .= $pre . substr($source,$pos[2],$pos[18]-$pos[2]);
+ }
+ next component;
+ }
+ if ($source =~ m/(\G\s*$pod_or_DATA)/gc) {
+ $text .= $1;
+ next component;
+ }
+ @pos = Text::Balanced::_match_variable(\$source,qr/\s*/);
+ if (defined $pos[0])
+ {
+ $text .= " " if $pos[0] < $pos[2];
+ $text .= substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]);
+ next component;
+ }
+ if ($Perl5 && $source =~ m/\G(\n*)(\s*)(switch)\b(?=\s*[(])/gc
+ || $Perl6 && $source =~ m/\G(\n*)(\s*)(given)\b(?=\s*[(])/gc
+ || $Perl6 && $source =~ m/\G(\n*)(\s*)(given)\b(.*)(?=\{)/gc)
+ {
+ my $keyword = $3;
+ my $arg = $4;
+ $text .= $1.$2.'S_W_I_T_C_H: while (1) ';
+ unless ($arg) {
+ @pos = Text::Balanced::_match_codeblock(\$source,qr/\s*/,qr/\(/,qr/\)/,qr/[[{(<]/,qr/[]})>]/,undef)
+ or do {
+ die "Bad $keyword statement (problem in the parentheses?) near $Switch::file line ", line(substr($source,0,pos $source),$line), "\n";
+ };
+ $arg = filter_blocks(substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]),line(substr($source,0,$pos[0]),$line));
+ }
+ $arg =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*%} { ( \\\%} ||
+ $arg =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*m\b} { ( qr} ||
+ $arg =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*/} { ( qr/} ||
+ $arg =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*qw} { ( \\qw};
+ @pos = Text::Balanced::_match_codeblock(\$source,qr/\s*/,qr/\{/,qr/\}/,qr/\{/,qr/\}/,undef)
+ or do {
+ die "Bad $keyword statement (problem in the code block?) near $Switch::file line ", line(substr($source,0, pos $source), $line), "\n";
+ };
+ my $code = filter_blocks(substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]),line(substr($source,0,$pos[0]),$line));
+ $code =~ s/{/{ local \$::_S_W_I_T_C_H; Switch::switch $arg;/;
+ $text .= $code . 'continue {last}';
+ next component;
+ }
+ elsif ($Perl5 && $source =~ m/\G(\s*)(case\b)(?!\s*=>)/gc
+ || $Perl6 && $source =~ m/\G(\s*)(when\b)(?!\s*=>)/gc
+ || $Perl6 && $source =~ m/\G(\s*)(default\b)(?=\s*\{)/gc)
+ {
+ my $keyword = $2;
+ $text .= $1 . ($keyword eq "default"
+ ? "if (1)"
+ : "if (Switch::case");
+ if ($keyword eq "default") {
+ # Nothing to do
+ }
+ elsif (@pos = Text::Balanced::_match_codeblock(\$source,qr/\s*/,qr/\{/,qr/\}/,qr/\{/,qr/\}/,undef)) {
+ my $code = substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]);
+ $text .= " " if $pos[0] < $pos[2];
+ $text .= "sub " if is_block $code;
+ $text .= filter_blocks($code,line(substr($source,0,$pos[0]),$line)) . ")";
+ }
+ elsif (@pos = Text::Balanced::_match_codeblock(\$source,qr/\s*/,qr/[[(]/,qr/[])]/,qr/[[({]/,qr/[])}]/,undef)) {
+ my $code = filter_blocks(substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]),line(substr($source,0,$pos[0]),$line));
+ $code =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*%} { ( \\\%} ||
+ $code =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*m\b} { ( qr} ||
+ $code =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*/} { ( qr/} ||
+ $code =~ s {^\s*[(]\s*qw} { ( \\qw};
+ $text .= " " if $pos[0] < $pos[2];
+ $text .= "$code)";
+ }
+ elsif ($Perl6 && do{@pos = Text::Balanced::_match_variable(\$source,qr/\s*/)}) {
+ my $code = filter_blocks(substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]),line(substr($source,0,$pos[0]),$line));
