path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/
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1 files changed, 1764 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/
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index 00000000000..9339f835bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Pod/
@@ -0,0 +1,1764 @@
+# Pod::Man -- Convert POD data to formatted *roff input.
+# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+# Russ Allbery <>
+# Substantial contributions by Sean Burke <>
+# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# This module translates POD documentation into *roff markup using the man
+# macro set, and is intended for converting POD documents written as Unix
+# manual pages to manual pages that can be read by the man(1) command. It is
+# a replacement for the pod2man command distributed with versions of Perl
+# prior to 5.6.
+# Perl core hackers, please note that this module is also separately
+# maintained outside of the Perl core as part of the podlators. Please send
+# me any patches at the address above in addition to sending them to the
+# standard Perl mailing lists.
+# Modules and declarations
+package Pod::Man;
+require 5.005;
+use strict;
+use subs qw(makespace);
+use Carp qw(croak);
+use Pod::Simple ();
+@ISA = qw(Pod::Simple);
+$VERSION = '2.23';
+# Set the debugging level. If someone has inserted a debug function into this
+# class already, use that. Otherwise, use any Pod::Simple debug function
+# that's defined, and failing that, define a debug level of 10.
+ my $parent = defined (&Pod::Simple::DEBUG) ? \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG : undef;
+ unless (defined &DEBUG) {
+ *DEBUG = $parent || sub () { 10 };
+ }
+# Import the ASCII constant from Pod::Simple. This is true iff we're in an
+# ASCII-based universe (including such things as ISO 8859-1 and UTF-8), and is
+# generally only false for EBCDIC.
+BEGIN { *ASCII = \&Pod::Simple::ASCII }
+# Pretty-print a data structure. Only used for debugging.
+BEGIN { *pretty = \&Pod::Simple::pretty }
+# Object initialization
+# Initialize the object and set various Pod::Simple options that we need.
+# Here, we also process any additional options passed to the constructor or
+# set up defaults if none were given. Note that all internal object keys are
+# in all-caps, reserving all lower-case object keys for Pod::Simple and user
+# arguments.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
+ # Tell Pod::Simple not to handle S<> by automatically inserting &nbsp;.
+ $self->nbsp_for_S (1);
+ # Tell Pod::Simple to keep whitespace whenever possible.
+ if ($self->can ('preserve_whitespace')) {
+ $self->preserve_whitespace (1);
+ } else {
+ $self->fullstop_space_harden (1);
+ }
+ # The =for and =begin targets that we accept.
+ $self->accept_targets (qw/man MAN roff ROFF/);
+ # Ensure that contiguous blocks of code are merged together. Otherwise,
+ # some of the guesswork heuristics don't work right.
+ $self->merge_text (1);
+ # Pod::Simple doesn't do anything useful with our arguments, but we want
+ # to put them in our object as hash keys and values. This could cause
+ # problems if we ever clash with Pod::Simple's own internal class
+ # variables.
+ %$self = (%$self, @_);
+ # Send errors to stderr if requested.
+ if ($$self{stderr}) {
+ $self->no_errata_section (1);
+ $self->complain_stderr (1);
+ delete $$self{stderr};
+ }
+ # Initialize various other internal constants based on our arguments.
+ $self->init_fonts;
+ $self->init_quotes;
+ $self->init_page;
+ # For right now, default to turning on all of the magic.
+ $$self{MAGIC_CPP} = 1;
+ $$self{MAGIC_EMDASH} = 1;
+ $$self{MAGIC_FUNC} = 1;
+ $$self{MAGIC_MANREF} = 1;
+ $$self{MAGIC_SMALLCAPS} = 1;
+ $$self{MAGIC_VARS} = 1;
+ return $self;
+# Translate a font string into an escape.
+sub toescape { (length ($_[0]) > 1 ? '\f(' : '\f') . $_[0] }
+# Determine which fonts the user wishes to use and store them in the object.
+# Regular, italic, bold, and bold-italic are constants, but the fixed width
+# fonts may be set by the user. Sets the internal hash key FONTS which is
+# used to map our internal font escapes to actual *roff sequences later.
+sub init_fonts {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # Figure out the fixed-width font. If user-supplied, make sure that they
+ # are the right length.
+ for (qw/fixed fixedbold fixeditalic fixedbolditalic/) {
+ my $font = $$self{$_};
+ if (defined ($font) && (length ($font) < 1 || length ($font) > 2)) {
+ croak qq(roff font should be 1 or 2 chars, not "$font");
+ }
+ }
+ # Set the default fonts. We can't be sure portably across different
+ # implementations what fixed bold-italic may be called (if it's even
+ # available), so default to just bold.
+ $$self{fixed} ||= 'CW';
+ $$self{fixedbold} ||= 'CB';
+ $$self{fixeditalic} ||= 'CI';
+ $$self{fixedbolditalic} ||= 'CB';
+ # Set up a table of font escapes. First number is fixed-width, second is
+ # bold, third is italic.
+ $$self{FONTS} = { '000' => '\fR', '001' => '\fI',
+ '010' => '\fB', '011' => '\f(BI',
+ '100' => toescape ($$self{fixed}),
+ '101' => toescape ($$self{fixeditalic}),
+ '110' => toescape ($$self{fixedbold}),
+ '111' => toescape ($$self{fixedbolditalic}) };
+# Initialize the quotes that we'll be using for C<> text. This requires some
+# special handling, both to parse the user parameter if given and to make sure
+# that the quotes will be safe against *roff. Sets the internal hash keys
+sub init_quotes {
+ my ($self) = (@_);
+ $$self{quotes} ||= '"';
+ if ($$self{quotes} eq 'none') {
+ $$self{LQUOTE} = $$self{RQUOTE} = '';
+ } elsif (length ($$self{quotes}) == 1) {
+ $$self{LQUOTE} = $$self{RQUOTE} = $$self{quotes};
+ } elsif ($$self{quotes} =~ /^(.)(.)$/
+ || $$self{quotes} =~ /^(..)(..)$/) {
+ $$self{LQUOTE} = $1;
+ $$self{RQUOTE} = $2;
+ } else {
+ croak(qq(Invalid quote specification "$$self{quotes}"))
+ }
+ # Double the first quote; note that this should not be s///g as two double
+ # quotes is represented in *roff as three double quotes, not four. Weird,
+ # I know.
+ $$self{LQUOTE} =~ s/\"/\"\"/;
+ $$self{RQUOTE} =~ s/\"/\"\"/;
+# Initialize the page title information and indentation from our arguments.
+sub init_page {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # We used to try first to get the version number from a local binary, but
+ # we shouldn't need that any more. Get the version from the running Perl.
+ # Work a little magic to handle subversions correctly under both the
+ # pre-5.6 and the post-5.6 version numbering schemes.
+ my @version = ($] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{0,3})$/);
+ $version[2] ||= 0;
+ $version[2] *= 10 ** (3 - length $version[2]);
+ for (@version) { $_ += 0 }
+ my $version = join ('.', @version);
+ # Set the defaults for page titles and indentation if the user didn't
+ # override anything.
+ $$self{center} = 'User Contributed Perl Documentation'
+ unless defined $$self{center};
+ $$self{release} = 'perl v' . $version
+ unless defined $$self{release};
+ $$self{indent} = 4
+ unless defined $$self{indent};
+ # Double quotes in things that will be quoted.
+ for (qw/center release/) {
+ $$self{$_} =~ s/\"/\"\"/g if $$self{$_};
+ }
+# Core parsing
+# This is the glue that connects the code below with Pod::Simple itself. The
+# goal is to convert the event stream coming from the POD parser into method
+# calls to handlers once the complete content of a tag has been seen. Each
+# paragraph or POD command will have textual content associated with it, and
+# as soon as all of a paragraph or POD command has been seen, that content
+# will be passed in to the corresponding method for handling that type of
+# object. The exceptions are handlers for lists, which have opening tag
+# handlers and closing tag handlers that will be called right away.
