path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 769 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
index 990b73baaf0..457af508681 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ package POSIX;
use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = "1.24";
-use AutoLoader;
+our $VERSION = '1.30';
require XSLoader;
@@ -18,321 +16,204 @@ use Fcntl qw(FD_CLOEXEC F_DUPFD F_GETFD F_GETFL F_GETLK F_RDLCK F_SETFD
-# Grandfather old foo_h form to new :foo_h form
my $loaded;
sub import {
+ my $pkg = shift;
load_imports() unless $loaded++;
- my $this = shift;
- my @list = map { m/^\w+_h$/ ? ":$_" : $_ } @_;
+ # Grandfather old foo_h form to new :foo_h form
+ s/^(?=\w+_h$)/:/ for my @list = @_;
local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1;
- Exporter::import($this,@list);
+ Exporter::import($pkg,@list);
sub croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak }
-# declare usage to assist AutoLoad
-sub usage;
+sub usage { croak "Usage: POSIX::$_[0]" }
- no warnings 'uninitialized';
- if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /::(_?[a-z])/) {
- # require AutoLoader;
- $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
- goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD
- }
- my $constname = $AUTOLOAD;
- $constname =~ s/.*:://;
- constant($constname);
-package POSIX::SigAction;
-use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';
-package POSIX::SigRt;
-use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';
-use Tie::Hash;
-use vars qw($SIGACTION_FLAGS $_SIGRTMIN $_SIGRTMAX $_sigrtn @ISA);
-@POSIX::SigRt::ISA = qw(Tie::StdHash);
-tie %POSIX::SIGRT, 'POSIX::SigRt';
-sub DESTROY {};
-package POSIX;
-sub usage {
- my ($mess) = @_;
- croak "Usage: POSIX::$mess";
+my %replacement = (
+ atexit => 'END {}',
+ atof => undef,
+ atoi => undef,
+ atol => undef,
+ bsearch => \'not supplied',
+ calloc => undef,
+ clearerr => 'IO::Handle::clearerr',
+ div => '/, % and int',
+ execl => undef,
+ execle => undef,
+ execlp => undef,
+ execv => undef,
+ execve => undef,
+ execvp => undef,
+ fclose => 'IO::Handle::close',
+ fdopen => 'IO::Handle::new_from_fd',
+ feof => 'IO::Handle::eof',
+ ferror => 'IO::Handle::error',
+ fflush => 'IO::Handle::flush',
+ fgetc => 'IO::Handle::getc',
+ fgetpos => 'IO::Seekable::getpos',
+ fgets => 'IO::Handle::gets',
+ fileno => 'IO::Handle::fileno',
+ fopen => 'IO::File::open',
+ fprintf => 'printf',
+ fputc => 'print',
+ fputs => 'print',
+ fread => 'read',
+ free => undef,
+ freopen => 'open',
+ fscanf => '<> and regular expressions',
+ fseek => 'IO::Seekable::seek',
+ fsetpos => 'IO::Seekable::setpos',
+ fsync => 'IO::Handle::sync',
+ ftell => 'IO::Seekable::tell',
+ fwrite => 'print',
+ labs => 'abs',
+ ldiv => '/, % and int',
+ longjmp => 'die',
+ malloc => undef,
+ memchr => 'index()',
+ memcmp => 'eq',