+ $code =~ s {^\s*%} { \%} ||
+ $code =~ s {^\s*@} { \@};
+ $text .= " " if $pos[0] < $pos[2];
+ $text .= "$code)";
+ }
+ elsif ( @pos = Text::Balanced::_match_quotelike(\$source,qr/\s*/,1,0)) {
+ my $code = substr($source,$pos[2],$pos[18]-$pos[2]);
+ $code = filter_blocks($code,line(substr($source,0,$pos[2]),$line));
+ $code =~ s {^\s*m} { qr} ||
+ $code =~ s {^\s*/} { qr/} ||
+ $code =~ s {^\s*qw} { \\qw};
+ $text .= " " if $pos[0] < $pos[2];
+ $text .= "$code)";
+ }
+ elsif ($Perl5 && $source =~ m/\G\s*(([^\$\@{])[^\$\@{]*)(?=\s*{)/gc
+ || $Perl6 && $source =~ m/\G\s*([^;{]*)()/gc) {
+ my $code = filter_blocks($1,line(substr($source,0,pos $source),$line));
+ $text .= ' \\' if $2 eq '%';
+ $text .= " $code)";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Bad $keyword statement (invalid $keyword value?) near $Switch::file line ", line(substr($source,0,pos $source), $line), "\n";
+ }
+ die "Missing opening brace or semi-colon after 'when' value near $Switch::file line ", line(substr($source,0,pos $source), $line), "\n"
+ unless !$Perl6 || $source =~ m/\G(\s*)(?=;|\{)/gc;
+ do{@pos = Text::Balanced::_match_codeblock(\$source,qr/\s*/,qr/\{/,qr/\}/,qr/\{/,qr/\}/,undef)}
+ or do {
+ if ($source =~ m/\G\s*(?=([};]|\Z))/gc) {
+ $casecounter++;
+ next component;
+ }
+ die "Bad $keyword statement (problem in the code block?) near $Switch::file line ", line(substr($source,0,pos $source),$line), "\n";
+ };
+ my $code = filter_blocks(substr($source,$pos[0],$pos[4]-$pos[0]),line(substr($source,0,$pos[0]),$line));
+ $code =~ s/}(?=\s*\Z)/;last S_W_I_T_C_H }/
+ unless $fallthrough;
+ $text .= "{ while (1) $code continue { goto C_A_S_E_$casecounter } last S_W_I_T_C_H; C_A_S_E_$casecounter: }";
+ $casecounter++;
+ next component;
+ }
+ $source =~ m/\G(\s*(-[sm]\s+|\w+|#.*\n|\W))/gc;
+ $text .= $1;
+ }
+ $text;
+sub in
+ my ($x,$y) = @_;
+ my @numy;
+ for my $nextx ( @$x )
+ {
+ my $numx = ref($nextx) || defined $nextx && (~$nextx&$nextx) eq 0;
+ for my $j ( 0..$#$y )
+ {
+ my $nexty = $y->[$j];
+ push @numy, ref($nexty) || defined $nexty && (~$nexty&$nexty) eq 0
+ if @numy <= $j;
+ return 1 if $numx && $numy[$j] && $nextx==$nexty
+ || $nextx eq $nexty;
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+sub on_exists
+ my $ref = @_==1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : { @_ };
+ [ keys %$ref ]
+sub on_defined
+ my $ref = @_==1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : { @_ };
+ [ grep { defined $ref->{$_} } keys %$ref ]
+sub switch(;$)
+ my ($s_val) = @_ ? $_[0] : $_;
+ my $s_ref = ref $s_val;
+ if ($s_ref eq 'CODE')
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ return $s_val == $c_val if ref $c_val eq 'CODE';
+ return $s_val->(@$c_val) if ref $c_val eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $s_val->($c_val);
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($s_ref eq "" && defined $s_val && (~$s_val&$s_val) eq 0) # NUMERIC SCALAR
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ my $c_ref = ref $c_val;
+ return $s_val == $c_val if $c_ref eq ""
+ && defined $c_val
+ && (~$c_val&$c_val) eq 0;
+ return $s_val eq $c_val if $c_ref eq "";
+ return in([$s_val],$c_val) if $c_ref eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $c_val->($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'CODE';