+# The internal hash key PENDING is used to store the contents of a tag until
+# all of it has been seen. It holds a stack of open tags, each one
+# represented by a tuple of the attributes hash for the tag, formatting
+# options for the tag (which are inherited), and the contents of the tag.
+# Add a block of text to the contents of the current node, formatting it
+# according to the current formatting instructions as we do.
+sub _handle_text {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ DEBUG > 3 and print "== $text\n";
+ my $tag = $$self{PENDING}[-1];
+ $$tag[2] .= $self->format_text ($$tag[1], $text);
+# Given an element name, get the corresponding method name.
+sub method_for_element {
+ my ($self, $element) = @_;
+ $element =~ tr/-/_/;
+ $element =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $element =~ tr/_a-z0-9//cd;
+ return $element;
+# Handle the start of a new element. If cmd_element is defined, assume that
+# we need to collect the entire tree for this element before passing it to the
+# element method, and create a new tree into which we'll collect blocks of
+# text and nested elements. Otherwise, if start_element is defined, call it.
+sub _handle_element_start {
+ my ($self, $element, $attrs) = @_;
+ DEBUG > 3 and print "++ $element (<", join ('> <', %$attrs), ">)\n";
+ my $method = $self->method_for_element ($element);
+ # If we have a command handler, we need to accumulate the contents of the
+ # tag before calling it. Turn off IN_NAME for any command other than
+ # <Para> and the formatting codes so that IN_NAME isn't still set for the
+ # first heading after the NAME heading.
+ if ($self->can ("cmd_$method")) {
+ DEBUG > 2 and print "<$element> starts saving a tag\n";
+ $$self{IN_NAME} = 0 if ($element ne 'Para' && length ($element) > 1);
+ # How we're going to format embedded text blocks depends on the tag
+ # and also depends on our parent tags. Thankfully, inside tags that
+ # turn off guesswork and reformatting, nothing else can turn it back
+ # on, so this can be strictly inherited.
+ my $formatting = $$self{PENDING}[-1][1];
+ $formatting = $self->formatting ($formatting, $element);
+ push (@{ $$self{PENDING} }, [ $attrs, $formatting, '' ]);
+ DEBUG > 4 and print "Pending: [", pretty ($$self{PENDING}), "]\n";
+ } elsif ($self->can ("start_$method")) {
+ my $method = 'start_' . $method;
+ $self->$method ($attrs, '');
+ } else {
+ DEBUG > 2 and print "No $method start method, skipping\n";
+ }
+# Handle the end of an element. If we had a cmd_ method for this element,
+# this is where we pass along the tree that we built. Otherwise, if we have
+# an end_ method for the element, call that.
+sub _handle_element_end {
+ my ($self, $element) = @_;
+ DEBUG > 3 and print "-- $element\n";
+ my $method = $self->method_for_element ($element);
+ # If we have a command handler, pull off the pending text and pass it to
+ # the handler along with the saved attribute hash.
+ if ($self->can ("cmd_$method")) {
+ DEBUG > 2 and print "</$element> stops saving a tag\n";
+ my $tag = pop @{ $$self{PENDING} };
+ DEBUG > 4 and print "Popped: [", pretty ($tag), "]\n";
+ DEBUG > 4 and print "Pending: [", pretty ($$self{PENDING}), "]\n";
+ my $method = 'cmd_' . $method;
+ my $text = $self->$method ($$tag[0], $$tag[2]);
+ if (defined $text) {
+ if (@{ $$self{PENDING} } > 1) {
+ $$self{PENDING}[-1][2] .= $text;
+ } else {
+ $self->output ($text);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($self->can ("end_$method")) {
+ my $method = 'end_' . $method;
+ $self->$method ();
+ } else {
+ DEBUG > 2 and print "No $method end method, skipping\n";
+ }
+# General formatting
+# Return formatting instructions for a new block. Takes the current
+# formatting and the new element. Formatting inherits negatively, in the
+# sense that if the parent has turned off guesswork, all child elements should
+# leave it off. We therefore return a copy of the same formatting
+# instructions but possibly with more things turned off depending on the
+# element.
+sub formatting {
+ my ($self, $current, $element) = @_;
+ my %options;
+ if ($current) {
+ %options = %$current;
+ } else {
+ %options = (guesswork => 1, cleanup => 1, convert => 1);
+ }
+ if ($element eq 'Data') {
+ $options{guesswork} = 0;
+ $options{cleanup} = 0;
+ $options{convert} = 0;
+ } elsif ($element eq 'X') {
+ $options{guesswork} = 0;
+ $options{cleanup} = 0;
+ } elsif ($element eq 'Verbatim' || $element eq 'C') {
+ $options{guesswork} = 0;
+ $options{literal} = 1;
+ }
+ return \%options;
+# Format a text block. Takes a hash of formatting options and the text to
+# format. Currently, the only formatting options are guesswork, cleanup, and
+# convert, all of which are boolean.
+sub format_text {
+ my ($self, $options, $text) = @_;
+ my $guesswork = $$options{guesswork} && !$$self{IN_NAME};
+ my $cleanup = $$options{cleanup};
+ my $convert = $$options{convert};
+ my $literal = $$options{literal};
+ # Cleanup just tidies up a few things, telling *roff that the hyphens are
+ # hard, putting a bit of space between consecutive underscores, and
+ # escaping backslashes. Be careful not to mangle our character
+ # translations by doing this before processing character translation.
+ if ($cleanup) {
+ $text =~ s/\\/\\e/g;
+ $text =~ s/-/\\-/g;
+ $text =~ s/_(?=_)/_\\|/g;
+ }
+ # Normally we do character translation, but we won't even do that in
+ # <Data> blocks or if UTF-8 output is desired.
+ if ($convert && !$$self{utf8} && ASCII) {
+ $text =~ s/([^\x00-\x7F])/$ESCAPES{ord ($1)} || "X"/eg;
+ }
+ # Ensure that *roff doesn't convert literal quotes to UTF-8 single quotes,
+ # but don't mess up our accept escapes.
+ if ($literal) {
+ $text =~ s/(?<!\\\*)\'/\\*\(Aq/g;
+ $text =~ s/(?<!\\\*)\`/\\\`/g;
+ }
+ # If guesswork is asked for, do that. This involves more substantial
+ # formatting based on various heuristics that may only be appropriate for
+ # particular documents.
+ if ($guesswork) {
+ $text = $self->guesswork ($text);
+ }
+ return $text;
+# Handles C<> text, deciding whether to put \*C` around it or not. This is a
+# whole bunch of messy heuristics to try to avoid overquoting, originally from
+# Barrie Slaymaker. This largely duplicates similar code in Pod::Text.
+sub quote_literal {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ # A regex that matches the portion of a variable reference that's the
+ # array or hash index, separated out just because we want to use it in
+ # several places in the following regex.
+ my $index = '(?: \[.*\] | \{.*\} )?';
+ # If in NAME section, just return an ASCII quoted string to avoid
+ # confusing tools like whatis.
+ return qq{"$_"} if $$self{IN_NAME};
+ # Check for things that we don't want to quote, and if we find any of
+ # them, return the string with just a font change and no quoting.
+ m{
+ ^\s*
+ (?:
+ ( [\'\`\"] ) .* \1 # already quoted
+ | \\\*\(Aq .* \\\*\(Aq # quoted and escaped
+ | \\?\` .* ( \' | \\\*\(Aq ) # `quoted'
+ | \$+ [\#^]? \S $index # special ($^Foo, $")
+ | [\$\@%&*]+ \#? [:\'\w]+ $index # plain var or func
+ | [\$\@%&*]* [:\'\w]+ (?: -> )? \(\s*[^\s,]\s*\) # 0/1-arg func call
+ | [-+]? ( \d[\d.]* | \.\d+ ) (?: [eE][-+]?\d+ )? # a number
+ | 0x [a-fA-F\d]+ # a hex constant
+ )
+ \s*\z
+ }xso and return '\f(FS' . $_ . '\f(FE';
+ # If we didn't return, go ahead and quote the text.