+ memcpy => '=',
+ memmove => '=',
+ memset => 'x',
+ offsetof => undef,
+ putc => 'print',
+ putchar => 'print',
+ puts => 'print',
+ qsort => 'sort',
+ rand => \'non-portable, use Perl\'s rand instead',
+ realloc => undef,
+ scanf => '<> and regular expressions',
+ setbuf => 'IO::Handle::setbuf',
+ setjmp => 'eval {}',
+ setvbuf => 'IO::Handle::setvbuf',
+ siglongjmp => 'die',
+ sigsetjmp => 'eval {}',
+ srand => \'not supplied; refer to Perl\'s srand documentation',
+ sscanf => 'regular expressions',
+ strcat => '.=',
+ strchr => 'index()',
+ strcmp => 'eq',
+ strcpy => '=',
+ strcspn => 'regular expressions',
+ strlen => 'length',
+ strncat => '.=',
+ strncmp => 'eq',
+ strncpy => '=',
+ strpbrk => undef,
+ strrchr => 'rindex()',
+ strspn => undef,
+ strtok => undef,
+ tmpfile => 'IO::File::new_tmpfile',
+ ungetc => 'IO::Handle::ungetc',
+ vfprintf => undef,
+ vprintf => undef,
+ vsprintf => undef,
-sub redef {
- my ($mess) = @_;
- croak "Use method $mess instead";
+my %reimpl = (
+ assert => 'expr => croak "Assertion failed" if !$_[0]',
+ tolower => 'string => lc($_[0])',
+ toupper => 'string => uc($_[0])',
+ closedir => 'dirhandle => CORE::closedir($_[0])',
+ opendir => 'directory => my $dh; CORE::opendir($dh, $_[0]) ? $dh : undef',
+ readdir => 'dirhandle => CORE::readdir($_[0])',
+ rewinddir => 'dirhandle => CORE::rewinddir($_[0])',
+ errno => '$! + 0',
+ creat => 'filename, mode => &open($_[0], &O_WRONLY | &O_CREAT | &O_TRUNC, $_[1])',
+ fcntl => 'filehandle, cmd, arg => CORE::fcntl($_[0], $_[1], $_[2])',
+ getgrgid => 'gid => CORE::getgrgid($_[0])',
+ getgrnam => 'name => CORE::getgrnam($_[0])',
+ atan2 => 'x, y => CORE::atan2($_[0], $_[1])',
+ cos => 'x => CORE::cos($_[0])',
+ exp => 'x => CORE::exp($_[0])',
+ fabs => 'x => CORE::abs($_[0])',
+ log => 'x => CORE::log($_[0])',
+ pow => 'x, exponent => $_[0] ** $_[1]',
+ sin => 'x => CORE::sin($_[0])',
+ sqrt => 'x => CORE::sqrt($_[0])',
+ getpwnam => 'name => CORE::getpwnam($_[0])',
+ getpwuid => 'uid => CORE::getpwuid($_[0])',
+ kill => 'pid, sig => CORE::kill $_[1], $_[0]',
+ raise => 'sig => CORE::kill $_[0], $$; # Is this good enough',
+ getc => 'handle => CORE::getc($_[0])',
+ getchar => 'CORE::getc(STDIN)',
+ gets => 'scalar <STDIN>',
+ remove => 'filename => (-d $_[0]) ? CORE::rmdir($_[0]) : CORE::unlink($_[0])',
+ rename => 'oldfilename, newfilename => CORE::rename($_[0], $_[1])',
+ rewind => 'filehandle => CORE::seek($_[0],0,0)',
+ abs => 'x => CORE::abs($_[0])',
+ exit => 'status => CORE::exit($_[0])',
+ getenv => 'name => $ENV{$_[0]}',
+ system => 'command => CORE::system($_[0])',
+ strerror => 'errno => local $! = $_[0]; "$!"',
+ strstr => 'big, little => CORE::index($_[0], $_[1])',
+ chmod => 'mode, filename => CORE::chmod($_[0], $_[1])',
+ fstat => 'fd => CORE::open my $dup, "<&", $_[0]; CORE::stat($dup)', # Gross.