+ return $c_val->call($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'Switch';
+ return scalar $s_val=~/$c_val/
+ if $c_ref eq 'Regexp';
+ return scalar $c_val->{$s_val}
+ if $c_ref eq 'HASH';
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($s_ref eq "") # STRING SCALAR
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ my $c_ref = ref $c_val;
+ return $s_val eq $c_val if $c_ref eq "";
+ return in([$s_val],$c_val) if $c_ref eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $c_val->($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'CODE';
+ return $c_val->call($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'Switch';
+ return scalar $s_val=~/$c_val/
+ if $c_ref eq 'Regexp';
+ return scalar $c_val->{$s_val}
+ if $c_ref eq 'HASH';
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($s_ref eq 'ARRAY')
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ my $c_ref = ref $c_val;
+ return in($s_val,[$c_val]) if $c_ref eq "";
+ return in($s_val,$c_val) if $c_ref eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $c_val->(@$s_val) if $c_ref eq 'CODE';
+ return $c_val->call(@$s_val)
+ if $c_ref eq 'Switch';
+ return scalar grep {$_=~/$c_val/} @$s_val
+ if $c_ref eq 'Regexp';
+ return scalar grep {$c_val->{$_}} @$s_val
+ if $c_ref eq 'HASH';
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($s_ref eq 'Regexp')
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ my $c_ref = ref $c_val;
+ return $c_val=~/s_val/ if $c_ref eq "";
+ return scalar grep {$_=~/s_val/} @$c_val
+ if $c_ref eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $c_val->($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'CODE';
+ return $c_val->call($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'Switch';
+ return $s_val eq $c_val if $c_ref eq 'Regexp';
+ return grep {$_=~/$s_val/ && $c_val->{$_}} keys %$c_val
+ if $c_ref eq 'HASH';
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($s_ref eq 'HASH')
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ my $c_ref = ref $c_val;
+ return $s_val->{$c_val} if $c_ref eq "";
+ return scalar grep {$s_val->{$_}} @$c_val
+ if $c_ref eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $c_val->($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'CODE';
+ return $c_val->call($s_val) if $c_ref eq 'Switch';
+ return grep {$_=~/$c_val/ && $s_val->{"$_"}} keys %$s_val
+ if $c_ref eq 'Regexp';
+ return $s_val==$c_val if $c_ref eq 'HASH';
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($s_ref eq 'Switch')
+ {
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H =
+ sub { my $c_val = $_[0];
+ return $s_val == $c_val if ref $c_val eq 'Switch';
+ return $s_val->call(@$c_val)
+ if ref $c_val eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $s_val->call($c_val);
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ croak "Cannot switch on $s_ref";
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub case($) { local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&carp;
+ $::_S_W_I_T_C_H->(@_); }
+my $placeholder = bless { arity=>1, impl=>sub{$_[1+$_[0]]} };
+sub __() { $placeholder }
+sub __arg($)
+ my $index = $_[0]+1;
+ bless { arity=>0, impl=>sub{$_[$index]} };
+sub hosub(&@)
+sub call
+ my ($self,@args) = @_;
+ return $self->{impl}->(0,@args);
+sub meta_bop(&)
+ my ($op) = @_;
+ sub
+ {
+ my ($left, $right, $reversed) = @_;