+ return '\f(FS\*(C`' . $_ . "\\*(C'\\f(FE";
+# Takes a text block to perform guesswork on. Returns the text block with
+# formatting codes added. This is the code that marks up various Perl
+# constructs and things commonly used in man pages without requiring the user
+# to add any explicit markup, and is applied to all non-literal text. We're
+# guaranteed that the text we're applying guesswork to does not contain any
+# *roff formatting codes. Note that the inserted font sequences must be
+# treated later with mapfonts or textmapfonts.
+# This method is very fragile, both in the regular expressions it uses and in
+# the ordering of those modifications. Care and testing is required when
+# modifying it.
+sub guesswork {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ DEBUG > 5 and print " Guesswork called on [$_]\n";
+ # By the time we reach this point, all hypens will be escaped by adding a
+ # backslash. We want to undo that escaping if they're part of regular
+ # words and there's only a single dash, since that's a real hyphen that
+ # *roff gets to consider a possible break point. Make sure that a dash
+ # after the first character of a word stays non-breaking, however.
+ #
+ # Note that this is not user-controllable; we pretty much have to do this
+ # transformation or *roff will mangle the output in unacceptable ways.
+ s{
+ ( (?:\G|^|\s) [\(\"]* [a-zA-Z] ) ( \\- )?
+ ( (?: [a-zA-Z\']+ \\-)+ )
+ ( [a-zA-Z\']+ ) (?= [\)\".?!,;:]* (?:\s|\Z|\\\ ) )
+ \b
+ } {
+ my ($prefix, $hyphen, $main, $suffix) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ $hyphen ||= '';
+ $main =~ s/\\-/-/g;
+ $prefix . $hyphen . $main . $suffix;
+ }egx;
+ # Translate "--" into a real em-dash if it's used like one. This means
+ # that it's either surrounded by whitespace, it follows a regular word, or
+ # it occurs between two regular words.
+ if ($$self{MAGIC_EMDASH}) {
+ s{ (\s) \\-\\- (\s) } { $1 . '\*(--' . $2 }egx;
+ s{ (\b[a-zA-Z]+) \\-\\- (\s|\Z|[a-zA-Z]+\b) } { $1 . '\*(--' . $2 }egx;
+ }
+ # Make words in all-caps a little bit smaller; they look better that way.
+ # However, we don't want to change Perl code (like @ARGV), nor do we want
+ # to fix the MIME in MIME-Version since it looks weird with the
+ # full-height V.
+ #
+ # We change only a string of all caps (2) either at the beginning of the
+ # line or following regular punctuation (like quotes) or whitespace (1),
+ # and followed by either similar punctuation, an em-dash, or the end of
+ # the line (3).
+ if ($$self{MAGIC_SMALLCAPS}) {
+ s{
+ ( ^ | [\s\(\"\'\`\[\{<>] | \\\ ) # (1)
+ ( [A-Z] [A-Z] (?: [/A-Z+:\d_\$&] | \\- )* ) # (2)
+ (?= [\s>\}\]\(\)\'\".?!,;] | \\*\(-- | \\\ | $ ) # (3)
+ } {
+ $1 . '\s-1' . $2 . '\s0'
+ }egx;
+ }
+ # Note that from this point forward, we have to adjust for \s-1 and \s-0
+ # strings inserted around things that we've made small-caps if later
+ # transforms should work on those strings.
+ # Italize functions in the form func(), including functions that are in
+ # all capitals, but don't italize if there's anything between the parens.
+ # The function must start with an alphabetic character or underscore and
+ # then consist of word characters or colons.
+ if ($$self{MAGIC_FUNC}) {
+ s{
+ ( \b | \\s-1 )
+ ( [A-Za-z_] ([:\w] | \\s-?[01])+ \(\) )
+ } {
+ $1 . '\f(IS' . $2 . '\f(IE'
+ }egx;
+ }
+ # Change references to manual pages to put the page name in italics but
+ # the number in the regular font, with a thin space between the name and
+ # the number. Only recognize func(n) where func starts with an alphabetic
+ # character or underscore and contains only word characters, periods (for
+ # configuration file man pages), or colons, and n is a single digit,
+ # optionally followed by some number of lowercase letters. Note that this
+ # does not recognize man page references like perl(l) or socket(3SOCKET).
+ if ($$self{MAGIC_MANREF}) {
+ s{
+ ( \b | \\s-1 )
+ ( [A-Za-z_] (?:[.:\w] | \\- | \\s-?[01])+ )
+ ( \( \d [a-z]* \) )
+ } {
+ $1 . '\f(IS' . $2 . '\f(IE\|' . $3
+ }egx;
+ }
+ # Convert simple Perl variable references to a fixed-width font. Be
+ # careful not to convert functions, though; there are too many subtleties
+ # with them to want to perform this transformation.
+ if ($$self{MAGIC_VARS}) {
+ s{
+ ( ^ | \s+ )
+ ( [\$\@%] [\w:]+ )
+ (?! \( )
+ } {
+ $1 . '\f(FS' . $2 . '\f(FE'
+ }egx;
+ }
+ # Fix up double quotes. Unfortunately, we miss this transformation if the
+ # quoted text contains any code with formatting codes and there's not much
+ # we can effectively do about that, which makes it somewhat unclear if
+ # this is really a good idea.
+ s{ \" ([^\"]+) \" } { '\*(L"' . $1 . '\*(R"' }egx;
+ # Make C++ into \*(C+, which is a squinched version.
+ if ($$self{MAGIC_CPP}) {
+ s{ \b C\+\+ } {\\*\(C+}gx;
+ }
+ # Done.
+ DEBUG > 5 and print " Guesswork returning [$_]\n";
+ return $_;
+# Output
+# When building up the *roff code, we don't use real *roff fonts. Instead, we
+# embed font codes of the form \f(<font>[SE] where <font> is one of B, I, or
+# F, S stands for start, and E stands for end. This method turns these into
+# the right start and end codes.
+# We add this level of complexity because the old pod2man didn't get code like
+# B<someI<thing> else> right; after I<> it switched back to normal text rather
+# than bold. We take care of this by using variables that state whether bold,
+# italic, or fixed are turned on as a combined pointer to our current font
+# sequence, and set each to the number of current nestings of start tags for
+# that font.
+# \fP changes to the previous font, but only one previous font is kept. We
+# don't know what the outside level font is; normally it's R, but if we're
+# inside a heading it could be something else. So arrange things so that the
+# outside font is always the "previous" font and end with \fP instead of \fR.
+# Idea from Zack Weinberg.
+sub mapfonts {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ my ($fixed, $bold, $italic) = (0, 0, 0);
+ my %magic = (F => \$fixed, B => \$bold, I => \$italic);
+ my $last = '\fR';
+ $text =~ s<
+ \\f\((.)(.)
+ > <
+ my $sequence = '';
+ my $f;
+ if ($last ne '\fR') { $sequence = '\fP' }
+ ${ $magic{$1} } += ($2 eq 'S') ? 1 : -1;
+ $f = $$self{FONTS}{ ($fixed && 1) . ($bold && 1) . ($italic && 1) };
+ if ($f eq $last) {
+ '';
+ } else {
+ if ($f ne '\fR') { $sequence .= $f }
+ $last = $f;
+ $sequence;
+ }
+ >gxe;
+ return $text;
+# Unfortunately, there is a bug in Solaris 2.6 nroff (not present in GNU
+# groff) where the sequence \fB\fP\f(CW\fP leaves the font set to B rather
+# than R, presumably because \f(CW doesn't actually do a font change. To work
+# around this, use a separate textmapfonts for text blocks where the default
+# font is always R and only use the smart mapfonts for headings.
+sub textmapfonts {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ my ($fixed, $bold, $italic) = (0, 0, 0);
+ my %magic = (F => \$fixed, B => \$bold, I => \$italic);
+ $text =~ s<
+ \\f\((.)(.)
+ > <
+ ${ $magic{$1} } += ($2 eq 'S') ? 1 : -1;
+ $$self{FONTS}{ ($fixed && 1) . ($bold && 1) . ($italic && 1) };
+ >gxe;
+ return $text;
+# Given a command and a single argument that may or may not contain double
+# quotes, handle double-quote formatting for it. If there are no double
+# quotes, just return the command followed by the argument in double quotes.
