path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/Simple/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/Simple/')
1 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/Simple/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/Simple/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f476d37b249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/Simple/
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+require 5;
+package Pod::Simple::RTF;
+#sub DEBUG () {4};
+#sub Pod::Simple::DEBUG () {4};
+#sub Pod::Simple::PullParser::DEBUG () {4};
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %Escape $WRAP %Tagmap);
+$VERSION = '3.14';
+use Pod::Simple::PullParser ();
+BEGIN {@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParser')}
+use Carp ();
+BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG }
+$WRAP = 1 unless defined $WRAP;
+sub _openclose {
+ return map {;
+ m/^([-A-Za-z]+)=(\w[^\=]*)$/s or die "what's <$_>?";
+ ( $1, "{\\$2\n", "/$1", "}" );
+ } @_;
+my @_to_accept;
+%Tagmap = (
+ # 'foo=bar' means ('foo' => '{\bar'."\n", '/foo' => '}')
+ _openclose(
+ 'B=cs18\b',
+ 'I=cs16\i',
+ 'C=cs19\f1\lang1024\noproof',
+ 'F=cs17\i\lang1024\noproof',
+ 'VerbatimI=cs26\i',
+ 'VerbatimB=cs27\b',
+ 'VerbatimBI=cs28\b\i',
+ map {; m/^([-a-z]+)/s && push @_to_accept, $1; $_ }
+ qw[
+ underline=ul smallcaps=scaps shadow=shad
+ superscript=super subscript=sub strikethrough=strike
+ outline=outl emboss=embo engrave=impr
+ dotted-underline=uld dash-underline=uldash
+ dot-dash-underline=uldashd dot-dot-dash-underline=uldashdd
+ double-underline=uldb thick-underline=ulth
+ word-underline=ulw wave-underline=ulwave
+ ]
+ # But no double-strikethrough, because MSWord can't agree with the
+ # RTF spec on whether it's supposed to be \strikedl or \striked1 (!!!)
+ ),
+ # Bit of a hack here:
+ 'L=pod' => '{\cs22\i'."\n",
+ 'L=url' => '{\cs23\i'."\n",
+ 'L=man' => '{\cs24\i'."\n",
+ '/L' => '}',
+ 'Data' => "\n",
+ '/Data' => "\n",
+ 'Verbatim' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfkeep#\\plain\\s20\\sa180\\f1\\fs18\\lang1024\\noproof\n",
+ '/Verbatim' => "\n\\par}\n",
+ 'VerbatimFormatted' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfkeep#\\plain\\s20\\sa180\\f1\\fs18\\lang1024\\noproof\n",
+ '/VerbatimFormatted' => "\n\\par}\n",
+ 'Para' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\sa180\n",
+ '/Para' => "\n\\par}\n",
+ 'head1' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s31\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head1_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
+ '/head1' => "\n}\\par}\n",
+ 'head2' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s32\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head2_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
+ '/head2' => "\n}\\par}\n",
+ 'head3' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s33\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head3_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
+ '/head3' => "\n}\\par}\n",
+ 'head4' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent#\\s34\\keepn\\sb90\\sa180\\f2\\fs#head4_halfpoint_size#\\ul{\n",
+ '/head4' => "\n}\\par}\n",
+ # wordpad borks on \tc\tcl1, or I'd put that in =head1 and =head2
+ 'item-bullet' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfitemkeepn#\\sb60\\sa150\\fi-120\n",
+ '/item-bullet' => "\n\\par}\n",
+ 'item-number' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfitemkeepn#\\sb60\\sa150\\fi-120\n",
+ '/item-number' => "\n\\par}\n",
+ 'item-text' => "\n{\\pard\\li#rtfindent##rtfitemkeepn#\\sb60\\sa150\\fi-120\n",
+ '/item-text' => "\n\\par}\n",
+ # we don't need any styles for over-* and /over-*
+sub new {
+ my $new = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $new->nix_X_codes(1);
+ $new->nbsp_for_S(1);
+ $new->accept_targets( 'rtf', 'RTF' );
+ $new->{'Tagmap'} = {%Tagmap};
+ $new->accept_codes(@_to_accept);
+ $new->accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted');
+ DEBUG > 2 and print "To accept: ", join(' ',@_to_accept), "\n";
+ $new->doc_lang(
+ ( $ENV{'RTFDEFLANG'} || '') =~ m/^(\d{1,10})$/s ? $1
+ : ($ENV{'RTFDEFLANG'} || '') =~ m/^0?x([a-fA-F0-9]{1,10})$/s ? hex($1)
+ # yes, tolerate hex!