+ ($right,$left) = @_ if $reversed;
+ my $rop = ref $right eq 'Switch'
+ ? $right
+ : bless { arity=>0, impl=>sub{$right} };
+ my $lop = ref $left eq 'Switch'
+ ? $left
+ : bless { arity=>0, impl=>sub{$left} };
+ my $arity = $lop->{arity} + $rop->{arity};
+ return bless {
+ arity => $arity,
+ impl => sub { my $start = shift;
+ return $op->($lop->{impl}->($start,@_),
+ $rop->{impl}->($start+$lop->{arity},@_));
+ }
+ };
+ };
+sub meta_uop(&)
+ my ($op) = @_;
+ sub
+ {
+ my ($left) = @_;
+ my $lop = ref $left eq 'Switch'
+ ? $left
+ : bless { arity=>0, impl=>sub{$left} };
+ my $arity = $lop->{arity};
+ return bless {
+ arity => $arity,
+ impl => sub { $op->($lop->{impl}->(@_)) }
+ };
+ };
+use overload
+ "+" => meta_bop {$_[0] + $_[1]},
+ "-" => meta_bop {$_[0] - $_[1]},
+ "*" => meta_bop {$_[0] * $_[1]},
+ "/" => meta_bop {$_[0] / $_[1]},
+ "%" => meta_bop {$_[0] % $_[1]},
+ "**" => meta_bop {$_[0] ** $_[1]},
+ "<<" => meta_bop {$_[0] << $_[1]},
+ ">>" => meta_bop {$_[0] >> $_[1]},
+ "x" => meta_bop {$_[0] x $_[1]},
+ "." => meta_bop {$_[0] . $_[1]},
+ "<" => meta_bop {$_[0] < $_[1]},
+ "<=" => meta_bop {$_[0] <= $_[1]},
+ ">" => meta_bop {$_[0] > $_[1]},
+ ">=" => meta_bop {$_[0] >= $_[1]},
+ "==" => meta_bop {$_[0] == $_[1]},
+ "!=" => meta_bop {$_[0] != $_[1]},
+ "<=>" => meta_bop {$_[0] <=> $_[1]},
+ "lt" => meta_bop {$_[0] lt $_[1]},
+ "le" => meta_bop {$_[0] le $_[1]},
+ "gt" => meta_bop {$_[0] gt $_[1]},
+ "ge" => meta_bop {$_[0] ge $_[1]},
+ "eq" => meta_bop {$_[0] eq $_[1]},
+ "ne" => meta_bop {$_[0] ne $_[1]},
+ "cmp" => meta_bop {$_[0] cmp $_[1]},
+ "\&" => meta_bop {$_[0] & $_[1]},
+ "^" => meta_bop {$_[0] ^ $_[1]},
+ "|" => meta_bop {$_[0] | $_[1]},
+ "atan2" => meta_bop {atan2 $_[0], $_[1]},
+ "neg" => meta_uop {-$_[0]},
+ "!" => meta_uop {!$_[0]},
+ "~" => meta_uop {~$_[0]},
+ "cos" => meta_uop {cos $_[0]},
+ "sin" => meta_uop {sin $_[0]},
+ "exp" => meta_uop {exp $_[0]},
+ "abs" => meta_uop {abs $_[0]},
+ "log" => meta_uop {log $_[0]},
+ "sqrt" => meta_uop {sqrt $_[0]},
+ "bool" => sub { croak "Can't use && or || in expression containing __" },
+ # "&()" => sub { $_[0]->{impl} },
+ # "||" => meta_bop {$_[0] || $_[1]},
+ # "&&" => meta_bop {$_[0] && $_[1]},
+ # fallback => 1,
+ ;
+=head1 NAME
+Switch - A switch statement for Perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Switch;
+ switch ($val) {
+ case 1 { print "number 1" }
+ case "a" { print "string a" }
+ case [1..10,42] { print "number in list" }
+ case (\@array) { print "number in list" }
+ case /\w+/ { print "pattern" }
+ case qr/\w+/ { print "pattern" }
+ case (\%hash) { print "entry in hash" }
+ case (\&sub) { print "arg to subroutine" }
+ else { print "previous case not true" }
+ }
+[Skip ahead to L<"DESCRIPTION"> if you don't care about the whys
+and wherefores of this control structure]
+In seeking to devise a "Swiss Army" case mechanism suitable for Perl,
+it is useful to generalize this notion of distributed conditional
+testing as far as possible. Specifically, the concept of "matching"
+between the switch value and the various case values need not be
+restricted to numeric (or string or referential) equality, as it is in other
+languages. Indeed, as Table 1 illustrates, Perl
+offers at least eighteen different ways in which two values could
+generate a match.