+# If there are double quotes, use an if statement to test for nroff, and for
+# nroff output the command followed by the argument in double quotes with
+# embedded double quotes doubled. For other formatters, remap paired double
+# quotes to LQUOTE and RQUOTE.
+sub switchquotes {
+ my ($self, $command, $text, $extra) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/\\\*\([LR]\"/\"/g;
+ # We also have to deal with \*C` and \*C', which are used to add the
+ # quotes around C<> text, since they may expand to " and if they do this
+ # confuses the .SH macros and the like no end. Expand them ourselves.
+ # Also separate troff from nroff if there are any fixed-width fonts in use
+ # to work around problems with Solaris nroff.
+ my $c_is_quote = ($$self{LQUOTE} =~ /\"/) || ($$self{RQUOTE} =~ /\"/);
+ my $fixedpat = join '|', @{ $$self{FONTS} }{'100', '101', '110', '111'};
+ $fixedpat =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $fixedpat =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
+ if ($text =~ m/\"/ || $text =~ m/$fixedpat/) {
+ $text =~ s/\"/\"\"/g;
+ my $nroff = $text;
+ my $troff = $text;
+ $troff =~ s/\"\"([^\"]*)\"\"/\`\`$1\'\'/g;
+ if ($c_is_quote and $text =~ m/\\\*\(C[\'\`]/) {
+ $nroff =~ s/\\\*\(C\`/$$self{LQUOTE}/g;
+ $nroff =~ s/\\\*\(C\'/$$self{RQUOTE}/g;
+ $troff =~ s/\\\*\(C[\'\`]//g;
+ }
+ $nroff = qq("$nroff") . ($extra ? " $extra" : '');
+ $troff = qq("$troff") . ($extra ? " $extra" : '');
+ # Work around the Solaris nroff bug where \f(CW\fP leaves the font set
+ # to Roman rather than the actual previous font when used in headings.
+ # troff output may still be broken, but at least we can fix nroff by
+ # just switching the font changes to the non-fixed versions.
+ $nroff =~ s/\Q$$self{FONTS}{100}\E(.*?)\\f[PR]/$1/g;
+ $nroff =~ s/\Q$$self{FONTS}{101}\E(.*?)\\f([PR])/\\fI$1\\f$2/g;
+ $nroff =~ s/\Q$$self{FONTS}{110}\E(.*?)\\f([PR])/\\fB$1\\f$2/g;
+ $nroff =~ s/\Q$$self{FONTS}{111}\E(.*?)\\f([PR])/\\f\(BI$1\\f$2/g;
+ # Now finally output the command. Bother with .ie only if the nroff
+ # and troff output aren't the same.
+ if ($nroff ne $troff) {
+ return ".ie n $command $nroff\n.el $command $troff\n";
+ } else {
+ return "$command $nroff\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $text = qq("$text") . ($extra ? " $extra" : '');
+ return "$command $text\n";
+ }
+# Protect leading quotes and periods against interpretation as commands. Also
+# protect anything starting with a backslash, since it could expand or hide
+# something that *roff would interpret as a command. This is overkill, but
+# it's much simpler than trying to parse *roff here.
+sub protect {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^([.\'\\])/\\&$1/mg;
+ return $text;
+# Make vertical whitespace if NEEDSPACE is set, appropriate to the indentation
+# level the situation. This function is needed since in *roff one has to
+# create vertical whitespace after paragraphs and between some things, but
+# other macros create their own whitespace. Also close out a sequence of
+# repeated =items, since calling makespace means we're about to begin the item
+# body.
+sub makespace {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->output (".PD\n") if $$self{ITEMS} > 1;
+ $$self{ITEMS} = 0;
+ $self->output ($$self{INDENT} > 0 ? ".Sp\n" : ".PP\n")
+ if $$self{NEEDSPACE};
+# Output any pending index entries, and optionally an index entry given as an
+# argument. Support multiple index entries in X<> separated by slashes, and
+# strip special escapes from index entries.
+sub outindex {
+ my ($self, $section, $index) = @_;
+ my @entries = map { split m%\s*/\s*% } @{ $$self{INDEX} };
+ return unless ($section || @entries);
+ # We're about to output all pending entries, so clear our pending queue.
+ $$self{INDEX} = [];
+ # Build the output. Regular index entries are marked Xref, and headings
+ # pass in their own section. Undo some *roff formatting on headings.
+ my @output;
+ if (@entries) {
+ push @output, [ 'Xref', join (' ', @entries) ];
+ }
+ if ($section) {
+ $index =~ s/\\-/-/g;
+ $index =~ s/\\(?:s-?\d|.\(..|.)//g;
+ push @output, [ $section, $index ];
+ }
+ # Print out the .IX commands.
+ for (@output) {
+ my ($type, $entry) = @$_;
+ $entry =~ s/\"/\"\"/g;
+ $entry =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $self->output (".IX $type " . '"' . $entry . '"' . "\n");
+ }
+# Output some text, without any additional changes.
+sub output {
+ my ($self, @text) = @_;
+ print { $$self{output_fh} } @text;
+# Document initialization
+# Handle the start of the document. Here we handle empty documents, as well
+# as setting up our basic macros in a preamble and building the page title.
+sub start_document {
+ my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
+ if ($$attrs{contentless} && !$$self{ALWAYS_EMIT_SOMETHING}) {
+ DEBUG and print "Document is contentless\n";
+ $$self{CONTENTLESS} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ # If we were given the utf8 option, set an output encoding on our file
+ # handle. Wrap in an eval in case we're using a version of Perl too old
+ # to understand this.
+ #
+ # This is evil because it changes the global state of a file handle that
+ # we may not own. However, we can't just blindly encode all output, since
+ # there may be a pre-applied output encoding (such as from PERL_UNICODE)
+ # and then we would double-encode. This seems to be the least bad
+ # approach.
+ if ($$self{utf8}) {
+ eval { binmode ($$self{output_fh}, ':encoding(UTF-8)') };
+ }
+ # Determine information for the preamble and then output it.
+ my ($name, $section);
+ if (defined $$self{name}) {
+ $name = $$self{name};
+ $section = $$self{section} || 1;
+ } else {
+ ($name, $section) = $self->devise_title;
+ }
+ my $date = $$self{date} || $self->devise_date;
+ $self->preamble ($name, $section, $date)
+ unless $self->bare_output or DEBUG > 9;
+ # Initialize a few per-document variables.
+ $$self{INDENT} = 0; # Current indentation level.
+ $$self{INDENTS} = []; # Stack of indentations.
+ $$self{INDEX} = []; # Index keys waiting to be printed.
+ $$self{IN_NAME} = 0; # Whether processing the NAME section.
+ $$self{ITEMS} = 0; # The number of consecutive =items.
+ $$self{ITEMTYPES} = []; # Stack of =item types, one per list.
+ $$self{SHIFTWAIT} = 0; # Whether there is a shift waiting.
+ $$self{SHIFTS} = []; # Stack of .RS shifts.
+ $$self{PENDING} = [[]]; # Pending output.
+# Handle the end of the document. This does nothing but print out a final
+# comment at the end of the document under debugging.
+sub end_document {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return if $self->bare_output;
+ return if ($$self{CONTENTLESS} && !$$self{ALWAYS_EMIT_SOMETHING});
+ $self->output (q(.\" [End document]) . "\n") if DEBUG;
+# Try to figure out the name and section from the file name and return them as
+# a list, returning an empty name and section 1 if we can't find any better
+# information. Uses File::Basename and File::Spec as necessary.