+ : ($ENV{'RTFDEFLANG'} || '') =~ m/^([a-fA-F0-9]{4})$/s ? hex($1)
+ # yes, tolerate even more hex!
+ : '1033'
+ );
+ $new->head1_halfpoint_size(32);
+ $new->head2_halfpoint_size(28);
+ $new->head3_halfpoint_size(25);
+ $new->head4_halfpoint_size(22);
+ $new->codeblock_halfpoint_size(18);
+ $new->header_halfpoint_size(17);
+ $new->normal_halfpoint_size(25);
+ return $new;
+ 'doc_lang',
+ 'head1_halfpoint_size',
+ 'head2_halfpoint_size',
+ 'head3_halfpoint_size',
+ 'head4_halfpoint_size',
+ 'codeblock_halfpoint_size',
+ 'header_halfpoint_size',
+ 'normal_halfpoint_size',
+ 'no_proofing_exemptions',
+sub run {
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ return $self->do_middle if $self->bare_output;
+ return
+ $self->do_beginning && $self->do_middle && $self->do_end;
+sub do_middle { # the main work
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
+ my($token, $type, $tagname, $scratch);
+ my @stack;
+ my @indent_stack;
+ $self->{'rtfindent'} = 0 unless defined $self->{'rtfindent'};
+ while($token = $self->get_token) {
+ if( ($type = $token->type) eq 'text' ) {
+ if( $self->{'rtfverbatim'} ) {
+ DEBUG > 1 and print " $type " , $token->text, " in verbatim!\n";
+ rtf_esc_codely($scratch = $token->text);
+ print $fh $scratch;
+ next;
+ }
+ DEBUG > 1 and print " $type " , $token->text, "\n";
+ $scratch = $token->text;
+ $scratch =~ tr/\t\cb\cc/ /d;
+ $self->{'no_proofing_exemptions'} or $scratch =~
+ s/(?:
+ ^
+ |
+ (?<=[\cm\cj\t "\[\<\(])
+ ) # start on whitespace, sequence-start, or quote
+ ( # something looking like a Perl token:
+ (?:
+ [\$\@\:\<\*\\_]\S+ # either starting with a sigil, etc.
+ )
+ |
+ # or starting alpha, but containing anything strange:
+ (?:
+ [a-zA-Z'\x80-\xFF]+[\$\@\:_<>\(\\\*]\S+
+ )
+ )
+ /\cb$1\cc/xsg
+ ;
+ rtf_esc($scratch);
+ $scratch =~
+ s/(
+ [^\cm\cj\n]{65} # Snare 65 characters from a line
+ [^\cm\cj\n\x20]{0,50} # and finish any current word
+ )
+ (\x20{1,10})(?![\cm\cj\n]) # capture some spaces not at line-end
+ /$1$2\n/gx # and put a NL before those spaces
+ if $WRAP;
+ # This may wrap at well past the 65th column, but not past the 120th.
+ print $fh $scratch;
+ } elsif( $type eq 'start' ) {
+ DEBUG > 1 and print " +$type ",$token->tagname,
+ " (", map("<$_> ", %{$token->attr_hash}), ")\n";
+ if( ($tagname = $token->tagname) eq 'Verbatim'
+ or $tagname eq 'VerbatimFormatted'
+ ) {
+ ++$self->{'rtfverbatim'};
+ my $next = $self->get_token;
+ next unless defined $next;
+ my $line_count = 1;
+ if($next->type eq 'text') {
+ my $t = $next->text_r;
+ while( $$t =~ m/$/mg ) {
+ last if ++$line_count > 15; # no point in counting further
+ }
+ DEBUG > 3 and print " verbatim line count: $line_count\n";
+ }
+ $self->unget_token($next);
+ $self->{'rtfkeep'} = ($line_count > 15) ? '' : '\keepn' ;
+ } elsif( $tagname =~ m/^item-/s ) {
+ my @to_unget;
+ my $text_count_here = 0;
+ $self->{'rtfitemkeepn'} = '';
+ # Some heuristics to stop item-*'s functioning as subheadings
+ # from getting split from the things they're subheadings for.
+ #
+ # It's not terribly pretty, but it really does make things pretty.