+ Table 1: Matching a switch value ($s) with a case value ($c)
+ Switch Case Type of Match Implied Matching Code
+ Value Value
+ ====== ===== ===================== =============
+ number same numeric or referential match if $s == $c;
+ or ref equality
+ object method result of method call match if $s->$c();
+ ref name match if defined $s->$c();
+ or ref
+ other other string equality match if $s eq $c;
+ non-ref non-ref
+ scalar scalar
+ string regexp pattern match match if $s =~ /$c/;
+ array scalar array entry existence match if 0<=$c && $c<@$s;
+ ref array entry definition match if defined $s->[$c];
+ array entry truth match if $s->[$c];
+ array array array intersection match if intersects(@$s, @$c);
+ ref ref (apply this table to
+ all pairs of elements
+ $s->[$i] and
+ $c->[$j])
+ array regexp array grep match if grep /$c/, @$s;
+ ref
+ hash scalar hash entry existence match if exists $s->{$c};
+ ref hash entry definition match if defined $s->{$c};
+ hash entry truth match if $s->{$c};
+ hash regexp hash grep match if grep /$c/, keys %$s;
+ ref
+ sub scalar return value defn match if defined $s->($c);
+ ref return value truth match if $s->($c);
+ sub array return value defn match if defined $s->(@$c);
+ ref ref return value truth match if $s->(@$c);
+In reality, Table 1 covers 31 alternatives, because only the equality and
+intersection tests are commutative; in all other cases, the roles of
+the C<$s> and C<$c> variables could be reversed to produce a
+different test. For example, instead of testing a single hash for
+the existence of a series of keys (C<match if exists $s-E<gt>{$c}>),
+one could test for the existence of a single key in a series of hashes
+(C<match if exists $c-E<gt>{$s}>).
+The module implements a generalized case mechanism that covers
+most (but not all) of the numerous possible combinations of switch and case
+values described above.
+The module augments the standard Perl syntax with two new control
+statements: C<switch> and C<case>. The C<switch> statement takes a
+single scalar argument of any type, specified in parentheses.
+C<switch> stores this value as the
+current switch value in a (localized) control variable.
+The value is followed by a block which may contain one or more
+Perl statements (including the C<case> statement described below).
+The block is unconditionally executed once the switch value has
+been cached.
+A C<case> statement takes a single scalar argument (in mandatory
+parentheses if it's a variable; otherwise the parens are optional) and
+selects the appropriate type of matching between that argument and the
+current switch value. The type of matching used is determined by the
+respective types of the switch value and the C<case> argument, as
+specified in Table 1. If the match is successful, the mandatory
+block associated with the C<case> statement is executed.
+In most other respects, the C<case> statement is semantically identical
+to an C<if> statement. For example, it can be followed by an C<else>
+clause, and can be used as a postfix statement qualifier.
+However, when a C<case> block has been executed control is automatically
+transferred to the statement after the immediately enclosing C<switch>
+block, rather than to the next statement within the block. In other
+words, the success of any C<case> statement prevents other cases in the
+same scope from executing. But see L<"Allowing fall-through"> below.
+Together these two new statements provide a fully generalized case
+ use Switch;
+ # AND LATER...