+sub devise_title {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $name = $self->source_filename || '';
+ my $section = $$self{section} || 1;
+ $section = 3 if (!$$self{section} && $name =~ /\.pm\z/i);
+ $name =~ s/\.p(od|[lm])\z//i;
+ # If the section isn't 3, then the name defaults to just the basename of
+ # the file. Otherwise, assume we're dealing with a module. We want to
+ # figure out the full module name from the path to the file, but we don't
+ # want to include too much of the path into the module name. Lose
+ # anything up to the first off:
+ #
+ # */lib/*perl*/ standard or site_perl module
+ # */*perl*/lib/ from -Dprefix=/opt/perl
+ # */*perl*/ random module hierarchy
+ #
+ # which works. Also strip off a leading site, site_perl, or vendor_perl
+ # component, any OS-specific component, and any version number component,
+ # and strip off an initial component of "lib" or "blib/lib" since that's
+ # what ExtUtils::MakeMaker creates. splitdir requires at least File::Spec
+ # 0.8.
+ if ($section !~ /^3/) {
+ require File::Basename;
+ $name = uc File::Basename::basename ($name);
+ } else {
+ require File::Spec;
+ my ($volume, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($name);
+ my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir ($dirs);
+ my $cut = 0;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @dirs; $i++) {
+ if ($dirs[$i] =~ /perl/) {
+ $cut = $i + 1;
+ $cut++ if ($dirs[$i + 1] && $dirs[$i + 1] eq 'lib');
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cut > 0) {
+ splice (@dirs, 0, $cut);
+ shift @dirs if ($dirs[0] =~ /^(site|vendor)(_perl)?$/);
+ shift @dirs if ($dirs[0] =~ /^[\d.]+$/);
+ shift @dirs if ($dirs[0] =~ /^(.*-$^O|$^O-.*|$^O)$/);
+ }
+ shift @dirs if $dirs[0] eq 'lib';
+ splice (@dirs, 0, 2) if ($dirs[0] eq 'blib' && $dirs[1] eq 'lib');
+ # Remove empty directories when building the module name; they
+ # occur too easily on Unix by doubling slashes.
+ $name = join ('::', (grep { $_ ? $_ : () } @dirs), $file);
+ }
+ return ($name, $section);
+# Determine the modification date and return that, properly formatted in ISO
+# format. If we can't get the modification date of the input, instead use the
+# current time. Pod::Simple returns a completely unuseful stringified file
+# handle as the source_filename for input from a file handle, so we have to
+# deal with that as well.
+sub devise_date {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $input = $self->source_filename;
+ my $time;
+ if ($input) {
+ $time = (stat $input)[9] || time;
+ } else {
+ $time = time;
+ }
+ # Can't use POSIX::strftime(), which uses Fcntl, because MakeMaker
+ # uses this and it has to work in the core which can't load dynamic
+ # libraries.
+ my ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime $time)[5,4,3];
+ return sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d", $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day);
+# Print out the preamble and the title. The meaning of the arguments to .TH
+# unfortunately vary by system; some systems consider the fourth argument to
+# be a "source" and others use it as a version number. Generally it's just
+# presented as the left-side footer, though, so it doesn't matter too much if
+# a particular system gives it another interpretation.
+# The order of date and release used to be reversed in older versions of this
+# module, but this order is correct for both Solaris and Linux.
+sub preamble {
+ my ($self, $name, $section, $date) = @_;
+ my $preamble = $self->preamble_template (!$$self{utf8});
+ # Build the index line and make sure that it will be syntactically valid.
+ my $index = "$name $section";
+ $index =~ s/\"/\"\"/g;
+ # If name or section contain spaces, quote them (section really never
+ # should, but we may as well be cautious).
+ for ($name, $section) {
+ if (/\s/) {
+ s/\"/\"\"/g;
+ $_ = '"' . $_ . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ # Double quotes in date, since it will be quoted.
+ $date =~ s/\"/\"\"/g;
+ # Substitute into the preamble the configuration options.
+ $preamble =~ s/\@CFONT\@/$$self{fixed}/;
+ $preamble =~ s/\@LQUOTE\@/$$self{LQUOTE}/;
+ $preamble =~ s/\@RQUOTE\@/$$self{RQUOTE}/;
+ chomp $preamble;
+ # Get the version information.
+ my $version = $self->version_report;
+ # Finally output everything.
+ $self->output (<<"----END OF HEADER----");
+.\\" Automatically generated by $version
+.\\" Standard preamble:
+.\\" ========================================================================
+.\\" ========================================================================
+.IX Title "$index"
+.TH $name $section "$date" "$$self{release}" "$$self{center}"
+.\\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
+.\\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
+.if n .ad l
+----END OF HEADER----
+ $self->output (".\\\" [End of preamble]\n") if DEBUG;
+# Text blocks
+# Handle a basic block of text. The only tricky part of this is if this is
+# the first paragraph of text after an =over, in which case we have to change
+# indentations for *roff.
+sub cmd_para {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ my $line = $$attrs{start_line};
+ # Output the paragraph. We also have to handle =over without =item. If
+ # there's an =over without =item, SHIFTWAIT will be set, and we need to
+ # handle creation of the indent here. Add the shift to SHIFTS so that it
+ # will be cleaned up on =back.
+ $self->makespace;
+ if ($$self{SHIFTWAIT}) {
+ $self->output (".RS $$self{INDENT}\n");
+ push (@{ $$self{SHIFTS} }, $$self{INDENT});
+ $$self{SHIFTWAIT} = 0;
+ }
+ # Add the line number for debugging, but not in the NAME section just in
+ # case the comment would confuse apropos.
+ $self->output (".\\\" [At source line $line]\n")
+ if defined ($line) && DEBUG && !$$self{IN_NAME};
+ # Force exactly one newline at the end and strip unwanted trailing
+ # whitespace at the end.
+ $text =~ s/\s*$/\n/;
+ # Output the paragraph.
+ $self->output ($self->protect ($self->textmapfonts ($text)));
+ $self->outindex;
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 1;
+ return '';
+# Handle a verbatim paragraph. Put a null token at the beginning of each line
+# to protect against commands and wrap in .Vb/.Ve (which we define in our
+# prelude).
+sub cmd_verbatim {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ # Ignore an empty verbatim paragraph.
+ return unless $text =~ /\S/;
+ # Force exactly one newline at the end and strip unwanted trailing
+ # whitespace at the end.
+ $text =~ s/\s*$/\n/;
+ # Get a count of the number of lines before the first blank line, which
+ # we'll pass to .Vb as its parameter. This tells *roff to keep that many
+ # lines together. We don't want to tell *roff to keep huge blocks
+ # together.
+ my @lines = split (/\n/, $text);
+ my $unbroken = 0;
+ for (@lines) {
+ last if /^\s*$/;
+ $unbroken++;
+ }
+ $unbroken = 10 if ($unbroken > 12 && !$$self{MAGIC_VNOPAGEBREAK_LIMIT});
+ # Prepend a null token to each line.
+ $text =~ s/^/\\&/gm;
+ # Output the results.
+ $self->makespace;
+ $self->output (".Vb $unbroken\n$text.Ve\n");
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 1;
+ return '';
+# Handle literal text (produced by =for and similar constructs). Just output
+# it with the minimum of changes.
+sub cmd_data {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^\n+//;
+ $text =~ s/\n{0,2}$/\n/;
+ $self->output ($text);
+ return '';
+# Headings
+# Common code for all headings. This is called before the actual heading is
+# output. It returns the cleaned up heading text (putting the heading all on
+# one line) and may do other things, like closing bad =item blocks.
+sub heading_common {
+ my ($self, $text, $line) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $text =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
+ # This should never happen; it means that we have a heading after =item
+ # without an intervening =back. But just in case, handle it anyway.
+ if ($$self{ITEMS} > 1) {
+ $$self{ITEMS} = 0;
+ $self->output (".PD\n");
+ }
+ # Output the current source line.
+ $self->output ( ".\\\" [At source line $line]\n" )
+ if defined ($line) && DEBUG;
+ return $text;
+# First level heading. We can't output .IX in the NAME section due to a bug
+# in some versions of catman, so don't output a .IX for that section. .SH
+# already uses small caps, so remove \s0 and \s-1. Maintain IN_NAME as
+# appropriate.