+ #
+ while(1) {
+ push @to_unget, $self->get_token;
+ pop(@to_unget), last unless defined $to_unget[-1];
+ # Erroneously used to be "unshift" instead of pop! Adds instead
+ # of removes, and operates on the beginning instead of the end!
+ if($to_unget[-1]->type eq 'text') {
+ if( ($text_count_here += length ${$to_unget[-1]->text_r}) > 150 ){
+ DEBUG > 1 and print " item-* is too long to be keepn'd.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ } elsif (@to_unget > 1 and
+ $to_unget[-2]->type eq 'end' and
+ $to_unget[-2]->tagname =~ m/^item-/s
+ ) {
+ # Bail out here, after setting rtfitemkeepn yea or nay.
+ $self->{'rtfitemkeepn'} = '\keepn' if
+ $to_unget[-1]->type eq 'start' and
+ $to_unget[-1]->tagname eq 'Para';
+ DEBUG > 1 and printf " item-* before %s(%s) %s keepn'd.\n",
+ $to_unget[-1]->type,
+ $to_unget[-1]->can('tagname') ? $to_unget[-1]->tagname : '',
+ $self->{'rtfitemkeepn'} ? "gets" : "doesn't get";
+ last;
+ } elsif (@to_unget > 40) {
+ DEBUG > 1 and print " item-* now has too many tokens (",
+ scalar(@to_unget),
+ (DEBUG > 4) ? (q<: >, map($_->dump, @to_unget)) : (),
+ ") to be keepn'd.\n";
+ last; # give up
+ }
+ # else keep while'ing along
+ }
+ # Now put it aaaaall back...
+ $self->unget_token(@to_unget);
+ } elsif( $tagname =~ m/^over-/s ) {
+ push @stack, $1;
+ push @indent_stack,
+ int($token->attr('indent') * 4 * $self->normal_halfpoint_size);
+ DEBUG and print "Indenting over $indent_stack[-1] twips.\n";
+ $self->{'rtfindent'} += $indent_stack[-1];
+ } elsif ($tagname eq 'L') {
+ $tagname .= '=' . ($token->attr('type') || 'pod');
+ } elsif ($tagname eq 'Data') {
+ my $next = $self->get_token;
+ next unless defined $next;
+ unless( $next->type eq 'text' ) {
+ $self->unget_token($next);
+ next;
+ }
+ DEBUG and print " raw text ", $next->text, "\n";
+ printf $fh "\n" . $next->text . "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ defined($scratch = $self->{'Tagmap'}{$tagname}) or next;
+ $scratch =~ s/\#([^\#]+)\#/${$self}{$1}/g; # interpolate
+ print $fh $scratch;
+ if ($tagname eq 'item-number') {
+ print $fh $token->attr('number'), ". \n";
+ } elsif ($tagname eq 'item-bullet') {
+ print $fh "\\'95 \n";
+ #for funky testing: print $fh '', rtf_esc("\x{4E4B}\x{9053}");
+ }
+ } elsif( $type eq 'end' ) {
+ DEBUG > 1 and print " -$type ",$token->tagname,"\n";
+ if( ($tagname = $token->tagname) =~ m/^over-/s ) {
+ DEBUG and print "Indenting back $indent_stack[-1] twips.\n";
+ $self->{'rtfindent'} -= pop @indent_stack;
+ pop @stack;
+ } elsif( $tagname eq 'Verbatim' or $tagname eq 'VerbatimFormatted') {
+ --$self->{'rtfverbatim'};
+ }
+ defined($scratch = $self->{'Tagmap'}{"/$tagname"}) or next;
+ $scratch =~ s/\#([^\#]+)\#/${$self}{$1}/g; # interpolate
+ print $fh $scratch;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub do_beginning {
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
+ return print $fh join '',
+ $self->doc_init,
+ $self->font_table,
+ $self->stylesheet,
+ $self->color_table,
+ $self->doc_info,
+ $self->doc_start,
+ "\n"
+ ;
+sub do_end {
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
+ return print $fh '}'; # that should do it
+sub stylesheet {
+ return sprintf <<'END',
+{\snext0 Normal;}
+{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}
+{\*\cs16 \additive \i \sbasedon10 pod-I;}
+{\*\cs17 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof \sbasedon10 pod-F;}
+{\*\cs18 \additive \b \sbasedon10 pod-B;}
+{\*\cs19 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-C;}
+{\s20\ql \li0\ri0\sa180\widctlpar\f1\fs%s\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-codeblock;}
+{\*\cs21 \additive \lang1024\noproof \sbasedon10 pod-computerese;}
+{\*\cs22 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-L-pod;}
+{\*\cs23 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-L-url;}
+{\*\cs24 \additive \i\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon10 pod-L-man;}
+{\*\cs25 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon0 pod-codelbock-plain;}