+ %special = ( woohoo => 1, d'oh => 1 );
+ while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ switch ($_) {
+ case (%special) { print "homer\n"; } # if $special{$_}
+ case /[a-z]/i { print "alpha\n"; } # if $_ =~ /a-z/i
+ case [1..9] { print "small num\n"; } # if $_ in [1..9]
+ case { $_[0] >= 10 } { print "big num\n"; } # if $_ >= 10
+ print "must be punctuation\n" case /\W/; # if $_ ~= /\W/
+ }
+ }
+Note that C<switch>es can be nested within C<case> (or any other) blocks,
+and a series of C<case> statements can try different types of matches
+-- hash membership, pattern match, array intersection, simple equality,
+etc. -- against the same switch value.
+The use of intersection tests against an array reference is particularly
+useful for aggregating integral cases:
+ sub classify_digit
+ {
+ switch ($_[0]) { case 0 { return 'zero' }
+ case [2,4,6,8] { return 'even' }
+ case [1,3,5,7,9] { return 'odd' }
+ case /[A-F]/i { return 'hex' }
+ }
+ }
+=head2 Allowing fall-through
+Fall-though (trying another case after one has already succeeded)
+is usually a Bad Idea in a switch statement. However, this
+is Perl, not a police state, so there I<is> a way to do it, if you must.
+If a C<case> block executes an untargeted C<next>, control is
+immediately transferred to the statement I<after> the C<case> statement
+(i.e. usually another case), rather than out of the surrounding
+C<switch> block.
+For example:
+ switch ($val) {
+ case 1 { handle_num_1(); next } # and try next case...
+ case "1" { handle_str_1(); next } # and try next case...
+ case [0..9] { handle_num_any(); } # and we're done
+ case /\d/ { handle_dig_any(); next } # and try next case...
+ case /.*/ { handle_str_any(); next } # and try next case...
+ }
+If $val held the number C<1>, the above C<switch> block would call the
+first three C<handle_...> subroutines, jumping to the next case test
+each time it encountered a C<next>. After the third C<case> block
+was executed, control would jump to the end of the enclosing
+C<switch> block.
+On the other hand, if $val held C<10>, then only the last two C<handle_...>
+subroutines would be called.
+Note that this mechanism allows the notion of I<conditional fall-through>.
+For example:
+ switch ($val) {
+ case [0..9] { handle_num_any(); next if $val < 7; }
+ case /\d/ { handle_dig_any(); }
+ }
+If an untargeted C<last> statement is executed in a case block, this
+immediately transfers control out of the enclosing C<switch> block
+(in other words, there is an implicit C<last> at the end of each
+normal C<case> block). Thus the previous example could also have been
+ switch ($val) {
+ case [0..9] { handle_num_any(); last if $val >= 7; next; }
+ case /\d/ { handle_dig_any(); }
+ }
+=head2 Automating fall-through
+In situations where case fall-through should be the norm, rather than an
+exception, an endless succession of terminal C<next>s is tedious and ugly.
+Hence, it is possible to reverse the default behaviour by specifying
+the string "fallthrough" when importing the module. For example, the
+following code is equivalent to the first example in L<"Allowing fall-through">:
+ use Switch 'fallthrough';
+ switch ($val) {
+ case 1 { handle_num_1(); }
+ case "1" { handle_str_1(); }
+ case [0..9] { handle_num_any(); last }
+ case /\d/ { handle_dig_any(); }
+ case /.*/ { handle_str_any(); }
+ }
+Note the explicit use of a C<last> to preserve the non-fall-through
+behaviour of the third case.
+=head2 Alternative syntax
+Perl 6 will provide a built-in switch statement with essentially the
+same semantics as those offered by, but with a different
+pair of keywords. In Perl 6 C<switch> will be spelled C<given>, and
+C<case> will be pronounced C<when>. In addition, the C<when> statement
+will not require switch or case values to be parenthesized.