+ mkdir => 'directoryname, mode => CORE::mkdir($_[0], $_[1])',
+ stat => 'filename => CORE::stat($_[0])',
+ umask => 'mask => CORE::umask($_[0])',
+ wait => 'CORE::wait()',
+ waitpid => 'pid, options => CORE::waitpid($_[0], $_[1])',
+ gmtime => 'time => CORE::gmtime($_[0])',
+ localtime => 'time => CORE::localtime($_[0])',
+ time => 'CORE::time',
+ alarm => 'seconds => CORE::alarm($_[0])',
+ chdir => 'directory => CORE::chdir($_[0])',
+ chown => 'uid, gid, filename => CORE::chown($_[0], $_[1], $_[2])',
+ fork => 'CORE::fork',
+ getegid => '$) + 0',
+ geteuid => '$> + 0',
+ getgid => '$( + 0',
+ getgroups => 'my %seen; grep !$seen{$_}++, split " ", $)',
+ getlogin => 'CORE::getlogin()',
+ getpgrp => 'CORE::getpgrp',
+ getpid => '$$',
+ getppid => 'CORE::getppid',
+ getuid => '$<',
+ isatty => 'filehandle => -t $_[0]',
+ link => 'oldfilename, newfilename => CORE::link($_[0], $_[1])',
+ rmdir => 'directoryname => CORE::rmdir($_[0])',
+ unlink => 'filename => CORE::unlink($_[0])',
+ utime => 'filename, atime, mtime => CORE::utime($_[1], $_[2], $_[0])',
-sub unimpl {
- my ($mess) = @_;
- $mess =~ s/xxx//;
- croak "Unimplemented: POSIX::$mess";
+eval join ';', map "sub $_", keys %replacement, keys %reimpl;
-sub assert {
- usage "assert(expr)" if @_ != 1;
- if (!$_[0]) {
- croak "Assertion failed";
+ my ($func) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(.*)/);
+ if (my $code = $reimpl{$func}) {
+ my ($num, $arg) = (0, '');
+ if ($code =~ s/^(.*?) *=> *//) {
+ $arg = $1;
+ $num = 1 + $arg =~ tr/,//;
+ }
+ # no warnings to be consistent with the old implementation, where each
+ # function was in its own little AutoSplit world:
+ eval qq{ sub $func {
+ no warnings;
+ usage "$func($arg)" if \@_ != $num;
+ $code
+ } };
+ no strict;
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+ }
+ if (exists $replacement{$func}) {
+ my $how = $replacement{$func};
+ croak "Unimplemented: POSIX::$func() is C-specific, stopped"
+ unless defined $how;
+ croak "Unimplemented: POSIX::$func() is $$how" if ref $how;
+ croak "Use method $how() instead of POSIX::$func()" if $how =~ /::/;
+ croak "Unimplemented: POSIX::$func() is C-specific: use $how instead";
-sub tolower {
- usage "tolower(string)" if @_ != 1;
- lc($_[0]);
-sub toupper {
- usage "toupper(string)" if @_ != 1;
- uc($_[0]);
-sub closedir {
- usage "closedir(dirhandle)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::closedir($_[0]);
-sub opendir {
- usage "opendir(directory)" if @_ != 1;
- my $dirhandle;
- CORE::opendir($dirhandle, $_[0])
- ? $dirhandle
- : undef;
-sub readdir {
- usage "readdir(dirhandle)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::readdir($_[0]);
-sub rewinddir {
- usage "rewinddir(dirhandle)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::rewinddir($_[0]);
-sub errno {
- usage "errno()" if @_ != 0;
- $! + 0;
-sub creat {
- usage "creat(filename, mode)" if @_ != 2;
- &open($_[0], &O_WRONLY | &O_CREAT | &O_TRUNC, $_[1]);
-sub fcntl {
- usage "fcntl(filehandle, cmd, arg)" if @_ != 3;
- CORE::fcntl($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
-sub getgrgid {
- usage "getgrgid(gid)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::getgrgid($_[0]);
-sub getgrnam {
- usage "getgrnam(name)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::getgrnam($_[0]);
-sub atan2 {
- usage "atan2(x,y)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::atan2($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub cos {
- usage "cos(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::cos($_[0]);
-sub exp {
- usage "exp(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::exp($_[0]);
-sub fabs {
- usage "fabs(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::abs($_[0]);
-sub log {
- usage "log(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::log($_[0]);
-sub pow {
- usage "pow(x,exponent)" if @_ != 2;
- $_[0] ** $_[1];
-sub sin {
- usage "sin(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::sin($_[0]);
-sub sqrt {
- usage "sqrt(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::sqrt($_[0]);
-sub getpwnam {
- usage "getpwnam(name)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::getpwnam($_[0]);
-sub getpwuid {
- usage "getpwuid(uid)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::getpwuid($_[0]);
-sub longjmp {
- unimpl "longjmp() is C-specific: use die instead";
-sub setjmp {
- unimpl "setjmp() is C-specific: use eval {} instead";
-sub siglongjmp {
- unimpl "siglongjmp() is C-specific: use die instead";
-sub sigsetjmp {
- unimpl "sigsetjmp() is C-specific: use eval {} instead";
-sub kill {
- usage "kill(pid, sig)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::kill $_[1], $_[0];
-sub raise {
- usage "raise(sig)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::kill $_[0], $$; # Is this good enough?