+{\*\cs26 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon25 pod-codelbock-ital;}
+{\*\cs27 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon25 pod-codelbock-bold;}
+{\*\cs28 \additive \f1\lang1024\noproof\sbasedon25 pod-codelbock-bold-ital;}
+{\s31\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head1;}
+{\s32\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head2;}
+{\s33\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head3;}
+{\s34\ql \keepn\sb90\sa180\f2\fs%s\ul\sbasedon0 \snext0 pod-head4;}
+ $_[0]->codeblock_halfpoint_size(),
+ $_[0]->head1_halfpoint_size(),
+ $_[0]->head2_halfpoint_size(),
+ $_[0]->head3_halfpoint_size(),
+ $_[0]->head4_halfpoint_size(),
+ ;
+# Override these as necessary for further customization
+sub font_table {
+ return <<'END'; # text font, code font, heading font
+{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}
+{\f1\fmodern Courier New;}
+{\f2\fswiss Arial;}
+sub doc_init {
+ return <<'END';
+sub color_table {
+ return <<'END';
+sub doc_info {
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ my $tag = __PACKAGE__ . ' ' . $VERSION;
+ unless($class eq __PACKAGE__) {
+ $tag = " ($tag)";
+ $tag = " v" . $self->VERSION . $tag if defined $self->VERSION;
+ $tag = $class . $tag;
+ }
+ return sprintf <<'END',
+ using %s v%s
+ under Perl v%s at %s GMT}
+{\author [see doc]}{\company [see doc]}{\operator [see doc]}
+ # None of the following things should need escaping, I dare say!
+ $tag,
+ $ISA[0], $ISA[0]->VERSION(),
+ $], scalar(gmtime),
+ ;
+sub doc_start {
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $title = $self->get_short_title();
+ DEBUG and print "Short Title: <$title>\n";
+ $title .= ' ' if length $title;
+ $title =~ s/ *$/ /s;
+ $title =~ s/^ //s;
+ $title =~ s/ $/, /s;
+ # make sure it ends in a comma and a space, unless it's 0-length
+ my $is_obviously_module_name;
+ $is_obviously_module_name = 1
+ if $title =~ m/^\S+$/s and $title =~ m/::/s;
+ # catches the most common case, at least
+ DEBUG and print "Title0: <$title>\n";
+ $title = rtf_esc($title);
+ DEBUG and print "Title1: <$title>\n";
+ $title = '\lang1024\noproof ' . $title
+ if $is_obviously_module_name;
+ return sprintf <<'END',
+ ($self->doc_lang) x 2,
+ $self->header_halfpoint_size,
+ $title,
+ $self->normal_halfpoint_size,
+ ;
+use integer;
+sub rtf_esc {
+ my $x; # scratch
+ if(!defined wantarray) { # void context: alter in-place!
+ for(@_) {
+ s/([F\x00-\x1F\-\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
+ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
+ }
+ return;
+ } elsif(wantarray) { # return an array
+ return map {; ($x = $_) =~
+ s/([F\x00-\x1F\-\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
+ $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
+ $x;
+ } @_;
+ } else { # return a single scalar
+ ($x = ((@_ == 1) ? $_[0] : join '', @_)
+ ) =~ s/([F\x00-\x1F\-\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
+ # Escape \, {, }, -, control chars, and 7f-ff.
+ $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
+ return $x;
+ }
+sub rtf_esc_codely {
+ # Doesn't change "-" to hard-hyphen, nor apply computerese style-smarts.
+ # We don't want to change the "-" to hard-hyphen, because we want to
+ # be able to paste this into a file and run it without there being
+ # dire screaming about the mysterious hard-hyphen character (which
+ # looks just like a normal dash character).
+ my $x; # scratch
+ if(!defined wantarray) { # void context: alter in-place!
+ for(@_) {
+ s/([F\x00-\x1F\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
+ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
+ }
+ return;
+ } elsif(wantarray) { # return an array
+ return map {; ($x = $_) =~
+ s/([F\x00-\x1F\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
+ $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
+ $x;
+ } @_;
+ } else { # return a single scalar
+ ($x = ((@_ == 1) ? $_[0] : join '', @_)
+ ) =~ s/([F\x00-\x1F\\\{\}\x7F-\xFF])/$Escape{$1}/g; # ESCAPER
+ # Escape \, {, }, -, control chars, and 7f-ff.