+This future syntax is also (largely) available via the module, by
+importing it with the argument C<"Perl6">. For example:
+ use Switch 'Perl6';
+ given ($val) {
+ when 1 { handle_num_1(); }
+ when ($str1) { handle_str_1(); }
+ when [0..9] { handle_num_any(); last }
+ when /\d/ { handle_dig_any(); }
+ when /.*/ { handle_str_any(); }
+ default { handle anything else; }
+ }
+Note that scalars still need to be parenthesized, since they would be
+ambiguous in Perl 5.
+Note too that you can mix and match both syntaxes by importing the module
+ use Switch 'Perl5', 'Perl6';
+=head2 Higher-order Operations
+One situation in which C<switch> and C<case> do not provide a good
+substitute for a cascaded C<if>, is where a switch value needs to
+be tested against a series of conditions. For example:
+ sub beverage {
+ switch (shift) {
+ case { $_[0] < 10 } { return 'milk' }
+ case { $_[0] < 20 } { return 'coke' }
+ case { $_[0] < 30 } { return 'beer' }
+ case { $_[0] < 40 } { return 'wine' }
+ case { $_[0] < 50 } { return 'malt' }
+ case { $_[0] < 60 } { return 'Moet' }
+ else { return 'milk' }
+ }
+ }
+(This is equivalent to writing C<case (sub { $_[0] < 10 })>, etc.; C<$_[0]>
+is the argument to the anonymous subroutine.)
+The need to specify each condition as a subroutine block is tiresome. To
+overcome this, when importing, a special "placeholder"
+subroutine named C<__> [sic] may also be imported. This subroutine
+converts (almost) any expression in which it appears to a reference to a
+higher-order function. That is, the expression:
+ use Switch '__';
+ __ < 2
+is equivalent to:
+ sub { $_[0] < 2 }
+With C<__>, the previous ugly case statements can be rewritten:
+ case __ < 10 { return 'milk' }
+ case __ < 20 { return 'coke' }
+ case __ < 30 { return 'beer' }
+ case __ < 40 { return 'wine' }
+ case __ < 50 { return 'malt' }
+ case __ < 60 { return 'Moet' }
+ else { return 'milk' }
+The C<__> subroutine makes extensive use of operator overloading to
+perform its magic. All operations involving __ are overloaded to
+produce an anonymous subroutine that implements a lazy version
+of the original operation.
+The only problem is that operator overloading does not allow the
+boolean operators C<&&> and C<||> to be overloaded. So a case statement
+like this:
+ case 0 <= __ && __ < 10 { return 'digit' }
+doesn't act as expected, because when it is
+executed, it constructs two higher order subroutines
+and then treats the two resulting references as arguments to C<&&>:
+ sub { 0 <= $_[0] } && sub { $_[0] < 10 }
+This boolean expression is inevitably true, since both references are
+non-false. Fortunately, the overloaded C<'bool'> operator catches this
+situation and flags it as an error.
+The module is implemented using Filter::Util::Call and Text::Balanced
+and requires both these modules to be installed.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway ( This module is now maintained by Rafael
+Garcia-Suarez ( and more generally by the Perl 5
+Porters (, as part of the Perl core.
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in code this funky :-)
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Due to the heuristic nature of's source parsing, the presence of
+regexes with embedded newlines that are specified with raw C</.../>
+delimiters and don't have a modifier C<//x> are indistinguishable from
+code chunks beginning with the division operator C</>. As a workaround
+you must use C<m/.../> or C<m?...?> for such patterns. Also, the presence
+of regexes specified with raw C<?...?> delimiters may cause mysterious
+errors. The workaround is to use C<m?...?> instead.
+Due to the way source filters work in Perl, you can't use Switch inside
+an string C<eval>.
+If your source file is longer then 1 million characters and you have a
+switch statement that crosses the 1 million (or 2 million, etc.)
+character boundary you will get mysterious errors. The workaround is to
+use smaller source files.
+ Copyright (c) 1997-2008, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+ This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+ and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.