+sub cmd_head1 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/\\s-?\d//g;
+ $text = $self->heading_common ($text, $$attrs{start_line});
+ my $isname = ($text eq 'NAME' || $text =~ /\(NAME\)/);
+ $self->output ($self->switchquotes ('.SH', $self->mapfonts ($text)));
+ $self->outindex ('Header', $text) unless $isname;
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 0;
+ $$self{IN_NAME} = $isname;
+ return '';
+# Second level heading.
+sub cmd_head2 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text = $self->heading_common ($text, $$attrs{start_line});
+ $self->output ($self->switchquotes ('.SS', $self->mapfonts ($text)));
+ $self->outindex ('Subsection', $text);
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 0;
+ return '';
+# Third level heading. *roff doesn't have this concept, so just put the
+# heading in italics as a normal paragraph.
+sub cmd_head3 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text = $self->heading_common ($text, $$attrs{start_line});
+ $self->makespace;
+ $self->output ($self->textmapfonts ('\f(IS' . $text . '\f(IE') . "\n");
+ $self->outindex ('Subsection', $text);
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 1;
+ return '';
+# Fourth level heading. *roff doesn't have this concept, so just put the
+# heading as a normal paragraph.
+sub cmd_head4 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text = $self->heading_common ($text, $$attrs{start_line});
+ $self->makespace;
+ $self->output ($self->textmapfonts ($text) . "\n");
+ $self->outindex ('Subsection', $text);
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 1;
+ return '';
+# Formatting codes
+# All of the formatting codes that aren't handled internally by the parser,
+# other than L<> and X<>.
+sub cmd_b { return $_[0]->{IN_NAME} ? $_[2] : '\f(BS' . $_[2] . '\f(BE' }
+sub cmd_i { return $_[0]->{IN_NAME} ? $_[2] : '\f(IS' . $_[2] . '\f(IE' }
+sub cmd_f { return $_[0]->{IN_NAME} ? $_[2] : '\f(IS' . $_[2] . '\f(IE' }
+sub cmd_c { return $_[0]->quote_literal ($_[2]) }
+# Index entries are just added to the pending entries.
+sub cmd_x {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ push (@{ $$self{INDEX} }, $text);
+ return '';
+# Links reduce to the text that we're given, wrapped in angle brackets if it's
+# a URL.
+sub cmd_l {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ if ($$attrs{type} eq 'url') {
+ if (not defined($$attrs{to}) or $$attrs{to} eq $text) {
+ return "<$text>";
+ } else {
+ return "$text <$$attrs{to}>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $text;
+ }
+# List handling
+# Handle the beginning of an =over block. Takes the type of the block as the
+# first argument, and then the attr hash. This is called by the handlers for
+# the four different types of lists (bullet, number, text, and block).
+sub over_common_start {
+ my ($self, $type, $attrs) = @_;
+ my $line = $$attrs{start_line};
+ my $indent = $$attrs{indent};
+ DEBUG > 3 and print " Starting =over $type (line $line, indent ",
+ ($indent || '?'), "\n";
+ # Find the indentation level.
+ unless (defined ($indent) && $indent =~ /^[-+]?\d{1,4}\s*$/) {
+ $indent = $$self{indent};
+ }
+ # If we've gotten multiple indentations in a row, we need to emit the
+ # pending indentation for the last level that we saw and haven't acted on
+ # yet. SHIFTS is the stack of indentations that we've actually emitted
+ # code for.
+ if (@{ $$self{SHIFTS} } < @{ $$self{INDENTS} }) {
+ $self->output (".RS $$self{INDENT}\n");
+ push (@{ $$self{SHIFTS} }, $$self{INDENT});
+ }
+ # Now, do record-keeping. INDENTS is a stack of indentations that we've
+ # seen so far, and INDENT is the current level of indentation. ITEMTYPES
+ # is a stack of list types that we've seen.
+ push (@{ $$self{INDENTS} }, $$self{INDENT});
+ push (@{ $$self{ITEMTYPES} }, $type);
+ $$self{INDENT} = $indent + 0;
+ $$self{SHIFTWAIT} = 1;
+# End an =over block. Takes no options other than the class pointer.
+# Normally, once we close a block and therefore remove something from INDENTS,
+# INDENTS will now be longer than SHIFTS, indicating that we also need to emit
+# *roff code to close the indent. This isn't *always* true, depending on the
+# circumstance. If we're still inside an indentation, we need to emit another
+# .RE and then a new .RS to unconfuse *roff.
+sub over_common_end {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ DEBUG > 3 and print " Ending =over\n";
+ $$self{INDENT} = pop @{ $$self{INDENTS} };
+ pop @{ $$self{ITEMTYPES} };
+ # If we emitted code for that indentation, end it.
+ if (@{ $$self{SHIFTS} } > @{ $$self{INDENTS} }) {
+ $self->output (".RE\n");
+ pop @{ $$self{SHIFTS} };
+ }
+ # If we're still in an indentation, *roff will have now lost track of the
+ # right depth of that indentation, so fix that.
+ if (@{ $$self{INDENTS} } > 0) {
+ $self->output (".RE\n");
+ $self->output (".RS $$self{INDENT}\n");
+ }
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 1;
+ $$self{SHIFTWAIT} = 0;
+# Dispatch the start and end calls as appropriate.
+sub start_over_bullet { my $s = shift; $s->over_common_start ('bullet', @_) }
+sub start_over_number { my $s = shift; $s->over_common_start ('number', @_) }
+sub start_over_text { my $s = shift; $s->over_common_start ('text', @_) }
+sub start_over_block { my $s = shift; $s->over_common_start ('block', @_) }
+sub end_over_bullet { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+sub end_over_number { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+sub end_over_text { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+sub end_over_block { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+# The common handler for all item commands. Takes the type of the item, the
+# attributes, and then the text of the item.
+# Emit an index entry for anything that's interesting, but don't emit index
+# entries for things like bullets and numbers. Newlines in an item title are
+# turned into spaces since *roff can't handle them embedded.
+sub item_common {
+ my ($self, $type, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ my $line = $$attrs{start_line};
+ DEBUG > 3 and print " $type item (line $line): $text\n";
+ # Clean up the text. We want to end up with two variables, one ($text)
+ # which contains any body text after taking out the item portion, and
+ # another ($item) which contains the actual item text.
+ $text =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my ($item, $index);
+ if ($type eq 'bullet') {
+ $item = "\\\(bu";
+ $text =~ s/\n*$/\n/;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'number') {
+ $item = $$attrs{number} . '.';
+ } else {
+ $item = $text;
+ $item =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
+ $text = '';
+ $index = $item if ($item =~ /\w/);
+ }
+ # Take care of the indentation. If shifts and indents are equal, close
+ # the top shift, since we're about to create an indentation with .IP.
+ # Also output .PD 0 to turn off spacing between items if this item is
+ # directly following another one. We only have to do that once for a
+ # whole chain of items so do it for the second item in the change. Note
+ # that makespace is what undoes this.
+ if (@{ $$self{SHIFTS} } == @{ $$self{INDENTS} }) {
+ $self->output (".RE\n");
+ pop @{ $$self{SHIFTS} };
+ }
+ $self->output (".PD 0\n") if ($$self{ITEMS} == 1);
+ # Now, output the item tag itself.
+ $item = $self->textmapfonts ($item);
+ $self->output ($self->switchquotes ('.IP', $item, $$self{INDENT}));
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 0;
+ $$self{ITEMS}++;
+ $$self{SHIFTWAIT} = 0;
+ # If body text for this item was included, go ahead and output that now.
+ if ($text) {
+ $text =~ s/\s*$/\n/;
+ $self->makespace;
+ $self->output ($self->protect ($self->textmapfonts ($text)));
+ $$self{NEEDSPACE} = 1;
+ }
+ $self->outindex ($index ? ('Item', $index) : ());
+# Dispatch the item commands to the appropriate place.