+ $x =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'\\uc1\\u'.((ord($1)<32768)?ord($1):(ord($1)-65536)).'?'/eg;
+ return $x;
+ }
+%Escape = (
+ map( (chr($_),chr($_)), # things not apparently needing escaping
+ 0x20 .. 0x7E ),
+ map( (chr($_),sprintf("\\'%02x", $_)), # apparently escapeworthy things
+ 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x5c, 0x7b, 0x7d, 0x7f .. 0xFF, 0x46),
+ # We get to escape out 'F' so that we can send RTF files thru the mail
+ # without the slightest worry that paragraphs beginning with "From"
+ # will get munged.
+ # And some refinements:
+ "\cm" => "\n",
+ "\cj" => "\n",
+ "\n" => "\n\\line ",
+ "\t" => "\\tab ", # Tabs (altho theoretically raw \t's are okay)
+ "\f" => "\n\\page\n", # Formfeed
+ "-" => "\\_", # Turn plaintext '-' into a non-breaking hyphen
+ "\xA0" => "\\~", # Latin-1 non-breaking space
+ "\xAD" => "\\-", # Latin-1 soft (optional) hyphen
+ "\n" => "\\line\n",
+ "\r" => "\n",
+ "\cb" => "{\n\\cs21\\lang1024\\noproof ", # \\cf1
+ "\cc" => "}",
+=head1 NAME
+Pod::Simple::RTF -- format Pod as RTF
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl -MPod::Simple::RTF -e \
+ "exit Pod::Simple::RTF->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen" \
+ thingy.pod > thingy.rtf
+This class is a formatter that takes Pod and renders it as RTF, good for
+viewing/printing in MSWord, WordPad/write.exe, TextEdit, etc.
+This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple> and inherits all its methods.
+You can set these attributes on the parser object before you
+call C<parse_file> (or a similar method) on it:
+=item $parser->head1_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+=item $parser->head2_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+=item $parser->head3_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+=item $parser->head4_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+These methods set the size (in half-points, like 52 for 26-point)
+that these heading levels will appear as.
+=item $parser->codeblock_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+This method sets the size (in half-points, like 21 for 10.5-point)
+that codeblocks ("verbatim sections") will appear as.
+=item $parser->header_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+This method sets the size (in half-points, like 15 for 7.5-point)
+that the header on each page will appear in. The header
+is usually just "I<modulename> p. I<pagenumber>".
+=item $parser->normal_halfpoint_size( I<halfpoint_integer> );
+This method sets the size (in half-points, like 26 for 13-point)
+that normal paragraphic text will appear in.
+=item $parser->no_proofing_exemptions( I<true_or_false> );
+Set this value to true if you don't want the formatter to try
+putting a hidden code on all Perl symbols (as best as it can
+notice them) that labels them as being not in English, and
+so not worth spellchecking.
+=item $parser->doc_lang( I<microsoft_decimal_language_code> )
+This sets the language code to tag this document as being in. By
+default, it is currently the value of the environment variable
+C<RTFDEFLANG>, or if that's not set, then the value
+1033 (for US English).
+Setting this appropriately is useful if you want to use the RTF
+to spellcheck, and/or if you want it to hyphenate right.
+Here are some notable values:
+ 1033 US English
+ 2057 UK English
+ 3081 Australia English
+ 4105 Canada English
+ 1034 Spain Spanish
+ 2058 Mexico Spanish
+ 1031 Germany German
+ 1036 France French
+ 3084 Canada French
+ 1035 Finnish
+ 1044 Norwegian (Bokmal)
+ 2068 Norwegian (Nynorsk)
+If you are particularly interested in customizing this module's output
+even more, see the source and/or write to me.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Pod::Simple>, L<RTF::Writer>, L<RTF::Cookbook>, L<RTF::Document>,
+=head1 SUPPORT
+Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the mail list. Send an empty email to to subscribe.
+This module is managed in an open GitHub repository,
+L<>. Feel free to fork and contribute, or
+to clone L<git://> and send patches!
+Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to
+Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke <>.
+But don't bother him, he's retired.
+Pod::Simple is maintained by:
+=item * Allison Randal C<>
+=item * Hans Dieter Pearcey C<>
+=item * David E. Wheeler C<>