-sub offsetof {
- unimpl "offsetof() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub clearerr {
- redef "IO::Handle::clearerr()";
-sub fclose {
- redef "IO::Handle::close()";
-sub fdopen {
- redef "IO::Handle::new_from_fd()";
-sub feof {
- redef "IO::Handle::eof()";
-sub fgetc {
- redef "IO::Handle::getc()";
-sub fgets {
- redef "IO::Handle::gets()";
-sub fileno {
- redef "IO::Handle::fileno()";
-sub fopen {
- redef "IO::File::open()";
-sub fprintf {
- unimpl "fprintf() is C-specific--use printf instead";
-sub fputc {
- unimpl "fputc() is C-specific--use print instead";
-sub fputs {
- unimpl "fputs() is C-specific--use print instead";
-sub fread {
- unimpl "fread() is C-specific--use read instead";
-sub freopen {
- unimpl "freopen() is C-specific--use open instead";
-sub fscanf {
- unimpl "fscanf() is C-specific--use <> and regular expressions instead";
-sub fseek {
- redef "IO::Seekable::seek()";
-sub fsync {
- redef "IO::Handle::sync()";
-sub ferror {
- redef "IO::Handle::error()";
-sub fflush {
- redef "IO::Handle::flush()";
-sub fgetpos {
- redef "IO::Seekable::getpos()";
-sub fsetpos {
- redef "IO::Seekable::setpos()";
-sub ftell {
- redef "IO::Seekable::tell()";
-sub fwrite {
- unimpl "fwrite() is C-specific--use print instead";
-sub getc {
- usage "getc(handle)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::getc($_[0]);
-sub getchar {
- usage "getchar()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::getc(STDIN);
-sub gets {
- usage "gets()" if @_ != 0;
- scalar <STDIN>;
+ constant($func);
sub perror {
@@ -345,413 +226,13 @@ sub printf {
CORE::printf STDOUT @_;
-sub putc {
- unimpl "putc() is C-specific--use print instead";
-sub putchar {
- unimpl "putchar() is C-specific--use print instead";
-sub puts {
- unimpl "puts() is C-specific--use print instead";
-sub remove {
- usage "remove(filename)" if @_ != 1;
- (-d $_[0]) ? CORE::rmdir($_[0]) : CORE::unlink($_[0]);
-sub rename {
- usage "rename(oldfilename, newfilename)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::rename($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub rewind {
- usage "rewind(filehandle)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::seek($_[0],0,0);
-sub scanf {
- unimpl "scanf() is C-specific--use <> and regular expressions instead";
sub sprintf {
- usage "sprintf(pattern,args)" if @_ == 0;
+ usage "sprintf(pattern, args...)" if @_ == 0;
-sub sscanf {
- unimpl "sscanf() is C-specific--use regular expressions instead";
-sub tmpfile {
- redef "IO::File::new_tmpfile()";
-sub ungetc {
- redef "IO::Handle::ungetc()";
-sub vfprintf {
- unimpl "vfprintf() is C-specific";
-sub vprintf {
- unimpl "vprintf() is C-specific";
-sub vsprintf {
- unimpl "vsprintf() is C-specific";
-sub abs {
- usage "abs(x)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::abs($_[0]);
-sub atexit {
- unimpl "atexit() is C-specific: use END {} instead";
-sub atof {
- unimpl "atof() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub atoi {
- unimpl "atoi() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub atol {
- unimpl "atol() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub bsearch {
- unimpl "bsearch() not supplied";
-sub calloc {
- unimpl "calloc() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub div {
- unimpl "div() is C-specific, use /, % and int instead";
-sub exit {
- usage "exit(status)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::exit($_[0]);
-sub free {
- unimpl "free() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub getenv {
- usage "getenv(name)" if @_ != 1;
- $ENV{$_[0]};
-sub labs {
- unimpl "labs() is C-specific, use abs instead";
-sub ldiv {
- unimpl "ldiv() is C-specific, use /, % and int instead";
-sub malloc {
- unimpl "malloc() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub qsort {
- unimpl "qsort() is C-specific, use sort instead";
-sub rand {