+sub cmd_item_bullet { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('bullet', @_) }
+sub cmd_item_number { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('number', @_) }
+sub cmd_item_text { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('text', @_) }
+sub cmd_item_block { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('block', @_) }
+# Backward compatibility
+# Reset the underlying Pod::Simple object between calls to parse_from_file so
+# that the same object can be reused to convert multiple pages.
+sub parse_from_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->reinit;
+ # Fake the old cutting option to Pod::Parser. This fiddings with internal
+ # Pod::Simple state and is quite ugly; we need a better approach.
+ if (ref ($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $opts = shift @_;
+ if (defined ($$opts{-cutting}) && !$$opts{-cutting}) {
+ $$self{in_pod} = 1;
+ $$self{last_was_blank} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Do the work.
+ my $retval = $self->SUPER::parse_from_file (@_);
+ # Flush output, since Pod::Simple doesn't do this. Ideally we should also
+ # close the file descriptor if we had to open one, but we can't easily
+ # figure this out.
+ my $fh = $self->output_fh ();
+ my $oldfh = select $fh;
+ my $oldflush = $|;
+ $| = 1;
+ print $fh '';
+ $| = $oldflush;
+ select $oldfh;
+ return $retval;
+# Pod::Simple failed to provide this backward compatibility function, so
+# implement it ourselves. File handles are one of the inputs that
+# parse_from_file supports.
+sub parse_from_filehandle {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->parse_from_file (@_);
+# Translation tables
+# The following table is adapted from Tom Christiansen's pod2man. It assumes
+# that the standard preamble has already been printed, since that's what
+# defines all of the accent marks. We really want to do something better than
+# this when *roff actually supports other character sets itself, since these
+# results are pretty poor.
+# This only works in an ASCII world. What to do in a non-ASCII world is very
+# unclear -- hopefully we can assume UTF-8 and just leave well enough alone.
+@ESCAPES{0xA0 .. 0xFF} = (
+ "\\ ", undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
+ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, "\\%", undef, undef,
+ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
+ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
+ "A\\*`", "A\\*'", "A\\*^", "A\\*~", "A\\*:", "A\\*o", "\\*(AE", "C\\*,",
+ "E\\*`", "E\\*'", "E\\*^", "E\\*:", "I\\*`", "I\\*'", "I\\*^", "I\\*:",
+ "\\*(D-", "N\\*~", "O\\*`", "O\\*'", "O\\*^", "O\\*~", "O\\*:", undef,
+ "O\\*/", "U\\*`", "U\\*'", "U\\*^", "U\\*:", "Y\\*'", "\\*(Th", "\\*8",
+ "a\\*`", "a\\*'", "a\\*^", "a\\*~", "a\\*:", "a\\*o", "\\*(ae", "c\\*,",
+ "e\\*`", "e\\*'", "e\\*^", "e\\*:", "i\\*`", "i\\*'", "i\\*^", "i\\*:",
+ "\\*(d-", "n\\*~", "o\\*`", "o\\*'", "o\\*^", "o\\*~", "o\\*:", undef,
+ "o\\*/" , "u\\*`", "u\\*'", "u\\*^", "u\\*:", "y\\*'", "\\*(th", "y\\*:",
+) if ASCII;
+# Premable
+# The following is the static preamble which starts all *roff output we
+# generate. Most is static except for the font to use as a fixed-width font,
+# which is designed by @CFONT@, and the left and right quotes to use for C<>
+# text, designated by @LQOUTE@ and @RQUOTE@. However, the second part, which
+# defines the accent marks, is only used if $escapes is set to true.
+sub preamble_template {
+ my ($self, $accents) = @_;
+ my $preamble = <<'----END OF PREAMBLE----'; Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP)
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.. Vb \" Begin verbatim text
+.ft @CFONT@ \\$1
+.. Ve \" End verbatim text
+.ft R
+.\" Set up some character translations and predefined strings. \*(-- will
+.\" give an unbreakable dash, \*(PI will give pi, \*(L" will give a left
+.\" double quote, and \*(R" will give a right double quote. \*(C+ will
+.\" give a nicer C++. Capital omega is used to do unbreakable dashes and
+.\" therefore won't be available. \*(C` and \*(C' expand to `' in nroff,
+.\" nothing in troff, for use with C<>. \(*W-
+.ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p' n \{\
+. ds -- \(*W-
+. ds PI pi
+. if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
+. if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
+. ds L" ""
+. ds R" ""
+. ds C` @LQUOTE@
+. ds C' @RQUOTE@
+. ds -- \|\(em\|
+. ds PI \(*p
+. ds L" ``
+. ds R" ''
+.\" Escape single quotes in literal strings from groff's Unicode transform. \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el .ds Aq '
+.\" If the F register is turned on, we'll generate index entries on stderr for
+.\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.SS), items (.Ip), and index
+.\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the
+.\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion. \nF \{\
+. de IX
+. tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
+. nr % 0
+. rr F
+.el \{\
+. de IX
+ if ($accents) {
+ $preamble .= <<'----END OF PREAMBLE----'
+.\" Accent mark definitions (@(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2).
+.\" Fear. Run. Save yourself. No user-serviceable parts.
+. \" fudge factors for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+. ds #H 0
+. ds #V .8m
+. ds #F .3m
+. ds #[ \f1
+. ds #] \fP
+.if t \{\
+. ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m)
+. ds #V .6m
+. ds #F 0
+. ds #[ \&
+. ds #] \&
+. \" simple accents for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+. ds ' \&
+. ds ` \&
+. ds ^ \&
+. ds , \&
+. ds ~ ~
+. ds /
+.if t \{\
+. ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u"
+. ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u'
+. \" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents
+.ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V'
+.ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
+.ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#]
+.ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#]
+.ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e
+.ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E
+. \" corrections for vroff
+.if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u'
+.if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
+. \" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr)
+.if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \
+. ds : e
+. ds 8 ss
+. ds o a
+. ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga
+. ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy
+. ds th \o'bp'
+. ds Th \o'LP'
+. ds ae ae
+. ds Ae AE
+.rm #[ #] #H #V #F C
+#`# for cperl-mode
+ }
+ return $preamble;
+# Module return value and documentation
+=head1 NAME
+Pod::Man - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
+=for stopwords
+en em ALLCAPS teeny fixedbold fixeditalic fixedbolditalic stderr utf8
+UTF-8 Allbery Sean Burke Ossanna Solaris formatters troff uppercased
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Pod::Man;
+ my $parser = Pod::Man->new (release => $VERSION, section => 8);
+ # Read POD from STDIN and write to STDOUT.
+ $parser->parse_file (\*STDIN);
+ # Read POD from file.pod and write to file.1.
+ $parser->parse_from_file ('file.pod', 'file.1');
+Pod::Man is a module to convert documentation in the POD format (the
+preferred language for documenting Perl) into *roff input using the man
+macro set. The resulting *roff code is suitable for display on a terminal
+using L<nroff(1)>, normally via L<man(1)>, or printing using L<troff(1)>.
+It is conventionally invoked using the driver script B<pod2man>, but it can
+also be used directly.
+As a derived class from Pod::Simple, Pod::Man supports the same methods and
+interfaces. See L<Pod::Simple> for all the details.
+new() can take options, in the form of key/value pairs that control the
+behavior of the parser. See below for details.
+If no options are given, Pod::Man uses the name of the input file with any
+trailing C<.pod>, C<.pm>, or C<.pl> stripped as the man page title, to
+section 1 unless the file ended in C<.pm> in which case it defaults to
+section 3, to a centered title of "User Contributed Perl Documentation", to
+a centered footer of the Perl version it is run with, and to a left-hand
+footer of the modification date of its input (or the current date if given
+C<STDIN> for input).
+Pod::Man assumes that your *roff formatters have a fixed-width font named
+C<CW>. If yours is called something else (like C<CR>), use the C<fixed>
+option to specify it. This generally only matters for troff output for
+printing. Similarly, you can set the fonts used for bold, italic, and
+bold italic fixed-width output.
+Besides the obvious pod conversions, Pod::Man also takes care of
+formatting func(), func(3), and simple variable references like $foo or
+@bar so you don't have to use code escapes for them; complex expressions
+like C<$fred{'stuff'}> will still need to be escaped, though. It also
+translates dashes that aren't used as hyphens into en dashes, makes long
+dashes--like this--into proper em dashes, fixes "paired quotes," makes C++
+look right, puts a little space between double underscores, makes ALLCAPS
+a teeny bit smaller in B<troff>, and escapes stuff that *roff treats as
+special so that you don't have to.
+The recognized options to new() are as follows. All options take a single
+=over 4
+=item center
+Sets the centered page header to use instead of "User Contributed Perl
+=item date
+Sets the left-hand footer. By default, the modification date of the input
+file will be used, or the current date if stat() can't find that file (the
+case if the input is from C<STDIN>), and the date will be formatted as
+=item fixed
+The fixed-width font to use for verbatim text and code. Defaults to
+C<CW>. Some systems may want C<CR> instead. Only matters for B<troff>
+=item fixedbold
+Bold version of the fixed-width font. Defaults to C<CB>. Only matters
+for B<troff> output.
+=item fixeditalic
+Italic version of the fixed-width font (actually, something of a misnomer,
+since most fixed-width fonts only have an oblique version, not an italic
+version). Defaults to C<CI>. Only matters for B<troff> output.
+=item fixedbolditalic
+Bold italic (probably actually oblique) version of the fixed-width font.
+Pod::Man doesn't assume you have this, and defaults to C<CB>. Some
+systems (such as Solaris) have this font available as C<CX>. Only matters
+for B<troff> output.
+=item name
+Set the name of the manual page. Without this option, the manual name is
+set to the uppercased base name of the file being converted unless the
+manual section is 3, in which case the path is parsed to see if it is a Perl
+module path. If it is, a path like C<.../lib/Pod/> is converted into
+a name like C<Pod::Man>. This option, if given, overrides any automatic
+determination of the name.
+=item quotes
+Sets the quote marks used to surround CE<lt>> text. If the value is a
+single character, it is used as both the left and right quote; if it is two
+characters, the first character is used as the left quote and the second as
+the right quoted; and if it is four characters, the first two are used as
+the left quote and the second two as the right quote.
+This may also be set to the special value C<none>, in which case no quote
+marks are added around CE<lt>> text (but the font is still changed for troff
+=item release
+Set the centered footer. By default, this is the version of Perl you run
+Pod::Man under. Note that some system an macro sets assume that the
+centered footer will be a modification date and will prepend something like
+"Last modified: "; if this is the case, you may want to set C<release> to
+the last modified date and C<date> to the version number.
+=item section
+Set the section for the C<.TH> macro. The standard section numbering
+convention is to use 1 for user commands, 2 for system calls, 3 for
+functions, 4 for devices, 5 for file formats, 6 for games, 7 for
+miscellaneous information, and 8 for administrator commands. There is a lot
+of variation here, however; some systems (like Solaris) use 4 for file
+formats, 5 for miscellaneous information, and 7 for devices. Still others
+use 1m instead of 8, or some mix of both. About the only section numbers
+that are reliably consistent are 1, 2, and 3.
+By default, section 1 will be used unless the file ends in C<.pm> in which
+case section 3 will be selected.
+=item stderr
+Send error messages about invalid POD to standard error instead of
+appending a POD ERRORS section to the generated *roff output.
+=item utf8
+By default, Pod::Man produces the most conservative possible *roff output
+to try to ensure that it will work with as many different *roff
+implementations as possible. Many *roff implementations cannot handle
+non-ASCII characters, so this means all non-ASCII characters are converted
+either to a *roff escape sequence that tries to create a properly accented
+character (at least for troff output) or to C<X>.
+If this option is set, Pod::Man will instead output UTF-8. If your *roff
+implementation can handle it, this is the best output format to use and
+avoids corruption of documents containing non-ASCII characters. However,
+be warned that *roff source with literal UTF-8 characters is not supported
+by many implementations and may even result in segfaults and other bad
+Be aware that, when using this option, the input encoding of your POD
+source must be properly declared unless it is US-ASCII or Latin-1. POD
+input without an C<=encoding> command will be assumed to be in Latin-1,
+and if it's actually in UTF-8, the output will be double-encoded. See
+L<perlpod(1)> for more information on the C<=encoding> command.
+The standard Pod::Simple method parse_file() takes one argument naming the
+POD file to read from. By default, the output is sent to C<STDOUT>, but
+this can be changed with the output_fd() method.
+The standard Pod::Simple method parse_from_file() takes up to two
+arguments, the first being the input file to read POD from and the second
+being the file to write the formatted output to.
+You can also call parse_lines() to parse an array of lines or
+parse_string_document() to parse a document already in memory. To put the
+output into a string instead of a file handle, call the output_string()
+method. See L<Pod::Simple> for the specific details.
+=over 4
+=item roff font should be 1 or 2 chars, not "%s"
+(F) You specified a *roff font (using C<fixed>, C<fixedbold>, etc.) that
+wasn't either one or two characters. Pod::Man doesn't support *roff fonts
+longer than two characters, although some *roff extensions do (the canonical
+versions of B<nroff> and B<troff> don't either).
+=item Invalid quote specification "%s"
+(F) The quote specification given (the quotes option to the constructor) was
+invalid. A quote specification must be one, two, or four characters long.
+=head1 BUGS
+Encoding handling assumes that PerlIO is available and does not work
+properly if it isn't. The C<utf8> option is therefore not supported
+unless Perl is built with PerlIO support.
+There is currently no way to turn off the guesswork that tries to format
+unmarked text appropriately, and sometimes it isn't wanted (particularly
+when using POD to document something other than Perl). Most of the work
+toward fixing this has now been done, however, and all that's still needed
+is a user interface.
+The NAME section should be recognized specially and index entries emitted
+for everything in that section. This would have to be deferred until the
+next section, since extraneous things in NAME tends to confuse various man
+page processors. Currently, no index entries are emitted for anything in
+Pod::Man doesn't handle font names longer than two characters. Neither do
+most B<troff> implementations, but GNU troff does as an extension. It would
+be nice to support as an option for those who want to use it.
+The preamble added to each output file is rather verbose, and most of it
+is only necessary in the presence of non-ASCII characters. It would
+ideally be nice if all of those definitions were only output if needed,
+perhaps on the fly as the characters are used.
+Pod::Man is excessively slow.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+If Pod::Man is given the C<utf8> option, the encoding of its output file
+handle will be forced to UTF-8 if possible, overriding any existing
+encoding. This will be done even if the file handle is not created by
+Pod::Man and was passed in from outside. This maintains consistency
+regardless of PERL_UNICODE and other settings.
+The handling of hyphens and em dashes is somewhat fragile, and one may get
+the wrong one under some circumstances. This should only matter for
+B<troff> output.
+When and whether to use small caps is somewhat tricky, and Pod::Man doesn't
+necessarily get it right.
+Converting neutral double quotes to properly matched double quotes doesn't
+work unless there are no formatting codes between the quote marks. This
+only matters for troff output.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Russ Allbery <>, based I<very> heavily on the original
+B<pod2man> by Tom Christiansen <>. The modifications to
+work with Pod::Simple instead of Pod::Parser were originally contributed by
+Sean Burke (but I've since hacked them beyond recognition and all bugs are
+Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+Russ Allbery <>.
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Pod::Simple>, L<perlpod(1)>, L<pod2man(1)>, L<nroff(1)>, L<troff(1)>,
+L<man(1)>, L<man(7)>
+Ossanna, Joseph F., and Brian W. Kernighan. "Troff User's Manual,"
+Computing Science Technical Report No. 54, AT&T Bell Laboratories. This is
+the best documentation of standard B<nroff> and B<troff>. At the time of
+this writing, it's available at
+The man page documenting the man macro set may be L<man(5)> instead of
+L<man(7)> on your system. Also, please see L<pod2man(1)> for extensive
+documentation on writing manual pages if you've not done it before and
+aren't familiar with the conventions.
+The current version of this module is always available from its web site at
+L<>. It is also part of the
+Perl core distribution as of 5.6.0.