- unimpl "rand() is non-portable, use Perl's rand instead";
-sub realloc {
- unimpl "realloc() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub srand {
- unimpl "srand()";
-sub system {
- usage "system(command)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::system($_[0]);
-sub memchr {
- unimpl "memchr() is C-specific, use index() instead";
-sub memcmp {
- unimpl "memcmp() is C-specific, use eq instead";
-sub memcpy {
- unimpl "memcpy() is C-specific, use = instead";
-sub memmove {
- unimpl "memmove() is C-specific, use = instead";
-sub memset {
- unimpl "memset() is C-specific, use x instead";
-sub strcat {
- unimpl "strcat() is C-specific, use .= instead";
-sub strchr {
- unimpl "strchr() is C-specific, use index() instead";
-sub strcmp {
- unimpl "strcmp() is C-specific, use eq instead";
-sub strcpy {
- unimpl "strcpy() is C-specific, use = instead";
-sub strcspn {
- unimpl "strcspn() is C-specific, use regular expressions instead";
-sub strerror {
- usage "strerror(errno)" if @_ != 1;
- local $! = $_[0];
- $! . "";
-sub strlen {
- unimpl "strlen() is C-specific, use length instead";
-sub strncat {
- unimpl "strncat() is C-specific, use .= instead";
-sub strncmp {
- unimpl "strncmp() is C-specific, use eq instead";
-sub strncpy {
- unimpl "strncpy() is C-specific, use = instead";
-sub strpbrk {
- unimpl "strpbrk() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub strrchr {
- unimpl "strrchr() is C-specific, use rindex() instead";
-sub strspn {
- unimpl "strspn() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub strstr {
- usage "strstr(big, little)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::index($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub strtok {
- unimpl "strtok() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub chmod {
- usage "chmod(mode, filename)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::chmod($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub fstat {
- usage "fstat(fd)" if @_ != 1;
- local *TMP;
- CORE::open(TMP, "<&$_[0]"); # Gross.
- my @l = CORE::stat(TMP);
- CORE::close(TMP);
- @l;
-sub mkdir {
- usage "mkdir(directoryname, mode)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::mkdir($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub stat {
- usage "stat(filename)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::stat($_[0]);
-sub umask {
- usage "umask(mask)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::umask($_[0]);
-sub wait {
- usage "wait()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::wait();
-sub waitpid {
- usage "waitpid(pid, options)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::waitpid($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub gmtime {
- usage "gmtime(time)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::gmtime($_[0]);
-sub localtime {
- usage "localtime(time)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::localtime($_[0]);
-sub time {
- usage "time()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::time;
-sub alarm {
- usage "alarm(seconds)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::alarm($_[0]);
-sub chdir {
- usage "chdir(directory)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::chdir($_[0]);
-sub chown {
- usage "chown(uid, gid, filename)" if @_ != 3;
- CORE::chown($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
-sub execl {
- unimpl "execl() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub execle {
- unimpl "execle() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub execlp {
- unimpl "execlp() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub execv {
- unimpl "execv() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub execve {
- unimpl "execve() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub execvp {
- unimpl "execvp() is C-specific, stopped";
-sub fork {
- usage "fork()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::fork;
-sub getegid {
- usage "getegid()" if @_ != 0;
- $) + 0;
-sub geteuid {
- usage "geteuid()" if @_ != 0;
- $> + 0;
-sub getgid {
- usage "getgid()" if @_ != 0;
- $( + 0;
-sub getgroups {
- usage "getgroups()" if @_ != 0;
- my %seen;
- grep(!$seen{$_}++, split(' ', $) ));
-sub getlogin {
- usage "getlogin()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::getlogin();
-sub getpgrp {
- usage "getpgrp()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::getpgrp;
-sub getpid {
- usage "getpid()" if @_ != 0;
- $$;
-sub getppid {
- usage "getppid()" if @_ != 0;
- CORE::getppid;
-sub getuid {
- usage "getuid()" if @_ != 0;
- $<;
-sub isatty {
- usage "isatty(filehandle)" if @_ != 1;
- -t $_[0];
-sub link {
- usage "link(oldfilename, newfilename)" if @_ != 2;
- CORE::link($_[0], $_[1]);
-sub rmdir {
- usage "rmdir(directoryname)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::rmdir($_[0]);
-sub setbuf {
- redef "IO::Handle::setbuf()";
-sub setvbuf {
- redef "IO::Handle::setvbuf()";
-sub sleep {
- usage "sleep(seconds)" if @_ != 1;
- $_[0] - CORE::sleep($_[0]);
-sub unlink {
- usage "unlink(filename)" if @_ != 1;
- CORE::unlink($_[0]);
-sub utime {
- usage "utime(filename, atime, mtime)" if @_ != 3;
- CORE::utime($_[1], $_[2], $_[0]);
sub load_imports {
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
assert_h => [qw(assert NDEBUG)],
@@ -898,7 +379,6 @@ sub load_imports {
setsid setuid sysconf tcgetpgrp tcsetpgrp ttyname)],
utime_h => [],
# Exporter::export_tags();
@@ -908,67 +388,12 @@ sub load_imports {
@export{map {@$_} values %EXPORT_TAGS} = ();
# Doing the de-dup with a temporary hash has the advantage that the SVs in
# @EXPORT are actually shared hash key scalars, which will save some memory.
- push @EXPORT, keys %export;
+ our @EXPORT = keys %export;
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(
- abs
- alarm
- atan2
- chdir
- chmod
- chown
- close
- closedir
- cos
- exit
- exp
- fcntl
- fileno
- fork
- getc
- getgrgid
- getgrnam
- getlogin
- getpgrp
- getppid
- getpwnam
- getpwuid
- gmtime
- isatty
- kill
- lchown
- link
- localtime
- log
- mkdir
- nice
- open
- opendir
- pipe
- printf
- rand
- read
- readdir
- rename
- rewinddir
- rmdir
- sin
- sleep
- sprintf
- sqrt
- srand
- stat
- system
- time
- times
- umask
- unlink
- utime
- wait
- waitpid
- write
+ our @EXPORT_OK = (qw(close lchown nice open pipe read sleep times write
+ printf sprintf),
+ grep {!exists $export{$_}} keys %reimpl, keys %replacement);
require Exporter;
@@ -981,8 +406,23 @@ sub mask { $_[0]->{MASK} = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $_[0]->{MASK} };
sub flags { $_[0]->{FLAGS} = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $_[0]->{FLAGS} };
sub safe { $_[0]->{SAFE} = $_[1] if @_ > 1; $_[0]->{SAFE} };
+package POSIX::SigSet;
+# This package is here entirely to make sure that POSIX::SigSet is seen by the
+# PAUSE indexer, so that it will always be clearly indexed in core. This is to
+# prevent the accidental case where a third-party distribution can accidentally
+# claim the POSIX::SigSet package, as occurred in 2011-12. -- rjbs, 2011-12-30
package POSIX::SigRt;
+require Tie::Hash;
+our @ISA = 'Tie::StdHash';
+our ($_SIGRTMIN, $_SIGRTMAX, $_sigrtn);
sub _init {
@@ -1020,9 +460,7 @@ sub _check {
sub new {
my ($rtsig, $handler, $flags) = @_;
my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new($rtsig);
- my $sigact = POSIX::SigAction->new($handler,
- $sigset,
- $flags);
+ my $sigact = POSIX::SigAction->new($handler, $sigset, $flags);
POSIX::sigaction($rtsig, $sigact);
@@ -1035,3 +473,6 @@ sub STORE { my $rtsig = &_check; new($rtsig, $_[2], $SIGACTION_FLAGS) }
sub DELETE { delete $SIG{ &_check } }
sub CLEAR { &_exist; delete @SIG{ &POSIX::SIGRTMIN .. &POSIX::SIGRTMAX } }
sub SCALAR { &_croak; $_sigrtn + 1 }
+tie %POSIX::SIGRT, 'POSIX::SigRt';
+# and the expression on the line above is true, so we return true.